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Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 7 Kota Komba

Kelas / Semester : XI / I
Fase :F
Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024
Kelompok : Wajib
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 Menit
Topik Pembelajaran : Teks Analytical Exposition

1. Kemampuan memahami Analytical Exposition Text
2. Keterampilan menentukan isi teks
Peserta didik yang reguler
Membaca-Memirsa ( reading- viewing):
Pada akhir fase F , peserta didik memahami kata-kata yang sering digunakan sehari-hari
dan memahami kata-kata baru dengan bantuan gambar/ilustrasi serta kalimat dalam
konteks yang dipahami peserta didik. Peserta didik memahami kosakata akrab dan baru
dengan dukungan dari isyarat visual atau petunjuk konteks. Mereka membaca dan
menanggapi teks deskripsi sederhana dan familier dalam bentuk teks cetak atau digital,
termasuk teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif. Mereka menemukan informasi dasar
dalam sebuah kalimat dan menjelaskan topik dalam teks yang dibaca atau dilihat.
Pertemuan Pertama:
1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan struktur teks analytical exposition (C2)
2. Menganalisis perbedaan dua teks analytical exposition (C4)
Fungsi sosial
● To persuade the reader that the idea is important matter

● To analyze a topic and to persuade that the thesis / opinion is correct by developing
an argument to support it.
● To persuade your target readers to look at an issue with your point of view.

Struktur teks
● Thesis : Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s opinion/position.

● Arguments : arguments support the thesis. The number of arguments may vary, but
each argument is supported by evidence and explanation.
● Reiteration : Restating the writer’s position.

Unsur Kebahasaan:
● Kalimat Simple Present Tense
Penggunaan: untuk menyampaikan pendapat atau pikiran.
e.g. : I think it is better if people use public transportation more often than their
personal cars

● Time connectives
When we are writing exposition, we will use time connectives, such as first, second,
…finally in our arguments because they are useful to list ideas. They help us give a
structured view of what we are writing.
● Causal conjunctions
In exposition, we usually use conjunctions, such as consequently, therefore, based
on the arguments.
● Model : Problem Based Learning.

● Metode : Discussion.
● Media : Teks analytical exposition

● Alat : Laptop, LCD, Papan Tulis, Spidol, Speaker

● Sumber :

● Buku LKS Bahasa Inggris Mata Pelajaran Wajib Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI
Semester 1. Penerbit: Viva Pakarinda
● Guru

● Sumber internet:
Teks :


Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa Waktu

Orientasi 10 menit
1. Guru masuk kelas dan
memberi salam kepada 1. Siswa merespon salam dari guru
siswa menggunakan bahasa (Character Building)
Inggris (Character Building)
2. Guru memimpin doa
sebelum memulai 2. Siswa berdoa sebelum memulai
pembelajaran (Character pembelajaran (Character
Building). Building).
3. Guru mengecek kehadiran
siswa 3. Siswa mendengarkan dan
4. Guru melakukan persiapan menyimak guru.
psikologis untuk siswa
dengan cara bermain game 4. Peserta didik mengikuti instruksi
“Peel Banana” yang diberikan guru
(Communication). (Communication).

Fase 1. Orientasi Peserta Didik

Pada Masalah
5. Guru melakukan apersepsi
dengan cara 5. Siswa memberikan tanggapan
memperlihatkan gambar mereka mengenai global
global warming, dan warming. (Critical Thinking)
menginstruksikan siswa
untuk memberikan
tanggapan mengenai
gambar tersebut. (Critical
6. Guru menyampaikan tujuan
pembelajaran pada 6. Siswa menyimak penjelasan
pertemuan yang guru.
Kegiatan Utama / Main Activity
Guru Siswa Waktu
Fase 2. Mengorganisasikan Peserta 70 menit
Didik Untuk Belajar
1. Guru memberikan sebuah teks 1. Siswa mengamati teks
analytical exposition dan analytical exposition tersebut
meminta siswa untuk dan menjawab pertanyaan
mengidentifikasi fungsi social yang tersedia (Critical
dan struktur teks (Critical Thinking). (Text 1)
2. Guru menjelaskan fungsi social
dan struktur teks analytical 2. Siswa menyimak penjelasan
exposition (Communication). guru. (Communication).
Fase 3. Membimbing Penyelidikan
Individu dan Kelompok
3. Guru membagi siswa menjadi 3. Siswa menemukan kelompok
beberapa kelompok. mereka. (Collaboration)
4. Guru memberikan dua buah teks 4. Siswa mengamati teks dan
analytical exposition dan menjawab pertanyaan terkait
menginstruksikan setiap perbedaan teks 2 dan teks 3.
kelompok untuk menganalisis (Critical Thinking) (Teks 2
unsur kebahasaan teks dan Teks 3)
analytical exposition (Critical
Thinking) 5. Siswa menyampaikan hasil
5. Guru membimbing siswa untuk diskusi mereka.
menyampaikan hasil diskusi
Kegiatan Penutup / Closing Activity

Guru Siswa Waktu

1. Guru memberikan umpan balik 1. Siswa menanggapi umpan 10 menit
terhadap proses pembelajaran. balik yang diberikan oleh
(Communication). guru. (Communication).
2. Guru meminta peserta didik 2. Siswa menyimpulkan materi
untuk menarik kesimpulan yang telah dipelajari.
mengenai materi yang telah (Communication).
dipelajari . (Communication).
3. Guru menyampaikan rencana 3. Siswa mendengar apa yang
kegiatan pembelajarn untuk disampaikan oleh guru.
pertemuan berikutnya.
4. Guru meminta siswa untuk 4. Siswa berdoa sebelum
meminpin doa. (Character meninggalkan kelas.
Building) (Character Building)

1. Penilaian Sikap

No Name Cooperation Independent Curiosity Tolerance Ket.

1 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

2. Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan

● Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tulis

● Bentuk Instrumen : Isian

● Kisi – kisi :
Indikator Butir Instrumen
1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi 1. Answer the
sosial dan struktur teks questions based on
analytical exposition the text!
2. Compare the two
texts you have read
and complete this

Indikator Penilaian 2:
No Aspek yang dinilai Skor
1. Mengetahui maksud penulis dalam menyampaikan gagasan atau
argumen dalam wacana tulis :
● Dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan maksud penulis dalam

menyampaikan gagasan atau argumen dalam wacana tulis

dengan sangat tepat dan akurat

● Dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan maksud penulis dalam 2

menyampaikan gagasan atau argumen dalam wacana tulis
dengan tepat dan akurat
● Dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan maksud penulis dalam

menyampaikan gagasan atau argumen dalam wacana tulis

cukup tepat dan akurat

● Tidak dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan maksud penulis

dalam menyampaikan gagasan atau argumen dalam wacana

2. Memahami generic structure teks tulis :
● Dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan generic structure teks tulis
dengan sangat tepat dan akurat

● Dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan generic structure teks tulis

dengan tepat dan akurat 2
● Dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan generic structure teks tulis

cukup tepat dan akurat

● Tidak dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan generic structure teks

3. Memahami generic structure dalam wacana tulis
● Dapat mengidentifikasi position of the writer dengn sangat
tepat dan akurat

● Dapat mengidentifikasi position of the writer dengn tepat dan 2

akurat 1

● Dapat mengidentifikasi position of the writer cukup tepat dan


● Tidak dapat mengidentifikasi position of the writer

4. Mendeskripsi ide
● Satu ide yang jelas, focus dan sesuai topik. Adanya detail

yang konkret dan spesifik. Semua bagian terintegrasi dan


● Secara umum, sesuai topik dan mengembangkan tema atau 2

pesan yang jelas. Beberapa detail konkret dan beberapa masih
bersifat umum. Mungkin ada bagian yang kurang sesuai. 1

● Banyak kalimat yang bersifat mengulang dan tidak

berhubungan. Kurang detail dan bersifat prediksi.

● Tidak focus, tidak teridentifikasi dan tidak cukup

dikembangkan. detail tidak konsisten, tidak jelas.

Skor Perolehan
NA = X 100
Skor Maksimal
Pembelajaran Remedial
Pembelajaran remedial diberikan kepada siswa yang belum mencapai KKM
berupa pembelajaran ulang atau penugasan terkait fungsi social, struktur teks
dan unsur kebahasaan teks analytical exposition.

Pembelajaran Pengayaan
Pembelajaran pengayaan diberikan kepada siswa yang telah mencapai KKM
berupa penugasan yaitu secara mandiri siswa membuat video analytical

Waerana, 28 Pebruari 2024

Guru Bahasa Inggris Kepala SMA Negeri 7 Kota Komba

Robertus Riser, S.Sos

Ronaldus Adipati Kunjung, S.Pd.,Gr NIP. 19750331 201001 1 013
NIP. 19860407 201503 1 003
Lampiran 1:
Sekolah : SMA Negeri 7 Kota Komba
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Fase/Semester : F/I
Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024
Materi Pokok : Analytical Exposition
Alokasi Waktu : 4× 45 menit (4 JP)

Perhatikan gambar berikut ini.

1. Apa yang ada dalam pikiranmu ketika melihat gambar ini?
2. Masalah apa yang kamu temukan dalam gambar ini?

An analytical exposition is an essay which analysis an issue or situation. This

kind of text elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. In
conclusion, an analytical exposition is a text which evaluates a topic critically, but
focusses only on one side of an argument. The argument and point of view have to be
supported by facts and relevant information.the thesis statement has to be reiterated in
the conclusion.
There are kinds of texts which belong to analytical exposition as follows.
- Speech or lectures
- Letters to editorials
- Articles of newspapers and magazines
- Essays
- Leaflets or pamphlets
1. Social function of analytical exposition
● To persuade the reader that the idea is important matter

● To analyze a topic and to persuade that the thesis / opinion is correct by

developing an argument to support it.
● To persuade your target readers to look at an issue with your point of view.
2. Structures of analytical exposition
● Thesis (Statement of position)
Introduce the topic and indicates the writer’s opinion/position. It states the
writer’s point of view about the topic discussed.
● Arguments
This arguments support the thesis. The number of arguments may vary, but
each argument is supported by evidence and explanation.
● Reiteration
It restates the point of view of the writer / to strengthen the thesis. We can also
use the following gambits to make conclusion in reiteration:
1) From the fact above, …
2) I personally believe …
3) Therefore, my conclusion is that …
An analytical exposition should have the following parts.
Text 1
Texts Structure
Do you usually watch television with your family? I believe Thesis
that television can be good for families. Here are some
First of all, television is inexpensive entertainment for Arguments
families to gather. The families can sit in their living room
while chatting and watching television. Second, television can
be a good teacher. For example, small children can learn
many things on children’s programs. In addition nature
programs teach them about our earth and how to care for it.
Most important, television lets children see a bigger picture of
the world than their own small neighborhood. Our family
cannot travel all over the globe, so the news shows them
views of other people and places. The television also brings
other cultures into our home through special children’s
In conclusion, although some parents are throwing out their Reiteration
televisions, our family is keeping ours.

1) What is the topic of the text?
2) What kind of text is above?
3) Can you identify the reasons why televisions is

Fungsi sosial
● To persuade the reader that the idea is important matter

● To analyze a topic and to persuade that the thesis / opinion is correct by developing
an argument to support it.
● To persuade your target readers to look at an issue with your point of view.

Struktur teks
● Thesis : Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s opinion/position.

● Arguments : arguments support the thesis. The number of arguments may vary, but
each argument is supported by evidence and explanation.
● Reiteration : Restating the writer’s position.

Unsur Kebahasaan:

● Kalimat Simple Present Tense

Penggunaan: untuk menyampaikan pendapat atau pikiran.
e.g. : I think it is better if people use public transportation more often than their
personal cars
● Time connectives
When we are writing exposition, we will use time connectives, such as first, second,
finally in our arguments because they are useful to list ideas. They help us give a
structured view of what we are writing.
● Causal conjunctions
In exposition, we usually use conjunctions, such as consequently, therefore, based
on the arguments.

Lampiran 2:
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)
Sekolah : SMA 7 Kota Komba
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Analytical Exposition
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 Menit

Activity 1

Texts Structure
Do you usually watch television with your family? I believe that Thesis
television can be good for families. Here are some reasons.
First of all, television is inexpensive entertainment for families to Arguments
gather. The families can sit in their living room while chatting and
watching television. Second, television can be a good teacher. For
example, small children can learn many things on children’s programs.
In addition nature programs teach them about our earth and how to care
for it. Most important, television lets children see a bigger picture of
the world than their own small neighborhood. Our family cannot travel
all over the globe, so the news shows them views of other people and
places. The television also brings other cultures into our home through
special children’s programs.
In conclusion, although some parents are throwing out their televisions, Reiteration
our family is keeping ours.

a. What is the topic of the text?
b. What kind of text is above?
c. Can you identify the reasons why televisions is important?
d. rewrite the writer’s position in this text

Acitivity 2

Compare the two texts and complete the table!

Activity 2 Text 2 :
Read the text and answer the questions below!

Global Warming is a Global Threat

Global warming is a real danger that we must pay

attetion to. There are some danger from it.

There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today

than at any point in the last 800,000 years. And since
1870, global sea levels have risen by about 8 inches.

Global climate change has already had observable

effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on
rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal
ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

Heat waves caused by global warming present greater

risk of heat-related illness and death, most frequently
among people who have diabetes who are elderly or are
very young.

Global warming puts coral reefs in danger as the ocean

warms, scientist fear that coral reefs will not be able to
adapt quickly enough to the resulting changing
conditions, and bleaching incidents and diseases will

Global warming is a danger for earth and all humans.

The facts above prove it.
Text 3 :
The Importance of Recycling

Much of what we throw away could be used again.

Recycling puts "garbage" to good use. Recycling helps
preserve precious resources because it saves on the use
of raw materials and energy. It also reduces the
pollution caused when the waste is dumped.

Glass can be remelted. This is better than making fresh

glass from raw materials, but it is even better to reuse
the bottle whole. Metals can be recycled by being
remelted and then used to make other new items. The
metals to recycle from an ordinary household are
aluminium and steel from cans. Scrap from cars gives
several different metals for recycling.

Paper is easy to recycle. Every home and office should

have a paper reclining routine. Plastics are the worst
problem because they do not biodegrade (breakdown)
easily. They are also hard to recycle and cause harmful
pollution when burned. It is important to use as little
plastics as possible, and then only ones that are
recyclable or biodegradable.

Recycling is a good thing to keep our environment clean

and save from pollution as the effect of product waste
that we use in our daily life such as glass and plastic.

Please write down the differences between the two text

No. Differences Global Warming The Importance
is a Global of Recycling
1. Function
2. Thesis
3. The position of the writer
4. Your opinion about the issue

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