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Sampel Klinik,

isolasi virus Identifikasi virus

Diagnosa ( kedokteran)
Pemeriksaan Lab

Tujuan :
Sampel : segar * Menemukan penyebab penyakit
Organ atau jaringan * Memperbanyak virus ( pembuatan vaksin
yang terinfeksi
dilakukan swab

Jurnal penelitian
a. Sampel berupa organ atau jaringan diambil sebanyak kira-kira 1 gram, ditempatkan pada mortar steril, lalu
dipotong kecil-kecil dan digerus sampai halus sambil ditambahkan PBS pH 7,2 atau boleh juga NaCl fisiologis sampai
konsentrasinya 10-20 %.
b. Selanjunya suspensi jaringan dipindahkan ke dalam tabung steril untuk disentrifuse dengan kecepatan 2500 rpm
selama 10-15 menit, kemudian dipisahkan supernatant dari endapan.
c. Diambil bagian supernatan sebanyak 9 ml, ditambahkan dengan antibiotika 1 ml yang sudah diencerkan (dengan
dosis 1000-5000 IU penicillin dan 1000- 5000 µg/ml streptomisin). Campuran tersebut selanjunya dieramkan pada
inkubator bersuhu 37ºC selama 30 menit.
d. Campuran supernatan yang berisi antibiotika tersebut selanjuntnya digunakan sebagai bahan untuk isolasi virus
pada tahap berikutnya.

antara lain:
telur ayam bertunas (TAB),
biakan sel,
hewan percobaan maupun hospes alami.

Prinsip dasar uji serologi adalah terjadinya

ikatan antara antigen dengan antibodi yang
untuk membentuk ikatan antigen-antibodi
Pada uji hemaglutinasi, ikatan tersebut
Uji serologi dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi virus sebagai (kompleks antigen- antibodi homolog)
agen penyebab penyakit, dengan menggunakan dapat diketahui dengan menambahkan sel darah
serum standar yang disebut dengan diagnose pasti. merah 1% sebagai indikator uji.

There are two main ways to test for infection with SARS-CoV2 (the
coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease).
The first is a very sensitive test that looks for the RNA of the virus
using a technique called RT-PCR.
This can detect as little as one virus particle in swabs taken from
inside the mouth or nose.

• What is different PCR with RT PCR?


• Influenza = flu (from the “influence of the stars” — astrology): There are a number
of strains and the virus mutates a lot. It infects the respiratory system, usually with
fever (vomiting?). It has a 48-hr incubation after exposure.
• Mumps:
• It infects the salivary (parotid) glands in the neck, also
(especially in post-puberty patients) possibly other organs like
testes, but usually doesn’t cause sterility. It is most common in
children, and spread by saliva.
• Measles = Rubeola (rubeo = red):
• This is “common” measles. Symptoms and signs
include white spots on mucous membranes in
the mouth, red spots/rash on the skin, and fever
and cold symptoms. It is spread by saliva and
nasal secretions.
• German measles = Rubella:
• If this infects a pregnant woman (or from
vaccination of it), it can cross the placenta and
cause birth defects (first trimester). The patient is
infective from one week before onset of the rash
until one week after it fades. The symptoms are
often milder than “regular” measles.

• cacar monyet
• sudah ada sejak tahun 1970
• Penyakit ini secara umum memiliki gejala yang sangat mirip dengan smallpox, bahkan
secara klinis gejalanya lebih ringan. Namun smallpox sudah dieradikasi sejak tahun
• Cacar monyet paling sering ditemukan di daerah Afrika Tengah dan Afrika Barat. Kini
virus monkeypox juga ditemukan di Singapura, hingga ke Batam. Umumnya penyakit ini
tersebar di daerah di mana banyak manusianya berinteraksi dengan hewan yang
berpotensi menularkan virus ini.
• .Virus ini dapat hidup di manusia maupun hewan. Monkeypox termasuk ke dalam virus
dari genus Orthopoxvirus dan merupakan virus yang cukup langka.
• Demam
• Sakit kepala
• Tubuh terasa lemas
• Sakit pada otot dan persendian
• Ruam kulit. Kemunculan ruam biasanya dimulai dari wajah, batang tubuh, dan kemudian menyebar ke
lengan, kaki, hingga ke telapak tangan dan kaki. Ruam diawali dengan bercak kemerahan yang lama
kelamaan membentuk bintik kemerahan yang berisi cairan dan dapat berisi nanah.
• Pembesaran kelenjar getah bening
• Obat analgesik dan antipiretik diberikan untuk menurunkan demam, meredakan nyeri, dan juga sakit
• Istirahat total disarankan agar gejala penyakit tidak semakin parah, terutama pada tahap gejala demam.
• Hindari kontak langsung dengan hewan yang terinfeksi.

• Pencegahan:
• Hindari kontak langsung dengan manusia yang terinfeksi.
• Penggunaan smallpox vaccine, yang dulu digunakan untuk penyakit variola, namun oleh karena penyakit
ini sudah berhasil dieradikasi pada tahun 1980, vaksin smallpox agak sulit didapatkan. Vaksin biasanya
dianjurkan untuk orang2 yang beresiko tinggi terkena monkeypox seperti mereka yang melakukan
penelitian terhadap virus monkeypox, dan orang-orang yang mempunyai riwayat kontak dengan
penderita yang terinfeksi monkeypox.
• Herpes viruses (herpes = creeping)
• smallpox: This makes pus-filled pox. People who had
the more mild cowpox didn’t get this, which led to
the development of vaccinations
• chickenpox: This stays in the person’s DNA (“hiding”
in certain nerve cells) and can come back as shingles,
Herpes zoster or Varicella zoster. As shingles, this virus
is in the CNS, follows a nerve, and thus, is painful.
Chickenpox symptoms include mild headache, fever,
and a “rash” consisting of raised pox filled with fluid.
The lesions are no longer infective when crusted over
• cold sores: These stay in the person’s DNA (“hiding”
in mucous membrane around the lip area) and can
come back during periods of stress. Herpes simplex
type I is the responsible agent.
• genital herpes: This is caused by Herpes simplex type
II, and is spread by sexual contact.
• Hepatitis (hepato = liver):
• There are a number of different, related diseases
which go by the name of hepatitis.
• human papiloma virus = HPV = genital warts
• This is another sexually-transmitted virus.
Frequently a person develops several of these in
close proximity. The “warts” begin as soft, moist,
reddish swellings on either the external genital
area or within the urethra (males) or vagina
(females) and grow rapidly. At least one type
inserts its DNA into the DNA of the host cells,
and all are difficult to treat/control. Women who
get this frequently end up with cervical cancer
several years later, necessitating surgery to
remove part or all of the uterus.
• rabies
• May be found in some dogs and bats. It is also know as
hydrophobia because the animal has trouble drinking,
and so appears to be afraid of water.
• Rabies invades the CNS, leading to paralysis and death.
The virus is present in the saliva of infected mammals,
and is often transferred by a bite. In US, most cases are
from the bites of wild animals since dogs are vaccinated.
• Beware of behavior changes in wild animals: skunks or
other nocturnal animals active in daytime, or wild
animals lacking normal fear of humans. Rabies is more
likely from carnivores — rabbits, etc. usually don’t have
• Current treatment involves vaccines around the site of
the bite and intramuscular.
• Warts
• These are contagious, and are most frequent in
older children.
• Their appearance and size are influenced by
location and degree of irritation (most frequent
on sites subject to trauma like fingers, elbows,
knees; plantar warts on soles of feet are flattened
by pressure).
• Warts may persist by autoinoculation. Usually,
complete regression in several months is
common with or without treatment, but some
may last for years.
• Most do not become malignant.
• AIDS = acquired immunodeficient syndrome = HIV =
human immunodeficiency virus:
• AIDS is transferred in blood and other fluids. Tears
during sexual contact (especially likely in anal sex
because the rectum not designed for that) are often an
entry point, as well as IV drug users sharing needles. As
mentioned, AIDS infects/kills cells of the immune
system that help fight off other infections. Thus the
person often dies from secondary infections.
• The AIDS virus contains RNA as its genetic material and
an enzyme called reverse transcriptase.
• AIDS virus can do reverse transcription to go from its
RNA to DNA, which is inserted into the person’s cells to
control replication of more virus.
• Many nations, as well as the World Health Organization,
are working to stockpile anti-viral drugs in preparation
for a possible pandemic. Oseltamivir (trade name
Tamiflu) is the most commonly sought drug, since it is
available in pill form. Zanamivir (trade name Relenza) is
also considered for use, but it must be inhaled. Other
anti-viral drugs are less likely to be effective against
pandemic influenza.
• Both Tamiflu and Relenza are in short supply, and
production capabilities are limited in the medium term.
Some doctors say that co-administration of Tamiflu with
probenecid could double supplies. [14]
• There also is the potential of viruses to evolve drug
resistance. Some H5N1-infected persons treated with
oseltamivir have developed resistant strains of that virus.
• Peramivir is a pharmaceutical drug used to viral
infections. Like zanamivir and oseltamivir,
peramivir is a neuraminidase inhibitor, acting as
a transition-state analogue inhibitor of influenza
neuraminidase and thereby preventing new
viruses from emerging from infected cells.
Experimental data indicate that peramivir may
have useful activity against many viruses of
interest, including H5N1 (avian bird flu) ,
hepatitis B, polio, measles and smallpox. HHS
Secretary Mike Leavitt announced on January 4,
2007 that the Department has awarded a $102.6
million, four-year contract to
BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for advanced
development of their influenza antiviral drug,
 There are three genera of influenza virus, identified
by antigenic differences in their nucleoprotein and
matrix protein:
 Influenzavirus A are the cause of all flu pandemics
and are known to infect humans, other mammals
and birds (see also avian influenza),
 Influenzavirus B are known to infect humans and
 Influenzavirus C are known to infect humans and pigs
• Flu spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics,
killing millions of people in pandemic years and
hundreds of thousands in non-pandemic years.
• Three influenza pandemics occurred in the 20th century
and killed tens of millions of people, with each of these
pandemics being caused by the appearance of a new
strain of the virus in humans.
• Often, these new strains result from the spread of an
existing flu virus to humans from other animal species.
• Since it first killed humans in Asia in the 1990s, a deadly
avian strain of H5N1 has posed the greatest risk for a
new influenza pandemic. However, this virus has not
mutated to spread easily between people.
 Vaccinations
 Vaccinations against influenza are most commonly given to
high-risk humans in industrialised countries and to farmed
 The most common human vaccine is the trivalent flu vaccine
that contains purified and inactivated material from three viral
strains. Typically this vaccine includes material from two
influenza A virus subtypes and one influenza B virus strain.
 A vaccine formulated for one year may be ineffective in the
following year, since the influenza virus changes rapidly over
time and different strains become dominant. Antiviral drugs
can be used to treat influenza, with neuraminidase inhibitors
being particularly effective.
Marine viruses

 Most abundant biological entity anywhere in ocean. At

surface, 1010 viruses/liter, 5-25X bacterial abundance;
numerous “species”
 Infect marine eubacteria and archaea
 Evidence suggests widespread lysogeny; entry into lytic
cycle rare but may be triggered by pollutants
 Contribute to mortality of marine bacteria, 10-50% cells
killed, has effect on food chain
 Viral decay: UV light, hydrolysis
 Transduction?
Avian flu
 Avian flu (also "bird flu", "avian influenza", "bird
influenza"), means "flu from viruses adapted to birds", but
is sometimes mistakenly used to refer to both other flu
subsets (such as H5N1 flu) or the viruses that cause them
(such as H5N1)
 "Bird flu" is a phrase similar to "Swine flu", "Dog flu", "
Horse flu", or "Human flu" in that it refers to an illness
caused by any of many different strains of flu viruses such
that the strain in question has adapted to the host. "Avian
flu" differs in being named after an entire vertebrate class
with 8,800–10,200 species. All known avian flu viruses
belong to the species of virus called Influenza A virus. All
subtypes (but not all strains of all subtypes) of Influenza
A virus are adapted to birds, which is why for many
purposes avian flu virus is the Influenza A virus (note
that the "A" does not stand for "avian").

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