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Komunikasi farmasis

dengan tenaga
kesehatan professional
Annisa Primadiamanti, S.Farm., Apt., M.Sc
 Farmasis harus dapat berkomunikasi dengan sesama farmasis
serta tenaga kesehatan professional lainnya (dokter, perawat, dll)
untuk mencapai outcome terapi yang maksimal bagi pasiennya.
 Akan tetapi, farmasis cenderung menjadi tenaga kesehatan
Komunikasi professional yang “diabaikan”. Hal ini sebenarnya lebih
dikarenakan kurang percaya dirinya farmasis.
 Farmasis harus lebih percaya diri karena ilmu yang dimiliki tidak
dimiliki oleh tenaga kesehatan lainnya, kita adalah ahlinya
 Bagaimanakah cara meningkatkan kepercayaan diri farmasis agar
dapat berkomunikasi maksimal dengan tenakes professional
lainnya, terlebih dokter ? Apa yang menurut anda harus
Problema 1 ditingkatkan/ dilakukan ? Langkah2 apa saja yang diperlukan ?
Lalu bagaimana mengatasi barrier dalam komunikasi terhadap
(tulis di forum dokter dll ?

 Problema 1 dapat dikaitkan dengan problema 2.
Problema 2 Cari tahu mengenai 9 star pharmacist dan poin manakah yang
(tulis di forum sangat dibutuhkan di dalam pharmaceutical care ? (boleh lebih dari
1 atau semuanya ??) jelaskan jawaban anda.
Patient Counselling and
Annisa Primadiamanti, S.Farm., Apt., M.Sc
 Patient counseling is one of the major duty of a pharmacist other
then dispensing of drug.
 It is refers to the process of providing information , advise and
Introduction assistance to help patient to use their medication appropriately.
 It enhances the problem solving skill of patient for the purpose to
improve or maintaining the quality of health and life.
 Good communication skill – which is required to gain patient
confidence and to help motivate the patient to adhere to the
recommended regimen.
 Better patient understanding - their illness and role of medication.
Objective of  Improve medication adherence.

patient  More effective Drug treatment.

counseling  Reduce incidence of adverse drug effect and unnecessary

healthcare cost.
 Improve quality of life for patient.
 Better coping strategies to deal with medication related adverse
 The medication’s trade name, generic name, common name or
Patient  The medication’s use and expected benefit and action.

counseling  The medication’s expected onset of action.

 The medication’s route, dosage form and administration schedule.
Contains  Direction for preparing and using medication.
  Action to be taken in case of missed dose.
 Precaution to be taken
 Common Drug Adverse Effect
 Drug-Food or Drug-Drug Interaction
 Proper storage of medication

 Proper disposal of contaminated medication

 Any information unique to individual patient
Communication  Communication skill of pharmacist can facilitate formation of trusting
skill for effective relation with patient.
 Communication skill are subdivided into two types:
counseling - Verbal communication
- Non-verbal communication
 Verbal communication:
- Language
- Tone
- Volume
- Speed

 Non-verbal communication:
- Body language
- Proximity
- Eye contact
- Facial expression
Barriers to effective communication include:
• Environmental barriers
• Semantics
• Negative attitude
Barrier of • Time barriers
communication • Environmental barrier such as lack of privacy and furniture between
patient and pharmacist which prevent effective communication. It is come
under physical barrier.

• Semantics: Semantics relate to meaning word or symbol in interpersonal

communication. Word or symbol can have multiple meaning, therefore
effective patient communication required to use word carefully.
 • Negative attitude: It is usually caused by lack of confidence. Pharmacist
should strive to improve their talking skill through practice.

• Time barrier is very common when it comes to pharmacist and patient.

Time are often excuses not to counsel though it often does not take very
long time.
How to Counsel Patient

 Review the patient's record * Introduce your self * Explain

purpose of counseling * Obtain drug related information such as
allergies, use of herbals etc. * Assess the patients understanding
of the reasons for therapy * Assess any actual and / or potential
concerns or problems of importance to the patient.
 - Use language that the patient understands - Use appropriate
counseling aids - Present facts and concepts in simple words and
in logical order - Use open ended questions.
 - Verify the patient's understanding by means of feedback - -
Summarize by emphasizing key points - Give an opportunity to
the patient to put forward any concerns. - Help the patient to
plan follow-up
 Pharmacist should counsels patients on all new and refill prescriptions. If
the pharmacist cannot counsel to this extent, it should be defined which
Who Require patient types, or which medications pharmacists will routinely counsel
 Patients receiving more than a specified number of medications - Patients
known to have visual, hearing or literacy problems – Paediatric patients -
Patients on anticoagulants
 - Confused patients, and their caregivers - Patients whose profile shows a
change in medications or dosing - New patients, or those receiving a
medication for the first time (transfer prescription) – For children receiving
medication, parents should be - Patients receiving medication with special
storage requirements, complicated directions

 - Asthmatic patients - Diabetic patients - Patients taking 4 or more

prescribed medications - Patients who are mentally ill or patient’s caregiver
- Patients using appliances - Epileptic patients - Patients with skin
complaints - Patients misusing drugs - Patients who are terminally ill
What is a  An expression of dissatisfaction made to an organization, related
to its products or services, or the complaints-handling process
Complaint? itself.
 Their expectations have not been met!
 To release their anger
 To help improve the service
 Because of concern for others who also use the service

Why do  Why do customers complain? What proportion of unhappy customers

patients  Generally 9% to 37% of unhappy customers make complaints to the firms.

complain?  The rest never bother to complain. Why don’t unhappy customers complain?
They think it is not worth the time or effort.
 They further think that no one would be concerned about their problem or
solve it.
 They do not know where to go or what to do.

Each happy customer will tell at least six other people

 Wrong information
 Poor customer service
 Attitude
Most common  Overpricing
complaints...  Lack of adequate information
 Delays
 Unresponsiveness of service providers
The customer  The customer is not always right but...The customer is always the
is not always customer and this means simply that solving the problem is often
more important than who is right.
(The Customer  If you can solve their problem without blaming yourself or others,
is always you will reduce stress, everyone will feel better and you will be on
your way to attaining CUSTOMER SATISFACTION

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