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A Identitas Sekolah
Jenjang Sekolah
Alokasi Waktu 45 Menit x 3 JP (3 kali pertemuan)
B Capaian Menyimak
Pembelajaran Peserta didik membaca dan merespon teks familiar dan tidak familiar yang
mengandung struktur yang telah dipelajari dan kosakata yang familiar
secara mandiri. Mereka mencari dan mengevaluasi ide utama dan informasi
spesifik dalam berbagai jenis teks. Teks ini dapat berbentuk cetak atau
digital, termasuk diantaranya teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif.
Mereka mengidentifikasi tujuan teks dan mulai melakukan inferensi untuk
memahami informasi tersirat dalam sebuah teks.

Pada akhir fase D, peserta didik mengomunikasikan ide dan pengalaman
mereka melalui paragraf sederhana dan terstruktur, menunjukkan
perkembangan dalam penggunaan kosa kata spesifik dan struktur kalimat
sederhana. Menggunakan Tidak untuk Disebarluaskan Versi contoh,
mereka membuat perencanaan, menulis, dan menyajikan teks informasi,
imajinasi dan persuasi dengan menggunakan kalimat sederhana dan
majemuk untuk menyusun argumen dan menjelaskan atau mempertahankan
suatu pendapat.

Peserta didik telah memahami dapat menggunakan : :

B. Kompetensi Awal
1. Generic structure dari teks recount
2. Simple Past tense
3. Personal Pronouns
4. Connective of sequence (then, before, after, next day, after that …)
5. Adverb of time (Yesterday, last night, last year, …)

 Mandiri - individual task of writing

Profil Pelajar  Bergotong Royong - group work
C  Bernalar Kritis - comprehension, Q&A
 Kreatif - demonstration

- Aplikasi WAG
- G-Site
- Youtube
D Sarana dan
☒ Komputer/laptop/smartphone
☒ Jaringan internet
☒ Papan tulis
☒ Spidol
☒ Ruang kelas
☒ Proyektor

E Target Peserta Peserta didik reguler

. Didik

☒ Pembelajaran jarak jauh (dalam jaringan)

1. WAG
Model 2. Google Site
F 3. Independent learning
☐ Pembelajaran tatap muka
Genre based approach
Discussion n groupwork

Tujuan 1. peserta didik mampu menentukan gambaran umum tentang recount text
A Pembelajaran dengan baik dan benar.

2. peserta didik mampu menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dan tersirat dengan
penuh percaya diri

3. peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi generic structure pada recount text

4. peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi language feature (past event) pada

recount text

5. Peserta didik mampu menceritakan kembali pengalaman pribadi

Pemahaman ● Peserta didik akan memperoleh kemampuan dalam menceritakan pengalaman

B Bermakna yang dialami dengan runtut dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar.

C Pemantik
Persiapan Alat bantu : video, G-form, laptop, projector,white board & marker
D Pembelajaran

Pertemuan ke 1

Pendahuluan (5 menit)

Guru :
● menyapa peserta didik dan memberi salam
● mempersilakan peserta didik untuk berdoa sebelum pelajaran dimulai
Kegiatan ● mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
Pembelajaran ● mengkondisikan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan
Kegiatan Inti

Building Knowledge of the Field (BKoF) 10’

Pertanyaan Diagnostik pada awal pembelajaran
● Do you have unforgetable experience?
● Could you tell us about it?
● Where did it happen?
● With whom did you do?
● When did it happen?

Modelling of the Text (MoT) 20’

Pertanyaan Pemantik untuk Comprehension

Questions :
● What is the title of the text?
● Where did it happend?
● How many characters did you find from the video?
● Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Diberikan “reading comprehension”

JCoT (Joint Construction of the Text) 15’

● Diberikan video dengan tema “holiday”, peserta didik membuat

paraphrasing dari video yang ditonton dalam group
● Peserta didik mempresentasikan teks recount hasil paraphrasing.

ICoT (Independent Construction of the Text) 30’

● Peseta didik secara individu diberikan sebuah teks recount dengan tema
yang berbeda-beda.
● Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan terkait dengan teks recount yang
diberikan melalui Gform.

Penutup 10’
● Guru menginformasikan kepada peserta didik untuk mempelajari m
ateri yang akan dibahas dipertemuan berikutnya;

● Pelajaran diakhiri dengan berdoa yang dipimpin oleh salah satu peserta
didik kemudian mengucapkan salam


G Asesmen ● Comprehension (check recheck their understanding)
. ● Writing exercises (Paraphrasing)
● Speaking practices (Presenting)

- Reading the text and answering the question
1. Recount text “ holiday”
2. Recount text “Experience in Online learning”
3. Recount text “Unforgetable experience”

▪ remedial
Pengayaan dan • 75 % fail → reteaching
Remedial • 25% fail → peer coaching
▪ pengayaan
• task to make a short recount text based on their own
• upper level to give peer coaching for enrichment

Activity 1
Watch the video attached. Then paraphrase the text. And Present the text in front
of the class in group.
A Activity 2
. It was Sunday morning December 26 2004. The day that

I would never forget forever. We went to the beach in
Meulaboh, Aceh. Many people were there when I arrived.
When we were enjoying the beautiful sunrise, suddenly
we were shocked by a violent shake in the ground. Everybody in
the beach was panic. We soon realized that it was a very big
earthquake although it struck in a very short period of time.
After that, we saw the water  going on into the middle of
the sea. No wonder if there were many kinds of fish  left behind
on the sand. We all seemed to be astonished by the view until we
realized that there was a huge wave coming towards us and
destroying everything in its way.
I didn’t realize what had happened until I found myself
hanging on a branch of a tree.

1. The text mainly discusses  …

a. the story about terrible a earthquake
b. the writer’s experience with a big earthquake
c. the steps to avoid danger in your life
d. the description of a beach in Meulaboh

.2   What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. The writer saw many fish on the sand.
b. The view of the beach was very exciting.
c. The writer liked to see the wave in the sea.
d. Tsunami occurred and destroyed everything.

3. Everybody in the beach was panic because …

a. the sun rose brightly
b. there was an earthquake
c. the beach was very enjoyable.
d. there was an amazing view in the sea.

4. “We all seemed to be astonished by … .”

  The underlined word has the same meaning with …
a. panicked c. delighted
b. amazed d. Pleased

5. We all seemed to be astonished by the view until we realized that

there was a huge wave coming towards us and destroying
everything in its way. The italic word refers to?
a. The writer c. Huge wave
b. People d. the writer and people

At the first break, Arin went to the school library. As usual, she
walked towards the fiction section, her favourite one. She took an
interesting storybook from the shelf, then sat at the corner. The book
was about a handsome and brave prince who tried to free a princess
from a giant.

Arin was very sleepy. She didn’t realise that she fell asleep while
reading. On her dream, she was the princess who was saved by the
prince. The giant didn’t let her go. He held her strongly and she
struggled to get loose. Consequently she fell down to the ground.
Suddenly, Arin heard people laughing. She opened her eyes and saw
several students looking and laughing at her.
Arin was confused, but she finaly realised what had happened. She
dreamt about the story in the book she read. For matters words, she
fell down from the chair due to her dream.

1. Why is the text written?

A. To relate Arin’s experience
B. To amuse readers by telling a story
C. To describe Arin’s activity during the break
D. To tell readers the story of a giant and a princess
2. What did she dream?
A. The Giant pulled her
B. The Giant pushed her
C. The Giant captured her
D. The Giant released her
3. What kind of books did Arin like to read?
A. Storybooks
B. Biography books
C. Science books
D. Engineering books
4. What did Arin probably feel when her schoolmates laughed at her?
A. Bored
B. Upsed
C. Jealous
D. Embarrassed
5. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
a. She went to the book store.
b. She fell asleep
c. She realized that she just dreamed.
d. She was swollen by the giant.

I had an unforgettable experience. It happened a week ago. I

was going home from my football practice at school. On the way
home, I decided to buy shampoo since mine already run out. I
practice football three times a week and I always wash my hair after
I practice. I decided to buy shampoo from a supermarket. There was
a sale at that time. They offered discounts for many items. They also
gave discounts for shampoo and jam. Therefore, I decided to buy
chocolate jam so I could eat bread with it after shower.
On my arrival at home, I was ready to go shower when my
mother suddenly asked me to be quick since we were going to my
mother’s friend’s party. Without thinking, I immerdiately went to
the bathroom. The fun began when I started shampooing my hair. I
tasted the sweetness from the shampoo and realised that was wrong.
Mother laughed at me when I asked her to get me my shampoo
bottle and told her about the silly incident.

1. Paragraph two tell us about ….

A. the taste of the writer’s new shampoo.
B. the incident that happened to the writer.
C. the writer’s mother’s reaction to the incident.
D. the reason the writer rushed into the bathroom.

2. From the text we know that the writer ….

A. brought bread to the bathroom
B. used a wrong shampoo bottle
C. brought a wrong bottle to the bathroom
D. drank syrup in the bathroom

3. “…. told her about the silly incident”.

What is the synonym of the bolded word?
A. Foolish
B. Weird
C. Scary
D. Unusual

4. Why did the writer rush to go to the bathroom?

A. They were going to his mother’s friend’s party.
B. He was sweaty after practicing football.
C. He caught coming home late by his mother.
D. He was looked for by his father

5. What happened after the writer started shampooing his hair?

A. He felt itchy on his scalp.

B. His mother called him from the kitchen.
C. He fell on the bathroom.
D. He tasted the sweetness from the shampoo and realized that was

Lembar Kerja Refleksi Peserta Didik Pertemuan ke 1

1. Apa saja yang kamu pelajari hari ini
2. Apakah kamu menyukai kegiatan Pembelajaran kali ini?
3. Apa hal yang menarik dari materi teks prosedur?

● Lembar Kerja Refleksi Peserta Didik

Pertemuan 2

No Kemampuan Diri Ya Tidak Keterangan

1. Saya dapat memahami dan mengidentifikasi teks

2. Saya dapat menjelaskan tujuan dari
teks prosedur
3. Saya dapat menyusun sebuah teks prosedur.
4, Saya dapat mendemonstrasikan
langkah-langkah melakukan sesuatu dengan
menggunakan alat dan bahan yang diperlukan

• Sikap : Ketepatan pengumpulan tugas, keaktifan dalam berdiskusi

kelompok, kerja sama, dan komunikatif.

• Pengetahuan : Tes tulis sesuai dengan text yang di berikan.

• Keterampilan : Penampilan peserta didik dalam mendemon-

Strasikan langka-langkah melakukan sesuatu

B Rubrik Penilaian

Penjelasan mengenai Teks prosedur dari you tube dan google

SUmber bacaan buku paket B. Inggris

Bahan Bacaan
Guru dan Peserta

E. Daftar Pustaka


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