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Hematemesis: muntah darah, merah kehitaman, endapan bubuk air kopi

2. 3.

Melena: BAB seperti, lengket campur darah tua Perdarahan terselubung: warna normal, tes kimiawi (benzidin tes) ada darah


Hematochezia : darah segar melalui rektum

Perdarahan Saluran Makan Bagian Atas adalah perdarahan pd saluran makan proksimal dari ligamentum

Perdarahan Saluran Makan Bagian Atas adalah perdarahan pd saluran makan proksimal
dari ligamentum Treitz


Upper GI Bleed
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Duodenal Ulcer 30 % Gastric Ulcer 20 % Varices 10 % Gastritis and duodenitis 5-10 % Esophagitis 5 % Mallory Weiss Tear 3 % GI Malignanc 1 % Dieulafoy Lesion AV Malformation-angiodysplasia

Duodenal Ulcer



GI Malignancy
Esophageal Tumor

GI Malignancy
Gastric Carcinoma


Waspadai Lower GI Bleed

1. Hematochezia 2. Blood in Toilet 3. Clear NGT aspirate

4. Normal Renal Function

5. Usually Hemodynamically stable Only 1/3 pasien mempunyai hasil (+) orthostatics (tilt test).

Etiology of Lower GI Bleed

Diverticular 20%

Malignancy Inflammatory Bowel Disease Ischemic Colitis Acute Infectious Colitis

2-26% 10%

Radiation Colitis/Proctitis
Aortoenteric Fistula


Colon Carcinoma

Colonic Polyps


Varises esofagus Gastritis erosif Tukak peptik

Lesi Mallory-Weiss
Divertikulitis SMBA Keganasan Penyakit sistemis (hemofilia dll)

Prosedur Diagnostik
Anamnesa Penyakit hati Pedih epigastrium hubungan dg makan Alkohol, jamu, obat2 Muntah hebat, kmd muntah drh

Pemeriksaan fisik
Status hemodinamik : HR, BP, tilt test, RR, O2 saturation General appearance, Mental status Vena jugularis (Neck veins), oral mucosa Skin temperature and color

Pemeriksaan Abdominal
Pemeriksaan Rectal Stigma of Cirrhosis

NG Tube findings
Urine output

Pemeriksaan Laboratorium
1. Hematologi: Hb, ht, lekosit, eritrosit, trombosit, morfologi darah tepi, gol.drh, faal pembekuan 2. Biokimia darah: faal hati, faal ginjal, gula drh 3. Urin rutin

Management of GI Bleed
Berikan Oxygen Berikan IVFD ; tree way - cairan resusitasi

- persiapan transfusi darah.

Jaga patensi jalan napas (Airway Protection) Kaji secara kontinyu gangguan mental dan resiko aspirasi terutama pada pasien dengan perdasarahan massive

Management of GI Bleed
Hubungi ICU bila ada indikasi

- perdarahan yang signifikan dg ketidakstabilan hemodynamic

Transfusion - harus berdasarkan status hemodinamik

- Cardiopulmonary symptoms-cardiac ischemia or shortness of

breath, decreased pulse oxymetri - 1 unit PRBC increases Hgb by 1 mg/dL and increase Hct by 3 %

- FFP for INR greater than 1.5

- Platelets for platelet count less than 50K

Periksa Vital Signs Adakah riwayat Allergies Anjurkan pasien untuk Bedrest

Pasang Foley cateter

Diet: NPO

Tindakan Umum
1. Resusitasi: penilaian, pemantauan & menjaga kestabilan status hemodinamika

A. Tanpa Syok:

perdasarah 500 cc
observasi TD, nadi, suhu, kesadaran. Hb/ht berkala untuk transfusi

perdarahan 500-1000 cc
evaluasi kemungkinan transfusi, terpasang kristaloid (RL)

Tindakan Umum
o Perdarahan masif >1000 cc Hb < 8 gr % infus kristaloid dipercepat, menunggu transfusi, pantau tekanan vena sentral. a) Telentang tanpa bantal, kepala miring kesamping, O2 via

kateter hidung 5 l/menit, kateter foley

b) c) RL 1000 cc dlm 1 jam Tetap syok, infus plasma ekpander sambil tunggu darah, jumlah transfusi tergantung respon hemodinamik: CVP stabil normal, vital baik, diuresis cukup, ht > 30%

2. Kuras Lambung
1. 2. Pipa nasogastrik Aspirasi isi lambung dengan air es 150 cc tiap 2, 4 atau 6 jam tergantung perdarahan


Air kurasan merah/keruh: masih terjadi, nilai sifat &

macamnya: a. Minimal, terus-menerus, >70 th EKG abnormal : teruskan kuras dg air es + nor-adrenalin 2 amp/150 cc air es

Kuras Lambung
b. Minimal, terus-menerus.

- < 70 th EKG normal: infus vasopresin 0,2


glypressin) unit/mnt (10 amp @ 10 unit larutkan dlm 500 cc D5 % 20 gtt/m/8 jam), bisa diulang 2 x lagi, bila drh berkurang/stop,

teruskan dosis 0,1 unit/m

- EKG abn: vasopresin + nitrogliserin (iv, sub lingual atau


Sengstaken-Blakemore tube (SB tube)

c. Masif, usia >70 th EKG abnormal, diduga varises esofagus, farmakologis gagal ----- tamponade SB tube.

*pneumonia aspirasi, laserasi s/d perforasi, obstruksi jalan nafas krn migrasi balon kedlm hipofarings

Penilaian tindakan terapi

Penilaian tindakan terapi berdasar: - Penilaian perdarahan akut gawat, bila utk mempertahankan hemodinamika yg stabil (Hb > 8 gr% & Ht > 30%) perlu transfusi darah 3 unit dalam waktu: + 8 jam : perdarahan akut gawat tk.I +24 jam : sda tk.II

+48 jam :



- Menentukan kapan terapi gagal/berhasil

Nursing diagnosis
risk for Bleeding related to Active fluid volume loss hemorrhage

1. Note color and characteristics of vomitus, nasogastric (NG) tube drainage, and stools. Rationale: The first step in managing bleeding is to determine its location. Bright red blood that does not clear signals recent or acute arterial bleeding, perhaps caused by gastric ulceration; dark red blood may be old blood that has been retained in intestine or venous bleeding from varices. Coffee-ground appearance is suggestive of partially digested blood from slowly oozing area. Undigested food indicates obstruction or gastric tumor. In a rapid upper GI bleed, stool color may be red or maroon because of rapid transit time through the GI tract.

2. Monitor vital signs; compare with clients normal and previous readings. Take blood pressure (BP) in lying, sitting, and standing positions when possible. Rationale: Changes in BP and pulse may be used for rough estimate of blood loss; BP less than 90 mm Hg and pulse greater than 110 suggest a 25% decrease in volume, or approximately 1,000 mL. Postural hypotension reflects a decrease in circulating volume. Note: Heart rate may not rise above normal until up to 30% of total blood volume is lost.

3. Note clients individual physiological response to bleeding, such as changes in mentation, weakness, restlessness, anxiety, pallor, diaphoresis, tachypnea, and temperature elevation.

Rationale: Symptomatology is useful in gauging severity and length of bleeding episode. Worsening of symptoms may reflect continued bleeding, inadequate fluid replacement, and shock.

4. Measure central venous pressure (CVP) if available.

Rationale: Reflects circulating volume and cardiac

response to bleeding and fluid replacement. CVP

values between 5 and 20 cm H2O usually reflect

adequate volume.

5. Monitor intake and output (I&O) and correlate with weight changes. Measure blood and fluid losses via emesis, gastric suction or lavage, and stools.

Rationale: Provides guidelines for fluid replacement.

6. Keep accurate record of subtotals of solutions and blood products during replacement therapy. Rationale: Potential exists for overtransfusion

of fluids, especially when volume expanders are

given before blood transfusions.

7. Maintain bedrest; prevent vomiting and straining at stool. Schedule activities to provide undisturbed rest periods. Eliminate noxious stimuli.

Rationale: Activity and vomiting increases intraabdominal pressure and can predispose to further bleeding.

8. Elevate head of bed during antacid gavage. Rationale: Prevents gastric reflux and aspiration of antacids, which can cause serious pulmonary complications.

9. Note signs of renewed bleeding after cessation of initial bleed.

Increased abdominal fullness and distention, nausea or renewed vomiting, and bloody diarrhea may indicate return of bleeding.

10. Observe for secondary bleeding from nose or gums, oozing from puncture sites, or appearance of ecchymotic areas following minimal trauma

Rationale: Loss of or inadequate replacement of clotting factors may precipitate development of DIC.

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