Anda di halaman 1dari 20

Sequence of Service


 Standarisasi kualitas pelayanan sebagai Dasar
pokok dari FB service
 Memperbaiki kualitas service
 Menampilkan Service terbaik agar Costumer
menjadi Puas
 Menampilkan service terbaik agar tamu datang
kembali dan beli produk kita kembali.
 Memberikan Kesan dan Image Hotel kita menjadi
baik dimata Costumer
1. Welcoming the guest
 Greeting the guest
Menyapa Tamu saat tamu datang di Restaurant
Menggunakan nama jika perlu
Pandangan Mata & Tersenyum
 Tanyakan kepada Tamu
Tanyakan kepada mereka untuk berapa orang ?
Smoking Area atau No Smoking?

Welcoming the guest
 Escorting the guest
Antar tamu ketempat yang diinginkan sambil
berjalan tidak terburu-buru .
 Seating the guest
Tarik kursi Perlahan dan persilahkan Duduk
utamakan Wanita
Fold the napkin, kenakan kepada tamu.
2. Presenting the menu
 Preparing the menu
Usahakan buku menu terbuka jelas tanpa
cacat dan kotor.
 Informing our Spc today and our
berkata dengan jelas ,bahasa yang tepat
selalu tersenyum

2. Presenting menu
 Presenting the menu
Dari sebelah kanan tamu / fleksibel
Menu harus terbuka dan usahakan Appetizers dulu
Wanita terlebih dahulu dan Host terakhir
Searah jarum jam dan lurus tegak
Jaga Pandangan Mata &tersenyum.
 Offering beverage/ Minuman
Berkata Jelas dan tersenyum
Tawarkan the special Beverage or Wine
3. Taking order Beverage
 Greeting/ Salam
Senyum,eye contact , dan berdiri tegap
 Taking order of beverage
Prepare the captain order dan pena
Write the order on C/O jelas dan komplit
Tulis Tgl,inisial server, waktu order,jumlah tamu dan nomor
 Repeating the order
Membaca dan menulis Orderan
 Delivering the order/ Disrtribusi CO
The original one to bar, the copy to cashier & waiter
4. Taking order of food
 Greeting / Salam
Selalu tersenyum , Eye Contact dan berdiri tegap.
 Taking the food order
Prepare CO dan pena
Mencatat orderan dengan jelas dan lengkap
Memberikan urut-urutan dari Appertizer – Mcourse
and Dessert
Write down the table number,date, time order, server
and no of person
catat lah dengan details
4. Taking order of food
 Up selling suggestion
Selalu memberikan Product yang terbaik bagi tamu
Example , If the guest only order main course offer
them appetizer , soup or salad
 Repeating the order
Read the written on captain order clearly
 Delivering the order
The original one to kitchen,and the copy to cashier
and waiter
5. Adjusting the table

Adjusting cutleries
Set up Peralatan sesuai dengan apa
yang di pesan.
Take out unused set up from the
table according to the number of
person/ jumlah tamu.
6. Serve the ice water
 Pouring Ice water/
Make sure ice water and water pitcher are
clean and hygiene
Used the napkin for underliner and pour the
ice water into water goblet about 1,5 cm from
edge of water goblet
Ladies first
From the right side of the guest

7. Serve bread and butter
 Presenting the breads and butter
Prepare bread basket
Prepare the napkin for underline of basket
Make sure they are clean and hygiene
 Serve Breads and Butter
Know the product of breads
Serve breads and butter from the left side of the
Ladies first and clockwise method

8. Serving Beverage
 Bring the drink from the bar
menggunakan Round tray dan check sesuai
dengan orderan periksa kebersihan Gelas.
 Serve the Beverage
Serve the beverage from the right side of the
guest ( Flexible )
Ladies first, and clockwise method

9.Serving food
 Bring the food from the kitchen
Check the food order from the kitchen according to the captain order
Prepare condiment
 Serve food
Serve food from the right side by the right hand ( Flexible )
 Check the guest’s satisfaction
Come over the guest table after for about 5 minute after they having their meal
Stand up right,smile and eye contact
Ask them if they are satisfied & thank them if satisfied
Take the immediate action if something wrong of food

10. Clear up the empty dishes for ala’
carte menu
 Check if every body is finish
Look at the table if there is some body finish
Smile and Eye contact

 Remove dishes
Remove the dirty plate and cutlerie from the
guest table to the service station
11. Crumbing down the table
 Crumbing down the table/bersihkan
kotoran di meja
Siapkan Service Napkin dan Piring B&B untuk
bersihkan sisa-sisa kotoran di meja
Clean the table from the left side by the right
Take out or clear up the salt and pepper shaker
and B and B plate/knife from the table

12. Offering Dessert
 Offering dessert buffet
Approach and talk to the guest with nice intonation and Smile
Offering the dessert buffet to guest, If yes write on the
captain order
 Offering dessert menu
If no dessert buffet propose them to have dessert from the
menu,If yes write on CO
 Offering coffee or tea
Offering coffee or tea after they finished meal Or
Offering them right away after they finished if no order
dessert, If yes write the order on the captain order
13. Handling payment
 Asking cashier for billing
Check the bill is correct
Put the bill in the bill holder
 Presenting the bill and invite the guest to fill in the guest
Present the bill from the right side by the right hand
Ask the guest to fill in the guest comment
Wait for the payment
Stand up right,eye contact
Collect the cash money and make sure that the amonut is sufficient
Take the bill from the guest

14. Handling payment
 Processing the payment
Process the payment with the cash
or credit card or room charge
Return the receipt

15. Departure the guest
 Treating the guest
To maintain the high standard of service, treat
departing guest with equal attention as arriving the
It is recommended to pull the chair when we see the
guest ready to leave the table
Pull the chair gently with a nice smile
Thank the guest for having with us and invite them
to return


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