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(Occupational psychology)
 Sebagian besar kejadian kecelakaan disebabkan karena unsafe
act yang dilakukan pekerja. Faktor yang kemungkinan ikut
berpengaruh adalah kondisi mental / psikis dari tenaga kerja.

 Sejak terjadinya krisis ekonomi dan gelombang PHK hingga saat

ini, ditengarai peningkatan pekerja yang menerima stress dari
lingkungan kerjanya / kekuatiran akan menganggur

 Pelecehan seksual dan kekerasan di tempat kerja.

Interpersonal factors

 Sexual harrasment

 Workplace violance
Job security

 Job future ambiguity

 unemployement
Dasar Hukum
 UU No. 1 tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja

 Pasal 3
(1) Denganperaturan perundangan ditetapkan syarat-
syarat keselamatan kerja untuk :
h. Mencegah dan mengendalikan timbulnya penyakit akibat
kerja baik fisik maupun psikis, peracunan , infeksi dan

 Pasal 8
(1): Pengurus diwajibkan memeriksa kesehatan badan, kondisi
mental dan kemampuan fisik dari tenaga kerja yang akan
diterimanya maupun akan dipindahkan sesuai dengan sifat-
sifat pekerjaan yang diberikan kepadanya.
Work Environment

Task Equipment Physical Social

Environment Environment

Mental Stress

Mental Strain

Activation Warming Up Mental Monotony Reduced Satiation

Fatigue Vigilance

Facilitating Effects Impairing Effects

Sumber : The Stress-strain – effects model of ISO 10 075

 Stress : total of all assessable influences
impinging upon a human being from
external sources and affecting it mentally
(stimulus side)
 Strain : the immediate effect of mental
stress within the individual ( not long term
effect ) depending on his/her individual
habitual and actual preconditions
Factors intrinsic to the job
 Person- environment Fit
 Workload
 Hours of work
 Enviromental design
 Ergonomic factors
 Autonomy and control
 Work pacing
 Electronic work monitoring
 Role clarity and role overload.
Individual factors
 Type A/B behaviour pattern
 Hardiness
 Self estemm
 Locus of control
 Coping styles
 Social support
 Gender, job stress and illness
 ethnicity
Macro organizational factors
 Managerial styles
 Organizational structure
 Organizational climate and culture
 Performance measures and compensation
 Staffing issues

 Stress management programs

 Alcohol and drug abuse
 Employee assistance programs
Type A
 Competitiveness
 Extremes of hostility
 Hurry
 Impatience
 Restlessness
 Agresisiveness
 Explosiveness of speech, and high stated of
alertness accompanied by muscular tension.
Type B

 More relaxed
 Coperative
 Steady in their pace of activity
 Appear more satisfied with their daily lives
and the people around them.

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