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Ciri-ciri umum:
• Unicellular
• Memiliki sepasang flagel
yang tdk sama panjang
• Kosmopolitan
• Ada tipe holofitik dan
• Ada yg parasit, saprofit
In 1753 the first modern dinoflagellates
were described by Baker and named by
Muller in 1773. The term derives from the
Greek word δῖνος (dinos), meaning
'whirling,' and Latin ''flagellum'', a
diminutive term for a whip or scourge.
These same dinoflagellates were first
defined by Otto Bütschli in 1885 as the
flagellate order dinoflagellida.
Botanists treated them as a division of
algae, named Pyrrhophyta ("fire
algae"; Greek pyrrhos, fire) after the
bioluminscent forms, or Dinophyta.
• Pigmen yang dimiliki : Chlorofil a, c, β
Carotene, Xanthofil (peridinin,
neoperidinin, dinoxanthin,
neodinoxanthin, diatoxanthin
• Ada berdinding tebal (theca) terbuat
dari selulosa, ada tdk berdinding
• Inti sel merupakan peralihan antara
prokariot dan eukariot (eukariot yang
• Jumlah spesies +/- 2100

Ada 2 kelas:
• Desmophyceae
• memiliki flagel yang keluar dari
ujung anterior (apical, subapical)
• Motil
• Memiliki 1 ordo : Prorocentrales
Memiliki dinding sel yang tebal,
tersusun atas dua belahan (theca)
Berbentuk speris, oval, atau tetes air
mata (teardrops)
Terdapat di air tawar, payau, laut
Contoh genus Prorocentrum
• Dinophyceae
 flagelnya keluar dari posisi ventral.
Satu flagel terletak pada bagian
sulcul, yg lainnya pada bag
 Memiliki anggota lebih banyak
 Salah satu flagella terdpat pd bag
transversal, yg lainnya pd bag
Memiliki 6 ordo:
4. Dinophysiales
5. Gymnodiniales
6. Noctilucales
7. Peridiniales
8. Gonyaulucales
9. Pyrocystales
• Ordo Dinophysiales
Bersifat motil
Hidupnya soliter
Memiliki dinding sel
Berbentuk pipih lateral
Mempunyai tutup cingulum pada
bagian ujung anterior
Epitheca pendek
Menghasilkan toksin
Contoh genus Dinophysis,
• Ordo Gymnodiniales
Sel motil
Tidak memiliki dinding sel
Berbentuk oval
Memliki girdle berbtk spiral
Beberapa diantaranya holozik
Tidak menghasilkan toksin
Contoh genus Gymnodinium,
• Ordo Noctilucales
Berukuran besar (makroplankton)
sampai 2 mm berbentuk bola
Tidak berdinding sel
Menghasilkan cahaya 
Memiliki vacuola besar berperan sbg
Pada umumnya holozoik, hidup di air
Memiliki tentakel panjang
Tidak menghslkan toksin
• Ordo Peridiniales
Berdinding sel  tidak dapat berubah-ubah
Holozoik, sebagian besar hidup di laut
Beberapa spesies memiliki tanduk
Contoh genus Peridinium

• Ordo Gonyaulacales
Memiliki dinding yang keras
Menghasilkan cahaya
Epitecha membentuk sebuah tanduk,
hipotheca membentuk dua atau tiga
Mengalami cyclomorfosis
Sebagian besar holofitik
Contoh genus Ceratium, Gonyaulax

• Ordo Pyrocystales
Memiliki bentuk speris, bulan sabit
Menghasilkan cahaya
Pada umumnya holofitik
Dinding sel tebal tersusun atas dua
lapis (atas sporopellenin, bawah
Contoh genus Pyrocystis


Metode Utama ( normal)

• Pembelahan sel biasa dengan arah
transversal, longitudinal, oblique
• Metode lain
Seksual isogamus (lebih sering),
anisogamus (jarang)
Pembentukan resting kista


Hanya terdapat pada spesies yang di
Organisme yang menghslkannya
Noctiluca, Gonyaulax, Pyrocystis,
Pyrodinium, Peridinium
Bioluminescence, emission of light
from living organisms, without
appreciable heat. The light results
from a chemical reaction mediated
by enzymes and involving specialized
phosphorus-containing molecules in
the organisms.
Bioluminescence is found in species of
bacteria, algae, fungi, and
invertebrate animals. Some deep-sea
fish are equipped with organs that
produce luminescence to which prey

Kategori toksin yang dihasilkan

4. Membunuh ikan dan sedikit
5. Membunuh invertebrata
6. Membunuh sedikit organisme , tapi
toksin yang dihasilkan
terkonsentrasi dalam spihon atau
alat pencernaan moluska
Toksin yg dihslkan Saxitoksin
(neurotoksin) toksisitasnya 100 000
kali kokain
Dinoflagellates sometimes bloom
in concentrations of more than a
million cells per millilitre. Some
species produce neurotoxins,
which in such quantities kill fish
and accumulate in filter feeders
such as shellfish, which in turn
may pass them on to people who
eat them. This phenomenon is
called a red tide, from the color
the bloom imparts to the water.
• Organisme penyebab red tide
2. Prorocentrum
3. Gymnodinium
4. Gonyaulax
5. Ceratium
6. Trichodesmium eritreum
Pengaruh toksin Kelumpuhan
(paralytic), Gangguan syaraf
(neurotic), hilang ingatan (amnetic),
mencret (diarrhetic)
Yg terbanyak adl PSP dan DSP
Ceratium Peridinium

Noctiluca is not
photosynthetic. It preys
upon phytoplankton, and
sometimes other
microscopic organisms. This
cell contains several
separate food vacuoles
(arrows), each containing a
different diatom colony. The
genera Thalassiosira and
• (+) Produsen primer no 2 di laut
• (+) Makanan ikan
• (-) Jika terjadi red tide
• (-) Kompetitor bagi ikan dalam
memperoleh fitoplankton dan
oksigen (???)
often photosynthetic protists, commonly regarded as "algae" (Division
Dinoflagellata). They are characterized by a transverse flagellum that encircles
the body (often in a groove known as the cingulum) and a longitudinal flagellum
oriented perpendicular to the transverse flagellum. This imparts a distinctive spiral
to their swimming motion. Both flagella are inserted at the same point in the cell
wall, by convention defining the ventral surface. This point is usually slightly
depressed, and is termed the sulcus. In heterotrophic dinoflagellates (ones that
eat other organisms), this is the point where a conical feeding structure, the
peduncle, is projected in order to consume food.
Dinoflagellates possess a unique nuclear structure at some stage of their life
cycle - a dinokaryotic nucleus (as opposed to eukaryotic or prokaryotic), in which
the chromosomes are perminently condensed. The cell wall of many
dinoflagellates is divided into plates of cellulose ("armor") within amphiesmal
vesicles, known as a theca. These plates form a distinctive geometry/topology
known as tabulation, which is the main means for classification.
Both heterotrophic (eat other organisms) and autotrophic (photosynthetic)
dinoflagellates are known. Some are both. They form a significant part of primary
planktonic production in both oceans and lakes. Most dinoflagellates go through
moderately complex life cycles involving several steps, both sexual and asexual,
motile and non-motile. Some species form cysts composed of sporopollenin (an
organic polymer), and preserve as fossils. Often the tabulation of the cell wall is
somehow expressed in the shape and/or ornamentation of the cyst.

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