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Nama : Nuning Budiyanti

NIM : 2021209
Jurusan : S1 Keperawatan
Kelas : Puskesmas Pekanbaru

A. Vocabulary
1. Cruthes : kruk
2. Walking sticks : tongkat jalan
3. Walking frame : bingkai berjalan / alat bantu untuk berjalan
4. Mongkey pole : Alat bantu berbentuk segitiga yang digantung di ranjang rumah sakit
yang memiliki dua pegangan seperti trapeze yang digunakan untuk rehabilitasi dan
membantu seseorang bangun dari tempat tidur.
5. Rope ladder : alat bantu tali tempat yang berguna untuk membantu pasienberbaring
di tempat tidur dan menarik diri ke posisi tegak tanpa membutuhkan bantuan
6. Wheel chair : kursi roda
7. Commode chair : kursi toilet
8. Handles : alat bantu okupasi dan fisik untuk membantu merehabilitasi tangan, jari
dan pergelangan tangan
9. Slide Sheet : alat bantu untuk memindahkan pasien dari dan ke tempat tidur

B. Sentences
1. Cruthes are used to help the patient walk
2. Walking stick is a device to aid walking, provide postural stability or assit on
maintaining a good posture
3. Walking frame aid people when they’re walking around both indoors and outdoors
4. Mongkey pole is a triangular assistive device hung on o hospital bed that are used
for rehabilitation and to help a person get out from of bed
5. Rope ladder is ideal for maintaining independence and enabling patient to sit up and
lie down in bed without assistance
6. A wheel chair is a tool used by people who have difficulty walking on their sheet
7. Handles theraphy exercise is combining occupational and physical therapy to help
rehabilitate the hands, fingers and wrist disorder
8. Commode chair can be used for toilet seat defecate, urinate and shower chair
9. Slide sheet are widely used to assist with the movement and transfer of patient
A. Vocabulary
1. Hemisphere : belahan otak
2. Carotid artery : arteri carotis / sepasang pembuluh darah yang terletak di bagian
dalam leher yang mengantarkan darah ke otak dan kepala
3. Circle of willis : lingkaran anastomosis berbentuk cincin yang terletak di fossa
ossa interpeduncularis basis cranii yang berfungsi untuk mendistribusikan darah
yang masuk melalui arteri karotis interna dan arteri karotis vertebralis ke setiap
bagian dari kedua hemispherium cerebri.
4. Ischaemia : kekurangan suplai darah ke jaringan atau organ tubuh karena
permasalahan pada pembuluh darah
5. CVA / Cerebro Vascular Attack : terputusnya pasokan aliran darah ke otak akibat
penyumbatan atau pecahnya pembuluh darah, sehingga terjadi kematian sel-sel
pada Sebagian area di otak
6. Ischemic Stroke : aliran darah ke oatk tersumbat oleh bekuan darah
7. Haemoragic stroke : pembuluh darah yang lemah, pecah dan berdarah ke dalam
8. Hemiparesis : kondisi Ketika salah satu sisi tubuh dari kepala hingga kaki
mengalami kelemahan sehingga sulit digerakkan.
9. Hemiplegia : kelumpuhan yang terjadi pada salah satu sisi tubuh
10. Hemianopia : kehilangan penglihatan pada satu sisi lapang pandang
11. Aphasia : gangguan berkomunikasi yang disebabkan oleh kerusakan pada otak
12. Dysphasia : gangguan perkembangan bahasa yang tidak sesuai dengan
perkembangan kemampuan anak seharusnya.
13. Dysphagia : kesulitan menelan
14. Dysartria : kelainan system syaraf sehingga mempengaruhi otot yang berfungsi
untuk bicara
15. Emotinal lability : keadaan emosional yang tidak terkendali
16. Mechanical transferring aids : alat bantu mekanik untuk memindahkan pasien
17. Parenteral : metode pemberian nutrisi, obat dan cairan melalui pembuluh darah
18. Continent : mampu mengontrol pergerakan usus dan kandung kemih
19. Commode : kursi pispot / alat bantu untuk urinasi dan defekasi
20. Defecation : buang air besar
21. Incontinent : ketidakmampuan mengontrol pergerakan usus dan kandung kemih
22. Urination : proses pengosongan kandung kemih

B. Example of sentences
1. The vertebrate brain is formed by two cerebral hemispheres that are separated
by a groove, the longitudinal fissure
2. The external carotid artery has eight branches
3. The main cerebral distribution center for blood flow is the circle of Willis 
4. Ischaemia is a restriction in blood supply to tissues, causing a shortage of
oxygen that is needed for cellular metabolism
5. CVA (Cerebro Vascular Attack) is a loss of blood flow to part of the brain, which
damages brain tissue
6. Ischemic stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked by a blood clot
7. Hemiparesis is a condition when one side of the body, from head to toe, is weak,
making it difficult to move
8. Hemiplegia is a condition of paralysis or loss of the ability to move muscles that
occurs on one side of the body
9. Hemianopia refers to a vision problem due to brain damage
10. Aphasia is an inability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage
to specific brain regions
11. People with dysphasia often have difficulty with verbal communication
12. Dysphagia is the medical term for having difficulty swallowing
13. Dysarthria often causes slurred or slow speech that can be difficult to
14. Emotional lability is a neurological condition that causes uncontrollable laughing
or crying, often at inappropriate times
15. Depending on the risk assessment, the healthcare worker may choose to use
a mechanical transferring aids to assist with transferring a patient
16. Parenteral nutrition is a form of intravenous nutrition to meet nutritional and
calorie needs for patients who are unable to receive food through the
gastrointestinal tract.
17. continent are condition wich able to control urination and defecation
18. Commode is a movable washstand with a cupboard underneath.
19. Defecation is the final act of digestion, by which organisms eliminate solid,
semisolid, or liquid waste material from the digestive tract via the anus
20. Urinary incontinence is a condition when a person has difficulty holding urine,
resulting in bed-wetting
21. Urination is the release of urine from the urinary bladder through the urethra to
the outside of the body. 

C. Match the job titles with the job descriptions

1. C
2. I
3. F
4. A
5. G
6. D
7. J
8. B
9. E
10. H

D. Complete the text using the word in the box

1. Hosptalized
2. Urinary retention
3. Bacteria
4. Catheterisation
5. Voiding
6. Discharged
7. Clamp

E. Answer the following questions

1. Why did the nurse phone the doctor ?
Answer : to ask about the medication order, check Mrs. Lim’s furosemide order
2. What was the problem ?
Answer : dr. Khalil wasn’t write the new dose of furosemide, also the order hasn’t
been signed and ther’s no frequency of dose written in either
3. Why was the nurse’s response to the problem corret ?
Answer : because the nurse’s will not allowed to give the medication unless the
order is correct and to avoid medication error

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