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Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd

Dr. Andi Kristanto, M.Pd

Indra Gunawan Pratama, M.Pd

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Mata Ujian : Teori dan Model Pembelajaran

Fak/Jur/Angk. : FIP/TP/2022
Hari / Tanggal :
W a k t u : 100 menit
Dosen : Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd

= Petunjuk
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut pada lembar jawab yang disediakan!

Unduh dan bacalah 6 artikel jurnal internasional bereputasi yang relevan dengan kajian
teoritik dan empirik yang relevan denganBuku Model dan Disertasi yang saudara susun.

Buatlah analisis artikel jurnal tersebut dengan menggunakan sistematika sebagai berikut:

Judul Buku Model Pembelajaran

Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intelektual, Responsibility (AIR)

Judul Disertasi
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intelektual, Responsibility (AIR) Untuk
Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mengingat Konsep Dan Kemampuan Produksi Berbasis
Website Teknologi Blockchain Learning Pada Matakuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran Di UNU


A. Identitas Jurnal
1. Nama Jurnal : Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
2. Volume : 2
3. Nomor : 2
4. Halaman : 1866 - 1870
5. Tahun Penerbit : 2010
6. Judul Jurnal : Effects of gradual release of responsibility model on language learning
7. Nama Penulis : Nina Chiulan Lin dan Hsiao-fang Cheng
8. Link artikel :
B. Isi Jurnal

1. Masalah Penelitian :
- Kurangnya efektivitas metode pengajaran tradisional: Metode pengajaran tradisional yang
melibatkan pemberian instruksi minimal dan tugas independen kepada siswa seringkali tidak
efektif. Siswa sering mengalami kesulitan dalam memenuhi harapan yang tinggi dan performa
mereka dapat terpengaruh secara negatif.
- Ketidaksesuaian antara persiapan dan keterampilan mengajar guru dengan performa siswa:
Guru sering kali tidak merefleksikan kesiapan mereka sendiri atau kurangnya keterampilan
mengajar, dan menyalahkan performa rendah siswa pada motivasi rendah dan kurangnya
minat siswa pada pelajaran.
- Keterbatasan kesempatan berlatih: Latihan merupakan hal yang penting dalam belajar, namun
seringkali siswa tidak diberikan kesempatan yang cukup untuk berlatih dan memperoleh
pemahaman yang baik.

2. Tujuan Penelitian :

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki apakah model Gradual Release of

Responsibility (GRR) meningkatkan performa siswa dalam menulis ringkasan (summary
writing) dan apakah siswa memiliki sikap positif terhadap implementasi model ini. Penelitian
ini akan menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian berikut:
1. Apakah siswa mengalami kemajuan yang signifikan dalam menulis ringkasan setelah
menerapkan model Gradual Release of Responsibility?
2. Bagaimana persepsi peserta didik terhadap penggunaan model ini di dalam kelas?

3. Metode Penelitian :

Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan pendekatan

kuantitatif. Metode eksperimen digunakan untuk menguji efektivitas model Gradual Release
of Responsibility (GRR) dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menulis ringkasan siswa.
Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yang dapat diukur secara

4. Hasil Penelitian :

Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa merespons positif terhadap
penggunaan model Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) dalam pembelajaran. Berikut adalah
beberapa temuan penting dari hasil penelitian tersebut:
- Efektivitas Tahap Modeling: Mayoritas partisipan (98,75%) menganggap tahap modeling
efektif dan membantu. Mereka menyukai tahap ini dan merasa bahwa guru memodelkan
pekerjaan sebelum meminta mereka melakukannya merupakan hal yang efektif.
- Frekuensi Modeling: Lebih dari 90% partisipan menyukai tahap modeling dilakukan dua kali
atau lebih sebelum mereka merasa percaya diri untuk melanjutkan ke tahap praktik bersama.
Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa memahami pentingnya tahap modeling dan ingin
mendapatkan verifikasi lebih dari sekali sebelum mereka diminta melakukannya sendiri.
- Penggunaan Exemplar: Saat ditanya tentang penggunaan exemplar, setengah dari partisipan
menganggapnya diperlukan, sementara setengahnya lagi merasa mereka bisa melakukan
pekerjaan dengan baik hanya dengan instruksi lisan atau tertulis. Namun, ketika ditanya
apakah berguna untuk ditunjukkan contoh tulisan yang baik dan buruk, 85% partisipan
menganggapnya bermanfaat. Ini menunjukkan bahwa ketika exemplar disajikan, siswa dapat
memanfaatkannya dengan baik dan belajar dari contoh tersebut.
- Durasi Tahap-Tahap GRR: Lebih dari 90% partisipan menganggap tahap instruksi bersama
harus dilakukan maksimal tiga kali sebelum mereka merasa percaya diri untuk melanjutkan
ke tahap praktik terbimbing. Ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa lebih suka berlatih dengan rekan
sebanyak dua kali sebelum pindah ke tahap belajar mandiri.
- Kesukaan terhadap Model GRR: Lebih dari 97% partisipan menyukai model GRR sebagai
metode pembelajaran. Ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa menerima model ini secara positif dan
menganggapnya efektif.
- Mata Pelajaran yang Mendapat Manfaat: Menurut opini siswa, mata pelajaran Matematika
menjadi prioritas yang paling mereka rasa akan mendapatkan manfaat paling besar dari
penerapan model GRR, diikuti oleh bisnis dan bahasa.
Secara keseluruhan, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model GRR diterima dengan baik
oleh siswa dan dianggap sebagai metode pembelajaran yang efektif. Temuan ini dapat menjadi
motivasi bagi pendidik untuk mengadopsi dan menggunakan model ini dalam pembelajaran di kelas.

Pembahasan (relevansi dengan buku model dan disertasi yang saudara susun)

Penelitian ini relevan membahas model "gradual release of responsibility" dalam

pembelajaran bahasa. Meskipun tidak secara langsung terkait dengan pengembangan model
AIR, penelitian ini dapat memberikan wawasan tentang penerapan model pembelajaran yang
melibatkan tingkat tanggung jawab peserta didik yang bertahap.
Available online at

Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1868–1872


Effects of gradual release of responsibility model on language

Nina Chiulan Lina * , Hsiao-fang Chengb
Takming University of Science and Technology, No. 56 Sec. 1 Huanshan Rd. Neihu Dist. Taipei City, Taiwan 11451
National United University, No.1 Lienda, Miaoli ,Taiwan 36003
Received October 15, 2009; revised December 24, 2009; accepted January 8, 2010


This study examines how the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model advanced elementary students’ performance in brief summary writing and
their perception of the four stages of the model. Eighty six-graders of learning English as their mother tongue participated in this study. During the
learning process, they went through four different phases: modeled instruction, guided instruction, peer cooperation and independent learning. A
mark was not assigned to any of the students’ work until the very last stage of the model. In order to induce class participation they were
encouraged to be creative, informative and to have fun in doing so. At the end of the semester, a questionnaire was given to learn the students’
opinions on the model. Based on their brief summary writing performance and the questionnaire, the data was analyzed to see if this model was
conducive. The results of the study revealed that students progressed a lot in terms of summary writing and held positive attitude toward such kind of
instruction. They reported that this model was effective and beneficial to their learning. They thought the teacher should spend at least 2 times on
the first three stages of this model before moving on to the independent stage. It is interesting to note that more students preferred to practice with
peers for a longer period of time than with the teacher. This implies that students find it more beneficial to work with peers and have more control
of their work by themselves rather than merely contributing to the teacher’s work on the board.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Keywords: GRR model.

1. Introduction

The traditional way of teaching requires students to do a task independently after minimal instruction. Very
often, the teacher gives a lecture and students are handed worksheets or a task to do independently. This work is
then handed in to the teacher for a mark to be considered on the student’s report card. Quite often, students are
unable to perform to the high level expected of them. These deficiencies impact both teachers and students.
Teachers are frustrated because students act inappropriately during class, perform inadequately on homework, lab
and class assignments, and do poorly on class tests. Teachers rarely reflect on their own insufficient preparation or
lack of teaching skills, blaming poor student performance on low motivation and lack of interest in school and
content-area classes. Student frustration aggravates inappropriate class behavior that contributes to poor grades and
low performance on nationwide high-stakes testing, linked to graduation requirements. Teachers fail to remember

* Nina Chiulan Lin. Tel.: +886-919-523099 fax: +886-2-2647-1815

E-mail address:

1877-0428 © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Nina Chiulan Lin and Hsiao-fang Cheng / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1868–1872 1869

that practice makes perfect. It is crucial for anyone who is learning a new task to be given the opportunity for
practice in order to learn it well and to be able to retain the information. Fisher and Frey (2008) state that effective
teaching for struggling students include purposeful instruction in reading and writing, access to a wide variety of
texts, motivation for work, and authentic opportunities to practice reading and writing in their daily lives. Similar to
what Fisher and Frey have proposed, one type of teaching model is especially helpful for struggling students: The
Gradual Release of Responsibility Model (GRR model), which was first introduced by Pearson and Gallagher in
1983. This model allows for instruction that moves from explicit modeling and instruction to guided practice and
then to tasks that slowly permit students to become independent learners (Buehl, 2005). Such kind of specific
instructional sequence is critical in implementing effective teaching and learning strategies. Teachers should bear in
mind that any teaching methods are effective only when they are implemented accurately, consistently, and
intensively. Theoretically, the idea underlying the model is to help students with quality learning. However, its
effectiveness and applicability in real teaching situations is worth pondering and studying. In this study, the
researcher intends to investigate if the GRR model enhances student’s performance in summary writing and if
students are holding a positive attitude towards the implementation of this model.
The GRR model suggests that the task being taught should shift progressively and purposefully from explicit
modeling, to joint responsibility, to independent practice and application by the learner (Pearson and Gallagher,
1983). This model requires a shift of responsibility from the teacher assuming all the duty for performing a task to a
situation in which students assume all of the responsibility (Duke & Pearson, 2002). According to Fisher and Frey
(2008), the GRR model is the intersection of several theories, including the theory of cognitive structures and
schema (Piaget, 1952), the concept of the zones of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1962, 1978), attention,
retention, reproduction and motivation (Bandura, 1965), as well as the theory of scaffolded instruction (Wood,
Bruner, Ross, 1976).
Drawing on the above theories, we should not separate the implications of those theories from their theoretical
foundations. Instead, we should strive to understand how theory, research, and practice contribute collectively to our
understanding of the basic principles of effective teaching and learning. The gradual release of responsibility
proposes its four stages of instruction—modeled instruction, shared instruction, guided instruction, and independent
stage. This kind of grouping arrangement provides for a safer learning environment for students who are learning a
new concept. In this study, the researchers attempt to investigate the teaching effectiveness of the GRR model. The
following research questions will be addressed:
1. Do students progress a lot in terms of summary writing after implementing the Gradual Release of
Responsibility Model?
2. What are participants’ perceptions of using this model in the classroom?

2. Method

2.1 Participants
Eighty sixth-graders, aged 11-12 years old, participated in this study. They have studied English as their mother
tongue for 5 years. At the time this study was conducted, they took English reading and writing class, receiving a
100-minute lecture every day for one semester. 28 of them said their learning motivation were high, 14 said they had
low motivation.

2.2 Procedures
Students were informed that they would learn summary writing based on the GRR model. It is hoped that they
are able to write a brief summary using the following Student Success Criteria guidelines. That is, their summary
writing should include the title and author (T&A), the main ideas (MI), important supporting details (D), the moral
of the story (M). Finally a brief synopsis of the story that is no longer than 10 sentences long is completed. The
following is how I instruct my students according to the GRR model.
Day 1- Model Instruction (Teacher does ALL)
The teacher introduces to the students that their next writing task is to learn how to properly write brief
summaries. The class creates a Student Success Criteria like the one above under the guidance of the teacher. The
teacher reads the short story book Stone Soup, written by Jon J. Muth to the students. On the board, the teacher
writes a brief summary of the story, often referring back to the Student Success Criteria. After writing the brief
1870 Nina Chiulan Lin and Hsiao-fang Cheng / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1868–1872

summary, the teacher checks her own work against the Student Success Criteria through thinking aloud to see if
each criteria on the checklist is included in her work. She explains the strategies used as she reviews her work.
Day 2- Shared Instruction (Teacher does, students help)
After reviewing the Student Success Criteria on brief summary writing, the teacher chooses another short story
book to read aloud to the students. On the board, the teacher writes a brief summary with the help of the students,
often referring back to the Student Success Criteria for verification. After writing the brief summary, the teacher and
students look at each criteria on the Student Success Criteria and makes sure that each one is included in their work.
The teacher is still doing most of the work at this stage. The students have the opportunity to contribute through
class discussions to the final product. The teacher would be giving feedback as students voice their contributions.
During the shared instruction stage, it is helpful to show strong and weak exemplars to students. This will support
the students' understanding of what is a good product of the work expected of them and how does one improve on
weaker work presented to them. After presenting the strong and weak exemplars, students decide which is the strong
one and which is the weak one. Through class discussion, they can defend their position using the Student Success
Day 3- Guided Instruction (Students do, teacher helps)
This stage allows for students to take more control of the usage of the strategies and thinking processes taught so
far. First, the teacher chooses another short story book to read aloud to the students. It would be beneficial for
students to work in pairs or in small groups here so that they may support, validate or challenge each other's ideas.
Allowing students to work in pairs or in small groups gives students a chance to confer with each other and build
self-esteem. This way, students would be able to produce higher quality work with more confidence. While students
are working with their peers, the teacher walks around and checks the students' work, giving feedback when
necessary. Students hand in their work and the teacher checks for quality of work, making sure that each point on
the Student Success Criteria is included. Teacher gives constructive feedback to students. No mark is given.
Day 4- Independent Instruction (Students do ALL)
This is the stage where students show their true capabilities independently. The teacher chooses another short
story book to read aloud to the students. Since they have had models and chances to work with peers to improve
their abilities to write a brief summary, they write a brief summary using the Student Success Criteria as a guide. No
further reminders are given by the teacher. The teacher collects students' work and gives a mark.
Teachers should remember that it is important not to assign a mark prior to the independent stage. It is only fair for
students learning a new task to be given a chance to try it out and make mistakes without being penalized. If
students feel the pressure of grades during the shared and guided instruction stages, they may not be willing to take
risks and improve their English abilities. Some students may feel defeat right from the beginning and stop trying
altogether. Each step of the GRR model may take more than a day and the teacher may backtrack when necessary. It
is up to the teacher’s judgment to determine how much time for each stage is needed. For example, it is not
acceptable for a teacher to move on to the guided instruction stage only to find out that her students were not ready
to move on yet. The next day, she may go back and do another shared activity, or even provide another model. For
this reason, using the GRR model as a form of teaching may take longer than the traditional way of teaching. This
may be seen as an obstacle; however, we believe it definitely ensures good teaching and learning in the classroom.

3. Results and Discussion

Eighty students who had been taught using the GRR model were given a ten-question survey on the use of the
model at the end of the semester. In general, students received this teaching style positively. When asked how
effective students thought to have their teacher model work for them before asking them to do it, the majority of the
participants (98.75%) thought it was effective and they were fond of the modeling stage and thought it to be helpful.
Only one student (1.25%) thought it was not very effective. It is possible that this student thought that modeling
would be beneficial, but not necessarily crucial for his/her learning. During the modeling stage, it is up to the
teacher's discretion as to how many times the task is modeled to the students prior to moving on to the shared
instruction stage. When asked how many times the teacher should model work before they were confident to move
on to the shared practice, only 10% of the participants preferred to be shown how to do the task once. More than
90% of them preferred modeling twice or more. The result showed that students understood the importance of the
modeling stage. When given a choice, they would like verification of how to do a task twice rather than just once
Nina Chiulan Lin and Hsiao-fang Cheng / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1868–1872 1871

before they are required to do the work. Ninety percent of the participants thought that all teachers should use the
GRR model when they teach. As an improvement for the future, perhaps students could be given the opportunity to
explain why they do or do not like the model.
On stage II- shared instruction, the teacher shows both good and bad exemplars to the students. It is believed that
exemplars are another teaching tool that students can learn from. Through strong and weak samples of the work,
students can imitate the good quality work and learn from the samples that are weak. When students were asked if
they thought an exemplar was necessary, half of the participants thought they needed an exemplar and half of them
thought without an exemplar they could do and work well with verbal or written instructions. However, when asked
if it was helpful to be shown a strong and a weak example writing, 85% thought it was helpful; 15% thought it did
not make any difference after being shown a good and a bad exemplar. None of them thought it was not helpful.
This shows that when exemplars are presented to students, students could make the best use of them and learn from
them. They accept exemplars as a positive addition to their learning, though the use of exemplars is new to the
students and they have not had enough experience working with them to become conscious of the positive impact in
their learning.
It is up to the teacher’s discretion as to how long students need to stay at a stage before moving on to the next
level of the gradual release of responsibility. Ultimately, the teacher uses his/her professional judgment. When asked
how many times they thought the teacher should do the shared practice before they were confident to move on to the
guided practice, more than 90% of the participants thought that the shared instruction stage should be kept within
three times. They preferred to practice with their peers twice before moving on to the independent stage. It is
interesting to note that most students preferred to practice with peers for a longer period of time than with the
teacher. In other words, students wanted to stay in the guided instruction stage longer than the shared instruction
stage. This implies that students find it more beneficial to work with peers and have more control of their work
rather than merely contributing to the teacher’s work on the board. They challenged themselves working with the
teacher but would appreciate more practice prior to moving on to the independent learning stage. This finding
restated the importance of peer influence proposed by Vygotsky (1982).
When students were asked if they like the GRR model, more than 97% of the participants said yes. Although
teachers make the final decision as to how to teach and how the classroom will look like and sound like, we should
not fail to hear our students’ voices as well. When a teaching model is highly accepted by the learners, it is a
motivation for educators to adopt it and use it in their classrooms. Lastly, when asked what subject they thought they
would benefit the most from employing the GRR model, Math was their priority, followed by business and language.
In student’s opinion, this model was an effective instructional method.

4. Conclusion

The result of this study showed that the GRR model is an effective teaching method for improving students’
learning outcome. It is necessary for teachers to provide thorough instruction and allow students a chance to see
models, review exemplars, try it with peers, make mistakes, and improve. The goal of teaching is to have students
learn the content of our lectures. If the teaching process is rushed, the quality of our lectures suffers, and
consequently, students' learning suffers. It is therefore crucial for educators to take the necessary time to teach the
content thoroughly rather than rush through the lessons having accomplished little.
As with any teaching methods or models, there are some limitations when it is applied to the typical classroom.
The participants in this study were sixth-graders from Canada, learning English as their mother tongue. The result
might be different if this model is implemented in a foreign language classroom. Our future study will focus on the
effectiveness of this model on EFL learning.


Survey conducted by Rebecca Wong - Teacher of Lincoln Alexander Public School, Markham,
Toronto, Canada
1872 Nina Chiulan Lin and Hsiao-fang Cheng / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 1868–1872


Bandura, A., & Jeffery, R. W. (1973). Role of symbolic coding and rehearsal processes in observational learning. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 26(1), 122-130.
Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Homework and the gradual release of responsibility: Making “responsibility” possible. English Journal, 98(2), 40-
Buehl, D. (2005). Scaffolding. Reading Room. Retrieved November 11, 2006 from
Kagan, Spencer. "The Structural Approach to Cooperative Learning," in Cooperative Learning: A Response to Linguistic and Cultural Diversity.
Edited by Daniel D. Holt. McHenry, Ill. and Washington, D.C.: Delta Systems and Center for Applied Linguistics, 1993, pp. 9-19.
Duke, N.K., & Pearson, P. D. (2002). Effective practices for developing reading comprehension.
Piaget's (1952) work on cognitive structures and schema
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. (M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, & E.
Souberman. Eds.) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Wood, D., Bruner, J.S., &Ross, G. (1976). The role of tutoring in problem-solving. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 17, 89-100.

Mata Ujian : Teori dan Model Pembelajaran

Fak/Jur/Angk. : FIP/TP/2022
Hari / Tanggal :
W a k t u : 100 menit
Dosen : Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd

= Petunjuk
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut pada lembar jawab yang disediakan!

Unduh dan bacalah 6 artikel jurnal internasional bereputasi yang relevan dengan kajian
teoritik dan empirik yang relevan denganBuku Model dan Disertasi yang saudara susun.

Buatlah analisis artikel jurnal tersebut dengan menggunakan sistematika sebagai berikut:

Judul Buku Model Pembelajaran

Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intellectual, Responsibility (AIR)

Judul Disertasi

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intelektual, Responsibility (AIR) Untuk

Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mengingat Konsep dan Kemampuan Produksi Berbasis
Website Teknologi Blockchain Learning Pada Matakuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran di UNU


A. Identitas Jurnal
1. Nama Jurnal : Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
2. Volume : 46
3. Nomor :
4. Halaman : 3375 - 3379
5. Tahun Penerbit : 20152
6. Judul Jurnal : Designing Framework of the Learning Environments Enhancing the
Learners' Critical Thinking and Responsibility Model in Thailand
7. Nama Penulis : Hongsunee Uarattanaraksa, Sumalee Chaijareon, Issara Kanjug
8. Link artikel :
B. Isi Jurnal
1. Masalah Penelitian :

1. Kurangnya tanggung jawab siswa dalam proses pembelajaran: Penelitian ini mencatat bahwa
mayoritas siswa Thailand kurang bertanggung jawab dalam pembelajaran mereka.
2. Keterbatasan kemampuan berpikir kritis: Penelitian ini mengakui bahwa kemampuan berpikir
kritis sangat penting bagi siswa Thailand agar dapat mempersiapkan diri dalam peran mereka
dalam komunitas Asia dan Internasional melalui penggunaan bahasa Inggris sebagai alat
komunikasi dan pembelajaran.
3. Kurangnya pemahaman tentang metode pembelajaran yang efektif: Penelitian ini menyoroti
pentingnya penerapan prinsip-prinsip teoritis yang tepat dalam desain model pembelajaran
yang mendorong siswa untuk membangun pengetahuan.
4. Penggunaan multimedia dalam lingkungan pembelajaran: Studi ini menyebutkan bahwa
penggunaan lingkungan pembelajaran multimedia dapat merangsang pembelajaran siswa
2. Tujuan Penelitian :

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mensintesis kerangka teori dan kerangka desain dari lingkungan
pembelajaran yang meningkatkan pemikiran kritis dan tanggung jawab peserta didik.

3. Metode Penelitian :

Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi analisis dokumen dan survei.

4. Hasil Penelitian :

Hasil penelitian ini adalah pengembangan sebuah model yang terdiri dari sembilan elemen untuk
meningkatkan pemikiran kritis dan tanggung jawab peserta didik dalam lingkungan pembelajaran.

Pembahasan (relevansi dengan buku model dan disertasi yang saudara susun)

Penelitian pada artikel tersebu terdapat Relevansi dengan pengembangan model pembelajaran AIR.
Misalnya, pentingnya kemampuan berpikir kritis (critical thinking) yang dihubungkan dengan
kemampuan mengingat konsep (memorizing concepts) dan kemampuan produksi (production skills).
Selain itu, penekanan pada tanggung jawab siswa dalam pembelajaran juga dapat terkait dengan model
pembelajaran yang mendorong siswa untuk menjadi aktif, bertanggung jawab, dan terlibat dalam
proses pembelajaran.
Available online at

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 3375 – 3379

WCES 2012

Designing framework of the learning environments enhancing the

learners’ critical thinking and responsibility model in Thailand

Hongsunee Uarattanaraksaa, Sumalee Chaijareonb*, Issara Kanjugc

Ph.D.Program Student, Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University,4002, Thailand
Associate Professor,Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University,40002, Thailand
Lecturer, Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, 40002, Thailand


The purpose of this research is to synthesize theoretical framework and designing framework of the learning environments which
enhance the learners’ critical thinking and responsibility. The target group consisted of 8 experts, 3 designers and 90 students
studying during the second semester of academic year 2011 at Thanakornsongkhor School, in the Nong Khai Provincial Primary
Education Office Area 1. The developmental research: Phase I: Model development (Richey and Klein, 2007) was employed in
this study. Several methods used were document analysis and survey. The procedures are as follows: 1) Examining and analyzing
principles and theories 2) Synthesizing the theoretical framework of the learning environments enhancing learners’ critical
thinking and responsibility model 3) Synthesizing the designing framework of the learning environments enhancing learners’
critical thinking and responsibility model. The results revealed that this model consisted of nine elements as follows: (1) Problem
base (2) Resources Center (3) Collaborative Center (4) Scaffolding Center (5) Cognitive tools Center (6) Coaching
(7) Responsibility Center (8) Critical Thinking Center (9) Related Case.
© 2012
© 2012Published
Elsevier Ltd.
Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu
Keywords: Constructivist Learning Environments, Thinking skill, Multimedia, Metacognition;

1. Introduction

In an era where information is key to a knowledge-based economy (Ministry of Education ,World-Class Standard
School, 2010), it is important to rely on our intellectual abilities in order to think responsibly and critically in
identifying both useful and non useful information in solving problems. Thai people need to have these abilities in
order to prepare for their role in the Asian and International communities through the use of English in
communicating and learning. In doing so students gain valuable ways which students can open a broader knowledge
base to incorporate wisdom and critical thinking when learning and seeking new information. However, the majority
of Thai students lack of responsibility in their own learning; questioning through self-reflection in order to
understand their thinking (Metacognition) (Scardamalia and colleagues, 1989), and to be capable of thinking
critically. This is of fundamental importance which leads to the ability to believe and act rationally (Ennis, 2002).
Therefore, the students are required to improve their responsibility in learning and critical thinking skills,
sustainable development to the state of social change.

* Chaijaroen Sumalee. Tel.: +6-687-214-5123

E-mail address:

1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu
3376 Hongsunee Uarattanaraksa et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 3375 – 3379

There remains a need for innovation in solving problems by applying appropriate theoretical principles as a basis to
design a model which encourages students to construct the knowledge. For Piaget it is the need for accommodation
when current experience cannot be assimilated in existing schema. (Piaget, 1977 ). Vygotsky and Von Glasersfeld
(1989), discussed the philosophical foundation of knowledge in that one is fully aware of what's happening with
social interaction, culture, and conscious communication, through experience and the environment. This is
consistent with Mayer(2005) to use a multimedia learning environment which is stimulating students’ learning;
personalization principle: people learn better when extraneous words, pictures, and sounds are excluded rather than
included, and when the words are in conversational style rather than formal style. The learning environment which
enhances the students to be responsible for their own learning and critical thinking while seeking answers to
questions and making a clear initial decision, having clear conclusions, supposition and integration(Ennis,2002).
For above mentioned reason, this study recognize how important of design and development of the learning
environments enhancing the learners’ critical thinking and responsibility model. This may result in establishing
guideline for developing the critical thinking and responsibility of the learners.

2. The purpose of this study

To design and develop a learning environment which enhances critical thinking and responsibility for the

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Target group

The target group used in Phase 1: model development consisted of the following details: 8 experts for assessing
in terms of content, media, model design and development.

3.2 Research variable

How to design and develop the learning environments enhancing the learners’ critical thinking and responsibility

4. Research Design

Developmental research phase 1: Model Development (Richey & Klein, 2007) was employed in this study.

4.1 Research Instruments in the study

The instruments in this study consisted of experimental instruments:

1) The expert review recording for checking the quality in various domains as follows: learning contents expert,
model design experts and multimedia experts.
2) The document examination and analysis recording form.
3) The recording form for synthesis of the designing framework of the learning environments enhancing the
learner’s critical thinking and responsibility model.
4) The opinionnaire for the characteristics of the participants is as follows: designers and developers (Richey and
Klein (2007).

4.2 Data collecting and analysis

1) Synthesis of theoretical framework and Components of the learning environments enhancing the learners’
critical thinking and responsibility model. The data were collected by analyzing principles, theories, related research
Hongsunee Uarattanaraksa et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 3375 – 3379 3377

and contextual studies of the constructivism theory, cognitive theory, media and technology theory, pedagogy and
2) Synthesis of Designing framework constructivism: The above synthesized theoretical framework was taken
into this process. The underlined theories such as, constructivist theories, cognitive theories, media and technology,
media attribution and symbol system, pedagogy and context were analyzes and transformed into the designing
framework and component of the model. The relationship between the underlined theories, pedagogies, technology,
media and contexts are illustrated as below diagram.

Cognitive constructivist Ill-structure (Hannafin,

(Piaget, 1964) 1999)
Problem based

Situated learning (Brown, Authentic context

Collins & Dugiud , 1989)
Activation of Critical Related case
Thinking and Questioning/Self-
Responsibility Critical Thinking (Ennis, reflection Metacognition/
2002) Responsibility Elementary Clarification
(Scott, 2007) Decision/ Conclusion
Advance Clarification
Supposition/ Integration

Resources Center
Situated model
Information processing
(Hannafin, 1999) Interest Encode/Decode/
Support of Critical OLEs
Thinking and Message design (Mayer,
1996) Mental model Perception/Alert
(Greeno, 1989 ) Levie Receiving/Prior
and Lentz ,1982 ) knowledge

Media symbol system Perception/Stability Cognitive Tools

(Winn, 2004) Receiving/Prior

- Elementary
Clarification Decision/
Conclusion/ Advance Critical Thinking Center
Critical Thinking (Ennis, Clarification Supposition
2002) & Integration
Support and
development of Questioning/ Self-
Responsibility (Scott,
Critical Thinking and 2007) reflection
Responsibility Responsibility Center
Self-directed learning Planning/Strategies/Anal
(Knowles, 1975) yzing/Correcting/
Evaluating Changing

OLEs Scaffolding Center

Support and helping of
Critical Thinking and Social constructivist
Responsibility (Vygotsky, 1978) CLEs Collaborative Center

Situated learning
Coaching Center
(McLellan, 1996)

Fig.1. Theoretical framework of the learning environments enhancing learner’s critical thinking and responsibility model.

3378 Hongsunee Uarattanaraksa et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 3375 – 3379

Elementary Clarification
Questioning/Self- Conclusion Questioning/Self-
reflection/Metacognition Advance Clarification Individually generated
Accommodation Individually generated reflection/Metacognition
Supposition&Integration Assimilation Externally Inputs
Cognitive Constructive
Cognitive Constructive Externally Imposed
Elementary Clarification Cased study Responsibility
Decision Ill-structure Discoverylearning
Related situation Ownership Discovery Lots’of suitable information
Conclusion Authentic
context Motivation To support learner’s
Advance Clarification Memory
Memory Brown,Collin,Duguid 1889 Cognitive
Social Cognitive
,Collin,,Duguid 1889 Interest / Intention SStatic/Dynamic
i /D i autonomous
Supposition&Integration Cognitive flexible constructivist constructive
Problem Base constructive
Cognitive flexible Problem Base
Information processing/Messagedesign
design If - clause
Related Case
Related Case Center
Center Mental model
Mental model Facility/Encouraging
Scaffoldingr Question/Motivation
Enhancing learners’ Center SocialConstructivist
Constructivist Hint
Critical Thinking Center Social
Critical thinking Critical Thinking CRCRModel
Center Model Elementary Clarification
Collaborative Multipleperspective
perspective Decision/ Conclusion
Externally Impose Center Multiple Advance Clarification
Elementary Clarificationn Externally Impose Center
Decision Responsibility Supposition&Integration
Responsibility Cognitive Sharing/ Discussion
Conclusion Center Coaching Cognitive
Center Coaching tool Argument/Risk/Encourage
Advance Clarification Center
Center tool
Supposition&Iintegration Enhancing learners’
Enhancing learners’ Informationprocessing
processing Confidence
questioning/Re-flection Social Constructivist Information
Questioning/Self- questioning/Re-flection Social Constructivist Elementary Clarification
and metacognition Seeking tool/Collecting tool
reflection/Metacognition Organizing tool Decision
Facility/Encouraging Conclusion
Questioning/Self- Question/Motivation Integrating tool
Advance Clarification
reflection/Metacognition Hint
Communicating tool
Elementary Clarification Supposition&Integration
Elementary Clarification Decision
Decision/ Conclusion Conclusion
Advance Clarification Advance Clarification
Supposition&Integration Supposition&Integration

Fig. 2. Designing framework the learning environments enhancing learner’s critical thinking and responsibility model.

The researcher designed based on above mentioned designing framework and Components. This model was
assessed by experts such as content experts, multimedia experts and instructional designers, especially in critical
thinking and responsibility measurement and evaluation. The data was collected and analyzed by analytic
description, interpretation and summarization.

5. Summarize
Framework of a learning environment enhancing the learner’s critical thinking and responsibility model consist
of five basic psychologies of learning and knowledge construction; constructivist theory, psychology of cognitive
learning , pedagogy, media and technology, and context, to generate the foundations and theories of concepts for
the design elements as follows: Problem based, Resources Center, Scaffolding Center, Collaborative Center ,
Cognitive tools, Coaching Center, Responsibility Center, Critical Thinking Center, and Relates Case.
Hongsunee Uarattanaraksa et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 3375 – 3379 3379

6. Suggestion
6.1 Recommendations for Research

1. To study the effects of the individual components affecting the promotion of critical thinking, and the
responsibility of learners.
2. Study the mechanisms of the process, critical thinking, and the responsibility of learners.

6.2 Recommendations for Research Use

1. The conceptual framework for designing and developing are innovative applications in learning other subjects,
social studies, science and counseling.
2. The conceptual framework for designing and developing are innovative. Application in enhancing other
characteristics such as Creative thinking, Reasoning Thinking and Future problem solving.

This work was supported by the Higher Education Research Promotion and National Research University Project
of Thailand, Office of the Higher Education Commission, through the Cluster of Research to Enhance the Quality of
Basic Education, Faculty of Education and the Research and Transfer Technology Affairs Division, Khon Kaen


Brown, J.S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situated knowledge and the culture of learning. Educational. Researcher. Vol. 18 (1). pp. 32-42.
Collins et al.
Chaijaroen, Sumalee (2005). Educational Technology and Instructional Development. Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University.
Ennis,R.H. (1985). A logical basis for measuring critical thinking skill. Educational Leadership, 10: 45-48.
Ennis,R.H. (2002). Goals for a critical thinking curriculum and its assessment. In Arthur L. Costa (Ed.) Ferguson, S.C.(2001). Effects of
metacognitive strategy instruction on sixth grade students’content reading comprehension. Ed.D.Dissertation of Boston University.
Grabinger, R.S. (1996). Rich environments for active learning. In D.H. Jonassen, ed. Handbook of research for educational communications and
technology, 665-692. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan.
Kozma, B.R. (1991). "Learning with Media." Review of Educational Reseach 62(2): 179-211.
Mayer, R.E. (2005). The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning, New York: Cambridge University press.
Mayer,R.E.,Heiser,J.,& Lonn. (2001). Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning: Journal of Educational Psychology,31-48.
Ministry of Education (2010). Guidelines for the School Standards: World-Class. Standard School. Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Thailand
Printing Co., Ltd., Bangkok.
Piaget,J.(1977). The development of thought: Equilibrium of cognitive structures. New York: Viking Press.
Richey, R.C. and J.D. Klein (2007). Design and Development Research, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum association.
Scardamalia,M.,Beriter, C., McLean,R.S Swallow, J&Woodruff, E. (1989). Computer supported international learning environments. Journal of
ducational Computing Research. 5(1), 51-68. hallenge for the design of new knowledge media.
Scardamalia,M.,Beriter, C.,(1991). Higher . Journal of ducational Computing Research. 5(1), 51-68. hallenge for the design of new knowledge
The Stephen J.Bostock. (1998). Constructivism in mass Higher Education : A case study, RICH. Department of Computer Science.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Wattanachai, Suchat, Charunee Zamart, et al. (2005). Design and Development of Learning Innovation Enhancing the Learners' Thinking.
Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University.

Mata Ujian : Teori dan Model Pembelajaran

Fak/Jur/Angk. : FIP/TP/2022
Hari / Tanggal :
Waktu : 100 menit
Dosen : Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd

==== Petunjuk
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut pada lembar jawab yang disediakan!

Unduh dan bacalah 6 artikel jurnal internasional bereputasi yang relevan dengan kajian
teoritik dan empirik yang relevan denganBuku Model dan Disertasi yang saudara susun.

Buatlah analisis artikel jurnal tersebut dengan menggunakan sistematika sebagai berikut:

Judul Buku Model Pembelajaran

Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intellectual, Responsibility (AIR)

Judul Disertasi

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intelektual, Responsibility (AIR) Untuk

Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mengingat Konsep dan Kemampuan Produksi Berbasis
Website Teknologi Blockchain Learning Pada Matakuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran di UNU


A. Identitas Jurnal
1. Nama Jurnal : International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction
2. Volume : 14
3. Nomor : 3
4. Halaman : 2812 - 2843
5. Tahun Penerbit : 2022
6. Judul Jurnal : The effect of animations involving role models taking intellectual risks on
fourth grade gifted students’ intellectual risk-taking behaviors and science
7. Nama Penulis : Gamze Akkaya, Mustafa Serdar Köksal
8. Link artikel :
B. Isi Jurnal
1. Masalah Penelitian :

1. Kurangnya perhatian terhadap perilaku mengambil risiko intelektual siswa berkebutuhan

khusus, terutama siswa berkebutuhan khusus yang berbakat.
2. Keterbatasan penelitian mengenai hubungan antara perilaku mengambil risiko intelektual
dengan hasil pembelajaran tingkat tinggi, terutama dalam konteks pendidikan khusus.
3. Kurangnya penelitian yang fokus pada penggunaan model peran dan animasi sebagai cara
untuk meningkatkan perilaku mengambil risiko intelektual dan hasil pembelajaran siswa
berkebutuhan khusus.
2. Tujuan Penelitian :

1. Menguji efektivitas penggunaan animasi dengan model peran dalam meningkatkan perilaku
mengambil risiko intelektual siswa berkebutuhan khusus yang berbakat.
2. Menguji efektivitas penggunaan animasi dengan model peran dalam meningkatkan hasil
pembelajaran siswa berkebutuhan khusus yang berbakat dalam pelajaran sains.

3. Metode Penelitian :

Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam paper tersebut adalah penelitian

eksperimental dengan desain pre-test dan post-test, serta kelompok kontrol. Selain itu,
juga digunakan desain penelitian quasi-eksperimental untuk memahami hubungan sebab-
akibat dengan lebih baik.
Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan desain quasi-eksperimental karena ada
pembatasan formal dalam hal penugasan acak subjek ke kelompok-kelompok, sehingga
peneliti menggunakan kelas-kelas yang tersedia

4. Hasil Penelitian :

Hasil penelitian pada paper tersebut menunjukkan bahwa animasi yang melibatkan
peran model yang mengambil risiko intelektual memiliki efek positif dalam meningkatkan
frekuensi perilaku pengambilan risiko intelektual. Selain itu, animasi tersebut juga
memberikan kontribusi terhadap pembelajaran siswa kelas empat yang berbakat maupun yang
tidak berbakat dalam mata pelajaran sains. Hasil ini didapatkan melalui analisis data
menggunakan ANOVA dan uji t-t untuk kelompok tergantung guna menganalisis prestasi dan
skor peningkatan. Selain itu, frekuensi perilaku juga direpresentasikan, dan konten formulir
refleksi dianalisis dengan mengidentifikasi contoh-contoh pengambilan risiko intelektual.

Pembahasan (relevansi dengan buku model dan disertasi yang saudara susun)

Tedapat ada relevansi secara umum dalam konteks peningkatan pembelajaran dan
pengembangan keterampilan siswa. Baik penelitian mengenai risiko intelektual maupun
pengembangan model pembelajaran AIR bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa,
minat, motivasi, dan hasil belajar. Keduanya mendorong siswa untuk mengambil risiko
intelektual dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam pembelajaran.
Available online at
International Journal of
International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3)
Curriculum and Instruction
(2022) 2812–2843

The effect of animations involving role models taking

intellectual risks on fourth grade gifted students’
intellectual risk-taking behaviors and science learning
Gamze Akkaya a *, Mustafa Serdar Köksal b
a Inonu University, Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education, Malatya 44280, Turkey
b Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education, Ankara 06800, Turkey

The purpose of this study is to investigate effect of animations involving role models taking intellectual risks
on fourth grade gifted students’ intellectual risk-taking behaviors and learning in science course. The study
is a quasi-experimental study with two experimental groups, and a control group. Science achievement test,
intellectual risk-taking observation form and reflections of students were used to collect data. The first
experimental group involved just gifted students, while experimental group two and control group involved
non-gifted students. Experimental applications of the study lasted for eight weeks; two independent
observers made observations for intellectual risk-taking behaviors of the participants during the applications
in science course. In data analysis, ANOVA and t-test for dependent groups were used to analyze
achievement and gain scores. Also, frequencies of the behaviors were represented, and content of reflections
form was analyzed by identifying examples of intellectual risk-taking. The result showed that not only the
animations including role models provided a positive effect on increasing the frequency of intellectual risk-
taking behaviors, but also, they contributed to the learning of gifted and non-gifted fourth-grade students in
Keywords: Animations, gifted students, intellectual risk-taking, role models, science learning

© 2016 IJCI & the Authors. Published by International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (IJCI). This is an open-
access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY-NC-ND)

1. Introduction

Although their results can be unpredictable, risk taking appears to support students’
learning in learning contexts. Byrnes (1998) and Robinson (2011) pointed out that it is
essential for students to take risks to ensure necessary interactions for learning. Neihart
(1999) categorized risk-taking behaviors as intellectual, social, emotional, physical and

* Gamze Akkaya. ORCID ID.:

E-mail address:

Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843 2813

spiritual. Risk-taking behaviors in the learning environment encompass intellectual

processes and both Beghetto (2009) and Neihart (1999) specified them as behaviors
towards taking positive risks to increase learning. According to Clifford and Chou (1991),
some of the intellectual risk-taking behaviors individuals may encounter in the learning
environment are making explanations about the subjects during lesson, asking questions,
being inclined to answer questions they do not know well, taking responsibility for
situations where the result is not known. Beghetto (2009) gave examples of intellectual
risk-taking behaviors as sharing ideas that are suspected about its accuracy, asking
questions, and being willing to try previously untested solutions to the problems.
Robinson (2011) stated that participating in the learning process by evaluating expected
and unexpected results and considering the possible results during the participation are
some specific examples of taking intellectual risk in a learning context.
In spite of unpredictability of risk taking as far as it results, many reported that
intellectual risk-taking behaviors help students to improve their learning and reach
higher-order learning outcomes (Beghetto, 2009; Clifford, 1991; Clifford & Chou, 1991;
House, 2002; Meyer, Turner & Spencer, 1997; Peled, 1997; Tay, Özkan & Tay, 2009;
Taylor, 2010) as risk-taking behaviors especially the intellectual ones help increasing
students’ active participation, interest, motivation, and self-efficacy associated with
learning (Beghetto, 2009). More specifically, the increase in the level of intellectual risk-
taking of the students leads them to become affectively more active, and therefore more
successful individuals compare to their counterparts (Beghetto, 2009; House, 2002; Peled,
1997; Tay, Özkan & Tay, 2009). In their study, Tay, Özkan and Tay (2009) found a
significant relationship between intellectual risk-taking behaviors of students and their
problem solving and decision-making skills. Deveci and Aydın (2018) also found a
positive relationship between students’ intellectual risk-taking tendencies and their
attitudes towards science in their study with 680 secondary school students. Similar
results were derived from a study by Çakır and Yaman (2015). They examined the
relationship between intellectual risk-taking behaviors and metacognitive awareness and
academic achievement of secondary school students in the context of science education.
According to their results, there was a positive relationship between the students'
intellectual risk-taking behaviors and their academic achievement in science as well as
metacognitive awareness levels. By a close look at the science education reform efforts
most of them aimed to support each student as scientifically literate citizens who reach
and use information, solve the problems encountered, make informed decisions by taking
into account of possible risks, benefits, and existing options related to the problems of
science related daily-based experiences, and be more effective in developing new
knowledge (MEB, 2005, other reform initiatives AAA, NRC, NGSES). To ensure scientific
literacy, promoting students to take intellectual risks appears to be crucial.
Based on the relevant literature one important way to increase the level of students’
intellectual risk-taking behaviors is to represent intellectual risk-taking behaviors to
2814 Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843

students through role models in science classrooms. Supporting students to develop

target behaviors through role models is a well-supported practice in general as well
(Bandura, 1977; Malone, 2002; Rutledge, 2000; Tuckman, 1991). According to social
learning theory, models provide vicarious learning opportunity for students (Bandura,
1999) as they can apply experience of models to their future behavioral decisions (Manz
& Sims, 1981). The closer the individuals are to the role models, and the more they
observe the modeled behavior and thus the more they adopt and conduct the behavior
(Bandura, 1986). Therefore, presenting intellectual risk-taking behaviors to the students
with role models hold promises to increase the frequency of these behaviors and thus
increase learning.
As far as the possible ways of presenting role models to students, it was found that
video models observed by the students provided effective results in learning (Kostons,
Van Gog &Paas; 2012; Raaijmakers, Baars, Schaap, Paas, van Merrienboer & van Gog,
2018). For example, Raaijmakers et al. (2018) increased self-regulated learning levels of
125 high school students by video models focusing on their self-assessment and task
selection activities. Moreover, effective transfer of the behaviors learned to different
fields has been ensured by video modeling as well. Raaijmakers, Baars Paas, van
Merriënboer and van Gog (2018) found that video modeling made significant contribution
to progress in self-regulated learning behaviors in their study with 84 high school
It is also reported that presenting role models as video models appears to be an
effective approach to support students in developing high-level thinking skills. Giving
special attention to the role models being suitable to the student levels, Barak, Ashkar
and Dori (2011) found that the role models as animated characters and an animated
modeling process enhanced primary school students’ learning and their development of
higher order thinking skills. However, the features such as attention, recall, reproduction
and motivation, which are among the cognitive and affective characteristics of the
individual and are needed to comprehend modeling, are not equally found in every
individual. From a social learning perspective, there is a group of learners who are
superior in terms of these traits and benefit more from modeling. This learning group
consists of gifted individuals. As the gifted individuals are better at attention, recall and
motivation (Köksal & Akkaya, 2017; Brown, Renzulli, Gubbins, Siegle, Zhang & Chen,
2005; Shi, Tao, Chen, Cheng, Wang & Zang, 2013), it is expected that gifted students
should get more benefit from animated models at higher levels compare to their
counterparts. Broadening the effectiveness of role models used to support students
learning experiences, Kostons, Van Gog and Paas (2012), in their study with high school
students, found that video models helped gifted high school students to develop self-
regulated learning behaviors.
Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843 2815

It is also discussed that gifted children constitute an important group in the

educational systems in terms of their needs and existing features as they prefer
challenging activities focused on high-level learning outcomes (Pereira, Peters and
Gentry; 2010; Wu, Jen and Gentry, 2018). Thus, many argue that these students need
active participation in learning activities within school context to sustain their
motivation toward achieving higher order outcomes (Diezmann & Watters, 2000; Taber,
2010; Vallerand, Gagné, Senécal, & Pelletier, 1994). Compared to their counterparts,
gifted students tend to hold high social value and recognition to be successful as self-
regulated learners (Vidergor, 2018a; Vidergor, 2018b). Thus, gained intellectual risk-
taking behaviors might support these students to make their own choices and determine
their own goals in school context (Neihart, 1999).
However, intellectual risk-taking behaviors of gifted individuals have been given a
little attention in the relevant literature (Tay, Özkan & Tay, 2009). One of the rare
studies conducted by Tay, Özkan and Tay (2009) examined the intellectual risk-taking
behaviors and problem-solving behaviors of gifted students. Results derived from the
study indicated a significant relationship between intellectual risk-taking behaviors and
problem-solving skills of gifted students. Despite lack of empirical support, this finding
speculates that intellectual risk-taking behaviors might be effective on higher-order
learning especially in special education. In another study, Akdağ and Köksal (2017)
conducted a study with 350 students and compared the intellectual risk-taking levels of
gifted students with their peers’ intellectual risk-taking levels. Their results showed that
the level of intellectual risk-taking of gifted students was not significantly different from
their counterparts. Similarly, in this study, there is no empirical evidence for the
development of effective intellectual risk-taking levels of gifted students. Therefore,
studies on the intellectual risk-taking levels of gifted students are limited and do not
include an application to develop this feature experimentally.
All in all, increasing the level of intellectual risk-taking through the role models
presented to gifted students with animations has an important potential to achieve high
level learning outcomes (Beghetto, 2009; House, 2002; Tay, Özkan & Tay, 2009). Gifted
students can achieve such important outcomes thanks to their intellectual risk-taking
behaviors through role modelling. As the features such as attention, recall, reproduction
and motivation are the main components of role modelling process (Bandura, 1977;
Malone, 2002; Rutledge, 2000; Tuckman, 1991) it is necessary to be sufficient in terms of
these features in order to benefit from the role modeling process in the most efficient
way. Therefore, it is thought that the modeling of intellectual risk-taking behavior, which
is an important facet in reaching high level learning outcomes of gifted students, will be
effective in increasing both these behaviors of students and increasing the levels of
learning outcomes. The purpose of this study to experimentally test the effectiveness of
role model animations modeling intellectual risk-taking examples on intellectual risk-
taking behaviors and learning outcomes of 4th grade gifted students in science.
2816 Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843

2. Method

In this study, the effects of role-model animations on the intellectual risk-taking

behaviors and science learning of 4th grade gifted students were investigated on 2016. In
the research, experimental research was used with pre-test and post-test, and control
group (Frankel and Wallen, 2000). To better understand the cause-effect relationship
quasi-experimental design was employed. Quasi-experimental research design was
chosen since formal restriction for random assignment of the subjects to the groups urged
us to use instant classes. The research design is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Design of Study

Group Pre-Experiment Experimental Process Post-Experiment

Control Teaching the Subject + Student reflection
Pre-Test Post-test
(Ordinary students) form + In-class intellectual risk-taking
(Achievement test) (Achievement test)
observation form
Experimental group 1 Watching Animation + Teaching the Subject +
Pre-test Post-test
(Gifted students) Student reflection form + In-class intellectual
(Achievement test) (Achievement test)
risk-taking observation form
Experimental Group 2 Watching Animation + Teaching the Subject +
Pre-test Post-test
(Ordinary students) Student reflection form + In-class intellectual
(Achievement test) (Achievement test)
risk-taking observation form

2.1. Participants

The sample of this study consists of 18 4th grade students (9 girls, 9 boys) enrolled in
Science and Art Center (BİLSEM) and identified as gifted, and 42 ordinary 4th grade
students (21 girls, 21 boys). BİLSEM is a supplementary school where gifted students are
educated from elementary to high school. The students in BİLSEM constitute
Experimental Group 1 in the study. The 4th grade ordinary students from a public school
in the sample consisted of experimental group 2, and the control group consisted of non-
gifted 4th graders from the same school where the experimental group 2 was selected.
Given the limited number of students attended in BİLSEM, the sampling method used in
this research was convenience sampling (Marshall 1996) that does not allow the
researcher to have any control over the representativeness of the sample. Table 2 shows
that the frequencies of the groups are close to each other.
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics of the Participants

Females Males Total

f % f % f %
Experimental Group 1
9 50 9 50 18 100
(Gifted students)
Experimental Group 2 100
11 52.38 10 47.62 21
(Ordinary students)
Control Group 100
10 47.62 11 52.38 21
(Ordinary students)
Total 30 50 30 50 60 100
Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843 2817

2.2. Instruments

In this research, the effects of role-model animations on participating students’ science

learning assessed by an achievement test. The data used to evaluate the effectiveness of
role-model animations on participating students’ risk-taking behaviors were derived from
observation form for intellectual risk-taking activities and reflection form written by the
students focusing on activities centered by the role-model based animations. All the
instruments used to collect data were developed and validated by the research team.
Science Achievement Test: Pool of multiple-choice items involving 33 items was
prepared by taking into consideration of benchmarks outlined within "Riddle of Our
Body” unit in National Science Curriculum to form the first draft of the achievement test.
In addition, a table of specifications was prepared for the content validity of the test. The
questions were evaluated by 2 science education experts and a science teacher in terms of
readability, comprehensibility levels and eligibility to measure science achievement.
These 33 items were considered suitable for pilot application by the experts. Before
administering the pilot submission of the test, the items were checked for conformity
with the figures, sequence of items, grammar and spelling errors. For the pilot round, the
items were applied to 140 (74 girls, 66 boys) 4th-grade students who studied on the
“Riddle of Our Body” unit. The distribution was tested by the Shapiro-Wilk test and the
distribution was found as normal (p> .05). The data were then analyzed with ITEMAN
program for a detailed item analysis. As a result of the analysis, 31 items were prepared
by excluding 2 items determined as item difficulty .94 and .96. The results of the analysis
are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Results of the Analysis on Science Achievement Test

Statistics Values
Number of Items 31
Number of Participants 140
Mean 20.52
Variance 27.60
Minimum 6
Maximum 31
Alpha (KR-20) 0.82
Mean Difficulty 0.66
Mean Point-biserial correlation 0.57

When we look at the values represented in Table 3, the .82 alpha value, which is an
indicator of the internal consistency and reliability of the 31-item measuring instrument,
is an acceptable value (Rudner & Schafer, 2002). It was found that the mean
discrimination levels (Point bi-serial correlation) of the items of the measurement tool
were above .25 as a cut-off for acceptable value (Reckase & McKinley, 1991).
Discrimination levels at the item level are between .36 and .87. In addition, the mean
difficulty was .66, indicating that the test was an easy but applicable one. When the item
2818 Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843

difficulty index approaches 0, it indicates that the item becomes difficult, and when it
approaches 1, it becomes easier. This width is expected to be between .20 and .80 for
achievement tests (Özçelik, 1992; Tekin, 2000). At the item level, the difficulty values
were between .21 and .92. Two items with a difficulty index of more than .80 were
excluded in the test. In table of specifications, the research team prepared three different
items for one objective, hence content validity was assured after the exclusion.

2.2.1. In-class Intellectual Risk-Taking Behavior Observation Form

In-class intellectual risk-taking behavior observation form used in the study was
generated by considering of relevant literature focusing on risk-taking behaviors that
may occur in the class (Beghetto, 2009; Clifford, 1991; Clifford and Chou, 1991; Keneddy,
1995; Robinson, 2011; Skaar, 2009; Strum, 1971; Taylor, 2010). The final version of the
form was validated by the insights derived from two experts if the listed intellectual risk-
taking behaviors are appropriately embraced. The observation form aimed to measure
the frequency of behaviors and included 14 behaviors focusing on intellectual risk-taking
in science classrooms. When one of the behaviors in the observation form was exhibited
by the students, how many times the behavior is displayed by the students were
determined by marking the column of the behavior by the researchers. The observations
were made by two researchers with sufficient amount of research experience in
intellectual risk-taking behaviors. The intellectual risk-taking behavior frequencies of
each group (Experimental 1, Experimental 2 and Control) were determined by these
observers’ simultaneous observations in each group during 8 weeks. Then, the validity of
the data obtained by exploring the compatibility between the observers who filled the
intellectual risk-taking behavior observation form. In this respect, the evaluation of each
researcher was computed by taking the total of 14 behaviors, which were determined
individually based on 8 weeks. As a result of the computations, the percentage agreement
between the researchers was determined as .83. The calculated value was found to be
adequate for compliance (Stemler, 2004).
The intellectual risk-taking behaviors in the observation form are the student:
1. performs a new psycho-motor performance in front of the classroom related to a
learning situation in the science course (Beghetto, 2009)
2. shares the non-routine evaluations of psycho-motor performance of others in front of
the class in relation to a learning situation in science class (Beghetto, 2009; Skaar, 2009)
3. shares different (non-routine) ideas about the subject in science course (Beghetto,
4. reproduces the different (non-routine) ideas that he / she has shared on the subject
in the science class in different ways (Kennedy, 1995)
Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843 2819

5. shares the non-routine evaluations about others' ideas related to the subject in the
science course, (Beghetto, 2009; Clifford and Chou, 1991; Skaar, 2009).
6. makes different (non-routine) explanations about the subject in science class
(Beghetto, 2009)
7. shares the non-routine evaluations related to the assessment of others about the
subject in science class (Beghetto, 2009; Robinson, 2011; Skaar, 2009)
8. asks different and non-routine questions about the subject in science class (Beghetto,
9. shares her/his non-routine evaluations about the questions of others in the course of
science, (Beghetto, 2009; Skaar, 2009).
10. undertakes different (non-routine) tasks in the science class
( Clifford, 1991; Clifford and Chou, 1991; Skaar, 2009; Robinson, 2011; Taylor, 2010).
11. shares different (non-routine) materials (books, photographs, technology, etc.)
related to the subject with the class (Skaar, 2009).
12. undertakes different (non-routine) assignments on the subject in the science class
(Clifford, 1991; Skaar, 2009).
13. participates in the discussions about the subject in science (Beghetto, 2009).
14. can make critics about the subject shared in the science course (Beghetto, 2009).

2.2.2. Student Reflection Form

The purpose of the student reflection form was to enable students to express their
thoughts about 8-week applications centering on role model animations modeling
intellectual risk-taking behaviors. During the eight-week period, students completed the
evaluation form at the end of each lesson. In the form, two parts; personal information
part and reflection form part (R), were involved. In the reflection form, four questions
were used as facilitator for reflection. The questions were "Did you enjoy the class
today?"(Q1), “Did you enjoy the animation you watched today” (Q2), "What behaviors of
the characters in the animation attracted you?" (Q3), "Could you tell us what you have
done in the classroom in the science course today?” (Q4). While examining these forms,
special attention was paid to in-class intellectual risk-taking behaviors. In terms of the
increased validity of the study, the student reflection form helped to triangulate the
findings derived from in-class observation.

2.3. Application Process of the Study

The Science Achievement Test prepared at the beginning of the research was applied
as a pre-test to all groups. After that, in the first three weeks in all groups, only
2820 Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843

intellectual risk-taking behaviors observation form was completed by experts without

any implementation. The observations made during the first 3 weeks were intended to
enable the students to get used to the observer and to construct an observation form. In
the five-week period following a three-week observation period, the application involving
animations was done only in the experimental groups. In the control group, during the 8-
week period, the teacher worked incline with the regular teaching based on mandated
curriculum. At the end of 8 weeks, the science achievement test was applied to all groups
as post-test. In Figure 1, the process of the study carried out in the experimental groups
is given.

Figure 1. The process of the study carried out in the experimental groups

In the research, previously prepared animations involving role-models were watched

by experimental 1 and experimental 2 groups with projector and other necessary sound
systems for about ten minutes; all the students were able to see and hear the animation.
Afterwards, the lesson was processed according to the teacher's guidance in compliance
with the mandated curriculum, and the observation form was filled out by the
researchers. Along with the observation forms, the reflection form was completed by the
students in the last five minutes of each session. Figure 2 shows the research process for
the experimental groups.

Figure 2. Diagram of the teaching of the lesson in the experimental groups

In the control group, the content was taught by ordinary teaching according to the
mandated curriculum, and the observation forms were filled by the researchers and
reflection form was completed by the students in the last five minutes of each lesson. In
Figure 3, the research process applied to the control group is given.
Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843 2821

Figure 3. Diagram of the teaching of the lesson in the control group

2.3.1. Preparation Process of the Animations involving Role Models

The content of the role-model animations was prepared by the researchers in
accordance with the standards of the unit titled as "Riddle of Our Body" within the
mandated science curriculum. Each animation was structured to cover all of the
behaviors stated in in-class intellectual risk-taking observation form. The characters
used in the animations were formed by the researchers paying special attention to fulfill
the eligibility criteria outlined by the relevant literature (Bandura, 1986; Korkmaz,
2006). The main considerations in deciding animation characters were; age, gender,
character, similarity, and status. Based on these features, 5 different characters were
created by the research team and 5 different names were determined for these characters
(Figure 4). For the character selection stage, a short animation was prepared in which
the characters introduced themselves to the students. The main characters used in the
animations were chosen and named by allowing 40 3rd and 4th graders (16 girls, 24 boys)
to fill out a form. The form included several questions including which character the
student favor, what name he / she would prefer for the character selected and the reasons
of the chosen character which led to be preferred instead of others. The chosen characters
and their names are given in Table 4.

Figure 4. The characters presented to the students

Table 4. Results on Character Selection and Name Preference

Gender Frequency Regarding Characters Frequency Regarding Name Preference

1 2 3 4 5 Berk Fencan Ayşegül Can Fengül
Girls (16) - 1 - 15 - - 1 14 1 -
Boys (24) 18 - 2 - 4 16 1 - 7 -

Table 4 illustrated that female students focused on character 4 while male students
preferred character 1 (Figure 4) over others. As for the name, girls were concentrated on
C (Ayşegül-a traditional female name in the context of the study), while boys were
concentrated on A (Berk-a popular name in the context of the study). The students
2822 Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843

expressed the factors in determining the character in general as; the chosen characters'
speech style, hairstyle, hair color, tone of voice, eye color, height, clothes and accessories.
After the character selection, the content of the animations suitable for the objectives
of "Riddle of Our Body" unit was written by two researchers with a review of another
field expert. A total of 5 animations were prepared for a period of 5-8 minutes in length.
Experimental 1 and experimental group 2 watched the animations for five weeks after a
three-week of preview with no animations.

2.4. Rigor of the Research

Internal and external validity threats were taken into consideration to minimize
researchers’ bias during data collection and analysis stages. One of the measures was to
eliminate the selection bias of the groups (Experimental 2 and Control Groups). In this
stage of the study, pre-test results were examined to ensure homogeneity of the groups
consisting of non-gifted students and no significant difference was found between the two
groups. At the same time, this result supported the hypothesis that the non-gifted
students in different groups were similar in terms of their knowledge of "Riddle of Our
Body" unit. Furthermore, the time interval between pre-test and the post-test
applications of the achievement test was also equal for all the groups. The students in
both groups had the similar opportunities in terms of accessing the resources, therefore
this contributed to elimination of the maturation effect. Another condition that may be
mentioned in terms of validity was that the length between the pre and the post test was
8 weeks and this time frame was considered to be sufficient to remove the testing effect
over the students. Additionally, when structuring the data collection tools and analysis,
additional experts and their insights were sought to assure the rigor of the research by
attempting to eliminate preliminary judgment of the researchers during the different
stages of the research including structuring the data collection tolls and the analysis of
the data derived from these tools.

2.5. Data Analysis

In this research, the data of the science achievement test were analyzed by using SPSS
package program. ANOVA and dependent t-test were used to compare achievement and
gain scores of the students in the different groups. The analysis of the data from in-class
intellectual risk-taking behavior observations form was done by computing the frequency
of the behaviors observed. For each of the 14 behaviors in the form of in-class intellectual
risk-taking behavior, the frequencies were examined and a comparison was made
between the groups. Then, the total frequency value derived from the observation forms
was examined and then, the frequency values of the groups were compared among the
groups. Data from student reflection forms were thoroughly explored and analyzed by
Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843 2823

extracting examples regarding the intellectual risk taking behaviors also used for
classroom observations and were represented as quotations.

3. Results

3.1. Results on Intellectual Risk-taking

3.1.1. Results of In-class Intellectual Risk-Taking Behavior Observations

Frequencies of in-class intellectual risk-taking behaviors was transformed into

graphics by examining each behavior separately. Intergroup comparisons and weekly
changes were interpreted on graphics. Finally, the overall change of intellectual risk-
taking behaviors of the whole class and the comparison in terms of the groups were also
obtained from the graphics (Figure 5, Figure 6).

Figure 5. Total frequencies of in-class intellectual risk-taking behaviors per weeks in the
In Figure 5, when the graph of total frequencies of the intellectual risk-taking
behaviors in weeks is examined, it is clear that the frequency of the intellectual-risk-
taking behaviors of the experimental group 2 and the control group in the first three-
week period is similar. As the experimental group 1 consisted of gifted students whereas
experimental group 2 and control group included students with no diagnosis of being
gifted, this finding appears to be a critical one. In terms of the intellectual risk-taking
behaviors observed in these groups during the first three weeks with no animations, the
similarity of the experimental group 2 and the control group in three weeks is an
important finding since both groups were consisted of non-gifted students. This result
2824 Akkaya & Köksal/ International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(3) (2022) 2812–2843

would allow us to compare the effectiveness of the animations on intellectual risk taking
in the remaining five weeks involving animations with role models taking intellectual
risks. Figure 6 represents that increases in frequency of 12 out of 14 intellectual risk-
taking behaviors are clearly seen in Experimental group 1 while increases in frequency of
8 intellectual risk taking behaviors are clearly observed in Experimental group 2. In spite
of absence of any application, increases in frequency of 4 intellectual risk-taking
behaviors are also observed in the control group.
When the results are examined in detail, “performing a new pscyho-motor
performance”, “sharing non-routine ideas”, “reproducing non-routine ideas”, “sharing
non-routine evaluations”, “making non-routine explanations”, “asking non-routine
questions”, “undertaking non-routine assignments”, “participating in the discussions”
and “making critics” behaviors are obviously improved after experimental applications
however, other five behaviors remained relatively stable in spite of experimental
applications. Actually some improvements were observed in these five behaviors, but
they were insignificant to make a decision about teaching effect. Meanwhile, we have to
explain that the participants were already performing some intellectual risk taking in
terms of “performing a new pscyho-motor performance”, “sharing non-routine ideas”,
“reproducing non-routine ideas”, “sharing non-routine evaluations”, “making non-routine
explanations”, “sharing non-routine evaluations about others’ questions”, “participating
in the discussions” and “making critics” behaviors before the experimental applications.
However, the experimental applications increased frequencies of these behaviors more
than their initial frequencies at the beginning of the study.
2825 Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(1) (2022) 000–000

Figure 6. In-class intellectual risk-taking behavior distribution (B1: psycho-motor performance, B2: making non-routine
evaluations, B3: sharing non-routine idea, B4: reproducing non-routine ideas, B5: sharing non-routine evaluations, B6:
making non-routine explanations, B7: sharing non-routine evaluations about assessment of others, B8: asking non-
routine questions, B9: sharing non-routine evaluations about questions of others, B10:undertaking non-routine tasks,
B11:sharing non-routine materials, B12: undertaking non-routine assignments, B13:participation in discussions, B14:
making critics)

Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2) (2022) 000–000 2826

3.1.2. Results of Student Reflection Forms

The findings obtained from the reflection forms were examined by two experts. The
obtained findings were compared with the help of the in-class intellectual risk-taking
observation form and thus the validity of the form was increased. The sentences
containing intellectual risk-taking behaviors in the form prepared by the students were
examined by the experts and some of these sentences were classified separately according
to the groups. Findings on Reflections Forms of Experimental Group 1:

The experimental group 1, which includes the gifted children, filled the reflection form
(R) at the end of each course. The first questions in the form, "Did you enjoy the class
today?" (Q1), “Did you enjoy the animation you watched today?" (Q2) were responded as
"Yes" by almost all students for five weeks contained animations. This is an indication
that the animations were enjoyed by the students. It is thought that it will be easier for
the students to adopt the animations they follow with interest. Responses to the other
two questions (What behaviors of the characters in the animation attracted you?" (Q3)
and "Could you tell us what you have done in the science course today?" (Q4)) are as
Participant 1 (P1) stated "Animated characters question themselves before they raise
their hands". "At first they think their friends are going to make fun, but then they get
encouraged and ask questions in class" (P1-R-Q3). Moreover, participant 6 (P6) gave an
example from the classroom as "Y asked an interesting question and some answered the
question incorrectly. I made a statement that my teacher asked about an interesting
topic." (P1-R-Q4). Similarly, participant 17 participated in the activity involving learning
by taking intellectual risk and she expressed "I have clearly expressed my thoughts on
the subject. I shared the questions I had in mind regarding the lesson” (P17-R-Q4). The
participant showed that she shared her ideas with the class and asked questions about
the subject. The statements belonging to Participant 1, 6 and 17 showed the effect of
intellectual risk-taking behaviors in the animations encouraging students to ask their
questions in front of the class. In these behaviors, the individuals stated that they
observed intellectual risk-taking behaviors such as evaluating their own ideas and asking
questions. Therefore, it is seen in the experimental group 1 that participant 1 and 6
gained awareness about importance of “asking questions” during learning after watching
the role model. This finding appeared to be relevant to the finding derived from the
observation data.
Participant 7 (P7) revealed about extra-homework activity as "It was interesting for me
that the characters [in the animation] prepared and presented posters by themselves
though the teacher assigned no homework"(P7-R-Q3). The expression of participant 7 is
the statement that specifies the intellectual risk-taking behavior being in parallel with
Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2) (2022) 000–000 2827

in-class intellectual risk-taking observation form. The student observed this behavior in
the animation she watched. Participant 7 in the experimental group 1 represented an
awareness about value of “undertaking non-routine assignments” behavior after
watching the role model, it might be claimed that this awareness was a reason of
increasing frequency of the behavior observed in the classroom. Other participants also
added examples from the applications made in their classrooms as well. Participant 8
(P8) asserted "I presented the slide I prepared to my friends. I listened to my friends and
then thought about how little information they had, but I didn't talk about it.” (P8-R-Q4).
The participant presented a slide which he prepared to his classmates and shared an
extra-curricular material with the class and thus performed a non-routine task. She/he
also stated that his/her friends took some intellectual risk-taking behaviors by evaluating
their knowledge levels. Similarly, participant 14 (P14) shared her/his experience by “We
are bored by the fact that R [one of her friends] brought the "Science & Children"
magazine to the class and read it many times. Because I'm reading it, too. Then, we
discussed why there are joints in our skull”. (P14-R-Q4). The participant stated that all
her peers shared extra-curricular materials in the classroom and that they had discussed
a non-routine problem. Participant 4 (P4) also expressed "X [one of the classmates] said
my answer was wrong, I thought that it was wrong while responding but I still argued.
We said that we don't like Ayşegül's lung model [Ayşe, one of the animation models].
Tomorrow I will make a better model." (P4-R-Q4). In the explanations of Participant 4
and 14, it was obvious that the students carried out the discussion and had a willingness
to do an extra-homework activity and to share extra-curricular materials to the class.
The most important aspect of these explanations is that the existence of an awareness
about the risk-taking behaviors and the application in line with this awareness, leading
to increase in frequencies of the behaviors in the experimental group 1.
Participant 17 (P17) expressed "The characters frankly criticize their friends' ideas”
(P17-R-Q3). This statement appears to be a clear example of criticism. Additionally,
participant 18 (P18) shared her experience as "I did my task by criticizing my friend's
misconception" (P18-R-Q4). Participant 18 criticized her/his friends' ideas and then
decided that they were wrong. These expressions show that the students observed this
behavior by watching the animation. These two students’ responses to questions three
and four exemplifies how the animations encouraged participants to implement
intellectual risk-taking behavior. Increase in frequency of in-class observation regarding
“making critics” behavior in the experimental group 1 was also determined by examining
the observation data (See Figure 6).
When the given sample expressions are examined, it is clear that intellectual risk-
taking behaviors exhibited by the role models in the animations attracted students’
attention and allowed them to implement similar behaviors. Expressions supporting the
findings obtained in in-class observation form constituted evidence for the validity of this
form. The statements by the participating students appeared to be aligned with
2828 Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(1) (2022) 000–000

observation data and supported the perception that the animations contributed gifted
students to gain intellectual risk-taking behaviors in science classrooms. Findings on Reflections Forms of Experimental Group 2

Similar reflection questions were also used to seek out the thoughts of the participants
in the experimental group 2 regarding the use of animations embracing intellectual risk-
taking behaviors in science teaching. Experimental group 2 students were ordinary 4th
graders and they filled out the reflection forms at the end of each course during the
treatments. The first two questions in the form, "Did you enjoy the class today?" and “Did
you enjoy the animation you watched today?" were responded as "Yes" by almost all
students during the five-week application term. This is an indication that the animations
were enjoyed by the students. Reflection questions in the student assessment form were
"What behaviors of the characters in the animation attracted you?" (Q3) and "Could you
tell us what you have done in the science course today?" (Q4). Representative responses
to the questions are as follows:
In response to third question in the reflection form, participant 20 (P20) stated "The
students in the animation found very good ideas about the lesson which didn't come to
my mind before. They get prepared for the class without being assigned by the teacher.”
(P20-R-Q3). This statement indicates that the student observes the behavior of non-
routine questioning from intellectual risk-taking behaviors of the characters in the
animation. Participant 24 (P24) also expressed "Children in the animation have different
questions. They decided to answer the questions on their own” (P24-R-Q3). Based on her
statement, participant 24 observed intellectual risk-taking behaviors such as asking
different questions and evaluating individuals' own opinions. Specifically, asking
questions and evaluating opinions, two critical intellectual risk-taking behaviors listed in
the observation form, Participant 23 (P23) noted the following statement illustrating how
the treatment yielded rich scaffolding to base and support these two behaviors as "The
question I asked my friend today created a different question in my mind". "I shared the
question I had with my friends". “I liked some of my friends' ideas" (P23-R-Q4). This
statement of the participant 23 showed that she created a new question, and shared the
question she/he created with her friends, and lastly evaluated her friends' ideas.
Moreover, participant 26 (P26)’ experience appeared to be a clear example of how the
animations triggered and supported the participant 26 to implement these two named
intellectual risk-taking behaviors. He noted "I thought well before I asked the question
like the student in the animation I watched today in science, but I was not as shy as he
was when asking the question”. “We had a very enjoyable discussion.” (P26-R-Q4). In
terms of evaluating opinions behavior, being reflective to his classmates’ opinions and
actions, participant 29 (P29) stated her opinion as "I did not like M's [a classmate]
explanations about the topic very much". ”S [another classmate] answers all questions
without thinking over.“ “My friends laughed at the question I asked, but I thought it
Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2) (2022) 000–000 2829

wasn't a laughable one" (P29-R-Q4). It was seen from these statements that the student
evaluated the explanations of others and was able to share the different questions with
the class. These behaviors were also among the intellectual risk-taking behaviors
observed to be significantly increased by the 5-week treatment in the observation data.
As far as psycho-motor behavior, another key intellectual risk-taking behavior listed
on the observation form, the participant 21 (P21) pointed out her/his experiences as
following; "During the break, they talk about the lesson. I was interested in Berk [one of
the animation models] when he tried to experiment the things in the garden he learnt
during lesson (P21-R-Q3). This statement of participant 21 noticeably indicated that the
student evaluated the psycho-motor behavior performed by the animation character.
Thus, like other intellectual risk-taking behaviors named above, implementation of
psycho-motor behavior was also supported by the animations based on both observation
and the reflection data.
Aligned with the findings derived from observation forms, taking on a different task
was another intellectual risk-taking behavior that student were reflected on. For
instance, participant 27 explained “They are preparing a poster without being assigned
by the teacher" (P27-R-Q3). This statement implied that taking on a different task was
displayed by the students during the applications.
Besides, blend of different risk-taking behaviors enlisted in the observation form were
also derived from student reflections. For instance, participant 29 (P29)’s following
statement was a clear example of various risk-taking behaviors evoked by the animations
with risk-taking models. “They listened and answered respectfully while discussing.
Ayşegul was criticizing Berk's expressions [Ayşegul and Berk are the models in
animations]. They expressed their ideas without any fear.” (P29-R-Q3). Based on
participant 29’s statement, discussion, criticism and explaining ideas are the intellectual
risk-taking behaviors captured her attention while watching the animation. Participant
31 (P31) also explained "It took my attention that they [animation figures] prepared and
shared nice presentations with their friends, and they criticized their friends"(P31-R-Q3).
This statement was associated with the presentation of a different material related to the
subject matter and several other intellectual risk-taking behaviors such as criticism.
Moreover, Participant 35 (P35) stated his experience as "I took advantage of my friends'
ideas". "I expressed my ideas without shame" (P35-R-Q4). Based on participant 35’s
statement, intellectual risk-taking behaviors such as evaluating others' ideas and
sharing their own ideas are some of the key risk-taking behaviors exhibited. Participant
38 (P38) also mentioned "My friend explained my answer differently. Both of our answers
were correct, but her answer was very complicated” (P38-R-Q4). Participant 38’s
statement also reflected to two distinct intellectual risk-taking behaviors such as
expressing an idea differently and evaluating another person's opinion performed in one
of the treatment sessions.
2830 Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(1) (2022) 000–000

When the experimental group 2 students’ reflections to each session was examined, it
is seen that intellectual risk-taking behaviors that the students were reflected on were
among the behaviors that attract the attention of the students. This is in compliance with
the experimental observations of our study. Student reflections supporting the findings
obtained from in-class observation form constituted a separate evidence for the validity of
this form. Actually, the participants in the experimental group 2 represented increase in
limited number of intellectual risk-taking behaviors compare to those of the experimental
group 1. Findings of Student Reflection Form for the Control Group

The control group filled out the student assessment form at the end of each course. The
first question in the student evaluation form, "Did you enjoy the class today?" was
responded as "Yes" by almost all students for five weeks, as in the experimental groups.
The one question, which was answered by the control group in the student evaluation
form, was "Could you tell us what you have done at the science course today?" (Q4). Some
of the students' answers including intellectual risk-taking behaviors to this question are:
Participant 42 (P42) stated "I asked my teacher a question I had in mind". “We
discussed the question with the class” (P42-R-Q4). In the statement of Participant 42, it
was seen that intellectual risk-taking behaviors such as questioning and discussion were
performed. Similarly, participant 53 (P53) explained "We had a discussion and produced
new ideas today". "The lesson was a lot of fun" (P53-R-Q4). The 'discussion' in the
statement of participant 53 and the behaviors such as discussion, sharing new ideas with
the class were considered to be aligned with intellectual risk-taking behaviors.
Participant 46 (P46) gave another example of experience about intellectual risk taking
as "I answered correctly the question that M asked". "It was already an easy question for
me". "As M [a classmate] did not understand my answer, my teacher wanted me to
paraphrase my answer ". "And, I explained it again"(P46-R-Q4). The participant 46
expressed in her statement that she repeated her response in different ways and
evaluated her/his friend’s question. The behaviors included in the student's statements
included intellectual risk-taking behaviors. Similarly, participant 50 (P50) stated "My
friend's answer was not complete". "So, I said that she/he gave an incomplete answer"
(P50-R-Q4). Participant 50 evaluated his/her friend's response. It is clear that this
behavior of the student included intellectual risk-taking behavior as well. Reviewing the
control group students’ reflections, participant 58 (P58) stated her/his experience as
"During science class today, I asked the questions I had in mind". "I discussed my ideas
by sharing them with my friends” (P58-R-Q4). In the statement made by Participant 58,
the student fulfilled intellectual risk-taking behaviors such as asking questions and
sharing ideas.
When the expressions belonging to the control group were examined, it was observed
that the control group performed some intellectual risk-taking behaviors, too. The
Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2) (2022) 000–000 2831

behaviors mentioned are already in line with the behaviors stated in in-class intellectual
risk-taking form. However, when the figure belonging to the form filled by the experts
were examined, it was seen that they frequently had less intellectual risk-taking
behaviors compare to their counterparts (Experimental group 1 and 2).

3.2. Results of Science Achievement Test

For the analysis of science achievement test scores in pre and post testing, t-test for
dependent groups and ANOVA test were used and the findings were tabulated.

3.2.1. Results about Analysis of Pre-Test Scores of the Groups on Science Achievement Test
After the assumptions of ANOVA were checked, the pre-test scores of the groups were
analyzed with ANOVA test. For pre-tests, the normality of the groups was tested with
Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The groups had a normal distribution (p> .05) for pre-tests. It was
investigated whether there was any significant difference between the groups.
Afterwards, it was investigated whether there was a statistically significant difference
between the two groups with multiple comparison tests.
Table 5. ANOVA Results of Pre-Test Scores of the Groups on Science Achievement Test

Sum of Average of Levene Test

Source of Variance squares sd Squares F p F p ηp2
Group 762.19 2 381.10 38.07 .00
Error 570.66 57 10.01 2.46 .09 .57
Total 1332.85 59
*There is a significant difference at 0.05 level.
According to Table 5, a statistically significant difference was found between the
groups in terms of pre-test scores (F (2, 57) = 38.07 p <.05). In addition, the partial eta
square value showed that the test had a large effect size. In terms of the homogeneity of
variance, the results illustrated that the groups were homogeneous (F (2, 57) = 2.46 p>
.05). Hence the results of the Bonferroni test was chosen for follow-up multiple
comparisons, the results of multiple comparisons are presented in Table 6.
Table 6. Results of the Follow-up Analysis Applied to Pre-Test Scores of the Groups on Science Achievement
Follow-up Groups Groups Mean Diff. Standard
Test (I) (J) (I-J) Error
Experimental Group 2 7.96 1.02 .00*
Experimental Group 1
Control Group 7:58 1.02 .00*
Experimental Group 1 -7.96 1.02 .00*
Bonferroni Experimental Group 2
Control Group -.38 .98 .99
Experimental Group 1 -7.58 1.02 .00*
Control Group
Experimental Group 2 .38 .98 .99
* There is a significant difference at 0.05 level.

According to the results, statistically significant differences were found between

experimental group 1 and the experimental group 2 and the control group (p <.05). The
2832 Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(1) (2022) 000–000

difference is in favor of experimental group 1. Another important finding derived from

multiple comparisons is that there is no significant difference between the experimental
group 2 and the control group (p> .05).

3.2.2. Results about Analysis of Post-Test Scores of the Groups on Science Achievement
The post test results of the groups on the science achievement test were analyzed with
ANOVA. Findings derived from post test results helped understanding whether there
was a significant difference between the groups. Before the computations, the normality
of the groups was tested with Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Groups were found to be normally
distributed (p> .0 5) for the post-tests.
Table 7. ANOVA Results of Post-Test Scores of the Groups on Science Achievement Test
Sum of Average of Levene Test
Source of Variance squares sd Squares F p F p ηp2
Group 1305.17 2 652.59 30.51 .00*
Error 1219.23 57 21.39 6.8 .00 .52
Total 2524.40 59
* There is a significant difference at 0.05 level.

A statistically significant difference was found among the post-test scores of the groups
(F (2, 57) = 30.51 p <.05). The partial eta square value showed that the test had a large
effect size. However, in order to see the source of difference more clearly, the results of
Games-Howell test were applied. The reason for applying this test was that the variances
of the groups were not homogeneous (F (2 , 57) = 6.8 p <.05).Table 8 presents the results
of the Games-Howell test.
Table 8. Results of the Games-Howell Test Applied to Post-test Scores of the Groups on the Science
Achievement Test
Folow-up Groups Groups Mean Diff.
Standard Error p
Test (I) (J) (I-J)
Experimental Group 2 8.01 1.25 .00*
Experimental Group 1
Control Group 11.39 1.29 .00*
Games- Experimental Group 1 -8.01 1.25 .00*
Experimental Group 2
Howell Control Group 3,39 1.65 .11
Experimental Group 1 -11.39 1.29 .00*
Control Group
Experimental Group 2 -3.38 1.65 .11
*.There is a significant difference at 0.05 level.

According to the final test results given in Table 8, there was a significant difference
between experimental group 1 and both experimental group 2 and control group. The
differences are in favor of experimental group 1. In addition, there was no statistically
significant difference between the experimental group 2 and the control group. To seize
this finding in detail, the pre-test and post-test scores of the groups were compared and
the analysis of the achievement scores were examined.
Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2) (2022) 000–000 2833

3.2.3. Results of Comparisons of Pre and Post Test Scores of the Groups on Science
Achievement Test
To compare the pretest and posttest scores of the groups on the science achievement
test per group, t-test for dependent groups was implemented to the scores. First of all, it
was determined that normality assumption (p> .05) was assured by Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test and then the further analyses were conducted.
Table 9. Dependent Groups t-test Results of Experimental Group 1
Measurement N X SS Sd t p Cohen d
Pre-test 18 17.39 3.87
17 9.35 .00* 3.64
Post-test 18 28.39 2.17
* There is a significant difference at 0.05 level.

According to Table 9, there was a statistically significant difference between the pre
and post test scores for experimental group 1 (t (17) = - 9.35 p <.05). This difference was
in favor of the post test scores. Also, when Table 9 is taken into consideration, it could be
said that while the mean of pre-test for group 1 was 17.39, it was 28.39 for the post test.
Cohen d value also showed that the test had a large effect size (d = 3.64).
Table 10. Dependent Groups t-test Results of Experimental Group 2
Measurement N X SS Sd t p Cohen d
Pre-test 21 9.43 2.42
20 8.73 .00* 2.85
Post-test 21 20.38 5.25
* There is a significant difference at 0.05 level.

According to Table 10, there was a statistically significant difference between the pre-
and post-test scores for experimental group 2 (t (20) = - 8.73 p <.05) as well. This
difference is in favor of the post test scores. In addition, the mean of the pre-test scores of
the experimental group 2 was 9.43 while the mean of the post-test scores was 20.38.
Cohen d value also showed that the test had a large effect size (d = 2.85).
Table 11. Dependent Groups t-test Results of the Control Group
Measurement N X SS Sd t p Cohen d
Pre-test 21 9.81 3.16
20 5.35 .00* 1.59
Post-test 21 17.00 5.42
* There is a significant difference at 0.05 level.

Also, based on the results, the pre and post test scores of the control group according to
Table 11 (t (20) = - 5.35 p <.05) were significantly differed. The observed difference was in
favor of the post-test scores. In addition, the mean of the pre-test scores was 9.81
according to the table and the mean of the post-test scores was found to be 17. Cohen d
value also showed that the test had a large effect size (d = 1.59).
When the t-test results and ANOVA results were compared, there was no significant
difference between the results of experiment 2 and the control group, but there was a 3-
point difference between the means, which showed that the animations watched by the
2834 Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(1) (2022) 000–000

experimental group 2 had a positive effect on their science learning. Furthermore, the
difference between the effect sizes of the groups showed the practical importance of the
statistical difference between the pre-test and post-test results of the groups. However, to
test the differences in the level of learning between the groups’ gain scores on the
achievement scores had to be analyzed.

3.2.4. Results of the Analysis on Gain Scores of the Groups on Science Achievement Test
Among the analyzing methods to be used in the comparison of two different groups,
one of the approaches that provide a more detail is the analysis of the achievement (gain)
scores. Gain scores are the scores obtained by subtracting the pre-test scores from the
post- test scores of the individuals. The contribution of the gain scores is simply to help
seeing performance change during the experimental applications.

Table 12. ANOVA results of gain scores of the groups on science achievement test

Source of Sum of Average of Levene Test

Variance squares sd Squares F p F p ηp2
Group 195.46 2 97.73 10.96 .00*
Error 508.19 57 8.92 .11 .89 .28
Total 703.65 59
* There is a significant difference at 0.05 level.

Table 12 shows a statistically significant difference between the gain scores (F (2, 57) =
10.96 p <.05, ηp 2 = .28). The partial eta square value showed that the difference had a
large effect size. The Bonferroni test was applied to clearly determine the source of the
difference by taking into consideration the Levene test scores. The Bonferroni test results
regarding to gain scores are given in Table 13.
Table 13. Results of the Bonferroni Test Applied to Gain Scores of the Groups on Science Achievement Test
Follow-up Groups Groups Mean Difference Standard
Test p
(I) (J) (I-J) Error
Experimental Group Experimental Group 2 .05 .96 .99
1 Control Group 3.81 .96 .00*
Experimental Group Experimental Group 1 .05 .96 .99
2 Control Group 3.76 .92 .00*
Experimental Group 1 3.81 .96 .00*
Control Group
Experimental Group 2 3.76 .92 .00*
* There is a significant difference at 0.05 level.
There was no statistically significant difference between the experimental group 1 and
the experimental group 2 (p> .05), while there was a statistically significant difference
between the experimental group 1 and the control group (p <.05). The difference is in
favor of experimental group 1. A statistically significant difference was found between
experimental group 2 and control group (p <.05). The difference was in favor of
experimental group 2.
Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2) (2022) 000–000 2835

When the findings from the analysis of the gain scores are examined, a number of
remarkable results emerges. While there was a significant difference between the
experimental group 1 and the experimental group 2 especially in the analysis of the post
test scores, there was no statistically significant difference between the gain scores of
these groups. This shows that the increase in the achievements of the gifted students and
the ordinary students in the experimental group are not different. Another noteworthy
point derived from the analysis of gain scores is the difference between the experimental
group 2 and the control group, which do not differ in the post tests. This finding shows
that the increase in the experimental group 2 is more than the control group in terms of
increase observed in science learning performance.

4. Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions

4.1. Discussion and Conclusions

In this study, the effects of animations involving role-models on the intellectual risk-
taking behaviors and learning of the 4th grade gifted students were investigated. One of
the results reached is the positive contribution of the animations including role models to
the achievement and learning of the fourth-grade students specifically gifted ones. This
finding is in parallel with some previous studies (Abdüsselam, 2013; Çelik,2015). Çelik
(2015) and Abdüsselam (2013) studied the effects of the animations they structured on
the students' attitudes towards science course and their achievement in science. These
studies confirmed that animations increased the students' attitudes and achievements
towards science. Dalacosta (2009) found that, when the animations are not used, while
the subjects were difficult for the students to understand under normal circumstances or
the misunderstandings occurred, the inclusion of animations in the learning process
increased the rate of understanding the subjects. This results in the fact that animations
provide students with an effective learning environment by removing the intellectual
barriers in the learning environment. As discussed earlier, several studies also indicated
that animated cartoon films also contributed to achievement. Hence it can be said that
animations might be considered to be proper tolls for increasing quality of students'
learning processes. When this situation is examined in terms of gifted students, with
their high level of intrinsic motivation towards learning (Yaman & Köksal, 2014), ability
to be intensified and easily concentrated on the subject (Çağlar, 2004; Tucker &
Hafenstein, 1997), and to observe (Davis & Rimm, 1998), these individuals get more
benefit from the animated cartoons. Furthermore, when talking about the contribution of
animations to learning, it is necessary to consider the modeling of intellectual risk-taking
behaviors placed in animations as the main purposes of our research were to assess
possible changes in the intellectual risk-taking behaviors of the students and to explore
any changes in their science learning by the use of animation models with intellectual
risk-taking behaviors.
2836 Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(1) (2022) 000–000

One of the critical findings of the study is that role-model animations increased the
frequency of exhibiting intellectual risk-taking behaviors. Thanks to the role model
animations with intellectual risk-taking behaviors, a significant increase in the
frequency of intellectual risk-taking behaviors of especially gifted individuals was
observed. When the studies are examined, a number of conclusions can be drawn
regarding the effectiveness of animations as a role model. Baron (2000) observed that
watching role models in TV programs for 3 hours a day affect human behavior, and
Villani (2001) observed that if the role models on TV have negative features, the people
who watch them develop similar negative features in time. İşsever (2008) found that
watching cartoons including violence behaviors increased child violence. The studies of
Baron (2000), Villani (2001) and İşsever (2008) showed that the programs that are
watched and the negative characteristics of the characters within the characters can be
taken as a model. In fact, this inference shows how effective the role models are. This
finding should be evaluated in terms of teaching process and development of positive
behaviors. Alan (2009) stated that there may be positive changes in the characters of
children when the characters in the films are positive. Oruç, Tezim and Özyürek (2011)
stated that children watching cartoons and taking the animated characters as models,
developed positive behavior features rather than negative ones. This finding appears to
be deviant compared to others. The studies of Alan (2009) and Oruç, Tezim and Özyürek
(2011) suggest that students can adopt positive behaviors from role models in
animations. In this context, it can be concluded that intellectual risk-taking behaviors
that have a positive contribution to the learning process can also be learned from role
models. The studies given in this respect (Alan, 2009; Oruç, Tezim & Özyürek, 2011)
supported our finding that role-models in animations provide a change in intellectual
risk-taking behavior in science classrooms. When this situation is examined in terms of
the gifted students, they are better than their ordinary peers at exhibiting the behaviors
which are important for role modelling such as the power of effective observation, the
long-term attention, the inner motivation and memory of the subject they are interested
in (Bandura, 1977; Malone, 2002; Rutledge, 2000; Tuckman, 1991) (Çağlar, 2004; Davis
& Rimm, 1998; Tucker & Hafenstein, 1997; Yaman & Köksal, 2014).These implications
prove that the role-model animations are more effective on the intellectual-risk-taking
behaviors of the gifted students than ordinary teaching process. As another issue, the
finding that animations cause a change in intellectual risk-taking behavior and its
positive effect on learning also relates to the fact that intellectual risk-taking has an
effect on learning. When the literature is examined, it seen that intellectual risk-taking
behavior is positively related to learning process and its outputs such as academic
achievement (Avcı & Özenir, 2016; Çakır & Yaman, 2015; Deveci & Aydın, 2018; Erbaş &
Baş, 2015; Gündoğdu, Korkmaz & Karakuş 2005; Tan, Lim & Manalo, 2017; Yıldız,
2012). The animations increase the in-class intellectual risk-taking behavior made a
positive contribution to the learning process. Kaptan and Korkmaz (2002) suggested that
Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2) (2022) 000–000 2837

in addition to the positive contribution of intellectual risk-taking to the achievement, the

achievement also has a positive contribution to the intellectual risk-taking process. This,
in fact, leads to the conclusion that achievement is interrelated with intellectual risk-
taking behavior. While the effects of intellectual risk-taking behavior on the learning
process and achievement are examined, the characteristics of the individuals in this
process are also important. In this study, intellectual risk-taking behaviors of the gifted
people and the effect of these behaviors on their academic achievement were examined
and frequency of their high-level intellectual risk taking was also increased and
supported by animations. This finding might also be related to gifted students’ high
motivation and interest. Since Yaman and Köksal, (2014) revelated that there is a
positive correlation between interest, motivation and intellectual risk taking. Animations
with role models might have contributed more to gifted students due to their high
interest and motivation.
The findings of our study should be examined in terms of their importance as well as
their compatibility with the relevant literature. In Henriksen and Mishra's (2013) study,
supporting the importance of our research, it was stated that students' levels of
intellectual risk-taking behaviors are not as high as expected; therefore, their
performance could be enhanced with various improvements and regulations in their
learning environment to take intellectual risks. Also, Gupta, Kavita and Pasrija (2016)
stated that risk-taking behaviors in the learning process help to overcome the problems
involving intellectual difficulties. The studies of Henriksen and Mishra (2013) and Gupta,
Kavita and Pasrija (2016) point out both the importance of taking intellectual risk in
teaching process and also emphasize the importance of our study. The content of the
prepared animations includes the intellectual risk-taking behaviors that can be taken in
the classroom and the fact that they can be easily integrated into the teaching
environments, reveal the usefulness of these animations. It is also known that the use of
animations in learning environments has a positive effect on the learning process
(Banchonhattakit, et al., 2015; Matsuzuno et al., 2014; Sakamato, et al., 2014;
Shigehatake, et al., 2014; Sohn, Kil, So & Yeau, 2013). Another point that explores the
importance of the study is that the animations must be prepared according to the
curriculum and include the objectives in the curriculum. In his study, Turan (2014)
evaluated the views of teachers about the effects of cartoons on learning. The teachers in
the study stated that cartoon characters would contribute positively to the achievement
of the students in the lessons and therefore the integration of these into the education
process would yield a positive result. Another feature of our study in terms of usability
and convenience is that the characters in animations are suitable for creating behavioral
changes. Yavuzer (2004) and Rai et al. (2017), argue that children watching cartoons,
take cartoon heroes/heroines as a model and act like them. In this respect, Oruç, Tezim
and Özyürek (2011) observed in their studies that children adopt the heroes/heroines of
their gender and adopt them more positively. In fact, this situation corresponds to real-
2838 Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 14(1) (2022) 000–000

life model acquisition. The fact that we have a girl and a male character as the main
characters in the animations we have prepared and that the character is a peer in the
4th grade students made it easier for the students to take them as role models. Another
factor that increases the usefulness of our study is the existence of ordinary students in
the application process whose intellectual risk-taking behaviors also increased and their
learning process was contributed by the animations they watched. In conclusion,
animations involving role-models were effective to increase frequency of the intellectual
risk-taking behaviors and science achievement of the 4th grade gifted students.

4.2. Suggestions

The findings of this study provide important evidence about the idea that role-model
animations contribute to the intellectual-risk-taking behaviors and learning in science
classroom. Our study is especially important for the education of the gifted students, who
are important for the future of our society. The study provides an idea of how to take
intellectual risk-taking behavior which is not performed much in science classrooms. It is
thought that it will contribute to future studies to increase intellectual risk-taking
behaviors in class. For this reason, the current study should be repeated by random
assignment. Another suggestion we can make concerning the study is that, based on our
findings, further studies should be carried out with larger samples in which the positive
contribution of animations to learning and intellectual risk-taking behaviors are
investigated. In our study, animation characters were used as role models and in
accordance with the student's cognitive features. However, if the intellectual risk-taking
behavior with role models is to be increased in future studies, real persons can also be
The study has some limitations as well as its contributions. While evaluating in-class
intellectual risk-taking behaviors, only the behaviors within the science course were
evaluated and the effects of the animations on the other courses were not examined. Our
study is only about the gifted 4th grade students. In this respect, it prevents the
generalization of animations to be given as role models to other groups. Our study is also
limited to only 2 animation characters. Since the effect of other role models on
intellectual risk-taking behavior is not known, it cannot be generalized that role-models
change the intellectual risk-taking behaviors.
Author name / International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(2) (2022) 000–000 2839


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Mata Ujian : Teori dan Model Pembelajaran

Fak/Jur/Angk. : FIP/TP/2022
Hari / Tanggal :
Waktu : 100 menit
Dosen : Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd

==== Petunjuk
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut pada lembar jawab yang disediakan!

Unduh dan bacalah 6 artikel jurnal internasional bereputasi yang relevan dengan kajian
teoritik dan empirik yang relevan denganBuku Model dan Disertasi yang saudara susun.

Buatlah analisis artikel jurnal tersebut dengan menggunakan sistematika sebagai berikut:

Judul Buku Model Pembelajaran

Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intellectual, Responsibility (AIR)

Judul Disertasi

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intelektual, Responsibility (AIR) Untuk

Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mengingat Konsep dan Kemampuan Produksi Berbasis
Website Teknologi Blockchain Learning Pada Matakuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran di UNU


A. Identitas Jurnal
1. Nama Jurnal : Sustainability
2. Volume : 14
3. Nomor : 7
4. Halaman : 3771
5. Tahun Penerbit : 2022
6. Judul Jurnal : Development of Blockchain Learning Game-Themed Education Program
Targeting Elementary Students Based on ASSURE Model
7. Nama Penulis : Eunsun Choi, Youngmi Choi, Namje Park
8. Link artikel :
B. Isi Jurnal
1. Masalah Penelitian :

Masalah penelitian pada artikel tersebut adalah untuk mengembangkan sebuah

program pendidikan blockchain yang menggunakan gamifikasi untuk mendorong minat siswa
sekolah dasar dalam mengembangkan pemahaman tentang prinsip-prinsip blockchain.
2. Tujuan Penelitian :

a) Mengembangkan program pendidikan tentang prinsip-prinsip blockchain

menggunakan gamifikasi berdasarkan enam tahap model ASSURE.
b) Menganalisis pandangan kelompok fokus tentang program yang dikembangkan untuk
pembelajaran prinsip-prinsip blockchain menggunakan pendekatan jaringan bahasa
dengan melibatkan sentralitas kata kunci dan pemodelan topik.

3. Metode Penelitian :

Metode penelitian pada artikel tersebut dapat diidentifikasi sebagai berikut:

a) Desain Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan pengembangan program
pendidikan, dengan fokus pada pengembangan program pendidikan blockchain yang
menggunakan gamifikasi. Metode penelitian ini menggabungkan prinsip-prinsip
desain instruksional dan pengembangan program pendidikan.
b) Subjek Penelitian: Subjek penelitian dalam konteks ini adalah siswa sekolah dasar di
Korea Selatan. Mereka adalah target dari program pendidikan blockchain yang
c) Proses Pengembangan Program: Proses pengembangan program didasarkan pada
enam langkah model ASSURE. Langkah-langkah tersebut mencakup penilaian,
penentuan tujuan, pemilihan metode pengajaran, pengembangan materi pembelajaran,
pengujian materi, dan desain permainan pembelajaran.
d) Pengumpulan Data: Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui penilaian awal
siswa untuk mengidentifikasi masalah literasi digital dan kebutuhan siswa. Selain itu,
umpan balik dari ahli pendidikan juga dikumpulkan untuk menganalisis dan
memodifikasi program pendidikan yang dikembangkan.
e) Analisis Data: Data yang dikumpulkan, termasuk umpan balik siswa dan ahli
pendidikan, dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik teknis dan pemodelan topik
berbasis LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation). Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi
efektivitas program pendidikan dan mengidentifikasi area yang perlu diperbaiki atau
Jadi, metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam artikel tersebut adalah
pengembangan program pendidikan berdasarkan model ASSURE, pengumpulan data
melalui penilaian awal dan umpan balik ahli, serta analisis data menggunakan metode
statistik dan pemodelan topik.
4. Hasil Penelitian :

a) Penelitian ini menghasilkan pengembangan program pendidikan blockchain yang

menggunakan model ASSURE dan mengintegrasikan elemen gamifikasi.
b) Para ahli juga mengidentifikasi beberapa keterbatasan dalam program pendidikan yang
dikembangkan, termasuk keterbatasan konten program pendidikan dan ketidakinklusifan
program pendidikan terhadap tingkat kesulitan dan tingkat pembelajaran siswa.
c) Penelitian ini mencoba menggunakan model dan visualisasi data yang tidak terstruktur yang
disumbangkan oleh para ahli, berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya yang lebih condong
pada analisis statistik data kuantitatif.
d) Penelitian ini merekomendasikan penelitian selanjutnya yang berfokus pada meningkatkan
keberlanjutan dan fleksibilitas program pendidikan, serta mengkaji efektivitas program
pendidikan ini dalam hubungannya dengan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Pembahasan (relevansi dengan buku model dan disertasi yang saudara susun)

Penelitian relevansi dengan "Teknologi Blockchain Learning" adalah bahwa program

pendidikan blockchain yang dikembangkan menggunakan metode gamifikasi dan pendekatan
pembelajaran mandiri dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk menerapkan teknologi blockchain
dalam pembelajaran. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan minat siswa
terhadap teknologi blockchain melalui penggunaan permainan pembelajaran.

Development of Blockchain Learning Game-Themed Education
Program Targeting Elementary Students Based on
Eunsun Choi 1 , Youngmi Choi 2 and Namje Park 3, *

1 Major in Computer Education, Faculty of Science Education, Graduate School, Jeju National University,
Jeju-si 63294, Korea;
2 Center for Creative Education, Jeju National University, Jeju-si 63294, Korea;
3 Department of Computer Education, Teachers College, Jeju National University, Jeju-si 63294, Korea
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +82-64-754-4914

Abstract: The blockchain education program based on the ASSURE model proposed in this article is
of value because it can be applied in blended learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, using learning
games to facilitate self-directed learning. We developed the education program in accordance with
the six steps of the education design process of the ASSURE model. Firstly, we assessed learners
to identify digital literacy issues of South Korean elementary students and jobs desired by them.
Secondly, the objective of blockchain education was defined as improving awareness of and attention
to blockchain technology by elementary students. Thirdly, gamification applied lessons were used
as a teaching method, with educational media and data developed as worksheets and materials
that can be used both online and offline. Fourthly, the educational contents and teaching aids were
tested to evaluate the developed learning materials. Fifthly, the learning games were designed to
 offer rewards. Last, we designed the program to teach the principles of consensus mechanisms,

private blockchain, and public blockchain. Education experts’ feedback was analyzed using technical
Citation: Choi, E.; Choi, Y.; Park, N.
statistics and LDA-based topic modeling to assess and modify the program. The education program
Development of Blockchain Learning
Game-Themed Education Program
design approach incorporating gamification elements was effective but needed expansion in coverage
Targeting Elementary Students Based to include level-based teaching elements.
on ASSURE Model. Sustainability
2022, 14, 3771. Keywords: blockchain; gamification; ASSURE model; primary education; blended learning

Academic Editors: Sébastien Jacques

and Abdeldjalil OUAHABI
1. Introduction
Received: 3 March 2022
Due to recent ICT breakthroughs, many innovative approaches have appeared in
Accepted: 20 March 2022
the educational sector [1]; the COVID-19 outbreak has prompted efforts to adopt ICT-
Published: 23 March 2022
enabled distance learning strategies to sustain teaching/learning [2]. A review of the latest
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral improvements made to the 2015 revised national curriculum in South Korea shows that an
with regard to jurisdictional claims in emphasis is placed on the importance of students’ computational thinking abilities [3]. The
published maps and institutional affil- emphasis highlights the need to make the learning of computing skills more easily accessible
iations. in elementary school education. For example, the South Korean government has promoted
ICT-enabled, textbook-less classes, incorporating computer program coding lessons in the
regular curriculum to foster the fourth industrial revolution, and has facilitated educational
innovation away from a focus on theory towards hands-on ICT practice sessions [1]. Despite
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
this top-down guideline, some concerns have been reported that training in specialized
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
computing skills could reduce students’ motivation to learn, leading to a decrease in their
This article is an open access article
concentration, possibly impacting the quality of classes [4]. It is notable that review of
distributed under the terms and
statistical materials relating to classroom-based teaching and learning in the past shows
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
that approximately 35% of South Korean students reported that they enjoyed their classes—
behind the corresponding responses from France (55%) and the U.K. (48%). The findings

Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771.

Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 2 of 24

confirm that some measures are needed to foster student enthusiasm for classes and to
enhance the level of their involvement during classes [3].
This article concerns the development of a blockchain education program utilizing
gamification to encourage elementary student learners to develop an interest in blockchain,
identifying implications for how to educate the founding principles of blockchain by
analyzing keywords and topic modeling language networks. Sub-goals covered include
the following:
(1) To develop an educational program on blockchain principles using gamification based
on the six stages of the ASSURE model.
(2) To analyze focus group perspectives on the developed program for learning blockchain
principles using language network approaches involving keyword centralities and
topic modeling.

2. Related Research
2.1. Gamification as a Mechanism of Learning
The exploitation of gamification, where game-like elements are combined with con-
ventional classroom approaches, is considered to be a positive way of encouraging students
to more spontaneously take an interest and of helping them pay more attention to their
classes. Gamification has the merits of offering students fun experiences induced by games
while studying their subjects so that their learning experience becomes more enjoyable,
and of providing tangible indicators that allow students to instantaneously check on their
own achievements [5].
The term ‘gamification’ was coined from the word ‘game’ and was first used by Nick
Pelling in 2002. Gamification means combining game-based mechanisms, aesthetic ele-
ments, ways of thinking, etc., in ways that encourage immersion, motivate student actions,
facilitate learning, and help students to solve problems in non-game-like contexts [6]. In
the foregoing, ‘game’ can be defined as an activity that includes skills, knowledge, and
opportunities for solving problems under certain sets of rules and making efforts to win [7].
A game provides clear rules and purposes, clarifying the conditions for winning and termi-
nating the game. It can provide users with a sense of purpose and help raise the level of
interest in games.
A wide range of studies, both domestic and international, have been conducted to
consider the incorporation of gamification into education so that the concentration skills of
students can be improved. For example, Randel et al. [8] analyzed studies of gamification-
combined education over 28 years and found that 12 out of 14 interventions involving
language and mathematics education identified were effective. Iannotti [9] observed
improvements in empathy skills and altruism in students with implementation of role-
playing in classroom education. Sitzmann [10] analyzed education approaches in which 65
simulation games were implemented finding that, compared to their peers who received
a more traditional education, students experiencing these showed learning benefits, i.e.,
an 11% increase in declarative knowledge, a 14% increase in procedural knowledge, and a
9% increase in knowledge-maintaining skills. More recently, studies of gamification have
highlighted that the learning approach includes questioning, goal setting, decision making,
and simulating, so that it possibly enhances learners’ motivation, interest, participation,
and comprehensive knowledge [1,11,12].

2.2. Blockchain Education

Since 2018 in South Korea, some universities have launched departments and training
courses for blockchain. Table 1 below lists the department management details of each uni-
versity. Overseas educational institutions are also conducting blockchain-related courses,
including MIT, EU Business school, Fordham University, and Hochschule Mittweida Uni-
versity; the outline content of the educational programs conducted by each institution
is shown in Table 1 [13]. Most schools have recently been running blockchain education
courses. While some schools conduct programs centered on blockchain technology itself,
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 3 of 24

others divide programs by subdividing blockchain technology, and some programs are
grafted onto other fields of study. These other fields of study include economics and
business—the fields are not diverse.

Table 1. Blockchain Programs Underway.

Step Overseas
Institute Program Main Courses Institute Program Main Courses
· An introduction to blockchain
Blockchain · Bitcoin and the curse of the
· Blockchain platform
technology: double-spending problem
Kukmin Blockchain · Blockchain dAPP development
MIT Business · Costless verification: blockchain
University technology · Blockchain token economy
innovation and technology and the last mile problem
· Blockchain and media
application · Bootstrapping network effects
through blockchain technology and
· Blockchain basics
· Cryptoblockchain
· Cryptocurrencies and fintech
· Consensus algorithm
Dongguk EU Business Blockchain · Blockchain applications and new
Blockchain · Advanced cryptography
University School management business models
· Bitcoin and cryptocurrency
· Blockchain and sustainable
· Public blockchain
· Introduction to
· Fintech—an
blockchain and
distributed ledger
· System analysis
Block-chain · Applications of
FinTech and design
System blockchain
· Data mining for
· Blockchain
· Text analytics
Sogang service modeling Fordham
University Blockchain University MBA
· Blockchain
· Applications of
· Digital currencies
· Blockchain tech
Block-chain Blockchain and app
· Financial markets
System secondary development
under IT
· Blockchain:
industry disruptor
· FinTech platforms
and creator
Blockchain and
· System software
Blockchain Hochschule distributed · Blockchain technical applications
Hanyang · Secure coding
and crypto- Mittweida ledger · Blockchain non-technical
University · Blockchain and information security
currency University technology applications
· Smart contract and dAPP

As illustrated above, blockchain education programs primarily target adults or tal-

ented blockchain students whether in South Korea or elsewhere around the world, but there
are also blockchain education programs targeting younger population segments. A univer-
sity in South Korea introduced an effective educational tool that easily teaches blockchain
to students 16 years of age or older, a teaching and learning method that utilizes a technical
play called ‘Village Coin’ and a boardgame [14]. The play consists of four acts—its contents
deal with the value of money, the issue of exchange of money and goods, currency evapo-
ration, security and trust in the local currency, and the blockchain. In addition, the Village
Coin board game was designed to convey how to replace the financial elements of banking,
real estate ownership, and currency with blockchain technology, which was developed
based on the Monopoly game. The education model, which combines play and board
games, was found to be suitable for conveying complex technical ideas to students. Games
represent a convenient tool for in-depth education of cryptography and blockchain theory.
In an example of research on use of this educational model to teach blockchain technology
to elementary school students, card games and worksheets were used to help students
understand the core principles of preventing forgery and alteration of the blockchain [15].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 4 of 24

The card game allowed all participants to obtain a total sum for two words selected by the
learner, and if the words gave the same sum, the learner obtained a score so that the learner
could learn the principle of the hash of the blockchain. Game players could learn the
distributed record ledger by writing down the sum of the obtained scores in their respective
worksheets. Thus, gamification is a tool that can be used for teaching blockchain technology
to students in elementary, middle, and high schools [14,15], and many educators use games
to teach complex and challenging skills to young learners [8]. Boardgames were developed
in some cases to teach blockchain mechanisms, public blockchain, and private blockchain to
children [16]. The boardgame developers thought that blockchain education targeting chil-
dren or teenagers needed to focus on helping them understand blockchain principles using
metaphor rather than through in-depth use of the technology [16]. Accordingly, conceptual
principles or types of blockchain were incorporated into the educational contents and the
education programs were designed to utilize a variety of media, including educational
skits, learning games, cartoons, video clips, etc., to encourage students to self-direct in
learning and develop an interest in the learning content.

2.3. Instructional Design Using ASSURE Model

The ASSURE (Analyze learners-State objectives-Select methods, media, and materials-
Utilize media and materials-Require learner participation-Evaluate and revise) model
proposed by Heinich et al. [17] refers to an education system or set of guidelines that can
be used by teachers in developing teaching plans that use digital technologies [18]. The
model is a teaching model that specifies how instructors can appropriately use a variety
of media while delivering a lecture. In particular, the model regards educational media,
teaching aids, and lesson materials as critical to the level and quality of teaching content.
Furthermore, the model emphasizes how to utilize digital technology-enabled teaching
media in the ADDIE (Analysis-Design-Develop-Implement-Evaluate) model, frequently
used as a teaching design model to enable learners to be more focused. Therefore, the
model is deemed appropriate for utilizing online tools to provide contextualized education
in on and offline classrooms in accordance with the changes in classroom environments in
the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The six steps, questions, and strategies for designing lessons in accordance with the
ASSURE Model are described in Table 2 [19].
In Step 1, demographics, general characteristics, learning style, and entry competencies
of learners are analyzed. In Step 2, objectives of lessons to be developed are stated; learning
outcomes to be achieved by fulfilling the objectives can be assessed, which can be conducive
to providing and configuring a learning environment. Mager’s [20] principles for stating
the objectives can be used to guide the formulation of lesson objectives, focusing on learners
and suggesting behavioral targets for them in order to design a learner-directed lesson. The
principles imply that it is necessary to suggest conditions in which observable behaviors
are triggered and specify standards by which the fulfillment of lesson objectives can be
assessed [19]. In Step 3, teaching methods, media, and/or materials are selected. In
this step, existing materials can be analyzed to plan and configure methods, media, and
materials suitable for the education program to be designed. Instructors must consider
lesson formats and methods that can contribute to learner outcomes and the fulfillment of
specified teaching objectives. Elements of new material design review include objectives,
targeted audience, costs, facilities, time, etc. In Step 4, the media and materials specified in
Step 3 are reviewed for their on-site applicability. The contents of teaching materials are
assessed to see if they can contribute to fulfilling instructional objectives. In addition, the
elements of contents that instructors need to be aware of before the contents are applied
directly on educational sites are reviewed, if any. In Step 5, how to engage learners in classes
is discussed. A wide range of teaching techniques is considered before a technique that can
ensure an optimized teaching effect is specified. As learners are encouraged to engage in
classes, they will be more focused and stand a better chance of understanding lessons. In
the final step, the developed teaching program is assessed. By this step, the teaching model
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 5 of 24

can be finally refined and supplemented to deliver a more complete education program.
Educational programs are primarily assessed as they are applied to learners or instructors
on a pilot basis and their effectiveness analyzed. Such an effectiveness analysis can identify
improvement opportunities in applicable education programs and competencies to which
the programs are directly beneficial.
Table 2. 6 Steps of the ASSURE Model.

Area Question Strategy

· Demographics: pedagogy and andragogy
· General characteristics
Analyze learners Who would be the audience?
· Entry competencies
· Learning styles
· Learning outcome assessment
State objectives What would students need to learn? · A-B-C-D Principles
· Audience, behavior, condition, degree
What should instructors use for · Select instructional materials
Select methods, media, or materials face-to-face, hybrid and online · Produce new materials
teaching? · Repurpose existing materials
· Preview materials
How would instructors use the
Utilize media and materials · Prepare environment
· Provide instruction
· Discussion
· Small group activities
Would students actively engage in
Require learner participation · Educational game
· Feedback
· Formative assessment
How can education be · Program advancement
Evaluate and revise
supplemented? · Effectiveness analysis

A host of education programs based on the ASSURE model have been developed.
Karakis et al. [20] designed a mathematical lesson on fractional numbers, utilizing computer-
aided media in accordance with the teaching design principles of the ASSURE model.
They improved the proficiency of students with their lessons and emphasized that the
educational materials and activities developed in the lesson had positive impacts on the
attitude of students toward computer-aided lessons. Mehmet [21] planned an English
language instruction on the basis of the ASSURE model. As the planned education program
was applied to students, most of them enjoyed the activities and materials provided in
the program, and successfully performed the exercises provided in class [18]. As such, the
ASSURE model is frequently used in education research designs for a variety of applications
utilizing digital media, delivering educational effects.

3. Methodology
The purpose of this research was to teach blockchain at the children’s level to enable
students to understand the conceptual principles underpinning blockchain and, ultimately,
to develop an interest in it. To fulfill this purpose, we decided to develop an education
program. To develop the education program, teaching design models were first analyzed,
and the ASSURE model emphasizing the utilization of digital media was selected among
the existing teaching design models as the development model for the education program,
as opposed to the more popularized ADDIE model [17]. Then, the education program was
designed in accordance with the six steps in the ASSURE model (Figure 1).
education program. To develop the education program, teaching design models were first
analyzed, and the ASSURE model emphasizing the utilization of digital media was
selected among the existing teaching design models as the development model for the
education program, as opposed to the more popularized ADDIE model [17]. Then, the
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 6 of 24
education program was designed in accordance with the six steps in the ASSURE model
(Figure 1).

Figure 1. 6 Stages of Figure

Developing theofBlockchain
1. 6 Stages DevelopingEducation Program
the Blockchain in this
Education Article.
Program in this Article.

First of all, in theFirst of all, in

‘Analyze the ‘Analyze
Learners’ step,Learners’ step, thetargeted
the audience audienceby targeted by the education
the education
program was selected by analyzing the findings from the 2018–2020 survey on desired
program was selected by analyzing the findings from the 2018–2020 survey on desired
jobs and digital literacy of South Korean elementary school students [22–25]. Secondly,
jobs and digital literacy of South Korean elementary school students [22–25]. Secondly, in
in the ‘State Objectives’ step, the purpose of the education program was clearly specified.
the ‘State Objectives’
The step, the were
objectives purposestatedofinthe education
detail program
in accordance was clearly
with Mager’s specified.
[19] objective statement
The objectives were stated in detail in accordance with Mager’s [19] objective
principle of the ‘Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree (ABCD)’ method. Education statement
principle of the ‘Audience, Behavior, technology
experts and blockchain Condition, Degreecollaborated
specialists (ABCD)’ method. Education
in specifying the instructional
experts and blockchain technology specialists collaborated in specifying the instructionalmethods
objectives. Thirdly, to select teaching methods and media, blockchain education
objectives. Thirdly,andto tools,
selectmedia, and materials, etc., used in designing education programs recently after
teaching methods and media, blockchain education methods
the COVID-19 outbreak, were analyzed. To develop teaching methods and materials, we
and tools, media, and materials,
studied references etc., used
in the in designing
study literature to education
identify andprograms recently and
organize techniques aftermaterials
the COVID-19 outbreak,
used in were analyzed.
blockchain To develop
education programs. teaching methods
The studies andinmaterials,
covered we review
the literature
studied referencesincluded
in theeducational
study literature
development to identify
research on and organize
blockchain techniques
education, andnot only
materials used in elementary
education but programs.
also graduate Thestudents
studies of covered
business schools or adults. As the
in the literature
studies covering blockchain teaching methods for
review included educational development research on blockchain education, targeting elementary students were too few, it was
hard to restrict the studies. Accordingly, we expanded the scope of the targeted audience.
not only elementary students, but also graduate students of business schools or adults. As
We analyzed a total of six studies: three targeting elementary students, two covering
the studies covering blockchainstudents,
undergraduate teachingand methods for elementary
one for adults familiar withstudents were too
java technology few, The
it was hard to restrict thefindings
analysis studies.wereAccordingly,
used as inputs we for
selecting the scope
teaching of the and
methods targeted
the media to
audience. We analyzed a total of six studies: three targeting elementary students, twoin Step 3
be developed and utilized. Fourthly, the teaching methods and media selected
were used
covering undergraduate to develop
students, andworksheets
one for adultsand instructional
familiar with materials to be used in
java technology the education
29]. The analysis findings were used as inputs for selecting teaching methods and verified
program proposed. The content of the education program was quantitatively the for
validity by a panel of ten blockchain technology and pedagogy experts, including one
media to be developed and utilized. Fourthly, the teaching methods and media selected
professor of elementary school computer education, two doctoral students of computer
in Step 3 were used to develop
education, and six worksheets
blockchainand instructional
technology materials
researchers, to be
and their used in
feedback the
regarding the
appropriateness of the designed education contents was gathered. A CVR value was
calculated by applying the content validity ratio (CVR) equation for the quantification
study of Lawshe [30] extensively used in social science studies. The mathematical formula
for the above is as shown in Equation (1), where N is the total number of the assessors and
ne is the number of assessors who responded that it is adequate.
ne − 2
Content Validity Ratio = N

According to Lawshe’s [30] study, the minimum CVR is 0.62 when the number of
assessors is 10. Therefore, the educational contents were deemed to be viable in this research
when the CVR value was at or above 0.62. For the standards for developing instructional
aids, the standards and questions concerning considerations for instructional aid selection
in Shim et al.’s [31] study were referenced. They claimed that instructional aids must be
safe, appropriate, durable, and cost-effective from functional perspectives. Accordingly, the
instructional aids, including cards, boards, and ledgers developed in this research, were put
to viability review from all those four perspectives. In Step 5, how to encourage learners to
engage in the program was specified. It is necessary to motivate learners to actively engage
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 7 of 24

in learning. Accordingly, in this study, motivation techniques primarily used in educational

program design were retrieved from the existing literature and an appropriate strategy
to motivate learners to engage in the program was determined. Lastly, in the ‘Evaluate
and Revise’ step, the learning games and education program based on such games were
designed and evaluated with reference to the elements specified and designed from Steps
1 to 5. The education program was refined and rendered more complete as informed
by the evaluation findings. To evaluate the education program, focus group interviews
(FGIs) were conducted. The FGIs were conducted with the ten experts who participated in
the validity assessment in Step 4 of the ASSURE model and their expert feedback on the
strengths and weaknesses of the education program was gathered. The interview findings
were converted to text by an AI-enabled language processing application, and keywords
were retrieved from the gathered data using the social network analysis software NetMiner
4.3 program, and topic modeling analysis based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) was
conducted. Keywords in unstructured data of text format were extracted and converted to
structured data, and networks were generated from the extracted keywords and rendered
into visualized representations.

4. Results
4.1. Blockchain Education Program Targeting Elementary Students Based on ASSURE Model
4.1.1. Analyze Learners
The purpose of this process was to provide a basis for facilitation of a comprehensive
comparison of the prospective jobs desired by elementary school students in South Korea.
This job comparison was intended to assess how much the learners were interested in jobs
related to the cutting-edge technologies of the future. According to a survey conducted
by the South Korean Ministry of Education for three years from 2018 to 2019 and 2020 on
23,223 students of 1200 schools across South Korea, including 6352 in elementary schools,
8339 in middle schools, and 8532 in high schools, the students desired a variety of jobs,
but revealed a similar pattern [22]. Regardless of their school grades, all students were
found to favor roles as athletes and teachers the most. What was noteworthy was the
rank of computer scientists or software developers related to blockchain; when the top
ten desired jobs per school grade were compared, elementary school students did not
desire jobs related to cutting-edge technologies. Those jobs ranked 10th in 2018, and 9th
in 2019. They did not appear in the top ten jobs in 2020. Among high school students,
computer-related jobs were ranked at higher places than among middle school students.
They ranked 8th in 2018, 4th in 2019, and 7th in 2020. By this comparison, we can see
that preference for jobs utilizing cutting-edge technologies of the future, such as computer
or blockchain technology, lower among the elementary school students than among the
middle school and high school students. A comparison of desired jobs per year is shown in
Table 3.
Digital literacy means certain competencies for understanding and utilizing digital
technologies [32]. This encompasses, beyond simple familiarity with computers, compe-
tencies for communication enabled by digital technology or devices, adaptability to the
digital environment, or combinations of such qualities. Blockchain is also empowered
by digital technologies, and the level of digital literacy may suggest how amenable the
learner is toward blockchain concepts and how a blockchain education program should be
designed. The digital literacy survey of South Korean elementary school students, covering
11,055 learners in 2018, 8847 in 2019, and 9611 in 2020, was reviewed. Table 4 shows the
means and standard deviations of digital literacy per element [23–26].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 8 of 24

Table 3. Comparison of Jobs Desired by Elementary Students in South Korea across 2018, 2019, and
2020 [22].

2018 (N = 6352) 2019 (N = 8339) 2020 (N = 8532)

1 Athlete Athlete Athlete
2 Teacher Teacher Doctor
3 Doctor Creator Teacher
4 Cook Doctor Creator
5 Creator Cook Professional gamer
Elementary 6 Police officer Professional gamer Police officer
7 Legal expert Police officer Cook
8 Singer Legal expert Singer
Cartoonist (webtoon
9 Professional gamer Singer
10 Baker Beauty designer Baker
No. (%) 7680 (50.5) 6505 (51.3) 5101 (48.8)

Table 4. Digital Literacy Trends of South Korean Elementary Students across 2018, 2019, and 2020.
(Score Min. = 0, Max. = 4).

2018 (N = 11,055) 2019 (N = 8847) 2020 (N = 9611)

Search information 2.66 1.09 2.45 1.13 2.47 1.22
Analyze and evaluate
2.90 1.10 2.81 1.18 2.81 1.22
Organize and create
1.89 1.19 2.13 1.28 2.15 1.28
Utilize and manage
2.80 1.21 2.70 1.31 2.68 1.38
2.65 1.01 2.32 1.02 2.39 1.07
Abstraction 2.41 1.15 2.21 1.06 2.50 1.41
Automation 1.92 1.30 1.77 1.31 1.72 1.37
Grand total of means 17.23 5.96 16.39 6.27 16.71 7.14

According to the survey, when the digital literacy scores in all areas were summarized,
the mean and standard deviation were the highest in 2018 at 17.23 and 5.96 respectively, and
the lowest in 2019 at 16.39 and 6.27, respectively. Among the ICT elements, the ‘Organize
and Create Information’ posted the lowest means with consistency, with the mean and
standard deviation at 1.89 and 1.19 in 2018, 2.13 and 1.28 in 2019, and 2.15 and 1.28 in
2020, respectively. Among the CT elements, the mean scores for ‘Automation’ were all
found to be low when compared with ‘Abstraction’, with the mean and standard deviation
at 1.92 and 1.30 in 2018, 1.77 and 1.31 in 2019, and 1.72 and 1.37 in 2020, respectively.
These statistics suggest that in terms of digital literacy, South Korean elementary school
students found it relatively challenging to gather data or convert it into a different format
to solve problems. In addition, it was confirmed that it was difficult for them to design
and implement a program according to the algorithm. Therefore, we infer that when we
develop an education program, it is important to provide an experience where students
can solve problems or organize/create information using blockchains.
provide an experience where students can solve problems or organize/create i
using blockchains.

Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771

4.1.2. State Objectives 9 of 24
When designing the education program, we intended, firstly, t
understanding of and interest in blockchain among the elementary students, a
4.1.2. State Objectives
talent for a sustainable future with quality education programs. To specifical
When designing the education program, we intended, firstly, to promote understand-
objectives, we used the audience, behavior, condition, degree (ABCD) m
ing of and interest in blockchain among the elementary students, and to foster talent for a
sustainable statement of theeducation
with quality Mager principles
programs. To[19]. Figure
specifically 2 details
state the educationa
the objectives, we
used in accordance
the audience, with Mager’s
behavior, condition, [19] objective
degree (ABCD) method, thestatement principles
objective statement of app
the Mager principles
education program. [19]. Figure 2 details the educational objectives specified in accordance
with Mager’s [19] objective statement principles applied to this education program.

Figure Instructional
2. 2. Objectives.
Instructional Objectives.
Firstly, in terms of audience, it is emphasized that it is important for instruction design
to focusFirstly,
on whatinis terms
done byoflearners
rather it is by
than emphasized
instructors. Tothat it is important
configure a lesson for
design to focus on what is done by learners rather than by instructors. To
systematically, it needs to be recognized that the fulfillment of an objective is determined by
what is performed by whom. Specifying an instructional objective starts from the statement
lesson systematically, it needs to be recognized that the fulfillment of an
of what is converted by whom. In Step 1 of the ASSURE model, ‘Analyze Learners’, it was
found by what
that the South Koreanis performed
elementary schoolby whom.
students didSpecifying
not prefer jobsan instructional
requiring digital obje
from the statement
technologies of whatcompetency,
and strong computing is converted by whom.
and faced Inwith
difficulties Step 1 of the ASSU
enabled problem-solving skills or creation/implementation of information.
‘Analyze Learners’, it was found that the South Korean elementary school st Therefore,
elementary school learners in South Korea were defined as the audience for the education
not prefer jobs requiring digital technologies and strong computing compe
program proposed. Secondly, in terms of ‘Behavior’, competency or behavior to be attained
by difficulties
learners through educationwith information-enabled
is specified. As this education programproblem-solving
was intended to
foster understanding of and interest in blockchain among elementary students, it needed to
be determined whether learners could understand and act on the consensus mechanism of
blockchain and conceptual principles of blockchain types among various concepts related
to blockchain. Actions expected after the application of this education program are that
the learners can express the foundational concepts and principles of blockchain in their
own language. Thirdly, ‘Condition’ means circumstances or conditions in which a learner’s
behavior can be manifested. We would like our education program to enable learners
to understand blockchain better. Furthermore, we expect the program to be effective in
helping elementary school students learn concepts related to cutting-edge technologies
in practical art classes and innovation classes of creative activities programs. Fourthly,
‘Degree’ is intended to provide for benchmarks assessing the fulfillment of objectives. We
did not restrict the learning performance assessment standards to the understanding of
blockchain concepts but to the improvement of problem-solving skills and digital literacy
enabled by blockchain. We designed the education program to encourage learners to
develop an interest in blockchain and to be inclined to learn and study the subject with a
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 10 of 24

stronger commitment, by experiencing and understanding the principles of blockchain.

After all, what matters in fostering talents from the perspective of sustainable development
education is not just knowledge about blockchain but also understanding of and insight
into blockchain.
Thus, the educational program described in this paper allows elementary school
learners to handle various areas of knowledge and information that can reasonably solve
problems to cultivate the creative convergence talents required by future societies. It can
also contribute to fostering elementary school learners’ ability to handle interdisciplinary
fields of knowledge and information so that they can reasonably solve problems and
cultivate creative convergence talents required by future societies. Specifically, we intended
to convey understanding of blockchain principles, a key technology in the fourth industrial
revolution, and to remove psychological fear about blockchain to provide a foothold to
enable students to grow into experts.

4.1.3. Select Method, Media, or Materials

In this step, instructional methods and media or materials required for lessons were
selected. Table 5 shows analysis findings on the instructional methods and tools for teaching
blockchain identified in previous studies.

Table 5. Previous Studies on Instructional Methods and Tools for Teaching Blockchain.

Audience Instructional Methods Tools Findings

· Lecture The small Java graphical

· Experimental user interface application
Students in learning named ChainTutor can be
Xing [26] Software tool
blockchain courses · Gamification possibly used in classroom
· Simulations teaching or self-learning of
blockchain concepts

· Lecture
The intervention
· Experimental · Unplugged strengthened learners’
learning worksheet
Elementary capacity for information
Kim & Park [16] · Gamification · Boardgame
students processing,
· Problem-based materials communication, and
community spirit
· Simulations
· Lecture
· Experimental · Unplugged They proposed a method
learning worksheet
Elementary to prevent the forgery and
Jung et al. [15] · Gamification · Boar game
students falsification of the
· Problem-based materials blockchain.
· Simulations
· Lecture
A blockchain unplugged
· Experimental
program positively affected
Elementary Unplugged elementary school learners
Choi & Koo [27] · Gamification
students worksheet in terms of learning
· Problem-based
interest, difficulty, and
· Simulations
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 11 of 24

Table 5. Cont.

Audience Instructional Methods Tools Findings
Business or · Experimental A software tool Bloxxgame
business learning supports experience-based
information · Gamification
Dettling & Bettina instruction of blockchain
technology · Problem-based Software tool
[28] concepts and can be used
students at learning in class or for online
Bachelor’s and · Simulations teaching.
Master’s level
· Lecture
· Experimental Using code-based methods
Accounting learning · Textbook to teach blockchain to
Kaden et al. [29] · Software tool
students in college · Problem-based accountants was feasible
learning and instructive.
· Simulations

In terms of instructional methods for blockchain, experimental learning and simulation

were included in all the six studies. In addition, gamification, problem-based learning,
and lecture were used in five of them. Discussion was used in none of the studies. This
indicates that experiments or games are included in programs targeting both children and
adults, unless the programs are intended to cover blockchain technology in-depth, and that
the programs are designed to deliver problem-based learning beyond the understanding of
blockchain concepts, so that the learners can solve problems encountered in daily life. In
addition, expert lectures were included to assist with the understanding of concepts rather
than simple experiments.
In terms of educational tools, including blockchain education media and materi-
als, unplugged worksheets were included in all programs targeting elementary students.
Blockchain education programs targeting adults used software programs, such as java
applications or R-based coding programs, or bespoke online software. Some lessons used in-
structional materials designed for undergraduate classes, not just for blockchain education.
None of the six studies used online video clips in classes. The use of unplugged work-
sheets in all programs targeting elementary students seems to have factored in the level of
elementary school learners or lack of digital infrastructure in schools. However, as online
classes are extensively used in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of
worksheets utilizing online tools may be required.
Therefore, this study used an instructional method containing games accompanying
experiments. In addition, the instructor’s lectures and briefings were added as precursors
to instructional games to improve the understanding of students. Furthermore, online
tool-based worksheets were developed in addition to unplugged worksheets compatible
with conventional classroom environment to ensure continuity of lessons in an online
environment in the event that tele-learning classes were needed at short notice.

4.1.4. Utilize Media and Materials

Design Educational Contents
In Step 3, we selected instructional methods and tools. Educational content was con-
figured based upon the selection, and instructional materials were developed to enable
systematic instruction. Standards for educational content required to be included in the
lectures of instructors to help with the understanding of learners were established. It was
necessary to configure the educational content to help learners develop basic knowledge
without encompassing an excessively broad scope, and in-depth details of the level of learn-
ers was applied. Given that blockchain lessons are not included in the current educational
curriculum of South Korea and therefore it is hard for teachers to allocate a significant
amount of time, the blockchain education program was designed to consist of two or three
lessons, so that it could be readily deployed on-site. We designed the educational contents
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 12 of 24

with reference to the blockchain education programs analyzed in Step 3, primarily drawing
upon Kim and Park’s [16] educational contents. They dealt with the basic concepts and
types of blockchain in their educational content. Jung et al.’s [15] study focused on the
tamper-proofing mechanism of blockchain and proposed an education program focused on
the mechanism. Choi and Koo’s [27] study dealt with the concepts and formation process
of blockchain, distributed storing of blockchain, encryption and validation of blockchain,
the connection of blockchains, and cases of blockchain utilization, designing educational
content consisting of six lessons. These two studies were referenced in terms of instructional
method and material development.
Lesson 1 of the designed educational contents dealt with the basic concepts of blockchain,
with lessons 2 and 3 covering the types of blockchain. The basic concepts of blockchain
in lesson 1 included the features of blockchain, the principle of distributed storing, con-
sensus mechanism, and the basic concept of cryptocurrency. Lesson 2 focused on public
blockchains, covering their features, principles, strengths, and weaknesses, and utiliza-
tion cases. Lesson 3 dealt with private blockchains, describing their features, principles,
strengths and weaknesses, and utilization cases. The developed educational contents were
deemed to be viable by all panel members, with a minimum CVR value of 0.78. Details
of the findings are shown in Table 6. Therefore, the educational contents of the education
program developed were deemed to be viable.

Table 6. Contents of Blockchain Education and Validity.

Periods Topic Contents CVR

· Features of blockchain
· Principle of distributed storing
1 Basic concepts of blockchain · Consensus mechanism 0.78
· Basic concepts of
· Features of public blockchain
Public · Principle of public blockchain
2 0.89
blockchain · Strengths and weaknesses
· Utilization cases
Blockchain types
· Features of private blockchain
Private · Principle of private blockchain
3 0.89
blockchain · Strengths and weaknesses
· Utilization cases

As per the designed educational contents, we developed lesson-specific worksheets,

including worksheets usable in on and offline environments. Figure 3 shows unplugged
worksheets usable in offline classes and online worksheets that can be used when remote
lessons are adopted in place of offline classes.

Figure 3. Unplugged and/or

Figure interactive
Unplugged worksheets.
and/or online interactive worksheets.

The worksheets were designed to ask open-type questions by which teachers could
check and revisit content learned in classes while delivering a lecture. In addition, the
same worksheets were adapted to online interactive worksheets on the Liveworksheets
platform. Blank boxes were included in the online worksheets to allow students to freely
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 13 of 24

The worksheets were designed to ask open-type questions by which teachers could
check and revisit content learned in classes while delivering a lecture. In addition, the
same worksheets were adapted to online interactive worksheets on the Liveworksheets
platform. Blank boxes were included in the online worksheets to allow students to freely
state their comments, and teachers were permitted to evaluate and provide feedback on
the worksheets completed by students on the online platform.

Design Educational Games and Tools

After lesson-specific educational content was designed, corresponding educational
games and tools were developed. Three educational games were developed to help the
students understand the consensus mechanism and foundational principles of public and
private blockchains among the concepts of blockchain. The blockchain educational games
proposed in this paper were produced based on vital elements of a well-designed edu-
cational game according to Shute and Ke [33]. Elements proposed by them are specific
objectives/rules, interactive problem solving, adaptive challenge, ongoing feedback, uncer-
tainty, control, and sensory stimuli. The educational games proposed were described per
game element as shown in Appendix A.
The first educational game is a learning game designed to help with the understanding
of consensus mechanism which is one of the foundational concepts of blockchain. In the
first step, teams of two players are organized and a set of cards is given to each party. The
team members place six white cards face down. Each team member shouts one of the
cryptocurrency symbols and turns around each card of the opponent team at the same time.
If the cryptocurrency symbol of the turned card matches the symbol shouted, the applicable
player can take the card of the opponent team. When all white cards placed are used up,
the game is played with blue cards. The basic rules are the same, but two cryptocurrency
symbols must be shouted and two cards of the opponent team turned around this time.
If both symbols are matched, two cards of the opponent team can be taken. Lastly, when
it comes to red cards, three red cards of the opponent team can be taken only when three
cryptocurrency symbols are matched. A player who has won two out of three rounds
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
is the final winner. Figure 4 shows an example of instructional tools developed for 14 of

educational game.

Figure 4.
Figure 4. Card Samples for
for Blockchain
Blockchain Consensus
Consensus Mechanism
Mechanism Game.

The second educational game designed was used in Lesson 2 to help the students
understand the principle of a public blockchain. Each student starts with 50 coins. When
the game is ready, every student chooses the color they want on the board. Students place
their markers on the board in the color they choose. Students decide the order of the games
by rock-paper-scissors. When the game starts, a player throws the dice in front of all
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 14 of 24

The second educational game designed was used in Lesson 2 to help the students
understand the principle of a public blockchain. Each student starts with 50 coins. When
the game is ready, every student chooses the color they want on the board. Students place
their markers on the board in the color they choose. Students decide the order of the games
by rock-paper-scissors. When the game starts, a player throws the dice in front of all players.
Every student records every transaction on the ledger every time he/she throws the dice.
The player throws the dice and moves the marker forward when the number comes out.
He/she can throw the dice once more if the destination’s color is the same as the color of
his/her choice. Double trading is possible in the next transaction. If the number of dice is
odd, the player should pay coins to the other party, and if the number is even, he/she can
take the other’s coins. The last remaining person will be the winner, or the person who has
obtained the most coins in a set time will be the winner. If the player does not have coins,
he/she can sell his/her slot to the other party, and the price is ten coins. It is important to
note that all of these transactions must be recorded in their ledgers by all students.
The last learning game is intended to help with the understanding of the principle of
private blockchain. Unlike a public blockchain, when teachers and students play a private
blockchain game, they need to select students who play designated intermediaries. During
this process, students can naturally feel the difference depending on the type of blockchain.
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
It is also understandable that the concept of decentralization or transaction transparency
can be blurred in private blockchains since game participants give records of transactions to
intermediaries. Figure 5 shows a sample of teaching aids for public and private blockchains.

Figure5. 5.
Figure Teaching
Teaching Aids Aids for and
for Public Public and
Private PrivateGame.
Blockchain Blockchain Game.

The validity of the teaching aids was verified to assess whether the learn
developed were applicable on education sites. The same experts who particip
validation of the educational contents took part in the teaching aid verificatio
assessment outcomes of the teaching aids and contents developed are as show
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 15 of 24

The validity of the teaching aids was verified to assess whether the learning games
developed were applicable on education sites. The same experts who participated in the
validation of the educational contents took part in the teaching aid verification. Validity
assessment outcomes of the teaching aids and contents developed are as shown in Table 7.
In the assessment, CVR values were at or above 0.62 for all items, indicating that the cards,
boards, and ledgers were safe and suitable for education in all respects. In particular, in
terms of economic efficiency, CVR values were the highest with CVR = 0.94 for cards,
CVR = 0.95 for boards, and CVR = 0.96 for ledgers. This indicated that the teaching aids
were sufficiently usable even in a poorly equipped classroom environment. With respect to
durability, the teaching aids were found to be viable, but CVR values were somewhat lower
than for other items, with CVR = 0.69 for cards, CVR = 0.75 for boards, and CVR = 0.72
for ledgers. Therefore, it was inferred that the developed aids need to be made of more
sturdy materials.

Table 7. Validity of Blockchain Education Aids and Contents.

Teaching Aid Standard CVR

Safety 0.89
Suitability 0.78
Durability 0.69
Economic efficiency 0.94
Safety 0.92
Suitability 0.84
Durability 0.75
Economic efficiency 0.95
Safety 0.95
Suitability 0.89
Durability 0.72
Economic efficiency 0.96

4.1.5. Requires Learner’s Participation

Step 5 of the ASSURE model is about developing a method to motivate learners to
engage in games. It is important to design elements of motivation properly to enable
learners to actively participate in classes. All the previous blockchain education studies
referenced in Step 3 included elements of competition to motivate learners to engage in
class. However, Dettling and Bettina’s [28] study offered coins as rewards and used Ap-
playing to further boost the attention level of students. Jung et al.’s [15] study offered
certification for each objective to be fulfilled. Rewards in games play a critical role in
encouraging the engagement of learners. Accordingly, the education program developed
offered coins to winners to encourage the learners to participate more actively in games.
These rewards can add more dynamism to learning games and allow students to feel as if
they were trading cryptocurrencies in reality.

4.2. Evaluating the Contents of the Program through Language Network Analysis
4.2.1. Analyze Keywords
As for basic analysis, to retrieve keywords, morphemes were extracted, and word
classes were identified using the NetMiner 4.3 Program. In the experts’ analysis, 40 nouns
were found among the words indicating strengths and 38 nouns among the words indi-
cating weaknesses. A user dictionary was then used in data preprocessing to identify
keywords. After data preprocessing, 37 keywords denoting strengths were found and
4.2.1. Analyze Keywords
As for basic analysis, to retrieve keywords, morphemes were extracted, and word
classes were identified using the NetMiner 4.3 Program. In the experts’ analysis, 40 nouns
were found among the words indicating strengths and 38 nouns among the words
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 indicating weaknesses. A user dictionary was then used in data preprocessing to identify16 of 24
keywords. After data preprocessing, 37 keywords denoting strengths were found and 37
keywords indicating weaknesses. The occurrence frequencies of the collected keywords
were analyzed (Figure 6).
37 keywords indicating weaknesses. The occurrence frequencies of the collected keywords
were analyzed (Figure 6).

Strengths Weaknesses
Figure 6. Word
Figure Clouds
6. Word of Program
Clouds Strengths
of Program and Weaknesses.
Strengths and Weaknesses.

In the In analysis,
the analysis,for for
occurrence frequency
frequencywas wasininthe
the order student(8.0),
order of student
learning games (6.0), blockchain (6.0), school (5.0), and worksheet
games (6.0), blockchain (6.0), school (5.0), and worksheet (4.0). This indicates (4.0). This that
most thatof themost of thewere
students students were
satisfied satisfied
with with theeducation
the blockchain blockchain education
method usingmethod
using andworksheets and learning
learning games in class. games in class.
In contrast, In contrast, for
for weaknesses, weaknesses,
occurrence occurrence
frequency was in the
order of
frequency wasstudent
in the (11.0),
order of learning
(11.0),(7.0), blockchain
learning school (4.0),(7.0),
games (7.0), blockchain education
(4.0),and level (2.0),
education (4.0),which suggests
and level (2.0),that
whichsome students
suggests thatwanted difficulty
some students level todifficulty
wanted be added to
levelthe blockchain
to be added tolearning game used
the blockchain in class.
learning game Table
used8 in
class.the analysis
Table 8 showsoutcomes of degree,
the analysis
eigenvector, and betweenness centralities for keywords
outcomes of degree, eigenvector, and betweenness centralities for keywords in the in the strengths and weaknesses
strengths in expert interviews.
and weaknesses identified in expert interviews.
In the degree centrality analysis associated with the strengths of the program, degree
Table 8.
centrality wasCentrality
found to Analysis
be 0.25oforProgram
under Strengths
for each and Weaknesses.
word. Eigenvector centrality was rated
to be 0.3 or higher for ‘blockchain’, ‘education’, and ‘learning games’. In the betweenness
Strengths Weaknesses
centrality analysis, ‘blockchain’ and ‘school’ showed a betweenness centrality of 0.2 or
In contrast, in the degree centrality analysis associated withCentrality the weaknesses of the
Keyword Keyword
Degreeprogram, ‘difficulty’,Betweenness
Eigenvector ‘student’, ‘blockchain’, ‘education’, Degree ‘learning games’, andBetweenness
Eigenvector ‘school’
blockchain 0.25 showed higher
0.56 degree centrality
0.27 values of 0.97
difficulty or more, whereas
1.00 the eigenvector
0.15 centrality
was 0.29 or higher for ‘student’, ‘blockchain’, and ‘learning games’. These analysis
education 0.22 0.51 0.08 student 1.00 0.50 0.04
outcomes suggest that associated words are used frequently in school classes to describe
0.22 0.34 0.19 blockchain 0.97 0.29 0.04
school 0.22 0.28 0.21 education 0.97 0.18 0.04
research 0.19 0.00 0.02 0.97 0.29 0.04
student 0.16 0.13 0.11 school 0.97 0.18 0.04
worksheet 0.12 0.11 0.10 fact 0.88 0.13 0.04
amount 0.09 0.13 0.09 level 0.88 0.13 0.04
element 0.09 0.09 0.01 principle 0.88 0.13 0.04
fun 0.09 0.09 0.01 research 0.88 0.13 0.04
literature 0.09 0.00 0.00 understanding 0.88 0.13 0.04
lot 0.09 0.00 0.00 bitcoin 0.30 0.12 0.00

In the degree centrality analysis associated with the strengths of the program, degree
centrality was found to be 0.25 or under for each word. Eigenvector centrality was rated
to be 0.3 or higher for ‘blockchain’, ‘education’, and ‘learning games’. In the betweenness
centrality analysis, ‘blockchain’ and ‘school’ showed a betweenness centrality of 0.2 or
higher. In contrast, in the degree centrality analysis associated with the weaknesses of
the program, ‘difficulty’, ‘student’, ‘blockchain’, ‘education’, ‘learning games’, and ‘school’
showed higher degree centrality values of 0.97 or more, whereas the eigenvector centrality
Keyword Keyword
Degree Eigenvector Betweenness Degree Eigenvector Betweenness
blockchain 0.25 0.56 0.27 difficulty 1.00 0.15 0.04
education 0.22 0.51 0.08 student 1.00 0.50 0.04
learning games 0.22 0.34 0.19 blockchain 0.97 0.29 0.04
school 0.22 0.28 0.21 education 0.97 0.18 0.04
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 17 of 24
research 0.19 0.00 0.02 learning games 0.97 0.29 0.04
student 0.16 0.13 0.11 school 0.97 0.18 0.04
worksheet 0.12 0.11 0.10 fact 0.88 0.13 0.04
amount 0.09 was 0.29
0.13or higher for ‘student’, ‘blockchain’,
0.09 level and ‘learning
0.88 games’.
0.13 These analysis
0.04 outcomes
element 0.09 0.09 0.01 principle 0.88 0.13
suggest that associated words are used frequently in school classes to describe0.04 the strength
fun 0.09 of the0.09 0.01 to teach research
program designed the principles of0.88
blockchain0.13 0.04that, to address
and indicate
literature 0.09 0.00 0.00 understanding 0.88 0.13 0.04
the weaknesses of the program, learners need to be supported in connection with their
lot 0.09 0.00 0.00 bitcoin 0.30 0.12 0.00
challenges or in-depth activities prepared, depending on the varying level of learners.
4.2.2. Topic Modeling Analysis
4.2.2. Topic Modeling Analysis
To retrieve topics out of experts’ unstructured feedback, LDA-based topic modeling
To retrieve topics out of experts’ unstructured feedback, LDA-based topic modeling
was conducted. To filter words, the TF-IDF threshold was set to 0.5 and word length to 2
was conducted. To filter words, the TF-IDF threshold was set to 0.5 and word length to
in a bid to eliminate frequently used words and words composed of two or fewer letters.
2 in a bid to eliminate
Figure 7 shows the 2-mode frequently used wordsofand
spring visualization words composed
the relations among topofkeywords
two or fewer let-
ters. Figure 7 shows the 2-mode spring visualization of the relations among
consisting of each topic for strengths and weaknesses. The left is the topic modeling top keywords
visualization of the strengths and the right is the topic modeling visualization of the visual-
consisting of each topic for strengths and weaknesses. The left is the topic modeling
ization of the strengths and the right is the topic modeling visualization of the weaknesses.

Figure Modeling Visualizations
Visualizations ofStrengths
of the the Strengths and Weaknesses.
and Weaknesses.

In thetopic
topic modeling
modeling analysis
analysis ofstrengths,
of the the strengths, four were
four topics topics were extracted
extracted in the end,
in the end,
all with
all withhigh
relevance to ‘learning
to ‘learning games’.
games’. As forAs fortopic,
each each Topic-1
topic, Topic-1
consisted consisted
of such of such
wordsasas‘research’, ‘school’,
‘research’, ‘literature’,
‘school’, ‘trouble’,
‘literature’, etc., with
‘trouble’, etc.,‘learning games’ in
with ‘learning the center.
games’ in the center.
Basedon onthese
suggests that thethe
that learning
learning games were
games werewellwell
designed, even
thoughthough not many
not many previous
previous studies
studies for for learning
learning games
games playedininschool
played schoolwere
Topic-2 consists of ‘learning games’, ‘students’, ‘worksheet’, ‘understanding’, and ‘fun’,
etc. To sum up, these topics indicated that the learning games and worksheets were
configured to be interesting to and readily comprehensible by students. Topic-3 includes
‘learning games’, ‘blockchain’, ‘education’, ‘school’, ‘case’, and ‘site’, which suggests that
the experts believe that the blockchain education program using learning games is suitable
for deployment in school sites. Lastly, Topic-4 consists of ‘learning games’, ‘students’,
‘worksheets’, ‘imagination’, and ‘way’. This indicates that the use of learning games and
worksheets is effective in stimulating the imagination of students.
In the topic modeling of weaknesses, four topics were finally extracted. Unlike the
strengths, several words were evenly distributed for the weaknesses rather than one
dominant word. Firstly, Topic-1 comprised ‘education’, ‘difficulty’, ‘scalability’, ‘class’,
and ‘improvement’, which indicates that the developed education program needs to be
improved in terms of extensibility if it is to be used in classes. Topic-2 contained ‘re-
search, ‘learning games’, ‘COVID190 , ‘Post-COVID190 , and ‘research’. Words related to
COVID-19 appeared in this topic, indicating that studies utilizing learning games are ever
more required in the post-COVID 19-era. Topic-3 included ‘student’, ‘school’, ‘principle’,
‘blockchain’, and ‘course’, etc., which suggests that the principles of blockchain covered
in the education program are restricted. Lastly, Topic-4 included ‘education’, ‘level’, ‘com-
pleteness’, ‘difficulty’, and ‘improvement’. This indicates that the topic suggests that the
level of difficulty needs to be added to the education program for completeness.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 18 of 24

5. Discussion
We developed an educational program based on learning games in an effort to en-
courage elementary students to have more interest in blockchain and to foster the talent
of those well-versed in blockchain technology. The education program was developed in
accordance with the instruction design steps of the ASSURE model that emphasizes the
utilization of instructional media.
We first analyzed learners to select elementary school learners. In the survey, fewer
South Korean elementary school students were found to favor engineer or software de-
veloper jobs directly related to computing technology than other school-age groups. Fur-
thermore, in the digital literacy analysis of elementary school students, South Korean
elementary students were found to have difficulties with organizing/creating information
or converting it into different formats in general. It is necessary to underscore competencies
for creating new things beyond playing games and solving problems with given infor-
mation. It is also worthwhile studying the relevance of this education program to digital
literacy. Since blockchain has the high latent potential to promote coordination, coopera-
tion, and trust with technologies, artifacts, and cultural forms as the next step in a human
tradition, we need to put in a great deal of effort encouraging learners to acquire sufficient
digital literacy of their secure digital infrastructure, public access to online resources, and
public computing [34].
Secondly, educational objectives were specified. Instructional objectives were de-
scribed in detail according to Mager’s [19] A-B-C-D principle. It was concluded that it is
important to conduct learner-centered education and teach students to express what has
been learned in their own language. This approach allowed the learners to reflect on what
they learned in open-type sentences in worksheets. When this program was applied in
practical arts classes or creative activities programs, improvement in problem-solving skills
and digital literacy of learners was specified as the standard applicable to the assessment
of the fulfillment of such educational objectives. If the program effectiveness is analyzed as
to changes in those competencies when this education program is applied to students in
subsequent studies, meaningful insight may be obtained.
Thirdly, with regard to the selection of educational methods, media, and materials, we
examined previous studies on the blockchain education program to analyze duplicated
elements and define an educational method design strategy combined with lecture, ex-
perimental learning, gamification, problem-based learning, and simulations. Recognizing
the significance of both unplugged worksheets and online-compatible worksheets for el-
ementary school learners, we also developed worksheets usable even in remote lessons,
using the Liveworksheets platform. Additional studies are needed to scale up the learning
games proposed to be deployable, not only in offline classes, but also in online learning
environments. Using the additional competencies of innovative emerging technological
applications, such as blockchain, educators in the online and distance learning system,
which has flourished with the use and support of the ICTs, should play a crucial role in
terms of delivery instruction and interactive communication [35]. Within an educational
context, blockchain can empower individual learners to manage and share details of their
credentials without a trusted intermediary through an indisputable mechanism to verify
that the data has existed at a moment [36].
Fourthly, educational content was designed and teaching aids were utilized. To that
end, the reference literature covered in Step 3 was consulted. Then, the validity of the
developed educational contents and tools was assessed by experts. In the analysis, all CVR
values were found to be 0.62 or higher, which indicates that the contents and tools were
viable. However, the CVR of the durability of the developed educational tools tended
to be somewhat lower, which suggests that the tools need to be made of sturdier and
longer-lasting materials.
Fifthly, in Step 5, how to motivate learners to engage more in games was analyzed
in relation to previous studies examined in Steps 3 and 4. It was found that a reward
in coins was needed. However, such coins need to be developed from the ground up
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 19 of 24

in consideration of the economic efficiency of physical coin material. Chivu et al. [37]
suggested that a reward system has a critical role in enabling learners to be actively
involved in learning blockchain technologies. In terms of the potential for blockchain to
represent an innovative technological paradigm shift that helps security, simplification,
and efficiency, it is necessary to instill understanding of the core of blockchain in education
beyond infancy [37].
In the last step, the developed education program was evaluated and improvement
opportunities were identified. In the analysis of experts’ feedback on the strengths and
weakness, the assessed level with the learning game design was high. Yet, there was also
feedback that the level of difficulty needed to be increased and the game design expanded
to allow students of a wider range of age groups to participate in the education program.
Therefore, more in-depth study is deemed necessary to add level of difficulty to the program
design so that the program can be compatible with learners of more diverse literacy levels.
According to previous studies that have tried to develop teaching materials for integrated
education for elementary school students, dynamic materials that lead to self-directed
learning are helpful to effectively bring about learning outcomes [27,38]. Some studies
have found that learning models focusing on motivation and creativity might increase
the potential of learners during their understanding of cutting-edge technologies [37,39].
Though this paper can provide a basis for further research to develop or improve learning
programs using new technological concepts underlying trends of industries, there are still
challenges concerning how the learning content, materials, or models can be contextualized
depending on individual learning needs.

6. Conclusions
Blockchain, promoted as one of the foundational technologies for the fourth industrial
revolution, is becoming ever more important [40]. The compromised trust of public insti-
tutions and the financial crisis have prompted many people to look for new transactional
arrangements, and the concept of blockchain guaranteeing trust through decentralization
has emerged as a new stream of innovation [41].
Many attempts have recently been made to incorporate blockchain principles into
education, but the method of teaching elementary school students has yet to be studied [14].
Thus, this study has proposed an education program that can teach blockchain principles
using games. The education program was developed based on the ASSURE model and
was intended to evaluate the possibility of field application.
The blockchain education program developed consists of three lessons: Lesson 1
covers the basic concepts and principles of blockchain, Lesson 2, public blockchain, and
Lesson 3, private blockchain. Each lesson includes learning games that are to be played by
students after teachers deliver a lecture and organize worksheet activities. By playing the
learning games, students can spontaneously improve their understanding of blockchain
concepts. When experts’ feedback on the developed education program was summed up,
the gamification method adopted to teach relatively complicated concepts to elementary
school learners through learning games was found to be effective. However, improvement
opportunities were also pointed out, for example, that the content of the education program
was somewhat limited and the level of difficulty and learner level-specific learning program
were not included in the content. In addition, the ultimate goal of the education program,
defined as the fostering of talents for sustainable future development with quality education
programs, requires the effectiveness of the program to be analyzed in reference to the SDGs
in subsequent studies. Subsequent activities following this study will focus in depth on
how to boost the extensibility of the education program and foster talent for sustainable
future development. Unlike previous studies that have leaned toward statistical analysis
of quantitative data, this study is significant in that it has attempted to utilize models and
visualize unstructured data contributed by experts. It is hoped that this article will provide
insight into education programs designed to teach cutting-edge technologies to elementary
students who are likely to be excluded from the scope of such programs.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 20 of 24

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, methodology, investigation, validation, formal analysis

and writing—original draft preparation, E.C. and writing, review and editing, Y.C. and supervision
and project administration, N.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Re-
search Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2019R1I1A3A01062789).
and, this work was supported by the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity
(KOFAC) grant funded by the Korea government (MOE).
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to a confidentiality agreement.
Conflicts of Interest: E.C., Y.C. and N.P. declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Educational Game Activities for the Element of Learning Game.

Periods Gamified Components Learning Activities

To help players understand the principle of consensus mechanism
Specific objectives among blockchain concepts.
The game is won when all the cards of the opponent are taken.
Two sets of 18 cards in total, including six white, blue, and red cards,
respectively, are needed.
The cards are painted in respective colors on one side; and six
Rules different cryptocurrency symbols are printed on the other side.
Logos of cryptocurrencies used in reality are used to stimulate the
interest of learners and allow them to experience the real use of
blockchain indirectly.
Two people usually play the game, but it can also be played while
Interactive problem solving discussing in a team. If the players play in a team battle, they can
increase their unity by scoring points for each team.
Teachers need time to explain the rules to the students before the
Adaptive challenge game so that they can understand the rules that depend on the color
of the cards.

1 During the game, the teacher helps the game progress and develops
the game by investigating students’ difficulties during the game.
Ongoing feedback
Because timing is important, this feedback increases the completeness
of the game through quick response.
Students may develop suspense about unpredictable matches during
the game, leading to motivation for the game. Appropriate rewards
are given to ensure that the tension in the game leads to learning
It is necessary to create an environment where students concentrate
on the games to learn blockchain principles. Due to the nature of the
Control educational game, it will be mainly played in the classroom, and
although the game has rules, we encourage students to develop the
game by making rules.
Through unplugged education activities, five senses were used to
play games with creativity during a game. Elementary school
Sensory stimuli students are especially crucial for developing the five senses, so
games that can utilize senses, such as sight, touch, and hearing, are
essential [42].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 21 of 24

Table A1. Cont.

Periods Gamified Components Learning Activities

This game aims to help students understand the principles
of the public blockchain and the characteristics of the
openness and transparency of the blockchain. In the process
of recording all transactions in the ledger, everyone can
Specific objectives learn the shortcomings of public blockchain in situations
where the game is delayed. On the other hand, the game is
structured so that players can understand the advantage
that it is difficult to forge because every player
records books.
Students and teachers need ledgers, dice, markers, game
boards, and coins. Since each player needs one marker, the
teacher should prepare enough to fit the number of students
and make four members of a team.
The process of recording all transactions on the ledgers can
be cumbersome, but students cannot cooperate and show
their books to other students in the middle. It is because it
can increase the possibility of sharing wrong transactions.
Interactive problem solving Students can create their space during the game where they
can prepare telescopes or focus on games to avoid missing a
deal. Thus, when faced with a problem, students can
develop various measures to develop the power to solve
them independently.
The game is similar to Monopoly, a boardgame, with the
possibility that more coins can be obtained through double
Adaptive challenge deals or land sales when there are not as many coins as other
students. It provides students with a chance to get up again
even if they are losing, rather than being easily frustrated.
Teachers should try to solve the problem by quickly
Ongoing feedback investigating students’ inconvenience or incomprehension
while playing the game.
Due to variables such as double trading and land sales, it is
Uncertainty difficult to predict who will be the winner and how the
game will proceed.
In order to allow all students to see the dice, students create
a playing space where they can sit in a circle or see each
Control other; and they can also play games in a larger space, not in
the classroom. All students can play games actively and
even decorate the game space like a bank to arouse interest.
The process of all students watching one dice throw or
making a deal and writing it down on the ledgers is a
process that stimulates five senses. Some students may use
Sensory stimuli tablet PCs or smartphones during the bookkeeping process.
It is up to the students themselves to write by hand or to use
IT devices. Each child may have a different stimulating
process, and the learning effect may vary accordingly [43].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 3771 22 of 24

Table A1. Cont.

Periods Gamified Components Learning Activities

The purpose of this game is to help students understand the
Specific objectives
principles of private blockchain.
The rules of the game are basically the same as the public blockchain.
However, the different point is that the ledger is not written by all
Rules students, but rather a few reliable students are selected. During the
game, transactions are impossible without the approval of the
students who write down the ledgers.
Students in writing the ledgers role work together to prepare ledgers.
When players play games, they cannot trade without their approval.
During this process, brokers can consult with each other to approve
Interactive problem solving or deny transactions and solve problems together. Players can solve
problems in the event of a transaction by consulting with a broker.
Through these situations, students can develop problem-solving
skills through communication.
The same challenges are given because this game is played in
essentially the same way as a public blockchain game. Those who
Adaptive challenge lack coins can consult with a broker to solve this problem, and in this
process, it can be an opportunity to learn this aspect of the
private blockchain.
Teachers should quickly identify problems that arise while brokers
record transactions and host players’ games and provide appropriate
assistance. Rather than simply solving problems, it is crucial to teach
Ongoing feedback
them how to solve them indirectly. Teachers should also be careful
not to cause problems that students cannot solve or are in an
emergency during the game.
A few of the students may secretly consult with a broker to obtain
more coins by expedient behaviour. Since these variables can have a
strong influence on the game’s win or loss, it can be seen that there is
stronger uncertainty than in a public blockchain game.
It is necessary to be cautious when selecting intermediaries to create a
game environment. Selecting students with a strong sense of trust
can facilitate the progress of the game. However, when selecting
Control students who lack trust from the other students, the game progresses
slowly, and there can be a war of nerves between brokers and players.
There is no right way between the two, but it is better to choose
considering game time or environment.
Players and brokers will have different sensory stimuli because their
Sensory stimuli roles are different in the game. Various stimuli in games increase the
effectiveness of education and help develop.

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Mata Ujian : Teori dan Model Pembelajaran

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Dosen : Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd

==== Petunjuk
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut pada lembar jawab yang disediakan!

Unduh dan bacalah 6 artikel jurnal internasional bereputasi yang relevan dengan kajian
teoritik dan empirik yang relevan denganBuku Model dan Disertasi yang saudara susun.

Buatlah analisis artikel jurnal tersebut dengan menggunakan sistematika sebagai berikut:

Judul Buku Model Pembelajaran

Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intellectual, Responsibility (AIR)

Judul Disertasi

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intelektual, Responsibility (AIR) Untuk

Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mengingat Konsep dan Kemampuan Produksi Berbasis
Website Teknologi Blockchain Learning Pada Matakuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran di UNU


A. Identitas Jurnal
1. Nama Jurnal : Educational Research and Reviews
2. Volume : 11
3. Nomor : 8
4. Halaman : 623-629
5. Tahun Penerbit : 2016
6. Judul Jurnal : What are the teaching responsibilities of being a teacher?
7. Nama Penulis : Gunduz Mevlut
8. Link artikel :
B. Isi Jurnal
1. Masalah Penelitian :

Masalah penelitian dalam makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis tanggung jawab
pembelajaran yang terbentuk pada peserta didik ketika seorang guru melaksanakan tanggung
2. Tujuan Penelitian :

Tujuan penelitian pada artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis tanggung jawab
pembelajaran yang terbentuk pada peserta didik ketika seorang guru melaksanakan tanggung

3. Metode Penelitian :

Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah mixed-method research
design. Dalam metode ini, data yang lebih andal dan pluralistik dapat diperoleh dengan
menggunakan kedua metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Untuk aspek kualitatif, digunakan salah
satu model penelitian eksperimental, yaitu pre-test-post-test one experimental group design.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa yang sedang mempersiapkan ujian seleksi personel publik
(PPSE) di sebuah lembaga pengajaran swasta di Isparta, Turki, pada tahun akademik 2013
hingga 2014. Paired-Sample T test digunakan untuk menganalisis data kualitatif, sementara
teknik analisis deskriptif digunakan dalam analisis data kualitatif.

4. Hasil Penelitian :

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab belajar siswa dapat
dipengaruhi oleh responsabilitas guru dalam mengajar, kepercayaan siswa terhadap guru, dan
pengembangan persepsi self-efficacy siswa. Guru juga dapat mempengaruhi tanggung jawab
belajar siswa melalui karakteristik personal dan profesionalnya, serta dengan menyediakan
materi yang membangun kepercayaan dan rasa memiliki siswa terhadap pembelajaran.

Pembahasan (relevansi dengan buku model dan disertasi yang saudara susun)

Dalam kaitannya dengan Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intelektual, Responsibility

(AIR), terdapat hubungan relevan antara penelitian ini dan model tersebut. Model
Pembelajaran AIR mendorong pengembangan tanggung jawab belajar siswa melalui
komponen tanggung jawab, serta pengembangan intelektual melalui pemikiran kritis dan
refleksi. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan siswa terhadap guru dapat
meningkatkan tanggung jawab belajar siswa, yang sejalan dengan konsep tanggung jawab
dalam Model Pembelajaran AIR.
Dengan demikian, penelitian ini mendukung relevansi Model Pembelajaran AIR
dalam meningkatkan tanggung jawab belajar siswa dan pengembangan intelektual, sesuai
dengan temuan bahwa kepercayaan siswa terhadap guru dapat meningkatkan tanggung jawab
belajar mereka.
Vol. 11(8), pp. 623-629, 23 April, 2016
DOI: 10.5897/ERR2016.2643
Article Number: F5DCB0A58023
ISSN 1990-3839 Educational Research and Reviews
Copyright © 2016
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

Full Length Research Paper

What are the teaching responsibilities of being a

Mevlut Gunduz
Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey.
Received 13 January, 2016; Accepted 14 March, 2016

The aim of this paper is to find out what kind of learning responsibility has been formed on the learner
when a teacher performs his/her responsibility. The paper uses mixed-method research design. In
mixed-method, more reliable and pluralist data can be obtained by using both qualitative and
quantitative methods. For the qualitative aspect, one of the experimental research models, pre-test–
post-test one experimental group design was used in this research. The study was conducted on
students preparing for Public Personnel Selection Examination (PPSE) in a private teaching institution
in Isparta (Turkey) in 2013 to 2014 Academic Year. Paired-Sample T test was used to analyse qualitative
data. On the other hand, descriptive analysis technique was used in the analysis of qualitative data. The
results show that students need to trust their teacher in their professional approach (knowledge,
personality, etc.). The result of this research indicates that students’ trust in their teachers, increase
their sense responsibilities for learning.

Key words: Lecture reliance, sense reliance, learner reliance, responsibility self efficiency, success, attitude,


Sense of responsibility is a learnable ability. It can be to teach well and instil it to the child the right knowledge
acquired by children at a very early age by being (Perring, 2009; Macready, 2009; Abazaoglu et al., 2014).
assigned suitable responsibilities according to their age According to Jensen and Kiley (2000), a teacher having
and abilities (Ministry of Education, 2006; Clouder, 2009; the responsibility of educating a person who knows quite
Ramos and Tolentino-Anonuevo, 2011; Yesil, 2012). In well how to teach has a wide spectrum of teaching
order to enhance responsibility, an individual should abilities and skills to use these abilities in appropriate
grow up in an environment in which he/she can take times. If a responsible teacher has a command of his/her
responsibility. The sense of responsibility cannot be subject area and is very confident, this will definitely be
developed unless the individual is given an opportunity realized by the students. Thus, there will be an effective
to make decisions, and to be responsible for the communication between students and teacher, and then
consequences of the decisions. In this regard, teachers students will trust their teacher more. There will be no
have quite an important role in taking responsibility questions in the students‟ minds, since the responsible

Authors agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
624 Educ. Res. Rev.

Table 1. Participants‟ personal features. their Academic success. Therefore, a teacher should take
over the responsibility of teaching, and should develop
Gender Number responsibility of learning on learner.
Male 8 The aim of this study is to find out how a person in
Female 10 teaching position can affect a person in learning position
when he/she feels the responsibility of being able to
Address teach in himself/herself. At the end of this study, rather
City Center 12 than the general idea the learner should take
District 6 responsibility. What kind of effects a teacher may have
on the learner is the starting point, and with the help of
the abilities the learner feels confident to himself/herself.
Through this study, for success as well as the ideas such
18-21 1
as preparedness of learners, motivation, a great deal of
22-25 8 attention will be drawn to the fact that the teacher may
26-29 7 also have significant effects.
30 and older 2


teacher is efficient in the subject area. The less Research model

ambiguous the expressions the teachers use, the more
successful the students will be (Ramos and Tolentino- Mixed method research design is used in this study. In mixed-
Anonuevo, 2011; Perring, 2009; Cruickshank et al. 1995; method, more reliable and pluralist data can be obtained by using
Woolfolk, 1993). both qualitative and quantitative methods together. In this study,
qualitative method is adopted to see the differences of students‟
Along with many definitions of responsibility in the success more meaningfully while quantitative method is used to
literature (Gunduz, 2014), learning responsibility and define the underlying reasons of students‟ success. In order to find
responsibility of teaching are the bases for the types of out the effect of teaching activities planned by the teacher in this
responsibilities (Ramos and Tolentino-Anonuevo, 2011; study, pre-test and post-test one experimental group model was
Sierra, 2009; Carnell, 2005; Young, 2005). Responsibility used from the experimental research models (Karasar, 2008; Balci,
of learning and teaching are essential for success since 2005).
these are the two components which complement one
another. If a teacher does not take the responsibility for
Sample group
teaching against his/her students, the teacher cannot
expect the students to learn how to be responsible for This paper was conducted on students taking Public Personnel
learning, and cannot motivate them to be successful. Selection Examination (PPSE) in a private teaching institution in
However, a teacher who is aware of the teaching Isparta (Turkey) in 2013 to 2014 Academic Year. Sampling was
responsibility will be perceived as „the trust factor‟ by his/ done, since the target population is quite large. A volunteer group
her students and there will be no problems in 18 students were chosen according to their genders, ages and
addresses. In order to interpret quantitative findings more
accurately, the gender, age, and addresses of the participants vary.
Humane reactions and communication are significant in According to Yildirim and Simsek (2005), defining participants
learning and teaching as they are in all subjects. If a sufficiently is a necessary precaution that enhances external
teacher can convey to the students the message of „I can reliability. Participants‟ personal information is given in Table 1.
teach you any subject in a lesson‟ and „trust me‟, both the Since the participants are composed of teacher-candidates
students‟ motivation for success will increase, and the preparing for PPSE in order to get them appointed to state schools,
the lectures necessary for this exam were chosen and carried out
sense of self-efficacy will enhance. According to Barr and by the researcher for 5 h per day and 120 h in total throughout the 6
Tagg (1995), people who take responsibility in their own months period. Also, the subjects (Learning Psychology, Learning
learning are determiners for setting, organizing their Methods and Techniques, Developmental Psychology, Assessment
goals and putting them into action, and also, these and Evaluation, Guidance and Special Education, Program
people can change their behaviours for their success Development, Classroom Management, Instructional Technologies
when needed. and Material Development) that are responsible for PPSE were
divided into 6 months by the researcher and each month the
For a teacher who can build a trust in knowledge and teacher made a plan according to the characteristics of the lesson.
communication for the students (Hoekstra and Korthagen, A period of 120 h was considered to be sufficient for the PPSE, in
2011; Perring, 2009), teaching will be easier after this which there are 80 questions in total covering all the subjects. The
process because success definitely will follow after the researcher carried out all the courses himself in order to show them
students have taken the responsibility of learning. In that he has the teaching responsibility, and has full self-confidence.
Moreover, the booklets, notes, tests, etc. used in the lessons were
Sierra (2009)‟s study conducted in Academya, positive
prepared by the researcher for the students to have trust in the
relationships have been found among the perceptions of teacher. The processes which are applied to the participants are
responsibility sharing for student learning, attitudes, and shown in Table 2, and the same processes continued for the other
Gunduz 625

Table 2. Processes Administered to the participants.

Lesson Month Week Activities

1. Meeting
2. Informing
3. Distributing the booklets related to the subject prepared by the
4. Planning activities with the students
5. Lecturing the subject of that particular week
6. Asking students to go over the booklet for the next week as

1. Relieving students,
2. Brainstorming the previous subject given as homework
3. Lecturing the subject of that particular week
4. Giving homework related to the next week‟s subject
1 1. Relieving students,
2. Brainstorming the previous subject given as homework
3. Lecturing the subject of that particular week
4. Giving homework related to the next week‟s subject

1. Relieving students,
2. Brainstorming the previous subject given as homework
3. Lecturing the subject of that particular week
3. Administering a test prepared by the researcher covering all the
subjects of the lesson and setting the absolute success criterion as 80%.
4. Doing 2-hour a general revision for the student reach the expected
5. Giving feedback,
6. Giving monthly homework (revision of previous lessons, solving
questions given by the researcher, reading the new subject‟s booklet)

months. revised. Inter-rater reliability was found as 0.94 for this study. The
A monthly schedule for a subject matter (Learning Psychology) inter-rater agreement was calculated using Miles and Huberman
was summarized in Table 2. This schedule was applied to all (1994)‟s formula (Agreement / Agreement + Disagreement).
subject matters throughout the 6 months period. Furthermore, According to Miles and Huberman (1994), inter-rater reliability level
revision homework for the previous lesson and questions including should be near 90% or more.
all the previous subjects were continued to be given to the students Item analysis was administered to find out the reliability and
at the end of each lesson. The absolute success criterion of 80% validity level of the test. Difficulty and discrimination levels of items
was rigorously obeyed. The process was completed at the end of were measured. Item difficulty has a value in between 0 to 1 and
all the subjects by getting students to solve the questions in the item gets more difficult when the value is closer to 0, while it gets
classroom, and revising the subjects that are missing or not easier when the value is closer to 1. Item difficulty level between
comprehended. 0.40 and 0.60 is agreed to be the best range for reliability (Cepni et
al., 2008). Item difficulty analyses were done for both achievement
and parallel tests. As a result of the analyses, 4 items from the
Data collection achievement test and 3 items from the parallel test were removed
because those items did not have the necessary qualifications. Item
Quantitative data were collected through achievement and parallel discrimination values can be between -1 and +1.
tests developed by the researcher. In this regard, an achievement Having an item discrimination value closer to 0 means that item‟s
test prepared by the researcher, whose questions are in parallel super-group and sub-group discrimination is low, and having value
with the real PPSE exam, was used to measure students‟ levels at closer to +1 means that the item discrimination level is high
the beginning, and a parallel test was administered to find out the (Kubiszyn and Borich, 2003; Baykul, 2000). In item discrimination
level that the students reached. The achievement tests consisted of index, 0.40 means the item is very good, 0.30 to 0.40 means the
80 multiple choice items each with 5 options. A parallel test, formed item is good, 0.20 to 0.30 means the item can be used in
by changing the examples in the questions, with a similar validity to compulsory situations or can be changed and below 0.20 means
the achievement test was also prepared by the researcher by the item should not be used or should be reformed (Turgut, 1992).
paying attention to the content of the real PPSE. Literature was Item discrimination analysis was administered for both the
reviewed and opinions of the experts who are academics from achievement and the parallel tests in this study. As a result of the
Education Sciences Department in Suleyman Demirel University analyses, 2 items from the achievement test and 4 items from the
were consulted for the content validity, and some parts were parallel test were removed, and the tests took their final forms. By
626 Educ. Res. Rev.

Table 3. Pre- and post- test results of the participants.

Order Student Pre-test score Post-test score Difference

1 O.B 58.5 68.75 10,25
2 M.G 53.75 72.5 18.75
3 G.O 52 66.5 14.5
4 A.C 52.5 58.5 6
5 B.O 49 68.75 19.75
6 N.A 49.5 56 6.5
7 E.G 41 45 4
8 H.K 40.75 55.25 14.5
9 M.O 36.25 67.75 31.5
10 H.E.K 35 51.25 16.25
11 F.A 33.25 62.5 29.25
12 D.B 54.5 62.5 8
13 A.A 26.75 58.25 31.5
14 T.G 21.5 63.25 41.75
15 U.U 60 75 15
16 S.D 41.5 65 23.5
17 M.C 43.5 68 24.5
18 D.K 33.75 51.25 17.5

taking the results of item analyses into consideration, after conducted in the form of a conversation in an environment where
removing the unnecessary items, parallel-tests analysis was they felt comfortable with the awareness that the interview would
computed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) not be used for any other purposes.
statistics program. The reliability level was found as 0.87 as a result
of this analysis. In the literature, the data collection tool is
considered to be sufficient to be used in research when the Data analysis
reliability is 0.70 and above (Ozguven, 1998; Burns and Grove,
1993). Given its final shape, the test was administered in the form In the analysis of quantitative data, average, frequency, standard
of a practice exam in the course center where they were preparing deviation and Paired-Sample T test were used. Paired-Sample T
for PPSE. test was used in order to compare the pre-and post-test
Qualitative data was obtained from “Semi-Structured Interview achievement scores of the experimental group. Qualitative data
Form” consisting of open-ended questions developed by the were transcribed on the computer and analysed through descriptive
researcher. In this study, Semi-Structured Interview Form was used analysis. In descriptive analysis, in order to reflect the participants‟
in order to evaluate in a more detailed way the participants‟ views views on the topic, direct quotations were included many times. The
about the process (Ekiz, 2003). Before preparing the form, the aim of applying a descriptive analysis is to interpret the data in an
literature consisting of essays on teacher effect was reviewed, and organized way and present them to the reader cohesively. The data
interview questions for pilot testing were constituted. Expert obtained for this aim were first described logically and clearly, and
opinions were asked from four university lecturers and according to then these descriptions were interpreted (Yildirim and Simsek,
their feedbacks, 3 questions were revised and the others were 2005).
removed. These 3 questions are as follows:

1. What feature of the instructor do you think increased your

2. How did you start trusting the instructor in terms of knowledge?
3. Realizing the teacher‟s responsibility of teaching, what kind of The pre- and post-test results of the participants before
learning responsibility has your teacher generated for you? and after the lessons were presented in Table 3.
Achievement levels, the difference between pre-test and
After administering the pilot form on 10 participants, some revisions
were done on the questions, and the interview form had its final
post-test, of all the students in the experimental group
shape. The Semi-Structured Interview Form consists of three have increased. In order to interpret these findings,
questions in order to find out the views of the participants on the Paired-Sample T test was applied to compare the pre-
effect of teacher‟s responsibility on their own learning responsibility. and post-test achievement scores of the participants. The
The data obtained from the interviews were coded by the results are given in Table 4. In the first part of this study,
researcher and later, in order to enhance reliability, the results were when the research question
reviewed by 4 experts. By using Miles and Huberman (1994)‟s
formula (Agreement / Agreement + Disagreement), inter-rater
reliability was calculated. The inter-rater reliability rate was found as “Is there an effect of teacher’s teaching responsibility on
94%. Given its final shape, the Semi-Structured Interview Form was student’s learning responsibility?”
Gunduz 627

Table 4. Paired-sample T test scores of the participants‟ pre- and post-

test averages.

Variable X S.S t value p

Pre-test 43.50 10.981
-7. 637 0.000
Post-test 62.00 8.039

was examined, according to the T test results, as stated a lot, and my self-confidence has increased”. (H.E.K.)
in Table 4, while the average score of pre-test is 43.50 stated that “the teacher‟s most important effect that
and standard deviation is 10.981, the average score of increased my learning responsibility was my trust in his
post-test is 62.00 and the standard deviation is 8.039.The personality and knowledge”.
T test result of the average scores has been found out as
-7.637. According to these values, the difference between Furthermore, another student (T.G.)‟s views are stated as
the groups is 0.05 (p<0.05) meaningful. In other words, follows:
teacher‟s taking over the responsibility of teaching and
getting students to take over their own learning “When I came here first I had nothing, I didn’t know
responsibility have increased the students‟ success anything. I did not have faith in myself. However, from the
significantly. very first lesson, the teacher made us feel comfortable,
In the second part of this study, a semi-structured which was really good for me. I liked the teacher’s
interview form was given to the participants. The aim of determined and knowledgeable speeches, and sincere
this interview form was to find out their opinions on and natural behaviours. I was like I was there to have fun
teacher‟s responsibility and the effect of teacher on not to study. Then I understood this: Getting rid of the first
themselves. Firstly, the general views were put forward, impression and prejudices increases success. In the
and then more interesting opinions were presented as following lessons, having an effective communication with
they were. When the students‟ answers to the question the teacher, his giving us responsibilities, and his being
concerned about us made me feel that I should take
“Realizing the teacher’s responsibility of teaching, what more responsibilities. I understood that if you love the
kind of learning responsibility has your teacher generated teacher and respect him/her, there is nothing you cannot
in you?” succeed in.”

were analysed, the following frame can be constituted Another student (M.C.) also answered the question as
about teacher and learning responsibility: following:

The following expressions of the students show that there “I observed that when a teacher combines his/her
is a relationship between the students and the teacher, humanistic features with knowledge and transfers them
and that the learning responsibility has started: with a full effective teaching responsibility, all the
students become more eager to learn. I even thought that
(O.B.), “one of the students, stated that teacher‟s I was not there for studying, but for having fun. We were
respecting us, making us feel that he is self-confident, having a very enjoyable lesson. However, while we were
and giving homework regularly motivated me”. (M.G.) having fun, the teacher were giving real life examples and
stated that “teacher‟s high self-confidence and sincerity relating the lesson with us, which means that this
made me feel responsible”. (G.O.) stated that “teacher‟s provides permanent learning. What is important for me is
saying „trust me, I‟ll teach you this‟ made me feel that I not the deficiency of the student, but the ability of the
also do it”. (A.C.) stated that “teacher‟s being humorist, teacher to be able to transfer what s/he knows to the
knowledgeable, and humane made me feel that if I won‟t student.”
study, I will be embarrassed”. (B.O.) stated that “teacher‟s
indicating that all the lessons will be covered by himself, Achievement levels, the difference between pre-test and
made me surprised and curious”. (N.A.) stated that post-test, of all the students in the experimental group
“teacher‟s relieving the students psychologically and have increased. In order to interpret these findings,
showing how knowledgeable he is, was a basis for Paired-Sample T test was applied to compare the pre-
everything”. (E.G.) stated that “teacher‟s being sincere, and post-test achievement scores of the participants
friendly, humane and knowledgeable shows that he According to the answers of the students, it has been
knows this job very well”. (H.K.) stated that “teacher‟s understood that the teacher should have some properties
being humane, respectful, spontaneous and knowledge- in terms of teaching responsibility. It has been found out
able made me trust him”. (M.O.) stated that “teacher‟s as a result of the qualitative analyses that there are
telling me that my level was not important impressed me several personal and professional characteristics that
628 Educ. Res. Rev.

lead the teacher to have more teaching responsibility. In another.

addition, in accordance with interview participants‟ views On the other hand, along with the teacher‟s personal
personal characteristics including humane behaviours, and professional characteristics, the booklets, tests and
giving importance, respect, spontaneous behaviours, homework prepared by the teacher have enabled the
being sincere, honest and reliable makes them students to build trust and have increased sense of
successful. Professional characteristics including mastery belonging because the students stated in the interview
of the subject area, giving homework, giving responsibility form that the documents had been prepared with an
to students, having personal class notes, ability to teach, intimate language. The learners have stated that when
having teaching strategies, being updated and being the learner realized the teacher is devoted, they also try
open to criticism are successful factors that can be used to take responsibility (Such and Walker, 2004), and their
to argue (Hoekstra and Korthagen, 2011). reliability on the teacher increase.
When the teacher provides the learners with the sense
of reliability, she/he feels more responsible for them and
DISCUSSION maintains the thought of „How can they be more
successful?‟ In fact, the success and responsibility of the
Considering the fact that teacher‟s characteristics have a teacher relies on the trust of his/her students and the
great effect on students (Pajares, 1996; Macready, 2009; sense of devotion to knowledge. This paper has shown
Gunduz, 2014b; Aytan, 2015), as a result of both the that when the teacher takes over the responsibility of
achievement test and the answers to the interview teaching and combines it with his/her humane attitudes,
questions, teacher‟s being aware of his/her responsibility students develop a sense of reliability on learning much
of teaching and, believing that s/he can transfer his more quickly. The trust that the learner feels for the
knowledge to the students, increase students‟ faith in teacher has contributed considerably to the increase of
learning (Gunduz, 2014c; Yesil, 2012; Clouder, 2009; student success and responsibility of learning.
Akbas, 2009; Karasu and Aktepe, 2009; Yurtaland In the process of teaching, if teachers are able to
Yontar, 2006; Astill et al. 2002). If a teacher can convey combine their cognitive efficacy with students‟ affective
to the students the message of „I can teach you any competence, success can increase as a result of that.
subject in a lesson‟ and „trust me‟, both the students‟ Also, before they start the lesson, teachers should
motivation for success will increase and the sense of self- maintain an emotion of trust by making students feel that
efficacy will enhance. they are knowledgeable.
An increase in students‟ success or them reaching the
desired level, starting to have self-efficacy and trust are
not related to factors that result only from students. In Conflict of interests
addition, the abilities that teachers have such as being
honest, reliable, having knowledgeable (Ozkan and The author has not declared any conflicts of interest.
Arslantas, 2013; Yesil, 2012), able to teach responsibly
on the subject area, being a leader, to be open to REFERENCES
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Mata Ujian : Teori dan Model Pembelajaran

Fak/Jur/Angk. : FIP/TP/2022
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Dosen : Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd

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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut pada lembar jawab yang disediakan!

Unduh dan bacalah 6 artikel jurnal internasional bereputasi yang relevan dengan kajian
teoritik dan empirik yang relevan denganBuku Model dan Disertasi yang saudara susun.

Buatlah analisis artikel jurnal tersebut dengan menggunakan sistematika sebagai berikut:

Judul Buku Model Pembelajaran

Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intellectual, Responsibility (AIR)

Judul Disertasi

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Analysis, Intelektual, Responsibility (AIR) Untuk

Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mengingat Konsep dan Kemampuan Produksi Berbasis
Website Teknologi Blockchain Learning Pada Matakuliah Teknologi Pembelajaran di UNU


A. Identitas Jurnal
1. Nama Jurnal : Interactive Learning Environments
2. Volume : 30
3. Nomor : 8
4. Halaman : 1265-1272
5. Tahun Penerbit : 2022
6. Judul Jurnal : Development of professional competencies for artificial intelligence in
finite element analysis
7. Nama Penulis : Dyi-Cheng Chen, Ming-Shang Su
8. Link artikel :
B. Isi Jurnal
1. Masalah Penelitian :

Letak masalah penelitian dalam artikel tersebut adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan
kompetensi dalam penggunaan kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence/AI) dalam analisis
elemen hingga (finite element analysis/FEA).
2. Tujuan Penelitian :

Secara spesifik, tujuan penelitian dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

1. Mengumpulkan data: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang
kompetensi yang diperlukan dalam penggunaan AI dalam FEA. Hal ini dilakukan dengan
merancang kuesioner yang mencakup 40 kompetensi umum dalam 10 domain yang telah
disebutkan sebelumnya.
2. Menentukan kompetensi penting: Melalui penggunaan metode Delphi dan analisis
hierarki, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kompetensi yang dianggap penting
oleh para ahli dalam AI dalam FEA. Dengan melibatkan 10 anggota kelompok Delphi
dan 10 ahli lapangan, data yang dikumpulkan dari kuesioner dievaluasi dan dianalisis
menggunakan berbagai metode statistik, termasuk uji nonparametrik Wilcoxon signed-
rank test dan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnovone (KS).
3. Memberikan rekomendasi dan kontribusi: Tujuan penelitian ini memberikan
rekomendasi untuk pengembangan kompetensi dalam AI dalam FEA. Hasil penelitian ini
dapat digunakan untuk merancang rencana pelatihan dan pengembangan yang sesuai
serta memberikan panduan yang berharga bagi pendidik di bidang teknik dan pendidikan

3. Metode Penelitian :

Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam paper tersebut adalah kombinasi antara
teknik Delphi untuk mengumpulkan pandangan dan pendapat para ahli, serta proses hierarki
analitis untuk menganalisis dan mengevaluasi bobot relatif dari kompetensi yang

4. Hasil Penelitian :

Hasil penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasi kompetensi yang penting dalam

mengembangkan kecerdasan buatan (AI) dalam analisis elemen hingga. Penemuan ini dapat
digunakan sebagai dasar untuk merancang program pelatihan yang sesuai dan memberikan
panduan berharga bagi pendidik dalam bidang rekayasa dan pendidikan teknis.

Pembahasan (relevansi dengan buku model dan disertasi yang saudara susun)

Meskipun tidak ada hubungan langsung dengan Model AIR, penelitian ini dapat
memberikan kontribusi dalam konteks pengembangan kompetensi dalam penggunaan
kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) dalam analisis elemen hingga (finite element
analysis). Penelitian ini dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kompetensi
yang diperlukan untuk mengintegrasikan kecerdasan buatan dalam analisis elemen hingga,
yang dapat membantu dalam pengembangan teknologi pendidikan terkait.
Dalam hal ini, penelitian ini dapat memberikan masukan berharga bagi pengembangan
kurikulum, pelatihan, dan pengembangan profesional dalam konteks teknologi pendidikan.
Meskipun tidak langsung terkait dengan Model AIR, penelitian ini memiliki relevansi
potensial dengan pengembangan kompetensi dan tanggung jawab dalam konteks penggunaan
kecerdasan buatan dalam pendidikan teknik dan teknologi.
Interactive Learning Environments

ISSN: 1049-4820 (Print) 1744-5191 (Online) Journal homepage:

Development of professional competencies for

artificial intelligence in finite element analysis

Dyi-Cheng Chen, Ci-Syong You & Ming-Shang Su

To cite this article: Dyi-Cheng Chen, Ci-Syong You & Ming-Shang Su (2020): Development of
professional competencies for artificial intelligence in finite element analysis, Interactive Learning
Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1719162

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Development of professional competencies for artificial

intelligence in finite element analysis
Dyi-Cheng Chen, Ci-Syong You and Ming-Shang Su
Department of Industrial Education and Technology, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan


This study identified the competency requirement for artificial intelligence Received 11 April 2019
in finite element analysis. The 10 Delphi group members included 5 field Accepted 17 January 2020
engineers in mechanical fields and 5 scholars from a technology
institute. Next, 10 field experts were invited to participate. Using the Finite element analysis;
Delphi technique and analytic hierarchy process, questionnaires were artificial intelligence (AI);
designed to assess competency indicators of artificial intelligence in professional competencies
finite element analysis. The data collected from questionnaires were
analyzed using a nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the Z value
of the Kolmogorov–Smirnovone (KS) test, and relative weight. To fulfill
the research objectives, a questionnaire was designed to collect data for
40 general competencies in 10 domains: (1) introduction to the finite
element method, (2) pretreatment, (3) coordinate system, (4) model
construction skills, (5) boundary conditions and solutions, (6) post
processor application, (7) machine learning, (8) neural network, (9) deep
learning, and (10) artificial intelligence in finite element analysis. The
results of the three rounds of the Delphi technique expert questionnaire
revealed essential professional competencies for AI in FEA. These
findings can be used to devise a training and development plan and
provide valuable references for educators in the field of engineering and
technical education.

In the early 1960s, academic circles began to conduct research on artificial intelligence (AI), and the
third wave of AI was the result of the concepts currently known as machine learning (ML) and deep
learning (DL). AI is an integration of computer science and physiology intelligence (Borana, 2016). AI is
the most widely used term for any technology that can be implemented using logical ML and DL to
simulate human intelligence. The era has changed, and the concern of AI replacing human work has
gradually closed up, from business to campus and from society to family. Industry insiders believe
that AI will result in much convenience to individuals’ work or career, improve their work
efficiency, and make their work easier. It will be the greatest help for AI. Both Alpha Go Zero and
Alpha Zero have demonstrated the enormous potential of AI and DL (Siau et al., 2018).
AI uses many algorithms and mathematics but also relies on humans to provide data. In the era
when AI will result in unlimited opportunities, there will be great difficulties in terms of complexity,
applicability, and time, and the challenges of interconnectivity and material innovation speed require
new strategies to overcome them. The challenges must be solved through material engineering inno-
vation, hardware revival, and deep links between industrial ecosystems. The breakthrough in material
engineering technology has become the key to AI popularization in the future. Automation with

CONTACT Dyi-Cheng Chen

© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

inherent AI is increasingly emerging in diverse applications (Hengstler, Enkel, & Duelli, 2016). Mech-
anical learning-related research is as follows: Liang, Liu, Martin, and Sun (2018) used ML techniques
and developed a DL model to directly estimate the stress distribution of the aorta. The contribution
aims to develop a systematic approach for the application of ML methods in the field of material
modeling. Nespereira, Elhariri, Nashwa, and Vilas (2015) presented an ML-based classification
approach for students learning achievement behavior in higher education.
Application of AI-based techniques in the finite element method has become a notable topic in
the last 2 decades. One technique based on AI widely used in the finite element method is the
neural network technique; notably, FEM may be a better numerical technique for applying the popu-
lation density approach to large-scale neuronal networks (Huang, 2013). Bui et al. (2017) proposed
and validated a novel hybrid AI approach for spatial modeling of tropical forest fire susceptibility.
Javadi, Tan, and Zhang (2003) reported that an artificial neural network can be an efficient alternative
to complex mathematical constitutive models of soils in finite element analysis (FEA). Neamt, Matei,
and Chiver (2017) proposed a methodology for power system grounding design to ensure the advan-
tages of the FEA and eliminate its disadvantages. This is realized by adding a function emulation
using neural networks. Rusia and Pathak (2016) used data from FEM analysis to train an artificial
neural network. The successfully trained network was further used for the analysis of four new
cases that are validated by using. Majd, Azizpour, and Hoseini (2011) studied how an artificial
neural network is employed to predict the limiting drawing ratio of the deep drawing process.
The incorporation of AI into undergraduate curriculum is necessary in today’s engineering edu-
cation. Introduction of new topics or techniques inevitably creates tension between the necessity
for an engineering program to remain current versus the traditional coverage of the fundamentals
of engineering science and design (Ryan, 2004). Interactive media equipment (e.g. whiteboards, inter-
active TVs, and iPads) has been applied in classroom teaching with deeper and broader methods. The
use of AI requires the introduction of FEA courses and/or a significant allotment of time within exist-
ing courses. Zhu (2017) analyzed the overall realization scheme of the college assistant teaching
system based on AI with an aim to reduce the burden of teachers and improve teaching quality.
The purpose of this research is twofold:

(1) Identify the competencies required for university students in for AI in FEA.
(2) Determine whether the identified competencies are of equal importance.

The study addresses the following research questions.

(1) What professional competencies are considered essential for AI in FEA?

(2) What is the relative importance of the competencies as perceived by AI in FEA?

Function of competency analysis
Capability analysis assesses the behavior required for professionals to perform work-related tasks.
Behavior includes knowledge of motivation, characteristics, and skills or basic characteristics. The
technical college program should be implemented according to industry requirements, and compe-
tency analysis determines if the student has fulfilled competency criteria. The aim is to prepare gradu-
ates for their chosen career and to address technological changes in the industrial structure and
graduate skills. The main purpose of capacity analysis is to determine basic work abilities, knowledge,
and attitudes (Shyr, 2012). To effectively implement the industry requirements of FEA combined with
AI, the content of AI in FEA should be first analyzed. The subset of ML includes esoteric statistical tech-
niques that enable machine performance in experienced tasks to be improved. This category includes
obtaining data, data analysis, building a model, and predicting the future. The subset of DL comprises

algorithms that expose multilayer neural networks to large amounts of data to train the networks to
perform tasks. This category includes convolutional neural networks. This study can be applied to the
theory of material properties, applied mechanics, material mechanics, structural mechanics, elastic
mechanics, plastic mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, electronics and computation to
design and manufacture various types of mechanical products and systems, such as: instruments,
mechatronics, control systems, air conditioning and robots.

Delphi technique
The Delphi technique is widely used and accepted for collecting data from respondents within their
domain of expertise. The Delphi process has been used in various fields of study, including program
planning, policy determination, and resource utilization, and has explored or exposed underlying
assumptions and correlate judgments in many disciplines. However, the literature has revealed no
consensus on the optimal number of subjects required to perform the Delphi technique. Some
authors have suggested that 10–15 subjects may be sufficient if the background of the Delphi tech-
nique subjects is homogeneous (Delbecq, Ven, & Gustafson, 1975).
The three-round Delphi technique questionnaire used in this study was distributed to members of
the Delphi group on 25 September 2018; 9 November 2018; and 20 January 2019. These 10 Delphi
group members included 5 field engineers in the industry and 5 from a technology institute.

Analytic hierarchy process

The analytic hierarchy process (AHP), developed by Saaty (1990), is an analytic logic that combines
inductive and deductive methods. The AHP is an effective decision-making method that reflects
the process of decomposition, judgment, and the synthesis of decisive thinking in humans. The
AHP is primarily used in the multiple-goal decision-making method.

Research design
The research design of this study included the following procedures:
(1) Identifying desired professional competencies required in the AI in FEA, as a result of reviews by
experts; (2) forming a competency analysis group; (3) designing a professional competency question-
naire; (4) distributing the questionnaire to 10 experts (Delphi group) three times; (5) conducting data
analysis [descriptive statistics, Kendall coefficient of concordance, and Kolmogorov–Smirnovone (KS)-
sample test]; and (6) identifying, analyzing, reviewing, and integrating those required practical com-
petencies into AI in FEA curricula.

Questionnaire design
To fulfill the research objectives, a questionnaire was designed to collect data for 50 general com-
petencies in 10 domains: (1) introduction to the finite element method, (2) pretreatment, (3) coor-
dinate system, (4) model construction skills, (5) boundary conditions and solutions, (6) post
processor application, (7) ML, (8) neural network, (9) DL, (10) AI in FEA. Each competency was
rated by its importance to job performance in the AI in FEA. Using this questionnaire, members
of the Delphi group assessed each competency according to the following 5-point Likert scale:
5 = very important, 4 = more important, 3 = somewhat important, 2 = less important, 1 = the least
important in terms of job performance.
Researchers must carefully identify research problems. Therefore, an initial questionnaire was dis-
tributed to 10 experts. Experts in the field of machinery for institutional design, die design, tool analy-
sis, process development and AI programming. This questionnaire included 5 criteria and 40

subcriteria. Next, a hierarchy framework was established, containing the decision goal, the alterna-
tives for reaching it, and the criteria for evaluating the alternatives (Saaty, 1990).

Data analysis
The results of three rounds of the Delphi technique expert questionnaire included an introduction to
the finite element method, pretreatment, coordinate system, model construction skills, boundary
conditions and solutions, post processor application, ML, neural network, DL, and AI in FEA. After
questionnaires were received, first, correlation analysis was conducted for identifying significant
relationships between two sets of the second round and third round of the Delphi method. Descrip-
tive analysis was adopted for the modes, mean, Z value of the KS test, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
A goodness-of-fit test was used to confirm that the participants were consistent in their responses.
The AHP method maps complicated decision problems into a hierarchical diagram. With the
resulting criteria hierarchy structure, eigenvectors can be calculated using a matrix of the pair com-
parison of each criterion by a nominal scale. It can be used to represent and calculate the weights of
each criterion in certain hierarchies and then organize them, creating a reference for decision analy-
sis. The steps of analysis are as follows: (1) describe and analyze the problem; (2) determine structural
hierarchical relationships; (3) design and collect questionnaires; (4) create a pairwise comparison
matrix; (5) calculate the maximal eigenvector of A(λmax) and the eigenvector (Wi); and (6) perform
a consistency test (Saaty, 1990).

Results and analysis

The Kendall coefficient of concordance test (Table 1) was applied to evaluate the relationship
between the chi-square value of 59.834 and the items that the participants considered important.
The Kendall harmony coefficient of 10 experts’ reviews was 0.153 (p <. 018), indicating that a signifi-
cant correlation among the 10 experts’ reviews.
The results of Delphi surveys administered to the experts are presented in Table 2. The 10 pro-
fessional competencies for AI in FEA are as follows: introduction to the finite element method, pre-
treatment, coordinate system, model construction skills, boundary conditions and solutions, post
processor application, ML, neural network, DL, and AI in FEA. The mean score for the 40 professional
competencies in 10 domains was greater than 4.4, which indicates that the Delphi group considered
the competencies listed in the questionnaire to be more important; thus, and the participants con-
sidered the items to be important and provided consistent responses.
Analysis of the 10 professional competencies revealed that following professional competencies
were of greatest importance: pretreatment (M = 4.83), post processor application (M = 4.83), DL (M
= 4.83), and AI in FEA (M = 4.83), followed by introduction to the finite element method (M = 4.80),
neural network (M = 4.80), boundary conditions and solutions (M = 4.73), construction skills (M =
4.63), coordinate system (M = 4.60), and analyze dimension (M = 4.71); however, the competencies
perceived to have the greatest importance were as follows: step 1–3 “apply the system file” (M =
4.90), 2–3 “ability to set element attributes” (M = 4.90), 5–4 “ability to comply solution to boundary
conditions” (M = 4.90), 6–2 “ability to analysis path plot” (M = 4.90), 6–3 “ability to resolve error

Table 1. Kendall coefficient of concordance test.

N 10
Kendall’s W a .153
Chi-square 59.834
df 39
Asymp. Sig. .018

Table 2. Analysis of consistency in data related to the competency for the Z value of the KS test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
Wilcoxon signed-rank
Evaluation indicators Mean KS test test
1. Introduction to the finite element method 4.80
1-1. Understand the architecture of FEA 4.90 2.846* −2.640*
1-2. Understand the software interface description 4.80 2.846* −2.251*
1-3. Apply the system file 4.90 2.846* −2.640*
1-4. Ability to use instruction format 4.60 2.214* −1.833
2. Pretreatment 4.83
2-1. Understand the problem analysis 4.80 2.530* −2.640*
2-2. Ability to set element attributes 4.90 2.846* −2.739*
2-3. Ability to create solid modeling 4.80 2.846* −2.060*
2-4. Ability to create a finite element model 4.80 2.530* −2.420*
3. Coordinate system 4.60
3-1. Understand the coordinate system 4.50 2.214* −2.460*
3-2. Ability to use work plane movement and rotation 4.40 1.897* −1.994*
3-3. Ability to select a coordinate system 4.80 2.530* −2.460*
3-4. Ability to resolve component and assembly 4.70 2.530* −1.833
4. Model construction skills 4.63
4-1. Ability to build mapped mesh 4.50 2.214* −2.333*
4-2. Ability to use model instructions 4.60 2.530* −2.000*
4-3. Ability to select hard points and elements 4.60 2.530* −2.271*
4-4. Ability to specify hardpoint position 4.80 2.530* −2.271*
5. Boundary conditions and solutions 4.73
5-1 Ability to sit force load 4.50 2.214* −2.053*
5-2 Ability to think about an inertia load 4.70 2.530* −2.460*
5-3 Ability to operate a nodal coordinate system 4.80 2.846* −2.121*
5-4 Ability to comply solution to boundary conditions 4.90 2.846* −1.947*
6. Post processor application 4.83
6-1. Ability to assemble an experimental result 4.80 2.530* −2.081*
6-2. Ability to analyze path plot 4.90 2.846* −2.585*
6-3. Ability to resolve error estimation 4.90 2.846* −2.070*
6-4. Ability to explain result viewer 4.70 2.214* −2.121*
7. Machine learning 4.65
7-1. Ability to resolve and obtain data 4.70 2.214* −2.271*
7-2. Ability to conduct data analysis 4.70 2.530* −1.823
7-3. Ability to build a model 4.60 2.214* −2.271*
7-4. Ability to predict the future 4.60 1.897* −2.428*
8. Neural Network 4.80
8-1. Understanding the neural network 4.70 2.214* −2.081*
8-2. Knowledge of single-layer perceptron 4.80 2.530* −2.197*
8-3. Knowledge of multilayer perceptron 4.80 2.530* −2.271*
8-4. Ability to apply neural networks 4.90 2.846* −2.460*
9. Deep learning 4.83
9-1. Understand the deep learning technology 4.80 2.530* −2.460*
9-2. Knowledge of convolutional neural networks 4.80 2.530* −2.271*
9-3. Ability to design a convolutional neural network 4.90 2.846* −2.530*
9-4. Ability to apply a convolutional neural network 4.80 2.530* −2.309*
10. Artificial intelligence in finite element analysis 4.83
10-1. Understanding the neural network artificial intelligence in finite element 4.80 2.846* −2.714*
10-2. Ability to design machine learning in finite element analysis 4.80 2.530* −2.640*
10-3. Ability to apply neural network in finite element analysis 4.80 2.846* −1.890*
10-4. Ability to use deep learning in finite element analysis 4.90 2.846* −1.838*

estimation” (M = 4.90), 8–4 “ability to apply neural networks” (M = 4.90), 9–3 “ability to design con-
volutional neural network” (M = 4.90), and 10–4 “ability to use DL in FEA” (M = 4.90).
Finally, based on the results of the perception of the highest importance expressed concerned the
competency requirement for professional competencies for AI in FEA. For the KS test, each pro-
fessional competency reached significance (p <. 05), indicating that the opinions of the experts
were consistent. The 37 professional competencies showed statistically significant differences (p <
0.05) in the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The third round of Delphi had higher consistency than the

second round of Delphi. The three professional competencies showed statistically significant differ-
ences (p < 0.05) in the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The second round and the third round of the same
view indicated no statistical significance.
The consistency test was used to screen effective questionnaires and control the reliability of the
results. By using AHP pairwise comparison, the relative weights of all criteria were obtained to con-
struct the weight system and provide a valuable reference for relevant units. Table 3 presents a com-
parison of relative weights for individual major criteria. Under the evaluation criterion of
“introduction to the finite element method,” the experts suggested that the most important criterion
was “understand the architecture of finite element analysis” (0.310). Under the evaluation criterion of

Table 3. Comparison of relative weights for individual major criteria.

Evaluation indicators Relative weight Order
1. Introduction to the finite element method
1-1. Understand the architecture of finite element analysis .310 1
1-2. Understand the software interface description .235 3
1-3. Apply the system file .254 2
1-4. Ability to use instruction format .201 4
2. Pretreatment
2-1. Understand the problem analysis .262 2
2-2. Ability to set element attributes .284 1
2-3. Ability to create a solid modeling .231 3
2-4. Ability to build a finite element model .223 4
3. Coordinate system
3-1. Understand the coordinate system .243 3
3-2. Ability to use work plane movement and rotation .171 4
3-3. Ability to select coordinate system .310 1
3-4. Ability to resolve component and assembly .276 2
4. Model construction skills
4-1. Ability to build mapped mesh .211 4
4-2. Ability to use model instructions .240 3
4-3. Ability to select a hard point and elements .269 2
4-4. Ability to specify hard point position .280 1
5. Boundary conditions and solutions
5-1. Ability to sit force load .212 4
5-2. Ability to think about an inertia load .244 3
5-3. Ability to operate a nodal coordinate system .260 2
5-4. Ability to comply solution to boundary conditions .284 1
6. Post processor application
6-1. Ability to assemble an experimental result .254 3
6-2. Ability to analyze path plot .289 1
6-3. Ability to resolve error estimation .267 2
6-4. Ability to explain result viewer .190 4
7. Machine learning
7-1. Ability to resolve and obtain data .301 1
7-2. Ability to data analysis .279 2
7-3. Ability to build a model .240 3
7-4. Ability to predict the future .180 4
8. Neural Network
8-1. Understand the neural network .216 4
8-2. Knowledge of single-layer perceptron .250 3
8-3. Knowledge of multilayer perceptron .256 2
8-4. Ability to apply neural networks .278 1
9. Deep learning
9-1. Understand the deep learning technology .243 3
9-2. Knowledge of convolutional neural networks .279 2
9-3. Ability to design a convolutional neural network .308 1
9-4. Ability to apply a convolutional neural network .170 4
10. Artificial intelligence in finite element analysis
10-1. Understand the neural network artificial intelligence in finite element analysis .198 4
10-2. Ability to design machine learning in finite element analysis .223 3
10-3. Ability to apply neural network in finite element analysis .289 2
10-4. Ability to use deep learning in finite element analysis .290 1

“pretreatment,” the experts suggested that the most important criterion was “ability to set element
attributes” (0.284). Under the evaluation criterion of “coordinate system,” the experts suggested that
the most important criterion was “ability to select a coordinate system” (0.310). Under the evaluation
criterion of “model construction skills,” the experts suggested that the most important criterion was
“ability to specify a hardpoint position” (0.280). Under the evaluation criterion of “boundary con-
ditions and solutions,” the experts suggested that the most important criterion was “ability to
comply solution with boundary conditions” (0.284). Under the evaluation criterion of “post processor
application,” the experts suggested that the most important criterion was “to analysis path plot”
(0.289). Under the evaluation criterion of “machine learning,” the experts suggested that the most
important criterion was “to resolve get data” (0.301). Under the evaluation criterion of “neural
network,” the experts suggested that the most important criterion was “to apply neural networks”
(0.278). Under the evaluation criterion of “learning,” the experts suggested that the most important
criterion was “ability to design a convolutional neural network” (0.308). Under the evaluation criterion
of “artificial intelligence in finite element analysis,” the experts suggested that the most important
criterion was “ability to use deep learning in finite element analysis” (0.290).

In analyzing the data, the majority of expert also associated the ability to artificial intelligence in finite
element analysis with better job opportunities. In finite element analysis, experts care most about
pretreatment and post processor application. The ability to set element attributes and analyze
path plot in AHP analysis is also the most concerned by experts. In terms of artificial intelligence,
experts consider ability to resolve and obtain data, apply neural networks, design a convolutional
neural network to be the most important. Especially machine learning, deep learning and neural net-
works are highly recognized by experts. Experts value ability to use or apply finite element analysis
and artificial intelligence. The main focus of artificial intelligence is on solving specific problems. In
the evaluation indicators of “Artificial intelligence in finite element analysis”, experts consider
“Ability to use deep learning in finite element analysis” to be the most important. Cross-border inte-
gration often leads to unexpected innovations. In the application of curriculum and teaching, it is rec-
ommended to enable cross-disciplinary courses to trigger innovative ideas in an appropriate way.
Understand the factors of consideration through AHP assessment studies. Relevant scholars, engin-
eers and R&D personnel can be used as reference projects for product design. Create differentiated
products for the needs of the market.

The results of the three rounds of the Delphi technique expert questionnaire revealed essential pro-
fessional competencies for AI in FEA. The ten main competency indicators are the capabilities
required by college students and are equally important. AI is more important in FEA. The appropriate
nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used, which was helpful for understanding the results.
These findings can be used to devise a training and development plan and provide valuable refer-
ences for educators in the field of engineering and technical education.
The future AI era, personal survival depends on the curiosity that can continue to explore and
learn, optimistic and enterprising self-discipline learning literacy. A wide range of learning interests
across domains. Teachers can refer to this study to propose effective teaching measures, such as
innovative teaching methods, development of teaching materials, design of teaching action plans
and student assessment. In addition to considering how to reduce the impact of AI on the existing
labor and employment population, it is also more active in various industries and work projects
difficult to replace with AI and in in-depth evaluations of talent education, training, retraining, or
researching other feasible strategies, in response to the impact of future AI on the employment

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Notes on contributors
Dyi-Cheng Chen is presently a professor in National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan. His current interest
include: engineering education, FEM and metal forming. He received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering at
the National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan (2003).
Ci-Syong You received his PhD degree in Industrial Education and Technology at the National Changhua University of
Education, Taiwan (2018). His current interest include: engineering education, FEM and metal forming.
Ming-Shang Su is PhD student in Industrial Educational and Technology at the National Changhua University of Edu-
cation, Taiwan (2020). His current interest include: engineering education, conceptual course and practical course.

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