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No. K/P : 1. 040802-11-0217
2. 040528110061
3. 030424110295

Angka Giliran : 1. 2022112310003

2. 2022112310001
3. 2022112310002
Program : PPISMP
Ambilan : JUN 2022
mengakuPEMERIKSA :
bahawa tugasan BAHASA MELAYU
kerja kursus UNIT
adalah 1 MODERATOR
hasil kerja saya sendiri kecuali
Markah PENGESAHAN Markah
SayaNama dan ringkasan
mengesahkan yang setiap
Pensyarahbahawa: maklum satunya
MADAM saya
balas jelaskan sumbernya.
yang diberikan BINTI HAJI AHMAD
pensyarah telah saya
rujuki dan
Tarikh Hantar : 7 OKTOBER Tandatangan
Tandatangan Pelajar: karimmie, afnan, izhar Tarikh: 7
Cop 2022
Pelajar: karimmie, afnan, Cop izhar Tarikh : 7 OKTOBER
Tarikh Tarikh

Syukur Alhamdulillah kepada Allah S.W.T kerana dengan berkat dan keizinan dari-Nya,
maka kami telah dapat menyiapkan tugasan Pentaksiran Berterusan GEEC1052 dengan
jayanya. InshaAllah, tugasan Pentaksiran Berterusan ini akan memberikan banyak manfaat
kepada kami dari segi pengetahuan dan pengalaman semasa membuat tugasan di masa

Kami ingin mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih dan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan

kepada Tuan Pengarah iaitu Tuan Haji Abdullah bin Mohd Yusof, guru pembimbing kami
iaitu Madam Khairul Nisak binti Haji Ahmad dan pensyarah-pensyarah Bahasa Inggeris yang
lain kerana tidak jemu memberi bimbingan, dorongan, dan tunjuk ajar cara –cara membuat
tugasan mengikut kriteria yang ditetapkan. Mereka turut membantu menyemak data, laporan
dan membuat teguran agar memperoleh hasil tugasan dengan cemerlang.

Kami juga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada kedua-dua ibu bapa kami yang
turut membantu untuk menyiapkan tugasan ini. Tanpa sokongan mereka mungkin kami tidak
dapat menyiapkan tugasan seperti ini. Ini kerana kerja-kerja untuk menyiapkan tugasan ini
memerlukan motivasi, usaha, buah fikiran dan wang ringgit.


Moderator : Assalamualaikum and very good morning to all participants with me right now.
My name is Ahmad Karimmie bin Sautan as your professional moderator in this forum. First,
I like to thank for lending your ears to hear our forum. Before that I would like to introduce
our panel for today who is Dato’ Dr Seri Afnan Aliuddin bin Abdullah, Head Lecturer of The
Psychology Unit in Cambridge University and Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Izhar Hafiz bin Ismail,
Education Minister of Malaysia. Please give them a big clap. So, our forum’s title for today is
“Global Effective Communication Promotes Universal Peace and Prosperity”. I am sure you
don’t know what that is ‘Effective Communication’ right? Don’t worry because today they will
share their opinion about that. What is the meaning of effective communication? Effective
communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data
so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose. When we
communicate effectively, both the sender and receiver feel satisfied. As we know, there are
many ways to improve our communication skills effectively. For this section, I would like to
invite our first panel, Dato’ Dr Seri Afnan to give his opinions about how to develop effective

Panel 1 : First of all, I would like to say thank you very much to our moderator for this forum,
Ahmad Karimmie, for inviting me to give some speech. So, as we heard just now, the
question is, how to develop effective communication? First, we must be attentive listener.
People want to know that they are being heard. Really listen to what the other person is
saying, instead of formulating your response. Ask for clarification to avoid
misunderstandings. At that moment, the person speaking to you should be the most
important person in your life. Another important point is to have one conversation at a time.
This means that if you are speaking to someone on the phone, do not respond to an email,
or send a text at the same time. The other person will know that she doesn’t have your
undivided attention. Apart of that, how to develop effective communication is be concrete
and clear. Another skill that you should learn to be an effective communicator is to be
precise and unambiguous with your message. If you are a person that tells the whole
background story that is unauthentic and without any proof to explain your things, then you
are not an effective communicator. However, if you are specific with your message, your
audience can comprehend you better. Being concrete with your message also means
providing explicit details about the information you are delivering, including facts and figures.

Furthermore, you should be clear with your message as well. You want your message to be
well-defined and clear so others can understand you better in a short time. The clarity in a
message is vital as it ensures that every member of the work team can understand you
without any inconvenience. To be clear in your speech, use simple vocabulary, use active
voice, and be clear about your objectives. Body language matters. This is important for face-
to-face meetings and video conferencing. Make sure that you appear accessible, so have
open body language. This means that you should not cross your arms. And keep eye
contact so that the other person knows that you are paying attention.

Moderator : Thank you Dato’ Seri for this interesting sharing. I hope we can take note what
he share earlier. I am interested in what he said that is you need to be clear with your
message. This way is really important when we want to be a good communicator. So, we
move to Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad Izhar Hafiz bin Ismail to give his speech about how to
develop an effective communication.

Panel 2 : Assalamualaikum and a very goodmorning to all of our viewers whom are watching
this forum . First of all , I would like to thank our moderator for today’s forum , Ahmad
Karimmie, for inviting me to give a speech and a talk about how to develop effective
communication . So base on the question that was being asked by ahmad karimmie just now
, there are a lot of ways to improve and develope our effective communication in our life . So
one of the ways that I know in order to improve and develope our effective communication is
first , who you are talking to matters the most . It is okay to use acronyms and informal
language when you are communicating with a buddy, but if you are emailing or texting your
boss, “Hey,” “TTYL” or any informal language, has no place in your message. You cannot
assume that the other person knows what the acronym means. Some acronyms have
different meanings to different people, do you want to be misunderstood? Effective
communicators target their message based on who they are speaking to, so try to keep the
other person in mind, when you are trying to get your message across . The next way to
improve and develop our effective communication skill is , by being brief, yet specific. For
written and verbal communication, practice being brief yet specific enough, that you provide
enough information for the other person to understand what you are trying to say. And if you
are responding to an email, make sure that you read the entire email before crafting your
response. With enough practice, you will learn not to ramble, or give way too much
information . And my last point is , when we are improving and developing our
communication skills , writing down the things that we are learning is very important . Take
notes while you are talking to another person or when you are in a meeting, and do not rely
on your memory. Send a follow-up email to make sure that you understand what was being
said during the conversation. So that’s all from my opinion, thankyou again !

Moderator : Wow, wow, wow. What a nice sharing! Please give him a big clap. Thankyou
Tan Sri for the sharing, we really appreciate it! I highlight the point “take note the things we
are learning”. This is the good idea to communicate to other no matter where we are. We
already know the ways to generate an effective communication. But, the question is why
global effective communication are important in our life? To unravel this question, I like to
invite Dato’ Seri Afnan to share his opinion about this.
Panel 1 : Thank you to the moderator. So, why is global effective communication important?
The answer is, in my opinion, when we communicate with other people effectively, it builds
and maintains relationships. Effective communication brings together all members in your
team and organization to achieve the desired outcomes. One of the reasons for relationships
to succeed or fail is based on the quality of communication. Lack of effective communication
will make it tough to boost and foster productive relationships within an organization.
Communicating effectively not only builds relationships but also maintains it. Secondly, the
importance of effective communication is it helps build the team as an effective unit. An
effective team is built in an environment where open communication is encouraged. Effective
communication improves employee morale as staff members are allowed to freely express
their thoughts and opinions. Team members are told clearly their responsibilities and how
each one of them can contribute towards achieving the common goals of the organization.
Thirdly, it helps with decision making. Effective workplace communication makes it easy to
carry out discussions that are goal-oriented. An environment is created where the team can
decide what the goals of the business should be. With effective communication every person
gets a chance to communicate their points this helps the team to make better decisions for
the growth of the organization. That’s all from me.

Moderator : Thankyou to Dato’ Seri. What Dato’ Seri said, global effective communication
are important because it helps to build the team as an effective unit. So Tan Seri, in your
opinion, what is the importance of global effective communication?

Panel 2 : For me, global effective communication are important because it can improve
cultural education. The increase of global communication has led to new tools for educating
children about different cultures. For instance, children can learn about other cultures directly
from kids who live in other countries through international pen pal programs. Also, teachers
can use technology to allow political leaders and cultural experts to educate students on the
differences and traditions of other cultures. Second, global effective communication can
increase business opportunities. For businesses, an increase in global communication
means new business opportunities. Effective international business communication requires
an understanding of other cultures. For example, according to Mind Tools, an online
resource for learning business skills, in Eastern countries establishing relationships plays an
important role in business transactions. Therefore, by developing personal relationships with
Eastern businesspeople using electronic communication, you increase your chances of
enjoying successful business transactions.
Moderator : Thankyou Tan Seri. We move to another topic that is the ways to maintain the
peace of life of the universal society. As we know, world peace are important in our life
because world peace make us live in safe and peaceful. So, we need to promote world
peace and prosperity securely. But, how?I want to invite Dato’ Seri Afnan Aliuddin to give the
ways to promote world peace and prosperity.

Panel 1 : In my opinion, there are various ways to maintain the peace of life of the universal
society. Among them is that we are always in contact with our neighbors or relatives. This
can be done by always visiting their home and saying hello. When they are in trouble, we
need to help them even if we contribute a little to them. With the existence of this
atmosphere, it can give birth to a society that lives in a state of peace and harmony. In
addition, we need to apply a tolerant attitude in ourselves. This is because if there is this
attitude in oneself, it can create a person who is not selfish. This tolerant attitude is very
important in promoting universal peace and prosperity, especially towards those who are
older than us. An example of a situation that requires a tolerant attitude is when we give our
seat to an elderly person who is standing on the bus. In conclusion, in promoting peace and
universal prosperity, it requires mutual respect and tolerance towards each other.

Moderator : Thankyou Dato’ Seri! What I understand about what he said is that we must
help each other regardless of religion, race, culture, and country. It can make world maintain
in peaceful. Tan Seri, last question for today, how can effective communication promote
universal peace and prosperity?

Panel 2 : Effective communication can create a harmonious community atmosphere. This is

so because of the existence of understanding among the community. With effective
communication, it can generate mutual respect. This is so because a person can give a
good response to someone. This makes him respect us. In addition, with effective
communication, it can create a solid administration in an organization. This is so because
one can accept the views of others without being selfish. This can build the firmness of an
organization in achieving success while giving birth to a society that lives harmoniously.
Moderator : Thankyou to our panel, Dato’ Dr Sri Afnan Aliuddin bin Abdullah and Tan Sri Dr
Ahmad Izhar Hafiz bin Ismail for spend their time to this forum today. Please give them a big
clap! Hope what we get today can give us some enlightenment and useful input. Time
seems to be catching up with us. So, some conclusion that we can make today is effectively
communication really important in our life especially in global because it can give many
advantages than disadvantages. Thankyou again to both panels who are willing to share
today. Assalamualaikum and goodbye everyone!

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