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Sistem Bilga

Disusun oleh :
Dewa Gede Sidan Magna Dinata
NRP. 04211840000011

Dosen Pengampu :
Ir. Hari Prastowo, M.Sc.
NIP. 196510301991021001
1. Sistem Bilga
Sistem bilga merupakan salah satu system di kapal yang digunakan untuk menjaga keselamatan
kapal. Fungsi utama sistem bilga adalah penguras (drainase) bila terjadi keborocan pada kapal
yang disebabkan oleh kandasnya kapal (grounded) atau tabrakan, sistem pengurasan harus dapat
dilakukan secepat mungkin dari dalam keluar kapal. Fungsi lain dari sistem bilga adalah nenguras
air yang jumlahnya relatif sedikit yang ditampung di dalam sumur bilga (bilge well). Cara kerja
sistem bilga yaitu menampung air di dalam sebuah sumur yang disebut sumur bilga (bilge well),
kemudian air tersebut dihisap oleh pompa bilga dan dibuang melaui keluar kapal melaui
overboard. Sementara air yang mengandung minyak di tampung di sebuah tangki, kemudian air
yang mengandung minyak tersebut di treatment di dalam sebuah sebuah peralatan yang disebut
oil water separator untuk mengurangi kandungan minyak di dalam air sebelum dibuang keluar
kapal melalui overboard. Air didalam kapal yang dikuras oleh sisitem bilga dapat berasal dari:
 Terjadinya tabrakan yang menyebabkan robeknya pelat.
 Pengembunan air laut pada pelat.
 Rembesan pada sambungan pelat yang disebabkan oleh penyambuangan yang kurang
baik (karena reatakan).
 Terjadinya kebocoran pada sistem perpipaan.

2. Perhitungan
Principal Dimension

Ship's Type = Oil Tanker

Length Between Perpendicular =
142.21 m
Length of Waterline (Lwl) = 147.9 m
Breadth (B) = 22.931 m
Depth (H) = 12.166 m
Draught (T) = 9.7719 m
Service Speed (Vs) = 13.5 knot
Block Coefficient (Cb) = 0.764
Midship Coefficient (Cm) = 0.988
Prismatic Coefficient (Cp) = 0.774
Displacement Volume (V disp) = 25320 m³
Displacement (∆) = 25952.70 ton
Ship Resistance (Rt) = 416.34 kN
Distance = 2294 nm
Endurance = 192 hr

A. Calculation of The Main Pipe Diameter Bilge

The diameter, d m, of the main bilge line is to be not less than required by the following
formula: (Reff: LR Part 5 Chapter 13, 5.1)

d = Internal diameter of suction line bilge
B = Breadth Moulded = 22.93 m
D = Depth to Bulkhead = 12.17 m (Main Deck)
L = For use with the Rules, L is not to be less than 96% and need not be greater than
97% of the length on the summer load line.
97% Length water line = 143.46 m

d = 1,68 x (L(B+D))^0,5 + 25 (mm)
= 1,68 x (143.46 (22.93+12.17))^0,5 + 25 (mm)
= 142.2 mm
= 5.677 inch

According to the calculation, specification of selected pipe: Carbon Steel Pipes for Ordinary
Piping by JIS Japan Sizes G3454. Specification of selected pipe:

Nominal Diameter = 150A Schedule 60

Outside Diameter = 165.2 mm
Inside Diameter = 146.6 mm
Thickness = 9.3 mm

B. Calculation of The Branch Pipe Diameter Bilge

The diameter, d b, of branch bilge suction pipes to cargo and machinery spaces is to be
not less than required by the following formula: (Reff: LR Part 5 Chapter 13, 5.2)

Bilge pump in the engine room used specifically to bilge drainage, where:

C = Length of compartment = 20.25 m

B = Breadth moulded = 22.93 m
D = Depth moulded = 7.67 m

db = 2,15 x (C(B+D))^0.5 + 25 (mm)
= 2,15 x (20.25 (22.93+7.67)^0.5 + 25 (mm)
= 78.5 mm
= 3.09 inch

According to the calculation, specification of selected pipe: Carbon Steel Pipes for Ordinary
Piping by JIS Japan Sizes G3454. Specification of selected pipe:

Nominal Diameter : 80A Schedule 20

Outside Diameter : 89.1 mm
Inside Diameter : 80.1 mm
Thickness : 4.5 mm

C. Calculation of Capacity Bilge Pump

The capacity of each bilge pumping unit or bilge pump is to be not less than required by
the following formula: (Reff: LR Part 5 Chapter 13, 6.3)
dm = Rule internal diameter of main bilge line, in mm
Q = capacity, in m3 /hour.

Q = 5,75 x d^2 x 10^-3
= 5,75 x (146.6)^2 x 10^-3
= 123.58 m3/h
= 0.034 m3/s

Then, calculate velocity of fluid inside the pipe suction

Q = VxA m3/s
V = Q/A m/s
= 2.03467799 m/s

Value taken is 2 m/s

This value is in accordance with the regulations of Lloyd's Register. So, from the result of
capacity of pump, specification of pump could be determined later.

D. Calculation of System for Determining Pump Specification

Planning Bilge Well Dimension based on MEPC 54/21 ANNEX 17 - 8.4:
Min. Volume = 20 x D x P / 10^6
Where : D= Endurance
P= M/E power

Min. Volume = 20 x D x p / 10^6

= 20 x 8 x 6100 / 10^6
= 0.98 m³

Length x Height x Width = 0.75m x 0.70m x 1m

So, volume is: 0.53 m3 and will be fitted: 18 bilge well
Total volume of bilge well: 9.45 m3

E. Calculation Head of Bilge Pump

1. Calculation Instalation in E/R

Head Total = Hs + HP + HV + Total Head loss
(Pompa dan Kompresor Ir.Sularso, MSME, Page 28)

Hs = Distance from suction well to overboard
= T + 0.75 m
= 12.92 m

Hp = The difference of pressure in suction side and discharge side

= (P disc - P suc) / ρg
= (1 atm - 1 atm)/ 1,025 x 9,81
(Because the pressure on th both side is same, so the value of Hp = 0)
Hv = The difference of flow velocity on suction side and discharge side
= (V2disch - V2suct) / 2g
(Because flow velocity in suction and discharge have same value)

2. Calculation of Head Losses in Suction Line

Friction losses (Pompa dan Kompresor Ir.Sularso,MSME, Page 28)

Rn = (D x V) / v

D = Inside diameter main pipe = 0.147 m
V = flow velocity = 2.035 m/s
v = Coefficient viscositas kinematic = 1,0029 x 10^-6

Rn = (D x V) / v
= (0,146.6 x 2,003)/0,0000010029
= 297421.2717 = Turbulent
if Rn > 2300, "turbulent"
if Rn < 2300, "laminer"

Friction losses = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g) (Pompa dan Kompresor Ir.Sularso,MSME, Page 28)

λ = 0,02+0,0005/dm
= (0,02 + 0,0005)/ 0,085
= 0.023410641
L = Length of Suction Side
= 99 m
D = dm
= 146.6 mm

 Friction losses (Hf) = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g)

= 0,024 x 99 x 2,0035^2 / (146.6 x 2 x 9,81)
= 3.34 m
 Fitting losses (Hm)
Head because fitting and valve in suction line

No Accesoris n k nxk
1 Butterfly valve 1 0.77 0.77
2 Elbow 90ᵒ 5 0.51 2.55
3 SDNRV remotely 12 0.94 11.3
4 Bulkhead Fitting Watertight 12 0.02 0.24
5 Bellmounted pipe end 12 0.78 9.36
6 Strainer 12 2 24
7 T Joint 1 0.3 0.3
Σnxk 48.5
Fitting losses = (Σ n.k) x v² /2g
= 48.5 x 2,003^2 / 2 x 9,81
= 10.23 m

Head loss in suction line = Friction head loss + Fitting head loss
= 3.34 m + 10.23 m
= 13.57 m

3. Calculation of Head Losses in Discharge Line

Friction losses = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g) (Pompa dan Kompresor Ir.Sularso,MSME, Page 28)

λ = 0,02+0,0005/dm
= (0,02 + 0,0005)/ 0,085
= 0.0234
L = Length of Discharge Side
= 7.67 m
D = dm
= 146.6 mm

 Friction losses (Hf) = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g)

= 0,024 x 7.67 x 2,0035^2 / (146.6 x 2 x 9,81)
= 0.26 m
 Fitting losses (Hm)
Head because fitting and valve in suction line

No Accesoris n k nxk
1 Elbow 90o 2 0.51 1.02
2 Butterfly Valve 2 0.77 1.54
3 NRV 1 0.9 0.9
4 T joint 1 0.34 0.34
5 Bellmounted Pipe End 0 0.78 0
6 Bulkhead Fitting Watertight 0 0.02 0
7 Strainer 0 2 0
Σnxk 3.8

Fitting losses = (Σ n.k) x v² /2g

= 3.8 x 2,003^2 / 2 x 9,81
= 0.80 m

Head loss in discharge line = Friction head loss + Fitting head loss
= 0.26 m + 0.8 m
= 1.06 m
So, Head loss total is:
Head loss total = Head loss suction + Head loss discharge
= 13.57 + 1.06
= 14.63 m
HEAD TOTAL = Hs + Hp + Hv + Σ head losses (suction and discharge)
= 12.92 + 0 + 0 + 14.63
= 27.55 m

F. Bilge Pump Specification

Minimum requirement of pump

Capacity (Q) = 123.58 m3/h

= 2.060 m3/min
Head = 27.55 m

 Bilge Main Pump

Maker : SILI
Type of Pump : 125CLZ-16.5A
Q (m3/h) : 150 m3/h
H (m) : 28 m
Rotation : 2900 Rpm
NPSHr : 5.2 m

 Bilge Main Pump's Electric motor

Power = 30 kW
Voltage (Volt) = 380 Volt
Freq (Hz) = 50 Hz

3. Spesification

a. Specification of Bilge Pipe

Main Bilge Pipe

Type JIS G3452
Nominal Size 150A
Outside Diameter 165.2 mm
Thickness 146.6 mm
Inside Diameter 9.3 mm

Branch Bilge Pipe

Type JIS G3452
Nominal Size 80A
Outside Diameter 89.1 mm
Thickness 80.1 mm
Inside Diameter 4.5 mm
= Main Bilge Pipe = Branch Bilge Pipe

b. Specification of Bilge Main Pump

c. Specification of Bilge Main Pump Electric motor

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