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Diagram Mass Haul

Dampak medan/daerah pada Lokasi Rute

• Pekerjaan tanah sangat mahal
• Usaha untuk meminimalkan
jumlah pekerjaan tanah,
sangat penting
– Atur garis permukaan
jalan sedekat mungkin
dengan dasar permukaan
tanah asli
– Atur garis permukaan jalan
sedemikian rupa sehingga
seimbang antara volume galian
dan volume timbunan

Perhitungan Pekerjaan Tanah
Proses Utama dalam pekerjaan tanah;
a) Persiapan lapangan
b) Pembersihan
c) Penebangan pohon2 dan lainnya
d) Galian
e) Pengangkutan (Hauling)
f) Penurunan galian (dumping)
g) Penyebaran/perataan (Spreading)
h) Pemadatan (Compacting)
Pemadatan: usaha mengurangi lubang2 udara dan menambah densitas
Tujuan Pemadatan:
a) Menambah kekuatan (stability)
b) Menurunkan rembesan air (permeability)
c) Meminimalkan penurunan timbunan di kemudian hari
Faktor2 yang berpengaruh terhadap pemadatan:
a) Kandungan Air
b) Usaha Pemadatan itu sendiri
Analisa/Perhitungan perkerjaan tanah
• Ambil Penampang melintang rata2
sepanjang alinyemen (biasanya 20-25 m)
• Plot permukaan tanah asli dan permukaan
usulan jalan serta indikasikan daerah galian
dan timbunan
• Hitung volume pekerjaan tanah antara
penampang melintang

Metode Luas Ujung Rata2
• Asumsi volume antara dua penampang melintang
yang berdekatan adalah luas rata2 dari kedua
penampang melintang dikalikan jarak keduanya

V = ½ L (A1 + A2)
V = volume (m3)
A1 dan A2 = luas tepi/ujung penampang melintang 1 & 2
L = jarak antara kedua penampang melintang (m)
• Volume tanah bertambah pada galian
• Dan berkurang pada saat pemadatan
• Berbeda besaran faktornya tergantung tipe
tanah dan kedalaman timbunan
Perhitungan Volume (Contoh)
Penyusutan = 10%, L = 100 m
Station 1: Luas Cut/Galian = 6 m2
Luas Fill/Timbunan = 29 m2
Garis Jalan yg
Cut diusulkan
Fill Garis
tanah asli
Computing Volume (Example)
Penyusutan = 10%
Station 2: Luas Galian = 29 m2
Luas Timbunan = 5 m2

Garis jalan permukaan
tanah asli
yang diusulkan
Vcut = ½ L (A1cut + A2cut) = 50 m (6 m2 + 29 m2) = 1,750 m3

Vfill = ½ (A1fill + A2fill) = 50 m (29 m2 + 5 m2) = 1,700 m3

Penyusutan untuk timbunan = 1,700 * 0.1 = 170 m3

Total timbunan = 1,700 m3 + 170 m3 = 1,870 m3
Total galian dan timbunan antara STA 1 dan STA 2 = 1,870 m3 fill – 1,750 m3 cut =
120 m3 fill
Station End Area (m2) Volume (m3) Net Volume

Total Total Total Total Penyus Fill Fill Cut

Cut Fill Cut Fill utan terkore
1 6 29

2 29 5 1,750 1,700 170 1,870 -120

Mass Diagram
• Rangkaian garis yang menunjukkan
JUMLAH BERSIH dari galian atau
timbunan antara dua STA
• Garis Ordinate (Sumbu Y) adalah Jumlah
volume dimulai dari suatu titik awal yang
telah ditentukan
• STA pertama adalah titik awal
Excavation Filling MASS HAUL DIAGRAM

Cut Fill Balancing point

(turning point) Total overhaul distance

Fill Cut
Total Haul Balancing line STATION

Overhaul distance = AC x GH

Free Haul

Suatu contoh grafik jumlah tanah galian dan timbunan pada suatu proyek
yang memerlukan pemindahan tanah.
Beberapa Fitur Mass Haul Diagram
1. Kalau gradien positive (+ve), artinya galian.
2. Kalau gradien negative (-ve), artinya timbunan.
3. Titik ordinat di setiap titik menunjukkan jumlah galian atau timbunan.
4. Suatu garis horizontal dibuat pada grafik adalah garis keseimbangan.
5. Luas antara garis keseimbangan dan lengkungan akan memberikan
total pengangkutan pada station tersebut.
Example 1.2 : Computing Fill and Cut Volume using the Average
End Area Method
A roadway section is 2,000 meter long (20 station). The cut and fill
volumes are to be computed between each station. Table 1.4 lists the
station numbers (column 1) and lists the end area values (m2) between
each station that are in Cut (column 2) and that are in Fill (column 3).
Material in a fill section will consolidate (known as shrinkage), and for
this road section, is 10 percent. (For instance, if 100 m 3 of net fill is
required, the total amount of fill material that is supplied by a cut section
is 100 + (0.1x100) = 100 + 10 = 110 m3). Determine the net volume of
cut and fill that is required between station 0 and station 1.
Solution :
Vcut = [100(Aoc+A1c)/2] = [100(3+2)/] = 250 m3
Vfill = [100(AoF+A1F)/2] = [100(18+50)/2] = 3,400 m3
Shrinkage = 3,400 (0.10) = 340 m3
Total fill volume = 3,400+340 = 3,740 m3
The cut and fill volume between station 0+00 and 1+00 is shown in Column 4 & 7.
Cut : 250 m3 (column 4)
Fill : 3,400 m3 (column 5) +
Shrinkage : 340 m3 (column 6)
Total fill required : 3,740 m3
Net volume between station 0-1 = Cut – Total fill = 250 – 3,740 = - 3490 m3 (column 8)
Note: Net fill volumes are negative (-) (column 8) and net cut volume are positive (+) (column 8).
Similar calculations are performed between all other stations, from station 1+00 to 20+00, to
obtain the remaining Cut and Fill values shown in columns 2-8.
Table 1.4 : The Computation of Fill and Cut volumes and Mass Haul Diagram Ordinate
Example 1.3 : Computing Mass Haul Diagram Ordinates
Use the data obtained in Example 1.2 to determine the net accumulation
of cut or fill beginning with station 0 + 00. Plot the results.
Solution :
Column 8 shows the net cut and fill between each station. To compute the mass haul diagram
ordinate between station X and X + 1, add the net accumulation from Station X (the first station) to
the net cut or fill volume (Column 8 or 9) between stations X and X+1. Enter this value in Column 10.

Station 0 + 00 Mass Diagram Ordinate = 0
Station 1 + 00 Mass Diagram Ordinate = 0 – 3,490 m3
Station 2 + 00 Mass Diagram Ordinate = - 3,490 – 7,885 = - 11,375 m3
Station 3 + 00 Mass Diagram Ordinate = - 11,375 – 12,185 = - 23,560 m3
Station 4 + 00 Mass Diagram Ordinate = - 23,560 – 9,355 = - 32,915 m3
Station 5 + 00 Mass Diagram Ordinate = - 32,915 – 2,880 = - 35,795 m3
Continue the calculation process for the remaining 15 stations to obtain the values shown in Column
9 of Table 1.4. A plot of the results is shown in Figure 1.7

CUMULATIVE VOLUME (cubic meters)


A' D' E'

0 6 11 17 22





Figure 1.7 : Mass Haul Diagram for Computation Shown in Table 1.4
Interpretation of the Mass Haul Diagram

Inspection of Figure 1.7 and Table 1.4 reveals the following characteristics:
1. When the mass haul diagram slopes downward (negative), the preceding section is in fill and
when the slope is upward (positive) the preceding section is in cut.
2. The difference in mass haul diagram ordinates between any two stations represents the net
accumulation between the two stations (cut or fill). For example the net accumulation between
station 6 + 00 and 12 + 00 is (-35,795) + (24,480) = - 11,315 m3 (fill).
3. A horizontal line on the mass haul diagram defines the locations where
the net accumulation between these two points is zero. These are
referred to as “balance points.” because there is a balance in cut and
fill volumes between these points. In Figure 1.7 the “x” axis represents
a balance between points A’ and D’ and a balance between points D’
and E’. Beyond point E’ the mass haul diagram indicates a fill condition
for which there is no compensating cut. The maximum value is the
ordinate at station 20+00 of – 12,920 m3. For this section imported
material (called borrow) will have to be purchased and transported from
an off-site location.
4. Other horizontal lines can be drawn connecting portions of the mass
haul diagram. For example lines J-K and S-T, which are each five
stations long, depict a balance of cut and fill between stations at points
J-K and S-T.
Another Example
Station 2:
net volume =
20000 m3

Station 1:
net volume =
7750 m3
End Area (m2)
Station Cut Fill
0+00 60 30
1+00 76 62
2+00 68 50
3+00 24 70
3+50 12 53
4+00 50 66
5+00 45 51
6+00 80 63
7+00 85 97
8+00 68 80
9+00 83 88
9+50 77 70
10+00 89 69
10+50 56 40
11+00 90 27
12+00 90 20
13+00 68 29
14+00 56 25
15+00 54 30
15+50 42 15
Earthwork Analysis
• Consideration for shrinkage
• Balance line considerations
• Freehaul distance (FHD)
• Limit of profitable haul (LPH)
Mass Diagrams
• Difference between any two stations is net
accumulation between the two stations
• A horizontal line defines locations where net
accumulation between these two points is
zero (balance points)
Net accumulation
between station
6 + 00 and 12 +00 is
(–1302 + 904) = -398
yd3 fill

Source: Garber and Hoel, 2002

Balance point:
balance of cut and
A’ and D’
D’ and E’
Locations of
balanced cut and fill
JK and ST
ST is 5 stations long
[16 + 20] – [11 + 20]
Special Terms
• Free haul distance (FHD)- distance earth is moved
without additional compensation
• Limit of Profitable Haul (LPH) - distance beyond which
it is more economical to borrow or waste than to haul
from the project  Limit of Economic Haul (LEH)
• Overhaul – volume of material (Y) moved X Stations
beyond Freehaul, measured in sta – yd3, or sta- m3
• Borrow – material purchased outside of project
• Waste – excavated material not used in project
Haul Strategies
HS are based on determining the most
economical points at which to terminate or
reverse the direction of hauls. This
corresponds to the problem of finding the
most economical locations for balance lines
on the mass diagram. The longest distance
material should ever be hauled is called the
limit of economic haul (LEH)
The LEH is determined by finding the distance for
which the cost of hauling a unit volume of material
is equal to the cost of borrowing it. Since haul is
paid when it exceed free haul distance, this leads to
CB = COH(LEH – F) or
CB = The cost of Borrow
COH = The cost of Overhaul
F = Freehaul distance
Mass Diagram Development

• 1) Place FHD and LPH distances in all

large loops
• 2) Place other Balance lines to minimize
cost of movement (theoretical)
• 3) Calculate borrow, waste, and overhaul in
all loops
• 4) Identify stations where each of the
above occur
Mass Diagram Example

• FHD = 200 m
• LPH = 725 m
Between Stations
0 + 00 and
0 + 132, cut and
fill equal each
other, distance is
less than FHD of
200 m

Source: Wright, 1996

Between Stations 0 +
132 and 0 + 907, cut
and fill equal each
other, but distance is
greater than either
FHD of 200 m or LPH
of 725 m
Distance =
[0 + 907] – [0 + 132] =
775 m

Source: Wright, 1996

Between Stations 0 +
179 and 0 + 379, cut
and fill equal each
other, distance = FHD
of 200 m
Treated as freehaul

Source: Wright, 1996

Between Stations 0 +
142 and 0 + 867, cut
and fill equal each
other, distance = LPH
of 725 m

Source: Wright, 1996

Between Stations 0 + 132 and 0 + 142 becomes waste
and material between stations 0 + 867 and 0 +907
becomes borrow

Source: Wright, 1996

Between Stations 0 + 970 and 1 + 170, cut and
fill equal each other, distance = FHD of 200 m

Source: Wright, 1996

Between Stations 0 + 960 and 1 + 250, cut and
fill equal each other, distance is less than FPH
of 725 m

Source: Wright, 1996

Project ends at Station 1 + 250, an additional
1200 m3 of borrow is required

Source: Wright, 1996


Net Cumulative Volume (m3)



0 2 3 5 6 8


Over Haul
Net Cumulative Volume (m3)





0 2 3 5 6 8


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