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Disampaikan pada Workshop LPJKN
oleh Agus Jatiwiryono
Jakarta 2 Nopember, 2018

Sumber: Dams for Development:Toward Enhancing Water Security in
Indonesia, World Bank Publication, 2018
Sebaran bendungan di B(B)WS di Indonesia

1 Bengawan Solo 1 Mesuji Sekampung

2 NT I 2 Citarum

3 Serayu Opak 3 Ciliwung Cisadane

4 Pemali Juana 4 Pompengan Jeneberang

5 Cimanuk Cisanggarung 5 Brantas

6 Kalimantan III 6 Sumatera I
8 Bali Penida
9 Maluku
SubKategori UPB

1 Bengawan Solo 1 Mesuji Sekampung

2 NT I 2 Citarum

3 Serayu Opak 3 Ciliwung Cisadane

4 Pemali Juana 4 Pompengan Jeneberang

5 Cimanuk Cisanggarung 5 Brantas

6 Kalimantan III 6 Sumatera I


8 Bali Penida

9 Maluku

Maturity Matrix untuk Benchmarking Keamanan Bendungan :
adalah suatu proses untuk mengukur kinerja program keamanan bendungan yang
diterapkan pada seluruh bendungan yang menjadi tanggung jawab pengelola
bendungan terhadap aktivitas/kegiatan yang dilaksanakan terhadap suatu standar
tertentu dengan menggunakan matriks sederhana dengan 2 sumbu yang terdiri
dari komponen dan kegiatan pada sumbu vertikal dan maturitas/tingkat
kematangan pada sumbu horisontal sebagai salah satu alat untuk mengukur
kemajuan/efektifitas suatu program dengan cara penilaian diri (self assessment).

Maturity Matrix terdiri dari:

1. Master Matriks : menunjukkan daftar komponen program pada sumbu vertikal
seperti pada gambar … . Komponen mendiskripsikan kegiatan pokok dalam
program keamanan bendungan. Komponen-komponen tersebut sudah sesuai
dengan istilah yang dipakai ICOLD dan dipraktekkan secara luas. Master matriks
memuat ringkasan dari tingkat maturitas untuk setiap komponen program.
2. Komponen Maturity Matriks : memuat kegiatan detil yang diperlukan untuk
melaksanakan setiap komponen pada program keamanan bendungan. Sehingga
untuk melakukan penilaian setiap Komponen mempunyai matriks masing-masing.
Contoh: Gambar 2 menunjukkan matriks Tata kelola dengan kegiatannya berupa
Figure 1
Figure 2
Maturity Level
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Needing Elementary Good Practice Very Good Best Practice
Development Practice

Maturity Level Lacks Conforms to Generally High degree of High degree of

Description conformance applicable conforms to conformance with understanding and
to applicable guidelines, applicable applicable conformance with
guidelines, standards and guidelines, guidelines, applicable
standards and best practice in standards and standards and guidelines,
best practice some areas best practice best practice with standards and
good best practice. No
understanding significant
opportunities for

Figure 3
Figure 4
Pembeda Tingkat Maturitas
Fokus kedalam Fokus kedalam dan keluar
Komunikasi tidak memadai Komunikasi pada seluruh kelompok baik
Sistem sederhana Sistem cerdas
Rencana keamanan bendungan individual Rencana keamanan bendungan portfolio
Reaktif Proaktif
Tidak teroganisir Terorganisir dengan baik
Masing masing aktifitas berdiri sendiri Seluruh aktifitas terintegrasi
Tidak ada system jaminan mutu Sistem Jaminan mutu terjaga
Banyak aktifitas yang tidak diselesaikan Penyelesaian kegiatan sesuai program
Isue dan resiko tidak dipahami Isue dan resiko dipahami
dan dikelola dengan baik dan dikelola dengan baik
Modus kegagalan tidak diaplikasikan Modus kegagalan dipahami & diaplikasikan

Tingkat Maturitas
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Perlu Dasar Praktek yang Baik Praktek yang Praktek Terbaik
Pengembangan (Elementary) (Good Practice) Sangat Baik (Best Practice)
(Needing (Very Good Practice)
Surveillance Maturity Level
Component Matrix
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Needing Elementary Good Very Good Best Practice
Development Practice Practice

[line item [line item [line item [line item [line item
descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions]
Surveillance Program
[line item [line item [line item [line item [line item
descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions]
[line item [line item [line item [line item [line item
descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions]
[line item [line item [line item [line item [line item
descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions]
[line item [line item [line item [line item [line item
descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions]
Instrumentation and Data
Management [line item [line item [line item [line item [line item
descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions]
[line item [line item [line item [line item [line item
descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions]
Dam Safety Assessment
[line item [line item [line item [line item [line item
Figure 5 descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions] descriptions]
Gambar 7
At “THE Worksheet Maturity Matrices”
1) a) Enable Macros if you are prompted to do so upon opening the Workbook (see image below)

b) SAVE this Workbook to a folder

2) RESET Entire Workbook if it contains previous responses (save a copy, if required)

Do this by clicking the "RESET ENTIRE WORKBOOK" button - see image below:

Image only →

3) a) Proceed to the Worksheet Tab titled "1. Governance".

This is the maturity matrix titled "Component 1: Governance Maturity Matrix"

b) RESET the Worksheet if it contains previous responses

Do this by clicking the "RESET SCORING FORM" button - see image below:
Image only →

c) For each line item, select a response by clicking on a radio button in the row
d) For each selection, insert text in the Remarks column to justify your response to the questions below:
Question 1: What elevates your maturity level selection from the maturity level one level lower?
Question 2: What prevents your maturity level selection from moving one level higher?

Insert text →

e) Proceed to the next line item and so on, until you have completed the Worksheet
If you change your mind, you can reset the form again by clicking the RESET button.
Note that clicking the RESET button will delete ALL responses in the Worksheet
Responses to individual line items can be changed by selecting the appropriate button

4) Once finished, proceed to the next Tab

Finish selecting responses on each Tab until you have completed all forms
The "Master Matrix" highlights will be generated automatically once all forms are complete

5) Your responses are plotted on the Tab titled "Summary".

Take a PRINT of this 'Summary' Worksheet for your record.
6) Polar plots are generated in the sheet titled "Polar_Plots"
Do this by clicking the "Plot All Charts" button - see image below:
Take a PRINT of this 'polar_plots' Worksheet for your record.
Image only →
Plot All Charts

7) You can RESET this entire Workbook by clicking the button below:
(you will be prompted for confirmation)

Actual Button !! →
Maturity Level

Components of the Maturity Matrix Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Needing Elementar Good Very Good Best
Development y Practice Practice Practices

1 2 3 4 5
1 Governance
1 2 3 4 5
2 Information Management
1 2 3 4 5
3 Dam Safety Training and Education
1 2 3 4 5
4 Surveillance
1 2 3 4 5
5 Spillway and Outlet Equipment
1 2 3 4 5
6 Reservoir Operation
1 2 3 4 5
7 Dams and Spillway Maintenance
1 2 3 4 5
8 Audit and Review
1 2 3 4 5
9 Managing Dam Safety Problems
1 2 3 4 5
10 Emergency Preparedness

Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11

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