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Penerapan Evidence Based Nursing

pada End of Life Care

Indah Sri Wahyuningsih, S.Kep, Ns., M.Kep

Palliative Care
Perawatan secara aktif dan menyeluruh (holistik)
bagi penderita dengan penyakit stadium lanjut,
progresif (terminal)
diutamakan upaya untuk mengatasi gejala nyeri
dan gejala-gejala lainnya serta masalah
psikologik, sosial dan spiritual
tujuannya adalah untuk mengupayakan kualitas
hidup yang se-optimal mungkin bagi penderita
maupun keluarganya
Apa yang dimaksud dengan
End of Life Care
(Perawatan Akhir Hayat)???
Definition of End of Life Care
National Institutes of Health (NIH)- State – of- Science
Conference, menyatakan:
 Tidak ada definisi yang tepat dari tahap akhir hayat dan
juga kapan waktu kematian seseorang dapat diprediksi
secara akurat
 Ketika kematian seseorang tidak dapat dihindari dan
semakin dekat dengan kematian, proses perjalanannya
dapat berbeda- beda berdasarkan konteks dan riwayat
masa lalu seseorang
Definition of End of Life Care

People assume that end of life care is providing comfort

care and holistic care to dying patients and their family in a
time frame of days to weeks when they are actively dying.
If end of life care is framed only by the brief time interval
before actual death, many patients would be left without
receiving adequate end of life care because their time
frames are not well predicted

(Shigeko (Seiko) Izumi et al.,2012. Nursing Ethics 19(5)608-618)

Signs of End of Life Restlessness
Current Condition in Indonesia
> 60 % in advanced stage of cancer
High number die at the hospital
 palliative care performed only in big cities (Jakarta,
Surabaya, Makassar, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Semarang
 Defisit knowledge about palliative
 Unwell known (community)
Pandangan Masyarakat
TABOE bicara tentang kematian
Autonomy keluarga
Decision making by family
Kultur/ budaya terkait’ngopeni’ anggota keluarga yg sakit
Berobat sampai titik darah penghabisan, ‘sak pol-
pole,’diusahake’, ‘ ndak mengko gelo’
Penerapan bukti- bukti Ilmiah yang ada
pada tatanan praktek perawatan pasien
dengan kondisi menjelang akhir hayat
How about Evidenced Based Pratice in
End of Life Care in Indonesia???
Perasaan Pasien
Hampir seluruh pasien memiliki perasaan takut
dalam menghadapi akhir hayat, mereka takut
kehilangan kontrol, kehilangan martabat, terputus
hubungan dengan orang lain, kesakitan, diabaikan
keluarga, diabaikan keinginannya, mati sendirian
atau sengsara
Evidenced in End of Life

Dying with dignity is regarded as a goal of quality end of

life care
There is little agreement about what constitutes good
death or successful dying. (Meier EA, et al.,2016.Am J
Evidenced in End of Life
11 core themes of good death and the top three
themes across all stakeholder groups were
preferences for dying process (94% of reports),
pain free status (81%) and emotional well being
(64%). (Meier EA, et al.,2016.Am J Geriatr.Psychiatric.24(4):261-71)
11 core themes of good death
1. Preferences for specific dying process
2. Pain free status
3. Religiosity/spirituality
4. Emotional well being
5. Life completion
6. Tratment preferences
7. Dignity
8. Family
9. Quality of life
10. Relationship with HCP
Most people would prefer to die at home
Evidenced in End of Life
There is high quality and consistent evidence for the
effect of 17 factors on place of death
The most important factors linked to dying at home are
patient low fuctional status, patients preferences, use
and intensity of home care, living arrangements and
extended family support
Evidenced in End of Life

Actions to enable people to die at home should focus on

the empowerment of families, public education, home
based model of care, assessment of risk, and training of
practitioners in palliative care
(Barbara Gomes, Irene J Higginson.2006. BMJ, doi:10.1136/bmj.38740.614954.55)
Die at Home
For many people, home is more than a physical space; it
represents familiarity, the presence of loved ones, and
the possibility of enjoying “normal” life

Reason why well over half of people with a progressive

illness want to die at home
Factors affecting place of death and their relative effects

 Factors related to illness

 Individual factors
Demographic variables
Personal variables
 Environmental factors
Healthcare input
 Social support
 Macrosocial factors
(Barbara Gomes, Irene J Higginson.2006. BMJ, doi:10.1136/bmj.38740.614954.55)
Death Awareness

Many patients imagine that death comes

suddenly, but for many, the knowledge that one’s
death is imminent comes first. Those with this
awareness often must complete certain tasks to
allow a peaceful death such as offering
forgiveness, being forgiven, acknowledging
regrets, finding closure in professional and
community relationships, and saying goodbye to
family and friends
Indikator Kematian yang Baik
 Menerima tatalaksana nyeri dan gejala- gejala
 Menghindari memanjangnya waktu sekarat
 Komunikasi yang jelas terkait keputusan pasien,
keluarga dan tenaga kesehatan
 Adekuatnya persiapan pasien dan keluarga
menghadapi kematian
 Menerima adanya perasaan terkontrol
 Pencarian dukungan spiritual dan emosional
 Menegaskan arti pentingnya dan keunikan setiap pasien
 Tidak sendirian
The Role of Palliative care at the end of life

To relieve the suffering of patients and their families by

the comprehensive assessment and treatment of
physical, psychosocial, and spiritual symptoms
patients experience
As death approaches, the symptom burden of a
patient may worsen and require more aggressive
As comfort measures intensify, so does the support
provided to a dying patient’s family. Once death has
occured, the role of palliative care focuses primarily on
the support of the patient’s family and bereavement
Home Care Beneficial
Policymakers are increasingly recognizing
homecare as a valuable service for delivering
end of life cancer care
High rates of late life hospitalization and hospital
deaths are indicators of poor quality care
Hospitalizations also comprise the main
proportion of health services cost in the last year
of life, and thus efficient health systems aim to
avoid unnecessary hospital utilization
Palliative and End of life care
Palliative and end of life care can be provided
in patients’ homes to improve pain and
symptoms and quality of life and relieve
By supporting patients at home, if desired, the
health system can avoid unnecessary
hospitalizations and maximize scarce
Homecare di negara Canada dilakukan oleh ners
generalis, diberikan kesempatan untuk merawat
pasien secara intensif dengan perawatan end of life
Sebagian perawat tertarik mengikuti pelatihan
perawatan paliatif, tapi tidak merupakan persyaratan,
ataupun standar khusus
United Kingdom
End of life community homecare nursing can be
provided by specialized nurses, such as Marie Curie
nurses or Macmillan nurses with palliative care
The homecare model is similar in other European
countries and Australia
The United States
Community based hospice nurses typically have specialized
training in palliative care

Physicians and nurses have advanced training to provide

care for those who are dying from a life limiting illness

Policymakers still require evidence of how best to use

homecare nursing to effectively shift end of life care from
hospitals to home based settings. In particular, the evidence
is lacking for the effectiveness of generalist homecare nurses
in providing palliative care, who are far more common in the
health system
Nurses Roles
The values and beliefs that underpin high quality
palliative care are integral to good nursing
Nurses are in a unique situation as the only real
24 hour carers in the healthcare system to
incorporate and develop the principles and
prctice of the palliative approach into their daily
work where it is appropriate to do so
In the context of palliative care, perhaps the most
succinct and relevant one is that written by Virginia
Henderson (1997)
“nursing is primarily assisting the individual in the
performance of those activities contributing to health
and its recovery or to a peaceful death.”

The statement suggest partnership, helping and dignity

all concepts that are central to the palliative approach to
Caring for Dying Patients
It is a combination of knowledge, skills and
compassion in equal measure, which is sensitive,
hopeful, meaningful and dynamic. Above all, it is
a way of thinking and an attitude of mind that
should influence a nurse’s behaviour in whenever
they work with a dying person in whatever setting
(Becker et al, 2004)
Needs of the dying
1. Fisik
 bebas dari gejala
2. Psikologis
 rasa aman
 pengertian/pemahaman tentang penyakit
 dihargai
3. Sosial
 diterima apa adanya
 dilibatkan
 dibebaskan dari tanggung jawab
4. Spiritual
 dicintai
 diampuni
 harga diri
 hidup yang berarti
Caring for dying patients
Pemberian obat anti nyeri
Mengatasi gejala yang muncul
Mempersiapkan pasien dan keluarganya
menghadapi akhir hayat
Menggunakan teknik komunikasi yang benar
Memfasilitasi adanya spiritual care
Memberi kesempatan pada pasien untuk berada
ditengah-tengah keluarga/orang yg dicintai
Menekankan pada keluarga agar tidak
membiarkan pasien sendirian
Nursing Challenge
The Challenge to nurses involved in end of life
care is how to combine the art and the science
into a cohesive approach that reflects
individuality, choice, dignity and compassion
in whatever environment care takes place

Kualitas Perawatan End of life:

Meninggal dengan baik

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