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Dosen Pengampu: Dwi Maya Novitri, M.Hum.

Disusun Oleh:
Nama : Indira Bekty Jwiliyani Napitupulu
NIM : 1183351012
Kelas : BK Reguler C 2018



Kata Pengantar
Puji dan Syukur saya haturkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas berkat dan
kehendaknNya-lah saya dapat meyelesaikan laporan critical journal review ini dengan tepat
waktu. Pembuatan laporan ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas dari mata kuliah
Keterampilan Dasar PAUD. Saya juga berterimakasih kepada Ibu Dosen yang telah
memberikan arahan dalam pengerjaan laporan ini. Terima kasih juga saya haturkan kepada
orang tua dan rekan-rekan yang ikut serta membantu memberikan dukungan baik secara
moril maupun materil dalam penyelesaian laporan ini.

Saya menyadari bahwa laporan ini tentu belum sempurna. Oleh karena itu saran dan kritik
yang membangun dari para pembaca dan rekan-rekan sagat dibutuhkan untuk
penyempurnaan hasil laporan ini. Semoga hasil laporan ini dapat memberikan manfaat dan
layak menjadi bahan pegangan bagi pihak-pihak yang membutuhkan. Akhir kata saya
ucapkan Terima Kasih.

Medan, 25 september 2018

Identitas Jurnal
Jurnal Pusat Analisis Determinan Kesehatan, Kementerian
Kesehatan RI1
Program Vokasi, Universitas Indonesia2
Download Link: :
Volume dan Halaman Vol.11 edisi 2 dan hal. 201-214
Tahun November 2017
Penulis Abdul Aziz
Reviewer Indira Bekty Jwiliyani Napitupulu
Tanggal 25 september 2018






Pusat Analisis Determinan Kesehatan, Kementerian Kesehatan RI1

Program Vokasi, Universitas Indonesia2

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran implementasi
model pendidikan anak usia dini beserta inovasinya di TPA SERAMA Kementerian
Kesehatan RI. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek
penelitian ini adalah 10 orang siswa dan dua guru mereka. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa model program fullday sangat sesuai dengan TPA SERAMA
Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran BCCT pun dapat
berlangsung secara optimal Harapannya adalah agar dapat dijadikan sebagai rujukan
dalam membuat TPA di institusi pemerintah dalam memberikan pendidikan yang tepat
dan terbaik sesuai dengan minat, bakat, dan kemampuan masing-masing. Dengan
demikian, semakin banyak ragam dan inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini akan
mendukung perkembangan anak secara optimal, sehingga mampu mewujudkan anak
Indonesia yang lebih bermoral dan berkualitas.

Kata Kunci: inovasi, model pendidikan anak usia dini, dan TPA

Masyarakat Indonesia telah mengakui pentingnya pendidikan bagi anak usia dini. Pemberian
pendidikan pada anak usia dini merupakan langkah yang benar dan tepat. Rentang usia dini
merupakan waktu yang tepat dalam mengembangkan potensi dan kecerdasan anak. Pada
rentang usia dini, anak berada dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang unik.
Beberapa pakar pendidikan menyebutkan bahwa anak usia dini merupakan masa keemasan
anak (the golden age). Pada kajian neurosains disebutkan bahwa, setiap anak yang baru
dilahirkan perkembangan sel saraf pada otak mencapai 25 %, sampai usia 4 tahun mengalami
perkembangan 50 %, dan sampai usia 8 tahun mencapai 80 %, selebihnya berkembang
sampai usia 18 tahun (Mulyasa, 2012). Kajian neurosains tersebut memberikan gambaran
bahwa perkembangan kecerdasan anak yang paling dominan terjadi pada usia 0 – 8 tahun.
Oleh karena itu, pada masa ini harus dimanfaatkan dan dioptimalkan sebaik-baiknya dalam
mengimplementasikan pendidikan anak usia dini. Implementasi pendidikan anak usia dini di
Indonesia mulai mendapat perhatian yang cukup serius oleh pemerintah. Melakukan beberapa
upaya dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan anak usia dini di Indonesia dengan
menerbitkan undang-undang dan peraturan menteri yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan
anak usia dini. Pada Undang-Undang No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional
disebutkan bahwa pendidikan anak usia dini adalah suatu upaya pembinaan yang ditujukan
kepada anak sejak lahir sampai dengan usia enam tahun yang dilakukan melalui pemberian
rangsangan pendidikan untuk membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani dan rohani
agar anak memiliki kesiapan dalam memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut. Adapun dalam
lingkup internasional pendidikan anak usia dini sering disebut dengan istilah Early Childhood
Education, yaitu suatu pendidikan yang diberikan pada awal masa anak (Mulyasa, 2012). Hal
ini mengacu pada asosiasi pendidikan anak usia dini di Amerika Serikat yang biasa dikenal
dengan sebutan The National Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC).
Implementasi pendidikan anak usia dini di Indonesia bentuknya sudah sangat beragam, baik
dalam lingkup pendidikan formal maupun nonformal. Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam
Undang-undang No. 20 tahun 2003 bagian ketujuh Pasal 28 yang menyatakan bahwa bentuk
pendidikan anak usia dini salah satunya dapat berupa Taman Penitipan Anak (TPA). Adapun
menurut NAEYC, salah satu jenis layanan pendidikan anak usia dini adalah Taman Penitipan
Anak (TPA) (Siti Aisyah dkk, 2015).
Namun melihat kondisi di lapangan dengan banyaknya Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS)
perempuan yang mencapai 49,31 % (BPS, 2017). Jumlah PNS perempuan menurun secara
signifikan dari bulan Desember 2015 sampai Desember 2016 berkurang menjadi 2,15 juta
yang 71,71 % berada pada usia reproduksi (BPS, 2017). Hal ini mengakibatkan anak tidak
memperoleh kebutuhan dasar, baik kebutuhan fisik, kasih sayang, dan pendidikan yang
seharusnya menjadi tanggung jawab orang tua (terutama ibu) untuk proses tumbuh
kembangnya tidak terpenuhi secara optimal.
Melihat permasalahan tersebut, dibutuhkan suatu wadah untuk perawatan serta
pengembangan anak usia dini baik dari segi pengasuhan, gizi dan kesehatan yang dapat
ditempuh melalui pendidikan non formal sebagai dasar awal pendidikan anak usia dini berupa
Tempat Penitipan Anak (TPA). Dimana jumlah PNS perempuan di lingkungan Kementerian
Kesehatan RI sebanyak 31.467 orang (61 %) (Biro Kepegawaian Kementerian Kesehatan RI,
2017). Diharapkan dengan adanya TPA di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan RI, anak akan
selalu mendapat kecukupan kebutuhan dasar dan terlindung dari bahaya yang mungkin terjadi
(kecelakaan, penganiayaan, infeksi, kurang stimulasi, kurang gizi, dan lain sebagainya),
sehingga anak akan mendapatkan perhatian dalam tumbuh kembang secara optimal
sementara orang tua khususnya ibu dapat bekerja di luar rumah dengan tenang.
Berkaitan dengan implementasi pendidikan anak usia dini khususnya TPA di lingkungan
Kementerian Kesehatan RI juga dapat dilihat melalui berbagai macam bentuk dan model
maupun berbagai inovasi yang dikembangkan dalam pendidikan anak usia dini. Lantas
seperti apa bentuk, model, dan inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini khususnya di TPA
SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI? dan bagaimana implementasinya?
Taman Pengasuhan Anak (TPA)
TPA sebagai salah satu bentuk pendidikan anak usia dini yang membantu orangtua dalam
pembentukan pribadi anak agar dapat mandiri. TPA lebih banyak dikelola oleh sebagian
orang atau lembaga pendidikan yang mampu tetapi belum didukung oleh guru yang
profesional. Menurut Soegeng (2011), secara umum tujuan TPA adalah memberi peluang
yang seluas-luasnya kepada anak untuk bermain; member kesempatan bagi anak
mengembangkan potensinya; mengembangkan psikososial anak melalui pergaulan; melatih
anak untuk bertanggung jawab, penanaman toleransi, etika, moral, agama, dan kerjasama;
melatih keterampilan anak sehingga menjadi sehat; memberi suasana yang senang bagi anak;
membantu orangtua dalam pendidikan dan pembentukan puteranya, dan melatih kecerdasan
(intelektual, emosional, dan spiritual) anak melalui sarana dan alat permainan yang tersedia.
TPA juga memilki keuntungan sebagai berikut seperti memenuhi persyaratan standar
minimal, sehingga pelaksanaan kegiatan berjalan lancar; orangtua tidak selalu khawatir,
karena ada pendidik yang bertanggung jawab; semua aspek kepribadiannya berkembang
secara wajar; anak selalu senang karena banyak permainan; beban orangtua berkurang;
jadwal kegiatan lebih fleksibel; pendidikan anak akan ditangani oleh orang yang profesional;
mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bersosialisasi; memperoleh pengasuhan sesuai dengan
lingkungan keluarga; dan risiko anak tertukar penyakit akan lebih kecil.

Model dan Inovasi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Model dan inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini di Indonesia sudah mulai menunjukkan suatu
kemajuan. Model dan inovasi ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pelayanan maksimal
kepada anak usia dini agar dapat mengembangkan berbagai potensi yang dimilikinya. Tentu
saja dengan menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan anak dan orangtua masing-masing. Karena
semakin lengkap layanan dan fasilitas yang diberikan akan berpengaruh pada beban biaya
yang harus ditanggung oleh orangtua ke sekolah atau lembaga PAUD. Terdapat dua model
program pendidikan anak usia dini di Indonesia saat ini yaitu program halfday dan fullday
(M. Fadillah, 2015).

 Model Halfday
Model halfday adalah model pendidikan setengah hari. Pendidikan anak usia dini yang
melakukan model halfday yaitu proses belajar mengajarnya berlangsung hanya paruh waktu
dalam sehari, mulai dari pukul 07.30 WIB sampai pukul 12.00 WIB. Program PAUD halfday
lebih sederhana dibandingkan dengan program fullday. Secara umum program PAUD halfday
dapat dilihat melalui uraian berikut ini:
(1) Kelompok Bermain (KB) atau Tempat Penitipan Anak (TPA),
(2) Kelompok Taman Kanak-kanak (TK) atau Raudatul Athfal (RA)

 Model Fullday
Model fullday merupakan bentuk layanan pendidikan sehari penuh yang berlangsung dari
pagi sampai sore hari. Program PAUD fullday dimulai dari pukul 07.30 sampai pukul 16.00
WIB. Kegiatannya pun jauh lebih banyak dan kompleks. Program PAUD fullday
diperuntukkan bagi anak usia 0-6 tahun. Program ini dimanfaatkan oleh orang tua yang
memiliki kesibukan yang sangat padat dan tidak ada waktu penuh untuk mendampingi anak-
anaknya, baik sang ayah maupun sang ibu. Orang tua biasanya mengantarkan pada pagi hari
sambil berangkat bekerja dan menjemputnya pada waktu sore hari setelah pulang bekerja.
PAUD fullday kebanyakan disukai oleh orang tua. Selain merasa aman, anak juga
mendapatkan pelayanan pendidikan yang maksimal dari sekolah. Kemudian keperluan makan
dan gizi juga telah disediakan oleh sekolah. Dibandingkan PAUD halfday, PAUD fullday
jauh lebih mahal biaya administrasinya. Hal ini dikarenakan selama seharian penuh anak
mengikuti berbagai kegiatan dan fasilitas yang diberikan oleh sekolah. Adapun gambaran
umum program PAUD fullday sebagai berikut:
1. Kelompok Bermain (KB) atau Tempat Penitipan Anak (TPA),
2. Kelompok Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) atau Raudatul Athfal (RA).
Dari dua model program di atas selanjutnya dikembangkan dengan berbagai inovasi
pembelajaran. Di antara inovasi-inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini di Indonesia adalah
pendidikan anak usia dini berbasis alam, agraris, kebudayaan lokal, bencana alam, bilingual,
dan religiusitas.
Kemudian selain inovasi dalam bentuk program, inovasi PAUD juga dapat dilakukan
dalam proses pembelajaran. Dalam hal ini inovasi dimaksudkan untuk mempermudah
peserta didik dalam memahami tema/materi pembelajaran. Selain itu, untuk
menghilangkan rasa bosan anak dengan berbagai variasi pembelajaran. Inovasi
pembelajaran yang biasa diterapkan dalam pendidikan anak usia dini ialah beyond center
and circle time (BCCT).

Beyond Center And Circle Time (BCCT)

Model BCCT adalah suatu metode atau pendekatan dalam penyelenggaraan
pendidikan anak usia dini dan merupakan perpaduan antara teori dan pengalaman
praktik. BCCT merupakan konsep belajar dimana guru-guru menghadirkan dunia
nyata dalam kelas dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan yang
dimiliki dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hasilnya adalah siswa
memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan dari konteks yang terbatas, sedikit demi
sedikit dan dari proses mencoba sendiri sebagai bekal untuk memecahkan masalah
dalam kehidupannya (Palupi, 2009).
Tujuan dari Model BCCT yang dimaknai sebagai sentra dan saat lingkaran adalah
sebagai (Yuliani, 2013):
(1) Model ini ditujukan untuk merangsang seluruh aspek kecerdasan anak
(kecerdasan jamak) melalui bermain yang terarah.
(2) Model ini ini menciptakan setting pembelajaran yang merangsang anak untuk
aktif, kreatif, dan terus berpikir dengan menggali pengalamannya sendiri (bukan
sekedar mengikuti perintah, meniru, atau menghafal).
(3) Dilengkapi dengan standar operasional yang baku, yang berpusat di sentra-sentra
kegiatan dan saat anak berada dalam lingkaran bersama pendidik, sehingga
mudah diikuti.
Dalam kaitannya dengan model dan inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini sebagaimana telah
disebutkan di atas, lembaga PAUD hendaknya memperhatikan rambu-rambu yang telah
ditentukan. Pengembangan model maupun inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini harus
senantiasa memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip pengembangan program pembelajaran PAUD. Hal
ini dimaksudkan supaya program dan inovasi yang dikembangkan tetap sesuai dengan
rambu-rambu yang telah ditentukan oleh pemerintah. Adapun prinsip-prinsip yang dimaksud
seperti memperhatikan karakteristik anak, memperhatikan konsep keahlian yang akan
dikembangkan di dalam sentra, merumuskan tujuan dan manfaat sentra yang akan diajarkan,
menentukan tempat sesuai kebutuhan, guru menjadi fasilitator, membatasi jumlah anak
setiap sentra, mengajak anak untuk berpartisipasi aktif, dan menambah alat dan bahan-bahan
baru ke setiap sentra (Luluk 2014).

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan study field research.
Adapun tujuan yang hendak dicapai yaitu memperoleh gambaran, menjelaskan, dan
menganalisis model maupun berbagai inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini di TPA SERAMA
Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Subyek penelitian yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini ialah 10
orang siswa dan tenaga pendidik di TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Dengan
teknik bola salju (snowball sampling) yang dapat dimintai informasi sehubungan dengan
penerapan inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini dalam hal ini model program (halfday dan
fullday) dan pembelajaran BCCT di TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Subyek
penelitian dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive sampling, yaitu pemilihan sampel
dengan pertimbangan:
(1) subyek penelitian terlibat langsung dlam proses implementasi model program dan
pembelajaran dan
(2) pihak yang menguasai permasalahan, memiliki data, dan bersedia memberi informasi
(Moleong, 2006).
Pengumpulan data penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode wawancara dan
observasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga alur kegiatan, yaitu reduksi
data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi.


Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa TPA SERAMA Kementerian
Kesehatan merupakan sarana pengasuhan dan pendidikan anak karyawan Kementerian
Kesehatan, yang memiliki konsep utama sesuai dengan kurikulum Pedoman Teknis
Penyelenggaraan TPA yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan Nasional tahun 2010. Anak
atau bayi akan memperoleh program pendidikan terstruktur yang meliputi pelatihan
psikososial dan motorik selama di TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Anak akan
dilatih agar lebih mengembangkan kemampuan motorik kasar, motorik halus, kognitif,
bahasa, emosi dan sosial dalam bentuk permainan ceria yang dipantau oleh psikolog dan
Evaluasi selalu dilakukan setiap saat menjalankan program pembelajaran. Pencapaian hasil
pembelajaran dilakukan pada semua anak sesuai dengan kemampuan dan usia
perkembangannya sehingga evaluasi dilakukan secara individual. Dengan demikian, kegiatan
pembelajaran yang berlangsung akan semakin lebih baik pada pertemuan selanjutnya
Namun implementasi pada proses pembelajaran BCCT tidak didukung sepenuhnya
oleh pihak manajemen dalam hal ini adalah pimpinan manajemen. Banyak masukan
yang diberikan oleh orangtua siswa dan tenaga pendidik TPA SERAMA
Kementerian Kesehatan RI untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran yang
diberikan guru ke siswa kurang direspon. Pada akhirnya, kreativitas guru sangat
menentukan keberlangsungan proses pembelajaran BCCT secara optimal walaupun
dalam keterbatasan.

Berdasarkan uraian dari pembahasan hasil penelitian yang ditemukan pada implementasi
inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini di TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI yaitu dengan
menggunakan model program dan proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung adalah model
program fullday sangat sesuai dengan TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI, dimana
waktu operasionalnya sesuai dengan jam kerja orangtua sehingga ibu masih bisa memberikan
pengasuhan pada anaknya. Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran BCCTpun dapat berlangsung
secara optimal walau tidak mendapatkan dukungan sepenuhnya dari pihak manajemen terkait
dengan pengembangan program yang diusulkan baik dari orangtua maupun tenaga
kependidikan TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI.

Berdasarkan temuan di lapangan selanjutnya disampaikan beberapa saran-saran sebagai

(1) Tenaga pendidik TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI agar selalu

mengembangkan diri dalam menerapkan proses pembelajaran BCCT dengan membaca
pengetahuan dan mengikuti pelatihan mengenai metode pembelajaran BCCT.
(2) Kepala TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI agar berani menyampaikan semua
masukan baik yang berasal dari orangtua dan tenaga pendidik terkait dengan perbaikan
implementasi proses pembelajaran BCCT. Kepala TPA harus berusaha keras untuk
menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh tenaga pendidik agar proses
pembelajaran BCCT dapat berlangsung secara optimal.
(3) Pihak manajemen TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI khususnya adalah
pimpinan manajemen agar merespon segala masukan yang diberikan oleh kepala TPA,
tenaga pendidik, dan orangtua secara positif sehingga proses pembelajaran BCCT dapat
berlangsung secara optimal dan kualitas pendidikan di TPA SERAMA Kementerian
Kesehatan RI semakin baik.

Keunggulan dari jurnal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa aspek, yaitu:

 Bagian abstrak sudah sangat jelas dan padat, sehingga kita dapat mengetahui tujuan dari
penelitian ini dengan hanya membaca abstrak nya.
 Penjelasan mengenai Model dan Inovasi PAUD dijelaskan dengan cukup jelas dan
 Grafik table yang disajikan dihasil penelitian cukup jelas, karena peneliti menjelaskan
kembali satu persatu komponen dalam table tersebut secara terperinci.
 Kesimpulan yang dibuat sudah mencakup hasil dari penelitian dan pemeparannya cukup
 Rekomendasi/Saran yang diberikan peneliti sangat bermanfaat dan bersifat membangun.

Adapun kelemahan dari jurnal penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:

 Penjelasan dalam pendahuluan jurnal kurang jelas, dan terkesan bertele-tele.

 Bahasa yang digunakan di beberapa bagian terlalu tinggi sehingga kurang mudah
 Metode penelitian tidak dipaparkan secara jelas, hanya disebutkan saja.
 Prosedur penelitian tidak dijelaskan, sehingga pembaca akan sulit memahami proses
penelitian ini.
 Jurnal belum ber issn.

Dari hasil review jurnal ini, reviewer dapat menyimpulkan bahwa jurnal ini sudah cukup baik
karena menampilkan tujuan penelitian yang jelas, hal ini dapat dilihat dibagian abstrak dan
hasil penelituan yaitu tujuan yang hendak dicapai adalah memperoleh gambaran,
menjelaskan, dan menganalisis model maupun berbagai inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini di
TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Subyek penelitian yang dipilih dalam penelitian
ini ialah 10 orang siswa dan tenaga pendidik di TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI.
Dengan teknik bola salju (snowball sampling) yang dapat dimintai informasi sehubungan
dengan penerapan inovasi pendidikan anak usia dini dalam hal ini model program (halfday
dan fullday) dan pembelajaran BCCT di TPA SERAMA Kementerian Kesehatan RI

Saran dari reviewer terhadap jurnal penelitian ini adalah untuk kedepannya peneliti
diharapkan menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami dalam memaparkan penelitiannya.
Kemudian juga reviewer menyarankan agar kedepannya peneliti memaparkan proses dan
metode penelitiannya dengan jelas dan terperinci, sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai bahan
pegangan bagi reviewer jika ingin melakukan penelitian dibidang yang sama dikemudian
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME)

e-ISSN: 2320–7388,p-ISSN: 2320–737X Volume 5, Issue 4 Ver. I (Jul - Aug. 2015), PP 17-25

Effect of Nutritional Guideline for Kindergarten Teachers on

Healthy Physical Growth of Preschool Children

Dr. Samar Salah Eldin Mohamed Diab

Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing Faculty of Nursing Menofia University Egypt


Background: Early childhood is a critical time for the development of food preferences and
eating patterns. Preschool is the perfect setting to educate children on the principles of good
nutrition. The nutritional knowledge and awareness of preschool teachers are one of the most
important factors affecting preschool children's nutritional habit. So

The aim was: To study the effect of nutritional guideline for kindergarten teachers on healthy
physical growth of preschool children.

Design: Using cross sectional study, quasi-experimental design, one group study.

Setting: Study was conducted in Shebin El-kom City Menofia Egypt at Private and
Governmental kindergarten

Sample: A convenience sample include 15 kindergarten teachers and 240 children aged 3-6

Tools: Three tools were used for teachers' knowledge related to healthy nutrition ,the second
tool was a nutritional rating scale designed by Baker and Khalder (2007) for the teachers'
nutritional practice and third tool was a questionnaire sheet for preschool children developed
and validate by researcher .

Results: As regards to sample Sociodemographic characteristics (60% and 75%) of

kindergarten teachers were aged from 20 to less than 30 years the majority (60% and100%)
of them has a bachelor degree of education in private and governmental kindergarten
respectively also most (75% and 80% ) of them were married. The majority(94%) of children
aged from 4-5 years, the number of girls exceed than boys. It was revealed that highly
statistical significant improvements in teachers' knowledge and practice post educational
nutritional guideline at (P<0.05) in each private and governmental kindergarten. There was
a correlation and a highly statistically significant difference between teachers' nutritional
knowledge , practice and physical growth of preschool children at p value <0.05 .
Conclusion: It was concluded that nutritional guideline practices where it was positively
affect on physical growth of malnutrition and promote healthy physical growth. So it was
improve kindergarten teachers' knowledge and the preschool child as it was prevent
Recommended that: Provide nutritional training for the teachers about healthy nutrition for
the preschool children and integrate nutritional courses for the preschool curriculum in the
kindergarten to learning good food habits and practices include preventing buy any candy
foods like gas drinks or chips in the Kindergarten.

Key Words: Preschool Children, Nutrition, Physical Growth, kindergarten teachers

(2) Introduction

Nutrition is one of the basic needs of life. Nutrition education in the early years of
life, particularly in the preschool period, is very important for an individual's health
throughout life. Nutritional experiences at a young age influence nutritional habits in
adulthood. For this reason, nutrition education should be continuous, effective and directed
towards all family members.1

Teachers are one of the most influential groups in elevating social health awareness ,
and their teaching nutritional points to the students can both affect students’ awareness and
the transferring of such nutritional education to the families.1-2

Thus preschool period is a time when children develop many habits likely to continue
in adulthood. It is important that children not only acquire knowledge about appropriate and
balanced nutrition, but also develop good eating habits.3 Teachers should have a background
of each child's nutritional needs, and they should discover any malnutrition problems that
should arise.4

Improving the diet habits of preschool-aged children is an important public health

goal. Preschool educators may be agents of change for improving children’s diets. So the role
of kindergarten teacher is not limited to teaching and indoctrination but that a replacement
role of the mother in terms of dealing with the children left their mothers and their homes for
the first time, and found themselves in a new and unfamiliar environment so the mission is to
help them to adapt and harmony.5

Positive role modeling correlates with an increased interest in food and less food fussiness among Poor role models influence children’s perceptions of foods and mealtimes For example, negative

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Effect of Nutritional Guideline for Kindergarten Teachers on
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comments about the taste or texture of a food will make a child less willing to try it. On the
other hand, a child is more likely to try a food if he or she observes an adult enjoying it.7
Teachers and caregivers become role models by engaging with children at mealtime
and sitting down and eating with them. This practice is often called family-style dining. When
early childhood programs provide meals, teachers and staff can model healthy eating
behaviors by eating the same foods the children eat.8
Everyone caring for children needs to be aware that some food strategies have
negative effects on the development of eating behaviors. Food practices involving pressure
and restriction may not only affect childhood health but also have long-lasting implications,
such as problematic behaviors of binge eating and dietary restraint among adults .9
A supportive, caring early childhood environment offers guidance through adult
modeling, serving a variety of nutritious foods at meals and snacks, and exposing children to
new foods in the classroom. These practices encourage children’s development of healthy
eating and behaviors and promote positive physical growth.9,10
Aim of the study was :To study the effect of nutritional guideline for kindergarten teachers
on healthy physical growth of preschool children
Hypothesis The nutritional knowledge and practices of a kindergarten teachers will reflects
positively on healthy physical growth of the preschool children .

II. Subjects and method

I-Design: A Quasi-experimental design was utilized . It was started from first of September
to the end of November 2012.
II-Setting: Study was conducted in Shebin El-kom City Menofia , Egypt at Private and
Governmental kindergarten.
III-Sampling: A convenience sample of 15 kindergarten teachers and 240 preschool children
aged 3-6 years.
VI-Tools of the study: Data were collected through adopted structured questionnaire
developed by Baker and Khalder (2007) and nutritional practice rating scale developed by
Magied (2007) for the teachers. Tool three a questionnaire to the preschool children designed
by researcher .Tool one was related to socio-demographic data : includes seven main themes
as follows: Axis I: General data for the teachers include: Age, stage studied, level of
education, specialty, number of courses in the field of kindergarten, Marital status.

The second axis: the measurement of nutritional information of the teachers includes:
General questions in the foundations of nutrition and food science and the importance of
certain nutrients and some dietary needs and food habits. and the number of questions is fifty
questions . Each question has been given degree evaluation was on the following basis: from
high diet knowledge is scored 35 -50 degrees, average diet knowledge is scored less than 35 -
20 degrees less than 35 to 20 degree and less than 20 degrees diet low knowledge. The
questionnaire also included ten questions describes the dietary practices of the teachers
during its dealings with the child and give each of them so that the degree of assessment as
follows: 7 degrees incomplete practices, less than 7 up to 4 degrees moderate health
practices, less than 4 degrees wrong practices. Axis III: nutritional practices for the parameter
included: Some dietary habits for the teachers such as the usual food intake, the number of
meals eaten during the day, cooking methods used, the amount of water intake during the
day, favorite foods. Theme IV: food intake in the 24 hours preceding: It is a record intake of
foods during the previous day and was one day only goal is to see how the application of
nutritional information parameter and compared the level of customs and food knowledge.
Special resolution to children: The first Axis include : General data on child 's Sex,
age, growth stage , the number of absence times during the last week of data collection, the
reason for absence, the mother worked, the educational level of the mother.
The second axis of health data and anthropometric measurements of children
included: Height, weight, head circumference, chest circumference, mid-upper arm
circumference, wrist circumference of it was extracted body size and that the following
equation: Body size = length poison Wrist circumference if body size is more than a small
11.0 Body size from 10.1 to 11.0 average Body size is less than a large 10.1

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The health data included a question about some of the diseases that have been
infected with the child, such as: dental caries, impaired vision, poor appetite, obesity,
slimming, skin diseases, diseases waistcoat, diabetes, developmental delay, bone diseases,
allergy to a particular type of foods.
And also the question of basic vaccinations for children, which was not given to him.
Some dietary practices of the child during the school day included: Breakfast at home,
breakfast ingredients in the school etc.

Preparation and organizational guideline :

Nutritional educational program’s sessions were prepared by the researcher. The content of
the sessions was based on review of literature.

The objective
Identify the effect of implementing the nutritional guideline for preschool teachers on their
knowledge, practices and awareness regarding nutritional needs of preschool children.
This objective can be achieved by the following sub-objectives:
1. Identify some of the public and economic data for the teachers .
2. The study of consciousness and food practices for kindergarten teachers.
3. Identify some health data and some physical standards for children.
4. Study effect nutritional knowledge of the teachers on healthy children.
5. Design guidebook diet to educate kindergarten teachers.

2- Educational Guideline of Nutritional Strategies

A- Different methods of instructions were adopted. These include brain storming , power
point presentation, and group discussion.
B- Teaching aids: Different aids were used to facilitate and illustrate teaching such as posters,
handouts, food models and real natural food stuffs.
3- Implementation phase: This included the implementation of the planned educational
nutritional guideline. The questionnaire (pretest) was distributed to the teachers and their
students before conducting nutritional guideline. The data were collected during their free
time, (pretest) lasted 4 weeks, where all students were divided into 4 groups at private
kindergarten and 5 groups for governmental kindergarten and each group have two time
nutritional group discussion , each one lasted 50 minutes using different educational methods
brain storming, lecture, power point presentation and discussion.
4-Evaluation phase: Assessment was done immediately after the completion of the
educational nutrition guideline by using posttest.
Validity test was done for data collecting tools by three assistant professor of Kindergarten
faculty expertise staff , two assistant professor of education faculty ,two professor of pediatric
nursing and one professor of community health nursing .Validity was 96% for developed tool
and 98% for adopted and adapted tool .
Ethical consideration: The researcher emphasized to the teachers that the study was
voluntary and anonymous. Teachers and preschool children had the full right to refuse to
participate in the study at any time.
Pilot study :A pilot study was carried out on 5 teachers and 20 preschool children to test the
applicability of tools clarity and simplicity of tools included as well as to estimate the average
time needed to fill in the sheets. Those who shared in the pilot study were excluded from the
main study sample.

Method of data collection:

1-Written Permission: An official permission was obtained.
2-Tool Development: a.Two tools were adopted and adapted for teachers also one tool for
children was developed by the researcher for data collection. b. Reliability of the tool was
determined to assess the extent to which items in the questionnaire were related to each other
by Cronbach's co-efficiency alpha test (r= 0.68).
3-Protection of Human Right: An acceptance to share in the study was obtained from parents
before participation in the study. Confidentiality and privacy were assured by telling the
kindergarten teachers that the collected data was not going to be used for other non research

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Statistical design:
The statistical analysis of data was done using the excel program and the statistical package
for social science (SPSS) program version 17. The first part of data was a descriptive one.
Data were revised, coded, and statistically analyzed using the proportion and percentage, the
arithmetic mean ± standard deviation (SD) .
III. Results

Table (1): Percentage distribution of teachers and their children in relation to their socio
-demographic characteristics in Private and Governmental Nursery schools

Private Nursery schools Governmental Nursery schools

Item No. % No. %

Age (years)

20- 4 66.67 % 5 55.56%

30- 1 16.67 % 2 22.22 %

40- 1 16.67 % 2 22.22 %


Diploma 0 0% 3 33.33 %

Bachelor 6 100% 6 66.67 %


Kindergarten 2 33.33 % 4 44.44 %

Public Education 4 66.67 % 5 55.56 %

Nutritional Courses

Yes 2 33.33% 3 33.33%

No 4 66.66% 6 66.66%

Marital Status

single 2 33.33 % 2 22.22 %


Married with children 3 50% 4 44.44 %

Married without children 1 16.67 % 3 33.33 %


Students' number at KAG1 45 53.6 % 52 33.33 %

Students' number at KAG2 39 46.4 % 104 66.7 %


Boys 47 56.00 % 65 41.7 %

Girls 37 44.00 % 91 58.3 %


4-5 78 92.86 % 142 91.02 %

>5 6 7.14 % 14 8.98 %

Number of absences per week

None 71 84.52 % 116 74.4 %

1-2 days 11 13.09 % 34 21.8 %

3-6 days 2 2.38 % 6 3.8 %

Work status of mother

Housewife 25 29.8 % 10 6.4 %

worker 20 23.8 % 99 63.5 %

Employees 39 46.4 % 47 30.1 %

Education Level of Mother

Read and Write 11 13.1% 12 7.7 %


Moderate Education 42 50.0% 27 17.3 %

High Education 31 36.9% 117 75.00 %

Table (1):Describe socio demographic characteristics of the sample where (60%,75%) of

kindergarten teachers were aged from 20 to less than 30 years the majority (60%100%) of
them has bachelor degree of education private and governmental kindergarten respectively
also most (75%,80% ) of them were married. The majority(94%) of children aged from 4-5
years, the number of girls exceed than boys.

Table (2) : Mean an Stander Deviation of teachers' nutritional knowledge and their
sources of nutritional information Pre and Post nutritional guideline .

Item Private Nursery schools Governmental Nursery schools

Nutritional Mean± SD P Mean± SD P

Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest

1.00 ± 0.00 0.003*** 5

2.62±0.67 1.00±0.23 0.002***

Sources of nutritional


*** : Significant P < 0.05

20 |
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Effect of Nutritional Guideline for Kindergarten Teachers on Healthy Physical…

Many sources=High knowledge ******* books , Newspapers and magazines, TV programs,

Nutrition courses, Radio programs, Studying and Internet . Some sources=Moderate
knowledge **** books , Newspapers and magazines, TV programs, Nutrition courses. One
source =Low knowledge ** books , Studying

Table (2) revealed that the mean and stander deviation of nutritional knowledge for both
teachers group of private and governmental kindergarten were highly statistically significant
at p< 0.05 (post intervention than pre intervention sessions of nutritional guidance. As well as
there was highly statistically significant P value equal (0.004) and (0.001) of both private and
governmental kindergarten respectively as regards to sources of nutritional information.

Table (3): The mean and stander deviation of teachers’ nutritional practices about some
nutritional habits pretest and Posttest nutritional guideline for Private and
Governmental Nursery schools

Private Nursery schools Governmental Nursery schools

Items Mean ± SD P Value Mean ± SD P Value

Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest

2.33 ±0.816 2.00 ±.000 0.030*** 2.78 2.00 0.004***

Expenditure money on food
± 1.202 ± 0.000

Eat with family 1.33 ±0.816 1.00 ±0.000 0.018*** 1.67 ±1.000 1.22 ±.667 0.003***

The number of meals per 2.50 2.33 ±.516 0.009*** 2.78 ±.441 2.11 ±.33 0.003***

day ±.548

Deleted meals 2.67 ±0.516 3.00 ±.000 0.030*** 2.11 ±.782 3.00 ±.000 0.005***

1.67 1.33 ± 0.816 0.030*** 2.00 ±.100 1.00 ±.000 0.002***

Eating place

Adding a lot of spice to the 1.83 2.00 ±.000 0.000*** 1.33 ±.50 2.00 ±.000 0.021***

food ±.41

The number of cups of water 2.50 2.83 ±.408 0.001*** 2.33 ±.50 2.89 ±.33 0.005***

per day ±.55

Cooking by new methods of 1.83 1.17 ±.408 0.002*** 1.67 ±.707 1.33 ±.70 0.002***

food ±.98

1.67 1.18 ±.409 0.003*** 1.44 ±0.527 1.11 ±.33 0.001***

Methods of cooking

1.50 1.60 ±0.00 0.001*** 1.67 ±.50 1.12 ±.34 0.000***

Foods in the last 24 hour
*** Significant: P < 0.05

Table (4): Clarify that increase in physical measures of preschool children of both private and
governmental kindergarten post educational nutrition guideline . There was highly
statistically difference at P <0.05 as regards

Fig. (1A): Showing the mean of teachers’ nutritional habits pretest and Posttest in Private
Nursery schools .

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Effect of Nutritional Guideline for Kindergarten Teachers on Healthy Physical…

Fig.(1B): Showing the mean of teachers’ nutritional habits pretest and Posttest in
Governmental Nursery schools .
Table (5) Distribution and percentage of teachers’ nutritional habits practices pretest
and Posttest for Private and Governmental Nursery schools

Private Nursery school Governmental Nursery school

Item Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest

No. % No. % No. % No. %

Expenditure money on food

Buy fruits 5 83.3% 6 100% 6 66.7% 9 100%

Buy meats 1 16.7% 0 0% 2 22.2% 0 0%

Buy sweat 0 0% 0 0% 1 11.1% 0 0%

Cup of water drinking per day

3 cups 3 50% 1 16.7% 6 66.7 1 11.1%

4 cups 3 50% 5 83.3% 3 33.3% 8 88.9%

Methods of cooking

Grill food 4 66.7% 5 83.3% 5 55.6% 8 88.9%

Boiled food 2 33.3% 1 16.7% 4 44.4% 1 11.1%

Foods in the last 24 hour

Healthy (contain 4 food group) 3 50% 6 100% 3 33.3% 8 88.9%

Unhealthy (take away ) 3 50% 0 0% 6 66.7% 1 11.1%

Table (5): Illustrate distribution and percentage of teachers’ nutritional habits practices pretest
and posttest for Private and Governmental Nursery schools. It was clear that the
majority(83.3%, 66.7%) of teachers Expenditure money on food to buy fruits pre nutritional
guideline in private and governmental preschool respectively compared to 100% post
guideline. Regards numbers of drink water per day (50% ,33.3%) of teachers pre educational
guideline compared with (83.3%,88.9%) of teachers as post test drink 4 cup of water per day
in private and governmental preschool nursery respectively .The majority of them (100% and
88.9%) eat healthy food in the last 24 hours contain four food group post nutritional guideline
compared with only(0% and 11.1%) eating unhealthy food (take away).This reflect effect of
nutritional guideline on nutritional habits practices of kindergarten teachers.

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Table (6): Mean and standard deviation of Physical Measurements , Healthy breakfast Habits
of Children Pretest and Posttest in Private and Governmental Nursery schools.

Items Private Nursery schools Governmental Nursery schools

Mean ± SD P Value Mean ± SD P Value

Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest

Height (Cm) 107.77 ± 6.70 108.68± 6.56 0.02*** 107.84±7.42 108.63±7.43 0.021***

Weight (Kg) 20.49±3.29 22.83±3.35 0.002*** 18.51±3.34 20.13±3.38 0.011***

Head 50.86±1.95 51.14±1.96 0.002*** 50.74±2.35 51.27±2.47 0.022***



Chest 57.27±3.55 57.60±3.55 0.001*** 57.09±4.00 57.57±3.76 0.031***



Mid Arm 19.99±1.94 20.26±1.96 0. 003*** 19.67±2.59 19.99±2.81 0.03***



Wrist 15.12±2.41 15.74±2.45 0.002*** 13.16±1.74 13.39±1.74 0.002***



Body Size (Cm3) 1.00±0.00 1.08±0.00 0.03*** 1.03±0.16 1.09±0.25 0.002***

Healthy breakfast 1.24±0.84 7.00±0.00 0.001*** 2.20±1.67 6.98±0.24 0.001***

*** : Significant P < 0.05

Table (6) Proved that there was highly statistical difference between pre and post nutritional
guideline as regards to physical measurement as (Height , Weight ,Head Circumference ,
Chest Circumference , mid arm Circumference , Wrist Circumference and Body Size at p
value < 0.5 as ( 0.02, 0.002, 0.002 , 0.001, 0. 003, 0.002 and 0.03 ) for private nursery school
compared with (0.021, 0.011 , 0.022 , 0.031, 0.03, 0.002 and 0.002 ) for governmental
nursery school when healthy breakfast habits established post educational guideline at p value
0.001 for private and governmental nursery school. This mean that the health breakfast habits
the healthy physical measures of preschool children
Table (7) Correlation of teachers' nutritional knowledge and practice and healthy
physical growth of preschool children

Private Nursery schools Governmental Nursery schools

Items Mean ± SD P Value Mean ± SD P Value

Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest

Nutritional knowledge 2.62±0.67

1.00 ± 0.00 2.32 ± 0.55 1.00±0.23 0.003***

The number of meals per day 2.50±.548 2.33 ±.516 0.009*** 2.78 ±.441 2.11 ±.33 0.003***

Deleted meals 2.67 ±0.516 3.00 ±.000 0.030*** 2.11 ±.782 3.00 ±.000 0.005***

Cup of water drinking per day 2.50±.55 2.83 ±.408 0.001*** 2.33 ±.50 2.89 ±.33 0.005***

Cooking by new methods of food 1.83±.98 1.17 ±.408 0.002*** 1.67 ±.707 1.33 ±.70 0.002***

Methods of healthy cooking 1.67±1.03 1.18 ±.409 0.003*** 1.44 ±0.527 1.11 ±.33 0.001***

Foods in the last 24 hour 1.50±.548 1.60 ±0.00 0.001*** 1.67 ±.50 1.12 ±.34 0.000***

Height (Cm) 107.77± 6.70 108.68± 6.56 0.02*** 107.84±7.42 108.63±7.43 0.021***

Weight (Kg) 20.49±3.29 22.83±3.35 0.004*** 18.51±3.34 20.13±3.38 0.011***

Body Size (Cm3) 1.00±0.00 1.08±0.00 0.03*** 1.03±0.16 1.09±0.25 0.002***

*** Significant: P < 0.05

Table (7) Interpret correlation between teachers' nutritional knowledge , practice and physical
growth of preschool children . It was found highly statistically significant difference between
teachers 'nutritional knowledge , practices and healthy physical growth of preschool children
at P. value <0.05 .
IV. Discussion

The aim of this research was to study the effect of nutritional guideline for
kindergarten teachers on healthy physical growth of preschool children. This aim can proved
that the nutritional knowledge and practices of a kindergarten teachers will reflects positively
on healthy physical growth of the preschool children .
Children grow at a steady rate during the kindergarten and early school years.7,9 This
slower growth rate is reflected in a decrease in appetite and less interest in food. This fact
agree with research results where mean and stander deviation for physical growth of study
sample children through three months were 107.77 ± 6.70 regards pre test of nutritional
guideline compared to 108.68± 6.56 post test regarding length, 20.49±3.29

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pretest weight and 22.83±3.35 post test as well as least physical measures as Head
Circumference 50.86±1.95pretest and 51.14±1.96 post test for private and governmental
It is the fact that foods are very important to all the human to obtain good nutritional
status in all stages of the age especially the child development and growth. The teachers' food
habits affect on the children food habits in the preschool.,8,9
Nutrition is fundamental for growth and development from conception to adulthood. It
is essential for health and quality of life at every stage Many preschools do not have a well-
developed food, nutrition and physical activity program. Children at preschool age are not
responsible for their food supply and the quality of their nutrition. However, they cognitively
ready for learning about food nutrition and positive health habits.10, 11,12
The finding of the study shows that teachers has good knowledge about nutritional
reflect on child's growth and health status this finding in the same line with Tedstone al.,
(2009) who mentioned that children level of understanding was positively correlated to,
caregivers' age and level of their education about nutrition knowledge. 10
The present study show that the studied sample mean score of pretest knowledge was
1.00 ± 0.00 pre test and 2.62±0.67 post test at P.value 0.003 to private kindergarten which
was considered fair regarding preschooler’s food likes and dislike, as well as1.00±0.23 pre
test and 2.32 ± 0.55 post test at P.value 0.003 for governmental kindergarten the conditions
motivate the child for feeding and enhancing child’s vegetable preferences. These finding
was in agreement with Korwanich et al (2007) that he found the school teacher were
concerned with specific type of eaten by children. 11,12,13,14
Planned opportunities for preschool children during providing meal is very important
in learning healthy nutritional habit experiences during meal time as an good opportunity for
nutritional education in the every kindergarten day care centers, these activities must use
various method of teaching to enhance proper preschoolers learning experiences. 15,16
Several studies have shown that knowledge of nutrition has increased after nutrition
education programs for preschoolers .17, 18, 19 Man Queenie, (2008) found that preschool
children's preferences could be increased when foods were used as rewards or with non-
contingent adult attention also found that familiarity with foods was the most important factor
in food preferences of three-year-olds. 20,21,22
Easley, (2012) concluded that children’s preferences and ability to identify vegetables
was related to whether the vegetables were served frequently at home or at the day care
center. The day care center or preschool can be a critical factor in influencing children’s food
A number of strategies can be adopted to encourage good eating habits and monitor
food intake . Establish routines where the child and caregiver sit down together and talk
during meal times and snacks. Establish habits such as milk with a meal and water at bedtime
that will help ensure variety and nutritional adequacy. Keep a ‘snack-box’ in the fridge or on
the kitchen bench containing healthy snack foods such as pieces of fruit, vegetables, cheese
and small sandwiches, that the child can either use independently or have offered to them.
This helps to monitor what the child is eating between meals. Introduce the practice of having
the child at the table for meal times as soon as he or she is able to sit up and grasp foods. Do
not give the child too large a serving. It is better to offer small amounts and have more
available if they want it. Provide foods the child likes, plus a new food to try. Be accepting if
the child does not like particular foods, but remember that likes and dislikes change over
time. Do not avoid serving a food that the child dislikes but that the rest of the family likes:
continue to serve it, placing only a small amount on the child’s plate, and accept it if they do
not eat it. 24,25
V. Conclusion

It was concluded that nutritional guideline improve kindergarten teachers' knowledge

and practices where positively affect on physical growth of the preschool child as it was
prevent childhood malnutrition and promote healthy physical growth.
VI. Recommendations

1.Provide nutritional training for the teachers about good nutrition to the preschool children.
2.Provide dietary services to recognize the preschool malnutrition disease and put the
treatment healthy programs for them.
3.Apply nutritional programs to the fathers and mothers about the recommended daily
allowances and good healthy nutrition to the preschool children.
4.Preventing buy any candy foods like gas drinks or chips in the Kindergarten.
5.Making nutritional programs to the teachers about dental care in the preschool children.
6.Integrate nutritional courses to the children in the kindergarten to learning good food habits
and practices.

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