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Oleh kelompok 1 :
Kezia Caroline Zebua
Betesda Bernadetha Nazara
Lano Alvin Zalukhu

Guru Pembimbing : Bapak Samabudi Hulu,S.Pd

Tahun pelajaran 2022/2023



Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena dengan segala
rahmat, karunia, dan hidayah-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah tentang Pengerahan
dan Penindasan Versus Perlawanan ini dengan baik meskipun banyak kekurangan di
dalamnya. Dan juga kami berterimakasih pada Bapak Samabudi Hulu selaku guru Sejarah
Indonesia yang telah memberikan tugas ini.
Kami sangat berharap makalah ini dapat berguna dalam rangka menambah wawasan
serta pengetahuan kita mengenai Pengerahan dan Penindasan Versus Perlawanan. Kami juga
menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa di dalam makalah ini terdapat kekurangan dan jauh dari kata
sempurna. Oleh sebab itu, kami berharap adanya kritik, saran dan usulan demi perbaikan
makalah yang telah kami buat di masa yang akan datang, mengingat tidak ada yang sempurna
tanpa saran yang membangun.
Semoga makalah sederhana ini dapat dipahami bagi siapapun yang membacanya.
Sekiranya laporan yang telah disusun ini dapat berguna bagi kami sendiri maupun orang yang
membacanya. Sebelumnya kami mohon maaf apabila terdapat kata-kata yang kurang
berkenan dan kami memohon kritik dan saran yang membangun dari anda demi perbaikan
makalah ini di waktu yang akan datang

Ombolata Alasa, 2 Maret 2023


PENGERAHAN DAN PENINDASAN VERSUS PERLAWANAN....................................1

KATA PENGANTAR..............................................................................................................2
DAFTAR ISI.............................................................................................................................3
PENGERAHAN DAN PENINDASAN VERSUS PERLAWANAN....................................4
1.1 Definition of promotion....................................................................................................4
1.2 Function of promotion.....................................................................................................4
1.3 Type and media of promotion

1.1 Ekonomi Perang

Promotion includes the activities of planning, implementing and controlling

communications from an organization to consumers as well as other targets. Promotion is a
collection of activities that inform the goodness of products and persuade target customers to
buy them. Promotion can be interpreted as a kind of communication that provides convincing
explanations to potential consumers about goods and services or a process of sharing ideas,
information or audience feelings.

Based on several opinions, it can be concluded that promotions are efforts made by
companies to influence consumers to buy the products they produce or to convey news about
these products by communicating with listeners who are persuasive..

1.2 Pengendalian di Bidang Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

By carrying out promotional activities the company expects an increase in sales and
profits. According to Terence A. Shimp (2000:7) the functions of promotional activities

1. Informing (Providing Information)

Promotion is a means to introduce products to consumers. Promotion makes

consumers aware of new products, educates them about the features and benefits of the
brand, and facilitates the creation of the image of a company that provides the product or

2. Persuading (Persuading)

Good promotional or advertising media will be able to persuade customers to try the
products and services offered. Sometimes persuasion takes the form of influencing primary
demand, that is, creating demand for an entire product category.

3. Reminding

Advertising keeps a company's brand fresh in consumers' minds. When a need arises,
which relates to the advertised product or service, the impact of past promotions allows the
advertiser's brand to appear in the minds of consumers.

4. Added Value

There are three basic ways in which companies can add value to their offerings,
innovate, improve quality, or change consumer perceptions. The three value added
components are completely independent. Effective promotion causes the brand to be seen as
more elegant. more stylish, more prestigious and can be superior to competitors' offerings.

5. Assisting (Accompanying other efforts of the company)

Advertising is one of the promotional tools. Promotion helps sales representatives.

Advertising oversees the process of selling a company's products and provides salespeople
with a valuable introduction before making personal contact with prospective customers.

The five functions mentioned above are more aimed at consumers. In addition, promotion
also has the aim of winning the competition with competitors. One of the strategies to win
the competition in the world of marketing or promotion is to use Public Relations well.

1.3 Pengerahan Romusa

Rossiter and Percy (in Tjiptono, 2002:222) classify promotion objectives as the effect of
communication as follows:

 Growing customer perceptions of a need (category need).

 Introducing and providing an understanding of a product to consumers (brand
 Encouraging the choice of a product (brand attitude).
 Persuading customers to buy a product (brand purchase intention).
 Offset the weaknesses of other marketing mix elements (purchase facilitation).
 Embedding product and company image (positioning)

1.4 Perang Melawan Sang Tirani

Jepang yang mula-mula disambut dengan senang hati, kemudian berubah menjadi
kebencian Rakyat bahkan lebih benci pada pemerintah Jepang daripada pemerintah
Kolonial Belanda. Jepang seringkali bertindak sewenang- wenang. Rakyat tidak bersalah
ditangkap, ditahan, dan disiksa. Kekejaman itu dilakukan oleh kempetai (polis militer

1. Aceh Angkat Senjata

Salah satu perlawanan terhadap Jepang di Aceh adalah perlawananan rakyat yang
terjadi di Cot Plieng yang dipimpin oleh Abdul Jalil. Abdul Jalil adalah seorang ulama muda,
guru mengaji di daerah Cot Plieng, Provinsi Aceh.
Gerakan Abdul Jalil ini di mata Jepang dianggap sebagai tindakan yang sangat
membahayakan. Oleh karena itu, Jepang berusaha membujuk Abdul Jalil untuk berdamai.
Namun, Abdul Jalil bergeming dengan ajakan damai itu. Karena Abdul Jalil menolak jalan
damai, pada tanggal 10 November 1942, Jepang mengerahkan pasukannya untuk
menyerang Cot Plieng.

2. Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is a form of promotion by marketing goods/services directly in order to

get direct responses from consumers. Direct marketing does not have to be face to face, but
marketing is directed directly to someone. This direct marketing can be through the use of
letters, telephone, facsimile, e-mail and other non-personal contact tools to communicate
directly with or obtain an immediate response from certain customers and prospects.

3. Advertising
Advertising is any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or
services by certain sponsors using certain media. John D. Burke (1980: 9) defines advertising
as Is a sales message directed at a mass audience that seeks through, persuasion to sell goods,
services or ideas on behalf of the paying sponsore while John W. Kennedy defines advertising
as a salesmanship in print .
Media that is often used for advertising or advertising can be through newspapers, magazines,
direct email, television, radio, cinema, billboards, car cards, lights, catalogs, telephone and so

4. Public Relations

Public Relations or public relations are various programs to promote and protect the image
of a company or its products. This public relations can be carried out in various ways, for
example socialization, hospitality with local residents where we do business. Through good
public relations, we indirectly promote our products. In fact, people trust companies they know
well rather than watching advertisements or salespeople. However, in general, marketers tend
to use public relations less, but once in a while they definitely do this program.

5. Entrepreneurship (Personal Selling).

Entrepreneurship or also called Personal Selling is a direct presentation in a conversation

with one or more potential buyers, with the intention of getting sales. Sales is the second most
important element for the executive to determine his promotion mix in getting orders.

6. Consumer Promotion (Gifts, Contests and Combination Offers)

This consumer promotion aims to have a rapid impact in the purchase place, perhaps along
with one or more of the underlying goals. The use of this consumer promotion is very
controversial. It is clear that the need for a strong stimulus in the promotion program depends
on whether or not an early buying response can be expected from the combined impact of
consumer advertising, sales marketing and dealer promotion.
So consumer promotion is a short-term practical tool that aims to stimulate an immediate
response at the point of purchase.

7. Dealer Promotion/Sales Promotion

Sales Promotion is a form of promotion other than advertising, personal selling and
publicity which has various forms of activities. Sales promotion is the third element that is
intended to be included in the mix of sales by many manufacturers in their efforts to get orders.
Sales promotion includes various types of advertising, display cases and interior exhibitions,
product demonstrations, consumer contests, prize giving, use of combination offers,
distribution of free samples and other activities aimed at increasing sales of a particular
product brand.

8. Fairs and Exhibitions

Exhibitions are a form of meeting service business that brings together producers and
buyers, but the definition of an exhibition further is a promotional activity carried out by a
particular manufacturer, group, organization, association in the form of displaying product
displays to potential relations or buyers. The types of exhibitions are: shows, exhibitions,
expos, fairs, bazaars and bazaars. The space for each exhibitor is called a booth or boat which
is distributed and arranged by the organizing committee. One of the effective promotions in
introducing a product to the market is by participating in or holding exhibitions.

 Promotion can be interpreted as a kind of communication that provides convincing

explanations to potential consumers about goods and services or a process of sharing
ideas, information or audience feelings.

 Promotion Function
Promotional functions include:

o Inform (Provide Information)

o Persuade
o Remind
o Value Added
o Assist (Accompany other efforts of the company)

 Promotion Purpose
As an effect of communication, as follows:

o Growing customer perceptions of a need (category needs).

o Introducing and providing an understanding of a product to consumers (brand
o Encouraging the selection of a product (brand attitude).
o Persuading customers to buy a product (brand purchase intention).
o Compensating for weaknesses in other marketing mix elements (buying
o Embedding product and company image (positioning)

 Type of Promotion:

o Word of mouth information

o Direct Marketing
o Advertising
o Public Relations
o Entrepreneurship (Personal Selling).
o Consumer Promotion (Gifts, Contests and Combination Offers)
o Dealer Promotion/Sales Promotion
o Fairs and Exhibitions


Each form of promotion has advantages and disadvantages. So the company should be
able to choose various forms of promotion according to the nature and characteristics of the
product and the available costs.

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