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Fakultas Teknik
Jurusan Teknik Industri
Tugas Akhir Sarjana
Semester Genap 2017/2018



Anshary Sulaiman 1701360274

Devin 1801420596


PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang

manufaktur. Dalam menjaga konsistensi mutu suatu produk agar memiliki proses
bisnis yang berkualitas dan mampu memenuhi keinginan pelanggan maka perlu
dilakukan suatu usaha untuk mengingkatkan performa dari perusahaan salah satunya
dengan metode six sigma. Tujuan dari observasi ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah
teratas defect pada proses produksi yang terjadi untuk diselesaikan terlebih dahulu.
Yang kedua adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang terjadi sehingga produk defect
muncul. Dan tujuan yang terakhir adalah memberikan usulan perbaikan dalam proses
produksi pembuatan kabel NYY untuk mengurangi terjadinya produk defect.
Observasi ini menggunakan tools dari six sigma dengan pendekatan metode Define-
Measure-Analyze-Improve- Control (DMAIC) dan dengan software minitab agar
dapat mengurangi cacat hasil proses yang dihasilkan. Menanggapi hal tersebut, maka
peningkatan pada proses pengendalian kualitas di Kabelindo dilakukan dengan
menggunakan metode Six Sigma Process Improvement (SSPI) melalui tahapan Define-
Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) dan didapatkan bahwa saat ini
Kabelindo berada pada level 3,9 sigma yang artinya rata-rata industri Indonesia.
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan AHP untuk menemukan faktor penyebab defect yang
paling dominan, maka didapatkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kualitas
kabel NYY adalah Man > Machine > Method > Material > Environment. Adapun
perbaikan proses yang disarankan adalah dengan menjadwalkan preventive
maintenance, menerapkan metode PokaYoke, dan mengadakan training pada operator
untuk setting temperatur, dan pengawasan oleh supervisor.

Kata Kunci: Kualitas, Six Sigma, DMAIC, Pareto, Fishbone, Analytical

Hierarchy Process (AHP), FMEA

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Industrial Engineering
Final Project Bachelor Degree
Even Semester 2017/2018



Anshary Sulaiman 1701360274

Devin 1801420596


PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk is a company engaged in many type of cable

manufacturing. In maintaining the consistency of the quality of a product in order to
have a quality business process and able to meet the customer desires it is necessary
to do an effort to improve the performance of the company one of them with six sigma
method. The purpose of this observation is to know the top number of defects in the
production process that happened to be completed first. The second is to know the
factors that occur so that defect products appear. And the last objective is to provide
the suggestions for improvement in the production process of NYY cable
manufacturing to reduce the occurrence of defect products. This observation uses six
sigma tools using the Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) approach
and with minitab software to reduce the output of defects product. In response, the
improvement in quality control process in Kabelindo is determined by using Six Sigma
Process Improvement (SSPI) method through Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-
Control (DMAIC) stage and the level of six sigma in PT Kabelindo is at 3.9 sigma
level which means the average of Indonesian industry. Based on the results of AHP
calculations that the most important factors influence the quality of the production
cable NYY is Man > Machine > Method > Material > Environment. The suggested
process improvement is by scheduling preventive maintenance, applying PokaYoke
method, and conducting training on operator for temperature setting, and supervision
by supervisor.

Keywords: Quality, Six Sigma, DMAIC, Pareto, Fishbone, Analytical Hierarchy

Process (AHP), FMEA


Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena berkat
rahmat dan karunianya maka penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas akhir tentang
Pengendalian Kualitas Pada Proses Pembuatan Kabel Tipe NYY PT Kabelindo Murni
Tbk. Tujuan dari pembuatan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk memenuhi persyaratan
kelulusan Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bina Nusantara.
Selama menyelesaikan penyusunan tugas akhir ini penulis telah banyak menerima
bantuan dari berbagai pihak yang memberikan bimbingan dan masukan selama proses
penyususan. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih
sebesar-besarnya kepada:
1. Bapak Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, M.M., selaku Rektor BINUS University.
2. Bapak Dr. Ir. John Fredy Bobby Saragih, M.Si., selaku Dekan Fakultas Teknik
BINUS University.
3. Bapak Taufik S.T., M.M., Ph. D., selaku Ketua Jurusan Teknik Industri BINUS
4. Ibu Siti Nur Fadlilah A., S.T., M.T., selaku Dosen Pembimbing di BINUS
University yang telah memberikan bimbingan dan arahan dalam menyelesaikan
tugas akhir ini.
5. Ibu Nancy Margaretha, selaku HRD yang telah memberikan kesempatan untuk
melakukan observasi di PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk.
6. Manager, supervisor dan karyawan PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk yang telah
memberikan bimbingan selama pengerjaan tugas akhir di perusahaan berlangsung.
7. Keluarga yang telah memberikan dukungan dalam menyelesaikan tugas akhir ini.
8. Teman-teman yang telah mendukung dan membantu dalam menyelesaikan tugas
akhir ini.
Dalam penyusunan tugas akhir ini, penulis menyadari masih terdapat banyak
kekurangan baik dari segi materi maupun penyajiannya, dikarenakan keterbatasan
ilmu pengetahuan dan wawasan serta pengalaman yang penulis miliki. Oleh karena
itu, penulis mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan tersebut, penulis mengharapkan saran
dan kritik yang membangun untuk menyempurnakan laporan ini.
Akhir kata, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya dan
semoga tugas akhir ini dapat memberikan informasi bagi masyarakat serta bermanfaat
untuk pengembangan wawasan dan peningkatan ilmu bagi semua pihak.

Jakarta, 14 Juli 2018




HALAMAN SAMPUL ................................................................................................. i
HALAMAN JUDUL.................................................................................................... ii
HALAMAN PERNYATAAN ORISINALITAS ........................................................ iii
ABSTRAK .................................................................................................................. iv
KATA PENGANTAR ................................................................................................. v
DAFTAR ISI ............................................................................................................... vi
DAFTAR GAMBAR ................................................................................................. vii
BAB 1 PENDAHULUAN ........................................................................................... 1
1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah ......................................................................... 1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah ................................................................................... 2
1.3 Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian ............................................................... 2
1.3.1 Tujuan Penelitian ........................................................................... 2
1.4 Sistematika Penulisan ............................................................................. 3
BAB 2 LANDASAN TEORI ....................................................................................... 4
2.1 Kuliatas Produk....................................................................................... 4
2.2 Pengendalian Kualitas............................................................................. 5
2.3 Six Sigma................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 Pengertian Six Sigma ..................................................................... 7
2.3.2 DMAIC .......................................................................................... 9
2.4 Statistical Process Control (SPC)......................................................... 10
2.4.1 Diagram Pareto ............................................................................ 11
2.4.2 Diagram Sebab Akibat (Cause and Effect Diagram) .................. 12
2.4.3 Histogram .................................................................................... 13
2.4.4 P - Chart ...................................................................................... 14
2.5 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) .......................................... 14
2.6 Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
BAB 3 METODOLOGI PENELITIAN..................................................................... 19
3.1 Diagram Alir Penelitian ........................................................................ 19
3.2 Penjelasan Diagram Alir Penelittian ..................................................... 20
BAB 4 PEMBAHASAN ............................................................................................ 21
4.1 Profil Perusahaan .................................................................................. 21
4.2 Pengumpulan Data ................................................................................ 23
4.3 Pengolahan Data dan Analisis Data ...................................................... 24
4.3.1 Define ........................................................................................ 24
4.3.2 Measure ..................................................................................... 27
4.3.3 Analyze ...................................................................................... 31
4.3.4 Improve ..................................................................................... 34
4.3.5 Control ...................................................................................... 37
BAB 5 KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN ..................................................................... 38
5.1 Kesimpulan.............................................................................................. 38
5.2 Saran ....................................................................................................... 38
REFERENSI ............................................................................................................. viii
LAMPIRAN ................................................................................................................ ix
DAFTAR RIWAYAT HIDUP ..................................................................................... x


Tabel 2.1 Pencapaian Tingkat Six Sigma…. ................................................................ 8
Tabel 2.2 Severity Rating Scale…. ............................................................................ 15
Tabel 2.3 Occurrence Rating Scale…. ...................................................................... 15
Tabel 2.4 Detection Rating Scale…. .......................................................................... 16
Tabel 2.5 Risk Score Valuees dan Risk Priority Number........................................... 16
Tabel 2.6 Strategi Mitigasi Risiko…. ........................................................................ 17
Tabel 2.7 Contoh Kuesioner Penilaian…................................................................... 19
Tabel 2.8 Contoh Perhitungan Matriks Pairwise Comparison…. ............................. 19
Tabel 2.9 Mencari Jumlah dari Setiap Kolom…. ...................................................... 20
Tabel 2.10 Hasil Normalisasi Matriks Perbandingan Berpasangan…. ...................... 20
Tabel 2.11 Nilai Random Index (RI)…. ..................................................................... 21
Tabel 4.1 Data Produksi Kabel NYY Tahun 2017…. ............................................... 26
Tabel 4.2 Jenis-jenis Defect Kabel NYY Tahun 2017…. .......................................... 27
Tabel 4.3 Nilai DPMO dengan Six Sigma…. ............................................................. 31
Tabel 4.4 Hasil Perhitungan Nilai UCL dan LCL…. ................................................ 32
Tabel 4.5 Akumulasi Presentase Defect…. ................................................................ 34
Tabel 4.6 Initial Matrix Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi oleh PQA…. ......................... 39
Tabel 4.7 Normalisasi Matrix Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi oleh PQA…................. 39
Tabel 4.8 Perhitungan Weight Sum Vector Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi oleh
PQA…. .................................................................................................... 40
Tabel 4.9 Perhitungan Concistency Vector & Lambda Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi
PQA …. ................................................................................................... 40
Tabel 4.10 Perhitungan Concistency Index & Concistency Ratio Penyebab
Visual/Konstruksi PQA …. .................................................................. 40
Tabel 4.11 Initial Matrix Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi oleh PQC…. ........................ 41
Tabel 4.12 Normalisasi Matrix Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi oleh PQC…. .............. 41
Tabel 4.13 Perhitungan Weight Sum Vector Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi oleh PQC….
................................................................................................................. 42
Tabel 4.14 Perhitungan Concistency Vector & Lambda Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi
PQC …. ................................................................................................... 42
Tabel 4.15 Perhitungan Concistency Index & Consistency Ratio Penyebab
Visual/Konstruksi PQC …. ..................................................................... 42
Tabel 4.16 Initial Matrix Penyebab Short Core to Core oleh PQA…. ...................... 43
Tabel 4.17 Normalisasi Matrix Penyebab Short Core to Core oleh PQA …. ........... 43
Tabel 4.18 Perhitungan Weight Sum Vector Penyebab Short Core to Core oleh PQA
…. ............................................................................................................ 44
Tabel 4.19 Perhitungan Concistency Vector & Lambda Penyebab Short Core to Core
oleh PQA …. ........................................................................................... 44
Tabel 4.20 Perhitungan Concistency Index & Consistency Ratio Penyebab Short Core
to Core oleh PQA …. .............................................................................. 44
Tabel 4.21 Initial Matrix Penyebab Short Core to Core oleh PQC…. ...................... 45
Tabel 4.22 Normalisasi Matrix Penyebab Short Core to Core oleh PQC …. ........... 45
Tabel 4.23 Perhitungan Weight Sum Vector Penyebab Short Core to Core oleh PQC
…. ............................................................................................................ 46
Tabel 4.24 Perhitungan Concistency Vector & Lambda Penyebab Short Core to Core
oleh PQC …. ........................................................................................... 46

Tabel 4.25 Perhitungan Concistency Index & Consistency Ratio Penyebab Short Core
to Core oleh PQC …. .............................................................................. 46
Tabel 4.26 Hasil Perhitungan AHP dari Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi…. ................. 47
Tabel 4.27 Hasil Perhitungan AHP dari Penyebab Short Core to Core…. ............... 47
Tabel 4.28 Rata-Rata Hasil Perhitungan AHP dari PQC dan PQA…. ...................... 47
Tabel 4.29 Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) dari Faktor Penyebab Cacat Kabel
NYY…. ................................................................................................... 49
Tabel 4.30 Rekomendasi dari Faktor Penyebab Cacat Kabel NYY. ......................... 51


Gambar 1.1 Histogram Defect Kabel NYY Tahun 2017…. ........................................ 2
Gambar 2.1 SIPOC Diagram........................................................................................ 9
Gambar 2.2 Diagram Pareto ....................................................................................... 12
Gambar 2.3 Cause and Effect Diagram ..................................................................... 13
Gambar 2.4 Histogram ............................................................................................... 13
Gambar 2.5 Contoh dari RPN Vs RSV Scatter Diagram .......................................... 17
Gambar 2.6 Struktur Hierarki AHP ........................................................................... 19
Gambar 3.1 Diagram Alir Penelitian ......................................................................... 22
Gambar 4.1 Logo Perusahaan PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk .......................................... 24
Gambar 4.2 Struktur Organisasi PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk ....................................... 25
Gambar 4.3 Diagram SIPOC ..................................................................................... 28
Gambar 4.4 Data Defect Kabel NYY Tahun 2017 .................................................... 30
Gambar 4.5 P-Chart Defect Kabel NYY Tahun 2017 ............................................... 33
Gambar 4.6 Diagram Pareto Defect Kabel NYY Tahun 2017 ................................... 35
Gambar 4.7 Diagram Fishbone untuk Jenis Defect pada Visual/Kontruksi .............. 36
Gambar 4.8 Diagram Fishbone untuk Jenis Defect pada Short Core to Core ........... 37
Gambar 4.9 Diagram Analytical Hierarchy Process ................................................... 9
Gambar 4.10 Diagram Pareto RSV ............................................................................ 12
Gambar 4.11 Diagram Pareto RPN .............................................................................. 9
Gambar 2.12 Diagram Scatter RSV & RPN .............................................................. 12


Tabel Penilaian Kriteria Penyebab Short Core to Core Oleh PQC

Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Machine
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Method
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Method
Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Method 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Method 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Material 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Tabel Penilaian Kriteria Penyebab Short Core to Core Oleh PQA

Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Machine
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Method
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Method
Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Method 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Method 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Material 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Tabel Penilaian Kriteria Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi Oleh PQA
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Machine
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Method
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Method
Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Method 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Method 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Material 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Tabel Penilaian Kriteria Penyebab Visual/Konstruksi Oleh PQC

Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Machine
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Method
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Man 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Method
Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Machine 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Method 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Material
Method 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Material 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Environment

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Januari 2017
No. Tgl No. FO Kabel Lot Proses Masalah
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
1 06/01/2017 80-111705-0010 0001 Osh Visual ngelokor/longgar
(NYFGbY) 4 x 120 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV IR rendah (Low
2 06/01/2017 80-016905-0034 0007 Osh
(NYY) 1 x 185 mm2 rm Insulation)
NA2XY 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
3 06/01/2017 50-606604-0009 0010 Osh
1 x 240 mm2 rm belang/hitam/koro
N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV Panjang kabel non
4 09/01/2017 14-610802-0001 0001 Osh
2 x 2.5 mm2 rm standar
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
5 09/01/2017 80-016605-0026 0007 Osh Visual putus
(NYY) 1 x 95 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
6 10/01/2017 80-036005-0001 0001 Osh Thickness non standard
(NYY) 4 x 150 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
7 10/01/2017 80-034505-0033 0010 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
8 11/01/2017 80-035705-0013 0006 Osh Thickness non standard
(NYY) 4 x 120 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
9 11/01/2017 80-036005-0012 0004 Osh Visual putus
(NYY) 4 x 150 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Gulungan tidak
10 11/01/2017 80-111405-0018 0009 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 95 mm2 sm rapi/kepenuhan
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
11 12/01/2017 80-036005-0012 0005 Osh Thickness non standard
(NYY) 4 x 150 mm2 sm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Januari 2017
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
12 12/01/2017 80-016305-0014 0001 Osh Visual putus
(NYY) 1 x 35 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual
13 12/01/2017 80-035405-0025 0001 Osh
(NYY) 4 x 95 mm2 sm lecet/luka/sobek/baret
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
14 12/01/2017 80-016805-0029 0001 Osh Panjang kabel non standar
(NYY) 1 x 150 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
15 12/01/2017 80-036005-0012 0004 Osh Visual putus
(NYY) 4 x 150 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
16 12/01/2017 80-036905-0005 0003 Osh Thickness non standard
(NYY) 4 x 300 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
17 12/01/2017 80-016905-0036 0003 Osh Visual bolong
(NYY) 1 x 185 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
18 12/01/2017 80-032101-0058 0002 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 4 x 1.5 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
19 12/01/2017 80-025901-0114 0001 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
(NYY) 3 x 4 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV Hasil printing
20 12/01/2017 80-033301-0131 0004 Osh
(NYY) 4 x 6 mm2 re kotor/bergaris/ngacak
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV
21 12/01/2017 51-110606-0003 0061 Cab Kawat putus
2 x 10 mm2 rm
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV
22 12/01/2017 51-110606-0003 0107 Cab Kawat putus
2 x 10 mm2 rm
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV
23 12/01/2017 51-110606-0003 0143 Cab Visual sirip/keriput
2 x 10 mm2 rm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Januari 2017
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV
24 12/01/2017 51-110606-0003 0185 Cab Visual jendol
2 x 10 mm2 rm
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV
25 12/01/2017 51-110606-0003 0195 Cab Visual bolong
2 x 10 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1
kV Gulungan tidak
26 12/01/2017 80-111405-0018 0003 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 95 mm2 rapi/kepenuhan
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
27 16/01/2017 80-036605-0012 0001 Osh Thickness non standard
(NYY) 4 x 240 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
28 16/01/2017 80-036605-0012 0003 Osh Thickness non standard
(NYY) 4 x 240 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
29 17/01/2017 80-034105-0027 0014 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
30 17/01/2017 80-036005-0012 0004 Osh Visual putus
(NYY) 4 x 150 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
31 17/01/2017 80-036605-0012 0001 Osh Thickness non standard
(NYY) 4 x 240 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
32 17/01/2017 80-036005-0012 0005 Osh Thickness non standard
(NYY) 4 x 150 mm2 sm
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV
33 17/01/2017 51-110606-0003 0211 Cab Short core to core
2 x 10 mm2 rm
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV
34 17/01/2017 51-110606-0003 0268 Cab Visual putus
2 x 10 mm2 rm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Januari 2017
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
35 20/01/2017 80-110105-0021 0002 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm belang/hitam/koro
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
36 20/01/2017 80-110105-0021 0003 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm belang/hitam/koro
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
37 20/01/2017 80-110105-0021 0008 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm belang/hitam/koro
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
38 20/01/2017 80-110105-0021 0001 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm belang/hitam/koro
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
39 20/01/2017 80-110105-0021 0007 Osh Short core to core
(NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
40 24/01/2017 80-110105-0019 0014 Osh Short core to armour
(NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
41 24/01/2017 80-017105-0044 0008 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 1 x 300 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
42 24/01/2017 80-027305-0004 0001 Osh Visual bolong
(NYY) 3 x 25 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
43 24/01/2017 80-034105-0028 0003 Osh Panjang kabel non standar
(NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Januari 2017
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
44 24/01/2017 80-034105-0029 0008 Osh Visual lecet/luka/sobek/baret
(NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
45 24/01/2017 80-036905-0005 0003 Osh
(NYY) 4 x 300 mm2 sm belang/hitam/koro
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
46 24/01/2017 80-034505-0033 0010 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
(NYY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm
47 24/01/2017 14-610801-0002 0007 Osh
2 x 2.5 mm2 rm STANDAR
N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV
48 24/01/2017 14-632101-0001 0005 Osh Visual lecet/luka/sobek/baret
3 x 6 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
49 24/01/2017 80-034505-0033 0008 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
(NYY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm
50 24/01/2017 80-001611-0002 0001 Insl
(NYA) 95 mm2 rm STANDAR
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
51 25/01/2017 80-017105-0044 0037 Osh Visual putus
(NYY) 1 x 300 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
52 25/01/2017 80-110105-0021 0004 Osh Visual putus
(NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV
53 25/01/2017 14-610801-0002 0001 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
2 x 2.5 mm2 rm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Januari 2017
N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV
54 25/01/2017 14-612101-0001 0001 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
2 x 6 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
55 25/01/2017 80-027305-0004 0001 Osh Visual bolong
(NYY) 3 x 25 mm2 rm
NYY 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
56 31/01/2017 11-325101-0027 0020 Osh
1 x 95 mm2 rm Black belang/hitam/koro
NYY 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
57 31/01/2017 11-325101-0027 0018 Osh
1 x 95 mm2 rm Black belang/hitam/koro

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Februari 2017

No. Tgl No. FO Kabel Lot Proses Masalah

80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 PANJANG KABEL
1 03/02/2017 0012 Osh
0022 mm2 rm NON STANDAR
2 NYY 0.6/1 kV 1 x 95 mm2 rm Black 0018 Osh Visual Bolong
03/02/2017 0027
14-632101- IR rendah (Low
3 N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV 3 x 6 mm2 rm 0003 Osh
03/02/2017 0001 Insulation)
14-670801- IR rendah (Low
4 N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV 5 x 2.5 mm2 rm 0002 Osh
03/02/2017 0001 Insulation)
26-623701- Cu/MGT/XLPE/OS/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV 1T - 1.5
5 0001 Osh Short core to screen
06/02/2017 0001 mm2 rm
6 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0236 Cab visual Kasar
06/02/2017 0003
7 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0400 Cab visual bolong
07/02/2017 0003
8 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0443 Cab visual Kasar
07/02/2017 0003
9 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0029 Cab visual Kasar
07/02/2017 0004
10 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0066 Cab visual bolong
07/02/2017 0004
11 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0102 Cab visual Kasar
07/02/2017 0004
12 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0144 Cab visual Kasar
07/02/2017 0004

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Februari 2017
13 07/02/2017 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0188 Cab visual bolong
14 08/02/2017 NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150 cm/25 + 95 mm2 0029 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
15 08/02/2017 NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150 cm/25 + 95 mm2 0037 Osh Visual Jendol
16 09/02/2017 N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV 2 x 2.5 mm2 rm 0004 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
17 09/02/2017 N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV 4 x 2.5 mm2 rm 0001 Osh visual Kasar
18 09/02/2017 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0360 Osh Short core to Water
19 12/02/2017 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0437 Osh Short core to Water
80-000104- Hasil printing
20 12/02/2017 Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 1.5 mm2 re 0003 Osh
0068 kotor/bergaris/ngacak
21 12/02/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 50 mm2 rm 0009 Osh Visual sobek
22 12/02/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 240 mm2 rm 0005 Osh Visual jendol
23 12/02/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 3 x 4 mm2 re 0008 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
24 12/02/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 3 x 4 mm2 re 0031 Osh Kawat putus
25 12/02/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 3 x 6 mm2 re 0009 Osh Visual Jendol
26 12/02/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 4 mm2 re 0005 Osh Visual Jendol

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Februari 2017
27 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 6 mm2 re 0004 Osh Visual Jendol
12/02/2017 0133
28 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm 0008 Osh Panjang non standard
12/02/2017 0029
29 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm 0027 Osh Visual Jendol
12/02/2017 0029
30 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm 0007 Osh Kelengketan non standard
17/02/2017 0030
31 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 25 mm2 rm 0003 Osh visual Kasar
17/02/2017 0029
80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 Visual konduktor/kawat
32 0014 Osh
17/02/2017 0022 mm2 rm belang/hitam/koro
80-181901- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 3 x 4
33 0005 Arm Short core to Armour
20/02/2017 0042 mm2 re
80-189501- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10
34 0003 Osh IR rendah (Low Insulation)
20/02/2017 0078 mm2 re
80-189501- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10
35 0004 Osh IR rendah (Low Insulation)
20/02/2017 0078 mm2 re
36 N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV 2 x 4 mm2 rm 0005 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
20/02/2017 0002
37 N2XSY 12/20 kV 1 x 70 mm2 cm 0002 Osh Visual Jendol
20/02/2017 0025
38 NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150 cm/25 + 95 mm2 0006 Osh Visual Jendol
20/02/2017 0015
39 Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 25 mm2 rm 0002 Osh printing non standard
20/02/2017 0016

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Februari 2017
40 Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 50 mm2 rm 0002 Osh Panjang non standard
22/02/2017 0020
41 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 70 mm2 rm 0009 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
22/02/2017 0027
80-016611- Visual konduktor/kawat
42 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 95 mm2 rm 0010 Osh
22/02/2017 0002 belang/hitam/koro
43 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 120 mm2 rm 0005 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
22/02/2017 0032
44 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 2 x 1.5 mm2 re 0027 Osh Kawat putus
23/02/2017 0065
45 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 3 x 4 mm2 re 0007 Osh Panjang non standard
23/02/2017 0115
46 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 3 x 6 mm2 re 0019 Osh visual bolong
23/02/2017 0071
47 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm 0034 Osh Kelengketan non standard
24/02/2017 0029
48 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm 0012 Osh Visual jendol
24/02/2017 0034
80-035705- Visual konduktor/kawat
49 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 120 mm2 sm 0005 Osh
27/02/2017 0014 belang/hitam/koro
80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 16
50 0008 Osh Short core to Armour
27/02/2017 0021 mm2 rm
80-112605- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 240
51 0003 Osh IR rendah (Low Insulation)
27/02/2017 0017 mm2 sm
80-188701- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 2.5
52 0001 Arm IR rendah (Low Insulation)
27/02/2017 0065 mm2 re

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Februari 2017
80-189101- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 6
53 0003 Osh Short core to Armour
27/02/2017 0080 mm2 re
54 N2XRGbY 0.6/1 kV 2 x 4 + 4 mm2 rm 0004 Osh IR rendah (Low Insulation)
27/02/2017 0001
55 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0204 Cab visual bolong
27/02/2017 0004
56 Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 120 mm2 rm 0002 Osh Visual kotor
27/02/2017 0014
57 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 150 mm2 rm 0009 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
27/02/2017 0032
58 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 300 mm2 rm 0026 Osh ( CR ) non standard
28/02/2017 0045
59 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 2.5 mm2 re 0007 Osh Visual bintik-bintik
28/02/2017 0121
80-034305- Visual konduktor/kawat
60 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 25 mm2 rm 0010 Osh
28/02/2017 0028 belang/hitam/koro
80-036905- Visual konduktor/kawat
61 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 300 mm2 sm 0001 Osh
28/02/2017 0006 belang/hitam/koro
80-110305- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 25
62 0002 Osh Kelengketan non standard
28/02/2017 0021 mm2 rm

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Maret 2017
No. Tgl No. FO Kabel Lot Proses Masalah
1 04/03/2017 51-110606-0004 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0370 Osh Visual kasar
2 04/03/2017 51-110606-0004 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0371 Osh Visual kasar
IR rendah (Low
3 04/03/2017 12-101101-0008 NYFGbY 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 re 0008 Osh
IR rendah (Low
4 04/03/2017 12-441701-0002 NYCY 0.6/1 kV 4 x 2.5/2.5 mm2 rm Osh
0006 Insulation)
5 05/03/2017 51-110606-0004 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0201 Cab Visual kasar
6 05/03/2017 51-110606-0004 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 0245 Cab Visual kasar
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
7 05/03/2017 80-110505-0013 Osh Visual jendol
(NYFGbY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm 0006
Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 95 mm2
8 08/03/2017 80-001616-0015 Osh Visual jendol
rm 0001
9 08/03/2017 42-141102-0051 T-EJ(Pem)E 2x 2x 0.9 mm 0016 Osh Visual Kasar
10 12/03/2017 50-605004-0008 NA2XY 0.6/1 kV 1 x 70 mm2 rm 0006 Osh Visual jendol
11 12/03/2017 16-317803-0001 N2XSEY 12/20 kV 3 x 35 mm2 cm 0004 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
12 15/03/2017 16-317803-0001 N2XSEY 12/20 kV 3 x 35 mm2 cm 0005 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
13 16/03/2017 16-119804-0016 N2XSY 12/20 kV 1 x 35 mm2 cm 0001 Osh Short core to screen
14 16/03/2017 16-317803-0001 N2XSEY 12/20 kV 3 x 35 mm2 cm 0004 Osh Visual kasar

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Maret 2017
15 16/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 0019 Osh Visual jendol
3x300/25 mm2 cm
16 16/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 0016 Osh Visual jendol
3x300/25 mm2 cm
17 16/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 0049 Osh Visual jendol
3x300/25 mm2 cm
N2XSEFGbY 12/20 kV 3 x
18 16/03/2017 18-118103-0010 0001 Osh Visual jendol
95 mm2 cm
N2XSEFGbY 12/20 kV 3 x
19 16/03/2017 18-118103-0010 0002 Osh Visual jendol
95 mm2 cm
N2XSEFGbY 12/20 kV 3 x
20 16/03/2017 18-118103-0010 0003 Osh Visual jendol
95 mm2 cm
21 16/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 0017 Osh Visual jendol
3x300/25 mm2 cm
22 16/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 0030 Osh Visual jendol
3x300/25 mm2 cm
N2XSEY 12/20 kV 3 x 35
23 16/03/2017 16-317803-0001 0009 Osh Short core to screen
mm2 cm
24 16/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 0021 Osh Short core to screen
3x300/25 mm2 cm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Maret 2017
N2XSY 12/20 kV 1 x 35 IR rendah (Low
25 16/03/2017 16-119810-0002 0001 Osh
mm2 cm Insulation)
NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x
26 16/03/2017 51-147001-0015 0014 Cab Visual kasar
150 cm/25 + 95 mm2
NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x
27 16/03/2017 51-147001-0016 0009 Cab Visual sirip/keriput
150 cm/25 + 95 mm2
N2XSEY 12/20 kV 3 x 35 Visual
28 16/03/2017 16-317803-0001 0001 Osh
mm2 cm lecet/luka/sobek/baret
N2XSEY 12/20 kV 3 x 35
29 16/03/2017 16-317803-0001 0002 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
mm2 cm
N2XSEY 12/20 kV 3 x 35
30 16/03/2017 16-317803-0001 0003 Osh Visual kasar
mm2 cm
N2XSEFGbY 12/20 kV 3 x
31 16/03/2017 18-118103-0010 0004 Osh Visual kasar
95 mm2 cm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
32 17/03/2017 80-034305-0031 0007 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 4 x 25 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
33 17/03/2017 80-034305-0031 0008 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 4 x 25 mm2 rm
N2XSEY 12/20 kV 3 x 35
34 20/03/2017 16-317803-0001 0007 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
mm2 cm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1
35 20/03/2017 80-110105-0024 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 0015 Osh Visual jendol

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Maret 2017
36 20/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 0028 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
3x300/25 mm2 cm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 IR rendah (Low
37 22/03/2017 80-036905-0007 0001 Osh
x 300 mm2 sm Insulation)
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1
38 22/03/2017 80-016611-0003 0016 Osh Visual jendol
x 95 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1
39 22/03/2017 80-016905-0040 0004 Osh Visual jendol
x 185 mm2 rm
40 22/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 0018 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
3x300/25 mm2 cm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
41 22/03/2017 80-110105-0024 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm 0006 Visual Sobek
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4
42 24/03/2017 80-035105-0025 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
x 70 mm2 sm 0003
NYY 0.6/1 kV 1 x 95 mm2 rm
43 24/03/2017 11-325101-0027 Osh
Black 0025 Visual Korosi
44 24/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV Osh Visual sirip/keriput
3x300/25 mm2 cm 0031
NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150
45 24/03/2017 51-147001-0016 0009 Cab Visual jendol
cm/25 + 95 mm2
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 2
46 24/03/2017 80-019101-0067 0001 Osh Visual putus
x 1.5 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1
47 24/03/2017 80-016605-0028 0006 Osh Visual bolong
x 95 mm2 rm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Maret 2017
Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA)
48 24/03/2017 80-000301-0092 0001 Osh Printing non standar
2.5 mm2 re
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10
49 25/03/2017 51-110606-0004 0329 Cab Visual jendol
mm2 rm
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10
50 25/03/2017 51-110606-0004 Cab Visual kasar
mm2 rm 0330
N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 4 x
51 25/03/2017 25-131205-0012 Osh IR rendah (Low Insulation)
1.5 mm2 rm 0009
52 25/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV Osh Visual bolong
3x300/25 mm2 cm 0050
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
53 25/03/2017 80-034105-0032 Osh
(NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm 0003 Kelengketan non standar
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
54 25/03/2017 80-017005-0045 Osh Visual bolong
(NYY) 1 x 240 mm2 rm 0009
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
55 28/03/2017 80-017005-0045 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 1 x 240 mm2 rm 0010
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
56 28/03/2017 80-026701-0031 Osh
(NYY) 3 x 10 mm2 re 0001 Kelengketan non standar
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10
57 28/03/2017 51-110606-0005 Cab Visual kasar
mm2 rm 0022
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
58 28/03/2017 80-176401-0013 kV (NYRGbY) 2 x 2.5 mm2 Osh Visual kasar
re 0002

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Maret 2017
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
59 28/03/2017 80-025501-0142 Osh Visual bolong
(NYY) 3 x 2.5 mm2 re 0016
60 31/03/2017 53-137501-0016 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV Osh Visual sirip/keriput
3x300/25 mm2 cm 0005
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
61 31/03/2017 80-025901-0118 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 3 x 4 mm2 re 0013
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
IR rendah (Low
62 31/03/2017 80-189501-0079 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10 mm2 Osh
re 0014
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
IR rendah (Low
63 31/03/2017 80-181701-0065 kV (NYRGbY) 3 x 2.5 Osh
mm2 re 0020
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
64 31/03/2017 80-032901-0156 Osh
(NYY) 4 x 4 mm2 re 0024 Panjang non standar

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan April 2017
No. Tgl No. Drum Kabel Proses Masalah
07 April 80-016805-0037- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 0.6/1 kV 1 x 150 mm2 konduktor/kawat
1 Fts
17 012 rm putus/lolos
04 April 80-111705-0011- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 0.6/1 kV 4 x
2 Fts Low Insulation
17 001 120 mm2 sm
07 April 51-110606-0005-
3 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm Fts Visual Bolong
17 237
07 April 51-110606-0005-
4 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm Fts Visual Kasar
17 234
05 April 25-216502-0002-
5 N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 16 x 1.5 mm2 rm Fts Visual pori-pori
17 005
04 April 53-137501-0016- Al/XLPE/CWS/DSTA/PVC (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20
6 Fts Visual sirip/keriput
17 067 kV 3x300/25 mm2 cm
10 April 80-181701-0067- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 3 x 2.5
7 Fts Short to Armour
17 001 mm2 re
10 April 80-181701-0067- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 3 x 2.5
8 Fts Short to Armour
17 004 mm2 re
12 April 80-110105-0028- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2
9 Fts Short to Armour
17 003 rm
11 April 53-137501-0017- Al/XLPE/CWS/DSTA/PVC (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20
10 Fts Visual benjol
17 012 kV 3x300/25 mm2 cm
12 April 80-027101-0020-
11 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 3 x 16 mm2 rm Fts Visual benjol
17 002
10 April 51-110606-0005-
12 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm Fts Visual Putus
17 239

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan April 2017
10 April 51-110606-0005-
13 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm Fts Visual Putus
17 249
17 April 80-110105-0028- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2
14 Fts Low Insulation
17 004 rm
20 April 80-034305-0035-
15 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 25 mm2 rm Fts Panjang non standar
17 008
20 April 80-032501-0122-
16 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 2.5 mm2 re Fts Panjang non standar
17 069
18 April 80-000302-0094- printing
17 Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 2.5 mm2 re Fts
17 007 bergaris/rusak
21 April 80-016611-0004-
18 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 95 mm2 rm Fts Visual benjol
17 010
20 April 51-110606-0008-
19 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm Fts Visual Kasar
17 053
21 April 51-110606-0008-
20 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm Fts Visual Kasar
17 072
20 April 80-025901-0120-
21 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 3 x 4 mm2 re Fts Short to Core
17 023
20 April 80-034305-0035-
22 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 25 mm2 rm Fts Visual non standart
17 006
20 April 53-137501-0017- Al/XLPE/CWS/DSTA/PVC (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20
23 Fts Visual sirip/keriput
17 043 kV 3x300/25 mm2 cm
20 April 53-137501-0017- Al/XLPE/CWS/DSTA/PVC (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20
24 Fts Visual sirip/keriput
17 046 kV 3x300/25 mm2 cm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan April 2017
25 April 25-213201-0018-
25 N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 8 x 1.5 mm2 rm Fts Low Insulation
17 011
26 April 25-213201-0018-
26 N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 8 x 1.5 mm2 rm Fts Low Insulation
17 014
26 April 80-001716-0017-
27 Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 120 mm2 rm Fts Panjang non standar
17 001
28 April 80-038301-0012-
28 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 5 x 2.5 mm2 re Fts Panjang non standar
17 002
26 April 80-032501-0122- printing
29 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 2.5 mm2 re Fts
17 084 bergaris/rusak
27 April 53-137501-0017- Al/XLPE/CWS/DSTA/PVC (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20
30 Fts Short Core to Screen
17 009 kV 3x300/25 mm2 cm
27 April 80-034505-0038-
31 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm Fts Visual keriput
17 005

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Mei 2017
No. No.Mlsh Tgl Fo & Lot Kabel Proses MSL Masalah
1 50003411 05/05/2017 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
3x300/25 mm2 cm
18-118103- N2XSEFGbY 12/20 kV 3 x
2 50003399 10/05/2017 Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
0011-001 95 mm2 cm
3 50003400 11/05/2017 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV Osh 509 Visual bolong
3x300/25 mm2 cm
16-120104- N2XSY 12/20 kV 1 x 95
4 50003426 11/05/2017 Osh 509 Visual bolong
0031-004 mm2 cm
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
5 50003401 15/05/2017 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 4 mm2 Osh 231 Kawat putus
6 50003410 15/05/2017 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
3x300/25 mm2 cm
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
80-188901- Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
7 50003414 15/05/2017 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 4 mm2 Osh 501
0081-001 putus/lolos
25-216502- N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 16 x
8 50003415 16/05/2017 Osh 218 IR rendah (Low Insulation)
0004-004 1.5 mm2 rm
51-110606- NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10
9 50003416 16/05/2017 Cab 204 Short core to water
0008-325 mm2 rm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Mei 2017
80-009701- Cu/PVC/PVC 300/500 V (NYM) Overall Diameter
10 50003402 17/05/2017 Osh 102
0014-001 4 x 6 mm2 re non standard
80-009701- Cu/PVC/PVC 300/500 V (NYM) Overall Diameter
11 50003403 17/05/2017 Osh 102
0014-002 4 x 6 mm2 re non standard
80-009701- Cu/PVC/PVC 300/500 V (NYM) Overall Diameter
12 50003404 17/05/2017 Osh 102
0014-003 4 x 6 mm2 re non standard
80-009701- Cu/PVC/PVC 300/500 V (NYM) Overall Diameter
13 50003405 17/05/2017 Osh 102
0014-004 4 x 6 mm2 re non standard
80-009701- Cu/PVC/PVC 300/500 V (NYM) Overall Diameter
14 50003406 17/05/2017 Osh 102
0014-005 4 x 6 mm2 re non standard
15 50003409 17/05/2017 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
3x300/25 mm2 cm
16-120104- N2XSY 12/20 kV 1 x 95 mm2 Thickness non
16 50003427 17/05/2017 Osh 103
0031-001 cm standard
42-141101- Material Screen
17 50003407 18/05/2017 T-EJ(Pem)E 2x 2x 0.9 mm Osh 230
0011-011 lolos/putus
80-189101- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV PANJANG KABEL
18 50003417 19/05/2017 Osh 110
0082-005 (NYRGbY) 4 x 6 mm2 re NON STANDAR
19 50003408 22/05/2017 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
3x300/25 mm2 cm
51-110606- Visual gelang-
20 50003418 22/05/2017 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm Cab 507
0008-311 gelang/gelombang
25-216502- N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 16 x 1.5
21 50003419 22/05/2017 Osh 508 Visual jendol
0004-001 mm2 rm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Mei 2017
22 50003420 22/05/2017 N2XSY 12/20 kV 1 x 70 mm2 cm Osh 103 Thickness non standard
23 50003421 23/05/2017 N2XSY 12/20 kV 1 x 150 mm2 cm Osh 103 Thickness non standard
24 50003422 23/05/2017 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm Cab 204 Short core to water
25 50003423 23/05/2017 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm Cab 204 Short core to water
51-147001- Conductor Resistance ( CR )
26 50003433 23/05/2017 NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150 cm/25 + 95 mm2 Cab 222
0014-021 non standard
51-147001- Conductor Resistance ( CR )
27 50003434 23/05/2017 NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150 cm/25 + 95 mm2 Cab 222
0014-022 non standard
51-147001- Conductor Resistance ( CR )
28 50003435 23/05/2017 NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150 cm/25 + 95 mm2 Cab 222
0014-023 non standard
29 50003412 24/05/2017 N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 4 x 4 mm2 rm Osh 218 IR rendah (Low Insulation)
80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 16
30 50003424 24/05/2017 Osh 206 Short core to armour
0029-001 mm2 rm
31 50003413 25/05/2017 N2XSY 12/20 kV 1 x 300 mm2 cm Scr 205 Short core to screen

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Mei 2017
32 50003425 25/05/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm Osh 203 Short core to core
53-137501- Al/XLPE/CWS/DSTA/PVC (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 Thickness non
33 50003428 30/05/2017 Osh 103
0018-024 kV 3x300/25 mm2 cm standard
80-111105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 70
34 50003430 31/05/2017 Fts 504 konduktor/kawat
0017-001 mm2 sm
35 50003431 31/05/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 70 mm2 sm Fts 504 konduktor/kawat

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Juni 2017
Tgl Fo & Lot Kabel Proses MSL Masalah
1 05/06/2017 Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
0018-033 12/20 kV 3x300/25 mm2 cm
2 10/06/2017 NYFGbY 0.6/1 kV 12 x 1.5 mm2 re Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
3 11/06/2017 NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150 cm/25 + 95 mm2 Osh 509 Visual bolong
4 11/06/2017 Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 50 mm2 rm Osh 509 Visual bolong
5 15/06/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 95 mm2 rm Osh 231 Kawat putus
6 15/06/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 3 x 2.5 mm2 re Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
80-034105- Penghantar/konduktor/kawa
7 15/06/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm Osh 501
0038-008 t putus/lolos
8 16/06/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 50 mm2 sm Osh 218 IR rendah (Low Insulation)
80-189501- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10
9 16/06/2017 Cab 204 Short core to water
0083-005 mm2 re
80-009701- Overall Diameter non
10 17/06/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 300/500 V (NYM) 4 x 6 mm2 re Osh 102
0014-001 standard

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Juni 2017
11 17/06/2017 Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 6 mm2 re Osh 102 Overall Diameter non standard
12 17/06/2017 Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 2.5 mm2 re Osh 102 Overall Diameter non standard
13 17/06/2017 Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm Osh 102 Overall Diameter non standard
14 17/06/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 70 mm2 sm Osh 102 Overall Diameter non standard
15 17/06/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 2.5 mm2 re Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
16 17/06/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 300 mm2 rm Osh 103 Thickness non standard
17 18/06/2017 Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1 x 35 mm2 rm Osh 230 Material Screen lolos/putus
18 19/06/2017 Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 16 mm2 rm Osh 110 Panjang kabel non standar
53-137501- Al/XLPE/CWS/DSTA/PVC (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV
19 22/06/2017 Osh 511 Visual sirip/keriput
0018-061 3x300/25 mm2 cm

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Juli 2017
No. No.Mlsh Tgl Fo Lot Kabel Panjang Proses Masalah
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1
1 50003438 27/07/2017 0004 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 1001 Osh Short core to armour
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1
2 50003446 03/07/2017 0015 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 240 200 Osh Visual jendol
mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1
3 50003447 03/07/2017 0007 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 240 262 Osh Visual jendol
mm2 sm
50-604704- NA2XY 0.6/1 kV 1 x 50
4 50003472 12/07/2017 0002 1001 Osh Visual jendol
0007 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1
80-112605- IR rendah (Low
5 50003443 17/07/2017 0002 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 240 223 Osh
0021 Insulation)
mm2 sm
50-606303- NA2XY 0.6/1 kV 1 x 185 Counter Printing
6 50003469 18/07/2017 0002 1001 Osh
0011 mm2 rm Loncat
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
7 50003449 04/07/2017 0011 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10 1001 Osh Visual jendol
mm2 re
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
8 50003451 10/07/2017 0003 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 2.5 1001 Osh Short core to armour
mm2 re
80-026301- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV Panjang kabel non
9 50003473 12/07/2017 0007 952 Osh
0076 (NYY) 3 x 6 mm2 re standar
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
10 50003441 17/07/2017 0009 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10 1001 Osh Short core to armour
mm2 re

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Juli 2017
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
11 50003442 17/07/2017 026301- 0007 1001 Osh Short core to core
(NYY) 3 x 6 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
12 50003474 20/07/2017 032901- 0013 1001 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 4 x 4 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV Penandaan
13 50003470 24/07/2017 025501- 0007 1001 Osh
(NYY) 3 x 2.5 mm2 re (emboss/printing/strip)salah
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
14 50003471 24/07/2017 032901- 0010 1001 Osh Visual jendol
(NYY) 4 x 4 mm2 re
80- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
15 10000078 27/07/2017 189501- 0001 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10 mm2 1001 Osh Short core to armour
0089 re
80- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
16 50003452 27/07/2017 189501- 0006 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10 mm2 1001 Osh Short core to armour
0089 re
80- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
Kelengketan non standard
17 50003454 28/07/2017 189501- 0005 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10 mm2 1001 Osh
(lengket/tidak lengket)
0088 re
80- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
Tensile Strength &
18 50003455 31/07/2017 188701- 0003 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 2.5 mm2 1001 Osh
Elongation non standar
0072 re
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10
19 50003448 04/07/2017 110606- 0399 3001 Cab Kawat putus
mm2 rm

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Agustus 2017
No. No.Mlsh Tgl Fo Lot Kabel Panjang Proses Masalah
NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x
1 50003457 01/08/2017 51-110606-0010 0290 3001 Cab Visual jendol
10 mm2 rm
NA2XY 0.6/1 kV 1 x
2 50003456 01/08/2017 50-606303-0014 0005 1001 Osh konduktor/kawat
185 mm2 rm
Short core to
3 50003458 03/08/2017 80-188901-0082 0009 0.6/1 kV (NYRGbY) 4 1001 Osh
x 4 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
4 50003507 03/08/2017 80-026301-0079 0001 1001 Osh Short core to core
(NYY) 3 x 6 mm2 re
N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV Short core to
5 50003439 04/08/2017 25-213201-0018 0038 1001 Osh
8 x 1.5 mm2 rm armour
NYBY 0.6/1 kV 4 x
6 50003461 07/08/2017 13-339603-0013 0001 1500 Osh Kawat putus
0.75 mm2 re
NYBY 0.6/1 kV 12 x Panjang kabel non
7 50003459 07/08/2017 13-381204-0012 0004 1001 Osh
1.5 mm2 re standar
NYBY 0.6/1 kV 16 x Panjang kabel non
8 50003460 07/08/2017 13-382002-0005 0003 1001 Osh
1.5 mm2 re standar
NA2XY 0.6/1 kV 1 x
9 50003444 08/08/2017 50-606604-0014 0016 1001 Osh konduktor/kawat
240 mm2 rm
T-EJ(Pem)E 2q x 0.9
10 50003462 10/08/2017 42-141301-0001 0052 1001 Osh Kawat putus

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Agustus 2017
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1
12 50003508 11/08/2017 0007 kV (NYRGbY) 4 x 10 mm2 1001 Osh PANJANG KABEL NON STANDAR
80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
13 50003511 11/08/2017 0001 1001 Osh Thickness non standard
0034 (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
14 50003512 11/08/2017 0003 1001 Osh Thickness non standard
0034 (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
80-035705- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
15 50003509 13/08/2017 0001 501 Osh Visual jendol
0021 (NYY) 4 x 120 mm2 sm
80-035705- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
16 50003510 13/08/2017 0002 475 Osh Visual jendol
0021 (NYY) 4 x 120 mm2 sm
80-110505- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
17 50003440 14/08/2017 0001 1001 Osh Short core to armour
0014 (NYFGbY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm
80-032901- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV Conductor Resistance ( CR ) non
18 50003500 15/08/2017 0006 1001 Osh
0164 (NYY) 4 x 4 mm2 re standard
19 50003501 15/08/2017 0027 T-EJ(Pem)E 2q x 1.4 mm 1001 Osh Panjang kabel non standar
80-025501- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
20 50003506 16/08/2017 0044 1001 Osh
0150 (NYY) 3 x 2.5 mm2 re putus/lolos
80-025501- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
21 50003505 16/08/2017 0035 1001 Osh Short core to core
0150 (NYY) 3 x 2.5 mm2 re
25-216502- N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 16 x
22 50003502 21/08/2017 0005 1001 Osh Counter Printing Loncat
0003 1.5 mm2 rm

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan September 2017
No. No.Mlsh Tgl Fo Lot Kabel Panjang Proses Masalah
1 50003464 04/09/2017 141301- 0063 T-EJ(Pem)E 2q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Material Screen lolos/putus
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) Penandaan
2 50003463 08/09/2017 019101- 0014 1001 Osh
2 x 1.5 mm2 re (emboss/printing/strip)salah
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)
3 30003561 11/09/2017 032501- 0014 1001 Osh Panjang kabel non standar
4 x 2.5 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
4 50003465 11/09/2017 112305- 0001 501 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 185 mm2 sm belang/hitam/koro
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
5 50003476 12/09/2017 016905- 0005 1001 Osh
1 x 185 mm2 rm putus/lolos
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
6 50003477 12/09/2017 016905- 0004 1001 Osh
1 x 185 mm2 rm putus/lolos
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)
7 50003475 12/09/2017 025501- 0001 1001 Osh Visual jendol
3 x 2.5 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
8 50003466 12/09/2017 111705- 0001 443 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 120 mm2 sm belang/hitam/koro
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) Visual gelang-
9 50003478 13/09/2017 016905- 0018 1001 Osh
1 x 185 mm2 rm gelang/gelombang

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan September 2017
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
10 50003467 14/09/2017 112305- 0001 500 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 185 mm2 sm belang/hitam/koro
N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 8 x 1.5
11 50003481 15/09/2017 213201- 0001 1001 Osh IR rendah (Low Insulation)
mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)
12 50003479 15/09/2017 034805- 0004 1001 Osh Thickness non standard
4 x 50 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)
13 50003480 15/09/2017 034805- 0005 1001 Osh Thickness non standard
4 x 50 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)
14 30003581 18/09/2017 016905- 0005 1001 Osh Panjang kabel non standar
1 x 185 mm2 rm
15 30003588 18/09/2017 141301- 0078 T-EJ(Pem)E 2q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Panjang kabel non standar
NYFGbY 0.6/1 kV 12 x 1.5
16 30003573 18/09/2017 127701- 0010 1001 Osh Short core to core
mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
17 30003589 18/09/2017 112605- 0001 301 Osh Short core to screen
(NYFGbY) 4 x 240 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)
18 30003562 18/09/2017 034105- 0002 1001 Osh Visual jendol
4 x 16 mm2 rm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan September 2017
80-034105- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
19 30003563 18/09/2017 0003 1001 Osh Visual jendol
0043 (NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
80-017005- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
20 30003578 18/09/2017 0010 1002 Insl Visual jendol
0059 (NYY) 1 x 240 mm2 rm
80-017105- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
21 30003567 18/09/2017 0001 1001 Osh Visual jendol
0059 (NYY) 1 x 300 mm2 rm
50-605004- NA2XY 0.6/1 kV 1 x 70
22 30003577 18/09/2017 0001 1001 Osh Visual jendol
0011 mm2 rm
80-016605- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual
23 30003565 18/09/2017 0003 1001 Osh
0043 (NYY) 1 x 95 mm2 rm lecet/luka/sobek/baret
50-607201- NA2XY 0.6/1 kV 1 x 400
24 30003564 18/09/2017 0001 1001 Osh Visual putus
0057 mm2 rm
25 30003587 18/09/2017 0077 T-EJ(Pem)E 2q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Visual putus
80-016905- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
26 30003582 18/09/2017 0018 1001 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
0054 (NYY) 1 x 185 mm2 rm
16-119804- N2XSY 12/20 kV 1 x 35
27 30003590 18/09/2017 0001 1001 Osh Visual warna non standard
0018 mm2 cm
16-317803- N2XSEY 12/20 kV 3 x 35
28 50003486 26/09/2017 0001 501 Osh Short core to screen
0002 mm2 cm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan September 2017
N2XSEFGbY 12/20 kV 3 x 240
29 50003484 26/09/2017 118503- 0004 276 Osh Short core to screen
mm2 cm
N2XSEFGbY 12/20 kV 3 x 240
30 50003485 26/09/2017 118503- 0003 301 Osh Short core to screen
mm2 cm
NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150
31 50003482 26/09/2017 147001- 0055 501 Cab Visual jendol
cm/25 + 95 mm2
NFA2XSY-T 12/20 kV 3 x 150
32 50003483 26/09/2017 147001- 0056 501 Cab Visual jendol
cm/25 + 95 mm2
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
33 50003487 29/09/2017 110505- 0002 1001 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm belang/hitam/koro
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
34 50003488 29/09/2017 111105- 0001 1001 Osh
(NYFGbY) 4 x 70 mm2 sm belang/hitam/koro

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Oktober 2017
No. No.Mlsh Tgl Fo Lot Kabel Panjang Proses Masalah
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
1 50003496 02/10/2017 025101- 0007 1001 Osh
3 x 1.5 mm2 re putus/lolos
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
2 50003497 02/10/2017 188701- 0002 1001 Osh Short core to armour
(NYRGbY) 4 x 2.5 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
3 50003499 02/10/2017 188901- 0002 1001 Osh Short core to armour
(NYRGbY) 4 x 4 mm2 re
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
4 50003498 03/10/2017 110505- 0005 1001 Osh Short core to armour
(NYFGbY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm
5 50003490 04/10/2017 137501- 0060 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 300 Osh Counter Printing Loncat
0026 3x300/25 mm2 cm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
6 50003489 04/10/2017 111105- 0006 999 Osh Panjang kabel non standar
(NYFGbY) 4 x 70 mm2 sm
Cu/PVC 450/750 V (NYA) 185
7 50003492 04/10/2017 001916- 0001 1000 Fts Thickness non standard
mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)
8 50003540 09/10/2017 038901- 0005 1001 Osh Visual jendol
5 x 10 mm2 re

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Oktober 2017
80-034805- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 50
10 50003543 10/10/2017 0002 1001 Osh Visual jendol
0044 mm2 sm
11 50003545 10/10/2017 0025 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Visual jendol
12 50003491 11/10/2017 0001 N2XSEY 3.6/6(7.2) kV 3 x 35 mm2 cm 366 Osh Overall Diameter non standard
80-034105- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16
13 50003493 12/10/2017 0011 1001 Osh Thickness non standard
0047 mm2 rm
80-034105- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16
14 50003494 12/10/2017 0012 1001 Osh Thickness non standard
0047 mm2 rm
80-034105- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16
15 50003495 12/10/2017 0013 1001 Osh Thickness non standard
0047 mm2 rm
51-110606- Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
16 50003519 16/10/2017 0347 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 3001 Cab
0014 putus/lolos
17 50003520 16/10/2017 0346 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 3001 Cab Visual jendol
12-127703- Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
18 50003521 18/10/2017 0003 NYFGbY 0.6/1 kV 12 x 1.5 mm2 rm 1001 Osh
0004 putus/lolos
19 50003542 18/10/2017 0001 NYFGbY 0.6/1 kV 12 x 1.5 mm2 rm 1001 Osh Short core to armour
80-111405- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
20 50003522 19/10/2017 0002 1001 Osh Counter Printing Loncat
0024 (NYFGbY) 4 x 95 mm2 sm

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Oktober 2017
21 50003523 19/10/2017 0030 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh IR rendah (Low Insulation)
80-034105- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4
22 50003524 19/10/2017 0020 1001 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
0047 x 16 mm2 rm
80-016505- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 1
23 50003541 24/10/2017 0001 1001 Osh Visual jendol
0044 x 70 mm2 rm
42-143301- Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
24 50003525 25/10/2017 0071 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh
0002 putus/lolos
80-189101- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
25 50003526 26/10/2017 0003 1000 Osh Short core to armour
0091 (NYRGbY) 4 x 6 mm2 re
80-110505- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV Visual konduktor/kawat
26 50003539 26/10/2017 0003 1001 Osh
0018 (NYFGbY) 4 x 35 mm2 rm belang/hitam/koro
80-194301- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
27 50003527 27/10/2017 0001 506 Osh Panjang kabel non standar
0002 (NYRGbY) 5 x 4 mm2 re
80-110305- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
28 50003529 30/10/2017 0007 1001 Osh Short core to armour
0024 (NYFGbY) 4 x 25 mm2 rm
29 50003528 30/10/2017 0113 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Visual kasar
30 50003531 31/10/2017 0070 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Short core to core

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan November 2017
No. No.Mlsh Tgl Fo Lot Kabel Panjang Proses Masalah
25-216502- N2X2YB2Y 0.6/1 kV 16 Counter Printing Rusak/hsl
1 50003530 01/11/2017 0006 1001 Osh
0007 x 1.5 mm2 rm terputus
80-035105- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV
2 50003532 06/11/2017 0002 1001 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
0039 (NYY) 4 x 70 mm2 sm
14-810701- FL2XCY 3.6/6 kV 1C x
3 50003518 07/11/2017 0016 1001 Osh IR rendah (Low Insulation)
0001 6/6 mm re
4 50003538 07/11/2017 0005 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Short core to core
14-810701- FL2XCY 3.6/6 kV 1C x
5 50003517 07/11/2017 0009 1001 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
0001 6/6 mm re
51-110606- NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10
6 50003533 07/11/2017 0036 3001 Cab Visual sirip/keriput
0019 mm2 rm
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1
7 50003534 08/11/2017 0002 kV (NYFGbY) 4 x 35 1001 Osh Short core to armour
mm2 rm
42-143301- Conductor Resistance ( CR ) non
8 50003535 09/11/2017 0267 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh
0002 standard
42-143301- Conductor Resistance ( CR ) non
9 50003536 09/11/2017 0268 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh
0002 standard
42-143301- Conductor Resistance ( CR ) non
10 50003537 09/11/2017 0270 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh
0002 standard
11 50003566 16/11/2017 0024 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Material Screen lolos/putus

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan November 2017
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4
12 50003565 16/11/2017 80-110305-0024 0009 1001 Osh Short core to armour
x 25 mm2 rm
13 50003564 16/11/2017 42-143301-0002 0131 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Short core to core
14 50003567 16/11/2017 42-143301-0003 0039 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Visual bolong
15 50003563 16/11/2017 51-110606-0019 0103 NFA2X 0.6/1 kV 2 x 10 mm2 rm 3001 Cab Visual kasar
16 50003569 22/11/2017 42-141103-0005 0035 T-EJ(Pem)E 2x 2x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Short core to screen
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 120
17 50003568 22/11/2017 80-035705-0024 0001 501 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
mm2 sm
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 2 x 2.5 Hasil printing
18 50003546 23/11/2017 80-019501-0064 0011 1001 Osh
mm2 re kotor/bergaris/ngacak
Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY)
19 50003570 24/11/2017 19-208501-0003 0002 1001 Osh Short core to armour
16 x 2 x 1.5 mm2 re
20 50003547 24/11/2017 53-137402-0074 0007 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 3x240/25 mm2 251 Osh Visual jendol
Conductor Resistance ( CR ) non
21 50003548 27/11/2017 42-143301-0003 0023 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 10
22 50003572 28/11/2017 80-033701-0136 0017 1001 Osh Short core to core
mm2 re
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 35 Visual konduktor/kawat
23 50003571 28/11/2017 80-034505-0053 0007 1001 Osh
mm2 rm belang/hitam/koro
24 50003574 29/11/2017 42-143301-0003 0120 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh
25 50003573 29/11/2017 42-143301-0003 0130 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Short core to core
Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 35
26 50003549 29/11/2017 80-034505-0050 0002 1001 Osh Visual jendol
mm2 rm

Tabel Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Desember 2017
No. No.Mlsh Tgl Fo Lot Kabel Panjang Proses Masalah
1 50003550 05/12/2017 0037 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Visual bolong
2 50003551 06/12/2017 0042 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 3x240/25 251 Osh Short core to screen
mm2 cm
80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
3 50003556 06/12/2017 0001 1001 Osh Visual kasar
0042 (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
4 50003557 06/12/2017 0012 1001 Osh Visual kasar
0042 (NYFGbY) 4 x 16 mm2 rm
5 50003552 06/12/2017 0047 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 3x240/25 251 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
mm2 cm
6 50003575 07/12/2017 0055 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 3x240/25 251 Osh Visual jendol
mm2 cm
7 50003578 13/12/2017 0051 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 3x240/25 251 Osh Counter Printing Loncat
mm2 cm
8 50003577 13/12/2017 0024 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 3x240/25 251 Osh Visual bolong
mm2 cm
9 50003576 13/12/2017 0072 (NA2XSEYBY) 12/20 kV 3x240/25 251 Osh Visual jendol
mm2 cm
80-189101- Cu/PVC/SWA/PVC 0.6/1 kV
10 50003558 14/12/2017 0003 1002 Arm Kelengketan non standard
0093 (NYRGbY) 4 x 6 mm2 re

Tabel Lanjutan Laporan Kabel Bermasalah Bulan Desember 2017
42-143301- Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
11 50003562 14/12/2017 0106 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh
0003 putus/lolos
80-034505- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 35 mm2
12 50003561 14/12/2017 0001 1001 Osh Short core to core
0056 rm
13 50003553 15/12/2017 0289 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh Material Screen lolos/putus
80-033301- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 6 mm2
14 50003560 18/12/2017 0004 1001 Osh IR rendah (Low Insulation)
0147 re
80-033301- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 6 mm2 Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
15 50003559 18/12/2017 0041 1001 Osh
0142 re putus/lolos
80-033701- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 10 mm2
16 50003554 18/12/2017 0018 1001 Osh Visual jendol
0136 re
80-034105- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 16 mm2 Visual konduktor/kawat
17 50003555 18/12/2017 0002 1001 Osh
0050 rm belang/hitam/koro
80-035105- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 70 mm2
18 50003584 20/12/2017 0002 1001 Osh Visual bolong
0042 sm
80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4
19 50003585 22/12/2017 0002 1001 Osh Short core to armour
0046 x 16 mm2 rm
20 50003579 22/12/2017 0001 N2XCY 0.6/1 kV 2 x 16/2.5 mm2 rm 1001 Osh Short core to screen
80-032901- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 4 mm2
21 50003580 22/12/2017 0006 1001 Osh Visual sirip/keriput
0175 re
42-143301- Penghantar/konduktor/kawat
22 50003582 29/12/2017 0045 T-EJ(Pem)E 1q x 0.9 mm 1001 Osh
0005 putus/lolos
80-110105- Cu/PVC/SFA/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYFGbY) 4
23 50003583 29/12/2017 0008 1001 Osh Short core to armour
0044 x 16 mm2 rm
80-032901- Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY) 4 x 4 mm2
24 50003581 29/12/2017 0015 1001 Osh Short core to core
0169 re

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)
UCL 1 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00435866
n 63200

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 2 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00434113
n 66400

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 3 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00446809
n 47600

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 4 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00454109
n 40200

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 5 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00463454
n 33000

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 6 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00471396
n 28300

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 7 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00559961
n 8500

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 8 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00447247
n 47100

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 9 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00458696
n 36400

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 10 = CL+ 3√ =0.00364+√ = 0.0043258
n 69400

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

UCL 11 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00418647
n 109300

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)
UCL 12 = CL+ 3√ = 0.00364+√ = 0.00454674
n 39700

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 1 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00292134
n 63200

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 2 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00293887
n 66400

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 3 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00281191
n 47600

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 4 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00273891
n 40200

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 5 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00256604
n 33000

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 6 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00168039
n 28300

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 7 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00280753
n 8500

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 8 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00280753
n 47100

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 9 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00269304
n 36400

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)
LCL 10 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.0029542
n 69400

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 11 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00309353
n 109300

CL (1 - CL) 0.00364 (1 - 0.00364)

LCL 12 = CL - 3√ = 0.00364 + √ = 0.00273326
n 39700


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