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BAHAN KULIAH I Name : Nana Rahmasari

Semester Pendek 2022

STB : E28118043
(Dosen: Ir. Hawalina, M.Sc)

Syarat sebuah kalimat lengkap adalah:
1. Memiliki subjek (bisa satu atau lebih)
2. Memiliki predikat (dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa kata kerja/verb, bisa to be)
3. Memiliki pengertian tertentu (thought) yang independent

Secara umum, kalimat lengkap memiliki objek, meskipun tidak menjadi syarat kalimat lengkap. Urutan
susunannya selalu S – P – O. Contoh, perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut berikut:

Kalimat Analisis Kategori

Indah berlari Indah (S) berlari (P/V) Kalimat lengkap
Tom dan Jerry bernyanyi Tom (S1) Jerry (S2) bernyanyi (P/V) tanpa objek
Heru bernyanyi, menghibur penonton Heru (S) bernyanyi (P/V1) menghibur (P/V2) penonton (O) Kalimat lengkap
Setiap sel dalam tubuh manusia Setiap sel dalam tubuh manusia (S) mengandung (P/V) dengan objek
mengandung protein protein (O)
Indah adalah mahasiswa kami Indahv(S) adalah (P/to be) mahasiswa kami (O)

Kalimat sering pula memiliki keterangan. Keterangan dapat ditempatkan sebelum subjek atau di akhir kalimat,
setelah objek.
Kemampuan menganalisis kalimat dengan baik sangat membantu dalam penerjemahan.

Analisalah kalimat dalam bacaan di bawah, dengan cara menggaris bawahi dan memberi tanda S untuk subjek, V untuk
predikat dan O untuk objek. Kalimat pertama adalah contoh.

Protein in Diet

Every cell in human body contains protein. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. We need
protein to repair and make new cells of your body. Protein is also important for growth and development in children,

teens and pregnant women.

Food proteins are broken into smaller parts called amino acids during digestion. The human body needs a number

of amino acids to maintain good health. Some amino acids are found in animal sources such as meats, milk, fish, and

eggs. They are also found in plant sources such as soybean and broccoli. Amino acids are classified into three groups:

Essential, Nonessential and Conditional. Essential amino acids cannot be made by our body. They must be supplied from

food. They do not need to be eaten at one meal. The balance over the whole day is more important. Nonessential amino

acids are made by the body from essential amino acids. Conditional amino acids are needed in times of illness and stress.

The amount of protein that we need depend on our overall calorie needs. The daily intake of protein recommended

for healthy adults is 10% to 35% of the total calorie needs.

II. Penggunaan kata: who, which, that, where dan whose

Isilah titik-titik di bawah dengan kata: who, which, that, where atau whose
(Fill in the blank with: who, which, that, where or whose)

1. Do you know where The Tween Tower is located ?

2. I appreciate your gift that was really interesting.
3. She is the lecturer who teach you English.
4. The book, which I bought yesterday, is the same book that you just bought.
5. The students whose grades 85 to 100 will get A.

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