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Ardhanu Kusumanto
 Kanker serviks (uteri)  452.000 kasus baru/tahun
 Negara berkembang (2/3 bagian dunia)  paling banyak
terjadi pada wanita, paling banyak menyebabkan kematian
pada wanita usia pertengahan
 Indonesia  50/100.000 penduduk
 Program untuk prevensi yang efektif?  uncontrolled (yet)
 Hanya sekitar 5% wanita yang menjalani program skrining
(di negara maju 70%)
 Prekanker  fase panjang  invasif
 Metode penapisan sitologis?
 Metode penapisan secara visual  lebih sederhana:
 Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA)
 Visual inspection with logol’s iodine (VILI)
 Siapa yg harus menjalani IVA?
 ♀ 30-50 tahun
 Kapan?
 kapan saja dalam siklus menstruasi, termasuk saat menstruasi,
saat asuhan nifas atau paska keguguran.
 kunjungan ulang untuk tes IVA setiap 5 tahun

Penurunan Angka Kejadian Kanker Serviks

Frekuensi skrining dalam persen*
Setiap tahun 90-93
Setiap 2 tahun 86-91
Setiap 3 tahun 75-88
5 kali selama hidup 61-74
3 kali selama hidup 35-55
2 kali selama hidup 29-42
1 kali selama hidup 17-32

Tes yang dipakai meliputi tes Pap, tes IVA dan tes HPV
Cakupan antara 75-100 persen dan pasien yang tidak datang pada kunjungan
ulangan kurang dari 15 persen
53. ACCP. Cervical cancer prevention: Fact sheet. Natural history of cervical cancer: even infrequent screening of older women saves lives. April, 2003
 Penilaian klien:
 Tanyakan riwayat singkat kesehatan reproduksinya, antara lain:
 Riwayat menstruasi
 Pola pendarahan (mis., paska coitus atau mens tak teratur)
 Paritas
 Usia pertama kali berhubungan seksual
 Penggunaan alat kontrasepsi
 Prosedur inti pemeriksaan IVA
 Menampakkan serviks
 Menentukan apakah ada kanker serviks atau tidak
 Menentukan apakah ada kelainan lain pada serviks
 Mengenali sambungan skuamokolumnar
 Membasahi serviks dengan asam asetat
 Mengenali adanya epitel putih
Anatomi serviks uteri
 Silindris/kerucut
 P 3-4 cm, Ø 2.5-3.5 cm
 Variasi  umur, paritas,
 Portio vaginalis & portio
 Oue, oui, endocervical canal
 Ectocervix, endocervix, fornix
 Stroma serviks: jar.fibro-muskuler padat mengandung
vaskuler, limfe, saraf
 Arteri serviks berasal dari a.iliaka interna  cabang
 Vena bermuara pada plexus vena hipogastrika
 Jaringan limfe serviks  nodus iliaka int&ext, nodus
obturatorius, nodus parametrial
 Jaringan saraf  plexus hipogastrika
 Stratified squamous epithelium, columnar epithelium,
squamocolumnar junction
 Ectocervix  ep.squamous non keratinizing, mengandung
glikogen, 15-20 lapis sel

• Terlihat
merah muda
saat inspeksi
 Canalis endoservical dilapisi epitel kolumner/glanduler
 Selapis sel batang dengan inti gelap
 Inspeksi visual  grainy, strikingly reddish area (stroma terlihat
 Invaginasi stroma serviks  endocervical crypts/glands
 squamo-columnar junction
(SCJ)  batas tegas
 Letak tergantung: umur,
hormon, trauma persalinan,
 Metaplasi skuamosa:
 The earliest event in squamous metaplasia is the appearance of
small, round, sub-columnar cells in the exposed areas of the
columnar epithelium, called reserve cells
 These reserve cells proliferate and differentiate to form a thin,
non-stratified, multicellular epithelium called immature
squamous epithelium
 The cells in the immature squamous metaplastic epithelium do
not produce glycogen
 Further development of the newly formed immature metaplastic epithelium may
take either one of two directions
 Zona transformasi
 the area of the cervix where the columnar epithelium has been
replaced and/or is being replaced by the metaplastic squamous
 naked eye  one can identify the inner border of the
transformation zone by tracing the squamocolumnar junction
and the outer border by locating the distal most nabothian cysts
(if present) or crypt openings (usually visible under
 premenopausal women  the transformation zone is primarily
located on the ectocervix
 After menopause, and through old age, the cervix shrinks with
the decreasing levels of oestrogens. Consequently, the
transformation zone may move partially, and later fully, into the
endocervical canal
 Almost all cervical neoplasia occurs in this zone, close to the
squamocolumnar junction
Aplikasi IVA
 Menyebabkan:
 Koagulasi reversibel atau presipitasi protein seluler
 Swelling jaringan epitel, kolumner dan area epitel skuamus
 Dehidrasi sel
 Meja pemeriksaan ginekologi dengan sandaran kaki
 Sumber penerangan (preferably lampu halogen yang mudah
diarahkan ke serviks)
 Sterile bivalved speculum: Cusco's, Grave's atau Collin's
 Sarung tangan pemeriksaan
 Cotton swabs, cotton-tipped buds, gauze
 Ring forceps, pickup forceps;
 5% freshly prepared acetic acid or vinegar (check the
strength of acetic acid in vinegar);
 A steel/plastic container with 0.5% chlorine solution in
which to immerse the gloves;
 A plastic bucket or container with 0.5% chlorine
solution to decontaminate instruments;
 A plastic bucket with a polythene bag to dispose of
contaminated swabs and other waste items.
Asam asetat 5%
 Cuka dapur  konsentrasi 25%
 1 bagian cuka dapur + 4 bagian aqua
 Disimpan di botol tertutup
 Informed consent
 Persiapan:
 Posisi pasien
 Inspeksi organ genitalia eksterna-interna
 Pasang spekulum, atur lampu
 Identifikasi serviks
 Aplikasi asam asetat (dengan kapas lidi)
Penilaian lesi
 Intensitas lesi +tive: apakah shiny-white, cloudy-white, pale-
white, dull-white;
 Tepi dan batas lesi putih: distinctly clear and sharp or
indistinct diffuse margins; raised or flat margins; regular
or irregular margins;
 Whether the lesions are uniformly white in colour, or
the colour intensity varies across the lesion, or if there
are areas of erosion within the lesion;
 Location of the lesion: is it in, near, or far away from the
transformation zone? Is it abutting (touching) the
squamocolumnar junction? Does it extend into the
endocervical canal? Does it occupy the entire, or part of,
the transformation zone? Does it involve the entire
cervix (which usually indicates early preclinical invasive
 Size (extent or dimensions) and number of the lesions.
 If in doubt, it is safe to repeat the test a few times, taking
care not to induce bleeding. Women with suspected invasive
cancers should be referred for further investigations and
IVA negative
 No acetowhite lesions
are observed on the
 Polyps protrude from
the cervix with bluish-
white acetowhite areas
 Nabothian cysts
appear as button-like
areas, as whitish acne,
or pimples
 Dot-like areas are
present in the
endocervix, which
are due to grape-like
columnar epithelium
staining with acetic
 There are shiny,
cloudy-white, bluish-
white, faint patchy,
or doubtful lesions
with ill-defined,
indefinite margins,
blending with the
rest of the cervix
 VIA negative: There is an
ill-defined pinkish-white
hue with indefinite
margins blending with the
rest of the epithelium. The
squamocolumnar junction
is fully visible.
 Angular, irregular,
digitating acetowhite
lesions, resembling
geographical regions,
distant (detached) from
the squamocolumnar
junction (satellite
 Streak-like
acetowhitening is
visible in the columnar
 Faint line-like or ill-defined acetowhitening is seen at the
squamocolumnar junction
 There are ill-defined,
patchy, pale,
scattered acetowhite
IVA positive
 There are distinct, well
defined, dense (opaque, dull-
or oyster-white) acetowhite
areas with regular or
irregular margins, close to or
abutting the squamocolumnar
junction in the
transformation zone or close
to the external os if the
squamocolumnar junction is
not visible
 Strikingly dense
acetowhite areas
are seen in the
 The entire cervix
becomes densely white
after the application of
acetic acid
 Condyloma and
leukoplakia occurr
close to the
junction, turning
intensely white after
application of acetic
Iva positif, kanker invasif
 There is a clinically
visible ulcero-
proliferative growth
on the cervix that
turns densely white
after application of
acetic acid and
bleeds on touch

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