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Jl.dr Soeparno, Grendeng TELP (0281) 642838 PURWOKERTO
MATA KULIAH akademik Gasal
Semester/Academic /2022/2023
Maternity Nursing
KODE/ Code NSA2121316 sks 4 (3-1) SEMESTER gasal
DOSEN Lutfatul Latifah, M.Kep, Ns, Sp.Mat (LL) 081391691841
PENGAMPU Mekar Dwi Anggraeni, M,Kep, PhD (MDA) 081222275115
Team Teaching Nina Setiawati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep (NS) 085741662343
Aprilia Kartikasari, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep (AK) 085726323330
Eni Rahmawati S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep (ER) 08986611977
Kelas A: 12/ 09 /2022
Kelas B: 14/ 09 /2022
Studi Kasus/Case Based Learning (kelompok/group) 1 Kelas C: 16/ 09 /2022


Asuhan Keperawatan Antenatal dan Intranatal/ Nursing care of pregnancy and childbirth
SUB-CPMK-10: Mampu membuat rencana asuhan keperawatan pada ibu hamil, bersalin, pasca
salin, dan bayi baru lahir sampai dengan usia 28 hari, beserta keluarganya berdasarkan evidence
based practice (C4,A3,P3) (CPMK4)
KASUS 1: Askep Trimester 1
Ny. S berusia 24 tahun, hamil 12 minggu, anak pertama. Ny.S diantar oleh suaminya periksa
kehamilan yang kedua di Puskesmas. Hasil anamnesa menunjukan bahwa Ny.S mengalami mual
terutama di pagi hari dan muntah sekitar 3-4 kali setiap hari. Ny.S menyampaikan baru bisa
makan buah sekitar jam 10 dan belum bisa makan nasi dengan lauk protein hewani karena berbau
amis dan merangsang untuk muntah. Ny.S juga hanya bisa minum air hangat yang memiliki rasa,
misalnya teh hangat atau jeruk hangat. Selain itu Ny.S juga merasa lemas, tidak bertenaga, dan
mudah lelah saat melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga. Ny.S juga mengatakan bahwa BB saat ini
adalah 51 Kg padahal BB sebelum hamil adalah 54 Kg. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan:
tekanan darah 100/60 mmHg, nadi 108×/menit, pernapasan 24×/menit, dan suhu badan 37,6°C.
Pemeriksaan fisik: kepala, jantung, paru, ekstremitas dalam batas normal. Pemeriksaan fisik
abdomen: cembung, ikut gerak napas; palpasi: TFU: 1 jari diatas simfisis, auskultasi: DJJ 140
x/menit, hati dan limpa sulit dinilai, lingkar perut: 84 cm. Auskultasi: peristaltik terkesan normal.

Case 1: Nursing Care of First Trimester

Mrs. S is 24 years old and is 12 weeks pregnant, first pregnancy. Mrs. S was escorted by her
husband for a second pregnancy check at the Public Health Center. The results of the anamnesis
showed that Mrs. S experienced nausea, especially in the morning, and vomited about 3-4 times
every day. Mrs. S said that she could only eat fruit around 10 o'clock and could not eat rice with
animal protein as a side dish because it smelled fishy and stimulated vomiting. Mrs. S can also
only drink warm water that has a taste, such as warm tea or warm oranges. In addition, Mrs. S
also felt weak, not energetic, and easily tired when doing household chores. Mrs. S also said that
her current weight is 51 Kg whereas her pre-pregnancy weight was 54 Kg. Physical examination
results obtained: blood pressure 100/60 mmHg, pulse 108×/minute, breathing 24×/minute, and
body temperature 37.6°C. Physical examination: head, heart, lungs, extremities within normal
limits. Physical examination of the abdomen: convex, follow the breath; palpation: TFU: 1 finger
above the symphysis, auscultation: FHR 140 x/minute, liver, and spleen difficult to assess,
abdominal circumference: 84 cm. Auscultation: peristalsis seems normal.

Pokok Pertanyaan Yang Harus Dipecahkan (Kasus 1) :

1. Apakah kondisi yang sedang dialami oleh klien pada kasus tersebut?
2. Sebutkan tanda dan gejala yang sering muncul pada kondisi seperti kasus di atas dan kasus
yang serupa pada umumnya!
3. Sebutkan faktor penyebab yang mengakibatkan masalah muncul pada kasus di atas!
4. Apa dampak dari kondisi yang dialami pada kasus diatas terhadap ibu dan janin?
5. Jelaskan fisiologi dari kondisi kasus di atas menggunakan clinical pathway.
6. Apa sajakah pemeriksaan penunjang yang diperlukan pada kasus di atas?
7. Apakah masalah keperawatan yang muncul pada kasus di atas?
8. Apakah intervensi yang tepat diberikan pada kasus di atas?
9. Pilih satu topik dari rencana tindakan keperawatan yang dibuat, dan diskusikan konten yang
akan dituliskan dalam poster/leaflet.

Main Questions That Must Be Solved (Case 1):

1. What is the client's condition in this case?
2. Mention the signs and symptoms that often appear in conditions such as the above case and
similar cases in general!
3. Mention the factors causing the problem to appear in the above case!
4. What is the impact of the conditions experienced in the above case on the mother and fetus?
5. Explain the physiology of the above case condition using a clinical pathway.
6. What are the necessary investigations in the above case?
7. What are the nursing problems that arise in the above case?
8. Was the appropriate intervention given in the above case?
10. Choose a topic from the nursing action plan made and discuss the content to be written in
the poster/leaflet.

Kasus 2: Askep Trimester 2

Seorang perempuan (G2P1A0) datang ke poliklinik KIA untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan
dengan usia gestasi 20 minggu. Pasien adalah seorang pedagang. Pasien mengatakan saat ini mual
muntah hanya di pagi hari, pasien tidak suka makan sayur dan jarang makan buah. Tablet Fe yang
diberikan juga jarang dikonsumsi karena menurut pasien rasanya tidak enak. Keluhan lain yang
dirasakan diantaranya nyeri pinggang dan sering kram di kaki saat bangun tidur. Nyeri pinggang
meningkat saat pasien banyak beraktivitas saat berdagang. Pasien rajin memeriksakan kehamilannya
tiap bulan, pasien juga mengatakan ingin melahirkan secara normal, sehingga pasien banyak
bertanya kepada perawat bagaimana cara untuk menyiapkan persalinan dan pencegahan komplikasi
saat persalinan. Hasil pemeriksaan tekanan darah 100/70 mmHg, nadi 90 kali/menit, pernapasan 18
kali/menit, suhu 36,50C. TFU 18 cm, ballottement (+), DJJ 145 x/menit, terdapat linea nigra. Tidak
terdapat edema dan nyeri kepala, terdapat varises pada kaki. Berat badan sebelum hamil 52 kg, tinggi
badan 155 cm, berat badan saat ini 54,5 kg.

Case 2: Nursing Care of Second Trimester

A woman (G2P1A0) came to the obstetric clinic for a pregnancy check-up with a gestational age of
20 weeks. The patient is a merchant. The patient said that currently the nausea and vomiting is only
in the morning, the patient does not like to eat vegetables and rarely eats fruit. The Fe tablets given
are also rarely consumed because according to the patient the taste is not good. Other complaints
include low back pain and frequent cramps in the legs when waking up. Back pain increases when
the patient is doing a lot of activities while trading. Patients check her pregnancy every month,
patients also say they want to give birth normally, so patients often ask nurses how to prepare for
delivery and prevent complications during delivery. The results of the examination of blood pressure
100/70 mmHg, pulse 90 times / minute, breathing 18 times / minute, temperature 36.50C. Fundal
height 18 cm, ballottement (+), FHR 145 x/minute, there is a Linea nigra. There is no edema and
headache, there are varicose veins in the legs. Weight before pregnancy 52 kg, height 155 cm,
current weight 54.5 kg.

Pokok Pertanyaan Yang Harus Dipecahkan (Kasus 2):

1. Apakah masalah keperawatan yang muncul pada kasus tersebut? Sebutkan data yang
mendukung rumusan masalah keperawatan tersebut!
2. Manakah yang paling prioritas dari beberapa masalah keperawatan yang muncul?
3. Apa alasan Anda memprioritaskan masalah tersebut (berdasarkan jawaban no. 2)?
4. Berdasarkan masalah prioritas tersebut apakah rencana keperawatan yang akan diberikan
untuk pasien?
5. Bagaimana nutrisi yang tepat pada kehamilan?
6. Apakah kenaikan berat badan pasien sudah sesuai dengan usia kehamilannya?jelaskan terkait
kenaikan berat badan pada ibu hamil?
7. Apa saja kebutuhan Pendidikan Kesehatan pada pasien tersebut?
8. Diskusikan konten pendidikan kesehatan sesuai jawaban no 6, dan tuangkan dalam
Key Questions to Solve (Case 2):
1. What are the nursing problems that arise in this case? Mention the data that supports the
formulation of the nursing problem!
2. Which is the most priority of several nursing problems that arise?
3. What is your reason for prioritizing the problem (based on answer no. 2)?
4. Based on these priority issues, what is the nursing plan that will be given to the patient?
5. How is proper nutrition in pregnancy?
6. Is the patient's weight gain appropriate for the gestational age? Explain about weight gain
in pregnant women?
7. What is the health education needs of this patient?
9. Discuss the content of health education according to answer no. 6 and put it in a

Kasus 3: Askep Trimester 3

Seorang nullipara datang ke RS dengan usia kehamilan 39 minggu. Pasien mengeluh tidak nyaman
dengan kondisi fisiknya sekarang, pasien sering merasa pegal pada punggung bawah, pasien mulai
sering merasakan kencang pada perutnya, merasa cepat lelah, pasien juga mengeluh sesak nafas dan
meningkat saat tidur. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik menunjukkan TFU 37 cm, punggung janin di sebelah
kiri, presentasi kepala, kepala janin sudah masuk pintu atas panggul, puncak kepala oksiput. Tekanan
darah 120/70 mmHg, nadi 95 kali/menit, frekuensi pernapasan 24 kali/menit, suhu 370C. Tidak
terdapat edema pada tungkai, tidak terdapat varises. Pasien mengatakan sulit tidur dan sering
terbangun di malam hari karena sering berkemih. Pasien tampak gelisah, pasien bertanya kepada
perawat bagaimana cara mengatasi ketidaknyamanan yang dirasakan.

Case 3: Nursing Care of Third Semester

A nullipara came to the hospital at 39 weeks of gestation. The patient complains of being
uncomfortable with his current physical condition, the patient often feels sore in the lower back, the
patient begins to often feel tight in his stomach, feels tired quickly, the patient also complains of
shortness of breath and increases during sleep. The results of physical examination showed TFU 37
cm, fetal back on the left, head presentation, fetal head has entered the pelvic inlet, occiput head.
Blood pressure 120/70 mmHg, pulse 95 times/minute, respiratory rate 24 times/minute, temperature
370C. There is no edema in the legs, there are no varicose veins. The patient said it was difficult to
sleep and often woke up at night due to frequent urination. The patient looked restless; the patient
asked the nurse how to deal with the discomfort he felt.

Pokok Pertanyaan Yang Harus Dipecahkan (Kasus 3):

1. Berdasarkan kasus di atas pasien mengalami beberapa ketidaknyamanan kehamilan,
identifikasi bentuk ketidaknyamanan yang sering muncul pada kehamilan trimester 3 dan
penyebab dari ketidaknyamanan tersebut!
2. Apakah masalah keperawatan yang muncul pada kasus? Sebutkan data yang mendukung
rumusan masalah keperawatan tersebut!
3. Dari beberapa masalah keperawatan yang muncul manakah yang paling prioritas?
4. Apa alasan Anda memprioritaskan masalah tersebut (berdasarkan jawaban no. 3)?
5. Berdasarkan masalah prioritas tersebut apakah rencana keperawatan yang akan diberikan
untuk pasien?
6. Apakah bentuk Pendidikan Kesehatan yang perlu disampaikan pada pasien terkait masalah
keperawatan utama?
7. Diskusikan konten pendidikan kesehatan sesuai jawaban no 6, dan tuangkan dalam

Key Questions to Solve (Case 3):

1. Based on the above case, the patient experienced some pregnancy discomfort, identify
discomforts in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and the cause of the discomforts!
2. What are the nursing problems that arise in the case? Mention the data that supports the
formulation of the nursing problem!
3. Of the several nursing problems that arise, which one is the most priority?
4. What is your reason for prioritizing the problem (based on answer no. 3)?
5. Based on the priority problem, what is the nursing plan that will be given to the patient?
6. What form of Health Education needs to be conveyed to patients regarding major nursing
7. Discuss health education content according to answer no. 6 and put it in posters/leaflets.

Kasus 4: Askep Kala 1 dan 2

Seorang ibu berusia 25 tahun G1P0A0 hamil 38 minggu datang ke klinik bersalin diantarkan oleh
suaminya. Klien mengatakan perutnya terasa sakit sejak pukul 05.00 dan terus bertambah sakit
sehingga klien memutuskan untuk memeriksakan kondisinya pada pukul 13.00. Hasil pemeriksaan
didapatkan tekanan darah 110/70 mmHg, nadi 80 x/menit, suhu 36,8oC, pernapasan 18 x/menit,
janin presentasi kepala, kepala sudah masuk PAP, kontraksi uterus tiga kali dalam 10 menit durasi
18 detik, DJJ 134 x/menit, dilatasi serviks 3 cm, kepala janin berada di hodge 1, selaput ketuban
utuh,. Klien tampak cemas dan meringis sambil memegang perutnya saat kontraksi datang.
Pada pukul 17.00 perawat melakukan pemeriksaan kembali dan didapatkan hasil tekanan darah
120/70 mmHg, nadi 88 x/menit, suhu 370C, pernapasan 20 x/menit, kontraksi uterus tiga kali dalam
10 menit durasi 20-40 detik, DJJ 145 x/menit, dilatasi serviks 5 cm, kepala janin berada di hodge 2,
selaput ketuban utuh. Klien melaporkan kontraksinya terasa lebih kuat dan sakit. Klien
mencengkeram tempat tidur sambal mengerang kesakitan seiring kontraksi datang.
Pada pukul 21.00 kembali dilakukan pemeriksaan dan didapatkan hasil tekanan darah 120/80
mmHg, nadi 98 x/menit, suhu 370C, pernapasan 22 x/menit, kontraksi uterus lima kali dalam 10
menit durasi 45 detik, DJJ 142 x/menit, dilatasi serviks 10 cm, terlihat kepala bayi di introitus vagina,
selaput ketuban pecah sebelum pemeriksaan (pukul 20.45), cairan ketuban jernih, perineum
menonjol, vulva dan sphincter ani membuka. Klien mengatakan dirinya merasa ingin meneran dan
seperti ingin BAB.

Case 4: Nursing Care of Childbirth (Stage 1 & 2)

A 25-year-old mother G1P0A0 38 weeks pregnant came to the maternity clinic delivered by her
husband. The client said his stomach had been hurting since 05.00 and it was getting worse, so the
client decided to have his condition checked at 13.00. The results of the examination showed blood
pressure 110/70 mmHg, pulse 80 x/minute, temperature 36.8oC, breathing 18 x/minute, fetal head
presentation, head has entered PAP, uterine contractions three times in 10 minutes duration 18
seconds, FHR 134 x /min, cervical dilatation 3 cm, fetal head in Hodge 1, membranes intact. The
client looks anxious and grimaces while holding his stomach when the contractions come.
At 17.00 the nurse checked again and the results were blood pressure 120/70 mmHg, pulse 88
x/minute, temperature 370C, breathing 20 x/minute, uterine contractions three times in 10 minutes
duration 20-40 seconds, FHR 145 x/minute, cervical dilatation 5 cm, fetal head in Hodge 2,
membranes intact. The client reports that the contractions are stronger and painful. The client grips
the bed while moaning in pain as the contractions come.
At 21.00 the examination was again carried out and the results were blood pressure 120/80 mmHg,
pulse 98 x/minute, temperature 370C, breathing 22 x/minute, uterine contractions five times in 10
minutes duration 45 seconds, FHR 142 x/minute, cervical dilatation 10 cm, the baby's head was
seen at the vaginal introitus, the amniotic membranes ruptured before examination (at 20.45), the
amniotic fluid was clear, the perineum was protruding, the vulva and anal sphincter opened. The
client said he felt like pushing and wanted to defecate.

Pokok Pertanyaan Yang Harus Dipecahkan (Kasus 4):

1. Bagaimana mekanisme nyeri persalinan pada kala I dan II?
2. Apakah masalah keperawatan yang mungkin dialami klien?
3. Dari beberapa masalah keperawatan yang mungkin terjadi pada klien, manakah masalah
keperawatan yang paling prioritas berdasarkan kala persalinan?
4. Berdasarkan soal nomor 3, jelaskan alasan adanya perbedaan masalahan keperawatan pada
kala I dan II!
5. Berkaitan dengan masalah paling prioritas yang dialami klien pada masing-masing kala,
manakah data pengkajian yang mendukung masalah keperawatan tersebut?
6. Apakah tujuan dan perencanaan tindakan keperawatan yang Saudara rumuskan untuk
mengatasi permasalah prioritas yang dialami klien?
7. Pilih satu topik dari rencana tindakan keperawatan yang dibuat, dan diskusikan konten yang
akan dituliskan dalam poster/leaflet.

Key Questions to Be Solved (Case 4):

1. What is the mechanism of labor pain in the first and second stages?
2. What nursing problems might the client experience?
3. Of the several nursing problems that may occur to the client, which is the most priority
nursing problem based on the time of delivery?
4. Based on question number 3, explain the reasons for the differences in nursing problems in
the first and second stages!
5. Regarding the most priority problem experienced by the client at each time, which
assessment data support the nursing problem?
6. What are the goals and nursing action plans that you formulate to address the client's priority
7. Select a topic from the nursing action plan made and discuss the content to be written in the

Kasus 5: Askep Kala 3 dan 4

Ny S, seorang multipara, 27 tahun, baru saja melahirkan bayi aterm, sudah disuntik oksitosin 10 IU
intramuscular, Setelah 2 menit dilakukan pemotongan tali pusat, dan bayi dilakukan IMD. Kemudian
dilakukan peregangan tali pusat terkendali untuk melahirkan plasenta, akan tetapi setelah 40 detik,
belum terlihat tanda-tanda pelepasan plasenta dan uterus tidak segera berkontraksi, sehingga
peregangan tali pusat dihentikan. Kemudian dilakukan stimulasi untuk merangsang kontraksi uterus.
Setelah uterus berkontraksi, kembali dilakukan peregangan tali pusat, dan setelah 15 menit, plasenta
lahir, dan segera dilakukan masase pada uterus. Kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan plasenta, robekan
jalan lahir dan tanda-tanda vital ibu. Hasil pemeriksaan plasenta utuh, terdapat luka robekan pada
perineum grade 1 dan tidak dilakukan penjahitan pada perineum, darah yang keluar kurang lebih
200 ml, TD 110/70 mmHg, nadi 100 x/menit, pernapasan 22 x/menit, suhu 37,8 0C. Kemudian
dilakukan pemantauan kala 4 selama 2 jam. Sepanjang pemantauan kala IV, IMD tetap dilakukan
dan bayi mencapai sendiri puting ibu pada menit ke 50 setelah bayi lahir. Ibu tampak lelah, akan
tetapi terlihat puas sambil tersenyum melihat bayinya berhasil mencapai puting, dan bayi tetap
disusui sampai bayi melepas puting sendiri. Ayah bayi ikut mendampingi ibu melakukan IMD,
mencium kening ibu dan mengelus kepala bayi sambil tersenyum bahagia. Setelah 2 jam dan
dilakukan pemantauan terakhir, tanda-tanda vital ibu normal, kontraksi uterus baik, dan tidak ada
perdarahan. Bayi selesai diperiksa dan diberi suntikan vitamin K serta antibiotic prophylaxis.
Kemudian ibu dan bayinya dipindahkan ke ruang postpartum dan dirawat gabung.

Case 5: Nursing Care of Childbirth (Stage 3 &4)

Mrs. S, a multipara, 27 years old, has just given birth to a term baby, has been injected with oxytocin
10 IU intramuscularly. After 2 minutes, the umbilical cord was cut, and the baby had an IMD. Then
controlled stretching of the umbilical cord was carried out to deliver the placenta, but after 40
seconds, there were no signs of placental separation and the uterus did not contract immediately,
so that the stretching of the umbilical cord was stopped. Then do stimulation to stimulate uterine
contractions. After the uterus contracted, the umbilical cord was stretched again, and after 15
minutes, the placenta was delivered, and the uterus was massaged immediately. Then the placenta
was examined, the birth canal tear and the mother's vital signs were performed. The results of the
examination of the intact placenta, there was a torn wound in the perineum grade 1 and no suturing
was done on the perineum, blood coming out was approximately 200 ml, BP 110/70 mmHg, pulse
100 x / minute, breathing 22 x / minute, temperature 37.80C. Then the 4th stage was monitored for
2 hours. During the fourth stage of monitoring, the IMD was still carried out and the baby reached
the mother's nipple at 50 minutes after the baby was born. The mother looks tired but looks satisfied
with a smile to see her baby successfully reach the nipple, and the baby continues to be breastfed
until the baby releases the nipple on its own. The baby's father accompanied the mother to do IMD,
kissed the mother's forehead and stroked the baby's head while smiling happily. After 2 hours and
the last monitoring was done, the mother's vital signs were normal, uterine contractions were good,
and there was no bleeding. The baby has been examined and given an injection of vitamin K and
antibiotic prophylaxis. Then the mother and baby were transferred to the postpartum room and
admitted to the hospital.

Pokok Pertanyaan Yang Harus Dipecahkan (Kasus 5):

1. Pada kala 3, apa tujuan dilakukan peregangan tali pusat terkendali? Bagaimana melakukan
peregangan tali pusat terkendali? Kenapa penegangan tali pusat dihentikan saat uterus tidak
berkontraksi? Apa saja tanda-pelepasan plasenta?
2. Bagaimana cara merangsang stimulasi kontraksi uterus pada kala 3?
3. Berapa kali pemantauan dilakukan selama 2 jam pertama setelah bayi lahir? Dan apa saja
yang harus dipantau?
4. Berdasarkan kasus diatas, masalah keperawatan apa saja yang muncul? Justifikasi setiap
masalah keperawatan yang muncul!
5. Apakah prioritas masalah keperawatan di kala 3 dan kala 4 berdasarkan kasus diatas?
Justifikasi jawaban Saudara!
6. Apakah tujuan dan perencanaan tindakan keperawatan yang Saudara rumuskan untuk
mengatasi permasalah prioritas yang dialami klien berdasarkan pertanyaan no 5?
7. Pilih satu topik dari rencana tindakan keperawatan yang dibuat, dan diskusikan konten yang
akan dituliskan dalam poster/leaflet.

Key Questions to Solve (Case 5):

1. At stage 3, what is the purpose of controlled cord stretching? How to do controlled cord
stretching? Why is umbilical cord tension stopped when the uterus is not contracting? What
are the signs of placental separation?
2. How to stimulate stimulation of uterine contractions at stage 3?
3. How often is the monitoring carried out during the first 2 hours after the baby is born? And
what to monitor?
4. Based on the case above, what nursing problems arise? Justify any nursing problems that
5. What is the priority of nursing problems in stage 3 and stage 4 based on the above case?
Justify your answer!
6. What are the goals and nursing action plans that you formulated to address the priority
problems experienced by the client based on question no 5?
7. Select a topic from the nursing action plan made and discuss the content to be written in the


Diskusikan kasus di atas dalam kelompok (kasus 1=kelompok 1, kasus 2=kelompok 2, kasus
3=kelompok 3, kasus 4=kelompok 4, dan kasus 5=kelompok 5):
1. Kelompok dapat memulai diskusi dari identifikasi istilah yang belum dipahami (missal
nullipara, IMD, ballotement, dll, anggota lain dapat menjelaskan (singkat saja, disini
tujuannya hanya klarifikasi istilah)
2. Lalu kelompok dapat melanjutkan ke pertanyaan-pertanyaan pemicu, misal: kenapa ibu
mengalami mual, apakah ada kaitannya dengan kehamilan, bagaimana mekanismenya?
Bagaimana penatalaksanaannya, apa saja yang perlu dikaji, kemungkinan diagnosanya,
intervensi keperawatannya bagaimana? Dll, tidak terbatas hal ini, dapat dikembangkan oleh
3. Diskusikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang muncul tersebut, jawablah berdasarkan sumber-
sumber terpercaya dan jurnal jurnal penelitian terkait
4. Buatlah kesimpulan dari yang telah didiskusikan
5. Susun laporan secara berkelompok
Discuss the above cases in groups (case 1=group 1, case 2=group 2, case 3=group 3, case 4=group 4, and
case 5=group 5):
1. The group can start a discussion from identifying terms that are not yet understood (e.g., nullipara,
IMD, ballottement, etc., other members can explain (briefly, here the purpose is only to clarify terms)
2. Then the group can move on to triggering questions, for example: why does the mother experience
nausea, is it related to pregnancy, what is the mechanism? How is it managed, what needs to be studied,
possible diagnoses, what nursing interventions? Etc., not limited to this, can be developed by groups.
3. Discuss the questions that arise, answer them based on trusted sources and related research journals
4. Draw conclusions from what has been discussed
5. Compile reports in groups

Langkah-Langkah Pengerjaan
1. Kelompok telah dibagi oleh koordinator dan masing-masing kelompok akan didampingi fasilitator saat
diskusi (kelompok 1=MDA, kelompok 2=AK, kelompok 3=ER, kelompok 4=NS, kelompok 5=LL)
2. Sebelum pelaksanaan diskusi mahasiswa mempelajari, memilih dan mengkaji referensi terkait topik
diskusi dapat berasal dari artikel dan buku referensi
3. Pada pelaksanaan diskusi
a. Perkenalan kelompok (10 menit)
● Fasilitator menyampaikan pengantar, memperkenalkan diri kepada mahasiswa
● Fasilitator memimpin perkenalan antar anggota kelompok bila diskusi kelompok baru pertama
kali dilakukan dan antara dosen dengan mahasiswa atau antar mahasiswa dalam kelompok
belum saling mengenal
b. Pemilihan moderator dan sekretaris serta penjelasan umum (5 menit)
● Fasilitator memimpin pemilihan moderator dan sekretaris diskusi.
● Menjelaskan peran moderator dan sekretaris diskusi
● Menjelaskan mekanisme yang baik dalam berdiskusi
c. Fasilitator menjelaskan apa yang harus dilakukan oleh kelompok dalam mendiskusikan setiap
kasus, yaitu dengan langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah yang relevan dengan masalah yang
sedang didiskusikan (5 menit)
d. Mengamati diskusi (120 menit)
Selama mahasiswa berdiskusi, fasilitator mengamati jalannya diskusi dan memberi pengarahan bila
terjadi masalah.
● Mahasiswa mengidentifikasi masalah pada kasus
● Mahasiswa merancang pemecahan masalah pada kasus
e. Fasilitator mengakhiri diskusi (5-10 menit)
● Lima menit sebelum diskusi berakhir, fasilitator mengingatkan kepada moderator bahwa diskusi
harus segera diselesaikan.
● Pada akhir diskusi, fasilitator memberikan masukan-masukan tentang diskusi yang baru saja
berlangsung, seperti sistematika diskusi, partisipasi anggota kelompok, ringkasan hasil diskusi,
dan lain-lain.
4. Kelompok menyusun laporan hasil diskusi kasus, dan membuat leaflet/poster sesuai topik yang sudah
5. Perwakilan kelompok mengunggah hasil laporan yang telah disusun di eldiru pada H+4 setelah
pelaksanaan diskusi, Ppt presentasi dan leaflet diunggah setelah presentasi pada pertemuan berikutnya.

Working Steps
1. The groups have been divided by the coordinator and each group will be accompanied by a facilitator
during the discussion (group 1=MDA, group 2=AK, group 3=ER, group 4=NS, group 5=LL)
2. Before carrying out the discussion, student study, select and review references related to the topic of
discussion, which can come from articles and reference books
3. During the discussion
a. Group introduction (10 minutes)
i. The facilitator delivers an introduction, introduces himself to the students
ii. The facilitator leads introductions between group members when group discussions are being
held for the first time and between lecturers and students or between students in groups who
do not know each other
b. Selection of moderator and secretary and general explanation (5 minutes)
i. The facilitator leads the selection of the moderator and secretary of the discussion.
ii. Explain the role of moderator and secretary of discussion
iii. Explain a good mechanism in discussion
c. The facilitator explains what the group should do in discussing each case, namely with problem-
solving steps that are relevant to the problem being discussed (5 minutes)
d. Observe the discussion (120 minutes)
While students are discussing, the facilitator observes the course of the discussion and gives
directions if there are problems.
i. Students identify problems in the case
ii. Students design problem solving in cases
e. The facilitator ends the discussion (5-10 minutes)
i. Five minutes before the discussion ends, the facilitator reminds the moderator that the
discussion must be completed immediately.
ii. At the end of the discussion, the facilitator provides input on the discussion that has just taken
place, such as the systematics of the discussion, the participation of group members, a
summary of the results of the discussion, and so on.
4. Groups prepare reports on the results of case discussions and make leaflets/posters according to the
topics that have been discussed.
5. Group representatives upload the results of the reports that have been compiled in Eldiru on D+4 after
the discussion, Ppt presentations and leaflets are uploaded after presentations at the next meeting


a. Obyek Garapan: Penyusunan makalah/Resume Hasil Diskusi dan leaflet/poster/ Object of Work:
Preparation of discussion papers/resume results, and leaflets/posters.

b. Bentuk Luaran/Output:
1. Laporan hasil diskusi kasus (kelompok) diketik, times new roman 12, margin top, bottom, left dan right
masing-masing 3 cm, justify, spasi 1.15. Pustaka dan penulisan menggunakan format Harvard State
(University of Technology Syndey), dikumpulkan dengan format pdf, nama file CBL1_KelompokX.pdf,
dengan sistematika berikut/ The report on the results of the discussion of the case (group) is typed, times
new roman 12, margin top, bottom, left and right are 3 cm each, justify, spaced 1.15. Libraries and
writings use Harvard State (University of Technology Sidney) format, collected in pdf format, file name
CBL1_GroupX.pdf, with the following systematic.

Cover (tuliskan judul kasus , logo Unsoed, nama anggota kelompok dan NIM, program studi) Contoh

Laporan Diskusi

Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Kehamilan Trimester 1

Kelompok 1

1. Danish Arinal Haq NIM I1B020001

2. Daania Haura Zuhda NIM I1B020005
3. …..dst

Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Bab 1. Pendahuluan
A. Latar Belakang (maksimal 200 kata)
B. Tujuan penulisan laporan
Bab 2. Tinjauan Pustaka
A. Overview Kasus
B. Pembahasan (Integrasi teori dan penelitian yang relevan untuk menyelesaikan kasus),
termasuk asuhan keperawatan (maksimal 2500 kata)
Bab 3. Penutup
Kesimpulan (maksimal 200 kata)
Referensi (text book sesuai daftar rujukan di RPS, jurnal 5 tahun terakhir)

Selain laporan, hasil diskusi dipresentasikan saat pertemuan Presentasi CBL 1.

2. Leaflet/poster terdiri dari : Text, grafik, tabel, gambar. Diunggah ke eldiru format ekstensi jpeg/jpg,
dengan sistematika nama file: (Poster/Leaflet CBL1_kelompok X.jpeg)/ Leaflets/posters consist of:
Text, graphics, tables, images. Uploaded to Eldiru extension format jpeg/jpg, with filename systematized:
(Poster/Leaflet CBL1_kelompok X.jpeg).


Sub -komponen penilaian/ Sub-component of Evaluation
1. Laporan hasil diskusi/ Reports (80%)
o Ketepatan dalam menjawab persoalan/kasus/ Accuracy in answering questions/cases
o Kedalaman analisis, keluasan referensi/ Depth of analysis, breadth of reference
o Kesesuaian hasil kajian kasus dengan teori/ Conformity of case study results with theory
o Kerapian dan kesesuaian penggunaan format sesuai panduan/ Neatness and appropriateness of the
use of the format according to the guidelines
o Ketepatan jumlah kata/ The accuracy of the number of words
o Kemutakhiran referensi (text book sesuai daftar rujukan di RPS, jurnal 5 tahun terakhir)/ Up-to-
date references (text book according to the list of references in RPS, journals for the last 5 years)
2. Partisipasi kelompok/ Participation in group (20%)
o Komitmen, tanggung jawab, keikutsertaan dalam kelompok, inisiatif/ Commitment,
responsibility, group participation, initiative

Kontribusi penilaian terhadap Nilai Mata kuliah/ Contribution of evaluation to course grades:
Tatap muka minggu ke 5
In class week 5th
1. Murray, S.S., McKinney, E.S., Holub, K. & Jones, R. (2019). Foundations of maternal-newborn and
women’s health nursing. 7th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier
2. Silbert-Flagg, J. & Pillitteri, A. (2018). Maternal & child health nursing: care of the childbearing &
childrearing family. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer
3. McKinney, E.S., James, S.R., Murray, S.S. & Ashwil, J.W. (2013). Maternal-child nursing. 4th ed. St.
Louis, Missouri: Saunders Elsevier.
4. Ladewig, P.A., London, M.L. & Davidson, M.R. (2014). Contemporary maternal-newborn nursing
care. 8th ed. New Jersey; Pearson
5. Leifer, G. (2019). Introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing. 8th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier
6. Latifah, L., Setiawati, N., Kartikasari, A. & Kusmiarti, E. (2020). SHS Web of Conferences; Les Ulis,
Vol. 86.
7. Latifah, L., Setiawati, N. & Hapsari, E.D. (2017). Efektifitas Self Management Module dalam
Mengatasi Morning Sickness. Jurnal Keperawatan Padjajaran. 15(1): 10-18
8. Jurnal nasional/internasional terbitan maksimal 5 tahun terakhir

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