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RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN Nama Mapel Kelas Alokasi Waktu Standard Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Indicator belajar : SMK

N Jatipuro : Bahasa Inggris : X / TKR & BB & Akt / Semester I : 8 x 45 menit ( 4 x pertemuan) : Able to communicate in Engsish at the Notive level (listening, speaking, reading and writing) : Mention the characteristic of people and things : I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat mendeskripsikan seseorang secara fisik maupun karakter ( baik dalam monolog ataupun dialog) II. Materi Ajar A. Contoh dialog untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang (to describe someone) 1. Aldi Peter 2. Natasha : Andre 3. Tommy : Sally 4. Nita Anne 5. Ina Tetra Ina Tetra : : : Which one is Mr. Thompson ? : Hes the one wearing a green jacket. Which one is Mrs. Rosen ? : Shes the tell woman Whos the man standing near the door ? : Im not sure What does your brother look like ? : He has shoot, wavy hair, bright skin and oval face. Do you come here alone ? : No, I dont, I come with my sister : Which one is your sister ? : She s the one with long, brown hair. Menyebutkan jenis jenis pakaian Mendeskripsikan penampilan fisik seorang Mendeskripsikan sifat / karakter seseorang

B. Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan jenis : pakaian Kosa kata yang berhubugan dengan adjectives / Noun phrase yang di pakai untuk mendeskripsikan fisik seseorang.

Kosa kata Part of the body 1. Head : Hair Forehead Nose Eye : Eye brush Eye lash Eylid Mouth, lips, teeth Chin Cheek Ear Throat Neck 2. Arms Elbow Wrist Armpit Hands palm Fingers : Thumb Fore finger Index finger Middle finger Ring finger Little finger 5. Dimples Birthmark Mole Slanted eyes Acne Dsb Adjectives untuk mendeskripsikan karakter / sifat seseorang Generous Happy Stupid Hard working Lazy Intelligent Impatient Sociable Shy Naughty Kind - Diligent - Careless - Clever - Cruel - Nervous 4. 3. Body : Breast Stomach Navel Waist Hip Bottom Back Legs : Thigh Knee Calf Shin Ankle Heel Feel Tee Ciri ciri khusus

Plite Miserable Ambitious III. Metode Pembelajaran

Talkative Talm Stingy

Humorous Sensitive Brave

Menggunakan metode Three Phase Technique IV. Langkah langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke 1 : 2 x 45 menit A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit ) Guru menunjukkan gambar berbagai jenis pakaian dan menanyakan nama nama pakaian tersebut ke siswa. Siswa menyebutkan nama pakaian tersebut dan guru menuliskan kosa kata tersebut di papan tulis. ( eksplorasi ) B. Kegiatan Inti ( 70 menit ) Murid membaca nyaringn kosa kata jenis jenis pakaian sekolah sebelumnya diberi contoh oleh guru ( Ekplorasi ) Murid memberi nama pad agambar pakaian yang disediakan ( Elaborasi ) Murid membaca contoh cara mendeskripsikan seseorang dengan menyebutkan pakaian yang dikenakan ( Elaborasi ) Murid membuat deskripsi seseorang berdasarkan pakaian yang dikenakan seperti contoh yang diberikan (Elaborasi) C. Kegiatan Penutup ( 10 menit) Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi yang telah di pelajari Siswa ditugaskan umtuk mencari gambar di rumah dan mendeskripsikan berdasarkan pakaian yan dikenakan. Pertemuan ke 2 & 3 : 4 x 45 menit A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 10 menit ) Guru dan siswa mengulang materi tentang cara cara mendeskripsikan seseorang Guru menunjukkan gambar seseorang dan bersama dengan siswa menyebutkan Part of the body dan menuliskan di papan tulis B. Kegiatan Inti ( 160 menit )

Bersama dengan siswa, guru menyebutkan kos akata yang di pakai untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang (Sebisa mungkin guru menunjukkan gambar / contoh) Siswa memasukkan kosa kata untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang berdasarkan kategori yang disediakan Siswa memilih gambar yang sesuai dengan deskripsi seseorang yang dibacakan oleh guru. Siswa melengkapi kalimat untuk membuat membuat deskripsi seseorang sesuai dengan kosa kata yang disediakan. Siswa membuat paragraph tertulis berisi kalimat kalimat yang mendeskripsikan seseorang Siswa mengoreksi jawaban teman temannya Siswa membeetulkan kembali jawaban mereka berdasarkan koreksi teman temannya

C. Kegiataan Penutup ( 10 menit ) Siswa secara bergantian (sebagian siswa ) membaca hasil pekerjaan mereka

Pertemuan ke 4 ( 2 x 45 menit ) A. Pertemuan / kegiatan pendahuluan ( 20 menit ) Untuk mengulang materi pertemuan sebelumnya, siswa menjawab pertanyaan tentang deskripsikan seseorang berdasarkan teks yang dibaca guru. ( Siswa di bagi gambar untuk membantu pemahaman ) B. Pertemuan Inti ( 60 menit ) Bersama siswa, guru menyebutkan adjectives yang di pakai untuk mendiskripsikan sifat seseorang dan menuliskannya di papan tulis. .Siswa membaca nyaring kosa kata yang di maksud Siswa memilih karakter / sifat yang sesuai dengan situasi yang diberikan Siswa membaca dialog yang berisi deskripsi seseorang dan menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan. C. Kegaitan / Pertemuan Penutup ( 10 menit ) V. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi pelajaran dengan melakukan tanya jawab

Sumber Belajar Gambar gambar yang relevan Buku : Multi Purpose of English for Vocational School Students, Grade X, M Purwati, Saka Mitra Kompetensi, Klaten, 2007


Penilaian A. Teknik B. Bentuk C. Instrument I ). Look at the pictures. Write down the kinds of clothing below by choosing the available words. - a belt - a waist coat - a hand bag - pyjamas - a tie - a dressing gown - a scarf - a dress - a vest - a suit : Menyimak , Bercerita, Membuat Kalimat : Tertulis

II ) . Describe the persons in the picture below. Number one has been done for you. III ). You can se the following words to describe people Write them under the correct heading about 165 cm has a good figure blonde freckles thin teenager mode fat bold wavy Slim D birthmark Short About twenty five dimples wear glasses well built in his twenties dark elderly






IV ). Listen to the the description of the people below !

Put the number in the correct picture ! V ). Complete the students using the suitable words - cute - young - has long straight hair - has big mouth - very fat - wearing a T-shirt - has black hair - handsome - has curly hair - thin - tall - has short hair - has moustache

1. This is Yuni She is beautiful She is.. She .. 2. This is Mr. Ricky He has.. He is.. 3. This is Tono He.. He is............ 4. This is Hendi He He is. 5. This is Dimas He is. He has VI ). Choose one of pictures bellow and describe him / her Using your own words ! VII). Listen to your read two paragraphs Make notes then answers two question VIII). Match the situation in column A with the correct words in column B 1. She finds it easy to learn things and has passed all her exams. She is extremely..

2. He hates working and would briefer to stay at home all day in front of the TV. He is so.. 3. The man has a lot of money. He always gives charity to poor people. He is so. 4. She always smiles and think life is wonderful. She seems to be really 5. He starts working at 6.00 every day and after works overtime or at week ends. He is really, 6. She works as a model. When she walks into a room every man turns and stares at her. She is really 7. He hates waiting for people or trains and cant stand it when things dont happen immediately. He is very. 8. She never smiles on her face and always looks un happy. She is so. 9. He always say Please and Thank you. He is a very .child. 10. She doesnt like meeting strange people and usually feels nervous and uncomfortable at parties. She is extremely.. B. a. beautiful b. generous c. happy d. stupid e. hard working f. lazy g. intelligent h. impatient i. polite j. miserable k. ambitious l. shy

IX ). Answer the question based on the dialog below Paulina George Paulina George Paulina George : Do you have brothers or sisters ? : Yes, I have one brother and two sisters : Could you tell me about your brother ? : Sure, my brother is older than me. He is tall an dwell build. He studies in Indonesia University : How about your sister ? : My sisters are in secondary high school, but they are not in the same class. Actually, they are win. They were born on the some day. Paulina George : Do they look a like ? : Yes, they have oval faces and curly hair. They also have the same big eyes and pointed noses. My first sister is about 160

cm tall but my second sister, Rida is not all tall as Rita. They also have different characters. Paulina George Questions : 1. How many brothers and sisters does George have ? 2. What does Georges brother look like ? 3. Who are Rita and Rida ? 4. What vdoes Rita look like ? 5. What are the differents between Rita and Rida ? Key I ). 1. pyjamas 2. a tie 3. a vest 5. a belt 6. a scarf 7. a waist coat 9. a hand bag 10. a dressing gown : What do you mean ? : Rita is very calm but she is very keen on studying. Rida is talkative and sociable, but not really good at studying.

4. a dross 8. a suit II) 1. Im wearing a red T-shirt, a blue cap, and black shoes 2. She is wearing a pink blouse, a black skirt, socks and shoes 3. She is wearing a dressing gown, a scarf and a hand bag 4. She is wearing a long, sleeked shirt, a short and shoes. He is wearing glasses 5. He is wearing black pants, white shirt and a waist coast III) Age Teenager about twenty five in his twenties V ) 1. This Yuni. She is beautiful. She is cute. She is has long straight hair. 2. This is Mr. Ricky. He has moustache. He is tall. 3. His is Tono. He has curly hair. He is young. 4. This is Hendi. He has big month. He is very fat. 5. This is Dimas. He is handsome. He has short hair. IV) 1. He has short blonde hair with nose and big eyes. (E) Height Figure / build Hair Other words About 165 Has a good Blonde bald Has freckles cm figure fat slim short wavy thin built well wars dark (complexion) glasses

2. He has curly black hair with pointed nose and beard. (B) 3. She has long black hair with small eyes and flat nose.(C) 4. He has long blonde hair with big eyes and flat nose. (D) 5. He has short straight hair with spectacles. (A) V) Tergantung jawaban siswa Contoh : Mr Azwar is handsome. He has short black hair He has thick eyebrows and big nose He is wearing long-sleeved shirt. Etc. VII) a. This my sister. Her name is Yasinta. She is beautiful but she is simple girl. She has straight black hair, appointed nose and small eyes. She has an oval face and white skin. She likes to wear a blouse and a shirt. She always smiles she looks happy. Her friends like her. She is souable. b. Christine Hakim is one of the famous talented film stars in Indonesia. She is a sweet lady. She was born in Decembe 25, 1956 in Jambi. She played in many films, such as Njoet Nya Dhreu, kerikil-kerikil ayam and pasir berbisik. She got many awards, such as the best actress in Asia Pacific International Film Festival, Shanghai Film Festival, Tokyo Film Festival and soon. VIII) 1. Intelligent 2. Lazy 3. Generous 4. Happy 5. Hard working 6. Beautiful 7. Impatient 8. Miserable 9. Polite 10. Shy

IX) 1. 3 ( 1 brother and 2 sister ) 2. He is tall and well built 3. They are geogos twin sister 4. Rita has oval nice and curly. They have eyes and pointed nose. She is 160 cm tall 5. Rita is very and is keen or stuying Rida is talkative and sociable, but is not really good at studying VII. 1. Pedoman Penilaian Tiap nomor diberi skor 5

2. 3. 4.

Nilai maksimal 10 Nilai siswa Skor Perolehan X 10 Skor Penilaian

Rubrik penilaian No 1/10 lafal benar kurang benar jawaban Soal : Remidi Match the following descriptions with the correct pictures Write the persons name under the picture I. Setiap jawaban kurang tepat, tata bahasa salah pilihan kata dan lafal salah. Tidak ada 0 Setiap Jawaban benar, tata bahasa salah, pilihan kata dan lafal 1 Uraian Setiap jawaban benar, tata bahasa benar, pilihan kata tepat dan lafal benar Setiap jawaban benar, tata bahsa salah, pilihan kata tepat dan lafal benar Setiap jawaban benar, tata bahasa salah, pilihan kata kurang tepat dan 2 3 4 Skor 5

II. Listen and choose the picture

Tape script : Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy : What does the girl look like ? : Er.. She is short. : Is she fat ? : Not really. She is not fat. I guess. She has short black hair : Has she got pointed nose ? : Oh, Yes, I remember, She has au oval face. : I see.

SOAL PENGAYAAN Complete the text. I have a brother. His name is Aldi. Aldi is 180 cm , He has .. nose and has hair. He is wearing He is 16 years old and he is . At a Vocational High School. He and his friends . a study club. Oh holidays, they usually .. To the country and the mountains Look at Aldis family photo. Describe the family

Kunsi jawaban : I. 1. Teddy 2. Mona II. Gb. 3 3. Putri 4. Brian 5. Groline

SOAL PENGAYAAN 1. tall, pointed nose, short black hair He is wearing a vest Studying at a vocational high school Have a study club Go to the country Climb the mountain 2. Tergantung jawaban siswa Contoh : Aldi is the oldest son in the family. He is 16 years old. He is handsome. He has a pointed nose and short black hair. He has almond shaped eyes. Mr. Suryo, Aldi faster, is very tall. He is thin. He has short black hair. He has thick eyebrows EtcMengetahui Kepala SMKN Jatipuro Jatipuro, Juli 2011

Guru Mapel Bahsa Inggris

Drs. Supriyono, M.Hum NIP. 19600615 1986031 023

Nanik Maryani, SPd. NIP.19760717 200701 2019

RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN Nama Mapel Kelas Alokasi Waktu Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Belajar : SMKN Jatipuro : Bahasa Inggris : X BB & Akutansi : 4 x 45 menit 12 : Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang cirri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan, dan tahun : Menyebutkan bermacam-macam jenis pekerjaan Mendiskripsikan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan tersebut

Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara buel Novice

I. Tujuan Pelajaran Siswa dapat mendiskripsikan seseorang berdar profesi / pekerjaannya

II. Materi Ajar : A. Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan jenis pekerjaan 1.A sales clerk 2.A surgeon 3. A chef 4. A mechanic 5. A. Journalist B. Simple Present Tense 6. A secretary 7. A teacher 8. A teacher 9. A baker dll

Kalimat Simple Present untuk mendiskripsikan kegiatan yang berkaiatan denagn pekerjaan : Contoh : 1. I am sales clerk. I work in a department store 2. He is a surgeon. He works in a hospital. He performs medical operation 3. They are architects. They design buildings

Membuat pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan dunia kerja What is your job ? What do you do ? Where do you work ?

III. Metode Pembelajaran : Menggunakan metode Three phase Technique IV. langkah langkah kegiatan : A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (20 menit) Guru menunjukkan berbagai gambar profesi ke siswa, siswa menyebut nama pekerjaan tersebut dan guru menulisnya di papan tulis. B. Kegiatan Inti (40 menit ) Bersama siswa, guru menuliskan bermacam macam profesi di papan tulis. Murid murid membaca nyaring jenis pekerjaan Siswa menyebutkan berbagai profesi berdasar gambar Siswa membuat kalimat deskripsi pekerjaan tertentu Siswa bertanya jawab tentang suatu pekerjaan. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan materi Siswa di tugaskan mencari gambar suatu profesi dan menulis kalimat deskripsi tentang profesi tersebut. V. Sumber belajar : - Gambar gambar yang relewan - Sumber belajar : Multi Purpose Eenglish, Kl. X. M. parwati, Saka Mitra Kompetensi Klaten 2007. VI. Penilaian A. Teknik : Tanya jawab, membuat klaimat. B. Bentuk : Tertulis & Lisan C. Instrumen :

C. Kegiatan Penutup (20 menit)

I). Mention the kinds of jobs based in the picture! II). Arrange the kind of job with its description to make good sentences. Example : I am a sates clerk. I work a store. I serve customers Kinds of jobs A chef A sales clerk A mechanic A journalist A secretary A teacher A surgeon A baker A computer programmer Work place In a store For the Indonesia News At the seafood Restaurant In a bakery In a workshop In a hospital In a company In a school In an office Description Write for the news paper Teach students Handle paperworks Cook the meals Serve customers Perform medical operation Make programs for computers Make cakes Repair car

III. Answer the questions correctly based on clues given 1. What does s travel a gent do ? 2. What does an architect do ? 3. What does a dustman do ? 4. What does a veterinarian do ? 5. What does a dentist do ? 6. What does a brick layer do ? 7. What does a policeman / policewoman do ? 8. What does a waiter / a waiters do ? 9. What does a plumber do ? 10. What does a hair dresser do ? Cut peoples hair Design buildings Serve people in restaurants Repairs the pipe Help you book a journey for a holiday Treat sick / injured animal Collect neighborhoods garbage Build house, buildings, dams etc Pull out teeth or fill in teeth

Present crimes or try to stop people from breaking the law.

Key : I) 1. An architect 2. A veterinarian 3. A dustman 4. A travel a gent 6. A hair dresser 7. A waiter / a waitress 8. A brick layer 9. A plumber

5. A policeman / police woman II. 1. I am a chief. I work at the seafood restaurant. I cook the meals 2. I am a mechanic. I work at a workshop. I repair cars 3. I am a journalist. I work for the Indonesia News. I write for the news paper 4. I am a secretary. I work in an office. I handle paperwork 5. I am a teacher. I work in a school. I teach students 6. I am a surgeon. I work in a hospital. I perform medical operations 7. I am a baker. I work in a bakery. I make cakes 8. I am a computer programmer. I work in a company. I make programs for computers. III. 1. A travel agent helps you book a journey for a holiday 2. An architect designs buildings 3. A dustman collects neighbor hoods garbage 4. A veterinarian treats sick / injured animal 5. A dentist pulls out teeth or fills in teeth 6. A bricklayer builds houses, building, dams etc 7. A policeman prevents crimes 8. A waiter serves people in restaurants 9. A plumber repairs pipe 10. A hairdresser cut peoples hair. Pedoman Penilaian :

1. Tiap nomor diberi skor 5 2. Nilai maksimal 10 3. Nilai siswa Skor maksimal x 10
Skor Perolehan

4. Rubrik Penilaian No 1/ 10 Uraian Jawaban benar, tatabahasa benar Jawaban benar, tatabahasa sedikit salah Jawaban benar, ide benar, tata bahasa salah Skor 3 2

Mengetahui Kepala SMK N Jatipuro


Juli 2011

Guru Mapel

Drs. Supriyomo, M.Hum NIP. 19600615 1986031 023

Nanik Maryani, SPd NIP.19760717 200701 2019

RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN Nama Mapel Kelas Alokasi Waktu Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Belajar : SMKN Jatipuro : Bahasa Inggris : X BB / Akutansi / Semester 2 : 8 x 45 menit : Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang sedang terjadi : Menceritakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi dengan tepat sesuai dengan waktu dan tempat kejadian (speaking & writing) I. Tujuan pembejaran Siswa dapat membuat kalimat yang menceritakan peristiwa yangsedang terjadi menggunakan pola kalimat Prsent Continous Tense Menggunakan kalimat yang menceritakan peristiwa yangsedang terjadi ( Pola Present Continues Tense ) dengan kalimat yang menceritakan kebiasaan ( POla Simple Present Tense) II. Materi pembelajaran A. Pola kalimat Present Continous Tense Contoh kalimat : Positive : I am walking to work He is wearing a suit

Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara level Novice

I am coming from Indonesia She is working in the hospital Negative : I am not walking to work He is not wearing a suit I am not coming from Indonesia She is not working in the hospital Interrogative : Are you walking to school ? Yes I am What I she wearing ? He is wearing a suit Where is she working ? She is working in the hospital Why I she crying ? Because she is sad Bentuk / Pola Kalimat Positive I You / We / They He / She / it Negative I You / We / They He / She / it Interrogative I You / We / They He / She / it Who , where Why, when What , how Penggunaan : Kalimat berpola Present Continous Tense digunakan untuk menceritakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi di waktu sekarang. Keterangan waktu yang digunakan : Now, at this moment at present. Present Continues Tense tidak bisa digunakan pad akata kerj ayang tidak memerlukan tindakan (non action verbs). Contoh : I know the answer now (benar) I am knowing the answer now (salah) Am Are Is Am Are Is Am Are Is Am Are Is V-ing




I You / We / They He / She / It


Non action vers meliputi : 1. Verbs that refer to mental states : think, understand, know, believe, doubt, mean, remember 2. Verbs that refer to the use of the senses : hear, see, feel, taste, smell 3. Verbs that refer to emotional feelings : love, hate, adore, like, dislike, prefer want. 4. Verbs : have, possess, belong to , need Pedoman penulisan Tambah- ing pada infinitive : start starting Play - playing Jika Verbs berakhiran dengan huruf e, jika ditambahkan ing maka e hilang make making Move moving Jika Verbs berakhiran pada konsonan + vocal + konsonan maka konsosnan akhir ditulis dobel : scan scanning , travel traveling Review Simple Present Tense. Contoh kalimat : (+) I sometimes walk to school He usually wears a suit She drives a car to work The sun crises in the east (-) I dont go to school by bus He doesnt wear a T-shirt She doesnt ride a bicycle to work The sun doesnt ride a bicycle to work The sun doesnt rise in the west (?) Do you walk to school ? Yes, I do Does wear a T-shirt ? No, he doesnt Where does she work ? She works in the hospital Pola kalimat Positive I / You / We / They / He / She / It Negative V1 V1 S / es

I / You / We / They / He / She / It Interrogative Do Does Penggunaan :

Do not / dont Does not / doesnt


I / You / We / They / He / She / It V1 ?

1. We use the present simple to talk about general, more or less permanent situations. Contoh : Water boils in 1000 C The sun rises in the east 2. The Present simple can also refer to repeated actions, habits and customs In this case, an adverb indicating frequency is often used. Dad always arrives home at 4. p.m 3. The present simple can be used to express a scheduled or fixed future event. Our planes leaves at 10.35 Pedoman penulisan In the 3rd person singular, we add s to infinitive Clean cleaus When the verb ends in s , - ch, -sh, - x or z we add s Wash washes Watch watches Push - pushes - fix - fixes - buzz - buzzes

When the verb ends in consonant + - y change the y to I and add es Marry maries Carry - carries


Metode Pembejalaran : - Menggunakan metode Three Phase Tecnique Langkah Kegiatan : pertemuan ke 1 dan 2 A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (20 menit) Setelah mengabsen, guru memulia pelajaran dengan menunjukkan gambar gambar tentang akktivitas seseorang kepada siswa dan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang kegiatan yang ada di gambar. B. Kegiatan Inti ( 150 menit) Bersama siswa, guru menganalisa jawaban sisa di papan tulis

Bersama guru, siswa menyimpulkan

pola kalimat Present Continous Tense,

penggunaan dan pedoman penulisan kata kerja yang digunakan Siswa bermain game untuk membuat kalimat Present Continues Tense Siswa berlatih membuat kalimat Present Continous Tense dari kalimat yang disediakan Siswa berlatih membuat kalimat Tanya dengan pola Present Continous Tense Berdasarkan gambar siswa membuat kalimat bebas dengan pola Preset Continous Tense. C. Kegiatan Penutup ( 10 menit) Bersama siswa, guru menyimpulkan materi yang digunakan Guru memberi pekerjaan rumah kepada siswa untuk membuat kalimat berpola Present Continous Tense Pertemuan ke 3 dan A A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan(20 Menit) Guru menuliskan kalimat kalimat yang berpola simple Present Tense dan Present Continous Tense dipapan tulis dan meminta siswa untuk membaca nyaring kalimat klaimat tersebut. B. Kegiatan Inti ( 150 menit) Bersama siswa, guru mendiskrpsikan perbedaan makna kalimat klaimat yang berpola simple Present Tense dan Present Continous Tense Siswa memberi bentuk kata kerja Simple Present Tense atau Present Continous Tense pada kalimat yang disedikan. Siswa menentukan suatu kalimat salah atau benar berdasarkan pada simple Present Tense atau present Continous Tense. C. Kegiatan penutup ( 20 Menit) - Bersama siswa, guru menyimpulkan materi pelajaran bersama sama. V. Sumber Belajar VI. Headlight 1, Dra Emalia Iragiliati Lukman Mpd ( etc al), Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta , 2004, P.23 Fundamentals of English Grammar, Bethy Schrampfer Azar, Regents / Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1992 P5 Penilaian A. Teknik B. Bentuk : Tanya Jawab, game, soal Tertulis : Tertulis dan lisan

C. Instrument I) Murid A Murid B Tense Guru Guru

: Pertemuan 1 & 2 : melakukan suatu kegiatan : mendeskribsikan tindakan murid A dengan kalimat Present Continous : Ana, stand next to your desk : Who is standing next to her desk ? / What is Ana doing ?

Game : Lisan

Murid (Ana) : stand next to your desk Murid (Budi) : Ana is standing next to her desk Diteruskan dengan kalimat : contoh 1. stand up 2. smile 3. whistle 4. oper or close the door 5. hum 6. bite your finger nails 7. read your grammar book 8. erase the board 9. look at the ceiling 10. hold your pen in your left hand 11. rub your palms together 12. kick your desk (softly) 13. knock on the door 14. sit on the floor 15. shake hands with someone 16. look at your watch 17. count aloud the number of the students 18. shake your head 19. scratch your head 20. Perform any other action, depend on the situation II) Complete the sentences using Present Continous Tense 1. My father (read)the newspaper 2. Mary (cook) her own dinner at the moment

3. Anne (sing) on stage at present 4. Yudi and Latif (eat)durians now. 5. Mr. Robert (not, tech)Math on the class. 6. Roy and Hana (talk) .. on the phone 7. We (wash) the clothes 8. The students (wait for)..the bus. 9. He (study) .in mechanical school now. 10. Herman and Toni (paint)..the walls at this moment. III) Make question with where, why and what or who Contoh A : What are you doing ? B : I am repairing the machines 1. A : .. B : You are studying English 2. A : B : He is going down town because he needs some books 3. A : B : she is working in a restaurant 4. A : B : hasan is studying machaninary 5. A : B : They are studying in SMKN 1 Jatipuro 6. A : B : We are practicing how to cook cheese stick 7. A : B : They are reading mechanical books in the library 8. A : B : Anne is sewing a party dress 9. A : B : Now, Iam working in an international hotel 10. A : B : The technical is repairing our television set IV) I) Make sentence based on these pictures Pertemuan ke 3 & 4 Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the simple Present Tense or present Continous Tense.

Contoh : Right now, Yoko (read) is reading an article in the newspaper but she (understand, not) doesnt understand it. Some of the vocabulary (be) is too difficult for her. 1. Right now I (look the board. I (see) ..some words on the board. 2. I (need) call my parents to day. They cant call me because they ( know, not ) .my new telephone number. 3. This tea is good. I (like) .it. what kind is it ? I (prefer).tea to coffee. 4. Right now the children (be) .. at the beach. They (have).a good time. They (play) .catch with the ball. 5. Sam is at the library. He (sit) at a table. He (work) ..a composition. He (use) a dictionary to look up the spelling of some words. II) Are the underlined verbs right or wrong ? Correct the verbs that are wrong . 1. The moon goes round the moon.( 2. I usually go to school on foot ( ) ) ) 3. Water boils at 100 degree celcius ( 5. I go to bed now. Good night ( ) ) ) ) )

4. The water boils. Can you turn the stove off ( 6. Look, the five burns your house (

7. Hurry up ! Its time to leave ok, I come ( 9. Lets go out. It isnt raining now ( 10. You always work hard ( ) )

8. Can you hear those girls ? What do they talk about (

11. Where is the tool boy, I am needing the hammer ( 12. I am very thirsty, I am wanting a glass of water ( 14. The meal is tasting good ( ) )

) ) )

13. I watch what you mean,. Now, I am knowing the problem (

15. He looks very confused. He isnt remembering his telephone number ( 16. She is very annoying. I am hating her ( 17. They are playing so well. I like them ( 18. I am feeling you are sick ( 19. I am thinking about you ( Key. Pertemuan 1 dan 2 I. Game sesuai dengan pelaksanaan di kelas II. 1. is reading 2. is cooking 6. are talking 7. are walking ) ) ) )

20. I am thinking you can finish the work successfully ( )

3. is singing 4. are eating 5. is not teaching III. 1. what are you studying ? 2. why is he doing downtoan ? 3. where is she working ? 4. who is studying machinery ? 5. where are they studying ?

8. are waiting for 9. is studying 10. are painting 6. what are you doing ? 7. what are tou reading ? 8. what is Anne sewing ? 9. where are you working ? 10. what is the technician repairing ?

IV. 1. Mrs. Hany is copying the documents 2. the doctor is examining the patient 3. The people are getting on the train 4. Mr. Gamez is working in the library 5. Mr.Ronald is giving a lecture Pertemuan 3 dan 4 I. 1.I am looking 2. I need, they dont know 3. I like it, I prefer 4. are at the beach They have a good time. They are playing catch 5. he is sitting at table. He is writing a composition He is usually a dictionary II. 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F isi boiling 5. T 6. F is burning 7. T 8. F are they talking about ? 9. T 10.T Pedoman penilaian : 1. tiap nomor diberi skor 3 2. nilai maksimal 10 11. F need 12. F want 13. F tastes 14. F know 15. F doesnt remember 16. F hate 17. T 18. F feel 19. T 20. F think

3. nilai siswa :

skorperolehan x10 skormaksimal

4. rubrik penilaian No. 2 / 10 Uraian Jawaban benar, tata bahasa benar Jawaban agak salah, tata bahasa benar Ide agak salah, tata bahasa sedikit salah 3 2 1

Jatipuro, Mengetahui Kepala SMKN Jatipuro

Juli 2011

Guru Mapel

Drs. Supriyono,M.Hum NIP : 19600615 198603 1 023

Nanik Maryani, S.Pd NIP.19760717200701 2019

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