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Primanica Siswanto, S.Pd., Gr.



Nama Primanica Jenjang/Kelas SMP /
Siswanto, S.Pd., VIII

Asal sekolah SMP Negeri 7 Mapel Bahasa Inggris


Alokasi waktu 10 JP Jumlah siswa 32

Profil pelajar 1. Bergotong Model dan Metode

1. Model Discovery
Pancasila yang Royong pembelajaran
berkaitan 2. Bernalar Kritis
2. Metode Diskusi

3. Metode Ceramah

Fase D Domain Mapel Seni Tari

Tujuan  Setelah mengamati video pembelajaran dengan link

Pembelajaran , peserta didik

1. Mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari

ragam teks lisan/tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam
lingkup global dengan baik.

2. Menjelaskan konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari ragam

teks lisan/tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup
global dengan baik
3. Mengemukakan ide dari berbagai ragam teks yang disajikan dalam bentuk
multimoda dalam lingkup global.
4. Menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari ragam teks yang
disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global.
5. Menganalisa struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dan konteks dari ragam teks

yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda pada konteks yang berbeda dalam
lingkup global.
6. Mengaplikasikan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari ragam teks yang
disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda pada konteks yang berbeda dalam
lingkup global.
7. Merancang berbagai ragam teks tulisan maupun lisan sederhana yang
disajikan dalambentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global.

8. Memproduksi berbagai ragam teks tulisan maupun lisan sederhana yang

disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global.

Kata kunci Narrative

Deskripsi Fokus pembelajaran ini adalah

umum kegiatan Peserta didik mampu memahami dan Menyusun serta mempraktekkan
salah satu bentuk teks narrative tari tradisi daerah setempat maupun luar
negeri dengan baik.

1. Teks naratif
Materi ajar,
2. Alat yang digunakan : Gawai, Proyektor, Speaker.
alat, dan bahan
3. Bahan dan sumber: Video Pembelajaran dan internet.

Sarana 1. Laptop, LCD, Jaringan internet, gawai/smartphone

Prasarana 2. Speaker aktif
3. Ruangan Kelas

Capaian Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Fase D (kelas VII, VIII dan IX SMP/MTs/Program Paket B)

Pada akhir Fase D, peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris
untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dalam konteks yang lebih beragam dan dalam situasi formal
dan informal. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan berbagai jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi,
prosedur, teks khusus (pesan singkat, iklan) dan teks otentik menjadi rujukan utama dalam
mempelajari bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk berdiskusi
dan menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan. Pemahaman mereka terhadap teks tulisan semakin
berkembang dan keterampilan inferensi mulai tampak ketika memahami informasi tersirat. Mereka
memproduksi teks tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang
lebih beragam. Mereka memahami tujuan dan pemirsa ketika memproduksi teks tulisan dan visual
dalam bahasa Inggris.
Fase D Berdasarkan Elemen



A. Identitas Modul

Nama penyusun : Primanica Siswanto, S.Pd., Gr.

Institusi : SMP Negeri 7 Semarang
Tahun Pembuatan : 2023
Jenjang Sekolah : SMP
Kelas : VIII
Alokasi Waktu : 10 JP
Konten/sub materi : Narrative Text

B. Kompetensi Awal

Peserta didik dapat mendefinisikan……….. dengan benar.

Kompetensi awal adalah pengetahuan dan/atau keterampilan yang perlu

dimiliki siswa sebelum mempelajari topik tertentu.
C. Profil Pelajar Pancasila
1. Bergotong-royong
2. Bernalar kritis
Profil Pelajar Pancasila (PPP) dapat tercermin pada materi dan/atau
metode pembelajaran.
Profil Pelajar Pancasila tidak perlu semuanya, namun dipilih yang sesuai
dengan kegiatan pembelajaran
D. Sarana dan Prasarana

1. Laptop, LCD, Jaringan internet, gawai/smartphone

2. Speaker aktif

3. Ruangan kelas/aula
E. Target Peserta didik
Peserta didik regular: 32 orang
Peserta didik dengan kesulitan belajar: -
Peserta didik dengan pencapaian tinggi: -

F. Model dan Metode Pembelajaran

Model Pembelajaran: tatap muka dengan model Discovery learning.
Metode Pembelajaran: diskusi, ceramah.


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

 Setelah mengamati video pembelajaran dengan link , peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari ragam

teks lisan/tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global
dengan baik.

2. Menjelaskan konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari ragam teks
lisan/tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global
dengan baik
3. Mengemukakan ide dari berbagai ragam teks yang disajikan dalam bentuk
multimoda dalam lingkup global.
4. Menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari ragam teks yang disajikan
dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global.
5. Menganalisa struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dan konteks dari ragam teks yang
disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda pada konteks yang berbeda dalam lingkup

6. Mengaplikasikan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari ragam teks yang
disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda pada konteks yang berbeda dalam lingkup
7. Merancang berbagai ragam teks tulisan maupun lisan sederhana yang disajikan
dalambentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global.

Memproduksi berbagai ragam teks tulisan maupun lisan sederhana yang disajikan
dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global.
B. Pemahaman Bermakna
Pengenalan terhadap tari klasik untuk memperkuat rasa cinta budaya bangsa
Informasi tentang manfaat yang akan diperoleh peserta didik setelah mengikuti
proses pembelajaran.
C. Pertanyaan Pemantik

1. What is a narrative text?

2. What is the importance of learning a narrative text for our life?

3. How to write narrative text?

Persiapan Pembelajaran

a. Menyiapkan Video Pembelajaran tari tradisi ........

b. Menyiapkan LKPD.

c. Menyiapkan Bahan Ajar.

d. Menyiapkan Rubrik Penilaian.

D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Section 1
Menyimak, membaca dan berbicara
Kegiatan awal (5 menit)
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik

Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan
Kegiatan inti
Langkah pembelajaran Lembar Kerja Siswa Wa Mod
ktu a
1. Siswa mengamati gambar dan Observe the following 5 Dari
menjawab pertanyaan yang movie title and answer me ng
diberikan the questions nit
1. Have you
the movies
2. What is
3. Have you
read that
stories in a
novel or
4. Do you
think such
kind of

? Why?
5. Is it
for us to
read such
kind of

2. Siswa berkelompok Discuss in 10 Bila

mendiskusikan pertanyaan yang group the me dila
diberikan dan mempresanikan following nit kuk
apa yang telah didiskusikan questions Per an
1. Decide one te seca
movie mu ra
2. Mention the an dari
characters in 1 ng
that movie? bisa
3. Tell the plot of vidc
the story all
4. Do you learn mel
something alui
from the story? WA
5. Which part is gro
impressed you up
a lot and ( sis
which one is wa
not? bisa

6. Present the men
result of your gun
discussion in aka
class. n
7. Siswa melihat gambar dan Look at the following 10 Dari
menjawab pertanyaan yang picture and answer the me ng
diberikan questions nit Zoo


8. Siswa membaca teks yang Open this link and 30 Dari
diberikan watch the video me ng
https:// nit
9. Siswa menebak kata kata
tertentu yang ada di cerita watch?v=YI5vcePtG6A

Guess the meaning of

the underlined word
1. The fox was very
hungry, he
searched for
2. He saw a crow
flying with a
piece of cheese
in its beak.
3. The crow sat on
a branch of a
4. How fine your
feather are. How
bright your eye
5. Please let me
hear your voice
6. I declare you the
queen of the
7. The crow was
truly delighted

by the
8. The crow lifted
up her head,
and began to
caw her best.
9. But the moment
she opened her
mouth, the
cheese fell
down, and it
was snapped up
by the fox.
10. You foolish
crow, you
should never
trust flatters!

10. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan Answer these 10 dari

informasi tertentu dan informasi questions. me ng
rinci dari teks yang diberikan 1. What is the nit
story about?
2. How was the
fox that day?
3. What did he
4. What did he
see when
looking for
something to
5. What did the

fox do then?
6. What did the
fox do to get
the cheese?
7. What did the
crow do that
he lost his
8. How was the
end of the

11. Siswa mendengarkan lagu Let’s sing together 10

12. Siswa menemukan gagasan Read the text 15
utama teks dan ide utama Once upon a time, me
paragraf there lived a lady crow nit
who was mean and
ugly. One day, Ms.
Crow had stolen a big
piece of cheese and
then she flew on to a
branch of tree to enjoy
Mr. Fox was very
hungry. He walked
along the forest
slowly. He came under
the tree where Ms.
Crow perched on. He

saw Ms. Crow eating
the cheese. He wanted
the cheese for himself.
So he look up and
said “ “Oh. Miss Crow.
How beautiful you are!
What a lovely beak you
have. What a lovely
feather they are. What
pretty eyes you have. If
only you could sing.
You would be the most
beautiful bird in the
Very pleased to hear
all of this about herself,
Ms Crow gave a loud
croak to show that she
could sing. Of course at
the moment she opened
her beak, the cheese fell
down. Mr. Fox caught the
cheese and ran away
with it.
Ms. Crow learned
that she must be careful
with people who liked to

Decide which is the

paragraph of the
following main idea.

1.Mrs Crow caught in
the trap
2.Mrs Crow realized
her mistake
3.Mean Mrs Crow was
ready to enjoy her
4.Mr Fox tricked to
get the meal
5.Hungry Mr Fox
found his prey.

13. Siswa menentukan pesan moral Narrative Text 15 dari

dari cerita yang dibaca The purpose of me ng
narrative text nit
The Purpose of
Narrative Text is to
amuse or to entertain
the reader with a story
and to teach moral

Give tick to suitable

moral value of the
story and tell your
1. Don’t judge the book by its
2. Don’t believe easily in sweet
3. Be careful with someone

who likes to flatter
4. Don’t cry over the spilt milk
5. Don’t be fooled by sweet
14. Siswa berdiskusi dengan guru It is important for us to 15 dari
terkait pentingnya mempelajari read such kind of me ng
teks narrative stories. We will be nit
entertained, enrich
our vocabularies, and
we will learn moral
values of the story.

1. Do you agree with

such kind
statement? Explain
your answer!
2. What part of the
statement attract
you a lot?
3. What will you add
to the statement
Kesimpulan Let’s sum up 15 dari
Complete the me ng
following sentences nit
with suitable words
The title of the story
that we enjoy today
was …..
It is about the ….. and

The character of the
fox is …
The character of the
crow is …..
The story ends with
The moral story that
can we learn is …..
Refleksi Let’s reflect 15 dari
 What is the most me ng
interesting activity nit
have you
 What area do you
feel you still need to
practice or improve
 What can you do to
try to improve for
the next lesson?
 What information
will you be able to
use in the future?
 Is there anything
you would like to
learn more?
Assesment Read the following 15 dari
statements and use me ng
the following icons to nit
express your

If you really
and can
explain it
If you don’t
and you
can’t say
If you are
but you
want to say

4. I know what the

story is about.
5. I know how the
plot of the story
6. I know the main
ideas of each
7. I know the bad
and the good
8. I know what I can
learn from the

Learning Hours atau kegaitan mandiri Reread again the story
(Activities do at home) about Mrs Crow and
Mr Fox. Make a short
comic of that story.
1. Reread the story
of the Fox and the
2. Try ask the
teacher or your
friends to get
understanding of
the story
3. ●
3. Let’s check
Complete the
following sentences
with your own words.
Add your reason.
1. The fox was
searching for food
because he was
5. 1. …..
6. 1. 2. The crow sat on
2. the branch of the
tree alone
● because she
wanted to….
3. The fox got
flattered the crow
Remedial Activity because he

wanted to….
4. The crow was
foolish because
she …..
5. The fox was
cunning because
he ……
Pengayaan Please, Read a fable
story from Indonesia.
Section 3 (120menit)
Membaca, berbicara dan menulis
Kegiatan awal (5 menit)
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain
Kegiatan inti
Langkah langkah kegiatan Lembar kerja siswa Waktu moda
1. Siswa melihat gambar dan 5 menit daring
menjawab pertanyaan tentang What do you see in
the picture?
gambar tersebut What season is it?
How is the weather?
What do you usually
feel in such kind of

2. Siswa menyebutkan kata 5 menit daring
kata yang sesuai dengan
Look at this
gambar picture
What do you see?
Say something
about this picture
3. Siswa membaca teks cerita Read the following text. 10 menit daring
One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over
the fields looking for water.
For a long time, he could not find any.
He felt very weak, almost lost all hope.
Suddenly, he saw a water jug below the
tree. He flew straight down to see if there
was any water inside. Yes, he could see
some water inside the jug!
The crow tried to push his head into
the jug. Sadly, he found that the neck of the
jug was too narrow. Then he tried to push
the jug to tilt for the water to flow out but
the jug was too heavy.
The crow thought hard for a while.
Then looking around it, he saw some
pebbles. he suddenly had a good idea. he
started picking up the pebbles one by one,
dropping each into the jug. As more and
more pebbles filled the jug, the water level
kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the
crow to drink. His plan had worked!

4. Siswa menjodohkan gambar Match the pictures with their suitable 5 menit
dengan kalimat description
Pictures Description
 There
not far
 The crow
finally has
n idea
 He
http:// dropped the pebbles
the-thirsty-crow- one by
short-story.html one into
the jug
 His work
had finally
done. His

https:// plan worked.

watch?  There was

v=Eq5w46A9uKM a jug with

water in it


5. Siswa menyusun gambar Arrange the jumbled picture in correct 10 menit Luring
acak menjadi susunan yang order based on the story above
benar berdasarkan cerita
yang dibaca

6. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan Look the pictures again. 10 meni
terkait gambar 1. Which one is the first picture? What t
do you see in the picture?
2. Which one is the second picture?
What did he find?
3. What is the third picture? Could the
crow get the water? Why?
4. What is the next picture? What did he
do to get the water in the jug?
5. Do you think it is s a clever idea? why

7. Siswa berdiskusi dengan guru Let’s think of 5 menit daring
terkait pentingnya materi 3. What do you think of the story of
yang dipelajari thirsty crow?
4. Is it a beautiful story? Why?
5. Do you like the personality of the
crow? Why?
6. Can you learn something from the
7. Have you ever got difficulty and you
had to find the solution? Explain your
8. What will you do if you find difficulty in
the future?
Kesimpulan Let’s sum up 5 menit daring
Answer these questions
1. What did you learn today?
2. W do you learn about struggle? What
kind of struggle?
3. Do you think struggle is important in
life? why?
4. What is the writer’s purpose to write
the story?
5. For whom is the story above?
Refleksi Let’s reflect 5 menit daring

Assesmen Let’s check
Arrange the sentence in good order.
 Finally the crow could drink.
 The crow was very thirsty
 His plan worked
 Little by little the water in the jug
rose up as there are more and more
pebbles in it
 He found a jug under the tree
 Thank God, there is little water in
the jug.
 He tried to get water in the jug but
the neck of the jug was too narrow
 He found a way to get the water. He
saw pebbles nearby
He took pebbles one by one and dropped
them into the jug
Learning hours Find and read fable which reflects the

struggle of the main characters
Pengayaan Write down your the successful stuggles
that you have done to get what you want
Remedial Check again all activities that still make you
confused .

Section 4 (180 menit)

Membaca, berbicara dan menulis
Kegiatan awal (5 menit)
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain
1. Siswa mengingat You have read a story with the title “The thirsty Crow”. 5. menit daring
kembali cerita yang Now look athe picture again and answer these questions.
dipelajari di 1. What was in the first picture?
pertemuan 2. Does it tell about who in the story were?
sebelumnya 3. Does it tell about where the story happen?
4. Does it tell about when it happened?
5. Does the picture tell us about the problem faced
by the crow? Which picture?
6. What is the problem?
7. Does the story tell us about how the problem
solved by the crow?
8. How was it solved?
9. How many problem are there in the story?
10. Is each problem resolved?
11. How is it resolved?
12. Can people learn something from the story?
13. Who is the main character of the story?
14. What is the problem?

15. How did he do to solve the problem?
2. Siswa mengamati A narrative text has a text structure.
struktur teks Observe the structure of the text below
One hot day, a
thirsty crow flew all over
the fields looking for
For a long time, he
could not find any. He felt
very weak, almost lost all
hope. Suddenly, he saw a
water jug below the tree.
He flew straight down to
see if there was any water
inside. Yes, he could see
some water inside the jug!
The crow tried to
push his head into the jug.
Sadly, he found that the
neck of the jug was too
narrow. Then he tried to
push the jug to tilt for the
water to flow out but the
jug was too heavy.
The crow thought
hard for a while. Then
looking around it, he saw
some pebbles. he
suddenly had a good idea.
he started picking up the
pebbles one by one,

dropping each into the
jug. As more and more
pebbles filled the jug, the
water level kept rising.
Soon it was high enough
for the crow to drink. His
plan had worked!

3. Siswa menjawab Look at the text above. 10

pertanyaan guru 1. What is the first phrase to start the story? menit
terkiat susunan teks 2. What is the first paragraph called?
yang diamati 3. What should be mentioned in it?
4. What comes next?
5. What is it in the complication?
6. What comes after the complication?
7. What is in the end of the story?

4. Siswa mendengar Here is the explanation about narrative text. 10 daring
penjelasan guru menit
tentang fungsi
social, struktur teks A Narrative text is an
imaginary story
dari teks narrative
The Purpose of
Narrative Text is to
amuse or to entertain
the reader with a story
and to teach moral

C. Generic Structures
of Narrative Text

1) Orientation
Sets the scene: where
and when the story
happened and
introduces the
participants of the
story: who and what is
involved in the story.

2) Complication
Tells the beginning of
the problems which

5. Siswa mengamati Observe this text analysis. Complete with suitable 10 daring
analisis struktur teks information menit
One hot day, a thirsty Orientation
crow flew all over the Who;

fields looking for water. Where:
For a long time, he could Complication 1
not find any. He felt very ……………………
weak, almost lost all
Suddenly, he saw a water Resolution 1
jug below the tree. He ……………………
flew straight down to see
if there was any water
inside. Yes, he could see
some water inside the jug!
The crow tried to push his Complication 2
head into the jug. Sadly, …………………….
he found that the neck of
the jug was too narrow.
Then he tried to push the
jug to tilt for the water to
flow out but the jug was
too heavy.

The crow thought hard for Resolution 2

a while. Then looking …………………….
around it, he saw some
pebbles. He suddenly had
a good idea. He started
picking up the pebbles
one by one, dropping
each into the jug. As more
and more pebbles filled
the jug, the water level

kept rising. Soon it was
high enough for the crow
to drink.
His plan had worked!. Reorientation or Coda
Where there is a will. …………………….
There is a way
6. Siswa menjawab Based on the text analysis , answer these questions 15 daring
pertanyaan yang 1. Who is the main character of the story? menit
diberikan 2. How was he in the beginning of the story?
3. Where was he? Why?
4. What was his first problem?
5. What did he do to solve it?
6. Can he find solution of his first problem?
7. What was his second problem?
8. What did he do to solve it?
9. How was the personality of the crow?
10. What can we learn from the story above?

7. Siswa bisa membuat Look at these examples. Make the negative form of the 20 luring
kalimat negative following sentences menit
berdasarkan cerita Postive sentences Negative sentences
yang dibuat A crow flew over the field A thirsty crow didn’t fly
over the forest
The crow was thirtsy He was not hungry
He felt very weak
He saw a jug below the
He flew straight down to
he could see some water
inside the jug!

The crow tried to push his
head into the jug.
He found that the neck of
the jug was too narrow.
He tried to push the jug to
tilt for the water to flow
the jug was too heavy
he saw some pebbles.
He started picking up the
pebbles one by one
it was high enough for the
crow to drink
His plan had worked!
8. Siswa bisa Complete the following sentences with time connector 15 luring
melengkapi kalimat like then. Next, after that. first, second, third and soon menit
dengan time In the hot weather, the crow was very thirsty. To
connector yang relieve his thirst, The crow looked for water. …he saw a
tepat jug of water below the tree. ….he tried to get the water
but it was too deep…..he saw pebbles. ….he took
pebbles one by one and drooped into the jug. …..the
water in the jug rose and he could drink it.
9. Siswa menentukan Learn the following quote and idiom. Which of the 1o luring
pesan moral cerita following is the moral value that you can learn from the menit
yang benar story.
● Be tough. Don’t give up easily
● There is will there's way
● Don’t judge the book by its cover
● Experience is the best teacher
● No pain no gain
● A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single

● God helps those who help themselves
● Knowledge is power
● The grass is always greener on the other side

9. Siswa berdiskusi Let’s think of

dengan guru terkait 1. What is the structure of a narrative text?
pentingnya materi 2. What does each part of the structure tell us?
yang dipelajari 3. Why is the text arranged in certain structure?
4. What is the function of time connector
5. How could we learn the moral value of the story?

Kesimpulan Let’s sum up

Answer these questions
1. What did you learn today?
2. What is the structure of a narrative text?
3. What are mentioned in orientation?
4. What is mentioned in complication?
5. What is mentioned in resolution?
Refleksi Let’s reflect

Assesment Let’s check
Complete the following sentences
1. The character of the story was ….
2. The story happened in ….
3. The first problem of the story is the crow felt so
4. The crow tried to solve the problem by …..
5. The second problem faced by the crow was ….
6. To solve the second problem, the crow was ….
7. The story ends with ….
Learning hours Make you own fable story
Remedial Lihat lagi semua aktifitas pembelajarn. Ulangi kegiatan
yang kalian belum paham
Pengayaan Carilah beberapa cerita fable di internet dan identifikasi
dan solusi masing masing dari maisng masing cerita

Session 5
Kegiatan awal (5 menit)
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain
Kegiatan inti
Langkah langkah kegiatan Lembar kerja siswa Waktu moda
1. Siswa membaca 5 menit Darin
A friend in need is a friend indeed
quote yang g
diberikan dan
menjawab 1. Have you heard such kind of proverb?

pertanyaan 2. What does it mean?

3. Do you ever experience a situation that you really
need a help?

4. Who help you?
5. What do you think of him/her?

2. Siswa membuat Make a list that something you have done to give helps to Luring
daftar kegiatan yang friends
telah dilakukan - .
untuk menolong - .
teman - .
- .
- .
3. Siswa membaca teks 20 daring
dan menjawab Read the following story and answer these menit
pertanyaan tentang questions
isi teks The Ant and the Dove
In a hot day, An ant went to the river to get a drink.
Unfortunetly, The water rushed along so fast that he
was washed off the bank into the river. "I shall drown!"
he cried. "Help! help! help!" but his voice was so tiny that
it could not be heard
A dove was sitting in a tree that overhung the water.
She saw the ant struggling, and quickly nipped off a leaf
and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed upon it and
floated down the river until the leaf was washed upon the
bank of the stream. The ant called out in its tiny voice,
"Thank you, kind dove, you have saved my life;" but of
course the dove could not hear him.
Several days after this, the dove was again sitting in a
tree. A hunter crept carefully up to the tree. His gun was
pointed at the dove and he was about to shoot, when he
was bitten in the leg by an ant.
He cried out with pain and dropped his gun. This

frightened the dove and she flew away. "Thank you, kind
ant," cooed the dove, the ant heard and was glad.
1. Who was thirty?
2. Could he get the water? Why?
3. What happened to the ant?
4. Who saved him? How?
5. Who wanted to kill the dove?
6. What did the ant do??

4. Siswa memilih salah Choose the best phrase and read these sentences aloud 20 daring
satu kata atau phara 1. The ant was/was not hungry mneit
yang tepat 2. The ant went / didn’t go to the river to drink
berdasarkan cerita. 3. The water in the river ran/ didn’t run fast
5. Siswa membaca 4. The ant fell/didn’t fall into the river
keras kalimat 5. The ant cried/didn’t cry for help.
kaliamat tersebut 6. The dove sat/didn’t sit on a branch of a tree far
away from the river
7. The dove heard/didn’t hear the ant cry for help
8. The dove picked/didn’t pick a twig to help the ant
9. The ant climbed/didn’t climb the leaf picked by
the dove
10. The ant could/couldn’t save from the rushing
11. The hunter wanted/ didn’t want to kill the ant
12. The hunter pointed/ didn’t point his gun to the
13. The ant knew/ didn’t know that the hunter
wanted to shoot the dove
14. The ant bit/ didn’t bite the hunter’s leg
15. The hunter cried/ didn’t criy to make the dove fly

6. Siswa menganalisis There are five paragraph in the story above. Analyse the 10 Luring
teks main idea of each paragraph menit

Paragraph Main idea

Dalam tugas menganalisis
Paragraph 1
berikan siswa arahan dan
lingkup analisis yang jelas




7. Siswa berdiskusi Let’s think of 5 menit

dengan guru terkait 1. Who are the main characters of the story?
pentingnya materi 2. What is the ant problem?
yang dipelajari 3. How is the first problem solved?
4. What is the next problem?
5. How is it resolved?
6. What is the story of the Ant and the Dove about?
7. What is the moral value of the story?
8. Is it important for us to read such kind of story?
Kesimpulan Let’s sum up 5 menit
Answer these questions
1. What did we learn today?
2. In what paragraph is the orientation of the text?
3. In what paragraph is the complication of the text?
4. In what paragraph is the resolution of the text?
5. How do we learn the moral value ?
Refleksi Let’s reflect

Assesment Let’s check
1. The story of the ant and the dove talks about ….
2. The dove is kind-hearted because …..
3. The ant is very grateful because ….
4. The ant and the dove saved their life because ….
5. If they don’t help each other , both of them will …
Learning hours Sing a song about friendship
Pengayaan Draw series of pictures about the staory of the nat and
the dove
Remedial Lihat lagi semua aktifitas pembelajarn. Ulangi kegiatan
yang kalian belum paham

Session 6 (80 menit)

Membaca, berbicara dan menulis
Kegiatan awal (5 menit)
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain
1. Siswa You have learned about two stories. The ant and the dove 5 menit luring

dua cerita yang telah and the thirsty crow.
dibaca Now work pairs. Ask your friend about the story of the
Ant ad the Dove and thirsty crow. You may ask:
1. The personality of the characters
2. The event
3. The setting
4. The problem
5. the resolution of the problem
2. Now complete these column to compare the two stories 20

3. Siswa Here are some words describing the personality of the 10

membandingkan Ant, the dove and the crow. Check the meaning in the menit
characters yang ada dictionary
di cerita Put these words in right column
Diligent, kind, thankful, helpful, hard work, smart,
attentive, considerate, unselfish, loyal, tough,
persevere, alert, strong, caring, thoughtful, creative,


The Crow The Ant The Dove

4. Siswa menentukan State whether these statements is True or False 10 Luring

pernyataan benar 1. Both of the story talks about struggle (…) menit
atau salah yang 2. All the characters in the two stories are good
membandingakn personality (…)
dua cerita tersebut 3. The two stories have problems and well resolved
4. The characters in the two stories have happiness
at the end (….)
5. The difference of the two stories is the ending
6. The problems of the two stories can be solved
with kindness (….)
5. Siswa Let’s think of 10
mendiskusikan 1. What is the difference of the two stories that you menit
have analyse?
2. Do you think that the two stories have complication
and resolution? Explain your answer
3. Do you think both of the stories are important to
read for students? Why?
4. What did you do to real life to apply the moral value
of the story?

Kesimpulan Let’s sum up 5 menit
Answer these questions
1. What did you learn today?
2. What are the differences of the two stories that
you learned?
3. What are the similarities of the two stories that you
4. What are the moral value of the two stories?
Refleksi Let’s reflect 5 menit
Write down your answer!

Learning hours
Find other fable story about kindness
Assesment Let’s check
Complete the following sentences
1. The story of the thirsty crow tells us about …..
2. The story of the Dove and the Ant tells us about ….
3. The personality of the characters in the story of
the thirsty crow and the ant and the dove are …..
4. The problem of the two stories are …
5. The ending of the two stories are…..
Remedial Lihat lagi semua aktifitas pembelajarn. Ulangi kegiatan

yang kalian belum paham
Pengayaan Cai dua cerita fable dan bandingkanlah

Session 7 (80 menit)

Kegiatan awal (5 menit)
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain
Kegiatan inti
Langkah langkah kegiatan Lembar kerja siswa Waktu moda
1. Siswa menjawab Answer these questions 5 menit daring
pertanyaan terkait
kata yang diberikan

1. When you see this word. What comes in your

2. What makes many people infected to a certain
3. What should we do to stop it?
4. If the pandemic happened in the past what will

2. Sebelum mebaca Before you read. Match the following sentence with 10 daring
teks, siswa suitable phrases menit
diminta mencari dan NO A B

mendiskusikan kata 1. A town is … hard solid non-
kata yang akan metallic mineral
muncul di teks matter of which rock
is made
2. Plague is ….. A thing given as a
3. Rats are …… Unfamiliar person
4. Authorities are …. A place for people
live together
5. A Stanger is ….. A wide way leading
to certain direction
6. A piper is ….. A large hole found in
a Clift
7. A cave is ……. People who have
power to lead
certain area
8. A prize is …… Contagious bacterial
9. A stone is …… Someone who plays
a pipe
10. A road is ……. A kind of musical
11. A pipe is …. Melody
12. Tune is …. Big mouse which can
transmitted certain
3. Siswa menyaksikan Watch the following video and answer these questions 20 daring
video dan menjawab menit
pertanyaan yang

diberikan 1. What is the name of the town?

2. How was the town?

3. What animals came to the town?
4. What does the authorities offer to chase the rats
5. Who offered a help?
6. How was the stranger?
7. What did the stranger do to get the rats away?
8. What happened when the authorities refuse to give
the prize?
9. What happened to the children?
10. How is the end of the story?
4. Dalam kelompok, Read and analyse the script to complete the column 30 luring
siswa melengkapi Once upon a time long long time ago, there was menit
table analisis town named Hamelin. Hamelin was a beautiful town.
berdasarkan cerita The people of Hamelin lived happily and peacefully in
yang dibuat. this town.
5. Saling melihat hasil One day, suddenly there was a plague of rats in
karya kelompok lain town. There were so many rats everywhere that people
couldn’t find a place without rats. There were many rats
in every size, color and shape. Nothing can stop the rats,
even the cats couldn’t. Finally the town authorities
announced that everyone that could stop the rats will
be awarded a bag of gold as a prize.
Not long after that, a stranger came into the
town. He wore a strange traditional clothes with a big
hat. There was a feather on his hat. He met the
authorities and said that he could stop the rat plague.
The authorities was doubt but they finally let him give a
try. The stranger took out his piper and started to play.
Suddenly all the rats followed him as he walked to the
river. All the rats finally sank down in the river and died.
The piper then asked his prize but the authorities

refused to give him the prize. The piper was very angry.
He walked out of the town playing his pipe another
tune. This time all the children in the town followed
him. The piper took the children in the cave. When all
the children were in the cave. He closed the cave with a
big stone. Two children, a bad hearing boy and a hurt
walking girl didn’t join the other children. They went
home and told their parents what happened. The
parents met the authorities and asked them to give the
piper the prize. The authorities finally met the piper and
asked him to release the children in this time they
promised to give two bags of gold to him. The piper
agreed. He accepted the money and he released the
children. Everybody was happy. The authorities realized
that they had to keep the promise.

Look the word in green colour. These are verb.

Write them all down in your notebook. Write their
present form of the following verb and check their
meaning in the dictionary
1. Announced :
2. Awarded;
3. …
4. ….
5. ….
6. Siswa melengkapi How is the generic structure of the story 20 luring
tabel Complete the table based on the story of the Pied piper. menit
● Who
● Where

● When
●Problem 1
●Problem 2

●Resolution of
problem 1
●Resolution of
problem 2
Moral value
7. Siswa berdiskusi Let’s think of 5 menit daring
dengan guru terkait 1. Do you think the story of The Pied Piper
pentingnya materi interesting? Why?
yang dipelajari 2. Which part do you like most? Why?
3. Do you think what the piper do the children right?
4. What will happen if the authorities still didn’t give
the prize to the piper?
5. If you are the piper what will you do the same in
that situation?
kesimpulan Let’s sum up 5 menit daring
Arrange the following story into good order
2. Today we learn about the story of ….
3. The problem of the story is …..
4. The problem can be solved with ….
5. The moral value, the readers can learn is….
Refleksi Let’s reflect 5 menit daring
Write down your answer!


Assessment Let’s check

Arrange the following sentences into a good order.
 The pied piper was angry and took all the
children to the cave and closed it
 Once upon a time, there was a town named
 The authorities realized that they had to keep
their promise
 They called the pied paper and asked for forgives.
 They gave the pied piper double reward.
 The pied piper asked for his prize but the
authorities refused to give it to him.
 One day, the rats came to the town and made
 The piper played his pipe and walked in the river.
All the rats followed him to the river. All the rats
sank and died
 The pied Piper offered a help to chase away the

 The authorities agreed the pied piper would keep
the rats away, and they promised to give prize
 A girl and a boy who couldn’t join other children
to the cave told their parents what happened.
 The parents cried and asked the authorities to
keep their promise

Learning hours Listen to the Kenny G song

Remedial Lihat lagi semua aktifitas pembelajaran. Ulangi kegiatan
yang kalian belum paham
Pengayaan Discuss with your friends what will yu do if you are in the
same situation wth the disable childern

Session 8 (80 menit)

Kegiatan awal (5 menit)
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.

Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain
1. Siswa mengingat Please retell the story of the pied piper in your own words 5 menit daring
kembali cerita the
pied piper
2. Siswa Works in pair. Decide who speak the following 20 daring
mengidentifikasi utterances. menit
siapa yang berbicara No 1 is the example
(kalian sudah membaca cerita, sekarang tentukan siapa
yang berbicara ucapan ucapan berikut ini)

1. “Everybody who can chase the rats away will be

awarded a bag of gold” ( speaker : the authorites)
2. ‘ You majesty, let me try to chase away the rats from
this beautiful town”
3. ‘Can you do that? Ha ha ha. I am not sure. But alright I
will give you a chance to do it”
4. “Listen to the tune. It is so beautiful, let follow him”
5. “What happened to our friend? Why do they go to the
6. ‘We have to tell our friends’ parents what happened?
7. “Yes you are right. Let’s tell them that all the children
are kept in the cave”
8. “Your majesty. Look what happened to our children!
The piper took them away because you don’t pay him
the prize you promised’
9. Yes, we are wrong. We don’t keep our promised. Let
us meet the piper and ask for forgiveness”
10. “Please forgive us, the piper. We want the children
back. Here are two bag of gold for you”
11. “What selfish people they are. I have given a help. I

helped them free form the pandemic. What they
could do was to be selfish and grateful”
12. “ al right. Give them to me. And I will freed the
3. Dalam kelompok, Work in group. Based on the utterances above, make a 40 luring
Siswa mini drama, act out the utterances in suitable way. menit
cerita dengan dialog
yang telah

4. Siswa Let’s think 5 menit luring

mendiskusikan 1.Is it easy to act out the utterances above? Why?
kegiatan 2.Do you think it should be used different voice, gesture
to act out these utterances? How?
3.Why is it important to differentiate them?
Kesimpulan Let’s sum up 5 menit daring
1. What did you learn today?
2. How to act out the character of the story? Is it easy
or difficult?
3. Is there any different acting them out?
4. What is the difference?
5. What makes different in acting out each characters,
the voice, the gesture, or what else?

Reflection Let’s reflect 5 menit daring

Assesmen Let’s check
6. Why did the piper want to help the people of Hamelin?
7. How did he say when he offer a help? Was it sincerely?
8. Who speak arrogantly at first?
9. How did the authorities speak when they beg the
piper mercy?
10.How did the parents felt and how did they talk to the
Learning hours Watch the video of fairy tale
Pengayaan Read the story of Rumplestinkin and make a resume of
the story
Remedial Lihat lagi semua aktifitas pembelajaran. Ulangi kegiatan
yang kalian belum paham

Session 9 ( 100 menit)

Kegiatan awal (5 menit)- kegiatan akhir 10 menit
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain

Kegiatan siswa Lembar kerja siswa Waktu Mod

1. Siswa mengamati gambar Look at the picture and answer the questions(lihatlah gambar 5 menit lurin
dan menjawab berikut ini dan jawablah g
pertanyaan yang
What do yang
pertanyaan youdiberikan)
see in
the picture?
Diberikan Do you think the girl
and the boy are
brother and sister?
Who in the house?
Is she the owner of

2. Siswa berwawancara dan Decide five friends to do the interview Lurin

membuat grafik Ask them what they will do when they saw such kind of g
houses. And ask them the reason
Make a graph based on the data you got
3. Siswa mencari nama nama You will read a story with the title Hansel and Gretel. 15 Darin
benda dalam gambar di Before you read. Please check the dictionary the name of menit g
kamus the following things. Decide what are these things!

(sebelum membaca carilah nama nama benda di bawah ini di


4. Siswa membuat kalimat make sentences for the following pictures 15 luring
dari kata kata yang menit

(buatlah kalimat untuk gambar berikut ini. No 1 sebagai

1. The pencil is very huge.
2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
6. ….
7. ….
8. ….

5. Siswa menuliskan kalimat Here are the story of Hensel and Gretel. Before you read 25 luring
kalimat pada gambar yang the whole story, Write down suitable sentences below menit

each of the pictures.

(Tuliskan kalaimat kalimat tepat untuk maisng masing
1. Hansel and Gretel found treasure in the witch’s
2. Hansel and Gretel lived with their poor father and
3. The witch put Hansel in the cage. He wanted to
eat him first
4. The witch boiled water in her huge kettle to cook
5. The birds ate the breadcrumbs dropped by
6. The stepmother took Hansel and Gretel to the
deep forest and left them there
7. Hansel dropped breadcrumbs along the way to
find the path home
8. The witch was angry to Hansel and Gretel and
took them house
9. Hansel and Gretel saw a house of candies and
chocolate in the forest
10. Hansel and Gretel ate the chocolates, candies
and cake because they were very hungry
11. Gretel gave a mighty push to the witch so she fell
into the kettle.
2. Siswa mendiskusikan Let’s think
kegiatan 1.How is the step mother in the story?
2.How do you find step mother in real life?
3.How was the witch?
4.Was the witch wicked?
5.Is there good witch in other story?
6.In your opinion, What should the father do ?
Kesimpulan Let’s sum up
1. What did you learn today?
2. How to act out the character of the story?
3. Which one is bad characters? Why?
4. Which one is good characters? Why?
5. How was the end of the story?

Refleksi Let’s reflect

Assesmen Let’s check

1. The mother took Hansel and Gretel to the ….and ….
2.Hansel dropped breadcrumb to….
3.Unfortunately the birds ate the bird crumb so….
4.The hungry kids found a hut of cake and chocolate so
5.The witch was angry so …
6.He put Hansel in the cage to….
7.Gretel pushed the witch into boiling water when ….
8.The witch die so….
9.They found treasure so…..
Pengayaan Discuss with your friends what will you di if you are
Hensel or Gretel
Remedial Lihat lagi semua aktifitas pembelajarn. Ulangi kegiatan
yang kalian belum paham
Learning hours Buatlah gambar rumah dari makanan yang disuaki anak
anak sesuai kreasi kalian

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran 10 ( 80 menit)

Kegiatan awal (5 menit)- kegiatan akhir 10 menit
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain

1. Siswa menulis apa yang Write down everything you know about Hansel and 5
telah diketahui terkiat Gretel menit
cerita Hansel and Gretel For example
1. Breadcrumb
2. …
3. ….
4. etc
2. Siswa membaca teks Now, Read the text (Baca dan pahami teks cerita, 10 daring
Hansel and Gretel tanyalah gurumu kata kata yng kurang paham) menit
A poor woodcutter and his wife had two children
named Hansel and Gretel. Their mother died when they
were young. Hansel and Gretel were very sad. Soon their
father remarried but their stepmother was very cruel.
One day, she took the children deep into the forest and left
them there. Clever Hansel had some breadcrumbs in his pocket
and had dropped them on the way so that they could find their
way back home. Alas! The birds ate all the crumbs and they
couldn’t find the path that led back home.

Hansel and Gretel went deeper and deeper into the forest.
They were hungry and tired. Finally, after walking for a long
time, they saw a hut made of chocolate, candies, and cake.
“Look, Hansel! A chocolate brick!” shouted Gretel in delight
and both ate it hungrily.
Now, a wicked witch lived there. When she saw
Hansel and Gretel, she wanted to eat them. She grabbed
the children and locked them in a cage. The witch
decided to make a soup out of Hansel and eat him first.
A moment later, the witch began boiling a huge
amount of water for the soup in her big kettle. Just then,
Gretel crept out of her cage. She gave the wicked witch a
mighty push from behind and the witch fell into the
boiling water. She howled in pain and died instantly.
Hansel and Gretel found treasure lying around the
hut. They carried it home with them. Their stepmother
had died and their father welcomed them back with tears
of joy. They never went hungry again!

3. Siswa melengkapi kalimat Complete the following sentences with the correct 15 Daring
yang belum selesai information from the story. Think creatively (lengkapilah menit
berdasarkan cerita yang kalimat berikut ini dengan informasi yang tepat dari
dibaca cerita. Berfikirlah kreatif)
1. Hansel and Gretel had a stepmother because …..
2. The stepmother took Hansel and Gretel to the forest
because …..
3. They couldn’t come back home because …..
4. Both of them were very hungry so ….
5. The house was made of chocolate, candies and cake
6. The witch put Hansel in the cage ecause….
7. Gretel could push the witch into the boiling water
ecause ….
8. Hansel would be die if ….
9. They found treasures in the hut so ….
10. The story end happily because ……

4. Siswa menulisakn ide pokok Write down the main idea of each paragraph
tiap paragraph .
Paragra Main idea
5. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan Answer these questions 5 daring
tentang struktur cerita 1. Which paragraph tells us about the orientation? menit
2. Which paragraph tells us about the
3. Which paragraph tells us about the resolution?
6. Let’s think 5 daring
1.If you are Hansel, what would you do in the forest? menit
2.The breadcrumb failed to bring them back home.
What will be good thing to replace it?
3.Before eating the cake and chocolate, what should
you do?
4.Who was the brave characters? Why?
5.If you are Gretel will you do the same? What should
you prepared?
6.Is Hansel and Gretel’s experience brought happiness
at the end? Explain your answer.
7. Let’s check 5 daring
Read the story again and Complete the following flow

Kesimpulan Let’s sum up 5 daring
1. What did you learn? menit
2. Is the story interesting? Why?
3. What is the interesting part of the story?
4. Describe each characters of the story?
5. It is happy ending story. Why?
Refleksi Let’s reflect 5 daring

Remedial Lihat lagi semua aktifitas pembelajaran. Ulangi kegiatan

yang kalian belum paham
Pengayaan Make your own story when you are Hensel or Gretel. You
can change the situation and the ending
Learning hours Draw series of pictures of the tsory Hansel and Gretel

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran 11 ( 160 menit)
Kegiatan awal (5 menit) – kegiatan akhir 10 menit
Kegiatan inti
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain
Langkah langkah kegiatan Lembar kerja siswa Waktu moda
1.Siswa membaca judul Have you read the following popular folktale form 2 menit daring
beberapa cerita rakyat. Indonesia? They are narrative text too.
Identify which story that you have read
1. Malin Kundang
2. Timun Mas
3. Sangkuriang
4. Bawang Merah bawang Putih
5. Lutung Kasarung

2.Berpasangan, Siswa You will write that story using your own sentences. Choose 30 daring
menjawab pertanyaan one of the story above. And then answer these questions. menit
yang diberikan (berpasangan kalian akan membuat salah satu cerita di
atas dengan kalimat sendiri, jawablah pertanyaan berikut
sebelum kalian menulis cerita)
1. When did the story happened?
2. Who was the character of the story?
3. With did he or she lived?
4. Where do they live?
5. How were their personalities?
6. What did they do for living?
7. What did their problem?
8. How did they solve the problem?
9. How was the end of the story?

10. What can you learn from the story?

3.Berpasangan, Siswa Now write down the outline of your story 30 luring
membuat outline cerita Orientation menit
● Who
● Where
● When
●Problem 1
●Problem 2

●Resolution of
problem 1
●Resolution of
problem 2
Moral value

4.Siswa menulis cerita In pairs write down your story. Consult to your teacher. 50 luring
5. Let’s reflect 10 daring
1. Do I choose of the Indonesian folktale to retell? menit
2. Do I really understand the story?
3. Can I analyse the generic structure of the story?
4. Can I make sentences in my own word?
5. What difficulties that I face in making sentences?
6. What do I do when I find difficulties?

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran 12 ( 160 menit)

Kegiatan awal (5 menit) - kegiatan akhir 10 menit
Kegiatan inti
Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik
Memberikan motivasi.
Berdiskusi hal hal yang telah diketahui terkait materi yang akan diberikan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarn, cakupan materi, langkah kegiatan dan penilain
Langkah langkah kegiatan Lembar kerja siswa Waktu mod
1.Siswa mempersiapkan diri You have learned how to write a story. Now it’s time 5 menit darin
menulis seacra mandiri for you to write your own story! The steps are same g

2.Siswa menjawab Before you make your own story, answer the 30 darin
pertanyaan yang diberikan following questions. menit g
7. When did the story happened?
8. Who was the character of the story?
9. With did he or she lived?
10. Where do they live?
11. How were their personalities?
12. What did they do for living?

13. What did their problem?
14. How did they solve the problem?
15. How was the end of the story?
16. What can you learn from the story?

3. Berpasangan, Siswa Now write down the outline of your story 30 lurin
membuat outline cerita Orientation menit g
● Who
● Where
● When
●Problem 1
●Problem 2

●Resolution of
problem 1
●Resolution of
problem 2
Moral value

4.Siswa menulis cerita In pairs write down your story. Consult to your 50 lurin
teacher. menit g

Refleksi Let’s reflect
Express your feeling of today’s learning activities


Evaluasi bagian I

Choose the best answer of the following questions
One Day, a monkey wanted to cross a river. He saw a crocodile in the river, so he asked the
crocodile to help him. The Crocodile told the monkey to jump onto its back. Then, the crocodile
swam down the river.
Now, the crocodile was very hungry. When the crocodile was in the middle of the river, it
stopped and said to the monkey, “Monkey, my father is very sick. He must eat the heart of a
monkey, then he will be strong again.”
The monkey thought for a while. Then, he told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank.
“What for?” asked the crocodile.
“Because I didn’t bring my heart with me, “said the monkey, “I left it under the tree near some
So the crocodile turned around and swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they
reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back and climbed up to the top
of a tree.
“Where is your heart?” asked the crocodile.
“You are foolish, “the monkey said to the crocodile, “Now, I am free and you have nothing

1. What is the story about?

A. A clever monkey and a stupid crocodile
B. A good monkey and a greedy crocodile
C. A wise monkey and a wicked crocodile
D. A diligent monkey and a lazy crocodile
2. Why did the monkey lie to crocodile?
A. To save his life
B. To trap crocodile
C. To help the crocodile’s father
D. To free them from difficulty
3. What happened if the crocodile didn’t want to eat the monkey’s heart?
A. They will fight all the time
B. They will be friends forever
C. They will help the crocodile’s father
D. They won’t free
4. The monkey made a trick to the crocodile …he wanted to survive.
A. if

B. when
C. so
D. because

A thin Wolf was almost dead with hunger when he met a House-dog. "Ah, Cousin," said the Dog.
"How poor you are, I know how difficult for you to get food. Look at my strong body. Don’t you want
to work as I do? You’ll get your food regularly given to you?"
"That would be a good idea. Can I work with you." said the Wolf, "I will easily get it for you," said
the Dog; "come with me to my master and you shall share my work." So the Wolf and the Dog went
towards the town together. On the way there the Wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the
Dog's neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that had come about. "Oh, it is
nothing," said the Dog. "That is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me
chained up; it hurts a bit, but one soon gets used to it." "Is that all?" said the Wolf. "Then good-bye
to you, Master Dog."

5. The story tells us about a wolf who ….

A. looked for work to live
B. preferred live free to chained
C. wanted to live with his friends
D. were jealous of his friend’ fortune
6. What was the consequence of given food by the master?
A. The dog had to stay at home all the time
B. The dog had to work day and night
C. The dog should work in town
D. The dog should put on the collar at his neck
7. “…but one soon gets used to it” The underlined word refers to….
A. noticed
B. chained
C. shared
D. mastered
8. What can we learn from the story above?
A. it is better free hungry than be other’s man slave
B. experience is the best teacher
C. don’t cry over spilt milk
D. don’t be greedy

One upon a time, there lived a handsome deer. He had very beautiful antlers on his head. He
loved his antlers very much. He liked to admire himself in a lake. But this young deer has so skinny
legs. He disliked his legs. He wished his legs are bigger and stronger.
One day, a hunter wanted to kill him. He ran away to the forest. When he was running, his
beautiful antler was caught on the branches of a tree. He tried hard to free himself. Finally he was
able to pull himself free and he ran away as fast as he could. He could free himself from the hunter
because of his skinny legs. The young deer realized now that his skinny legs could save him from
the hunter. They were more useful than his beautiful antlers in dangerous situation.

9. What is the text about?

A. A deer who had a beautiful antler
B. A deer who wanted to meet a hunter
C. A deer who didn’t satisfy with his physical condition
D. A deer who was disappointed with his life
10. What was the deer problem?
A. He has thin and skinny legs
B. He couldn’t save from the hunter
C. His skinny legs were shot by the hunter.
D. His beautiful antlers were caught in the branch.
11. What can the deer learn from his situation?
A. Something that he loved could saved him
B. Something that he hated could be useful for him
C. Something important in life was his ability to run away
D. Something that made him sad was not important
12. “The young deer realized now that his skinny legs …”. The underlined word is closest in
meaning to ….
A. understood
B. stated
C. reported
D. expressed

Once upon a time, there lived a man who loved his beautiful daughter. One day the man went to
the market to sell his crops. He had to pass a thick forest to go there.
On the way home, he felt very tired. He wanted to take a rest in the forest. When he came at the
forest, he saw a big beautiful palace. The palace looked empty so he entered the palace and took a
rest there. Suddenly a beast appeared and got angry with him because he entered his palace
without permission. The beast wanted to kill the man. The man said that he couldn’t leave his
daughter alone. Finally the beast asked the man to bring the daughter at his palace to serve him.
The daughter was a kind hearted girl. She took good care of the beast although the beast often
treated her badly. Soon the beast liked the girl. They became good friends. One day, the beast was
sick. The girl was sad. She cried and her tears dropped on the beast’s face. Suddenly the beast
turned into a handsome prince. The prince and the girl fell in love. They got married and lived
happily ever after.

13. What does the story tell about?

A. A lucky father
B. A broken spell of the cursed beast
C. A girl who lived with a beast
D. A bad and the good creatures
14. How did the girl change her beast’s feeling?
A. With her intelligence and strength
B. With her kindness and patience
C. With her bravery and kindness
D. With her generosity and love
15. The beast met the girl because of ....
A. the father’s carelessness
B. the beast’s mistake
C. the girl’s hope
D. the beast’s kindness
16. “They became good friends”. The underlined word refers to….
A. the father and the beast
B. the beast and the girl
C. the girl and the father
D. the father and the daughter

There was once a king named Midas who did a good deed for a god, Dionysus. Dionysus
granted him a wish.. For his wish, Midas asked that whatever he touched would turn to gold.
Although Dionysus tried to persuade him not to do it, Midas insisted that the wish was an
excellent one, and it was granted!
Excitedly, Midas went about touching all sorts of things, turning them into gold.
Soon Midas became hungry. He picked up a piece of food, but he couldn't eat it, for it had
turned to gold in his hand! "I'll starve," moaned Midas, "Perhaps this was not such a good wish
after all!"
Midas' beloved daughter, seeing his sadness, threw her arms about him to comfort him,
and, she too turned to gold! "The golden touch is no blessing," cried Midas. He went to the river
and cried. The sand of that river turned as yellow as "fool's gold" for it is there, they say, that
King Midas washed away the curse of the golden touch with his own tears.

17. What is the text about?

A. A rich King
B. A sad king
C. A greedy king
D. A blessed king
18. The text above tells us that King Midas was....
A. regretful with what he wished
B. happy what he dreamt of come true
C. satisfied with what he achieved
D. sad with what he had
19. At the end of the story King Midas learned that ....
A. Nobody could live with gold
B. Treasure wouldn’t give happiness
C. Make a wish was dangerous
D. Live in poverty was better
20. “ Midas' beloved daughter, seeing his sadness, threw her arms about him to comfort
him, the underlined word is closest in meaning to….
A. realize
B. confirm
C. settle
D. calm

Pedoma penilian evaluasi bagian Saturday Jumlah soal 20 bobot soal 5.

Jumlah jawaban yang benar X 5 :
Evaluation part 2
Tell your own story.
Rubrik penilian evaluasi bagian 2



20-25 Y 15-25 20-25

Program Pengayaan
Membaca berbagai jenis cerita rakyat dari Indonesia
Program Perbaikan
Siswa yang belum mencapai nilai KKM mempelajari struktur dan unsur kebhasaan teks narrative

E. Asesmen (untuk mengukur capaian pembelajaran sesuai tujuan pembelajaran yg


1. Sikap Profil Pelajar Pancasila : Bergotong royong dan bernalar kritis

(dapat melalui observasi, penilaian diri, penilaian antar teman, dan anekdot)

2. Asesmen Formatif : observasi, presentasi

3. Asesmen Sumatif : tes tertulis (essay)

F. Pengayaan dan Remidial

1. Pengayaan: Peserta didik dapat membaca berbagai jenis cerita rakyat dari

2. Remidial: Peserta didik yang belum mencapai nilai KKM mempelajari

struktur dan unsur kebhasaan teks narrative lainnya.

G. Refleksi Peserta
Didik dan Guru
Refleksi peserta
didik :
a. Peserta didik mengungkapkan segala bentuk rasa dan kesan positif
maupun negatif setelah pembelajaran materi narrative text.

Refleksi Guru :

a. Guru merefleksikan apa yang masih kurang dari pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan.

b. Guru menerima masukan dari peserta didik tentang proses pembelajaran

dan mencatat hal-hal penting untuk perbaikan.

1. Penilaian Observasi Dimensi Profil Pelajar Pancasila

Aspek Pengamatan

Bergotong Royong Bernalar Kritis

No. Nama Siswa Rata-

Rentang skor (Kurang = 1, cukup = 2, baik = 3, sangat baik = 4) rata

1 …………..

2. ……………

2. Penilaian Kinerja
Capaian Pembelajaran

Pada akhir fase, peserta didik mampu menilai hasil pencapaian karya tari dalam
mengembangkan tari kreasi untuk membuat karya tari yang berpijak dari tari tradisi
dengan menggali latar belakang tari tradisi berdasarkan jenis, fungsi, dan nilai sebagai
inspirasi dalam membuat gerak tari kreasi yang mempertimbangkan unsur utama dan
unsur pendukung tari sebagai wujud ekspresi untuk mengajak orang lain atau penonton
bangga terhadap warisan budaya Indonesia.

a. Kisi-kisi
No Tujuan Indikator Soal Bentuk Butir Soal Level Nomor
Pembelajaran Soal Kognitif Soal

b. Lembar Pengamatan Kinerja

Mata Pelajaran : ...........

Materi Pokok : ............

Fase/Kelas/Semester : D/VII/1
Tahun pelajaran : 2023/2024

Aspek penilaian dan bobot

No Perolehan
wiraga wirama wirasa
Nama Siswa skor
(30 – 50) (20 – 30) (10 – 20)

Rubrik Penilaian Wiraga

No Penjelasan/Uraian Nilai

1 Ketepatan gerak 50

2 Kurang atau sama dengan 2 gerak yang tidak tepat. 45

3 Kurang atau sama dengan 4 gerak yang tidak tepat. 40

4 Kurang atau sama dengan 5 gerak yang tidak tepat. 35

5 Lebih dari 5 gerak tidak tepat. 30

Rubrik Penilaian Wirama

No Penjelasan/Uraian Nilai

1 Iringan dan gerakan tepat 30

2 Iringan dan gerakan kurang tepat 20

3 Iringan dan gerakan tidak tepat 10

Rubrik Penilaian wirasa

No Penjelasan/Uraian
1 Ekspresi, Iringan, dan gerakan tepat 20

2 Ekspresi, Iringan, dan gerakan kurang tepat 10

3 Ekspresi, Iringan, dan gerakan tidak tepat 3

b. Pedoman Penskoran

Perolehan Skor = Nilai 1 + Nilai 2 + Nilai 3

Keterangan : Nilai 1 = Wiraga

Nilai 2 = wirama

Nilai 3 = wirasa

B. Bahan Bacaan Guru dan Peserta didik
Bahan bacaan guru dan peserta didik digunakan sebagai pemantik sebelum kegiatan
dimulai atau untuk memperdalam pemahaman materi pada saat atau akhir kegiatan pembelajaran
1. Buku Paket Peserta Didik..……..
2. Buku Guru……..

C. Glosarium (kumpulan istilah-istilah secara alfabetikal yang dilengkapi dengan rtinya)

tari Ekspresi jiwa manusia dalam bentuk gerak

tradisi ...................................................................

wiraga ..................................................................

wirama ..................................................................

wirasa ..................................................................


Hardiarini, Caecilia. Andre Marino Job. 2021. Bernyanyi Solo. Jakarta. Kementrian
Pendidikan Kebudayaan Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia.

Seni Budaya. 2018 Buku guru dan Peserta Didik. Jakarta. Kementrian Pendidikan dan

Khoarizmi, Iqbal Al. 2020. “Menyanyi Secara Unisono”.

v=o240qZiyGM0, diakses pada 28 September 2022
Pukul 00.30
Khoarizmi, Iqbal Al. 2020. “Teknik Vokal – Menyanyi Secara Tunggal (Seni Budaya 9)”., diakses pada 28 September 2022
Pukul 00.31

Khoarizmi, Iqbal Al. 2021. “Lagu Mengheningkan Cipta – Berlatih Bernyanyi 2 Suara”., diakses pada 28 September 2022 Pukul 00.33

Materi Ajar:

1. Cover
2. Kata Pengantar
3. Daftar Isi
4. Capaian Pembelajaran
5. Tujuan Pembelajaran keseluruhan
6. Materi sesuai Tujuan Pembelajaran
7. Rangkuman
8. Latihan Soal
9. Daftar Pustaka


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