Anda di halaman 1dari 39





1. MILDA LAILIA 1409006076

2. RUTH DWI HARTATI 1509005030
4. ADITANA FANAYONI 1509005033





TAHUN 2018

Kelopak mata memiliki peranan penting dalam kesehatan mata yang

kadang bisa mengalami gangguan ketidaksempurnaan dalam penutupan
kelopak mata (lagophthalmos) dapat mengakibatkan terbaliknya kelopak
mata ke dalam (entropion), dan keluarnya kelopak mata (ectropion) yang
dapat mengakibatkan infeksi, kerusakan kornea dan gangguan dalam
penglihatan.Sehingga perlu dilakukan penanngana medis yang adalah
satunya adalah tindakan operasi. Diawalai dengan persiapan dan anestesi
hewan. Tindakan operasi pada Enteropion dapat dilakukan dengan 2
metoda yaitu metoda Hotz dan metoda Wheeler.Sedangkan teknik
operasi pada ekteropion dengan mengincisi kelopak mata bagian bawah
berbentuh huruf”V” lalu di jaihit. Penanganan pasca operasi pemberian
antibiotic untuk mata (misalnya tetrasiklin 1%, chlorampenicol 1%,
nebacetin 1%), pemerian elizabeth colar dan benang diambil setelah 7-10
hari setelah operasi.

Kata kunci : Kelopak mata,operasi,ekteropion,enteropion,hotz,wheeler


The eyelids have an important role in eye health can occasionally

experience interference in the closing eyelid imperfections
(lagophthalmos) can result in upside down into the eyelid (entropion),
and discharge of the eyelids ( ectropion) which can lead to infection,
corneal damage and disturbance in vision. So that needs to be done
medically is handling them is the Act of surgery. Starting with
preparation and anesthesia of animals. Action on Enteropion can be done
by two methods, namely Hotz method and the method of operating
techniques While Wheeler. on ekteropion with a mengincisi bottom
eyelid-shaped letter "V" and then in jaihit. Of post-operative handling
administering antibiotic for the eyes (e.g. tetracycline 1%
chlorampenicol, 1%, 1%), her nebacetin elizabeth colar and thread taken
after 7-10 days after surgery.
Key words: eyelid, surgery, ekteropion, enteropion, hotz, wheeler


Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas
berkat rahmat-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas paper Ilmu Bedah Khusus
Veteriner yang berjudul “Teknik Operasi Entropion dan Ektoprion”.

Segala kritik dan saran sangat penulis harapkan demi kebaikan dari tugas ini.
Terimakasih kepada dosen pengampu yang memberikan materi pada saat perkuliahan
dan praktikum, teman kelompok yang sudah banyak membantu dalam proses
pengerjaan paper ini. Dan tak lupa penulis mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada
semua pihak yang telah membantu penulis.

Denpasar, 11 September 2018


HALAMAN JUDUL ................................................................................................. i
RINGKASAN .......................................................................................................... ii
KATA PENGANTAR ............................................................................................. iii
DAFTAR ISI ........................................................................................................... iv
DAFTAR GAMBAR ............................................................................................... v
DAFTAR LAMPIRAN ........................................................................................... vi
BAB I PENDAHULUAN......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Latar Belakang ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah ................................................................................ 1
BAB II TUJUAN DAN MANFAAT TULISAN ....................................................... 2
2.1 Tujuan Tulisan .................................................................................... 2
2.2 Manfaat Tulisan .................................................................................. 2
BAB III TINJAUAN PUSTAKA ............................................................................. 3
3.1Definisi Entropion dan Ektropion ...................................................... 3
BAB IV PEMBAHASAN ........................................................................................ 5
4.1 Teknik Operasi .................................................................................... 5
4.2.1 Operasi Entropion .................................................................. 5
1) Metode Hotz ........................................................................... 5
2) Metoda Wheeler ................................................................... 11
4.2.2 Operasi Ektropion ................................................................ 12
4.2 Perawatan Pasca Operasi .................................................................... 14
BAB V SIMPULAN DAN SARAN ....................................................................... 15
5.1 Simpulan ........................................................................................... 15
5.2 Saran ................................................................................................. 15
DAFTAR PUSTAKA ............................................................................................. 16
LAMPIRAN ........................................................................................................... 17


Gambar 1 ................................................................................................................................ 3
Gambar 2 ................................................................................................................................ 4
Gambar 3 ................................................................................................................................ 6
Gambar 4 ................................................................................................................................ 8
Gambar 5 ................................................................................................................................ 10
Gambar 6 ................................................................................................................................ 11
Gambar 7 ................................................................................................................................ 12
Gambar 8 ................................................................................................................................ 13


Entropion correction by fornix-based suture placement: Use of Quickert-Rathbun

technique in ten dogs

Stades methode for surgical correction of upper eyelid trichiasis-enteropion: results

and follow-up in 21 cases

Entropion correction in dogs and cats using a combination Hotz–Celsus and lateral
eyelid wedge resection: results in 311 eyes

1.1 Latar Belakang

Mata merupakan alat vital bagi hewan maupun manusia. Maka dari itu mata
tidak pernah luput dari berbagai gangguan atau kelainan, baik secara fisiologis
maupun patologis, salah satunya adalah kelopak mata. Kelopak mata memiliki
peranan penting dalam kesehatan mata yang kadang bisa mengalami gangguan
berupa lipatan kulit, otot dan konjungtiva yang bergerak membuka dan menutup di
depan kornea. Terdapat bermacam variasi ukuran dan bentuk kelopak mata di antara
ras anjing, akan tetapi pada kucing, umumnya hampir sama.

Kelopak mata terdiri dari kulit yang berambut, otot, jaringan ikat, dan glandula.
Menutup mata untuk melindungi mata dan berkedip adalah hal yang penting untuk
kesehatan mata Ketidaksempurnaan dalam penutupan kelopak mata (lagophthalmos)
dapat mengakibatkan terbaliknya kelopak mata ke dalam (entropion), dan keluarnya
kelopak mata (ectropion) merupakan abnormalitas kelopak mata yang dapat
mengakibatkan infeksi, kerusakan kornea iritasi pada kornea dapat menimbulkan
ekskresi leleran mucus, lakrimasi (epifora), keratitis superficialis, kekejangan
palpebrae serta ulcerasi kornea. Hal ini yang menjadi dasar penulisan dari kelompok

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan entropion dan ectropion?

2. Bagaimana manajemen pre operasi entropion dan ectropion?
3. Bagaimana teknik dan prosedur operasi dari enteropion dan ecteropion?
4. Bagaimana penangan pasca operasi entropion dan ectropion?


2.1 Tujuan Tulisan

1. Untuk memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan entropion dan ectropion.

2. Untuk mengetahui persiapan atau manajement operasi entropion dan
3. Untuk memahami teknik dan prosedur operasi dari enteropion dan
4. Untuk mengetahui prosedur penangan pasca operasi entropion dan ectropion

2.2 Manfaat Tulisan

Penulis berharap melalui paper yang kami yang buat berjudul “Teknik
Operasi Entopion dan Ectropion” dapat memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan
kepada pembaca, sehingga pembaca dapat mengetahui definisi dan bagaimana
teknik operasi Entopion dan Ectropion yang baik dan benar


3.1 Definisi Entropion dan Ektropion

Entropion adalah kelainan pada kelopak mata dimana kelopak mata

"menggulung" ke dalam. Perputaran ke dalam ini sering menyebabkan rambut di
permukaan kelopak mata bergesekan dengan kornea (bagian luar bola mata) yang
mengakibatkan rasa sakit, ulkus kornea atau erosi kornea. Kerusakan kornea ini juga
bisa mengakibatkan jaringan parut kornea, yang bisa mengganggu penglihatan.

Gambar 1 Anjing yang mengalami entropion

Entropion dapat disebabkan oleh adanya trauma conjungtiva, spasmus dari

muskulus orbicularis palpebrae akibat adanya rasa sakit pada mata, akibat kongenital
adalah karena muskulus orbicularis terlalu pendek. Entropion juga dapat disebabkan
oleh timbunan lemak di belakang bola mata berkurang sehingga bola mata tertarik ke
belakang dan akan mengakibatkan entropion palpebrae bawah, karena pengenduran
kelopak mata sebagai akibat proses penuaan. Beberapa kasus terjadi karena
pembentukan jaringan parut pada permukaan dalam kelopak mata akibat luka bakar,
zat kimia dan panas serta peradangan atau reaksi alergi.

Hewan yang sering terkena adalah Mastiff, Bullmastif, Sharpei dan Chow-
chow juga pada anjing lainnya termasuk jenis Rottweiler. Pada jenis besar misalnya
Great Dane, Bernese Mountain dog, Saint Bernard, Newfoungland dan Great
Pyrenees, bisa juga terkena.

Ektropion adalah suatu keadaan dimana kelopak mata secara abnormal
membengkok atau terkilir ke luar dan meyebabkan conjunctiva terbuka. Pada
umumnya terjadi secara kongenital tetapi dapat pula terjadi secara perolehan karena
terjadi cicatrik setelah sembuh dari luka (kuda, sapi, domba) atau dapat terjadi
sebagai akibat dari operasi entropion. Cicatrik atau jaringan parut yang terjadi
dipermukaan luar mata akan menarik kelopak mata ke luar. Ectropion juga dapat
terjadi karena umur tua dan paralysa musculus orbicularis. Ectropion sering terjadi
pada kelopak mata bagian bawah.

Gambar 2 Anjing yang mengalami ektropion

Anjing yang sering mengalami ectropion adalah jenis blood tound dan
sprinter spaniel. Ectropion dapat menyebabkan radang conjunctiva dan palpebrae,
serta epiphora yang dapat menyebabkan dehidrasi cornea. Penanganan ectropion
dapat dilakukan dengan operasi memperpendek tepi kelopak mata. Ectropion
biasanya didiagnosis pada anjing yang berumur kurang dari satu tahun.


Pada entropion ringan, kornea dapat dilindungi dengan memberikan lubrikan

atau pelembab secara topikal. Biasanya operasi di tunda sampai pasien berusia 1-2
tahun. Entropion parah harus dioperasi (correction) karena dapat menyebabkan lesi
kornea, walaupun terjadi pada hewan muda. Hindari terjadinya overcorrection,
terlebih pada hewan muda.
Sebelum melakukan operasi, evaluasi terlebih dahulu derajat keparahan dan
lebarnya entropion, sebelum maupun sesudah diberikan anestesi topikal. Pada lesi
lama, bulu mata akan terlapisi dengan material mukoid berwarna kuning keputihan.
Hal tersebut dapat mengindikasikan tingkat keparahan entropion.

4.1 Teknik Operasi

4.2.1 Operasi Entropion

Kadang entropion merupakan bawaan lahir karena kelopak mata tidak

terbentuk secara sempurna. Penanganan kejadian entropion dapat dilakukan
dengan pembedahan (operasi) melalui 2 metode: metode Hotz dan Metode

1) Metode Hotz

Terdapat beberapa metode dan variasi dalam operasi entropion,

umumnya berdasarkan dari metode Hotz. Penanganan entropion antara lain:

1. Jahitan Sementara Pengangkatan Kelopak Mata (Tacking)

Perlu dilakukan anestesi general. Beberapa jahitan dilakukan dengan benang
monofilament non-absorbable seperti 3-0 atau 4-0 polybutester atau nylon. Pola
jahitan yang digunakan adalah matras secara vertical.
a. Tusukan jarum pertama sekitar 2 mm dari tepi kelopak mata, panjang jahitan
sekitar 3-4 mm. Jahitan kedua berjarak sekitar 1 cm dari jahitan pertama.
b. Ketika jahitan diikat, maka kelopak akan terlipat.

c. Jahitan dibiarkan selama kurang lebih 4 minggu.
Pada beberapa hewan muda, terkadang mengalami kesembuhan
permanen. Jika entropion masih terjadi, maka diperlukan tindakan operasi,
kecuali bila hewan masih sangat muda, dalam kasus ini “tacking” dapat diulang

Gambar 3. Jahitan sementara “tacking” pada kelopak mata.

2. Kombinasi dari Metode Hotz (Cara Ortodoks)

 Persiapan operasi :
Dilakukan restrain yang baik pada hewan, diletakkan pada posisi ventral
recumbency atau berdiri. Anestesi yang dapat digunakan adalah anestesi umum
atau anestesi lokal menggunakan solusio procain HCl 2% yang dikombinasikan
dengan premedikasi sedative. Kulit pada tepi palpebrae dibersihkan dan
didesinfeksi. Peralatan yang digunakan berupa pinset, scalpel, gunting, jarum jahit
berpenampang segitiga berikut benang jahit yang non-absorable.

 Teknik operasi
Pada Anjing

a. Setelah dilakukan persiapan operasi dan anestesi, dibuat irisan pada
kulit dan sebagian muskulus obricularis palpebrae berbentuk elips

b. Kulit dipreparir dan muskulus obricularis dopotong sebagian. Tepi
luka dipersatukan dengan pola jahitan terputus sederhana (non
absorrable) sehingga timbul tarikan ke arah luar pada tepi kelopaknya.
c. Jahitan di ambil setelah 7-10 hari pasca operasi.
Pada Kucing
a. Kasus entropian pada kucing, premedikasi yang digunakan adalah
Acepromazine 0,0125 mg / kg, metadon 0,2 mg. Anestesi diinduksi
dengan Propofol 6 mg / kg dan dipertahankan dengan oksigen dan
b. Operasi dilakukan dengan cara membuat sebuah sayatan awal yang
dilakukan sepanjang 2 mm sejajar dengan marjin tutup, membentang
sepanjang daerah entropion kemudian ditambah 2-3 mm pada kedua
c. Sebuah sayatan kulit lengkung kedua dibuat ventral dengan yang
pertama, biasanya 2-3 mm terpisah , tetapi tergantung pada sejauh
mana entropion tersebut.
d. Kulit intervensi itu dipotong dengan kedalaman sampai mengenai otot
orbicularis oculi.
e. Luka ditutup dengan 5 / 0 ( 1 metrik ) polygalactin 910 dalam pola
sederhana, pertama menempatkan jahitan pusat, kemudian mengisi
sisa sayatan dengan membagi dua jahitan.
Keuntungan Metode Hotz adalah mudah dikerjakan, tetapi
kelemahannya adalah pemotongan kulit yang terlalu lebar sehingga operasi
kurang steril dan dapat menimbulkan kelopak mata tertarik keluar secara
berlebihan yang menyebabkan ectropion. Berikut adalah beberapa modifikasi
dari metode Hotz:

A. Modifikasi pertama adalah dengan menggunakan forcep hemostatik

[1] Kulit yang akan dipotong dijepit menggunakan forcep Halsted atau Crile.
[2] Posisikan forcep dengan melepas-pasang jepitan hingga mendapatkan
ukuran yang sesuai untuk dipotong.

[3] Setelah mendapat posisi yang sesuai, jepit forcep dengan erat selama 30
detik, lalu lepaskan.
[4] Pola jepitan yang terbentuk lalu dipotong dengan gunting.
[5] Sangat penting untuk memotong semua jaringan yang terkena jepitan
forcep untuk mencegah trauma atau luka parut pasca operasi.

Gambar 4. Teknik operasi Celsus untuk entropion. A. penampakan preoperative dari

entropion. B. kelebihan kulit dilipat dan dijepit dengan forcep hemostatik. C. aturlah
letak sepasang forcep sesuai yang diinginkan untuk membentuk pola. D. forcep
dilepaskan setelah 30 detik. E. potonglah pola yang telah terbentuk dimulai dari
chantus lateral. F. terlihat area yang telah terpotong tanpa melukai otot orbikularis.
G. insisi dijahit dengan pola jahitan simple interrupted dengan benang 5-0
nonabsorbable monofilament, jarak sekitar 3 mm. Jahitan jangan terlalu dekat,

karena dapt menyebabkan pembengkakan pasca operasi yang dapat merusak

B. Pada modifikasi kedua, yaitu metode insisi.

1) Pertama gunakan spatula Jaeger dibawah kelopak mata untuk
mempertahankan posisi selama insisi dilakukan. Insisi pertama letaknya
sekitar 2 mm dari tepi kelopak.
2) Ukuran dan bentuk kecacatan entropion mempengaruhi ukuran dan
bentuk area kulit yang akan dipotong.
3) Umumnya insisi berbentuk seperti bulan sabit. Walaupun dianjurkan agar
otot orbicularis dipotong yang sering dilakukan pada entropion parah,
akan tetapi hal ini dapat mengakibatkan trauma.
4) Kemudian kulit dijahit menggunakan 5-0 sampai 6-0 nylon dengan pola
interrupted. Jahitan berjarak sekitar 2-3 mm tegak lurus dari tepi kelopak
mata dengan simpul menjauh dari kornea.
Dengan teknik ini, kemungkinan kecil terjadi overcorrection karena
pembengkakan dan luka umumnya lebih cepat sembuh.
Terapi pasca operasi dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan antibiotic
topikal atau tetes mata, collar untuk menghindari self-trauma, dan analgesik.
Kegagalan dalam teknik ini umumnya diakibatkan karena insisi
terlalu jauh dari tepi kelopak mata dan jarak antar jahitan terlalu jauh.

Gambar 5. Bedah entropion Hotz-Celsus. A. gunakan Jaeger untuk menstabilkan
kelopak mata sebelum insisi dilakukan. Insisi kira-kira sepanjang 2-3 mm di bawah
tepi kelopak dan iris secara hati-hati. B-D. gunakan benang monofilament non-
absorbable. Jahitan pertama dilakukan seperti pada gambar hingga membagi luka
insisi menjadi tiga bagian. Selanjutnya jahit hingga menutup luka insisi.

c. Modifikasi ketiga umumnya dilakukan pada anjing brachycephalic, ketika

lipatan di sekitar hidung mengiritasi kornea.

Gambar 6. Pemotongan lipatan kulit daerah hidung. A. penampakan lateral dari
lipatan kulit daerah hidung. B. pemotongan sebagian lipatan kulit dengan
mengguanakn gunting melengkung. C. bagian lipatan yang tidak terpotong lalu
dijahit menggunakan 5-0 monofilament non-absorbable. D-F. pemotongan secara
total dari kulit daerah hidung.

2) Metoda Wheeler
 Persiapan operasi
Hewan direstrain dengan baik dengan posisi ventral recumbency atau
berdiri. Kemudian dianestesi umum atau dapat juga anestesi lokal dengan
solusio procain-HCl 2 % kemudian kulit pada tepi palpebrai dibersihkan
dan disterilkan.

 Teknik operasi

1) Setelah dilakukan persiapan operasi dan anestesi, lalu buat irisan di
tepi entropion agar jatuh di tengah-tengah dari musculus orbicularis.
2) Dipisahkan kedua tepi dengan jaringan di bawahnya, kemudian dicari
dan lepaskan otot orbicularis untuk dipotong di tengah-tengahnya agar

3) Kemudian dipersatukan dengan otot orbicularis dengan
menumpangkan salah satu ujungnya ±5 mm dengan pola matras
(catgut 000/000).
4) Digeser sedikit ke ventral dan jahitkan dengan jaringan di bawahnya
dengan pola matras.
5) Kemudian kulit dijahit dengan pola simple interrupted.
6) Setelah operasi dapat diberikan salep antibiotik untuk mata dan
benang dapat diambil 7 – 10 hari pasca operasi.

Gambar 7. Operasi entropion

4.2.2 Operasi Ektropion

 Persiapan operasi
Hewan direstrain dengan baik dengan posisi ventral recumbency atau
berdiri. Kemudian dianestesi umum atau dapat juga anestesi lokal yang
dikombinasikan dengan premedikasi sedative. Kulit pada tepi palpebrae
dibersihkan dan didesinfeksi.

 Teknik Operasi:

1. Teknik Wharton-Jones V-Y
Teknik Wharton-Jones V-Y adalah cara yang sering digunakan dalam
operasi ectropion.

1) Lakukan pemotongan bagian dari kelopak mata berbentuk huruf V pada sudut
mata sebelah lateral (chantus lateral).
2) Irisan dibuat mengenai kulit dan konjungtiva. Jahitan dibuat dua tahap,
konjungtiva dengan catgut 4-0 dan kulit di jahit secara simple interrupted
dengan benang monofilament non-absorbable (katun).
3) Jahitan pada konjungtiva diusahakan simpulnya terdapat pada bagian luar
agar tidak menggesek sclera dan kornea.

Gambar 8. Metode V-Y. A. buatlah pola segitiga lalu diinsisi. B. angkat bagian
yang telah diinsisi. C. jahit sehingga terbentuk pola huruf Y dengan sedikit
mengangkat kulit yang diinsisi ke arah tepi kelopak mata. D. jahitlah menggunakan
benang 5-0 monofilament non-absorbable.

2. Metode Trophine

Buat irisan berbentuk bulat dengan alat trophine sebanyak 3-4 buah pada
kulit dan musculus orbicularis oculi kelopak mata bawah kemudian dijahit
lagi (simple interrupted) dengan arah melintang, menggunakan benang yang

4.2 Perawatan Pasca Operasi

Penangan pasca operasi setelah selesai, dapat diberikan salep antibiotika

untuk mata (misalnya tetrasiklin 1%, chlorampenicol 1%, nebacetin 1%) dan
benang diambil setelah 7-10 hari setelah operasi. Hewan juga harus diberikan
elizabeth colar agar tidah menggaruk luka operasi pada matanya.

Perawatan pasca bedah ectropion tidak jauh berbeda dengan perawata

yang harus dilakukan pada pembedahan pada umumnya seperti:

1. Pemberian obat untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit dan pencegahan infeksi

2. Melindungi luka akibat pembedahan untuk mencegah kontaminasi dan kontra
indikasi lain.
3. Membatasi gerak hewan agar proses kesembuhan lukanya cepat.
4. Pemberian nutrisi yang baik bagi hewan


5.1 Simpulan

Entropion dan ektropion merupakan kelainan pada mata. Keadaan

kelopak mata secara abnormal membengkok atau terkilir ke dalam (entropion)
atau keluar (ektropion) dan meyebabkan conjunctiva terbuka. Penyebabnya
dapat berupa trauma, timbunan lemak, muskulus orbicularis palpebrae yang
abnormal maupun kongenital. Tidakan operasi dilakukan untuk memperbaiki
keadaan. Sehingga indra pengelihatan hewan (pasien) dapat normal kembali.

5.2 Saran

Ketika melakukan tindakan operasi harus memperhatikan kerja yang

aseptis, sterilisasi alat. Dan perawatan pasca operasi untuk mencegah terjadinya


David L. Williams. 2004. Entropion correction by fornix-based suture placement:

Use of Quickert-Rathbun technique in ten dogs. Department of Clinical
Veterinary Medicine 7,5, 343-347, University of Cambridge, UK

Laus J. Luiz et al. 2000. Stades methode for surgical correction of upper eyelid
trichiasis-enteropion: results and follow-up in 21 cases Opthalmologi Section.
Sao Paulo. Brazil

Robert A. Read and Hugh C. Broun.2007.Entropion correction in dogs and cats

using a combination Hotz–Celsus and lateral eyelid wedge resection: results
in 311 eyes. Adelaide Veterinary Specialist and Referral Center.Australia

Sudisma, I.G.N., Jaya, A.A.G.W., Putra, I.G.Ag.P., Gorda, I.W. 2016. Buku Ajar Ilmu
Bedah Veteriner dan Teknik Operasi. Penerbit Universitas Udayana. Denpasar.

Williams, David L. 2004. Entropion correction by fornix-based suture placement: use of

the Quickert–Rathbun technique in ten dogs. Alamat web :
Tanggal Akses 17 September 2017.


See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

Entropion correction by fornix-based suture

placement: Use of the Quickert-Rathbun
technique in ten dogs
Article in Veterinary Ophthalmology · September 2004
DOI: 10.1111/j.1463-5224.2004.04047.x · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

David Williams
University of Cambridge


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Welfare and ethics in veterinary education View project

Health and welfare of exotic species View project

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Veterinary Ophthalmology (2004) 7, 5, 343–347

Entropion correction by fornix-based suture placement: use of

the Quickert–Rathbun technique in ten dogs
David L. Williams
Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OES, UK

Address communications to: Abstract

David L. Williams The objective of this study was to evaluate fornix-based suture placement as a method for
Tel.: 01223 232977 entropion correction in the dog. Lower eyelid entropion with resultant trichiasis was
Fax: 01223 232977 corrected in 10 dogs using fornix-based suture placement similar to that employed in the
e-mail: doctordlwilliams@aol. Quickert–Rathbun technique used in man. A double-ended suture was placed originating at
com/ the deepest extent of the fornix and exiting the lid 1–2 mm from the eyelid margin. Degree
of correction was assessed visually immediately after surgery and at re-examination with a
follow-up period of up to 6 months. Fornix-based suture placement led to immediate
eversion of the eyelid in each case and thus amelioration of the trichiasis in all dogs. In two
cases eyelid eversion initially appeared over-corrected and in two cases exposure of
conjunctival tissue was evident initially at the palpebral margin. In all cases, however, such
complications were transient with long-term results giving an acceptable apposition
between ocular surface and eyelid margin in all adult dogs. In three juvenile dogs on which
the technique was used, further surgical treatment was required as the puppies grew. Fornix-
based suture placement is a novel approach to entropion correction in the dog which yields
acceptable results in the majority of suitable cases without recourse to incisional surgery.

Key Words: dog, entropion, eyelid, fornix-based suture correction

Quickert & Rathbun.9 The technique is particularly useful in
elderly patients with involutional entropion in whom it can be
Correction of entropion and trichiasis by suture placement has used without the need for general anesthesia (Fig. 2).10
been reported since the time of Hippocrates, with treatment at Here the technique was assessed in 10 dogs with lower
that time particularly related to lesions occurring in what is eyelid entropion with various presentations and etiologies.
assumed to be trachoma.1 At the turn of the last century
several techniques were used for eyelid eversion by suture
placement, most notably those of Snellen and Arlt (Fig. 1).2
The lack of requirement for general anesthesia made such Ten dogs with entropion of various etiologies were included in
techniques preferable to incisional surgery prior to safe routine the study. Signalment and details of eyelid changes are
general anesthetic practice. In veterinary medicine suture detailed for each case in Table 1. General anesthesia was
placement for entropion has, to date, involved the use of induced in all dogs with propofol (Schering-Plough Animal
vertical mattress sutures for temporary correction of entropion Health, Welwyn, UK) and maintained, after intubation, with
associated with excess facial skin in young puppies,3 isoflurane (Schering-Plough Animal Health). The eye was
particularly in the SharPei breed.4 Most entropion correction in prepared with 0.5% povidone iodine solution, and the eyelid
the adult dog, however, uses the Hotz-Celsus technique everted to allow adequate visualization of the fornix. A
excising an ellipse of skin near the eyelid edge5 although other double-ended suture of 4/0 vicryl was placed using a standard
techniques have been described for various eyelid defects unsuaged needle long enough to allow placement originat-ing
resulting in lid in-turning.6–8 Current ophthalmic surgical in the fornix and with both ends exiting just below the eyelid
technique in man uses fornix-based suture placement for the margin, as illustrated in diagrammatically in Fig. 3 and
correction of entropion in a substantial number of cases, as photographically from case 1 in Fig. 4. The suture was tied
reported first in recent ophthalmic literature by using moderate tension, this resulting in eyelid margin

© 2004 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists


where the technique was used in young dogs the resolution of

eyelid inversion was not maintained indefinitely and fur-ther
surgery was necessary as the animal grew; at 16 weeks after
surgery in case 3 and 2 months in case 5 when definitive Hotz-
Celsus surgery was used, and after 3 and 5 months in case 6
when future suture placement was used followed by definitive
Hotz-Celsus surgery after 10 months. In cases other than these
three, the technique produced good long-term results, with up
to 6 months follow-up (Table 2). In case 10 the technique was
used to achieve eyelid eversion in a dog that presented with an
overly long lower lid. A modi-fied Kuhnt-Szymanowsky
technique was performed as pre-viously reported11 but
entropion was still present at the end of surgery and thus
suture placement was used to evert the eyelid and prevent
ongoing trichiasis.

Figure 1. Snellen’s (right) and Arlt’s (left) sutures for entropion The Quickert–Rathbun technique is widely used in human
correction in man. From Beard.1 ophthalmic surgery, particularly for correcting involutional
entropion under local anesthetic in older patients for whom a
eversion as shown diagramatically in Fig. 3(b) and photo- general anesthetic is not appropriate. Figure 2 shows the
graphically in Figs 5–7. Dogs were examined postoperatively results of the technique in a human patient. Our study
during a follow-up period of up to 6 months. demonstrates that the technique is applicable in cases of entro-
pion in the dog with short-term alleviation of entropion-
associated trichiasis in all cases and long-term correction of
eyelid in-turning in the majority of cases.
In all dogs suture placement was achieved readily in between The key elements of successful surgery are, first, the pre-
1 and 5 min under a routine general anesthetic. In five cases cise placement of sutures originating in the extreme depths of
sutures were removed and replaced during surgery to obtain the conjunctival fornix and exiting the eyelid 1–2 mm from the
optimal placement; ensuring that the initial placement is deep eyelid margin. Second, the amount of eyelid ever-sion depends
enough in the fornix is essential to obtaining adequate eyelid on the degree of tension applied when the suture is tightened.
margin eversion as is the necessity for the suture to exit the This can be difficult to gauge while the animal is under
eyelid  1–2 mm from the eyelid margin. In all dogs general anesthetic but it has not been found that the amount of
immediate eversion of the eyelid edge was evident as shown in eyelid manipulation required for correct placement of the
Figs 4 –7. Exposure of conjunctiva was evident 1 day post- sutures is possible in the canine subject under anything less
operatively in two dogs (cases 2 and 3) but this had resolved in than full general anesthetic. With some experience the correct
all dogs 1 week after surgery. In two dogs (cases 7 and 8) degree of suture tightening can be assessed and, in any case,
slight overcorrection was evident 1 week after surgery but this some initial overcorrection is not detrimental and resolves
had resolved after a further 2 weeks. In cases 3, 5 and 6 within a short time.

Table 1. Dogs enrolled in the study and surgery performed

Case Breed Age (year) Gender Problem at presentation Surgery performed
1 Rotweiller 2 Me severe lower eyelid entropion with two sutures placed in both lower eyelids
peripalpebral dermatitis rendering
incisional surgery unacceptable
2 Flat-Coat Retriever 1.5 Fe lower eyelid entropion with severe trichiasis one suture placed in both lower eyelids
3 Labrador Retriever 0.25 Me lower eyelid entropion with trichiasis one suture placed in both lower eyelids
4 Bull Mastiff 2 Me lower eyelid entropion with mild trichiasis one suture placed in both lower eyelids
5 Labrador Retriever 0.66 Fe lower eyelid entropion one suture placed in both lower eyelids
6 SharPei 0.04 Fe unilateral entropion associated with excess one suture placed in lower eyelid
skin folds
7 Cross-Bred 2 Mn lower eyelid entropion with trichiasis two sutures placed in both lower eyelids
8 Flat-Coat Retriever 1 Fe lower eyelid entropion with trichiasis one suture placed in both lower eyelids
9 Cocker Spaniel 1.25 Fn lower eyelid entropion one suture placed in both lower eyelids
10 Golden Retriever 1 Me entropion associated with overlong lower one suture placed to correct residual entropion
eyelid after Khunt-Szynmanowski procedure

© 2004 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 7, 343– 347

- 345

Figure 2. Use of the Quickert–Rathbun technique in

man. Appearance presurgery appearance,
immediately post surgery and at 2 months follow-up.
From Wright et al. 1999.10

Figure 3. Quickert–Rathbun suture for entropion

correction. (a) Diagram of entropic eyelid prior to
suture placement. (b) Diagram of eyelid after suture
placement. (c) Diagram of eyelid eversion after
suture tightening – arrows indicate vector forces
giving lid eversion though suture placement.

Figure 4. Intraoperative photographs of the

Quickert–Rathbun procedure in case 1.

Figure 5. Case 2 before and 3 days after suture placement.

Figure 6. Case 3 before (left) and immediately after (right) suture placement.

Figure 7. Case 4 with trichiasis before surgery (left),

immediately after surgery showing correction of
entropion and 2 months after suture placement.

© 2004 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 7, 343– 347


Table 2. Results of surgery

Case Short-term result Long-term result
1 good eyelid eversion correction maintained during 6 months of follow-up
2 good eyelid eversion but with conjunctival exposure resolved after 2/52 with continued normalization of
conjunctival exposure at 3/7 eyelid position for 4 months of follow-up
3 good eyeid eversion with slight conjunctival exposure resolved after 1/52 but entropion recurred with continued growth
conjunctival exposure immediately after 16/52, requiring definitive Hotz-Celsus surgery
4 good eyelid eversion normalization of eyelid position maintained over 6 months of follow-up
5 good eyelid eversion normalization of eyelid position maintained over 2 months of follow-up but entropion
returned requiring definitive Hotz-Celsus surgery
6 good eyelid eversion further suture placement required after 3/12 and 5/12 as puppy grew.
Definitive corection performed after 10/12
7 slight overcorrection of eyelid eversion at 1/52 eyelid position normalized by 3/52 and maintained through period of 4 months follow-up
8 slight overcorrection of eyelid eversion at 1/52 eyelid position normalized by 2/52 and maintained through period of 4 months follow-up
9 good eversion of eyelid normalized eyelid position maintained over follow-up period of 4 months
10 good eversion of eyelid when suture used in normalized eyelid position maintained over follow-up period of 5 months
conjunction with shortening of lower eyelid

The technique can be used for short-term eversion of an report documents short-term success when eyelid in-turning is
entropic lower eyelid in a growing puppy or as a permanent corrected by eyelid eversion occasioned by fornix-based suture
procedure in a more mature dog. As is shown by case 7, the placement. The technique can be performed rapidly, requires
technique can be readily used to evert the eyelid edge as a limited surgical equipment and provides immediate eyelid
supplementary procedure in cases where other techniques such eversion and thus relief from the discomfort of trichi-asis
as an eyelid-shortening technique have failed to give adequate associated with entropion.
immediate resolution of eyelid in-turning.
In use in man, one recent study reported complications or
recurrence with requirement for further surgery in 8% of
cases,12 while another found recurrence in only 2% of lids. 13 1. Hippocrates About the order of life in fever diseases, Kuhn II, 97. In:
The History of Ophthalmology, Vol. 1 (ed. Hischberg J). Verlag
Clearly, the same technique in different hands with a differ-ent
Wayenborgh, Bonn, 1982; 131.
group of patients yields different results. The same might well 2. Beard CH. Ophthalmic Surgery. Blakiston, Philadelphia, 1914; 255–
be said of this study; further research will be necessary to 258.
define exactly in which cases the technique is an optimal 3. Holmberg DL. Temporary correction of entropion in young dogs.
management strategy and there is clearly a learning curve in Modern Veterinary Practice 1980; 61: 345–346.
using the technique to best effect. 4. McKibben JS. The rare SharPei dog: medical and surgical pro-
This study describes use of the technique in lower eyelid blems. Veterinary Medicine/Small Animal Clinician 1981; 76: 997–
entropion alone and only in dogs. Indeed it may be argued that 1002.
this report offers a small number of cases with a rela-tively 5. Lackner PA. Techniques for surgical correction of adnexal disease.
Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice 2001; 16: 40–50.
short follow-up period. It cannot be considered as a definitive
6. Willis AM, Martin CL, Stiles J et al. Brow suspension for treatment
study on the use of a new technique in veterinary ophthalmic of ptosis and entropion in dogs with redundant facial skin folds.
surgery as was Stades’ report of his technique for entropion Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1999; 214:
and trichiasis with its 55 cases and prolonged follow-up.14,15 660–662.
Nevertheless, it is presented here as a prelimi-nary report of a 7. Wyman M, Wilkie DA. New surgical procedure for entropion cor-
rection: tarsal pedicle technique. Journal of the American Animal
technique widely used in human ophthal-mology, which may
Hospital Association 1988; 24: 345–349.
be found to be of use in the dog. More research is required to 8. Robertson BF, Roberts SM. Lateral canthus entropion in the dog, 2:
increase numbers of animals treated, the better to define the Surgical correction. Results and follow-up from 21 cases (1991–94).
cases for which use of suture place-ment is particularly Veterinary and Comparative Ophthalmology 1995; 5: 162– 169.
appropriate and also to determine whether the technique is
worthwhile for treatment of upper eyelid entropion and of 9. Quickert MH, Rathbun E. Suture repair of entropion. Archives of
entropion in other species such as the cat. Ophthalmology 1971; 85: 304–305.
10. Wright M, Bell D, Scott C et al. Everting suture correction of lower
lid involutional entropion. British Journal of Ophthalmology 1999;
83: 1060 –1063.
CONCLUSION 11. Munger RJ, Carter JD. A further modification of the Kuhnt-
Szymanowski procedure for correction of atonic ectropion in dogs.
While further work is necessary to evaluate the long-term Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 1984; 20: 651–
success of this novel procedure for canine entropion, this 656.

© 2004 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 7, 343– 347

- 347

12. Cook T, Lucarelli MJ, Lemke BN et al. Primary and secondary 14. Stades FC. A new method for surgical correction of upper eyelid
transconjunctival involutional entropion repair. Ophthalmology 2001; trichiasis–entropion: operative method. Journal of the American
108: 989–993. Animal Hospital Association 1987; 23: 603– 606.
13. Khan SJ, Meyer DR. Transconjunctival lower eyelid involutional 15. Stades FC. A new method for surgical correction of upper eyelid
entropion repair: long-term follow-up and efficacy. Ophthalmology trichiasis–entropion: results and follow-up in 55 eyes. Journal of the
2002; 109: 2112–2117. American Animal Hospital Association 1987; 23: 607– 610.

© 2004 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 7, 343– 347

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Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v.30, n.4, p.651-654, 2000 651
ISSN 0103-8478





Felipe António Mendes Vicenti 2 Aline Adriana Bolzan 2
José Luiz Laus

Paula Diniz Galera2 Rodrigo Cezar Sanches3

SUMMARY anormal. Essa condição pode ser causada por dobras nasais
proeminentes, entrópio, blefarospasmo, pele facial redundante e
Trichiasis is a condition in which lhe cuia and facial dennóides. A triquíase-entrópio da pálpebra superior associada ao
hairs grow toward lhe córnea or the conjunctiva. The hairs entrópio-ectrópio da pálpebra inferior, frequentemente, ocorre em
arising from normal sites are pointed aí an abnormal direction. English Cocker Spaniels idosos. Os sinais oculares são
This condition may be caused by prominent nasal folds, frequentemente epífora, blefarospasmo, conjuntivite, ceratite e
entropion, blepharospasm, slipped facial mask and dermoids. The ulceração comeana. O tratamento depende da severidade da
upper eyelid trichiasis-entropion with lower eyelid condição e deve eliminar o contato dos cílios com o globo ocular.
entropionectropion frequentiy occurs in oíder English Cocker Este trabalho apresenta um estudo retrospectivo de 21 pacientes
Spaniels. The ocular signs often are epiphora, blepharospasm, com triquíase difusa bilateral (15 English Cocker Spaniels; 2
conjunctivitis, keratitis and comeal ulceratíon. Treatment depenas Basset hounds; l Bloodhound; l Fila Brasileiro e 2 coes sem raça
on the severity ofthe condition and must eliminate the ocular definida). Empregou-se o procedimento descrito por Stades em
contact by misdirected cuia that irritate the eyeball. This report todos os casos. No pós-operatório, aplicou-se pomada à base de
presents a retrospective study of21 patients with bilateral diffüse cloranfenicol (qid) no saco conjuntival e na ferida aberta durante
trichiasis (15 English Cocker Spaniels; 2 Basset hounds; l duas semanas. Removeram-se as suturas 10 dias após a cirurgia.
Bloodhound; l Fila Brasileiro and 2 mongrel dogs). The Obteve-se êxito na correção do posicionamento da pálpebra
procedure described by Stades was employed m ali cases. superior e observou-se sua justaposição normal em relação à
Postoperatively, topical chioramphenicol oiníment (qid) was córnea. Ocorreu reepiteliwção completa da ferida um mês após a
appiied in the conjunctival soe and on the open woundfor 2 weeks. cirurgia. Não houve sinais de recidiva ou perda da função da
Sutures were removed 10 days after surgery. Correction pálpebra nos 21 cães avaliados por 36 meses.
ofpositioning ofthe upper eyelid was successfúl and its apposition
to córnea was normal. In most of the cases the reepithelialiwtion Palavras-chave: triquíase, entrópio,cirurgia, Stades.
was complete one month after surgery. No signs ofrecurrence
werefound and there appeared to be no loss of normal fünction of
the eyelid in the 21 dogs available for follow-up examination in a INTRODUCTION
maximum period of 36 months.

Key words: trichiasis, entropion, surgery, Stades. The outer surface of the upper eyelid
margins hás two to four rows of eyelashes directed
RESUMO away from the córnea (SAMUELSON, 1991;
SLATTER, 1990; PETERSEN-JONES, 1993). Cilia
Triquíase é a condição na qual os cílios e os cabelos
faciais crescem em direção à córnea ou conjuntiva. Os pêlos que
usually are present on the medial portion and extend
surgem de locais normais estão apontados em uma direção across to the lateral canthus (SAMUELSON.1991).

Associate Professor, DVM PhD., Ophthalmology Section, Veterinary College, São Paulo State University, Rodovia Carlos Tonanni, k m
5, 14870-000, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. E-mail: Author to correspondence.
Graduate Students, Ophthalmology Section, Veterinary College, São Paulo State University.
Undergraduate Student, Ophthalmology Section, Veterinary College, São Paulo State University.
Recebido para publicação em 22.04.99. Aprovado em 03.11.99
652 Laus et al.

The eyelid margina are hairless and Table 1 - Data on dogs with trichiasis.
often pigmented (PETERSEN-JONES,
1993). The lower eyelid hás no cilia in
the majority of the domestic species Patients Eyes Age (yrs) Sex Follow-up
(SAMUELSON, 1991; SLATTER, Cases (n)
Operated Range
Time (yrs)
1990; PETERSEN-JONES, 1993).
Trichiasis is a condition in E. Cocker Spaniel 15 30 5/12 - 10 3 12 3
which the cilia and facial hair contacts Basset Hound 2 4 2-6 2 3
the córnea or the conjunctiva. The
hairs arising from normal sites are Bloodhound 1 2 6/12 1 3
pointed at an abnormal direction. This Fila Brasileiro 1 2 2 1 3
condition may be caused by prominent Mongrel dog 2 4 6-9 1 1 3
nasal folds, entropion, blepharospasm, Total 21 42 5/12 - 10 4 17 3
slipped facial mask and dermoids. The
upper eyelid trichiasisentropion with
lower eyelid entropion-ectropion
frequentiy occurs in oíder English Cocker Spanieis and inferiorly to the fírst upper eyelid cilia. The
(PETERSEN-JONES, 1993). The ocular signs often incision begins 2 to 4mm from the medial canthus
are epiphora, blepharospasm, conjunctivitis, keratitis and continues 5 to lOmm beyond the lateral canthus.
and comeal ulceration (GELATT, 1991; SLATTER, The second incision is made in a bow line,
1990; PETERSEN-JONES, 1993). approximately following the sulcus parallel to the
Treatment depends on the severity of the dorsal orbital rim, which means a maximum of 15 to
condition and must eliminate the ocular contact by
25mm from the eyelid edge. The circumcised skin is
misdirected cilia that irritate the eyeball (GELATT,
dissected bluntiy with Steven's scissors and cut away
dorsally. The wound edge is then cut away at the
1993), including correction of the primary problem,
resection of nasal folds, cryoepilation and other eyelid margin flatly over the meibomian glands. If
methods for removal of the eyelashes (GELATT, the foilicles remain at the lid edge, they are
1991; SLATTER, 1990; PETERSEN-JONES, destroyed by cauterization or by scraping with a
1993). Some methods of trichiasis repair have scalpel blade. The dorsal wound edge is sutured
disadvantages of complexity, time consumption, less carefúliy to the subcutis, just dorsally to the base of
predictable results and recurrences. Lack of the meibomian glands 5 to 6mm from lid margin.
optimum surgical correction resulted in development Initially, four to fíve simple interrupted marker
of an enforced secondary granulation method sutures are placed for positioning. A continuous
(STADES, 1987). This report presents a suture from canthus to canthus is then placed,
retrospective study of 21 patients with bilateral leaving the rest of the wound open for forced
diffuse trichiasis treated with Stades method. secondary granulation healing and preventing
spontaneous wound retraction and wound closure
with subsequent recurrence of trichiasis. An
The patients were refered to the absorbable suture materialª is used. Postoperative
Ophthalmology Section of Veterinary College of medication consists of topical choramphenicol
São Paulo State University - UNESP, Jaboticabal -
SP / Brazil, with a history of lacrimation, ocular
irritation and discharge. The patients consisted of 15
English Cocker Spanieis, 2 Basset Hounds, l
Bloodhound, l Fila Brasileiro and 2 mongrel dogs
(table l). Ophthalmic examination revealed epiphora,
purulent discharge, blepharospasm, photophobia,
conjunctivitis and ocasionally comeal ulceration and
The procedure described by STADES
(1987) was employed on ali cases (figures l, 2, 3 and
4). This method is used for surgical correction of
upper eyelid trichiasis-entropion. It consists in
removing 15 to 25mm of upper eyelid skin. A skin
incision is made along the upper eyelid edge, 0.5 to Figure 1 - Bilateral trichiasis - entropion of Bloodhound before
l.0mm dorsally to lhe meibomian gland openings surgery.

Ciência Rural, v. 30, n. 4, 2000.

Stades method for surgical correstion of upper eyelid trichiasis-entropion: results and follow-up in 21 cases. 653

Figure 2 - Initial phase of the surgical procedure. Notice limited Figure 4 - Final phase of the surgical procedure. Notice sutures
areas and cutaneous incision for blepharoplasty. and exposed subcutaneous of the palpebral area.

ointmentb qid in the conjunctival sac and on the In most of the cases the reepitelialization was
open wound for 2 weeks. Sutures are removed 9 to complete at one month after surgery. There appeared
10 days postoperatively. The remaining wound is to be no loss of normal function of the eyelid (figure
allowed to heal by secondary granulation and 5). These results are according to STADES (1987)
epithelialization, which gradually will become and STADES & BOEVE (1987).
pigmented. The patients were re-examinated at 7, 15 Several treatments exist for trichiasis but
days and l, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 and 36 months none is without potential complications such as
postoperatively. recurrence within days or weeks and some are time
consuming. The success of these methods depends
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION aiso on the aethiology of the disease. Once trichiasis
is frequentiy associáted with entropion, some
The technique was 100% effective, treatments may not be effective in this cases.
without complications or recurrence. The evertion of According to PETERSEN-JONES (1993), upper
the eyelid and a hairless strip of scar tissue adjacent eyelid trichiasis-entropion occurs most commonly in
to the eyelid margins prevented the recurrences. oíder English Cocker Spaniels. This study confirmed
Correction of positioning of the upper eyelid was the high prevalence of trichiasis in English Cocker
successfui and its apposition to córnea was normal. Spaniels. Additional data is given in the Table l. It
Some eyelash-like hairs had remained on the eyelid was observed frequentiy coexistence of
edge in some cases, but they no longer reached the keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) and
córnea. At removal of sutures on the ninth or tenth trichiasisentropion of the upper eyelid, although
day after surgery, all open wounds were fílled by there is no real relationship between them according
granulation tissue, and reepithelialization had began. to STADES & BOEVE (1987).

Figure 3 - Intermediary phase of the surgical procedure. Notice Figure 5 - Aspect of the palpebral condition 1 month after surgery.
palpebral cutaneous area excised.

Ciência Rural, v. 27n. 1 1997

654 Laus et al.

CONCLUSIONS PETERSEN-JONES, S.M. Conditions of the eyelid and

nictitanting membrane. In: PETERSEN-JONES, S.M.,
CRISPIM, S.M. Manual of small animal ophthalmology.
The procedure described by STADES Shurdington : Britisth Small Animal Veterinay Association,
(1987) is relatively quick and simple technique. It is 1993. Cap.4. p.65-89.
important to dissect skin with ali its hair foilicles, or
else, it will regrow and may irritate the córnea again. SAMUELSON, D.A. Ophthalmic embriology and anatomy. In:
This surgical method prevenis recurrence induced by GELATT, K.N. Veterinary ophthalmology. 2 ed.
skin folds, as it may be found in some breeds. Philadelphia : Lea •S.Febiger, 1991. Cap.l. p.3-123.

SLATTER, D. Fundamentais of veterinary ophthalniology 2 ed.

SOURCES AND MANUFACTURES Philadelphia : Saunders, 1990. Cap.7: Eyelids: p. 147-203.

a - 4-0 Vicryl - ETHICON. STADES, P.C. A new method for surgical correction of the upper
b - Epitezan "Ocuium" - Frumtost S.A. eyelid trichiasis-entropion: operation method. Journal of the
American Animal Hospital Association, v.23, p.603-
STADES, F.C., BOEVE M.H. Surgical Correction of upper
GELATT, K.N. Veterinary ophthalnwlogy. 2 ed. Philadelphia: eyelid trichiasis-entropion: results and follow-up in 55 eyes.
Lea & Febiger, 1991. Cap.6: The canine eyelids: p.256-275. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association,
v.23, p.607-700,1987.

Ciência Rural, v. 30, n. 4, 2000.

Veterinary Ophthalmology (2007) 10, 1, 6–11

Entropion correction in dogs and cats using a

combination Hotz–Celsus and lateral eyelid wedge
resection: results in 311 eyes
Robert A. Read and Hugh C. Broun
Adelaide Veterinary Specialist and Referral Center, 102 Magill Road, Norwood, SA 5067, Australia

Address communications to: Abstract

Robert A. Read A novel surgical combination technique for the correction of lateral lower lid entropion in
Tel.: +61 8813 20533 dogs and cats is described, involving a combination of Hotz–Celsus and lateral eyelid
Fax: +61 8813 20633 wedge resection procedures. The technique was used to treat 311 eyes with lower lid
e-mail: entropion: 269 canine (109 bilateral, 51 unilateral) and 42 feline (16 bilateral, 10 unilateral).
The most common canine breeds were the Shar Pei, Rottweiler, Bull Mastiff and Labrador
Retriever. Domestic cats made up the majority of feline cases. The overall success rate for a
single surgical procedure to correct lower lid entropion with this technique was 94.2% per
Key Words: ectropion, entropion, Hotz–Celsus procedure, lateral eyelid
wedge resection, macropalpebral fissure, palpebral fissure length

referred to as ‘diamond eye’. A spastic component tends to
contribute to the severity of developmental entropion in dogs,
Entropion refers to inversion of an eyelid margin, usually with but seldom exists in its own right following resolution of
1 2
painful ocular disease. Cicatricial entropion occurs only
resultant irritation of the globe by hair-bearing skin. The
etiopathogenesis of entropion is often multifactorial but rarely in dogs.
contributing factors may be considered ‘primary’ or Entropion is less common in cats than dogs and cicatricial
1,2 6,7
‘secondary’. Developmental entropion arises from primary entropion has been suggested as the most common cause.
factors involving the conformation of tarsus, orbit and globe However, spastic entropion secondary to painful ocular
and their inter-relationships. Spastic entropion arises from disease, particularly ulcerative keratitis, appears to lead to
severe blepharospasm secondary to painful ocular diseases eyelid inversion that fails to resolve in cats, even when the
such as distichiasis, ulcerative keratitis and conjunctivitis. initiating painful disease resolves. This indicates that cicatrices
Cicatricial entropion arises from acquired lid deformities may eventually develop in long-term feline spastic entropion
secondary to previous surgery, injury, trauma or chronic and that this particular form of entropion might more
inflammation. 8
appropriately be described as spastic-cicatricial entropion.
Entropion is a common ocular disorder in dogs, and Developmental or primary entropion is rare in cats, with only
developmental (primary) entropion makes up the majority of 6
the Persian breed reported as having a breed predisposition.
cases. Clear breed predispositions exist for entropion,
In the authors’ experience a late-onset nonspastic, noncica-
suggestive of a heritable component to the disease, but the
tricial form of ‘secondary’ entropion also occasionally occurs
exact genetic basis is likely to be complex. As the term in adult dogs and cats associated with enophthalmos from loss
‘developmental’ implies, this form of entropion usually occurs of orbital volume (for example with weight loss or chronic
during growth. Dogs commonly exhibiting develop-mental masticatory myositis), or conversely associated with excessive
entropion include Spaniel, Retriever, Hound, Mastiff and periocular fat deposition, altering eyelid conformation.
Giant breeds, in addition to specific breeds such as the Eyelid length has been identified as a risk factor for primary
1–5 9
Rottweiler, Bulldog, Chow Chow and Shar Pei. The lateral entropion. Canine and feline breeds predisposed to entropion
lower lid is typically involved in these breeds, sometimes with have been shown to have significantly longer palpebral fissure
additional lateral canthus entropion, particularly in Mastiff breeds lengths than the mean palpebral fissure lengths for each
and the Rottweiler, and sometimes with additional lower lid 9
species, respectively. However, within these predisposed
ectropion, particularly in Giant and Hound breeds. The latter breeds mean palpebral fissure length was not significantly
combination of entropion with ectropion often involves longer in the individuals with entropion when compared with
euryblepharon (macropalpebral fissure) and has been those without, indicating that more

© 2007 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists

entropion correctionin d
ogs and cats 7

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of combined Hotz–

Celsus and lateral eyelid wedge resection
procedures. (a) Lower eyelid entropion involving
lateral and central regions of eyelid margin.
(b) Superimposed ‘typical’ Hotz–Celsus and lateral
eyelid wedge resection skin incisions.
(c) Modification of typical skin incisions and order
and direction in which they are made (see text).
(d) Following truncated Hotz–Celsus skin excision
and full-eyelid thickness wedge excision.
(e) Following closure of Hotz–Celsus skin excision
with split-thickness single interrupted skin sutures.
(f) Following double layered closure of
lateral eyelid wedge resection.

factors are involved in the occurrence of primary entropion in shortening required was assessed. The inverted lateral lower
these breeds than eyelid length alone. lid margin was grasped with thumb forceps around one quar-
ter to one third of the eyelid length from the lateral canthus and
retracted laterally to establish the point on a ‘tightened’ lower
lid that could comfortably reach the lateral canthus, and hence
A retrospective study was carried out of a novel surgical how much lid shortening could take place. This landmark point
combination technique for the correction of lateral lower lid was marked by a small eyelid margin cut with a no. 15 Bard
entropion in dogs and cats (Figs 1a, 2a, 3a and 4a). Cases included Parker blade. The point was generally 20 –30% of the total
were from a 7-year period between 1998 and 2005 and with a lower eyelid length from the lateral can-thus. The lid was then
minimum follow-up period of 6 months. Forms of entropion stabilized by inserting a finger, Jaeger eyelid plate, or the
corrected included developmental primary lateral lower lid rounded end of a scalpel blade handle into the lower
entropion (with or without concurrent lateral canthal entropion or conjunctival fornix and gently tensing the lid with outward
lower lid ectropion) in dogs and cats; adult-onset nonspastic, directed pressure. Skin incisions were made with the same
noncicatricial secondary entropion in dogs and cats; and spastic-
Bard Parker blade to delineate the excision areas in the order
cicatricial entropion in cats. The procedure was based on the
and directions shown in Fig. 1(c).
premise that the most critical factor in primary entropion
development was excessive eyelid length, but was found to be The traditional lateral eyelid wedge excision was modified
equally useful for the secondary forms of lateral lower lid slightly with the lateral side of the wedge slightly shorter than
entropion included in the study. The technique essentially the medial side of the wedge. This was achieved by making the
combined two basic surgical procedures used exten-sively for initial lateral incision (commencing directly adjacent to the
eyelid surgery: the Hotz–Celsus procedure and its modifications lateral canthus) perpendicular to the eyelid margin and
1–4,10 –13 typically 10 –20 mm in length, depending on patient size. The
for entropion correction and the lateral subsequent medial incision (commencing at the previous
1,12 eyelid margin small landmark cut) was then run obliquely to
eyelid wedge resection for ectropion correction (Fig. 1b).
Following premedication, induction of general anesthesia and meet the end of the lateral incision, produc-ing a slightly
surgical preparation of the eyelid(s), the degree of lid longer side to the wedge medially. However,

© 2007 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 10, 6–11

8read andbroun

Figure 3. Bull Mastiff, 2 years, male. (a) Lower eyelid entropion OS at

presentation displaying signs of active secondary keratitis. (b) Left eye
14 days postoperatively following fluorescein staining of cornea
(negative) and prior to suture removal.

(Fig. 1d,e). Having the wedge closure adjacent the lateral

canthus also served to hide any minor defects of the lid mar-
gin after healing. The distance between starting points for
medial and lateral incisions was measured in millimeters and
noted for use in the second eye if required.
The basic Hotz–Celsus procedure was modified by being
truncated at its junction with the lateral wedge excision (Fig.
1c). The incision closest to the lid margin was made 2 – 3 mm
from and parallel with the lower eyelid margin, run-ning from
a point intersecting the medial wedge incision to the medial
Figure 2. Cross-breed dog, 10 months, male. (a) Lower eyelid extent of the entropion. The final incision was made from the
entropion OD at presentation displaying signs of chronic secondary medial point of the first Hotz–Celsus incision and outlined a
keratitis. (b) Same eye intraoperatively following skin incisions and half-crescent before intersecting the medial wedge incision.
completion of truncated Hotz–Celsus skin excision but prior to The distance between these two Hotz–Celsus incisions
completion of lateral wedge excision (see text). (c) Same eye 14
mirrored the amount of eyelid inversion and was typically 3–7
days postoperatively immediately following removal of rapid
hydrolysis sutures by ‘plucking’ (see text) displaying typical mm at its widest point depending on patient size and severity
temporary depigmentation of skin incisions. of entropion. This dimension was also measured in millimeters
and noted for use in the second eye if required.
After all skin incisions had been made, the Hotz–Celsus
the end result of a ‘superimposed’ Hotz–Celsus skin excision procedure was completed using scissors to sharply dissect the
was to reduce the medial wedge incision length several mil- truncated crescent of skin and underlying orbicularis muscle
limetres prior to closure of the wedge, thereby making both from underlying tarsus (Fig. 2b). Finally, the lateral eyelid
wedge sides roughly equal in length prior to wedge closure wedge excision was completed by sectioning the eyelid with

© 2007 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 10, 6–11

entropion correctionin d
ogs and cats 9

Postoperative analgesia was provided during recovery in the

form of topical anesthetic eye drops and a parenteral dose of a
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent. Postoperative treat-ment
consisted of a triple antibiotic ophthalmic ointment (Tricin ,
Jurox, NSW, Australia) applied twice daily for 1 to 2 weeks
and an Elizabethan Collar (Buster , Kruuse, Den-mark). A
postoperative check was performed at around 14 days, at
which time skin sutures were removed, providing they had not
already fallen out (Figs. 2c and 4b).


The results from a total of 160 dogs and 26 cats with lateral
lower lid entropion referred to an ophthalmology referral
service in Australia and treated with the combined Hotz–
Celsus lateral wedge resection procedure as previously defined
were included in the study. This represented all such cases
oper-ated on by a single surgeon over an 8-year period. The
width of the 20 – 30% lower eyelid length wedge excision
typically equated to values from 5 mm in cats and up to 15 mm
or more in giant breed dogs. Signalment and the type of lateral
lower lid entropion diagnosed are summarized in Table 1. The
most common canine breeds treated were the Shar Pei,
Rottweiler, Bull Mastiff and Labrador Retriever, respectively.
The most common feline breeds were the Domestic and British
Short-hair. In both species the incidence of entropion was
approximately 50% higher in males than females. Bilateral
entropion was seen in 109 dogs and 16 cats. The older aver-
age ages of presentation seen in cats and some canine breeds
Figure 4. Shar Pei, 12 months, female neuter. (a) Lower eyelid were generally reflective of higher frequencies of secondary
entropion OD at presentation. (b) Same eye 17 days entropion in those subgroups. This local population breed
postoperatively following rapid hydrolysis sutures falling out at 15 distribution was of course not necessarily representative of the
and 16 days (see text).
wider canine and feline populations.
A second minor procedure was required for 16 of the 269
scissors, using the previous skin incisions as guides to remove canine eyes (5.9%) and 2 of the 42 feline eyes (4.8%) treated
a full-thickness wedge of eyelid (Fig. 1d). with the combined surgical technique, due to recurrence of
Closure commenced with split-thickness single interrupted mild entropion (Table 1). Such procedures typically comprised
skin sutures to close the modified Hotz–Celsus partial thick- an ‘arrow-head’ style modification of the Hotz–Celsus resec-
ness half-crescent skin excision, followed by a double layered tion, with or without a lateral canthal tendonectomy if indi-
closure of the lateral full eyelid thickness wedge including a cated. Second surgeries were required anywhere between 14
figure-of-eight suture for the lid margin (Figs. 1e,f and 3b). days and 8 months from the original surgery, but typically
The authors’ preferred suture material was a rapidly hydrolyz- within 3 months of the first surgery. For the combined dog and
ing form of 5 – 0 (1.0 metric) polyglactin 910 (Vicryl ® cat sample of 311 eyes where entropion was permanently
Rapide, Ethicon, Somerville, New Jersey, USA). resolved with a single combined procedure in 293 eyes, the
With bilateral cases, a mirror image surgery was performed overall single procedure success rate was 94.2%.
on the second eye using the dimensions noted for the first eye,
unless some obvious asymmetry between the degrees of
entropion in each of the eyes dictated otherwise. With uni-
lateral cases where ectropion was present in the second eye, The Hotz–Celsus procedure in its simplest form involves
the owner was given the option of ‘preventative’ surgery on excision of a crescenteric area of eyelid skin and under-lying
the second eye in the form of a simple lateral lower eyelid orbicularis muscle adjacent to the area of lid inversion
wedge resection using the same degree of lid shortening as sufficient to evert the lid margin back to a normal position.
the first eye. When concurrent upper eyelid trichiasis- Lateral eyelid wedge resection involves excision of a trian-
entropion was present, a Stades upper lid skin resection gular full-thickness section of lower lid adjacent to the lateral
procedure 14 was carried out under the same anesthetic. canthus sufficient to shorten an eyelid to the desired length. By
‘superimposing’ the two techniques, the desired

© 2007 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 10, 6–11

10 r e a d a n d b r o u n

Table 1. Summary of canine and feline lower eyelid entropion cases treated with a combined Hotz–Celsus and lateral eyelid wedge
resection technique
Average breed age No. of No. of eyes No. of eyes repeat
Breed Entropion type at presentation animals entropion Sx entropion Sx
Akita All DLLE 10 months 4 6
American Bulldog DLLE 9 months 1 2 2
Basenji DLLE 7 months 1 1
Basset Hound DLLE/Ect 1 year, 6 months 1 2
Boxer DLLE/Ect 1 year, 3 months 1 2
Bull Mastiff All DLLE 1 year, 9 months 20 34 3
Bull Terrier DLLE 6 months 1 2 1
Bulldog 4 DLLE, 1 DLLE/Ect 2 years, 2 months 5 10
Chow Chow All DLLE 2 years, 10 months 5 9 1
Clumber Spaniel DLLE 11 month 1 1
Cocker Spaniel 5 DLLE, 2 DLLE/Ect 1 year, 9 months 7 11
Cross-breed DLLE 10 months 1 2
Curly Coated Retriever DLLE 1 year, 7 months 1 2
Dalmation All DLLE 4 months 2 3
Dogue de Bordeaux All DLLE 1 year, 6 months 2 3
German Shepherd DLLE 6 months 1 2
German Short-haired Pointer DLLE, SLLE 3 years, 10 months 2 3
Golden Retriever All DLLE 2 years, 11 month 2 3
Great Dane All DLLE 1 year, 5 months 4 7
Labrador Retriever 16 DLLE, 1 DLLE/Ect 1 year, 2 months 17 30 2
Newfoundland 2 DLLE, 1 DLLE/Ect 1 year 5 months 3 5
Old English Sheepdog DLLE 11 month 1 1
Rhodesian Ridgeback 3 DLLE, 2 DLLE/Ect 10 months 5 8
Rottweiler 29 DLLE, 2 SLLE 2 years, 6 months 31 46 3
Shar Pei All DLLE 1 year, 3 months 32 60 3
St Bernard All DLLE/Ect 2 years, 5 months 2 4
Staffordshire Bull Terrier 3 DLLE, 2 SLLE 3 years, 2 months 5 7 1
Standard Schnauzer SLLE 13 years, 1 month 1 1
Weimaraner DLLE 1 year, 1 month 1 2
Canine totals 1 year, 10 months 160 269 16
Male : Female 1.46 Re-operated: 5.9%
British Short-hair All SLLE 3 years, 1 month 3 6 2
Domestic 16 SLLE, 3 DLLE 6 years, 10 months 19 29
Himalayan/Colorpoint SLLE 13 years, 1 2
Persian SLLE 5 years, 1 month 1 1
Russian Blue All SLLE 6 years, 7 months 2 4
Feline totals 6 years, 7 months 26 42 2
Male : Female 1.60 Re-operated: 4.8%
Grand totals 2 years, 6 months 186 311 18
Male : Female 1.48 Re-operated: 5.8%
DLLE, developmental lower lid entropion; DLLE/Ect, developmental lower lid entropion and ectropion; SLLE, secondary lower lid entropion.

effects of both are achieved for lateral lower-lid entropion 5

for lateral canthal entropion, a combined tarsorrhaphy-
correction. canthoplasty technique for correction of entropion and
Alternatives to the Hotz–Celsus procedure and its modi- 19
fications for permanently correcting lower lid entropion, with ectropion, and a lateral canthoplasty technique for correc-
or without ectropion, have included Wyman’s lateral a 20
Hotz– Celsus procedure with a tarsal tion of macropalpebral fissure. The two latter approaches
canthoplasty may be considered more complex than the combination
17 1,2,11 technique described in this report, given the need for larger
pedicle and a ‘Y to V’ blepharoplasty (the latter skin resections, and splitting and shortening of both upper and
typically for cicatricial entropion). Techniques other than a lower lateral eyelids. Even in cases of quite obvious macro-
simple lateral eyelid wedge resection advocated for ectropion palpebral fissure, the gravity effect on the upper lid was
correction include the Kuhnt–Hembold Kuhnt– sufficient to ensure adequate upper lid margin conformation to
1,2,12 18 globe following a combined Hotz–Celsus lateral lower lid
Szymanowski and modified Kuhnt–Szymanowski wedge resection. If upper eyelid trichiasis-entropion was also
procedures. More recent approaches to these problems also 14
include a lateral canthal tendonectomy technique (combined present, a Stades upper lid skin resection procedure was
with a variety of other secondary blepharoplasty techniques) performed.

© 2007 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 10, 6–11

entropion correctionin do
gs and cats 11
A combination of the Hotz–Celsus procedure and an eyelid
wedge resection is mentioned as an option for treating entropion would fall out between 14 and 18 days, unlike nonabsorbable
12,13 or slower dissolving sutures. In addition, rapid hydrolysis
cases with concurrent ectropion. A modification of the
ensured minimal inflammatory reaction if sutures were left in
Quickert technique for humans is described where, after the Hotz–
Celsus skin excision has been performed, a wedge of eyelid place, unlike the significant inflammation seen when standard
12 polyglactin 910, which may take several weeks to dissolve if
margin is excised from the center of the Hotz–Celsus procedure. not removed, is used for skin sutures.
This differs to the combination technique described in this report,
where the lower lid wedge excision commences adjacent to the lateral
canthus and is the initial or primary component of surgery, with the
truncated Hotz–Celsus excision running medially from the lateral 1. Bedford PGC. Diseases and surgery of the canine eyelid. In: Veteri-
wedge as the secondary component. Lateral positioning of the wedge nary Ophthalmology, 3rd edn. (ed. Gelatt KN) Lippincott, Williams &
means that any minor lid margin defects following surgery are hidden, Wilkins, Philadelphia, 1999; 535 – 568.
thereby improving cosmesis. Using a wedge excision as the primary 2. Gelatt KN. The canine eyelids. In: Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2nd
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concurrent ectropion, is justified on the basis of longer palpebral 3. Slatter DH. Eyelids. In: Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology,
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4. Miller WH, Albert RA. Canine entropion. Compendium of Continuing
prone to developmental entropion, and the success rate of such an Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 1998; 10: 431– 438.
approach as demonstrated in this report. Although the procedure 5. Robertson BF, Roberts SM. Lateral canthus entropion in the dog, 2:
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5 Veterinary and Comparative Ophthalmology 1995; 5: 162 –169.
potential cause of entropion, shortening the lower lid directly 6. Roberts SR, Lipton DE. The eye. In: Feline Medicine and Surgery,
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in correcting entropion even in the Mastiff-type breeds prone to Barbara, 1975; 485–518.
having this underlying cause for entropion. In addition, the 7. Weiss CW. Feline entropion. Feline Practice 1980; 10: 38.
number of Mastiff-type breeds requiring second surgeries was 8. Nasisse MP. Feline ophthalmology. In: Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2nd
comparable to other breeds. edn. (ed. Gelatt KN) Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1991; 529 –575.
9. Stades FC, Boeve MH, van der Woerdt A. Palpebral fissure length in
Success rates for conventional forms of entropion correc- the dog and cat. Progress in Veterinary and Comparative
tion, such as the Hotz–Celsus procedure in dogs and cats, do Ophthalmology 1992; 2: 155–161.
not appear to have been reported. In the authors’ experience, 10. Hotz CC. Operation for entropion. Archives of Ophthalmology 1879;
3: 249.
the frequency of a second surgical procedure being required
11. Menges RW. An operation for entropion in the dog. Journal of
for entropion cases treated solely with a Hotz–Celsus or
the American Veterinary Medical Association 1946; 109: 464.
modified Hotz–Celsus procedure was markedly higher prior to 12. Gelatt KN, Gelatt JP. Surgery of the eyelids. In: Handbook of Small
switching to combining this with a lateral wedge excision. Animal Ophthalmic Surgery Volume 1: Extraocular procedures.
However, historic case data were not available to substantiate Perma-gon, Oxford, 1994; 69 –123.
this observation. The single procedure success rate of 94.2% 13. Moore CP, Constantinescu GM. Surgery of the adnexa. Veterinary
for the combined procedure described in this report compares Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, Surgical
favorably with other more recent entropion and/or ectropion Management of Ocular Disease 1997; 27: 1011–1065.
correction techniques. A single procedure was previously 14. Stades FC. A new method for surgical correction of upper eyelid
sufficient to resolve 100 out of 124 eyes (80.6%) using a com- trichiasis-entropion: operation method. Journal of the American
bined tarsorrhaphy-canthoplasty technique for correction of Animal Hospital Association 1987; 23: 603 – 606.
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20 Medicine/Small Animal Clinician 1978; 73: 1165 –1168.
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21 17. Wyman M, Wilkie DA. New surgical procedure for entropion cor-
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material (Vicryl Rapide, Ethicon), although not typically procedure for correction of atonic entropion in dogs. Journal of the
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© 2007 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 10, 6–11

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