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1 Mariani 170102030046 Tadrish Bahasa Inggris


Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2



Alamat : Jl. A. Ahmad Yani Km. 4,5 Telp. (0511) 253939 Fax. 3274492 Banjarmasin 70235


Laporan : PPL II
Tempat : MA. Nahdlatussalam
Semester : Ganjil TA 2020-2021
Oleh : Kelompok XL


1 Mariani 170102030046 Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Setelah diteliti dan diadakan perbaikan seperlunya, maka saya dapat

menyetujuinya dan dapat digandakan sesuai keperluan.
Banjarmasin, 14 September 2020
Tim Pengelola PPL II
Ketua, Koordinator Supervisor,

Dra. Hj. Shafiah, M.Pd.I …………………………

NIP. 195807011987031001 NIP.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2


Alamat : Jl. A. Ahmad Yani Km. 4,5 Telp. (0511) 253939 Fax. 3274492 Banjarmasin 70235

Laporan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) II di MA. Nahdlatussalam Anjir
Serapat, Mahasiswa Strata Satu (S1) Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN
Antasari Banjarmasin pada Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2020/2021oleh
KELOMPOK XL, telah didiskusikan pada:
Hari : .......................................................................................

Tanggal : .......................................................................................

Tempat : .......................................................................................

dan dinyatakan dapat diterima sebagai laporan Praktik pengalaman Lapangan

(PPL) II pada Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2020/2021.

Ketua, Sekretaris,

Dra. Hj. Shafiah, M.Pd.I Siti Shalihah, S.Pd, MS

NIP. 197504112000032002 NIP. 196502191992032002

Hj. Nani Hizriani, MA

NIP. 19771127200312 2001

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Segala puji bagi Allah SWT, karena berkat limpahan rahmat dan
karuniaNya penulis akhirnya dapat melaksanakan kegiatan dan menyelesaikan
laporan hasil kegiatan Praktik Pengelaman Lapangan (PPL) II ini.

Shalawat dan salam semoga selalu tercurahkan kepda baginda Nabi kita
Muhammad SAW, yang telah membawa kita dari zaman kegelapan menuju jalan
yang terang benderang yang bercahayakan Iman, Islam dan Ihsan.

Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan I ini antara lain:

1. Melatih mahasiswa praktikan dalam melaksanakan praktik mengajar, baik

itu menyangkut cara pemilihan dan penyampaian materi, maupun
penggunaan metode belajar mengajar yang tepat.

2. Melatih mahasiswa praktikan dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran.

3. Menjadikan kegiatan ini sebagai modal dasar untuk bisa menjadi guru yang
baik dan benar dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran nantinya.

4. Untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa praktikan sebagai calon seorang pengajar

di masa mendatang.

Kegiatan PPL II ini dilaksanakan di daerah terdekat masing-masing.

Kegiatan ini dimulai pada tanggal 13 Juli 2020 sampai dengan 28 Agustus

Selesainya penulisan laporan ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari bantuan,

saran dan bimbingan dari berbagai pihak, dalam kesempatan ini penulis
mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada:

1. Allah SWT , sahabat dan keluarga.

2. Ibu Nani Hizriani, MA. selaku supervisor kelompok 40.

3. Bapak Marjani Arianto, S. Pd.I selaku guru pamong.

4. Kepala sekolah, dewan guru serta seluruh staff MA. Nahdlatussalam.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

5. Tim pengelola PPL Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Antasari

6. semua teman-teman yang berpartisipasi dalam pelaksanaaan PPL II
khususnya kelompok 40.
Pada akhirnya, kritik dan saran yang sifatnya membangun akan selalu
penulis nantikan dari siapapun khususnya kepada para pembaca. Apabila dalam
pembuatan laporan kegiatan PPL II ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna dan tidak
sesuai sebagaimana laporan mestinya, karena pepatah lama mengatakan “Tak
ada Gading yang Tak Retak”.

Lebih dan kurangnya penulis mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya. dan

semoga laporan ini dapat bermamfaat bagi kita semua, khususnya bagi penulis,


Banjarmasin, September 2020



Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2


HALAMAN JUDUL ...................................................................................... i

TANDA PERSETUJUAN ............................................................................. ii
TANDA PENGESAHAN ............................................................................... iii
KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................... iv
DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................... vi

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ........................................................................ 1

A. Latar Belakang ............................................................................. 1
B. Tujuan dan Manfaat .................................................................... 2
C. Waktu Pelaksanaan ....................................................................... 2
D. Sistematika Laporan ...................................................................... 3


A. Hasil Observasi ............................................................................. 4
B. Kegiatan Administrasi ................................................................... 10

BAB III KEGIATAN PRAKTIK MENGAJAR ......................................... 15

A. Pelaksanaan Latihan Praktik Mengajar .......................................... 15
B. Pelaksanaan Ujian Praktik Mengajar ............................................. 16


A. Masalah dan Solusis yang telah dilakukan .................................... 18
B. Peran Guru Pamong dan Supervisor .............................................. 19
C. Komentar Terhadap Kegiatan PPL II ............................................ 19

BAB V PENUTUP ......................................................................................... 21

A. Kesimpulan .................................................................................... 21
B. Saran-saran ..................................................................................... 21

LAMPIRAN-LAMPIRAN ............................................................................ 23

A. Latar Belakang
Salah satu kebutuhan manusia adalah pendidikan. Pendidikan
merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang sangat penting dan sangat mendasar
bagi kehidupan manusia. Karenahanya dengan pendidikanlah manusia
dapat menghadapi tantangan dalam kehidupannya serta pendidikan
merupakan wadah untuk menuntut ilmu.
Pendidikan tidak hanya diperlukan dan bermanfaatbagi orang perorang
secara individu.Tetapi ia memiliki implikasi terhadap masyarakat, bangsa,
dan negara. Salah satu komponen dari pendidikan adalah tenaga pengajar.
Oleh karena itu pengadaan tenaga pendidikan yang berkompeten
merupakan hal yang penting. Kemampuan guru sebagai tenaga
kependidikan akan berimplikasi kepadahasil yang dicapai dari suatu proses
pendidikan. Karena pada dasarnya guru sebagai tenaga kependidikan
merupakan tenaga lapangan yang langsung melaksanakan kependidikan.
Karena itu ilmu pendidikan sangat penting dan merupakan ilmu yang
dapat mempersiapkan tenaga kependidikan yang profesional, sebab
kemampuan profesional dalam pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar
merupakan syarat utama tercapainya tujuan pendidikan. Ilmu pendidikan
merupakan salah satu bidang pengajaran yang harus ditempuh dalam rangka
mempersiapkan tenaga guru dan tenaga ahli kependidikan lainnya yang
Seorang guru memerlukan pengetahuan tentang ilmu kependidikan.
Dalam hal ini Fakultas Tarbiyah merupakan salah satu Fakultas yang akan
mencetak calon-calon pendidik dan pengajar yang profesional. Upaya yang
dilakukan adalah dengan pelaksanaan PPL II (Praktik Pengalaman
Lapangan II) yang juga merupakan bagian integral dalam kurikulum. Selain
itu, PPL II juga diharapkan memberikan bimbingan dan merupakan langkah
awal Praktik mengajar yang sebenarnya dimasyarakat nantinya.
Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

B. Tujuan dan Manfaat PPL II

Adapun yang menjadi tujuan Praktik pengalaman lapangan (PPL) II
ini secara garis besar antara lain agar mahasiswa:
1. Mendapatkan bekal berupa pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang
berharga untuk dijadikan langkah awal keterampilan dalam
2. Mendapatkan keterampilan dasar dan kemudian mengembangkan
keterampilan tersebut dalam proses belajar mengajar.
3. Mendapatkan bekal praktikan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan Praktik
mengajar yang sesungguhnya kelak.
4. Siap, terlatih, handal, dan profesional sesuai dengan bidangnya
sehingga tujuan yang diharapkan dapat tercapai secara efektif dan

Manfaat Praktik pengalaman lapangan (PPL) II adalah praktikan

memiliki seperangkat pengetahuan, pengalaman dan keterampilan sikap
dan tingkah laku yang diperlukan bagi profesinya serta mampu dan tepat
menerapkannya di dalam maupun diluar sekolah.
C. Waktu Pelaksanaan PPL II
Pelaksanaan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL II) dimulai dengan
sosialisasi teknis PPL II yang di sampaikan oleh supervisor secara online
melalui WhatsApp grup pada tanggal 06-10 Juli 2020. Sebelumnya tim PPL
juga telah menetapkan supervisor untuk setiap peserta yang nantinya diberi
tugas untuk membimbing praktikan sesuai dengan kelompoknya
masingmasing. Setelah pelaksanaan sosialisasi teknis PPL II tersebut,
diadakanlah pertemuan dengan pihak sekolah terdekat untuk meminta izin
melaksanakan PPL II di sekolah tersebut. Pertemuan dengan guru pamong
dimulai pada hari jumat, 17 Juli 2020 di sekolah MA. Nahdlatussalam
Anjir Serapat Tengah. Praktik mengajar berlangsung dari tanggal 21 Juli
sampai 25 Agustus 2020.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Dalam kegiatan PPL II ini mahasiswa praktikan terlebih dahulu

berkonsultasi dengan guru pamong terkait materi yang akan di ajarkan.
Mahasiswa praktikan melakukan praktik mengajar sebanyak 6 kali, terdiri
dari 4 kali latihan, 1 kali middle dan 1 kali final. Mahasiswa juga membuat
rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) setiap kali melakukan praktik
Adapun praktik mengajar pada kegiatan PPL II kali ini dilaksanakan
secara online melalui grup WhatsApp, tepatnya pada hari Selasa, 21 Juli
2020 di sekolah MA. Nahdlatussalam. Praktikan dibimbing serta diarahkan
untuk bisa menguasai berbagai macam keterampilan dasar mengajar beserta
penggunaan media dan metode yang tepat di setiap pembelajaran.
Kegiatan PPL II ini selesai pada hari Selasa, 25 Agustus 2020. Setelah
kegiatan praktik selesai, mahasiswa praktikan diharuskan membuat laporan
hasil kegiatan PPL II dengan sistematika yang telah ditentukan dan
diberikan oleh tim PPL II Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan serta di serahkan
paling lambat tanggal 15 September 2020.
D. Sistematika Penulisan
Adapun sistematika laporan praktik mengajar yang telah di bakukan
oleh Tim PPL II yaitu:
1. BAB I pendahuluan yang memuat latar belakang, tujuan dan manfaat, waktu
pelaksanaan dan sistematika laporan.
2. Bab II kegiatan observasi dan administrasi yang meliputi hasil observasi,
dan kegiatan administrasi.
3. BAB III kegiatan praktik mengajar yang meliputi pelaksanaan latihan
praktik mengajar, dan pelaksanaan ujian praktik mengajar.
4. BAB IV masalah, peran guru pamong dan supervisor yang meliputi
masalah, peran guru pamong dan supervisor, serta komentar terhadap
kegiatan PPL II.
5. Bab V penutup yang meliputi kesimpulan, dan juga saran-saran.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Gambaran Umum tentang MA. Nahdlatussalam
A. Hasil Observasi
1. Identitas Sekolah
a. Nama Sekolah : MA. Nahdlatussalam
b. Nama Kepala Madrasah : KH. Ahmad Fauzi
c. Telpon/Hp : 081351537378
d. Alamat : Jl. Trans Kalimantan KM. 11
1) Desa : Anjir Serapat Tengah
2) Kecamatan : Kapuas Timur
3) Kabupaten : Kapuas
4) Provinsi : Kalimantan Tengah
e. Akreditasi :B
f. NSM : 131262030012
g. NPSN : 30208943
h. SK Pendirian Sekolah : 3529/Kw.15.2/2-e/PP.00.6/08/2016
i. Tanggal SK Pendirian : 24-10-2016
j. Tanggal, Bulan, Tahun Berdiri: 15 Juli 1984
k. Kepemilikan Tanah : Yayasan
l. Luas Tanah : 3400 m2
m. Data Peserta Didik
Pelajaran A B C D E F A B C D E F A B C D E F
2020/2021 47 47 46 49 49 48 42 42 41 40 38 39 46 44 42 36 34 34
Jml siswa 764
Kelas 18
Ket A-C = Kelas Puteri, D-F = Kelas Putera

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

n. Data Sarana dan Prasarana

No Jenis Sarana & Jumlah Keadaan
1 Ruang Kantor 1 Baik
2 Ruang Kepala Sekolah 1 Baik
3 Ruang TU 1 Baik
4 Ruang Kelas 18 Baik
5 Ruang Komputer 1 Baik
6 Aula 1 Baik
7 Musholla 1 Baik
8 Toilet Guru 2 Baik
9 Toilet Siswa 8 5 baik/3

1) Ruang Kantor
No Jenis Barang Jumlah Keadaan
1 Meja 6 Baik
2 Kursi 17 Baik
3 Lemari 6 Baik
4 Kipas Angin 3 Baik
5 Rak Buku 1 Baik
6 Absen Kelas 18 Baik
7 Daftar Keadaan Guru 1 Baik
8 Daftar Keadaan Siswa 1 Baik
9 Statistik Madrasah 1 Baik
10 Papan Pengumuman 2 Baik
11 Struktur Organisasi 1 Baik
12 Buku Tamu 1 Baik
13 Absen Guru 1 Baik
14 Tata Tertib Guru 1 Baik
15 Tata Tertib Siswa 1 Baik
16 Tempat Sampah 2 Baik
17 Toilet Guru 2 Baik
18 Denah Sekolah 1 Baik
19 Gambar Pancasila 1 Baik
20 Gambar Presiden 1 Baik
21 Gambar Semua Kepala Sekolah 1 Baik
22 Gambar Semua Guru 1 Baik
23 Jam 2 Baik
24 Tap recorder 1 Baik
25 Lcd 3 Baik
26 Speaker nonaktif 8 Baik
27 Speaker akti f 7 Baik

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

28 Mic 2 Baik

2) Ruang Kepala Sekolah

No Jenis Barang Jumlah Keadaan
1 Meja 1 Baik
2 Kursi 2 Baik
3 Sofa 2 Baik
4 Lemari Arsip 2 Baik
5 Rak Buku 1 Baik
6 Tempat Sampah 1 Baik

3) Ruang TU
No Jenis Barang Jumlah Keadaan
1 Meja TU 1 Baik
2 Kursi 3 Baik
3 Lemari Arsip 1 Baik
5 Rak Buku 1 Baik
6 Printer 1 Baik
7 Komputer 2 Baik
8 Tempat Sampah 1 Baik

4) Kelas
No. Jenis Barang Jumlah Keadaan
1 Meja 382 Baik
2 Kursi 764 Baik
3 Meja Guru 18 Baik
4 Kursi Guru 18 Baik
5 Papan Tulis 18 Baik
11 Struktur Kelas 18 Baik
12 Tempat sampah 18 Baik

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

5) Ruang Komputer
No Barang Jumlah Keadaan
1 Meja 70 Baik
2 Kursi 70 Baik
3 Komputer 40 Baik
4 Laptop 30 Baik
5 Printer 3 Rusak
6) Aula
No Barang Jumlah Keadaan
1 Karpet 5 Baik
2 Lemari 1 Baik
3 Kipas angin 3 Baik

o. Data Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan

No Keterangan Jumlah
1 Guru PNS 6
2 Guru Honorer 22
3 Operator Madrasah 2
4 TU 1

p. Visi Misi
Adapun visi dari Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatussalam Anjir
Serapat km.11 adalah sebagai berikut:
1) Terwujudnya Pendidikan Yang Berkualitas, Berdaya Saing,
Kuat Kedudukannya Dalam Sisitem Pendidikan Nasional
2) Menjadikan Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatussalam Unggulan Di
Masyarakat Dalam Rangka Pembentukan Watak Dan
Kepribadian Yang Agamis
3) Meningkatkan Kemampauan Dalam Penguasaan Ilmu
Pengetahuan Dan Ahli Teknologi Yang Berwawasan

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Sedangkan misi dari Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatussalam Anjir

Serapat km 11 adalah sebagai berikut:
1) Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Keagamaan Melalui
Pengembangan Sistem Pembelajaran Serta Peningkatan Sumber
Daya Pendidikan Secara Kuantitatif Dan Kualitataif
2) Meningkatkan Kemampuan Sekolah Dalam Pelakasanaan
Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran Melalui Sistem Pembelajaran
3) Memeperkuat Kerjasama Dalam Upaya Pemberdayaan Sekolah
Dan Mendorong Sekolah Agar Lebih Mampu
Mengaktualisasikan Potensi Yang Dimiliki Secara Optimal
4) Mengupayakan Pemberdayaan Siswa Melalui Pengembangan
Bakat Dan Minat Serta Meningkatkan Efektifitas Dan Efesiensi
Organisasi Siswa
q. Kurikulum
Kurikulum yang digunakan sesuai dengan program
pemerintah yaitu kurikulum 2013 dan lokal. (struktur kurikulum
r. Keadaan Siswa
Jumlah peserta didik di Sekolah MA. Nahdlatussalam setiap
tahunnya cenderung meningkat.
s. Keadaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan

Data Tenaga Pendidik & Kependidikan

MA. Nahdlatussalam Anjir Serapat Tengah KM.11
Kec. Kapuas Timur Kab. Kapuas

No Nama Jabatan Tugas Status Lahir Telp

1. KH. Ahmad Kepsek - Non PNS Anjir 081351537378
Fauzi, S.Pd (2004- Serapat,11/03/1960

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

2. Yamani, Wakamad Sejarah & PNS Anjir Serapat, 05- 085251748351

S.Pd.I Kurikulum Akidah 03-1964
(Wali Kelas Akhlak
X A)
3. Pahlianor, Wakamad Penjaskes & Non PNS Bahaur, 02-02- 081521983926
S.Pd.I Kesiswaan Seni 1984
(Wali Kelas Budaya
X D)
4. Fakhrurrazi Wakamad Hadits & Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 06- 082350532872
Sarana Fiqih 09-1962
(Wali Kelas
5. H. Jayadi, Wakamad Sosiologi Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 17- 085348041292
S.Pd.I Humas 11-1968
(Wali Kelas
6. H. Zainal Bendahara Fiqih & Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 06- 085248566419
Arifin, S.Pd (Wali Kelas Ushul Fiqih 12-1958
7. Syamsuddin, Tata Usaha Balaghah & Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 25- 085249867435
S.Pd.I (Wali Kelas Sharaf 09-1970
8. KH. Wali Kelas Tafsir Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 09- -
Abdussamad XII A 01-1949
9. H. Wali Kelas Mantiq & Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 02- -
Mahmuddin XI F Ushul Tafsir 06-1957
10. KH. Suryani, Guru Hadits Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 11- 085388466669
M.Pd 11-1962
11. Mardan, Guru Tauhid Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 05- -
S.Pd. 03-1961
12. Abdul Malik, OM Quran Non PNS Banjarmasin, 19- 085248302897
S.Pd.I (Wali Kelas Hadits 03-1975
13. Marjani OM Bahasa Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 19- 085651335455
Arianto, (Wali Kelas Inggris & 03-1983
14. Anshari, S.Pd Wali Kelas Hadits Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 09- 085248500515
XF 09-1959
15. H. Ali Wali Kelas Sharaf, Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 13- 085249215769
Akbari, S.Pd X E Akhlak dan 01-1990
16. H. Ahmad Guru Bahasa Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 21- 085248302897
Husein, Arab 02-1985

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

17. Arham, S.Pd. Wali Kelas Faraidh Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 25- 085393802806
I XII D 03-1969
18. Abdul Halim, Wali Kelas Ekonomi Non PNS Anjir Serapat,25- -
SE XII E 07-1975
19. H. M. As’ad, Guru Geeografi PNS Anjir Serapat, 02- 085251050285
S.Pd.I 03-1979
20. Ahmad Guru Tarikh & Non PNS Anjir Serapat,06- 085849280221
Dimyati, S.Pd SKI 09-1975
21. H. Syamsuri, Guru Bahasa PNS Anjir Serapat, 15- 085248820707
S.Pd.I Indonesia X 09-1963
22. M. Sutera Wali Kelas Matematika Non PNS Banjarmasin, 19- 082358480632
Irawan, XI A 07-1990
23. Ahmad Guru Nahwu Non PNS - -
24. H. Radiman, Guru Matematika PNS Anjir, 09-07-1964 08125056792
25. H. Gunadi, Guru PKN PNS Anjir, 04-07-1970 085249215769
26. Rudini, S.Pd Wali Kelas Nahwu Non PNS - 085393802828
27. H. Mahmud Guru Seni Non PNS - 085251342172
28. Ahmad Guru Hadits Non PNS - -
29. H. Abdul Guru Tahfizh Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 08- 088246573123
Halim 01-1955
30. Syarkawi, Wali Kelas Bahasa PNS Anjir Serapat, 04- 085787428084
S.Pd XI E Indonesia X 07-1977
31. Ahmad Rifqi Guru Bahasa Non PNS Anjir Serapat, 17- 088242950578
Jihadi Inggris & 11-1995
t. Struktur Organisasi Sekolah (terlampir)
u. Foto Dewan Guru (terlampir)
v. Foto Kegiatan (terlampir)
w. Foto Ruangan Sekolah (terlampir)
x. Denah Sekolah MA. Nahdlatussalam (terlampir)
B. Kegiatan Administrasi
Adapun kegiatan administrasi yang dilakukan selama kegiatan PPL
II di MA. Nahdlatussalam Anjir Serapat Tengah KM. 11, Kec. Kapuas
Timur, Kab. Kapuas adalah sebagai berikut:

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Selesai/ Tindak
No. Waktu Jenis Kegiatan
Tidak Lanjut
 Meminta izin kepada pihak
Jumat, 17 sekolah.
1. Selesai
Juli 2020  Bertemu dengan kepala
 Observasi di sekitar
 Bertemu dengan guru
Minggu,  Konsultasi dengan guru
2. 19 Juli pamong perihal proses Selesai
2020 belajar mengajar, materi
dan buku yang digunakan.
 Konsultasi dengan guru
pamong perihal sistem
 Perkenalan dengan para
siswa yang akan di ajar
secara tatap muka sebelum
Senin, 10 melakukan pembelajaran
3. Selesai
Juli 2020 online.
 Menyampaikan sistem
pembelajaran kepada para
 Melakukan praktik Kuis
Selasa, 21
4 mengajar pertemuan ke-1 menjadi
Juli 2020
melalui grup WhatsApp. PR

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

 Menyampaikan materi
pembelajaran kepada para
 Memberikan kuis kepada
para siswa.
 Melakukan praktik
mengajar pertemuan ke-2
melalui grup WhatsApp.
Selasa, 28  Menyampaikan materi
6. Selesai
Juli 2020 pembelajaran kepada siswa.
 Memberikan kuis kepada
siswa terkait pelajaran yang
sudah disampaikan.
 Melakukan praktik
mengajar pertememuan ke-
3 melalui grup WhatsApp.
Selasa, 04
 Menyampaikan materi
5. Agustus Selesai
pembelajaran kepada siswa.
 Memberikan kuis kepada
siswa terkait pelajaran yang
sudah disampaikan.
 Melakukan praktik
mengajar pertememuan ke-
4 melalui grup WhatsApp.
Selasa, 11
 Menyampaikan materi
6. Agustus Selesai
pembelajaran kepada siswa.
 Memberikan kuis kepada
siswa terkait pelajaran yang
sudah disampaikan.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

 Melakukan praktik
mengajar pertememuan ke-
5 melalui grup WhatsApp.
Selasa, 18
 Menyampaikan materi
7. Agustus Selesai
pembelajaran kepada siswa.
 Memberikan kuis kepada
siswa terkait pelajaran yang
sudah disampaikan.
 Konsultasi perihal RPP dan
sistem penilaian dengan
Selasa, 25
guru pamong.
8. Agustus Selesai
 Mencari informasi terkait
struktur organisasi sekolah
dan denah sekolah.
 Melakukan praktik
mengajar pertememuan ke-
6 melalui grup WhatsApp.
Sabtu, 29
 Menyampaikan materi
9. Agustus Selesai
pembelajaran kepada siswa.
 Memberikan kuis kepada
siswa terkait pelajaran yang
sudah disampaikan.
 Datang ke sekolah
 Berfoto bersama dewan
Kamis, 10 guru.
10. September  Mencari informasi terkait Selesai
2020 struktur organisasi sekolah,
data siswa, jadwal pelajaran
dan denah sekolah.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

 Datang ke sekolah untuk

menyerahkan laporan PPL
II kepada guru pamong.
 Penyerahan kenang-
kenangan sekaligus ucapan
terimakasih sebagai tanda
11. berakhirnya kegiatan PPL II Selesai
di sekolah MA.
Nahdlatussalam, guru
pamong dan pihak sekolah.
 berfoto dengan beberapa
Siswa-Siswi bagian OSIS
MA. Nahdlatussalam

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

A. Pelaksanaan Latihan Praktik Mengajar
Pada kegiatan PPL II ini, praktikan di percaya untuk memegang kelas dan
melakukan praktik mengajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di semua kelas 12
A-F MA. Nahdlatussalam pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Dalam
praktik ini, praktikan terlebih dahulu menghubungi guru pamong untuk
berkonsultasi perihal buku, materi, tugas-tugas untuk para siswa serta sistem
pembelajaran yang di pakai agar pembelajaran nantinya berjalan dengan
Adapun yang menjadi guru pamong dan supervisor pada praktik kali ini
adalah: Bapak Marjani Arianto, S.Pd (Guru Pamong) dan Ibu Nani Hizriani,
MA (Supervisor)
Dalam praktik ini, praktikan juga meminta arahan dan bimbingan dalam
proses pembuatan RPP (Rancangan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran). Praktikan
melakukan praktik sebanyak 6 kali, 4 kali latihan praktik mengajar, 1 kali
middle test, dan 1 kali final test.
Adapun pelaksanaan latihan mengajar dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:
1. Praktik ke-1
Praktik mengajar yang pertama dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 21
Juli 2020 jam 09:00-10:00 WITA secara online melalui grup WhatsApp.
Skenario pembelajaran yang dijadikan sebagai latihan praktik pertama
Satuan pendidikan : MA/SMA
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pelajaran : Expression of Offering Help
BAB : 1 “I Can Assist You With That”
Kelas : XII
Buku : Kurikulum 2013 Revisi “Pathway To English”

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

2. Praktik ke-2
Praktik mengajar yang kedua dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 28 Juli
2020 jam 10:00-11:00 WITA secara online melalui grup WhatsApp.
Skenario pembelajaran yang dijadikan sebagai latihan praktik ke dua
Satuan pendidikan : MA/SMA
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pelajaran : Expression of Asking For Help
BAB : 1 “I Can Assist You With That”
Kelas : XII
Buku : Kurikulum 2013 Revisi “Pathway To English”
3. Praktik ke-4
Praktik mengajar yang ke empat dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 11
Agustus 2020 jam 13:30-14:30 WITA secara online melalui grup
WhatsApp. Skenario pembelajaran yang dijadikan sebagai latihan Praktik
ke tiga adalah:
Satuan pendidikan : MA/SMA
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pelajaran : Caption
BAB : 3 “A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words”
Kelas : XII
Buku : Kurikulum 2013 Revisi “Pathway To English”
4. Praktik Ke-5
Praktik mengajar yang kelima dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 18
Agustus 2020 jam 08.00-09:00 WIB secara online melalui grup WhatsApp.
Skenario pembelajaran yang dijadikan sebagai latihan Praktik ke empat
Satuan pendidikan : MA/SMA
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pelajaran : Pronouns and Simple Present Tense
BAB : 3 “A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words”

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Kelas : XII
Buku : Kurikulum 2013 Revisi “Pathway To English”
B. Pelaksanaan Latihan Ujian Praktik Mengajar
1. Praktik ke-3 (Middle Test)
Praktik mengajar yang ketiga dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 04
Agustus 2020 jam 09-00-10:00 WITA secara online melalui grup
WhatsApp. Skenario pembelajaran yang dijadikan sebagai middle test
Satuan pendidikan : MA/SMA
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pelajaran : Job Application Letter
BAB : 2 “I Hope I Might Be Granted an Interview”
Kelas : XII
Buku : Kurikulum 2013 Revisi “Pathway To English”
2. Praktik ke-6 (Final Test)
Praktik mengajar yang kelima dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 25
Agustus 2020 jam 09:00-10:100 WITA secara online melalui grup
WhatsApp. Skenario pembelajaran yang dijadikan sebagai final test adalah
Satuan pendidikan : MA/SMA
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pelajaran : News Item Text
BAB : 4 “What’s the News Today”
Kelas : XII
Buku : Kurikulum 2013 Revisi “Pathway To English”

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Nama : Mariani
NIM : 170102030046
Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris
A. Masalah
No. Masalah yang di hadapi Solusi
1 Sebagian siswa kurang aktif saat proses Praktikan memberikan
pembelajaran online yang di lakukan di kesempatan kepada
grup WhatsApp karena terkendala jaringan para siswa untuk
dan sebagainya. bertanya lebih lanjut
terkait materi
pembelajaran di luar
jam belajar, karena
biasanya para siswa
kebanyakan aktif pada
malam hari
2 Sebagian siswa kesulitan mengakses Praktikan membuat
YouTube (video) yang dikirimkan oleh salinan/ ringkasan
praktikan tentang materi pelajaran. materi pelajaran dari
video dan dibagikakan
kepada peserta didik
dalam bentuk PDF.
3 Sebagian siswa kesulitan memahami Praktikan membuat
materi pelajaran karena materinya tidak di penjelasan panjang
jelaskan secara langsung tatap muka. lebar melalui
WhatsApp agar materi
bisa lebih mudah untuk

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

4 Sebagian dari siswa tidak aktif saat Memberikan tugas

pembelajaran di group WhatssApp kepada siswa untuk
pemahaman mereka
terhadapat materi yang
di ajarkan.

B. Peran Guru Pamong dan Supervisor

Guru pamong memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam terlaksananya

kegiatan PPL II kali ini. Berkat adanya guru pamong, praktikan bisa
berkonsultasi segala sesuatu terkait proses belajar mengajar seperti materi,
tugas-tugas, media pembelajaran, pembuatan RPP, pembuatan video, serta
penyusunan laporan PPL II. Guru pamong juga memberikan saran-saran dan
dukungan yang membangun terkait pelaksanaan praktik mengajar.

Selain guru pamong, supervisor juga berperan sangat penting dalam

pelaksanaan PPL II kali ini. Beliau mengarahkan praktikan untuk selalu
mengikuti aturan-aturan yang telah ditentukan oleh tim PPL II.

C. Komentar Terhadap Kegiatan PPL II

Kegiatan PPL II merupakan kegiatan yang sangat perlu untuk

dilaksanakan karena disinilah praktikan benar-benar memiliki pengalaman
terhadap cara-cara mengajar dan benar-benar menghadapi siswa-siswi nyata
dengan berbagai karakter.
1. Komentar Untuk TIM PPL II
Praktikan mengucapkan terima kasih atas segala yang telah
diberikan selama ini. Selain itu praktikan juga menyarankan agar pada
kegiatan PPL II berikutnya dapat lebih baik dan lebih meningkatkan hasil
serta kinerja, baik dalam hal proses pendaftaran PPL II, administrasi,
maupun komunikasi terhadap sekolah – sekolah tempat diadakannya
kegiatan PPL II, sehingga kegiatan PPL II berikutnya kelak dapat berjalan

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

dengan lebih baik dan lancar.

2. Komentar Untuk Guru Pamong
Praktikan mengucapkan terimakasih banyak kepada Bapak Marjani
Arianto, S.Pd yang sudah berkenan untuk menjadi guru pamong dan
selalu memberikan kemudahan kepada praktikan di setiap proses
belajar mengajar berlangsung. Beliau sangat mudah dihubungi melalui
jaringan seluler dan mudah diajak berkonsultasi terkait proses belajar
mengajar, sehingga praktikan tidak kebingungan dalam pelaksanaan
praktik kegiatan belajar mengajar.
3. Komentar Untuk Supervisor
Praktikan juga mengucapkan terimakasih banyak kepada Ibu Nani
Hizriani, MA selaku supervisor praktikan. Meskipun tidak bisa
bertemu langsung karena keadaan pandemi saat ini, beliau selalu
mudah dihubungi melalui jaringan seluler untuk menanyakan hal-hal
terkait kegiatan PPL II. Atas arahan beliau, praktikan akhirnya dapat
menyelesaikan tugas dengan baik
4. Komentar Untuk Sekolah
Kegiatan PPL II disambut baik oleh pihak sekolah, karena hal itu
praktikan merasa nyaman dan percaya diri untuk melaksanakan
kegiatan belajar mengajar. Seluruh dewan guru dan staff menjalin
komunikasi yang baik dengan praktik dan banyak memberikan
informasi-informasi terkait identitas sekolah dan sebagainya.
5. Komentar Untuk Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM)
Proses belajar mengajar dirasa sudah berjalan dengan lancar, hanya
saja sistem pembelajaran secara daring jika dibandingkan dengan
pembelajaran tatap muka dirasa lebih sulit untuk sebagian siswa karena
keterbatasan biaya kuota dan jaringan internet. Tetapi, dari situ
praktikan bisa mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman untuk
mengelola kelas secara daring.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

A. Kesimpulan
Dari paparan diatas, maka praktikan dapat menarik kesimpulan sebagai
1. Dengan adanya PPL II ini, mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
mempunyai pengetahuan serta pengalaman keterampilan mengajar yang
bisa dijadikan sebagai bekal untuk dihari kemudian. Mahasiswa juga bisa
mengimplementasikan pengetahuan yang selama ini sudah di dapat saat
duduk di bangku kuliah yang berkaitan dengan wawasan keguruan.
2. Kegiatan praktik mengajar seperti ini sangat besar manfaatnya, karena
dengan adanya praktik ini praktikan dapat mengetahui mana yang sudah
baik pelaksanaannya dan mana yang masih harus diperbaiki kedepannya.
Adanya praktik belajar mengajar ini juga bisa dijadikan sebagai masukan
untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para mahasiswa dalam keterampilan
3. Secara umum, proses belajar mengajar dapat dikatakan berjalan dengan
lancar dan sesuai dengan rencana yang sebelumnya sudah di susun dengan
sedemikian rupa. Meskipun masih ada kendala-kendala yang terjadi, akan
tetapi kendala itu akhirnya bisa diatasi.
4. Kegiatan PPL II yang melibatkan MA. Nahdlatussalam Anjir Serapat
Tengah KM 11 dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan
kerjasama dan menyambung tali silaturrahim antara lembaga sekolah dan
pihak kampus, serta antar individu yanng terlibat di dalamnya.
B. Saran-saran
Sebagai wujud kepedulian praktikan terhadap kegiatan PPL II yang di
selenggarakan oleh Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Antasari
Banjarmasin, maka ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatiakan, antara lain:
1. Kepada tim PPL II Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan hendaknya
memberingan bimbingan yang lebih lagi serta arahan yang maksimal

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

kepada mahasiswa, sehingga dalam pelaksanaannya dapat sesuai dengan

aturan-aturan yang berlaku.
2. Akan lebih baik lagi jika program PPL II ini lebih ditingkatkan lagi,
khususnya dalam kegiatan yang menyangkut masalah pembekalan
pengajaran di kelas, agar nantinya tercipta calon pendidik yang berkualitas.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2


Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

RPP (Lesson Plan), Link Video dan Bukti Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke-1
Name of Teacher : Mariani
Name of School : MA. Nahdlatussalam
Grade : XII
Subject : English
Level of Students : Basic EFL Students
Topic : I Can Assist You With That! (Chapter 1)
Class time : 09:00-10:00 a.m
Time Allocation : 2 x 30 minutes
Room : Group Whatsapp
Meeting : 1st Meeting
A. Core Competence:
1. KI-1. To appreciate and practice the teaching of their religion
2. KI-2. To demonstrate the honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring
(cooperation, teamwork, tolerance, peace), politeness, responsiveness,
and pro-active and to show attitude as part of the solution to various
problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment and positioning ourselves as a reflection of the nation in
world association.
3. KI-3. To understand, to apply, to analyze factual, conceptual,
technology, art, culture, and humanities with humanity, nationality,
state, and civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena and
events, and to apply procedural knowledge to specific field of study
according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
4. KI-4. To process, to make reasoning, and to present in concrete and
abstract domains related to the development of what they learned in
school independently, and being able to use methods according to
scientific rules.
B. Basic Competence

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

3.1 Applying social functions, text structures and linguistic elements of the
text verbal and interpersonal interactions written that involves action
offer services, as well respond according to the context of its use.
4.1 Arranging interaction texts interpersonal oral and written simple that
involves the act of offering services, and respond with pay attention to
social functions, text structure, and elements correct and appropriate
language text.
C. Learning Objective
1. The students will be able to analyze the expression for offering help and
respond appropriately (how to accept and refuse).
2. The students have social care, love peace, and responsible in learning
activity which they have been prepared and they will do.
3. The students will be able to increase their pronunciation about the
expression for offering help and respond appropriately (how to accept
and refuse)
D. Indicators
1. The students are able to mention the expression for offering help.
2. The students are able to differentiate of expression the accepting and
refusing in offering help.
3. The students are able to present social care, love peace, and responsible
about anything which relate with learning activity.
4. The students are able to implement social care, love peace, and
responsible in their life.
5. The students are able to read the conversation of expression for offering
help and respond appropriately (how to accept and refuse).
6. The students are able to imitate the pronunciation that teacher practice
it the conversation of the expression for offering help and respond
appropriately (how to accept and refuse) correctly.
E. Learning Materials

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

- Expression of Offering Help is an expression that used to offer help to

someone => Ungkapan untuk menawarkan bantuan kepada orang lain
tawaran Bantuan


Jenis Ungkapan untuk Menawarkan Bantuan
Can I help you?
Let me help you?
May I help you?
Do you need some help?
What can I do for you?
Is there anything I can do?
What should I do for you?
What should I do for you?
Would you like any help?

Accepting Help
Yes Please
Yes, of course
That’s very kind of you
I do appreciated
I don’t mind
Thank you
That would be very nice
That’s very nice of you
Refusing Help
No, Thanks
I am Sorry
That’s very kind of you, but I can do it myself. Thanks
Please don’t bother yourself
F. Learning Method : Scientific Approach

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

G. Media : Video and PPT

H. Teaching and Learning Activity

No. Activity Explanation Time

1 Pre- - Starting the class by 10 minutes
Activity greeting and checking
- The teacher gives the
2 While- - The teacher post a video 45 minutes
Activity about the expression of
offering help and ask
students to watch it.
- Then the teacher post a
picture while explain it,
since there is some
students who cannot
open the video by
reasoning bad signal
- Ask the students to
mention what are the
expression offering help
in video and pictures.
- Ask the students to
classify the following
expression of offering,
accepting and refusing
- Ask the students to read
the conversation through
voice note

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

3 Post - Concluding and closing 5 minutes

Activity the lesson
The teacher is ready to close the
lesson due to the time and ask them,
whether they have question or not.
T: Ok, students, we are run out of
time now. Do you have any
Ss: (silent), no, miss
T: “No questions? Great, So who
want to conclude the lesson today?
Ss: Me.. Miss…
T: Please..
Ss: the materials todays is about
offering help and respond it whether
accepting or refsusing…
T: Oaky Great…

That’s all for today… I’ll see you

next week then, and Don’t forget to
study hard, don’t be lazy to do your
assignments and keep spirit. Bye…
Ss: See you miss…Bye!

I. Source:
- Th. M. Sudarwati & Eudia Grace (2018), Buku Bahasa Inggris
Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade XII Kurikulum 2013 Revisi,
Jakarta: Erlangga.
J. Assessment
1. Classify the following expression into their correct functions.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

NO Expression Offering Accepting Refusing

Help Help Help
1 Oh, Please don’t
2 It’s very kind of
you to offer
3 What I can do for
4 Do you want me
help you
5 Let me help you
6 No, thanks. I can
carry it my self
7 Perhaps I could
assist in some way
8 Thanks. But I will
be alright soon
9 Oh really? Thanks
a lot
10 Is there anything I
can do for you?

Answer Key
NO Expression Offering Accepting Refusing
Help Help Help
1 Oh, Please don’t bother -
2 It’s very kind of you to -
3 What I can do for you -
4 Do you want me help -
5 Let me help you -
6 No, thanks. I can carry -
it my self
7 Perhaps I could assist in -
some way
8 Thanks. But I will be -
alright soon
9 Oh really? Thanks a lot -
10 Is there anything I can -
do for you?

2. Read the conversation correctly

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

K. Evaluation:
1. Cognitive aspect: analyzing the expression of offering help, accepting
and refusing help.
2. Affective aspect : Evaluated while the process of teaching and learning
3. Psychomotor aspect:

Reading Rubric Exceeds Meets Approaches Does Not

Word Solving Student uses Student uses Student uses a Student
1-5 many several couple of rarely stops
strategies to strategies to strategies to to solve
solve tricky solve tricky solve words, tricky words
words and words, but but frequently and either
perseveres at may appeals for appeals for
difficulty. occasionally help for skips help or skips
appeal for past unknown most
help. words. unknown

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Fluency 1- Student often Student Student Student

5 reads sometimes occasionally struggles to
smoothly, reads reads read
attends to smoothly, smoothly, smoothly,
punctuation, attends to attends to attend to
and uses punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
expression. and uses and uses and use
expression. expression. expression.
Comprehension Student often Student Student Student
1-5 stops to think sometimes occasionally rarely stops
about what is stops to think stops to think to think about
happening in about what is about what is what is
the text and happening in happening in happening in
generates the text and the text and the text and
questions or generates generates generates
ideas. questions or questions or questions or
ideas. ideas. ideas.
Participation 1- Student Student Student Student
5 actively actively participates participates
participates at participates some of the occasionally.
all times. most of the time.
On-Task Student is Student is Student is Student is
Behavior always on usually on sometimes on rarely on
1-5 task. task. task. task.
Score = 5+5+5+5+5 = 20 x 4 = 100
Tuesday, 21st July 2020,
Guidance Teacher Instructor

Marjani Arianto, S.Pd.I Mariani

NUPTK. 6651761662200002 NIM. 170102030046

Hj. Nani Hizriani, MA

NIP. 19771127200312 2001

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Link Video

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Bukti Pembelajaran

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

RPP (Lesson Plan), Link Video dan Bukti Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke-2
Lesson Plan Microteaching II
Name of Teacher : Mariani
Name of School : MA. Nahdlatussalam
Grade : XII
Subject : English
Level of Students : Basic EFL Students
Topic : I Can Assist You With That! (Chapter 1)
Text Type : Transactional Text
Class time : Tuesday/ 10:00-11:00 a.m
Time Allocation : 2 x 30 minutes
Room : Group Whatsapp
Meeting : 2nd Meeting
A. Core Competence:
1. KI-1. To appreciate and practice the teaching of their religion
2. KI-2. To demonstrate the honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring
(cooperation, teamwork, tolerance, peace), politeness,
responsiveness, and pro-active and to show attitude as part of the
solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social
and natural environment and positioning ourselves as a reflection of
the nation in world association.
3. KI-3. To understand, to apply, to analyze factual, conceptual,
technology, art, culture, and humanities with humanity, nationality,
state, and civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena
and events, and to apply procedural knowledge to specific field of
study according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
4. KI-4. To process, to make reasoning, and to present in concrete and
abstract domains related to the development of what they learned in
school independently, and being able to use methods according to
scientific rules.
B. Basic Competence

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

3.2 Applying social functions, text structures and linguistic elements of the
text verbal and interpersonal interactions written that involves action
asking help, as well respond according to the context of its use.
4.2 Arranging interaction texts interpersonal oral and written simple that
involves the act of asking help, and respond with pay attention to social
functions, text structure, and elements correct and appropriate language
C. Learning Objective
1. The students will be able to analyze the expression of asking help and
respond appropriately (how to accept and refuse).
2. The students have honesty, discipline, and responsible in learning
activity which they have been prepared and they will do.
3. The students will be able to increase their vocabulary through the
dialogue that consist the expression for offering and asking for help and
respond appropriately (how to accept and refuse)
D. Indicators
1. The students are able to predict of expression asking help.
2. The students are able to differentiate the expression of offering and
asking help.
3. The students are able to present honesty, discipline, and responsible
about anything which relate with learning activity.
4. The students are able to implement honesty, discipline, and responsible
in their life.
5. The students are able to answer the text that teacher gave consist
expression of offering and asking help.
6. The students are able to explain the meaning of text that teacher gave
consist expression of offering and asking help.
E. Learning Materials


1. Can you help me? (Bisakah anda membantu saya)

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

2. Would you like to help me? (bersediakah anda membantu saya)

3. Could you help me for a second? (Bisakah anda membantu saya
4. Would you like to help me, please? (maukah anda membantu saya?)

Accepting (Giving Help)

Ok Of course
Sure It’s no problem
Why not Certainly

1. I will do it for you (saya akan melakukannya untuk mu)
2. I’d like to help you (saya mau membantu mu)
3. I’d be happy to help you (saya akan senang membantu mu)
4. Let me help you (biarkan aku membantu mu)
5. Let me give you a hand (biarkan aku memberi bantuan)
6. Sure. I would be glad to help you (tentu. Saya akan dengan senang
membantu mu)
7. Sure. What can I do for you? (tentu. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan
untuk mu)
Refusing (Giving Help)
1. I am sorry, I can’t help you now (maaf, saya tidak bisa membantu
anda sekarang)
2. Sorry, I am busy right now (maaf, saya sedang sibuk sekarang)
3. I wish I could help you but I have to do some important tasks (saya
berharap bisa membantu anda, tetapi saya harus melakukan tugas
4. I’d love to, but I’m busy.. (saya mau, tetapi saya sibuk...)
F. Learning Method : Scientific Approach
G. Media : Video and Photos

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

H. Teaching and Learning Activity

No. Activity Explanation Time

1 Pre- - Starting the class by 10 minutes
Activity greeting and checking
- The teacher gives the
2 While- - The teacher post a video 45 minutes
Activity about the expression of
asking for help and ask
students to watch it.
- Then the teacher post a
picture while explain it,
since there is some
students who cannot
open the video by
reasoning bad signal
- Ask the students to
mention what are the
expression asking for
help in the video or
- Ask the students to
answer the questions
about expression of
asking for help.
- Ask the students to
translate the meaning of
rear that consist about
asking for help as well

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

as to increase their
3 Post - Concluding and closing 5 minutes
Activity the lesson
The teacher is ready to close the
lesson due to the time and ask them,
whether they have question or not.
T: Ok, students, we are run out of
time now. Do you have any
Ss: (silent), no, miss
T: “No questions? Great, So who
want to conclude the lesson today?
Ss: Me.. Miss…
T: Please..
Ss: the materials todays is about
asking for help and respond it
whether accepting or refsusing…
T: Oaky Great…

That’s all for today… I’ll see you

next week then, and Don’t forget to
study hard, don’t be lazy to do your
assignments and keep spirit. Bye…
Ss: See you miss…Bye!

I. Source
- Th. M. Sudarwati & Eudia Grace (2018), Buku Bahasa Inggris
Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade XII Kurikulum 2013 Revisi,
Jakarta: Erlangga.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

J. Assessment
1. Read the dialogue and answer the following questions.
Mechanic : Good morning, Nashville auto Garage, can I help you?
Man : Yes I hope so. I'm having trouble with my car engine. It
wouldn't start this morning can you come to my house and repair it for me,
Mechanic : umm.... what can I say? Mm… my men are working on
some care right now, sir I think you'll have to wait for a few hours what if
we come to your house tomorrow?
Man : But, I need the car tomorrow.
Mechanic : you could try other garages
Man : I want to, but I don't have any contacts. Besides, I have been
your loyal customer for a long time
Mechanic : I have a friend who might help you. He's also a car
mechanic like me and I can guarantee that he will repair your car as well as
we do. Let me call him for you now
Man : oh, that's very kind of you to offer. Thanks

1. What is the dialogue about?

2. Can the mechanic repair the man’s car right away? Why?
3. What does the mechanic offer the man?
4. Underline the expression which offer & asking help, along with their
responses and write it beside!
2. Translate the text above!!!
K. Evaluation:
1. Cognitive aspect: answer the dialogue text about the expression of
asking for help, accepting and refusing help.
2. Affective aspect : Evaluated while the process of teaching and
3. Psychomotor aspect: Translate the text above

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Answer Key
1. The dialogue is about a man wants his car being repaired by the
mechanic because the machine won’t start.
(Percakapan tersebut adalah tentang seorang pria yang menginginkan
mobilnya diperbaiki oleh montir karena mesin mobilnya tidak menyala)
- A man who asks a mechanic for help to fix his troubled car engine
- The mechanic can’t repair the man’s are working on some cars and offer
his friend who also a mechanic too and at the last, the man accept the
offer because he need his car tomorrow
- Repair Car engine in Nashville garage
- A man who wanted to fix his car to a mechanic
- A man who whats his car repaired by a mechanic because of damage to
his engine so that the car cannot start
- The damage to the car’s engine and wants to repair it in the garage
2. No, he cannot. The men (the mechanic’s staff) are working on some cars
right now.
(Tidak bisa. Para montir (pegawai sang montir) sedang memperbaiki
beberapa mobil sekarang.)
3. The mechanic offers the man to repair his car to the mechanic’s friend.
The mechanic calls his friend for the man.
(Montir menawarkan sang pria untuk memperbaiki mobilnya di tempat
temannya montir tersebut. Montir menelepon temannya untuk membantu
sang pria).
4. Mechanic : Good morning, Nashville auto Garage, can I help you?
(Offering help)
Man : Yes, I hope so. (Accepting help). I'm having trouble with
my car engine. It wouldn't start this morning. Can you come to my house
and repair it for me, please? (Asking for help)
Mechanic : Mmm.... what can I say? (Refusing (giving help)). men are working on some cars right now, sir. I think you'll have to

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

wait for a few hours. What if we come to your house tomorrow?

(Off3355’ering help)
Man : But I need the car tomorrow. (Refusing)
Mechanic : You could try other garages.
Man : I want to, but I don't have any contacts. Besides, I have been
your loyal customer so a long time. (Refusing)
Mechanic : I have a friend who might help you. He's also a car
mechanic like me. I can guarantee that he will repair your car as well as we
do. Let me call him for you now. (Offering help)
Man : Oh, that’s very kind of you to offer. Thanks.
1. can I help you? (Offering help)
2. Yes, I hope so. (Accepting help).
3. Can you come to my house and repair it for me, please? (Asking for
4. Mmm.... what can I say? (Refusing (giving help)).
5. What if we come to your house tomorrow? (Offering help)
6. But I need the car tomorrow. (Refusing)
7. I want to, but I don't have any contacts. (Refusing)
8. Let me call him for you now. (Offering help)
9. Oh, that’s very kind of you to offer. Thanks. (Accepting)

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Tuesday 28th July 2020

Guidance Teacher Instructor

Marjani Arianto, S.Pd.I Mariani

NUPTK. 6651761662200002 NIM. 170102030046

Hj. Nani Hizriani, MA

NIP. 19771127200312 2001

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Link Video Bukti Pembelajaran

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

RPP (Lesson Plan), Link Video dan Bukti Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke-3
Lesson Plan Microteaching II
Name of Teacher : Mariani
Name of School : MA. Nahdlatussalam
Grade : XII
Subject : English
Level of Students : Basic EFL Students
Topic : I Hope I Might Be Granted an Interview (Chapter 2)
Class time : Tuesday/ 10-00- 11:00 a.m
Time Allocation : 2 x 30 minutes
Room : Group Whatsapp
Meeting : 3rd
A. Core Competence:
1. KI-1. To appreciate and practice the teaching of their religion
2. KI-2. To demonstrate the honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring
(cooperation, teamwork, tolerance, peace), politeness, responsiveness,
and pro-active and to show attitude as part of the solution to various
problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment and positioning ourselves as a reflection of the nation in
world association.
3. KI-3. To understand, to apply, to analyze factual, conceptual,
technology, art, culture, and humanities with humanity, nationality,
state, and civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena and
events, and to apply procedural knowledge to specific field of study
according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
4. KI-4. To process, to make reasoning, and to present in concrete and
abstract domains related to the development of what they learned in
school independently, and being able to use methods according to
scientific rules.
B. Basic Competence

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

3.2 Differentiate social functions, text structure, and elements the language
of some special texts in the form of a job application letter, by giving
information related to identify, background education/experience work,
according to context their use.
4.21Capturing the meaning in a manner contextual related to social
functions, text structure, and element linguistic specific text in the form
of a job application letter, that is provide information among others
identify, background education/ work experience.
C. Learning Objective
4. The students will be able to identify the elements and the structure of
job application letter.
5. The students have honesty, discipline, and responsible in learning
activity which they have been prepared and they will do.
6. The students will be able to increase their vocabulary that related to the
job application letter.
D. Indicators
1. The students are able to explain the elements of job application letter.
2. The students are able to mention the tenses in a job application letter.
3. The students are able to differentiate the expression of offering and
asking help.
4. The students are able to present honesty, discipline, and responsible
about anything which relate with learning activity.
5. The students are able to implement honesty, discipline, and responsible
in their life.
6. The students are able to translate the meaning of job application letter.
7. The students are able to answer the questions that related to the job
application letter.
E. Learning Materials
1. Definition
Job Application Letter is an application letter to apply a job based
on the announcement job vacancy in the mass media or electronic.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

2. Social Functions
- as a written proof when applying for a job
- as a means of communication
- as a consideration for employer
3. Parts of Job Application Letter
- Cover Letter
 Elements of Cover Letter: Explaining below
 Language Features
 Present Tense
 Past Tense
 Present Continuous Tense
 Present Perfect Tense
- Resume/CV
 elements of Resume
 Your contact Information
 Objective Statement
 Summary Statement
 Education
 Other Information

Cover Letter
August 8, 2020
Personal Manager
Sri Ayu, Sri Ayu & CO

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to you to apply for the position of accountant as advertised on Weeks
last week. I have given careful consideration to the job description and believe that
I have the necessary qualifications and personal attributes to take up the position.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Although I do not have a lot of practical experience in the field of advertising, my

past work experience shows that I am able to be learn fast from experience staff. In
my previous job as a salesgirl, it was necessary to be able to handle costumers’
complaints and, at the same time, to encourage them to appreciate the products
I have enclosed my resume for your considerations with copies of my certificates
and qualifications.
I would like the opportunity to work as part of an enthusiastic office team, I look
forward to the opportunity for an interview.
Yours sincerely,

Ninarika Ghosh

The Elements of Cover Letter

August 8, 2020
Personal Manager (Name of the company, full name of the hiring
manager, and address
Sri Ayu, Sri Ayu & CO of the Job applications letter’s recipients)

Dear Sir/Madam (greeting)

I am writing to you to apply for the position of Opening (the title of position
accountant as advertised on Weeks last week. I applied, the reason, for being
have given careful consideration to the job a good fit for the position
description and believe that I have the necessary
qualifications and personal attributes to take up
the position.
Although I do not have a lot of practical Body/Content (A brief of
experience in the field of advertising, my past description of the applicant’s
work experience shows that I am able to be learn background that related to the

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

fast from experience staff. In my previous job as job requirements for the
a salesgirl, it was necessary to be able to handle position applied for)
costumers’ complaints and, at the same time, to Isi, menceritakan keahlian,
encourage them to appreciate the products pengalaman dan latar
offered. belakang pelamar
I have enclosed my resume for your
considerations with copies of my certificates and

I would like the opportunity to work as part of Positive and polite close
an enthusiastic office team, I look forward to the
opportunity for an interview
Yours sincerely Signature

Ninarika Ghosh Full name of the applicant

Language Features of Cover Letter

I am writing to you to apply for the position of Present Continuous Tense
accountant as advertised on Weeks last week. S+ to be + Verb (ing)
I have given careful consideration to the job Present perfect Tense
description and believe that I have the necessary S + have/has + V3
qualifications and personal attributes to take up
the position.
Although I do not have a lot of practical Simple Present Tense
experience in the field of advertising, my past S + V1
work experience shows that I am able to be learn
fast from experience staff.
In my previous job as a salesgirl, it was Simple Past Tens
necessary to be able to handle costumers’ S+ V2 = Verbal
S+ Was/Were = Nominal

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

complaints and, at the same time, to encourage

them to appreciate the products offered.

Your contact
1001 Greenview Apt 1
Jakarta, MD 20810
C: 0858-22289322

Objective Statement
Social Media Manager
Creative, skilled social media expert with five years of experience managing
professional social media accountants. Successfully create must-follow social
media feeds to develop an engaged community of followers for clients.
Professional Experience:
Social Media Manager, XY2 PR Firm, Jakarta, MD Summary Statement

November 2018-Present
 Develop and manage online marketing campaigns for organizations
including ABC Co., 123 Co., and JKL Co., effectively expanding audiences
and increasing aware mess of each brand.
 Develop and monitor benchmarks for measuring impact of social media
programs using social media analytics, KPIs, and dashboards, ensuring
success for each organization.
Education :
Master of Business Administration, ABC University
Specialization : Marketing
Bachelor of Arts, XYZ College

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Major : Marketing
Minor : Business
F. Learning Method : Scientific Approach
G. Media : Video and Photos
H. Teaching and Learning Activity

No. Activity Explanation Time

1 Pre- - Starting the class by 10 minutes
Activity greeting and checking
- The teacher gives the
2 While- - The teacher post a video 45 minutes
Activity about the Job
Application Letter
- Then the teacher post a
picture while explain it,
since there is some
students who cannot
open the video by
reasoning bad signal
- Teacher explain the
social function of Job
Application Letter.
- Ask the students to
differentiate between
cover letter and
- Ask the students to
discuss the answer of the
job application letter that

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

teacher gave.
3 Post - Concluding and closing 5 minutes
Activity the lesson
The teacher is ready to close the
lesson due to the time and ask them,
whether they have question or not.
T: Ok, students, we are run out of
time now. Do you have any
Ss: (silent), no, miss
T: “No questions? Great, So who
want to conclude the lesson today?
Ss: Me.. Miss…
T: Please..
Ss: the materials todays is about job
application letter there are
definition, function and parts, also
there are language features in cover
letter, they are present continous
tense, present perfect tense, present
tense and past tense..
T: Oaky Great… maybe all of you
are understand, so that’s all for
today… I’ll see you next week then,
and Don’t forget to study hard, don’t
be lazy to do your assignments and
keep spirit. Bye…
Ss: See you miss…Bye!

I. Source

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

 Th. M. Sudarwati & Eudia Grace (2018), Buku Bahasa Inggris

Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade XII Kurikulum 2013
Revisi, Jakarta: Erlangga.
J. Assessment
Read the job application letter and answer the questions below!!
October, 30th 2018

Project Manager
Mariani & CO
PO BOX 1393
JKB 11013

To whom it may concern,

I’m applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta
Post. As shown in the enclosed resume, I have a strong academic
background in Chemical Engineer graduated from Universitas Indonesia on

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company

has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the
development of a successful Petrochemical Company. In addition, I have
excellent managerial and communication skills both in Bahasa Indonesia as
well as English.

This background, combined with over ten years of Ethylene Plant Operation
as Project Management, has given me a unique perspective that would be
particularly valuable in meeting the responsibilities of this position, as
described in your position. I am and independent individual who capable to
work under pressure.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my

qualifications in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for your time and consideration.


1. Who wrote the application letter?
2. What is the job position that applicant applied for?
3. Where did the company advertise the job opening?
4. What are the skills that applicant presented on the application letter?
5. How many years the applicant was working as Project Management?
6. I am and independent individual who capable to work under pressure.
The word “capable” has the same meaning to…
7. Underline and mention the tenses that we have learned in the job
application letter?

1. Mariani
2. Project Manager
3. Jakarta Post
4. Managerial and communication skills
5. 10 years
6. Competent
7. - I’m applying (Present Continuous Tense)
- Project Management in various multinational company has given me
firsthand experience (Present Perfect Tense)

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Tuesday 04 Agustus 2020,

Guidance Teacher Instructor

Marjani Arianto, S.Pd.I Mariani

NUPTK. 6651761662200002 NIM. 170102030046


Hj. Nani Hizriani, MA

NIP. 19771127200312 2001

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Link Video Bukti Pembelajaran

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

RPP (Lesson Plan), Link Video dan Bukti Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke-4
Name of Teacher : Mariani
Name of School : MA. Nahdlatussalam
Grade : XII
Subject : English
Level of Students : Basic EFL Students
Topic : A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words (Chapter 3)
Class time : Tuesday/ 09:00-10:00 a.m
Time Allocation : 2 x 30 minutes
Room : Group Whatsapp
Meeting : 4th Meeting
A. Core Competence:
1. KI-1. To appreciate and practice the teaching of their religion
2. KI-2. To demonstrate the honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring
(cooperation, teamwork, tolerance, peace), politeness, responsiveness,
and pro-active and to show attitude as part of the solution to various
problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment and positioning ourselves as a reflection of the nation in
world association.
3. KI-3. To understand, to apply, to analyze factual, conceptual,
technology, art, culture, and humanities with humanity, nationality,
state, and civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena and
events, and to apply procedural knowledge to specific field of study
according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
4. KI-4. To process, to make reasoning, and to present in concrete and
abstract domains related to the development of what they learned in
school independently, and being able to use methods according to
scientific rules.
B. Basic Competence

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

3.3 Distinguishing social functions, text structures and linguistic elements

of some special text in the form of caption text, with giving and asking
for information related to the images/ photos/ tables/ graphs/ charts
according to the context of their use.
4.31Grasping meaning contextual related to social functions, text structure,
and elements linguistic specific text in the related caption form
images/photos/ tables/graphs / charts
4.32Arranging special text in related caption text in the related caption form
images/photos/ tables/graphs / charts with due regard to function social,
text structure and element language, correctly and appropriate context.
C. Learning Objective
 The students of Islamic senior high school of Nahdlatussalam will
be able to increase their writing skills,and use it in their daily
D. Indicators
The students of Islamic senior high school of Nahdlatussalam are
able to display their writing skill by creating caption based on the
picture with 80% accuracy.
E. Topic Materials
F. Approach and Method:
- Communicative Approach, CLT, and Multiple Intelligence
G. Materials and Equipment
- A Picture of screenshoot feed on teachers’ Instagram
E. Procedures
No Activity Explanation Time
1 Pre- - Opening the lesson 5
Activity The teacher opens the lesson by greeting minutes
T: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
Wabarakatuh… good morning students..
Ss: Waalaikum Salam Warahmatullahi
Wabarakatuh. Good morning miss…
T: how are you today?

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Ss: I am fine, good, very well (varies). Thank

you, and you?
T: I am fine too thank you..

This morning within 60 minutes we are

going to learn English.. (The teacher will
continue talking and starting the activity)
2 While- The teacher will send A screenshoot 50
Activity from Feed on Instagram then will ask the minutes
T: What do you think about this picture?
Ss : I think about Knowledge, Balance
between in the world and in the hereafter,
balaghah book, Studying, and the others
(Various answer from the students). Is it
right Miss?
T : Noooo.. Don’t focus on the caption…
Ss: So, what is that Miss? What we should
think again? .
The class is noisy…
T: Okay… This screenshoot shows the
picture and also there is caption. So, Today
we are going to learn Caption… Well what is

Ss: Written under picture that usually on

social media. Content what we heart then we
write on WhatsApp or Instgram Status …
(Various answer)…

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

T : Okay good. So Caption is written in a

complete sentence-mostly declarative
sentence. One or two sentences are enough
to describe a photo, but if more
explanation is needed, a caption may have
more sentences.
Ss: Oooooo Okay understand Miss…
T : Because you are understand, now send
the photo and ask one of your friend by tag
his/her name here (WhatsApp Group) to
make the caption based on the photo.
Ss: Some student will send the photo and
take their classmates..
The teacher will correct the caption if the
students wrong.

T :Okay.. Because the time is up.. and there

are some students who haven’t send and
make the caption, I will make it to be
homework. so search the photo make it to be
caption, post on the instagram and tag my
instagram in 2 two sentence minimally..
3 Post- - Concluding and closing the 5minutes
Activity lesson
The teacher is ready to close the lesson due
to the time and ask them, whether they have
question or not.
T: Ok, students, we are run out of time now.
Do you have any question?
Ss: (silent), no, miss

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

T: “No questions? Great, I’ll see you next

week then, and Don’t forget to do your
homework and study hard, don’t lazy to do
your assignments and keep spirit. Bye…
Ss: See you miss…Bye!
H. Backup Plan :
- If the students don’t have Instagram, they can send on Whatssap Group
or they can make caption grouply by the criteria every a student has to
make 2 sentences.
I. Evaluation
1. Cognitive aspect; speak or write to give their opinion about the
definition and social function of caption.
2. Affective aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching and learning;
3. Psychomotor aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching and
4. Assignment type; make the caption individual or group.

Tuesday 11th August 2020

Guidance Teacher Instructor

Marjani Arianto, S.Pd.I Mariani

NUPTK. 6651761662200002 NIM. 170102030046


Hj. Nani Hizriani, MA

NIP. 19771127200312 2001

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Link Video

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Bukti Pembelajaran

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

RPP (Lesson Plan), Link Video dan Bukti Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke-5
Name of Teacher : Mariani
Name of School : MA. Nahdlatussalam
Grade : XII
Subject : English
Level of Students : Basic EFL Students
Topic : A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words (Chapter 3)
Class time : Tuesday/ 13:30-14:30 a.m
Time Allocation : 2 x 30 minutes
Room : Group Whatsapp
Meeting : 5th Meeting
A. Core Competence:
1. KI-1. To appreciate and practice the teaching of their religion
2. KI-2. To demonstrate the honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring
(cooperation, teamwork, tolerance, peace), politeness, responsiveness,
and pro-active and to show attitude as part of the solution to various
problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment and positioning ourselves as a reflection of the nation in
world association.
3. KI-3. To understand, to apply, to analyze factual, conceptual,
technology, art, culture, and humanities with humanity, nationality,
state, and civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena and
events, and to apply procedural knowledge to specific field of study
according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
4. KI-4. To process, to make reasoning, and to present in concrete and
abstract domains related to the development of what they learned in
school independently, and being able to use methods according to
scientific rules.
B. Basic Competence

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

3.4 Distinguishing social functions, text structures and linguistic elements

of some special text in the form of caption text, with giving and asking
for information related to the images/ photos/ tables/ graphs/ charts
according to the context of their use.
4.33Grasping meaning contextual related to social functions, text structure,
and elements linguistic specific text in the related caption form
images/photos/ tables/graphs / charts
4.34Arranging special text in related caption text in the related caption form
images/photos/ tables/graphs / charts with due regard to function social,
text structure and element language, correctly and appropriate context.
C. Learning Objective
 The students of Islamic senior high school of Nahdlatussalam will
be able to grammatical in pronouns and simple present tense and
use it in their daily communication
D. Indicators
 The students of Islamic senior high school of Nahdlatussalam are
able to display their grammatical ability by translating Indonesian
language to English that teacher gave with 90% accuracy.
E. Topic Materials
F. Approach and Method:
- Grammatical Translation Method, Communicative Approach, and
Multiple Intelligence
G. Materials and Equipment

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

• I go to school with him = I (subject) and him “object” (saya pergi ke sekolah
dengan nya)
• My book is blue= my (Possessive Adjective) – (buku saya berwarna biru)
• This book is mine = mine (possessive pronoun) - (buku ini adalah milik
Note :
- Kalau subjek letaknya selalu di awal kalimat.
- Kalau object itu adalah kata ganti (prononun) yang tidak berada di awal
kalimat seperti contoh di atas.
Simple Present Tense
- We/They + V1 = We read
- He/She/It + Verb+(s/es) = He reads
I + am + Noun = I am a Student
They/We/You + are + Noun = we are students
He/she/it + is + Noun = she is a student

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

- Kalau possessive adjective itu yang menunjukkan kepemilikan yang

digunakan sebelum noun (kata benda). Misal my book. Book merupakan
noun sehingga harus di awali dengan my. Bukan mine book.
- Kalau possessive pronoun digunakan setelah noun. Contoh This book is
mine. Book (noun) nya di awal baru setelah itu pakai possessive pronoun.
Using Simple Present Tense
• Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi berulang-ulang (habit)
• Untuk menyatakan fakta (fact)
• Untuk menyatakan perintah atau permintaan (asking)
Note :
• Kata kerja yang berkahiran –x, -s, -ch, -sh, dan –o akan mendapatkan
tambahan akhiran –es jika subjeknya orang ke-3 tunggal (he,she,it)
• Examples:
• Mix = mixes
• Pass = passes
• Teach = teaches
• Finish = finishes
• Go= goes
H. Procedures
No Activity Explanation Time
1 Pre- - Opening the lesson 1 minute
Activity The teacher opens the lesson by greeting
T: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
Wabarakatuh… good morning students..
Ss: Waalaikum Salam Warahmatullahi
Wabarakatuh. Good morning miss…
T: how are you today?
Ss: I am fine, good, very well (varies). Thank
you, and you?
T: I am fine too thank you..

This morning within 60 minutes we are going

to learn English.. (The teacher will
continue talking and starting the activity)

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

2 While- The teacher will send A video about the 8minutes

Activity explanation of pronoun and simple present
T: Now watch the video on YouTube that I
made, if you don’t understand you can ask
Ss: Yes Ma’am…
If the students don’t respond the teacher will
give question about the materials..

T : Okay students, because there is no

question so I will give you question..
Ss : How is differentiate between his and
T : Okay good question… Now I want to
answer, the differences between his and him
is if him for object and his for possession.
Okay I will give you the example of “him”
saya pergi ke sekolah dengan nya, so in
English “I go to school with him”. Then the
example of his sepatunya berwarna biru, so
in English “his shoes is blue”.
Ss: Ooooo I see Miss… Thank you Miss..
T :Okay.. Because the time is up.. and there
are some students who haven’t send and
make the caption, I will make it to be
homework. so search the photo make it to be
caption, post on the instagram and tag my
instagram in 2 two sentence minimally..
3 Post- - Concluding and closing the 1 minute
Activity lesson

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

The teacher is ready to close the lesson due

to the time and ask them, whether they have
question or not.
T: Ok, students, we are run out of time now.
Do you have any question?
Ss: (silent), no, miss
T: “No questions? Great, I’ll see you next
week then, and Don’t forget to do your
homework and study hard, don’t lazy to do
your assignments and keep spirit. Bye…
Ss: See you miss…Bye!

I. Backup Plan :
- If the students don’t have Instagram, they can send on Whatssap Group
or they can make caption grouply by the criteria every a student has to
make 2 sentences.
J. Assessment
Underline the word errors in pronoun and verb (simple present tense)
Anton work at a bank in Melbourne. Anton’s daily routine is a little
boring but he likes it. He usually get up at about 5 or 5.30 in the
morning, after his alarm clock wakes her up. First, she brush his teeth,
shave, and takes a shower. Then he gets dressed and prays. After he
check some e-mails in her computer, he goes downstairs to have
breakfast with his family. He always have coffee, cereal and lots of
fruits. He takes a tram work because he don’t like to drive, and he always
arrive at his office around 8.

K. Evaluation
5. Cognitive aspect; underline the word errors in pronoun and verb (simple
present tense)
Answer Key
Anton work (works)at a bank in Melbourne. Anton’s daily routine
is a little boring but he likes it. He usually get (gets) up at about 5 or

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

5.30 in the morning, after his alarm clock wakes her (him) up. First, she
(he) brush (brushes) his teeth, shave, and takes a shower. Then he gets
dressed and prays. After he check (checks) some e-mails in her (his)
computer, he goes downstairs to have breakfast with his family. He
always have (has) coffee, cereal and lots of fruits. He takes a tram work
because he don’t (doesn’t) like to drive, and he always arrive (arrives)
at his office around 8.

6. Affective aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching and learning;

7. Psychomotor aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching and

Tuesday 18th August 2020,

Guidance Teacher Instructor

Marjani Arianto, S.Pd.I Mariani

NUPTK. 6651761662200002 NIM. 170102030046

Hj. Nani Hizriani, MA

NIP. 19771127200312 2001

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Link Video Bukti Pembelajaran

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

RPP (Lesson Plan), Link Video dan Bukti Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke-6
Name of Teacher : Mariani
Name of School : MA. Nahdlatussalam
Grade : XII
Subject : English
Level of Students : Basic EFL Students
Topic : What’s the News Today (Chapter 4)
Class time : Tuesday/ 09:00-10:00a.m
Meeting : 6th
Time Allocation : 2 x 30 minutes
Room : Group Whatsapp
A. Core Competence:
1. KI-1. To appreciate and practice the teaching of their religion
2. KI-2. To demonstrate the honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring
(cooperation, teamwork, tolerance, peace), politeness, responsiveness,
and pro-active and to show attitude as part of the solution to various
problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment and positioning ourselves as a reflection of the nation in
world association.
3. KI-3. To understand, to apply, to analyze factual, conceptual,
technology, art, culture, and humanities with humanity, nationality,
state, and civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena and
events, and to apply procedural knowledge to specific field of study
according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
4. KI-4. To process, to make reasoning, and to present in concrete and
abstract domains related to the development of what they learned in
school independently, and being able to use methods according to
scientific rules.
B. Basic Competence

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

3.4 Differentiating social functions, text structure, and elements the

language of some news texts verbal and written items with give and
asking for information simple news related to the newspaper/radio/TV
according to the text of their use.
4.4 Capturing the meaning in a contextual related to the social functions,
text structure, and element linguistic of the text of oral news items and
writing, in news form simple newspaper/radio/TV
C. Learning Objective
1. The students will be able to identify the generic structure of news item
2. The students have honesty, discipline, and responsible in learning
activity which they have been prepared and they will do.
3. The students will be able to increase their pronunciation in reading news
item text.
D. Indicators
1. The students are able to mention the generic structure of news item text.
2. The students are able to explain the generic structure of news item text
that teacher gave.
3. The students are able to present honesty, discipline, and responsible
about anything which relate with learning activity.
4. The students are able to implement honesty, discipline, and responsible
in their life.
5. The students are able to search the news item text on google.
6. The students are able to read the news item text that they search on
C. Learning Materials
1. The Social Function of News Item Text
To inform readers, listeners, or viewers about the event of the day
which are considered important, interesting, surprising and newsworthy.
2. The Generic Structure of News Item Text
a. Main Event/ Newsworthy Event

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

b. Elaboration/Background Event
c. Source

Kendari SAR Team Finds 3 more Victims
KENDARI : On Thursday, three more victims from a ship that sank
in the Banda Sea were found by a search and rescue team. They were Aris
Triono, the captain of the Amami cargo ship, Yakub, a crewman, and
Suharto, a passenger.
The Amami cargo ship had been missing since the incident occurred
on Friday last week. The three victims were found in Thursday, floating in
water close to Menui Island, Central Sulawesi Province. Two other victims
were earlier saved by the SAR team in the Banda Sea on Saturday last week,
only a day after the ship sank due to bad weather.
“The SAR team is still searching for 10 crew members and a
passenger still missing after incident,” said Rocky Asikin, the head of
Kendari SAR team.


Tim SAR Kendari Temukan 3 Korban Lagi

KENDARI: Pada hari Kamis, tiga korban lagi dari kapal yang
tenggelam di Laut Banda ditemukan oleh tim SAR. Mereka adalah Aris
Triono, kapten kapal kargo Amami, Yakub sebagai awak, dan Soeharto,
penumpang. (Who)
Kapal kargo Amami telah hilang sejak insiden terjadi pada Jumat
pekan lalu. Ketiga korban ditemukan pada Kamis, mengapung di perairan
dekat Pulau Menui, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Dua korban lainnya
sebelumnya berhasil diselamatkan tim SAR di Laut Banda pada Sabtu
pekan lalu, hanya sehari setelah kapal tenggelam akibat cuaca buruk.

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"Tim SAR masih mencari 10 awak dan satu penumpang masih

hilang setelah kejadian," kata Rocky Asikin, Ketua Tim SAR Kendari.
Analysis of the generic structure
1. Main Event/Newsworthy Event : recount the event in summary form and
usually answer the questions of what, when, where and who.
= menceritakan suatu kejadian secara singkat di tandai dengan jawaban dari
pertanyaan apa, kapan, dimana dan siapa.
KENDARI : On Thursday (When), three more victims from a ship
that sank in the Banda Sea (Where) were found by a search and rescue
team. They were Aris Triono, the captain of the Amami cargo ship, Yakub,
a crewman, and Suharto, a passenger (Who). (What: paragraph 1)
2. Elaboration/Background Event: Elaborate what happened usually answer
the question how or why.
The Amami cargo ship had been missing since the incident occurred
on Friday last week. The three victims were found in Thursday, floating in
water close to Menui Island, Central Sulawesi Province. Two other victims
were earlier saved by the SAR team in the Banda Sea on Saturday last week,
only a day after the ship sank due to bad weather. (How)
3. Source: Comments by participants in, witnesses to, authorities expert on the
event; usually is signed by the word “said”
“The SAR team is still searching for 10 crew members and a
passenger still missing after incident,” said Rocky Asikin, the head of
Kendari SAR team.
D. Learning Method : Scientific Approach
E. Media : Video and Photos
F. Teaching and Learning Activity

No. Activity Explanation Time

1 Pre- - Starting the class by 10 minutes
Activity greeting and checking

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

- The teacher gives the

2 While- - The teacher post a video 45 minutes
Activity about the News Item
- Then the teacher post a
picture while explain it,
since there is some
students who cannot
open the video by
reasoning bad signal
- Teacher explain the
social function of News
Item text
- Ask the students to
discuss about the content
of the news item text that
teacher gave.
- ask the students search
on google the news item
text collaboratively and
after that ask them to
read it.
3 Post - Concluding and closing 5 minutes
Activity the lesson
The teacher is ready to close the
lesson due to the time and ask them,
whether they have question or not.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

T: Ok, students, we are run out of

time now. Do you have any
Ss: (silent), no, miss
T: “No questions? Great, So who
want to conclude the lesson today?
Ss: Me.. Miss…
T: Please..
Ss: the materials todays is about
news item text.
T: Oaky Great… maybe all of you
are understand, so that’s all for
today… I’ll see you next week then,
and Don’t forget to study hard, don’t
be lazy to do your assignments and
keep spirit. Bye…
Ss: See you miss…Bye!

G. Source
 Th. M. Sudarwati & Eudia Grace (2018), Buku Bahasa Inggris
Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade XII Kurikulum 2013
Revisi, Jakarta: Erlangga.
H. Assessment
Read the text and answer the questions below!!!
Yogyakarta Promotes Commuting by Bike
The Jakarta Post
More than 2,000 people participated in bike-to-work and bike to school
promotional events staged on Yogyakarta’s Alun-Alun Utara Square a
Monday morning.

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

The participants who include civil servants, private-sector employees,

students, police, and soldiers represented 30 different bicycle clubs.
“We have to support this program to help Yogyakarta be an
environmentally friendly city,” Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan
Hamengkubuwono X said.
Yogyakarta Mayor Herry Zudianto said the program would benefit the
city by reducing pollution levels and global warming contributions. “It’s
also good for our health,” he added.
Herry said that the city administration would allocate funds to construct
designated cycle routes if their numbers increased significantly.
No Generic Signed Sentence
1 Main event What
2 Background
3 Source
II. Search on google one news item text and read it!!!
I. Evaluation:
1. Cognitive aspect: analyzing the generic structure of news item text
and answer the questions based on the text
Answer Key
No Generic Signed Sentence
1 Main event What More than 2,000 people participated in
bike-to-work and bike to school
promotional events staged on

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Yogyakarta’s Alun-Alun Utara Square a

Monday morning
Where Yogyakarta’s alun-alun utara square
When Monday morning
Who - More than 2000 people
- The participants include civil servants,
private sector employees, students,
police and soldier.
2 Background The participants who include civil
Event servants, private-sector employees,
students, police, and soldiers represented
30 different bicycle clubs.
3 Source  “We have to support
this program to help
Yogyakarta be an
friendly city,”
Governor Sri Sultan
Hamengkubuwono X
 Yogyakarta Mayor
Herry Zudianto said
the program would
benefit the city by
reducing pollution
levels and global
contributions. “It’s
also good for our

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

health,” he added.
 Herry said that the
city administration
would allocate funds
to construct
designated cycle
routes if their
numbers increased

2. Affective aspect : Evaluated while the process of teaching and

3. Psychomotor aspect:
Rubric score for reading:
Reading Rubric Exceeds Meets Approaches Does Not
Word Solving Student uses Student uses Student uses a Student
1-5 many several couple of rarely stops
strategies to strategies to strategies to to solve
solve tricky solve tricky solve words, tricky words
words and words, but but frequently and either
perseveres at may appeals for appeals for
difficulty. occasionally help for skips help or skips
appeal for past unknown most
help. words. unknown

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Fluency 1- Student often Student Student Student

5 reads sometimes occasionally struggles to
smoothly, reads reads read
attends to smoothly, smoothly, smoothly,
punctuation, attends to attends to attend to
and uses punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
expression. and uses and uses and use
expression. expression. expression.
Comprehension Student often Student Student Student
1-5 stops to think sometimes occasionally rarely stops
about what is stops to think stops to think to think about
happening in about what is about what is what is
the text and happening in happening in happening in
generates the text and the text and the text and
questions or generates generates generates
ideas. questions or questions or questions or
ideas. ideas. ideas.
Participation 1- Student Student Student Student
5 actively actively participates participates
participates at participates some of the occasionally.
all times. most of the time.
On-Task Student is Student is Student is Student is
Behavior always on usually on sometimes on rarely on
1-5 task. task. task. task.
Score = 5+5+5+5+5 = 20 x 4 = 100

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Tuesday 25st August 2020,

Guidance Teacher, Instructor,

Marjani Arianto, S.Pd.I Mariani

NUPTK. 6651761662200002 NIM. 170102030046

Hj. Nani Hizriani, MA

NIP. 19771127200312 2001

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Link Video Bukti Pembelajaran

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2



Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2



Kepala Sekolah

KH. Ahmad Fauzi, S.Pd.I

Bendahara Tata Usaha

H.Syamsuddin, S.Pd.I
H. Zainal Arifin, S.Pd.I

WK. UR. WK. UR. Kesiswaan

Yamani, S.Pd.I Pahlianor, S.Pd.I

WK. UR. Sarana Operator Operator

WK. UR. Humas
Prasarana Madrasah Madrasah
H. Fakhrurrazi, S.Pd.I Jayadi, S.Pd.I Marjani Arianto, S.Pd.I Abd. Malik, S.Pd.I

Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2


Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2




No Nama Tahun Jabatan

1 KH. Marjuni 1994-1999

2 KH. Suryani, S. Pd., M. Pd. I 1999-2004

3 KH. Ahmad Fauzi 2004-sekarang

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Mariani-170102030046-TBI-Kelompok 40 PPL 2

MTs R.




MTs. Nahdlatussalam

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