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Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah 3

Accounting for Pension &

Postretirement Benefit
Imbalan Kerja Jangka Pendek

Ani Wilujeng Suryani, Ph.D

Imbalan Kerja Jangka Pendek
• imbalan kerja yang diharapkan diselesaikan seluruhnya sebelum 12 bulan setelah
akhir periode pelaporan saat pekerja memberikan jasa
• tidak termasuk pesangon
• gaji, upah, jaminan sosial, cuti berimbalan
• perlakuan akuntansi = current liabilities
Cuti Berimbalan
• hak cuti yang memberikan kompensasi imbalan
• ada yang bisa diakumulasikan ke periode tahun berikutnya

Contoh 1:
PT Aldebaran memiliki 30 karyawan. Setiap karyawan berhak atas 6 hari cuti berimbalan dalam 1 tahun yang tidak dapat
diakumulasikan. Setiap karyawan yang cuti berhak mendapatkan imbalan Rp 500.000 per hari. Pada tahun 2020, 25 karyawan
mengambil penuh cuti, sedangkan 5 lainnya baru mengambil 4 hari cuti.

Beban tahun 2020 adalah 170 hari sbb:

25 x 6 hari = 150 hari
5 x 4 hari = 20 hari

Dr. Beban imbalan kerja 85.000.000
Cr. Kas 85.000.000
Contoh 2
PT Bayu Skak memiliki 30 karyawan. Setiap karyawan berhak atas 6 hari cuti berimbalan dalam 1 tahun yang dapat
diakumulasikan. Setiap karyawan yang cuti berhak mendapatkan imbalan Rp 500.000 per hari. Pada tahun 2020, 25 karyawan
mengambil penuh cuti, sedangkan 5 lainnya baru mengambil 4 hari cuti.

Beban tahun 2020 adalah 180 hari sbb:

30 x 6 hari = 180 hari

Dr. Beban imbalan kerja 90.000.000
Cr. Utang imbalan kerja 5.000.000
Cr. Kas 85.000.000
Bagi Laba & Bonus
PT Citra Kirana memiliki kebiasaan membagi bonus kepada karyawan tiap tahun sebesar 2% dari laba bersih. Bonus ini ditentukan pada
RUPS yang dilakukan pada bulan April tahun berikutnya. Perkiraan laba bersih tahun 2020 adalah USD 1,000,000.

Jurnal pada akhir tahun 2020

Dr. Beban imbalan kerja - bonus $20,000
Cr. Biaya yang masih harus dibayar $20,000
• imbalan terutang akibat pemutusan hubungan kerja baik diberhentikan atau sukarela
• perusahaan wajib membayar pesangin dan uang penggantian hak bagi karyawan.
• pesangon biasanya dihitung berdasar masa kerja
• nilai pesangon = current liability (undiscounted), kecuali jika pesangon dierbiakn lebih dari 12 bulan
• diakui pada tanggal yang lebih awal antara:
1. penawaran atas imbalan tidak dapat ditarik kembali
- ketika pekerja menerima tawaran
- ketika pembatasan atas kemampuan entitas untuk menarik tawaran berlaku
2. ketika biaya-biaya restrukturisasi telah diakui sesuai PSAK 57
Contoh 3
PT Daus melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja atas 10 karyawannya dengan jumlah pesangon total Rp Pembayaran
dilakukan 25% pada tahun 2020 dan sisanya pada tahun 2021. Selain itu PT Daus juga menawarkan ke 5 karyawan lainnya untuk berhenti
secara sukarela. Setiap karyawan yang berhenti secara sukarela akan mendapat Rp 600.000.000. Pemutusan hubungan kerja direncanakan
efektif per awal tahun 2021. Diperkirakan 2 dari 5 karyawan akan menerima tawaran PHK.

Jumlah pesangon yang perlu diakui Rp dihitung dari

Pesangan 10 karyawan PHK Rp
Pesangon 2 karyawan sukarela Rp.

Jurnal pembentukan provisi 2020

Dr. Beban imbalan kerja - pesangon Rp
Cr. Provisi Rp

Jurnal pembayaran 2020

Dr. Provisi Rp
Cr. Kas Rp
Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah 3

Accounting for Pension &

Postretirement Benefit
Imbalan Pascakerja

Ani Wilujeng Suryani, Ph.D

Imbalan Pasca Kerja
• imbalan yang diterima karyawan setelah masa kerja selesai
• pensiun, asuransi, tunjangan kesehatan pasca kerja
• dikelola oleh Dana Pensiun
• Program Iuran Pasti (Defined Contribution Plan)
• Program Imbalan Pasti (Defined Benefit Plan)
Imbalan Pascakerja
Defined Contribution Plan Defined Benefit Plan
• pemberi kerja membayar iuran sebesar jumlah • pemberi kerja membayar iuran sebesar imbalan
yang ditetapkan yang disepakati
• pemberi kerja TIDAK memiliki kewajiban • pemberi kerja memiliki kewajiban hukum
hukum untuk membayar iuran lebih lanjut jika untuk membayar iuran lebih lanjut jika Dana
Dana Pensiun gagal bayar Pensiun gagal bayar
• risiko aktuarial dan investasi ditanggung • risiko aktuarial dan investasi ditanggung
pekerja pemberi kerja
• benefit berdasar plan value • benefit berdasar plan
• besar iuran tetap • besar iuran tergantung perkiraan
• besar imbalan tidak ditentukan • besar imbalan sudah ditentukan
Defined Pasti Plan Assets Tidak pasti Pension
Contribution Plan

Risiko pemberi kerja Risiko pekerja

Defined Benefit Tidak pasti Plan Assets pasti Pension


Risiko pemberi kerja

Defined Contribution Plan
• iuran biasanya dibayarkan bulanan
• iuran yang jatuh tempo = beban
• perlakuan sama dengan imbalan kerja jangka pendek

PT Elon Musk pada bulan Juni 2020 harus membayar iuran pensiun USD 15,000.
Dr. Beban $ 15,000
Cr. Kas $ 15,000

PT Elon Musk pada bulan Juni 2020 harus membayar iuran pensiun USD 15,000, tetapi baru
dibayar $10,000 dan sisanya dibayar Juli.
Dr. Beban $ 15,000
Cr. Kas $ 10,000
Cr. Liabilitas $ 5,000
• make predictions of mortality rates, employee turnover, interest and earnings rates,
early retirement frequency, future salaries, and other factors necessary to operate a
pension plan.
• compute the various pension measures that affect the financial statements, such as the
pension obligation, the annual cost of servicing the plan, and the cost of amendments to
the plan.
Accounting treatment
1.What is the pension obligation that a company should report in the financial
 is the deferred compensation obligation it has to its employees for their
service under the terms of the pension plan.

2.What is the pension expense for the period?

• net defined benefit obligation (asset)
• net defined benefit liability (asset)
⚬ Referred to as the funded status.
⚬ Represents the deficit or surplus related to a defined pension plan.
Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah 3

Accounting for Pension &

Postretirement Benefit
Perubahan Defined Benefit Obligation

Ani Wilujeng Suryani, Ph.D

Perubahan Defined Benefit Obligation
• All changes in the defined benefit obligation and plan assets in the current period be recognized in
comprehensive income.
• Companies report changes arising from different elements of pension liabilities and assets in different
sections of the statement of comprehensive income, depending on their nature.
Service Cost (Biaya Jasa)
• Current service cost - increase in the present value of the defined benefit
obligation (nilai kini kewajiban imbalan pasti - NKKIP) from employee service in
the current period.

• Past service cost - change in the present value of the defined benefit obligation
(NKKIP) for employee service for prior periods—generally resulting from a plan

• Reported in the statement of comprehensive income in the operating section of the

statement and affects net income.

• Companies must consider future compensation levels in measuring the present

obligation and periodic pension expense
Net Interest
• Computed by multiplying the discount rate by the funded status of the plan (defined
benefit obligation minus plan assets).
• Net defined benefit obligation results in interest expense.
• Net defined benefit asset results in interest revenue.
• Amount is often shown below the operating section of the income statement in the
financing section.
• Discount rate is based on the yields of high-quality bonds with terms consistent with the
company’s pension obligation.
Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah 3

Accounting for Pension &

Postretirement Benefit
Pension Plan Accounting #1

Ani Wilujeng Suryani, Ph.D

Plan Assets (Nilai Wajar Aset Program - NWAP)
• dana yang disediakan untuk membayar Defined Benefit Plan
• Investments in shares, bonds, other securities, and real estate.
• Reported at fair value.
• Employer contributions and the actual return on plan assets increase pension
plan assets.
• Benefits paid to retired employees decrease plan assets.
• Yang mempengaruhi NWAP
⚬ pendapatan bunga
⚬ iuran/penarikan
⚬ remeasurement
Contoh 1
Hasbro SA has pension plan assets of €4,200,000 on January 1, 2019. During 2019, Hasbro contributed €300,000 to
the plan and paid out retirement benefits of €250,000. Its actual return on plan assets was €210,000 for the year.
Compute the amount of plan assets at December 31, 2019.

Plan assets, January 1, 2019 €4,200,000

Contributions by Hasbro to plan 300,000
Actual return 210,000
Benefits paid to employees - 250,000
Plan assets, December 31, 2019 €4,460,000
Contoh 2
On January 1, 2019, Zarle AG provides the following information related to its pension plan for the
year 2019.
• Plan assets, January 1, 2019, are €100,000.
• Defined benefit obligation, January 1, 2019, is €100,000.
• Annual service cost is €9,000.
• Discount rate is 10 percent.
• Funding contributions are €8,000.
• Benefits paid to retirees during the year are €7,000.

Prepare a pension worksheet and pension journal entry for Zarle Company for the year ending
December 31, 2019.
Pension Worksheet
Annual Pension Defined
Pension OCI- Asset / Benefit Plan
Items Expense Cash Gain/Loss Liability Obligation Assets
Jan. 1, 2019 0 (100,000) 100,000
Service costs 9,000 (9,000)
Interest expense 10,000 (10,000)
Interest revenue (10,000) 10,000
Contributions (8,000) 8,000
Benefits 7,000 (7,000)
Journal entry 9,000 (8,000) (1,000)
Dec. 31, 2019 - (1,000) (112,000) 111,000

Obligation $100,000 x 10%

($1,000) net liability
Assets $100,000 x 10%

LO 2
Pension Journal Entry
Annual Pension Defined
Pension OCI- Asset / Benefit Plan
Items Expense Cash Gain/Loss Liability Obligation Assets
Jan. 1, 2019 0 (100,000) 100,000
Service costs 9,000 (9,000)
Interest expense 10,000 (10,000)
Interest revenue (10,000) 10,000
Contributions (8,000) 8,000
Benefits 7,000 (7,000)
Journal entry 9,000 (8,000) (1,000)
Dec. 31, 2019 - (1,000) (112,000) 111,000

Journal Pension Expense 9,000

Entry Cash 8,000
Pension Asset/Liability 1,000
• Gains and losses related to the defined benefit obligation.
• Gains or losses on the fair value of the plan assets.
• This component is reported in other comprehensive income, net of tax.
• Remeasurement gains or losses therefore affect comprehensive income but not net
Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah 3

Accounting for Pension &

Postretirement Benefit
Pension Plan Accounting #2

Ani Wilujeng Suryani, Ph.D

Past service cost
• Change in the present value of the defined benefit obligation resulting from a plan
amendment or a curtailment.
• Expense past service cost in the period of the amendment or curtailment.
Contoh 1
On January 1, 2020, Zarle AG amends the pension plan to grant employees past service benefits with a present value of
€81,600. The following additional facts apply to the pension plan for the year 2020.
• Annual service cost is €9,500.
• Discount rate is 10 percent.
• Annual funding contributions are €20,000.
• Benefits paid to retirees during the year are €8,000.

Prepare a pension worksheet and pension journal entry for Zarle Company for the year ending December 31, 2020.
Pension worksheet
Annual Pension Defined
Pension OCI- Asset / Benefit Plan
Items Expense Cash Gain/Loss Liability Obligation Assets
Jan. 1, 2019 (1,000) (112,000) 111,000
Additional PSC 2019 81,600 (81,600)
Balance Jan. 1, 2019 (193,600)
Service costs 9,500 (9,500)
Interest expense 19,360 (1) (19,360)
Interest revenue (11,100) (2) 11,100
Contributions (20,000) 20,000
Benefits 8,000 (8,000)
Journal entry 99,360 (20,000) (79,360)
Dec. 31, 2019 (80,360) (214,460) 134,100

(1) Obligation $193,600 x 10%

($80,360) net liability
(2) Assets $111,000 x 10%
• Uncontrollable and unexpected swings that can result from
sudden and large changes in the fair value of plan assetsand
changes in actuarial assumptions that affect the amount of the defined benefit obligation.

• Gains and losses reported in other comprehensive income.

• Asset gains and losses --> difference between the actual return and the interest revenue
computed in determining net interest.
Shopbob SE has plan assets at January 1, 2019, of €100,000. The discount rate for the year is 6
percent, and the actual return on the plan assets for 2019 is €8,000. In 2019, Shopbob should
record an asset gain of €2,000, computed as follows.
Liability gain & losses
• Any change in actuarial assumptions that affect the amount of the defined benefit
• Companies report liability gains and liability losses in Other Comprehensive Income
• They accumulate the asset and liability gains and losses from year to year in
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income.
• This amount is reported on the statement of financial position in the equity section.
The following facts for Zarle Company apply to the pension plan for 2021.
• Annual service cost is €13,000.
• Discount rate is 10 percent.
• Actual return on plan assets is €12,000.
• Annual funding contributions are €24,000.
• Benefits paid to retirees during the year are €10,500.
• Changes in actuarial assumptions establish the end-of-year defined benefit obligation at
Prepare a pension worksheet and pension journal entry for Zarle Company for the year ending
December 31, 2021.
Pension worksheet
Annual Pension Defined
Pension OCI- Asset / Benefit Plan
Items Expense Cash Gain/Loss Liability Obligation Assets
Jan. 1, 2021 (80,360) (214,460) 134,100
Service costs 13,000 (13,000)
Interest expense 21,446 (21,446)
Interest revenue (13,410) 13,410
Contributions (24,000) 24,000
Benefits 10,500 (10,500)
Asset loss 1,410 (3) (1,410)
Liability loss 26,594 (3) (26,594)
Journal entry 21,036 (24,000) 28,004 (25,040)
Accumulated OCI, Dec. 31, 2020
Dec. 31, 2021 28,004 (105,400) (265,000) 159,600

(1) Obligation $214,460 x 10%

($105,400) net liability
(2) Assets $134,100 x 10% (3) Calculation next slide
Calculation of Asset Loss:
Beginning plan assets € 134,100
Discount rate 10%
Expected interest revenue 13,410
Actual return 12,000
Asset loss (€ 1,410)

Calculation of Liability Loss:

Dec. 31, 2020, balance € 214,460
Service cost 13,000
Interest expense 21,446
Benefits paid (10,500)
Dec. 31, 2021 balance before adjustment 238,406
Dec. 31, 2021 balance as determined by actuary 265,000
Liability loss (€ 26,594)
Journal entry


Annual Pension Defined
Pension OCI- Asset / Benefit Plan
Items Expense Cash Gain/Loss Liability Obligation Assets
Jan. 1, 2021 (80,360) (214,460) 134,100

Journal entry 21,036 (24,000) 28,004 (25,040)

Accumulated OCI, Dec. 31, 2020
Dec. 31, 2021 28,004 (105,400) (265,000) 159,600

Pension Expense 21,036

Other Comprehensive Income (G/L) 28,004
Cash 24,000
Pension Asset/Liability 25,040
Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah 3

Accounting for Pension &

Postretirement Benefit
Comprehensive Example

Ani Wilujeng Suryani, Ph.D

PT Fariz RM memiliki program pascakerja imbalan pasti bagi karyawannya. Pada tahun 2020
posisi saldo terkait program adalah:
• NKKIP - present value defined benefit obligation awal tahun $500,000
• NKKIP - present value defined benefit obligation akhir tahun $ 565,000
• NWAP - plan asset awal tahun $500,000
• NWAP - plan asset akhir tahun $ 563,500
• Current service cost $15,000
• Discount rate 10%
• Annual funding contributions are $12,000.
• Benefits paid to retirees during the year are $8,000.
• Saldo akhir NKKIP menurut aktuaris adalah $565,000
• Saldo akhir NWAP menurut dana pensiun adalah $688.500

Prepare a pension worksheet and pension journal entry for the year ending 31 December 2020.
Items General journal entries Memo record
Annual Cash OCI Pension Defined Plan
pension assets/ benefit assets
expense liabilities obligation
1 Jan (500,000) 500,000

Current service cost 15,000 (15,000)

Interest expense 50,000 (50,000)
Interest revenue (50,00) 50,000
Contribution (12,000) 12,000
Benefit 8,000 (8,000)
Liability gain 8,000 (8,000)
Asset loss 3,000 (3,000)
31 Dec 15,000 (12,000) 11,000 (565,000) 551,000
(14,000) (14,000)
Pension Expense 15,000
Other Comprehensive Income (G/L) 11,000
Cash 12,000
Pension Asset/Liability 14,000
Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah 3

Accounting for Pension &

Postretirement Benefit

Ani Wilujeng Suryani, Ph.D

Pension expenses
• in one section of the statement of comprehensive income and report total pension
• the service cost component in operating income and the net interest in a separate section
related to financing.

Gain & losses

• Asset and liability gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income, NOT
in the income statement
Net Funded Status of the Pension Plan
• Companies must recognize on their statement of financial position the overfunded
(pension asset) or underfunded (pension liability) status of their defined benefit pension

Pension Asset or Pension Liability

• The excess of the fair value of the plan assets over the defined benefit obligation is
classified as a noncurrent asset.
• Explains characteristics of its defined benefit plans and risks associated with them.
• Identifies and explains the amounts in its financial statements arising from its defined
benefit plans.
• Describes how its defined benefit plans may affect the amount, timing, and uncertainty
of the company’s future cash flows.

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