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How Reading Helps My Life Experience to be Memorable

Disusun Guna Memenuhi Tugas UTS Reading for Professional Context

Dosen Pengampu: Anisah Setyaningrum, M.Pd.

Disusun oleh :

Bagus Maulana Yusuf (2010510004)


A. Teks Berbahasa Indonesia

Nama saya Bagus Maulana Yusuf biasa dipanggil Bagus, Sekarang saya
seorang pelajar di IAIN Kudus. Saya akan sedikit menceritakan tentang salah satu
pengalaman dari hidup saya yang paling saya ingat dihidup saya. Tahun 2016 waktu
itu pertama kali saya akan mendaftar ke sebuah SMK setelah saya lulus dari MTS
ku yang lama yang bernama MTS N 2 Kudus. Sebelum masuk saya cukup bingung
karena pada saat itu kedua orang tua saya sedang mengalami kesulitan ekonomi
sementara saya ingin sekolah di SMK pada jurusan komputer. Kenapa saya ingin di
jurusan itu ? karena dari dulu saya suka komputer, dulu saya suka ke warnet main
game atau main Facebook ataupun mencari informasi.

Selain saya suka kewarnet saya juga sering pergi ke Perpustakaan Daerah
(PERPUSDA) untuk membaca buku. Saya sering kesana saat MTS untuk meminjam
buku maupun membaca buku. Saya sering membaca novel yang bergenre fantasi
dan slice of life karena kita dapat berimajinasi dan juga termotivasi untuk menjalani
hidup. Bukan hanya Novel saya juga terkadang membaca tentang buku yang
didalanya terdapat ilmu Komputer ataupun motivasi motivasi kenapa kita harus bisa
mengoperasikan computer.

Semua itulah yang membuat saya ingin belajar komputer karena dari awal
memang saya sudah punya dasar dasar dari ilmu komputer itu. Saya bilang kepada
kedua orang tua saya, saya ingin sekolah di jurusan komputer tetapi orang tua saya
tidak langsung setuju mereka ingin saya ke jurusan mesin Karena ada salah satu
SMK jurusan mesin agak terjangkau biayanya. Mereka juga menyakinkanku bahwa
kamu harus ke jurusan mesin saja karena ekonomi bapak ibu lagi sulit. Pada saat itu
saya bingung saya berfikir bahwa itu semua ada benarnya, tapi saya masih ingin ke
jurusan komputer. Lalu saya bilang ke orang tua saya , “ayah ibu bagus ingin
sekolah jurusan komputer bagus janji bagus bakal serius belajar di sekolah dan bikin
bangga ayah ibu”.
Setelah mendengar itu orang tua saya menyetujuinya dan akhirnya orang tua
saya berhutang kepada salah satu bank. Akhirnya saya bisa mendaftar di SMK NU
Ma’arif Kudus, saat itu ujiannya yang pertama adalah tes wawancara yang
dilaksanakan di ruang BK. Saat itu saya diwawancarai oleh ibu Sri Mulyani tapi
kerap disapa Bu cici, ya emang jauh plesetanya tapi katanya nama masa kecil. Bu
cici menanyaiku tentang apa tujuan kamu kesini, kenapa kamu milih jurusan ini,
terus siapkah kamu bekerja saat sudah lulus, saat diwawancarai saya memang agak
gugup tapi saya bisa menjawab semu pertanyaan dengan cukup baik.

Setelah selesai lanjut ke ujian kedua yaitu ujian tertulis , menurutku ini
mudah di soal itu terdapat 4 mata soal yang dijadikan satu yaitu matematika, bahasa
Indonesia, Pendidikan kewarnegaraaan, dan yang terakhir adalah Psikotes. 2 bulan
berlalu akhirnya pengumuman penerimaan pun datang, saya berhasil diterima di
SMK itu dan di tempatkan di TKJ 1 dengan berjumlah 36 orang. Oh ya di jurusanku
ini ada 3 kelas yaitu 1,2 dan 3. Saya termasuk terbaik Karena ditempatkan di kelas
yang pertama. Setalah 2 bulan setelah penerimaan akhirnya tiba hari pertama masuk
sekolah. Seperti biasa saat pertama kali masuk kita akan dihadapkan oleh Masa
Orientasi sekolah. Untuk sekolahku namanya sedikit berbeda yaitu MATASBA
(Masa Ta’aruf Siswa Baru).

Di acara itu sama seperti orientasi biasanya tapi yang berbeda adalah adanya
pelatihan kedisiplinan dan PBB. Jadi ada yang melatih PBB yaitu dari Menwa dari
Universitas Muria Kudus (UMK), kami diajari cara baris berbaris dengan benar.
Saat itu memang pelatihannya agak keras tapi tidak apa apa, ini juga bermanfaat
bagiku. Saat masa orientasi saya juga sempat mendaftar OSIS dan Jurnalistik.pada
saat itu saya kagum pada kedua organisasi dan ekstrakuriler itu Karena pada saat
MATASBA mereka kelihatan sibuk dan juga bisa mengatur peserta didik baru. Yah
untuk masuk di OSIS memang agak susah tapi Alhamdulillah saya berhasil masuk.
Dan menjadi anggota resmi, dan begitu juga di jurnalistik.
Di jurnalistik pada saat itu saya difokuskan menjadi pemuat berita dan editor
jadi saya perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan saya dengan terus membaca dan
membaca diartikel maupun di sebuah buku Saya pernah temotivasi beberapa
pendapat tentang pentingnya membaca seperti :

- ”Ilmu itu ada di mana-mana, pengetahuan di mana-mana tersebar, kalau kita

bersedia membaca, dan bersedia mendengar." - Felix Siauw
- “Makin aku banyak membaca, makin aku banyak berpikir; makin aku banyak
belajar, makin aku sadar bahwa aku tak mengetahui apa pun." – Voltaire
- "Ada dua motif untuk membaca buku. Pertama, kau menikmatinya dan yang
lain, kau bisa menyombongkannya." - Bertrand Russell

Saya senang pada saat itu karena dapat ikut suatu organisasi dan ekstra yang
sangat bermanfaat. Tidak berhenti situ pada saat pertengahan semester saya dipilih
oleh guruku untuk manjadi perwakilan jurusan komputer untuk berangkat ke PT
Daihatsu Motor untuk belajar disana tentang budaya kerja dan peraturan kerja.
Setelah saya pulang saya cerita kepada orang tua saya dan benar orang tua saya
sangat bangga kepadsaya mereka senang , bahwa pilihanku dulu masuk ke jurusan
komputer itu tidak salah. 2 minggu kemudian saya beramgkat ke PT Daihatsu yang
ada di Jakarta dengan naik bus. Perjalanan Kudus ke Jakarta memakan waktu 1 hari
satu malam.

Setelah sampai saya menginap di hotel terlebih dahulu. Keesokannya baru

saya masuk keindustri itu, disana banyak suatu hal yang belum pernah saya ketahui
salah satunya adalah ternyata menjadi seorang pekerja itu harus benar disiplin dan
semua itu ada aturannya. Saya melihat banyak hal seperti mesin mesin yang besar,
pekerja yang benar benar focus pada pekerjaannya, tempat kerja yang sangat luas
sampai untuk masuk ke kantornya saja nafasku sampai terengah engah karena
sangking luasnya. Di industri ini saya belajar sampai seminggu dan tujuannya adalah
agar nanti saat saya pulang ke sekolah dapat mengajarkan kembali kepada teman
temanku yang lain. Singkat cerita saya selesai dan pulang kesekolah lalu saya
membuat sebuah progam kerja yaitu apa perbaikan perbaikan budaya indutri yang
belum diterapkan di SMK ku.

Saya terus belajar, mencari cari informasi di artikel, buku maupun dijurnal,
dan banyak menemukan informasi yang belum saya pelajari. 2 bulan setelahnya saya
berhasil dan saya mendapat sanjungan dari kepala sekolah Karena hasil kerja saya. 1
tahun berlalu akhirnya saya kelas 11 dan Alhamdulillah ada prestasi kembali yang
saya raih. Saya dicalonkan sebagai ketua OSIS dan sebagai ketua jurnalis saya
senang saat itu karena ya itu juga salah satu kebanggaan karena berarti saya diberi
kepercayaan menjadi pemimpin tapi sayangnya kedua pemilihan itu hasilnya saya
menjadi wakil ketua tapi gapapa justru saya bersyukur Karena nantinya saya bisa
membantu keduanya.

Saya terus meningkatkan pengetahuan saya dengan menyalurkan salah satu

hobi saya yaitu membaca, saya terus membaca apapun itu seperti novel, buku
pelajaran tentang komputer, bahkan buku yang berisi motivasi. Saat itu guru saya
mengamati saya suka membaca dan mempelajari ilmu computer lalu saya diminta
untuk lomba kompetisi jaringan di UNNNES dan saya langsung mengiyakan. Lalu
saya diminta membentuk tim dengan kakak kelasku pada saat itu lalu latihan terus
menerus tapi sayangnya pada saat itu saya belum mendapat juara tapi aku tidak
kecewa karena aku banyak mendapat pengalaman dari itu.

Tidak terasa saya sudah kelas 12 dan saya sudah mulai fokus ujian, pada saat
itu saya sudah lepas dari OSIS dan Jurnalis dan menjaid Alumni akan tetepi
terkadang saya masih diundang untuk memberikan motivasi motivasi kepada
juniorku . di akhir semester sekolahku kedatangan seorang Trainer MIkrotik
Nasional namanya Pak Danu Wiyata Rencananya nanti akan diadakan pelatihan
MTCNA dan MTCRE yang dilsayakant oleh setiap masing masing kelas TKJ dan
saya juga terpilih pada saat itu. Pelatihan ini diadakan selama seminggu , jadi apa itu
MTCNA dan MTCRE , itu adalah sebuah pelatihan nasional yang dilsayakan di
seluruh Indonesia dan di akhir nanti ada sebuah ujian untuk mendapatkan sertifikat
yang hanya bisa didapatkan ketika lulus ujian itu. Sertifikat ini harganya mahal
karena untuk bisa mendapatkan pelatihan MTCNA dan MTCRE membutuhkan
sebuah trainer Nasional seperti pak Danu Wiyata jadi saya sangat beruntung dapat
mengikuti pelatihan ini.

Saya bersungguh sungguh saat mengkuti latihan ini karena saya ingin
mendapatkan sertifikat MTCNA dan MTCRE itu. Saya belajar dan terus belajar
mambaca semua buku yang saya punya dan juga membaca Artikel tentang MTCNA
dan MTCRE itu. Saya berhasil mendapatkan kedua sertifikat itu dan saya sangat
senang. Saya bersyukur karena saya bisa mendapatkan sertfikat itu. Beberapa bulan
kemudian ada sebuah lomba yang dapat diikuti semua jurusan TKJ dan berskala

Seleksi pertama diadakan online secara serentak pada malam hari. Malam
harinya saya dan teman temanku melaksanakan ujian, saya mngerjakan ujian dengan
hati hati tapi tidak terlalu berharap bahwa saya bisa lolos. Soal itu pernah saya
pelajari saat saya kelas 11 tepatnya saat lomba di UNNES, jadi perlahan saya
mengerjakan soal itu. 1 minggu kemuadian saya kaget ternyata saya diterima dan
akan menajdi finalis. Saya sangat tidak menyangka saat itu saya bisa menajdi finalis
Nasional yang pesertanya bahkan ada mahasiswa dari Universitas besar seperti

Temanku dan guruku langsung mengucapkan selamat kepadsaya saat saya

pulang saya memeberitahukan hal ini kepada ortuku dan respon mereka langsung
memelukku dan menangis, dan mengucapakn selamat padsaya. Setelah itu selama
seminggu saya tidak mengikuti pelajaran dan menyiapkan untuk lomba, saya diantu
guruku untuk semakin mendalami tentang jaringan komputer , setelah itu saya
berangkat ke tempat saya lomba yaitu di Malang bertempat di Universitas
Muhammadiyah Malang. rencananya saya berangkat ke Malang mengunakan Kereta
api, jadi pertama saya harus ke Stasiun Poncol semarang terlebih dahulu. Saya
Menaiki bus ke arah semarang sesampainya disana saya dijemput oleh guruku yang
kebetulan dinas disana lalu diantar ke stasiun Poncol. Perjalanan saya ke Malang
memakan waktu 1 hari 1 malam. Waktu itu saya baru pertama kali menaiki kereta
api, saya senenang pada saat itu ternyata menggunakan kereta api itu enak, tidak ada
halauan macet. Setelah sampai di Malang saya disarankan oleh guru saya untuk
sholat tahajud berharap saya dapat mendapat banyak manfaat pada lomba ini. Lalu
saya menuju ke Hotel yang dekat di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang dan
beristirahat disana.

Setelah istirahat esoknya aku pergi ke UMM untuk technical meeting yang
diselenggarakan pagi pagi sebagai gambaran nanti untuk lombanya. Saya merasa
terkagum melihat Universitas yang sangat besar, dan juga lawan saya nanti yang
dominasinya anak kuliahan dari universitas besar. Setelah technical meeting selesai
saya kembali dengan guru saya ke hotel untuk istirahat kembali dan belajar untuk
kesiapan lomba besok. Esoknya saya berangakt sebelum itu saya berdoa supaya
diberi kelancaran saat ,mengerjakan soal soal yang diberikan. Lalu tiba saatnya
mengerjakan soal soal itu, soal itu sungguh sulit aku bahkan ada yang belum pernah
sama sekali aku pelajari. Aku sungguh tercengang dan pasrah akhirnya tapi tetap
kukerjakan sebisaku tapi aku sudah tak berharap lagi. Lalu selesailah waktu

Aku sudah tidak berharap untuk memenangkan lomba itu , lalu tibalah waktu
pengumuman dan benar saja aku tidak mendapatkan peringkat. Tetapi guruku bilang
walaupun aku tidak menang dia tetap bangga karena saya sudah membawa nama
Sekolah ke ranah Nasional. Dan aku juga tidak terlalu menyesalinya bahwa apa yang
kuduapatkan sekarang aku sudah sangat bersyukur Karena aku banyak mendapatkan
pengalaman baru disini. Itulah pentingnya membaca dalam hidupku , banyak suatuu
hal yang dapat saya raih dari membaca buku. Saya dapat memperluaas pengetahuan
saya dan itu yang membuat saya dapat mendapat pengalaman – pengalaman yang
luar biasa seperti ini.
B. Teks Berbahasa Inggris

My name is Bagus Maulana Yusuf, usually called Bagus, now I am a student

at IAIN Kudus. I will tell you a little about one of the experiences from my life
that I remember the most in my life. In 2016 when I first applied to a vocational
school after I graduated from my old MTS named MTS N 2 Kudus. Before
entering I was quite confused because at that time my parents were experiencing
economic difficulties while I wanted to study at a vocational school majoring in
computers. Why do I want to be in that department? because I've always liked
computers, I used to like going to internet cafes, playing games or playing
Facebook or looking for information.

Besides I like internet cafes, I also often go to the Regional Library

(PERPUSDA) to read books. I often go there during MTS to borrow books or
read books. I often read fantasy and slice of life novels because we can imagine
and are also motivated to live life. Not only novels, but I also sometimes read
about books in which there are computer science or motivational motivations
why we should be able to operate a computers.

All of these things made me want to learn computers because from the very
beginning I already had the basics of computer science. I told my parents that I
wanted to study computer science but my parents didn't immediately agree that
they wanted me to major in mechanical engineering. Because there is one
vocational school majoring in mechanical engineering which is quite affordable.
They also convinced me that you should just major in mechanical engineering
because the economy is difficult for you. At that time I was confused I thought
that it was all true, but I still wanted to major in computer. Then I said to my
parents, " father and mother Bagus want a good computer major, Bagus promise,
I will seriously study at school and make my parents proud".

After hearing that my parents agreed and finally my parents owed it to a

bank. Finally, I was able to register at SMK NU Ma'arif Kudus, at that time the
first test was an interview test which was held in the BK room. At that time I
was interviewed by Sri Mulyani's mother, but she was often called Mrs. Cici,
yes, it was far from pleasant, but she said it was a childhood name. Mrs Cici
asked me about what is your purpose here, why did you choose this major, then
are you ready to work when you graduate, when interviewed I was a bit nervous
but I was able to answer all the questions quite well.
After finishing the second exam, which is the written exam, I think it's easy
in that there are 4 questions that are combined into one, namely mathematics,
Indonesian language, citizenship education, and the last one is the psychological
test. 2 months passed, finally the announcement of acceptance came, I was
successfully accepted at the SMK and was placed in TKJ 1 with a total of 36
people. Oh yes, in my department there are 3 classes, namely 1,2 and 3. I am the
best because I was placed in the first class. After 2 months after acceptance
finally arrived on the first day of school. As usual when we first enter we will be
faced with the school Orientation Period. For my school, the name is slightly
different, namely MATASBA (New Student Ta'aruf Period).

The event was the same as the usual orientation but what was different was
the disciplinary training and PBB. So there was one who trained the PBB,
namely Menwa from Muria Kudus University (UMK), we were taught how to
line up correctly. At that time the training was a bit harsh but that's okay, it's also
beneficial for me. During the orientation period, I also had time to register for
student councils and journalism. At that time I was amazed at the two
organizations and extracurriculars because at MATASBA they seemed busy and
could also manage new students. Well, getting into the student council was a bit
difficult but Alhamdulillah, I managed to get in. And become an official
member, and so in journalism.

In journalism at that time I was focused on being a news anchor and editor
so I needed to improve my knowledge by continuing to read and read articles
and books. I was motivated by several opinions about the importance of reading,
such as:

- "Knowledge is everywhere, knowledge is spread everywhere, if we are willing

to read, and willing to listen." - Felix Siauw

- “The more I read, the more I think; the more I learn, the more I realize that I
know nothing." – Voltaire

- "There are two motives for reading a book. First, you enjoy it and the other,
you can brag about it." - Bertrand Russell

I was happy at that time because I was able to join an organization and extra
that was very useful. It didn't stop there, mid-semester I was chosen by my
teacher to be a representative of the computer department to go to PT Daihatsu
Motor to study there about work culture and work regulations. After I got home I
told my parents and it was true that my parents were very proud of me, they
were happy, that my choice to major in computer science was not wrong. 2
weeks later I went to PT Daihatsu in Jakarta by bus. Kudus trip to Jakarta takes 1
day and one night.

After arriving I stayed at the hotel first. The next day I just entered the
industry, there were many things that I had never known, one of which was that
it turned out to be a worker, one had to be disciplined and all of that had rules. I
saw many things, such as large machines, workers who were really focused on
their work, a very wide workplace, even if I just entered the office, I was out of
breath because it was so big. In this industry I study for up to a week and the
goal is so that when I return to school I can teach it to my other friends. Long
story short, I finished and went back to school and then I made a work program,
namely what improvements to industrial culture have not been implemented in
my SMK.

I continued to study, looking for information in articles, books and journals,

and found a lot of information that I had not studied. 2 months later I succeeded
and I got praise from the principal because of my work. 1 year has passed and I
am finally in 11th grade and Alhamdulillah, I have achieved another
achievement. I was nominated as the chairman of the student council and as the
head of the journalist I was happy at that time because yes it was also a matter of
pride because it meant that I was given the trust to be a leader but unfortunately
both elections resulted in me becoming vice chairman but that's okay, I'm
grateful because later I can help both of them.

I continue to improve my knowledge by channeling one of my hobbies,

namely reading, I continue to read anything such as novels, computer textbooks,
even books that contain motivation. At that time my teacher observed that I liked
to read and study computer science and then I was asked to enter a network
competition at UNNNES and I immediately said yes. Then I was asked to form a
team with my seniors at that time and practice continuously but unfortunately at
that time I didn't get a champion but I was not disappointed because I got a lot of
experience from it.
It doesn't feel like I'm in grade 12 and I've started to focus on exams, at that
time I've been separated from student council and journalists and become an
Alumni but sometimes I'm still invited to give motivational motivation to my
juniors. At the end of my school semester, there was a National Mikrotik Trainer
named Mr. Danu Wiyata. The plan is to hold MTCNA and MTCRE training
which will be held by each TKJ class and I was also selected at that time. This
training is held for a week, so what is MTCNA and MTCRE, it is a national
training conducted in throughout Indonesia and at the end there will be an exam
to get a certificate which can only be obtained when passing the exam. This
certificate is expensive because to be able to get MTCNA and MTCRE training
requires a National trainer like Mr. Danu Wiyata so I am very lucky to be able to
take part in this training.

I really mean it when I do this exercise because I want to get the MTCNA
and MTCRE certificates. I studied and continued to learn to read all the books I
had and also read the article about MTCNA and MTCRE. I managed to get both
certificates and I am very happy. I am grateful that I was able to get the
certificate. A few months later, there was a competition that all TKJ majors
could participate in and on a national scale.

The first selection was held online simultaneously at night. That night my
friends and I took the exam, I did the exam carefully but didn't really expect that
I could pass. I learned this question when I was in grade 11, precisely during a
competition at UNNES, so I slowly worked on it. 1 week later I was surprised
that I was accepted and would become a finalist. I really didn't think that at that
time I could become a National finalist whose participants were even students
from big universities such as UGM, UNNES, and ITB.

My friend and my teacher immediately congratulated me when I got home I

told this to my parents and their response immediately hugged me and cried, and
congratulated me. After that for a week I did not take lessons and prepared for
the competition, I was assisted by my teacher to learn more about computer
networks, after that I went to the place where I competed, namely in Malang at
the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. I planned to go to Malang by train, so
first I had to go to Poncol Station, Semarang first. I took a bus in the direction of
Semarang when I got there I was picked up by my teacher who happened to be
on duty there and then escorted me to Poncol station. My trip to Malang took 1
day 1 night. At that time, it was my first time taking a train, I was happy at that
time, it turned out that using the train was good, there were no traffic jams. After
arriving in Malang I was advised by my teacher to pray tahajjud hoping that I
can get a lot of benefits from this competition. Then I headed to a nearby hotel at
the University of Muhammadiyah Malang and rested there.

After resting the next day, I went to UMM for a technical meeting which was
held in the morning as an illustration for the competition. I was amazed to see a
very large university, and also my future opponents who were dominated by
college students from big universities. After the technical meeting was over, I
returned with my teacher to the hotel to rest again and study for tomorrow's
competition readiness. The next day I left before that I prayed to be given a
smooth time working on the questions given. Then it was time to work on the
questions, the questions were really difficult for me, some of which I had never
studied at all. I was really shocked and gave up in the end but I still did my best
but I had no hope anymore. Then finish working.

I was not expecting to win the race, then came the announcement time and
sure enough I didn't get a ranking. But my teacher said that even though I didn't
win he was still proud because I had brought the name of the school to the
national realm. And I also don't really regret it that what I get now I'm very
grateful because I got a lot of new experiences here. That is the importance of
reading in my life, there are many things that I can achieve from reading books. I
can broaden my knowledge and that's what allows me to have amazing
experiences like this.
Translation Process
I used google translate to translate the text, then I did a thourgh grammar
check and found some error in some parts, here are some of the errors

Before After Error

Before entering I was quite Before entering I was quite confused because Add letter S
confused because at that time my at that time my parents were experiencing in word
parents were experiencing economic difficulties while I wanted to study computer
economic difficulties while I at a vocational school majoring in computers.
wanted to study at a vocational
school majoring in computer.

Not only novels, I also sometimes Not only novels, but I also sometimes read Add word but
read about books in which there about books in which there are computer after word
are computer science or science or motivational motivations why we novel and add
motivational motivations why we should be able to operate a computers. article before
should be able to operate computers

Finally I was able to register at Finally, I was able to register at SMK NU Add comma
SMK NU Ma'arif Kudus, at that Ma'arif Kudus, at that time the first test was after word
time the first test was an interview an interview test which was held in the BK finally
test which was held in the BK room.

Mrs cici asked me about what is Mrs Cici asked me about what is your purpose Capitalization
your purpose here, why did you here, why did you choose this major, then are letter “C”
choose this major, then are you you ready to work when you graduate, when
ready to work when you graduate, interviewed I was a bit nervous but I was able
when interviewed I was a bit to answer all the questions quite well
nervous but I was able to answer
all the questions quite well

After finishing the second exam, After finishing the second exam, which is the Remove
which is the written exam, I think written exam, I think it's easy in that there are word “That”
it's easy in that there are 4 4 questions that are combined into one, after word
questions that are combined into namely mathematics, Indonesian language, questions
one, namely mathematics, citizenship education, and the last one is the
Indonesian language, citizenship psychological test.
education, and the last one is the
psychological test.

After 2 months after acceptance After 2 months after acceptance finally Add word on
finally arrived the first day of arrived on the first day of school after word
school arrived

In journalism at that time I was In journalism, at that time I was focused on Add comma
focused on being a news anchor being a news anchor and editor so I needed to after word
and editor so I needed to improve improve my knowledge by continuing to read journalism
my knowledge by continuing to and read articles and books.
read and read articles and books.
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