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Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik

Universitas Indonesia Depok, Februari 2020
MK yang Menjadi Integrasi
Perancangan Tata Letak
MATA KULIAH (MK) Pabrik BOBOT (sks) menjadi prasyarat Antar
prasyarat untuk MK MK
KODE ENIE600014 3
Rumpun MK -
Semester 5 Pengantar Mekanika Perancangan
dan Elektronika Pabrik Teknik Industri
Prof. Djoko Sihono Gabriel,
Dosen Pengampu M.T
Andri Mubarak, S.T, M.Sc
Setelah menyelesaikan perkuliahan ini, jika mahasiswa dituntut untuk merancang tata letak fasilitas pabrik,
mahasiswa mampu secara sistematis dan optimal merancang tata letak dan fasilitas pabrik di dalam sebuah
tim dimana rancangan tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik bidang industri yang dikaji.
Kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa bagaimana merancang sebuah tata letak fasilitas
pabrik yang tahapannya terdiri dari pembuatan part drawing, Operation Process Chart (OPC), Assembly
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Chart, Multi Product Process Chart (MPPC), Machine Requirement Calculation (MRC), perhitungan luas
mesin, perhitungan luas kantor dan fasilitas pendukung, perhitungan luas pabrik, Activity Relationship Chart
(ARC), Activity Relationship Diagram (ARD), Area Allocation Diagram (AAD), dan perancangan disain
akhir tata letak fasilitas pabrik. Bahasa pengantar yang digunakan dalam mata kuliah ini adalah bahasa
Indoensia dan bahasa Inggris.
Tautan Kelas Daring

CPL-PRODI yang dibebankan pada MK

CPL-A Mampu menerapkan pengetahuan matematika, sains, dan prinsip-prinsip kerekayasaan.

Mampu merancang. menerapkan dan meningkatkan kinerja suatu sistem terpadu. Komponen atau proses untuk
CPL-C memenuhi kebutuhan dalam Batasan yang realistik seperti ekonomi, lingkungan, sosial, politik, hukum, etika, faktor
manusia, kesehatan dan keselamatan, kelayakan pembuatan dan keberlanjutan.
Memiliki pendidikan luas untuk mengerti pengaruh dari pemecahan masalah rekayasa dalam konteks global, ekonomi,
lingkungan dan sosial
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)

Setelah menyelesaikan perkuliahan ini, jika mahasiswa dituntut untuk merancang tata letak fasilitas pabrik,
CPMK-1 mahasiswa mampu secara sistematis dan optimal merancang tata letak dan fasilitas pabrik di dalam sebuah tim
dimana rancangan tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik bidang industri yang dikaji (C6, A4).


Sub-CPMK 1 Mampu menjelaskan tahapan-tahapan perancangan tata letak pabrik dan fasilitas (C2).
Mampu memperoleh data yang diperlukan dalam tahapan-tahapan perancangan tata letak pabrik dan
Sub-CPMK 2
fasilitas (C3).
Mampu menganalisis data yang ada yang terkait dengan produk yang akan dirancang tata letak dan
fasilitas pabriknya, proses manufaktur dari produk yang akan diproduksi, dan penjadwalan proses
Sub-CPMK 3
manufaktur yang berhubungan dengan kuantitas produk yang diproduksi, pemilihan mesin dan
peralatan, dan jumlah operator yang dibutuhkan (C4).
Sub-CPMK 4 Mampu menilai tingkat kedekatan dan hubungan antara setiap mesin, tempat kerja, gudang, fasilitas
pendukung lainnya serta sistem pemindahan materialnya sehingga pabrik yang dirancang mampu
meminimalkan biaya pemindahan material, memfasilitasi aliran material dan informasi secara baik serta
mendukung terciptanya pabrik yang aman untuk para pekerja (C5).
Mampu merancang tata letak pabrik dan fasilitas yang meliputi mesin, tempat kerja, gudang, fasilitas
Sub-CPMK 5 pendukung lainnya serta sistem pemindahan materialnya dengan bekerja sama di dalam satu tim, sesuai
dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik bidang industri yang dikaji (C6, A4).

Bahan Kajian: - Definisi, Manfaat dan jenis-jenis permasalahan perancangan tata letak dan fasilitas pabrik
Materi pembelajaran - Aplikasi perancangan tata letak dan fasilitas pabrik
- Tahapan perancangan tata letak dan fasilitas pabrik
- Mekanisme pembuatan part drawing
- Bill of Material (BOM)
- Operation Pprocess Chart (OPC)
- Assembly Chart (AC)
- Mekanisme pembuatan Routing Sheet
- Multi Product Process Chart (MPPC)
- Machine Requirements Calculation (MRC)
- perhitungan luas mesin,
- perhitungan luas kantor dan fasilitas pendukung,
- perhitungan luas pabrik,
- Activity Relationship Chart (ARC),
- Activity Relationship Diagram (ARD),
- Area Allocation Diagram (AAD),
- perancangan disain akhir tata letak fasilitas pabrik.
1. Apple, James M. Plant Layout and Materials Handling, Third Edition. Wiley, 1977.
Daftar Pustaka 2. Heragu, Sunderesh S. Facilities Design. CRC Press, 2015
3. James A. Tompkins, John A. White, Yavuz A. Bozer, J. M. A. Tanchoco. Facilities Planning, Wiley, 2010

Bahan Kajian
(Materi Indikator
Pengalaman Belajar
Sub-CPMK Pembelajaran) Pencapaian
(Kemampuan [Rujukan] Metode sub-CPMK Bobot
akhir yang Moda
*Mg pembelajaran Penerapan
diharapkan) pembelajaran
ke [Estimasi Indikator sub-CPMK
Waktu] Orientasi; Latihan ; Umpan Balik Umum; pada MK
Daring (online) Luring (offline)

1 Sub CPMK-1 - Video Definisi Kuliah Asinkronus Orientasi: Indikator 6,25%

perancangan tata interaktif, think menggunakan Sebelum sesi Umum:
Mampu menjelaskan letak dan fasilitas pair share, self- EMAS UI kelas, mahasiswa Setelah
tahapan-tahapan pabrik dan manfaat study (belajar mandiri menonton video mengikuti
perancangan tata letak perancangan tata & forum definisi kuliah interaktif
pabrik dan fasilitas letak dan fasilitas diskusi) perancangan tata dan diskusi
(C2). pabrik Kunjungan letak dan fasilitas dalam
tatap muka: pabrik dalam kelompok,
[Rujukan] 150 menit EMAS (30%) mahasiswa
Apple (1977) dapat
Heragu (2015) Latihan: Latihan: menganalisis
Tompins et. Al (2010) Praktikum: 100 Mahasiswa Mahasiswa definisi
menit mendiskusikan berkunjung ke perancangan tata
hasil kunjungan pabrik dan letak.
melalui forum menganalisis tata
diskusi (30%) letak & fasilitas Indikator
pabrik (30%) Khusus:
Umpan Balik: Mahasiswa
Sinkronus Dosen memberikan mampu
menggunakan tanggapan pada - menganalisis
MS Teams hasil diskusi dan definisi
tanya jawab perancangan
melalui video tata letak
conference (10%) pabrik dan
dalam praktik
- Video jenis- Kuliah video Asinkronus Orientasi: Indikator 6,25%
jenis conference, menggunakan Sebelum sesi kelas, Umum:
permasalahan think pair share, EMAS UI mahasiswa Setelah
perancangan tata self-study (belajar mandiri menonton video mengikuti
letak dan fasilitas & forum permasalahan dan kuliah interaktif
pabrik diskusi) aplikasi dalam dan diskusi
Diskusi dalam EMAS (30%) dalam
- Video aplikasi forum dan kelompok,
perancangan tata perkuliahan Latihan: mahasiswa
letak dan fasilitas video Mahasiswa dapat
pabrik conference: berdiskusi di menganalisis
150 menit dalam forum fasilitas pabrik,
[Rujukan] diskusi manfaat dan
Apple (1977) kelompok, aplikasi nya.
Heragu (2015) Praktikum: 100 mencari
- Tompins et. Al menit informasi dan Indikator
(2010) membuat tugas Khusus:
kolaborasi Mahasiswa
menggunakan mampu
EMAS (60%) - membedakan
Umpan Balik: permasalaha
Sinkronus Dosen memberikan n dalam
menggunakan tanggapan pada ruang
MS Teams hasil diskusi dan lingkup
tanya jawab perancangan
melalui video tata letak dan
conference (10%) fasilitas
- membanding
kan aplikasi
tata letak dan
pabrik dari
industri yang

*)Mg: Minggu
**) Sinkronus: interaksi pembelajaran antara dosen dan mahasiswa dilakukan pada waktu yang bersamaan, menggunakan teknologi video
conference atau chatting.
Asinkronus: interaksi pembelajaran dilakukan secara fleksibel dan tidak harus dalam waktu yang sama, misalkan menggunakan forum diskusi atau
belajar mandiri/penugasan mahasiswa.

Minggu Nama Tugas Sub- Penugasan Ruang Cara Batas Luaran Tugas yang
Ke CPMK Lingkup Pengerjaan Waktu Dihasilkan

Mahasiswa membuat
dengan variasi
proposal tender, part Pengolahan data
data yang Laporan kelompok dibuat
drawing, BOM, OPC awal untuk
berbeda antar dalam Microsoft word dan
3 T-01 B2, B3 dan Assembly Chart , Perancangan 1 minggu
anggota Microsoft Visio, dan
Menentukan kapasitas Tata Letak dan
melalui forum diunggah ke EMAS
mesin aktual dan waktu Fasilitas Pabrik
diskusi EMAS
pembuatan produk
& video
Kriteria Penilaian (Evaluasi Hasil Pemelajaran)

Sub-CPMK Bentuk Evaluasi Instrumen/ Frekue Bobot

nsi Evaluasi (%)
B1, B2, B4 - Ujian Tengah Tes Tertulis 1x 35
Semester. melalui EMAS
B2, B3, B4, B5 - Tugas mingguan Borang penilaian 8x 30
tugas mingguan
melalui EMAS
B1, B2, B3, B4, - Laporan Akhir. Borang penilaian 1x 15
B5 laporan akhir
melalui EMAS
B1, B2, B3, B4, - Presentasi Akhir Borang penilaian 1x 20
B5 melalui video presentasi Akhir
Total 100

Pedoman Kriteria Penilaian

Konversi nilai akhir mahasiswa berdasarkan ketentuan yang berlaku di Universitas Indonesia. Konversi nilai tersebut adalah:

Nilai Nilai Bob

Angka Huruf ot
85—100 A 4,0
80—<85 A- 3,7
75—<80 B+ 3,3
70—<75 B 3,0
65—<70 B- 2,7
60—<65 C+ 2,3
55—<60 C 2,0
40—<50 D 1,0
<40 E 0,0
Tabel 1 Rubrik penilaian laporan akhir
Criteria A (90) B (75) C (60) D (50)
Organization Information is Information is Information is There is no
(Overall presented in logically ordered scattered and apparent ordering
order, flow, effective order. with paragraphs needs further of paragraphs,
and Excellent and transitions. development. and thus there is
transitions) structure of Within sections, no progressive
paragraphs and the order in flow of ideas.
transitions which ideas are Details and
enhances presented may be examples are
readability and occasionally not organized,
comprehension. confusing are hard to
The executive follow and
summary or understand.
abstract is
presented first,
enabling the
reader to easily
follow the rest
of the report
Quality Supporting Some details Details are Unable to
of details are don’t support somewhat find specific
Informati specific to topic the report topic. sketchy. details.
on and provide the
Introduction Introductory Introductory Introductory Introductory
paragraph is paragraph is paragraph is paragraph is
clearly stated, has clearly stated vague. not apparent.
a sharp, distinct with a focus.
focus and
enhances the
impact of the
Conclusion Concluding Concluding Concluding Concluding
paragraph paragraph paragraph is paragraph is
summarizes and follows and only remotely not apparent.
draws a clear, summarizes the related to the
effective report discussion report topic.
conclusion and draws a
and enhances the conclusion.
impact of the
Use of Sentences are For the most part, Minor Errors in Major Errors in
Language: complete and sentences are sentence sentence
Word grammatical, complete and structure and structure and
Choice, and they flow grammatical, and grammar are grammar are
Grammar, together easily. they flow frequent enough frequent enough
and Words are together easily. that they reduce that they distract
Sentence chosen for their Any errors are the reader and the reader and
Structure precise minor and do not interfere with interfere with
meaning. distract the meaning. meaning.
reader. Repetition There is There is
of the same unnecessary unnecessary
words and repetition of repetition of
phrases is the the
avoided same words same words
and phrases and phrases
Use of All figures, For the most part, Just few of Figures, graphs,
Figures: graphs, charts, figures, graphs, figures, graphs, charts, &
Graphs, and drawings are charts, and charts, and drawings are of
Charts, & accurate, drawings are drawings are poor quality,
Drawings consistent with accurate, accurate, have numerous
the text, and of consistent with consistent with inaccuracies &
good quality. the text, and of the text, and of mislabeling, or
They good good quality. may
enhance quality. They are They be missing. There
are not labeled
Criteria A (90) B (75) C (60) D (50)
understanding of generally correctly. may be no
the text. All are labeled corresponding
labeled correctly correctly in explanatory text
in accordance accordance or there may be
with engineering with redundancy with
standards and are engineering the text.
referred to in the standards. All
text. are referred to
in the text.
Bibliography All resources All resources are Some resources Resources not
are cited and cited, but are cited but not cited in paper or
appear with formatting isn’t all. proper format
correct correct. Not not used.
formatting. formatted
Critique The report The report The report The report does
discusses the discusses the discusses either not mention the
strengths and strengths and the strengths or strengths or the
weaknesses and weaknesses weaknesses of weaknesses
suggests ways in the invention but
which it can not both.
Connections The report The report The report The report makes
makes makes makes unclear no connections,
appropriate appropriate or just showing the
connections connections inappropriate components
between all key between connections
components several between
(problems to components components
problem to
solutions to
Analysis The paper The paper The paper breaks The parts
successfully successfully the argument, identified are not
breaks the breaks the issue, or problem the correct
argument, issue, argument, issue, into parts, but and/or relevant
or problem into or problem into some parts may ones. The
relevant parts. relevant parts. be missing or connections
The connections The connections unclear. The between the
between the parts between the parts connections parts are
are clear and are fairly between the parts completely
highly accurate. accurate. are somewhat inaccurate.
Depth of Analysis Results are Engineering Engineering Engineering
carefully and analysis is analysis is so analysis is so
objectively detailed enough sketchy that inadequate
analyzed. to aid the reader is that the
Interpretations understanding barely able to reader is not
are made using but evaluate the able to evaluate
appropriate is not enhanced validity of the the validity of
equations, with equations, interpretation of the
models, models, or findings interpretation of
or theories theories findings
Synthesis The paper The paper The paper The parts to be
successfully integrates most integrates some integrated are
integrates all relevant parts parts from not clear
relevant parts from various various places and/or
from various places into a into a somewhat relevant. The
places into a mostly coherent coherent whole. connections
coherent whole. whole. The The connections between the
The connections between the parts parts are
connections between the unclear.
between the parts are
parts generally clear.
Criteria A (90) B (75) C (60) D (50)
are clear are
and somewhat
insightful. unclear.

Professional Style
Visual Format The document is Use of white space The document is The document is
visually appealing. and color help the visually appealing unappealing and
White space and reader navigate the and there are few or confusing visual
color are used document, “cues” to help the cues
appropriately the layout could be reader navigate the
to separate blocks more effective and document.
text and add appealing
emphasis. The
reader can easily
navigate the
Ability to Define Engineering terms For the most part, There is an
Terms and and jargon are terms and jargon of jargon and
Jargon used are
correctly. They are used correctly with technical terms
defined the first some attempt to without adequate
time they are used define them. explanation of
in the report meaning
Analysis of group Clearly articulates Discusses only two Does not articulate
process and what worked well of the three; any of the three –
individual role and why, what did discusses group what worked well
within it not work well and without discussing and why, what
why, and ways to self; discusses self didn’t work well
increase without discussing and why, how to
effectiveness and group improve
efficiency of group
process in the
future, considering
self as well as

Tabel 2 Rubrik penilaian presentasi

Criteria A B C D
(90) (75) (60) (50)
Gains attention of Gives details or an Does a two- Does not attempt to
audience. amusing fact, a sentence gain attention of
series of introduction, then audience, just starts
a short starts speech. speech.
demonstration, a
colorful visual or
personal reason
why they picked
this topic.
Style Level of Level of Aspects of Presentation
presentation is presentation is presentation are too consistently is
appropriate for the generally elementary or too elementary or too
audience. appropriate. sophisticated for sophisticated for
Presentation is a is sometimes too audience. Presenter the audience.
planned fast or slow. The seems Information is
uncomfortable read
Criteria A B C D
(90) (75) (60) (50)
conversation, presenter seems and can be heard to audience.
paced for slightly only if listener is Presenter is
audience uncomfortable very attentive. obviously
understanding. It at times, and the Much of the anxious and
is NOT a reading audience information is cannot be
of a paper. occasionally has read. heard.
Speaker is trouble hearing
clearly the presenter.
comfortable in
front of the
group and can be
heard by all.
Use of Communicati Communicatio Communication
Communicati on aids n aids aids are poorly No
on Aids enhance the contribute to prepared or used communication
(transparenci presentation. the quality of inappropriately. aids are used, or
es, slides, They are the Font is too small they are so
posters, prepared in a presentation. to be easily seen. poorly prepared
handouts, professional Font size is Too much that they detract
etc.) manner. Font appropriate informatio from the
on visuals is for reading. n is presentation.
large enough to Appropriat included.
be seen by all. e Unimportant
Information is informatio material is
organized to n is highlighted.
maximize included. Listeners may
audience Some be confused.
understanding. material is not
Details are supported by
minimized so visual aids.
main points
stand out.

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