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Materi Pembelajaran : Narrative text

Kelas /Semester : XI / 2 (dua)
Alokasi waktu : 6 x 45” (3 pertemuan)

Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Melalui pendekatan saintifik dengan model pembelajaran discovery learning, peserta didik
mampu mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks berbentuk naratif (yang salah satunya merupakan kalimat langsung dan tidak
langsung) dengan tepat, baik, jujur, dan santun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Sedangkan dengan model pembelajaran cooperative learning peserta didik mampu untuk
menemukan dan menceritakan isi teks berbentuk naratif secara kolaboratif dengan tepat,
baik, jujur, dan santun.

Metode :

a. Pendekatan : Scientific approach

b. Model : Discovery Learning dan Collaborative Learning
c. Metode : diskusi, tanya jawab, role play, penugasan

Media Pembelajaran :
1. Media/Alat : Papan tulis, spidol, teks naratif, lembar kerja, slide ppt, projector
2. Sumber Belajar :
a. Buku Bahasa Inggris Edisi Revisi 2017
b. Kamus Bilingual Inggris-Indonesia/Indonesia-Inggris
c. Internet

Materi Pembelajaran :
1. Fungsi social teks naratif
A text that entertains or amuses the readers or listener with fictional story
2. Struktur teks teks naratif, yang meliputi:
a. Orientation, the part of narrative text that introduces the characters and the setting
of the story
b. Complication, the part of narrative text that tells about the problem that is faced by
the main character
c. Resolution, the ending of the story it can be either tragedy or comedy
3. Unsur kebahasaan teks naratif yang meliputi;
a. Simple past tense
b. Direct-Indirect speech
c. Adverb of time

Tahap Pembelajaran :

1. Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 menit )

Proses pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan Saintifik, dengan model pembelajaran
Discovery Learning. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran secara umum dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan
yaitu kegiatan pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan kegiatan penutup.

a. PENDAHULUAN (10 Menit)
 Salam
 Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa (disiplin)
 Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa bersama
 Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dan tujuan pembelajaran
 Guru melakukan apersepsi dengan menanyakan tentang teks-teks
naratif yang mungkin telah siswa jumpai sebelumnya
 Guru memberi motivasi siswa untuk belajar
 Guru menyampaikan tekhnik penilaian yang akan digunakan
b. Langkah 1: Pemberian Stimulus (5 menit)
 Siswa diberikan sebuah teks berbentuk naratif dalam bentuk paper
ataupun slide ppt
 Siswa diminta untuk membaca dalam hati teks yang diberikan
 Siswa diberi pertanyaan tentang beberapa kosakata yang terdapat
dalam teks
Langkah 2: Pengumpulan Informasi (10 menit)
 Siswa membuat daftar kosakata yang belum mereka ketahui sesuai
dengan kapasitas diri masing-masing
 Siswa mencari arti kosakata bahasa Inggris yang telah mereka daftar
sebelumnya dengan menggunakan kamus
 Siswa dan guru bertanya jawab mengenai penggunaan kosakata
secara kontekstual
 Siswa berdiskusi untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif
Langkah 3 : Pengolahan Data (25 menit)
Siswa menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
dari teks yang telah dibaca sebelumnya secara berpasangan dengan
teman sebangku
Langkah 4: Verifikasi Hasil (20 menit)
 Siswa mengomunikasikan hasil diskusi dengan santun
 Siswa yang lain dan guru memberi feedback
Langkah 5: Generalisasi (10 menit)
Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan hasil diskusi

c. PENUTUP ( 10 Menit )
 Guru memberikan refleksi terhadap pembelajaran
 Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada siswa
 Guru memberi tahukan materi yang akan dipelajari pada
pertemuan berikutnya
 Memberi salam

2. Pertemuan Kedua (2 x 45 menit)

Proses pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan saintifik dengan model pembelajaran
Discovery Learning, Pelaksanaan pembelajaran secara umum dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan
yaitu kegiatan pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan kegiatan penutup.


a. PENDAHULUAN (10 Menit)

 Salam
 Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa
 Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa bersama
 Guru melakukan apersepsi mengenai materi pelajaran yang lalu
 Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dan tujuan pembelajaran
 Guru menyampikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari
pelajaran yang akan dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

b. KEGIATAN INTI ( 70 Menit)

1) Langkah 1: Pemberian Stimulus (10 menit)
 Siswa diberikan tayangan yang berisi kalimat langusng dan tak
 Siswa diminta untuk mengamati tayangan yang diberikan
 Guru bertanya tentang pengetahuan siswa mengenai kalimat langsung
dan tidak langsung
2) Langkah 2: Pengumpulan Informasi (15 menit)
 Siswa diminta untuk memberi contoh mengenai kalimat langsung dan
tidak langsung dengan cara berlakon
 Siswa diberi penjelasan tentang struktur kalimat langsung dan tidak
 Siswa diberikan lembar kerja oleh guru
3) Langkah 3 : Pengolahan Data (25 menit)
Siswa mengubah kalimat langsung yang telah ditemukan ke dalam kalimat
langsung dengan teman sebangku
4) Langkah 4: Verifikasi Hasil (15 menit)
Guru dan siswa memeriksa bersama hasil dari pekerjaan siswa
5) Langkah 5: Generalisasi (5 menit)
Siswa bersama guru menarik kesimpulan mengenai penggunaan dan
struktur kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung

c. PENUTUP ( 10 Menit )
 Guru memberikan refleksi terhadap pembelajaran dengan cara
memberi pertanyaan mengenai kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung
 Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada siswa
 Guru memberi tahukan materi yang akan dipelajari pada pertemuan
 Memberi salam

3. Pertemuan Ketiga ( 2 x 45 menit)

Proses pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan saintifik dengan model pembelajaran
Cooperative Learning, Pelaksanaan pembelajaran secara umum dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan
yaitu kegiatan pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan kegiatan penutup.


a. PENDAHULUAN (10 Menit)

 Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa
 Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa bersama
 Guru melakukan apersepsi mengenai materi pelajaran yang lalu seperti
bertanya tentang fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
berbentuk naratif dan contoh-contoh peruabahan kalimat langsung ke tidak
 Guru memberi motivasi siswa untuk belajar
 Guru menyampaikan teknik yang akan digunakan untuk mengasess

b. KEGIATAN INTI ( 70 Menit)

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan tersebut, yakni siswa
mampu menangkap dan menceritakan isi teks berbentuk naratif secara sopan,
santun dan jujur
 Siswa diberikan daftar kosakata yang nantinya akan termuat di dalam teks
 Siswa menyebutkan arti dari kosakata yang telah diberikan
 Siswa diberikan sebuah teks berbentuk naratif mengenai cerita rakyat Papua
Siswa membentuk kelompok belajar dengan teman sebangku
 Siswa menentukan struktur teks dari teks yang telah diberikan
 Guru memberikan soal atau daftar pertanyaan mengenai informasi rinci dari
teks naratif
 Siswa secara berkelompok mengerjakan soal yang telah diberikan
Siswa mengkomunikasikan hasil kerja kelompok
Kelompok lain memberikan umpan balik dengan bantuan guru
c. PENUTUP ( 10 Menit )
 Guru memberikan refleksi terhadap pembelajaran
 Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada siswa
 Guru memberi tahukan materi yang akan dipelajari pada pertemuan
 Memberi salam

Penilaian :

1. Teknik penilaian:
b. Penilaian Sikap : Observasi/Pengamatan
c. Penilaian Pengetahuan : Tes tertulis dan tes lisan
d. Penilaian Ketrampilan : Tes tertulis dan tes lisan
2. Bentuk Penilaian:
a. Penilaian Sikap ; Jurnal guru
b. Penilaian Pengetahuan : Uraian dan tanya jawab
c. Penilaian Ketrampilan : Uraian
3. Instrumen penilaian:
a. Penilaian Sikap : (terlampir)
b. Penilaian Pengetahuan : (terlampir)
c. Penilaian Ketrampilan : (terlampir)

Nabire, 12 Apil 2019

Guru Matpel

Edha Ika Damayanti, S.Pd

Lampiran Instrumen Penilaian

A. Pertemuan Pertama
1. Penilaian Sikap
No Waktu Nama Siswa Kejadian/Perilaku Butir Pos/Neg Tindak
Sikap Lanjut

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
a. Kisi kisi soal
No. KD Materi Indikator Soal Level No Bentuk
kognitif Soal Soal
1 3.8. Membedakan 1. Fungsi social  Disajikan C2 1-3 Uraian
fungsi sosial, teks naratif sebuah teks
struktur teks, 2. Struktur teks berbentuk
dan unsur teks naratif, naratif, siswa
kebahasaan yang dapat
beberapa teks meliputi: mengidentifikasi
naratif lisan a. Orientation fungsi sosial,
dan tulis b. Complication struktur teks,
dengan c. Resolution dan unsur
memberi dan 3. Unsur kebahasaan
meminta kebahasaan teks berbentuk
informasi teks naratif naratif
terkait legenda yang
rakyat, meliputi;  Disajikan C3 4-5 Uraian
sederhana, a.Simple past sebuah teks
sesuai dengan tense berbentuk
konteks b. Direct- naratif, siswa
penggunaannya Indirect dapat
speech menjelaskan
c. Adverb of fungsi sosial,
time struktur teks,
dan unsur
teks berbentuk
b. Butir Soal

The Legend of Coconut Tree

Once upon a time in the Moor Island in Papua lived a husband and a wife. The husband's
name was Mora, and the wife's name was Taribuy. They lived alone. There were no any other
people lived on the island.
The land in Moor Island was fertile. Every plant grew well. The couple did not have any
problems with food. They could eat every fruits and vegetables on the island. The couple lived
Mora and Taribuy did not have any child. The couple hoped they could have one child so
their live would be happier. They prayed to God to give them a child.
And God answered their prayers. Taribuy was pregnant. The couple was extremely happy.
Mora worked harder. He cleared the land and he built a bigger house. He asked his wife just to
stay at home and did not work hard. He wanted his wife and the baby to be healthy.
Nine months later, the baby was born. He was a baby boy. Mora named him Reio. Mora
and Taribuy were very happy. They took care of Reio with love.
Reio grew up as a good kid. He always helped his parents. Every morning he helped his
father go hunting the animals and picking up some fruits and vegetables.
One day, Mora and Reio were hunting. While they were looking for the animals, suddenly
Mora felt there was something wrong with his body.
"Are you okay, Father?" asked Reio
"I'm not sure, Son. I don't feel comfortable."
They went home. Taribuy was really worried. She took care of her husband. She asked
her son to pick certain leaves. She wanted to make traditional medicine. Unfortunately the
medicine did not work. Mora's illness was getting worse. Mora was getting weaker. Mora felt he
would not live longer. He called his wife and his son and gave them a message.
"My wife and my son, I'm getting weaker. I feel I'm going to die soon," said Mora
"Please, don't say that, Father. We will do our best to heal you," said Reio. He was crying.
"That's okay, Son. I know you and your mother have done your best. But listen. If I die, please
bury me in the front yard. Clear my graveyard every day. And when a tree grows in my graveyard,
take care of the tree. It will be useful for you," said Mora.
Not long after that, Mora died. Reio and his mother were very sad. And they did Mora's
request. They buried him in the front yard.
What Mora said was true. A tree grew in Mora’s graveyard. Reio and his mother did not
know anything about the tree. It was strange. They had never seen the tree before. The fruit was
hard. And when they peeled the skin, they found harder fruit inside. They broke it and found
sweet water. And they also found the meat of the fruit was delicious. They loved the tree.
They named the tree as Nera. The tree grew well and now the tree is known as coconut
I. Reading Comprehension
Answer the following questions!
1. What is the genre of the above text?
2. What is the social function of the above text?
3. Mention the text structure of the above text!
4. What language features of the the above story?
5. What is the moral value of the text??

c. Kunci Jawaban:
1. The text is narrative text
2. The social function of narrative text is to entertain or amuse the readers of listeners with a
fictional story about a legend of coconut tree
3. Orientation : 1st paragraph
Complication: 2nd – 8th paragraph
Resolution: 9th -10th Paragraph
4. a. The use of past tense
b. The use of adverb of time
c. The use of direct – indirect speech
5. The moral value is that we have to oblige our parents’ will

Pedoman penskoran:

Kriteria Skor
Jawaban disampaikan secara lengkap dengan bahasa santun dan 3
struktur bahasa yang tepat
Jawaban disampaikan secara kurang lengkap dengan bahasa santun 2
dan struktur bahasa yang tepat
Jawaban disampaikan secara tidak lengkap dengan bahasa santun 1
dan struktur bahasa yang tepat

𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 = 𝑥 100
𝐽𝑢𝑚𝑙𝑎ℎ 𝑆𝑜𝑎𝑙

Rentang Nilai
Nilai Predikat
88-100 A
74-87 B
60-73 C
<60 D

B. Pertemuan Kedua
1. Penilaian Sikap
No Waktu Nama Siswa Kejadian/Perilaku Butir Pos/Neg Tindak
Sikap Lanjut

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
a. Kisi kisi soal
No. Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Soal Level No Bentuk
kognitif Soal Soal
1 3.8. Membedakan 1. Fungsi social Disajikan sebuah C6 1-5 Uraian
fungsi sosial, teks naratif teks berbentuk
struktur teks, 2. Struktur teks teks naratif, siswa
dan unsur naratif, yang dapat
kebahasaan meliputi: mengidentifikasi
beberapa teks a. Orientation kalimat langsung
naratif lisan b. Complication dang tak
dan tulis c. Resolution langsung serta
dengan 3. Unsur kebahasaan dapat mengubah
memberi dan teks naratif yang kalimat langsung
meminta meliputi; ke tak langsung
informasi a. Simple past begitu pula
terkait legenda tense sebaliknya
rakyat, b. Direct-Indirect
sederhana, speech
sesuai dengan c. Adverb of time

b. Butir Soal
Once upon a time in the Moor Island in Papua lived a husband and a wife. The husband's
name was Mora, and the wife's name was Taribuy. They lived alone. There were no any other
people lived on the island.
The land in Moor Island was fertile. Every plant grew well. The couple did not have any
problems with food. They could eat every fruits and vegetables on the island. The couple lived
Mora and Taribuy did not have any child. The couple hoped they could have one child so
their live would be happier. They prayed to God to give them a child.
And God answered their prayers. Taribuy was pregnant. The couple was extremely happy.
Mora worked harder. He cleared the land and he built a bigger house. He asked his wife just
to stay at home and did not work hard. He wanted his wife and the baby to be healthy.
Nine months later, the baby was born. He was a baby boy. Mora named him Reio. Mora and
Taribuy were very happy. They took care of Reio with love.
Reio grew up as a good kid. He always helped his parents. Every morning he helped his
father go hunting the animals and picking up some fruits and vegetables.
One day, Mora and Reio were hunting. While they were looking for the animals, suddenly
Mora felt there was something wrong with his body.
"Are you okay, Father?" asked Reio
"I'm not sure, Son. I don't feel comfortable."
They went home. Taribuy was really worried. She took care of her husband. She asked
her son to pick certain leaves. She wanted to make traditional medicine. Unfortunately the
medicine did not work. Mora's illness was getting worse. Mora was getting weaker. Mora felt
he would not live longer. He called his wife and his son and gave them a message.
"My wife and my son, I'm getting weaker. I feel I'm going to die soon," said Mora
"Please, don't say that, Father. We will do our best to heal you," said Reio. He was crying.
"That's okay, Son. I know you and your mother have done your best. But listen. If I die, please
bury me in the front yard. Clear my graveyard every day. And when a tree grows in my
graveyard, take care of the tree. It will be useful for you," said Mora.
Not long after that, Mora died. Reio and his mother were very sad. And they did Mora's
request. They buried him in the front yard.
What Mora said was true. A tree grew in Mora’s graveyard. Reio and his mother did not
know anything about the tree. It was strange. They had never seen the tree before. The fruit
was hard. And when they peeled the skin, they found harder fruit inside. They broke it and
found sweet water. And they also found the meat of the fruit was delicious. They loved the
They named the tree as Nera. It means the head of Mora. The tree grew well and now the
tree is known as coconut tree

Change the following direct sentences into indirect sentences!

1. "Are you okay, Father?" asked Reio
2. "I'm not sure, Son. I don't feel comfortable."
3. "My wife and my son, I'm getting weaker.” Said Mora
4. “I feel I'm going to die soon," said Mora
5. "Please, don't say that, Father. We will do our best to heal you," said Reio
6. "That's okay, Son. I know you and your mother have done your best.” said father.
7. “But listen. If I die, please bury me in the front yard.”
8. “Clear my graveyard every day.” Said Mora
9. “And when a tree grows in my graveyard, take care of the tree.” Said Mora
10. “It will be useful for you," said Mora.
c. Kunci Jawaban:
1. "Are you okay, Father?" asked Reio.
Reio asked his father whether he was okay.
2. "I'm not sure, Son. I don't feel comfortable." Said Mora
Mora said that he wasn’t sure and that he didn’t feel comfortable.
3. "My wife and my son, I'm getting weaker.” Said Mora
Mora said to his wife and his son that he was getting weaker.
4. “I feel I'm going to die soon," said Mora.
Mora said that he felt he was going to die soon.
5. "Please, don't say that, Father. We will do our best to heal you," said Reio.
Reio begged his father to not say that. They would do their best.
6. "That's okay, Son. I know you and your mother have done your best.” said father.
Father said that it was okay. He knew that Reio and his mother had done their best.
7. “But listen. If I die, please bury me in the front yard.” Said Mora.
Mora said that if he died, bury him in the front yard.
8. “Clear my graveyard every day.” Said Mora to Reio
Mora asked Reio to clear his graveyard everyday.
9. “When a tree grows in my graveyard, take care of the tree.” Said Mora to his son.
Mora told to his son when a tree grew in his graveyard, take care of the tree.
10. “It will be useful for you," said Mora.
Mora said it would be useful for him.

a. Pedoman penskoran:

Kriteria Skor
Jawaban ditulis dengan struktur kalimat yang tepat dan sesuai 2
Jawaban ditulis dengan struktur kalimat yang kurang tepat dan 1

𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 = 𝑥 100
𝐽𝑢𝑚𝑙𝑎ℎ 𝑆𝑜𝑎𝑙
B. Pertemuan Ketiga
1. Penilaian Sikap
No Waktu Nama Siswa Kejadian/Perilaku Butir Pos/Neg Tindak
Sikap Lanjut

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
a. Kisi kisi soal
No Kompetensi Materi Indikator Level No Bentu
. Dasar Soal kognit Soa k Soal
if l
4 Menangkap 4.8.1. Fungsi Disajikan P5 z 1-5 Uraia
makna secara social teks sebuah teks n
kontekstual naratif naratif
terkait fungsi 4.8.2. Struktur pendek,
sosial, struktur teks teks siswa
teks, dan naratif, yang mampu
unsur meliputi: menangkap
kebahasaan a. Orientation dan
teks naratif, b. Complication menceritaka
lisan dan tulis c. Reorientation n informasi
sederhana 4.8.3. Unsur rinci dari
terkait legenda kebahasaan teks naratif
rakyat teks naratif mengenai
yang meliputi; cerita rakyat
a. Simple past Papua
b. Direct-Indirect
c. Adverb of time
b. Butir Soal
Read the following story and answer the questions that follow!

The Legend of Towjatuwa

Once upon a time in Papua, Towjatuwa and his wife lived by the Tami River.
They were very happy. They had been waiting to have a baby and after some time,
his wife got pregnant. The pregnancy was in the ninth month.
Soon, his wife would give a birth. The days passed by, but his wife was still
unable to give birth. She had a problem that made her in greater pain. To help her
give the birth, Towjatuma needed a sharp stone. He wanted to have an operation
to help his wife.
So, he went to the river side to find a sharp stone. While busy looking for
the stone, he heard a noise. He was so scared. He knew the river was full of
crocodiles. Just before he left, a big crocodile was in front of him! The crocodile
was different from any other crocodiles. It had feathers. The feathers were like
kasuwari's. Towjatuma was ready to run, suddenly the crocodile talked.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to harm you. What are you doing here?" asked the
crocodile politely.
Towjatuma was really scared. He was really amazed to see a crocodile talked like
humans. After a while, he then answered.
"I'm here to find a sharp stone. My wife is pregnant and she has a problem. She
cannot give birth. So, I want to do an operation," explained Towjatuma.
"I will help you. Go home now and I'll come to your house tomorrow," said the
Towjatuma immediately went back to his house. When he arrived, he
explained about the crocodile to his wife. On the following day, the crocodile came
to Towjatuma's house. With his magical power, the crocodile helped her to give
birth. The baby was a boy. The crocodile named him Narrowra.
"Towjatuma, I already helped you. Now I ask you to help me. Your son
Narrowra will grow as a great hunter. He has great skills in hunting. He can catch
many animals. However, don't hunt my friends, the crocodiles. You have to tell
Narrowra not to hunt crocodiles. And not only Narrowra, all your descendants have
to protect crocodiles. If they hunt and eat crocodile meat, all your descendants will
die," said the crocodile.
"Yes, I understand. I will never forget your help. So I will teach my child and all my
descendants to protect you and your friends," said Towjatuma. Since then,
Towjatuma and his descendants promised to protect the crocodiles from other
hunters. They also protected other animals that lived in the river.

Answer the following questions based on the passage you have read!
1. What is the problem did the wife have?
2. What did Towjatua need a sharp stone for?
3. How was the characteristic of the crocodile?
4. What is the crocodile’s prediction about the couple’s baby boy?
5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

B. Kunci Jawaban dan Pedoman Penskoran:

No Uraian Jawaban/Kata Kunci Skor

1 The wife had a problem of delivering the baby 2
2 He needed the sharp stone to help his wife deliver the baby 2
3 He was kind and polite 2
4 That he would grow as a man who had a great skill to hunt 2
5 Towjatua was seeking for sharp stone to do an operation on his wife 2
Total Skor 10

Kriteria Skor
Jawaban ditulis secara tepat dengan struktur kalimat yang benar dan sesuai 2
Jawaban ditulis secara kurang tepat dengan struktur kalimat yang benar dan 1

3. Penilaian
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 = 𝑥 100
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