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Leadership IN PT Agung Podormo

Arti kata Leadership merupakan kepemimpinan, atau arti lebih luasnya adalah
sebuah sikap untuk mempengaruhi, memotivasi, dan juga mendelegasikan orang lain untuk
melakukan hal-hal tertentu agar mencapai tujuan. Leadership ini merupakan faktor yang
penting dalam perusahaan sebab tanpa adanya leadership di suatu perushaan atau sebuah
perusahaan tidak akan berjalan dengan baik. Selain itu, susah untuk memiliki kemampuan
leadership ini, sebab kemampuan ini ada jika kita mempunyai banyak pengalaman. Seperti
Leadership di PT Agung Podoromo yaitu Barelius Ruru. Sosok Leadership di PT Agung
Podoromo ini mempunyai banyak pengalaman. Barelius Ruru mempunyai 26 Tahun
pengalaman di bidang departemen keuangan, kantor meneteri negara BUMN, PT Bursa Efek
Indonesia, PT Telkomunikasi Indonesia, dll. Barelius Ruru menjabat sebagai Direktur utama
di PT Agung Podoromo pada tahun 2019. Barelius Ruru juga di bantu oleh wakil direksi PT
Agung Podoromo, yaitu Noer Indradjaja. Noer Indradjaja ini menjabat sebagai wakil direktur
utama pada tahun 2015 dan ia pernah memegang beberapa jabatan sebagai anggota Direksi
dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris di beberapa Entitas Anak Perseroan. Selain itu kedua
direksi utama itu oleh di bantu oleh direksi lainnya, seperti Cesar M. Dela Cruz, Miarni Ang,
Paul Christian Ariyanto, Anak Agung Mas Wirajaya.
Dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh Barelius Ruru, Noer Idradjaja, dan Direksi
lainnya. PT Agung Podoromo ini mengalami kemajuan. Seperti belakangan ini yang telah
terjadi, PT Agung Podoromo ini akan membangun proyek baru di daerah karawang. Tiga
proyek PT Agung Podoromo di Karawang di antaranya ialah kawasan industri seluas 500
hektare (ha) Podomoro Industrial Park, proyek Astakona di lahan sekitar 130 ha, dan proyek
superblok Taruma City seluas 5,6 ha. Pembangunan proyek properti baru ini merupakan
inisiatif perusahaan untuk mengoptimalkan setiap peluang pertumbuhan ekonomi, naik
lokal maupun nasional. Selain menimbulkan multiplier effect terhadap sektor usaha lain,
proyek properti juga sangat penting mengingat jumlah masyarakat yang belum memiliki
rumah tinggal masih sangat besar. PT Agung Podoromo ini juga pernah mendapatkan Rp
337,8 Milliar dari Bisnis Hotel dan Mallnya. Untuk memperkuat fundamental perusahaan
dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan bisnis ke depan, PT Agung Podoromo akan selalu
manajemen disiplin dan terukur dalam mengeksekusi setiap strategi yang sudah
direncanakan dengan tetap mengedepankan efisiensi dalam operasional bisnis.
Jadi, kepemimpinan di dalam perushaan itu sangat penting, karena dengan adanya
kepemimpinan di suatu perusahaan, akan di pastikan suatu perusahaan akan maju. Selain
harus memiliki pemimpin, hal yang harus di perhatikan untuk memajukan perusahaan
adalah seorang pemimpin harus memiliki skill pemimpin, sebab jika seorang tidak
mempunyai skill memimpin, hal itu akan membuat suatu perusahaan akan menurun. Karena
manfaat dari mempunyai kepemimpinan yang baik adalah Meningkatkan semangat anggota
tim, Membentuk Nilai dan Tujuan, Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi, Melahirkan
calon pemimpin di masa depan, Membentuk Budaya kerja yang sehat, Memotivasi anggota
tim untuk bertumbuh, dan Meningkatkan pendapatan perusahaan. Hal itu semua akan
memberikan dampak positif pada perusahaan dan untuk kedepan-depannya juga.
Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is the set of values, beliefs, attitudes, systems, and rules that outline and
influence employee behavior within an organization. The culture reflects how employees,
customers, vendors, and stakeholders experience the organization and its brand. A great
organizational culture is the key to developing the traits necessary for business success.

Organizational culture affects all aspects of your business, from punctuality and tone to contract
terms and employee benefits. When workplace culture aligns with your employees, they’re more
likely to feel more comfortable, supported, and valued. Companies that prioritize culture can also
weather difficult times and changes in the business environment and come out stronger.

Agung Podomoro Recruitment Center tries to make organizational culture the basis for creating a
conducive and effective work climate so that employees can work optimally. All employees and
interns at the Agung Podomoro Recruitment Center always emphasize "Communication" which is
the basis for working within the company. The purpose of communication is to provide information
to each employee in order to create a common understanding so that each other understands each
other and the relationship between employees is better maintained. Everything that happens within
the company should always communicate between employees.

Organizational Culture of the Agung Podomoro Recruitment Center Maintaining Communication

Between Employees The communication pattern at the Agung Podomoro Recruitment Center is
direct. This means that when someone has a need to communicate, he or she may directly convey
the information without having to go through several stages (for example, employees may directly
convey information or communicate to the Manager without having to go through the Assistant
Manager first). But all of this must also be based on communication ethics and trust. If the
information provided or obtained is important, then communication between departments can use
communication media such as email as recording evidence. So the communication there is not rigid
and bureaucratic, but you still have to pay attention to trust and communication ethics in it to avoid
conflict. Communication can be done verbally and non-verbally such as chatting, email, telephone
and there are no special rules or procedures for communicating. As long as it helps work faster and
makes it easier to disseminate information within the company, employees more often use
communication tools such as email and WhatsApp groups.

Apart from how to communicate within the company, there are also several cultures that can
maintain communication between employees, such as the culture of eating together which has a
role in maintaining communication between employees which builds closer and more intimate
relationships between fellow employees, being able to discuss problem solving when there is free
time. This organizational culture will merge individualism, such as communicating via email, even in
the same room, provided that you don't want to disturb the employee's concentration while
working, so email or WhatsApp is used as a communication tool so that the communication process
continues to run smoothly. Communication that is flexible and not too formal is what can maintain
communication between employees and superiors. Basically, the culture in the Agung Podomoro
Recruitment Center company maintains communication within the company, such as morning
briefings so that employees understand what needs to be done and the targets for that day and for
the future, the ritual of gathering and eating together which makes each other become a close
employee and can build better communication, use flexible communication media such as
WhatsApp, email, so that both from superiors to employees and vice versa can quickly convey
information and continue to carry out the communication process easily without having to meet in
person. The work process becomes faster with the use of this media.

Corporate social responsibility

Social responsibility or corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that organizations, especially
companies, have a responsibility towards consumers, employees, shareholders, communities and
the environment in all aspects of company operations such as regarding problems that impact the
environment such as pollution, waste, product and labor safety. CSR is an important aspect in
company sustainability. This is because companies that are profitable in the long term are
companies that operate with sustainable principles.

Agung Podomoro through CSR programs, the Company maintains a harmonious relationship with all
stakeholders and actively contributes to efforts to empower and improve the welfare of the society
and the environment.

As a developer of vertical housing and modern living environment, the Company is committed to
maintain and improve environmental quality in each of its projects so as to create healthy and
comfortable environment not only for the residents and customers of the Company, but also for the
people of the surrounding communities.

The Company is aware that the success of its business does not only depend on operational and
financial factors but also a harmonious relationship with all stakeholders involved in the Company’s
operations. The Company actively contributes to the efforts to empower and improve the welfare of
the communities and the environment through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

The Company’s CSR programs are coordinated through Agung Podomoro Land Foundation (“YAPL”),
and are professionally managed in terms of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Therefore, CSR programs are able to have a sustainable positive impact on the beneficiaries. In its
implementation, YAPL works together with the Company’s entities and external social organizations
that have a good reputation and credibility.

For example, as quoted in OpinionNews. com “The Agung Podomoro Land (APL) National Housing
Development Company provided funds of IDR 300 million for the development and temporary waste
storage site (TPS).

These funds were provided as part of Podomoro Park's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
program for villages located around the Podomoro Park Bandung area.
Through the Agung Podomoro Land Foundation (YAPL), Podomoro Park is gradually providing funds
totaling IDR 300 million to two villages in South Bandung.

With this TPS, it means that Agung Podomoro Land has provided a solution to overcome the waste
problem and assisted the Bandung Regency government program in dealing with the problem of
household waste that is not picked up by the waste fleet.
And for another example, we can see as quoted in collaboration with PT Prima Buana
Internusa (PBI) as the manager of apartment units under APLN, green waste has been implemented
in Podomoro City, Kalibata City, Sudirman Park, CBD Pluit and Gading Nias Residences

The Agung Podomoro Land Foundation (YAPL), as the implementer of CSR activities, realizes that
living in vertical housing and superblocks is still a relatively new culture in Jakarta. Therefore, YAPL
started a green waste effort by inviting apartment residents about the need to change their habits in
treating waste, including by sorting and packaging the waste before throwing it away. In this
program, YAPL synergizes with cleaning service workers, scavengers garbage and also used goods
collectors in garbage
Work Diversity In PT Agung Podoromo

Arti keragaman ini sangat luas, karena keberagaman ini bisa di artikan sebagai
perbedaan dalam warna, etnis, kemampuan, usia, jenis kelamin, kepercayaan, minat, sosial
ekonomi (kelas), status perkawinan atau kemitraan, orientasi seksual, geografis, latar
belakang akademik/profesional, pendapat, latar belakang, pemikiran, pengalaman, dan
banyak karakteristik lainnya. Keragaman ini juga dapat di temukan dimanapun, namun yang
saya bahas kali ini adalah keberagaman di tempat kerja, Keragaman di tempat kerja berarti
memiliki tenaga kerja yang mencakup latar belakang dan asal kebangsaan yang berbeda. Itu
berarti gender, sosial ekonomi, dan keragaman budaya dan seterusnya. Ini juga berarti
bahwa organisasi menumbuhkan rasa memiliki yang membuat semua orang merasa seperti
mereka adalah bagian dari tim.
Keberagaman ini mempunyai beberapa jenis, salah satunya yaitu keberagaman
organisasi. Keberagaman organisasi adalah Perbedaan dalam fungsi pekerjaan, pengalaman
kerja, senioritas, departemen, atau tingkat manajemen disebut sebagai keragaman
organisasi. Seringkali, seluruh departemen atau tingkat perusahaan dapat menjadi homogen
yaitu, semua orang terlihat sama, berasal dari latar belakang yang sama, atau memiliki
pengalaman yang sama. Keragaman ini salah satu faktor yang penting juga untuk suatu
perusahaan, karena jika suatu organisasi tahu bagaimana merangkul, tmaka perusahaan itu
adalah perusahaan yang baik. Dengan mengetahui bagaimana cara merangkul dan
menghargai dalam suatu perushaan itu dapat memberikan banyak manfaat bagi
perusahaan, seperti peningkatan kreativitas dan inovasi, berbagai keterampilan dan
pengetahuan yang lebih luas, peningkatan pengambilan keputusan, pemecahan masalah
yang ditingkatkan, peningkatan kinerja keuangan, dll.
Keragaman yang terjadi di PT Agung Podoromo memiliki anggota yang mempunyai
latar belakang yang berbeda-beda dan PT Agung Podoromo ini juga merekrut karyawannya
tanpa memandang agama, etnik, gender, ras, latar belakang, ataupun orientasi seksual,
seperti Direksi Utama, Wakil Direksi utama, Direksi, dll, memiliki latar belakang yang
berbeda-beda , seperti Direksi utama yang lahir di Sulawesi utara, dan Barelius Ruru ini
pernah menjadi pengawas dan pengendalian di kantor Menteri Negara BUMN, sehingga
sebelum ia menjabat sebagai Direksi Utama di PT Agung Podoromo, ia pernah
mengendalikan berbagai ragam orang dengan keterampiulan yang berbeda-beda di
berbagai bidang. Wakil Direksi Utama meiliki kelahiran di banten, dan ia juga sebelum
menjabat sebagai Wakil Direksi Utama, ia pernah menjadi Direktur Utama di berbagai
tempat, berarti ia juga pernah menemui berbagai ragam keterampilan yang berbeda-beda
juga di dalam sebuah perusahaan tersebut, dan Direksi lain-lainnya yang lahir daerah yang
berbeda-beda dan pengalaman tentang keragaman yang berbeda-beda juga. Hal ini
membuktikan bahwa PT Agung Pomodoro ini menerapkan keberagaman.
Jadi, PT Agung Podoromo ini memang mengalami keragaman dalam
perusahaaannya, dengan Direksi Utama, Wakil Direksi Utama, dan Direksi lain-lainnya yang
memiliki tempat kelahiran yang berbeda-beda dan pengalaman keragaman yang berbeda-
beda pula, dan benefitnya dari menerapkan keberagaman bagi PT Agung Podoromo adalah
suatu perusahaan tersebut akan menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan perbedaan yang
ada, dengan komunikasi yang baik pula, sebuah perusahaan akan berkembang menjadi lebih
baik pula.
Employee Development In PT Agung Podoromo
Pengembangan karyawan adalah praktik mempelajari keterampilan baru dan
mengasah yang sudah ada. Dengan bantuan dari majikan mereka, karyawan dapat
meluangkan waktu untuk mempelajari cara menggunakan teknologi dan teknik baru,
mengembangkan pengetahuan mereka tentang industri atau materi pelajaran, dan
menumbuhkan kompetensi mereka di berbagai bidang. Pengembangan karyawan penting
karena pengusaha menginginkan karyawan yang sangat terampil, dan karyawan ingin
berhasil dalam peran mereka. Pengembangan karyawan ini mempunyai beberapa strategi,
seperti menarik bakat terbaik, mempertahankan karyawan, melibatkan karyawan, dan
meningkatkan kinerja bisnis. Pengembangan karyawan ini sangat dibutuhkan dalam
perusahaan. Tanpa pengelolaan yang tepat, sulit bagi perushaan untuk mengoptimalkan
kinerja karyawan.
Seperti yang dilakukan oleh PT Agung Podoromo, yaitu mengadakan
penyelengaraan program pengenalan yang sangat kompeten sekalipun belum menjamin
para pegawai baru serta merta dapat melaksanakan tugas dengan memuaskan. Dalam arti
bahwa pegawai baru tersebut masih memerlukan pelatihan tentang berbagai segi tugas
pekerjaan yang dipercayakan kepada mereka. Kemampuan pegawai baru yang digabung
dengan dengan program pengenalan dan pelatihan tertentu belum sepenuhnya menjamin
hilangnya kesenjangan antara kemampuan kerja dan tuntutan tugas. Para pegawai yang
sudah berpengalaman pun selalu memerlukan peningkatan kemampuan. Di sinilah
pentingnya pengembangan SDM, karena suatu pelatihan dapat bersifat pengembangan bagi
pegawai yang bersangkutan dalam mempersiapkan tanggung jawab yang besar dalam tugas
dan tujuan organisasi. Keberhasilan sebuah organisasi/perusahaan khususnya pengembang
bisnis properti sangat bergantung pada kemampuan perusahaan tersebut untuk mencapai
kinerja yang optimal. Kinerja yang optimal dapat dicapai melalui pengorganisasian
koordinasi yang baik. Di sinilah peran kepala Divisi HRD dalam mengkoordinasikan para staff
untuk meningkatkan kinerja para karyawan dalam bentuk pelaksanaaan pelatihan-pelatihan
karyawan, hal itu pula perlu adanya sebuah evaluasi pelatihan untuk mengukur sejauh mana
program pemberdayaan/pelatihan sudah berjalan maksimal atau sebaliknya. PT Agung
Pomodoro ini juga mendirikan mendirikan sebuah Divisi yang bernama Human Resources
Learning Center (HR LC), Divisi ini bertanggung jawab dalam memberikan pelatihan bagi
para karyawannya. Pelatihan dalam HR LC meliputi proses persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan
evaluasi hasil pelatihan yang diperoleh dari peserta/karyawan. HR LC dalam melakukan
proses pelatihan perlu adanya koordinasi yang baik. Koordinasi yang baik dilaksanakan
berdasarkan struktur dan pembagian kerja yang efisien. Berdasarkan data sekunder penulis
dalam melakukan kegiatan Internship pada HR LC.
Jadi, mengembangkan karyawan dalam sebuah perusahaan ini akan berdampak baik
bagi perusahaan jika pengembangan dilakukan dengan benar. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh
PT Agung Podoromo, mengadakan penyelenggaraan program pengenalan yang berfungsi
untuk mengajari tentang tugas yang akan di kejai oleh pegawai dan mendirikan Human
Resource Learning Center (HR LC) untuk memberikan pelatihan bagi karyawannya. Hal-hal
tersebut yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perusahaan, akan mengembangkan sebuah
perusahaan menjadi lebih baik.
Agung Podomoro Land places a high priority on employee development,
understanding that a skilled and motivated workforce is crucial to achieving
organizational goals. The company invests significantly in various training programs
and initiatives to enhance the professional capabilities of its employees. This
investment covers a spectrum of skills, ranging from technical aspects of real estate
development to fundamental skills such as leadership, communication, and

Regular training sessions and workshops are routinely organized to keep employees
updated on industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices. APL's
commitment to continuous learning is evident in its provision of opportunities for
employees to attend seminars, conferences, and certification programs, fostering a
culture of knowledge-sharing and growth.

Performance evaluations are not just a formality at APL; they serve as a tool to
identify strengths and individual areas for improvement. This feedback loop enables
the creation of personalized development plans, ensuring that employees not only
meet current job requirements but also prepare for future challenges in the real
estate sector.

Beyond traditional training programs, APL actively promotes professional growth

through challenging tasks and projects. Employees are encouraged to take on roles
that expand their skills, providing opportunities to apply their abilities in real-world
scenarios. This approach not only facilitates skill development but also fosters a
sense of ownership and responsibility among employees.

Mentorship programs further enhance employee development by providing guidance

and support from experienced professionals within the organization. This transfer of
knowledge not only accelerates the learning curve for newer employees but also
contributes to a culture of collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

Employee well-being is an integral part of APL's organizational ethos. The company

recognizes that a healthy and happy workforce is more productive and committed. To
support this, APL has implemented various well-being initiatives.

Health and wellness programs involve holistic well-being solutions. Regular health
check-ups, fitness classes, and wellness workshops contribute to the physical health
of employees. APL acknowledges the importance of preventive measures, aiming
not only to address health issues but also to promote a culture of well-being.

The company is aware of the importance of balancing work and life. Flexible work
arrangements, remote work options, and policies supporting time off contribute to
creating an environment where employees can manage their professional
responsibilities while maintaining a satisfying personal life. APL recognizes that a
balanced life is crucial for long-term employee satisfaction and retention.
Mental health is another aspect of well-being that APL addresses proactively. The
company provides access to counseling services, employee assistance programs,
and awareness campaigns to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.
By promoting open dialogue, APL aims to create an environment where employees
feel supported in managing their mental well-being.

Employee Engagement and Recognition:

APL places a strong emphasis on employee engagement and recognition,

understanding that a motivated workforce is more likely to contribute positively to the
organization. Regular communication channels, team-building activities, and social
events create a sense of camaraderie among employees.

The company actively seeks employee feedback, valuing the input of its workforce in
decision-making processes. This not only enhances transparency but also makes
employees feel heard and appreciated. Recognition programs, including awards and
acknowledgments, further contribute to a positive work culture by celebrating
individual and team achievements.

In conclusion, Agung Podomoro Land's commitment to employee development and

well-being is multi-faceted, encompassing professional growth, holistic well-being,
and a culture of engagement and recognition. By investing in these areas, APL
ensures not only the individual success and satisfaction of its employees but also
shapes an organization that is resilient and forward-thinking. The company's
approach positions it as a leader not only in real estate development but also in
creating a workplace that prioritizes the holistic development and well-being of its
most valuable asset – its people.
In terms of innovation, APL refers to forward-looking innovation in its project
development. One noticeable aspect is the utilization of smart technology in its
development. APL has embraced the concept of smart cities, integrating cutting-edge
technology to enhance the quality of life for residents. This includes the
implementation of IoT (Internet of Things) devices for energy management, smart
home solutions, and advanced security systems. Such innovations not only align
with global sustainability goals but also cater to the modern lifestyle preferences of
urban dwellers.

Furthermore, APL has been strategic in adopting architectural and design

innovations. The company collaborates with renowned architects and designers to
create iconic structures that stand out in the urban landscape. The emphasis on
aesthetics and functionality reflects a commitment to providing a unique and
enjoyable living experience. By leveraging innovative design concepts, APL not only
differentiates itself in a competitive market but also contributes to the cultural and
architectural diversity of the cities in which it operates.

APL's resilience in facing market dynamics and economic conditions is another key
strength. The property market is inherently cyclical, and APL has shown resilience by
adjusting its strategies to align with prevailing trends. During periods of economic
growth, APL has focused on high-end luxury developments, catering to the demand
for premium real estate. In contrast, during economic downturns, the company has
demonstrated flexibility by diversifying its portfolio to include more affordable housing
options, tapping into a broader market segment.

Moreover, APL has successfully adapted to changing market needs by exploring new
formats and mixed-use developments. The integration of residential, commercial,
and recreational spaces in a single project is evidence of the company's ability to
create holistic environments that cater to diverse lifestyle preferences. This
adaptability not only enhances the market appeal of APL's projects but also
contributes to the overall urban planning and development of the areas in which they

In terms of technological innovation, APL has embraced digital platforms to

streamline processes and enhance customer experiences. The use of virtual reality
(VR) and augmented reality (AR) in property presentations allows potential buyers to
experience the spaces virtually, providing a more immersive and convenient way of
exploring properties. Additionally, APL has invested in advanced project
management tools, improving efficiency in construction timelines and overall project

The success of Agung Podomoro Land in the real estate sector can be attributed to
its innovative spirit and adaptability. The company's commitment to smart and
sustainable technologies, coupled with a strong focus on architectural excellence,
positions it as a trailblazer in the industry. APL's ability to adapt to market fluctuations
and changing consumer preferences underscores its strategic approach to real
estate development. As the urban landscape continues to evolve, APL is likely to
remain a key player, shaping the future of Indonesia's real estate sector through its
continued commitment to innovation and adaptability.
Revenue Source and Diversification: Sales of real estate, rentals, and development
projects are APL's primary sources of revenue. A foundation of balanced income can
be achieved by portfolio diversity, which includes residential, commercial, and mixed-
use construction.

Margin and Profitability: Profitability shows how well APL turns revenue into earnings.
A strong net profit margin is a sign of efficient operations and cost control.

Debt Management and Financial Leverage: APL frequently finances initiatives with
debt, and sound debt management is essential to long-term financial health.
Maintaining a proper ratio of debt to equity can shield the business from adverse
financial conditions.

Market Conditions and Economic Influence: Interest rates and economic growth are
two examples of the economic factors that affect APL. The resilience and strategic
planning of the organization are enhanced by its adeptness in navigating economic

Cash Flow and Liquidity: To evaluate APL's liquidity and its capacity to satisfy short-
term obligations, cash flow analysis is essential. It's critical to keep a good cash
reserve on hand to handle unforeseen economic events.

Sustainability and ESG Factors: APL's financial success may be impacted by its
dedication to ethical and sustainable development. Employing sustainable practices
can help a business attract investors who care about social and environmental
issues as well as improve its reputation.

Brief Financial Analysis: With a varied portfolio that includes residential, commercial,
and mixed-use development, APL has effectively diversified its sources of income.
This contributes to building a foundation of steady and evenly dispersed revenue.

With a strong net profit margin, APL exhibits sound financial standing in terms of
profitability. Good cost control and efficient operations have a favorable impact on
the financial performance of the business.
APL's debt management demonstrates a prudent debt-to-equity ratio. This enables
the business to manage financial risks at reasonable levels and maximize profits for

APL's ability to adapt to shifting economic cycles is a clear indication of the market
conditions and economic effect. The company's resilience in the face of economic
problems is bolstered by prudent financial practices and flexible initiatives.

APL exhibits strong financial standing with positive operating cash flow in terms of
cash flow and liquidity. This illustrates how profitable the business can make its main
business operations.

Not only is APL's dedication to sustainability and ESG factors on the rise, but it can
also positively impact the company's reputation and appeal to investors who are
becoming more conscious of the effects on society and the environment.

Agung Podomoro Land has been able to sustain a steady and strong financial
performance by managing costs, diversifying its income, and adapting to shifting
market conditions. The business is establishing the foundation for future sustainable
growth by continuing to show its dedication to sustainable practices.

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