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RAYSA ALIFIA (2044000109)

ANISA OKTAVIA(2044000126)



Puji Syukur penulis ucapkan atas kehadirat Allah SWT,yang

telah melimpahkan rahmat dan karunia-Nya, sehingga penulis
dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan baik. Shalawat dan
salam tak lupa pula penulis sampaikan kepada Nabi Muhammad
SAW yang diutus untuk menjadi rahmat sekalian alam. Seiring
dengan itu, tidak lupa penulis ucapkan terimakasih kepada
dosen pembimbing yang telah memberikan motivasi dalam
menyelesaikan makalah ini.

Dalam makalah ini penulis akan menjelaskan mengenai

SETTING UP A BUSINESS Akan tetapi, Penulis menyadari banyak
kekurangan dari makalah ini. Setiap kesalahan tidak akan luput
dalam penulisan makalah ini. Oleh karena itu, saran dan
masukan yang sifatnya membangun dari berbagai pihak sangat
penulis harapkan untuk penyempurnaan makalah ini dan
semoga dengan selesainya makalah ini dapat berguna bagi kita

MEDAN,16 JUNE 2022


KATA PENGANTAR ........................................................................2
BAB I .......................................................................4
PENDAHULUAN ......................................................................4
1.1 Latar Belakang. ...............................................................4
1.2 Rumusan Masalah ...............................................................4
1.3 Tujuan . ..............................................................5
1.4 Manfaat ..........................................................................5
BAB II .....................................................................7
PEMBAHASAN. ..............................................................,...........7
1.Setting up a business .....................................................................7


Indonesia is a country with the 4th largest population in the
world, which is
more than 250 million people and will continue to grow. In
addition, Indonesia is also a
one of the countries that has the richest and most complete
natural resources in the world.
However, in this country there is still a lot of unemployment,
poverty and poverty
social inequality in it. This is due to the inability of the Indonesian
to maximize the management of Indonesia's abundant natural
To become a country that has a stable economy (a little
unemployment, little economy, balanced state income),
Indonesia at least
have at least 2% of the population is an entrepreneur.
However, in Indonesia currently the number of entrepreneurs is
not more than 0.01% of the total number of entrepreneurs
its inhabitants. This is due to several factors, it could be due to
not having
skills, do not know entrepreneurship knowledge, do not have
capital, do not
able to process existing natural resources and so on.
Therefore, a movement is needed to provide socialization about
how to
to start new businesses so that prospective entrepreneurs are not
mistaken for existing businesses
taken and they also have knowledge of the advantages and
disadvantages of form
business and the type of company he will choose. It is then
made us (compilers) to make a summary about starting a new


Related to the background above, the formulation of the
problem is as follows:
1. How to enter a new business?
2. What are the various forms of the company?
3. What are the types of business fields?

In accordance with the formulation of the problem stated above,
the purpose of writing this paper is
this to find out:
1. To know ways to enter a new business.
2. To know the various forms of the company.
3. To know the types of business fields.


1. Ways to start a new business

Transforming an idea into a commercial business can be an
exhilarating and stressful at the same time. Doing research for
ideas at once
Gathering information about competitors is important. Start for
identify the market, determine positioning, and the proportion
of sales and determine
brand identity so that the product can compete in the market. As
for the formula that can
used by prospective entrepreneurs to start new businesses,

What business model do we want to work on? Before we run or
To develop a business, of course, we must know the business in
By knowing a business field we can run and develop
the business well.

b. WHY
Think again about our reasons for choosing a business to run.
Do we choose to run a business because it fits our hobbies,
creativity that is being pursued, inspired by other people's
successful businesses, or
just want to fill your spare time?

Determine and understand the target market for the business to
be run. We also
need to study the character of the people who are the target
market for our business so that we
can prepare the right way of marketing on them.

Determining the right business location is often a difficult thing
for someone
businessman. Make sure the location of the business is in
accordance with the target market of our business, for example
the area
offices, campuses, housing, and others.

Determining business operational time is also important for:
prepared. Will our business be open 8 hours a day for a whole
or open 24 hours for the whole week. Also consider
take into account all business preparations and also business

f. WHO
Determine the people who will be involved in running the
business. Starting from
employees, business partners, and other people who can assist in

the business. Determine the tasks of each person who will be

involved in
business in accordance with their respective capabilities and

g. HOW
Make sure that we have a strategy and plan in running the
business. Will
it is better if we know to know the required capital, quality and
quantity of products that we will sell.
If this idea is credible and measurable, it means that you are
ready to set up a business with
Correct. Here are a few things to consider when starting a new
that is:

1. Design a good business name

A good name can provide benefits. First, easy to communicate
branding and marketing messages to customers and investors.
Research competitors and learn
how they brand the business. Make sure the name taken shows
unique and has not been used by others.

2. Business scale and structure

Understand that the business will be run alone, in partnership
with other parties, or
corporate form. If it's a corporation then take care of its legal
entity status, design rules
for owners and shareholders. Ask legal counsel to determine
best structure.

3. Registering trademarks and patents

Registering trademarks and patents protects the name, slogan
and logo
attached to the business to be run. If there are competitors who
plagiarism, the owner has a patent that can protect it. It's good
to register a domain name, and use a name that is consistent
across all
social media.

4. Make sure the business passes legal requirements

The government already has guidelines, even for the
establishment of small and medium enterprises.
Watch, study, and make sure the prospective entrepreneur

5. Tax and business reporting

A number of taxes apply to businesses. It is important to learn
various kinds
taxes and benefits. Taxes will be charged upon completion of
the financial statements.
Expected to consistently pay employee pension funds.

6. Business insurance
Insurance is important for a number of reasons. Business location
needs to get
protection from the risk of fire, flood, accidental damage. Life

and income protection insurance is also important. Then,

protection insuranceagainst business interruption.

7. Pocket the required number of licenses

Visit the party authorized to issue a business license, or also the
one who issued the
license that the product is fit for circulation in the market. Taking
care of finances is also very important
in business. Consider hiring an accountant to help
financial records.
8. The right software
Every day, business affairs can be made easier by utilizing
information. Make sure the business uses the right software
to work on financial reports for example and payment of
employee salaries.
9. Suggestions and support
Look for information from anywhere that can support your
business. Can be from the website
government or otherwise. You'll find a calendar of events
their agenda.

2. Various types of companies

1. Sole Proprietorship
Sole proprietorship is one form that is widely used in
Indonesia. This form is usually used for small business activities,
or when
commencement of business activities. This sole proprietorship is
owned by
person, and he is fully responsible for all risks and activities
-Advantages of Sole Proprietorship:
a. All profits belong to him
b. There is personal satisfaction
c. Freedom and flexibility
d. Easier to get credit
e. Confidentiality
- Disadvantages of Individual Business:
a. Owner's liability is unlimited
b. Limited financial resources
c. Difficulty in management
d. Business continuity is not guaranteed
e. Lack of opportunities for employees

2. Firm (Fa)
Firm is an association to run a business between two or more
under the common name, in which the responsibilities of each
member of the firm
(called the word) is not limited, while the profit to be obtained
from the business
will be shared together. Likewise, if you suffer a loss, everyone
will follow
️Advantages of the firm:
a. The amount of capital is relatively large from a sole
proprietorship so it is easier
to expand their business.
b. It's easier to get credit because you have financial ability
the greater one.
c. The management ability is greater because of the division of
labor in the
between the members. Besides, all decisions are taken together.
d. Its establishment is easy, meaning that it does not require a
️Weaknesses of the Firm:
a. The liability of the owner is not limited to all debts of the
b. The continuity of the company is uncertain because if one of
the members
cancel the agreement to run a joint business, then
the firm automatically disbands.
c. Losses caused by a member must be shared
by other members.
3. Limited Liability Company (CV)
In a limited liability company also called Commanditair
Vennootschaap (CV),
there are different things that one or more members are
is not limited and the other members are limitedly liable for the
company debt. So in conclusion, CV is a form of cooperation
to strive together between people who are willing to lead,
company and is fully responsible for his personal wealth, with
people who provide loans and are not willing to lead the
company and
limited liability for the assets included in the company
Advantages of CV:
a. The capital raised is greater.
b. Easy to get credit.
c. Greater management ability.
d. Establishment is easy.
️Weaknesses CV:
a. Some members/parties have unlimited liability.
b. Its survival is uncertain.
c. It's hard to get the capital back, especially for a leadership ally.

4. Limited Liability Company (PT)

A limited liability company also called NV (Naamloze
Vennootschap) consists of
shareholders (Persero/stockholders) who have limited liability
of the company's debts in the amount of their paid-in capital.
This limited liability company is a legal entity because it has its
own assets which
separate from the personal wealth of each shareholder.
• Advantages of a Limited Liability Company:
a. Limited liability of shareholders for debts
b. The continuity of the company as a legal entity is more secure,
because it does not
depending on the number of participants, the owner may
c. It's easy to transfer ownership by selling shares to people
d. Easy to get additional capital to expand its business volume,
for example by issuing new shares.
e. Its management and specialization allow the management of
capital to not efficiently.
Limited Liability Company Weaknesses:
a. PT is a separate tax subject, while dividends received by
shareholders are taxed again as income tax from
the relevant shareholder.
b. Its establishment is more difficult, requires a notarial deed and
a special permit for business
c. The cost of formation is relatively high.
d. Lack of company secrets, because all activities must be
reported to shareholders, especially with regard to profit

5. State Limited Liability Company (Persero)

Is a form of state-owned company previously named
State Company (PN). Generally, this Persero occurs from a State
Company that
then additional capital is offered to the private sector. On
company name, such PTs are usually bracketed with Persero
Example: PT (Persero) PK Blabak, PT (Persero) Pupuk Kujang, PT
(Persero) Aneka Gas and others.
6. Public State Company (Perum)
Like other companies in general. Perum aims to make profit, but
do not neglect the welfare of society. Nor is the organizational
different from the organizational structure adopted by
companies in
generally. Examples of Perum include: State Electricity General
Company, Public Company
General Telecommunications and so on.

7. State Enterprise Service (Perjan)

An example of a Perjan in Indonesia is the Railway Service
Company (PJKA) which
has operational areas in Java and Sumatra. Activities carried out
aimed at the general welfare (public service) by taking into
account all
in terms of efficiency. In contrast to Perum, where all of its
wealth is separated from
state assets, Perjan can have state facilities because
is part of the Department/Directorate General.
8. Cooperative
Based on the Basic Law on Cooperatives No. 12 of 1967 (ratified
18 December 1967). Indonesian Cooperatives are defined as:
People's economic organization with a social character,
consisting of people or
legal entities. Cooperatives are an economic arrangement as a
together based on the principle of kinship and mutual
In order for the cooperative's goals to be achieved, the members
who run it must be active
promote cooperative efforts and diligently attend work meetings
to solve problems
problems together, the greater the cooperative effort can lead to
bigger problems.
9. Foundation
Foundation is a legal entity with separated assets. Destination
its establishment is not for profit, but rather focuses on
on social enterprises. For example: Orphanage Foundation,
Orphans, Foundation
Scholarship Giver (supersemar) and so on. So this foundation
was formed as
legal entity that is suitable for various kinds of activities to be
carried out outside
business competition conditions.
3. The forms or types of business fields, namely:
1. Production Field
The production sector is one of the areas of business that we can
do. Field
production can be seen from its business activities. If a business
raw materials into finished materials, then that is what is called
including craftsmen. They are included in the field of production
In the financial statements for this field there is usually an item or
inventory estimate
beginning and ending inventory and has a group of financial
journals called
goods in process.

2. Trading Sector
Just like the production sector, the trade sector is also included
as one of the
separate line of business. Trade can be seen from its business
in obtaining goods. In the field of production, goods are
obtained by managing

raw materials into finished materials, the trading sector group

products from finished goods that are resold. Usually the
supplier is one of the places
they get the goods to sell.
3. Service Sector
The Service Sector is also one of the business sector groups. For
Knowing this type of field can be seen from the products they
sell. When they
selling non-physical products, it is called a service sector, for
example, television service
or refrigerator and air conditioning service.

I. Conclusion
To start a business we must know 5W + 1H, namely what, why,
who, when and how our business will be run. So that we can
understand and
prepare whatever is needed to start a business. After that, we
carry out the steps that will be carried out to start a new
The forms of companies that can be chosen to start a business
Sole Proprietorship, Firm, Limited Liability Company (CV), Limited
Liability Company (PT),
State Limited Liability Company (Persero), State Public Company
(Perum), Company
State Bureau (Perjan), Cooperatives and Foundations. By
knowing the forms
the company we can choose one of the forms of the company by
pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each form
of the company and
taking into account the level of costs required.
In this way, it is hoped that prospective entrepreneurs will easily
start the right business
for these prospective entrepreneurs, so it is hoped that new
entrepreneurs will emerge
which will become an economic milestone by advancing and
Indonesian income.

II. Daftar Pustaka (Forum Internet & Situs Diskusi Online Indonesia)

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