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Pediatric Optometry

n Pediatric ophthalmology is a sub-speciality of ophthalmology concerned with eye diseases,
visual development, and vision care in children.
n Pediatric ophthalmologists are specially trained to manage the following disorders:
l Infection
l Strabismus
l Amblyopia
l Blocked Tear Ducts
l Ptosis
l Retinopaty of Prematurity
l Pediatric Cataract
l Pediatric Glaucoma
l Abnormal Vision Development
l Genetic Disorder
l Refractive Errors
l Accomodative Insufficiency
l Convergence Insufficiency and Asthenopia
n Pediatric ophthalmologists often work in conjunction with orthoptists in the treatment of
n Pediatric Optometric concerned with eye/ visual development
and vision care in children.

n Untuk itu sbg Optometrist perlu :

l Mengenal/ memahami perkembangan anatomis/ fisiologis mata
l Mengenal kelainan mata/ kelainan penglihatan anak
l Mampu mengidentifikasi letak bayangan di Retina
l Memahami tata-cara mengelola pemeriksaan & perawatan mata

n Perkembangan Bola mata perubahan Status refraksi

Mata Anak

Mata dan sistem visual anak

BUKAN merupakan miniatur mata dari orang dewasa
Mata dan sistem visual anak
n Dari segi ukuran  Bola mata bertumbuh menuju ukuran dewasa
n Perubahan Status Refraksi a.l. terkait dengan panjang aksial bola
 Proses Emetropisasi

n Sistem Visual anak yang baru lahir belum matur
n Otak terlibat dalam sistem penglihatan  perkembangan Otak
sangat menentukan perkembangan Sistem Visual
n Plastisitas  “mudah dibentuk”, sesuai dengan stimulus visual
Perkembangan penglihatan anak
Perkembangan penglihatan anak

Pediatric Population :
n Infants and toddlers (Bayi & Batita)
l birth to 2 years 11 months.

n Preschool children (Balita)

l 3 years to 5 years 11 months.

n School-age children (Anak usia sekolah)

 6 to 18 years
1 mm pada tiap fase
4 mm pada 6 bulan pertama
2 mm pada 6 bulan berikutnya
n Axial/ Sumbu Bola mata
 Panjang sumbu Bola mata sewaktu lahir = 15 – 17 mm
n Kornea
 Daya bias sewaktu lahir = 55.20 D usia 1 tahun = 45 D
 Diameter horizontal sewaktu lahir = 9,5 - 10.5 mm
 Radius kurvatura depan sewaktu lahir = 6.6 – 7.4 mm
n Pupil
 Diameter Pupil sewaktu lahir = 2.2 mm
n Lensa mata
 Daya bias/ Dioptri lensa-mata kira-kira + 23.50 D
 Pada anak2 dan remaja, lensa-mata dapat berubah kekuatan
dioptrinya saat melihat dekat
Dimensi mata neonatus vs dewasa

Neonatus Dewasa

Panjang aksial (mm) 15 - 17 23 - 24

Diameter horizontal Kornea (mm) 9.5 - 10.5 12

Daya bias Kornea (Dioptri) 52 - 46 42 - 44

Radius kurvatura Kornea (mm) 6.60 – 7.40 7.40 – 8.40

Daya bias Kornea dan
Daya bias Lensa

Diameter kornea:
42 – 44 9.5 – 10.5 mm pada neonatus
12.0 mm pada dewasa
Kendala & Tantangan dalam Pemeriksaan Penglihatan
Anak oleh RO/ Optometrist
n Status refraksi
l Axial
l Kornea berubah Status Refraksi berubah
l Lensa
n Gejala bervariasi :
l Penglihatan buram,
l Di kelas duduk dibangku depan
l Prestasi anak 
Perkembangan Status Refraksi

Hipermetropia (sewaktu bayi)

Emetropia (umur 10 tahun)

Miopia (umur 25 tahun)

Hipermetropia (umur 60 tahun)

Hipermetropia berkurang (umur 80 tahun)

The International Centre for Eyecare Education
Factors placing an infant, toddler, or child at significant risk
for visual impairment include :
 Prematurity, low birth weight, oxygen at birth, grade III or IV
intraventricular Hemorrhage.
 Family history of :
n High Refractive error
n Anisometropia
n Strabismus
n Retinoblastoma, congenital Cataracts, or metabolic or genetic disease
n Infection of mother during pregnancy (e.g., Rubella, Toxoplasmosis,
venereal disease, Herpes, Cytomegalovirus, or AIDS)

Recommendation Refferal Consideration
Eyes and Eyelids Look for : Any concerns about the
Inspection l Unusual shape, position and/or size appearance of the eyelids
of eyes and/or eyes should be
l Cloudy appearance of eyes referred for medical
l Unusual tearing attention.
l Unusual redness or irritated
l Eyelid is drooping

One of its goals is to improve the visual health of the Nation through prevention,
early detection, treatment, and rehabilitation.

n Inspeksi keadaan mata :

l Waspdai akan bentuk/ ukuran mata yg tdk wajar, a.l. :
u Buphthalmos
u Microphthalmos
u Keratoglobus
u Megalocornea
u Microcornea

n Inspeksi keadaan Bola-mata :

l Waspadai posisi/ kedudukan Bola-mata yg tdk wajar,
a.l. :
u Strabismus
u Exophthalmos
u Enophtalmos

n Inspeksi keadaan Kelopak-mata :

l Kelopak Mata terputar kedalam (Entropion)
l Kelopak Mata terputar keluar (Ectropion)
l Kelopak Mata turun (Blepharoptosis/ Ptosis)
l Kelopak Mata tdk bisa menutup (Lagophthalmos)
l Kelopak Mata lembek (Blepharochalasis)
l Kelopak Mata kaku (Blepharophimosis)

n Inspeksi/ menilai keadaan & kesehatan Mata :

l Mata berair (Epiphora)
l Mata kering (Dry eyes)
l Mata bengkak
l Mata Merah (Pink eyes)
Observasi Keadaan/ Tampilan Bola Mata

Observasi Keadaan/ Tampilan Bola Mata
 Buphthalmos is enlargement of the eyeball and is most
commonly seen in infants and young children.
 It is sometimes referred to as Buphthalmia. It usually appears
in the newborn period or the first 3 months of life. and in most
cases indicates the presence of congenital Glaucoma, which is a
disorder in which elevated pressures within the eye lead to
structural eye damage and vision loss.
 Enlargement of the Corneas resulting from abnormally raised
pressure within the eyes at birth (congenital GLAUCOMA). The
eyes appear unnaturally large because of the greater Corneal
 In Buphthalmos : Corneal diameter of greater than 11 mm
before the age of one year or Corneal diameter greater than
13 mm at any age are diagnostic criteria for Buphthalmos.
Observasi Keadaan/ Tampilan Bola Mata
 Keratoglobus, is a degenerative non-inflammatory
disorder of the eye in which structural changes
within the Cornea cause it to become extremely
thin and change to a more globular shape than its
normal gradual curve.
 It causes Corneal thinning, primarily at the
If afflicting both eyes, the
deterioration in vision can affect
margins, resulting in a spherical, slightly enlarged
the patient's ability to drive a car eye. It is sometimes equated with “Megalocornea".
or read normal print. It does not
however lead to blindness  Keratoglobus continues to be a somewhat
mysterious disease, but it can be successfully
managed with a variety of clinical and surgical
techniques. The patient is at risk for globe
perforation because the thinned out Cornea is
extremely weak.
Observasi Keadaan/ Tampilan Bola Mata
 Megalocornea merupakan keadaan bawaan
sejak lahir, nonprogressive enlargement
of the cornea
 Kornea membesar bisa mencapai 14 – 15
 The Cornea and Limbus are enlarged, but
the Cornea itself is histologically normal
and of normal thickness.
 It may be associated with other ocular
and systemic findings.
Observasi Keadaan/ Tampilan Bola Mata

 Microcornea is defined as a Cornea less than

10 mm in diameter.
 It is thought that microcornea occurs
secondary to an arrest in Corneal development
due to overgrowth of the tips of the optic cup.
 The differential diagnosis includes Cornea
Plana is a condition in which the cornea is
flatter than normal.
 Cornea Plana , is an extremely rare congenital
hereditary deformity of the eye surface.
Observasi Keadaan/ Tampilan Bola Mata

Overview Mata menonjol (Exophthalmos) :

 Exophthalmos (also called Exophthalmus, Exophthalmia, Proptosis, or
Exorbitism) is a bulging of the eye anteriorly out of the Orbit.
 Exophthalmos can be either bilateral or unilateral.
 Complete or partial dislocation from the orbit is also possible from
trauma or swelling of surrounding tissue resulting from trauma.
 In the case of Graves' disease, the displacement of the eye is due to
abnormal connective tissue deposition in the Orbit and extraocular
muscles which can be visualized by CT or MRI.
 If left untreated, Exophthalmos can cause the eyelids to fail to close
during sleep leading to Corneal dryness and damage.
 Another possible complication is a form of redness or irritation called
"Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis", where the area above the Cornea
becomes inflamed as a result of increased friction when blinking.
 The process that is causing the displacement of the eye may also
compress the Optic Nerve or Ophthalmic Artery, leading to blindness.
Observasi Keadaan/ Tampilan Bola Mata

Mata tenggelam (Enophthalmos) :

 Enophthalmos is the posterior displacement of the
eyeball within the orbit due to changes in the
volume of the orbit (bone) relative to its contents
(the eyeball and orbital fat), or loss of function of
the orbitalis muscle. It should not be confused with
its opposite, Exophthalmos, which is the anterior
displacement of the eye.
 It may be a congenital anomaly, or be acquired as a
result of trauma (such as in a blowout fracture of
the orbit), Horner's syndrome (apparent
Enophthalmos due to Ptosis), Marfan syndrome,
Duane's syndrome, silent sinus syndrome or Phthisis
Phthisis bulbi of the right eye due
to complication of eye surgery Bulbi
Observasi Posisi Bola Mata

o Deviasi Manifes (Strabismus)

n Esotropia ET
n Exotropia XT
n Right Hypertropia R/L
n Left Hypotropia L/R
o Pseudostrabismus
Observasi Posisi Bola Mata

o Pseudostrabismus : merupakan kelainan

Kelopak Mata berupa lipatan pd pangkal
hidung ke ujung medial alis mata yg dpt
menutupi tepi medial sudut mata.
o Kelainan ini terjadi pada kedua mata
o Sering terlihat pd anak keturunan
Mongol, anak kecil.
o Terkesan adanya juling kedalam
Observasi Keadaan/ Tampilan Kelopak Mata

Droopy Eyelids (Ptosis)

 Blepharoptosis, or Ptosis, occurs when the
upper Eyelid droops. If the Eyelid droops far
enough, it can block your Pupil, causing partial
 Ptosis may occur due to trauma, age, or various
medical disorders, unilateral or bilateral. It
may come and go, or it might be permanent.
 It can be present at birth, where it’s known as
Congenital Ptosis, or you can develop it later in
life, which is known as acquired Ptosis.
Mata berair (Epiphora) :
 Epiphora is an overflow of tears onto the face.
 A clinical sign or condition that constitutes
insufficient tear film drainage from the eyes in
that tears will drain down the face rather than
through the nasolacrimal system.
 Epiphora can develop at any age, but it is more
common in those aged under 12 months or over 60
years. It may affect one or both eyes.
Identifikasi Lapisan Air-mata
Penyebab Mata berair (Epiphora) :
 Blocked Tear Ducts
n Some people are born with underdeveloped tear ducts. Newborns
often have watery eyes that clear up within a few weeks, as the
ducts develop.
n The most common cause of watering eyes among adults and older
children is blocked ducts or ducts that are too narrow. Narrowed
tear ducts usually become so as a result of swelling, or inflammation.
n If the tear ducts are narrowed or blocked, the tears will not be
able to drain away and will build up in the tear sac.
n Narrow drainage channels on the insides of the eyes (canaliculi) can
become blocked. This is caused by swelling or scarring.
n Stagnant tears in the tear sac increase the risk of infection, and
the eye will produce a sticky liquid, making the problem worse.
Infection can also lead to inflammation on the side of the nose, next
to the eye.
Inspeksi Mata depan
(Eyes Inspection)
Mengenali keadaan Iris
Ocular Albinism : in which the eye is otherwise
healthy despite an obviously red pupil and a
translucent pinkish iris due to reflected light
from the Fundus.
Ocular Albinism is a genetic condition that
primarily affects the eyes.
This condition reduces the coloring (pigmentation)
of the Iris, which is the colored part of the eye,
and the Retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue
at the back of the eye.
Inspeksi Mata depan
(Eyes Inspection)

Signs & Symptoms Ocular Albinism

Reduced visual acuity is accompanied by
involuntary movements of the eye termed as
Moreover, Ocular Albino eyes become crossed, a
condition called as ‘lazy eyes’ or Strabismus.
Some affected individuals may also develop
Photophobia/Photodysphoria. All these symptoms
are due to lack of pigmentation of the Retina.
Vision Screening

 Vision screening should be performed at an early age and at

regular intervals throughout childhood.
 Subjective Visual Acuity testing is preferred to
instrument-based screening in children who are able to
participate reliably.
 The elements of vision screening vary depending on the age
and level of cooperation of the child.
 Vision screening for children is an evaluation to detect
reduced Visual Acuity or risk factors that threaten the
healthy growth and development of the eye and visual
Vision Screening

Opto-Kinetic Nystagmus (OKN) Drum

 Melihat pergerakan mata cepat (Jerky
Vision Screening

Uji Preferential Looking

 Balita lebih suka fiksasi terhadap stimulus
 Target berupa garis2 hitam putih dgn
ketebalan yg berfariasi.
 Clinician memonitor respons pasien sewaktu
diperlihatkan obyek.
Vision Screening

Visually Evoked Potential Response

 Alat perekam perubahan pola elektrik
kortikal yang dideteksi dengan
 Memantau korteks occipital terhadap
stimulasi cahaya di Retina.
 Tajam-penglihatan normal
1ptr/dtk 20/200 –
Lahir 20/400
= 20/400 20/400

12 bulan 20/20
30 bulan 30 ptr/dtk

 Dengan Optotype
Usia Tajam penglihatan
3 tahun 20/40
4 – 5 tahun 20/30
> 6 tahun 20/20
Usia PL OKN VEP Optotype
2 minggu 2/60 3/60
1 bulan 4/60   3/60
2 bulan 5/60 4/60 6/60
3 bulan 6/60   6/24
4 bulan 6/60 5/60 6/18
5 bulan   6/60 6/12
6 bulan 6/48 6/36 6/9
1 tahun 6/36
2 tahun 6/18 6/18
3 tahun 6/9 6/12
4 tahun 6/6 6/9
5 tahun 6/5 6/9
Usia Tajam-penglihatan
Baru Lahir Membedakan gelap & terang
1 Bulan Mengikuti gerak cahaya (lambat)
3 Bulan Mengikuti gerak benda
6 Bulan 6/60 – 6/48
12 – 18 Bulan 6/48 - 6/30
18 – 24 Bulan 6/30 - 6/24
24 – 30 Bulan 6/24 - 6/18
30 – 36 Bulan 6/18 - 6/9
4 – 5 Tahun 6/6
Pemeriksaan penglihatan

 Rutin  perubahan status refraksi terjadi dgn cepat

belum dapat berkomunikasi
 Anak2
sudah dapat berkomunikasi
 Dilakukan secara obyektif & subyektif
 Pemeriksaan dilakukan dgn tidak terburu-buru,
 Anak didampingi orang tua,
 Ruang periksa jangan terlalu gelap
 Tdk mengenakan baju/jas putih (White coat phobia)
 Usia > 2,5 tahun
 Dilakukan dengan jarak 3 m
 Optotype yang digunakan bervariasi

optotype gambar kurang sensitif

Ciptakan keakraban
Layani dgn hati
 Sheridan-Gardiner


 Kartu E

usia > 4 tahun

Pemeriksaan Visus

 Landolt-C / “cincin patah”

 Snellen usia 6 – 8 tahun keatas

Pemeriksaan Visus
Tumbling E Chart
Pemeriksaan Visus
Tumbling E Chart
Kartu Snellen
Pemeriksaan Visus
Binocular Red Reflex (Bruckner)

n Dilakukan dlm ruang redup menggunakan Ophthalmoscope

n Tes dilakukan dgn Pupil lebar
n Cahaya Ophthalmoscope diarahkan kekedua mata pasien
dgn jarak = 45 – 75 Cm
Identifikasi Status Refraksi
pd Anak-anak

Binocular Red Reflex (Bruckner) Test

n The Ophthalmoscope lens power set at
“ 0 ”.
n Examiner looks through the
Ophthalmoscpe and adjust the lens dial
until the reflexes within the Pupil are in
n Red Reflex yg simetris di kedua mata
dpt dianggap normal
Identifikasi Status Refraksi
pd Anak-anak

n Red reflex terlihat memutih pd salah

satu mata,
n Hal ini meng-indikasikan Strabismus
atau adanya Anisometropic Amblyopia.
Identifikasi Status Refraksi
pd Anak-anak

n Pd Myopia akan terlihat gambaran bulan sabit

yg cemerlang bergeser kearah superior.

n Pd Hypermetropia akan terlihat gambaran

bulan sabit yg cemerlang bergeser kearah
Identifikasi Status Refraksi
pd Anak-anak

Tanda Binocular Red Reflex abnormal :

 Red reflex terlihat tdk jernih
 Adanya pantulan cahaya putih atau
 Adanya reflex cahaya yg asymmetry

Recording :
 Binocular Red reflex :
lAbsent (Neg), White, Dull, Opacified or
 Seseorang anak dgn Simple Hypermetropia mampu mengenali
Optotype dgn baik, walau disertai dgn upaya ber-akomodasi.
 The + 1.50 D test, merupakan modifikasi procedur clinis untuk
vision screening bagi Hypermetropia anak-anak. (Lihat + 1.00
Blur Test)
 Photoscreening dan Autorefractor screening yg dilakukan oleh
professional, sangat berguna dalam pemeriksaan awal/
 Screening dgn Retinoscope memerlukan pengetahuan dan
ketrampilan tersendiri dibandingkan dgn Photoscreening
ataupun Autorefraction screenings.
 Test ini ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi status refraksi
Hypermetropia pd anak2
 Seseorang yg berpenglihatan normal apabila didepan
matanya ditempatkan lensa S + 1.00 D, maka visusnya akan
menurun dari 6/6 (20/20) menjadi 6/18 (20/60).
 Seseorang anak apabila didepan matanya ditempatkan lensa
S + 1.00 D masih mampu mengenali Optotype lebih kecil dari
6/18, hal tsb mengartikan status refraksinya =
 Syn. Blur Back Test
Prevalence of Vision Disorders
in a Clinical Population of Children

Disorder Ages 6 months to Ages 6 years to

5 years 11 months 18 years
Hyperopia 33% 23%
Astigmatism 22.5% 22.5%
Myopia 9.4% 20.2%
Nonstrabismic binocular disorders 5% 16.3%
Strabismus 21.1% 10%
Amblyopia 7.9% 7.8%
Accommodative disorder 1% 6%
Peripheral retinal abnormalities requiring 0.5% 2%
referral or followup care

Scheiman M, Gallaway M, Coulter R, et al.

Prevalence of vision and ocular disease conditions in a clinical pediatric population.
J Am Optom Assoc 1996; 67:193-202.

n NHS (1978) anak-anak berkacamata

l Hipermetrop : 66%  4 – 5 tahun
11%  12 – 17 tahun

l Miopia : 30 %  usia muda

87 %  usia lebih tua
 In severe cases of Hyperopia from birth the brain has
difficulty to merge the images that each individual eye see.
This is because the images the brain receives from each
eye is always blurred.
 A child with severe Hyperopia has never seen objects in
detail and might present with Amblyopia or Strabismus.
 If the brain never learns to see objects in detail, then
there is a high chance that one eye will become dominant.
The result is that the brain will block the impulses of the
non-dominant eye with resulting Amblyopia or Strabismus.
 A Hyperopic child might have problems
with catching a ball because of blurred
vision and because of a decreased
ability to see three dimensional
 The child will typically perform below
average at school. As soon as a child
starts identifying images a parent
might find that the child cannot see
small objects or pictures.

Against-the Rule


Oblique / With-the Rule

With-the Rule


Oblique/ Against-the Rule

The International Centre for Eyecare Education
n Prevalensi cukup tinggi pada bayi normal
n Menurun sesuai perkembangan usia
bayi against the rule
> 5 tahun with the rule

 Koreksi menghindari Amblyopia Meridional

 Astigmat > 1,5 D Amblyopia
 Severe Oblique Ast is most commonly associated
with high Myopia.
n Refractive error penyebab gangguan penglihatan,
l Hypermetropia tinggi,
l Astigmatisma sedang/ tinggi,
l Myopia sedang/ tinggi, dan
l Asymmetric refractive error.
n Anak lahir prematur dgn berat badan kurang 1500 gram
ber-resiko menderita cacat penglihatan/ kebutaan (ROP),
Mengenal Amblyopia

Pengertian/ Definisi Amblyopia

n Amblyopia adalah :
l menurunnya Tajam-penglihatan
l baik unilateral maupun bilateral
l yangmana tidak dapat dikoreksi dgn alat bantu optik dan
l ditunjukkan tanpa adanya kelainan organik/ patologis yang
Mengenal Amblyopia
n Amblyopia akan terjadi apabila pada awal kehidupan, anak
mengalami abnormalitas sistim penglihatan akibat :
l kelainan refraksi yg tdk dikoreksi dgn optimal,
l penurunan kwalitas bayangan yg sampai di Otak, bukan
dikarenakan abnormalitas struktur mata/ abnormalitas jalur
posterior penglihatan,
l ketidak-lurusan kedua sumbu Bola mata
n Pengalaman abnormal tsb terjadi selama periode kritis
perkembangan sistim penglihatan yg berlangsung dlm 6 tahun
pertama kehidupan
n Amblyopia dapat diperbaiki bila terditeksi pd usia periode
tumbuh kembang (6 – 8 tahun pertama kehidupan)
Mengenal Amblyopia

Jenis Amblyopia :
o Amblyopia Organik
l Nutrisional Amblyopia
l Toksit Amblyopia
l Kongenital Amblyopia
o Amblyopia Fungsional
l Isoametropia Amblyopia
l Anisometropia Amblyopia Refraktif/ Ametropik Amblyopia
l Meridional Amblyopia
l Strabismik Amblyopia
l Deprivasi Amblyopia (Amblyopia ex Anopsia)
Mengenal Amblyopia

Definisi/ Pengertian Amblyopia Organik :

o Amblyopia Organik bisa terjadi apabila komponen jalur
penglihatan gagal berkembang, baik yg disebabkan karena
cacat struktural/ kurang berfungsi, sehingga jalur
penglihatan menjadi kurang normal dikarenakan adanya :
l gangguan methabolis atau
l gangguan toksit.
o Meliputi :
l Nutrisional Amblyopia,
l Toxic Amblyopia,
l Congenital Amblyopia.
Mengenal Amblyopia

o Congenital Amblyopia involves reduced irreversible

bilateral vision attributed to congenital or hereditary
anomalies in the visual receptors or visual pathways, usually
associated with other congenital ocular defects, such as :
l Nystagmus,
l Oocular albinism,
l Cone deficiency syndrome and achromatopsia.
o Congenital Amblyopia may occur with myopia greater than
10 D. High degrees of myopia are frequently associated
with :
l Retinal thinning and
l Macular pigment abnormalities.
Mengenal Amblyopia
Definisi/ Pengertian Amblyopia Fungsional :
o Jalur penglihatan (Visual pathway) dlm keadaan utuh dan
normal disaat lahir, tetapi
l gagal/ kurang berkembang atau
l tdk berfungsi secara normal dikarenakan stimulus penglihatan
yg tersedia tdk mencukupi.
(LeVay 1980)
o Terdiri dari :
l Amblyopia Refraktif/ Ametropik :
u Isoametropia Amblyopia
u Anisometropia Amblyopia
u Amblyopia Meridional = Amblyopia Astigmatisma
l Strabismik Amblyopia,
l Deprivasi Amblyopia (Amblyopia ex Anopsia)
l Idiopathic Amblyopia
Amblyopia Organic >< Amblyopia Functional

Organic Functional
Visual Acuity Often < 20/200 Usually > 20/200
Crowding Phenomenon Absent Present in 2/3 of cases
Visual field Absolute Scotoma Shallow, relative scotoma
Afferent Pupillary defect Can be present Usually not present
Color Vision Achromatopsia Usually normal
VA loss with neutral-density filter Significant decrease Close to normal eye’s VA
Entoptic phenomenon Not seen Usually seen
Laterality Bilateral Mostly unilateral
Onset Any age Before age 6
Strabismus and/or Anisometropia Rare Common

Modified from London R, Silver JL: Diagnosis of Amblyopia : emphasis on nonacuity factors.
Rutstein Robert P : Anomalies of Binocular Vision
Mengenal Amblyopia

Definisi/ Pengertian Amblyopia Refraktif :

o Amblyopia yg terjadi akibat :
l tdk terkoreksinya anomali refraksi secara optimal,
l diusia perkembangan.
o Disebut pula sbg Amblyopia Ametropik, terdiri dari :
l Amblyopia Anisometropik
l Amblyopia Isoametropik
l Amblyopia Meridional = Amblyopia Astigmatisma
Penyebab Amblyopia Refraktif
n Amblyopiagenic (Amblyogenic) : suatu keadaan yg bisa menyebabkan
Amblyop, apabila keadaan tersebut dibiarkan terus berlangsung.
n Potensi Amblyopiagenic pada Kelainan Refractive
Isometropia Diopters
Astigmatisma > 2.50 D
Hypermetropia > 5.00 D
Myopia > 8.00 D
Anisometropia Diopters
Astigmatisma > 1.50 D
Hypermetropia > 1.00 D
Myopia > 3.00 D

Prepared by the American Optometric Association Consensus Panel On Care of the Patient With Amblyopia
Amblyopia Refraktif

Tanda-tanda Klinis :
¨ Tajam-penglihatan dg koreksi tdk optimal, ditinjau dari segi
usia, perkembangan fungsi penglihatan/ perkembangan
¨ Terdapat perbedaan tajam-penglihatan kedua mata sebesar 2
baris atau lebih skala Snellen
¨ Adanya faktor Amblyopiagenik
¨ Ditandai dgn adanya Crowding Phenomena
¨ Tdk nampak adanya Visual loss pd Density Filter Test
¨ Pemeriksaan ERG & ECG = normal
¨ Dapat terjadi Bilateral maupun Unilateral
Amblyopia Refraktif Bilateral

Tanda-tanda Klinis :
n Terjadi Amblyopia Bilateral pd Kelainan Refraksi :
l Isoametropik Hypermetropia tinggi ( > 4.00 D)
l Isoametropik Astigmatisma ( > 2.50 D)
l Hypermetrop Astigmat
yg mana kelainan refraksi tsb tdk pernah mendapatkan
koreksi/ rehabilitasi yg optimal semasa usia perkembangan.
n Berkurangnya/ hilangnya sensitivitas kontras.
n The Pelli Robson contrast
sensitivity chart tests your ability
to detect letters that are gradually
less contrasted with the white
background as your eyes move down
the chart.
n Probably the most widely used
device to test
Amblyopia Refraktif Unilateral

Tanda-tanda Klinis :
¨ Terjadi Amblyopia Unilateral pd Kelainan Refraksi:
l Anisometropia (Aniso-Hypermetropia, Aniso-Myopia,
Aniso-Astigmatisma) dan
l Aniseikonia
yg mana kelainan refraksi tsb tdk pernah mendapatkan
koreksi/ rehabilitasi selama usia perkembangan.
¨ Mata menjadi juling (Strabismus Unilateral konstan).
¨ Terjadi fiksasi eksentrik.
Amblyopia Anisometropik

¨ Amblyopia Anisometropic disebabkan oleh tidak

terkoreksinya kelainan refraksi, dimana terdapat perbedaan
daya pada meridian utama kedua mata, setidak-tidaknya
sebesar 1.00 D.
(Schapero M. 1971)

¨ Perbedaan daya yg nyata dari kedua mata tsb biasanya

asymptomatic, apalagi apabila kedudukan bolamata masih dlm
keadaan lurus. Anak dgn Amblyopia Anisometropic cenderung
mendapatkan penanganan/ pengobatan yg terlambat.
¨ Semakin banyak perbedaan besaran Anisometropia, akan
semakin parah tingkat Amblyopianya.
Amblyopia Anisometropik
¨ Semakin banyak perbedaan besaran Anisometropia, akan
semakin parah tingkat amblyopianya
l Pasien Hyperopic Anisometropia dengan perbedaan besaran paling
tidak 1.00 D, akan memungkinkan berkembang menjadi amblyopia.
l Akan tetapi pada Myopic Anisometropia baru bisa berkembang
menjadi amblyop apabila besaran anisometropianya mencapai 3.00
– 4.00 D.
¨ Pasien dengan kelainan refraksi :
l OD : S + 1.00 dan OS : S + 3.00
apabila dimasa anak2 blm pernah diberikan lensa koreksi, maka anak
tsb akan menjadi Amblyop.
¨ Akan tetapi pada pasien dengan :
l OD : S - 1.00 dan OS : S - 3.00
rupa-rupanya tidak menjadikan Amblyop.
Amblyopia Anisometropik

¨ Amblyopia Anisometropic lebih banyak terjadi pada Aniso-

Hypermetropia dari pada Aniso-Myopia
l Pada Aniso-Hypermetropia, mata yg dengan derajad
Hypermetropianya rendah cukup menggunakan sejumlah daya
akomodasinya untuk melihat jauh dan dekat dgn jelas.
l Dikarenakan respons Akomodasi terjadi secara bersamaan pada
kedua mata dan dikendalikan oleh mata yg membutuhkan daya
akomodasi yg paling sedikit (mata yg derajad Hypermetropnya
l Akibatnya mata dgn derajad Hypermetrop yg lebih besar/ tinggi,
tidak pernah mendapat rangsang penglihatan untuk melihat jauh
dan dekatnya, hal ini yg menyebabkan mata menjadi Amblyop.
Amblyopia Anisometropik

¨ Anisometropic Myopia ringan dan sedang (kurang dari 5.00

D), biasanya tdk menimbulkan amblyopia, khususnya apabila
derajad mata myopic yg rendah mendekati Emmetropic.
(Jampolsky; 1955)

¨ Pada Aniso-Myopia, mata dgn derajad myopic tinggi akan

digunakan untuk melihat dekat, sedangkan mata dgn
derajad myopic yg lebih rendah akan digunakan untuk
melihat jauh.
¨ Amblyop pada salah satu mata dari Aniso-Myopia biasanya
tdk umum terjadi, kecuali apabila perbedaan status
refraksi dari kedua mata berkisar antara 3.00 – 4.00 D.
Tata-kelola Amblyopia Anisometropik

¨ Patients with Anisometropic amblyopia present often as

school-age children whose amblyopia has gone undetected
because of lack of strabismus.
¨ Refractive correction is always the first step.
¨ Occlusion and Orthoptics/ vision therapy are added later if
¨ We instruct the child to wear the glasses cintinously for at
least 1 month, before we implement occlusion therapy.
¨ Unlike strabismic amblyopia, the refractive correction
alone can be either partly or totally curative for some of
these patients.
¨ Occlusion and Orthoptic/ Vision therapy is not initiated
until spontaeous visual acuity improvement with glasses
ceases. Part-time occlusion is frequently given.
Amblyopia Isoametropik

¨ Isoametropic (Isometropic/ Ametropic) amblyopia

merupakan jenis amblyopia yg tdk begitu umum ditemui, yg
disebabkan oleh kelainan refraksi tinggi bilateral yg tidak
terkoreksi, namun derajad besarannya setara pada kedua
mata. Akibatnya pada Retina kedua mata tersebut hanya
terbentuk bayangan buram.
¨ Tingkat Amblyopianya relatif termasuk ringan. Tajam-
penglihatan dgn koreksi dlm rentang 20/30 hingga 20/70.
Visus bertambah baik sewaktu lensa koreksi baru pertama-
kali diberikan, akan tetapi biasanya tdk terjadi perbaikan
visus lebih lanjut.
¨ Apabila diketemukan Amblyopia Bilateral berat pada anak-
anak dengan kelainan refraksi symetris, biasanya akan
disertai Nystagmus.
Tata-kelola Isoametropic Amblyopia

¨ Initial treatment of isoametropic amblyopia involves full

correction of the refractive error with spectacles or
contact lenses.
¨ Within 4-6 weeks the practitioner should re-evaluate the
visual acuity and refractive status and, if necessary,
modify the optical correction to maintain full correction of
the ametropia.
¨ Thereafter, followup may be conducted every 4-6 months
to monitor visual acuity improvement. The patient may not
reach his or her best visual acuity for 1-2 years after the
initial correction of the refractive anomaly.
Amblyopia Meridional

¨ Suatu bentuk dari Amblyopia Isoametropic bilateral,

sebagai akibat dari tdk terkoreksinya Astigmatisma tinggi
( > 2.50 D), pada masing-masing mata.
¨ In a patients with simple hyperopic astigmatism, one
meridian is blurred while the other meridian is in focus.
¨ Anisometropia yg disertai kelainan refraksi astigmatisma
dgn perbedaan besaran paling tdk 2.00 D - 3.00 D, bisa
menimbulkan amblyopia meridional.
¨ Astigmatisma Oblique pada salah satu mata bisa
menimbulkan amblyopia apabila mata yg lain status
refraksinya adalah Astigmatisma against-the-rule atau
Astigmatisma with-the-rule
Tata-kelola Amblyopia Meridional

¨ A form of Meridional Amblyopia result from uncorrected

high Astigmatism in each eye. In a patient with simple
hyperopic astigmatism, one meridian is blurred while the
other meridian is in focus.
¨ Meridional Amblyopia is observed clinically in patients who
show a mild reduction in VA even when the full astigmatic
correction is in place.
Amblyopia Deprivasi

¨ Terjadi akibat adanya gangguan pd fungsi penglihatan

dimasa perkembangan, yg disebabkan adanya hambatan
rangsang visual untuk mencapai Retina.
¨ Penyebab a.l. :
l Kekeruhan Kornea
l Ptosis Sejak lahir & terlambat diatasi
l Katarak kongenital
l Therapy occlusi yg berkepanjangan
¨ Sulit diterapi
Tata-kelola Amblyopia Deprivasi
¨ When a significant physical obstruction (e.g., congenital
cataract) is diagnosed early, the initial management should
involve consultation with an ophthalmologist regarding removal
of the obstruction within the first 2 months of life.
¨ Any significant refractive anomaly should be corrected,
preferably with contact lenses, within 1 week after surgery.
Part-time occlusion (2 hours per day) combined with visual
stimulation techniques may also be prescribed.
¨ It is recommended the patient be followed at 2-4 week
intervals for 1 year to monitor visual acuity and binocular
¨ If after 1 year the practitioner is satisfied with the optical
correction, corneal physiology is normal, and visual acuity has
improved and stabilized, the patient can then be monitored at 6
month intervals.
Klasifikasi Amblyopia Refraktif

¨ Amblyopia ringan
l Visus CC : 6/9 (20/30) – 6/20 (20/70)

¨ Amblyopia sedang
l Visus CC : 6/24 (20/80) – 6/36 (20/120)

¨ Amblyopia berat
l Visus CC : lebih buruk dari 6/36 (20/120)
Early Detection
and Prevention Amblyopia
¨ Amblyopia merupakan suatu kondisi yang bisa
dicegah dan bisa ditanggulangi, apalagi bila
terdeteksi dini, oleh karenanya diperlukan upaya
l Cermati adanya amblyopiagenic, terkait dengan
kelainan refraksi dan strabismus
l Anamnesa anak-anak pada keluarga dengan riwayat
strabismus ataupun amblyopia
¨ Screening/ program deteksi dan penanganan
amblyopia dibanyak negara diusia 4 tahun
menunjukan hasil yang cukup menggembirakan
¨ Oleh karenaya, Refraksionis Optisien/
Optometrists hendaknya selalu menginformasikan/
mengingatkan kepada orang2 tua tentang prevalensi
dan resiko amblyopia.

¨ Pasien amblyop sewaktu membaca kartu Snellen

cenderung dgn cara yg unik, yaitu :
l pasien bersikap lamban dan menunjukan respons yg pasif,
l ber-variasi sewaktu mengenali huruf yg sama pd baris
optotype yg sama tetapi pada lokasi yg berbeda.
l Hasil pemeriksaan yg buruk pd saat test, perlu dilakukan
l Dalam membaca/ mengenali kartu Snellen, jauh lebih
lamban apabila menggunakan mata yg amblyop.
l Seringkali pasien hanya mengenali huruf yg berada paling
depan dan huruf yg berada paling belakang dengan baik,
sedangkan huruf-huruf yg berada diantaranya kurang
begitu dikenali.
Identifikasi Amblyopia
Crowding phenomenon
 merupakan suatu keadaan dimana melihat dgn
menggunakan mata Amblyop akan lbh sulit dlm
mengenali huruf/ obyek yg ditampilkan dlm
bentuk berhimpitan.
 Pasien Amblyop akan lebih mudah mengenali
huruf-huruf yang berderet dalam satu baris
(single line acuity) bila dibandingkan dengan
mengenali kartu Snellen yang terpapar secara
terbuka, bahkan akan lebih mudah lagi apabila
huruf tersebut dalam keadaan terisolir (single
 Sebagai konsekuensinya, kita kenal 2 moda
dalam pemeriksaan tajam-penglihatan pada
pasien Amblyop, yaitu : linear acuity dan a
single-letter acuity.
 Crowding phenomenon merupakan penanda
penting adanya Amblyopia
Identifikasi Amblyopia

Modifikasi optotype dg septum horizontal

(Linear Acuity)
 Apabila huruf/ obyek kecil tersebut
ditampilkan dalam keadaan terisolir,
maka huruf/ obyek tsb akan lbh mudah
untuk dikenali
Identifikasi Amblyopia

Modifikasi optotype dg septum horizontal

 Apabila huruf/ obyek kecil tersebut
ditampilkan dalam keadaan terisolir,
maka huruf/ obyek tsb akan lbh mudah
untuk dikenali
 Bahkan mampu mengenali baris yg lbh
Identifikasi Amblyopia
Modifikasi optotipe huruf tunggal (Single
 Dgn Single Acuity Pasien mampu mengenali
baris lbh kecil dari Septum horizontal
Identifikasi Amblyopia

Modifikasi optotipe huruf tunggal

(Single Acuity) + Crowding Bar
Identifikasi Amblyopia
n Vision testing with Single Optotypes is likely to
overestimate Visual Acuity in a patient who has Amblyopia.
n A more accurate assessment of Monocular Visual Acuity is
obtained by :
l presenting of a line of optotypes or
l a single optotype with crowding bars that surround (or
crowd) the Optotype being identified.(strong
recommendation, good evidence)

Pediatric Ophthalmology/Strabismus Preferred Practice Pattern Panel 2011–2012

Vision Screening
Available Treatment Amblyopia Options

n Optical Correction
l The rationale for correcting the refractive anomaly with
spectacles or contact lenses is to ensure that the retina
of each eye receives a clear optical image.
l Full correction of the ametropia is effective in some
patients, especially isoametropic and anisometropic (< 2
D) patients who are binocular.
l The use of spectacles versus contact lenses for optical
correction has been the subject of debate. Selection of
the optical correction involves consideration of the
relative advantages of each.
Available Treatment Amblyopia Options
n Optical Correction
l Contact lenses appear to have certain advantages, including:
u education of aniseikonia in cases of refractive and axial
u Improved cosmesis, which encourages better compliance with
wearing the optical correction
u Elimination or reduction of prismatic imbalance, weight
problems, tilt, peripheral distortions, and visualfield
restrictions experienced by users of spectacle lenses.
l Spectacles have the advantages of:
u Being more economical in most cases
u Providing a level of safety against injury to the better seeing
u Serving as a modality for other optical modifications (bifocal or
prism) in the management of residual binocular anomalies.
Available Treatment Amblyopia Options

n Therapy Oklusi/ Occlusion (Patching)

l dilakukan dg menutup mata yg sehat dg adhesive
patch, kacamata buram/kaca susu (Frosted Lens),
ataupun lensakontak occluder
l If your child wears glasses the patch is usually worn
on the face with glasses on top
l Occlusion does not replace the need for glasses nor
does it eliminate any squint.
l It is also important in eliminating eccentric fixation.
Available Treatment Amblyopia Options
n Occlusion can be classified in several ways:
l Type
u Direct : Patching of the non-amblyopic eye
u Inverse : Patching of the amblyopic eye
u Alternating : when the patch is worn over the amblyopic eye sometimes and over
the hon-amblyopic eye at other times.
l Time
u Oklusi penuh waktu is recommended for constant strabismus
u Oklusi paruh waktu for intermittent strabismus
u Minimal
l Occluder
u Bandage,
u Tie-on (pirate patch)
u Spectacles,
u Contact lenses,
u Pharmacologically induced
Available Treatment Amblyopia Options

¨ Terapi Oklusi (Patching)

l Many form of occlusion have been recommended to
remediate amblyopia.
l Patching of the non-amblyopic eye is called : direct occlusion
l Patching of the amblyopic eye is : inverse occlusion.
l Occlusion :
u Total, means that the entire visual field is blocked out (e.g.:
bandage occluder or pirate patch).
u Partial occlusion means that only part of the visual field is
occluded (e.g.: a sector occluder).
l An Occluder can be :
u Opaque (blocking out all light)
u Translucent to degrade form vision
Available Treatment Amblyopia Options
Available Treatment Amblyopia Options

n Potential side effects of Occlusion includes :

l Occlusion amblyopia (amblyopia of the better eye) resulting
from indiscriminate or poorly supervised occlusion
l Precipitation of strabismus or an increase in the magnitude
of strabismus
l Precipitation of diplopia
l Poor compliance due to reduced vision during school and work
related visual tasks
l Cosmetic concerns
l Skin allergies and irritations with bandage-type occluders.
Direct Occlusion for Amblyopia

Anisometropic Strabismus
Daily duration 2 – 4 hours/ day Constant
Number of days Every day 1 day/ week for each year
of age, on successive days

Duration of 6 – 8 weeks after last 6 – 8 weeks after last

occlusion measured improvement measured improvement
n Pemeriksaan refraksi subjektif kurang efektif bila
dilakukan pd anak balita, dikarenakan rentang perhatian &
fiksasi anak kurang baik.
n Perlu pemeriksaan Refraksi Obyektif.
n Prosedur pemeriksaan :
l Cycloplegic Retinoscopy atau
l Near Retinoscopy Methode (NRM)
Menjaga fiksasi anak
n Cycloplegia melumpuhkan
akomodasi, oleh krn-nya anak
boleh ber-fiksasi pd lampu
n Cycloplegic Retinoscopy merupakan technik dasar
dlm pemeriksaan status refraksi anak,tetapi hal ini
tidak selalu dikehendaki/diperlukan.
n Beberapa professional menganggap cycloplegic
refraction penting dan hampir dilakukan secara
n Kendala/ tantangan bagi Optometrist/ RO dalam
menyelenggarakan Cycloplegic Retinoscopy
 Kewenangan ?
n Tetes mata membuat anak menjadi jera, kedekatan
dgn pemeriksa menjadi renggang
n Anak yg pernah mengalamai masalah kurang
mengenakkan dgn tetes mata, diperlukan tehnik
pendekatan tersendiri u/ menggalang kerja-sama/
saling percaya yg lbh baik
n Upayakan sedikit mungkin menggunakan cycloplegia
Cycloplegic Retinoscopy
n Cycloplegic Retinoscopy bisa dilakukan dgn menggunakan
Skyascopy Bar (lens rack) atau Trial lens sets, 30-40 menit
setelah diberikan cycloplegia
n Dgn prosedur ini, akan diketahui total besaran Hypermetropia,
termasuk komponen latennya. Prosedur ini dilakukan pd pasien
Strabismus atau pd kelainan refraksi tinggi.
n Bagi Retinoscopist terlatih, besaran Hypermetrop Laten/
Esotropic Accommodativa sewaktu diperiksa dgn Cycloplegic
Retinoscopy tdk lbh dari 1.00 D bila diperiksa dgn Non-
cycloplegic Retinoscopy Static dlm keadaan ter-fogging
Cycloplegic Retinoscopy
n Cycloplegic Retinoscopy bisa dilakukan dgn menggunakan
Skyascopy Bar (lens rack) atau Trial lens sets, 30-40 menit
setelah diberikan cycloplegia
n Dgn prosedur ini, akan diketahui total besaran Hypermetropia,
termasuk komponen latennya. Prosedur ini dilakukan pd pasien
Strabismus atau pd kelainan refraksi tinggi.
n Bagi Retinoscopist terlatih, besaran Hypermetrop Laten/
Esotropic Accommodativa sewaktu diperiksa dgn Cycloplegic
Retinoscopy tdk lbh dari 1.00 D bila diperiksa dgn Non-
cycloplegic Retinoscopy Static dlm keadaan ter-fogging
n Pemeriksaan Refraksi Obyektif


(+) Cycloplegic (-) Cycloplegic

Hypermetropia laten/ Hypermetropia

Strabismus Manifes

Funduskopi anak usia sekolah & remaja

Retinoscopy jauh atau dekat
n Balita yg kurang co-operatif/ kurang mampu ber-fiksasi
ketempat jauh, gunakan Near Fixation Retinoscopy (NRM)
n Pemeriksa kurang percaya-diri dikarenakan fiksasi/ besaran
Pupil yg ber-ubah2 ataupun terdeteksi adanya Hyperopia
sedang/ tinggi pd pemeriksaan Near Fixation Retinoscopy,
gunakan cycloplegic.
n Pd kasus Aphakia/ functional Aphakia, minta Pasien ber-fiksasi
pd lampu Retinoscope.
n Nett Retinoscopy = Gross Retinoscopy - working distance
Static Retinoscopy
n Static Retinoscopy dilakukan dlm keadaan non-cycloplegic
(Dry Retinoscopy), yg merupakan methoda standard u/
meng-evaluasi status refraksipd anak/ remaja
n Gunakan obyek fiksasi jauh dlm melakukan Retinoscopy
statis, terutama bila anak sdh bisa diajak bekerja-sama u/
ber-fiksasi ketempat jauh
Prosedur/ Tehnik
Pemeriksaan Static Retinoscopy


Prosedur/ Tehnik
Pemeriksaan Static Retinoscopy
n Fiksasi Pasien
 Fiksasi Pasien tertuju pada tempat jauh, dan selalu berfiksasi
hanya pada satu obyek

Jarak kerja

Pasien Pemeriksa Optotip jauh

Prosedur/ Tehnik
Pemeriksaan Static Retinoscopy
n Fiksasi Pasien

Jarak kerja

Pasien Pemeriksa
Prosedur/ Tehnik
Pemeriksaan Static Retinoscopy
n Fiksasi Pasien

Jarak kerja

Pasien Pemeriksa
Prosedur/ Tehnik
Pemeriksaan Static Retinoscopy
n Fiksasi Pasien

Jarak kerja

Pasien Pemeriksa
Pemeriksaan Static Retinoscopy
pd Anak-anak

n Problems yg dihadapi sewaktu

Retinoscopy static adalah kontrol fiksasi/
Akomodasi pasien
n Obyek fiksasi jauh hendaknya diberi latar
belakang warna merah (agar Akomodasi
menjadi lbh relax) Obyek fiksasi yg kecil
akan merangsang Akomodasi.
n Working lens S + 2.00 hendaknya
dipasang dan berperan sbg Fogging lens.
n Sbg alternatif, gunakan spot light
Pemeriksaan Static Retinoscopy
pd Anak-anak

n Kebanyakan balita Status Refraksinya adalah Hypermetropia.

n Agar Akomodasi dlm keadaan rileks sewaktu Retinoscopy
Static dilakukan, maka pemberian Fogging lens pd mata yg
berfiksasi merupakan keharusan.
n Penggunaan Fogging lenses S + 2.00 bilateral dan Retinoscopy
dilakukan secara simultan pd kedua mata akan mengurangi
resiko unbalanced refraction.
n Sewaktu Retinoscopy berlangsung, hendaknya pemeriksa
selalu memperhatikan Pupil pasien.
n Apabila terlihat Pupil mengecil, Akomodasi sdg aktif
Near Retinoscopy Methode

n Ini merupakan prosedur alternatif yg berguna u/

pemeriksaan mata anak Balita dimana mereka kurang/ tdk
mampu ber-fiksasi ketempat jauh. Perhatian anak lbh
banyak tertuju pd cahaya yg dilihatnya
n Prosedur ini dilakukan dlm ruang yg cukup gelap/ redup
dgn jarak pemeriksaan 50 cm, menggunakan Retinoscopy
rack atau Trial lens set.
n MEM Dynamic Retinoscopy merupakan metoda u/ meng-
identifikasi status Akomodasi pd anak usia sekolah/
Near Fixation Retinoscopy
(Mohindra’s technique)

n Mohindra (1977) memperkenalkan suatu metoda pemeriksaan status

refraksi bagi anak2 dgn menggunakan Retinoscope, yg disebutnya sbg :
“Near Retinoscopy”.
n Near Retinoscopy berbeda dgn Dynamic Retinoscopy.
 Near Retinoscopy dilakukan didalam ruang yg redup, dimana penerangan yg
ada hanya dari lampu Retinoscope. Sedangkan Dinamic Retinoscopy dilakukan
dlm penerangan = normal
 Obyek fiksasi Near Retinoscopy adalah lampu Retinoscope dgn intensitas yg
redup (minimal), sedangkan Dynamic Retinoscopy obyek fiksasinya adalah
kartu baca yang ditempatkan pd jarak baku, dan merupakan indikator yg
baik untuk menentukan Hypemetropia Latent
 Near Retinoscopy dilakukan secara Monokuler, mata yg tdk diperiksa ditutup.
Dynamic Retinoscopy dilakukan secara Binokuler
Near Fixation Retinoscopy
(Mohindra’s technique)

n Mohindra's technique of Retinoscopy performed in a darkened

room at 50 cm (20 inches) with the patient fixating the
Retinoscope light monocularly (the other eye being occluded).
n Distance Retinoscopic Refraction is derived by adding −1.00 D
(to take into account the working distance and the state of
accommodation in the dark) to the value found by near
n The technique is used in Paediatric Optometry. Syn. monocular
near retinoscopy. 
Near Fixation Retinoscopy
(Mohindra’s technique)

n Near Retinoscopy Metoda Mohindra hendaknya tdk dimaknai sbg

Dynamic Retinoscopy
n Merupakan “special non cycloplegic technique”
n Mohindra Correction factor (bukan working Lens), 1.25 D
dikurangkan dari Lensa Penetral (Gross Retinoscopy)
n Saunders & Westall (1992) menyarankan Correction Factor =
0.75 D bagi bayi.dan 1.00D bagi anak-anak umur > 2 tahun
n Owens et al (1980) menyatakan dlm pemeriksaan Retinoskopi
dgn cahaya yg redup secara monokuler, tdk merangsang
n MEM digunakan u/ menentukan lag/
lead of Accommodation
n Dynamic Retinoscopy dilakukan dgn
menggunakan :
n Phoropter atau SkyascopyBar
n Klien/ Pasien mengenakan koreksi
n Pasien dgn kedua mata terbuka,
melihat obyek fiksasi (huruf/ angka) yg
ditempel pd retinoscope
n Pemeriksaan dilakukan secara
n Jarak kerja = 40 cm
n Working lens tdk digunakan
Klasifikasi Hipermetropia
Klasifikasi Hypermetropia berdasarkan entity Akomodasi
n Hypermetropia Fisiologis (Simple Hyperopia), uncomplicated by disease,
trauma or Astigmatism due to normal biological variation, can be of axial or
refractive etiology.
n Hypermetropia Patologis (Patological Hyperopia) is caused by abnormal ocular
anatomy due to maldevelopment, ocular disease, or trauma.
n Functional Hyperopia results from Paralysis of Accommodation.

Hypermetropia dapat pula diklasifikasikan berdasar derajad kelainan Refraksi :

n Hypermetropia Ringan :
l ≤ + 2.00 D
n Hypermetropia Sedang
l + 2.25 D - + 5.00 D
n Hypermetropia Tinggi
© American Optometric Association, 1997
Klasifikasi Hipermetropia
Klasifikasi Hypermetropia berdasarkan peran Akomodasi
n Hypermetropia Facultative (Hypermetropia Relative) merupakan Status
Refraksi Hypermetropia yg masih dapat diatasi oleh daya akomodasi Mata.
n Hypermetropia Absolute tidak dapat diatasi oleh daya akomodasi Mata.

Hypermetropia dapat pula diklasifikasikan berdasar pengaruh Non-

cycloplegic dan Cycloplegic Refraksi :
n Hypermetropia Manifest, detentukan dgn Non-cycloplegic Refraksi, may be
either :
l Hypermetropia Facultative (Hypermetropia Relative) merupakan status refraksi
Hypermetropia yg masih dapat diatasi oleh daya Akomodasi
l Hypermetropia Absolute tidak dapat diatasi oleh daya Akomodasi
n Hypermetropia Latent, hanya dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan
n Jumlah Hypermetrop latent dan Hypermetrop manifest disebut “Magnitude
of Hypermetropia (Total Hypermetrop )”
Klasifikasi Hipermetropia

Hipermetropia Laten
n adalah sisa Hypermetropia yg tersembunyi oleh
Akomodasi secara tidak sadar akibat usaha otot-otot
n Setelah Hypermetropia dikoreksi, sebagian
Hypermetropia Laten akan muncul, menyebabkan koreksi
yg lebih tinggi di tahap berikut
n Diukur dengan menggunakan Cycloplegia, sejenis obat
mata yang melumpuhkan otot-otot Siliaris

ARO Leprindo
Klasifikasi Hipermetropia

Hipermetrop Manifes
n Besaran Hypermetropia yg masih dapat dikompensasikan oleh
daya akomodasi Mata
n Hypermetropia manifes diukur dengan lensa plus paling tinggi
yang memungkinkan dipertahankannya tajam penglihatan jauh
n Dijumpai pada orang muda dengan kelainan refraksi tinggi,
terutama bila derajad Hypermetropia lebih besar dari
Amplitudo Akomodasi
ARO Leprindo
Klasifikasi Hipermetropia

Terjadinya Hypermetrop Manifes

n Hypermetropia yg tak terkoreksi harus menggunakan
Akomodasi untuk meningkatkan daya mata mereka agar objek-
objek jauh terfokus dan tetap dalam keadaan fokus
n Usaha terus-menerus yg dilakukan Badan Siliar ini dapat
mengarah kepada perkembangan fisiologi otot-otot Siliar
sehingga mengakibatkan sejumlah “akomodasi permanen ” yang
tidak dapat diistirahatkan atas kemauan sendiri
n Dengan bertambahnya usia, kemampuan untuk berakomodasi
semakin menurun dan sebagian dari Hypermetropia akan
ARO Leprindo
Hal-hal yg dapat menyebabkan
berkurangnya daya Akomodasi

Lebih mengutamakan melihat dgn Mata Varian Biologis dalam masyarakat
Dominan antara lain :
l mengakibatkan berkurangnya daya l Aktivitas dekat yg berlebihan
Akomodasi Mata Non-Dominan l Pencahayaan yg kurang
l Kadar Oxygen rendah
l Tingkat kelelahan tinggi/ Stress
l Problem Vergensi

Yg terkait dgn Kelainan Refraksi Yg terkait dgn Kelainan Refraksi

l Pemberian Lensa koreksi yg tidak l Hipermetropia Manifes/ Laten
mencukupi l Miopia yg tidak terbiasa
l Tidak terkoreksinya Anisometropia menggunakan Kacamata koreksi
l Sclerosis Lensa-mata yg berbeda jauhnya dalam melihat dekat
l Pseudo-Miopia
l Presbiopia Dini (Pra Presbiopia)
l Presbiopia
Klasifikasi Hypermetropia

Diskripsi Physiologic/ Simple Hyperopia

n From the perspective of physiologic optics, Physiologic/ Simple
Hyperopia occurs when the axial length of the eye is shorter than the
refracting components the eye requires for light to focus precisely
on the photoreceptor layer of the Retina.
n Hyperopia can result from a relatively flat corneal curvature alone or
in combination with insufficient crystalline lens power, increased lens
thickness, short axial length, or variance of the normal separation
of the optical components of the eye relative to each other.
Klasifikasi Hypermetropia

Diskripsi Physiologic/ Simple Hyperopia

n Astigmatism, the most common refractive error, is often present in
conjunction with Hyperopia. High Hyperopia is associated with high
levels of Astigmatism, suggesting a breakdown in the process of
Emmetropization that results in a component-type refractive error.
n Hereditary factors are probably responsible for most cases of
refractive error, including Physiologic Hyperopia, with environment
playing some role in influencing the development and degree of the
error. However, environment probably plays a lesser role in
influencing the course and magnitude of Hyperopia than of Myopia.
Klasifikasi Hypermetropia

Diskripsi Physiologic/ Simple Hyperopia

n Physiologic Hyperopia is not solely an anomaly of physiologic optics.
Significant effects on visual system function are closely related to
the underlying structural anomaly.
n Active accommodation mitigates some or all of Hyperopia's adverse
effects on vision.
n The impact of accommodation is highly dependent upon age, the
amount of Hyperopia and Astigmatism, the status of the
Accommodative and Vergence systems, and the demands placed upon
the Visual system.
n Active Accommodation typically enables young patients to overcome
Facultative and Latent Hyperopia, but it may not be sustainable for long
periods under conditions of Visual Stress.
Klasifikasi Hypermetropia

Sign & Symptoms Physiologic/ Simple Hyperopia

n Signs and Symptoms such as Optical blur, Asthenopia, Accommodative
and Binocular Dysfunction, and Strabismus may develop. These Signs
and Symptoms occur more readily and to a greater degree in Manifest
and Absolute Hyperopia.
n In general, younger individuals with lower degrees of Hyperopia and
moderate visual demands are less adversely affected than older
individuals, who have higher degrees of Hyperopia and more
demanding visual needs.
Klasifikasi Hypermetropia

Etiology Physiologic/ Simple Hyperopia

n Constant to intermittent blurred vision
n Asthenopia
n Red, teary eyes
n Frequent blinking
n Decreased binocularity
n Difficulty reading
n Amblyopia
n Strabismus
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia

n Full optical correction for Hyperopia during infancy

may interfere with the process of Emmetropization.
n However, partial spectacle correction in infants with
significant Hyperopia does not impair the normal
Emmetropization of refraction over the first 36
months of life. (Atkinson J, Anker S, Bobier W, et al.)
Normal emmetropization in infants with spectacle correction for hyperopia, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2000; 84:181-8.)
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia
n The most common reason a parent schedules an optometric
examination for an infant or a preschool child is that one eye
turns inward.
n In the great majority of cases, Esotropia occurring in an
infant or preschool child is Accommodative Esotropia, a form
of functional strabismus brought about by the necessity for
the use an excessive amount of accommodation and
accompanying accommodative convergence.
n If the Hyperopia is corrected, the Hyperopia will relax
accommodation sufficiently to result Orthophoria in near
point or only a small esophoria with very good VA.
n In a small minority of cases, Esotropia occurring in a
preschool child may be of paralytic porigin, almost always
requires surgical intervention.
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia

n In the absence of a Binocular Vision Anomaly,

whether to prescribe for a Hyperopic patient will
depend on a number of factors, including :
 Age,
 The amount of Hyperopia, and
 The patient’s complaints (if any).
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia

Sebagian Rx
Rx Penuh/
5.00D Sebagian Penuh
Monitor Rx tanpa ditambah
6 bln Sebagian
Cycloplegia Addisi

>6bln >1 thn 20 – 40 thn > 40 thn
The International Centre for Eyecare Education
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia Ringan

n Hypermetropia ringan tdk memerlukan koreksi, hal ini

dikarenakan mereka biasanya tdk mempunyai keluhan.
n Apabila Akomodasi Reserve yg tersedia tdk mencukupi,
hal tsb akan menimbulkan visual problems yg terkait dgn
Hypermetropia ringan tadi.
n Sewaktu aktifitas penglihatan meningkat maka akan
terjadi visual stress. Orang tsb akan mengeluh dan
memerlukan lensa koreksi.
n Mengenakan Km Plus ringan akan menghilangkan keluhan.
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia Ringan
n Most children having low Hyperopia will have no symptoms and
will not require correction.
n Because children have very active accommodation, small or
moderate amount of Hyperopia may not be manifested during a
routine refraction.
n Others may have Latent Hyperopia which may cause headaches
or others form of discomfort accompanying near work. This
discomfort may be sufficient to cause the child to dislike reading
other near work, possibly resulting in poor perceptual skills and
learning difficulties.
n When a child who has symptoms of eyestrain or is falling behind
in school is found to be essentially Emmetropic, a cycloplegic
refraction should be done in order to investigate the possibility
of Latent Hyperopia
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia sedang
n Beberapa praktisi menggunakan ambang batas + 3.00 D pd
bilateral Hypermetropia yg asymptomatic, ada yg menggunakan
ambang batas + 5.00 D.
n Koreksi optic bisa berbeda –beda bagi pasien dgn Hypermetropia
sedang/ tinggi, intinya mereka perlu diwaspadai agar tdk terjadi
cacat penglihatan dan perlu kunjungan-ulang secara periodik.
n Perlu follow-up yg cermat dlm kunjungan-ulang, dimana
kemungkinan untuk mengganti ukuran lensa koreksi akan terjadi
lbh sering proses Emmetropisasi.
n Study menunjukan bahwa koreksi Hypermetropia dgn Km (walau
sebagian) semasa anak2 akan mengurangi resiko terjadinya
Amblyopia dan Strabismus
Guidelines for Refractive Correction
in Infants and Young Children
n Isoametropia
Conditions Umur < 1th Umur1–2th Umur2-3th
Myop ≥ - 5.00 D ≥ - 4.00 D ≥ - 3.00 D
Hypermetrop tanpa Tropia ≥ + 6.00 D ≥ + 5.00 D ≥ + 4.50 D
Hypermetrop + Esotropia ≥ + 2.50 D ≥ + 2.00 D ≥ + 1.50 D
Astigmat ≥ 3.00 D ≥ 2.50 D ≥ 2.00 D

n Anisometropia
Conditions Umur < 1th Umur1–2th Umur2-3th
Myop ≥ - 4.00 D ≥ - 3.00 D ≥ - 3.00 D
Hypermetrop ≥ + 2.50 D ≥ + 2.00 D ≥ + 1.50 D
Astigmat ≥ 2.50 D ≥ 2.00 D ≥ 2.00 D
Prepared by the American Optometric Association Consensus Panel
On Care of the Patient With Amblyopia
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia sedang

Tergantung kemampuan ber-akomodasi

 Amplitudo Akomodasi 4 – 5 D

 Juling (-) koreksi (-) / sebagian

 Juling (+) koreksi penuh sesuai

hasil pem. sikloplegik
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia

n Koreksi Optic hendaknya berdasarkan pemeriksaan

l Retinoscopy Static dan atau Retinoscopy Cycloplegic,
l Pemeriksaan Fungsi Akomodasi,
u Amplitudo Akomodasi
u Akomodasi Relatif dsb
l Pemeriksaan Penglihatan Binokuler,
u Decompensated Phoria
u Fusi Amplitudo
l Pemeriksaan AC/A ratio.
n Hasil koreksi masih perlu dimodifikasi agar Penglihatan
Binokuler tetap terjaga.
Patient History
Hypermetropia sedang

n Older children may complain to parents or teachers about

visual symptoms, or they may have failed vision screening
performed at school or in the pediatrician's office.
n Adults with even Mild Hyperopia may develop Visual
Problems after extensive use of the eyes and in poor
n Although blurred vision at near and unspecified Visual
Discomfort are the most common complaints of patients
with Hyperopia, there are no complaints specifically
pathognomonic of Hyperopia.
Management of Hyperopia

Basis Treatment
n Significant Hyperopia, if uncorrected, can produce :
 Visual discomfort,
 Blurred vision,
 Amblyopia,
 Binocular dysfunction,
 including Strabismus, and
 contribute to Learning Problems.
n Treatment should be initiated both to remediate symptoms
and to reduce the future risk of Vision Problems resulting
from the Hyperopia.
Management of Hyperopia

Basis Treatment
n The clinician should tailor specific elements of treatment to
individual patient needs. Among the factors to consider when
planning treatment and management strategies are :
 the magnitude of the Hyperopia,
 the presence of Astigmatism or Anisometropia,
 the patient's age,
 the presence of an associated Esotropia and/or Amblyopia,
 the status of Accommodation and Convergence,
 the demands placed on the Visual System, and
 the patient's symptoms.
Visual acuity
n The effect of Hyperopia on Visual Acuity depends upon :
l the magnitude of the Hyperopia and the patient's age,
l Visual Demands, and Accommodative Amplitude available to overcome the
n Young patients with low to moderate Facultative Hyperopia
generally have normal Visual Acuity, but when Visual Demands are
high, they may experience :
l Blurred Vision and
l Asthenopia.
n Visual Acuity testing of patients with High Hyperopia, even when
the patients are young, is likely to reveal measurable deficits,
especially under significant Visual Demand.
n Although Visual Acuity may be reduced at times, especially at
near, the objective measure of Visual Acuity in patients with
Latent Hyperopia is usually normal.
Visual acuity
n However, when such patients become Visually Fatigued, they
demonstrate inconsistent levels of near, and sometimes distance Visual
n Patients with Moderate and High Hyperopia are at significantly
increased risk for Refractive and Strabismic Amblyopia.
n The patient who has never been optically corrected for a high degree of
Hyperopia, with or without Astigmatism, is at risk for Isoametropic
n Older patients with Hyperopia invariably experience reduced vision,
especially at near.
n Prepresbyopic and Early Presbyopic patients with Hyperopia Manifest
deficits of near vision before distance Visual Acuity is adversely
n In patients with Absolute Hyperopia, the reduction in Visual Acuity at
both distance and near is proportionate to the degree of Absolute
10 Tahun 14.0 D

15 Tahun 12.0 D

20 Tahun 10.0 D

25 Tahun 8.5 D

30 Tahun 7.0 D

35 Tahun 5.5 D

40 Tahun 4.5 D

50 Tahun 2.5 D

55 Tahun 1.75 D

60 Tahun 1.00 D

65 Tahun 0.50 D

70 Tahun 0.25 D

Hofstetter’s Formula :
n Amplitudo yang diharapkan :
l D = 18.5 – 0.3 (umur dalam satuan tahun)

n Amplitudo Maximum
l D = 25 – 0.4 (umur dalam satuan tahun)

n Amplitudo Minimum
l D = 15 – 0.25 (umur dalam satuan tahun)
Hofstetter’s Formula tidak berlaku bagi anak-anak dengan umur dibawah 8 tahun
Amplitudo Akomodasi

Rengking Diskripsi Amplitudo Akomodasi

5 Sangat kuat 1.00 D/ lebih diatas tabel umur
4 Kuat > 0.50 - < 1.00 D diatas tabel umur
3 Normal Sesuai tabel umur
2 Lemah > 2.00 - < 4.00 D dibawah tabel umur
1 Sangat Lemah 4.00 D/ lebih dibawah tabel umur

John R Griffin & J David Grisham

Binocular Anomalies, Diagnosis and Vision Therapy, 2002
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia Sedang

n Sebagian besar pasien dgn Hypermetropia sedang,

kurang/ tdk terdeteksi dlm pelayanan refraksi.
n Mereka memerlukan lensa koreksi, terutama bagi
mereka yg banyak beraktifitas penglihatan dekat,
atau bagi mereka yg menderita kelainan Akomodasi,
dan kelainan Penglihatan Binokuler.
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia Tinggi

Hipermetrop  5 D koreksi penuh Ambliop

anak usia sekolah

penglihatan jauh buram
o.k relaksasi Akomodasi
belum sempurna

Cycloplegic jangka pendek

u/ membantu adaptasi
Management of Hyperopia

Available Treatment Options :

n Among several available treatments for Hyperopia-related
symptoms, optical correction of the refractive error with
spectacles and contact lenses is the most commonly used modality.
n It is the optometrist's responsibility to advise and counsel the
patient regarding the options and to guide the patient's selection
of the appropriate spectacles or contact lenses.
n Vision therapy and modification of the patient's habits and
environment can be important in achieving definitive long-term
remediation of symptoms.
n Pharmaceutical agents or refractive surgery may also be useful in
treating some patients.
Management of Hyperopia

Optical Corrections :
n The primary modality for treating significant Hyperopia is correction
with spectacles.
n Plus-power spherical or spherocylindrical lenses are prescribed to shift
the focus of light from behind the eye to a point on the retina.
n Accommodation plays an important role in determining the prescription.
Some patients with Hyperopia do not initially tolerate the full
correction indicated by the manifest refraction, and many patients with
Latent Hyperopia do not tolerate the full correction of Hyperopia
indicated under Cycloplegia.
n However, young children with Accommodative Esotropia and Hyperopia
generally require only a short period of adaptation to tolerate full
optical correction.
Management of Hyperopia
Optical Corrections :
n Patients with Latent Hyperopia who prove intolerant to the use of full
or partial Hyperopic correction may benefit from initially wearing the
correction only for near viewing;
n Alternatively:
l trial use of a short-acting cycloplegic agent (e.g., 1% cyclopentalate) may
enhance acceptance of the optical correction.
n Patients with absolute Hyperopia are more likely to accept nearly the
full correction, because they typically experience immediate
improvement in visual acuity.
n To determine the final spectacle lens prescription, the clinician should
carefully consider the patient's vision needs. The lenses prescribed
may be either single vision or multifocal.
Management of Hyperopia

Optical Corrections :
n Newer high-index lens materials and aspheric lens
designs have reduced the thickness and weight of high
plus-power lenses, increasing their wearability and
patient acceptance.
n Spectacles, especially those with lenses of polycarbonate
material, provide protection against trauma to the eye
and orbital area.
Management of Hyperopia

Optical Corrections :
n Soft or Rigid contact lenses are an excellent alternative for some patients.
In patients who resist wearing spectacles, compliance with wearing the
optical correction may be enhanced due to improved cosmesis.
n Contact lenses reduce Aniseikonia and Anisophoria in persons with
Anisometropia, improving binocularity.
n In persons with Accommodative Esotropia, contact lenses decrease the
accommodative and convergence demands, reducing or eliminating Esotropia
at near to a greater extent than spectacles.
n Multifocal or monovision contact lenses may be considered for patients who
require additional near correction but resist the use of multifocal
spectacles because of the appearance.
Management of Hyperopia

Optical Corrections :
n The initial cost of contact lenses may be higher than that of
spectacles, and there are additional responsibilities and
costs associated with the proper care of contact lenses.
n Patients who wear contact lenses are at increased risk for
ocular complications due to :
l Corneal Hypoxia,
l Mechanical irritation, or
l Infection
n nevertheless, improved vision makes contact lens wear a
valuable treatment option for compliant patients.
Management of Hyperopia

Vision Therapy :
n Vision Therapy can be effective in the treatment of
Accommodative and Binocular Dysfunction resulting from the
n Habitual Accommodative Response in persons with Hyperopia
often does not respond to lens correction alone, and Vision
Therapy may be required to remediate Accommodative
n Accommodative Esotropia secondary to Hyperopia that is
moderate to high may reduce Binocular skills, which can be
improved by :
l the wearing of a prescribed lens correction and
l Vision Therapy.
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia

Sebagian Rx
Rx Penuh/
5.00D Sebagian Penuh
Monitor Rx tanpa ditambah
6 bln Sebagian
Cycloplegia Addisi

>6bln >1 thn 20 – 40 thn > 40 thn
The International Centre for Eyecare Education
Management Strategy of Hyperopic correction

Young Children
n Young children (birth - 10 years of age) with low to moderate
Hyperopia, but without Strabismus, Amblyopia, or other significant
Vision problems, usually require no treatment.
n However, even occasional evidence of decreased Visual Acuity,
Binocular Anomalies, or Functional Vision Problems may signal the
need for treatment. Whereas the effects of uncorrected Hyperopia
may manifest as Visual Perceptual Dysfunction Reading Difficulties,
or failure in school, any child with Hyperopia who is experiencing
learning or other school difficulties needs careful assessment and
may require treatment.
Management Strategy of Hyperopic correction

Young Children
n In most young Hyperopic children, the process of Emmetropization leads to
a gradual reduction in the degree of Hyperopia by 5-10 years of age. Some
children do not go through this process however, they remain significantly
Hyperopic and at increased risk for developing Strabismus and Amblyopia.
n Although patients under age 5 who have over 3.25 D of Hyperopia appear to
benefit from early optical correction to reduce the risk for Strabismus and
Amblyopia, the results of animal studies suggest that early optical
correction, especially in infants, can interfere with Emmetropization. Thus,
early treatment has the potential to result in maintenance of the
refractive error throughout life. Nevertheless, clinical pediatric studies
suggest that Partial Hyperopic prescriptions do not impede
Emmetropization of infants up to the age of 3 years.
Rehabilitasi Hypermetropia Tinggi

n Banyak orang dgn Hypermetropia tinggi tdk terdeteksi dan

tdk tertangani sewaktu umur 10 – 20 tahun. Apabila terasa
adanya Visual stress dan terjadi penurunan tajam-
penglihatan, mereka baru memerlukan pelayanan mata.
n Menjelang usia 30 - 35 tahun, pasien Hypermetrop yg
semula asymptomatic dan belum mendapatkan lensa koreksi,
mulai mengalami penglihatan buram sewaktu melihat dekat
dan terasa penglihatan mulai kurang nyaman.
n Hypermetropia Facultatif tdk mampu lagi mempertahankan
kenyamanan dlm melihat, hal ini terkait dgn menurunnya
Amplitudo Akomodasi.
Komplikasi Hypermetropia:

n Resiko yg mungkin bisa terjadi a.l.:

l Glaucoma Sudut Tertutup (Acute angle
closure Glaucoma)
§ The mid sized pupil, which was nonreactive to light,
and injection (nonuniform redness) of the conjunctiva.

l Mata juling (Strabismus)

§ Koreksi Hipermetropia akan memperbaiki mata juling

Modifikasi Refraktive Error

n Modifikasi besaran refractive error dilakukan dgn tujuan :

mengubah besaran Accommodative-Convergence dgn cara
menambahkan lensa plus pada Esophoria atau menambahkan lensa
minus pd Exophoria.
l Penambahan lensa Plus akan mengurangi besaran Esophoria.
u Hyperopic Esophoria diberikan full koreksi, plus lensa extra S + 0.25
dan atau
u Bifocal addition/ PAL bila diperlukan.
l Penambahan lensa Minus akan mengurangi besaran Exophoria.
u Hyperopic Exophoria diberikan under koreksi sesuai kebutuhan
n Mengacu pd perhitungan Ac/A ratio
n Bagi Hipermetropia 4.00 D untuk melihat jauh akan menggunakan daya
Akomodasi 4.00 D dan mengakibatkan :
lAccommodative Convergence jauh = 6 X (+ 4.00) = 24
n Posisi Bolamata akan terlihat lurus apabila :
lTersedia Negative Fusional Vergence yg memadai
n Apabila NFC Jauh tdk mencukupi, maka akan terjadi :
lBahkan bisa menjadi Esotropia, apalagi sewaktu melihat dekat
n Sewaktu melihat dekat (40 Cm)
lStimulus Akomodasi = 4.00 + 2.50 = 6.50 D
lRespons Konvergensi = 24 + 15 = 39
lAc/A = 39 : 6.50 = 6/1 Setiap penambahan 1.00 D akan berkurangnya
Convergensi sebesar 6
Convergence Excess

Temuan Klinis :
n Pemeriksaan Phoria
l Jauh = Ortho
l Dekat (40 Cm) = 10 E
15 – (- 10)
• Ac/A = = 10/1 Convergence Excess
n Agar penglihatan dekat = Ortho, berapa besaran lensa Plus yg
harus ditambahkan ?
n Rasio Ac/A = 10/1 berarti
lSetiap penambahan lensa Plus 100 D, akan mengakibatkan berkurangnya
Esophori sebesar = 10
Kesimpulan :

n Hyperopia merupakan kelainan refraksi biasa

n Keterkaitan antara Hyperopia, Amblyopia, dan Strabismus,
khususnya pada anak2, menjadikan Hyperopia berisiko lebih besar/
n The early diagnosis and treatment of significant hyperopia and its
consequences can prevent a significant amount of visual disability
in the general population. Because hyperopia is usually not readily
apparent, preventive examination of all young children is essential.
n Periodic eye and vision examinations are needed there after to
help ensure the provision of treatment appropriate to the changing
visual needs of the Hyperopic patient.
ARO Leprindo
n Prevalensi Myopia 25% - 40%
lKongenital: 1% - 2%
lMuncul dini (6 – 15 tahun) : 15% - 30%
lmuncul kemudian (> 18 tahun) : 8% -10%
n Tahap perkembangan Myopia
lBiasanya mulai pada masa kanak-kanak
lKecepatan perkembangan sekitar 0.35 D – 0.55 D per tahun sampai
usia remaja
lApabila muncul lebih dini, perkembangan akan lebih cepat (Progresif)
Myopia lebih tinggi
(Goss & Winkler; 1983)
lPerubahan ke arah Myopia pada lanjut usia biasanya akibat perubahan
indeks bias lensa kristalin (Katarak)
Petunjuk Rehabilitasi Myopia
n Jarang terjadi pada saat lahir

Myopia fisiologis/developmental
l usia sekolah
l penurunan visus, asimptomatik

Myopia kongenital/infantil
l Myop tinggi > 5 D terjadi tahun ke 1
kehidupan progresif,
l diperiksa rutin, perubahan Rx:  0.50 D
perlu diganti
Petunjuk Rehabilitasi Myopia

Tergantung kebutuhan individual nyaman

l Penglihatan jauh buram, lebih mengutamakan penglihatan jarak
l Anak usia 6 tahun 20/100
8 tahun 20/70 keluhan (-)
12 tahun 20/40
l Myopia ringan kegiatan terganggu (saat sekolah saja).
Koreksi sebatas kebutuhan
l Koreksi penuh apabila Myopia > 3 D Amblyopia
Petunjuk Rehabilitasi Myopia
n < 6 bulan
ltidak dikoreksi
n < 3 tahun
ldikoreksi jika  3.00 D
n 3 - 5 tahun
ldikoreksi jika  1.50 D
lMyopia di bawah usia 6 tahun, ruang-lingkup penglihatan mereka terbatas
pada jarak kerja yg relatif dekat, umumnya tdk perlu koreksi
n 5 - 10 tahun
ldisesuaikan pada kebutuhan penglihatan di sekolah
n > 10 tahun
lberdasarkan kemajuan dalam penglihatan jauh
The International Centre for Eyecare Education
Petunjuk Rehabilitasi Myopia

Dewasa (12 tahun keatas)

n Secara umum ditanggulangi dgn lensa minus terlemah yg
menghasilkan visus terbaik
n Bagi myopia anak2/ dewasa dgn Esophoria dekat
lBiasanya lbh nyaman menggunakan Km hanya u/ jauhnya saja
(Miopia rendah)
lBagi Myopia sedang/ tinggi atau Accommodative Insufficiency,
mereka perlu menggunakan Km Bifocal/ PAL
Kontrol Myopia (Vision Therapy)

Pemakaian Lensa Bifokal/ PAL

n Akan mengurangi progresifitas, akan tetapi hanya bagi :
 Myopia dgn Esophoria dekat
 Tdk berlaku bagi Orthophoria/ Exophoria dekat
(Goss & Grosvenor; 1990)

n Bagi Myopia anak2 dgn :

 Esophoria dekat, yg menggunakan lensa Bifocal/ PAL akan terjadi
perlambatan 0.20 D/ tahun dibandingkan bila menggunakan lensa Single
 Orthophoric atau Exophoric dekat, progresifitas boleh dikatakan sama
bila menggunakan lensa Single Vision dan Lensa Bifocal/ PAL
(Fulk, Ceyert and Parker; 2000)
Petunjuk Rehabilitasi Myopia

Dewasa (12 tahun keatas)

n Secara umum ditanggulangi dgn lensa minus terlemah yg menghasilkan
visus terbaik
n Bagi myopia anak2/ dewasa dgn Exophoria atau Exotropia intermitant
la prescription for full-time wear of the full refractive correction for myopia
is warranted.
lIt is important to consider the patient's accommodation and vergence
functions. Full-time wear of the full minus power correction for myopia may
be recommended for young patients with high Exophoria, a moderate
Accommodative Convergence/Accommodation (AC/A) ratio, and normal
Accommodative function.
lA nearpoint plus lens addition (i.e., reduced minus power for near viewing,
compared with the distance correction) is often indicated for nonpresbyopic
patients with accommodative insufficiency or convergence excess.
Modifikasi Refraktive Error

n Modifikasi besaran Refractive Error dilakukan dgn tujuan :

mengubah besaran Accommodative-Convergence dgn cara
menambahkan lensa minus pd Exophoria atau menambah lensa
plus pada Esophoria.
l Penambahan lensa Minus akan mengurangi besaran Exophoria.
¡ Myopic Exophoria overkoreksi tdk lebih dari S - 3.00 apabila
Akomodasi mencukupi, kemudian besaran lensa dikurangi secara
bertahap agar Fusional Reserves terlatih/ menjadi lbh kuat.
l Penambahan lensa Plus akan mengurangi besaran Esophoria.
¡ Myopic Esophoria underkoreksi dgn 0.50 D
Rangkuman Rehabilitasi Myopia
Pada Myopia (secara umum), full spherical & Pada Myopia rendah dgn Esophoria dekat :
cylindrical power diresepkan dgn Konsep :

l CAMP l full spherical atau cylindrical power diberikan hanya

sewaktu u/ melihat jauhnya saja
l Untuk melihat dekat Km koreksi boleh dibuka

Full spherical & cylindrical power tidak Pada Myopia sedang/ tinggi dgn Esophoria dekat:
diresepkan, pd Kasus :
l Uncorrected/ Under-corrected Myopia yg telah  Bifocal/ PAL
berlangsung lama  Myopilux Pro (Essilor)
l Anisometropia
l Presbyopia
Pada Myopia sedang/ tinggi dgn Exophoria dekat

 Bifocal/ PAL
 Myopilux Max (Essilor)
Rehabilitasi Astigmatisma
 Mengganggu penglihatan jauh & dekat
nyaman dgn koreksi lensa silindris
 Koreksi penuh, dgn aksis yg tepat
 Anak s/d usia 7 – 9 tahun

Anisometrop Astigmatisma
koreksi (-)


 Perbedaan > 1.00 – 1.50 D koreksi

Petunjuk Rehabilitasi

Besaran Astigmat Usia Tata Kelola

< 2.00 D < 2 Tahun Monitor 6 bulan
> 2.00 D 2 Tahun Rx sebagian
> 2.00 D > 2 Tahun Rx penuh
1.00 D - 2.00 D > 2 Tahun Rx bila bertambah
1.00 D - 2.00 D > 3 Tahun Rx berdasarkan Visus
< 1.00 D dewasa Rx penuh
> 1.00 D dewasa Rx sebagian, kemudian Rx penuh

The International Centre for Eyecare Education

Petunjuk Rehabilitasi
n In cases of compound myopic astigmatism, some cylinder correction
should generally be incorporated in the prescription when the amount
of astigmatism is 0.50 D or greater. If the patient has successfully
worn a correction with 0.25 D cylinder, cylinder correction of as
little as 0.25 D can be incorporated in the new prescription.
n Patients who are more sensitive to slight amounts of blur may report
much better vision with prescription changes of as little as 0.25 D. A
trial frame demonstration of the difference between the new
refraction and the existing correction can be helpful in deciding
whether the patient is obviously able to appreciate improved vision
with the new correction when the difference is small.
Adaptasi Astigmatisma
nAdaptasi terhadap koreksi astigmatisme bervariasi untuk tiap
individu, tetapi ada beberapa pedoman umum a.l. :
lAnak-anak di bawah usia 10 tahun biasanya mudah menyesuaikan
diri pada ukuran penuh.
lOrang-orang dewasa dengan koreksi astigmatisme pertama
mungkin mengalami distorsi (gangguan) spatial seperti lantai dan
dinding yang kelihatan miring melengkung atau pagar yang
kelihatan miring.
lKebanyakan orang beradaptasi terhadap gejala-gejala ini dalam
beberapa hari atau minggu.
lPenting sekali untuk menjelaskan pasien mengenai masa adaptasi
dan apa yang akan mereka alami (atau apa yang mereka
harapkan) sehingga mereka tidak berpikir bahwa koreksi yang
diberikan salah.
Adaptasi Astigmatisma
nAdaptasi terhadap koreksi astigmatisme bervariasi untuk tiap individu,
tetapi ada beberapa pedoman umum a.l. :
lAnak-anak di bawah usia 10 tahun biasanya mudah menyesuaikan diri pada
lJika keputusannya adalah memberikan hanya sebagian koreksi agar masa
adaptasi lebih mudah, ada beberapa pendekatan yang dapat digunakan.
lSalah satu metode adalah mengurangi kekuatan daya silinder dan
mempertahankan spheris ekuivalen (yaitu bagi setiap 0.50D penurunan
dalam silinder minus, spheris harus ditingkatkan -0.25D). Dengan cara ini,
circle of least confusion akan tetap berada pada retina, mempertahankan
penglihatan yang relatif jelas.
lMetode yang lain adalah mulai memberikan ukuran silinder yang lebih
rendah dan meningkatkan ukuran tersebut secara bertahap sementara
tetap mempertahankan ukuran spheris. Besarnya kekuatan silinder yang
diberikan dapat ditentukan dengan trial frame (atau poroptor) dan reaksi
subjektif pasien.
Adaptasi Astigmatisma

n Jelaskan kpd pasien mengenai adaptasi

n Gejala-gejala adaptasi:
l permukaan datar kelihatan melengkung
l garis-garis vertikal kelihatan miring dan/atau melengkung
n Koreksi sebagian dgn :
l Mengurangi kekuatan lensa silinder dan mempertahankan
Spheris Ekuivalen
l Memberi resep silinder yang lebih rendah dan meningkatkan
kekuatan silinder sejalan dengan waktu
Rehabilitasi Anisometropia

 Anisometrop Hipermetropia Amblyop

 Perbedaan > 1.00 D koreksi
 Koreksi sesuai pemeriksaan Cycloplegia

tanpa melihat : umur

derajad anisometrop

 Status refraksi anak  dinamis

 Pengelolaan yg benar  penting untuk perkembangan
Visual normal
 Ketrampilan tersendiri

cermat, tepat, teliti


n Konsultasi merupakan upaya dari Nakes, untuk

dapat memberikan pelayanan terbaik dng cara :
l Bertanya
l Meminta pendapat
l Meminta pertimbangan/ saran
n Kepada rekan sejawat yg dinilai lebih memahami

n Rujukan merupakan kewajiban dari nakes dalam

memberi yankes terbaiknya, dimana dirasakan oleh
yg bersangkutan tidak dapat ditanganinya, y.i. dng
cara :
l Mengalihkan kewenangan kepada rekan sejawatnya
l yg dinilai lebih kompeten atau lebih ahli

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