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Psikologi Bencana

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Mustamia Sofa Salsabila, S.Psi., M.Si
Time to thinking .. 
Pekerja Sosial / Relawan …. ?
True story of MARIANA
(Pusat Krisis UI)
Mariana adalah sosok remaja putri berusia 16 tahun
yang harus tinggal di barak pengungsian karena
rumahnya hancur pasca Tsunami Desember 2004.
Setelah tinggal di barak, ia sering mengingat betapa
nyamannya suasana kamar tidurnya serta baju-baju
bagus yang ia miliki. Semuanya hanyut terbawa
Tsunami. Sehari-hari ia terlihat murung dan
cenderung menyendiri karena merasa tidak
semangat lagi menjalani kehidupan.
Kondisi barak yag tidak memadai juga seringkali
membuat ia secara tidak sengaja harus menyaksikan
atau mendengar suara orang dewasa yang sedang
bersenggama. Hal tsb membuat Mariana menjadi cemas
dan gelisah karena ia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Ia
juga merasa bersalah jik beberapa kali bayangan
mengenai hal itu muncul di dalam pikirannya
Prefer Analysis
Guilty feeling
Disgust feeling
Uncomfortable  Anxiety
Knowledge about sexual activity
Belief about sexual activity
Spiritual and value of life  “dosa”

But … the other site  “curiosity” related to maturity of

sexual functions
Impact of Disaster to Adolescents
• Pergolakan emosi yang tidak terlepas dari berbagai
pengaruh  environment, family, peers
• Perlu bercerita/curhat mengenai kecemasan atau
• Merasa “kebal” dari kematian  karena berhasil
selamat. Sehingga dapat melakukan perilaku ceroboh
dan penuh risiko
• Pesimistics and unhelplessness  lost
Impact of Disaster to Adolescents (2)
• Merasa mengalami kembali event traumatic (flashback)
• Mimpi buruk
• Mati rasa
• Avoid  remembering negative event
• Timbul gejala depresi= tidak terbuka, menarik diri, hilang
minat & hobi, prestasi menurun, serta berpikir bahwa bencana
akan menimpa lagi
• Memiliki pikiran untuk balas dendam
• Memberontak terhadap orang dewasa
• Guity feeling  lost of his/her family
• Druge abuse and alchoholism
• Memikirkan untuk bunuh diri
• Keluhan fisik dan psikis (pusing, ingin muntah, etc)
• Masalah tidur
Physically Disabled
Mudah putus asa
Merasa tidak dipahami
Ketergantungan yang besar pada orang lain
Pasif dalam mencari pertolongan
Physically Disabled
Tidak mampu menjelaskan kejadian atau perasaan
merek karena keterbatasan intelektual
Kesulitan untuk mengekspresikan emosi sehingga
kadang kala mengamuk atau menangis secara berlebih
Pasif dalam mencari pertolongan
Physically Disabled
Disruption of service delivery
Destruction of the usual accessible environment
Physically Disabled (2)
People with disabilities should have additional help
when they:
 Need assistance to evacuate
 Require repair or replacement of medical equipment
 Need special transportation
 faced with the destruction of their usual accessible
People with Serious Mental Illnes
Disruption of service delivery
 Service center, such as the Community Mental Health
Center, is impacted by the disaster
 Provider resources are diverted to emergency service
for disaster victims
Changes in the environment
 Client cannot get to service center because public
transportation is disruption
 Stabilizing psychiatric medications become
People with Serious Mental Illnes (2)
People with serious mental illness should have
additional help when they:
 Experience a worsening of their pre-existing mental
 are faced with a disruption of access to care
Emotion reactions of seniors
• Kesepian
• Diabaikan
• Kurang dihargai
• Pasrah
• Mudah curiga
• Sering salah mempersepsi apa yang disampaikan seseorang
• Merasa tidak layak hidup
• Lebih pasif dalam mencari bantuan
• Cenderung membebani orang lain
• Terus-menerus bercerita ttg kemalangan yang dialami
• Menasehati orang yg lebih muda untuk lebih hati-hati
• Mudah merajuk
• Mudah cemburu
• Sulit diatur dan merasa dirinya paling benar
Disruption of delivery service
 The senior center is impacted by the disaster and
cannot provide service  meals and health clinics
 Health center services are disrupted or diverted to care
for disaster victims
Changes in the environment
 Client cannot get to service center because public
transportation is disrupted
 Disease stabilizing medications become unavailable
Seniors (2)
Seniors should have additional help when they:
 Need assistance to evacuate
 Have developed dehydration
 Are suffering from heat stroke in hot weather,
especially If no air conditioning is available due to a
power outage
 experience worsening of a pre-existing general medical
 Are faced with a disruption of medical and/or social
5 langkah Psychology first aid
1. Penuhi kebutuhan mendesak
2. Mendengarkan berbagai keluhan
3. Menerima perasaan yang diekspresikan survivor
4. Melakukan tindak lanjut
5. Rujukan
“What do we live for if not to make
the world less difficult for each
George Eliot
1. Immediately (Response Phase)
Take survival action.
Get emergency medical or surgical treatment for those
in need.
Address psychological needs.
2. Over Time (Recovery Phase)
Maintain routines.
Organize memorial events, share meals, and build
Read self-help books on coping with disasters and
Take stock periodically by rating stress level, sleep, job
or school functioning, and relationships. Use a 1-10
scale to determine any of these areas that need further
Periodically review recovery plans.
3. Anytime After Disaster
Arrange for health and mental health care needs.
Provide whatever accurate information you have in
answering the individual’s questions.
If someone is reacting emotionally, tell him that it is
normal to be upset, and if he were not upset, you
would be very concerned about the way he was coping.
Empathize and re-assure.
Listen actively by making eye contact and tuning in to
the other person’s physical and mental state.
Use the person’s name when you speak to her.
Encourage the person to express feelings.
Be non-judgmental.
Be supportive but avoid enabling.
Honor different cultures and beliefs.
Be sensitive to the ways various cultures might react to
a situation. Resist promoting your way of reacting as the
only way.
Find out about the victim’s support systems and
encourage him to contact relatives and trusted friends
for comfort.
Listen, listen, listen!
“Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming.”
Things to Avoid Saying
(Not Helpful or May Be Harmful)
“I understand.”
 “You’re lucky you survived.”
 “The good die young.”
 “The angels took your loved one to heaven.”
“It could be worse.”
“Let me tell you what happened to me.”
 “You need to get on with your life”
 “You think this is bad. I’ve been through worse.”
“What can I do to make you more comfortable? – An
obvious way to present yourself as someone who cares.
“I can only imagine how horrible this must be for
you.”– This approach validates that you are not trying to
second guess the person’s exact feelings. It gives the person
room to deal with the situation in his best way.
“This wasn’t your fault.” – Many victims feel guilty that
they have survived and others did not (survivor guilt).
They think they should have done something to save other
people. “If only I had…..” This response lets them know
that they are not responsible. It may help to reduce their
guilt. (Note: This applies only to people who have not
actually caused or contributed to the negative event.)
“You are safe now.”– Say this only if she is really out of
“Things may never be the same, but they can
improve with time” – This helps to put things into
perspective and gives someone hope for the future. It can
also start the healing process.
“Believe it or not, I might understand. Something
like this happened to me.” – There is an appropriate
time and a proper way to let the victim know that he is
not alone, that is, others have had similar experiences.
Fear Management
“ The only things we have to fear is fear itself”
Franklin D Roosevelt, 1993

“Nothing is so much to be feared as fear”

Henry David Thoreau, 1851

“All’s Well That Ends Well”

William Shakespeare
Refleksi Minggu ini … 
1. Jurnal mingguan  berita mengenai Gunung Agung di Karang
Asem, Bali.  diambil dari koran, majalah, atau situs resmi yang
menjadi rujukan portal berita online.
2. Berita digunting lalu ditempel di kertas folio/HVS. Apabila berita
didapat dari portal berita online, di print kemudian ditempel (print
hitam putih saja) dan jangan lupa sertakan sumber. Contoh :
3. Berikan “tanggapan” atau “komentar” Anda mengenai berita
bencana Gunung Agung disertai argumentasi dari sudut pandang
Psikologi Bencana.
4. Upaya seperti apa yang dapat teman-teman lakukan apabila
ditugaskan menjadi pekerja sosial jika sewaktu-waktu Gunung
Agung meletus.
5. Kaitkan dengan salah satu ayat dalam Al Qur’an
Kerjakan masing-masing

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