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Diajukan guna memenuhi salah satu tugas Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) Daljab 2022
(Kategori 2)


NIM/KPS : 223132912856/PING 614002



Sekolah : SMK Tridaya Bekasi

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/Ganjil
Komp. Keahlian : Semua Kompetensi Keahlian
Materi Pokok : Teks News Item
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 2 Jam Pelajaran @45 Menit

A. Kompetensi Inti
 KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga,
sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan
kawasan internasional”.
 KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,
kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan
pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
 KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara
efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur  Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari dua teks
beberapa teks news item lisan dan news item tulis terkait berita sederhana
tulis dengan memberi dan meminta sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
informasi terkait berita sederhana dengan benar. (C5) (Pertemuan 1 dan 2)
dari koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan  Menemukan informasi baik tersurat
konteks penggunaannya maupun tersirat dalam teks news item tulis
terkait berita sederhana mengenai
fenomena alam yang terjadi di Indonesia
dengan benar. (C4) (Pertemuan 1)
4.4 Menangkap makna secara  Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, teks news item tulis dalam bentuk berita
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan sederhana dengan baik dan benar. (C5)
teks news items lisan dan tulis, (Pertemuan 1)
dalam bentuk berita sederhana  Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita
koran/radio/TV teks news item lisan dalam bentuk berita
sederhana dengan baik dan benar. (C5)
(Pertemuan 2)
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
1. Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari dua teks news
item tulis terkait berita sederhana sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan benar.
2. Menemukan informasi baik tersurat maupun tersirat dalam teks news item tulis terkait
berita sederhana mengenai fenomena alam yang terjadi di Indonesia dengan benar.
3. Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita teks news item tulis dalam bentuk berita sederhana
dengan baik dan benar.
4. Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita teks news item lisan dalam bentuk berita
sederhana dengan baik dan benar.

D. Materi Pembelajaran
News Item Text

1. Social Function
The function of a news item is to inform readers or listeners about events of the day that
are considered important or newsworthy.

2. Generic Structures
a. Newsworthy event: ringkasan berita yang akan dijelaskan.
b. Background event/elaboration: menceritakan secara rinci latar belakang kejadian
tersebut. Detail yang harus kamu cantumkan di bagian ini adalah pelaku, lokasi, waktu
kejadian, pihak-pihak lain yang terlibat, dan latar belakang terjadinya kejadian.
c. Source: Sumber yang dimaksud di sini bisa merupakan pernyataan, komentar, atau
pendapat dari pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan peristiwa tersebut.

3. Language Features
a. Focus on circumtances
b. Use reporting/saying verb
c. Use passive voice

(Materi lebih lanjut terdapat dalam lampiran 1)

E. Metode Pembelajaran
1) Pendekatan : Saintifik
2) Model Pembelajaran : Discovery learning
3) Strategi : Tanya jawab, diskusi, scanning, skimming dan think pair share

F. Media Pembelajaran
1. Media :
a. Pertemuan 1 : PowerPoint, video berita mengenai fenomena alam yang terjadi
di Indonesia, dan LKPD yang berisi 4 aktivitas
(vocabularies graphic organizers, comparing the social function,
text structures and language features between 2 texts, answering
the questions based on the text dan summarizing one of the news
b. Pertemuan 2 : PowerPoint, video berita mengenai fenomena alam yang terjadi
di Indonesia, dan LKPD yang berisi 4 aktivitas
(vocabularies graphic organizers, comparing the social function,
text structures and language features between 2 texts, changing
direct speech into indirect speech dan summarizing one of the
news given).
2. Alat atau Bahan : Laptop, LCD, speaker
G. Sumber Belajar
 Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII,
Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2016
 Kamus Bahasa Inggris cetak maupun online
 Buku Pendamping Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK/MAK Kelas XII

H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Pertemuan ke-1
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
1. Guru memberikan salam kepada peserta didik sebagai wujud sikap religius.
- Assalamu’alaikum. Good morning, students.
- How have you been?
2. Peserta didik dipimpin ketua kelas berdoa sebelum pembelajaran dimulai sebagai sikap
disiplin dan bertanggungjawab.
- Let’s raise a prayer in a silence. Pray begin.
3. Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
- Who’s not here?
4. Guru menyebutkan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan hari
5. Guru menjelaskan mekanisme pembelajaran hari ini.
Kegiatan Inti ( 75 Menit )
A. Pre-Activities (1 menit)
1. Peserta didik menjawab stimulating question yang diberikan oleh guru terkait materi news
item yang akan disampaikan hari ini.
- Where do you usually get the news?
- What is the latest news you’ve read/watch?
B. Whilst Activities (69 menit)
Sintak Kegiatan
Stimulation 1. Peserta didik mengamati sebuah gambar melalui LCD. 2 menit
2. Peserta didik menganalisis video tersebut dengan diberi
pertanyaan pemantik terkait video tersebut (Critical Thinking).
- The video informs us about …
- Where did it happen?
- How high was the water level?
- What causes flooding?
Problem 1. Peserta didik dipersilahkan untuk bertanya terkait gambar 2 menit
statement tersebut.
2. Peserta didik diarahkan untuk fokus kepada fungsi, struktur dan
unsur kebahasaan teks tersebut.
Data 1. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengumpulkan informasi 10
collection mengenai fungsi sosial, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan. menit
2. Peserta didik disajikan sebuah contoh teks news item.
3. Peserta didik dibimbing oleh guru menentukan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks tersebut.
Data 1. Peserta didik masing-masing diberikan LKPD oleh guru. 35
processing 2. Peserta didik diminta untuk membaca teks 1 dan 2 dengan menit
teknik scanning untuk menemukan kosakata baru dalam teks
3. Peserta didik mencari 5 kosakata baru dalam teks pertama dan 5
kosakata baru dalam teks kedua dalam LKPD mengenai
fenomena alam secara mandiri.
4. Peserta didik menuliskannya dalam LKPD Activity 1 berupa
vocabularies graphic organizers untuk membantu mereka
memahami bacaan.
5. Peserta didik membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan dari dua buah teks news item yang diberikan
pada lembar kerja Activity 2 secara berpasangan. (C5)
6. Peserta didik menemukan beberapa informasi berdasarkan
pertanyaan yang diberikan pada lembar kerja Activity 3. (C4)
7. Peserta didik merangkum salah satu berita yang telah
diberikan. (Activity 4) (C5)
8. Peserta didik diberikan instruksi untuk menceritakan kembali isi
berita tersebut secara berpasangan.
9. Peserta dibimbing untuk aktif dan bekerjasama dalam
mengerjakan LKPD. (Collaboration)
Verification Share 20
1. Setelah menyelesaikan LKPD, peserta didik yang terpilih menit
menggunakan wheel of name diminta untuk menampilkan hasil
pekerjaan dalam LKPD 1 Activity 4. (C6) (Communication)
2. Peserta didik lainnya dapat menanggapi peserta didik yang
melakukan presentasi.
3. Peserta didik diberikan umpan balik atas hasil presentasi
tersebut oleh guru.
C. Post-Activities (5 menit)
1. Peserta didik diberikan penguatan berupa kuis true or false terkait materi pembelajaran hari
ini melalui platform Quizizz.
2. Peserta didik bersama guru menyimpulkan apa yang telah dipelajari hari ini.
Kegiatan Penutup (5 Menit)
1. Peserta didik merefleksikan pembelajaran hari ini.
Do you know the purpose of a news item?
Do you know the text structures of news item text?
How do you feel about this material?
2. Peserta didik diberi pekerjaan rumah (PR) oleh guru.
3. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan disampaikan di pertemuan berikutnya.
4. Guru mengucapkan salam perpisahan.

Pertemuan ke-2
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
1. Guru memberikan salam kepada peserta didik sebagai wujud sikap religius.
- Assalamu’alaikum. Good morning, students.
- How have you been?
2. Peserta didik dipimpin ketua kelas berdoa sebelum pembelajaran dimulai sebagai sikap
disiplin dan bertanggungjawab.
- Let’s raise a prayer in a silence. Pray begin.
3. Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
- Who’s not here?
4. Guru menyebutkan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan hari
5. Guru menjelaskan mekanisme pembelajaran hari ini.
Kegiatan Inti ( 75 Menit )
a. Pre-Activities (1 menit)
1. Peserta didik menjawab stimulating question yang diberikan oleh guru terkait materi news
item yang akan disampaikan hari ini.
- What kind of news item is the first one?
- What kind of news item is the second one?
b. Whilst Activities (69 menit)
Sintak Kegiatan
Stimulation 1. Peserta didik mengamati sebuah gambar melalui LCD. 2 menit

2. Peserta didik menganalisis video tersebut dengan diberi
pertanyaan pemantik terkait video tersebut (Critical Thinking).
- Have you heard or watched a news related to the picture?
- When will the event be held?
- Where will the event be held?
- What team do you support in World Cup 2022?
Problem 1. Peserta didik diarahkan untuk fokus kepada fungsi, struktur dan 2 menit
statement unsur kebahasaan teks news item tersebut.
2. Peserta didik diberi pertanyaan terkait direct/indirect speech.
Data 1. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengumpulkan informasi 10
collection mengenai direct/indirect speech. menit
2. Peserta didik disajikan sebuah contoh teks news item.
3. Peserta didik dibimbing oleh guru menentukan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks tersebut.
4. Peserta didik dibimbing untuk mengubah direct speech ke dalam
indirect speech.
Data 1. Peserta didik masing-masing diberikan LKPD oleh guru. 35
processing 2. Peserta didik diminta untuk membaca teks 1 dan 2 dengan menit
teknik scanning untuk menemukan kosakata baru dalam teks
3. Peserta didik mencari 5 kosakata baru dalam teks pertama dan 5
kosakata baru dalam teks kedua dalam LKPD mengenai
fenomena alam secara mandiri.
4. Peserta didik menuliskannya dalam LKPD Activity 1 berupa
vocabularies graphic organizers untuk membantu mereka
memahami bacaan.
5. Peserta didik membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan dari dua buah teks news item yang diberikan
pada lembar kerja Activity 2 secara berpasangan. (C5)
6. Peserta didik mengubah direct speech yang terdapat dalam teks
1 dan 2 ke dalam bentuk indirect speech pada lembar kerja
Activity 3. (C6)
7. Peserta didik merangkum berita lisan yang diberikan. (Activity
4) (C5)
8. Peserta didik diberikan instruksi untuk menceritakan kembali isi
berita tersebut secara berpasangan.
9. Peserta dibimbing untuk aktif dan bekerjasama dalam
mengerjakan LKPD. (Collaboration)
Verification Share 20
1. Setelah menyelesaikan LKPD, peserta didik yang terpilih menit
menggunakan wheel of name diminta untuk menampilkan hasil
pekerjaan dalam LKPD 1 Activity 4. (C6) (Communication)
2. Peserta didik lainnya dapat menanggapi peserta didik yang
melakukan presentasi.
3. Peserta didik diberikan umpan balik atas hasil presentasi
tersebut oleh guru.
c. Post-Activities (5 menit)
1. Peserta didik diberikan penguatan berupa kuis terkait materi pembelajaran hari ini melalui
platform Quizizz.
2. Peserta didik bersama guru menyimpulkan apa yang telah dipelajari hari ini.
Kegiatan Penutup (5 Menit)
5. Peserta didik merefleksikan pembelajaran hari ini.
Do you know the difference between direct and indirect speech?
Do you know how to change direct speech inti indirect speech?
How do you feel about this material?
6. Peserta didik diberi pekerjaan rumah (PR) oleh guru.
7. Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan disampaikan di pertemuan berikutnya.
8. Guru mengucapkan salam perpisahan.
I. Penilaian Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran
1. Teknik Penilaian:
a. Penilaian Pengetahuan: Tes tulis
b. Penilaian Keterampilan: Tes tulis
c. Penilaian Sikap: Observasi
2. Bentuk Penilaian:
a. Penilaian Pengetahuan: LKPD
b. Penilaian Keterampilan: LKPD
c. Penilaian Sikap: Lembar observasi
3. Instrumen Penilaian:
a. Penilaian Pengetahuan: (terlampir)
b. Penilaian Keterampilan: (terlampir)
c. Penilaian Sikap: (terlampir)

J. Program Tindak Lanjut

1. Remedial
Peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM (77) diberi tugas untuk menganalisis teks news
item dan selanjutnya menjawab pertanyaan terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang tepat.
2. Pengayaan
Bagi peserta didik yang mempunyai nilai di atas 77 diberi pengayaan berupa tugas
mandiri untuk menulis sebuah berita berbentuk opini.

Bekasi, 28 September 2022

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Achmad Fahrurrozziq, M.Pd. Elviana Yunita, S.Pd.

Lampiran 1


Sekolah : SMK Tridaya Bekasi

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Teks News Item
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 2 Jam Pelajaran @45 Menit

I. Kompetensi Inti
 KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga,
sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan
kawasan internasional”.
 KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,
kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan
pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
 KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara
efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

J. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur  Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari dua teks
beberapa teks news item lisan dan news item tulis terkait berita sederhana
tulis dengan memberi dan meminta sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
informasi terkait berita sederhana dengan benar. (C5) (Pertemuan 1 dan 2)
dari koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan  Menemukan informasi baik tersurat
konteks penggunaannya maupun tersirat dalam teks news item tulis
terkait berita sederhana mengenai
fenomena alam yang terjadi di Indonesia
dengan benar. (C4) (Pertemuan 1)
4.4 Menangkap makna secara  Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, teks news item tulis dalam bentuk berita
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan sederhana dengan baik dan benar. (C5)
teks news items lisan dan tulis, (Pertemuan 1)
dalam bentuk berita sederhana  Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita
koran/radio/TV teks news item lisan dalam bentuk berita
sederhana dengan baik dan benar. (C5)
(Pertemuan 2)
Taken from:


PowerPoint Pertemuan ke-1

PowerPoint Pertemuan ke-2
News Item Text

Definition of News Item

News item text is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered
newsworthy or important.

It means if there is an important event that should be known by many people, then this event
deserves news. Well, the news text is called the news item text. However, if there are events that
people do not deserve, then they are not definitely worth to be news.

Generic Structure of News Item

# Main Events / Newsworthy event(s): it recounts the event in summary form.
# Elaboration / Background event(s): they elaborate what happened, to whom, in what
# Resource of Information (Source): it contains comments by participants in, witnesses to and
authorities expert on the event

Purpose of News Item

News Item Text is used to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy
or important.
– To inform the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day
– To present information the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day

Language Feature of News Item

– Focusing on circumstances (using a simple language in writing the text)
– Using saying verbs: “….”, She said, informed, told, reported.
– Sometimes at the beginning of news, the scene is mentioned : Jakarta – … .. / Kuala Lumpur …
– Using Past tense in explaining news events. But if it is a fact that until now still happen or still in
the form of fact, then can use simple present tense.
– Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
– Using adverbs: time, place and manner.
– Uses of material processes to retell the event

Direct and Indirect Speech

Source: Azar, Betty S. dan Stacy A. Hagen. Understanding and Using English Grammar 5th
Edition. Hal 262 dan 264
Lampiran 2


Group Name:

1. …………………

2. …………………


Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur  Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari dua teks
beberapa teks news item lisan dan news item tulis terkait berita sederhana
tulis dengan memberi dan meminta sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
informasi terkait berita sederhana dengan benar. (C5) (Pertemuan 1 dan 2)
dari koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan  Menemukan informasi baik tersurat
konteks penggunaannya maupun tersirat dalam teks news item tulis
terkait berita sederhana mengenai
fenomena alam yang terjadi di Indonesia
dengan benar. (C4) (Pertemuan 1)
4.4 Menangkap makna secara  Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, teks news item tulis dalam bentuk berita
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan sederhana dengan baik dan benar. (C5)
teks news items lisan dan tulis, (Pertemuan 1)
dalam bentuk berita sederhana  Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita
koran/radio/TV teks news item lisan dalam bentuk berita
sederhana dengan baik dan benar. (C5)
(Pertemuan 2)
Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah disajikan video dan contoh teks news item melalui pendekatan
saintifik, peserta didik dapat:

 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari dua buah
teks news item terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV mengenai fenomena
alam yang terjadi di Indonesia, dengan benar.
 Menemukan informasi baik tersurat maupun tersirat dalam teks news item tulis
terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV mengenai fenomena alam yang terjadi
di Indonesia dengan benar.

 Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita teks news item tulis dalam bentuk berita
sederhana koran/radio/TV mengenai fenomena alam yang terjadi di Indonesia.


Central Java's Mount Merapi spews hot ash again

The Jakarta Post │ January 5, 2020 Simple past tense

Mount Merapi in Central Java spewed hot ash on Saturday night, Newsworthy event
causing mild ash rain over Boyolali regency.
The eruption was recorded to have a maximum amplitude of 55 Background event
millimeters and a duration of 105 seconds. Passive voice
Boyolali Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) head Bambang
Sinungharjo said the ash had fallen around Cepogo district, but Reporting verb
preparations had been made in advance.
He said the BPBD was coordinating with the districts of Selo,
Cepogo and Tamansari in anticipation of further ash Source“The situation is under control,” he said on Sunday, as
quoted by.
“We have also distributed face masks to the public,” Bambang
The Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development
Center (BPPTKG) has set Merapi’s alert level to waspada (caution), the Background event
second-highest level in the country's four-tiered alert system.
Read the text 1 and 2 carefully!
Text 1

One Dead after M 5.8 Earthquake in North Sumatra

TEMPO.CO │ 1 October 2022 12:39 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 struck North Sumatra province
on Saturday, Oct. 1, killing one, said the meteorology, climatology, and geophysics agency,
or BMKG.
Nine people were injured in the quake, which was felt in a few towns and prompted
people to flee their homes, BMKG chief Dwikorita Karnawati told reporters.
Five houses were damaged and 53 aftershocks were recorded after the quake was first
felt at 2:28 a.m., she said, adding there was no tsunami risk but warning of potential
landslides in hilly areas.
Indonesia suffers frequent earthquakes, straddling the "Pacific Ring of Fire", a
seismically active zone where different plates of the earth's crust meet.
The fault along Sumatra Island can be particularly active and dangerous. In 2004, a
massive 9.1 magnitude quake and a tsunami off the northern tip of Sumatra killed 226,000
people in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, and nine other countries.

Text 2

BMKG Warns of Hydrometeorological Disasters in Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo

TEMPO.CO │ 5 September 2022 07:31 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency
(BMKG) continued to warn Central Sulawesi and Gorontalo of hydrometeorological
disasters today, September 5, following high-intensity rain in the regions. The early warnings
have been issued since last weekend.
The alerts are based on the existence of cyclonic circulation in Makassar Strait and the
Sulawesi Sea. According to the agency, it forms a convergence zone extending across the
Sulawesi Sea, in the Makassar Strait, and in North Sulawesi.
As is known, convergence is able to increase the potential for rain cloud growth around
the area. The agency also monitored the convergence zone in Aceh, in North Sumatra, in the
waters west of Bengkulu and Lampung, in East Java, extending from South Kalimantan to
West Kalimantan, in Maluku, in NTT, in West Papua, and in Papua today.
Regions that are forecasted to see thunderstorms are Gorontalo, Banjarmasin, and
Pangkal Pinang. Besides, heavy rains are likely to occur in Bandar Lampung, Mamuju, and
The BMKG also predicted that today's air temperature will be around 20-34 degrees
Celsius, with the lowest temperature in Bandung and the highest in Semarang and Surabaya.

Activity 1
Find each of the 5 new words in text 1 and 2. Then look for definitions, synonyms and
antonyms. Write in the provided vocabularies graphic organizers below.
Vocabularies Graphic Organizer

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Word: Antonym:

Indonesian meaning: Synonym:

Kunci Jawaban:
- Various answer

Activity 2
Compare and contrast the two text to find out social function, text structures and language
features. Use the table to help you.

Text 1 Text 2
Social function
Text structure:
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Language features:
Reporting/saying verb
Passive voice

Kunci Jawaban:

Text 1 Text 2
Social function To inform about a
To inform about a
newsworthy event of a
newsworthy event of an
earthquake in North
Disasters warning in
Sumatera killed one person.
Gorontalo from BMKG.
Text structure:
Paragraph 1 Newswothy event Newswothy event
Paragraph 2 Source Source
Paragraph 3 Source Background event
Paragraph 4 Background event Background event
Paragraph 5 Background event Source
Language features:
Reporting/saying verb Said, told predicted
Passive voice Nine people were injured in The early warnings have
the quake. been issued since last
Five houses were damaged
and 53 aftershocks were The alerts are based on the
recorded after the quake existence of cyclonic
was first felt at 2:28 a.m. circulation in Makassar
Strait and the Sulawesi Sea.
Regions that are forecasted
to see thunderstorms are
Gorontalo, Banjarmasin,
and Pangkal Pinang.
Activity 3
Answer the questions based on the text 1 and 2.
a. What is the topic of the first text?
b. What is the main idea of the third paragraph on Text 1?
c. Indonesia suffers frequent earthquakes, straddling the "Pacific Ring of Fire"… (Text 1)
What does "Pacific Ring of Fire" means?
4. What regions are forecasted to see thunderstorms? (Text 2)
5. How does the text 2 end?

Kunci jawaban:
a. The earthquake in North Sumatera killed one person.
b. The effect of the earthquake.
c. A series of volcanoes and seismically active sites that span the Pacific Ocean.
d. Gorontalo, Banjarmasin, and Pangkal Pinang
e. By giving a prediction from BMKG about the day’s air temperature.

Activity 4
Choose one of the text on Activity 1. Summarize the news by using your own words
and retell the news with your partners in front of the class.


Kunci Jawaban:
Various answer
Read the text 1 and 2 carefully!
Text 1

Flood Subsides Across Multiple Jakarta Subdistricts, Says Disaster Agency

TEMPO.CO │ 5 October 2022 16:00 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Head of the Jakarta Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD)

Isnawa Adji on Wednesday declared the capital city is free from floods following Tuesday’s
heavy rainfall which caused mass floodings in a number of areas.
"The Jakarta BPBD notes that currently, the floods have completely receded," he said
in a written statement on October 5.
On Tuesday, 31 subdistricts and six major streets in Jakarta were inundated. Jakarta
Governor Anies Baswedan also made a visit to the floodgates on Jalan Kemang Raya, South
Jakarta. Flooding continues in nine subdistricts until Wednesday morning at 06:00.
Disaster mitigation personnel mobilized mobile flood pumps and managed to clear all
of the areas, he explained.
The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts the
weather will remain wet with heavy rainfall until October 8.


Text 2

20 Buried from Gold Mine Landslides in West Kalimantan

TEMPO.CO │ 17 September 2022 11:00 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Twenty miners have been buried after landslides occurred in a
traditional gold mine in West Kalimantan province, a rescue operation chief said on
Saturday, Sept. 17.
The incident took place at the Kinande village of Bengkayang district on Thursday
night, but the information of the incident was received by the rescuers of the provincial
search and rescue office on Friday night, said Eryk Subaryanto, head of the operational unit
of the office.
"We got the information on Friday night, and immediately deployed our personnel to
the scene," he told Xinhua via phone.
The rescue operation was hampered by the heavy downpours over the past few days,
the remote location of the mine and poor communication facilities there, said the official.
Military personnel, the personnel of the local disaster management and mitigation
agency and villagers are also involved in the search and rescue mission in the mine area, he

Compare and contrast the two text to find out social function, text structures and language
features. Use the table to help you.

Text 1 Text 2
Social function
Text structure:
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Language features:
Reporting/saying verb
Passive voice

Kunci Jawaban:

Text 1 Text 2
Social function To inform about a To inform about a
newsworthy event of newsworthy event of the
receding flood across gold mine landslide in West
multiple Jakarta subdistrics. Kalimantan.
Text structure:
Paragraph 1 Newswothy event Newswothy event
Paragraph 2 Source Source
Paragraph 3 Background event Source
Paragraph 4 Background event Background event
Paragraph 5 Source Background event
Language features:
Reporting/saying verb Said Said, told
Passive voice On Tuesday, 31 subdistricts Twenty miners have been
and six major streets in buried after landslides
Jakarta were inundated. occurred in a traditional
gold mine in West
Kalimantan province.
The information of the
incident was received by
the rescuers of the
provincial search and
rescue office on Friday
The rescue operation was
hampered by the heavy
downpours over the past
few days.
Answer the questions based on the text 1 and 2.
1. What does the text 1 tell us about?
2. How many subdistrict was inundated in Jakarta? (Text 1)
3. "The Jakarta BPBD notes that currently, the floods have completely receded,"
What is the synonym of the bold word? (Text 1)
4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? (Text 2)
5. Who are involved in the search and rescue mission in the mine area? (Text 2)

Kunci jawaban:
1. Flood Subsides Across Multiple Jakarta Subdistricts
2. 31 subdistricts
3. Subside, regress, shrink, neap
4. The gold mine landslides happened in Kinande village of Bengkayang district.
5. Military personnel, the personnel of the local disaster management and mitigation
agency and villagers

Choose one of the text between text 1 and 2. Summarize the news by using your own
words. Retell the news and record it on video.


Pertemuan 2
Read the text 1 and 2 carefully!
Text 1

Bekasi Dance Group to Represent Indonesia at K-Pop Cover Dance Festival 2019
The JakartaPost │ Sat, April 27, 2019
ALZY dance group from West Java's Bekasi earned a win at the K-Pop Cover Dance
Festival on Sunday at the Bandung Creative Hub, Bandung, West Java.
ALZY beat 14 other finalists by covering a dance routine by ITZY, a rising K-Pop star.
As a part of the prize, ALZY will be flown to South Korea to represent Indonesia in the
competition's international level, which is scheduled for late September or early October.
The competition was organized by Korean Cultural Center Indonesia, Republic of Korea
Embassy and Korean newspaper The Seoul Shinmun Daily.
Nathan Moon, a spokesperson for The Shinmun Daily, said Indonesia had significantly
contributed to the excitement over the competition, as more than 200 participants registered
“One of our purposes in organizing KCDF is to reciprocate the love given by Hallyu
(Korean pop culture wave) lovers,” Moon said.
Korean Cultural Center Indonesia director Chun Youngpoung said he was grateful for
the enthusiasm shown by K-Pop lovers in Indonesia.
“The Korean Cultural Center will always be a Hallyu promotion vehicle so it can be
enjoyed by a wider audience,” Chun Youngpoung said.
The Korean Cultural Center Indonesia also organized an illustration and poster
exhibition showcasing artwork from the competition, titled “Commemoration of 100 Years
of March 1 Movement and Creation of Korean Temporary Government”. The exhibition was
held at the Bandung Creative Hub on the same day. (gis/wng)

Text 2
Including Your Partner in Social Media Posts could be Good for Relationship
The JakartaPost│ Thu, March 7, 2019
New US research has found that including your partner in your social media posts can
increase feelings of intimacy and satisfaction.
Carried out by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Kansas,
the new study is the first of its kind to investigate how different circumstances can affect
whether a partner perceives their other half's online sharing to be positive or negative.
The team carried out a series of five experiments involving a total of 692 participants,
which compared how posting personal information online affected intimacy and satisfaction
in online and offline contexts, in romantic relationships and friendships, and with different
types of content (for instance, when the partner posted about themselves or about the
The findings, published in the journal PLOS ONE, showed that when one half of a
couple frequently shares personal information with large groups on social media, it can
negatively impact their partner's satisfaction and feelings of intimacy in the relationship,
with the results suggesting that this is due to the partner feeling left out and feeling less
However, the researchers found that including a partner in online posts could counteract
this negative effect.
“On the other hand, when you include a significant other in your post, perhaps as
confirming a relationship status online or posting a photo together, we found that it counters
the negative effects of online disclosure, increasing the feelings of intimacy and
satisfaction,” said co-author Omri Gillath. “This validates the relationship, and a partner
likely would see their significant other's post as caring and inclusive.”
Despite the negative effect on romantic relationships, the team found sharing
information with large audiences did not have a negative effect on friendships.
“For many of us, sharing our feelings and daily experiences on social media is one of
the main ways we stay in contact with friends and family,” said researcher Juwon Lee.
“Because of this cultural shift from face-to-face or phone conversations, it's important
that we understand how our usage of these technologies affect our personal relationships.
Additionally, other research has found that people benefit from sharing information about
themselves, which might be why people engage in it so much. But it's important to know the
full picture, and understand that sometimes sharing can be bad for you.”

Activity 1
Find each of the 5 new words in text 1 and 2. Then look for definitions, synonyms and
antonyms. Write in the provided vocabularies graphic organizers below.
Vocabularies Graphic Organizer

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:
Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Kunci Jawaban:
- Various answer

Activity 2
Work in pairs. Compare and contrast the two text to find out social function, text structures
and language features. Use the table to help you.

Text 1 Text 2
Social function
Text structure:
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 9
Language features:
Reporting/saying verb
Direct Speech

Kunci Jawaban:

Text 1 Text 2
Social function To inform about ALZY
To inform about including
dance group who win the
your partner in social media
K-Pop Cover Dance
posts could be good for
Festival on Sunday at the
Bandung Creative Hub
Text structure:
Paragraph 1 Newswothy event Newswothy event
Paragraph 2 Background event Background event
Paragraph 3 Background event Background event
Paragraph 4 Background event Background event
Paragraph 5 Source Background event
Paragraph 6 Source Source
Paragraph 7 Source Background event
Paragraph 8 Source Source
Paragraph 9 Background event Source
Language features:
Reporting/saying verb Said said
Direct Speech “One of our purposes in “On the other hand, when you
organizing KCDF is to reciprocate include a significant other in your
the love given by Hallyu (Korean post, perhaps as confirming a
pop culture wave) lovers,” Moon relationship status online or
said. posting a photo together, we
found that it counters the negative
“The Korean Cultural Center will
effects of online disclosure,
always be a Hallyu promotion
increasing the feelings of intimacy
vehicle so it can be enjoyed by a
and satisfaction,” said co-author
wider audience,” Chun
Omri Gillath.
Youngpoung said.
“For many of us, sharing our
“The Korean Cultural Center will
feelings and daily experiences on
always be a Hallyu promotion
social media is one of the main
vehicle so it can be enjoyed by a
ways we stay in contact with
wider audience,” Chun
friends and family,” said
Youngpoung said.
researcher Juwon Lee.

Activity 3
With your previous partner, change the direct speech you have listed in Activity 2 into
indirect speech.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

Activity 4
Listen to the audio. Summarize the news by using your own words and retell the news
with your partners in front of the class.

Kunci Jawaban:
Various answer

Read the text 1 and 2 carefully!
Text 1

Taman Menteng rejuvenated by local artist’s colorful murals

The JakartaPost │ Tue, October 18, 2022
The green, open space of Taman Menteng in the middle of Central Jakarta just became
brightly painted by the Jakarta-based graffiti artist Adi Dharma, also known as Stereoflow.
Supported by the DKI Jakarta provincial government, Stereoflow provided his stylistic
murals for four concrete sports fields at Taman Menteng which are 4,000 square meters
wide. The work took over two weeks, from Oct. 1 to 14, consisting of 16 artists from
Stereoflow’s team.
“I am very happy with this exciting and challenging collaboration with the DKI Jakarta
provincial government for Taman Menteng,” Adi expressed in a press release on Oct. 18.
Titled Gelora Ragam (Celebration of Diversity) and sponsored by Pop Mie and Matrix
NAP Info for free internet access at the park, the final work consists of Stereoflow’s
characteristic wavy lines and bright color palettes. Some details in the mural symbolize
Jakarta’s landmarks, like water textures that are painted to pay homage to Jakarta’s
infiltration wells.
Adi explained how the combination of blue, yellow and pink he painted showcases the
harmonious relationship that Jakarta residents have despite their diverse backgrounds.
“This mural illustrates the life of the people of Jakarta, which is very diverse and
dynamic but always coexists peacefully with each other,” he said. “In the end, that
relationship is what creates Jakarta’s own nuance and gives birth to the capital’s identity.”
“This collaboration with Stereoflow is an effort to beautify the capital. I hope we can
continue to do similar collaborations [with other artists] in the future,” stated Andhika
Permata, head of Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf), in the same
Inspired by the simplicity and joyful sound of 80s music, Stereoflow built his brand of
colorful graffiti art by translating those musical textures into paintings for over 20 years. His
famous works vary from canvas installations to large-scale murals—one of his recent ones
being the mural next to the Cipete Raya MRT station. His artwork has been included in
various art exhibitions from the United States to Australia.

Text 2

South Jakarta Promotes Urban Tourism through Famtrip

TEMPO.CO │ 2 November 2022 09:11 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Urban tourism is one of Jakarta’s tourism potentials, including
South Jakarta. South Jakarta Mayor Munjirin said his side will hold a Familiarization Trip
(Famtrip) to introduce urban tourist sites in the city to tourists from outside Jakarta Greater
Area or Jabodetabek.
“This Famtrip is expected to attract domestic tourists to choose South Jakarta as an
attractive, accessible, and affordable tourist site,” said Munjirin on Tuesday, November 1,
Head of South Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Rus Suharto, said in
this agenda, the city invited social media influencers, students, and tourism ambassadors
from Ciamis, Garut, and Cirebon (West Java).
“There are 50 participants who will visit Agro Edu Wisata Ragunan, ride MRT, see JPO
Phinisi, visit Tebet Eco Park, and many other interesting destinations,” Suharto explained.
The series of the Famtrip activities will begin with a visit to Ragunan’s agriculture
tourism education and plant trees in the area. This is also to commemorate National Tree
Planting Day on November 28, 2022.
Participants will then take a walking tour to various parks in Kemang and Blok M, try
out the capital's public transportation such as the MRT and TransJakarta, and visit the annual
art exhibition Indonesia Contemporary Art and Design (ICAD).
For two days, participants are facilitated by two buses, accommodation, consumption,
and souvenirs. This Famtrip will be held three times on November 2-3, 2022, for participants
from Ciamis; on November 7-8 for participants from Garut; and on November 16-17, for
participants from Cirebon.
Suharto also said this Famtrip was aimed at encouraging the movement of the proud of
traveling in Indonesia and helping boost national economic recovery so as to prevent a crisis.
“Besides, the main purpose of Famtrip is to introduce urban tourism in South Jakarta through
influencers, tourism ambassadors, and students from areas outside South Jakarta so that it is
widely publicized,” he said.

Compare and contrast the two text to find out social function, text structures and language
features. Use the table to help you.

Text 1 Text 2
Social function
Text structure:
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 8
Language features:
Reporting/saying verb
Direct Speech

Kunci Jawaban:

Text 1 Text 2
Social function To inform about Taman To inform about South
Menteng rejuvenated by Jakarta Promotes Urban
Tourism through Famtrip.
local artist’s colorful
Text structure:
Paragraph 1 Newswothy event Newswothy event
Paragraph 2 Background event Source
Paragraph 3 Source Source
Paragraph 4 Background event Source
Paragraph 5 Source Background event
Paragraph 6 Source Background event
Paragraph 7 Source Background event
Paragraph 8 Background event Source
Language features:
Reporting/saying verb Expressed, explained, said,
Said, explained
Direct Speech “I am very happy with this “This Famtrip is expected to
exciting and challenging attract domestic tourists to choose
collaboration with the DKI South Jakarta as an attractive,
Jakarta provincial government for accessible, and affordable tourist
Taman Menteng,” Adi expressed site,” said Munjirin on Tuesday,
in a press release on Oct. 18. November 1, 2022.
“This mural illustrates the life of “There are 50 participants who
the people of Jakarta, which is will visit Agro Edu Wisata
very diverse and dynamic but Ragunan, ride MRT, see JPO
always coexists peacefully with Phinisi, visit Tebet Eco Park, and
each other,” he said. many other interesting
destinations,” Suharto explained.
“Besides, the main purpose of
Famtrip is to introduce urban
tourism in South Jakarta through
influencers, tourism ambassadors,
and students from areas outside
South Jakarta so that it is widely
publicized,” he said.

Change the direct speech you have listed in Task 1 into indirect speech.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

Listen to the audio. Summarize the news by using your own words. Retell the news
and record it on video.

Lampiran 3


Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Tridaya Bekasi

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/ Ganjil
Materi Pokok : News Item (fenomena alam)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 Jam Pelajaran @45 Menit

I. Perencanaan Penilaian

KD Indikator Indikator Penilaian Jenis Bukti

Penilaian Instrumen
3.4 Membedakan  Membandingkan Pengetahuan: Tertulis Lampiran
fungsi sosial, fungsi sosial, a. Pertemuan 1 LKPD
struktur teks, dan struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan unsur kebahasaan - Mengerjakan
beberapa teks dari dua teks news LKPD
news item lisan item tulis terkait
dan tulis dengan berita sederhana Activity 2
memberi dan sesuai dengan - Mengerjakan
meminta konteks
informasi terkait penggunaannya Assessment
berita sederhana dengan benar. Task 1
koran/radio/TV, b. Pertemuan 2
sesuai dengan
- Mengerjakan
penggunaannya LKPD
Activity 2,3
- Mengerjakan
Task 1,2
 Menemukan Pengetahuan: Tertulis Lampiran
informasi baik Pertemuan 1 LKPD
tersurat maupun
tersirat dalam teks - Mengerjakan
news item tulis
LKPD Activity 3
terkait berita
sederhana - Mengerjakan
mengenai Assessment
fenomena alam
yang terjadi di Task 2
Indonesia dengan
4.4 Menangkap  Merangkum dan Keterampilan: Lisan Lampiran:
makna secara melaporkan isi
Pertemuan 1 LKPD
kontekstual berita teks news
terkait fungsi item tulis dalam
sosial, struktur bentuk berita - LKPD Activity 4
teks, dan unsur sederhana dengan
- Assessment
kebahasaan teks baik dan benar.
news items lisan Task 3
dan tulis, dalam
bentuk berita
 Merangkum dan Keterampilan: Lisan Lampiran:
melaporkan isi
Pertemuan 2 LKPD
berita teks news
item lisan dalam - LKPD Activity 4
bentuk berita - Assessment
sederhana dengan
baik dan benar. Task 3

II. Kisi-kisi
A. Kognitif/Pengetahuan
1. Peserta didik mampu membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan dari dua buah teks news item terkait berita sederhana dari
koran/radio/TV mengenai fenomena alam yang terjadi di Indonesia, dengan benar.
2. Peserta didik mampu menemukan informasi baik tersurat maupun tersirat dalam teks
news item tulis terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV mengenai fenomena
alam yang terjadi di Indonesia dengan benar.

B. Keterampilan/Performa
1. Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita teks news item tulis dalam bentuk berita
sederhana koran/radio/TV mengenai fenomena alam yang terjadi di Indonesia.
2. Merangkum dan melaporkan isi berita teks news item lisan dalam bentuk berita
sederhana koran/radio/TV mengenai fenomena alam yang terjadi di Indonesia.

C. Sikap

Aspek sikap yang dinilai : mandiri, percaya diri, kerja sama, berpikir kritis, dan
III. Instrumen dan Rubrik Penilaian
A. Kognitif/Pengetahuan
Penilaian pengetahuan dalam pembelajaran KD ini meliputi:
a. Tes formatif, melalui penilaian hasil lembar kerja di saat pembelajaran:
 LKPD (Activity 2 dan 3)
 Assessment (Task 1, 2)
Rubrik Penilaian Pengetahuan
Task Komponen No. Soal Poin
Fungsi sosial Menuliskan fungsi sosial pada
kedua kolom dengan benar.
Menuliskan fungsi sosial pada
kedua kolom namun hanya 15
benar 1
Menuliskan fungsi sosial pada
salah satu kolom dan benar
Menuliskan fungsi sosial pada
salah satu kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Struktur teks:
Paragraf 1 Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 1 pada kedua kolom 20
dengan benar.
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 1 pada kedua kolom 15
namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 1 pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 1 pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Paragraf 2 Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 2 pada kedua kolom 20
dengan benar.
- Assessment Menuliskan struktur teks
Task 1 paragraph 2 pada kedua kolom 15
namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 2 pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 2 pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Paragraf 3 Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 3 pada kedua kolom 20
dengan benar.
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 3 pada kedua kolom 15
namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 3 pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 3 pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Paragraf 4 Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 4 pada kedua kolom 20
dengan benar.
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 4 pada kedua kolom 15
namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 4 pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 4 pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Paragraf 5 Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 5 pada kedua kolom 20
dengan benar.
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 5 pada kedua kolom 15
namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 5 pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 5 pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Paragraf 6 Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 6 pada kedua kolom 20
dengan benar.
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 6 pada kedua kolom 15
namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 6 pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 6 pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Paragraf 7 Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 7 pada kedua kolom 20
dengan benar.
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 7 pada kedua kolom 15
namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 7 pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 7 pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Paragraf 8 Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 8 pada kedua kolom 20
dengan benar.
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 8 pada kedua kolom 15
namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 8 pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan struktur teks
paragraph 8 pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Unsur kebahasaan
Reporting Verb Menuliskan unsur kebahasaan
reporting verb pada kedua 20
kolom dengan benar.
Menuliskan unsur kebahasaan
reporting verb pada kedua 15
kolom namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan unsur kebahasaan
reporting verb pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan unsur kebahasaan
reporting verb pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0
Direct Speech Menuliskan unsur kebahasaan
Direct Speech pada kedua 20
kolom dengan benar.
Menuliskan unsur kebahasaan
Direct Speech pada kedua 15
kolom namun hanya benar 1
Menuliskan unsur kebahasaan
Direct Speech pada salah satu 10
kolom dan benar
Menuliskan unsur kebahasaan
Direct Speech pada salah satu 5
kolom namun salah
Setiap baris tidak terisi 0

Jawaban benar sesuai struktur

kalimat yang baik dan benar
Jawaban benar namun struktur
kalimat kurang tepat dan baik
- Activity 3 Jawaban mendekati benar
- Assessment sesuai struktur kalimat yang 2
Task 2 baik dan benar
Jawaban mendekati benar
namun struktur kalimat kurang 1
tepat dan baik
Tidak menjawab 0

Activity 1
Skor maksimal : 11 x 20 = 220

Skor yang diperoleh

Skor peserta didik = X 100
Skor maksimal

Activity 2
Skor maksimal : 5 x 4 = 80

Skor yang diperoleh

Skor peserta didik = X 100
Skor maksimal
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 1+𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 2
Nilai akhir peserta didik : × 100 =…

B. Keterampilan/Performa
Penilaian keterampilan dalam pembelajaran KD ini berupa: Penilaian unjuk kerja

Hasil teks yang diharapkan : Peserta didik dapat menceritakan kembali isi berita dengan baik.

Rubrik Penilaian Keterampilan: Retelling

No. Aspects Scores (0-5)
Does the student accurately depict the main ideas of the
2. Are most or all of the key points included?
3. Does the student accurately recount supporting details?
Does the student use the same vocabulary as in the original,
or simplify or embellish it?
Does the student relate information in the text to personal
6. Does the student note interrelationships among ideas?
Does the student do anything with the text prior to reading
7. (e.g., seem to read the title and subheadings and look at any
pictures) or start reading immediately?
While reading, does the student look at a glossary or
illustrations or seem to reread portions of text?
Does the student seem anxious or withdrawn? Or does the
student seem confident and comfortable with the task?

Adapted from: Janette K. Klingner, Sharon Vaughn, dan Alison Boardman. “Teaching Reading Comprehension
to Students with Learning Difficulties” dalam Karen R. Harris dan Steve Graham (Eds) What Works for
Special-Needs Learners. (New York: The Guilford Press, 2007). h. 35-36

0 = tidak ada respon.
1 = respon tidak akurat dan tidak lengkap.
2 = beberapa informasi akurat dan beberapa tidak akurat; respon kurang.
3 = informasi akurat dan lengkap, tetapi tidak dikembangkan dengan baik.
4 = respon lengkap dan akurat.
5 = respon lengkap dan akurat, ditambah peserta didik atau mahasiswa menunjukkan hubungan
timbal balik antara unsur-unsur atau menghubungkan dengan pengetahuan pribadi.

Pedoman Penilaian

Skor yang diperoleh

Skor peserta didik = X 100
Skor maksimal

C. Sikap

Rubrik Penilaian Sikap:

Aspek yang dinilai

NamaSiswa Kerja Percaya Skor Predikat
No. Mandiri Jujur
Sama diri

Aspek Skor Keterangan

Menunjukkan adanya sikap mandiri dalam pembelajaran secara terus
menerus dan konsisten.
Menunjukkan sudah ada sikap mandiri dalam pembelajaran tetapi
Mandiri belum secara terus menerus dan konsisten.
Menunjukkan ada sedikit sikap mandiri dalam pembelajaran tetapi
belum secara terus menerus dan konsisten.
1 Tidak menunjukkan adanya sikap mandiri dalam pembelajaran.
4 Menunjukkan adanya sikap jujur dalam pembelajaran secara terus
menerus dan konsisten.
3 Menunjukkan sudah ada sikap jujur dalam pembelajaran tetapi
Jujur belum secara terus menerus dan konsisten.
2 Menunjukkan ada sedikit sikap jujur dalam pembelajaran tetapi
belum secara terus menerus dan konsisten.
1 Tidak menunjukkan adanya sikap jujur dalam pembelajaran.
4 Menunjukkan adanya sikap kerja sama dalam pembelajaran secara
terus menerus dan konsisten.
3 Menunjukkan sudah ada sikap kerja sama dalam pembelajaran tetapi
Kerja sama belum secara terus menerus dan konsisten.
2 Menunjukkan ada sedikit sikap kerja sama dalam pembelajaran
tetapi belum secara terus menerus dan konsisten.
1 Tidak menunjukkan adanya sikap kerja sama dalam pembelajaran.
Menunjukkan adanya sikap percaya diri dalam pembelajaran secara
terus menerus dan konsisten.
Menunjukkan sudah ada sikap percaya diri dalam pembelajaran
tetapi belum secara terus menerus dan konsisten.
Percaya diri Menunjukkan ada sedikit sikap percaya diri dalam pembelajaran
tetapi belum secara terus menerus dan konsisten.
Tidak menunjukkan adanya sikap percaya diri dalam pembelajaran.

Skor maksimal: 16

Skor yang diperoleh

Skor peserta didik = X100
Skor maksimal
Konversi Skor Peserta didik
91-100 = Predikat A
81-90 = Predikat B
71-80 = Predikat C
61-70 = Predikat D

Azar, Betty S. dan Stacy A. Hagen. (2016). Understanding and Using English Grammar Fifth
Edition. Hoboken: Pearson.
Suryani, Nyayu, & Rifa’at, A. A. (2019). Improving Reading Comprehension through Think-Pair-
Share (TPS) Technique Students of STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang. ELT-Lectura, 6(1), 9-19. (Retrieved on August 28, 2022).
Widjaja, R. (-). Buku Pendamping Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK/MAK Kelas XII.
Surakarta: Putra Nugraha.
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