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Kompresor torak tiga tingkat dengan kapasitas Qa m3/jam memampatkan udara luar menjadi
Pd bar absolut. Kompresor didesain dengan rasio volume sisa dan panjang langkah torak
adalah S cm.. Putaran kompresor N rpm dan suhu udara luar Ta C. Jika efisiensi volumetric dan
rasio volume sisa tiap tingkat dianggap sama, hitung:
1. temperature udara keluar
2. efisiensi volumetris
3. diameter torak tekanant rendah dan tekanan tinggi
4. daya teoritis kompresor.

B. Kerjakan langkah2nya (disertai gambar) dulu. Baru dengan hitungan angka.

Masa uap m kg/dt, masuk turbin uap pada tekanan 40 bar dan suhu 500 0C . Uap keluar turbin
pada kondisi uap jenuh dan tekanan 1 bar. Juga diketahui bahwa segitiga kecepatan pada satu
tingkat turbin dinyatakan dengan gambar berikut
1. kwalitas dan temperatur uap keluar
2. efisiensi isentropis
3. jumlah tingkat dan daya turbin teoritis

Basic Rankine Cycle

Back Pressure Steam Turbine

Steam exits the turbine at a higher
pressure that the atmospheric
HP Steam Advantages:
-Simple configuration
-Low capital cost
Boiler Turbine -Low need of cooling water
-High total efficiency
Condens LP
ate Process Stea -Larger steam turbine
-Electrical load and output
can not be matched
Figure: Back pressure steam turbine
Extraction Condensing Steam
Turbine HP

Steam obtained by
extraction from an Boiler Turbine
intermediate stage
Remaining steam is Condens
LP Steam
exhausted ate

Relatively high capital

cost, lower total Condens
efficiency er

Control of electrical
power independent of
thermal load Figure: Extraction condensing steam turbine

Steam Turbine
A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from
pressurized steam, and converts it into rotary motion

1. impulse turbine
The impulse blading principle is that the steam is directed at the blades and the impact of the
steam on the blades drives them round. The day to day example of this principle is the pelton

In this type of turbine the whole of the stage pressure drop takes place in the fixed blade
(nozzle) and the steam jet acts on the moving blade by impinging on the blades.
Blades of an impulse turbine

Velocity diagram impulse turbine stage

z represents the blade speed , V r represents the relative velocity, V wa & V wb- represents the
tangential component of the absolute steam in and steam out velocities

The power developed per stage = Tangential force on blade x blade speed.

Power /stage= (V w a + V wb).z/1000 kW per kg/s of steam

2. reaction turbine
The reaction blading principle depends on the blade diverting the steam flow and gaining
kinetic energy by the reaction. The Catherine wheel (firework) is an example of this
principle. FOr this turbine principle the steam pressure drop is divide between the fixed and
moving blades.
Velocity diagram reaction turbine stage

z represents the blade speed , V r represents the relative velocity, V wa & V wb- represents the
tangential component of the absolute steam in and steam out velocities

The power developed per stage = Tangential force on blade x blade speed.

Power /stage= (V w a + V wb).z/1000 kW per kg/s of steam

The blade speed z is limited by the mechanical design and material constraints of the blades
Rankine cycle with superheat
Process 1-2: The working fluid is pumped from low to high pressure.
Process 2-3: The high pressure liquid enters a boiler where it is heated at constant
pressure by an external heat source to become a dry saturated vapor.
Process 3-3': The vapour is superheated.
Process 3-4 and 3'-4': The dry saturated vapor expands through a turbine,
generating power. This decreases the temperature and pressure of the vapor, and
some condensation may occur.
Process 4-1: The wet vapor then enters a condenser where it is condensed at a
constant pressure to become a saturated liquid.

t is the rate at which work is developed per unit time

is the rate of mass flow through the turbine

The isentropic efficiency

h1 is the specific enthalpy at state one

h2 is the specific enthalpy at state two for an actual process
h2s is the specific enthalpy at state two for an isentropic process

The efficiency of the steam turbine

Wcycle is the Work done during one cycle

QH is the Heat transfer received from the heat source
Steam turbine efficiency (%):
Actual Enthalpy Drop across the Turbine (kCal / kg)
x 100
Isentropic Enthalpy drop across the Turbine (kCal / kg)

Gas Turbine Performance

Overall gas turbine efficiency (%)
(turbine compressor):
Power Output (kW ) x 860
x 100
Fuel Input for Gas Turbine (kg / hr) x GCV of Fuel (kCal / kg)
Open Cycle Gas Turbine
Open Brayton cycle: Condensate
atmospheric air at Process
increased pressure to
Steam to
combustor Process

Old/small units: 15:1 Fuel

New/large units: 30:1
Exhaust gas at 450-
600 oC G

High pressure steam

produced: can drive or
steam turbine Air
Figure: Open cycle gas turbine cogeneration

Closed Cycle Gas Turbine


Working fluid circulates

in a closed circuit and Heat
does not cause
corrosion or erosion
Any fuel, nuclear or Compress Turbine
solar energy can be
e from

Steam to

Figure: Closed Cycle Gas Turbine Cogeneration System

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