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(Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Gizi Olahraga)

Pengampu: Dr. Budiyanti Wiboworini, dr, M.kes , Sp ,CiK

Alfatussabila Ashidiqie ( A122008002 )



1. Pengantar gizi olah raga

a. Seorang atlet dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gizinya dengan konsumsi makanan bergizi
seimbang. Jelaskan konsep mendasar pengaturan gizi seimbang untuk atlet. (1)
b. Hitunglah kebutuhan energi dan makronutrien untuk atlet di bawah ini: Doni seorang pelajar
yang juga atlet renang. Usia Doni 15 tahun, dengan berat badan 58 kg dan tinggi badan 165
cm. Saat ini dalam periode latihan, dan kompetisi terdekat masih 5 bulan lagi. Dalam
seminggu Doni berlatih 5 x, pagi 1 jam dan sore 1 jam. (1)
2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kebutuhan gizi atlet
Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kebutuhan gizi atlet adalah periode pertandingan,
sehingga harus diperhitungkan dalam pengaturan makan untuk atlet. Apa alasan pernyataan
tersebut? (1)
3. Penilaian status gizi
Metode penilaian status gizi sebaiknya dilakukan secara komprehensif dari aspek
antropometri, pemeriksaan biokimiawi, pemeriksaan klinis dan riwayat diet. Jelaskan alasan
pernyataan tersebut. (1)
4. Pemilihan makanan untuk atlet
Salah satu kesulitan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan energy atlet adalah kebutuhannya yang
jauh lebih besar dibanding orang biasa. Upaya apakah yang dapat dilakukan untuk tujuan
tersebutdikaitkan dengan pemilihan makanannya ? (1) 2
5. Suplemen untuk atlet
Apakah yang disebut suplemen makanan? Kapan atlet perlu menggunakan suplemen? (1)
6. Kebutuhan dan pemilihan cairan
Kebutuhan cairan termasuk poin penting dalam pengaturan makanan untuk atlet dan hal ini
dipengaruhi oleh jenis olah raga yang diikuti. Jelaskan perbedaan pemilihan dan cara
pemberian cairan yang tepat antara atlet lari sprint dengan atlet lari marathon pada saat
pertandingan. (1)
7. Jurnal reading
Pilihlah SATU di antara jurnal terlampir. Buatlah review (bukan translate atau resume).
Tunjukkan kelebihan dan keterbatasan isi jurnal serta kesimpulan atau rekomendasi anda

relevan dengan isi jurnal. Rekomendasi dapat untuk konteks praktis penggunaan pada atlet

atau untuk pengembangan riset berikutnya (3).


1. Gizi Seimbang
a. Sesuai prinsip dasar ”gizi seimbang” yang mengandung cukup karbohidrat, lemak,
protein, mineral, air, dan serat. Menurut Joko Pekik Irianto (2007: 50) kebutuhan energi
yang diperlukan setiap orang berbeda-beda, bergantung kepada berbagai faktor, antara
lain: umur, jenis kelamin, berat dan tinggi badan serta berat ringannya aktivitas sehari-
hari. Untuk menunjang prestasinya olahragawan memerlukan nutrisi/ zat gizi yang cukup
baik kualitas maupun kuantitas. Pada dasarnya nutrisi dikelompokkan menjadi 2 golongan
yakni: Makro Nutrisi, yaitu zat gizi yang diperlukan tubuh dalam jumlah banyak (makro
nutrisi) meliputi ; karbohidrat, lemak yang berperan sebagai pemberi energi dan protein
berfungsi memelihara pertumbuhan dan memperbaiki jaringan tubuh seperti kulit, otot dan
rambut. Pengelompokkan zat gizi yang Kedua adalah mikro nutrisi yaitu zat gizi yang
diperlukan tubuh dalam jumlah sedikit (mikro nutrisi) meliputi: vitamin dan mineral yang
berperan memperlancar berbagai proses di dalam tubuh.

Diketahui TB = 165 cm
BB = 58 kg
U = 15 yo
SDA = 10% BMR
fA = 1,76 (sedang)
keb E = 8
aktv fisik/hari = 2 jam = 120 menit

Ditanya a. Keb. Energi harian?

b. Makronutrien?

Jumlah a. IMT = BB/(TB)2 = 58 / (1,65)2 = 58/2,7225 = 21,30 = normal

BMR = 66 + (13,7 x BB ) + (5 x TB ) – (68 x U)
= 66 + 794,6 + 825 – 102
= 1787
(i) BMR + SDA
= 1787 + 178,7
= 1965,7
(ii) (i) x Fa
= 1965,7 x 1,76
5 x 120 x 8 4800
(iii) = =685,71
7 7
(iv) (iii) + (ii)
= 685,71 + 3459,63
= 4145,34 kal

b. Makronutrien
 Protein = 60% x keb energi = 2.487,20 gram
 Karbohidrat = 35% x keb energi = 1.450,87 gram
 Lemak = 15% x keb energi = 621,80 gram

2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi gizi atlet pada periode pertandingan karena pada periode
pertandingan perlu disusun perencanaan makanan: sebelum bertanding, saat bertanding dan
setelah bertanding. Untuk meningkatkan status gizi antara lain: menambah berat badan,
meningkatkan kadar Hb. Menurunkan berat badan terutama atlet cabang olahraga yang
memerlukan klasifikasi berat badan. Pada tahap ini diharapkan status gizi sudah mencapai
tingkat yang optimal dan fisik atlet sudah beradaptasi dengan intensitas latihan yang tinggi.
Selama tahap pemeliharaan status gizi, atlet harus mampu mempertahankan kondisinya
dengan memperhatikan faktor pengaturan makanan.
3. Komposisi gizi tetap seimbang dan perlu monitoring status gizi atlet berdasarkan berat
badan,persentase lemak (lean body weight). Karena berbagai hal perlu diperhatikan pada
tahap pemeliharaan status gizi. Konsumsi energi harus cukup, terutama dalam bentuk
karbohidrat komplek, untuk mempertahankan simpanan glikogen otot dalam jumlah yang
cukup. Konsumsi karbohidrat yang rendah selama latihan intensif akan menyebabkan
simpanan glikogen berkurang dan dapat menurunkan kinerja.
4. Konsumsi banyak sayur dan buah-buahan segar khususnya yang berwarna tua (sayuran
hijau, wortel, labu kuning, mangga, pepaya, jeruk, semangka, dll.). Makanan tersebut
mengandung kadar vitamin dan mineral yang tinggi. Kurangi minyak dan lemak dengan
mengurangi makanan goreng dan fast food karena kandungan lemak pada fast food
berlebihan, pilih daging atau ayam yang kurang berlemak. Banyak minum air dan sari buah.
Atur waktu latihan sehingga selalu memperoleh tambahan minuman secara teratur. Selama
latihan sediakan waktu istirahat untuk minum, jangan menunggu hingga rasa haus.
5. Suplemen makanan adalah produk buatan pabrik yang dimaksudkan untuk melengkapi
asupan makanan ketika dikonsumsi dalam bentuk pil, kapsul, tablet, atau cairan. Suplemen
dapat memberikan nutrisi baik yang diekstraksi dari sumber makanan atau sintetik, secara
individu atau dalam kombinasi, untuk meningkatkan jumlah konsumsi mereka. Kelas senyawa
nutrisi tersebut termasuk vitamin, mineral, serat makanan, asam lemak dan asam amino.
Suplemen makanan juga dapat mengandung zat-zat yang belum dikonfirmasi penting untuk
kehidupan, tetapi dipasarkan karena memiliki efek biologis yang bermanfaat, seperti pigmen
tumbuhan atau polifenol. Hewan juga dapat menjadi sumber bahan suplemen, seperti
misalnya kolagen dari ayam atau ikan.
- Saat yang tepat menggunakan suplemen adalah saat dimana tubuh diforsir dalam latihan
meskipun asupan gizi sudah terpenuhi meskipun begitu seorang atlet harus mengetahui
suplemen yang diminum memiliki tujuan apa sehingga seorang atlet harus tau suplemen
yang dibutuhkan tubuh itu seperti apa.
6. Terdapat perbedaan antara pelari sprint dan marathon, baik jarak, jenis metabolisme energi,
maupun waktu pertandingan. Jarak yang ditempuh untuk pertandingan jarak pendek yang
ditempuh pelari sprint pada olimpiade adalah 100m, 200m dan 400m dengan capaian waktu
kurang dari 2 menit yang menyebabkan jenis metabolisme energi yang digunakan adalah
anaerob. Sedangkan para pelari marathon akan berlari sejauh 42km dengan waktu tempuh
lebih dari 1 jam sehingga metabolisme energinya adalah aerobik sehingga kebutuhan cairan
untuk pelari sprint dan marathon tentu berbeda. Pada pelari sprint melakukan tidak
membutuhkan waktu yang lama selama pertandingan karena pertandingannya hanya
menggunakan metabolisme anaerobik. Dimana pelari sprint membutuhkan energi secara
cepat ini akan diperoleh melalui hidrolisis phosphocreatine dan melalui glikolisis glukosa.
Sehingga sebelum pertandingan pelari sprint akan mengkonsumi cairan yang tinggi akan
creatine phosphat dan minuman tinggi glukosa.
Pelari marathon memiliki kebutuhan metabolik yang tinggi dan kebutuhan cairan yang tinggi
karena saat bertanding sangat bergantung kondisi cuaca, suhu, dan kelembaban lapangan
pertandingan karena berat badan akan dilepaskan selama pertandingan sebesar 2% dari
berat tubuhnya melalui cairan/keringat. Konsumsi air mineral sebelum latihan (77%), selama
latihan (86,2%) dan setelah latihan (64,6%), menunjukkan bahwa, dalam latihan, sedikit atlet
yang terhidrasi dengan minuman olahraga. Air mineral adalah cairan yang paling banyak
dikonsumsi oleh 95,6%. Selain air, cairan lain yang dikonsumsi para atlet adalah jus buah-
(48%), minuman olahraga (35,4%) dan softdrink rasa buah (18%). Rendahnya konsumsi
minuman olahraga ditemukan sebelum, selama dan setelah berolahraga hingga garis finish
marathon (42.195 meter

Review Jurnal Sport Nutrition

The effects of different doses of caffeine on maximal strength and

strength‐endurance in women habituated to caffeine
Aleksandra Filip-Stachnik , Michal Wilk, Michal Krzysztofik , Ewelina
Lulińska , James J. Tufano , Adam Zajac , Petr Stastny and Juan Del
Penulis Coso

DOI 10.1186/s12970-021-00421-9
Dua puluh satu siswi dengan kriteria a) bebas dari
neuromuskuler dangangguan musculoskeletal b) CAF harian
kebiasaan di-minum ≥ 3 mg / kg / bm / hari [ 41 ] c) (23,0 ± 0,9 tahun,
massa tubuh: 59,0 ± 6,6 kg), dengan harianasupan kafein 5,8 ± 2,6
mg / kg / bm berpartisipasi dalam desain acak, crossover, double-
blind. Setiap peserta melakukan tiga sesi eksperimen setelah
Review menelan plasebo (PLAC) atau 3 mg / kg / bm (CAF-3) dan 6 mg / kg /
bm(CAF-6) kafein. Dalam setiap sesi eksperimen, para peserta
menjalani tes 1RM dan tes ketahanan-kekuatan di 50% 1RM dalam
latihan bench press. Beban maksimal diukur dalam uji 1RM dan
waktu di bawah tegangan, angka pengulangan yang telah dibentuk
sebelumnya, keluaran daya dan kecepatan batang didaftarkan dalam
uji ketahanan-kekuatan.
1. Dosis akut CAF antara 3 dan 6 mg / kg yang diminum 60 menit
sebelum latihan resistensi meningkatkan kekuatan 1RM dan TUT
selama latihan bench press dilakukan
Kelebihan 2. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penemuan baru dari suplemen
CAF dan penggunaan dosis kafein atau konsumsi kafein harian
setiap orang mungkin direkomendasikan pada atlet yang terbiasa
dengan kafein.
1. Hasil penelitian penerapannya hanya mengacu pada tungkai atas
dan tidak dapat dihubungkan ke bentuk volume atau intensitas
Keterbatasan latihan ketahanan
2. Dosis kafein ini memiliki efek ergogenik minimal pada kinerja
ketahanan-kekuatan pada seseorang yang terbiasa dengan
Pada jurnal penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsumsi kafein
harian pada atlet yang terbiasa dengan kafein dianjurkan karna dapat
meningkatkan kekuatan otot. Tetapi hal itu tidak selalu dibenarkan
dan mungkin harus dihindari karena efek ergogenic. Lebih dianjurkan
Kesimpulan penggunaan kafein hanya digunakan pada hari-hari latihan yang
memiliki ketegangan dan persaingan yang sangat tinggi. Karena
menurut hasil penelitian penerapannya hanya mengacu pada
kekuatan tungkai atas tidak mengacu pada volume atau intensitas
latihan ketahahanan
Filip-Stachnik et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
(2021) 18:25



The effects of different doses of caffeine

on maximal strength and strength‐
endurance in women habituated to
Aleksandra Filip-Stachnik1, Michal Wilk1*, Michal Krzysztofik1, Ewelina Lulińska2, James J. Tufano3, Adam
Zajac1, Petr Stastny3 and Juan Del Coso4

Purpose: The main goal of this study was to assess the acute effects of 3 and 6 mg of caffeine intake per kg
of body mass (b.m.) on maximal strength and strength-endurance in women habituated to caffeine.
Methods: Twenty-one healthy resistance-trained female students (23.0 ± 0.9 years, body mass: 59.0 ± 6.6
kg), with a daily caffeine intake of 5.8 ± 2.6 mg/kg/b.m. participated in a randomized, crossover, double-blind
design. Each participant performed three experimental sessions after ingesting either a placebo (PLAC) or 3
mg/kg/b.m. (CAF-3) and 6 mg/kg/b.m. (CAF-6) of caffeine. In each experimental session, the participants
underwent a 1RM test and a strength-endurance test at 50 %1RM in the bench press exercise. Maximal load
was measured in the 1RM test and the time under tension, number of preformed repetitions, power output
and bar velocity were registered in the strength-endurance test.
Results: The one-way ANOVA showed a main effect of caffeine on 1RM bench press performance (F =
14.74; p < 0.01). In comparison to the PLAC (40.48 ± 9.21 kg), CAF-3 (41.68 ± 8.98 kg; p = 0.01) and CAF-6
(42.98 ± 8.79 kg; p < 0.01) increased 1RM bench press test results. There was also a significant increase in
1RM for CAF-6 when compared to CAF-3 (p < 0.01). There was a main effect of caffeine on time under
tension during the strength-endurance test (F = 13.09; p < 0.01). In comparison to the PLAC (53.52 ± 11.44
s), CAF-6 (61.76 ± 15.39 s; p < 0.01) significantly increased the time under tension during the maximal
strength-endurance test.
Conclusion: An acute dose of 3-to-6 mg/kg/b.m. of caffeine improves maximum strength. However, these
doses of caffeine had minimal ergogenic effect on strength-endurance performance in women habituated to
Keywords: Bench Press, Resistance exercise, Ergogenic substances, Time under Tension, 1RM test

* Correspondence:
The acute intake of caffeine (CAF) has been found ef- 1
Institute of Sport Sciences, The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical
fective in enhancing exercise performance in a wide range Education in Katowice, ul. Mikolowska 72a, 40-065 Katowice, Poland
of resistance-based exercises based on strength- endurance Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

[1–3], and strength-power exercise modalities [4, 5]. The

ergogenic effect of CAF has been found when consumed at
doses ranging from 3 to 13 mg/kg body
mass (b.m.) and ingested in the form of capsules 30 to 90 resistance-based exercise has been found after consuming
min before exercise [6, 7], although the use of high doses caffeinated energy drinks [9], gels [10], and coffee [11].
of CAF normally increases the prevalence of caffeine- Mechanisms responsible for ergogenic effects of CAF are
associated side-effects [8]. Interestingly, the man- ner of linked to the impact of this substance on various tis- sues,
CAF administration seems to be less relevant than the organs and systems of the human body [12–15].
dosage and timing, as ergogenic effects of CAF on
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Filip-Stachnik et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports (2021) 18:25 Page 2 of 10

Specifically, the hydrophobic nature of CAF permits a high the results of the 1RM test in the bench press exercise
capacity of distribution, while its lipophilic nature enables after ingestion of 5 mg/kg/b.m. of CAF in both male and
CAF to enter all tissues, entering intracellular water and female subjects. However, the ingestion of CAF did not
penetrating the blood-brain barrier [16]. The effect of CAF produce any effect during the 1RM squat exercise and
on multiple body tissues makes it difficult to accurately during a strength-endurance test at 40 % 1RM in a bench
determine the key mechanism of action during exercise. press exercise protocol in women, while a ten- dency for
Nevertheless, several mechanisms, such as reduced muscle increased performance in the strength- endurance test
pain and perceived exertion [17], en- hanced fat oxidation was found in male subjects. Thus, the scarcity of data
[18], increased muscle oxygen sat- uration [19] and local makes it difficult to conclude whether acute CAF intake
changes within the exercising muscle [20], have been increases resistance exercise perform- ance, and whether
proposed to explain caffeine’s er- gogenic effects, although the potential ergogenic effect is of a similar magnitude
most of them explain the effect of CAF on submaximal found in men.
exercise intensity. To date, the capacity of CAF to block the There is also a lack of information on how habituation to
fatiguing effects of adeno- sine seems the most plausible CAF may impact the ergogenic effect of CAF in women
explanation for the wide ergogenic effects of this because most previous studies did not select fe- male
supplement on exercise per- formance [21, 22]. Briefly, participants habituated to CAF [4, 32–34]. Habitual CAF
evidence in animal [13] and human models [23] supports intake modifies physiological responses to acute in- gestion
the capacity of CAF to act as an adenosine A1 and A2A of this stimulant by the up-regulation of adeno- sine
receptor antagonist, inhibit- ing the brake that endogenous receptors [33, 35]. In animal models, the acute ingestion of
adenosine imposes on the ascending dopamine and arousal CAF (10 mg/kg/b.m./day for two weeks) in- creased the
systems [14]. number of binding sites for adenosine in the brain cortex
Given that sex has been recognized as an important factor [36]. Then, the chronic intake of CAF re- sults in newly-
of athletic and sports performance through the impact of created adenosine receptors, reducing in part the
endocrine differences [24], specific recommen- dations for competitive blockage of CAF on adenosine re- ceptors,
both females and males are necessary to achieve the best ultimately reducing its ergogenic effects in a progressive
possible sport results with the use of CAF. However, CAF manner [37]. Under this background, habitu- ation to CAF
supplementation studies have pri- marily focused on males due to chronic intake would produce a progressive
or a mixed gender population and little is known about the reduction of ergogenic effects of CAF in those athletes
effects of CAF on muscular performance in women [25, consuming CAF on a regular basis, be- cause the newly
26]. Specifically, a system- atic review [27] has suggested created adenosine receptors may bind to adenosine and
that the effects of CAF during resistance exercise may be induce fatigue. A progressive habitu- ation to the
reduced in women when compared to men ingesting the performance benefits of CAF has also been proposed in
same CAF dosage. In addition, some of the caffeine- investigations with humans by comparing the ergogenic
induced stimulant ef- fects are of smaller magnitude in effect of CAF in naïve/low CAF con- sumers vs.
women than in men [28]. Furthermore, two recent individuals with habitual CAF intake. How- ever, the
investigations have found that the ergogenic effect of CAF differences in the research protocols and thresholds to
may be of similar mag- nitude in men and women, although consider one participant as a habitual CAF consumer make
these investigations were carried out under aerobic it difficult to obtain definite conclu- sions. Hence, the
conditions lasting from approximately 6 to 60 min [29, 30]. current evidence indicates that CAF habituation can
Hence, to date, it is unknown if the ergogenic effects of decrease its ergogenic effects, but nei- ther the time course
CAF related to re- sistance exercise performance observed of tolerance nor the CAF dose ne- cessary to create
in male subjects [1, 2, 5, 31] apply to female athletes. habituation are known at this time.
Additionally, the hypothesis that the magnitude of In men, habituation to CAF reduced the ergogenic ef- fects
caffeine’s ergogenic ef- fect on resistance exercise is similar of acute intake of 3-to-9 mg/kg/b.m. of CAF during the
in athletes of both sexes requires verification. bench press exercise [5] and doses up to 11 mg/kg/
Only two previous studies analyzed the ergogenic ef- b.m. may be necessary to obtain minor effects of acute CAF
fects of CAF on maximal strength and local strength- intake on maximal muscle strength [1, 2]. Pickering and
endurance in females [4, 32]. Goldstein et al. [4] showed Kiely [38] suggested that the reduction in the ergo- genic
that the acute intake of CAF (6 mg/kg/b.m.) significantly effects of CAF in habitual users can be modified using
increased bench press performance (1-repetition max- doses greater than the daily habitual intake. How- ever, a
imum − 1RM) with no significant enhancement in the study by Wilk et al. [1, 2] showed no benefits (ex- cept in
number of repetitions performed at 60 % 1RM. Likewise maximal strength) from acute ingestion of CAF when the
Sabblah et al. [32] showed significant improvements in doses of CAF were above their habitual intake. In another
study, Wilk et al. [39] found a positive effect
Filip-Stachnik et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports (2021) 18:25 Page 3 of 10

of CAF (3 and 6 mg/kg/b.m.) on mean power output and Table 1 Participants’ characteristics
mean bar velocity during the bench press throw in athletes Age [years] 23.0 ± 0.9
habituated to CAF, and performance enhance- ments were Body mass [kg] 59.0 ± 6.6
obtained even when the dose of CAF did not exceed the Height [cm] 168.8 ± 4.8
value of habitual consumption. By using cross-sectional
Body Fat [%] 19.8 ± 3.3
designs, Sabol et al. [33] and Grgic and Mikulic [34]
showed that the acute effects of CAF inges- tion (from 2 to Resistance training experience [years] 2.9 ± 1.0
6 mg/kg/b.m.) were not impacted by par- 1 RM in bench press exercise [kg] 40.0 ± 9.7
ticipants’ habitual CAF intake as they found positive effects 1 RM in bench press exercise: 67.9 ± 12.4
of CAF on resistance exercise performance in in- dividuals body mass ratio [%]
with different levels of daily CAF consumption. In line Habitual caffeine intake [mg/kg/b.m/day; 5.8 ± 2.6; 344.4 ± 172.3
with that research, a recent study by Clark and
Richardson [40] conducted on habituated to caffeine Energy intake [kcal] 2131.2 ± 185.9
men and women demonstrated that the ergogenic effect Protein [% of total energy intake] 20.4 ±
of coffee ingestion (providing 3 mg/kg/b.m. of CAF) on 3.0 Carbohydrate [% of total energy intake] 50.1 ±
5-km cycling time trial performance was similar in indi- 3.5 Fat [% of total energy intake] 29.5 ±
viduals with low and high habitual CAF consumption.
However, in this latter study, the effect of sex on CAF
All data are presented as mean ± standard deviation;
performance enhancement was not analyzed. It should 1RM one-repetition maximum
be noted that all previous studies considering the impact
of habituation to CAF [1, 2, 33, 34, 39] used samples the study outcomes (e.g., beta-alanine, creatine, pre-
where males composed most of the study sample. There- workout supplements, etc.).
fore, it seems that male athletes habituated to CAF may
benefit from acute CAF intake but the effect of acute Habitual caffeine intake assessment
CAF ingestion on resistance exercise performance in Habitual CAF intake was assessed by an adapted version of
women habituated to CAF is still unknown. the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) proposed by
Therefore the main aim of this study was to assess the Bühler et al., [42]. Household measures were employed to
acute effects of different doses of CAF (3 and 6 mg/kg/ individually assess the amount of food consumed dur- ing
b.m.) on maximal strength (1RM) and local strength- the day and was obtained for the four weeks before the
endurance during the bench press exercise in women start of the experiment, following previous recom-
habituated to CAF. We hypothesized that both doses, 3 mendations [41]. Nutritional tables were used for data- base
and 6 mg/kg/b.m., would enhance muscular strength but construction and an experienced nutritionist calculated the
none of the investigated doses would improve local daily CAF intake for each participant.
Experimental design
This study used a randomized, double-blind, crossover
Materials and methods design where each participant acted as her own control. In
Study participants a pre-experimental session, the participants per- formed a
Twenty-one healthy and strength-trained females (Table familiarization protocol that included the evaluation of
1) volunteered to participate in the study after completing 1RM bench press performance and one set of the bench
an ethical consent form. The inclusion cri- teria were as press performed to failure with a load 50 %1RM. Then,
follows: (a) free from neuromuscular and musculoskeletal participants underwent three identical experimental sessions
disorders, (b) habitual daily CAF in- take ≥ 3 with a one-week interval between sessions to allow for
mg/kg/b.m/day [41] (c) minimum 2 years of re- sistance complete recovery [43]. The only difference in these
training experience (to avoid the potential interference of experimental sessions was the sub- stance ingested which
the learning effect of the bench press ex- ercise technique was either a placebo (PLAC; all- purpose flour), 3
on the results of the investigation) and participation in mg/kg/b.m. of CAF (CAF-3; Caffeine®, Olimp
resistance training at least 3 days per week for the 6-month Laboratories, Debica, Poland), or 6 mg/kg/b.m. of CAF
prior to enrollment in this study. All participants trained (CAF-6). We selected these dosages of CAF be- cause 3
the barbell bench press as part of their regular resistance mg/kg/b.m. represents the minimum dose that affects
training routines. Participants were excluded when they muscle performance during resistance-based ex- ercise [9]
suffered from any pathology or injury or if they were using while 6 mg/kg/b.m. represents a large dose that shows
any medications, dietary sup- plements or ergogenic aids ergogenic effects of CAF on 1RM bench press
which could potentially affect performance in women [4]. In all trials, the sub- stances
were in opaque capsules that were ingested
Filip-Stachnik et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports (2021) 18:25 Page 4 of 10

60 min before the onset of testing to allow for CAF ab- Experimental protocol
sorption as peak plasma CAF concentration is obtained 15 Three testing sessions were used for the experimental trials
and 120 min after oral ingestion [44]. The blinding and and the protocols were identical except for the PLAC or
randomization procedures were conducted by a member of CAF ingestion. All testing took place between 9:00 and
the research team that was not directly in- volved in data 11:00 am to avoid the effect of circadian vari- ation on the
collection. In each experimental session, the participants results of the investigation. The general warm-up for the
performed a 1RM strength test [45, 46] and a strength- experimental sessions was identical to the one used for the
endurance test using the bench press ex- ercise [47]. Duringfamiliarization session. After warming-up, the participants
each test, power output, bar velocity, number of performed performed the 1RM bench press test to assess upper-body
repetitions as well as time under tension were measured. maximal muscle strength. For the 1RM test, the first
The participants were instructed to maintain their usual warm-up set in- cluded 6 to 8 repetitions with 50 % of the
resistance training routines, and hydration and dietary 1RM deter- mined during the familiarization session. The
habits during the study period, in- cluding habitual CAF second and third sets included 4 and 3 repetitions with 70
intake. Additionally, participants were encouraged to and 80 % of the previously measured 1RM. Participants
maintain their habitual bedtime/ wake-up schedule, and then completed one repetition with 95 % of the previously
they were also asked to refrain from strenuous exercise 24 hmeasured 1RM. Based on whether the participant suc-
before testing and to re- frain CAF intake 12 h before each cessfully lifted the load or not, the weight was increased or
trial. To replicate these standardizations, participants were
decreased by 2.5 kg in subsequent attempts until the 1RM
requested to complete a 24-h habit record on the day before for a particular session was obtained. The 1RM was
the first trial and to follow the same pattern of habits before
defined as the highest load completed without any help of
the second and third trials. To control the diet, participants
the spotters [45, 46]. Five-minute rest intervals were
registered their food and drink intake using “MyFitnes- allowed between the 1RM attempts, and all 1RM values
were obtained within five attempts.
sPal” software [48] for 24 h before the testing proce- dures.
There were no significant differences in caffeine After a 5-min rest interval, the participants completed
consumption (p = 0.567), average calorie intake (p = 0.464) repetitions to momentary muscular failure with a load
nor in the proportions of protein (p = 0.848), carbohydrate equivalent to 50 % of the participants’ 1RM, as
(p = 0.991) or fat (p = 0.979) intake among all three measured previously in the maximal muscle strength
experimental trials. All testing was performed at the test. The use of the 1RM value measured in the previous
Strength and Power Laboratory of the Academy of Physical test allowed to isolate the effect of CAF on maximal
Education in Katowice, Poland. strength and strength-endurance. The end of the strength-
endurance test was assumed when momentary concentric
Familiarization session and one repetition maximum test failure occurred. The concentric and eccentric phase of
One week before the main experiment, the participants each repetition was performed at maximal possible
performed a familiarization session. During the velocity, but without bouncing the barbell off the chest,
familiarization session, the preliminary 1RM test and the without intentionally pausing at the transition between
strength-endurance test were performed. The participants the ec- centric and concentric phases [45–47].
arrived at the laboratory at the same time of the day as in
the upcoming experimental sessions. Upon arrival, the par- Data acquisition
ticipants cycled on an ergometer for 10 min at an intensity During the maximal strength test, only the load that rep-
that resulted in a heart rate of 120–140 bpm, followed by resented the participants 1RM was recorded. During the
a general upper body warm-up. Next, the participants per- strength-endurance test, a linear position transducer sys-
formed 10, 5 and 3 repetitions of the bench press exercise tem (Tendo Power Analyzer, Tendo Sport Machines,
using loads between 20 and 50 % of their estimated 1RM. Trencin, Slovakia) was used to evaluate bar velocity dur-
Afterwards, the female participants executed single repeti- ing each repetition performed in the test. Using a set ex-
tions of the bench press exercise with volitional tempo of ternal load, the system calculates power output and
movement and 5-min rest intervals between successful tri- velocity during the concentric phase of the movement.
als. The load for each subsequent attempt was increased Previous studies have shown high reliability and validity
by of this linear transducer (ICC = 0.970 to 0.988 [49]). The
2.5 to 5 kg, and the process was repeated until failure. following variables were recorded for each repetition:
After a 5 min rest interval, the preliminary strength-
endurance test was performed with a load of 50 %1RM. ● REP – number of repetitions [n].
The strength- endurance test was terminated when ● TUT - time under tension [s].
momentary concen- tric failure occurred. No bench press ● PP - peak concentric power [W].
suits, weightlifting belts or other supportive garments
were permitted.
Filip-Stachnik et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports (2021) 18:25 Page 5 of 10

● MP - mean concentric power [W].

● PV - peak concentric velocity [m/s]. Table 2 Summary of performance data in bench press exercise
● MV - mean concentric velocity [m/s]. after the ingestion of a placebo (PLAC) or 3 (CAF-3) or 6 mg/kg/
b.m. of caffeine (CAF-6) in women habituated to caffeine
Variable PLAC CAF-3 CAF-6 p
. (95 % CI) (95 % CI) (95 % CI)
The peak value of power output and bar velocity was 1RM [kg] 40.48 ± 9.21 41.68 ± 8.98 42.98 ± 8.79 < 0.01
(36.29 to 44.67) (37.59 to 45.76) (38.98 to 46.98)
obtained from the repetition with the highest value of
power output/velocity performed during the strength- REP [n] 33.05 ± 6.59 33.81 ± 5.46 35.29 ± 6.99 0.18
(30.05 to 36.05) (31.32 to 36.30) (32.10 to 38.47)
endurance test. The mean value of power output and bar
TUT [s] 53.52 ± 11.44 57.05 ± 10.90 61.76 ± 15.39 < 0.01
velocity was obtained as the average of all repetitions (48.3 to 58.7) (52.1 to 62.0) (54.8 to 68.8)
performed during the strength-endurance test. During the
MP [W] 119 ± 25 120 ± 27 122 ± 31 0.56
experimental sessions, a certified operator recorded all (107 to 130) (107 to 132) (108 to 137)
sessions by means of a camera. Time under tension and
PP [W] 284 ± 145 277 ± 82 290 ± 110 0.75
the number of performed repetitions was obtained (219 to 350) (239 to 314) (240 to 340)
manually from the recorded data.
MV [m/s] 0.61 ± 0.08 0.60 ± 0.07 0.59 ± 0.07 0.45
(0.58 to 0.65) (0.56 to 0.63) (0.56 to 0.63)
Statistical analysis PV [m/s] 1.14 ± 0.11 1.14 ± 0.10 1.11 ± 0.13 0.23
The Shapiro-Wilk, Levene and Mauchly´s tests were used (1.09 to 1.19) (1.09 to 1.18) (1.05 to 1.17)
in order to verify the normality, homogeneity and sphericity All data are presented as mean ± standard deviation; CI confidence interval;
of the sample data. Verification of differences between the 1RM one-repetition maximum; REP number of performed repetitions; TUT time
under tension; MP mean power output; PP peak power output; MV mean bar
PLAC vs. CAF-3 and CAF-6 groups was performed using velocity; PV peak bar velocity
one-way ANOVA for repeated mea- sures. In the event of a
significant main effect, post- hoc comparisons were Discussion
conducted using the Tukey’s test. Percent relative effects Due to the lack of data regarding this topic, the aim of
and the 95 % confidence intervals were also calculated. the current investigation was to assess the acute effects
Effect Sizes (Cohen’s d) were reported where appropriate. of 3 and 6 mg/kg/b.m. of CAF on maximal strength and
Parametric effect sizes were defined as: large (d > 0.8); strength-endurance during the bench press exercise in
moderate (d be- tween 0.8 and 0.5); small (d between 0.49 women habituated to CAF. The main finding of the study
and 0.20) and trivial (d < 0.2). Statistical significance was that, compared to the ingestion of PLAC, the acute
was set at p < 0.05. All statistical analyses were performed intake of CAF-3 and CAF-6 provided an ergogenic
using Statistica 9.1 and were presented as means ± standard effect on the 1RM bench press performance. There was
deviations. also a significant increase in 1RM values when compar-
ing CAF-6 to CAF-3 (p < 0.01), suggesting a dose-
Results response effect of caffeine on maximal strength in
The one-way ANOVA revealed a statistically significant women habituated to caffeine. Furthermore, CAF-6 in-
main effect of substance for 1RM (F (2, 19) = 14.74; p < creased the TUT during the bench press with 50 % 1RM
0.01) and time under tension (F (2, 19) = 13.09; p < 0.01; performed to failure. However, there were no significant
Table 2; Fig. 1). The post-hoc tests revealed a significant differences in REP, MV, PP, MP, or PP among the con-
increase in 1RM after the intake of CAF-3 (41.68 ± 8.98 ditions. Thus, acute CAF ingestion of 3 to 6 mg/kg/b.m.
kg; p = 0.01) and CAF-6 (42.98 ± 8.79 kg; p < 0.01) may be useful for acutely improving maximum muscle
compared to PLAC (40.48 ± 9.21 kg), as well as a differ- force production in habituated resistance-trained women,
ence between CAF-6 compared to CAF-3 (p < 0.01; Table but likely would not have an effect on their muscular
3; Fig. 1). The post-hoc tests also revealed a sig- nificant strength-endurance.
increase in time under tension after the intake of CAF-6 The increases in 1RM after CAF intake in the present study
compared to PLAC (61.76 ± 15.39 vs. 53.52 ± are consistent with previous studies on females [4, 32] and
11.44 s, respectively p < 0.01), and lack of significant males [1, 2]. Both doses, CAF-3 and CAF-6, were
changes in time under tension between CAF-3 and effective in enhancing maximal strength during the bench
PLAC (57.05 ± 10.9 s p = 0.20). There were no press while the magnitude of the effect was trivial-small in
significant main effects of substance for the number of both cases. While these effects on max- imal muscle
performed repetitions (p = 0.18), mean power output (p strength may be considered as minor in statistical terms,
= 0.56), mean bar velocity (p = 0.45), peak power output the magnitude of the benefit (3.0 to
(p = 0.75) and peak bar velocity (p = 0.23; Table 2) 6.2 % for CAF-3 and CAF-6, respectively) may be signifi-
during the strength-endurance test. cant in competitions where victory is obtained by a mar- gin
of lower magnitude that the one found in this study
Filip-Stachnik et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports (2021) 18:25 Page 6 of 10

[50]. Previous studies assessing the effects of CAF on 1RM Pickering et al. [55] suggested that the reduction in the
performance in female
Fig. 1 Dose–response effectssubjects were
of caffeine carried
ingestion out in non-
on maximal strength and strength-endurance.
ergogenic effects of CAFa Load in the one-repetition
in habitual users canmaximum
be modi-
test; groups in terms of daily CAF intake by fied using doses greater than the daily habitual intake. In
participants [4, 32]. In
b Number of repetitions thestrength
in the study of Goldstein etc Time
endurance-test; al. Under
[4], Tension in the strength-endurance test; d Peak and Mean bar
the current investigation, the acute CAF doses (espe- cially
CAF in the strengthwithin
consumption endurance-test; e Peak and
subjects ranged frommean
0 topower
416 mgoutput in the strength endurance-test. Data are mean ± standard
deviations for 21 women habituated to caffeine. *Significant differenceCAF-3)
(p < 0.05)did not exceed
between CAF-3 the
PLAC.of habitual con-
†Significant sumption.
difference (p <
per day and in that of Sabblah et al. [32], daily CAF intake Interestingly, we observed a dose-response effect of
0.05) between CAF-6 and PLAC.
was not reported.
$Significant differenceIn
(p the current
< 0.05) investiga-
between tion,
CAF-3 and the self- caffeine on 1RM (Fig. 1 a) and a similar dose- response
reported daily ingestion of CAF amounted to 5.8 ± 2.6 effect on REP and TUT (Fig. 1b c). These out- comes
mg/kg/b.m./day (147 to 783 mg/day). In this case, although indicate that the magnitude of the ergogenic ef- fect of
the group was also heterogeneous in terms of daily CAF caffeine was higher with CAF-6 than with CAF-3 in several
ingestion, this is the first investiga- tion to use a sample of bench press performance variables. This was probably
women habituated to CAF, with at least 3 mg/kg/b.m. per associated with the level of habituation to caf- feine in our
day. Nevertheless, it is still possible that the difference in study sample (i.e., 5.8 ± 2.6 mg/kg/b.m.), as the dose of
the level of habituation to caffeine in the participants of the CAF-6 was the only dose close to their daily caffeine
current study played a role in the between-individual consumption. Therefore, in women habituated to caffeine,
response variation to acute caffeine intake [51]. the use of acute caffeine ingestion close to their daily intake
According to Svenningsson et al. [52] and Fredholm et al. may produce greater ergogenic benefits than lower doses of
[53], habitual CAF intake may modify physiological caffeine. Nevertheless, although the current investigation
responses to acute CAF inges- tion by the up-regulation of found a positive effect of CAF on 1RM bench press results
adenosine receptors. Fur- thermore, constant exposure to in females habituated to CAF, it is still possible that the
CAF could impact CAF metabolism by inducing an effect of this substance is higher in unhabituated
accelerated conversion of CAF into dimethylxanthines by individuals. To the best of our knowledge, only one
the cytochrome P450. Therefore, progressive habituation to previous study analyzed 1RM changes of the upper limbs in
the performance benefits of CAF intake has been a group of habitual users but included male subjects [1,
recognized in humans when it is consumed chronically 2]. The study of Wilk et al. [1, 2] showed an increase in
[37, 54]. However, 1RM bench press
Filip-Stachnik et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports (2021) 18:25 Page 7 of 10

Table 3 Pairwise differences in bench press performance after the ingestion of a placebo (PLAC) or 3 (CAF-3) or 6
mg/kg/b.m. of caffeine (CAF-6) in women habituated to caffeine
Variable Comparison p Effect size (Cohen’s d) Relative effect [%]
1RM [kg] PLAC vs. CAF-3 0.01 0.11 – trivial 3.5
PLAC vs. CAF-6 < 0.01 0.28 – small 6.9
CAF-3 vs. CAF-6 < 0.01 0.14 – trivial 3.2
REP [n] PLAC vs. CAF-3 0.80 0.13 – trivial 4.4
PLAC vs. CAF-6 0.17 0.33 – small 9.5
CAF-3 vs. CAF-6 0.45 0.24 – small 6.2
TUT [s] PLAC vs. CAF-3 0.20 0.32 – small 8.6
PLAC vs. CAF-6 < 0.01 0.61 – moderate 17.6
CAF-3 vs. CAF-6 0.06 0.35 - small 8.7
MP [W] PLAC vs. CAF-3 0.94 0.04 – trivial 0.8
PLAC vs. CAF-6 0.36 0.11 – trivial 2.4
CAF-3 vs. CAF-6 0.56 0.07 – trivial 1.6
PP [W] PLAC vs. CAF-3 0.84 0.06 – trivial 1.8
PLAC vs. CAF-6 0.93 0.05 – trivial 5.1
CAF-3 vs. CAF-6 0.63 0.13 – trivial 3.9
MV [m/s] PLAC vs. CAF-3 0.44 0.13 – trivial -2.2
PLAC vs. CAF-6 0.29 0.26 – small -2.7
CAF-3 vs. CAF-6 0.96 0.14 – trivial 0.1
PV [m/s] PLAC vs. CAF-3 0.98 0.00 0.1
PLAC vs. CAF-6 0.47 0.25 – small -1.7
CAF-3 vs. CAF-6 0.60 0.26 small -1.5
All data are presented as mean ± standard deviation; 1RM one-repetition maximum; REP number of performed repetitions; TUT time under tension; MP
mean power output; PP peak power output; MV mean bar velocity; PV peak bar velocity

performance after the intake of 9 and 11 mg/kg/b.m. of Despite the fact that our study did not show significant
CAF compared to PLAC which is consistent with our re- changes in the number of performed REP between CAF-
sults. Interestingly, the same ergogenic effect was found in 3 and CAF-6 compared to PLAC, a significant increase
the current investigation in a sample of female-only was registered in TUT after the intake of CAF-6 com-
participants by using lower CAF dosage. pared to PLAC. Such changes were not observed after
Despite the fact that, compared to the ingestion of the ingestion of the lower dose of CAF (3 mg/kg/b.m.).
PLAC, the acute intake of CAF-3 and CAF-6 provided Most studies that have analyzed the effect of CAF intake
an ergogenic effect on the bench press 1RM perform- on exercise volume have demonstrated an ergogenic ef-
ance we did not observe such an effect on the number of fect of CAF on this variable evaluated by either using the
performed REP during the BP performed to muscular number of performed REP or tonnage. Only one pre-
failure. This result is compatible with the study on fe- vious study analyzed the impact of CAF intake on TUT
male [4, 32] as well as male subjects [1, 2, 31, 34]. by using a cross-sectional experiment with a group that
These studies did not show a significant impact of acute ingested 5 mg/kg/b.m. of CAF or PLAC before perform-
CAF intake on the number of performed REP, regardless ing the strength-endurance bench press exercise at 70 %
of the level of habitual CAF consumption and used CAF 1RM performed to muscular failure [7]. This investiga-
dose. Therefore, it can be suggested that similar to the tion showed a significant decrease in TUT in the group
effect of CAF intake on maximal strength, the level of that received CAF compared to the control group, what
CAF habituation has no effect on the number of per- is contradictory to the results of our study. Conflicting
formed REP following acute CAF intake. However, this results between the presented studies and those of Wilk
conclusion can only be related to women, because ac- et al. [7] can be related to the gender difference of the
cording to Sabblah et al. [32] there is a tendency for a subjects (male vs. female). Sex may have a significant
lower effect of CAF on strength-endurance performance ef- fect on skeletal muscle morphology and function
in women compared to men which requires further [35], muscle substrate utilization and neuromuscular
research. activa- tion [56]. Women commonly have a higher
Filip-Stachnik et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports (2021) 18:25 Page 8 of 10

of type I fibers, greater muscle capillary density [57] exercise caffeine supplementation to improve resistance
with distinct glycolytic and oxidative capacities [58, 59]. exercise performance in women depending on their training
These sex differences may be highly beneficial for level and experience, habituation of caffeine and type of
endurance ex- ercise powered by slow oxidative strength exercise used.
metabolism [60]. Fur- thermore, type I fibers contract
with greater tension in response to increased Conclusions
concentration of CAF than type II fibers, and it has been An acute dose of CAF between 3 and 6 mg/kg ingested
previously suggested that the ergo- genic benefit of CAF 60 min before resistance exercise increased 1RM
may be more pronounced in slow twitch muscles [61– strength and TUT during the bench press exercise
63]. This can partially explain the equivocal nature of performed to concentric failure with 50 % 1RM in
previous findings on the ergogenic ef- fects of CAF and females habituated to CAF. In contrast, no significant
can also explain increased TUT in the group of females changes were observed in the number of performed REP,
compared to the decrease of TUT ob- served for men. power output and bar vel- ocity during the strength-
Yet, this explanation remains speculative until further endurance test at 50 % of 1RM. We observed a dose-
investigation confirms an greater effect of CAF in response effect of caffeine on 1RM and a trend for a
women vs. men in local strength-endurance tests because dose-response effect on REP and TUT, suggesting that
current evidence shows similar ergogenic benefits in the use of a dose of caffeine close to indi- viduals’ daily
cycling endurance activities [29, 30], and a tendency for caffeine consumption may be recommended in athletes
a lower effect of CAF on strength-endurance habituated to caffeine. This is a novel finding as it is the
performance in female subjects [32]. However, for first investigation to examine CAF supplementa- tion
assessing local strength-endurance and to test the among young, trained females habituated to CAF
effectiveness of dietary supplements during resistance consumption. From a practical perspective, the use of
exercise, the use of cross- over designs and the CAF may be recommended to increase muscle strength
evaluation of not only the number of REP, but also TUT in women habituated to CAF, but dishabituation to this
may be recommended [7]. sub- stance may be necessary to obtain a wider
The experimental design employed in this investiga- tion ergogenic effect of CAF in strength-endurance athletes.
presents some limitations that should be addressed to Although the re- sults of the present study are associated
enhance the application of the study outcomes. First, we to resistance exer- cise, the ergogenic benefit of acute
used a convenience sample of twenty-one healthy and caffeine intake may be translated to other sports
strength-trained females to determine the effect of acute requiring high levels of muscular strength in sport-
caffeine intake on maximal strength and strength- specific situations (e.g., rugby, combat sports, etc.).
endurance in women habituated to caffeine. Although Considering that a large part of resistance training
the results of this study showed an ergogenic effect of includes exercises based on strength-endurance, the daily
caffeine of small magnitude to enhance 1RM bench use of CAF may need to be avoided to reduce ha-
press performance, the high inter-individual variability bituation to the ergogenic effect of CAF on this capacity.
in the values of 1RM suggests the need of confirming In addition, dishabituation to CAF may be useful to
the results of the current experiment in future studies lessen the drawbacks associated to chronic ingestion of
with higher sample sizes or by using a more homoge- CAF, such as excessive nervousness insomnia and
neous population, with similar values of maximal diuresis [19]. In this regard, supplementation with CAF
strength. Second, as the study sample was composed of should only be recommended for training days with very
individuals with a moderate level of resistance exercise high exercise in- tensity or before competition. The
experience, the translation of the research outcomes to results of our study and its application refer only to the
highly trained women in resistance exercise should be upper limbs and thus, they should not be translated to
made with caution. Third, the participants in this study other forms, volumes, or intensities of resistance
were selected because they were at least moderate caf- exercise.
feine consumers. It is still possible that the ergogenic ef-
fect of caffeine in regards to maximal strength and Acknowledgements
This study would not have been possible without our participants’
strength-endurance can be greater/smaller in women with commitment, time and effort.
different levels of habituation to caffeine. Last of all, this
study did not include blood samples and thus we have no Authors’ contributions
data to determine whether participants per- formed the Conceptualization: A.F-S., M.K; Methodology: AF-S., MK; Formal analysis and
investigation: M.W., A.F-S., J.DC. Writing - original draft preparation: M.W.,
testing with peak serum caffeine concentra- tion. In A.F- S.; Writing - review and editing: M.W., A.F-S., J.J.T., A.Z., J.D.C, P.S., E.L;
addition, we cannot confirm if the ingestion of 6 Supervi- sion: M.W., J.D.C. All authors read and approved the final
mg/kg/b.m. of CAF produced higher serum caffeine manuscript.

concentrations than 3 mg/kg/b.m. of CAF. More re-

search is needed to determine the best dosing of pre- This project has been supported by Charles University grant no
UNCE/HUM/ 032 and the statutory research of the Jerzy Kukuczka
Filip-Stachnik et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports (2021) 18:25 Page 9 of 10
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