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Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X5 Kavling No. 4-9, Jakarta 12950
Telepon: (021) 5201590 (Hunting)

Nomor : KS.02.01/1.1/ 395 /2021 16 Februari 2021

Lampiran : Satu berkas
Hal : Peningkatan Akses Layanan Kesehatan Dasar melalui Kerja Sama Telemedicine
dalam rangka Penguatan Puskesmas

1. Direktur Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer, Ditjen Yankes
2. Direktur Pelayanan Kesehatan Rujukan, Ditjen Yankes
3. Kepala Biro Kerja Sama Daerah, Pemprov DKI Jakarta
4. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota
5. Direktur Utama PT Hospi Niaga Utama

Menindaklanjuti Forum Bisnis Kesehatan Indonesia-Iran tanggal 14-17 Desember

2020, bersama ini dengan hormat disampaikan usulan kerja sama telemedicine. Dengan
majunya teknologi telemedicine yang dimiliki Iran, Indonesia dapat mengambil manfaat
untuk meningkatkan layanan kesehatan dasar di Puskemas yang terintegrasi dengan
Rumah Sakit Vertikal Kemenkes di Indonesia.

Adapun usulan kerja sama yang ditawarkan oleh pihak Iran, adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Pilot Project of Telemedicine implementation in Indonesia (10 telemedicine
devices/system installed in primary healthcare facilities be connected with appointed
MOH referral hospital).
2. Establish and develop a telemedicine network between Primary Healthcare Services and
Referral Health Services.
3. Conduct technical workshop to launch a telemedicine integrated system in practice.
4. B to B: joint venture and transfer technology to local manufacturing the system/the

Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akses layanan kesehatan dasar di

Puskesmas di daerah terpencil guna penguatan sistem kesehatan dasar yang
mengurangi beban biaya rujukan di Rumah Sakit sekaligus mengambil peluang kerja
sama transfer teknologi guna memproduksi alkes telemedicine di Indonesia oleh
industri dalam negeri. Dalam kaitan ini, Pemerintah Iran menyampaikan penawaran kerja
sama untuk Pilot Project Telemedicine System and Technology dengan pembiayaan dari
Pemerintah Iran.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kiranya penawaran kerja sama dimaksud dapat
dipertimbangkan secara positif. Sekiranya diperlukan koordinasi lebih lanjut, kami
menugaskan Sdri. Devi Senja Ariani, yang dapat dihubungi melalui WhatsApp 0821-3857-
5687 dan email:

Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerja samanya, diucapkan terima kasih.

Kepala Biro Kerja Sama Luar Negeri,

Andreano Erwin
NIP 196901141996031002
1. Wakil Menteri Kesehatan
2. Sekretaris Jenderal
3. Direktur Jenderal Pelayanan Kesehatan
4. Staf Ahli Menteri Bidang Teknologi Kesehatan dan Globalisasi
5. Staf Khusus Menteri Bidang Ketahanan Industri Obat dan Alat Kesehatan
6. Staf Khusus Menteri Bidang Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat




Telehealth continues to grow at an accelerated rate around the world. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of
14.9% over the forecast period 2019 to 2026 as more hospitals and healthcare facilities bring this technology online. If
we have a close look to the current pandemic which is spread all over the world and difficulties and risks that it brought
to our lives, we can understand how telemedicine can be helpful now and in the future. Technology is growing day after
day and we get use to cope with new conditions. Telemedicine is also one of the future elements which Medi-Tech
Company has brought it in real life to make the world a better place to live.


1. Value for PATIENTS

a. Travel to distant specialists is not necessary when
telehealth is used. That means patients can save the
cost of travel and avoid risks of intercity commuting.

b. Hospitalized patients whose care is supervised by a

specialist via telehealth have the advantage of staying
in their home in situations like current pandemic.
Studies have shown that recovery is faster when
patients are close to home.

c. Patients don’t need to take whole days off work to see

a specialist or to take their children to the doctor.

d. Patients can receive care rather than foregoing

treatment to save time and money


a. “Circuit-riding” specialists who start providing care through

telehealth can save a lot of “windshield time,” converting the
hours spent traveling to hours spent seeing patients

b. Practitioners can become more efficient by seeing distant patients

c. Medical care providers can serve more patients, thus easing provider shortages

d. Rural care providers can receive continuing education with telehealth connections, avoiding travel
time and out-of-practice time

e. Quicker access to specialty providers for consultations



More revenue from

patients kept local and
managed by a distant
3. Value for EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT specialist

More control over what

services are offered and Better image in the
a transparent cost community because of
controlling possibility expanded services

Telemedicine, A
wonderful way to make
Number One Care Centers! Staff can receive training Administrators can save
over telehealth travel time and funds by
connections, reducing attending meetings over
the need for travel telehealth

4. Value for People in REMOTE AREAS

1. More specialty care available locally

2. Money spent for health care in the

community cycles through community

3. With increased availability of care,

district communities become more
attractive to businesses looking to
relocate, avoiding rural depopulation 6



Improving health level in countries and reducing financial

burdens of people who need special care

Transparent controlling of services

No need large amount of budgets for constructing


Patients may receive care sooner, avoiding escalation of

illness, thereby saving costs in the long run

INTEGRATED Patient Management

1. Integrated medical equipment by having special connections
protocols will make health professionals able to exchange
information no matter what kind of device it is.
2. Telemedicine A15 sends vital signs of a patient in ambulance
that is on the way to the hospital. Emergency department
doctor is completely aware of patient’s condition with the
help of Telemedicine A15, so everything is well prepared.
3. If the patient has cardiac problems the Cath lab is ready for
the patient and patient monitor has all primary information
about patient to ease the procedures in operation.
4. Defibrillator is synchronized with both devices and contains
needed information of patient for better and better
5. Surgical lights, laparoscopy systems, neurological equipment,
patient monitors, operating room smart equipment all follow
the same protocols and are integrated.
6. The Future of patient management is to bring ONE SMART


2 1

3 9



1. An electronic health
record (EHR) is the
systematized collection of
patient and population
electronically-stored health
information in a digital format.
2. These records can be shared
across different health
care settings.
3. Records are shared through
network-connected, enterprise-
wide information systems or
other information networks
and exchanges.
4. EHRs may include a range of
data, including demographics,
medical history, medication and
allergies, immunization status,
laboratory test results,
radiology images, vital signs, Your EHR Database
personal statistics like age and
weight, and billing information.

ü Providing accurate, up-to-date, and complete information about patients at the point of care
ü Enabling quick access to patient records for more coordinated, efficient care
ü Securely sharing electronic information with patients and other clinicians
ü Helping physicians more effectively diagnose patients, reduce medical errors and provide safer care
ü Improving patient and physician interaction and communication, as well as health care convenience
ü Enabling safer, more reliable prescribing
ü Helping promote legible, complete documentation and accurate, streamlined coding and billing
ü Enhancing privacy and security of patient data
ü Helping physicians improve productivity and work-life balance
ü Enabling physicians to improve efficiency and meet their business goals
ü Reducing costs through and increase service quality through decreased paperwork, improved safety,
reduced duplication of testing, and improved health. 12


1. Pilot Project of Telemedicine implementation in Indonesia (free
telemedicine devices/system installed in 10 primary healthcare
facilities be connected to appointed MOH refferal hospital).
2. Establish and develop a telemedicine network between Primary
Healthcare Services and Refferal Health Services.
3. Conduct technical workshop to launch a telemedicine integrated
system in practice.
4. B to B: transfer technology to local manufacturing the system/the


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