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Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

A. Kelompok Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (MPK)

1). MPK 1101 Pendidikan Agama Islam 1, 2 sks, 2 js, (wajib)
Prasyarat: –

Tujuan mata kuliah ini adalah memberikan pemahaman tentang alam kehidupan dan
isinya, sifat dan kekuasaan Allah. Deskripsi mata kuliah ini rukun islam, rukum iman,
manfaat beriman, penyebab naik turunnya iman, kufur, taglid, wa’ad wa’id, renungan
kehidupan, korelasi islam dan ilmu pengetahuan, dan studi kasus islam dalam konteks
bidang studi.

1. Aminuddin, dkk Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk Perguruan Tinggi Umum, Bogor:
PT Ghalia Indonesia, 2005.
2. Bukhari Umar, Ilmu Pendidikan Agama Islam, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2010.
3. Quraish Syihab, Membumikan Al-Qur’an, Bandung: Mizan, 1994.

2). MPK1202 Pendidikan Agama Islam 2, 2 sks, 2 js, (wajib)

Prasyarat: MPK1101

Akhlaq dan Tasawuf sebagai sebuah mata kuliah yang menyajikan materi-materi mulai
dar pengertian akhlaq dan tasawuf, sejarah lahirnya ilmu tasawuf, latar belakang akhlaq
dan tasawuf menjadi satu disiplin ilmu, unsur-unsur manusia, aliran-aliran dalam
akhlaq, macam-macam akhlaq, metode peningkatan kualitas akhlaq sampai pada
tasawuf, Jalan menunju tasauf, Maqam-maqam tasauf, Islam dan masyarakat,
perspektif islam terhadap waktu.

1. Al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumiddin (Menghidupkan Kembali Ilmu-Ilmu Agama), Jakarta:
Republika, 2011.
2. Aminuddin, dkk Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk Perguruan Tinggi Umum, Bogor:
PT Ghalia Indonesia, 2005.
3. Bukhari Umar, Ilmu Pendidikan Agama Islam, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2010.
4. Quraish Syihab, Membumikan Al-Qur’an, Bandung: Mizan, 1994.

3). MPK 1303 Pendidikan Agama Islam 3, 2 sks, 2 js, (wajib)

Prasyarat: MPK1202

Tujuan matakuliah ini adalah memberikan pemahaman tentang sumber hukum (dalil),
hukum, kaidah dan ijtihad yang bersumber dari Al-qur’an dan Sunnah. Deskripsi mata
kuliah ini juga mencakup Sumber ajaran islam, assunnah sebagai sumber ajaran ijtihad,
al’adatul muhkamah, mashlahan mursalah, objek hukum, subjek hukum, tujuan hukum
syara’, syariah, ibadah dan mu’amalah,serta syariah fiqh.

1. Al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumiddin (Menghidupkan Kembali Ilmu-Ilmu Agama), Jakarta:
Republika, 2011.
2. Aminuddin, dkk Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk Perguruan Tinggi Umum, Bogor:
PT Ghalia Indonesia, 2005.
3. Bukhari Umar, Ilmu Pendidikan Agama Islam, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2010.
4. Quraish Syihab, Membumikan Al-Qur’an, Bandung: Mizan, 1994.
4). MPK1106 Bahasa Indonesia , 3 sks, 2 js, (wajib)
Prasyarat: –
Matakuliah ini memberikan pemahaman dan ketrampilan kepada mahasiswa dalam
menulis karya ilmiah, khususnya menulis makalah, dengan topik konsep dasar karya
ilmiah, Bahasa Indonesia karya ilmiah, tata tulis karya ilmiah, perencanaan penulisan
karya ilmiah, penulisan karya ilmiah, dan penyuntingan karya ilmiah.

1. Johanes,Herman,1980.membina Bahasa indonesia menjadi bahasa Indonesia yang
ilmiah, indah, dan lincah, dalam Analisis Kebudayaan.Tahun 12, Nomor. 4
2. Keraf, Gory S. 1994. Komposisi Ende-Flores, Nusa Indah.
3. M.Crimmon, Janes, 1967. Writing with Purpose. Boston : Hougton Mifflin Company.
4. Moelion, M.Anton(Ed). 1988. TB Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka
5. Rafi’uddin, Ahmad. 1992. Penulisan Makalah. Malang: IKIP Malang.
6. Tompikns, gail. 1996. Teaching Writing : Balancing Process and Product. Oxford

5). MPK 1205 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, 3 sks, 3 js, (wajib)

Matakuliah ini memberikan pemahaman tentang pengertian kewiraan, konsep negara
kepulauan (nusantara), konsep kekuatan, konsepsi wawasan nusantara, ketahanan
nasional, latihan menggunakan pendekatan komprehensif integral dalam menanggapi
masalah-masalah ketahanan nasional, kerangka berfikir dan stratifikasi poltranas,
polstra Hankamnas, konsep bela negara dan dwi fungsi ABRI, serta sistem Hankamrata.

1. S. Sunarsono dkk, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka
Utama, 2005.

2. Kaelan, dkk, Pendidikan Kewarganeragaan, Yogyakarta: Paradigma, 2007.

B. Kelompok Mata Kuliah Keilmuan Dan Ketrampilan (MKK)

6). MKK 2101 Aplikasi Ilmu Komputer, 2 sks, ( wajib)
Matakuliah ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa tentang pemanfaatan
aplikasi computer dalam pengolahan kata (word) maupun data. Mata kuliah ini dibagi
dalam dua materi yaitu yang berhubungan dengan MS. Word dan MS. Excel. Dalam MS.
Word materi diawali dengan memperkenalkan konsep dasar sistem komputer dan
dilanjutkan dengan materi pengeditan naskah dalam berbagai format, penyisipan objek
pada naskah, dan penggunaan fasilitas mail merge. Dalam MS.Excel sebagai
pengolahan data table yang dilanjutkan dengan pengeditan format cell dan fungsi
perhitungan, pembacaan table, dan fungsi look up dan pembuatan grafik data.
1. Jogiyanto, H.M, 1992. Pengenalan Komputer: dasar-dasar Komputer,
Pemograman. Yogyakarta.

7). MKK 2202 Landasan Pendidikan, 3 sks, 3 js, (wajib bagi Prodi Pendidikan)
Prasyarat: –
Matakuliah ini memberikan wawasan kependidikan yang meliputi pemahaman
mengenai hakikat manusia, hakikat pendidikan, sejarah pendidikan nasional,
lingkungan pendidikan, aliran-aliran pendidikan, dan sistem pendidikan nasional.

1. Hasan Langgulung, Asas-asas Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta: Pustaka Alhusna Baru,
2. Torrance, Rewarding Creative behavior, Eglewood Cliff, Nj: Prentice Hall, 1965.

9). MKK 2303 Perkembangan Peserta Didik, 2 sks, 2 js, (wajib bagi Prodi
Prasyarat: –

Matakuliah ini mengkaji dan memahami karakteristik, tugas-tugas perkembangan, dan

permasalahan yang mungkin timbul dalam pemenuhan tugas perkembangan pada
tahap-tahap perkembangan mulai dari masa kanak-kanak sampai remaja serta
implikasinya dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan.

1. Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan,Bandung:
Rosdakarya, 2009.
2. Wina sanjaya, Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan cet
ke 6 (Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2006).
10). MKK 2404 Ilmu Alamiah Dasar, 2 sks
Matakuliah ini mempelajari hakikat, ruang lingkup IPA ( IlmuPengetahuan Alam) dan
perkembangan tekhnologi serta hubungan antara IPA, teknologi dan kelangsungan
hidup manusia. Dalam matakuliah ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat berpikir kritis,
kreatif, sistematis dan ilmiah, berwawasan luas, etis, estifetis serta memiliki kepedulian
terhadap pelestarian sumber daya alam dan lingkungan hidup serta mempunyai
wawasan tentang perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta dapat ikut
berperan mencari solusi pemecahan masalah lingkungan hidup secara arif. Isi mata
kuliah ini berkisar antara lain seputar kejadian alam semesta, perkembangan bilogis
manusia, penalaran tentang alam semesta, sistem bumi, perkembangan kehidupan di
muka bumi dan akhirnya mengenai hal teknologi bagian dari upaya manusia mengolah
alam demi kepentingan hidupnya.

1.Ibnu Mas’ud& Joko Paryono, Ilmu Alamiah Dasar, Bandung: pustaka setia, 2008.
2. Abu Ahmadi, Ilmu Alamiah Dasar, Bandung: Rineka Cipta, 1998.

11) MKK 2505 Evaluasi Pembelajaran, 3 sks

Mata kuliah ini bertujuan agar mahasiswa dapat memahami evaluasi pembelajaran
secara komprehensif. Materi perkuliahan meliputi pengertian evaluasi, konsep evaluasi
belajar, teknik evaluasi belajar, model rancangan evaluasi belajar, perencanaan evaluasi
belajar, pengembangan kriteria evaluasi, dan teknik pemeriksaan.

1. Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada,
2. Nana Sudjana, Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar, Bandung: Remaja
Rosdakarya, 1992.
12) MKK 2506 Language Learning Assessment, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)
Prerequisite: –

This course provides students with an understanding of the background theories and
principles of assessment in English Language Teaching, including the procedures of test
constructions. Topics include the basic concepts of assessment in ELT; the approaches,
the functions, and the types of language assessment instruments; and elementary

related to language assessment. More emphasis is placed on analyzing English test as a

measurement instrument covering the criteria of a good test, scoring, and interpreting
the results of a test.

1. J. Michael O’Melley dkk, Authentic Assessment for English Language Learner,
Addison, Wesley Publishing Company, 1996.
2. James Caangelosi, Measurement & Evaluation: An Inductive Approach for Teacher.
USA: WM.C.Brown Company Publisher

13) MKK 2607 Language Assessment Development, 2 credits, 2 hours

Prerequisite: MKK 2506

The course provides students with the opportunity to apply the principles of language
assessment discussed in MKK 2508 Language Learning Assessment in English language
teaching situations. This course is practice-oriented. It provides students with activities
to construct a variety of assessment devices based on the principles and different
approaches to language and assessment, to construct assessment devices for English
learning based on language course outline of elementary, junior, and senior high
schools, and to evaluate assessment practice at school.

1. Norman Grondlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company, 1985.
2. Robert Ebel, Essentials of Educational Measurement. Third Edition, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall Inc.

14) MKK 2608 Curriculum and Material Development, 3 credits, 4 hours,

Prerequisite: –

This course provides students with some practical knowledge of syllabus design as a part
of curriculum development, components of syllabus, and curriculum in general, and
specifically primary, secondary and high school EFL syllabus/curriculum. It also gears
the students to the practical activities of analyzing, relating and developing the syllabus
content related to the instructional materials and classroom teaching. The course also
equips students with some practical knowledge of materials development and with the
ability to develop teaching and learning materials: producing a map which lists themes,
topics, language functions and structures; selecting texts; selecting language skills;
producing students worksheet, tasks; selecting communicative activities including the
one on literature appreciation for high school students of language department.

1. W Dick & Carey, The Systematic Design of Instruction. Second Edition, Glecview,
Illionis:Scot, Foresman and Company.
2. Donald P Ely, Instructional Design & Development, New York: Syracuse University
Publisher, 1978.

15) MKK 2509 Statistik Dasar, 3 sks, 3 js.

Matakuliah ini memperkenalkan konsep konsep statistika dasar yang digunakan untuk
pengolahan data, analisa data dan penarikan kesimpulan dari suatu persoalan
pendidikan ( penelitian kuantitatif.

1. Anas Sudjana, Metode Statistik, edisi ke-6, (Bandung : Trinita, 2006)
2. Suharsimi Arikuntodan Cepi Saffruddin Abdul Jabar, Evaluasi Program
Pendidikan, cet ke-II(Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2007)

16) MKK 2510 Profesi Kependidikan, 3 sks

Matakuliah ini mengkaji dan menganisis pengertian dan syarat syarat profesi keguruan
di Indonesia. Ruang lingkup profesi keguruan, mengkaji dan menganalisis kasus profesi
keguruan serta mencari upaya pemecahan atas kondisi yang ada. Pemahaman atas kode
etik professional, struktur organisasi profesi, masalah dan tantangan yang dihadapi
profesi keguruan di Indonesia.

1. Udin Syaefuddin Saud, Pengembangan Profesi Guru.
2. Ann Raimes, Technique in Teaching.

17) MKK 3511 Cross Cultural Understanding, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: –

The course is a practical analysis on how a certain idea of a particular culture, being
completely different from the onlooker’s cultural background, can be manifested into a
certain form of cultural product in a certain society. It is the hurly-burly of the said
cultural mechanism that is further hoped to generate positive understanding on the
onlooker s side after it is being crossed, i.e. checked, identified, and balanced, with his
own similar cultural system.

1. Dennis R Preston & roger W. Shu, Varieties of American English, Washington DC:
English teaching Division, Education, and Cultural Affairs, International
Communication Agency.
2. W.P Robinson, Language and Social Behaviour, Harmondworth: Penguin Book,

18) MKK 3512 English for Specific Purposes (ESP), 3 credits, 2 hours, (elective)
Prerequisite: –
This course provides the students with knowledge of the use of English for
communication in science and technology with the skill to teach this type of English in
high school: types of scientific writing, grammatical features, vocabulary building, basic
concepts in language for science and technology. It provides the students with
competence of using English in specific fields of knowledge, science, and technology at
the advanced level; design curriculum, use approaches, methods and techniques in
advanced ESP and develop materials for syllabus: types of authentic scientific writing,
grammatical features, vocabulary building and principles in teaching and learning of

1. Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters, English for Spesific Purposes, New York:
Cambridge University Press 1987.

2. J.C. Alderson and Hughes, ELT Document III: Issues in Language Testing, British
Council, 1981.

19) MKK 3713 Second Language Acquisition, 2 credits, 2 hours, (elective)

Prerequisite: –

The course is designed to develop the students’ knowledge of the concepts and
principles of how learners learn a second language. It covers the key concepts in SLA,
language environments, the theoretical models of SLA, the role of input, factors
affecting SLA, inter language, and implications of SLA theories to L2 learning and

1. R. Ellis, Understanding second Language Acquisition, New York: Oxford University,

2. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition, California: Hall

International, 1987.

C. Kelompok Mata Kuliah Keahlian Berkarya (MKB)

20) MKB 3101 Pronunciation, 3 credits, 2 hours

This course covers the English sounds with emphasis on those which are absent in the

Indonesian sound system. Explanation is kept at a minimum level to give students

ample opportunities to have monitored practice in articulating the selected English
sounds both in isolated words and in connected speech, articulating stress patterns
within words and phrases, manipulating the use of stress in connected speech and
producing intonation patterns. Besides, students will have to do some exercises in
phonetically transcribing English words both in isolation and in connected speech. To
ensure the development of their skills, they should have at least one hour’s independent
practice of the material already taught.

1. Hancock, Mark, English Pronunciation in Use, England: Cambridge University Press,
2003. Rumpun Mata kuliah English Language Skill

21). MKB 3102 Literal Listening, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)
Prerequisite: –

This course is designed to enable students to obtain the details of spoken English
discourses at post-intermediate level: comprehension of main ideas and details; literal
comprehension of dialogues as well as narrative and descriptive English in the most
efficient way in order to understand relatively simple connected discourses spoken
natively at normal speed in ordinary communicative situations.

1. Publications Department of INSEARCH UTS, Prepare for IELTS-Skill and Strategies
Book One Listening and Speaking, Australia: University of Technology Sidney, 2007.
2. Anne Juwita, English Express to Complete Solution to Get Better of English, Jakarta:
Generasi Cerdas Jakarta, 2009.

22). MKB 3203 Interpretive Listening, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: MKB 3102

This course is designed to enable students to acquire the overall meaning of spoken
English at pre-advanced level: comprehension of main ideas and details; literal and
inferential comprehension of dialogues, narrative, descriptive and expository types of
texts in the most efficient way in order to understand connected discourses spoken in
ordinary communicative situations.

1. Publications Department of INSEARCH UTS, Prepare for IELTS-Skill and Strategies
Book One Listening and Speaking, Australia: University of Technology Sidney, 2007.
2. Anne Juwita, English Express to Complete Solution to Get Better of English, Jakarta:
Generasi Cerdas Jakarta, 2009.

23). MKB 3304 Critical Listening, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: MKB 3203

This course is designed to enable students to employ systematic and accurate listening
to take notes, outline, and evaluate original, spoken English at advanced level:
comprehending main ideas and details of literal, inferential, critical, and evaluative
dialogues as well as narrative, descriptive, expository, academic and argumentative
discourses, and more advanced speech of various types, styles, and functions, in order to

understand authentic English speech for refined communication. Furthermore this

course also requires students to be able to understand short talk, long conversation and
long talk.

1. Publications Department of INSEARCH UTS, Prepare for IELTS-Skill and Strategies
Book One Listening and Speaking, Australia: University of Technology Sidney, 2007.
2. Anne Juwita, English Express to Complete Solution to Get Better of English, Jakarta:
Generasi Cerdas Jakarta, 2009.

24) MKB 3105 Speaking for Everyday Communication, 3 credits, 2 hours,

Prerequisite: –

The main objective of the course is to develop students’ ability to speak English at post-
intermediate level: expressing (dis)approvals, (dis)likes, emotive thoughts, and opinions
in individual reports or group discussions.

1. Ti Lit, Naturally Speaking, New York: Cambridge University Press
2. Coulsa, Person to Person, New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.

25). MKB 3206 Speaking for Group Activities, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)
Prerequisite: MKB 3105

The course primarily aims at enhancing students’ ability to speak English at pre-
advanced level: rebutting, convincing, persuading, and negotiating in group
presentations and debates.

1. Richard, Break Through, New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.

2. Jones, Function of American English Fiction Story of Talking Class, New York:
Cambridge University.

26). MKB 3307 Speaking for Formal Settings, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)
Prerequisite: MKB 3206

This course is designed to develop students’ ability to speak English at advanced level:
employing language functions in seminars, panel discussions, public occasions,
interviews, academic reports, and/or parliamentary debates.

1. Publications Department of INSEARCH UTS, Prepare for IELTS-Skill and Strategies
Book One Listening and Speaking, Australia: University of Technology Sidney, 2007.
2. Gillian Brown and George Yule, Teaching the Spoken Language, Cambridge
University Press. 1983.

27) MKB 3108 Literal Reading, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: –
This course is designed to develop students competence in literal reading (i.e. knowing
and comprehending) of non-fictional texts at post-intermediate level, emphasizing the
use of appropriate reading strategies to identify the meaning and use of unfamiliar
lexical items, the topic and the main idea from supporting details of the texts;
understand explicit information; skim and scan specific information; understand the
communicative value of sentences; and recognize types of writing.

1. Alderson, J. Charles (2000) Assessing Reading, Cambridge; Cambridge University
2. Nuttall, Christine (1996) Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language. Second
Edition, Oxford: Heinemann.

28). MKB 3209 Interpretive and Affective Reading, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)
Prerequisite: MKB 3108

This course is designed to develop students competence in interpretive and affective

reading (i.e. applying and inferring) of non-/fictional texts at pre-advanced level,
emphasizing the use of appropriate reading strategies to understand implicit
information, interpret cohesive devices in the text, recognize discourse markers, identify
the organization, development, and types of text.

1. Alexander, L.G (1975) Practice & Progress, An Integrated Course for Pre-
Intermediate Students. Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
2. Alexander, L.G (1975) developing skills, An Integrated Course for Pre- Intermediate
Students. Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

29). MKB 3310 Critical Reading, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: MKB 3209

This course is designed to develop students competence in critical reading(i.e. analyzing,

synthesizing, and evaluating) of various text types at advanced level, emphasizing the
use of reading strategies to extract salient points from a text and convert the
information to verbal/diagrammatic summaries; find the underlying
theme/concept/assumption; formulate hypotheses from underlying theme, concept,
evidence; identify inductive and deductive reasoning; recognize the writer’s motive,
tone, and style of writing; evaluate facts, opinions, bias, evidence, implications,
definitions, hypotheses, generalization; and review articles/books.

1. Dra. Sukirah kustaryo (1988) Reading Techniques for College Students, Departemen
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta.
2. Beatrice s. Mikulecky & Linda Jeffries, More Reading Power, America: Longman,

30) MKB 3311 Paragraph Writing, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: –

This course aims at developing students’ ability to write topic sentences, supporting
sentences, and concluding sentences. The students are also expected to be able to write
short paragraphs in different text types, including narrative, descriptive, and expository
types of texts.

1. Alice Oshima & Ann Hogue, Writing Academic English, Third Edition, New York:
Longman, 1998.
2. Andrew Littlejohn, Writing Students Book, Cambridge University Press, 1991.

31). MKB 3412 Essay Writing, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: MKB 3311

The course develops students’ ability to write English expository essays using different
methods of development: examples, details, chronological order, comparison and
contrast, cause and effect relations, as well as division of ideas and classification.

1. Alice Oshima & Ann Hogue, Writing Academic English, Third Edition, New York:
Longman, 1998.
2. Andrew Littlejohn, Writing Students Book, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
3. J.B. Heaton, Writing English Language Test,New Edition, New York: longman,

32). MKB 3513 Argumentative Writing, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: MKB 3412

The course focuses on students’ ability to present logical reasoning, strong and
convincing argument, as well as critical analysis and judgment in the form of
argumentative essays and mini research paper.

1. Alice Oshima & Ann Hogue, Writing Academic English, Third Edition, New York:
Longman, 1998.
2. Andrew Littlejohn, Writing Students Book, Cambridge University Press, 1991.

33) MKB 3114 Basic English Grammar 1, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: –

This is the first part of a two-part English Grammar course which provides the students
with a sound knowledge of essential English grammar and ability to apply this
knowledge in comprehension and production. Basic English Grammar focuses on nouns
and pronouns basic sentence patterns, question words, adjectives, and adverbs.
1. Martin Parrot, Grammar for English Language Teachers, New York: Cambridge
University, 2000.
2. John Eastwood, Oxford Practice Grammar, New Edition, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1999.

34). MKB 3215 Basic English Grammar 2, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: MKB 3114

This is the first part of a two-part English Grammar course which provides the students
with a sound knowledge of essential English grammar and ability to apply this
knowledge in comprehension and production. Basic English Grammar focuses on verb
tenses, modal auxiliaries and similar expressions, articles and the passive, articles and
the passive voice and phrases

1. Martin Parrot, Grammar for English Language Teachers, New York: Cambridge
University, 2000.
2. John Eastwood, Oxford Practice Grammar, New Edition, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1999.

35). MKB 3316 Complex English Grammar, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: MKB 3215

This is the second part of a two-part English Grammar course which provides the
students with a sound knowledge of essential English grammar and ability to apply this
knowledge in comprehension and production. Complex English Grammar focuses on
gerund and infinitives, adjective clauses, noun clauses, and adverbial clauses. In
addition, it provides the students with practice for taking the Structure and Written
Expression part of the TOEFL.

1. Martin Parrot, Grammar for English Language Teachers, New York: Cambridge
University, 2000.
2. John Eastwood, Oxford Practice Grammar, New Edition, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1999.

D. Rumpun Mata kuliah English Linguistics

36). MKB 3417 Introduction to Linguistics, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: –

This course is designed to provide the students with introductory knowledge of language
and linguistics; language as a reflection of the structure of the human mind and human
culture, the various levels of linguistic structure (phonetics, phonology, morphology,
syntax and semantics), language use (pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics),
language as a social phenomenon (dialects, language change, taboos, language and sex
roles, language and deception), and language universals.

1. L.K, Boey, An introduction to Linguistics for the Language Teacher, Singapore:
Singapore University Press.
2. M. Pateda, Linguistik Terapan, Flores: Nusa Indah.

37). MKB 3419 English Phonology, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: –

This course is designed to provide students with basic knowledge of English phonetics
and phonology. English phonetics includes description of phonetic features for
segmental phonemes (i.e., consonants and vowels) and supra-segmental phonemes (i.e.,
stress, intonation, and juncture). Students taking phonetics also learn the knowledge
and practical skill of reading and writing phonetic transcription, both broad and narrow
transcription. English phonology, beginning with a brief review of English phonetics,
introduces to students phonological principles governing sound patterns in English.
English phonology primarily explains how surface (phonetic) representation is derived
from underlying (phonemic) representation by means of phonological rules, and
additionally discusses how phonemics interacts with syntax, primarily with the surface
structure which serves as input for phonology.

1. Rodman Fromkin, An Introduction to Language, Sydney: Holt Rinehart, 1988.
2. Lass. R, An introduction to Basic Concept of Phonology, New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1984.

38). MKB 3418 English Morphology, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: –

The aim of the course is to provide the students with some knowledge of English
Morphology: the concept of morphemes and their allophones, principles of descriptive
analysis in English morphology, principles of identifying and isolating morphemes,
types of morphemes based on segmental and supra-segmental phonemes and the
distribution of morphemes, such as, bound versus free morphemes, roots versus stems,
and roots versus non-roots.

1. M. Aranoff, Word Formation in Generative Grammar, Cambridge: M.I.T Press, 1976.

39). MKB 3520 English Syntax, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)


This course is designed to provide the students with some knowledge of English
syntactic theories and skills in analyzing English sentences: principles, procedures, and
processes of constructing phrases, clauses, and sentences, structural and
transformational approaches, 5 syntactic signals for parts of speech, 4 syntactic
structures, deep structures, surface structures, generative grammar, transformations,
and semantic features.

1. Bas Aarts, English Syntax and Argumentation, London: Macmillan Press, 1997.
2. D. Bolinger, Meaning and Form, London: Longman, 1977.
40). MKB 3621 English Semantics, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)

This is an introductory course to the study of meaning in English language. General

topics include theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural
semantics and lexicology, the interdependence of syntax and semantics, meaning and
language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning
ambiguity and vagueness in the English language.

1. Leech, G.N, Principle of Pragmatics, London: longman, 1983.
2. Rodman Fromkin, An Introduction to Language, Sydney: Holt Rinehart, 1988.

41). MKB 3425 Sociolinguistics, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)


The course is designed to familiarize the students with some knowledge of the
relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of
language in individual) and at the macro level. The emphasis is on the sociology of
language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, Techniques used to
investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping
the distribution of dialect features of different regions, the relationship between the
vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

1.Jack Richard dkk, Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, England: Longman,

2. Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990.

42). MKB 3526 Psycholinguistics, 2 credits, 2 hours, (required)


This course provides the students with the knowledge of some theories and principles of
psycholinguistics, mental processes which underlie a human beings’ ability to speak and
understand language. This includes new findings in the study of language acquisition,
the relationship between language and thought, the psychology of language,
comprehension and utilization of sentences, memory for prose, perception of speech,
plans what to say, execution of speech plans, first steps in the child’s language, and later
growth in the child’s language.

1. Karena Yudibrarata, Psikologistik, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1997.

2. Jack Richard dkk, Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, England: Longman,


3. W. Littlewood, Foreign and Second Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1992.
43) MKB 3529 Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL 1), 2 credits, 2
hours, (required)

The course objective is to provide the students with knowledge, skills, and the basic
principles of teaching and learning processes relevant to their future job: current
methods in TEFL, communicative language teaching, procedures and techniques of
teaching language skills, kinds of learning strategies.

1. Tricia Hedge, Teaching and learning in the Language Classroom, New York: Oxford
University Press, 2000.
2. Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Fourth Edition, New
York: Longman

44). MKB 3630 Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL 2), 2 credits,
2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: 3529

The course objective is to provide the students with the ability to apply all the
techniques that have been introduced in TEFL 1. Furthermore the students are also
required to know more deeply how to teach language skills such as listening, speaking,
reading, writing and language components such as vocabulary and grammar. This
course also discusses about classroom management, teaching by principles and the
practice of language teaching.

1. Tricia Hedge, Teaching and learning in the Language Classroom, New York: Oxford
University Press, 2000.
2. Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Fourth Edition, New
York: Longman

45). MKB 3427 English for Young Learners, 3 credits, 2 hours,

Prerequisite: –

This course provides students with working knowledge of basic principles of teaching
English to young learners, characteristics of young learners, and practical skills at
teaching elementary school students, selecting and using songs, games, stories, media
(audio and visual) and at developing lesson plans, materials including big books, flash-
cards, puppets, and other visuals.

1. David W.Johson, Learning Together and Alone, London: university of Minnesota,

2. C. Wales, & Sager, The Guided Design Approach, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational
Technology Publications, 1978.
46) MKB 2628 English Teaching Media, 2 sks

This course provides students with some theoretical and practical knowledge of
instructional media covering the various kinds of media, skills of selecting, developing,
operating interactive and inexpensive visuals for EFL classes, using printed materials
including songs and games related to primary and secondary instruction of English.

1. Sharan, Small Group Teaching, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology
Publications, 1976
2. G. Simpson, The Meaning of Evolution, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961.

47) MKB 3631 Micro teaching, 3 sks

Mata kuliah ini bertujuan mempersiapkan mahasiswa calon guru untuk menghadapi
pekerjaan mengajar sepenuhnya di depan kelas dengan memiliki pengetahuan,
ketrampilan, kecakapan serta sikap sebagai guru yang professional. Dalam mata kuliah
ini juga diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menganalisa tingkah laku mengajar kawan
kawannya dan diri sendiri, melaksanakan ketrampilan khusus dalam mengajar,
mempraktekkan berbagai jenis teknik mengajar dengan benar dan tepat,
mengwujudkan situasi belajar mengajar yang efektif, produktif dan efisien.

48) MKB 3832 Sarjana’s Thesis, 6 credits, (required)

Prerequisite: –

The course requires students to demonstrate their capability of producing a supervised

research report at the end of their undergraduate study. The project may take the form
of a fieldwork research report, critical review of the literature, or (applied) linguistic
analysis, in its broadest sense, of a particular issue. Additionally, the students are
encouraged to publish the research report in scholarly journals. Sarjana s thesis is
normally written in around 10.000 to 12.000 words (excluding the appendices).

4.3.5 Rumpun Mata kuliah English Literature

49). MKB 3522 Introduction to Literature, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)
Prerequisite: –

This course provides students with the definition, identification, and basic pattern for
some key concepts of literary genres: features, characteristics, formats, basic styles, and
their working mechanisms, in the light of both conventional and modern perspectives.

1. Marcus Cunlifee, American Literature Since 1900, England: Penguin Books, 1993.
2. Macmillan, Literature and Language, London: Macmillan Press, 1990.

50). MKB 3723 Prose and Poetry, 3 credits, 2 hours, (required)

Prerequisite: –

This course is designed to analyze prose and poetry as a genre of literary works, and as a
product of culture that can be viewed as reflection of the real society. This course is
focused on English literature, American literature, and also local literature. The students
are required to create the new consciousness through world literature.

1. Gary Lane, A Concordance to the Poems of Ezza Pound, 1972.
2. Hugh Witemeyer, The Poetry of Ezza Pound: Forms and Renewal, Los Angeles: 1969.

51). MKB 3724 Drama, 3 credits, 2 hours.

Prerequisite: –

This course is designed to build the new consciousness through literary studies included
drama as one of literary work and dramatic performance. The course concerning with
Elizabethan drama, American drama and also local drama.

1. Michael Davitt Bell, The Development of American Romance: The Sacrifice of
Relation, London: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
2. Bracebridge Hall, Edited by Herbert F. Smith, Boston: Twayne, 1977.

52) MKB 3333 Translation and Interpretation I, 2 credits, 2 hours (required)


The course is designed to provide the students with competence in translating different
types of written texts of up to pre-intermediate level of difficulty from English into
Indonesian. It develops students’ knowledge of the basic theory, concept, and technique
of translation. The translation practice materials will emphasize grammatical, lexical,
and textual adjustments. In addition, the course provides the students with knowledge
of using dictionaries and other sources. The course also provides the students with
practice and exercises in translating and interpreting spoken and written English texts:
dialogues of formal, informal, colloquial, and standard forms, various written texts,
debates, lectures, and other materials of up to intermediate level of difficulty. It also
provides the students with practice and exercises in oral and written translation from
English into Indonesian and from Indonesian into English: dynamic translation,
different types of meanings, compound categories, blending, clipping, acronyms, figures
of speech, idioms, and texts of various types of discourse.

1. Choliluddin, The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation, Bekasi: Visipro, 2006.
2. J.C.Catford Alinguistic Theory of Translation, London: Oxford University Press, 1965.

53). MKB 3434 Translation and Interpretation II, 2 credits, 2 hours (required)
Prerequisite: MKB 3333

The course is designed to increase the students’ competence in translating various types
of written materials in business, including legal business documents. The training will
involve translation from English into Indonesian and from Indonesian into English of
various written texts: blending and clipping, acronyms, idioms of general English and of
business English, and various business English (memos, minutes, business texts,
letters). The course provides the students with practice and training in advanced
translating and interpreting in real situations, current news, and other sources of up-to-
date information from printed and electronic media.

1. R.W. Brislin, Translation: Application and Research, New York: Garden Press Inc.
2. J. Biguenet & Shculte, The Craft of Translation, London: The University of Chicago
Press, 1989


54). MPB 4701 Seminar on Language Teaching, 2 credits, 2 hours (required)
Prerequisite: –

The course helps students develop, critically analyze, and evaluate thesis proposals. The
course discusses common problems in developing a proposal into a complete thesis and
requires students to conduct at least one (classroom-level) presentation of thesis

Reference: Rumpun Research Components

55). MPB 3602 Research in ELT and Literature, 3 credits, 3 hours (required)
Prerequisite: –

This course helps students to have a positive attitude towards scientific research and
develop the knowledge of research methodology in the areas of ELT, Linguistics, and
Literature. Students practice to (re)search and review primary and secondary sources
(references); are facilitated to have clear ideas of how to link topic(s) to possible and
relevant methodologies; and to devise a topic into a small-scale research proposal by
developing research questions, collecting relevant data, analyzing data, and drawing
research conclusion(s).This course familiarizes students with the practices of ELT
research against the broader backdrop of pedagogy. It explores two broad domains of
ELT research: practice-oriented, such as CAR, and theory-oriented such as issues of ELT
in (post-) colonial world, ELT as enslaving or (otherwise) liberating tool. Other issues
include the notions of relativist and prescriptive approaches in ELT and their
implications for ELT research: the selection of topic of research (ontological) and the
selection of relevant methodology (epistemological). This course also enables students
to practice to apply the skills of literary research that covers principles, procedures, and
(samples of) application to, and from, various approaches in literary studies.

1. David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology, Sydney: Macquarie university,
2. Donald Ary, Introduction to Research in Education, Sixth Edition. Northem Illinois
University, 2002.

56). MPB 3703 Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL), 4 credits

The course provides students with practical teaching strategies including the use of
media through demonstrations, peer-teaching and microteaching (if possible). They are
also trained to conduct teaching-learning interactions of different patterns:
individual/pair/group-work, giving drills, questioning, and classroom management.
(Note:the facilitators of in campus. PPL for English Department students should consist
of dosen pembimbing, dosen PBM, and qualified senior high school teachers).



57). MBB 5801 Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa (Reguler/Alternatif), 4 sks, wajib

Matakuliah KKM bertujuan membina keterampilan dalam mengaplikasikan teori-teori
yang telah diperoleh dalam perkuliahan untuk pemecahan permasalahan di dalam
masyarakat (lihat Pedoman Akademik edisi 2009).

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