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Name : Elmira Syaripatul Huda
before we start the class, let's
pray together
indonesia raya
attendance check
what have we studied last week?
Expressions of Greeting Cards Generic Structure
•Congratulations on your newly born baby!
•Happy Birthday! 2)Body
•Congratulation on your wedding! 3)Sender
•Happy New Year!
•Happy Lebaran Day!
•Happy IedulFitr!
•Merry Christmas!
•May all your dreams come true!
•Best wishes for you!
Komptensi Dasar

3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan
dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait keberadaan orang,
benda, binatang, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
there is/are) 4.6 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
keberadaan orang, benda, binatang, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
• Siswa mampu bertanya dan menyatakan tentang Tujuan
jumlah sesuatu benda
• Siswa mampu bertanya dan menyatakan tentang
jumlah hewan dan orang
Table of Contents

• Determiners and Quantifiers

• Grammar : There is / There Are
• Countable and Uncountable Noun
• Grammar : Much, Many, A Lot Of, a few, a
SSebuah kata yang
dapat digunakan
untuk menunjuk Example:
suatu benda, baik •Please give me the sugar
secara fisik maupun •Please give me some sugar
Penggunaan •Please give me a tablespoon of sugar
determiners bisa
menunjukkan bentuk,
ukuran, maupun
jumlah benda dengan
lebih spesifik.
Kata bantu yang
digunakan ntuk •Please add some low-diet sugar to my tea
menerangkan benda
secara kuantitas. •She sends you much love and prayers
Dalam quantifiers,
ukuran yang
digunakan adalah •He made too many troubles when he was
some (beberapa), in high school
many (banyak), much
(banyaksekali), dan
singular: plural:
• One dog • dogs
Noun • horses
• One horse

Countable nouns • One man • men

are for things we • One idea • ideas
can count using
numbers. They
• One shop • shops
have a singular
and a plural form
Uncountable nouns are for
the things that we cannot
unCountable Noun count with numbers.

Digunakan untuk sesuatu yang

Tea sifatnya abstrak atau untuk objek
fisik yang terlalu kecil yang sulit
untuk dihitung (cairan, bubuk,
gas, dll).



Grammar : There is / There Are
There is
There is (There’s) + a singular noun /
uncountable noun
Examples :
There is a book on the table There are
There is some milk in the glass There are (There’re) + plural noun
Examples :
There are shoes under the chair
There are apples on the plate
Word to tell quantity

Much is followed by uncountable nouns in

questions and negative sentences

We don’t have much time.

Is there much sugar in the jar?
Word to tell quantity

Many is followed by plural countable nouns

Examples :
Are there many dogs in the park?
The boy has many toys in his room.
A Lot Of
Word to tell quantity

A Lot Of is followed by countable and uncountable nouns, usually

in positive.

Examples :
There are a lot of apples on the
We have a lot of milk in the
Grammar : There is / There Are
To ask about quantity, we use:
How much + uncountable noun
How much salt is there in the jar?

How many + plural countable noun

Example: In shorts answers, we can use much or many
How many students are there on the bus? without a noun.

Do you have any … ?
Yes, but not much/many.
No, not much/many.
Grammar : A few, a little
a few is followed by plural countable nouns.

• there are a few glasses in the cupboard

a little is followed by uncountable nouns.

• I like a little milk in my tea, please.

1.What is the meaning of
countable noun?
2. What is the meaning of
uncountable noun?

3. What is the purpose of

using grammar there is/there
4. Much is followed by ……
nouns, while many is
followed by …… nouns.

5. Please write 2 objects that

are countable and
next meeting
Some, Any
In, At, On
Under, Above, In Front Of

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