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2 Eksplorasi Penyebab Masalah

Nama Mahasiswa : KENIDA ELSA PUTRI, S.Pd


Petunjuk: Pada langkah ini, Anda akan melakukan eksplorasi penyebab-penyebab masalah yang telah diidentifikasi
sebelumnya. Gunakan petunjuk berikut untuk membantu Anda dalam eksplorasi penyebab masalah:

1. Kajian Literatur
 Lakukan pencarian literatur terkait masalah yang diidentifikasi.
 Baca artikel, jurnal, buku, atau sumber informasi lain yang relevan dengan topik masalah.
 Identifikasi faktor-faktor yang dikaitkan dengan masalah tersebut berdasarkan temuan dalam literatur.
2. Wawancara dengan Guru/Kepala Sekolah/Pengawas Sekolah/Rekan Sejawat di Sekolah:
 Ajukan pertanyaan kepada guru, kepala sekolah, pengawas sekolah, atau rekan sejawat yang memiliki
pengalaman terkait masalah yang diidentifikasi.
 Tanyakan pengalaman, pandangan, dan pemikiran mereka mengenai penyebab masalah tersebut.
 Catat informasi yang diperoleh dari wawancara sebagai referensi untuk menganalisis penyebab masalah.
3. Wawancara dengan Pakar dan Pihak Terkait Lainnya:
 Carilah pakar atau pihak terkait lainnya yang memiliki keahlian atau pengalaman dalam masalah yang
 Lakukan wawancara dengan pakar tersebut untuk mendapatkan wawasan dan pemahaman lebih
mendalam tentang penyebab masalah.
 Tanyakan saran atau rekomendasi mereka mengenai langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil untuk
mengatasi masalah tersebut.
 Mintalah masukan, arahan, dan saran dari mereka untuk membantu Anda menganalisis penyebab
masalah secara lebih mendalam.
Setelah Anda mengumpulkan informasi dari langkah-langkah di atas, Anda dapat menggunakan data yang terkumpul
sebagai dasar untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi penyebab masalah yang lebih spesifik. Selanjutnya, langkah
selanjutnya adalah merencanakan strategi dan tindakan yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.

Tabel Hasil Eksplorasi Penyebab Masalah

No Masalah yang telah Hasil eksplorasi penyebab masalah Analisis eksplorasi

diidentifikasi penyebab masalah

1 Pedagogik : Siti fachrani said that “ On the contrary, student who has low motivation After analyzing the
Masih rendahnya motivasi atau would get bored and be indifferent in learning even though the materials literature review,
tanggung jawab siswa terhadap given were so easy” interviews and
observations, the causes of
(A Survey Study at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh) learning English are:
 Siti FachrainiSTKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena 1. Students feel
DOI: bored, because
Keywords: Motivation, English Students students don't
2. Motivation is
“ In this article, we review research on children's motivation to needed for the
Literasi : read and its relation to their reading comprehension. We begin student.
Kurangnya minat membaca siswa by discussing work on the development of school motivation in 3. Age and gender
general and reading motivation in particular, reviewing studies factors also
showing that many children's motivation to read declines over influence interest
the school years. Motivation to read tends to differ by gender— in studying well.
4. Students are still
with girls motivated more positively to read than boys. It also
embarrassed to
differs by ethnicity, in more complex ways. Over the last 15 speak English.
years, researchers have identified instructional practices that
boost students' motivation to read and their reading
comprehension. Researchers should build on this work by
developing and studying programs among children of different
ages to identify effective classroom-based instructional
approaches that motivate reading and use a variety of narrative
and informational materials”.

Beyond Cognition: Reading Motivation and Reading Comprehension

Allan Wigfield, Jessica R. Gladstone, Lara Turci, Universitas Maryland.

Dukungan terhadap penelitian CORI yang dibahas dalam artikel ini
berasal dari Institut Nasional Kesehatan Anak dan Pembangunan
Manusia Eunice Kennedy Shriver dan National Science Foundation

Interview result :
1. Students have difficulty expressing verbally
2. Students have limited vocabulary
3. Students are embarrassed and afraid of their friends
2 Tidak terjalinnya komunikasi “The findings of the study revealed that the high education of father and After analyzing studies
antara orang tua dan guru dengan mother positively contributes to their children's academic achievement. and literature, interviews
baik. Large co-relation was found between parents’ education and students’ and observations, the lack
academic achievement. On the basis of the findings, the study of communication
recommended introducing adult education programs, awareness between parents and
campaigns, and the use of social media for community education” teachers is:
Relationship between Parents’ Education and their children’s Academic 1. Parental concern is
Achievement. still lacking
2. Both parents are
Dr. Muhammad IdrisDepartment of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
busy to work
Dr. Sajjad HussainUniversity of Swat
Dr. Nasir AhmadCenter For Education & Staff Training, University of Swat
3. Parents who still
DOI: consider of their
Keywords: Parents education, Subject choice, School selection, academic children education
achievement is the teacher's

“The findings of the study revealed that the high education of father and
mother positively contributes to their children's academic achievement.
Large co-relation was found between parents’ education and students’
academic achievement. On the basis of the findings, the study
recommended introducing adult education programs, awareness
campaigns, and the use of social media for community education”
Relationship between Parents’ Education and their children’s Academic

Dr. Muhammad IdrisDepartment of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan

Dr. Sajjad HussainUniversity of Swat
Dr. Nasir AhmadCenter For Education & Staff Training, University of Swat
Keywords: Parents education, Subject choice, School selection, academic

“The positive relationship between parental involvement in their children's

education and students’ success in school is widely documented in the
research literature (Barnard, 2004; Cheung & Pomerantz, 2012; Fan & Chen,
2001; Houtenville & Conway, 2008; Todd & Wolpin, 2007). When Americans
are asked about the most important priorities for improving student
achievement, they consistently cite increased parental support as a top
priority (Bushaw and Lopez, 2011, Time Magazine 2010)”

The underutilized potential of teacher-to-parent communication:

Evidence from a field experiment
Author links open overlay panelMatthew A. Kraft , Todd Rogers
Interview result :
1. Lack of communication between teachers and students' parents
greatly influences students' education and behavior
2. Parents think that educating is the teacher's job
3. Parents who paying less attention to students' learning progress

3 Guru yang belum menerapkan “The research findings highlight C1-C6 phase which almost of students gave After analyzing the
positive response to each statement of criteria HOTS. The achievement in six
atau kurang dalam mengemas literature review and
aspects of reading comprehension used HOTS, they are remembering text with
pembelajaran berbasis HOTS strongly agree scale 58,4%, understanding supporting sentence with strongly interview results as well as
agree 50,2%, applying decoding process with agree scale 49,2%, analyzing main observations the causes of
ideas with strongly agree 50,2%, evaluating inference with agree scale 51,7%, teachers who have not
and creating new ideas with agree scale 53,3%”
implemented HOTS in
An Analysis of Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension learning, is:
through Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)s 1. Students are not
Dumaris E. Silalahi, Herman Herman, Partohap Saut Raja Sihombing, Ade able to think at a
Sahbana Damanik, Lydia Purba high level
Keywords :HOTS, Reading Comprehension, Descriptive Text, Achievement 2. Students are not
able to understand
the material
1249 3. Lack of references
for students to
“every individual in Indonesia has good skills at critical thinking, creative thinking, study.
collaboration, and communication to face life in the 21st century. Therefore, the
English teachers in Indonesia should have good knowledge of HOTS to teach
their students”.

English teachers’ knowledge on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Wisma Yunita, Syahrial Syahrial, Gita Mutiara Hati

Keywords: Higher order thinking skills; 2013 Curriculum; English teachers.
every individual in Indonesia has good skills at critical thinking, creative thinking,
collaboration, and communication to face life in the 21st century. Therefore, the
English teachers in Indonesia should have good knowledge of HOTS to teach
their students”.

English teachers’ knowledge on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Wisma Yunita, Syahrial Syahrial, Gita Mutiara Hati

Keywords: Higher order thinking skills; 2013 Curriculum; English teachers.

Interview result :
1. Teachers do not understand HOTS-based learning
2. Teachers are less able to think critically
3. Students' knowledge is still low

4. Penggunaan media pembelajaran “Use of Google Classroom helps improve the average achievement of After analyzing the
berbasis teknologi yang belum students enrolled in English education departments. The research concludes literature review and
maksimal that this application is capable of operating effectively, assisting lecturers interview results as well as
observations regarding the
and students enrolled in English language education study programs in
reasons why the use of
carrying out the learning process more intensely” technology-based learning
media has not been
The Effectiveness of English Learning Media through Google optimal, they are:
Classroom in Higher Education 1. Teachers are still
Abd. SyakurDepartment of Graduate Program of English Education, STKIP technologically
PGRI SidoarjoSugirinDepartment of Graduate of English Education, illiterate
Universitas Negeri YogyakartaWidiarniDepartment of English Education, 2. Facilities are
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar incomplete
DOI: 3. Many facilities are
Keywords: the effectiveness; English education; Google classroom; higher damaged
education 4. Teachers do not or
rarely participate in
ICT application

“Internet has affected the preferred learning styles of young people

wanting to learn English around the world. Teachers, to remain
relevant and effective, need to use 'learning technologies' to help
students reach the world outside the classroom.”


Dhanya G. (Assistant Professor, Vignan Pharmacy College, Vadlamudi, Guntur Dt.)


Keywords: Social Networks, Language, Teaching Process.

Interview result :
1. Some teachers do not understand the use of IT
2. Teachers do not utilize technology in teaching

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