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Setelah mempelajari chapter ini, peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara menjelaskan makna, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan (simple past tense vs present perfect tense)
pada pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan
kesudahannya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya; cara meminta dan memberi informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi
di waktu lampau yang merujuk pada waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya.
2. terampil:
menjelaskan makna, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan (simple past tense vs present perfect tense) pada
pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya; meminta dan memberi informasi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau yang
merujuk pada waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar internasional;
2. menghargai perilaku percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, dan santun dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Interviews about past


Simple past tense and
Comprehension present perfect tense

Listen and repeat,

answer the questions,
find the meanings,
Questions The Wright Brothers perform, complete the
interview, ask and
answer questions


Write one’s activities,

make sentences and
change them, complete
the sentence

Browsing the
Internet Theories about simple
Tasks past tense dan present
perfect tense

Homework Write a text based on the


2 The Wright Brothers

Source:–content/uploads/2011/05/Wright–Brothers;, downloaded July 22, 2016

The pictures above depict men with their inventions. The first picture shows the Wright Brothers, the inventors of airplanes.
Meanwhile, the second picture shows Martin Cooper, the inventor of cell phones. The men’s inventions advanced rapidly, along
with the growth of technology. The inventions have been modified into better forms and functions.
In this chapter, you will learn about past events or activities, referring to specific times and results. Do all the tasks

1. Untuk memulai kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menyebutkan nama-nama penemu terkenal di dunia
beserta hasil penemuan mereka.
2. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik melihat gambar apersepsi dan membaca kalimat-kalimat di bawah
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa dalam chapter ini peserta didik akan mempelajari peristiwa atau kegiatan yang
terjadi di masa lampau dan memotivasi peserta didik agar aktif dalam setiap kegiatan.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 3

Answer the following questions based on the dialog in TASK 1. Read the following interview.
What is the interview about?
1. It was about the invention of an airplane and its landing test. Jawaban: The interview is an exclusive interview with Martin
2. They were inventors of airplanes. (Marty) Cooper, especially about his invention.
3. Their father gave them a toy helicopter that flew with the aid
of rubber bands.
4. Because it had a hill, good breeze and was sandy to help
soften the landings in case of a crash.
5. Orville Wright.
6. Because the airplane didn’t have perfect wing design and Supply the following dialog with the correct expressions based
controls. on the interview in TASK 5.
7. The flight lasted for over 5 minutes. Practice the dialog with a friend.
8. For safety reasons.
9. It refers to the Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur).
10. Contoh jawaban: A simple idea can be developed into
a great invention. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membentuk
pasangan. Sebaiknya pasangan peserta didik bukan
teman sebangkunya.
2. Setiap pasangan peserta didik membaca kembali dan
memahami isi wawancara di TASK 5.
3. Setiap pasangan melengkapi percakapan dengan
See the pictures carefully. informasi yang sesuai, berdasarkan isi wawancara di
Then, answer the questions that follow. TASK 5.
4. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, Bapak/Ibu Guru
berkeliling dan mengamati aktivitas peserta didik. Bapak/
Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik yang kurang aktif dan
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati membantu mereka apabila menemui kesulitan.
gambar benda-benda dan tokoh dalam gambar. 5. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi pasangan
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu kepada peserta didik peserta didik berani ke depan kelas dan memeragakan
untuk mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan percakapan yang telah mereka selesaikan. Pasangan
yang tersedia. Bapak/Ibu Guru mempersilakan peserta peserta didik yang lain menyimak jawaban temannya dan
didik untuk berdiskusi dengan temannya. menyampaikan jawabannya apabila berbeda dengan
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengemukakan jawaban temannya.
jawabannya. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik bersama-sama
menyampaikan jawabannya apabila memiliki jawaban menyimpulkan jawabannya.
yang berbeda dengan jawaban temannya. 7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.
4. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membuat
simpulan berdasarkan jawaban-jawaban yang telah Jawaban:
dikemukakan. 1. I invented a cell phone.
2. Yes, but actually I didn’t think this far ahead when I made
my first call.
1. The similarity is that the two items are means of
3. I thought whether the cell phone functions or not.
communication. The difference is that the first picture is
4. I believed in competitions, initially. Next, I thought the time
a fixed telephone, while the second picture is a portable, or
was right for personal phones, phones to carry and enjoy
cell phone.
the freedom to be anywhere.
2. He is the inventor of cell phones.
5. I called Dr. Joel Engel.
3. Contoh jawaban: His hard work and self-discipline.
6. I said, “Joel, it’s Marty Cooper. I’m calling you from a cell
4. Contoh jawaban: Yes, it is. Because it makes communication
phone, but a real cell phone, a personal, handheld portable
cell phone.”
7. I wanted to give people the freedom to move around while
8. There were two surprises. One is the very rapid adoption
and the other is nobody ever could have anticipated that you
would put in a little box, that a consumer could buy, what
Find the meanings of the following words. was a supercomputer in the 1980s.
You will read them in TASK 5.
1. teman imbangan 2. dengan jelas
3. mudah dibawa 4. (pada) akhirnya
5. sudah menjadi sifat 6. lucu, menggelikan
7. tak kelihatan 8. maksud
9. membenamkan 10. demi, untuk kepentingan

4 The Wright Brothers

Steve : Well, you know, it’s amazing. I think one of the
most precious resources we all have these days is
free time. One of the advantages is you can use it
while you’re doing other chores. You can use it
TASK 1 while you’re exercising, riding the subway to work,
Read the following words. driving to work, etc. Then, what podcasting does
What do the following words mean? is, it lets me pick out precisely what I’m interested
in. Whether it’s a podcast on new films, on news,
1. directory = ______________________________ on music, whatever. Without any work on my part
2. mainstream = ______________________________ whatsoever, when I’m driving to work tomorrow,
3. launch = ______________________________ the latest and greatest episodes of the podcasts
4. commentary = ______________________________ that I’ve picked are saving me a ton of time. It’s the
5. to utter = ______________________________ most personalized thing we’ve ever done, because
6. infringement = ______________________________ you get to pick 3,000 podcasts or more that you’re
7. to envision = ______________________________ interested in.
8. to perpetuate = ______________________________ Host : O.K., one last question, Steve. What are the other
TASK 2 future developments for your product?
Practice the following interview with a friend. Steve : Well, you know us. We never talk about future
products. There used to be a saying at my
Host : Hello and welcome to ABC News Shuffle brain
company: Isn’t it funny? A ship that leaks from the
candy. I’m Jake Tapper in Washington. We’re dealing
top. I don’t want to perpetuate that. So, I really
a special hand today, a special edition of the Shuffle.
can’t say.
Joining us to talk is Steve Jobs.
Host : O.K. (Laughter) Well, Steve Jobs, thank you so
Steve, welcome.
much for joining us. We really appreciate it.
Steve : Thanks for inviting me.
Steve : Well, thanks for inviting me.
Host : So here’s a quick question. There are going to be
Host : O.K. That is it for the ABC News Shuffle. I’m Jake
3,000 free audio programs available, making our
Tapper. Thanks for downloading us.
product one of the largest podcast directories in Adopted from:
the world. Why are they going to be free? (July 15, 2016)
Steve : Well, you know podcasting has been free since the
beginning. It’s been an emerging phenomenon that
Answer the following questions based on the interview in
has been, you know, growing very rapidly. However,
we’re hoping to take it mainstream, which has
everything you need to podcast built right in it. So, 1. Who is Jake Tapper?
I think podcasts are going to remain free. Although 2. Where was the talk show broadcast?
I do think we may start to see a lot of advertising 3. How did Steve Job’s company product become one of
tagged onto them, you know, in the coming months. the largest podcast directories in the world?
Host : Now, I know companies like Disney, ESPN and ABC 4. What did Steve think about the free audio programs in
News are also going be various contributors for like the coming months?
the Dawn and Drew Show and Newsweek and a few 5. Who or what are able to contribute to the podcast
NPR member stations. Are there going to be directory?
individuals to contribute to this? Will the average 6. What did the host think about the Internet?
man or woman, who has his/her own podcast in his/ 7. What did Steve say about his directory, compared to
her home computer and sends it out on his/her web the Internet?
site, be part of the directory? 8. What can we learn from the interview?
Steve : Well, we have over 3,000 podcasts in the directory,
at launch today. I’m sure, hundreds more are
flooding in as we speak. Yeah, they range from
1. direktori, petunjuk
professional podcasts, from Disney. All the way to
2. tendensi
Wayne’s World of radio. You know, a person in their
3. peluncuran
garage is making a podcast talking about what’s on
4. komentar, uraian
their mind, whether it’s a commentary on new
5. mengucapkan
movies that have come out in the last few weeks to
6. pelanggaran
whatever. So, there’s a wide range.
7. memimpikan, membayangkan
Host : Is it a philosophy behind what is allowed to be
8. mengabadikan, menghidupkan terus-menerus
offered on your product? I mean, the Internet, as
you know, is complete and utter freedom. You can TASK 3
put almost anything you want on it and that’s 1. He is the host or interviewer of the talk show broadcast
great. However, there is a certain degree of by ABC.
anarchy involved. Is that the same philosophy 2. In the ABC News Shuffle.
when it comes to the podcasts that are going to be 3. Due to 3,000 free audio programs being available.
available? 4. He thought that we might start to see a lot of advertising
Steve : You know, it is. Except that in our directory, we’re tagged onto the programs.
not allowing any pornography and we’re not 5. Companies like Disney, ESPN, ABC News, the Dawn
allowing copyright infringement, etc, but other than and Drew Show, Newsweek and a few NPR member
those few guidelines you know, it’s the Wild West. stations, as well as individuals who have their own
Host : How big do you expect podcasting to get? How do podcast on their home computers, connected to the
you envision this technology being used in three to Internet.
four years? 6. He thought that the Internet is complete and utter

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 5

7. His directory is not allowing any pornography, copyright f. Yeah, I think his move is a forgivable error in
infringement, etc. judgment. Whenever I speak to entrepreneurs,
8. Contoh jawaban: New inventions are needed to make they always ask me what mistakes they should try
life easier and happier. to avoid.
g. Actually, the shift to mobile was not as quick as it
should have been. However, it shows one of the
characteristics of our company, is that we are
pretty strong-willed.
h. If you’re always under pressure of real identity,
I think that is somewhat of a burden.
Complete the following interview with the suitable sentences
from the box. Host : Hello, Mark. Thanks for your time today on Sunday
Then, perform the complete interview with your friend. Evening with Mark Zuckerberg.
Jawaban: Mark : You’re welcome.
1. d 2. h 3. f 4. a Host : O.K., let’s begin with my first question. It’s publicly
5. j 6. c 7. i 8. e known that you like to shape your thoughts into 3-,
5- and 10-year plans. You’re fond of annual
challenges and in previous years you’ve vowed to
learn Mandarin in 2010, to eat only animals you
slaughtered yourself in 2011 and to meet a new
person each day in 2013. (1) ________________
Mark : Well, it’s important for me, because I’m a critic.
Answer the following questions based on the interview in TASK 8. I always kind of see how I want things to be better
Jawaban: and I’m generally not happy with how things are, or
1. It was about the people and culture in Bill Gates’ company. the level of service that we’re providing to people, or
2. For about three years. the quality of the teams that we built. However, if you
3. Marc McDonald. look at this objectively, we’re doing very well in so
4. It was hard to recruit people as the company tried to grow. many aspects. I think it’s important to show gratitude
5. They were aggressive. for that.
6. It has always been hiring very smart people. Host : It’s been reported that Facebook has already been
7. It picked good people, used small teams and gave them used by 1.23 billion people around the world and
excellent equipment, vast compilation, debugging, lots of your company is worth around $135 billion. Its
machines, profiling technology. recent financial results have impressed Wall Street,
8. In the early days. in part with the success of its shift to cell phones.
9. It had customers who went bankrupt and couldn’t pay. In the fourth-quarter earnings report on January
10. Contoh jawaban: To reach success, we should work hard 29, Facebook disclosed that for the first time sales
and never be afraid of failure. from ads on cell phones and tablets exceeded
revenue from traditional PCs. What do you think
about it?
Mark : (2) ________________
Host : Your company has been developing and creating
many applications which have their own brands
and distinct styles of sharing. For example, the app
TASK 1 called Paper which looks nothing at all like
Complete the following interview with the correct sentences a Facebook product. If Facebook is the Internet’s
from the box. social newspaper, Paper strives to be its magazine:
Then, practice the interview with a friend. photos, friend updates and shared articles shown
up in an image-heavy, uncluttered way.
a. Not long ago, Snapchat’s co-founder Evan Spigel, Mark : We think that there are different ways that people
posted screen shots of e-mail conversations with want to share and that compressing them all into
you on Twitter. a single blue app is not the right format of the future.
b. The new apps might be like Instagram, which Host : (3) ________________ What do you think about it?
doesn’t require users to log in with Facebook Mark : Oh, I don’t know, that’s probably not what I would
credentials or share pictures with friends on the have done.
social network. Host : Do you think, his action is forgiveable?
c. Well, if we can help develop a few of these Mark : (4) ________________ I actually think, you’re just
economies, they will turn into markets our current going to mess up all this stuff and we have as well.
business can take in. Host : Your former employees have said that identity and
d. For this year you intend to write at least one well- anonymity have always been topics of heated
considered thank-you note every day, via e-mail or debate in the company.
handwritten letter. Why? Mark : I don’t know if the balance has swung too far, but
e. More users in undeveloped countries will subscribe I definitely think we’re at the point where we don’t
to mobile services for the opportunity to use need to keep on only doing real identity things.
Facebook, which in turn makes it more economical (5) ________________
for mobile operators to improve their wireless Host : What about the Paper? Will it still require a Facebook
networks to support higher-bandwidth services login?
such as online education and banking. Mark : (6) ________________ It’s definitely, I think, a little
more balanced now 10 years later. I think that’s good.

6 The Wright Brothers

Host : Facebook formed a group called last TASK 2
summer with six other technology companies, to 1. 3-, 5- and 10-year plans
simplify their services, so they can be delivered 2. learn Mandarin
more economically over primitive wireless networks 3. to meet a new person each day
and tapped into using cheaper phones. How is it 4. he’d been doing very well in so many aspects, so he
going? thought it was important to show gratitude for that
Mark : Well, early tests are promising. 5. 1.23 billion people
(7) ________________ 6. he and his staff are pretty strong-willed
Host : I think, the vision is admirable, but risky. Facebook 7. the co-founder of Snapchat
could help bring entire countries online, only to 8. Paper strives to be the Internet’s magazine: photos,
watch their populations flock to a local social friend updates and shared articles shown up in
network, as users have in China and South Korea. an image-heavy, uncluttered way
Do you think there’s money to be made in this 9. simplify their services so they can be delivered more
initiative? economically over primitive wireless networks and
Mark : (8) ________________ I always say that Facebook tapped into using cheaper phones
was started not just to be a company, but to fulfill 10. we will feel burdened
a vision of connecting the world. 11. log in with Facebook credentials or share pictures with
Host : O.K., last question, if you don’t mind. Now you are friends on the social network
married. Have you planned for a baby soon? 12. to improve their wireless networks to support higher-
Mark : Frankly, my wife is ready for a baby, but I’m not. bandwidth services such as online education and
I just want to make sure when I have kids, I can banking
spend time with them. That’s the whole point. 13. they would have turned into markets that his current
Host : I see. Thank you, Mark, for your time with us this business could take in
evening. 14. to fulfill a vision of connecting the world
Mark : You’re welcome. 15. he wants to make sure when he has kids, he can spend
Adapted from: time with them
10-the-mark-zuckerberg-interview (July 15, 2016)

Complete the following statements based on the interview in
1. Mark Zuckerberg likes to shape his thoughts into
______________________________ .
2. In 2010, Mark vowed that he would Read the following dialog.
______________________________. See the sentences in bold.
3. In 2013, he decided ________________________.
4. In 2014, he wrote at least one thank you note every day
because ________________________. 1. Kegiatan ini bertujuan mengenalkan percakapan yang
5. Until the beginning of 2014, memuat pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang tindakan/
______________________________ around the world kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi pada waktu lampau yang
connected to Facebook. merujuk waktu terjadinya dengan merujuk pada
6. According to Mark, one of his company’s characteristics kesudahannya, serta contoh ungkapan yang digunakan.
is ______________________________. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan percakapan dan
7. Evan Spigel, who has posted screen shots of e-mail peserta didik menyimak dengan baik. Kemudian, peserta
conversation with Mark on Twitter, is didik diminta untuk mengidentifikasi gagasan utama/topik
______________________________. percakapan.
8. The app Paper looks nothing at all like a Facebook 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan percakapan sekali
product because ______________________________. lagi dan meminta peser ta didik mempraktikkan
9. Facebook formed a group called in order to percakapan dengan teman sebangku. Bapak/Ibu Guru
______________________________. membetulkan pelafalan yang kurang tepat.
10. According to Mark, if we are always under pressure of 4. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan dari Bapak/Ibu Guru,
real identity, ______________________________. peser ta didik memahami penjelasan dan contoh
11. To use the apps Paper, we might not need to pernyataan, serta pertanyaan tentang tindakan/kejadian
______________________________. yang dilakukan/terjadi pada waktu lampau yang merujuk
12. By subscribing to mobile services for the opportunity to waktu terjadinya dengan yang merujuk pada
use Facebook makes it more economical for mobile kesudahannya.
operators ______________________________. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi contoh pernyataan dan
13. According to Mark, if he could help develop a few pertanyaan tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/
countries, ______________________________. terjadi pada waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya
14 Since the beginning, he developed Facebook, not to be dengan merujuk pada kesudahannya dalam berbagai
a company, but ______________________________. konteks. Kemudian, peser ta didik diminta
15. Mark is not ready to have a baby because mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri (fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur
______________________________. kebahasaan) kalimat simple past dan present perfect
tense. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat membantu peserta didik
Jawaban: mengingat tentang simple past dan present perfect tense
TASK 1 yang sudah dipelajari, serta contoh-contoh kalimat.
1. d 2. g 3. a 4. f
5. h 6. b 7. e 8. c

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 7

Contoh jawaban:
1. The children have played hide-and-seek for half an hour.
2. Mr. Angga has climbed mountains since he was young.
3. Sonia has written about her daily experiences in a diary
Write five activities you did and you didn’t do last Saturday. since she was in junior high school.
See the example. 4. People have ridden bicycles during the car free day since
Contoh jawaban: 6 a.m. this morning.
5. Aldo has prepared camping equipment for about fifteen
Activities You Did Last Activities You didn’t Do minutes.
Saturday Last Saturday 6. We haven’t practiced making cakes since my birthday
1. I played badminton with 1. I didn’t practice
7. The girls haven’t hung out in a town square since
my friends. taekwondo.
an accident happened there.
2. I climbed a coconut tree 2. I didn’t hang out with my
8. Mother hasn’t seen our cat since this morning.
to pick young coconuts. friends.
9. The boy hasn’t cleaned his room since he lived in
3. I wrote an e-mail to my 3. I didn’t see a movie.
a boarding house.
pen pal.
10. My friends and I haven’t visited a museum since last year.
4. I rode a bicycle around 4. I didn’t clean my house.
my village.
5. I prepared materials for 5. I didn’t visit my aunt and
dinner. uncle.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the verbs in brackets.
Change the verbs into simple past or present perfect forms.
1. Did, attend 2. had 3. went
Make sentences in simple past tense, using the verbs in the 4. have been 5. were 6. were
sentences you have written in TASK 11. 7. performed 8. have been
See the example.
Contoh jawaban:
1. The children played hide-and-seek in the yard.
2. Mr. Angga climbed a mountain yesterday.
3. Sonia wrote about her daily experiences in a diary.
4. People rode bicycles during the car free day. Work in pairs.
5. Aldo prepared camping equipment. Ask and answer questions about past activities or events, based
6. We didn’t practice making cakes. on the following situations.
7. The girls didn’t hang out in a town square. Contoh jawaban:
8. Mother didn’t see our cat this morning. 1. You : Good afternoon, sister.
9. The boy didn’t clean his classroom today. Your sister : Good afternoon. You look very tired. Please
10. My friends and I didn’t visit a museum. change your uniform immediately and have
lunch. Mom has prepared lunch for you.
You : O.K.
Your sister : By the way, I asked you to buy flowers. You
didn’t forget, did you?
You : Of course not. I have bought them and I left
them on my bicycle. Let me fetch them.
Change the sentences you have written in TASK 12, using
Your sister : O.K. Thank you, dear.
present perfect tense.
You : You’re welcome.
See the example.
2. You : Congratulations for having a trip with your
idol! How was your experience?
Your friend : Thank you. It was memorable! We visited
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menjelaskan
various beautiful places in Lombok and
kembali perbedaan pola kalimat dan penggunaan past
stayed in a very comfortable hotel.
tense dan present perfect tense.
You : How many people were on holiday?
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
Your friend : About eight people.
kembali kalimat-kalimat yang telah mereka buat pada
You : How did you feel during the holiday, together
TASK 12.
with the idol?
3. Peserta didik diminta menyebutkan kembali kalimat-
Your friend : Of course we were happy. He is such a nice
kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk present perfect tense.
and friendly boy. He also gave each of us
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memuji peserta
an interesting souvenir.
didik yang berani menjawab dan memberi penilaian.
You : It must be an unforgettable experience!
5. Sebagai kegiatan pengembangan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
membuat kalimat dalam bentuk past tense dan meminta 3. You : Hello, Donna.
peserta didik mengubah kalimat tersebut menjadi bentuk Your friend : Hello, Ryan.
present perfect tense. You : Have you received my invitation?
Your friend : Do you mean an invitation for the OSIS

8 The Wright Brothers

You : Yes. Have you received it?
Your friend : Yeah! Collin gave me the invitation.
You : That’s good. I hope you don’t miss the
meeting. It’s urgent.
Your friend : O.K. I’ll come. Work in pairs.
Ask and answer questions about your past activities or experiences,
using past verbs.
Do it in turns.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membentuk

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
pasangan, diusahakan bukan dengan teman sebangku.
memberi soal berikut.
2. Peserta didik secara bergantian melakukan tanya jawab
1. You and your brother are going to surprise your father tentang kegiatan atau peristiwa masa lalu, menggunakan
on his birthday. Your brother checks to confirm whether kata kerja past.
you have prepared everything and you respond. How 3. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, Bapak/Ibu Guru menilai
would the dialog go? keaktifan peserta didik saat melakukan tanya jawab.
2. You missed a basketball match at school yesterday Bapak/Ibu Guru memeriksa pelafalan peserta didik yang
afternoon because you attended a wedding party. You kurang tepat dan memotivasi peserta didik yang kurang
ask your friend about the match and he/she tells you aktif agar aktif berbicara.
about it. How would the dialog go? 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan penilaian.
3. Your father asked you to help send a package to your
aunt in another town, this morning. Now he asks for
Contoh jawaban:
confirmation about whether you have sent the package
You : What is one of the most important moments in
and how you sent it. You respond. How would the dialog
your life?
Your friend : It was my entry to junior high school.
Contoh jawaban: You : Why was it important?
1. Your brother : Have you prepared everything for our Your friend : My school is the most reputable and modern
father’s birthday surprise? school in my hometown, so not everyone in my
You : Yes, I’ve ordered a birthday cake and hometown could enroll in the school. Besides,
I’ll fetch it at 3 this afternoon. it was the number one choice of many smart
Your brother : Isn’t it a delivery order? students from neighboring towns.
You : No. We only ordered a small amount of You : I see. So tell me about your entry to junior high
cake, so it will not be delivered. school. What happened?
Your brother : All right. Do you need help fetch the cake? Your friend : When I enrolled in the school, I had to compete
You : I don’t think so. I can do it myself. with more than a thousand students, of which
Your brother : O.K. I’ll decorate the room after school only two hundred and fifty were accepted.
before Dad arrives home. You : Wow, amazing! What did you feel when you were
2. You : Did you watch the basketball match Your friend : Definitely, I was very happy, so were my parents.
yesterday afternoon? You : On your first day at the school, did you feel
Your friend : Yes, I did, but I didn’t see you there. nervous?
You : Well, I attended my cousin’s wedding Your friend : No, I didn’t. In fact, I was extremely excited and
party, so I couldn’t watch the match. enthusiastic on my first day.
How was it?
Your friend : It was such a competitive game. Both
teams played vigorously.
You : Who won the game?
Your friend : SMK Merah Putih team. The final score
was 76–72.
Write a text about your partner’s past activities or experiences.
You : What a disappointment!
Write it based on the result of your interview in TASK 16.
Your friend : Our team played very well and
Then, read your text aloud.
sportingly. I’m sure they will do better
and win their next matches. Contoh jawaban:
Guys, let me tell you about one of the most important
3. Your father : Have you sent the package to Aunt moments of my friend’s life. It was her entry to junior high school,
Renata, Rio? the most reputable and modern school in our hometown.
You : Yes, Dad. I sent it this afternoon. The reason why it was important was that, not everyone in our
Your father : Thank you. Anyway, how did you send it? hometown could enroll in the school and it was also the number
You : Via express mail. The person on duty one choice of many smart students from neighboring towns.
said that it would arrive within three When she enrolled in the school, she had to compete with
days. more than a thousand students, of which only two hundred and
Your father : That’s O.K. Thank you. fifty were accepted. You can imagine how happy she was, so
You : Any time. were her parents. She still remembered how happy they were
when she told them that she passed the entrance test. So, she
was extremely excited on her first day at junior high school.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 9

Sally : I’ve never worked in the clothing industry, so I didn’t
know where to start. Before the Internet got going,
I tried going to the library and asking around but it was
the Internet which really allowed me to drive the idea
Homework forward. Having access to so much information was life-
Find a script of an interview with an inventor or famous person. changing.
Then, develop the script into a meaningful text. Host : Did you get presentation drawing sheets produced or make
Contoh jawaban: a prototype of your invention, how did you go about this?
The script of interview: Sally : I can’t draw, so I asked around to find a pattern cutter.
An Interview with Sally Guyer I then explained my idea to her and she drew what
Creator of Raincoats–Fashion Rainwear for Cyclists I described before producing the prototype.
Host : What have you found the best ways of promoting your
Host : Please could you tell me a little bit about where you are
based, your background and experience how you
Sally : Social media has been a godsend, but having the
started inventing?
support of local businesses and winning a business
Sally : I live 5 miles south of Cambridge, the UK’s number 1 city
competition have also been instrumental. Initially, I used
for cycling. My life is bicycle-based and that is how
social media to connect with all the relevant bike groups
I prefer to get around. My daily commuting is 5 miles
I could find in the world. Being a Spanish speaker
each way, cycling into central Cambridge in all kinds of
helped a lot.
weather all year round. I’m not interested in cycling as
Host : What were the most difficult elements of bringing your
a sport and I don’t like sports clothes.
invention to market?
Host : Please could you tell me a little bit about your product,
Sally : Funding.
what it is, and how you came up with the idea?
Host : How long has it taken for your initial idea to be taken to
Sally : As a busy woman, I wanted a fully functional coat that
I could wear without feeling embarrassed or needing to
Sally : I had to sit on the idea for over 5 years before finding
change on arrival at my destination. I couldn’t find it,
a way to bring it to market.
so I decided to create it myself. My raincoats are the
Host : Is there anything you learned from developing your
first coats to combine Savile Row styling with high
invention that you would now do differently if you had to
performance fabric in bright colors. The coats are
do it all again?
lightweight, highly water-resistant, windproof, breathable
Sally : No. Mistakes are valuable and opportunities to learn from.
and washable. Nevertheless, they look like groovy
Host : What advice would you give any aspiring inventor with
‘normal’ coats anyone might like to wear.
an idea?
Host : What were the first steps you took, following your idea?
Sally : Don’t give up. Don’t seek other people’s approval, take
yourself seriously.
Adopted from:
of-cambridge-raincoats-fashion-rainwear-for-bicycles/ (June 27, 2016)

10 The Wright Brothers

• I interviewed Mr. Hilmy
Positive yesterday.
• The children played hide-and-

Host : What did you invent? Negative • I didn’t practice taekwondo.

Cooper : I invented a cell phone. Simple past
• I didn’t hang out with my
Host : Has it been a big year for you so far tense
and did you think of it when you
made the first call?
Coope : Yes, but actually I didn’t think this far Interrogative • Did you ride your bicycle
ahead when I made the first call. around the village?
Host : What did you think when you made • Did he climb a mango tree?
the first call?
Cooper : I thought whether the cell phone
Interviews about The Wright
functioned or not.
Host : Why were you interested in making past events Brothers
the call? • The children have played hide
Cooper : I believed in competitions, first of all. and seek for half an hour.
And second of all, I thought the time • We have waited for her for
was ready for personal phones, one hour.
phones you could carry with you and
have the freedom to be anywhere. • My friends and I haven’t
Host : Who did you make that first call to? Negative visited a museum since last
Present perfect year.
Cooper : I called my counterpart, Dr. Joel
tense • Mother hasn’t seen our cat
since this morning.

Interrogative • Have you done the interview?

• Have you prepared items for

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Tape Script for Assessment

Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog.

Girl : Excuse me. Did you see a girl with short hair and
spectacles? I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
Boy : No, I didn’t. I have been here for several minutes, but Jawaban:
I didn’t see such a girl. Are you looking for your friend? 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. E
Girl : Yeah! We had an appointment to meet at this bus station 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. A
before going to Surabaya. 11. E 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. E
Boy : Please wait. Perhaps she will arrive in a few minutes. 16. B 17. C 18. E 19. B 20. D
1. How will the girl and her friend go to Surabaya? II. Create a dialog of asking for and providing information
2. What is the girl’s friend like? about past activities or events.
Contoh jawaban:
Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following dialog. Keenan : Good morning, Amelia.
Boy : Did you know that Dodit is hospitalized? Amelia : Good morning, Keenan. You look as fit as a fiddle
Girl : No, I didn’t. I haven’t heard about that. What happened? today.
Boy : He was playing soccer when suddenly he fell to the Keenan : Yeah, thanks. I’m ready to seize the day. How about
ground and fractured his arm. you?
Girl : I’m sorry to hear that. When did the incident happen? Amelia : Very well, thanks.
Boy : Two days ago, during practice for the tournament. Keenan : Anyway, how was your weekend?
Girl : I hope he’ll recover soon. Let’s arrange to visit him this Amelia : It was wonderful. My family and I watched a movie
afternoon. on Saturday night and we spent the whole of Sunday
Questions: at the beach. We had a very relaxing time.
3. What happened to Dodit? Keenan : What a fun weekend!
4. When did the incident occur? Amelia : Yes, for sure. How about you? What did you do at the
5. What do the speakers plan to do? weekend?
Keenan : I helped my father pick strawberries at the garden.
Amelia : Wow! That was such a worthwhile activity.
Keenan : Indeed. I learned to pick strawberries. I’ve brought
few strawberries for you. Here you are.
Amelia : Thank you.

12 The Wright Brothers

Practice the following script of an interview.
Then, develop the script into a meaningful text.
In this time, David Allison (the host) interviewed Bill Gates about his family and school experiences.
Host : We thought we’d start talking about your family. Tell me several qualities that you attribute to your family that later shaped
your career at your company.
Gates : My dad was a lawyer and my mom was very involved in business activities as a board member in non-profit organizations
like running United Way Campaigns. She was the Director of the University of Washington, banks, that kind of thing. They
shared what they were doing out in the world with my older sister and I as we were growing up.
Host : Were other of your contemporaries equally interested in the business, or did you find yourself unusual among the groups?
Gates : Well, when I went to Lakeside School, I was about 12 years old. I started in seventh grade. That was kind of a change
for me. It is a private boys’ school. Very strict. At first I really didn’t like the environment. I did eventually find several
friends there, few of who had the same sort of interest, like reading business magazines and Fortune. We were always
creating funny company names and having people send us their product literature [laughs]. Trying to think about how
business worked and in particular, looking at computer companies and what was going on with them.
Host : How did the faculty respond to your interest outside of your curriculum compared to your interest in your own studies?
Gates : Well, I was relieved from few classes, Math in particular, because I’d read ahead. I had quite a bit of free time. When the
Mother’s Club which did this rummage sale, got the money for the Teletype and a certain amount of time to buy
computer time, it was a question of who was going to figure this thing out? Now, I was very young. I was in eighth grade
and a few of the older students kind of barged in and thought they could figure it out. Very quickly, the teachers were
intimidated. It was sort of a group of students reading the manuals and trying things out.
Host : Clearly, your extracurricular activity was probably more important in your later development than what you did in class,
or at least equally important [Bill laughs]. How do you feel as we look at problems in education, that students that are
coming up interested in technical things should balance those. Do you think it is important to explore things on your own
at that age?
Gates : Self-exploration is great, because you develop a sense of self-confidence and an identity of “Hey, I know this pretty well.
I know this better than the teachers. Let me try and see if I can understand at the next level. Maybe I’m pretty good at
this stuff.” Particularly with the computer where if your program is wrong, you know you try it and if it doesn’t work and
then you fix it and try it again. It is kind of a feedback loop, which because the classroom has a lot of people, and maybe
there is not a subject that you think you are good at or interested at. It is just fascinating to try and figure out the
Adopted from: (June 27, 2016)

Contoh jawaban:
Bill Gates’ father was a lawyer and his mother was very involved in business activities. She was a board member in non-profit
organizations like running United Way Campaigns and the Director of the University of Washington, banks, that kind of thing.
Gates’ parents shared what they were doing out in the world with his older sister and him as they were growing up.
Gates went to Lakeside School when he was about 12 years old. He started in seventh grade. That was kind of a change for
him. At first he really didn’t like the environment. He eventually found several friends there, few of who had the same interest, like
reading business magazines and Fortune. They were always creating funny company names and having people send us their
product literature.
Gates was relieved from few classes, Math in particular, because he had read ahead. He had quite a bit of free time. He was
very young. He was in eighth grade and few of the older students kind of barged in and thought they could figure it out. Very
quickly, the teachers were intimidated. It was sort of a group of students reading the manuals and trying things out.
Gates’ extracurricular activity was probably more important in his later development than what he did in class, or at least
equally important.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 13

Setelah mempelajari chapter ini peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara menjelaskan isi, tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sederhana lisan dan tulis tentang
pengalaman, kejadian, atau peristiwa bersejarah; cara menceritakan pengalaman, kejadian, atau peristiwa bersejarah (teks
recount) berbentuk lisan dan tulis; cara mengidentifikasi penggunaan was/were + adjective.
2. terampil:
cara menjelaskan isi, tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sederhana lisan dan tulis tentang
pengalaman, kejadian, atau peristiwa bersejarah; menceritakan pengalaman, kejadian, atau peristiwa bersejarah (teks recount)
berbentuk lisan dan tulis; menggunakan was/were + adjective.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. mampu bekerja sama dan memiliki rasa percaya diri dalam melakukan komunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Comprehension questions


Questions Theory Regular and irregular verbs in simple

past tense


Was/Were + adjective

Read and memorize the words, read

the text and study its text structure,
anwers the questions, complete the
text, complete the chart, listen and
My Idol complete the text, listen and answer
the questions, arrange the paragraphs
to form a meaningful text, write
an outline of a text, write recount texts

Complete the text with the correct

verb forms, identify the sentences
with “was/were + adjective”

Browsing the Theories of regular and irregular

Internet verbs in simple past tense and “was/
were + adjective”

Homework Write a recount text based on a series

of pictures.

14 My Idol
Source:, downloaded July 4, 2016

Do you know the name of the young man in the above picture? What sports does he play? What are his achievements? He
is a future Indonesian prospect badminton player. When you talk about people’s experiences, it means you relate or recount their
stories. In this chapter, you will learn about recount texts relating experiences.

1. Untuk memulai kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru bertanya kepada peserta didik apakah mereka pernah bertemu dengan idola
mereka, misal pemain badminton nasional Ihsan Maulana. Apabila pernah mengalami hal tersebut, Bapak/Ibu Guru
menanyakan perasaan mereka ketika bertemu sang idola. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat meminta peserta didik menceritakan
pengalaman tersebut secara singkat.
2. Peserta didik diminta memahami gambar apersepsi dan kalimat-kalimat di bawah gambar tersebut.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membimbing peserta didik menjelaskan tokoh dalam gambar tersebut secara singkat. (Jawaban: He
is Ihsan Maulana, a future Indonesian prospect badminton player.)
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa dalam chapter ini peserta didik akan mempelajari berbagai teks recount. Bapak/
Ibu Guru dapat menceritakan sebuah pengalaman sebagai contoh teks recount.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk aktif dalam setiap kegiatan yang akan dilakukan.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 15

1. e 2. i 3. l 4. a 5. o
6. h 7. c 8. k 9. b 10. q
Work in pairs. 11. g 12. d 13. j 14. f 15. m
See the pictures and answer the questions that follow.
TASK 2 (Contoh jawaban)
Jawaban: 1. There was a meet-and-greet event with Reza Rahadian
1. They are Anggun (picture 1) and Lionel Messi (picture 2). in the auditorium.
2. Anggun is a famous singer and Lionel Messi is a soccer 2. The audience had to wait for almost thirty minutes before
genius. the motivator showed up.
3. Contoh jawaban: They are successful because they work 3. The actor waved to his fans and smiled friendly.
hard to achieve their goals. 4. We sang along before the principal delivered his speech.
4. Contoh jawaban: They are disciplined and hard working. 5. I was very nervous when Reza Rahadian asked me to
5. Contoh jawaban: We have to work hard, improve our take a picture with him.
knowledge and skills, never complain or
give up when failing. TASK 3 (Contoh jawaban)
Ihsan Maulana Mustofa, born November 18, 1995 in
Tasikmalaya, is one of Indonesia’s prospect badminton
players. He is a single’s specialist. He is from PB. Djarum,
a badminton club in Kudus, Central Java. He was a boys’
single bronze medallist of the 2013 World Junior
TASK 1 Championships held in Bangkok, Thailand.
Match the words in column A with their meanings in column Ihsan was selected for the national team as the
B, correctly. youngest player in the 2014 Thomas Cup squad after the
Read the English words in turns. Indonesian Badminton Association, PBSI, quarantined 33
Thomas and Uber Cups candidates at the Djarum Badminton
A B Club in Kudus, Central Java, for a simulation in March 2014.
Ihsan defeated Sony Dwi Kuncoro and caught the attention
1. hit by lightning a. ruang tunggu of the coaching staff. The 18-year-old was dubbed ‘the next
2. a meet-and- b. bernyanyi bersama-sama big thing’ by a top badminton official. He was part of the
greet event c. melambaikan tangan Indonesian team that left for New Delhi for the 2014 Thomas
3. excited d. sulit dipercaya Cup. He also participated in many international challenges
4. lobby e. terkejut and BWF Grand Prix tournaments, such as the 2014
5. memorabilia f. ramah German Open GPG (Grand Prix Gold) and the 2014 Chinese
6. showed up g. tak mampu berkata-kata Taipei Open GPG. His best performance in the international
7. waved h. datang individual competition was the runner-up of the 2014 Dutch
8. crowd i. kegiatan salam sapa Open GP, beaten by Ajay Jayaram from India.
9. sang along penggemar Ihsan was also part of the Indonesian team that left for
10. autograph j. keren Dongguan, China for the 2015 Sudirman Cup, which the
11. speechless k. keramaian Indonesia team won the bronze medal at that world mixed
12. unreal l. sangat senang team tournament. At the 28th Southeast Asian Games 2015
13. cool m. gugup in Singapore, Ihsan helped the Indonesian men’s team beat
14. friendly n. kecewa Thailand 3–2 to bring home a gold medal in the final game,
15. nervous o. sesuatu yang patut dikenang after he defeated Suppanyu Avihingsanon from Thailand.
p. menunjukkan Adopted from: (June 24, 2016)
q. tanda tangan
r. terkenal

Make sentences using the following words.
Read your work aloud.
1. a meet-and-greet event 2. showed up Complete the following table with the correct synonyms by copying
3. waved 4. sang along the words in the box into the suitable column.
5. nervous You will read the words in TASK 4.
TASK 3 Kata-kata yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik dan jawaban:
Find an article about a famous person; an athlete, an artist
No. Word Synonym
or a scientist.
Tell the class about his/her achievement. 1. hall room
2. chat talk
3. immediately at once
Sebagai kegiatan pengembangan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat 4. discussion discourse
meminta peserta didik mencari gambar tokoh idola 5. started began
mereka di surat kabar, majalah, atau internet, misal 6. entrepreneur business person
seorang olahragawan, artis, ilmuwan, atau tokoh yang 7. join participate
menginspirasi. Kemudian, mereka diminta menjelaskan 8. waved motioned
tokoh tersebut: nama, prestasi, perjuangan mereka 9. opportunity chance
hingga berhasil, hal-hal yang bisa ditiru, dan sebagainya. 10. appraised appreciated

16 My Idol
No. Word Synonym No. Word Synonym

11. attended were present 16. aptly secara jitu/tepat

12. audience crowd 17. briefly dengan singkat
13. fear worry 18. spicy pedas
14. fantastic extravagant 19. actualized mewujudkan
15. founder creator 20. ended berakhir
16. aptly exactly
17. briefly shortly TASK 2 (Contoh jawaban)
18. spicy hot 1. Erlin and her friends were chatting at the hall when the
19. actualized realized bell rang.
20. ended finished 2. The class captain began the discussion a few minutes
3. Will you be an entrepreneur or civil servant?
4. I waved to my friend when we met.
5. All OSIS members attended the monthly meeting.
6. Are you fear of losing your valuable items?
7. Do you know who the founder of this company is?
8. Mr. Raditya explained about what had happened briefly
TASK 1 and then left.
What do the words in TASK 2 mean? 9. Sorry, I don’t like spicy food.
10. The seminar almost ended when suddenly the fire
broke out.
Make ten sentences using the words from TASK 2.
Read your work aloud.

1. Peser ta didik diminta membuat 10 kalimat

menggunakan kata-kata dari TASK 2. Mereka diberi
waktu pengerjaan selama 10–15 menit. Read the text aloud.
2. Pada saat peserta didik membuat kalimat, Bapak/ Then, answer the questions that follow.
Ibu Guru berkeliling sambil memberi petunjuk cara
membuat kalimat, misal dengan mengingat peristiwa
yang telah terjadi di lingkungan sekitar. Bapak/Ibu
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati
Guru perlu terus mengingatkan penggunaan tenses
gambar berikut dan bertanya apakah mereka mengenal
dan penulisan kata-kata secara benar.
tokoh dalam gambar tersebut. Apabila ada peserta didik
3. Setelah waktu yang diberikan habis, peserta didik
yang mengenal tokoh dalam gambar tersebut, mereka
diminta secara sukarela tunjuk jari, ke depan kelas,
diminta menjelaskan secara singkat.
dan menuliskan hasil pekerjaan mereka di papan
2. Peserta didik diminta membaca nyaring teks berikut, baik
tulis. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak.
secara klasikal, kelompok, maupun individual.
4. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyimak dan mengoreksi pelafalan
bersama-sama memeriksa hasil pekerjaan tersebut,
peserta didik yang masih kurang tepat.
yaitu tentang kelogisan kalimat, kebenaran tata
4. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
bahasa (grammar), dan ejaannya (spelling). Hal ini
memahami per tanyaan pemahaman teks dan
penting dan perlu dijadikan pembiasaan agar
kesalahan-kesalahan yang sering dilakukan peserta
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban
didik terkait grammar dan spelling semakin lama
semakin berkurang atau bahkan tidak terjadi lagi.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan positif dan pujian
kepada peserta didik yang aktif menjawab.
Jawaban: 7. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
TASK 1 memahami penjelasan dalam Supporting Feature .
Apabila peserta didik mengalami kesulitan dalam
No. Word Synonym
memahami, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi penjelasan.
1. hall ruang, aula
2. chat mengobrol Jawaban:
3. immediately segera 1. The purpose is to relate the writer’s experience when
4. discussion diskusi attending a business discussion.
No. started
Word memulai Synonym 2. Because the keynote speaker was one of the successful,
6. entrepreneur pengusaha young Indonesian enterpreneurs,
7. join bergabung, ikut ambil bagian Reza Nurhilman.
8. waved melambaikan tangan 3. The keynote speaker entered the hall at 8:45 a.m.
9. opportunity kesempatan 4. People who were interested in business or becoming
10. appraised menyanjung entrepreneurs.
11. attended menghadiri 5. They applauded him.
12. audience hadirin 6. The keynote speaker was Reza Nurhilman, a young
13. fear rasa takut, ketakutan entrepreneur whose success includes selling spicy cassava
14. fantastic luar biasa crackers and the founder of PT. Maicih Inti Sinergi.
15. founder pendiri 7. He motivated them to actualize their ideas immediately,
before other people took the chances.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 17

8. Because the keynote speaker showed the audience about TASK 3
how to see a business opportunity, Complete the following statements based on the dialog in
then value and execute it. He also explained many tips the TASK 2.
audience could apply to make their 1. Mida looks ____________________ when Dika meets
businesses successful. Besides, he spoke vigorously during her.
the seminar. 2. Mida ____________________ her favorite singer,
9. He let the audience contact him via social media. Agnes Mo, yesterday.
10. Contoh jawaban: We have to be able to see a business 3. It happened on a ____________________.
opportunity, then value and execute it. 4. The event was held in ____________________.
Besides, we have to be brave to start 5. Agnes Mo is always down to earth. She is
a business; otherwise, people with more ____________________ to her fans and other people.
gut will take the chance. 6. Mida was very excited when she had a chance to
____________________ with Agnes Mo.
7. She also got her ____________________ on her latest
CD Album.
8. She was ____________________ and speechless
when she had a chance to stand by her idol.
9. Mida also saw many of Agnes Mo’s fans in
Arrange the letters to form meaningful words, based on their
10. Mida will always ____________________ this
cue words.
Spell and read the words aloud.
1. o–w–a–s–e–e–m = amazing Jawaban:
2. e–l–e–f = sense TASK 1
3. p–o–d–h–e = wished 1. awesome 2. feel 3. hoped
4. t–i–r–i–e–s–n–g–e–t-n = attractive 4. interesting 5. meet 6. experience
5. t–e–m–e = see 7. stood 8. favorite 9. forget
6. r–e–c–x–i–e–p–n–e–e = involvement in 10. autograph 11. crowd 12. directly
7. s–o–t–d–o = rose TASK 2
8. v–i–f–e–r–a–o–t = fondness 1. favorite 2. interesting 3. awesome
9. g–o–f–e–t–r = fail to remember 4. crowd 5. directly 6. autograph
10. o–h–a–r–u–p–g–t–a = signature 7. feel 8. meet 9. experience
11. d–o–r–c–w = mass 10. forget
12. i–t–e–d–y–r–l–c = straight
TASK 2 1. happy 2. met
Complete the following dialog with the suitable words from 3. meet-and-greet event 4. Plaza Indonesia
TASK 1 by rewriting them. 5. friendly 6. take several pictures
Practice the dialog with your friend. 7. autograph 8. nervous
Dika : Hi, Mida, You look so happy. 9. a fan meeting 10. remember
Mida : Hi, Dika. You’re right. I’m really happy.
Dika : Why?
Mida : I met my (1) ________________ singer, Agnes Mo
Dika : Wow…, it sounds (2) ________________!
Mida : You’re right. I was so excited. She was really
(3) ________________ and friendly. Complete the following story with the suitable words from the box.
Dika : Did you meet her in a concert? Read the story in front of the class, in turns.
Mida : No, I didn’t. It’s a meet-and-greet event with Agnes
Mo in Plaza Indonesia. Big (4) ________________,
1. f 2. k 3. i 4. a 5. d
hundreds of her fans!
6. l 7. c 8. e 9. b 10. g
Dika : Did you meet her (5) ________________?
Mida : Yes, I did. I took several pictures with her. I also got
her (6) ________________ on her latest CD Album.
Dika : It’s amazing. How did you (7) ________________
at that time?
Mida : I felt nervous and speechless.
Dika : Anyway, how did you (8) ________________ other Complete the following sentences with the words from the
fans? box correctly.
Mida : I met them in a fan meeting.
Dika : It must be a memorable (9) ________________ for a. widely known b. perform c. final
you. d. hall e. crowded f. costume
Mida : Yeah, indeed. I will never (10) ________________ g. guard h. introduce i. cheered
it. j. new k. successfully l. closed
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris untuk
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta, Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2016. 1. Yesterday was the last day of the computer fair. The fair
was very ________________.
2. The supporters ________________ happily when Evan
Dimas scored his first goal.

18 My Idol
3. We must be proud of wearing batik. It has been Jawaban:
________________ as our cultural heritage. 1. It’s about John Chapman or Johnny Appleseed’s experience.
4. The actors and actresses will ________________ their 2. The story took place in the United States of America (USA).
new film to the public tomorrow. 3. He planted apple seeds and shared the seeds with
5. The boys are playing soccer enthusiastically. This is the everybody.
________________ practice before the final match. 4. Settlers and Indians called the man Appleseed because he
6. What a relief! The school performance ran planted apple seeds and gave them the seeds away.
________________. 5. He was generous and kind. He planted apple seeds and
7. What ________________ should we wear for the gave people the seeds away.
culture carnival? 6. His mission was to spread apples all over the country.
8. Amelia bought a ________________ tunic and scarf 7. They are pieces of land planted with fruit trees.
from Dora fashion store. 8. The sequence of events in the story is:
9. The teachers and students are gathering in the school • the time when Johnny Appleseed was born,
________________ to welcome the governor. • what made Johnny Appleseed happy,
10. Who will ________________ at the school farewell • activities which Johnny Appleseed did when he grew up,
party? • Johnny Appleseed walked for years to share apple seeds
with people.
9. Yes, there is. The conclusion of the story is that Johnny
1. e 2. i 3. a 4. h 5. c
Appleseed’s spirit still lives although he had died. Many of
6. k 7. f 8. j 9. d 10. b
his apple trees do.
10. A proverb that depicts Johnny Appleseed’s work is ‘a good
deed never dies’. It means people will never forget others’
good deeds.

Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 5.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami

kembali cerita di TASK 5.
2. Peserta didik memahami pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut
dan menjawabnya secara lisan.
3. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan menyampaikan
jawaban mereka jika jawaban temannya dirasa kurang
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.

Complete the following chart to find out the structure of the recount text in TASK 5.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca kembali dan memahami cerita di TASK 5.
2. Kemudian, peserta didik diminta mengamati dan memahami bagan berikut. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menjelaskan bahwa bagan
tersebut merupakan outline teks recount.
3. Peserta didik diminta melengkapi bagan tersebut berdasarkan cerita di TASK 5.
4. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik tunjuk jari dan menyampaikan jawaban mereka.
5. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan mengutarakan pendapat mereka jika mereka memiliki jawaban yang berbeda dengan
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi dan balikan, serta nilai.

Part of the Text Purpose Summary from the Text

Introductory paragraph To introduce what happened, where the 1. Two hundred years ago, Johnny Appleseed planted
(Orientation) story took place and who were involved hundreds and hundreds of apple trees along the early
in the story. frontier.
2. You may have eaten one of his apples and not even
known it.
3. Why did he plant so many apple trees? He was on
a mission.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 19

Introductory paragraph To introduce what happened, where the 1. Two hundred years ago, Johnny Appleseed planted
(Orientation) story took place and who were involved hundreds and hundreds of apple trees along the early
in the story. frontier.
2. You may have eaten one of his apples and not even
known it.
3. Why did he plant so many apple trees? He was on
a mission.
A sequence of events To describe a series of events. 1. John Chapman, familiar with Johnny Apleseed, was born
in Leominster, Massachusetts, in 1775.
2. The day he was born, a rainbow arched from one end of
the sky to the apple tree outside his house.
3. When Johnny saw the rainbow tree, he fell in love—with
4. Johnny was a good baby, so long as you knew how to
keep him happy.
5. It wasn’t mother’s milk or lullabies that made Johnny
smile. It was a branch of apple blossoms.
6. As Johnny grew, so did his love for apples.
7. When he realized that not everyone had apples to enjoy,
he had an idea.
8. Johny traveled across Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.
9. Although he was a strange sight with his cooking-pot
hat, his old sugar-sack shirt and his bare feet, strange
settlers and Indians alike befriended him
10. They called him Johny Appleseed.
11. He planted apple seeds and he gave them away.
12. He also helped in the orchards.
13. Johnny walked for years and years.
14. He planted hundreds of apple trees.
15. He gave away hundreds of seeds to peoples to plant
their own apple trees.
Conclusion To conclude the story. 1. In 1845, Johnny Appleseed went to sleep in a barn in
(Reorientation) Indiana and never woke up.
2. A few people say his spirit still lives. Many of his apple
trees do.

Work in pairs.
Discuss your answers in TASK 6 and 7, then draw a conclusion. TASK 1
Share your work with the class. Read the text aloud.
Then, answer the questions that follow.
Last week Super Junior-M or Su Ju-M, a famous Korean
1. Peserta didik diminta memahami kembali jawaban dari boy band that is widely known for its pop songs and dance,
pertanyaan-pertanyaan di TASK 6 dan tabel di TASK 7. performed in Jakarta. The band of eight boys were to
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membuat perform on Sunday night and they had arrived in Jakarta one
kesimpulan tentang teks di TASK 5 berdasarkan jawaban- day before the concert.
jawaban tersebut. They arrived at Soekarno-Hatta Airport on Saturday
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik tunjuk evening. To welcome them, several fans and I decided to
jari dan menyampaikan jawaban mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru wait for them at the hotel they were booked into. After waiting
memberi kesempatan kepada sebanyak-banyaknya for several minutes, they arrived. We cheered happily and
peserta didik untuk menyampaikan jawaban mereka. wanted to shake their hands. However, their management
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyimak dan mengoreksi pelafalan wanted the boy band to have a rest for a while. They
peserta didik yang masih kurang tepat. promised that there would be a press conference later. Not
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik menyimpulkan long after, the boy band had a press conference at the hotel
jawaban tersebut. lobby. During the final section, many fans, including me, took
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik agar tetap aktif photographs with them and received their autographs.
berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran sehingga On Sunday night we went to the convention hall where
mereka menguasai keterampilan yang telah ditentukan. the concert was held, by taxi. The concert was due to begin
at eight, but we had arrived there at six thirty. The tickets
Contoh jawaban: were sold out and it was very crowded. You know what! Most
The text tells readers about Johnny Appleseed’s life. He was of the audience were teenagers, especially girls, and many
an American who loved apples. At that time, he realized that not of them wore K-pop costumes. The police and security
all people enjoyed apples. So, he decided to plant hundreds of officers guarded the line between the stage and audience.
apple seeds and shared the seeds with people to be planted so They didn’t let anyone jump onto the stage.
that they could enjoy apples. He also helped with the orchards. At about eight, the boy band appeared on stage. They
Because of his good habits, settlers and Indians recognized him sang their songs and danced. During the concert, they also
well and befriended him. Unfortunately, he was found dead in introduced their new songs. The audience cheered, sang
a barn in Indiana in 1845. A few people believe his spirit still lives. and followed their dances. At the end of the concert, the
Many of his apple trees do. band said thank you in Indonesian or terima kasih and the
audience gave them a big round of applause.
Overall, the concert was a success.

20 My Idol
1. What is the text about?
2. When did the boy band arrive at Soekarno-Hatta Airport?
3. What did the writer do when his/her favorite boy band arrived at the airport?
4. When was the concert?
5. How did the writer and his/her friend go to the concert?
6. Who was the audience mainly?
7. What costumes did the audience wear?
8. What did the audience do during the concert?
9. What did the boy band say at the end of the concert?
10. How was the concert overall?
Complete the chart based on the text in TASK 1, to describe the structure of the text.
Part of a Recount Text Purpose Summary from the Text

Introductory paragraph ______________________________ _________________________________________

(Orientation) ______________________________ _________________________________________
______________________________ _________________________________________

A sequence of events ______________________________ _________________________________________

______________________________ _________________________________________
______________________________ _________________________________________
______________________________ _________________________________________
______________________________ _________________________________________

Conclusion (Reorientation) ______________________________ _________________________________________

______________________________ _________________________________________
______________________________ _________________________________________

Work in pairs.
Discuss your answers in TASK 1 and 2, then draw a conclusion.
Share your work with the class.
1. The writer and his/her friends’ experience when meeting Su Ju-M and watching their concert.
2. One day before the concert, on Saturday evening.
3. He/she welcomed the band at the hotel they were booked into.
4. On Sunday night.
5. By taxi.
6. Teenagers, especially girls.
7. K-pop costumes.
8. They cheered, sang and followed the dances.
9. They said thank you in Indonesian or terima kasih.
10. It was a success.
Part of a Recount Text Purpose Summary from the Text

Introductory paragraph To introduce what happened, where 1. Last week Super Junior-M or Su Ju-M,
(Orientation) the story happened and who were a famous Korean boy band that is widely
involved in the story. known for its pop songs and dance,
performed in Jakarta.
2. The band of eight boys were to perform on
Sunday night.
3. They had arrived in Jakarta one day before
the concert.

A sequence of events To describe a series of events. 1. The band arrived at Soekarno-Hatta Airport
on Saturday evening.
2. Many fans, including the writer, welcomed
them at the hotel they were booked into.
3. The boy band had a press conference at the
hotel lobby.
4. In the final section, the writer took photographs
with them and received their autographs.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 21

Part of a Recount Text Purpose Summary from the Text

5. The writer and his/her friends went to the

concert on Sunday night at the convention
hall by taxi.
6. The concert was due to begin at eight, but the
writer and his/her friends had arrived there at
six thirty.
7. The tickets were sold out and it was very
8. Most of the audience were teenagers, especially
girls, and many of them wore K-pop costumes.
9. The police and security officers guarded the
line between the stage and audience. They
didn’t let anyone jump onto the stage.
10. At about eight, the boy band appeared on
stage. They sang their songs and danced.
11. During the concert, they also introduced their
new songs.
12. The audience cheered, sang and followed
their dances.
13. At the end of the concert, the band said thank
you in Indonesian or terima kasih and the
audience gave them a big round of

Conclusion (Reorientation) To conclude the story. Overall, the performance was a success.

Listen and complete the following statements based on what you

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru
have heard.
memberi soal berikut.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Last night I witnessed a strange event. Four spaceships Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
landed on the roofs of the houses in my neighborhood. My elder brother attended a singing competition on
I was sitting in my house when I heard leaves rustling outside. television. He was one of ten contestants who should be
I peeked out the front window and saw the aliens. quarantined during the competition. During the
I thought the aliens might be hungry. I grabbed whatever quarantine, he had many memorable experiences.
I saw. These included two loaves of bread and a bag of peanut He made friends with contestants from different regions
butter candies. Then, I ran outside. with various characteristics.
Two sheriffs lived on my street. Their wives came out Although he was only third placed at the
because they heard the noise, too. When one sheriff’s wife saw competition, he was happy. One thing that made him
the spaceship, she ran back home to get handcuffs. I was not happy was that he could meet and sing together with
sure what she was planning to do with those. While she was his favorite singer. It was a surprising moment! He didn’t
gone, an alien came out of one spaceship. The alien had two imagine of meeting, or even singing on stage, with his
large containers. He walked over to me and pointed at my favorite singer.
candies. I gave him the candies. He didn’t want the bread.
I asked the alien if I could take photographs with him and he 1. The speaker’s brother attended a ________________
didn’t seem to mind. I’ll show you the pictures tomorrow! on ________________.
Adopted from: McGraw-Hill Children’s Publishing, The Complete Book of Reading, 2. There are ________________ contestants for the
Grades 5-6, Columbus, Ohio, McGraw-Hill Children’s Publishing, 2002.
Jawaban: 3. The speaker’s brother associated with contestants
1. night ________________ during the quarantine.
2. four spaceships 4. The speaker’s brother was ________________ placed
3. sitting in the house in the competition.
4. peeked out 5. The speaker’s brother was happy because
5. two loaves of bread and a bag of peanut butter candies ________________.
6. bread
7. candies
1. singing competition; television
8. handcuffs
2. ten
9. take photographs with him
3. from different regions with various characteristics
10. photographs
4. third
5. he could meet and sing with his favorite singer on stage

22 My Idol
1. It relates the speaker’s experience when his/her grandfather
told him/her and family about Gib Morgan.
2. It took place in the evening, during the moon lit.
Listen and complete the following text based on what you have heard. 3. He told them about Gib Morgan.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: 4. He was an American who discovered oil fields using his
Every time I refuel at a gas station, I always remember the sense of smell and did oil refinery process by himself.
story of my grandfather. He worked in an oil (1) refinery in 5. His only assistant was a personal cook.
Kalimantan until he retired. Due to his (2) persistence and hard 6. He needed a bullet for making a deep enough hole to drill.
work, he was able to send his children to college, including my 7. He used a cable drill.
mother. All of his children are successful in their lives. 8. It is a framework over an oil well or similar boring that holds
One moonlit night, my big family got together and had the drilling machinery.
a chat while eating snacks. Suddenly grandfather told us about 9. Because finding oil and conducting the process until we get
Gib Morgan, an American who (3) discovered oil fields, not with gasoline needs hard work.
sophisticated tools, but with the sense of smell. 10. (Contoh jawaban) I will save energy from now on.
He started by saying that Gib Morgan was 17 years old
when the first (4) oil well in the United States was drilled near
his home in western Pennsylvania. Then, in the mid-1800s, Gib
was starting in the oil business. That time most men looked for oil
sources using (5) divining rods. They believed that if the forked
sticks they carried turned in a certain direction, it meant they had
found oil. Hearing this, my family members (6) frowned.
Listen and complete the following text based on what you
Grandfather continued and explained that Gib Morgan had
have heard.
a better tool for finding oil—his nose! He prospected for oil by
(7) crawling across fields with his nose to the ground. “It was Last week a few friends and I performed a school
impossible,” I cried. Everyone looked at me and asked me to be drama, Romeo and Juliet. To my surprise, I played the
calm. (1) ___________ Ms. Rara, (2) ___________, guided us
Grandfather continued his story and said that Gib Morgan patiently during the rehearsals. She emphasized that we
was a complete oil gang in himself. Meaning, he prospected for should practice seriously. She also prepared everything,
himself, built his own derrick and did his own drilling. The only including (3) ___________ and choosing our costumes.
helper he needed was a personal cook, because all the work he However, she didn’t decide everything by herself. Instead
did made him really hungry. My family smiled hearing this. she often asked for our opinions about the stage and
Grandfather continued and said that when Gib found oil, he costumes.
quickly got to work bringing in the well. First, he dug a hole. Next, On the day of the performance, we gathered backstage.
he shot a (8) bullet into the hole, to make it deep enough to drill. Ms. Rara gave us a brief speech and reminded us to act
Then, he sent his cable drill deeper and deeper until he hit oil. wholeheartedly. As the main character, I felt (4) ___________.
After that, he quickly built his derrick. Then, he built oil tanks to Ms. Rara knew that and she gave me spirit. She was sure that
catch the oil. Gib wouldn’t stop to rest or to eat until oil was I could do it well.
(9) flowing into the tanks. Every one of us listened to the story During the performance, I performed my best. Actually it
(10) attentively. Grandfather explained that finding oil and was (5) ___________ for me since I had never played a main
conducting the process until we got gasoline needed hard work. character before.
At the end of his story, he told us to consume gasoline and other Thank God, the performance ran well. The audience
forms of energy efficiently. He suggested that we walk or paddle applauded our performance and we were very happy.
our bicycles when going to nearby places and turn off unused
Adapted from: Jeanette Sanderson, 12 Tall Tale Mini-Books, USA, Scholastic Teaching
Find the synonyms of the following words in the text in TASK 1.
Resources, 2002. 1. pal = ________
2. plotting = ________
3. principal = ________
4. wholeheartedly = ________
5. short = ________
6. certain = ________
Listen to and answer the questions based on the text in TASK 10. 7. show = ________
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu 8. delighted = ________
Guru: TASK 3
1. What is the purpose of the text? Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 1.
2. When did the event take place?
3. What did the speaker’s grandfather tell the speaker and his/ 1. When did the speaker and his/her friends perform a drama?
her family about? 2. What was the drama about?
4. Who was he? 3. Who guided the students during drama rehearsals?
5. Who was his only assistant? 4. What did the speaker feel before performing on stage?
6. What did he need a bullet for? 5. How did the performance run?
7. What did he use to ascertain the oil bed? Jawaban:
8. “After that, he quickly built his derrick.” (Last paragraph) TASK 1
What is derrick? Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
9. Why did the writer’s grandfather suggest that his family Last week a few friends and I performed a school
consume gasoline efficiently? drama, Romeo and Juliet. To my surprise, I played the
10. What will you probably do after reading the text? (1) main character. Ms. Rara, (2) our art teacher, guided us
patiently during the rehearsals. She emphasized that we

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 23

should practice seriously. She also prepared everything, 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru mencatat setiap komentar yang
including (3) designing the stage and choosing our bisa dijadikan landasan untuk memberi evaluasi,
costumes. However, she didn’t decide everything by herself. balikan, dan nilai.
Instead she often asked for our opinions about the stage and 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi, balikan, dan
costumes. nilai.
On the day of the performance, we gathered backstage.
Ms. Rara gave us a brief speech and reminded us to act TASK 2
wholeheartedly. As the main character, I felt (4) a little Write the past forms of the following verbs.
nervous. Ms. Rara knew that and she gave me spirit. She What do the verbs mean?
was sure that I could do it well. Read the verbs with correct pronunciation, in turns, and
During the performance, I performed my best. Actually it memorize them.
was (5) a challenge for me since I had never played a main
character before. No. Verb Base Past Verb Meaning
Thank God, the performance ran well. The audience
1. to sell __________ _______________
applauded our performance and we were very happy.
2. to tell __________ _______________
TASK 2 3. to flee __________ _______________
1. pal = friend 4. to hear __________ _______________
2. plotting = designing 5. to stand up __________ _______________
3. principal = main 6. to disturb __________ _______________
4. seriously = wholeheartedly 7. to throw __________ _______________
5. short = brief 8. to teach __________ _______________
6. certain = sure 9. to need __________ _______________
7. show = performance 10. to shop __________ _______________
8. delighted = happy 11. to rise __________ _______________
12. to bring __________ _______________
TASK 3 13. to prepare __________ _______________
1. Last week. 14. to mix __________ _______________
2. It was Romeo and Juliet. 15. to stir __________ _______________
3. Ms. Rara, their art teacher. 16. to bake __________ _______________
4. He/she felt a little nervous. 17. to decline __________ _______________
5. It ran well. 18. to submit __________ _______________
19. to spread __________ _______________
20. to hide __________ _______________
21. to boil __________ _______________
22. to let __________ _______________
23. to put __________ _______________
Complete the following text with the correct verb forms. 24. to wait __________ _______________
Read the text in turns. 25. to wear __________ _______________
Jawaban: 26. to accept __________ _______________
1. visited 2. saw 3. went 27. to cross __________ _______________
4. could 5. recognized 6. were 28. to drop __________ _______________
7. lived 8. befriended 9. was 29. to push __________ _______________
10. felt 11. recovered 12. thought 30. to cost __________ _______________
13. was 14. said 15. did not look
Write ten sentences using the past verbs in TASK 2.
Read your work in turns.

1. Peserta didik diminta membuat sepuluh kalimat

TASK 1 menggunakan verbs past dari TASK 2 selama
Work in pairs. 15 menit di secarik kertas.
Ask and answer questions about the text in TASK 12. 2. Setelah selesai, beberapa peserta didik diminta
tunjuk jari, menuliskan kalimat-kalimat mereka di
papan tulis dan kemudian membacanya.
Kegiatan variasi ini sebaiknya dijadikan pekerjaan rumah. 3. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak sambil mencatat
1. Peserta didik diminta mencari pasangan. kekurangan pada kalimat teman-temannya, misal
2. Setiap pasangan melakukan tanya jawab kesalahan ejaan dan bentuk past kata kerja
berdasarkan teks di TASK 12 dan direkam. Hasil tersebut.
rekaman dikumpulkan kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik bersama-sama
Terlebih dahulu mereka menentukan orang yang mencocokkan kalimat-kalimat yang ada di papan
akan bertanya terlebih dahulu. tulis. Beberapa peserta didik diminta mengungkap-
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memutar rekaman hasil tanya jawab kan pendapat mereka.
beberapa pasangan. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi, balikan, dan
4. Pasangan-pasangan yang lain diminta menyimak nilai. Bapak/Ibu Guru juga memotivasi peserta didik
dan memberi komentar, misal tentang pelafalan, agar mereka mengembangkan kemampuan
intonasi, keras lembut suara, mimik wajah, dan berbahasa Inggris mereka dengan membiasakan
keseriusan melakukan tanya jawab. diri membuat banyak kalimat dan mendiskusikan
hasilnya bersama teman.

24 My Idol
TASK 4 5. What can you learn from the story?
Read the following text. A. A ticket officer was a good person.
Find twenty incorrect forms of the verbs, then correct them. B. We should love and respect each other.
I’m Sunardi, a chemistry teacher, who would like to C. Carelessness does not cause any trouble.
share my experience when I am studying in Japan. Here is D. We should return an item we find to its owner.
the story. E. Be a smart person so that you can go abroad.
After cycling with my wife and children for more than Jawaban:
11km, we arrived at the statue of Goddess Kwan Im. After TASK 1 (Contoh jawaban):
taking photographs and enjoyed ice cream, we go to Your friend : What is the purpose of the text?
Museum of Rock (Oya History Museum). We arrived at You : The purpose is to relate a person’s experience.
around 11 p.m. and immediately park our bicycles, buy Your friend : Correct answer! Well, what is the topic of the
tickets and enter the museum. After about an hour in the text?
“artificial stone cave”, we finally reached the exit. Arriving at You : The topic is about the writer’s experience when
the front door, all of a sudden a ticket officer calling us. He he/she visited an animal hospital.
show a thin black wallet which is in fact my wallet. He show Your friend : Excellent! Your turn, please.
it to me and asked in Japanese, “Is this your wallet?” At first, You : Thanks. What did the writer see during his/
I was surprised because I did not think that I lost the wallet. her visit?
However, I check my pants pocket and bags while observing Your friend : The writer saw busy vets, nurses and
that thin black wallet. Finally, I believed it was mine and the worried people in the waiting room.
officer handed it to me. He tells us that a person found it not You : Good! Now, how many hours does the place
far from a parking lot while pointing at the location of the open daily?
bicycle shed. He explains that everything remained safe. Your friend : Err … it opens for 24 hours every day.
With astonishment I receiving the wallet and thanked him. You : Perfect! Your turn now.
My wallet and its contents was safe. Your friend : What did the nurse tell the writer about her job?
I thanked God as my carelessness does not trouble me. You : Mm … she told the writter that being a nurse
I could imagine the trouble if I lost the wallet. All my in an animal hospital was challenging.
important documents were in it, the resident card as proof of Your friend : Correct! By the way, why did people prefer
residence permits and the basis of all the affairs during in going there to private vets?
Japan, ATM cards for scholarships, a credit card and library You : Because they could not afford the expensive
card that functioned doubles as a sign-in key into bills of private vets.
a laboratory during a holiday or night visit as well, and Your friend : Bravo! Your turn, please.
insurance card. Although there were no money at all, but You : Well, what made nurses happy working there?
losing the wallet would made me lost a lot of time and Your friend : They were happy when the animals
money to find a replacement for its contents. recovered and the owners were happy.
Thank God I lost it in Japan. A few say, Japanese are You : That’s right!
well-known for their honesty. They do not want to take
anything that does not belong to them (although that does not TASK 2
mean there are no thieves). Finally, I proved myself. I was No. Verb Base Past Verb Meaning
sure it was not because there was no money in the wallet that
no one picked it up. It was because the culture of Japanese 1. to sell sold menjual
who did not wanted to take others’ property. 2. to tell told memberi tahu
Translated from: (28 June, 2016)
3. to flee fled melarikan diri
TASK 5 4. to hear heard mendengar
Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based on the 5. to stand up stood up berdiri
text in TASK 4. 6. to disturb disturbed mengganggu
7. to throw threw melemparkan
1. Where did Mr. Sunardi drop his wallet? 8. to teach taught mengajar
A. On his way to a museum. B. In the museum. 9. to need needed memerlukan,
C. Near a parking lot. D. Under his bicycle. membutuhkan
E. In the cave. 10. to shop shopped berbelanja
11. to rise rose bangkit
2. What did Mr. Sunardi feel knowing that a person returned 12. to bring brought membawa
his wallet? 13. to prepare prepared menyiapkan
A. Annoyed. B. Very sad. 14. to mix mixed mencampur
C. Neglected. D. Healthy. 15. to stir stirred mengaduk
E. Very happy. 16. to bake baked membakar
3. “All my important documents were in it, the resident card 17. to decline declined menolak
as proof of residence permits and ….” (Paragraph 3) 18. to submit submitted mengumpulkan
What is the synonym of ‘permits’? 19. to spread spread menyebar
A. License. B. Allowance. 20. to hide hid bersembunyi
C. Instalment. D. Interest. 21. to boil boiled merebus
E. Loan. 22. to let let membiarkan
23. to put put meletakkan
4. What can we conclude from the text? 24. to wait waited menunggu
A. Mr. Sunardi was a smart teacher. 25. to wear wore mengenakan
B. Mr. Sunardi parked his bicycle in a cave. 26. to accept accepted menerima
C. Mr. Sunardi lost his wallet before buying ice cream. 27. to cross crossed menyeberangi
D. The ATM card could become an entrance key to 28. to drop dropped menjatuhkan
the laboratory. 29. to push pushed mendorong
E. Japanese are famous for their discipline. 30. to cost cost harga

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 25

TASK 3 (Contoh jawaban) 2. E. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir paragraf
1. My neighbor sold dresses, T-shirts and veils in a Sunday dua dan kalimat pertama paragraf tiga, ”With
market last Sunday. astonishment I received the wallet and thanked
2. The rabbit fled from the tiger and hid in a burrow. him. My wallet and its contents were safe.
3. The audience stood up when the President entered the I thanked God as my carelessness did not trouble
hall. me.” yang artinya ”Dengan terheran-heran saya
4. I heard Mrs. Reni taught in Class XB this morning. menerima dompet itu dan berterima kasih
5. The children brought many boxes to the store room. kepadanya. Dompet saya dan isinya aman. Saya
6. Who baked the cake, Mom? bersyukur karena kecerobohan saya tidak
7. Erlin and her friends submitted their work just now. menyusahkan saya.”. Kedua kalimat tersebut
8. The safety guard let us enter the museum. menunjukkan bahwa Pak Sunardi sangat bahagia/
9. We wore spooky costumes during the last Halloween senang (very happy) saat dompetnya
party. dikembalikan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (E) benar.
10. Mother bought a rice cooker which cost Rp450,000.00. 3. A. Kata ’permits’ artinya surat izin. Kata yang artinya
TASK 4 sama yaitu pilihan jawaban (A) license yang juga
I’m Sunardi, a chemistry teacher, who would like to berarti izin. Pilihan jawaban yang lain maknanya
share my experience when I (1) was studying in Japan. berbeda; (B) artinya tunjangan atau uang saku,
Here is the story. (C) artinya cicilan, (D) artinya bunga, dan
After cycling with my wife and children for more than (E) artinya pinjaman.
11km, we arrived at the statue of Goddess Kwan Im. After 4. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf satu,
taking photographs and (2) enjoying ice cream, we (3) went ”I’m Sunardi, a chemistry teacher, who would like
to Museum of Rock (Oya History Museum). We arrived at to share my experience when I was studying in
around 11 p.m. and immediately (4) parked our bicycles, Japan.” yang artinya ”Saya Sunardi, guru kimia,
(5) bought tickets and (6) entered the museum. After about yang ingin berbagi pengalaman saat saya belajar
an hour in the “artificial stone cave”, we finally reached the di Jepang.”. Menjadi guru kimia di Jepang
exit. Arriving at the front door, all of a sudden a ticket officer menunjukkan bahwa Pak Sunardi merupakan
(7) called us. He (8) showed a thin black wallet which orang pintar, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A).
(9) was in fact my wallet. He (10) showed it to me and Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi
asked in Japanese, “Is this your wallet?” At first, I was teks; (B) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”After about
surprised because I did not think that I lost the wallet. an hour in the ’artificial stone cave’, we finally
However, I (11) checked my pants pocket and bags while reached the exit.” yang menunjukkan bahwa
observing that thin black wallet. Finally, I believed it was museum tersebut merupakan gua buatan, bukan
mine and the officer handed it to me. He (12) told us that tempat parkir sepeda, (C) tidak sesuai dengan
a person found it not far from a parking lot while pointing at kalimat-kalimat ”After taking photographs and
the location of the bicycle shed. He (13) explained that enjoying ice cream, we went to Museum of Rock
everything remained safe. With astonishment I (14) received (Oya History Museum). We arrived at around 11
the wallet and thanked him. My wallet and its contents p.m. and immediately parked our bicycles, bought
(15) were safe. tickets and entered the museum. After about an
I thanked God as my carelessness (16) did not trouble hour in the ’artificial stone cave’, we finally reached
me. I could imagine the trouble if I lost the wallet. All my the exit. Arriving at the front door, all of a sudden
important documents were in it, the resident card as proof a ticket officer called us.” yang menunjukkan
of residence permits and the basis of all the affairs during bahwa Pak Sunardi kehilangan dompetnya setelah
in Japan, ATM cards for scholarships, a credit card and membeli es krim, (D) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat
library card that functioned doubles as a sign-in key into ”… library card that functioned doubles as a sign in
a laboratory during a holiday or night visit as well, and key into a laboratory during a holiday or night visit
insurance card. Although there (17) was no money at all, but as well, ….”, dan (E) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat
losing the wallet would (18) make me (19) lose a lot of time ”A few say, Japanese are well-known for their
and money to find a replacement for its contents. honesty.”.
Thank God I lost it in Japan. A few say, Japanese are 5. D. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf
well-known for their honesty. They do not want to take terakhir, ”They do not want to take anything that
anything that does not belong to them (although that does does not belong to them ….” yang artinya ”Mereka
not mean there are no thieves). Finally, I proved myself. tidak ingin mengambil apa pun yang bukan milik
I was sure it was not because there was no money in the mereka ….”. Pilihan jawaban (D) yang artinya kita
wallet that no one picked it up. It was because the culture of harus mengembalikan barang yang kita temukan
Japanese who did not (20) want to take others’ property. kepada pemiliknya, benar. Pilihan jawaban yang
TASK 5 lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks; (A) artinya
1. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena sesuai dengan petugas karcis itu orang baik, (B) artinya kita
kalimat di paragraf dua, ”He told us that a person sebaiknya saling menyayangi dan menghormati,
found it not far from a parking lot while pointing at (C) artinya kecerobohan tidak menimbulkan
the location of the bicycle shed.” yang artinya ”Ia masalah, dan (E) artinya jadilah orang pintar
memberi tahu kami bahwa seseorang me- sehingga bisa ke luar negeri.
nemukannya tidak jauh dari tempat parkir sambil
menunjuk ke lokasi tempat sepeda.”.

26 My Idol
Read the following text and pay attention to the words in bold. Arrange the following paragraphs to form a sequential text.
The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 5–4–1–3–6–2.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring
teks berikut. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan dan
intonasi peserta didik yang kurang tepat.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati kata-
kata yang dicetak tebal.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami Suppose you met your idol.
penjelasan dalam kolom Supporting Feature. Write an outline about the experience.
4. Apabila peserta didik kesulitan memahami penjelasan Contoh jawaban:
tersebut, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penjelasan.
5. Sebagai kegiatan pengembangan, peserta didik dapat Title My Happy Day
diminta membuat kalimat menggunakan subject + was/
were + adjective. Introductory • I visited my grandpa by train last week.
paragraph • There was an empty seat next to me.
A series of • At the next station, a person whose face is
events very familiar to me occupied the empty seat.
• The person is my idol Stefan William.
• I pinched my left hand and felt pain so it
was real.
Complete the following text with “was/were + adjective”, • My first impression about my idol was that
correctly. he was friendly.
Use the adjectives in brackets. • I had a chit-chat with my idol.
• I took photographs with him and received
Text 1 his autographs.
Many years ago, Mr. Edwin [1. poor] ______________. • I received a souvenir from the my idol.
His house [2. small] ______________, without a garden
Conclusion I felt very happy.
in front of it. However, the poor conditions didn’t make
Mr. Edwin sad. He and his wife [3. not, desperate]
______________ to change their lives. They didn’t give up.
They [4. optimistic] ______________ that their lives would
change. They [5. diligent] ______________ and hard
working. Now, everything has changed. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
live prosperously in a big house.
Write a recount text based on your outline in TASK 15.
Text 2 Contoh jawaban:
Linda and her friends had a camping activity last My Happy Day
Saturday and a bonfire was the peak of the activity. It was
Last week I visited my grandpa in Bandung. I went there by
held on Saturday night. It [1. cold] ______________. All the
train and there was an empty seat next to me.
scouts [2. exhausted] ______________ after participating in
At the next station, a person boarded the train and occupied
many activities during the camp. However, they [3. ready]
the empty seat beside me. I was half asleep so I didn’t notice him.
______________ for the bonfire. When the scout leader blew
The train honk woke me up. I opened my eyes and was very
the whistle, the scouts gathered in the middle of the
surprised. I saw, a person whose face is very familiar to me. Yeah.
campsite. They [4. happy] ______________. It was time to
He is Stefan William, my idol, and he was sitting next to me!
relax. Like the other scouts, Linda [5. interested]
Disbelieved, I pinched my left hand and felt pain. Instead, I saw
______________ in seeing many performances during the
him smiling at me. O, gosh! It was real. I was not dreaming.
My first impression when meeting Stefan was that he was
Jawaban: friendly. He greeted me warmly and moments later, I had
Text 1 a chit-chat with him. I didn’t want to miss the chance. I took
1. was poor 2. was small photographs with him and asked for his autograph. Surprisingly,
3. were not desperate 4. were optimistic before alighting from the train, he gave me an interesting
5. were diligent souvenir with his name and signature on it.
I was very happy. It was a really unforgettable experience.
Text 2
1. was cold 2. were exhausted
3. were ready 4. were happy
5. was interested

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 27

Write a recount text to relate the event you ever attended.
Read your work aloud.
Complete the following text with the correct words from the box.
Then, read the text aloud. Contoh jawaban:
Last Saturday night my friends and I watched a Ramayana
a. grow b. parked c. surprising ballet performance. It was cold, but people didn’t care about that.
d. anniversary e. over f. first The atmosphere was dim, with good lighting systems. It was free
g. traditional h. puppets i. enthusiastically of charge so many people were interested in watching the show.
j. stopped k. expo l. committee It was very crowded. Many people watched the performance
attentively. The stage was big and the performance was
Last week, Bayu had two days off. He spent the time in attractive. The woman who played Sita was very beautiful and
his uncle’s town. He enjoyed many performances during the her dance was graceful. Meanwhile, the man who played
town’s (1) ________ celebration. Hanuman was energetic. The audience was very interested in
In the morning, Bayu and his uncle cycled around the watching his performance. They were happy and gave a big
town. They (2) ________ at the town square and saw the round of applause after the performance.
crowds. Those people wanted to see reog, a (3) ________
performance. Bayu and his uncle were interested in watching
it, so they (4) ________ their bicycles and walked towards
the crowds. Later, the reog performance began. People
watched the performance (5) ________.
When the performance was (6) ________, Bayu and Homework
his uncle rode their bicycles to the town hall, to visit Draw a series of pictures and write a recount text based on the
an (7) ________. Many items were displayed there. Bayu pictures.
bought small plants and intended to (8) ________ them. Stick your work on the class wall magazine.
At night, Bayu’s uncle asked him to attend a puppet
show. Bayu agreed, for it was his (9) ________ time. Bayu
was happy to see the famous puppeteer performing roles 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menggambar
with his leather (10) ________. rangkaian gambar yang membentuk sebuah teks recount.
2. Peserta didik menulis teks recount berdasarkan
rangkaian gambar tersebut.
Suppose you are Bayu.
3. Peserta didik dapat berkonsultasi dengan Bapak/Ibu
Relate the story in TASK 1 using your own words.
Guru tentang tulisan mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru
Jawaban: mengoreksi tulisan peserta didik dan peserta didik
TASK 1 memperbaiki tulisan mereka berdasarkan hasil konsultasi
1. d 2. j 3. g 4. b 5. i dengan Bapak/Ibu Guru.
6. e 7. k 8. a 9. f 10. h 4. Setelah selesai, peserta didik dapat menempelkan
gambar dan tulisan yang dibuatnya di majalah dinding
TASK 2 (Contoh jawaban): kelas.
Hello, friends. I’d like to tell you about my experience.
Last week, I had two days off and I spent the time in my
uncle’s town. You know, my uncle’s town was celebrating its
anniversary. That’s why, I could enjoy many performances.
In the morning, my uncle and I cycled around the town.
We stopped at the town square. There, we saw the crowds.
Do you know what they were doing? They were waiting to
see reog, a traditional performance. My uncle and I were
interested in watching it too. We parked our bicycles and
then walked towards the crowds to join them. A moment
later, the reog performance began. We were very
enthusiastic to watch it.
After the performance, my uncle and I rode our bicycles
to the town hall. Guess what we would do there! Visit an
expo! Well, many items were displayed. I bought small plants
and intended to grow them at home.
Then, at night, my uncle invited me to watch a puppet
show and I agreed. You know, it was my first time. I was
happy to see a puppeteer performing roles with his leather

28 My Idol
Regular looked, asked, prospected,
continued, walked, cooked,
Text structure: finished, wished, etc.
• Orientation: introduces what happenened,
where the event(s) took place and who was
involved in the event(s). Verbs in simple
Recount texts past tense
• Events: describes a series of events.
• Re-orientation: gives the closure of events, or
Irregular told, built, did, said, found, got,
conclusion. sang, ran, swim, flew, read, hit,

My Idol

• I was happy.
• My father was energetic.
Was/were + adjective • Emily and I were creative.
• The students were diligent.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Tape Script for Assessment

Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following monolog.

It was 6 a.m. Nadila and her friends were jogging around the
town park. While they were jogging and chatting, they saw an old I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
man sitting under a tree. He looked weak and ill. Jawaban:
Nadila and her friends approached him and asked if he was 1. E 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C
alright. Knowing that the man was very weak and motionless, 6. E 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A
Nadila asked her friends to stay with him while she was going to 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. E 15. E
find help. The man was pale and trembled. Nadila’s friends try to 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. E
give him hot tea which they were carrying.
Not far from where the man was sitting, Nadila met II. Write a recount text about your experience.
an officer. She told him that there was a sick person in the park. Contoh jawaban:
The officer called an ambulance and they hurriedly went to the Last Sunday my family and I held a house-warming party.
man. Not long after that, an ambulance arrived. The paramedics Since early in the morning, we were very busy preparing for it.
took the man to the hospital. Nadila and her friends hoped the My mother and I prepared meals and drinks, while my father and
man recover soon. The police thanked Nadila and her friends. brother were busy decorating the room.
He explained that people like them, caring for neighborhood, At about three, our neighbors and relatives arrived. They
were needed. congratulated us and gave us gifts. My parents asked them to
Questions: enter the house. When we thought that all the invited people had
1. When did the story take place? arrived, we started the party. My father delivered a short speech
2. What did Nadila and her friends do to the man? and then asked the guests to enjoy food and drinks. During the
3. What can you learn from the story? party, we had a chit-chat with our new neighbors. They were very
Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. The house-warming party put a deep impression in our mind.
Bagus and his friends on their way home from playing
soccer. As it was raining heavily, they decided to shelter on
a mini market. They were chatting about the game they just
played when a beautiful girl wearing sunglasses entered the
market. She was slim and had a white complexion. She wore
an ornamented dress that made her really pretty. She ignored
her surrounding, but Bagus thought he knew who the girl was.
He peeped through the glass wall and was very surprised when
he realized who the girl was! She was his favorite actress. Bagus
could not imagine that he finally met her in such a situation.
Bagus was restless after knowing her. He could not wait to
meet and greet her. He was sure that the girl would respond to his
greeting warmly. Besides, he would ask her to take photographs
with him. He did not tell his friends about this.
Soon the girl left the market and headed to her car.
Suddenly, Bagus called out her name, approached and greeted
her. The girl looked towards him and smiled. She responded to
Bagus’ greeting warmly. She even let Bagus take photographs
with her. Bagus’ friends were shocked and speechless. They did
not know that Bagus was familiar with that pretty girl.
4. What can we infer from the monolog?
5. How did the girl respond to Bagus’ greeting?

30 My Idol
Work in pairs.
Ask and answer questions about your friend’s holiday experience.
Then, share the result with the class.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja berpasangan dan memahami kegiatan yang akan dilakukan.
2. Setiap pasangan bertanya jawab tentang pengalaman mereka saat liburan seperti dalam contoh.
3. Peserta didik menulis hasil tanya jawab tersebut di buku mereka.
4. Selanjutnya, peserta didik diminta menceritakan kembali hasil tanya jawab tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyimak dan
mengoreksi pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang tepat.
5. Selama kegiatan berlangsung (tanya jawab maupun retelling) Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi pujian dan balikan positif kepada
peserta didik yang aktif berpartisipasi. Bapak/Ibu Guru senantiasa memotivasi peserta didik yang kurang aktif agar aktif

You : What did you do last Sunday?
Your friend : I did many things.
You : Did you have an interesting experience?
Your friend : Yes.
You : What was that? Please tell me about it.
Contoh jawaban:
You : What did you do last Sunday?
Your friend : I did many things.
You : Did you have an interesting experience?
Your friend : Yes.
You : What was that? Please tell me about it.
Your friend : Well, I celebrated my birthday.
You : O, gosh! Sorry, I forgot your birthday. It’s late, but let me say, “Happy birthday.”
Your friend : Thank you.
You : Then, how was your birthday celebration? Please tell me.
Your friend : Together with my family, I celebrated my birthday in an orphanage near my house. At the orphanage, we played,
sang and had lunch together with the orphans.
You : It must be very interesting.
Your friend : Yeah. I was very glad that I could share happiness with them. They lack their parents’ love and affection. I couldn’t
imagine how they can live without their parents. It must be very hard for them.
You : What about the caretakers?
Your friend : They are very kind-hearted and patient. They have important roles on the orphans’ lives since they have replaced
the orphans’ parents.
I’ve asked Shanty about her experience last Sunday. I’d like to tell you about her experience.
Last Sunday Shanty celebrated her birthday. Together with her family, Shanty celebrated it at an orphanage. She wanted to
share her happiness with orphans. She and her family played, sang and had lunch together with the orphans.
Shanty was very glad since she could share her happiness with them who lack their parents’ love and affection. She could
not imagine how they can live without their parents. Fortunately, the caretakers are very kind-hearted and patient. They have
replaced the orphans’ parents’ functions.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 31

Setelah mempelajari chapter ini, peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara mengindentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount tentang peristiwa bersejarah lisan
dan tulisan; cara meminta dan memberi informasi tentang peristiwa bersejarah; cara menyusun teks recount lisan dan
tulis tentang peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan (kalimat
dengan simple past tense, dibedakan dari simple present tense).
2. terampil:
mengindentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount tentang peristiwa bersejarah lisan dan
tulisan; meminta dan memberi informasi tentang peristiwa bersejarah; menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis tentang
peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan (kalimat dengan simple
past tense, dibedakan dari simple present tense).
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. berperilaku disiplin, rendah hati, santun, percaya diri, dan jujur dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Comprehension Texts
questions Historical recount


Grammar Simple present tense

vs simple past tense

Solve the puzzle,

make sentences,
match the words, read
Assessment the text, list each
event, listen and
complete, listen to and
answer the questions,
The Battle of complete the table,
Surabaya complete the text,
identify the structure of
the text, arrange the
sentences, compose a
historical recount,
write a draft and then
develop it into a
historical recount text

Fill in the blanks with

the suitable auxiliaries,
identify the sentences,
fill in the blanks
Browsing the
Internet Theories of simple
present and simple
past tenses

Homework Write a historical

recount about
important events

32 The Battle of Surabaya

Source:, downloaded August 2, 2016

Look closely at the above picture. It illustrates the battle of Surabaya on November 10, 1945. Can you tell the class about
the event briefly? How was the event? Why did it happen?
It was a long story before our country proclaimed independence. There were many events recorded before and after
independence. All the events are worthy and memorable, and we have to know about them. Hence, we will be able to learn
about our heroes’/heroines’ fighting spirits and respect them.
When we talk or write about historical events, we use a historical recount. In this chapter, you will learn how to compose
historical recounts, both spoken and written. Study the text structure and language features of the text. Do all tasks to improve
your English skills.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar dan menyebutkan peristiwa yang diilustrasikan dalam
gambar tersebut.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik menyebutkan peristiwa tersebut secara singkat, misalnya waktu dan tempat
kejadian, pihak yang terlibat, alasan peristiwa itu terjadi, dan saat kejadian itu berlangsung, sesuai dengan pengetahuan
peserta didik. Bapak/Ibu Guru membantu peserta didik jika mengalami kesulitan.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menyebutkan beberapa peristiwa bersejarah lainnya dan menjelaskannya secara
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran chapter ini yaitu peserta didik akan kembali mempelajari teks
berbentuk historical recount yang bertujuan menceritakan peristiwa-peristiwa bersejarah.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru membantu peserta didik menyiapkan diri dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 33

Solve the following puzzle.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati kotak TTS dan memahami petunjuk yang tersedia.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan kepada peserta didik bahwa TTS tersebut berisi kata-kata kerja beraturan dan tidak beraturan
dalam bentuk past.
3. Peserta didik diminta melengkapi TTS tersebut dengan kata kerja yang sesuai dengan petunjuknya. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi
waktu untuk mengerjakan kegiatan ini, misalnya 15 menit.
4. Setelah waktu pengerjaan habis, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik menyampaikan jawaban mereka. Peserta
didik yang lain menyampaikan jawabannya apabila berbeda dengan jawaban temannya.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawabannya bersama-sama.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan pujian kepada peserta didik atas kegiatan yang telah mereka lakukan.

10. READ
14. LOST
15. MET
17. KEPT

Write the verbs in TASK 1 into the correct columns.
Write their present forms and their meanings.
Regular Verb Irregular Verb
Past Present Meaning Past Present Meaning

34 The Battle of Surabaya

Look at the puzzle below.
Find twenty verbs, horizontally, vertically and diagonally.
Identify whether they are regular or irregular verbs, then write their past forms and meanings.















Regular Verb Irregular Verb
Past Present Meaning Past Present Meaning

inspected inspect memeriksa fought fight bertarung

sacrificed sacrifice berkorban, ground grind menghaluskan,
mengorbankan menumbuk
cried cry menangis set set menata
erased erase menghapus flew fly terbang
devoted devote mengabdikan sank sink tenggelam
struggled struggle berjuang read read membaca
waved wave melambaikan lost lose menghilangkan
talked talk berbicara took take mengambil
met meet bertemu
kept keep menyimpan
taught teach mengajar
made make membuat


1. Peserta didik mengamati huruf-huruf acak. Mereka diminta menemukan kata-kata kerja dengan menghubungkan huruf-
huruf tersebut secara horisontal, vertikal, dan diagonal.
2. Setelah menemukan kata kerja tersebut, peserta didik menentukan setiap kata kerja termasuk kata kerja beraturan
(regular) atau tidak beraturan (irregular).
3. Kemudian, peserta didik menuliskan bentuk lampau dan arti setiap kata kerja tersebut. Peserta didik diminta menuliskan
jawabannya ke dalam tabel seperti di bawah ini. Sebelumnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru menuliskan tabel tersebut di papan tulis.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 35

Regular Verb Irregular Verb

Base Past Meaning Base Past Meaning

4. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik membacakan jawaban mereka, secara bergiliran.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban bersama-sama.















Regular Verb Irregular Verb

Base Past Meaning Base Past Meaning

1. SHARE SHARED berbagi, membagi 1. BUY BOUGHT membeli
2. DECIDE DECIDED memutuskan 2. MAKE MADE membuat
3. WATCH WATCHED menonton 3. LOSE LOST kehilangan, kalah
4. REMIND REMINDED mengingatkan 4 FALL FELL jatuh
5. AGREE AGREED setuju, menyetujui 5. WEAR WORE memakai, mengenakan
6. MISS MISSED rindu, ketinggalan 6. HOLD HELD memegang, mengadakan
7. WALK WALKED berjalan 7. SPEAK SPOKE berbicara
8. REMEMBER REMEMBERED ingat, mengingat 8. READ READ membaca
9. TURN TURNED berbelok 9. WAKE WOKE bangun
10. WORRY WORRIED mengkhawatirkan 10. THINK THOUGHT berpikir, memikirkan

36 The Battle of Surabaya

4. I didn’t know who erased the announcement on the white
5. I talked with Anita about our group work just now.
6. My grandmother taught at elementary school before
Make ten sentences using the past verbs from TASK 1. retirement.
7. Did you know who took my dictionary?
Contoh jawaban:
8. I met the principal in a bookstore last night.
1. I lost my money on the way to school.
9. Amir kept his calculator on the shelf, but it isn’t there
2. My mother made gingerbread cookies last Sunday.
3. Sinta cried because her beloved grandmother just passed
10. The teacher inspected our preparation for the drama
performance five minutes ago.

Complete the following table with the suitable verb forms.
Explain their meanings.
Regular Verb Irregular Verb
Present Past Meaning Present Past Meaning

1. _________ cared __________________ 1. broadcast _____________ __________________

2. _________ carried __________________ 2. buy _____________ __________________
3. divide _____________ __________________ 3. hit _____________ __________________
4. fish _____________ __________________ 4. _________ brought __________________
5. _________ lived __________________ 5. _________ ran __________________
6. marry _____________ __________________ 6. sing _____________ __________________
7. _________ passed __________________ 7. _________ spoke __________________
8. pull _____________ __________________ 8. think _____________ __________________
9. refer _____________ __________________ 9. _________ wept __________________
10. _________ wished __________________ 10. write _____________ __________________

Fill in the blanks with the suitable verbs from TASK 1.
1. Mr. Wisnu __________ a big empty box to pack used paper.
2. My cousin and I __________ on the nearest lake last Sunday.
3. The old man __________ with his only grandson until he died.
4. The horse __________ a carriage full of fruits and vegetables.
5. Diana __________ as fast as she could to cross the finish line in third place.
6. My uncle __________ me a nice small cat for my birthday and I love it.
7. The girl __________ Justin Bieber’s song Love Yourself melodiously.
8. I __________ a letter of complaint to the company for defected items that I received.
9. The TV station will __________ the opening ceremony of the 2018 Asian Games.
10. My father __________ that it would be advisable to cancel our trip due to extreme weather.

Regular Verb Irregular Verb

Present Past Meaning Present Past Meaning

1. care cared peduli 1. broadcast broadcast menyiarkan

2. carry carried membawa 2. buy bought membeli
3. divide divided membagi 3. hit hit memukul
4. fish fished memancing 4. bring brought membawa
5. live lived tinggal 5. run ran berlari
6. marry married menikah 6. sing sang menyanyi
7. pass passed melewati 7. speak spoke berbicara
8. pull pulled menarik 8. think thought berpikir
9. refer referred merujuk 9. weep wept menangis
10. wish wished berharap, berdoa 10. write wrote menulis

1. carried 2. fished 3. lived 4. pulled 5. ran
6. bought 7. sang 8. wrote 9. broadcast 10. thought

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 37

Match the words with their meanings correctly.
1. i 2. e 3. h 4. k 5. a 6. j 7. d 8. f 9. c 10. g

Pronounce the following words correctly.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from TASK 3 and 4.
Change the forms of the words whenever necessary.
1. Last year our work was ____________ by lack of funds.
2. That man struggled ____________ against the burglar and he won.
3. I tried to recall my memory and ____________ from years past.
4. The unfair decision ____________ protest from the organization members.
5. My brother wants to be a great sailor so he entered a ____________ academy.
6. My uncle ____________ his plan to move to Surabaya by several weeks.
7. The girl ____________ her best friend’s trusty by telling others about her secret.
8. I have to settle the ____________ with my best friend soon.
9. The actress closed her social media due to a steady ____________ from her haters.
10. My brother and his friends from a mountain climbing club finally ____________ Mount Semeru on their first climb.
1. hampered 2. heroically 3. remembrances 4. provoked
5. naval 6. advanced 7. betrayed 8. misunderstanding
9. bombardment 10. conquered

Read the following text aloud.

Pay attention to the text structure.

Identify the following statements whether they are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in TASK 5.
Correct the false ones.

No. Statement T/F Correction

1. Heroes Day draws back to what happened on November

10, 1945.
2. The Dutch army forced Indonesians to hand over their
3. Brigadier Mallaby led British troops in Jakarta.
4. The British army in Jakarta knew exactly about
the agreement made between Brigadier Mallaby and
the Governor of East Java.
5. The British army in Jakarta spread leaflets to all over
Surabaya about an appeal to hand over weapons.
6. Indonesians felt betrayed by the British army due to
the content of the leaflets.

38 The Battle of Surabaya

No. Statement T/F Correction

7. Surabaya was attacked on November 10, 1945 from land,

sea and air.
8. Only a few people were sure that Brigadier Mallaby was
killed by Indonesian militia.
9. The number of Indonesians killed in the battle was more
than that of British troops.
10. British troops were able to conquer Surabaya on November
13, 1945.


No. Statement T/F Correction

1. Heroes Day draws back to what happened on November T

10, 1945.
2. The Dutch army forced Indonesians to hand over their F It was the British army who forced Indonesians to
weapons. hand over their weapons.
3. Brigadier Mallaby led British troops in Jakarta. F He led British troops in Surabaya.
4. The British army in Jakarta knew exactly about F The British army in Jakarta might not know about
the agreement made between Brigadier Mallaby and the agreement which led to misunderstanding
the Governor of East Java. between the British army in Jakarta and Surabaya.
5. The British army in Jakarta spread leaflets to all over T
Surabaya about an appeal to hand over weapons.
6. Indonesians felt betrayed by the British army due to T
the content of the leaflets.
7. Surabaya was attacked on November 10, 1945 from land, T
sea and air.
8. Only a few people were sure that Brigadier Mallaby was F It was widely believed that Brigadier Mallaby was
killed by Indonesian militia. killed by Indonesian militia.
9. The number of Indonesians killed in the battle was more T
than that of British troops.
10. British troops were able to conquer Surabaya on November F British troops conquered Surabaya within 3 days.
13, 1945. If it started on November 10, 1945, so it was
conquered on November 12, 1945.

In pairs, discuss the following questions about the text in TASK 5.

Share your answers with the class.
1. The purpose is to relate past or historical events.
2. It uses past tenses because the tenses show that the events described happened in the past.
3. It gives information about what the historical event was, who were involved, when and where it took place.
4. The events are described chronologically, according to the time order they took place.
5. It states the comments about the historical event.
6. Contoh jawaban: There are Bandung Lautan Api, Battle of Ambarawa, Acehnese War.

List each event described in the text in TASK 5 chronologically.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 39


No. Events

1. Brigadier Mallaby and the Governor of East Java made an agreement stating that the British army would not ask Indonesian
troops and militia to surrender their weapons.
2. There was a misunderstanding between British troops in Jakarta and those in Surabaya which then led to the battle on
November 10, 1945.
3. On October 27, 1945 a British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets all over Surabaya.
4. Indonesian troops had to surrender their weapons to the British army, according to the leaflet.
5. Indonesian troops and militia leaders became angry and felt betrayed by the British army.
6. On October 30, 1945 Brigadier Mallaby was killed as he was approaching the British troops’ post near Jembatan Merah or
Red Bridge, Surabaya, which was believed to be killed by Indonesian militia.
7. Lieutenant General Sir Philip Christison brought in reinforcements to siege Surabaya.
8. In the early morning of November 10, 1945, British troops began to advance into Surabaya with cover from both naval and
air bombardment.
9. Within three days, British troops conquered Surabaya.
10. Three weeks later the whole battle ended.
11. Between 6,000 and 16,000 Indonesians and about 600 to 2,000 British soldiers died during the battle.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable auxiliaries (am, is, are, was, Identify whether the following sentences are grammatically
were). correct, then correct the incorrect ones.
1. are 2. am 3. were 4. is
5. was; is 6. was; was 7. were 8. are Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengasah pemahaman peserta
9. was 10. are didik tentang kata kerja bentuk past (regular and irregular
verbs) dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat berbentuk simple
past tense.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan
memahami kalimat-kalimat soal yang tersedia.
2. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru mengidentifikasi kalimat-kalimat yang tata bahasanya
memberi soal berikut. salah atau kurang tepat.
1. Why Anton left his house ________ still a mystery. 3. Peserta didik menentukan tiap kalimat benar atau salah
2. When you ________ sitting, don’t lean too far forward or berdasarkan tata bahasanya, lalu membetulkan kalimat-
backward. kalimat yang tata bahasanya salah.
3. My friend and I ________ keen on observing inside the 4. Setelah waktu pengerjaan dirasa cukup, Bapak/Ibu Guru
hall, so we wandered around the place. memotivasi peser ta didik untuk menyampaikan
4. The 2016 Solo International Performing Arts, or SIPA, jawabannya. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan
________ held in September. menyampaikan jawabannya apabila berbeda.
5. Marwan and Risma ________ explaining the plan for 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan positif atas hasil kerja
performing a drama for a school celebration party now. peserta didik. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu mengingatkan
6. Ida had bought the entrance tickets. Then, we ________ peserta didik agar selalu membuat kalimat-kalimat yang
ready to explore the amusement park. sesuai dengan tata bahasa.
7. I ________ too tired to continue my journey, so I decided
to stop at the nearest park to relax. Jawaban:
8. The storm had brought wind and rain last Sunday 1. Correct.
afternoon and the situation ________ quite 2. Incorrect. Suddenly, we heard the bell ring which meant that
terrifying. break time was over.
9. Firman will be leaving us to study in Australia and the 3. Incorrect. Recently the new coffee shop provides coffee
party ________ a good opportunity for us to say harvested and produced from their own plantation.
goodbye and wish him luck. 4. Incorrect. Donna returned from vacation in Lombok
10. I ________ grateful to my aunt who has provided me yesterday and she really had a great time there.
with nice memories during my holiday in her hometown. 5. Correct.
1. is 2. are 3. were
4. was 5. are 6. were
7. was 8. was 9. is
10. am

40 The Battle of Surabaya

Then, I (8) __________ a text to my mother, telling her
about the incident. I (9) __________ really guilty. After
several minutes, my mother called and told me that I should
go to my cousin’s house to collect a uniform. Luckily, my
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru cousin, who was already at college, still (10) __________ her
memberi soal berikut. old senior high school uniform.
1. Last holiday I visit my grandparents who live in Malang, Jawaban:
East Java. 1. g. contacted 2. j. made
2. I was in the middle of cooking, so I didn’t know about 3. e. said 4. l. talked
my mother’s message. 5. h. finished 6. b. remembered
3. While having lunch, my friends and I were chatting 7. k. ran 8. c. sent
about the test we just did. 9. f. felt 10. a. kept
4. After completing the document check at around 2 p.m.,
we immediately walk out of the airport and look for a bus.
5. Losari Beach is a very suitable place to hang out with
friends or family, especially in the afternoon.
1. Incorrect. Last holiday I visited my grandparents who
live in Malang, East Java. Listen and complete the following text based on what you have
2. Correct. heard.
3. Correct. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
4. Incorrect. After completing the document check at One of the most important historical events taking place in
around 2 p.m., we immediately walked out of West Java is Bandung Lautan Api or Bandung Sea of Fire. This
the airport and looked for a bus. event occurred on March 23, 1946. Within (1) seven hours,
5. Correct. about 200,000 houses in the southern part of Bandung burned
down and residents left the city. It happened in order to prevent
the Allied soldiers and NICA (Netherlands) troops to be able to
make Bandung as (2) strategic military headquarters in
On October 12, 1945 the British army, led by Brigadier
MacDonald, arrived in Bandung. Since the beginning,
Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the verbs in brackets. the relationship between the British army and Indonesian
Jawaban: government was strained. The British army demanded that all
1. is 2. drives 3. went Indonesian people, except soldiers and police, had to (3) hand
4. was 5. didn’t get 6. remembered create over all firearms to them. Meanwhile, Dutch people
7. reminds 8. travel 9. saw newly released from prison began to create insecurity among
10. didn’t realize 11. thought 12. rushed residents. As a result, armed clashes between the British army
13. bumped 14. acted 15. did and Indonesian soldiers were (4) unavoidable.
16. apologized 17. was 18. could On November 21, 1945 night, Indonesian soldiers launched
an attack on the British occupations in the north of Bandung,
including in Homann Hotel and Preanger Hotel which they used
as headquarters. (5) Three days later, Brigadier MacDonald
delivered an ultimatum to the Governor of West Java that all
people, both residents and soldiers, had to (6) vacate North
Complete the following text with the suitable verbs from the box. Bandung.
Change the forms of the verbs if necessary. In response to the ultimatum, the Indonesian soldiers
agreed to burn the city of Bandung. They could never accept the
a. keep b. remember c. send Allied and NICA (Netherland) troops using Bandung for
d. thank e. say f. feel (7) military benefits. On March 23, 1946, the Indonesian
g. contact h. finish i. forget soldiers began the evacuation of Bandung residents. A large and
j. make k. run l. talk long group of residents left Bandung and in the evening the city
was burned down.
Yesterday was my good and bad day. It was a good day That night, black smoke (8) soared high above Bandung city
because my old friend (1) __________ me again after a long and there was a total blackout. The British army found out what
time. It was bad since I (2) __________ a careless move. had happened and attacked the Indonesian soldiers. The biggest
You know, yesterday I was at home alone. At the time, fight took place in Dayeuh Kolot Village, south of Bandung, where
I was ironing my uniform. Suddenly, there was a call from my there was the Allied’s (9) ammunition storage house. During the
old friend, Nadilla. She had left my town for almost two years. fight, Muhammad Toha, one of the Indonesian soldiers, succeeded
I was very happy to get a phone call from her. She in blowing the storage house using dynamite though he was killed.
(3) __________ that she would visit me next holiday. We also Before 00:00 a.m. South Bandung was empty, but the fire hadn’t
(4) __________ about our experiences during our time at been extinguished.
junior high school. To burn down Bandung was considered to be
When I (5) __________ chatting with her, suddenly an (10) appropriate strategy since the Indonesian soldiers and
I (6) __________ that I had not unplugged the iron! Hastily people’s strength at that time was incomparable to that of the
I (7) __________ to my room. My uniform was burnt! I was Allied and NICA.
very sad and I cried. I had only two uniforms and one of them Adapted from:
was burnt! It’s all because of my carelessness!

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 41

Listen to and answer the questions based on the text in TASK 11.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
1. What is the text about?
2. Why did Indonesian soldiers decide to burn down the city of Bandung?
3. What triggered armed clashes to take place between the British army and Indonesian soldiers?
4. When did the British army issue an ultimatum to vacate North Bandung?
5. Why is March 23, 1945 a very important date?
6. How many hours did the evacuation take place?
7. Why did Dayeuh Kolot become the target to attack the British army?
8. What do you think about Muhammad Toha?
9. What is the speaker’s opinion about the event?
10. What can you learn from the event of Bandung Sea of Fire?
1. It’s about a historical event called Bandung Lautan Api or Bandung Sea of Fire.
2. To prevent the Allied and NICA troops use Bandung as strategic military headquarters.
3. The British army’s demand that all Indonesian people, except soldiers and police, had to hand over all firearms to them, and Dutch
people who were just released from prison and began to create insecurity among residents.
4. Three days after Indonesian soldiers attacked the British occupations in the north of Bandung, or on November 24, 1945.
5. Because it is the date when Indonesian soldiers began the evacuation to empty Bandung city and burned it down in the evening.
6. Within seven hours.
7. Because there was an ammunition storage house.
8. Contoh jawaban: He was a brave young man who was willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of the country.
9. That the decision to burn down Bandung was an appropriate strategy since the Indonesian soldiers and people’s strength at that
time was incomparable to that of the Allied and NICA.
10. Contoh jawaban: We can learn that we should be willing to sacrifice everything, even our lives, for the sake of our country.

Reread the text in TASK 11 and then complete the following table.
Paragraph Purpose Details

• One of the most important historical events taking place in West Java is
To introduce what the event Bandung Lautan Api or Bandung Sea of Fire.
Introductory was, who were involved in • This event occurred on March 23, 1946.
paragraph the event, when and where • Within seven hours, about 200,000 houses in the southern part of Bandung
the event took place. burned down and residents left the city.
• It happened to prevent the Allied soldiers and NICA troops to be able to
make Bandung as strategic military headquarters in Indonesia.
• On October 12, 1945 the British army, led by Brigadier MacDonald, arrived
in Bandung.
To describe the reasons why
• There was a strained relationship between the British army and Indonesian
Supporting armed clashes between the
paragraph 1 British army and Indonesian
• The British army demanded that all Indonesian people, except soldiers and
soldiers were unavoidable.
police, had to hand over all firearms to them.
• Dutch people newly released from prison began to create insecurity among
• On November 21, 1945 night, Indonesian soldiers launched an attack on
To describe Brigadier
Supporting the British occupations in the north of Bandung used as their headquarters.
MacDonald’s ultimatum to
paragraph 2 • Three days later, Brigadier MacDonald delivered an ultimatum to
vacate North Bandung.
the Governor of West Java that all people, both residents and soldiers, had
to vacate North Bandung.
• The Indonesian soldiers agreed to burn the city of Bandung so that
the Allied and NICA troops couldn’t use Bandung for military benefits.
Supporting To describe the decision of • On March 23, 1946, the Indonesian soldiers began the evacuation of
paragraph 3 burning down the city of Bandung residents.
Bandung. • A large and long group of residents left Bandung and in the evening the city
was burned down.

42 The Battle of Surabaya

Paragraph Purpose Details

• That night, black smoke soared high above Bandung city and there was
a total blackout.
• The British army found out what had happened and attacked the Indonesian
Supporting To describe the situation soldiers.
paragraph 4 when Bandung was burned • The biggest fight took place in Dayeuh Kolot Village, south of Bandung,
down. where there was the Allied’s ammunition storage house.
• Muhammad Toha succeeded in blowing the storage house using dynamite
though he was killed.
• Before 00:00 a.m. South Bandung was empty, but the fire hadn’t been

Supporting To describe the comments • To burn down Bandung was considered to be an appropriate strategy since
paragraph 5 on the event of Bandung the Indonesian soldiers and people’s strength at that time was incomparable
Lautan Api. to that of the Allied and NICA.

Listen and complete the following text based on what you have heard.
Hague Agreement, also called (1) _______________________ Agreement, is a treaty ratified in Den Haag, Holland on
November 2, 1949, between the Netherlands and Republic of Indonesia. The agreement attempted to bring an end to the
(2) _______________________ that followed the proclamation of Indonesian independence in 1945. After
(3) _______________________ over its provisions, the treaty was revoked in 1956.
According to the treaty, the Dutch agreed to transfer, by December 30, 1949, their political sovereignty
(4) _______________________ of the former Dutch East Indies, with the exception of West New Guinea (West Irian), to the
Republic of the United States of Indonesia, which was to be a federal government formed of the republican state and
(5) _______________________ created by the Dutch. This new republic together with the Netherlands established a Netherlands-
Indonesian Union, which was intended to work for the common interest. In return for (6) _______________________,
the new republic gave a guarantee to Dutch investors in the region and accepted the debt of 4.3 billion guilders. The status of West
New Guinea was to be settled in discussions to take place the following year. In fact, the transfer was done on
(7) _______________________.
The Hague Agreement apparently benefited the Netherlands and Indonesian nationalists were dissatisfied with
(8) _______________________ in the agreement, especially those dealing with the nature of the state, the dominant role of the
autonomous Dutch states, the debt and West New Guinea problem. The dissatisfied nationalists drafted
a (9) _______________________ in 1950 and established Indonesia as a (10) _______________________. The conflict between
the Dutch and Indonesian nationalists continued and on April 21, 1956, the Indonesian parliament revoked the Hague Agreement.
Adopted from: (July 25, 2016)

Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 1.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Where and when was the Hague Agreement signed?
3. What was the agreement made between?
4. What is the content of the agreement?
5. According to the agreement, what should Indonesia give to the Netherlands?
6. Why did the agreement not benefit Indonesia?
7. What happened on April 21, 1956?
8. In your opinion, why did it take a few years for Indonesia to be totally free from the Dutch colonialism?

Reread the text in TASK 1 and then complete the following table.

Paragraph Purpose Details


paragraph 1

paragraph 2

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 43

Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
Hague Agreement, also called (1) Round Table Conference Agreement, is a treaty ratified in Den Haag, Holland on
November 2, 1949, between the Netherlands and Republic of Indonesia. The agreement attempted to bring an end to the
(2) Dutch-Indonesian conflict that followed the proclamation of Indonesian independence in 1945. After (3) prolonged
disagreement over its provisions, the treaty was revoked in 1956.
According to the treaty, the Dutch agreed to transfer, by December 30, 1949, their political sovereignty (4) over the entire
territory of the former Dutch East Indies, with the exception of West New Guinea (West Irian), to the Republic of the United States
of Indonesia, which was to be a federal government formed of the republican state and (5) 15 autonomous states created by the
Dutch. This new republic together with the Netherlands established a Netherlands-Indonesian Union, which was intended to work
for the common interest. In return for (6) Dutch political concessions, the new republic gave a guarantee to Dutch investors in
the region and accepted the debt of 4.3 billion guilders. The status of West New Guinea was to be settled in discussions to take
place the following year. In fact, the transfer was done on (7) December 27, 1945.
The Hague Agreement apparently benefited the Netherlands and Indonesian nationalists were dissatisfied with (8) certain
articles in the agreement, especially those dealing with the nature of the state, the dominant role of the autonomous Dutch states,
the debt and West New Guinea problem. The dissatisfied nationalists drafted a (9) provisional constitution in 1950 and
established Indonesia as a (10) unitary state. The conflict between the Dutch and Indonesian nationalists continued and on April
21, 1956, the Indonesian parliament revoked the Hague Agreement.
Adopted from: (July 25, 2016)
1. To relate a historical event related to the result of Hague Agreement or known as Round Table Conference Agreement.
2. In Den Haag, Holland on November 2, 1949.
3. Between the Netherlands and Republic of Indonesia.
4. That the Dutch agreed to transfer, by December 30, 1949, their political sovereignty over the entire territory of the former
Dutch East Indies, with the exception of West New Guinea (West Irian), to the Republic of the United States of Indonesia,
which was to be a federal government formed of the republican state and 15 autonomous states created by the Dutch.
5. Indonesia gave a guarantee to Dutch investors in the region and accepted the debt of 4.3 billion guilders.
6. Because there were certain dissatisfying articles dealing with the nature of the state, the dominant role of the autonomous
Dutch states, the debt and West New Guinea problem.
7. The Indonesian parliament revoked the Hague Agreement.
8. Contoh jawaban: The Dutch apparently didn’t give up and kept looking for another way to occupy Indonesia.
Paragraph Purpose Details

• Hague Agreement, also called Round Table Conference Agreement,

is a treaty ratified in Den Haag, Holland on November 2, 1949.
To introduce what the event • The treaty was made between the Netherlands and Republic of
Introductory was, who were involved in Indonesia.
paragraph the event, when and where • The purpose was to end the Dutch-Indonesian conflict that followed
the event took place. the proclamation of Indonesian independence in 1945.
• The treaty was revoked in 1956 due to prolonged disagreement over its
• The Dutch agreed to transfer, by December 30, 1949, their political
sovereignty over the entire territory of the former Dutch East Indies,
with the exception of West New Guinea (West Irian), to the Republic of
the United States of Indonesia, which was to be a federal government
formed of the republican state and 15 autonomous states created by
the Dutch.
• The new republic of Indonesia together with the Netherlands
Supporting To describe the contents of
established a Netherlands-Indonesian Union, which was intended to
paragraph 1 the treaty.
work for the common interest.
• In return, Indonesia gave a guarantee to Dutch investors in the region
and accepted the debt of 4.3 billion guilders.
• The status of West New Guinea was to be settled in discussions to
take place the following year.
• The transfer was done on December 27, 1945.
• The treaty benefited the Netherlands.
• Indonesian nationalists were dissatisfied with certain articles in
the agreement, especially those dealing with the nature of the state,
the dominant role of the autonomous Dutch states, the debt and West
Supporting To describe the New Guinea problem.
paragraph 2 consequences of the treaty. • The dissatisfied nationalists drafted a provisional constitution in 1950
and established Indonesia as a unitary state.
• The conflict between the Dutch and Indonesian nationalists continued
and on April 21, 1956, the Indonesian parliament revoked the Hague

44 The Battle of Surabaya

Complete the following text using the words from the box, correctly.
1. h 2. l 3. g 4. j 5. c 6. i 7. a 8. b 9. k 10. f

Find the synonyms of the following words in the text in TASK 14.
1. ordered = ____________________
2. assumed = ____________________
3. rebuild = ____________________
4. blowup = ____________________
5. indefinite = ____________________
6. acknowledgment = ____________________
7. agreement = ____________________
8. hectic = ____________________
9. lasting = ____________________
10. disapproval = ____________________

Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 14.
1. When was the 1945 Constitution officially signed?
2. How many years did Indonesia’s revolutionary war last?
3. What happened on December 27, 1949?
4. How many constitution have we ever had? What are they?
5. What was the 1950 Constitution’s content?
6. How were the members of the 1950’s parliament chosen?
7. Why was the president only a symbol of the country, according to the 1950 Constitution?
8. What happened during the period of 1950 to 1957?
9. What is Indonesia working hard for until today?
10. In your opinion, why does democracy suit our ideology?
1. mandated 2. presumed 3. restore 4. outbreak 5. vague
6. declaration 7. consensus 8. tumultuous 9. permanent 10. dissents
1. One day after the declaration of independence on August 17, 1945, or precisely on August 18, 1945.
2. It lasted for four years, between 1945 and 1949.
3. The Dutch formally transferred sovereignty over Indonesia.
4. Two; the 1945 Constitution and the 1950 Constitution.
5. It mandated a parliamentary system with a largely ceremonial president.
6. They were members of political parties whose number of representatives from each party was based on their presumed
strength at that time.
7. Because the cabinet was responsible to the parliament.
8. There were administrative and social-economic problems, outbreak of dissents and violence in several parts of Indonesia,
and the cabinet changed six times.
9. Indonesia is working hard/striving toward a creation of a democratic state.
10. Contoh jawaban: Indonesia consists of many races, ethnics, religions and tribes who have similar rights in every aspect of
life and democracy gives all of us opportunities to work, speak or express our rights.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 45

Identify the structure of the text in TASK 14.
Structure Paragraph Main Idea Supporting Details

The birth of the first • The Republic of Indonesia was born on August 17, 1945.
Indonesia’s constitution • The following day, the 1945 Constitution was introduced.
Orientation Paragraph 1 • It consists of 37 short and vague articles.
called the 1945
• Indonesians’ struggle against colonialism did not end with
Indonesians’ continued the declaration of independence in 1945.
struggle against the • In the subsequent years of 1945 to 1949 revolution continued
Paragraph 2 colonialism after the against the Dutch colonial power’s efforts to restore power in
declaration of Indonesia.
independence. • On December 27, 1949, the Dutch formally transferred
sovereignty over Indonesia.
• A new constitution was introduced, called the 1950
Constitution that mandated a parliamentary system with
a largely ceremonial president.
• With the new constitution, a unicameral parliament of 232
members was formed, known as DPR or Dewan Perwakilan
The introduction of a new
Rakyat, People’s Representative House.
A Series of Paragraph 3 constitution called the
• The parliament consisted of members from political parties
Events 1950 Constitution.
and the number of representatives from each party was
based on their presumed strength at that time.
• A cabinet that was responsible to the parliament was formed
and Soekarno was the president that only had a symbolic
power as the Head of the State.
• The period of 1950 to 1957 was tumultuous with administra-
tive and social-economic problems, outbreak of dissents and
violence in several parts of Indonesia.
• The cabinet changed six times during this period.
Indonesia’s tumultuous • Nevertheless, there was a general consensus that democracy
Paragraph 4 situation and condition was desirable.
during the period of 1950 • The date for the first parliamentary election was set for
to 1957. September 1955 and another election to select a Constituent
Assembly (a body to draft a permanent constitution) was fixed
for December 1955.

The writer’s comment • It is clear that since the beginning, our predecessors thought
Reorientation Paragraph 5 about democracy in our that democracy suited our country’s ideology.
country. • Until now, we keep striving to be a better democratic country.

In pairs, arrange the following sentences to form a sequential dialog.

Then, practice the dialog.
Yudi : Did you watch a movie entitled Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck?
Ratna : No, but I ever heard that movie title. Why?
Yudi : Well, the movie was based on the novel with the same title. For your information, Van der Wijck is a real name of a ship and
the fact that the ship sank is also true.
Ratna : Really? Tell me more about it.
Yudi : Well, Van der Wijck was the Royal Dutch Packet Coy. steamer. It was a vessel of 2,633 tons, with three decks, and was fitted
for oil fuel. It was built at Rotterdam in 1921, and was 320ft. long, 44ft. beam and 27.7ft. deep.
Ratna : Quite big. Then, what did the ship load at that moment?
Yudi : The ship carried a large cargo of oil and there were around 300 natives and 30 Europeans on board.
Ratna : How did the ship sink?
Yudi : The ship was on its way from Bali to Semarang, via Surabaya. On Tuesday night, October 20, 1936, the ship was rolling in
a rough sea. The oil cargo began to roll in the ship, which was making little headway in the heavy sea. Then, the vessel
lurched, rolled over and sank upside down in six minutes. It happened off the coast of Java, around 40 miles of Surabaya.
Ratna : Oh God. Did many people die?

46 The Battle of Surabaya

Yudi : I don’t know. There’s no exact number of casualties or those who were missing, but it was reported that all the crew were
Ratna : Were there any rescue teams?
Yudi : Surely, there were. Soon after the news was received, nine military seaplanes were rushed to the scene and arrived ten
minutes after. Besides, five warships and one Royal Packet liner dashed to the rescue. On their arrival, the rescuers found
people floating in the water clinging to tables, chairs and other articles. The bodies of the dead could be seen floating
Ratna : I can imagine how the situation at the moment was. Cries of distress rent the air, I guess.
Yudi : According to one rescuer, observing from the Royal Dutch naval plane, nothing could be seen of the ship, but a large body of
oil on the water. He also said there were already a number of local fishing boats busily dragging victims into their boats while
five warships were rushing to the scene at full speed. The scene was a heartrending one with the floating dead bodies
Ratna : I bet, it was. Then, how did the rescuers rescue the living passengers and crew?
Yudi : The rescuers got down on the rough sea and fetched the people who were then carried in boats to the warships, where they
were given warm food and dry clothes. All the rescuers did their best to save the victims.
Ratna : It must have been hard work, to rescue victims at night. Two thumbs for the rescuers!
Adapted from: (July 20, 2016)

Reread the dialog in TASK 16.

Complete the following table with the events when the Van der Wijck ship sank.
Structure Details


A Series of


Structure Details

• Van der Wijck, the Royal Dutch Packet Coy. steamer, sank.
• It was a vessel of 2,633 tons, with three decks, and was fitted for oil fuel. It was built at Rotterdam in
Orientation 1921, and was 320ft. long, 44ft. beam and 27.7ft. deep.
• The ship carried a large cargo of oil and there were around 300 natives and 30 Europeans on board.
• It was on its way from Bali to Semarang, via Surabaya.
• The ship was rolling in a rough sea on Tuesday night, October 20, 1936.
• The oil cargo began to roll in the ship, which was making little headway in the heavy sea.
• The vessel lurched, rolled over and sank upside down in six minutes.
• It happened off the coast of Java, around 40 miles of Surabaya.
• There’s no exact number of casualties or those who were missing, but it was reported that all
the crew were saved.
• Soon after the news was received, nine military seaplanes were rushed to the scene and arrived ten
A Series of minutes after.
Events • Five warships and one Royal Packet liner dashed to the rescue.
• On their arrival, the rescuers found people floating in the water clinging to tables, chairs and other articles.
• The bodies of the dead could be seen floating around.
• From above, nothing could be seen of the ship, but a large body of oil on the water.
• There were already a number of local fishing boats busily dragging victims into their boats while five
warships were rushing to the scene at full speed.
• The scene was a heartrending one with the floating dead bodies around.
• The rescuers got down on the rough sea and fetched the people who were then carried in boats to
the warships, where they were given warm food and dry clothes.
• All the rescuers did their best to save the victims.
• It must have been hard work, to rescue victims at night.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 47

Ami : Really? What was it?
Riza : When I was at junior high school, my school held
a program called “Keep our city clean and green!”
Compose a historical recount about the sink of the ship Van der Ami : What did you do?
Wijck, based on the dialog in TASK 16. Riza : My schoolmates, teachers and I rallied in the
Read your work aloud. monument area at 6 a.m. and began to clean the
area around the monument until it’s clean and tidy.
Contoh jawaban:
Ami : That’s a very good program.
Have you ever read a novel or watched a movie entitled
Riza : Yes, it was. We also planted trees around it.
Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck? Do you think there was Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris untuk
a sinking ship named Van der Wijck? It was a real ship which SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta, Kementerian
sank many years ago. Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2016.
For your information, Van der Wijck was the Royal Dutch Questions:
Packet Coy. steamer. It was a vessel of 2,633 tons, with three 1. Where do you think the speakers are?
decks, and was fitted for oil fuel. It was built at Rotterdam in 2. Why was the monument built?
1921, and was 320ft. long, 44ft. beam and 27.7ft. deep. When it 3. Did Riza ever visit the monument before? How do you
sank, the ship carried a large cargo of oil and there were around know?
300 natives and 30 Europeans on board. 4. What experience does Riza tell Ami about?
At that moment, the ship was on its way from Bali to 5. What did Riza and his schoolmates do during the
Semarang, via Surabaya. On Tuesday night, October 20, 1936, program?
the ship was rolling in a rough sea. The oil cargo began to roll in
the ship, which was making little headway in the heavy sea. TASK 2
Then, the vessel lurched, rolled over and sank upside down in Suppose you were Riza.
six minutes. It happened off the coast of Java, around 40 miles of Retell the class about your experience as mentioned in the
Surabaya. dialog in TASK 1.
Soon after the news was received, nine military seaplanes You may begin with the following sentence.
were rushed to the scene and arrived ten minutes after. Besides,
Let me tell you about my unforgettable experience when
five warships and one Royal Packet liner dashed to the rescue.
he was at junior high school. ..................................................
From above, on a naval plane, nothing could be seen of the ship,
but a large body of oil on the water.
On their arrival, the rescuers found people floating in the
water clinging to tables, chairs and other articles, while the
bodies of the dead could be seen floating around. The scene was
a heartrending one with the floating dead bodies around. There’s Jawaban:
no exact number of casualties or those who were missing, but it TASK 1
was reported that all the crew were saved. 1. They are in a monument area.
There were already a number of natives’ fishing boats busily 2. To remind us on our heroes’ struggle for our country.
dragging victims into their boats. Soon, the rescuers got down on 3. Yes, he did. From his sentence saying, “I had
the rough sea and fetched the people who were then carried in an unforgettable experience here.” of which ‘here’ refers
boats to the warships, where they were given warm food and dry to the monument.
clothes. 4. He tells her about his experience when his junior high
The sinking of the ship is a humanism tragedy. Though we school held a program called “Keep our city clean and
were in the middle of a war, natives and the Dutch worked green!” in the monument area.
together to save the victims of the sinking ship. They did a great 5. They cleaned the area around the monument until it was
job. clean and tidy and planted trees around it.
TASK 2 (Contoh jawaban)
Let me tell you about my unforgettable experience when
he was at junior high school. That time my school held
a program called “Keep our city clean and green!” and the
program took place in the monument area on Sunday
TASK 1 morning. All students and teachers participated in the
Practice the following dialog with a friend. program.
Answer the questions that follow. At around 6 a.m. we all had already gathered in the
Ami : Riza, look! That heroic monument stands high and strong! monument area. Soon we began to clean the area around
Riza : Hmm …. It is a remembrance for us to our heroes’ the monument. Many of us swept the yard and the others
struggle for this country. collected garbage. The rest trimmed branches and managed
Ami : Yeah, many of them became casualties of the war. the plants to make the place more beautiful. We cleaned the
Riza : I had an unforgettable experience here. place until it was clean and tidy. We also planted many trees
around the monument area. We hoped the trees would make
the place shadier and greener.

48 The Battle of Surabaya

Write a draft of a historical recount based on the topic you choose.
Develop your draft into a good text.
Don’t forget to edit and revise it.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menentukan satu topik tentang peristiwa sejarah.
2. Peserta didik membuat draft tulisan tentang topik tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi tahu tabel berikut untuk membantu
peserta didik membuat draft.

Component What You Write Write Your Draft Here

What happened?
Orientation Who was involved?
Where did it happen?
When did it happen?
Body (A series of events
told in chronological order.
Write a new paragraph for Paragraph 2, 3, etc.
each event.)

Reorientation Comment about the topic.

3. Peserta didik memberikan draft yang telah ditulisnya kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. Bapak/Ibu Guru membaca draft tersebut, lalu
memberi masukan dan balikan.
4. Peserta didik memperbaiki draft tulisannya sesuai dengan masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru, lalu mengembangkannya menjadi teks
historical recount yang baik.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk membacakan teks yang ditulisnya.
6. Peserta didik mengumpulkan tulisannya kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru untuk dinilai.
Contoh jawaban:
Component What You Write Write Your Draft Here

What happened? Acehnese war, happening between 1873 and 1904, was an armed conflict
Orientation Who was involved? between the Dutch and muslim sultanate of Aceh, located in northern
Where did it happen? Sumatra.
When did it happen?
In 1871 the Netherlands and Britain had signed a treaty that recognized
Paragraph 2 Dutch influence in northern Sumatra in return for Dutch confirmation of
Britain’s right of equal trade in the East Indies.
The Dutch, considering Aceh as within their sphere of influence, decided to
conquer the area and sent two expeditions to Aceh in 1873. The palace was
Paragraph 3 seized and shortly afterward the Acehnese sultan died. The Dutch suspended
military operations and concluded a treaty with the new sultan, who
recognized Dutch sovereignty over the area.

Body (A series of The new sultan was unable to control his subjects, however, and Dutch forces
events told in Paragraph 4 became involved in a prolonged guerrilla war in the countryside. This war,
chronological order. however, drained the colonial treasury and public opinion in the Netherlands
Write a new became increasingly critical of the colonial administration.
paragraph for each The administration later realized that their ignorance of the region had led
event.) them to commit serious errors. Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, professor of
Paragraph 5 Islamic studies at the University of Leyden (Leiden), was invited to undertake
a thorough study of Aceh and published a book in 1893–94 on the Acehnese.
A “castle strategy,” which provided fortified bases for the Dutch troops, was
then introduced.
Under the leadership of J.B. van Heutsz, who was appointed military and civil
Paragraph 6 governor of Aceh in 1899, the kingdom was quickly subdued. The conquest of
the entire region was accomplished by van Heutsz in 1904.
The war lasted for more than thirty years. It shows how great Acehnese’s
Comment about the topic.
Reorientation struggle against the Dutch was. Besides, their military tactics made the Dutch
difficult to defeat them. We must be proud of Acehnese’s warriors.

Adopted from: (July 20, 2016)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 49

Final text: The administration later realized that their ignorance of the
During the period of 1873–1904, there was an armed region had led them to commit serious errors. Christiaan Snouck
conflict between the Dutch and muslim sultanate of Aceh, called Hurgronje, professor of Islamic studies at the University of
Acehnese War. The war broke out in Aceh, northern Sumatra Leyden (Leiden), was invited to undertake a thorough study of
and resulted in Dutch conquest of the Acehnese and, ultimately, Aceh and published a book in 1893–94 on the Acehnese.
in Dutch domination of the entire region. A “castle strategy,” which provided fortified bases for the Dutch
Prior, the Netherlands and Britain had signed a treaty in troops, was then introduced.
1871 that recognized Dutch influence in northern Sumatra in Under the leadership of J.B. van Heutsz, who was appointed
return for Dutch confirmation of Britain’s right of equal trade in military and civil governor of Aceh in 1899, the kingdom was
the East Indies. quickly subdued. The conquest of the entire region was
Later in 1873, the Dutch, considering Aceh as within their accomplished by van Heutsz in 1904.
sphere of influence, decided to conquer the area and sent two The war lasted for more than thirty years. It shows how
expeditions to Aceh. The palace was seized and shortly great Acehnese’s struggle against the Dutch was. Besides, their
afterward the Acehnese sultan died. The Dutch suspended military tactics made the Dutch difficult to defeat them. We must
military operations and concluded a treaty with the new sultan, be proud of Acehnese’s warriors.
who recognized Dutch sovereignty over the area. Adopted from: (July 20, 2016)
The new sultan was unable to control his subjects, however,
and Dutch forces became involved in a prolonged guerrilla war in
the countryside. This war, however, drained the colonial treasury
and public opinion in the Netherlands became increasingly
critical of the colonial administration.

50 The Battle of Surabaya

Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense

Patterns S + is/am/are + Subject + was/were

complement + complement
Text structure: S + verb (-s/-es) + Subject + verb past
• Orientation: includes information object + object
about what happened, who were
involved, what, when and where Historical recount The Battle of Simple present Function To describe/state To describe actions
the event(s) took place. tense vs simple habitual actions and that happened or
texts Surabaya
• A series of events: relates the past tense facts things that existed in
events in, presented in the order past
they happened.
• Reorientation: provides personal Adverbs always, usually, yesterday, this
comments about the events. of Time seldom, often, every morning, last night,
day last week, a week

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Tape Script for Assessment

Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following monolog.

Indonesia had its first democratic election in September 1955. It was a multiparty election with a high turnover of 91.5 per cent of
registered voters or about 39 million voters. There were a total of 28 political parties that gained seats, but only 4 that shared roughly
equal 75 per cent of the vote. The result was a very representative House of People’s Representatives, but fragile government with the
largest party PNI gained only one-fourth of the votes.
Adopted from: (July 20, 2016)
1. What is the monolog about?
2. How many voters were registered?

Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following monolog.

Majapahit Kingdom was no longer a great, powerful kingdom as its power began to weaken shortly after Hayam Wuruk’s death.
At the beginning of the 15th century AD, a war of succession that lasted for four years broke out. At the same time, Islam was
spreading in the region and many kingdoms were converting to this faith. Amongst these was the rising Sultanate of Malacca, founded
by the last Raja of Singapura.
Remaining as Hindu-Buddhists, the Majapahit Kingdom was unable to compete with its Muslim neighboring kingdoms and
continued to disintegrate, finally collapsing in either 1478 or the early 16th century AD.
Adopted from: (July 20, 2016)
3. What does the monolog talk about?
4. How long did a war of Majapahit’s succession last?
5. What caused Majapahit Kingdom collapsed?

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. During his premiership, Gajah Mada had successfully added
Jawaban: Bali, Java and Sumatra to the Majapahit Kingdom. Although
1. B 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. C Gajah Mada died around 1364, the expansion of the empire
6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. E continued. By 1365, the entire Malay Archipelago, with
11. C 12. C 13. E 14. D 15. B the exception of Sri-Vijaya and two of its colonies, were
16. B 17. C 18. A 19. E 20. D conquered by the Majapahit Kingdom. In 1377, Palembang, the
capital of Sri-Vijaya, fell to Hayam Wuruk’s troops. The Kingdom
II. Write a historical recount based on your own topic. of Singapura, an offshoot of Sri-Vijaya, was also later conquered.
Nevertheless, this rival was not entirely destroyed, and its
Contoh jawaban:
descendants would later return to cause trouble to the Majapahit
Raden Wijaya was crowned Majapahit and the kingdom
began to expand slowly. Additionally, due to its strategic position
Majapahit Kingdom was always a powerful kingdom.
on the spice trade route, the Majapahit Kingdom grew immensely
It occupied large areas an achieved its golden period under King
wealthy by levying duties on goods shipped through its area of
Hayam Wuruk’s rule. However, internal conflicts and outside
influence had weakened the kingdom until it ruined.
The golden age of the Majapahit Kingdom, however, is said Adopted from:
to have been during the reign of Hayam Wuruk, the fourth ruler of short-life-empire-once-defeated-mongols-003623?nopaging=1 (July 20, 2016)
the kingdom. Hayam Wuruk, who ruled from 1350 to 1389, was
assisted by an equally formidable prime minister, Gajah Mada.

52 The Battle of Surabaya

Choose one of the following events.
Write a historical recount about it.
Find references when necessary.
The events:
• The bombing of Hiroshima or Nagasaki
• The Pearl Harbor attack
• The sinking of Titanic

Remember the structure of a historical recount.

Component What You Write

What happened?
Orientation Who was involved?
Where did it happen?
When did it happen?

Body A series of events told in chronological order.

Write a new paragraph for each event.
Reorientation Comment about the event.

Contoh jawaban:
Do you know what triggered the World War II? It was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Naval base, located just
outside the Honolulu, Hawaii. It was the morning of December 7, 1941.
On December 7, 1941, the residents of Honolulu, Hawaii, awoke to the sound gun fire. At 8 a.m. that morning, Japanese
planes flew over Pearl Harbor and dropped bombs on the harbor and the surrounding airfields. More than 1,500 crewmen died and
two ships sank to the bottom of the harbor.
The day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Congress voted and declared war on Japan, thus entering World War II. President
Franklin D. Roosevelt described the day of the attack as a “date that will live in infamy.”
Though it’s been more than 70 years since the attack, Pearl Harbor still has many stories to share. Read more about the
history of the harbor, the attack and the harbor’s preservation.
Adopted from: (August 10, 2016)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 53

Setelah mempelajari chapter ini, peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sederhana tentang biografi seseorang
lisan dan tulis sesuai konteks penggunaannya; cara menjelaskan isi teks yang menceritakan biografi seseorang dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sesuai konteks penggunaannya; cara
menceritakan biografi seseorang lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks recount sesuai konteks penggunaannya; cara menggunakan simple past tense.
2. terampil:
menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sederhana tentang biografi seseorang lisan
dan tulis sesuai konteks penggunaannya; menjelaskan isi teks yang menceritakan biografi seseorang dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sesuai konteks penggunaannya; menceritakan biografi
seseorang lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sesuai
konteks penggunaannya; cara menggunakan simple past tense.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. bersikap sopan, bertanggung jawab, saling menghargai, dan jujur dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.


Texts Biographical recount

Questions Theory
Simple past tense

Play a game, read the

text and study the text
Assessment structure, complete the
bio-data, listen and
answer the questions,
make a bio-data,
answer the questions,
listen and choose, ask
B.J. Habibie and answer questions,
identify the structure of
Skills the text, complete the
text, retell the text, read
and practice the dialog,
practice the dialog, write
a biography

Complete the text with

the correct forms of the
Browsing the
Internet Theory of simple past

Homework Write a biography of

a prominent figure.

54 B.J. Habibie
Source:, downloaded August 16, 2016

Look at the picture. Do you know who he is? What do you know about him?
In this chapter you will learn about people’s biographies. You will also learn about simple past tense. Please understand
the texts and use the simple past tense correctly. Make sure you are able to relate people’s biographies, spoken and written, by
the end of this chapter.

Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan pemanasan. Tujuannya yaitu mengarahkan perhatian peserta didik pada tujuan utama
chapter ini, yaitu menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sederhana tentang biografi
seseorang sesuai konteks penggunaannya, menjelaskan isi teks yang mencari tokoh biografi seseorang, serta menceritakan
biografi seseorang dan menggunakan simple past tense.
1. Peserta didik diminta mengamati gambar dan memahami paragraf penjelas serta menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan
yang tercantum dalam paragraf penjelas.
2. Setelah peserta didik memahami gambar dan tujuan pembelajaran chapter ini, Bapak/Ibu Guru memulai pelajaran.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 55

Let’s play a game. TASK 1
Read and memorize the following words.
• descendant /di'sendent/ = keturunan
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membentuk
• sick leave /sik li:v/ = cuti sakit
kelompok yang terdiri atas empat peserta didik.
2. Setiap kelompok menentukan satu tokoh terkenal • reacquainted /ri:e'kweintid/ = berteman kembali
beserta delapan kata yang berhubungan dengan tokoh • settled in /'setld in/ = menetap, tinggal
tersebut, misal kota asal, pendidikan, jabatan, atau • marque /ma:rk/ = merek, label
prestasi tokoh tersebut. • respectively /ris'pektivli/ = secara berurutan
3. Salah satu kelompok ke depan kelas dan memberi • retirement /ri'taiement/ = pensiun
petunjuk tentang kata-kata tersebut. Setiap anggota • resignation /'rezig'neisn/ = pengunduran diri
kelompok memberi petunjuk untuk dua kata kunci yang
• sworn in /swc:n in/ = disumpah
terkait dengan tokoh yang dimaksud. Kelompok lain
menebak kata tersebut. Kelompok yang dapat menebak • relinquishing /ri'lihkwisih/ = meninggalkan,
kata tersebut mendapat nilai 100. menyerahkan
4. Setelah kedelapan kata tertebak, kelompok lain • release /ri'li:s/ = menerbitkan
menebak nama tokoh yang berhubungan dengan kata- • chaos /'keius/ = kekacauan
kata tersebut. Kelompok yang dapat menebak dengan
benar, mendapat nilai 100 dan ke depan kelas untuk
Complete the following sentences with the suitable words
melakukan permainan selanjutnya. Kelompok yang
from TASK 1.
mendapat nilai tertinggi menjadi pemenang.
Read the sentences aloud, in turns.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk aktif
dalam permainan ini. 1. The new officers were ________________ by the
Regent at 9 a.m.
Contoh jawaban: 2. Does the board of directors approve your
A prominent figure : Joko Widodo ________________, Malla?
Keywords : Surakarta, president, governor, mayor, 3. That man explains that he will stay for a week to trace
businessman, Gadjah Mada University, his ________________.
Iriana, furniture 4. Angel will ________________ a new album at Merkuri
Conversation Studio next Saturday evening.
Student 1 : What is it? It’s a city in Central Java. 5. After the break, the students of Class XB will have math
Another group : Semarang. and physics lessons ________________.
Student 1 : No, it isn’t. It is popular with a palace, 6. My grandfather really enjoys his days after his
batik and nasi liwet. ________________. He spends most his time with my
Another group : Surakarta. family.
Student 1 : Correct. Then, what is the head of 7. My brother decided to ________________ Makassar
a country called? before moving to Jakarta due to his work.
Another group : President. 8. Mrs. Isnani will take on her new position as director after
Student 1 : Correct. ________________ her managerial role.
Student 2 : Now my turn. What is the head of 9. Uncle Budiman has been at home for two days on
a province called? ________________. He has to stay in bed because of
Another group : Governor. the flu.
Student 2 : Correct. Then, what is the head of a town 10. Mawar and Murni were friends at senior high school.
called? They are ________________ after six years of
Another group : Mayor. separation, since they work for the same company now.
Student 2 : Correct. Jawaban:
Student 3 : Well, now my turn. What is a man who TASK 2
works in commerce, especially at 1. sworn in 2. resignation
executive level called? 3. descendants 4. release
Another group : A businessman. 5. respectively 6. retirement
Student 3 : Correct. Now, what is the most famous 7. settled in 8. relinquishing
university in Yogyakarta? 9. sick leave 10. reacquainted
Another group : Gadjah Mada University.
Student 3 : You are right.
Student 4 : Now my turn. Who is the first lady of
Another group : Mrs. Iriana.
Student 4 : Correct. What do you called items made
of wood such as tables, chairs and
Another group : Furniture.
Student 4 : Correct. Now please guess a prominent
figure related to the keywords.
Another group : He is Joko Widodo.
Student 1, 2, 3 and 4 : Correct.

56 B.J. Habibie
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
1. What is the text about?
2. Where did Habibie receive his degree in engineering?
Complete the following bio-data based on the text in TASK 2. 3. What theories were developed by Habibie?
Jawaban: 4. What did Habibie develop for Messerschmit?
5. When did Habibie return to Indonesia to work for the
Name : Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie goverment?
Date of Birth : June 25, 1936 6. How long did Habibie officiate as Minister of Research and
Place of Birth : Parepare, South Sulawesi Technology?
Parents and Origins : Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie (Gorontalo, 7. What was Habibie’s position before appointed as president?
Sulawesi) and R.A. Tuti Marini 8. What was Habibe’s position after relinquishing the presi-
Puspowardojo (Yogyakarta) dency?
Education : Senior high school in Jakarta,
undergraduate education in
1. It’s about the biography of the 3rd President of the Republic
engineering in Germany, doctoral
of Indonesia, B.J. Habibie.
program in Germany
2. In Germany.
Date of Marriage : May 12, 1962
3. He developed theories on thermodynamics, construction
Wife : Hasri Ainun Habibie
and aerodynamics known as the Habibie Factor, Habibie
Children : Ilham Akbar Habibie and Thareq
Theorem and Habibie Method respectively.
Kemal Habibie
4. He developed the Airbus A-300B aircraft.
Work Experience : – A presidential advisor during
5. In 1974.
Susilo Bambang Yudoyono’s
6. For 20 years.
7. He was Vice President.
– President of Republic of the
8. He became a presidential advisor during Susilo Bambang
Indonesia (1998–1999)
Yudoyono’s presidency.
– Vice President of the Republic of
Indonesia (1998)
– Minister of Research and
Technology (1978–1998)
– Chief Executive Offcer of the new
state-owned enterprise Industri Read the following text.
Pesawat Terbang Nusantara or Then, make a bio-data.
IPTN (1976–1978)
– Special assistant to Ibnu Sutowo, Contoh jawaban:
the CEO of the state oil company Name : Pierre-Louis Padang Coffin
Pertamina (1974–1976) Nickname : Pierre Coffin
– Promoted as Vice President of Date of Birth : March 16, 1967
Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm in Place of Birth : France
in Hamburg in 1974 Parents and Origins : French diplomat Yves Coffin and
– An advisor in the Automotive Indonesian novelist Nurhayati Srihardini
Marque Talbot Siti Nukatin, who wrote under the pen
name Nh. Dini.
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Education : Visual arts at the Gobelins School of the
untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta, Kementerian Image in Paris
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2016.
Work Experience : – Director of Minions
– Director of Despicable Me 2 (2013)
– Director of Despicable Me (2010)
– His first animated series, Pat & Stan
(TF1, 2003–09) for the visual effects
Listen to and answer the questions based on the text in TASK 2. company Mac Guff which then
purchased by American animation
company Illumination Entertainment
– A freelance animator for the French
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan
CGI studio Ex Machina
memahami kembali teks pada TASK 2.
– His first professional film assignment
2. Setelah itu, Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan
as an artist on We’re Back!
pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dua kali.
A Dinosaur’s Story (1993) at Steven
3. Peserta didik menuliskan jawaban setiap pertanyaan
Spielberg’s Amblimation studio in
berdasarkan teks yang telah mereka baca di buku
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan per tanyaan-
pertanyaan tersebut sekali lagi. Peserta didik menyimak
sambil memeriksa jawaban mereka. Mereka
membetulkan jawaban yang masih belum tepat.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban-
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 57

11. My family finds the tranquility after ________________
a small village with beautiful scenery of tea plantations.
12. Several scholars held workshops at universities to
TASK 1 introduce modern ________________ to young people.
Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in 13. Being a developer is a really ________________ career
column B. as many people need his service to build buildings or
14. The villagers ________________ thought that the
1. lucrative a. kekal
bluster resulted from a volcano explosion, but
2. to require b. mengawali it was actually from a landslide.
3. settling into c. membeli 15. The company announced that it ________________
4. literature d. jahat
5. initially e. menguntungkan
higher profits than that of the previous year because of
6. to precede f. bicara dengan bersemangat the hard work of the employees.
7. to purchase g. sastra
8. to envision h. membayangkan Jawaban:
9. to echo i. pada awalnya TASK 1
10. absurd j. menetap 1. e 2. k 3. j 4. g 5. i
11. abiding k. mengharuskan
12. villainous l. mendapat keuntungan kotor 6. b 7. c 8. h 9. p 10. n
13. to spout m. bercampur 11. a 12. d 13. f 14. o 15. l
14. indecipherable n. menggelikan
15. to gross o. tidak terbaca TASK 3
p. menggaungkan
1. required 2. preceded 3. purchased
4. abiding 5. indecipherable 6. absurd
TASK 2 7. echoed 8. envision 9. spouted
Listen carefully and repeat. 10. villainous 11. settling into 12. literature
1. lucrative /'lu:kretiv/ 13. lucrative 14. initially 15. grossed
2. to require /tu: ri'kwaie(r)/
3. settling into /'setlih'inte/
4. literature /'litretse(r)/
5. initially /i'niseli/
6. to precede /tu: pri'si:d/
7. to purchase /tu: 'p3:tses/ Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 5.
8. to envision /tu: en'vi3n/ Jawaban:
9. to echo /tu: 'ekeu/ 1. It’s about the biography of Pierre Coffin.
10. absurd /eb's3:d/ 2. He is famous for his creation of one of Universal Studios’
11. abiding /e'baideih/ most lucrative and popular film franchises: the Despicable
Me movies, featuring the industrious and manic Minions.
12. villainous /'vilenes/
3. He is an animation producer and director.
13. to spout /tu: 'spaut/
4. They are Yves Coffin, a French diplomat, and Nurhayati
14. indecipherable / indi'saifrebl/ Srihardini Siti Nukatin or Nh. Dini, an Indonesian novelist.
15. to gross /tu: grieus/ 5. He graduated from visual arts at the Gobelins School of the
Image in Paris.
TASK 3 6. We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story.
Complete the following sentences with the suitable words 7. Gru depicted as a more sinister figure and the Minions as
from TASK 2. ogre-like servants.
Change the forms of the words if necessary. 8. Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud.
Read the sentences aloud, in turns. 9. He earned an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature.
1. A valid passport is ________________ to travel 10. It’s ‘balderdash’.
2. A witness reported that an explosion
________________ the fire.
3. The tourists ________________ several handicrafts
made by local people.
4. We always hope for world peace with TASK 1
________________ love and friendship. Read the following text.
5. I don’t know who has sent these flowers as there is only
an ________________ scrawl. Sukarno was born in Surabaya on June 6, 1901 and
6. The clown’s manner was ________________. It made was given the name Kusno Sosrodihardjo. His parents
the children laugh and feel amused. renamed him Sukarno later after he survived from a serious
7. The success of Joey Alexander at international level illness. Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, an aristocrat and
________________ all over Indonesia. school teacher from Java, and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai, the
8. Readers ________________ the main character of the Brahmin caste from Bali, were Sukarno’s parents.
novel as a young tall charming man. Young Sukarno went to a local elementary school until
9. The demonstrators ________________ to express their 1912. He attended a Dutch middle school in Mojokerto and
views and hopes to have better regulations. continued to a Dutch high school in Surabaya in 1916. This
10. The author depicted the captain of pirates as a tall and young man was gifted with a photographic memory and
big ________________ man with one closed eye. a talent for languages, including Javanese, Balinese,
Sundanese, Dutch, English, French, Arabic, Bahasa
Indonesia, German and Japanese.

58 B.J. Habibie
Sukarno began to think about independence for the TASK 2
Dutch East Indies while he was at high school. During Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 1.
college, he read deeply about different political philosophies 1. What is the text about?
and established the Algameene Studieclub for like-minded 2. Supposing the man is alive in 2017. How old would he
Indonesian students. be?
In 1927, Sukarno and the other members of the 3. What did his father initially name him?
Algameene Studieclub reorganized themselves as Partai 4. Who were his parents?
Nasional Indonesia (PNI), an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist 5. How many languages did he speak? What were they?
independence party. Sukarno became the first leader of 6. When did he establish Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI)?
PNI. He hoped to recruit Japanese help in overcoming 7. How long did he serve in Sukamiskin Prison in
Dutch colonialism and also to unite the different people of Bandung?
the Dutch East Indies into a single nation. 8. What did romusha workers do?
The Dutch colonial secret police soon learned of PNI 9. What did Sukarno do on June 1, 1945?
and in late December of 1929, arrested Sukarno and the 10. “..., the impatient youth leaders kidnapped Sukarno and
other members. At his trial, which lasted for the final five then convinced him ....” (Last paragraph)
months of 1930, Sukarno made a series of impassionate What is the synonym of the underlined word?
political speeches against imperialism that attracted
wide-spread attention.
He was sentenced to four years in prison at
1. It’s about the biography of Sukarno.
Sukamiskin Prison in Bandung. However, press coverage of
2. He would be 116 years old.
his speeches impressed liberal factions in the Netherlands
3. His father named him Kusno Sosrodihardjo.
and Dutch East Indies so that Sukarno was released from
4. They were Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu
prison after one year. He had become very popular among
Nyoman Rai.
the Indonesian people.
5. He spoke ten languages. They were Javanese,
In February 1942, the Imperial Japanese Army invaded
Balinese, Sundanese, Dutch, English, French, Arabic,
the Dutch East Indies. Cut off from help by the German
Bahasa Indonesia, German and Japanese.
occupation of the Netherlands, the colonial Dutch quickly
6. He established Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI) in 1927.
surrendered to the Japanese. The Dutch forced-marched
7. He served in Sukamiskin Prison in Bandung for one
Sukarno to Padang, Sumatra, intending to send him to
Australia as a prisoner, but had to leave him in order to save
8. They built airfields and railways and grew crops for the
themselves as Japanese forces approached.
The Japanese commander, General Hitoshi Imamura,
9. He introduced his five-point Pancasila, or principles of
recruited Sukarno to lead the Indonesians under Japan’s
an independent Indonesia.
rule. Sukarno was happy to collaborate with them at first, in
10. It is ‘captured’ or ‘seized’.
hopes of keeping the Dutch out of the East Indies.
However, the Japanese soon began to impress millions
of Indonesian workers, particularly Javanese, as forced
labor. These romusha workers had to build airfields and
railways and to grow crops for the Japanese. They worked
very hard with little food or water and were regularly abused
by the Japanese overseers, which quickly soured relations Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
between the Indonesians and Japan. Sukarno would never Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
live down his collaboration with the Japanese. Kamila Andini, known as Dini, is a young Indonesian
On June 1, 1945, Sukarno introduced his five-point director. Her feature directing debut was The Mirror Never Lies,
Pancasila, or principles of an independent Indonesia. released in 2011. This movie was produced with the support of
On August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered to the Allied WWF Indonesia and the local government of Wakatobi, in order
Powers. Sukarno’s young supporters urged him to to introduce the culture of Bajo people and the natural beauty of
immediately declare independence, but he feared retribution Wakatobi.
from the Japanese troops still present. On August 16, the She graduated from the Faculty of Sociology and Media Arts
impatient youth leaders kidnapped Sukarno and then at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. She started her career
convinced him to declare independence the following day. as a documentary worker and assistant director in video clips of
On August 17, at 10 a.m., Sukarno spoke to Tere, Ungu and Generasi Biru movie. Her huge interest for
a crowd of 500 in front of his home, declaring the Republic cinematography has also been well sharpened by his father, the
of Indonesia independence, with himself as President and charismatic internationally-acclaimed director, Garin Nugroho.
his friend Mohammad Hatta as Vice President. He also She has been actively involved in Indonesian Documenter or
promulgated the 1945 Indonesian Constitution, which InDocs, Konfiden or Komunitas Film Independen and Popcorner
included the Pancasila. workshops.
Adopted from:
Until now, she has directed several TV programs, Sepasang
First-President.htm (August 2, 2016)
Mata Bola by ASTRO production, Slank video clip and several
documentaries. One of them was screened in the Singapore
International Film Festival. She is also the creative director of
a national Indie Movie Film Workshop.
Adopted from:
cd61489ef85e&lang=ENG (August 3, 2016)

We must appreciate our heroes’ dedication to our country. Let’s develop our Jawaban:
country for our better future. 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 59

1. Where was Chairil Anwar born?
2. How old was he when he died?
3. What made him different from the previous generation
of traditional writers?
TASK 1 4. What was the theme of most of his poems?
Read the words and match them with their correct meanings 5. According to the text, how many poems did Chairil
from the box. Anwars write?
You will hear the words in the text in TASK 2.
a. bercerai, berpisah
1. d 2. i 3. g 4. a 5. l
b. terdahulu, sebelumnya
6. h 7. b 8. k 9. e 10. c
c. kira-kira
d. penyair TASK 2
e. menerbitkan 1. He was born in Medan, North Sumatra.
f. membandingkan 2. He was almost 27 years old.
g. berpindah 3. Western literature he read, influenced his own writing
h. membedakan which made him different from the previous generation
i. putus sekolah of traditional writers.
j. menyebutkan 4. The theme of most of his poems was death.
k. pendudukan, penjajahan 5. He created seventy-one poems.
l. memengaruhi

1. poet 2. to drop out 3. to move

4. to divorce 5. to influence 6. to distinguish
7. previous 8. occupation 9. to publish
10. approximately
Work in pairs.
Ask and answer questions based on the following text, in turns.
Listen carefully and answer the following questions based on
the text you have heard. Contoh jawaban:
You : What is the text about?
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Your friend : It’s about the biography of Saur Marlina
Hi, everyone. I would like to tell you about one of Manurung.
Indonesia’s greatest poets. Do you know who he is? You : Who is she?
He’s Chairil Anwar. Your friend : She is an educator and activist.
Chairil Anwar was born on July 26, 1922 in Medan, You : Correct. How old will she be in 2017?
North Sumatra and died in Jakarta on April 28, 1949. He Your friend : She will be 45 years old.
was educated at Dutch schools, but dropped out aged You : Correct. Where did she graduate from?
18 or earlier. He then moved to Jakarta with his mother Your friend : She graduated from Padjajaran University and the
after his parents divorced. Chairil began to read western Australian National University.
literature. It influenced his own writing and distinguished You : Good! Your turn, please.
him from the previous generation of traditional writers. Your friend : Thanks. What major did she take at Padjajaran
His poems were circulated on cheap paper during the University?
Japanese occupation and were not published until 1945. You : She took anthropology and Indonesian literature.
It was apparently the death of his grandmother that Your friend : Well, when did she learn leadership and public
inspired Chairil to write poetry and death became policy?
a theme of many of his poems. During his lifetime Chairil You : At Harvard Kennedy School, Boston.
wrote approximately 94 works, including seventy-one Your friend : When did she learn the leadership and public policy?
poems. Most of those were unpublished at the time of You : In 2012.
his death, but were later collected in several collections Your friend : That’s right. Your turn, please.
of his work, published posthumously. Of these, Chairil You : Thank you. What school did she initiate?
considered only 13 to be truly good poems. The first Your friend : The school for Orang Rimba society.
published was Deru Tjampur Debu or Roar Mixed with You : Where do the tribe live?
Dust, which was followed by Kerikil Tadjam dan Jang Your friend : They live in Bukit Dua Belas National Park, Jambi,
Terampas dan Terputus or Sharp Pebbles and the Sumatra.
Seized and the Broken. He died at CBZ Hospital, now You : Great! What did they learn at the school?
Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital. Your friend : They learned reading, writing and counting.
This is what I wanted to say about Chairil Anwar, You : What is SOKOLA?
one of Indonesia’s greatest poets and a member of the Your friend : It is a non-profit organization providing educational
‘1945 generation’ of writers. opportunities for marginalized people in remote
Adapted from: (August 2, 2016) areas of Indonesia.
You : Excellent! Your turn, please.
Your friend : O.K. What awards has she received?
You : She has received UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere
Award in 2001, TIME Magazine’s Hero of Asia in
2004, Ashoka Fellow in 2006, Asia Young Leader
in 2007, Young Global Leader in 2009 and Ernst
and Young Indonesian Social Entrepreneur of the
Year 2012.
Your friend : Good! What is the title of her book?

60 B.J. Habibie
You : The Jungle School.
Your friend : When did she marry?
You : In 2010.
You : Where does she live?
Your friend : She lives mainly in Jakarta, Indonesia and spends TASK 1
part of each year in Canberra, Australia. Work in pairs.
Ask and answer questions based on the following text, in turns.
Dr. Sehat Sutardja is widely regarded as one of the
pioneers of the modern semiconductor age. He holds Master
of Science and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering and
Identify the structure of the text in TASK 8. Computer Science from the University of California at
Berkeley. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in
Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University. His
breakthrough designs and guiding vision have revolutionized
Saur Marlina Manurung, well
numerous industry segments, from data storage to the
known as Butet Manurung, was born
high-performance, low-power chips, now driving the growing
on February 21, 1972 in Jakarta. She
global markets for mobile computing and telephony.
holds degrees in anthropology and
His lifetime passion for electronics began early; he
Indonesian literature from Padjajaran
Orientation/ became a certified radio repair technician at age 13 and has
University, Bandung and a Masters
Opening been designing components and systems ever since. For his
Degree in Applied Anthropology and
relentless innovation, he has been awarded more than 360
Participatory Development from the
patents, recognized as the Inventor of the Year by the Silicon
Australian National University in 2011.
Valley Intellectual Property Law Association and named
She completed a course in Leadership
a Fellow of IEEE.
and Public Policy at the Harvard
In 2012, Dr. Sutardja was awarded the Indonesian
Kennedy School, Boston in 2012.
Diaspora Lifetime Achievement Award for Global Pioneering
and Innovation at the first-ever Congress of Indonesian
She initiated the school for Orang Diaspora, presented by the Embassy of the Republic of
Rimba society, a tribe who live in Bukit Indonesia. The award recognizes Dr. Sutardja’s
Dua Belas National Park, Jambi, achievements in advancing technology through innovation in
Sumatra. The method applied was half engineering, driving adoption of technology into new markets
anthropology, meaning that the and evangelizing the use of the latest technology in develop-
teaching of reading, writing and ing nations that will greatly impact the future.
counting were conducted while living The Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA) recently
with her pupils for several months. This recognized Dr. Sutardja along with his wife Weili Dai,
system was combined by taking into President and Co-Founder of Marvell, with the prestigious
consideration daily behavior pattern of 2013 Dr. Morris Chang Exemplary Leadership Award.
the respected society. Dr. Sutardja and Ms. Dai were selected because of their
After leading the education exceptional success in creating Marvell, their individual
program for a conservation NGO in the contributions to today’s modern semiconductor age, as well
jungles of Sumatra, her work evolved as the talents and expertise they have continuously leveraged
into co-founding SOKOLA, a non-profit to address and overcome pressing global issues like
organization providing educational education and smart energy.
opportunities for marginalized people As co-founder of Marvell Technology Group Ltd.,
Events in remote areas of Indonesia. Dr. Sutardja has served as Chief Executive Officer since its
As an educator and activist, Butet inception and President from inception until July 2013. Dr.
has received international Sutardja has also served as Co-Chairman of the Board of
recognition–UNESCO’s Man and Directors from inception until 2003 and as Chairman of the
Biosphere Award in 2001, TIME Board since 2003. In addition, he serves as President, Chief
Magazine’s Hero of Asia in 2004, Executive Officer and Director of Marvell’s U.S. operating
Ashoka Fellow in 2006, Asia Young subsidiary, Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. While remaining deeply
Leader in 2007, Young Global Leader involved in the daily challenges of running a global growth
in 2009 and Ernst and Young company, Dr. Sutardja participates heavily in Marvell’s
Indonesian Social Entrepreneur of the engineering and marketing efforts across analog, video
Year 2012. processor and microprocessor design while offering input
The Jungle School is Butet’s first across all of the company’s other product lines.
book. It was adapted into a feature film Dr. Sutardja has become an internationally-recognized
by award winning Indonesian film proponent of new energy efficiency standards for consumer
makers. As Director of SOKOLA, Butet electronics. To that end, he has been working with the
lives mainly in Jakarta, Indonesia. She governments in both the US and China to establish efficiency
married in 2010 and spends part of performance standards that could produce significant cost and
each year in Canberra Australia. carbon savings.
Adopted from:
govBio&ID=189894 (August 3, 2016)
Butet is an inspirative women.
Reorientation/ She advances education in
Closing Indonesia, especially in remote areas
of Indonesia.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 61

Example: You : He was Chief Executive Officer since its
You : What is the text about? inception and President from inception until
Your friend : It’s about the biography of Dr. Sehat Sutardja. July 2013, Co-Chairman of the Board of
You : Who is he? Directors from inception until 2003, Chairman
Your friend : He is one of the pioneers of the modern of the Board since 2003 and serves as
semiconductor age and co-founder of Marvell President, Chief Executive Officer and
Technology Group Ltd. a Director of Marvell’s U.S. operating subsid-
TASK 2 iary, Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
Identify the structure of the text in TASK 1. Your friend : Correct! Your turn, please.
You : All right. Is he active in Marvell’s engineering
Jawaban: and marketing efforts?
TASK 1 (Contoh jawaban) Your friend : Yes, he is.
You : What is the text about? You : What products are he promoted?
Your friend : It’s about the biography of Dr. Sehat Sutardja. Your friend : Analog, video processor and microprocessor.
You : Who is he? You : What have he and the governments of US and
Your friend : He is one of the pioneers of the modern China been working for?
semiconductor age and co-founder of Marvell Your friend : They have been working to establish efficiency
Technology Group Ltd. performance standards that could produce
You : Correct. Where did he graduate from? significant cost and carbon savings.
Your friend : He graduated from the University of California
at Berkeley in Electrical Engineering and TASK 2
Computer Science.
You : Good! Your turn, please. Dr. Sehat Sutardja is widely
Your friend : Thanks. What were his roles in industry regarded as one of the pioneers of
segments? the modern semiconductor age. He
You : He revolutionized numerous industry segments, holds Master of Science and PhD
from data storage to the high-performance, degrees in Electrical Engineering and
low-power chips, now driving the growing global Computer Science from the University
markets for mobile computing and telephony. of California at Berkeley. He received
Your friend : Well, when was his passion for electronics Orientation/ a Bachelor of Science degree in
began? Opening Electrical Engineering from Iowa
You : Since he was 13. State University. His breakthrough
Your friend : What did he do at that time? designs and guiding vision have
You : He was a certified radio repair technician. revolutionized numerous industry
Your friend : Correct. Your turn, please. segments, from data storage to the
You : Thank you. What did the Silicon Valley high-performance, low-power chips,
Intellectual Property Law Association now driving the growing global
recognize him? markets for mobile computing and
Your friend : The Inventor of the Year. telephony.
You : Right! What award did he receive from the
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia? His lifetime passion for electronics
Your friend : He was awarded the Indonesian Diaspora began early; he became a certified
Lifetime Achievement Award for Global radio repair technician at age 13 and
Pioneering and Innovation. has been designing components and
You : Why was he awarded it? systems ever since. For his relentless
Your friend : The award recognizes his achievements in innovation, he has been awarded more
advancing technology through innovation in than 360 patents, recognized as the
engineering, driving adoption of technology Inventor of the Year by the Silicon
into new markets and evangelizing the use of Events Valley Intellectual Property Law
the latest technology in developing nations Association and named a Fellow of
that will greatly impact the future. IEEE.
You : Excellent! Your turn, please. In 2012, Dr. Sutardja was
Your friend : O.K. Who is Weili Dai? awarded the Indonesian Diaspora
You : She is Dr. Sehat Sutardja’s wife and also Lifetime Achievement Award for
co-founder of Marvell. Global Pioneering and Innovation at
Your friend : Good! Why were Dr. Sehat Sutardja and his the first-ever Congress of Indonesian
wife selected to receive Dr. Morris Chang Diaspora, presented by the Embassy
Exemplary Leadership Award? of the Republic of Indonesia. The
You : Because they successfully created Marvell award recognizes Dr. Sutardja’s
with their individual contributions to today’s achievements in advancing
modern semiconductor age, as well as the technology through innovation in
talents and expertise they have continuously engineering, driving adoption of
leveraged to address and overcome pressing technology into new markets and
global issues like education and smart energy. evangelizing the use of the latest
Your friend : What positions were Dr. Sehat Sutardja technology in developing nations that
designated in Marvell and its subsidiary? will greatly impact the future.

62 B.J. Habibie
The Global Semiconductor
Alliance (GSA) recently recognized
Dr. Sutardja along with his wife Weili
Dai, President and Co-Founder of Retell the text in TASK 10 using your own words.
Marvell, with the prestigious 2013
Dr. Morris Chang Exemplary
Leadership Award. Dr. Sutardja and Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan speaking skill dan
Ms. Dai were selected because of keberanian peserta didik dalam berbicara.
their exceptional success in creating 1. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami kembali teks
Marvell, their individual contributions tentang Jim Geovedi di TASK 10.
to today’s modern semiconductor 2. Peserta didik membuat draf teks tentang Jim Geovedi
age, as well as the talents and dan kemudian mengembangkannya menjadi teks utuh
expertise they have continuously dengan kata-katanya sendiri. Setelah itu, peserta didik
leveraged to address and overcome meminta masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru.
pressing global issues like education 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi masukan sesuai dengan hasil
and smart energy. tulisan peserta didik, misalnya tentang pilihan kata dan
As co-founder of Marvell tenses- nya. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menyampaikan
Technology Group Ltd., Dr. Sutardja masukan semacam ini secara klasikal apabila dianggap
has served as Chief Executive Officer kekurangan tersebut dilakukan oleh banyak peserta didik.
since its inception and President from 4. Peserta didik memperbaiki tulisan mereka sesuai dengan
inception until July 2013. Dr. Sutardja masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru.
has also served as Co-Chairman of 5. Peserta didik menunjukkan hasil perbaikan kepada
the Board of Directors from inception Bapak/Ibu Guru. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi persetujuan
until 2003 and as Chairman of the jika tulisan mereka telah layak disampaikan di kelas.
Board since 2003. In addition, he 6. Peserta didik berlatih manyampaikan hasil tulisan
serves as President, Chief Executive mereka tanpa teks (bermonolog).
Officer and Director of Marvell’s U.S. 7. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik
operating subsidiary, Marvell untuk bermonolog tentang Jim Geovedi di depan kelas,
Semiconductor, Inc. While remaining secara bergiliran.
deeply involved in the daily 8. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak sambil memperhatikan
challenges of running a global growth pelafalan, tekanan, dan intonasi temannya. Jika ada yang
company, Dr. Sutardja participates kurang tepat, mereka diberi kesempatan untuk
heavily in Marvell’s engineering and menyampaikan gagasan mereka itu.
marketing efforts across analog, 9. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati dan memberi nilai.
video processor and microprocessor 10. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai dan
design while offering input across all balikan, misalnya tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan
of the company’s other product lines. peserta didik terkait dengan kejelasan pengucapan,
keras-lembutnya suara, mimik wajah, dan gerak tubuh.
Dr. Sutardja has become
an internationally-recognized Contoh jawaban:
proponent of new energy efficiency Good morning, my friends. I would like to tell you about an
standards for consumer electronics. inspirative person who applies his knowledge positively. He’s Jim
Geovedi. Are you familiar with his name? Well, let me tell you
Reorientation/ To that end, he has been working
about him.
Closing with the governments in both the US
Jim Geovedi is an IT security expert. You know, he is 37
and China to establish efficiency
years old. After graduating from high school, he was jobless and
performance standards that could
lived on the street. Then, he was self-taught about computer
produce significant cost and carbon
security and programming.
savings. He focuses on the discovery of computer and network security
vulnerabilities with a special focus on telecommunication and
satellite systems. For your information, BBC News described him as
a guy who “doesn’t look like a Bond villain ... but possesses secrets
that a few of them might kill for”. That’s awesome, right?
For your information, he has great abilities to control
satellite security system, banking security and law enforcement,
Complete the following text with the correct forms of the words in but he isn’t interested to do it. He applies his knowledge only for
the box. positive purposes.
Read the text aloud, in turns. Let me tell you about his works. He co-founded and ran IT
Jawaban: of several security consulting companies. In 2001, he co-founded
1. was 2. found 3. learned C2PRO Consulting. It provided general IT consulting mostly for
4. focuses 5. described 6. applies government agencies. Then, he co-founded Bellua Asia Pacific in
7. ran 8. co-founded 9. renamed 2004 which renamed Xynexis International in 2010. He also co-
10. signed founded Noosc Global, a managed security services company.
Jim Geovedi is not only a smart, but also talented person.
Besides computer security and programming, he is also
interested in music. He is a professional DJ and music producer.
He currently signed with Elektrax Recordings, a Sydney based
Techno label.
That’s my story about Jim Geovedi. He is really a good hacker
who applies his knowledge positively.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 63

TASK 2 (Contoh jawaban)
Name : James Watt
Date of Birth : January 19, 1736
TASK 1 Place of Birth : Greenock
Complete the following text with the correct forms of the Date of Death : August 25, 1819
verbs in brackets. Education : Local grammar school
Read the text aloud, in turns. Work Experience : – An inventor of pressure gauge in
James Watt [1. be] ________ a great Scottish engineer – An inventor of the fly ball governor
of the 18th century. He actually [2. not invent] ________ the in 1788
steam engine. Instead, he improved it. A man named Thomas – An inventor of the double-acting
Savery invented the first primitive steam engine in 1698. steam engine in 1782
Another man named Newcomen started making steam – Making steam engines which were
engines to pump water from mines in 1712. However, Watt is used for pumping water out of
famous for inventing an improved version in 1769. mines in 1775
James Watt was born in Greenock on January 19, 1736. – Improving on a model of
His father, also called James, was a shipbuilder. As a boy a Newcomen steam engine in 1964
Watt [3. attend] ________ the local grammar school where which was patented in 1769
he studied classics and mathematics. The young Watt also – A maker of mathematical
liked making models. instruments, such as quadrants and
Eventually, Watt [4. decide] ________ to become compasses
a maker of mathematical instruments, such as quadrants and
compasses. In 1755 he went to London, but only lived there
for two years before returning to Glasgow.
In 1964 Watt [5. improve] ________ on a model of
a Newcomen steam engine. In the Newcomen’s, the steam
was pushed into a cylinder, then condensed back into water.
A year later Watt [6. realize] ________ that it would be more Work in pairs.
efficient to condense the steam in another chamber Make a dialog about your idol.
separate from the cylinder. However, it was not until 1769 Present your work at the class.
that Watt patented his new idea, the separate condenser. Contoh jawaban:
In 1766 Watt [7. land] ________ a job as a land You : Who is your idol?
surveyor marking out land for canals and eight years later he Your friend : My idols are Susi Pudjiastuti and Retno Lestari
moved to Birmingham. In 1775 he went into partnership with Priansari Marsudi.
Matthew Boulton and [8. begin] ________ making steam You : I see. So, do you want to be like them?
engines which were used for pumping water out of mines. Your friend : I do. I wish I can be one of them. What about
By 1780 the Industrial Revolution was beginning to you? Who is your idol?
transform life in Britain and Watt [9. adapt] ________ his You : Rini Triyani Sugianto. I like her very much. She is
steam engines to provide a rotary motion so they could be really talented at animation.
used to power machines in new factories. In 1781 he used Your friend : I know her. She is a succesfull animator. She
the sun and planet gear to do this and four years later, steam became an animator on several big Hollywood
engines were used to power machines in cotton mills for the blockbusters, such as The Avengers, The Hunger
first time. Games: Catching Fire and Iron Man 3.
Later, in 1782 Watt invented another major improvement, You : You’re right. She also worked on The Avengers:
the double-acting steam engine. In 1788 he invented the fly Age of Ultron.
ball governor to regulate the speed of steam engines and Your friend : That’s cool!
a pressure gauge in 1790. You : Now, she is trying to mentor other animators, so
In 1785 Watt was elected a fellow of the Royal Society they can join the animation industry. She spreads
and he retired from business in 1800. James Watt [10. die] her passion for animation through the online
________ on August 25, 1819 and was buried in Birmingham. course named FlashFrame Workshop.
Finally, in 1882 a unit of electrical power was named the watt Your friend : Do you intend to join the course?
in his honor. You : Yes, I do.
Adopted from: (August 5, 2016)

Read the text about James Watt once again.
Write his bio-data.
1. was 2. did not invent 3. attended
4. decided 5. improved 6. realized
7. landed 8. began 9. adapted
10. died

64 B.J. Habibie
Write the biography of your idol you have talked about in TASK 13.
Share your work with the class.
Contoh jawaban:
Rini Triyani Sugianto is a successful animator. She never
thought that she would be an animator. In 1997, she studied
architecture in Parahyangan University where she was introduced
to software that helps people create visual design concepts. Then,
she discovered a passion for computer design. In 2005, she got
a master of fine art from the Academy of Art, University of
California, majoring in animation.
She got jobs about five years, doing games and cinematic
animation at various places such as Stormfront Studios, Offset
Software and Blur Studio, all in California. She then moved to
Wellington, New Zealand, to join Peter Jackson’s Weta Digital,
where she became an animator on several big Hollywood
blockbusters, such as The Avengers, The Hunger Games:
Catching Fire and Iron Man 3. She was also involved in two of
the Hobbit movies and The Avengers: Age of Ultron. She also
worked for George Lucas’s Industrial Light & Magic.
Rini Triyani Sugianto now is trying to mentor other
animators, so they can join the animation industry. She spreads
her passion for animation through the online course named
FlashFrame Workshop where she gives online animation
Adopted from:
(August 3, 2016)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 65

Text structure:

B.J. Habibie
• Orientation: introducing the background of (+) Habibie continued his studies in
a person such as name, date and place of birth, Jakarta.
origin and parents. Biographical (–) Habibie did not continue his studies in
• Events: a person’s life experience, including B.J. Habibie Simple past tense Jakarta.
education and career. (?) Did Habibie continue his studies in
• Reorientation/Closing: giving the closure of Jakarta?
the events.
Tape Script for Assessment

Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog.

Boy : What are you reading, Mila?
Girl : I am reading a novel entitled Pulang.
Boy : Who is the author?
Girl : Tere Liye. He is my idol.
Boy : He is the author of Hafalan Shalat Delisa which was adopted into a movie, isn’t he?
Girl : Yes, he is. Bidadari-Bidadari Surga movie was also adopted from his novel.
Boy : Wow! I think he is a great author. The stories of those movies are meaningful.
Girl : Yeah! His other novels have good stories too. I like all his novels.
1. What are the speakers talking about?
2. What does the boy think about the movie of Bidadari-Bidadari Surga?

Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following monolog.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Wiratman Wangsadinata is a leading figure in the field of civil and structural engineering in Indonesia. He was born in 1935
in Jakarta and graduated as a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology, or ITB. He studied for his doctorate in
Structural Engineering at ITB. He is the founder and President Director of Wiratman. The firm swiftly established a reputation for high
quality work in planning, architecture and engineering services, becoming the go-to firm for high profile projects in Indonesia.
His great works are Wisma Nusantara, Wisma Dharmala, Bakrie Tower and Dukuh Atas Tunnel in Jakarta, Ampera Bridge in
Palembang, Rajamandala Bridge in Bandung, Restoration of Borobudur in Magelang, Keuliling Dam in Aceh, Four Seasons Residential
Apartments, Ciputra Mall and Aryaduta Hotel. He designed several hydroelectric powers such as Mrica, Merangin and Kusan. He also
designed Telecommunication Tower and Menara Jakarta.
Adapted from: (August 3, 2016)
Translated from: (August 3, 2016)
3. What field does Prof. Dr. Ir. Wiratman Wangsadinata work for?
4. How old is Prof. Dr. Ir. Wiratman Wangsadinata in 2017?
5. Which one is NOT Profesor Dr. Ir. Wiratman Wangsadinata’s great works?

I. Choose A, B, C , D or E for the correct answer. Andrie wrote all of his life experiences in the form of
Jawaban: aphorisms in his diary. He had an idea to create greeting cards
1. B 2. D 3. E 4. C 5. D with aphorisms when knowing his roommate used the words he
6. E 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. C made. Aided by his lover Haryanti Lenny (now his wife), he
11. E 12. D 13. E 14. B 15. E began his business making cards with brand HARVEST, which
16. A 17. C 18. C 19. D 20. E later he was acknowledged as king of greeting cards.
His business grew fast and he later founded the AW
II. Write a biographical text of a person who inspires you. motivation training and AW Publising, Multimedia and opened
several outlets AW Success Shops, the first store in Indonesia
Contoh jawaban:
that specialized in selling motivational products.
Among today’s leading motivators, Andrie Wongso has
Now he is a renowned motivator–perhaps no.1 in Indonesia.
an inspiring life experience. He is the 2nd child of 3 siblings from Translated from:
a poor family in Malang. At the age of 11 when he was in the 6th indonesia-ini.html (August 3, 2016)
grade of elementary school, he had to quit school. Mandarin
school where little Andrie studied was closed. Then, he spent his
childhood and adolescence helping his parents make and sell
cakes to the shops and markets around. At the age of 22, Andrie
moved to Jakarta. Initially, he worked as a salesman of soap
products and became a shop assistant.
His fate changed when he applied to be a movie star at the
Hong Kong Film Eterna company and was accepted, with
an employment contract for 3 years. In 1980, Andrie went
abroad. After 3 years living in Taiwan, Andrie realized that
becoming an artist was not the world he liked. So, he decided to
return to Indonesia.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 67

Write a biographical recount of a prominent figure.
See the guidelines.
Share your work with the class.
1. Search for the references on the Internet or books.
2. Make a mind mapping as the example. You can add more information.

Origins Education

Date/Place The name

of Birth of the figure

Awards Achievement

3. Improve your mind mapping into a draft.

4. Develop your draft into a good writing.

Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan writing dan speaking skill dan keberanian peserta didik dalam berbicara.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menentukan salah satu tokoh penting.
2. Peserta didik dapat mencari referensi di Internet atau buku tentang tokoh tersebut dan membuat mind mapping tentang
tokoh tersebut.
3. Peserta didik membuat draf teks tentang tokoh tersebut dan kemudian mengembangkannya menjadi teks utuh dengan
kata-katanya sendiri. Setelah itu, peserta didik meminta masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi masukan sesuai dengan hasil tulisan peserta didik, misalnya tentang pilihan kata dan tenses-
nya. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menyampaikan masukan semacam ini secara klasikal apabila dianggap kekurangan tersebut
dilakukan oleh banyak peserta didik.
5. Peserta didik memperbaiki tulisan mereka sesuai dengan masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru.
6. Peserta didik menunjukkan hasil perbaikan kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi persetujuan jika tulisan
mereka telah layak disampaikan di kelas.
7. Peserta didik tunjuk jari dan menyampaikan hasil pekerjaannya di depan kelas, secara bergiliran.
8. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai dan balikan, misalnya tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan peserta
didik terkait dengan kejelasan pengucapan, keras-lembutnya suara, mimik wajah, dan gerak tubuh.

68 B.J. Habibie
Contoh jawaban:

Wife: Fery Farhati Ganis

Children: four

Father: Mr. Rasyid Baswedan, – SMPN 5 Yogyakarta

former Vice Rector of UII – SMA 2 Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta – Gadjah Mada University
Mother: Mrs. Aliyah, – Master’s degree for International Security and
professor from Yogyakarta State Economic Policy at the University of Maryland,
University College Park in 1997
– A doctoral scholarship program of Northern Illinois
University in 1999

Born in 1969 Anis Baswedan – Minister of Education (2014–2016)

– Rector of the University of Paramadina
– Director of the Indonesian Research Institute
– An interviewer in Televisi Republik Indonesia
(TVRI) Yogyakarta in 1989
– One of 20 Important People for the
Next 20 Years by Foresight Magazine
– One of the Top 100 Public Intellectuals
by Foreign Policy Magazine
– As William P. Cole III Fellowship of the
School of Public Policy, University of – Founder of Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar
Maryland in 1998 when he was taking – Initiator Paramadina Fellowship, a program to recruit the best
his master’s degree and the ASEAN students and a compulsory subject entitled Against Corruption,
Student Awards Program of USAID – an anti-corruption teaching
AGE – NAFSA – The youngest rector in Indonesia
– Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship which was awarded
to the students of Northern Illinois University with merit and
integrity in the development of political science in 2004
– Scholarship for a doctoral scholarship program of Northern
Illinois University in 1999
– Scholarship for his master’s degree for International Security
and Economic Policy at the University of Maryland, College
Park in 1997
– Scholarship from Japan Airlines Scholarship of JAL Foundation
in 1993
– A participant of AFS, Indonesian-American student exchange

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 69

Anis Baswedan
Mr. Anis Baswedan was born in 1969. He is the son of Mr. Rasyid Baswedan, former Vice Rector of UII Yogyakarta, and
Mrs. Aliyah, professor from Yogyakarta State University.
Since young, Anis Baswedan has participated in many organizations. In 1983 he was the chairperson of farewell party of
SMPN 5 Yogyakarta. In 1987 he was the OSIS chairperson in SMA 2 Yogyakarta and later was appointed chairperson of the
Indonesian OSIS. His participations in these organizations gave him a lot of experience which led him to become the Chairman of
the Gadjah Mada University Senate in 1992.
In 1987 he was a participant of AFS, Indonesian-American student exchange program. He stayed in Milwakuee, Wisconsin,
United States for one year which broadened his horizons.
He had experience as an interviewer when he worked for Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) Yogyakarta in 1989. He managed
a program entitled Tanah Merdeka. He learned a lot from great people.
Mr. Anis Baswedan is a smart student. He received many scholarships from abroad, such as Japan Airlines Scholarship of
JAL Foundation in 1993, a scholarship to continue his master’s degree for International Security and Economic Policy at the
University of Maryland, College Park in 1997, a doctoral scholarship program of Northern Illinois University in 1999 and
Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship which was awarded to the students of Northern Illinois University with merit and integrity
in the development of political science in 2004. In addition, Mr. Anis also received many awards, such as William P. Cole III
Fellowship of the School of Public Policy, University of Maryland in 1998 when he was taking his master’s degree and the ASEAN
Student Awards Program of USAID - AGE – NAFSA in the same year.
Mr. Anis Baswedan also has many other awesome achievements. He was the Director of the Indonesian Research Institute,
an organization that focuses on research and analysis of public policy, in 2005. He became the youngest rector in Indonesia when
he was elected as Rector of the University of Paramadina in 2007. Then he initiated Paramadina Fellowship, a program to recruit
the best students, and a compulsory subject entitled Against Corruption, an anti-corruption teaching. In 2008 he was elected as
one of the Top 100 Public Intellectuals by Foreign Policy Magazine. He was the only figure from Indonesia and Southeast Asia in
the list of 100 intellectuals in the world. He established Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar which sends the best young people to teach
at elementary schools in remote areas. The program is intended to fill the shortage of qualified teachers and be a vehicle for the
leadership of the best young generation to have global competence and understanding of the grass roots. In the same year, he was
appointed one of 20 Important People for the Next 20 Years by Foresight Magazine. He is predicted to change the world in the next
20 years to come. He also served as Minister of Education for two years in 2014–2016.
Mr. Anis Baswedan married Fery Farhati Ganis and has four children.
Translated from: (August 1, 2016)

70 B.J. Habibie
Setelah mempelajari chapter ini, peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara menjelaskan isi, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sederhana lisan dan tulis tentang
biografi seseorang sesuai konteks penggunaannya; cara menceritakan biografi seseorang secara lisan dan tertulis
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sesuai konteks penggunaannya;
cara mengubah adverbial clause menjadi adverbial phrase.
2. terampil:
menjelaskan isi, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sederhana lisan dan tulis tentang biografi
seseorang sesuai konteks penggunaannya; menceritakan biografi seseorang secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount sesuai konteks penggunaannya; mengubah adverbial clause
menjadi adverbial phrase.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. berperilaku disiplin, rendah hati, santun, percaya diri, dan jujur dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Comprehension Texts
questions Biographical recount


Grammar Adverbial phrases

from reduced adverbial
Questions clauses

Look at the pictures

and answer the
questions, listen and
Assessment repeat, read the text,
listen to and answer
the questions, listen
and complete, explain
the meanings,
Cut Nyak Dhien complete the
the information, fill in
the blanks, role play,
complete the chart,
identify the text
structure, write
a biographical recount

Change the adverbial

clauses into adverbial
phrases, underline the
reduces clauses
Browsing the
Internet Theory of passive

Find an article about

Homework the biography of
a famous figure and

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 71

Source: http://www.djenderal4arwah.files.wordpress.com2013082009-schoolplaat-atjeh, downloaded August 19, 2016

Look at the picture carefully. It depicts one of the greatest wars taking place long before our independence day. The war
was led by a brave woman. Do you know who she was? This national heroine dedicated her whole life to chase away the
colonials from her beloved land. She had to sacrifice everything, but she never gave up. She was Cut Nyak Dhien, our national
heroine from Aceh. You will read her brief biography in this chapter.
Besides the biography of Cut Nyak Dhien, you will also read other biographies of our heroes/heroines. Further, you will
learn how to write a biographical recount text. Study the explanation about the text type and attempt the exercises.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar dan mengidentifikasi tokoh dalam gambar. Bapak/Ibu
Guru meminta peserta didik menyebutkan nama tokoh tersebut.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan memahami paragraf-paragraf yang terdapat di bawah gambar.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk menyebutkan hal-hal yang mereka ketahui tentang tokoh dalam
gambar tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi kesempatan kepada beberapa peserta didik menyampaikan jawabannya.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik menyebutkan tokoh atau pahlawan lain yang mereka ketahui, serta penjelasan
singkat tentang tokoh atau pahlawan tersebut.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran chapter ini dan membantu peserta didik menyiapkan diri dalam
kegiatan belajar mengajar.

72 Cut Nyak Dhien

Look at the following pictures. Fill in each dash with a correct letter to form a word that suits its
Then, listen to and answer your teacher’s questions. Indonesian equivalent.
Read the words with proper pronunciation.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati foto-

foto pahlawan dalam gambar berikut. 1. Peserta didik memahami arti kata-kata yang tersedia.
2. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru mendiktekan/membacakan 2. Peserta didik melengkapi setiap garis bawah dengan
pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terkait dengan tokoh-tokoh huruf yang sesuai sehingga membentuk kata yang
dalam gambar. Peserta didik mencatat pertanyaan- bermakna dan sesuai dengan artinya.
pertanyaan tersebut. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peser ta didik untuk
3. Peserta didik berdiskusi dengan teman sebangkunya menyampaikan jawabannya. Peserta didik yang lain
tentang jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut. menyimak dan menyampaikan jawabannya apabila
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peser ta didik untuk berbeda dengan jawaban temannya.
menyampaikan jawabannya. Peserta didik yang lain 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik bersama-sama
menyimak dan menyampaikan jawabannya apabila membahas jawabannya.
berbeda dengan jawaban temannya. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan memberi nilai.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan pujian kepada
peserta didik atas kegiatan yang telah mereka lakukan.
1. exile 2. betray 3. treason
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu 4. mobilize 5. martyred 6. proposal
Guru: 7. resistance 8. desperately 9. aristocratic
1. Who are the people in the pictures? 10. ammunition
2. Where did each of them come from?
3. What is the similarity of those people?
4. What is the contribution of each person towards Indonesia?
5. What can we learn from them?
1. Picture 1 is Cut Nyak Dhien, picture 2 is dr. Soetomo, Make five sentences using the words in TASK 2.
picture 3 is Frans Kaisiepo, picture 4 is Commodore Contoh jawaban:
Yos Sudarso, picture 5 is I Gusti Ngurah Rai and picture 6 is 1. Cut Nyak Dhien was exiled to Sumedang, apart from
Nyi Ageng Serang. her troops.
2. • Cut Nyak Dhien was from Aceh. 2. The Dutch was able to capture Prince Diponegoro
• dr. Soetomo was from Jakarta. because one of his troops betrayed him.
• Frans Kaisiepo was from Papua. 3. The princess refused the prince’s marriage proposal
• Commodore Yos Sudarso was from Salatiga, Central Java. because she loved another young man.
• I Gusti Ngurah Rai was from Bali. 4. Though Alika was born and raised in an aristocratic
• Nyi Ageng Serang was from Serang. family, she made friends with every person.
3. They are our National Heroes/Heroines who fought against 5. Arya desperately looked for a job after graduating from
colonials who occupied our beloved country. university.
4. • Cut Nyak Dhien led Acehnese to fight against the
Dutch troops who would like to occupy Aceh.
• dr. Soetomo was the co-founder of Budi Utomo on May
20, 1908 which promoted education for Indonesians
and set the national spirit.
• Frans Kaisiepo was the second governor of West Irian
and took an active part in Trikora Operation.
• Commodore Yos Sudarso led Indonesian navy in attempt Read the following text and pay attention to its text structure.
to defend Irian (Papua) from the Dutch occupation. What is the type of the text?
• I Gusti Ngurah Rai led Balinese people to fight to the
death against the Dutch occupation renowned Puputan
Margarana. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik
• Nyi Ageng Serang fought against the Dutch who membaca teks biografi Cut Nyak Dhien berikut secara
wanted to occupy her land and became a war advisor bergiliran, dengan lafal, tekanan, dan intonasi yang tepat.
in the beginning of Diponegoro War. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan pelafalan peserta didik
5. We should love our country and defend it from any form of yang kurang tepat dan meminta mereka membaca
colonialism. kembali kata-kata yang pelafalannya masih salah, lalu
membahas arti kosakata baru.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati
struktur teks tersebut, lalu membaca penjelasannya di
bagian Supporting Feature.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan hal-hal yang belum
dipahami peserta didik.

The above text is a biographical recount.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 73

Listen to and answer the questions based on the text in TASK 4. Listen and complete the following text based on what you have
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan Raden Ajeng Kustiyah Wulaningsih Retno Edhi, better
memahami kembali isi teks di TASK 4. known as Nyi Ageng Serang, is a National Heroine of Indonesia.
2. Setelah itu, Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan She was born in Serang, in 1752. Her father Pangeran Natapraja,
pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dua kali. also known as Panembahan Serang, was a ruler of Serang and
3. Peserta didik menjawab setiap pertanyaan berdasarkan Pangeran Mangkubumi’s war (1) commander. She was also
teks yang telah mereka baca di buku masing-masing. a (2) descendant of Sunan Kalijaga. The name Nyi Ageng
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan per tanyaan- Serang was given to her after the death of her father due to
pertanyaan tersebut sekali lagi. Peserta didik menyimak sickness and she took over his position.
sambil memeriksa jawaban mereka. Mereka Nyi Ageng Serang helped her father fight against the Dutch,
membetulkan jawaban yang masih belum tepat. who attacked them because her father still maintained troops, in
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peser ta didik membahas violation of the (3) Treaty of Giyanti. After the battle, she was
jawabannya. arrested and taken to Yogyakarta. Then, she was sent back to
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai. Serang.
At the beginning of (4) Diponegoro War in 1825, 73-year-
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu old Nyi Ageng Serang commanded the force on a stretcher to
Guru: help Pangeran Diponegoro fight against the Dutch. During the
1. What is the text mainly about? war, she was accompanied by her (5) son-in-law, Raden Mas
2. What was the effect of Teuku Umar and Cut Nyak Dhien’s Pak-pak. She also became a (6) war advisor. She fought in
marriage? several areas, including Purwodadi, Demak, Semarang, Juwana,
3. What is “Het verraad van Teukoe Oemar” about? Kudus and Rembang. She was also assigned to defend the area
4. What is the main idea of paragraph 8? of Prambanan from the Dutch. One of her (7) best-known
5. What did the Dutch do to defeat Acehnese’s struggle? strategies was the use of lumbu, or green taro leaves, for
6. How could the Dutch capture Cut Nyak Dhien? disguise. Her forces attached the lumbu to poles to look like
7. What happened to Cut Nyak Dhien after her capture by the a (8) taro orchard.
Dutch? She stopped fighting after 3 years, although her son-in-law
8. What was the Dutch afraid of if they kept Cut Nyak Dhien in continued fighting. Despite fighting against the Dutch, in the
Aceh? beginning of 1833 they gave her an annuity of (9) 100 gulden
9. What do you think about Cut Nyak Dhien’s character? per month.
10. What can you learn from Cut Nyak Dhien’s struggle? She died in Yogyakarta in 1838. Her remains were buried in
Beku, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta.
Jawaban: Nyi Ageng Serang was awarded the title (10) National
1. It’s mainly about the biography of Cut Nyak Dhien. Heroine of Indonesia through Presidential Decree number 084/
2. Their marriage greatly boosted the morale of Aceh armies in TK/1974 on December 13, 1974. One of her grandsons, Raden
their fight against the Dutch. Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat, is also a national hero. Her name is
3. It’s about the treason of Teuku Umar, who firstly surrendered used for the building of the Culture and Museum Office (Dinas
to the Dutch, but two years later, deserted with his troops Kebudayaan dan Permuseuman) in South Jakarta.
taking with them heavy equipment, weapons and Adopted from: (August 13, 2016)
4. It’s about several factors which led to the destruction of Cut
Nyak Dhien’s troops.
5. The Dutch adapted Acehnese’s tactics to the situation in
6. One of her troops, Pang Laot, told the Dutch about the Explain the meanings of the following words.
location of her headquarters in Beutong Le Sageu which Then, find the similar meanings of the words in the text in TASK 6.
later the Dutch attacked her army by surprise and caught Jawaban:
her. 1. menggantikan, mengambil alih = took over
7. She was brought to Banda Aceh, but in the end she was 2. jasad, jenazah = remains
exiled to Sumedang, West Java. 3. mengirim kembali, mengembalikan = sent back
8. They were afraid if she would keep mobilizing the resistance 4. permulaan, awal = beginning
of Aceh people. 5. ditugasi = assigned
9. Contoh jawaban: She was a brave and strong woman. 6. perjanjian = treaty
10. Contoh jawaban: We should never give up and be tough in 7. dianugerahi = awarded
difficult situations. 8. penyamaran = disguise
9. kejahatan = violation
10. tunjangan hidup = annuity

74 Cut Nyak Dhien

Important Dates on War :
– 1825 : Nyi Ageng Serang commanded
the force on a stretcher to help
Pangeran Diponegoro fight
Complete the following sentences with the answers of TASK 7. against the Dutch.
Jawaban: – 1828 : She stopped fighting.
1. remains 2. awarded 3. took over – Beginning of 1833 : The Dutch gave her an annuity
4. sent, back 5. disguise 6. assigned of 100 gulden per month.
7. violation 8 beginning 9. annuity
10. treaty

Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 6. Listen and complete the following text based on what you
Jawaban: have heard.
1. After the death of her father due to sickness and she took Lieutenant Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai was born in
over his position. Carangsari Village, Badung District, Bali, on January 30,
2. He was Pangeran Natapraja, also known as Panembahan 1917. He is an Indonesian National Hero who commanded
Serang, who was a ruler of Serang (1) ______________ in Bali against the Dutch during the
and Pangeran Mangkubumi’s war commander. Indonesian War of Independence. He was killed in the Battle
3. Because Nyi Ageng Serang’s father still maintained troops, of Margarana.
in violation of the Treaty of Giyanti. Ngurah Rai attended at a Dutch elementary school and
4. She commanded the force on a stretcher to help Pangeran high school in Malang, East Java. He then received Dutch
Diponegoro fight against the Dutch, became a war advisor, (2) ______________ at the Military Cadet School in Gianyar,
fought in several areas, including Purwodadi, Demak, Bali and Magelang, Central Java. After graduating, he joined
Semarang, Juwana, Kudus and Rembang and was also the Dutch-sponsored military as a (3) ______________ in
assigned to defend the area of Prambanan from the Dutch. Bali.
5. She used lumbu, or green taro leaves, for disguise. After the Indonesian Declaration of Independence,
6. When she was 76 years old. he established the People’s Security Army, the forerunner of
7. They were grandmother and grandson. the Military of Indonesia for the Lesser (4) ______________.
8. The building of the Culture and Museum Office (Dinas He then left for the republican capital, Yogyakarta as ordered
Kebudayaan dan Permuseuman) in South Jakarta. before returning to Bali, to oppose approximately
9. Because of her services and bravery on fighting against the (5) ______________ who had landed on March 2 and 3,
Dutch occupation. 1946.
10. Contoh jawaban: Being old doesn’t mean that we can’t do Ngurah Rai found that the (6) ______________ were
nothing. As long as we are still alive, we divided and he worked hard to unite them. He organized the
can contribute useful actions or thoughts (7) ______________ against the Dutch forces headquarters
for our country. in Tabanan. The Dutch attempted to locate Ngurah Rai’s
base and (8) ______________, which he refused.
On November 20, 1946, the Dutch launched
a (9) ______________ on Marga with the assistance of
troops from Lombok and supported by aircraft. Lt. Col.
Ngurah Rai ordered a Puputan, or (10) ______________.
Complete the following information about Nyi Ageng Serang. He died along with all of his troops. The battle is now known
Jawaban: as the Battle of Margarana.
Ngurah Rai was buried in Marga. On August 9, 1975,
Short Bio he was recognized as a national hero. Ngurah Rai
Full Name : Raden Ajeng Kustiyah International Airport in Bali is named after him.
Wulaningsih Retno Edhi Adopted from:
Nickname : Nyi Ageng Serang SUDARMANTO205-2 (August 14, 2016)

Place of Birth : Serang TASK 2

Date of Birth : 1752 Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 1.
Place of Death : Yogyakarta
1. Where did I Gusti Ngurah Rai come from?
Date of Death : 1838
2. Where did Ngurah Rai spend his school time?
Parents and Origins : Pangeran Natapraja, also
3. What did he do after the Declaration of Independence?
known as Panembahan
4. Why did he leave Yogyakarta and return to Bali?
Serang, who was a ruler of
5. What did he do to the Dutch troops who just landed on
Serang and Pangeran
Mangkubumi’s war commander;
6. What is the main idea of paragraph five?
also a descendant of Sunan
7. When did I Gusti Ngurah Rai die?
8. How old was Ngurah Rai when he died?
Name of Son-in-Law : Raden Mas Pak-pak
9. “ … and he worked hard to unite them.” (Paragraph 4)
Who does ‘them’ refer to?
10. Why was he awarded national hero?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 75

Complete the following information about I Gusti Ngurah Rai.
Short Bio
Short Bio Full Name : I Gusti Ngurah Rai
Full Name : ______________________ Title : Lieutenant Colonel
Title : ______________________ Place of Birth : Carangsari Village,
Place of Birth : ______________________ Badung District, Bali
Date of Birth : ______________________ Date of Birth : January 30, 1917
Place of Death : ______________________ Place of Death : Marga
Date of Death : ______________________ Date of Death : November 20, 1946
Education : ______________________ Education : A Dutch elementary
Military Training : ______________________ school and high school in
Important Dates on War : ______________________ Malang, East Java
Military Training : Dutch military training at
Jawaban: the Military Cadet School
TASK 1 in Gianyar, Bali and
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Magelang, Central Java
Lieutenant Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai was born in Important Dates on War :
Carangsari Village, Badung District, Bali, on January 30, – March 2 and 3, 1946 : Approximately 2,000
1917. He is an Indonesian National Hero who commanded Dutch troops had landed
(1) Indonesian forces in Bali against the Dutch during the in Bali.
Indonesian War of Independence. He was killed in the Battle – November 20, 1946 : The Dutch launched
of Margarana. a large scale attack on
Ngurah Rai attended at a Dutch elementary school and Marga and Lt. Col.
high school in Malang, East Java. He then received Dutch Ngurah Rai died along
(2) military training at the Military Cadet School in Gianyar, with all of his troops.
Bali and Magelang, Central Java. After graduating, he joined
the Dutch-sponsored military as a (3) second lieutenant in
After the Indonesian Declaration of Independence, he
established the People’s Security Army, the forerunner of the
Military of Indonesia for the Lesser (4) Sunda Islands. He
then left for the republican capital, Yogyakarta as ordered
before returning to Bali, to oppose approximately (5) 2,000 Read the following sentences and pay attention to the words in bold.
Dutch troops who had landed on March 2 and 3, 1946. What is the form of the phrases in bold?
Ngurah Rai found that the (6) republican forces were What does each phrase in bold express: time, cause-effect or
divided and he worked hard to unite them. He organized the contrast?
(7) initial attack against the Dutch forces headquarters in What are the forms of the words following the adverbs?
Tabanan. The Dutch attempted to locate Ngurah Rai’s base Jawaban:
and (8) offered negotiations, which he refused. • The phrases in bold are adverbial phrases.
On November 20, 1946, the Dutch launched a (9) large • Each phrase expresses the following:
scale attack on Marga with the assistance of troops from – Sentence 1: The phrase expresses time.
Lombok and supported by aircraft. Lt. Col. Ngurah Rai – Sentence 2: The phrase expresses cause-effect.
ordered a Puputan, or (10) fight to the death. He died along – Sentence 3: The phrase expresses contrast.
with all of his troops. The battle is now known as the Battle of – Sentence 4: The phrase expresses time.
Margarana. – Sentence 5: The phrase expresses contrast.
Ngurah Rai was buried in Marga. On August 9, 1975, he • The words after the adverbs are in the form of noun phrases.
was recognized as a national hero. Ngurah Rai International
Airport in Bali is named after him.
Adopted from:
SUDARMANTO205-2 (August 14, 2016)

1. He came from Bali. Change the adverbial clauses in the following sentences into
2. In Malang, East Java. adverbial phrases.
3. He established the People’s Security Army, the Jawaban:
forerunner of the Military of Indonesia for the Lesser 1. Driving past the bank, I saw Jeffrey.
Sunda Islands. 2. After finishing his homework, Bayu went to bed.
4. To oppose the approximately 2,000 Dutch troops who 3. Knowing that I didn’t have money, Rima paid for my meal.
had landed on March 2 and 3, 1946. 4. Returning from work, Rida got stuck in traffic.
5. He organized an initial attack against the Dutch forces 5. Andy looked at his sister, hoping she would speak.
headquarters in Tabanan. 6. Being worried about her son, Mrs. Arman called the police.
6. It’s about Ngurah Rai’s order to fight to the death, or 7. Fiona fell asleep while watching TV.
puputan. 8. Having finished reading the book, I lent it to my sister.
7. On November 20, 1946. 9. While camping at the campsite near the forest, I saw lots
8. 29 years old. of reptiles.
9. It refers to the republican forces. 10. Since coming to Padang, Romi has gained 5 kg.
10. He led Indonesian forces in Bali to fight against the
Dutch and ordered to fight to the death.

76 Cut Nyak Dhien

Fill in the blanks with the suitable sentences from the box.
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
Then, read the text aloud, in turns.
memberi soal berikut.
1. After I played badminton, I called my friend.
2. While I was reading your essay, I noticed a lot of
mistakes. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan
3. Because I didn’t want to miss my flight, I set the alarm memahami teks yang tidak lengkap berikut.
for 6 a.m. 2. Peserta didik diminta melengkapi teks tersebut dengan
4. Before you received your mother’s telephone call, you memilih kalimat-kalimat dalam kotak yang sesuai.
looked sad. 3. Peserta didik diminta tunjuk jari dan menyampaikan
5. While I was waiting for the bus, I saw a flying squirrel. jawabannya, secara bergiliran.
6. When my mother arrived home from work, she noticed 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban
that the front door was open. bersama-sama.
7. Since I moved here, I have met many great people. 5. Untuk mengetahui pemahaman peserta didik, Bapak/
8. Because Dono is a perfectionist, he noticed all the flaws. Ibu Guru dapat meminta mereka menjelaskan gambaran
9. Don’t go to bed before you brush your teeth. umum teks tersebut. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak
10. After Amir finished his homework, he started playing dan menyampaikan jawaban mereka apabila berbeda
video games. dengan jawaban temannya.
Jawaban: 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan atau evaluasi.
1. After playing badminton, I called my friend.
2. While reading your essay, I noticed a lot of mistakes. Jawaban:
3. Not wanting to miss my flight, I set the alarm for 6 a.m. 1. Later, he proposed to change the name of the most eastern
4. Before receiving your mother’s telephone call, you island in Indonesia “New Guinea” to “Irian”, meaning “hot
looked sad. land” in the Biak language
5. While waiting for the bus, I saw a flying squirrel. 2. He also asked his brother, Markus Kaisiepo, to change
6. On arriving home from work, my mother noticed that Papua bestuurschool to Irian bestuurschool
the front door was open. 3. Following the capture of Silas Papare, Frans Kaisiepo and
7. Since moving here, I have met many great people. Johan Ariks continued the struggle to liberate West Irian
8. Being a perfectionist, Dono noticed all the flaws. from the Dutch control
9. Don’t go to bed before brushing your teeth. 4. Then, on December 27, 1949 the Netherlands and
10. After finishing his homework, Amir started playing Indonesian met in Round Table Conference in Den Haag
video games. 5. He also protested the Netherlands for separating West New
Guinea from Indonesia in Round Table Conference
6. However, it was no more than making West Papua a puppet
7. This campaign is known as Trikora Operation
8. Frans Kaisiepo was appointed to be the second governor of
West Irian succeeding Elias Jan Bonay
Underline the reduced clauses in the following sentences.
Indicate whether the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I),
then correct the incorrect ones.
Number one has been done for you.
2. I – Steve has had to learn how to cook and clean the
Complete the following statements based on the text in
house since leaving home.
TASK 14.
3. C – The ointment can be applied where necessary.
4. C – Tom began to look for a job after completing his 1. During his studies at the police school, Frans Kaisiepo
master’s degree in engineering. had already heard about _________________.
5. I – Although not selected for the team, Rama attends 2. He proposed to change the name of New Guinea to
all of the games as a fan. _________________, taken from _________________
6. I – When purchasing at this store, the buyers got meaning _________________.
a guarantee on all items. 3. According to Frans Kaisiepo, the new name stood for
7. C – The medicine is not effective, unless taken as _________________.
directed. 4. Frans and his colleagues held _________________ on
8. I – You should negotiate before buying a new car. August 31, 1945.
9. C – Once purchased, the gown cannot be returned. 5. The Netherlands offered Frans to present the Round
10. C – Though located near the coast, the town does not Table Conference as _________________ in order to
enjoy much of an ocean breeze. _________________.
6. Regarding to the result of the Round Table Conference,
Frans opposed the Netherlands because of
7. To save its reputation in the international level, the
Netherlands decided to _________________.
8. President Sukarno organized Trikora Operation in order
to _________________.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 77

9. During the Trikora Operation, Frans contributed by 3. Because the diplomacy between the Netherlands and the
_________________. Republic of Indonesia over West New Guinea in the United
10. The main idea of paragraph five is about States failed and the persisted Dutch made efforts to
_________________. prepare the West Papuans for self-rule. So the President
might think that it was needed to create a full-scale military
Jawaban: invasion of the territory, to liberate West New Guinea.
1. the idea of independent Indonesia (
2. Irian; Biak language; ‘hot land’
3. Ikut Republik Indonesia Anti Nederland
4. a Red and White flag hoisting ceremony
5. the Dutch delegation; get his sympathy
6. separating West New Guinea from Indonesia
7. prepare independence for West Papua
8. liberate West Papua Role play.
9. helping Indonesian troops landing in West New Guinea
10. Frans Kaisiepo’s protest towards the result of the
Round Table Conference concerning the matter of West 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membentuk
New Guinea pasangan atau kelompok yang terdiri atas tiga orang.
2. Setiap pasangan atau kelompok menentukan salah satu
peristiwa dalam teks biografi Frans Kaisiepo, misal ketika
Frans Kaisiepo mengusulkan nama Irian untuk
menggantikan nama New Guinea dan meminta saudara
laki-lakinya yang bernama Markus Kaisiepo mengganti
nama Papua bestuurschool menjadi Irian bestuurschool.
Work in groups of three or four. 3. Setiap pasangan atau kelompok membuat draft
Discuss the following issues. percakapan berdasarkan situasi yang dipilih.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi kesempatan kepada setiap
pasangan dan kelompok untuk berlatih memeragakan
percakapan yang telah disusunnya.
1. Sebelumnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi setiap pasangan dan
membuat kelompok yang terdiri atas tiga atau empat kelompok untuk memeragakan percakapan yang telah
orang. disusunnya di depan kelas. Pasangan dan kelompok lain
2. Setiap kelompok berdiskusi tentang isu-isu berikut. menyimak peragaan temannya dan memberi balikan atas
Mereka dapat membaca buku referensi atau menjelajah penampilan temannya.
internet untuk menemukan jawaban yang mendukung 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.
isu-isu tersebut.
3. Pada pertemuan berikutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta Contoh jawaban:
setiap kelompok menyampaikan hasil diskusinya, secara Frans Kaisiepo : I’ve heard the idea of independent Indonesia
bergantian. Peserta didik yang lain dapat bertanya at school. Have you heard it too?
kepada kelompok yang membacakan hasil diskusinya Markus Kaisiepo : Yes, I have.
apabila ada hal-hal yang belum jelas. Frans Kaisiepo : Well then, I have an idea.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membuat simpulan Markus Kaisiepo : What is it?
berdasarkan jawaban-jawaban peserta didik. Frans Kaisiepo : I suggest we change the name of our land
“New Guinea” to “Irian”.
Contoh jawaban: Markus Kaisiepo : Irian?
1. No, it didn’t. The Round Table Conference resulted that the Frans Kaisiepo : Yes, Irian. In Biak language, “Irian” means
matter related to West New Guinea (West Papua) would “hot land”, doesn’t it?
be discussed a year later. It meant that the Dutch still Markus Kaisiepo : Yeah, I know that.
attempted to occupy West New Guinea and it still took Frans Kaisiepo : Besides, Irian is also an acronym. It stands
a long time to unite all Indonesia’s territory into the Republic for Ikut Republik Indonesia Anti Nederland.
of Indonesia. It is proven by the fact that the President Markus Kaisiepo : Sounds great! I like your idea. It’s brilliant!
established Trikora Operation to liberate West Papua. Frans Kaisiepo : So, you agree with my idea. Then, I’ll ask
2. The Dutch argued that the territory did not belong to you a favor.
Indonesia because the Melanesian West Papuans were Markus Kaisiepo : What is it?
ethnically and geographically different from Indonesians, had Frans Kaisiepo : Please change the name Papua
always been administrated separately, did not participate in bestuurschool to Irian bestuurschool. What
the Indonesian Revolution and that the West Papuans did not do you think?
want to be under Indonesian control. According to the Dutch Markus Kaisiepo : No problem. I’ll do it.
political scientist Arend Lijpart, other underlying Dutch
motives included West New Guinea’s lucrative economic
resources, its strategic importance as a Dutch naval base
and its potential role for housing the Netherlands’ surplus
population including Eurasians who had became displaced by
the Indonesian revolution. The Dutch also wanted to maintain
a regional presence and to secure their economic interests in
Indonesia. (

78 Cut Nyak Dhien

Complete the following chart to find out the text structure of the biographical recount of Frans Kaisiepo.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca kembali teks di TASK 14 tentang biografi Frans Kaisiepo dan memahami isi
tiap paragraf.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menganalisis struktur teks tersebut dengan tabel seperti yang ada di buku PR. Bapak/
Ibu Guru memberi tahu peserta didik bahwa teks biografi Frans Kaisiepo memiliki 9 paragraf, sehingga di kolom paragraph
– Introductory paragraph – Supporting paragraph 1
– Supporting paragraph 2 – Supporting paragraph 3
– Supporting paragraph 4 – Supporting paragraph 5
– Supporting paragraph 6 – Supporting paragraph 7
– Supporting paragraph 8
3. Peserta menyalin tabel tersebut di buku tugasnya, lalu melengkapinya dengan tujuan (Purpose) dan gagasan pendukung
(Details) tiap paragraf.
4. Setelah waktu pengerjaan dirasa cukup, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik membacakan jawabannya secara bergantian.
5. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak jawaban temannya, lalu menambah atau mengoreksi jawaban temannya.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban-jawaban tersebut bersama-sama.
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi masukan, evaluasi, dan nilai atas hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.

Paragraph Purpose Details

Introductory To introduce the figure going to be • Frans Kaisiepo was born in Biak on October 10, 1921.
paragraph described, i.e. Frans Kaisiepo. • He is the national hero from Papua.
• He proposed to change the name of “New Guinea” to “Irian”, meaning
“hot land” in the Biak language.
Supporting To describe Frans Kaisiepo’s • He made acronym of “Irian” into “Ikut Republik Indonesia Anti
paragraph 1 proposal related to the concept of Nederland” or “Join Anti Netherlands Republic of Indonesia”.
independent Indonesia. • He asked his brother to change Papua bestuurschool to Irian

Supporting To relate Frans Kaisiepo and his • Frans and his colleagues in Komite Indonesia Merdeka hoisted a Red
paragraph 2 colleagues’ action after the and White flag and sang Indonesia Raya.
declaration of independence.

Supporting To tell about Frans Kaisiepo’s efforts • Frans was one of the founders of Partai Indonesia Merdeka.
paragraph 3 to liberate West Irian from the Dutch • He was one of the brains who set a rebellion breaking in Biak in March
control. 1948.

To describe Frans Kaisiepo’s protest • Frans Kaisiepo refused the Netherlands’ offer to present the Round
Supporting Table Conference as the Dutch delegation.
paragraph 4 towards the result of the Round
Table Conference. • He protested the Netherlands for separating West New Guinea from
Indonesia in the conference.
To describe the confrontation • The confrontation between Indonesia and the Netherlands over West
between Indonesia and the Papua got international attention.
paragraph 5
Netherland over West Papua. • The Netherlands prepared independence for West Papua.

To relate President Sukarno’s • Sukarno announced a military campaign to liberate West Irian in
Supporting Yogyakarta on December 19, 1961, called Trikora Operation.
announcement about Trikora
paragraph 6 • Indonesian troops landed in West New Guinea and Frans Kaisiepo helped

To describe West Papua after • West Papua became the 26th province of Indonesia with the name of
official integration. West Irian.
paragraph 7
• Frans Kaisiepo became the second governor of West Irian.
• Frans Kaisiepo died on April 10, 1979.
Supporting To conclude the information about • He was recognized as a national hero on September 14, 1993.
paragraph 8 Frans Kaisiepo. • An airport in Biak is named after him to honor his merits for Indonesia.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 79

The years after Round Table
Conference, confrontation between
Indonesia and the Netherlands over
West Papua got international
Identify parts of the text in TASK 14: orientation, a series of events
attention. To save its face in
and reorientation.
international community, the
Share your answer with the class.
Netherlands quickly prepared
Jawaban: independence for West Papua.
However, it was no more than
Frans Kaisiepo was born in making West Papua a puppet state.
Biak on October 10, 1921. He is the On December 19, 1961 in
Orientation national hero from Papua who had Yogyakarta, Sukarno announced
contributed to maintain Papua a military campaign to liberate West
belong to Republic of Indonesia. Papua. This campaign is known as
Trikora Operation. Frans Kaisiepo
actively helped Indonesian troops
In 1945, Frans Kaisiepo landing in West New Guinea during
studied at Papua bestuurschool Trikora Operation.
(the police school of Papua) in After the official integration of
Hollandia (now Jayapura). At that West Papua, West Papua became
time, before August 1945, the idea the 26th province of Indonesia with
of independent Indonesia had name West Irian (now it is divided
spread among students. Later, into West Papua province and
he proposed to change the name Papua province). Frans Kaisiepo
of the most eastern island in was appointed to be the second
Indonesia “New Guinea” to “Irian”, governor of West Irian succeeding
meaning “hot land” in the Biak Elias Jan Bonay.
language. From the word “Irian”, he
made an acronym “Ikut Republik
Indonesia Anti Nederland” or “Join Frans Kaisiepo died on April
Anti Netherlands Republic of 10, 1979. He was recognized as
Indonesia”. He also asked his Reorientation a national hero on September 14,
brother, Markus Kaisiepo, to 1993. To honor his merits for the
change Papua bestuurschool country, an airport in Biak is named
to Irian bestuurschool. after him.
On August 31, 1945, Frans
Kaisiepo, Markus Kaisiepo,
Corinus Krey and the other Komite
Indonesia Merdeka (Free
Indonesia Committee) members
hoisted a Red and White flag and
A Series of sang Indonesia Raya, Indonesia’s TASK 1
Events national anthem. Fill in the blanks with the suitable sentences from the box.
Frans Kaisiepo was also one Then, read the text aloud, in turns.
of the founders of Partai Indonesia
Merdeka (Free Indonesia Party) • Under his leadership, PBI grew rapidly. In the
led by Lukas Rumkorem. Following meantime, the pressure of the Dutch East Indies
the capture of Silas Papare, Frans toward the national movement had strongly
Kaisiepo and Johan Ariks increased
continued the struggle to liberate • When he returned to Indonesia, he reformed Budi
West Irian from the Dutch control. Utomo by engaging the organization in political
In March 1948, a rebellion broke in issues and making it open for all people to
Biak and Frans Kaisiepo was one become members
of the brains. • The organization was aimed at promoting
Then, on December 27, 1949 Indonesia by improving the fields of teaching,
the Netherlands and Indonesian agriculture, animal husbandry, commerce,
met in Round Table Conference in engineering and industries and culture and
Den Haag. To get Frans Kaisiepo’s enhancing the nation ideals of humanity to
sympathy, the government of the achieve the life as a respectable nation
Netherlands asked him to be • The congress, which also became the last BU’s
Dutch delegation during Round congress, resulted in the establishment of Partai
Table Conference, but he directly Indonesia Raya, also known as Parindra, and
refused the offer. He also protested dr. Sutomo became the chairman
the Netherlands for separating • By serving in many places, Sutomo gained a lot of
West New Guinea from Indonesia experiences and had many opportunities to
in Round Table Conference. witness people’s sufferings and help them as well

80 Cut Nyak Dhien

dr. Sutomo, whose real name was Subroto, was born in Ngepeh Village, East Java, on July 30, 1888. He was the co-founder
of Budi Utomo.
While studying at STOVIA (a medical school during the Dutch occupation), he and his colleagues, as advised by
dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, established Budi Utomo, the first modern organization in Indonesia, on May 20, 1908.
(1) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Today, May 20 is celebrated as the National Awakening Day.
After graduating from STOVIA in 1911, he served as a physician, first in Semarang and then other places, like Tuban, Lubuk
Pakem in East Sumatra and finally Malang. During his service in Malang, he succeeded in eradicating bubonic plague that hit
Magetan, East Java. (2) ____________________________________________________________________________________
In 1919, he had an opportunity to study in the Netherlands. (3) ___________________________________________________
During the time, there were many political parties.
Later in 1924, he founded Indonesische Studie Club (ISC), a forum for Indonesian intellectuals. ISC successfully established
a weaving school, bank, cooperative, etc. In 1931, ISC was renamed the United Nation of Indonesia (Persatuan Bangsa Indonesia—
PBI). (4) __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Then, in January 1934 the Commission of BU–PBI was formed and later approved by both of the committees to merge in
1935. Congress was held to inaugurate the merger between December 24 and 26, 1935. (5) _____________________________
_________________________________________________________. Parindra struggled to achieve Indonesia’s independence.
Besides working in politics, dr. Sutomo was also active in journalism. He even led several newspapers. He died in Surabaya, on
May 30, 1938. The government of the Republic of Indonesia honored him as National Hero.
Translated from: (August 5, 2016)

Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 1.
1. What is the text about?
2. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
3. When did dr. Sutomo and his friend found Budi Utomo?
4. Who was dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo?
5. What happened during the time dr. Sutomo worked in Magetan?
6. How did dr. Sutomo reform Budi Utomo?
7. What was Indonesische Studie Club (ISC)?
8. When was BU’s last congress held?
9. What was Parindra actually comprised of?
10. What was Parindra’s mission?

Complete the following chart to find out the text structure of the biographical recount of dr. Sutomo.
Paragraph Purpose Details

Introductory To introduce the figure going to be

paragraph described, i.e. dr. Sutomo.
paragraph 1

paragraph 2
paragraph 3
paragraph 4
paragraph 5
paragraph 6

Identify parts of the text in TASK 1: orientation, a sequence of events and reorientation.
1. The organization was aimed at promoting Indonesia by improving the fields of teaching, agriculture, animal husbandry,
commerce, engineering and industries and culture and enhancing the nation ideals of humanity to achieve the life as
a respectable nation

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 81

2. By serving in many places, Sutomo gained a lot of experiences and had many opportunities to witness people’s sufferings
and help them as well
3. When he returned to Indonesia, he reformed Budi Utomo by engaging the organization in political issues and making it open
for all people to become members
4. Under his leadership, PBI grew rapidly. In the meantime, the pressure of the Dutch East Indies toward the national movement
had strongly increased
5. The congress, which also became the last BU’s congress, resulted in the establishment of Partai Indonesia Raya, also known
as Parindra, and dr. Sutomo became the chairman
1. It’s about the biography of dr. Sutomo.
2. dr. Sutomo and his colleagues established Budi Utomo.
3. On May 20, 1908.
4. He was the one who advised dr. Sutomo and his colleagues to establish Budi Utomo.
5. There was bubonic plague hitting the region, but he succeeded in eradicating it.
6. By engaging the organization in political issues and making it open for all people to become members.
7. It was a forum for Indonesian intellectuals.
8. Between December 24 and 26, 1935.
9. Budi Utomo and Persatuan Bangsa Indonesia.
10. To achieve Indonesia’s independence.
Paragraph Purpose Details

Introductory To introduce the figure going • Dr. Sutomo’s real name was Subroto.
paragraph to be described, i.e. dr. • He was born in Ngepeh Village, East Java, on July 30, 1888.
Sutomo. • He was the co-founder of Budi Utomo.
• Dr. Sutomo and his colleagues at STOVIA, advised by dr. Wahidin
Supporting To relate the establishment of Sudirohusodo, established Budi Utomo on May 20, 1908.
paragraph 1 Budi Utomo. • The organization was aimed at promoting Indonesia by improving many
fields and enhancing the nation ideals of humanity to achieve the life as
a respectable nation.
• He served as a physician, first in Semarang and then other places.
Supporting To relate dr. Sutomo’s service • While giving service in Malang, he succeeded in eradicating bubonic
paragraph 2 as a physician. plague that hit Magetan, East Java.
• He gained a lot of experiences and had many opportunities to witness
people’s sufferings and help them as well.

Supporting • Returning to Indonesia, he reformed Budi Utomo by engaging the

To tell about dr. Sutomo’s organization in political issues and making it open for all people to
paragraph 3 action to reform Budi Utomo. become members.
• In 1924, he founded Indonesische Studie Club (ISC), a forum for
Indonesian intellectuals.
Supporting To tell about dr. Sutomo’s new • In 1931, ISC was renamed the United Nation of Indonesia (Persatuan
paragraph 4 associations. Bangsa Indonesia–PBI).
• Under his leadership, PBI grew rapidly though the pressure of the Dutch
East Indies toward the national movement had strongly increased.
• In January 1934 the Commission of BU–PBI was formed and later
approved by both of the committees to merge.
Supporting To relate the establishment of • The merger was inaugurated in a congress held between December 24
paragraph 5 Partai Indonesia Raya and 26, 1935.
(Parindra). • The congress also resulted in the establishment of Partai Indonesia
Raya, also known as Parindra, and dr. Sutomo became the chairman.
• Parindra struggled to achieve Indonesia’s independence.
• Besides working in politics, he was also active in journalism, by leading
Supporting To conclude the information several newspapers.
paragraph 6 about dr. Sutomo. • He died in Surabaya, on May 30, 1938.
• He was awarded National Hero by the government of the Republic of


Orientation dr. Sutomo, whose real name was Subroto, was born in Ngepeh Village, East Java, on
July 30, 1888. He was the co-founder of Budi Utomo.

82 Cut Nyak Dhien

While studying at STOVIA (a medical school during the Dutch occupation), he and his
colleagues, as advised by dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, established Budi Utomo, the first modern
organization in Indonesia, on May 20, 1908. The organization was aimed at promoting
Indonesia by improving the fields of teaching, agriculture, animal husbandry, commerce,
engineering and industries and culture and enhancing the nation ideals of humanity to achieve
the life as a respectable nation. Today, May 20 is celebrated as the National Awakening Day.
After graduating from STOVIA in 1911, he served as a physician, first in Semarang and
then other places, like Tuban, Lubuk Pakem in East Sumatra and finally Malang. During his
service in Malang, he succeeded in eradicating bubonic plague that hit Magetan, East Java.
By serving in many places, Sutomo gained a lot of experiences and had many opportunities to
witness people’s sufferings and help them as well.
A Series of In 1919, he had an opportunity to study in the Netherlands. When he returned to
Indonesia, he reformed Budi Utomo by engaging the organization in political issues and
Events making it open for all people to become members. During the time, there were many political
Later in 1924, he founded Indonesische Studie Club (ISC), a forum for Indonesian
intellectuals. ISC successfully established a weaving school, bank, cooperative, etc. In 1931,
ISC was renamed the United Nation of Indonesia (Persatuan Bangsa Indonesia—PBI). Under
his leadership, PBI grew rapidly. In the meantime, the pressure of the Dutch East Indies toward
the national movement had strongly increased.
Then, in January 1934 the Commission of BU–PBI was formed and later approved by
both of the committees to merge in 1935. Congress was held to inaugurate the merger
between December 24 and 26, 1935. The congress, which also became the last BU’s
congress, resulted in the establishment of Partai Indonesia Raya, also known as Parindra, and
dr. Sutomo became the chairman. Parindra struggled to achieve Indonesia’s independence.

Besides working in politics, dr. Sutomo was also active in journalism. He even led several
Reorientation newspapers. He died in Surabaya, on May 30, 1938. The government of the Republic of
Indonesia honored him as National Hero.

The relationship between Indonesia and the Netherlands

was getting worse. Many countries supported Indonesia to retake
West Papua from the Netherlands. Indonesia gained support in
Write a biographical recount of one of our heroes/heroines. Colombo Conference and Asia-Africa Conference as part of anti
Make a draft first. colonialism campaign. The US under John Fitzgerald Kennedy
also suppressed the Netherlands to hand off West Papua. Dutch
Contoh jawaban: products boycott had spread across Indonesia. Indonesia and
Silas Ayari Donrai Papare the Netherlands were on the eve of total war. On December 19,
Silas Papare was born in Serui, Yapen Islands, on December 1961, Sukarno announced a military campaign to liberate West
18, 1918. He graduated from medical school in 1935. He was Papua.
imprisoned by the Dutch because of provoking a Papuan Batallion To stop the conflict, Indonesia and the Netherlands met in
to rebel against the colonial government. New York under US mediation. The Dutch had cheated Indonesia
In Hollandia (now Jayapura) prison, he met Gerungan Saul by making false independence of West Papua on December 1,
Samuel Jacob Ratulangi, well-known as Sam Ratulangi (the 1961. It was the Dutch’s maneuver to prevent West Papua be
future governor of Sulawesi), who was also imprisoned for his united with Indonesia. Silas Papare was sent by the Indonesian
resistance against the Dutch. From this point, he knew that West government to represent Indonesia in New York. This meeting
Papua should be part of Indonesia in the future. resulted New York Agreement.
On August 17, 1945 following the surrender of Japan, According to the New York Agreement, West Papua would be
Sukarno declared the independence of Indonesia. Along with under UNTEA (United Nations Temporary Executive Authority)
Jacob Thung Tjing Ek (a Chinese descendant living in West before given back to Indonesia. On May 1, 1963, West Papua was
Papua), Silas Papare established PKII (Partai Kemerdekaan officially integrated to the Republic of Indonesia.
Indonesia Irian or Irian Indonesian Independence Party). He and Silas Papare died on March 7, 1973. He was recognized as
other Papuans were captured after raising a Red and White flag a national hero on September 14, 1993. His famous words are
in 1947. However, he successfully escaped from the prison and “Do not praise me, but continue my struggle.” To honor Silas
fled to Yogyakarta. In 1949, he established Badan Perjuangan Papare, a meeting hall in Serui is named after him. A Parchim
Irian or Irian Struggle Corps in Yogyakarta with purpose to drive class corvett is also named as KRI (Kapal Republik Indonesia or
out the Dutch and integrate West Papua to the Republic of Republic of Indonesia Ship) Silas Papare to honor him.
Indonesia. Adopted from:
heroes-from-west.html (August 16, 2016)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 83

Adverbial Clause Adverbial Phrase

Cut Nyak Dhien

1. As I had slept for 1. Having slept for ten
Text structure: ten hours, I felt hours, I felt
• Introductory paragraph/ Time marvelous. marvelous.
orientation: introduces the 2. Ken fed the cats 2. Ken fed the cats
person to be written, before he went to before going to
including his/her name, date work this morning. work this morning.
and place of birth, parents
and origins. 1. Because Lia studied 1. Having studied
Biographical Adverbial phrases hard, she passed the hard, Lia passed the
• Supporting paragraphs:
describing a series of events recount texts Cut Nyak Dhien from reduced Cause- exam. exam.
which are written in adverbial clauses effect 2. Because I was late, I 2. Being late, I didn’t
chronological order. didn’t get tickets for get tickets for the
• Concluding paragraph/ the show. show.
reorientation: provides the 1. Though Tina was 1. In spite of being
writer’s opinion about the beautiful, she wasn’t beautiful, Tina
person or the closing of the Contrast very popular. wasn’t very popular.
text. 2. Though Mrs. Fika 2. Despite being rich,
was rich, she was Mrs. Fika was not
not happy. happy.
Tape Script for Assessment Questions:
3. What is NOT W.S. Rendra famous for?
Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following monolog. 4. Why did Rendra’s Bengkel Teater quickly astonish audience?
Djerandeng Abdurrachman, an outspoken political activist 5. How did actors perform a mini word theater?
from West Kalimantan, will be nominated as a national hero.
Djerandeng, who passed away on September 7, 1987,
was once a political prisoner during the Dutch East Indies
administration for his critical report in the Maluku-based Soeara
Ambon newspaper. Later, he wrote about his personal
experience of the inhumane treatment he suffered as a political
prisoner at the Boven Digoel prison in Papua. His report, which I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
was quoted by media in Europe and the US, led to his release Jawaban:
along with 1,500 other political prisoners from Boven Digoel. 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D
Djerandeng also served as the chief editor of the Halilintar 6. C 7. E 8. C 9. E 10. B
newspaper, which was eventually closed for being too critical of 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. B
the government. 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. E
Adopted from:
proposes-national-heroes.html (August 15, 2016)
II. Write a biography of a Revolution Hero.
Questions: Mind the structure of the text.
1. What did Djerandeng Abdurrahman do?
Contoh jawaban:
2. Why was he sent to jail?
Ahmad Yani was born in Jenar, Purworejo, Central Java on
Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following monolog. June 19, 1922. His family, Wongsoredjo family, worked for
Willibrordus Surendra Broto Rendra, known as W.S. Rendra a sugar factory.
was born in Solo on November 7, 1935. He was a poet, writer, In 1927, Yani and his family moved to Batavia. Yani worked
dramatist, cultural activist and theater director. He was one of the his way through primary and secondary education there. In 1940,
most talented artists and often called “The Peacock” by the Yani left high school to undergo compulsory military service in
press. the army of the Dutch East Indies colonial government. He
Rendra studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, studied military topography in Malang, East Java. Unfortunately,
the same school as Marlon Brando, a great movie actor. After he his education was interrupted by the arrival of the invading
graduated, he returned to Indonesia in 1968 and founded Japanese in 1942.
Bengkel Teater (Theater Workshop) in Yogyakarta. The group In 1943, he joined PETA (Defenders of the Motherland) army.
quickly astonished audience with works that were artistically He underwent further training in Magelang. After completing this
experimental. Rendra rose to fame as a poet in the 1950s. He training, Yani enlisted himself to be trained as a PETA platoon
was also credited as the man who brought modern Indonesian commander. Then, he was moved to Bogor, West Java to get his
theater to its maturity through his experimental works with training. Upon completion, he was sent back to Magelang as
Bengkel Teater. Rendra brought traditional expressions into an instructor.
modern context. In the early hours of October 1, 1965, he was kidnapped by
In 1969, he created a series of dramas without dialogues, people who came to his house. They killed him, his body was
where actors employed body language and simple sounds such taken to Lubang Buaya and was hidden in a disused well. His
as bip bop, zzzz and rambate rata-rata. The journalist poet body was recovered on October 4. He was given a state funeral
Gunawan Mohammad dubbed these experimental performances the following day before being burried at Kalibata Hero’s
as a “mini-word theater”. Cemetery. On the same day, he was officially declared the Hero
Rendra died at the age of 73, but he remains the most of the Revolution.
influential poet in the country. Today, many roads were named after him and his former
Adopted from: house at Jalan Latuharhary no. 6, Menteng, Jakarta becomes
SOAL%20Try%20OUT%202%20PAKET%20A.DOCX. (August 16, 2016) a museum.
Adapted from: (August 16, 2016)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 85

Work in pairs.
Do the following.
What you should do:
1. write a draft of a biographical recount of an outstanding person in our country;
2. develop the draft into a good text using the correct text structure;
3. make a short bio about the person.
Contoh jawaban:
General Sudirman remains one of Indonesia’s most revered national heroes today. Indonesian people recognize him as the
first Commander-in-Chief of the Indonesian armed forces. He united and led the Indonesian armed forces in resisting colonial
re-occupation after the Japanese occupation.
Sudirman was born in Rembang, Central Java on January 24, 1916, son of Karsid Kartawiraji and Siyem. He was then adopted
by his uncle Raden Cokrosunaryo, who provided him with a better education. Finally, he studied at the Dutch Native School in
Purwokerto, but later transferred to a nationalist school, where he became strongly influenced by nationalism and Islam. While
studying, he joined a Muhammadiyah boy scouts group and eventually became a teacher at a Muhammadiyah secondary school in
Cilacap in 1936––the same year he married Alfiah––and became a leader of a youth organization of Muhammadiyah in 1937. Clearly,
his education and activities during his youth had fuelled his patriotism, nationalism and religiousness which also developed his
leadership ability. He did not display the usual martial qualities of a heroic military leader; instead, he was a soft-spoken and devout
Moslem but extremely charismatic, strong-willed and firm.
During the Japanese occupation, Sudirman joined PETA, an auxiliary military force established by Japan in 1944 and
unsurprisingly was selected to be a daidancho (battalion commander). On October 5, 1945, TKR (Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat––
the People’s Security Army) was formed out of self-formed local units, mostly constituted by ex-PETA members who had been
disbanded by the Japanese to prepare for Allied reoccupation.
Instead of disbanding, Sudirman kept his Banyumas-based regiment together and he scored a major accomplishment by
persuading the Japanese to turn in their weapons. This resulted in the procurement of a huge arms cache, more than sufficient for
his own unit and he distributed the remainder to other Javanese groups, winning their support. Consequently, while other PETA
units dispersed, his unit became the best armed and the best organized.
When British forces landed in Indonesia in September 1945, to supervise the Japanese surrender and preserve order, it
triggered the outbreak of violence between the British and the Indonesian independence fighters. Negotiations for a ceasefire broke
down and more Allied troops arrived.
By late November 1945, the British and Dutch troops had withdrawn to Ambarawa to form a strong defensive ring, the
destruction of which required a consolidated and unified command. Consequently, Sudirman gathered and organized all
commanders in the sector for a coordinated attack, which astoundingly routed the Allied forces on December 15, 1945.
A month earlier, precisely on November 12, 1945, he had already been elected by the other Indonesian military commanders as
the Commander-in-Chief (panglima besar) of all Indonesian forces. His appointment was formally inaugurated by President Sukarno,
three days after the resounding victory at Ambarawa.
When the Indonesian capital moved to Yogyakarta, the Dutch sprang a rapid invasion, with bombers bombing Maguwo,
Yogyakarta’s airport, and paratroopers landing near and into the capital on December 19, 1948. Sudirman, despite being gravely
ill with tuberculosis, ordered the entire Indonesian military to abandon linear defense and retreat to the non-urban areas to wage
a guerilla war. Even before the invasion, Sudirman and his commanders had begun to prepare for a guerilla war, to exploit
Indonesia’s terrain and geography and the Indonesians’ superior spirit and morale against the enemy’s sophisticated weaponry.
Sudirman retreated to the jungle under hot pursuit by the Dutch. His feat of achieving independence for Indonesia was even
more redoubtable; he made an arduous journey under Dutch pressure with deteriorating health and with minimal resources.
He had to be carried on a sedan chair throughout the journey, which saw him traveling as far as 1,000 kilometers for six months
before settling down in Sobo, near Mount Lawu, on April 1, 1949, all while continuing to lead the guerilla war against the Dutch.
General Sudirman died in Magelang on January 29, 1950, a month after the Dutch formally transferred sovereignty to the
Republic of Indonesia on December 27, 1949. His selfless patriotism and personal charm gained the trust of the President, respect
from the Indonesian people and his subordinates’ loyalty––”a symbol of exalted service to his nation and his people which would be
difficult for anyone to match”. On December 10, 1964, he was recognized as a National Hero.
Sudirman’s greatest legacy was his unwavering selfless patriotism, prioritizing the nation’s security and sovereignty above
his life. His very personal style of leadership and the challenges he confronted were physically and mentally draining, which
exacerbated his ill-health, but he did not relinquish his duties and responsibilities. In a formal investiture on May 25, 1946,
Sudirman represented himself and his subordinates in uttering the Members of the Forces leadership oath, first and foremost
swearing to: “... Ably defend the sovereignty and independence of the state of the Republic of Indonesia that was declared on
August 17, 1945 to the last drop of blood.”
Despite being only slightly older than most of his soldiers and officers, he behaved like a father figure to the armed forces,
who addressed him as Pak Dirman out of reverence and respect. He pursued an open, accommodating style of leadership and
solicited advice from anybody he met, including his opponents and endeavored to listen to all perspectives and viewpoints before
making a firm decision. This was partly because he recognized his own inadequacies and partly because he saw the importance
of maintaining good relations with all centers of power and of maintaining harmony within the army.
Adopted from: personalityprofile.html (August 16, 2016)

86 Cut Nyak Dhien

Short Bio of General Sudirman
Name : Sudirman
Date of Birth : January 24, 1916
Place of Birth : Rembang, Central Java
Year of Marriage : 1936
Date of Death : January 29, 1950
Place of Death : Magelang
Wife’s Name : Alfiah
Father’s Name : Karsid Kartawiraji
Mother’s Name : Siyem
Foster Father’s Name : Raden Cokrosunaryo
Military Rank : Commander-in-Chief of the Indonesian armed forces
Military Records : – Joined PETA, an auxiliary military force established by Japan in 1944.
– British forces landed in Indonesia in September 1945, to supervise the Japanese surrender
and preserve order, which triggered the outbreak of violence between the British and the
Indonesian independence fighters.
– TKR (Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat––the People’s Security Army) was formed out of self-
formed local units, mostly constituted by ex-PETA members, on October 5, 1945.
– On November 12, 1945, he had already been elected by the other Indonesian military
commanders as the Commander-in-Chief (panglima besar) of all Indonesian forces.
– By late November 1945, the British and Dutch troops had withdrawn to Ambarawa to form
a strong defensive ring.
– Sudirman and all commanders astoundingly routed the Allied forces in Ambarawa on
December 15, 1945.
– Sudirman’s appointment as the Commander-in-Chief was formally inaugurated by President
Sukarno on December 18, 1945.
– The Dutch sprang a rapid invasion, with bombers bombing Maguwo, Yogyakarta’s airport, and
paratroopers landing near and into the capital on December 19, 1948.
– Sudirman led a guirella war until he was seriously sick because of tuberculosis.
– The Dutch formally transferred sovereignty to the Republic of Indonesia on December 27,

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 87

LISTENING SECTION 4. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
PART I Guru:
Girl : I don’t know what I have to write. What
1. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu about you?
Guru: Boy : I have three alternative topics.
Woman : Look at you, Danar! You are dirty and smelly. Girl : Do you? Would you tell me what they are?
Boy : I’m sorry, Mom. Boy : The first is about our heroes or heroines,
Woman : Anyway, what have you done? the second is about
Boy : I helped Mr. Hardi cultivate his rice field. an interesting place and the last is about
Then, we bathed his cows in a river. It was what I’m proud to be Indonesian.
amazing, Mom! Girl : Wow, cool! By the way, have you collected
Narrator : What did the boy just do? the materials?
Boy : I have. I just need to rewrite them.
Jawaban: B Narrator : What is the third topic?

2. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Jawaban: D

Girl : You know what. I sang a song with my idol PART II
last night!
5. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Boy : Did you? It must have been amazing.
Girl : You’re right. I never imagined that my idol Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
would ask me to sing with her on a stage. diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
What an experience! Boy : Who is your favorite idol, Ayu?
Narrator : What did the girl feel? Girl : ________
Narrator : Which is the best response?
Jawaban: D A. Doctor Muwardi.
B. I know him well.
3. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu C. I live on Jalan Thamrin.
Guru: D. My friend and I met here.
Boy : Mom needs you, Lin.
Girl : Where’s she? Jawaban: A
Boy : She’s in the backyard. By the way, have
you mailed Uncle and Aunt Bernard? 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Girl : Yes, I have.
Boy : When? Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
Girl : A few minutes ago. diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Narrator : What did the girl just do? Girl : Did you meet Sara, Heru?
Boy : I did.
Jawaban: C Girl : Do you know where she is now?
Boy : ________
Narrator : What does the boy most likely reply?
A. We just chatted a few minutes ago.
B. I don’t know anything about her.
C. Let’s find her together.
D. She might be in the library.

Jawaban: D

88 Mid-Term Test
7. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
waiting excitedly saying, “Good morning. How are you
Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang all?” The crowd went crazy. The shouts sounded like
diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: a mix of “Fine, thank you.” and screams of Afgan’s
Boy : What is your impression after attending name.
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris
the International Youth Congress in untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta,
Philippines? Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2016.
Girl : ________ Narrator : Which is the picture of the speaker’s idol?
Narrator : What does the girl most likely reply?
A. It’s held annually. Jawaban: C
B. I wish I can attend it.
C. It was great and I gained a lot of 11. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
experience. During my elementary school, I stayed with my
D. If I had received the invitation, I would have come. uncle. I used to play with my cousin Awan. I loved
playing with him as he was very playful.
Jawaban: C One day, we were very tired when we arrived
home from playing. We played hard at the playground.
PART III Knowing us dirty and smelly, Uncle told us to have
a bath soon. Awan asked me to have a bath first. He
8. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu went straight to his room and had a rest. When I found
Guru: him, he was already asleep on his bed with his dirty
Man : The board of directors had a meeting clothes. I woke him up. Immediately, Awan opened his
yesterday. Do you know what the agenda eyes and headed to the bathroom.
was? Narrator : Which picture shows what happened in
Woman : I don’t know exactly. I just heard a rumor. the story?
Man : What’s that?
Woman : They will elect a new president after the Jawaban: B
former one has resigned.
Narrator : Which pictures goes with the dialog? PART IV

Jawaban: A Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog.
9. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Mr. Agung showed three wooden doll toys to his son,
Guru: Alam, and asked him to find the differences. All the three
Girl : You still keep your old typewriter, Grandpa! toys were seemed to be identical in their shape, size and
Man : Yes, dear. Anyway, do you know who material. After keen observation, Alam observed holes in the
invented a typewriter? toys. The first toy had holes in the ears, the second had
Girl : No, I don’t. You know, people don’t use it holes in the ear and mouth and the third had one hole in one
anymore, so they forget who has invented it. ear.
Man : You’re right. Let me tell you. He was Alam took a rolled paper and put it in the ear hole of
Christopher Latham Sholes who invented the first toy. The rolled paper came out from the other ear. He
the first practical modern typewriter which did the same thing to the second toy. When the rolled paper
was patented in 1868. was put in the ear, it came out from the mouth. In the third
Narrator : What do the girl and the man talk about? toy, when the rolled paper was put in, the rolled paper did not
come out.
Jawaban: C From what he had done, Alam learned many values of
lives. From the first toy he learned that people around him
10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: might give an impression that they were listening to him.
Afgan has always been my favorite singer. I had However, they just pretended to do so. After listening, as the
always been thinking of how I would feel when I met him. rolled paper came out from the next ear, what he had said to
Then, I was suddenly hit by lightning when I found out them were gone.
Afgan was coming to town for a concert in a local The second toy represented people who listened to him
auditorium. A day before the concert, there would be and seemed that they were care for him. However as in the
a meet-and-greet event at a local radio station. Feeling toy, the rolled paper came out from mouth, meaning that
excited, I packed all my Afgan’s CDs to get his signature these people would use the words he had told them against
at the event. him by retelling it to others and bringing out the confidential
On that bright and sunny Saturday morning, the issues for their own purposes.
radio station was full of Afganism—that’s how Afgan’s The third toy represented people who would keep the
fans are called. They sat on the chairs prepared inside trust he had in them. They were
the radio station’s lobby. Several stood in rows in the the ones who he could count on.
front yard of the radio station. A spot inside a lobby was Mr. Agung was happy that Alam understood and he
prepared with a mini stage for Afgan’s singing smiled.
performance and a table for Afgan to sign Afganism’s Adopted from: (July 29,
memorabilia. Finally, after about 40 or 50 minutes wait,
Afgan showed up from inside the radio station. He Narrator:
smiled and waved to all Afganism who had been 12. What does the second toy represent?
13. Why did Mr. Agung smile at the end of the monolog?

12. Jawaban: D
13. Jawaban: A

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 89

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog. 16. D 31. D 46. E
Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809 in Coupvray, 17. E 32. B 47. E
France. The son of a harness-maker, Braille was blinded by 18. C 33. A 48. A
an accident when he was three. Educated at the National 19. D 34. C 49. C
Institute for Blind Youth in Paris, Braille developed a raised-dot 20. B 35. B 50. D
code that enabled blind people to read and write. Although his 21. B 36. A
system was in limited use during his lifetime, it has since 22. C 37. D
been accepted globally. Louis Braille died in 1852. 23. A 38. E
Adopted from: 24. D 39. E
(July 28, 2016)
25. A 40. E
Narrator: 26. C 41. B
14. When did Braille become blind? 27. C 42. A
15. What was Braille’s father? 28. E 43. C
29. D 44. D
14. Jawaban: C 30. B 45. E
15. Jawaban: E
This is the end of the listening section.

90 Mid-Term Test
Setelah mempelajari chapter ini, peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif lisan dan tulis sederhana
tentang legenda rakyat sesuai konteks penggunaannya; cara menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis
dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai konteks penggunaannya;
cara menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai konteks penggunaannya; cara membedakan action dan thinking verbs; cara
menggunakan kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung.
2. terampil:
menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang
legenda rakyat sesuai konteks penggunaannya; menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan
tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai konteks penggunaannya; menceritakan legenda
rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif
sesuai konteks penggunaannya; membedakan action dan thinking verbs; menggunakan kalimat langsung dan tidak
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. bersikap sopan, rendah hati, ramah, bertanggung jawab, dan jujur dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.


Narrative text

Questions Theory Action and thinking verbs


Direct and Indirect speech

Read and memorize the words,

read the text, anwers the
questions, listen and answer the
questions, describe of the
characters and setting of the story,
Issumboshi complete the text, identify the text
Skills stucture, retell the story, edit
incorrect words, continue the story

Make ten sentences using action

and thinking verbs, find direct
sentences and turn them into
indirect sentences

Browsing the
Theories of action and thinking
Tasks verbs, direct and indirect

Homework Write a folktale with a good moral


Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 91

Source:, downloaded August 22, 2016

Look at the picture. For your information, the picture depicts an interesting story. Do you know where the story originates
from and what the story is about?
In this chapter, you will read, retell and write stories. Get the moral value of the stories to make you a better person. You
will also learn action and thinking verbs as well as direct and indirect sentences. You should be able to write and retell stories,
by the end of this chapter.

Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan pemanasan. Tujuannya yaitu mengarahkan perhatian peserta didik pada kompetensi yang
harus dicapai pada akhir pembelajaran chapter ini, yaitu menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks naratif, menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat, menceritakan legenda rakyat, membedakan action dan thinking verbs,
serta menggunakan kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung.
1. Peserta didik diminta mengamati gambar dan menjawab pertanyaan di bawah gambar.
2. Setelah peserta didik memahami gambar dan tujuan kegiatan apersepsi ini, Bapak/Ibu Guru memulai pelajaran.

92 Issumboshi
4. My little brother drew a car on his drawing book.
5. I met my old friend at a bus stop. We were chatting while
we were waiting for the bus.
Read and memorize the following words. Thinking verbs
6. We believe that Anita will win the chess competition.
7. I realize that I was careless when doing the job. I promise
I will never do the same mistake.
8. My family decided to have a vacation in Karimunjawa next
Complete the following sentences with the suitable words 9. Mitha imagines that she will be a famous singer.
from TASK 1. 10. My sister forgets to bring her laptop computer to school.
Change the form of the words if necessary.
Read the complete sentences aloud, in turns.
1. Mr. Hartana is a ________ man. Although he is a village
chief, he is humble, kind and helpful.
2. We have to ________ our country.
3. Mr. and Mrs. Teduh were the ________ who saved TASK 1
Mayang from a robber and returned her to her family. Read the following text with proper pronunciation, in turns.
4. We should not ________ people. We should realize that How a Peacock Has Beautiful Tail Feathers
such behavior leads to crimes. Before a peacock had a beautiful tail, it was just an
5. Princess Tania disguised as a ________ to know how ordinary bird with a normal bunch of feathers.
her people treated others. One day, the peacock visited Juno, the Goddess of
6. Mrs. Hertina decided to ________ her only daughter Protection and said it wished to look grand and beautiful.
alone after her husband passed away. Juno smiled. She knew that it was a good bird and she
7. Malin Kundang ________ his ship at the harbor, loading liked it.
new commodities to sell. He was successful, but he was The peacock then described the wish for a long train of
ungrateful to his mother. brightly colored feathers to trail behind it and to be the
8. Look, I have a new comic book. It’s a ________ from my loveliest of all birds!
cousin. To its great joy, Juno agreed. What a wonderful tail it
Jawaban: had! Blue and green with a jewel-like pattern, opening up like
1. respectable 2. defend 3. couple a fan when it raised its tail. Then, the peacock decided to
4. bully 5. retainer 6. raise walk like a king! So, it held its head high and walked in style!
7. anchored 8. gift Common birds looked at it in surprise! Even the naturally
long tailed pheasants were jealous.
After showing off its tail, the peacock decided to fly. It
was shocked! It could not fly. It could only take a few leaps! It
sadly realized that it had lost its wonderful ability, simply
because it wanted to look beautiful.
Adopted from: (August 16, 2016)
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 2.
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 1.
1. It’s about a boy whose body was as small as a little finger.
2. His friends always bullied him because he had a small body. 1. Who are the main characters of the story?
3. He wanted to study and become a respectable person. 2. What was the peacock like before it had a beautiful tail?
4. They were worried about him. 3. What did the peacock wish for?
5. Because Issumboshi had a small body. 4. Why did Juno grant its wish?
6. He chased a fly away which came buzzing by when he was 5. What did the peacock have after Juno had granted its
talking with the lord. wish?
7. When he was swallowed by the demon, he ran around the 6. What did the pheasants feel about the peacock’s tail?
demon’s stomach which made the demon roll over and spit 7. “After showing off its tail, the peacock decided to fly.”
him out, then he jumped at the demon and hit his eyes. (Paragraph 5)
8. Because the demon was afraid that Issumboshi would hurt What does ‘show off’ mean?
him. 8. Why was the peacock shocked after being given
9. He grew into a nice young man and married the Princess, a beautiful tail from Juno?
then invited grandfather and grandmother to live in the 9. “She knew that it was a good bird ....” (Paragraph 2)
palace. Who does ‘she’ refer to?
10. Contoh jawaban: We should not underestimate others. 10. What can we learn from the story?

Write the action and thinking verbs from the text in TASK 1.
What do the words mean?

Make ten sentences using action and thinking verbs. TASK 4

Contoh jawaban: Make sentences using the verbs from TASK 3, at least five
Action verbs for each type of verbs.
1. My father painted the wall blue. Read your sentences aloud, in turns.
2. Mira recited the story in front of the class.
3. The dancers are performing a traditional dance on the stage.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 93

Jawaban: 3. Setelah itu, Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan
TASK 2 pertanyaan-pertanyaan pemahaman dua kali.
1. A peacock and Juno, the Goddess of Protection. 4. Peserta didik menjawab setiap pertanyaan berdasarkan
2. It was an ordinary bird with a normal bunch of feathers. teks yang telah mereka baca.
3. It wished to look grand and beautiful. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan per tanyaan-
4. Because it was a good bird and she liked it. pertanyaan sekali lagi. Peserta didik menyimak sambil
5. It had blue and green tail feathers with a jewel-like memeriksa jawaban mereka. Mereka membetulkan
pattern. When the peacock raised and opened its tail, jawaban yang masih belum tepat.
it was like a fan. 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban.
6. They were jealous. 7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.
7. It means ‘exhibit’. 8. Selanjutnya, peserta didik memahami penjelasan dalam
8. Because it simply could not fly. It only could take a few Supporting Features . Apabila peserta didik belum
leaps, but nothing more! memahami, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penjelasan.
9. It refers to Juno.
10. We should not be greedy. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
TASK 3 Guru:
1. What is the story about?
Action Verb Meaning 2. What did Udak’s son wish for?
3. Where did Udak find mangoes?
visited mengunjungi 4. What should Udak do for the giants?
smiled tersenyum 5. What can we learn from the story?
described mendeskripsikan
raised mengembangkan
1. It’s about Udak, his spoiled son and the giants.
walked berjalan
2. He wished to eat mangoes.
held menahan
3. From the mango tree growing in front of the giants’ house in
looked at melihat
a forest.
show off memamerkan
4. He should work for the giants by helping the father giant
fly terbang
look for firewood.
5. Don’t be spoiled and we should treat other people well.
Thinking Verb Meaning

wished mengharapkan
knew mengetahui, tahu
agreed setuju, menyetujui
decided memutuskan Read the text in TASK 5 again.
realized menyadari Describe the characteristic of each character and setting of the
wanted ingin story.
Contoh jawaban:
TASK 4 (Contoh jawaban)
Action verbs: Characters Setting
1. I didn’t know why that man smiled at me.
2. The bird raised its wings before it flew. • Udak: brave, loving, patient Udak’s house: small
3. The people held the cliff with sacks of sand in order not • Udak’s son: spoiled Forest: dangerous
to slide. • The father giant: big, kind- The giants’ house: with
4. Maya and Ratna walked to the canteen together. hearted a mango tree in front of
5. The boys looked at the paintings attentively. • The mother giant: big, the house
Thinking verbs:
• The giants’ child: big
1. The students knew the information about the scholar-
ship from the Internet.
2. Father agreed to teach me photography.
3. The Kartono’s family decided to move to Palembang.
4. The children realized that friendship is very important in
their lives.
5. We want to see a music concert next weekend.
Read the following text.
Then, listen and answer the questions based on the text.
One very hot dry season, it did not rain for so long that
people ran out of water. The only spring in the village began
to dry, only a little water was left. People went to the village
chief for a solution.
Read the following text and study its text structure. “Sire, it has not rained for so long. The fields are barren,”
Then, listen to and answer the questions based on the text. said a farmer.
“We lost our rice plants and vegetables. How shall we
earn a living?” asked another farmer.
“Please be calm, my fellows. Let’s discuss the way to
1. Peserta didik membaca teks berikut dengan saksama.
solve the problem,” said the village chief.
Mereka mencatat dan mencari arti kosakata baru.
Suddenly, a person came to them and cried, “Sire, the
2. Kemudian, peserta didik diminta memahami struktur teks
remaining water in the spring has flowed away! We will lose

94 Issumboshi
everything.” He was one of the men who had to watch the 1. It happened long ago.
spring so that it would not dry. 2. The main characters are a great wizard and a little mouse.
“What did he say?” asked the chief to the man standing 3. In a village.
beside him. 4. The little mouse that had been changed into a tiger by
“He said that the remaining water in the spring had a great wizard intended to be a real tiger, so it planned to
flowed away and we would lose all,” the man said. escape to the jungle.
“Let’s go to the spring. We must trace where the water 5. At the end, the wizard knew that the little mouse, which had
flow!” said the chief and headed to the spring. People been changed into a tiger, had a plan to escape to the
followed him. jungle so he immediately changed the fake tiger into a little
When they arrived at the spring, “I need many men to mouse again.
dig this spring to trace where the water has flowed. I hope we
can trace it so that we can still have water,” said the chief.
“What did the chief say? I can’t hear him clearly,” asked
a farmer to his friend.
“He said that he needed many men to dig that spring to
trace where the water had flowed,” the man’s friend ex-
plained. Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
Not long after, many men started digging the spring, in memberi kegiatan berikut.
turns. It took all day to become a well.
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
At last, “Hey! I see water here! It rises fast. Get me
Hi, my friends. I would like to tell you an interesting
a pail!” said the man in the well.
story. Here is the story.
The village chief and his people were very excited
One bright morning, Frog was walking on the banks
knowing that they had water. They would water their fields
of a lake. Suddenly, it heard a shout. It jumped to the
lakeside and saw a boy in the water. When the boy saw
Since then, people dug wells to get water for their daily
the frog, he waved his arms and shouted, “Frog, please
help me! I will drown.”
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/ Frog asked the boy to stay calm. It said, “Son, don’t
Ibu Guru: panic! I’ll get you out of the water.” Then, it leapt into the
1. When did the story take place? water and swam towards the boy. “Please hold my back
2. What did the people meet the village chief for? tightly. I’ll bring you ashore.”
3. Why did the village chief and his people rush to the The boy did what Frog said whilst noticing how Frog
spring? swam. He imitated the movement of Frog’s hind legs.
4. What did the chief ask his men to do? Frog felt the boy loosen his grip and shouted, “Watch out!
5. What did the man in the well see? Keep holding my back tightly. Otherwise, you will drown.”
The boy replied, “Don’t worry, Frog. I am learning
Jawaban: how to swim from you. I feel I can swim.”
1. The story took place on one very hot dry season. Soon, the boy and Frog arrived ashore. Frog looked
2. To ask for a solution. at the boy and smiled, “Clever boy! You learn so fast.”
3. Because a person came to them suddenly and informed “Thank you, Frog. You have taught me a very
that the remaining water in the spring had flowed away. valuable lesson. From now, I won’t be afraid of water and
He said they would lose all. I name the way you swim ‘the frog stroke’,” the boy said.
4. The chief asked his men to dig the spring to trace where Since then, people learnt to swim the frog stroke from
the water had flowed. the start.
5. He saw water.
1. Where did the story take place?
2. When did it take place?
3. Who are the characters of the story?
4. Why did the boy call out for help?
5. What did Frog do for the boy?
6. What was the boy doing when Frog was swimming
Listen carefully and answer the following questions. ashore, to save him?
7. Why did Frog shout, “Watch out! Keep holding my back
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Long ago, there lived a great wizard in a village. One day,
8. What did the boy say when Frog shouted?
as he was walking through the village he found a weak little
9. What did the boy say to Frog when they arrived ashore?
mouse. He fetched the mouse and fed it rice.
10. What can we learn from the story?
One day, the wizard saw the mouse hiding in a hole
bacause it was afraid of a cat. Therefore, he turned the mouse Jawaban:
into a cat so that it could defend itself. The next day, the wizard 1. The story took place on a lake.
saw a tiger frightening his cat and immediately changed his cat 2. It took place on one bright morning.
into a tiger. The villagers said that it was not a tiger, it was just 3. The characters of the story are a boy and a frog.
a mouse that the wizard changed into a tiger. It would not scared 4. He was going to drown.
them. When the fake tiger heard this, it planned to escape the 5. It leapt into the water and asked the boy to hold its back
jungle, so it would be a real tiger. tightly, then brought him ashore.
As soon as the wizard saw the fake tiger running, he 6. He was imitating Frog’s hind leg movements.
understood its plan and immediately changed it into a little 7. Because it felt the boy loosen his grip.
mouse again. 8. He said that he was learning how to swim from it. He felt
Adopted from: (August 16, he could swim.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 95

9. He said, “Thank you, Frog. You have taught me a very Being confused, the queen (3) ________ before
valuable lesson. From now, I won’t be afraid of water the king and proposed a solution. The king agreed and said,
and I name the way you swim ‘the frog stroke.’” “You are really my angel, dear. You always (4) ________
10. Contoh jawaban: We should help each other and we my problems at hard times. Thank you, dear.” The queen
can learn about values from others. smiled.
The next morning, the princes (5) ________ before the
king and were ready to hear their father’s behest. The king
said, “My sons, I am old and it’s time for one of you to
replace me. Before sitting on the throne, you have to prove
that you (6) ________ to be the next king. You have one
month to prove to me that you’ll be a good and wise king.”
Complete the following text with the suitable words from the box. The princes seemed to understand what they had to do.
Change the form of the words if necessary. After a month, the princes (7) ________ their father and
Read the text aloud, in turns. showed him what they had done. The first prince made
Jawaban: a sword from the best iron, which was very sharp. The sword
1. rain 2. slowly 3. shouted was unbreakable; it was able to break on an opponent’s
4. hopped 5. annoyed 6. vain sword. The king was satisfied and smiled. The second prince
7. slumber 8. noticed 9. pull made a thick and strong shield from the best steel. No
10. sprayed weapons could smash through it. Once again, the king was
excited and smiled. When he came to the third prince, he
wondered what his son would present. He didn’t have
a weapon.
The third prince knew what his father (8) ________ and
asked him to go out to see around the kingdom. The king
was speechless when he (9) ________ a high thick wall
which surrounded his kingdom. His son had built a fortress
What do the following words mean?
for him. It would protect the kingdom and people from
You will read them in the text in TASK 3.
enemies. He was proud of him.
1. throne = ____________________ It was difficult for the king to decide who was better than
2. to stand down = ____________________ the others. So, he came in a conclusion, he would give the
3. to wonder = ____________________ throne to his three sons. He advised them to stay and
4. humble = ____________________ manage the kingdom together. He explained that the fortress
5. to propose = ____________________ would be useless if the soldiers didn’t have powerful
6. hard time = ____________________ weapons, such as swords and shields. The kingdom would
7. behest = ____________________ be stronger and more prosperous when the three princes
8. to replace = ____________________ stayed united. The princes agreed and hugged their father.
9. to deserve = ____________________ Since then, every kingdom (10) ________ a fortress to
10. shield = ____________________ protect nobles and people from enemies.
11. to present = ____________________
12. speechless = ____________________
13. to surround = ____________________
1. singgasana
14. fortress = ____________________
2. mengundurkan diri, lengser
15. to advise = ____________________
3. bertanya-tanya, heran
16. to manage = ____________________
4. sederhana, rendah hati
17. useless = ____________________
5. mengusulkan
18. prosperous = ____________________
6. masa sulit
19. to hug = ____________________
7. perintah, permintaan
20. noble = ____________________
8. menggantikan
9. pantas menerima
10. tameng, pelindung
Make sentences using the words from TASK 1.
11. menghadirkan, mempersembahkan
Read your work aloud, in turns.
12. tidak bisa berkata-kata
TASK 3 13. mengelilingi
Complete the following text with the suitable words from the box. 14. benteng
Change the form of the words if necessary. 15. menasihati
Read the text aloud, in turns. 16. mengurus, mengatur
17. tidak berguna, sia-sia
• stand • meet • found 18. makmur, sejahtera
• deserve • come • solve 19. memeluk
• think • see • build 20. bangsawan
• replace • hand TASK 2 (Contoh jawaban)
1. The king sat on his throne and the ministers sat beside
There was an old king sitting on his throne. He would him.
like to stand down as king and (1) ________ his throne to 2. Is it true that Mr. Eros has stood down from his
one of his sons. However, he wondered which one was fit to company?
(2) ________ him. All his three sons were handsome, loyal, 3. I wonder how you could finish the test so quickly.
humble and kind to him and his people. They were also very 4. Monalisa is not only beautiful and smart, but also
good at martial arts. humble and kind.

96 Issumboshi
5. The committee proposes an English Day Program to One day, the crocodile was resting
the principal. on a rock. Finding this to be a good
6. Are our hard times over? opportunity, the elephant went to the
7. The guards never ignored the king’s behest. river silently and began to drink water.
8. Would you like to replace me as a treasurer, please? Just then, the toad jumped onto the
9. Oki is clever and she deserves the trophy. crocodile’s back, disturbing its slumber.
10. Please wear your shield to protect you from opponents’ The crocodile was irritated! It began to
weapons. swim around the river and shake its
11. We would like to meet the class teacher to present the body violently. “Now, I shall get rid of
result of our discussion. you!” it cried at the toad, but the toad
12. The audience was speechless after listening to the was unmoved.
boy’s poem. It was so touching.
13. A bamboo fence surrounds the old house.
Suddenly, the crocodile noticed
14. Have you ever visited a fortress?
the elephant and cried, “How dare you
15. The teacher called and advised me to be ready for the
drink from my river when you were told
test next week.
not to?” The crocodile decided to vent
16. My father and mother manage the store all day long.
all its anger on the elephant. It caught
17. Your knowledge is useless if you don’t have a good
the elephant’s trunk and began to pull it
attitude, right?
into the river. The poor elephant started
18. We agree that Indonesia will be a prosperous country.
to pull back and cried, “Let go of me ...
19. Why don’t you hug your crying little sister?
Resolution please! Let go of me ... my nose hurts!”
20. Laymen and nobles are equal before the law.
but the crocodile didn’t let it go. Then,
TASK 3 with a mighty pull, the elephant
1. hand 2. replace 3. came succeeded in freeing its trunk from the
4. solve 5. stood 6. deserve crocodile. However, in tug of war, the
7. met 8. thought 9. saw elephant’s nose had become really
10. built long! Angry, the elephant sucked all the
water from the river. Then, it sucked
mud and sprayed it on the crocodile
and toad.

Since then, elephants have had

Identify the text structure of the text in TASK 8. long trunks while crocodiles and toads
Jawaban: are not bright green anymore.

Many years ago elephants had

Orientation small trunks with stubbed noses. They
lived in a forest.

At one time the earth did not rain Retell the story in TASK 8 in front of the class.
for months. Ponds and lakes began to
dry up and streams had very little
water. All the animals in the forest were
Kegiatan ini bisa dijadikan semacam perlombaan bercerita.
very thirsty and desperately searched
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyampaikan kegiatan yang dilakukan
for a source of water.
peser ta didik, yaitu mereka diminta berlomba
There was a river near the forest
menceritakan kembali cerita di TASK 8. Bapak/Ibu Guru
where a bright green crocodile lived. An
menyediakan hadiah sederhana bagi pemenang 1, 2,
elephant decided to go there in search
dan 3, misalnya buku cerita atau buku referensi belajar
of water. It walked slowly to reach the
bahasa Inggris.
river. The crocodile saw the elephant
2. Peserta didik berlomba-lomba ke depan kelas dan
and shouted, “Go away! Water is
menceritakan kembali cerita di TASK 8.
already scarce here. If you start
3. Peser ta didik yang lain diminta menyimak dan
drinking, what will be left for me?” The
memberikan balikan, misalnya tentang keras-lembut
elephant knew it was a risk to pick
suara, intonasi, tekanan, pelafalan, mimik wajah, dan
a fight with the crocodile. Therefore,
gerak tubuh. Balikan ini dapat Bapak/Ibu Guru jadikan
it decided to return to the river when
sebagai masukan dalam memberi penilaian.
the crocodile was asleep.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai, sambil terus
In the same river, there also lived
memotivasi peserta didik agar selalu aktif dalam setiap
a shiny green toad. Whenever the
Complication crocodile swam across the river, the
toad hopped onto its back and enjoyed
Contoh jawaban:
a ride. onto its back and enjoy a ride.
Good morning, my friends. Do you know a story about how
Over time, the crocodile was annoyed
elephants get long trunks, while crocodiles and toads get dark
with giving free rides to the toad. It had
skin? Well, let me tell you the story.
tried to shake the toad off its back
A long time ago elephants had small trunks with stubbed
many times, but in vain.
noses. They lived in a forest.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 97

At that time, the earth did not rain for months. Of course, Indirect sentence : The crocodile shouted to the elephant
it made ponds and lakes begin to dry up. Streams also had very to go away; water was already scarce
little water. All the animals in the forest were very thirsty. They there; if the elephant started drinking,
desperately searched for a source of water. what would be left for the crocodile.
Well, there was a river near the forest, but there lived 8. Direct sentence : “Now, I shall get rid of you!” it cried at
a bright green crocodile. Other animals were afraid to drink in the the toad.
river. Surprisingly, an elephant decided to take a risk to go there. Indirect sentence : The crocodile cried at the toad that it
It walked slowly to reach the river, but the crocodile saw the should get rid of the toad then.
elephant and chased it away. Do you know what happened next? 9. Direct sentence : The crocodile cried, “How dare you
The elephant decided to return to the river when the crocodile drink from my river when you were told
was asleep. not to?”
There also lived a shiny green toad in the river. It liked to Indirect sentence : The crocodile cried to the elephant
hop on the crocodile’s back when the crocodile swam across the how dare the elephant drank from the
river. It actually annoyed the crocodile, but the crocodile always crocodile’s river when the crocodile
failed to shake the toad from its back. had been told not to.
One day, the crocodile was resting on a rock. The elephant 10. Direct sentence : The poor elephant cried, “Let go of me
had an opportunity to drink in the river, but unlucky for the ... please! Let go of me ... my nose
elephant. The toad disturbed the crocodile’s slumber. Then, the hurts!”
crocodile swam around the river and shoke its body violently and Indirect sentence : The poor elephant cried to let go of it;
cried, “Now, I shall get rid of you!” but the toad was unmoved. its nose hurt.
The crocodile suddenly noticed the elephant drinking in the
river. It was really angry and caught the elephant’s trunk and
began to pull it into the river. The poor elephant started to pull
back, crying, “Let go of me ... my nose hurts!”, but he crocodile
didn’t care. The elephants didn’t give up to pull its trunk. It could
Edit ten incorrect words in the following text so that the story
pull it out, but its nose became really long. It was really angry.
makes sense.
Then, it sucked all the water from the river. Then, it sucked mud
and sprayed it on the crocodile and toad.
Since then, elephants have had long trunks while crocodiles
and toads are not bright green anymore. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca teks
Well, we can learn from the story that we should not be dengan saksama.
stingy to others. That’s my story. Thank you. 2. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
menemukan 10 kata yang salah dalam teks. Bapak/Ibu
Guru memberi pengarahan ketidaktepatan kata tersebut
dapat berupa ketidaktepatan penulisan atau tata bahasa.
3. Peserta didik diminta membetulkan kata-kata tersebut.
4. Jika mengalami kesulitan, peserta didik dapat bertanya
Find at least ten direct sentences from the stories you have read kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru.
in this chapter. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban
Then, turn them into indirect sentences. bersama-sama.
Read your work aloud, in turns. 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberikan balikan dan nilai.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Direct sentence : “Please give us a child,” they asked Jawaban:
God every day. Once, there lived a man with his young (1) daughter named
Indirect sentence : They asked God every day to give Rizuki near a (2) seashore. Her mother passed away when she
them a child. was baby. They (3) kept a lovely cat to accompany Rizuki when
2. Direct sentence : “We will call this child ‘Issumboshi’,” her father went to sea to fish.
they said. One early morning, Rizuki was (4) awakened by her cat.
Indirect sentence : They said that they would call that It (5) meowed all times. Then, she approached the cat in front of
child ‘Issumboshi’. her house to see what happened. (6) The cat walked around
3. Direct sentence : “Eat a lot and grow up quickly,” digging the land. Rizuki noticed it and saw a black item.
Grandmother said. (7) She dug the land and found a locked box. She was very
Indirect sentence : Grandmother said to Issumboshi to (8) enthusiastic and brought the box home.
eat a lot and grow up quickly. Rizuki cleaned the box and (9) guessed what was in the
4. Direct sentence : “I’m going now,” Issumboshi said. box. She thought it was (10) treasure like gold. She imagined
Indirect sentence : Issumboshi said that he was going she would be a rich person. She dreamt that she would build
then. a big house, buy beautiful clothes and expensive jewelry.
5. Direct sentence : “Do you want me to hit your eyes,
too?” Issumboshi asked.
Indirect sentence : Issumboshi asked if the demon
wanted him to hit his eyes too.
6. Direct sentence : “Thank you, Issumboshi. You have
Continue the story in TASK 12 with your own version.
saved my life,” the Princess said.
Share your work with the class.
Indirect sentence : The Princess thanked Issumboshi; he
had saved her life.
7. Direct sentence : The crocodile shouted, “Go away!
Water is already scarce here. If you 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
start drinking, what will be left for me?” kembali cerita di TASK 12.

98 Issumboshi
Contoh jawaban:
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik melanjutkan Once there lived a man with his young daughter named
cerita tersebut sesuai dengan versinya sendiri. Peserta Rizuki near a seashore. Her mother passed away when she was
didik diharapkan menyelesaikan cerita tersebut dengan a baby. They kept a lovely cat to accompany Rizuki when her
pesan moral yang bagus. father went to sea to fish.
3. Dengan arahan dan bimbingan Bapak/Ibu Guru, peserta One early morning, Rizuki was awakened by her cat.
didik menulis cerita tersebut. It meowed all times. Then, she approached the cat in front of her
4. Setelah selesai, peserta didik menyerahkan hasil tulisan- house to see what happened. The cat walked around digging the
nya kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru dan meminta masukan. land. Rizuki noticed it and saw a black item. She dug the land
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi masukan pada hasil tulisan and found a locked box. She was very enthusiastic and brought
peserta didik, misalnya tentang pilihan kata, tenses-nya, the box home.
serta isi cerita. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menyampaikan Rizuki cleaned the box and guessed what was in the box.
masukan semacam ini secara klasikal apabila dianggap She thought it was treasure like gold. She imagined she would
kekurangan tersebut dilakukan oleh banyak peserta didik. be a rich person. She dreamt that she would build a big house,
6. Peserta didik memperbaiki tulisan mereka sesuai dengan buy beautiful clothes and expensive jewelry.
masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru. She hurriedly ran to get wire and tried to open the box. Her
7. Peserta didik menunjukkan hasil perbaikan kepada eyes opened widely to see the item in the box. She found a book.
Bapak/Ibu Guru. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi persetujuan She was really upset because it was not what she had expected.
jika tulisan mereka telah layak disampaikan di kelas. She threw it into the dustbin.
8. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk aktif When her father returned home, Rizuki told her father about
menyampaikan cerita mereka di depan kelas. her finding. Her father told her that the box was buried by her
9. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak sambil memperhatikan mother who asked him to give the book in her seventeenth
pelafalan, tekanan, dan intonasi temannya. Jika ada yang birthday. The book was written by her mother and it was about
kurang tepat, mereka diberi kesempatan untuk being a good woman. Her mother wished that Rizuki would read
menyampaikan gagasan mereka itu. the book and be a good woman.
10. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai dan Rizuki was very sad and cried. She ran to get the book. She
balikan, misalnya tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan realized that the book was actually a real treasure.
peserta didik terkait dengan kejelasan pengucapan,
keras-lembutnya suara, mimik wajah, dan gerak tubuh.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 99

Text structure:
• Orientation: introduces the main character of the story, place and time the story
happened. eat, go, walk, put, climb, yell, read, write,
Action verbs
• Complication: shows the problems that occur in the story. Narrative texts practice, jump
• Resolution: is the end of the story where the problems are solved.
• Reorientation/coda (optional): shows the comment of the writer or presents the
moral value of the story.


• When the direct speech is a statement.

Direct speech: “I’ll find mangoes for you,” said Udak.
Indirect speech: Udak said that he would find mangoes for his son.
• When the direct speech is a question.
Yes/No question:
Direct speech: “Do you want other fruits?” asked Udak.
Indirect speech: Udak asked his son if he wanted other fruits.
Direct speech: The father giant asked the mother giant, “What shall we do?”
Indirect speech: The father giant asked the mother giant what they should do. Direct and believe, consider, decide, dream, forget,
• When the direct speech is an imperative. indirect speech Thinking verbs forgive, imagine, notice, realize, remember
Direct speech: The mother giant replied, “Give him several mangoes and let him go.”
Indirect speech: The mother giant replied to give him several mangoes and let him go.
• When the direct speech is a prohibition.
Direct speech: “Don’t cry,” said Udak.
Indirect speech: Udak said to his son not to cry.
• When the direct speech is a greeting.
Direct speech: Yudi said, “Thank you.”
Indirect speech: Yudi thanked me.
Tape Script for Assessment

Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following monolog.

Once upon a time, there was a hill, called a three-years hill, in a small village. If a person fell down on this hill, he could only live
for three years.
One day, an old man climbed up the hill and saw a rabbit. He ran after the rabbit and fell down. He got sick because he thought he
could only live for three years. Later a little boy told him not to worry too much. The boy said, if he fell down on the hill, he could live for
three years, but if he fell down twice, he could live for six years. The old man went to the hill and just enjoyed climbing the hill. He fell
many times, but he was not worried.
Since then, he got cured and lived happily after.
We should not worry about making small mistakes.
Adopted from: (August 20, 2016)
1. What did the old man worry about?
2. How long would the old man live if he fell on the hill three times?

Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following monolog.

One night, it was raining. Roads were muddy and potholes were filled to the brim in the morning.
A farmer rode his cart along the country road to reach the market to sell his hay. On his journey suddenly the wheels of the horse
cart sank into a mire. When the horses pulled more, the wheels sank deeper. He searched all around, but he could not find a person to
help him. He didn’t make the slightest effort to get down and lift them up by himself. Instead, he started cursing his luck for what
Suddenly he heard a voice telling him if he thought he could move the cart by simply looking at it and whining about it. The farmer
was ashamed of himself. He got up and put his shoulder to the wheel and urged on the horses. Finally, the wheels were out of the mire.
Adopted from: (August 20, 2016)
3. What is the monolog about?
4. What happened to the cart?
5. How did the man solve his problem?

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. The dove climbed onto the tortoise and sat on the tortoise’s
Jawaban: shell as Burton swam. A few minutes passed and Rose began to
1. A 2. D 3. E 4. E 5. B whistle excitedly. “I see a red item over there,” it said. Burton
6. A 7. A 8. E 9. C 10. E flipped its tail and saved a lady bug beetle. It thanked and
11. E 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. E jumped onto Burton’s back, Torquil’s shell and Rose’s back and
16. B 17. E 18. C 19. A 20. D sat on it. A few minutes later, all four of them noticed a butterfly
on a branch of purple lilac flowers floating down the river towards
II. Write a story that inspires you. them. Burton swam closer again and saved the butterfly.
Burton found a small patch lie on. Soon all of them were
Contoh jawaban:
asleep. In the morning the river was back to its normal level. The
Burton, the beaver, was lying in soft black dirt along the
butterfly, lady bug beetle and dove thanked Burton and left
banks of a river to enjoy the surrounding.
Burton and Torquil. “I suppose you are leaving too!” Burton said,
Suddenly a wall of muddy water sloshed over the top of it.
looking up at the tortoise. Torquil thought about it for a few
It looked around and noticed that the river had flooded. Burton
moments. “I quite like it up here on your back. The view is great
spotted a tortoise struggling in the water, then dived under the
and I feel very safe.” It added, “May I stay? I can help you build
water to help it. “Thanks,” the tortoise said gratefully. “My name is
a lodge or two from branches and sticks.” Burton smiled a huge
Torquil. I nearly drowned. What happened?”
beaver smile.
“The river flooded again. Now hold on tight. We’ll swim along
The beaver, with the tortoise on its back, swam off as the
with the flow,” Burton told the tortoise. Torquil sat on the Burton’s
sun began to shine brightly on the calm river water.
back. Burton flipped its long tail back and forth and continued up Adopted from: (August
the river. Torquil looked a dove in the flood. Burton swam closer 18, 2016)
and saved it. “Thank you for rescuing me.” It said, “My name is

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 101

Read the following text.
Choose one character from the story and act as the character.
Relate the story from your point of view.

Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan speaking skill dan keberanian peserta didik dalam berbicara.
1. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami teks dengan saksama.
2. Peserta didik memilih salah satu tokoh dalam cerita yang ia sukai, Amelia atau laba-laba.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menceritakan kembali cerita tersebut dari sudut pandang peserta didik sebagai
salah satu tokoh dalam cerita tersebut.
4. Peserta didik membuat draf teks dengan menggunakan kata-kata mereka sendiri dan kemudian meminta masukan Bapak/
Ibu Guru.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi masukan sesuai dengan hasil tulisan peserta didik, misalnya tentang pilihan kata dan tenses-
nya. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menyampaikan masukan semacam ini secara klasikal apabila dianggap kekurangan tersebut
dilakukan oleh banyak peserta didik.
6. Peserta didik memperbaiki tulisan mereka sesuai dengan masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru.
7. Peserta didik menunjukkan hasil perbaikan kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi persetujuan jika tulisan
mereka telah layak disampaikan di depan kelas.
8. Peserta didik tunjuk jari dan menyampaikan teks hasil gubahan mereka di depan kelas secara bergiliran.
9. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak sambil memperhatikan pelafalan, tekanan, dan intonasi temannya. Jika ada yang kurang
tepat, mereka diberi kesempatan untuk menyampaikan gagasan mereka.
10. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.

The Girl and the Spider

Once, there lived a beautiful girl named Amelia.
One day, Amelia was climbing the stairs to the attic to play with her toys. Alas! Her frock, made out of muslin cloth, was torn
by a sharp nail. When Amelia saw the torn hem of her favorite frock, she became very sad. She kept crying for a long time.
Hearing her sobs, a spider who was busy weaving his web, came out. It asked, “What makes such a beautiful girl sad?”
Amelia looked at it, sobbed and said, “My lovely frock is torn. I am very sad.”
The spider smiled and said, “Look at me! I work so hard weaving my web. It takes hours and hours to create my home and
only a second for it to be destroyed. I had made my home only yesterday. It was swept away by your maid this morning. I was also
very sad. Then I thought, instead of being sad, I should start weaving my home, again. So, stop crying now. Mend your frock,
instead. That way, your precious tears won’t be wasted.”
Adopted from: (August 19, 2016)
Contoh jawaban:
Good morning, my friends. I am Amelia. I would like to tell you my story with a spider.
One day, I was walking up to the balcony to play with my dolls. I was careless. When I was walking up the stairs, my dress
was torn by a sharp nail. I was very upset and cried knowing my lovely dress torn.
A spider heard my sobs and approached me. It asked me what had happened and I explained. The spider tried to calm me
down by saying, “Look at that web. It’s my home. I just finished weaving it. You know, I work so hard in weaving my web. It takes
hours and hours to create my home. You know what. Your maid destroyed it only in a second. I was very sad, but I must not sink in
a deep sorrow. So, I started weaving a new web. I do it again and again when a person destroys my home. So, please stop crying.
Don’t waste your tears. Ask your mother to mend your dress. I’m sure she will understand and won’t be angry.”
After hearing the spider’s advice, I stood up and smiled. I said, “Thank you, Spider. You have opened my mind. On the other
hand, you should forgive me when my maid destroyed your web in order to keep my house clean.”
Since then, I never wasted my time in thinking of what is lost.
That’s my story. Thank you.

102 Issumboshi
Setelah mempelajari chapter ini, peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang
legenda rakyat; cara menyampaikan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya; cara menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan
komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya; cara menggunakan adverbs of time dalam kalimat berbentuk simple past
2. terampil:
menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang
legenda rakyat; menyampaikan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya; menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan
komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya; menggunakan adverbs of time dalam kalimat berbentuk simple past
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar internasional;
2. menghargai perilaku jujur, bekerja sama, dan santun dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Narrative texts


Adverbs of time in simple
past tense

Discuss, listen and repeat,

ask and answer questions,
rewrite a story, find the
meanings of the words,
complete the sentences/
Questions chart, read the text, listen
Malin Kundang and answer, answer the
questions, identify
mispelled words, make
Skills a drama script and
perform, make an outline
Assessment and develop it into a text.

Identify, write sentences

Browsing the
Internet Theory about adverbs of
Tasks time in simple past tense

Rewrite a story

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 103

Source:, downloaded August 15, 2016

When you see the above picture, what comes into your mind? Do you think it is an ordinary stone? If you look at it
carefully, you will find that it has a special shape. It is usually called batu Malin Kundang, taken from a very famous Indonesian
Malin Kundang is an example of a narrative text. In this chapter you will learn more about narrative texts.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar dan menjelaskan gagasan mereka tentang gambar tersebut.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami kalimat-kalimat pertanyaan di bawah gambar dan menjawab
pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut. (Contoh jawaban: The picture reminds me of the folktale of Malin Kundang).
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menceritakan legenda rakyat tersebut secara singkat dalam bahasa Inggris.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan kepada peserta didik bahwa di chapter ini mereka akan mempelajari teks naratif, khususnya
cerita rakyat, dan memotivasi mereka agar aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran.

104 Malin Kundang

You : Yes, it did. Malin Kundang became a rich merchant
and had a lot of crew.
Your friend : It’s your turn, please.
You : Why did Malin Kundang feel ashamed of his mother?
Look at the following pairs of pictures. Your friend : Because his mother was poor and ugly.
Do you know who or where the stories come from? You : All right. Your question, please.
Discuss with your classmates. Your friend : Why did Malin Kundang’s mother curse him into
a stone?
You : Because he was disobedient.
1. Untuk memulai kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta
peserta didik menyebutkan cerita rakyat di Indonesia serta
daerah asal cerita tersebut.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat meminta beberapa peserta didik
menceritakan cerita rakyat tersebut secara singkat dalam
bahasa Inggris. Retell the story of Malin Kundang based on one of the characters’
3. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik points of view, such as Malin Kundang’s mother, the merchant, etc.
mengamati gambar-gambar berikut.
4. Peser ta didik diminta menyebutkan cerita yang
ditampilkan dalam gambar serta daerah asal cerita
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
kembali cerita Malin Kundang serta karakter-karakter
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan penilaian atas
dalam cerita tersebut.
jawaban peserta didik.
2. Setiap peser ta didik mempersiapkan diri untuk
menceritakan kembali cerita tersebut dari sudut pandang
salah satu tokoh cerita.
1. The pictures depict the story of Malin Kundang. It is
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik tunjuk jari dan
a folktale from West Sumatra.
menyampaikan cerita yang mereka buat.
2. The pictures depict the story of La Upe. It is a folktale from
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.
South Sulawesi.
Contoh jawaban:
Good afternoon. I’d like to tell you the story of my son, Malin
Kundang. I hope you can learn a moral value from the story.
I had a son named Malin Kundang. We lived in poor
Work in pairs. because my husband died since he was a baby. Actually he was
Ask and answer questions based on the story in TASK 2. obedient and hardworking. He often helped me catch fish in the
One day, my son saw a band of pirates raiding a merchant’s
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik mencari ship. My son helped the merchant defeat the pirates. To show his
pasangan. gratitude, the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta tiap pasangan memahami Since then, Malin Kundang left me behind, to pursue a better life.
kembali cerita Malin Kundang. You know, living alone was not comfortable. Every day and
3. Tiap-tiap pasangan melakukan tanya jawab tentang isi every night I always thought about my son. I didn’t know how and
teks dengan menggunakan tense yang sesuai (simple where he was. Years passed and one day I heard news from my
past tense). neighbor that my son’s ship landed on a harbor near my village.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa pasangan peserta I was very happy and went to meet him hurriedly.
didik melakukan tanya jawab di depan kelas. On the coast I saw a very big and beautiful ship, with
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan yang kurang tepat a young man and a beautiful lady in it. Yeah! It was my son and
dan memotivasi peser ta didik agar aktif dalam the woman must be his wife. I approached him and wanted to
memeragakan percakapan. hug him, but I was very disappointed. He didn’t recognize me,
even denied that I was her mother.
Contoh jawaban: I was very angry hearing that. I prayed to God to punish him.
You : Where did Malin Kundang and his family live? Suddenly, there was a thunder and my son turned into a stone!
Your friend : In a small village near a beach in West Sumatra. That’s a reward for a disobedient son.
You : Corect! Now, it’s your turn, please.
Your friend : O.K. When did Malin Kundang’s father pass away?
You : When Malin Kundang was a baby.
Your friend : That’s right! Your question, please.
You : What was Malin Kundang like previously?
Read the following words in proper pronunciation.
Your friend : He was healthy, dilligent and strong.
Then, find their meanings.
You : It’s your turn now.
Your friend : What did Malin Kundang do for his and his Jawaban:
mother’s survival? 1. kolam 2. mengabaikan
You : He caught fish. 3. tabib 4. dayang-dayang
Your friend : Your turn, please. 5. takut 6. jernih
You : What did Malin Kundang hope when he received 7. gelisah, resah 8. sekarat
a merchant’s offer to sail? 9. pantas 10. menyesal
Your friend : He hoped to get a better life.
You : Correct! Now, it’s your turn to give me a question.
Your friend : Did Malin Kundang’s dream come true? How do
you know?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 105

1. It’s about the legend of lotus, folklore from West Java.
2. Swimming in a pond for hours.
3. Flowers in a pond in a forest.
Complete the following sentences with the suitable words from
4. The princess (Dewi Arum).
5. She neglected her duty of picking flowers.
You may change the forms of the words if necessary.
6. She turned into a lotus.
Jawaban: 7. By lotus which is a manifestation of Dewi Arum.
1. clear 2. healer 8. She would not turn into a flower growing in water (lotus).
3. pond 4. ladies-in-waiting
5. neglect 6. scared
7. regretted 8. deserved

Work in pairs.
Discuss the answers of the following questions.
Listen to the questions. 1. It happened a long time ago in West Java.
Then, answer the questions based on the text in TASK 7. 2. Prabu Ranubahu, his daughter named Dewi Arum and the
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu princess’ ladies-in-waiting.
Guru: 3. Dewi Arum had a strange habit, i.e. swimming in a pond for
1. What is the text about? hours.
2. What was Dewi Arum’s habit? 4. People suffered from illness and nobody could cure them,
3. According to the king’s dream, what was the cure for except by flowers in a pond in a forest that was picked by
people’s illnesses? Dewi Arum, the princess.
4. Who should find the cure? 5. After finding a pond in the forest, Dewi Arum swam for hours
5. Why was the king angry at Dewi Arum after meeting her in and neglected her duty of picking the flowers.
a forest? 6. The climax is that Dewi Arum turned into a lotus.
6. What happened to Dewi Arum finally? 7. Yes, there is. The resolution is that the lotus (as
7. How were people cured? a manifestation of Dewi Arum) could finally cure people’s
8. What would happen if Dewi Arum didn’t ignore her duty of illness.
picking the flowers? 8. We should obey our parents’ advice and do not neglect our

Write the result of your discussion in TASK 9 in the following chart.

Contoh jawaban:
Part of the Text Purpose Summary from the Text

Orientation Gives the readers • There was a kingdom named Umbul Wening.
information about who were • The king was Prabu Ranubahu and he had a very beautiful daughter
involved, what happened, named Dewi Arum.
where it happened and when • Dewi Arum had a strange habit, i.e. swimming in a pond. She could
it occurred. spend hours swimming and forgot everything.
• The king often got angry because of her habit.

Complication Shows the beginning of the • Many people in the kingdom suffered from a terrible illness.
conflict in the story. • The palace healer was unable to cure them.
• The king prayed to god.
• When he was sleeping, he had a dream. An old man told him that
the illness could be healed with flowers in a pond in a forest and
only Dewi Arum who had to pick the flowers.

Sequence of Events Shows how the story • The king immediately called the princess and asked her to pick the
develops after the conflict. flowers.
• After going through a very difficult journey, the princess arrived in
the forest and found the pond.
• The princess was amazed by the beauty of the pond. She swam for
hours and forgot her main duty.
• The king arrived at the pond and was angry seeing the princess
• The king cursed the princess that she deserved to live in the pond.
• The princess sank into the pond and turned into a beautiful flower.

Resolution Gives the solution to the • The king brought the flower to the palace and everybody was cured.

106 Malin Kundang

Part of the Text Purpose Summary from the Text

Reorientation/Coda Describes how the • People named the flower lotus. It grew in water as Dewi Arum spent
characters have changed hours swimming.
and exactly what they • It’s important for us to obey our parents’ advice and do our duties.
learned from the experience,
or the moral message of the

Since then, people named the lake Toba. Meanwhile, the

hill became an island in the middle of the lake and it was
named Samosir Island.
Above all, the story tells us that we should keep our promises.
TASK 1 Adapted from:
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow. (August 13, 2016)

Once upon a time, there lived a young farmer on fertile Questions:

land in North Sumatra named Toba. He lived on a valley, with 1. What is the story about?
a river nearby. 2. What did Toba do?
One day, he felt like eating fish so he went fishing at the 3. Where did he fish one day?
river. He had fished for a long time, but he didn’t catch any 4. What did Toba do to the fish he caught?
fish. Therefore, he decided to return home. However, 5. What happened next?
suddenly his hook caught a big fish. The fish begged him to 6. What was the young woman’s requirement before
set it free. Toba was very surprised knowing that the fish getting married to Toba?
could talk! 7. What was Samosir like?
Toba agreed to the fish’s demand. He returned the fish 8. Why was Sam’s father angry with him?
to the river, but suddenly the fish changed into a beautiful 9. What did Toba say to his son?
young woman. She thanked Toba and was willing to be 10. Why was Sam’s mother sad and angry?
Toba’s wife, to show her gratitude.
“Toba, I am willing to be your wife. However, you should TASK 2
keep the secret that I was once a fish. You should not tell Work in pairs.
anyone about it,” said the fish. Discuss the answers of the following questions, based on the
“O.K., I’ll keep my promise,” agreed Toba. text in TASK 1.
Not long after, they got married and the woman 1. Where and when did the story take place?
delivered a baby boy named Samosir. Toba and his wife were 2. Who were involved in the story?
very happy. They gave Samosir whatever he wanted so he 3. What event started the plot of the story?
became spoilt. He also grew up with a great appetite. He ate 4. What happened next?
all the food on the table. 5. What caused the problem, to make the story more
One day, Toba worked at his rice field. His wife cooked complicated?
and told Samosir, “Sam, take this food to your father. In 6. What is the climax of the story?
a hurry, please. It is lunch time and he will be waiting for you.” 7. Is there any resolution to the story? What is it?
“Yes, Mom,” answered Sam. 8. What is the conclusion or message of the story?
On the way to the rice field, Sam was tempted and ate
all the food, then continued his walk to the rice field. On his TASK 3
arrival at the field, his father had been waiting for him. He Write the result of your discussion in TASK 2 in the following
was very hungry and grabbed the food container. However, table.
he was very disappointed to see the food container empty.
He was very angry when his son admitted that he had eaten Part of the Text Summary from the Text
all the food.
“How could you eat all the food? Ugh … you’re the real Orientation
son of a fish,” said Toba angrily.
Sam cried and returned home. Arriving home, he told
his mother about what had happened.
“Mom, Dad told me that I am a fish’s son. Is that true?” Complication
asked Sam.
The woman was very surprised and angry. She didn’t
think that her husband would break his promise.
“My dear son, don’t think too much about it. Now, please Sequence of Events
go to the top of the hill and climb the tallest tree. A bad
occurrence will happen here,” said his mother.
Sam did what his mother ordered. He went to a hill and
climbed the tallest tree. In her house, the woman cried Resolution
bitterly. Then, she decided to leave home. She hurriedly went
to the river where she met her husband initially, then
Suddenly, the sky turned black. Thunder roared and Reorientation/Coda
lightning flashed amongst the clouds and heavy rain fell onto
the land. The rain was continuously heavy. The land began to
flood and turned into a lake.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 107

Jawaban: Part of the Text Summary from the Text
1. How Lake Toba was formed. Sequence of Events • Sam cried and returned
2. He was a farmer. home, told his mother about
3. At a river. what had happened.
4. He returned it into the river. • The woman was very
5. The fish changed into a young woman and was willing to surprised and angry. She
be Toba’s wife. didn’t think that her husband
6. He should not tell anyone that his wife was once a fish. would break his promise.
7. He was spoilt and had a great appetite. • She asked her son to go to
8. Because he had eaten all his father’s food. the top of the hill and climb
9. That he was a fish’s son. the tallest tree.
10. Because Toba broke his promise not to tell anyone that • The woman cried bitterly and
she was once a fish. hurriedly went to the river
where she met her husband
TASK 2 initially and disappeared.
1. On fertile land in North Sumatra, a long time ago.
2. Toba, his wife who was once a fish and his son named Resolution • The sky turned black.
Samosir. Thunder roared and lightning
3. Toba fished at a river and caught a talking fish. flashed amongst the clouds
4. The talking fish turned into a young woman and became and heavy rain fell onto the
Toba’s wife. land.
5. Samosir (Toba’s son) ate all his father’s food. • The rain was very heavy. The
6. Toba was very angry with Samosir and told his son that land began to flood and it
he was a fish’s son. turned into a lake.
7. Yes, there is. The resolution is the land finally turned into
a lake (Lake Toba) with an island (Samosir island) in the Reorientation/Coda • People named the lake Toba.
middle of the lake. The hill became an island in
8. We should keep our promises. the middle of the lake and it
TASK 3 was named Samosir Island.
• The story tells us that we
Part of the Text Summary from the Text
should keep our promises.
Orientation • Once upon a time there lived
a young farmer on fertile land
in North Sumatra named
• One day, he went fishing at
a river. Suddenly his hook
caught a big fish. The fish
Work in groups of three.
could talk and begged him to
Find ten misspelled words and grammatical errors in the
set it free.
following text.
• Toba returned the fish into
Then, correct them.
the river and it changed into
a beautiful young woman.
She was willing to be Toba’s
wife, but he should keep the 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara
secret that she was once berkelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas tiga peserta
a fish. didik.
• The woman delivered a baby 2. Setiap kelompok memahami teks berikut dan
boy named Samosir. He mengidentifikasi kata-kata yang salah ejaan maupun tata
became spoilt and grew up bahasanya, kemudian mengoreksinya.
with a great appetite. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta setiap kelompok menyebutkan
jawaban mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik yang
Complication • One day, Toba worked at his lain menyimak. Apabila memiliki jawaban yang berbeda,
rice field. His wife cooked kelompok lain dapat mengemukakan jawabannya.
and told Samosir to bring 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban
lunch for his father. bersama-sama.
• On the way to the rice field,
Sam was tempted and ate all Jawaban:
the food. A long time ago, there (1) lived La Upe with his father and
• Toba was very disappointed stepmother. (2) Actually La Upe was a good son, but his
to see the food container stepmother didn’t like him. Every time he failed to do an activity,
empty. He was very angry to his stepmother would hit him.
his son and said that he was One day, his stepmother asked La Upe to go fishing. She
the son of a fish. wanted to cook fish for dinner. Soon La Upe went to the river,
bringing his fishing rod. He had been in the river for hours, but he
still did not catch any fish. He was (3) restless.

108 Malin Kundang

Suddenly, he felt his fishing rod caught an item. Yes! He
caught a big fish! Surprisingly, the fish talked to La Upe, “Please
let me (4) go. I am the king of fish. If you let me go, I will give you
power. You can do whatever you want.”
“Really?” asked La Upe. Underline the adverbs of time in the text in TASK 11.
“Yes. You only need to say, ‘By the God’s mercy,’” replied the Jawaban:
fish. A long time ago, there lived La Upe with his father and
Then, La Upe released the fish. The fish swam and slowly stepmother. Actually La Upe was a good son, but his stepmother
disappeared. didn’t like him. Every time he failed to do an activity, his
When he had arrived home, his stepmother asked, “Where’s stepmother would hit him.
the fish?” One day, his stepmother asked La Upe to go fishing. She
“I caught a big fish, but I (5) released it to the river,” said La wanted to cook fish for dinner. Soon La Upe went to the river,
Upe. bringing his fishing rod. He had been in the river for hours, but he
“You, what?” his stepmother was so furious. still did not catch any fish. He was restless.
La Upe remained silent, but when his mother would hit him, Suddenly, he felt his fishing rod caught an item. Yes! He
he used the power given by the king of fish. He hoped his caught a big fish! Surprisingly, the fish talked to La Upe, “Please
stepmother treat him well so he said, “Let my stepmother get let me go. I am the king of fish. If you let me go, I will give you
stuck to the door by the God’s mercy!” power. You can do whatever you want.”
Amazingly, his stepmother was (6) stuck to the door and “Really?” asked La Upe.
could not move. It seemed that she was glued at the door. His “Yes. You only need to say, ‘By the God’s mercy,’” said the
stepmother cried, “Please help me, La Upe. I promise, I will be fish.
good to you.” Then, La Upe released the fish. The fish swam and slowly
La Upe smiled, “I will help you, but remember, you have to disappeared.
keep your promise.” When he had arrived home, his stepmother asked, “Where’s
Then, he spelled, “Let my stepmother free by the God’s mercy.” the fish?”
After that, his stepmother was free. She was so grateful and “I caught a big fish, but I released it back to the river,” replied
as her promise, she treated La Upe very well. La Upe.
A few days later, the king made (7) an announcement. The “You, what?” his stepmother was so furious.
(8) princess was ill and the palace healer could not cure her. La Upe remained silent, but when his stepmother would hit
The king told his people that if a man could cure his daughter, him, he used the power given by the king of fish. He hoped his
he could be his son-in-law. stepmother treat him well, so he said, “Let my stepmother get
Hearing the announcement, La Upe went to the palace, to stuck to the door by the God’s mercy!”
heal the princess. Sitting near the princess, La Upe uttered, “Let Amazingly, his stepmother was stuck to the door and could
the princess recover by the God’s mercy!” not move. It seemed that she was glued at the door. His
Amazingly, the princess was healed! The king was very stepmother cried, “Please help me, La Upe. I promise, I will be
(9) delighted and asked, “Thank you very much. May I know good to you.”
how you could heal my daughter?” La Upe smiled, “I will help you, but remember, you have to
La Upe told the king about his family and the king of fish. keep your promise.”
The king was so (10) touched and said, “l think you will be Then, he spelled, “Let my stepmother free by the God’s
a good husband for my daughter.” mercy.”
Then, the king held a great wedding party for La Upe and After that, his stepmother was free. She was so grateful and
his daughter. Years later, the king died and as her promise, she treated La Upe very well.
La Upe became the new king. He led the kingdom wisely so that A few days later, the king made an announcement. The
people lived happily and peacefully. princess was ill and the palace healer could not cure her. The
king told his people that if a man could cure his daughter, he
could be his son-in-law.
Hearing the announcement, La Upe went to the palace, to
heal the princess. Sitting near the princess, La Upe uttered, “Let
the princess recover by the God’s mercy!”
Answer the following questions based on the story in TASK 11. Amazingly, the princess was healed! The king was very
Jawaban: delighted and asked, “Thank you very much. May I know how
1. He was a good boy. you could heal my daughter?”
2. When he failed to do an activity. La Upe told the king about his family and the king of fish.
3. When he fished at a river. The king was so touched and said, “l think you will be a good
4. Because he had released it. husband for my daughter.”
5. She was very angry. Then, the king held a great wedding party for La Upe and
6. She was stuck to the door due to La Upe’s spell. his daughter. Years later, the king died and La Upe became the
7. The princess. new king. He led the kingdom wisely so that people lived happily
8. By saying, “Let the princess be healed by the God’s mercy!” and peacefully.
9. She was married to the princess and became the new king.
10. We should behave well and we will receive good rewards.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 109

Complete the following statements based on the complete
text in TASK 1.
Write your own sentences using the adverbs of time you have 1. The story is about
found in the text in TASK 11. _________________________________________.
Contoh jawaban: 2. Sura was
1. A long time ago, there lived a poor woman and her son. a ________________________________________.
2. Soon, the old woman put the fish into a jar. 3. Sura and Baya became greedy when
3. One day, a mouse was trapped in a net. _________________________________________.
4. Suddenly, a strange item fell from the sky. 4. To avoid quarrels, Sura and Baya had an agreement to
5. Then, the prince turned into a frog. ____________________________________.
6. When he had arrived home, Andra looked for his cat. 5. After the agreement, Sura and Baya quarreled again
7. After that spell, the prince turned into a frog. because _______________________________.
8. Few days, the boy sailed abroad. 6. Baya was angry with Sura because it thought that Sura
9. Years later, all people in the kingdom lived peacefully and ____________________________________.
prosperously. 7. The sentence “It’s no use to fight anymore.” implies that
8. We can learn from the story that

Underline the adverbs of time in the text in TASK 1.
Complete the following text with the correct words from the box. TASK 4
Write your own sentences using the adverbs of time you
a. secretly b. defend c. agreement have found in TASK 3.
d. powerful e. fought f. peace
g. symbol h. greedy i. contain Jawaban:
j. cheated TASK 1
1. h 2. c 3. f 4. a
Once upon a time, there lived a shark named Sura and 5. i 6. d 7. b 8. g
a crocodile named Baya. They lived in the eastern part of TASK 2
Java. They were friends, but they often competed for food. If 1. the origin of Surabaya’s name
they were hungry, they would be ferocious and (1) ________. 2. shark
One day, they found a buffalo and fought to have it. 3. they were hungry
Neither of them was willing to surrender, so the fighting 4. share the territory (Sura lived in the sea/water and Baya
lasted for a long time. Feeling tired, they stopped fighting. lived on land)
“Let’s stop fighting and make an (2) ________. I will stay 5. Sura looked for food in the river which was claimed by
on land and you will stay in water. We should stay and search Baya as its territory
for food in our own territory,” said Baya. 6. broke its promise
“O.K. I agree with you,” replied Sura. 7. (Contoh jawaban): It is better to stop fighting.
After that, they lived in (3) ________. They never fought 8. (Contoh jawaban): We should not be greedy.
for food any longer.
One day, Sura could not find food in the sea, so it
Once upon a time, there lived a shark named Sura and
(4) ________ looked for it in a river. Baya knew that and it
a crocodile named Baya. They lived in the eastern part of
was very angry because the river belonged to its territory,
Java. They were friends, but they often competed for food.
on land.
If they were hungry, they would be ferocious and greedy.
“Hi, Sura. Why didn’t you keep your promise? You should
One day, they found a buffalo and fought to have it.
look for food in the sea. We have made an agreement that we
Neither of them was willing to surrender, so the fighting
will look for food in our own territory, right?” asked Baya.
lasted for a long time. Feeling tired, they stopped fighting.
“You said that my territory was in water. Doesn’t a river
“Let’s stop fighting and make an agreement. I will stay
(5) ________ water too? It means that I can search for food
on land and you will stay in water. We should stay and search
in the river,” answered Sura.
for food in our own territory,” said Baya.
“That’s nonsense. The river consists of water, but it is on
“O.K. I agree with you,” replied Sura.
land, so you should stay away from the river. Otherwise, I’ll
After that, they lived in peace. They never fought for food
chase you from here, meaning that we will fight,” said Baya
any longer.
One day, Sura could not find food in the sea, so it
“That’s not a big problem. Let’s see who is more
secretly looked for it in a river. Baya knew that and it was
(6) ________,” replied Sura arrogantly.
very angry because the river belonged to its territory, on
Afterwards, Sura and Baya fought. Feeling tired, they
stopped their fighting. It’s no use to fight anymore. Finally,
“Hi, Sura. Why didn’t you keep your promise? You should
Sura decided to return to the sea. Meanwhile, Baya was
look for food in the sea. We have made an agreement that we
satisfied since it could (7) ________ its territory.
will look for food in our own territory, right?” asked Baya.
Since that day, the area was called Surabaya. The
“You said that my territory was in water. Doesn’t a river
picture of Sura and Baya’s fight is used as the
contain water too? It means that I can search for food in the
(8) ________ of Surabaya municipality.
Adapted from:
river,” answered Sura.
surabaya-city.html (September 19, 2014)

110 Malin Kundang

(Arriving home)
“That’s nonsense. The river consists of water, but it is on Stepmother : La Upe, where’s the fish? Didn’t you catch any
land, so you should stay away from the river. Otherwise, I’ll fish at all?
chase you from here, meaning that we will fight,” said Baya La Upe : Actually I caught a big fish, but I released it.
angrily. Stepmother : You, what? What a useless and disobedient son!
“That’s not a big problem. Let’s see who is more I should punish you.
powerful,” replied Sura arrogantly. La Upe : Let my stepmother get stuck to the door by the
Afterwards, Sura and Baya fought. Feeling tired, they power of the king of fish!
stopped their fighting. It’s no use to fight anymore. Finally, Stepmother : Oh, no. … Please help me, La Upe! I promise,
Sura decided to return to the sea. Meanwhile, Baya was I will be good to you.
satisfied since it could defend its territory. La Upe : I will help you now, but remember, you have to
Since then, the area was called Surabaya. The picture of keep your promise.
Sura and Baya’s fight is used as the symbol of Surabaya Stepmother : Sure. Please forgive all my mistakes.
municipality. La Upe : O.K. Let my stepmother free by the power of the
TASK 4 (Contoh jawaban) king of fish.
1. Once upon a time, there lived a king and queen without Stepmother : Thanks, La Upe.
a child.
2. One day, Bawang Putih went to a river to wash many (A few days later)
clothes. La Upe : Mother, I heard the princess is sick. I’d like to go
3. After that, the fairy changed Cinderella’s cat into a horse. to the palace, to cure her.
4. Afterwards, the dwarfs asked Snow White to stay home. Stepmother : Good luck, my son! I’ll pray for you.
5. Finally, the frog prince found its true love. La Upe : Thank you, Mother.
6. Since then, people called the place Simalungun. (Arriving at the palace)
King : What are you going to do here, young man?
La Upe : I am La Upe and I’d like to cure the princess, Your
King : Are you sure? Many people failed.
La Upe : Let me try, Your Majesty. I’ll try my best for the
Work in groups. princess to recover.
Make a short drama performance based on the story in TASK 11. King : Alright. I’ll give you a chance.
Then, perform the drama. La Upe : Thanks. Let the princess be healed by the power
of the king of fish!
(The princess was recovered)
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membentuk King : My dear daughter, what are you feeling now?
kelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas lima peserta didik. Princess : Thank God. I am fine now, Father. Who has cured
2. Masing-masing kelompok memahami kembali isi cerita me?
di TASK 11 dan mengamati tokoh-tokoh yang ada. King : This young man La Upe. We should thank him for
3. Setiap kelompok membuat drama pendek berdasarkan your recovery.
cerita dalam teks tersebut dan membagi anggota menjadi Princess : Thank you, La Upe. I don’t know what would
karakter-karakter dalam cerita. happen to me if you didn’t cure me.
4. Setiap kelompok dapat mengonsultasikan drama yang La Upe : You’re welcome, Princess. It’s my duty to cure you.
mereka buat kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. King : Anyway, may I know how you could heal my
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta setiap kelompok memeragakan daughter, La Upe?
percakapan yang mereka buat dan direkam melalui video. La Upe : It’s a long story, Your Majesty. One day, I caught
Ini akan menjadi portofolio peserta didik. a big fish. Surprisingly, the fish could talk and
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan, intonasi, gestur, asked me to release it. As a result, I was given
dan mimik wajah peserta didik, serta memberi penilaian the power of spell ‘By the power of the king of
atas penampilan mereka. fish.’
King : Hmm … you’re really a good boy! l think you will
Contoh jawaban: also be a good husband for my daughter.
Stepmother : La Upe, I’d like to cook fish for dinner. Now go to I will prepare for your wedding party and you will
the river and catch fish. be the next king.
La Upe : Yes, Mother. La Upe : Thank you, Your Majesty.

(At the river)

La Upe : O, gosh! I have been here for hours, but I haven’t
caught any fish. Mother will punish me ….
Write an outline of a story.
La Upe : Oops! I think I am catching a fish. It must be a big
Use the following guidance.
fish. It’s very heavy. Gotcha!
The fish : Please let me go, young man …. Contoh jawaban:
La Upe : Hey, you can talk like a human, the big fish? 1. The story took place in Minahasa.
The fish : Yes. Please let me go. I am the king of fish. If you 2. The characters of the story were Nondo and his grandfather.
let me go, I will give you power. You can do 3. The story started when Nondo intended to join his grandfa-
whatever you want. ther in a forest, but his grandfather refused.
La Upe : Really? 4. After that, Nondo insisted to go to the forest with his
The fish : Yes. You only need to say, ‘By the power of the grandfather.
king of fish.’
La Upe : O.K. I’ll release you.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 111

5. The problem became more complicated when Nondo’s very happy looking at the animals and ignored his grandfather’s
grandfather allowed Nondo to go to the forest with him. He warning.
told Nondo to be near him, but Nondo didn’t listen to him. Soon, Nondo was lost and separated from his grandfather in
6. The climax of the story was Nondo went to the forest with the forest.
his grandfather, but then he got lost and changed into a bird. “Grandpa! Grandpa! Where are you? Grandpa, don’t leave
7. The resolution of the story was that Nondo’s grandfather me here,” Nondo screamed.
could not find Nondo because Nondo had changed into Slowly, darkness covered the forest. Nondo was really
a bird. scared. The sounds of the animals reallyfrightened him. He kept
8. The conclusion or message of the story is that we should be on calling his grandfather. To his surprise, he changed into a bird.
obedient. He realized that it was the result of his disobedience to his
grandfather. Meanwhile, the grandfather just realized that his
grandson was lost. He looked for Nondo and called out his name,
but still he could not find Nondo. The grandfather was really sad.
He regretted allowing Nondo to join him. The grandfather decided
to return home. He hoped Nondo would have already arrived
Develop the outline you have written in TASK 16 into a narrative home. Unfortunately, Nondo was not home yet.
text. In the morning, the grandfather went to the forest again. He
wanted to find Nondo. When he arrived in the forest, he saw
a bird. The bird made a strange sound, “Moo poo … Moo poo ….”
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami The grandfather was really curious. He never heard a bird
kembali outline tentang cerita yang telah dibuatnya di make a sound like that. He looked at the bird carefully and again
TASK 16. the bird said, “Moo poo ….”
2. Selanjutnya, peser ta didik membuat teks naratif Then, he felt very strange. He felt that the bird said, “Opoku
berdasarkan outline tersebut. … Opoku ….” which meant “My grandpa … My grandpa ….”
3. Setelah selesai menulis, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta Being really curious, he approached the bird. He was very
peserta didik membacakan tulisan yang mereka buat. surprised because the bird had a limp.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyimak dan memberi balikan positif The grandfather cried. He remembered his grandson. He
kepada peser ta didik yang berani membacakan was sure that his grandson had changed into a bird.
tulisannya. Peserta didik memperbaiki tulisannya sesuai Since then, people named the bird the Moopoo bird. It can
masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru. be found in Minahasa, North Sulawesi.
5. Peserta didik mengumpulkan tulisan mereka kepada Adopted from:
bird.html (July 20, 2016)
Bapak/Ibu Guru dan Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai
tulisan-tulisan tersebut.

Contoh jawaban:
The Legend of Moopoo Bird
(Folklore from North Sulawesi) Homework
Think of a folktale from Indonesia.
A long time ago in Minahasa lived an old man with his
Rewrite the story based on one character’s point of view.
grandson named Nondo. The old man loved Nondo very much as
Add illustrations if you need.
he was nice and diligent. When his grandfather went to a forest
to collect firewood, Nondo stayed at home. He always did the Contoh jawaban:
household chores. Let me introduce myself. I am Samosir, Mr. Toba’s son, and
Nondo always wanted to join his grandfather in the forest. I’d like to tell you about my father’s story.
However, his grandfather did not allow him because he had Mr. Toba, my father, was a farmer on fertile land in North
a limp and could not walk well. Sumatra. He lived near a river. One day, my father wanted to fish
His grandfather always went to the forest in the morning and in the river. He had fished for a while, but he didn’t catch any fish
returned home in the afternoon. In the evening, just before at all. Suddenly, his hook caught a big fish and to his surprise,
bedtime, the grandfather always told Nondo about everything the fish could talk. She begged my father to let her free and then
that happened in the forest. changed into a beautiful girl. My father fell in love with her and he
Nondo enjoyed listening to stories about the animals in the wanted to marry her. The girl agreed, but she asked my father
forest. He always dreamed of going into the forest and seeing the not to tell anyone that once she was a fish. He agreed and they
animals. married. Moments later, I was born.
One morning, Nondo could not hold his urge anymore. He My mother spoiled me very much. I was very fond of food.
begged his grandfather. He really wanted to go into the forest, to I grabbed all the food for myself. I didn’t realize that my habit
see the animals. caused a big problem in the future.
“Please, Grandpa. Let me join you. Just this time, please,” One afternoon, my father was working at his field. My mother
Nondo begged. The old man did not want to disappoint his asked me to give my father lunch. The food was delicious so
beloved grandson. I tempted to eat it. You know what! I ate all the food and bring
After thinking deeply, he then said, “You can join me this empty bowls to the field. Knowing that I had eaten his lunch, my
time, but you have to be near me. O.K.? I will bring wood and father was very angry. He told me that I was a son’s fish. I cried
cannot watch you all the time.” and returned home to ask my mother about it. My mother was
Nondo was very happy. He promised his grandfather that he upset and she asked me to go to the hill and climb a highest tree.
would always be near him. Nondo could not wait to see the Then, my mother cried. My father didn’t keep his promise,
animals. so she decided to leave home. She walked to the river hurriedly.
Then, they left the house and went into the forest. Initially, Accidentally, she met my father on the bank of the river and
Nondo was able to walk near his grandfather. However, the disappeared.
distance was getting longer. Every time Nondo saw an animal, After that, the sky turned black and thunder roamed.
he stopped for a moment. He was really amazed. Grandfather It rained heavily and continuously. The land began to flood and
always reminded Nondo not to stop walking. Sadly, Nondo was turned into a lake.
Since then, people named it Lake Toba.

112 Malin Kundang

Text structure: • Once upon a time, there was a kingdom
• Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the characters. Adverbs of time named Umbul Wening.
• Complication: provides problems faced by the characters.
Malin in simple past
Narrative texts • Finally, they found the pond.
• Resolution: states how the problems are resolved, for better Kundang tense • Since that day, people named the flower
or worse. lotus.
• Coda (optional): concludes the story.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Tape Script for Assessment

Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following monolog.

Once upon a time, in a small village in Borneo Island, there lived a mother and her daughter. The daughter was popular among
villagers due to her beauty, but she didn’t behave well. She always spent time in front of the mirror admiring her beauty. She never
helped her mother, even often hurt her heart.
One day, the girl asked her mother to buy her a new gown. Her mother didn’t have a lot of money, but she was willing to buy her
daughter a new gown. She loved her daughter so much. Along the way to the market, the girl asked her mother to walk behind. Her
mother was so poor and ugly that she was embarrassed if people saw them together.
On their way home, the girl still walked in front of her mother. Passers-by asked whether the woman behind the girl was her
mother, she said that the woman was her servant. The mother was very sad and in her deepest heart, she prayed to God to punish her
daughter. Suddenly, her daughter’s legs turned into a stone.
The girl realized her mistake and apologized to her mother, but it was too late. Slowly, her body also turned into a stone. The girl
had become a stone, but tears were still seen, which was why the stone was called Batu Menangis.
Adopted from: (July 20, 2016)
1. Why did the girl not acknowledge the woman as her mother?
2. What did the girl do to show her regret?

Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following monolog.

Once upon a time, there was a rich merchant named Nahkoda Baginda. His daughter, Putri Julian, was very beautiful and she only
wanted to marry a nobleman.
In her sleep, Putri Julian always dreamt of a handsome young man named Sutan Rumandung. That’s why, Nahkoda Baginda held
a party and invited young men from many places, to look for Sutan Rumandung. Unfortunately, Sutan Rumandung was sailing and did
not attend the party.
Days passed and finally Sutan Rumandang arrived at Tiku Beach. He was invited by Nahkoda Baginda to have a small party.
When Sutan Rumandung and Putri Julian met, they fell in love each other. Nahkoda Baginda asked them to get married, but Sutan
Rumandung rejected. He would sail and look for a lot of money first. Putri Julian agreed. Before saying goodbye, they made a promise.
“I will always wait for you here. I will never marry another man. Otherwise, I will change into a gibbon,” promised Putri Julian.
“I will also keep my promise. I will never marry another girl. If I do, my ship will sink and I will die in the sea,” replied Sutan
After that, Sutan and his crew sailed. Putri Julian always waited for him. Everytime a ship came closer, she was always anxious
whether it was Sutan Rumandung’s. However, Sutan Rumandung never returned and Putri Julian waited for him until she died.
Adopted from: (July 20, 2016)
3. Why did Sutan Rumandung refuse to marry Putri Julian?
4. What would happen to Putri Julian if she broke her promise?
5. What was Putri Julian like?

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. To her surprise, Bandung Bondowoso agreed to fulfill the
Jawaban: requirement. He was optimistic that he would be able to do that.
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. B He had a supernatural power and would ask the spirits of the
6. A 7. C 8. E 9. E 10. C demons to help him build the temples.
11. D 12. A 13. C 14. E 15. C In the evening, the spirits of the demons began their work.
16. A 17. D 18. B 19. E 20. B They worked very hard and didn’t stop.
At midnight, Roro Jonggrang saw that all temples were
II. Write a folktale from Indonesia you have already known. almost finished. She was afraid of Bandung Bondowoso fulfilling
her requirement. Then, she thought a way on how to make
Contoh jawaban:
Bandung Bondowoso fail. She asked women to pound rice so the
A long time ago, there was a king named Prabu Baka. The
roosters crowed. Hearing the roosters’ crow, the spirits of the
king had a beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang.
demons disappeared. They thought it was already dawn.
One day, Bandung Bondowoso attacked the kingdom and
Meanwhile, they almost finished building the last temple.
killed Prabu Baka. When he saw Roro Jonggrang, he was
Bandung Bondowoso was very shocked. He realized that
attracted by her beauty. He intended to marry Roro Jonggrang.
Roro Jonggrang had cheated him. He was very angry and finally
Roro Jonggrang knew that Bandung Bondowoso had killed her
cursed Roro Jonggrang into a stone. Since then, we can see
father, so she didn’t want to be his wife. However, she could not
Roro Jonggrang stone in Prambanan Temple.
refuse. After thinking hard, she had an idea. Bandung
Bondowoso had to build one thousand temples in one night for
her. She thought that it was impossible and Bandung Bondowoso
would not be able to fulfill her requirement.

114 Malin Kundang

Read the parts of a story below.
Continue them into a complete story.
What can you learn from the story?
Once upon a time, in a small village in Sambas, West Kalimantan, there lived a widow named Mak Minah. She had three
children, her two sons named Utuh and Ucin and her daughter named Diang.
Every day, Mak Minah always went to a forest to collect firewood. She sold the wood to the market and used the money for
their daily needs. She always worked alone. Her three children were lazy. They never helped her do anything.
It was already late in the evening. Mak Minah did not feel well. On her arrival from the market, she intended to go to the bed
immediately. Dinner was not ready yet so she asked her three children to help her.
“Utuh, Ucin and Diang, please help me prepare the dinner. I am sick,” said Mak Minah.

What would Utuh, Ucin, and Diang do then? Would they fulfill their mother’s request?
Adopted from: (July 20, 2016)

Contoh jawaban:
Once upon a time, in a small village in Sambas, West Kalimantan, there lived a widow named Mak Minah. She had three
children, her two sons named Utuh and Ucin and her daughter named Diang.
Every day, Mak Minah always went to a forest to collect firewood. She sold the wood to the market and used the money for
their daily needs. She always worked alone. Her three children were lazy. They never helped her do anything.
It was already late in the evening. Mak Minah did not feel well. On her arrival from the market, she intended to go to the bed
immediately. Dinner was not ready yet, so she asked her three children to help her.
“Utuh, Ucin and Diang, please help me prepare the dinner. I am sick,” said Mak Minah.
Those three children ignored their mother and continued playing in the front yard. Mak Minah then forced herself to
prepare the dinner. When it was ready, she called her children to have dinner. At this moment they listened to Mak Minah.
Sadly, after they finished eating, the children did not help their mother wash the dishes. Instead, they played again.
Mak Minah cried. She was very sad. It was not the first time her children did not help her and ignored her. She was so
sick that she went to bed immediately.
In the morning, Mak Minah went to the riverside. There was a magical stone called Betangkup Stone. It could open
and close like a sea shell. The stone could also talk to humans.
Being desperate, Mak Minah begged, “Betangkup Stone, please help me. I cannot hold the pains anymore. I’m so sick
and my children did not want to help me. They always ignored me. Please let me be inside you.”
“Well, if that’s what you want, get inside,” replied the stone.
Betangkup Stone then opened its body and Mak Minah went inside. Unfortunately, her long hair was still outside of
the stone.
In the meantime, Utuh, Ucin and Diang woke up and felt hungry. Breakfast was not ready, so they were looking for
their mother. The children went here and there to find their mother. Finally, they arrived before the Betangkup Stone. They
knew that their mother was inside Betangkup Stone.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 115

Setelah mempelajari chapter ini, peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif lisan dan tulis sederhana
tentang legenda rakyat dan cerita naratif yang lain; cara menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat dan cerita naratif yang
lain lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya; cara
menceritakan legenda rakyat dan cerita naratif yang lain secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan
komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya; cara menggunakan past perfect tense dalam kalimat.
2. terampil:
menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang
legenda rakyat dan cerita naratif yang lain; menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat dan cerita naratif yang lain lisan dan
tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya; menceritakan legenda rakyat
dan cerita naratif yang lain secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaannya; menggunakan past perfect tense dalam kalimat.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar internasional;
2. menghargai perilaku jujur, bekerja sama, dan santun dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Narrative texts


Comprehension Past perfect tense

Fill in the dashes, read the

text, listen and answer, find
the meanings, complete the
Questions Strong Wind answer the questions,
discuss and write a drama
Skills script, listen and complete,
write a story collaboratively

Complete the text, ask and
answer questions

Browsing the
Internet Theory about past perfect

Homework Write a story and

conclude the message

116 Strong Wind

Have you ever experienced an occurrence depicted in the picture? How do you feel if you experience it? It is terrifying,
isn’t it? Anyway, the picture is related to a narrative story, i.e. the North Wind. In this chapter, you will read the story and also
learn about other narrative texts.

1. Untuk memulai kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat bertanya tentang cerita favorit peserta didik. Apabila perlu, Bapak/Ibu
Guru meminta peserta didik menyampaikan cerita tersebut.
2. Peserta didik diminta memahami gambar apersepsi dan kalimat-kalimat di bawah gambar tersebut.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membimbing peserta didik menjelaskan gambar tersebut secara singkat. (Jawaban: The picture shows
that the wind was blowing very hard and sweeping away light items it passed. If I have such an experience, I will be
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa dalam chapter ini peserta didik akan mempelajari berbagai teks narrative dan
meminta peserta didik aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 117

3. untaian tetesan air yang membeku
4. galak
5. yang membelit
6. sangat dingin
Fill in the dashes with suitable letters to form the titles of stories, 7. kelaparan
local or international, based on their cue sentences. 8. pondok
See the example. 9. lumut
10. menentang, menantang
11. udara dingin
12. nyala api
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami soal
13. basah, lembab
dan kalimat-kalimat kunci berikut.
14. meleleh
2. Peserta didik menulis huruf-huruf yang merupakan
15. menggelinding, menggulingkan
jawaban dari kalimat-kalimat kunci tersebut.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menyebutkan
4. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak jawaban temannya.
Apabila memiliki jawaban yang berbeda, peserta didik
dapat tunjuk jari dan menyebutkan jawabannya. Complete the following sentences with the suitable words from
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban TASK 4.
bersama-sama. Jawaban:
6. Sebagai pengembangan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat 1. twisted 2. fierce 3. melt 4. starve
meminta peserta didik menceritakan salah satu cerita 5. soggy 6. breezy 7. flame 8. headdress
yang merupakan jawaban pada kegiatan ini. 9. lodge 10. defy

1. Strong Wind
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. Lake Toba
4. The Wind and Sun Complete the following text with the suitable words from the box.
5. Telaga Warna Jawaban:
6. King Midas 1. d 2. i 3. b 4. g
7. Cinderella 5. e 6. a 7. j 8. h
8. Mount Bromo
9. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
10. Surabaya

Answer the following questions based on the story in TASK 6.

Listen to and answer the questions based on the story in TASK 2. 1. In the summer.
Share your answers with the class. 2. Because there was Old Man North Wind who threatened
their lives.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
3. Ice and snow.
4. He was cruel.
1. Where did Strong Wind live?
5. She was brave and smart.
2. Who would Strong Wind marry to?
6. Because she had ideas for ways to stay warm and find food.
3. What were the chief’s two elder daughters like?
7. She built a new kind of lodge, with double walls–which she
4. What were their answers about Strong Wind’s bow?
stuffed with dry grass and moss, to keep out the cold and
5. What can you learn from the story?
wind. Then, she collected great piles of dry wood so that
Jawaban: she could keep her fire going at all times.
1. In a tent by the sea. 8. She added more wood to the fire so that the flames rose
2. He would marry to the first woman who could see him. higher and higher.
3. They were wicked and dishonest. 9. He melted and left Shingebiss.
4. It was made of either iron or wood. 10. Never be afraid of any challenge.
5. We should be honest.

Read the following words.

What do they mean?
1. berangin lembut
2. hiasan kepala

118 Strong Wind

Complete the following chart to find out the structure of the story in TASK 6.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami kembali cerita di TASK 6.

2. Peserta didik diminta memahami bagan berikut dan melengkapi bagan berdasarkan cerita di TASK 6.
3. Setelah waktu mengerjakan habis, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik tunjuk jari dan menyampaikan jawabannya.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik yang lain menyimak. Apabila peserta didik yang lain memiliki jawaban yang berbeda, mereka
dapat tunjuk jari dan menyebutkan jawabannya.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban bersama-sama.

Part of the Text Purpose Details

• Long ago, people could not stay in their northern homes all year
round. It was pleasant in the summer, cool and breezy.
• However, in the fall they would have to go south, because of Old
Orientation (setting and characters) To introduce the setting and characters. Man North Wind.
• Old Man North Wind’s headdress was not made of feathers, but of
icicles. His clothes were made of ice and snow. The features of his
face were fierce, twisted with hate for other living beings.

• When Old Man North Wind came down from the far north country
and blew his frosty breath, everything froze.
Conflict To start the conflict. • There was no more food.
• People and animals that could not sleep through the winter had to go

• One day, a young woman named Shingebiss refused to leave her

Plot (action) To show an action as part of a plot. • The other people convinced and pleaded with her, but she was
• They said goodbye and were sure that they would never see her alive.

• When they had gone south, Shingebiss built

C a new kind of lodge, with double walls–which she stuffed with dry
o grass and moss, to keep out the cold and wind.
m • She collected great piles of dry wood, to keep her fire going at all
p times.
l • Old Man North Wind came down from the far north country. He blew
i his frosty breath and everything died. He saw the smoke rising from
c Shingebiss’ lodge.
a Plot (rising action) To show a rising action. • Old Man North Wind blew his frosty breath on lakes and streams
t and thick ice covered them.
i • Shingebiss walked out onto the ice and chopped holes.
o • She went ice fishing, took her fish home to her lodge, cooked them
n and ate them.
• Old Man North Wind blew around and around Shingebiss’ lodge, but
she just built up her fire.
• Old Man North Wind decided to come inside.

• Old Man North Wind stepped in the door and saw Shingebiss was
sitting by her fire.
• Shingebiss added more wood to the fire.
• Old Man North Wind came closer. He sat down next to her, but she
Plot (climax) To show the climax. just added more wood.
• Old Man North Wind began to notice that his headdress of icicles
was drooping. His clothes of ice and snow were becoming soggy and
full of holes. Drops of water ran down his face. He was melting.

• Old Man North Wind ran out of Shingebiss’ lodge and rolled in the
snow until he was cold again.
• In the spring, people returned and were amazed to find Shingebiss
Resolution (falling action) To describe a falling action.
alive and well.
• Shingebiss offered them to fight against Old Man North Wind.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 119

The giant put Jeanette in a cell, near other princes and
princesses’ cells. She then realized that she was captured
by a giant who disguised himself as her father.
Work in pairs. One day, the giant went outside to look for food and he
Discuss the important stage in the Shingebiss and North Wind asked several soldiers to guard the cells. Jeanette thought
story. hard to find a way to escape from her cell, but she didn’t have
Write a drama scenario about the stage and perform it. any idea. Moments later, Jeanette saw soldiers force several
princes out of their cells to work. When they refused to work,
the soldiers punished them. Jeanette felt heartbroken.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara “Please don’t force them to work like that! Just tell my
berkelompok dan memahami perintah kegiatan. father, he will send good soldiers to help you do your work,”
2. Setiap kelompok memahami kembali cerita Shingebiss begged Jeanette.
and North Wind dan mendiskusikan adegan yang The soldiers laughed and said, “Ha … ha … don’t talk
dianggap penting dari cerita tersebut. rubbish! The soldiers would not help us, but would capture
3. Kemudian, setiap kelompok diminta membuat skenario us. Do you think we are stupid, huh?”
drama satu babak berdasarkan cerita tersebut. Jeanette cried again. Suddenly, she saw that pieces of
4. Setelah selesai menulis skenario drama, setiap kelompok gold appeared on the spots where her tears had fallen.
mengumpulkan skenario tersebut kepada Bapak/Ibu A miracle, all her tears had turned to gold before she
Guru untuk mendapat masukan. stopped crying.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengembalikan skenario yang telah Jeanette showed the gold to the soldiers. “I will give
diberi masukan kepada setiap kelompok. you this gold if you set them free,” she said.
6. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta setiap kelompok The soldiers were very happy upon seeing the gold. They
memeragakan skenario drama yang telah mereka buat. approached Jeanette’s cell and took the gold. They also
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati penampilan setiap kelompok forced her to tell them how she got the gold.
dan memberi nilai. Jeanette admitted that they were her tears which had
changed to gold. However, they didn’t believe her. Then,
Contoh jawaban: they entered Jeannette’s cell and checked every corner of
The important stage in the Shingebiss and North Wind story: the prison carefully to find more gold.
Being curious, Old Man North Wind entered Shingebiss’ house Jeanette didn’t waste time. She hurriedly escaped and
and saw her sitting by fire. Shingebiss added more wood and the locked the cell with the soldiers inside. Then, she looked for
flames higher and higher. Finally, Old Man North Wind melted. the keys of the other cells and helped the other princes and
princesses escape from their cells. Together, they managed
Drama scenario: to find a way out of the palace. Jeanette soon found her way
Old Man North Wind : Hi, defiant girl. What are you doing here? home.
Shingebiss : You see, I am cooking fish. When she had arrived at her palace, her parents
Old Man North Wind : Why don’t you leave this place? You will welcomed her. Jeanette cried happily and suddenly she
not be able to survive. realized that her tears didn’t turn to gold. “How could it
Shingebiss : Are you sure? happen?” she wondered. She then told her parents about
(Shingebiss added more wood) her experience in jail.
Old Man North Wind : Oh no …! Stop burning more wood! It’s “Well, at that time, your love and pity for the other
hot! people turned your tears to gold. However, the situation is
Shingebiss : No, I won’t. I need warmth here. different now. You don’t need gold anymore. God makes
Old Man North Wind : Hey … you will kill me. Look! I am miracles to happen only when we need them,” replied her
melting. father.
Shingebiss : Why don’t you leave this place? Jeanette smiled. She was grateful because of the
Old Man North Wind : Ouch … I can’t put up with this flame mercy she was shown.
anymore. I have to go now. Questions:
Shingebiss : That’s good! You had better leave this 1. Who kidnapped Jeanette and the other princes and
place right now. princesses?
2. What made Jeanette heartbroken?
3. What did Jeanette suggest the soldiers do?
4. What happened when Jeanette cried?
5. Why did the soldiers enter Jeanette’s cell?
6. What did Jeanette do when the soldiers entered her cell?
TASK 1 7. What actually made Jeanette’s tears turn to gold?
Read the text and answer the questions that follow. 8. What can we learn from the story?
Once, in a prosperous kingdom lived a king and queen.
They had a beautiful princess named Jeanette. Jeanette
liked to play with her friends in a park. In another place,
a cruel giant wanted to kidnap and imprison princes and
princesses, including Jeanette.
When Jeanette played in the park, the giant disguised
himself as Jeanette’s father and took Jeanette home with

120 Strong Wind

Complete the following chart based on the story in TASK 1.
Part of the Text Purpose Details

Orientation (setting and



p Plot (action)
t Plot (rising action)

Plot (climax)

Resolution (falling action)

Work in groups.
Choose a fragment from a story of Princess Jeanette in TASK 1.
Write a scenario of a short drama based on the story and perform it.
1. A cruel giant.
2. Soldiers forced several princes to go out of their cells to work and would punish the princes who refused to work.
3. She suggested the soldiers tell her father so that would send good soldiers to help them do the work.
4. Her tears turned to gold.
5. To look for more gold.
6. She escaped and locked the cell with the soldiers inside. Then, she looked for the keys of the other cells and helped the other
princes and princesses escape.
7. Her love and pity for other people.
8. God will help us when we are willing to help others.
Parts of the Text Purpose Details

• There lived a king and queen in a prosperous kingdom.

• They had a beautiful daughter named Jeanette who liked to play
Orientation (setting and To introduce the setting and with her friends in a park.
characters) characters. • In another place, a cruel giant wanted to kidnap and imprison
princes and princesses, including Jeanette.

Conflict To start the conflict. • When Jeanette played in the park, the giant disguised himself as
her father and took Jeanette home with him.

• The giant put Jeanette in a cell, near other princes and

Plot (action) To show an action as part of a plot. princesses’ cells.
C • Several soldiers guarded the cells while
o the giant went outside to look for food.
p • Jeanette saw the soldiers order several princes to work and
l punish those who refused to work.
Plot (rising action) To show a rising action.
i • She felt heartbroken and begged the soldiers to ask for her
c father’s help, but the soldiers refused.
t • Jeanette cried and her tears turned to gold.
i • She would give the gold to the soldiers if they set the princes and
o princesses free.
n • The soldiers were very happy upon seeing the gold.
Plot (climax) To show the climax. • The soldiers took the gold and asked Jeanette about where the
gold was from.
• The soldiers entered Jeanette’s cell to look for more gold there.
• Jeanette escaped and locked the soldiers inside the cell.
• She helped the other princes and princesses escape from their cells.

• Jeanette arrived at her kingdom, but her tears didn’t turn to gold
Resolution (falling action) To describe a falling action. any longer.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 121

TASK 3 (Contoh jawaban)
(Fragment: Jeanette’s meeting with her parents)
Arriving at the palace ….
Jeanette : Mother, Father, I’m coming home ….
Queen : O, gosh! Is it you, Jeanette? I’m very happy having you back.
Jeanette : Yes, Mother. It’s me, Jeanette, your daughter.
Queen : I really miss you, my beautiful Princess. How did you escape from the giant? Your father is arranging a plan to set
you free.
Jeanette : I miss you too, Mother. Thank God! I could escape from the jail. (Cries happily)
King : O, come on. Wipe your tears. You are back here safely.
Jeanette : Yes, Father. I won’t cry anymore. (Wiping her tears) Oh, no ….
Queen : What happened, my dear?
Jeanette : My tears don’t change to gold any longer.
Queen : What did you say? Your tears turned to gold?
Jeanette : Yes, Mother. It seemed impossible, but it happened. When I was in my cell, my tears turned to gold.
Queen : How could it be?
Jeanette : I don’t know. One day I saw the soldiers ask several princes to work and punish those who refused to work. I took
pity on them and cried. Suddenly, my tears turned to gold.
King : It’s a miracle!
Jeanette : Yeah! The gold have helped me, Father. When I told the soldiers that the gold was from my tears, they didn’t believe
me. They entered my cell and I didn’t waste time to escape from the jail.
Queen : How strange it was!
Jeanette : You’re right, but it really happened.
King : Frankly, I know the reasons. That was a mercy you received because of your love and pity for others.
Jeanette : Do you think so, Father?
King : Yeah! You’re very kind and love others.

Listen and complete the following text based on what you have The king’s ministers were stunned to hear his order as
heard. thousands of cows would have to be slaughtered in order to get
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan (6) sufficient quantity of leather. It would cost a huge amount of
jawaban: money also.
I’d like to tell you a story. Finally, one of the ministers said that he had another idea.
Long ago, people lived happily under the rule of a king. They The king asked what the alternative was. The minister said,
were very happy as they led a very (1) prosperous life with “Instead of covering the roads with leather, why don’t you just
an abundance of wealth and no misfortunes. have a piece of (7) leather cut in an appropriate shape to cover
Once, the king decided to go visiting places of historical your feet?”
importance at distant places. He decided to travel on foot to The king was very much surprised by his suggestion and
(2) interact with his people. People of distant places were very applauded the wisdom of the minister. He ordered a pair of
happy to have a conversation with their king. They were proud leather shoes for himself and requested all his countrymen also
that their king was kind-hearted. to (8) wear shoes.
Adopted from:
After several weeks of travel, the king returned to the palace. (August 6, 2016)
He was quite happy that he had visited many places and
witnessed his people leading a prosperous life, but he had
(3) one regret. He had intolerable pain on his feet as it was his
first trip on foot covering a long distance. He complained to his
ministers that the roads were very stony and not comfortable. He
was (4) very much worried about people who had to walk along
those roads as it would be painful for them.
Considering this, the king ordered his servant to cover the
roads in the whole country with leather so that people of his
kingdom can walk (5) comfortably.

122 Strong Wind

1. Because they led a very prosperous life with
TASK 1 an abundance of wealth and no misfortunes.
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 10. 2. Because he intended to interact with his people.
3. He was quite happy, but he had intolerable pain on his
1. Why did people in the kingdom live happily?
2. Why did the king travel on foot?
4. He worried about people who had to walk along those
3. How did the king feel after he had finished his trip?
roads as it would be painful for them.
4. What did the king worry about?
5. They were very stony and not comfortable.
5. What were the roads like?
6. He ordered his servants to cover the roads in the
6. What was the king’s idea to make the roads comfortable
whole country with leather.
to walk?
7. Because thousands of cows would have to be
7. Why was the king’s idea refused?
slaughtered and it would cost a huge amount of
8. What was the minister’s suggestion?
TASK 2 8. The king wore a piece of leather cut in an appropriate
Read the text and answer the questions that follow. shape to cover his feet, instead of covering the roads
A long time ago, a mountain was not as high as today. with leather.
It was the same height as hills. Here is the story. TASK 2
On the top of a mountain, there lived two angels who 1. Why mountains are very high.
granted people’s wishes when they needed help. They 2. At the top of a mountain.
healed sick people, fed the hungry and provided poor 3. They granted people’s wishes when they needed help.
people with warm clothes during cold seasons. So, all the 4. They had never received anything from the angels.
people in the world lived in peace and there were no borders 5. Those people were wealthy.
between the rich and the poor. 6. To force the angels to give them more wealth.
However, a few wealthy and greedy people were 7. They locked themselves in their house.
dissatisfied with these conditions. They thought that the 8. It rose higher.
angels were unfair because they had never received 9. Everytime the greedy people planned to enter the
anything from the angels. house.
One day, these dissatisfied people gathered in front of 10. We should not be greedy.
the angels’ house and knocked on the door heavily. When
the angels appeared, the people shouted, “Please give us
more wealth.”
The angels explained to them that God had given the
people enough wealth and they didn’t need more. However,
the greedy people kept forcing the angels to give them more Complete the following story using the words in brackets.
wealth. The angels didn’t like this, went back in and locked Change the verbs into simple past or past perfect forms,
the doors. The angry people tried to break into the angels’ correctly.
Suddenly, the land on which the angels’ house was Jawaban:
built, rose higher. Although a little surprised initially, the 1. was 2. passed away
greedy people didn’t care. Gradually the height became 3. had made 4. was treated
more distinct. Everytime the greedy people planned to reach 5. was 6. had done
the house, the land rose higher. As a result, the mountain 7. liked 8. sat
grew higher and there was a significant distance between 9. had spent 10. heard
the greedy people and the angels. They kept on climbing the 11. had been injured 12. checked
mountain to find the angels, but they never could reach 13. had been recovered 14. decided
them. 15. heard 16. was
That’s why mountains grew higher and higher. 17. had changed 18. was
19. had been cursed 20. would turn
1. What is the text about?
2. Where did the two angels live?
3. What did they do?
4. Why did a few people think that the angels were unfair?
5. Why did the angels not grant them anything?
6. Why did the people go to the angels’ house?
7. How did the angels respond?
8. What happened to the land on which the angels’ house
was built?
9. When did the house rise higher?
10. What can we learn from the story?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 123

You : Correct. Next question, please.
Your friend : When did Rosette decide to leave the garden?
You : When the bird had been recovered.
Your friend : Correct. Your turn, please.
Complete the following statements based on the story in You : Who had changed a young man to a bird?
TASK 11. Your friend : A wicked fairy.
1. Rosette lived with her
and ________________________________________.
2. She was unhappy because
3. She liked to
Fill in the blanks with the suitable verbs in brackets.
after she had done her chores.
Change the verbs into past perfect or simple past forms,
4. One day, in the garden, she found
5. The bird was actually In a remote village there was a big tree. People
___________________________________________. [1. believe] ________________ that the tree possessed
magic and a devil lived in it. The belief arose when several
young people said that they [2. see] ________________
1. stepmother and stepsister
an ugly person on the tree and heard strange voices from it.
2. her stepmother and stepsister treated her badly
Actually the young people lied. They only wanted to scare
3. go to a garden
passers-by. It was Davana, one of the young people, who
4. an injured bird
acted as if he was the ugly person and spoke strangely.
5. a young man who had been cursed by a wicked fairy
Davana realized that he [3. make] ________________
a big mistake and apologized. However, he couldn’t persuade
the villagers that he [4. only make] ________________ fun
of them.
Davana asked for his cousin’s help, Dovota. Dovota
agreed to go to Davana’s village after he [5. hear]
Work in pairs. ________________ about the tree. Dovota wanted to make
Ask and answer questions using past perfect tense based on the the villagers realize that they [6. do] ________________
story in TASK 11. stupid things when they believed that the tree possessed
See the example. magic.
He finally had an idea after he [7. think]
________________ of what to do for several days.
He [8. climb] ________________ the tree and shouted to
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik bekerja
a passer-by, “Please leave your bag under the tree.”
However, before he finished speaking, the passer-by
2. Setiap pasangan memahami kembali teks di TASK 11,
[9. leave] ________________ the place. Then, Dovota had
terutama tentang penggunaan past perfect tense.
another idea. He said quickly, “Leave your bag … leave your
3. Setiap pasangan melakukan tanya jawab tentang isi teks
bag …. Leave your purse.”
menggunakan past perfect tense, kemudian menyampai-
He succeeded. Passers-by [10. leave]
kan tanya jawab tersebut.
________________ their possessions as instructed.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyimak dan mengoreksi kalimat yang
After several days, Dovota asked the villagers to gather
under the tree. Before he told the villagers the truth,
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan positif kepada peserta
he [11. hide] ________________ the villagers’ possessions
didik yang aktif dalam kegiatan tanya jawab dan terus
in a safe place. After Dovlota [12. explain]
memotivasi peserta didik yang kurang aktif agar aktif
________________ to them that there was no devil on the
berpartisipasi dalam setiap pembelajaran.
tree, Davana confessed.
Initially, the villagers were angry. However, when Davana
Contoh jawaban: [13. promise] ________________ to return their
You : Who did Rosette live with after her father had possessions and give them amounts of money to show
passed away? repentance, they calmed down.
Your friend : She lived with her stepmother and stepsister. The villagers [14. leave] ________________ the place
You : Correct. Your turn, please. happily after Dovota and Davana [15. return]
Your friend : How had Rosette’s stepmother and stepsister ________________ their possessions and given them
treated her? amounts of money as promised.
You : They had treated them badly.
Your friend : Right. Your turn, please. TASK 2
You : When did Rosette spend time in the garden? Work in pairs.
Your friend : After she had done her housework. Make questions and answers using past perfect tense based
You : Correct. Your question, please. on the text in TASK 1.
Your friend : What happened one day after Rosette had spent See the example.
a few minutes in the garden? Example:
You : She heard a bird’s groan on the ground. Question : Who said that they had seen an ugly person on
Your friend : You’re right. Next question, please. the tree and heard strange voices from it?
You : What had happened to the bird? Answer : Several young people of a remote village.
Your friend : Its right wing was injured.

124 Strong Wind

1. believed 2. had seen
3. made 4. had only made Work in groups of five.
5. had heard 6. had done Choose a story you have studied in this chapter and rewrite it
7. had thought 8. climbed using your own imagination.
9. had left 10. left Write the story collaboratively.
11. had hidden 12. had explained Then, read the story you have written in turns.
13. promised 14. left
15. had returned
TASK 2 (Contoh jawaban) 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara
You : What did Davana realize? berkelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas lima peserta
Your friend : He had made a big mistake. didik.
You : Great! It’s your turn now. 2. Peserta didik memahami kembali cerita yang telah
Your friend : When did Davana realize it? mereka pelajari di chapter ini. Setiap kelompok berdiskusi
You : When he could not persuade the villagers that tentang cerita yang akan dibuat. Mereka dapat membuat
he had only made fun of them. cerita baru dengan mengubah alur, karakter, setting, dan
Your friend : You’re right. Your turn, please. hal-hal lain dalam cerita asli.
You : O.K. When did Dovota agree to go to 3. Secara beranting setiap anggota kelompok menulis
Davana’s village? kalimat-kalimat dan membacakan kalimat-kalimat
Your friend : After he had heard about the tree. tersebut sehingga membentuk sebuah cerita baru yang
You : Good! Your next question, please. padu. Peserta didik menggunakan imajinasi mereka
Your friend : What did Dovota want the villagers to realize? untuk membuat cerita yang menarik.
You : They had done stupid things. 4. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, Bapak/Ibu Guru
Your friend : Now, your turn, please. mengamati peserta didik dan mengoreksi pelafalan
You : When did Dovota finally have an idea? peserta didik yang masih kurang tepat.
Your friend : After he had thought of what to do for several 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik yang kurang
days. aktif agar aktif berpartisipasi.
You : Your question, please. 6. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta setiap
Your friend : What had a passer-by done before Dovota kelompok menulis cerita tersebut secara keseluruhan
finished speaking? dan membacakan cerita mereka.
You : He/she had left the place. 7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.
Your friend : Now, it’s your turn.
You : What had Dovota done before he told the Contoh jawaban:
villagers about the truth? Student 1 : A long time ago there was a prosperous kingdom
Your friend : He had hidden the villagers’ possessions in ruled by a wise and kind-hearted king.
a safe place. Student 2 : One day, the king had a journey by riding his horse
You : Next question, please. cart. It rained hard early in the morning, so the road
Your friend : When did Davana confess to what he had was slippery. However, it didn’t make the king cancel
done? his plan.
You : After Dovota had explained to the villagers Student 3 : Along the way, people welcomed the king warmly.
that there was no devil on the tree. They were happy meeting their king.
Your friend : It’s your turn, now. Student 4 : Surprisingly, the horse neighed. One of its feet
You : When did the villagers leave the place slipped into a mudhole. The cart lost its balance.
happily? Student 5 : The king descended his cart and stood under a tree.
Your friend : After Dovota and Davana had returned their Student 1 : The king heard children crying. He approached the
possessions and given them amounts of house where the sound came from.
money as promised. Student 2 : The king asked the children’s mother why her
children were crying.
Student 3 : The mother told him that they were starving.
Student 4 : The king was very sad, knowing that a few of his
people still lived in poverty.
Student 5 : The king told his guard to give the woman all supplies
they were carrying for the journey. When the king
arrived at his palace, he asked his guard to give food
and money to the poor woman he had met.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 125

One day, Mr. Avero planned to host a circus with Timby as
the main performer. Mr. Avero forced Timby to practice
a performance with animals every day. Mr. Avero had also
organized tickets for the circus, days before the performance.
Homework Many people were interested and bought the tickets.
Write a short story and conclude the message of the story. The day for the circus arrived. Timby appeared riding
Contoh jawaban: a horse. However, the horse suddenly galloped fast and left the
The story: place. Mr. Avero was angry. He tried to run after Timby, but
Once upon a time, there was a poor old man, Mr. Avero, couldn’t catch him. When he returned, all the spectators had
who lived alone. One day, he bought an old bicycle from his been waiting to ask for a refund of their money. Mr. Avero
friend, Mr. Gonzalo, who lived in another town, at a cheap price. couldn’t do that, because he had already used the money. All the
When Mr. Avero was riding the bicycle, he felt it was moving spectators decided to take him to the police. On his way, he met
slowly, but then faster and faster. He was very surprised. The Mr. Gonzalo. He was with Timby.
bicycle was moving upwards until it was on the ceiling! He Mr. Gonzalo said, “Avero, I actually wanted to help you by
shouted, “Hey! There is a ghost in the bicycle!” giving you Timby. Although he is small, he is cute and smart at
In just a few minutes his house was full of people. They changing cakes to puddings, medicine to refreshing drink, etc.
were afraid, but curious to know what would happen to the You have been very cruel to him, so I have decided to take him
bicycle. Suddenly, in silence, a very small man, not bigger than back. Goodbye, Avero.”
one’s thumb, leapt from the handlebar of the bicycle and said, Avero looked at them and cried. He felt deep regret for what
“Oh, I am very tired. Apparently, a bicycle is not light.” he had done.
The small man asked Mr. Avero, “May I live with you? My The message:
name is Timby.” Be grateful for what we have already had and never exploit
Mr. Avero granted Timby’s request. He thought that it would others.
be advantageous to have Timby.
From that time, Mr. Avero always showed Thumby to his
friends and asked him to make a speech, dance, etc. which
made him a lot of money. However, Timby became stressful.

126 Strong Wind

• I had met Sandra twice before she
left this town.
• He had visited many places and
witnessed his people leading
a prosperous life.
Text structure
• Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the
characters • I had not phoned Sita after she
• Complication: provides problems faced by the Negative had moved to Bandung.
characters Narrative texts Strong Wind Past perfect tense • Tiara had not seen Ranny after she
• Resolution: states how the problems are left this town.
resolved, for better or worse
• Reorientation/coda (optional): concludes the
story • Had you checked everything before
Interrogative you left?
• Who had changed a young man into
a bird?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Tape Script for Assessment

Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following monolog.

A long time ago, there lived an old farmer who had an old horse for tilling his fields. One day, the horse escaped into the hills.
When all the farmer’s neighbors expressed their sympathy with the old man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, “Bad luck? Good
luck? Who knows?”
A week later, the horse returned with a herd of wild horses from the hills. This time the neighbors congratulated the farmer on his
good luck. His reply was, “Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?”
Then, when the farmer’s son attempted to tame one of the wild horses, he fell off its back and broke his leg. Everyone thought this
very bad luck. Not the farmer, whose only reaction was, “Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?”
Several weeks later, the army marched into the village and conscripted every able-bodied youth they found there. When they saw
the farmer’s son with his broken leg, they let him off. Now was that good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?
Adopted from: (August 13, 2016)
1. Why was the arrival of the farmer’s horse from the hill considered bad luck?
2. What can we learn from the story?

Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following monolog.

Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and so
was the work condition. For those reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.
His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he supposed to work. He also ask the woodcutter to plant new trees
after cutting those big trees for reforestration.
The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.
“Congratulations!” the boss said. “Go on that way!”
Very motivated by the boss’ words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring 15 trees. The third day he tried
even harder, but he could only bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.
“I must be losing my strength,” the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand
what was going on.
“When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked.
“Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees.”
Adopted from: (August 13, 2016)
3. What was the woodcutter like?
4. How was the result of the woodcutter’s work, day after day?
5. Why did the woodcutter have a problem with his work?

I. Choose A, B, C , D or E for the correct answer. Then, one night the wind howled loudly in from
Jawaban: offshore. Jumping out of bed, the farmer grabbed a lantern
1. D 2. E 3. E 4. B 5. D and rushed next door to the hired hand’s sleeping quarters.
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. E He shook the little man and yelled, “Get up! A storm is
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. E 15. D coming. Tie things down before they blow away!”
16. B 17. A 18. C 19. E 20. D The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, “No, Sir.
I told you. I can sleep when the wind blows.”
II. Read the parts of a story below. Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire
Continue them using your own words. him on the spot. Instead, he hurried outside to prepare for
the storm. To his amazement, he discovered that all of the
Contoh jawaban:
haystacks had been covered with tarpaulins.
Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast.
The cows were in the barn. The chickens were in the coops
He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were
and the doors were barred. The shutters were tightly
reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the
secured. Everything was tied down. Nothing could blow
awful storms that raged across the ocean–wreaking haw on the
buildings and crops. As the farmer interviewed applicants for the
The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant.
job, he received a steady stream of refusals.
He returned to his bed to also sleep while the wind was
Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached
the farmer. “Are you a good farmhand?” the farmer asked him. Adopted from: (August
“Well, I can sleep when the wind blows,” answered the man. 13, 2016)
Although puzzled by this answer, the farmer, desperate
for help, hired him. The little man worked well around the
farm, busy from dawn to dusk and the farmer felt satisfied
with the man’s work.

128 Strong Wind

Read the following dialog and rewrite it into a story.
Change the tense into simple past or past perfect tense.
(In the kitchen of a palace)
King : I am going to have a big feast and I hope you cook the most delicious food for the party. Have you prepared all the
materials and ingredients?
Chef : I have prepared all, Your Majesty. However, I need big turnips. I’ve searched them everywhere, but couldn’t find one.
King : Do you think anyone has such a turnip?
Chef : I think so.
King : O.K. I will ask the palace guards to deliver an announcement. I will give rewards to a person who has big turnips and
gives them to me.
(One day after the announcement)
Young man : Excuse me, Sir. May I meet the king? I’d like to give him these big turnips.
Palace guard : Um … please leave your turnips here and I will deliver them to the king.
Young man : I am sorry, Sir. I am going to meet him in person, to give these.
Palace guard : O.K. You are allowed to meet him, but in one condition. You should share the rewards you receive from the king
with me. Otherwise, I will not let you come in.
Young man : All right, Sir.
(In a palace)
King : What are you carrying, young man?
Young man : Big turnips, Your Majesty. I harvested the plants and I’d like to give them to you. Here they are.
King : Wow! What fresh and big turnips you have! It’s really what I need! I am really happy and will give you rewards.
These gold and money are for you.
Young man : Thank you, but I hope you don’t give me money, Your Majesty. Instead, please hit me using a stick.
King : What did you say?
Young man : I am sorry, Your Majesty. I can’t tell you the truth. Please hit me as I demand.
King : All right. As you wish ….
(In the palace gate)
Palace guard : Hey, young man. You don’t forget your promise, do you?
Young man : Don’t worry. I will share my rewards with you. Please give me a stick.
Palace guard : What for?
Young man : I don’t receive money or gold. Instead, the king hit me using a stick, as my rewards.
You said that I should share my rewards, so I will do the same thing to you.
Palace guard : Are you kidding? Oh, no!
(The king appears)
King : I’ve heard all you have done to this farmer. You deserve it, palace guard!
Palace guard : Please forgive me, Your Majesty.
King : I will punish you, for your greediness. You should leave this palace now. I will give this young man money and
gold instead. He will also replace your position in this palace.
Contoh jawaban:
A long time ago, a king was going to hold a big feast in his palace. He asked the chef to prepare delicious food and
beverages for the party. The ingredients had been prepared, except big turnips. The chef had looked for the turnips everywhere,
but couldn’t find one. To solve the problem, the king asked his palace guards to deliver an announcement. He would give rewards
to a person who could give him big turnips.
One day after the announcement, a young man came to the palace. Carrying a big basket on his back, the young man met
the guard at the palace gate. The guard knew that the young man was carrying big turnips, so he asked the young man to leave
the turnips there. He would deliver the turnips to the king.
The young man refused the guard’s idea and told him that he would give the king the turnips in person. The guard agreed,
but in one condition. He required a part of rewards the young man would receive. The young man didn’t have any choice, so he
Soon, the young man entered the palace and met the king. He showed the king his fresh and big turnips. The king was very
happy. He was going to give him gold and money as rewards, but to his surprise, the young man refused. Instead, he asked the
king to hit him using a stick. The king didn’t understand what had happened, but he did what the young man demanded. Then,
the young man left the king.
At the palace gate, he met the guard who reminded him about his promise. The young man smiled and replied that he would
share the rewards he received. He asked the guard to give him a stick. The king had hit him as rewards, so he would do the
same to the guard. The palace guard was upset, but the young man hit him as his promise.
Suddenly, the king appeared. He heard the conversation between the young man and the palace guard, so he understood
what had really happened. He was angry at the palace guard and gave him punishment. The palace guard should leave the
palace and the young man would replace his position. The king also gave the young man money and gold as rewards.
It is true that greediness leads to ruins.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 129

Setelah mempelajari chapter ini, peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara mengidentifikasi rima dalam lirik lagu; cara menangkap pesan yang ada dalam lagu; cara membuat parafrase dari lirik
lagu; dan cara menulis puisi sederhana dengan topik yang diambil dari lirik lagu yang telah dipelajari.
2. terampil:
mengidentifikasi rima dalam lirik lagu; menyampaikan pesan yang ada dalam lagu; membuat parafrase dari lirik lagu; dan
menulis puisi sederhana dengan topik yang diambil dari lirik lagu yang telah dipelajari.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. mampu mengembangkan kosakata melalui lirik lagu;
3. bekerja sama dan percaya diri dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Texts Song lyrics and their



Rhymes, paraphrases

Write the meaning of the

words, answer the
Questions You’ve Got questions, listen and
a Friend complete the song lyrics,
find the message of
a song, read and match,
Skills write a poem


Fill in the blanks,

paraphrase song lyrics

Browsing the
Internet Theories of rhymes and

Homework Write song lyrics and

define its message

130 You’ve got a Friend

Source: http://www.james taylor assets.rollingstone., downloaded July 27, 2016

Do you know who the man in the picture is? What his song are you familiar with? Do you know his song entitled You’ve
Got a Friend? Please open the following link:, choose the song title and
listen to the song.
In this chapter you will learn about songs; the meanings of words, communicative purpose, messages and language
features of song lyrics. Please read the song lyrics and do the tasks attentively. Understand the messages of the songs.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar tokoh yang ada di buku PR Bahasa Inggris. Peserta didik
diminta mengenali dan menyebutkan nama tokoh tersebut.
2. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan memahami paragraf penjelas yang terdapat di bawah gambar.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru ber tanya apakah ada peser ta didik yang mengetahui lagu berjudul You’ve Got
a Friend. Apabila memungkinkan, Bapak/Ibu Guru mengajak peserta didik membuka tautan yang ada dan mendengarkan
lagu tersebut.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran di chapter ini. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk aktif
dalam setiap kegiatan yang akan mereka lakukan.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 131

9. The message is that we should not worry about our bad
days because we still have friends.
All we need to do is just call them and they will come to help
us and cheer us up.
Read the following words and explain their meanings. 10. It means that a true friend is a person who will always be
Jawaban: there for us whenever we need him/her and help us through
1. saat kamu sedih/susah our difficult times.
2. bantuan
3. membuat ceria/bahagia
4. musim gugur
5. angin utara
6. panggil namaku dengan lantang
7. tidakkah itu menyenangkan Read the song lyrics.
8. mereka akan menyakitimu Then, answer the questions that follow.
9. meninggalkanmu Purpose
10. jiwa (By: Justin Bieber)

Feeling like I’m breathing my last breath

Feeling like I’m walking my last steps
Look at all of these tears I’ve wept
Look at all the promises that I’ve kept
Read the following song lyrics and sing the song.
Then, answer the questions that follow. I put my heart into your hands
Here’s my soul to keep
I let you in with all that I can
Sebagai persiapan dalam pembelajaran kegiatan berikut, You’re not hard to reach Source: http://
Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta salah seorang peserta didik And you bless me with the best gift www.mixhdwallpapers.,
downloaded July 27, 2016
mengunduh lagu tersebut. Pada kesempatan tatap muka That I’ve ever known
Bapak/Ibu Guru menyiapkan peralatan yang bisa digunakan You give me purpose
untuk memutar lagu tersebut. Yeah, you’ve given me purpose
1. Peserta didik menutup buku PR Bahasa Inggris mereka Thinking my journey’s come to an end
dan Bapak/Ibu Guru memutar lagu You’ve Got a Friend Sending out a farewell to my friends, forever peace
yang bisa diunduh dari laman Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please?
Peserta didik mendengarkannya sambil memperhatikan I’m more than grateful for the time we spent, my spirit’s at ease
pelafalan kosakata lagu tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
memutar lagu itu dua kali. I put my heart into your hands
2. Selanjutnya, peserta didik membuka buku PR Bahasa Learn the lessons you teach
Inggris mereka dan membaca lirik lagu berikut dengan No matter what, wherever I am
nyaring secara bergantian. You’re not hard to reach
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan peserta didik yang And you’ve given me the best gift
kurang tepat. That I’ve ever known
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik yang dapat You give me purpose every day
menyanyikan lagu tersebut untuk menyanyikannya. You give me purpose in every way
Peserta didik yang lain menirukan.
Oh, you are my everything ...
5. Peserta didik memahami lirik lagu tersebut dan kemudian
Oh, you are my everything ...
menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan pemahaman yang
tersedia. Mereka dapat mendiskusikan jawabannya I don’t know if this is wrong
dengan teman sebangku. Because someone else is telling me that it’s wrong
6. Setelah itu, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik But I feel this so let me just like, try my best not to let this
untuk menyampaikan jawabannya. Peserta didik yang happen again
lain menyimak dan menyampaikan jawabannya apabila We weren’t necessarily put in the best position to make the
berbeda dengan jawaban temannya. best decisions
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik menyimpulkan isi dan
pesan lagu tersebut. You can’t be hard on yourself
For these were the cards that you were given so you have to
understand that these, like ...
That’s not who you are
1. The lyric “And you need a helping hand”.
You’re trying to be the best you can be, but that’s all you can do
2. It means that whenever we have problems or are feeling
If you don’t give it all you got, you’re only cheating yourself
down, we should call our friends for help.
Give it all you got
3. He/she should come to see his/her friend soon and help
him/her. But if it ends up happening, it ends up happening
4. It expresses the seasons in a year. That’s what it’s ... that’s what’s happening with me
5. It means that I (a friend) will come to help you whenever you It’s like God I’m giving it all I got, sometimes
call for help, whether it is summer, spring, winter or fall. I’m weak and I’m gonna do it, and it’s like I’m not giving
6. North wind brings cold and stormy weather, so it symbolizes myself grace
difficulties. I’m just like understanding, that’s just how it is.
7. It refers to ‘cold people’. Adopted from: (July
12, 2016)
8. It is ‘companion’ or ‘colleague’.

132 You’ve got a Friend

We have problems
We have problems
1. What does the singer feel in the first stanza?
2. “I put my heart into your hands” (2nd stanza)
Help me polarize, help me polarize, help me out
Whose hands does the singer refer to?
My friends and I have problems
3. Read the third stanza. Why does the singer ask for
Help me polarize, help me polarize, help me out
My friends and I have problems
4. “You’re not hard to reach” (2nd stanza)
What does it mean? Help me polarize, help me polarize, help me out
5. What is the message of the song? My friends and I have problems (4×)
1. He feels hopeless and very sad. I wanted to be a better brother, better son (3×)
2. He refers to his lover’s hands. Adopted from: (July
3. Because he thinks that he has done many mistakes 12, 2016)
during his career and before his career ends,
he wants to apologize.
4. It means the singer’s lover is close to him.
5. The singer tells listeners that he admits for his
mistakes, so he asks for forgiveness and that he is not
perfect. TASK 1
Listen and complete the song lyrics based on what you have
Don’t Give up
(By: Bruno Mars)
When you want to do something that’s new
Listen and complete the song lyrics based on what you have And it seems really, really hard to do
heard. You feel like (1) ___________, you feel you’re through
Lirik lagu yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan Well, I have some (2) ___________ for you
Don’t give up
Polarize Keep on trying
(By: Twenty One Pilots) You’re gonna make it
Chorus: I ain’t lying
Help me polarize, help me polarize, help me down Don’t give up, don’t ever quit
Those (1) stairs is where I’ll be hiding all my problems Try and try and you can do it
Help me polarize, help me polarize, help me out Don’t give up, yeah
My friends and I, we got a lot of problems If you want to catch a ball
But you’re having (3) ___________ at all
You know where I’m (2) coming from
The ball hits your head, it hits your nose
Though I am running to you
It hits your belly, your (4) ___________
All our feelings tonight, tonight, tonight, oh
Well, try and try and try again
I wanted to be a better brother, better son Keep on trying until the end
Wanted to be a better adversary to (3) the evil I have done You put your hands out in the air
I have none to show to the one I love You’ll catch the ball
But tonight, tonight, tonight, oh Yes, this I swear
Don’t give up
Back to chorus
Keep on going
Polarize is taking your (4) disguises You’re on a boat
Separating ’em, (5) splitting ’em up from wrong and right So keep on (5) ___________
It’s deciding where to die and deciding (6) where to fight Don’t give up, don’t ever stop
Tonight, tonight, tonight, oh Try and try and ‘come out on top
Don’t give up
I wanted to be a better brother, better son
Wanted to be a better adversary to the evil I have done You got yourself (6) ___________
I have none to show to the one I love You put them on
But tonight, tonight, tonight, oh And you (7) ___________
You stand up
Back to chorus Then you fall, don’t think you can skate at all
You get back up, then you trip,
We have problems
You skip and (8) ___________, and flip
We have problems
You try and try and try some more
Domingo en fuego Soon you’re skating across the floor
I think I lost my halo
I don’t know where you are
You’ll have to come and (7) find me
Domingo en fuego
I think I lost my halo
I don’t know (8) where you are
You’ll have to come and find me, find me

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 133

Don’t give up Don’t give up
Keep on moving Keep on going
You’re gonna get there, just keep on (9) ___________ You’re on a boat
Don’t give up, don’t pack it in So keep on (5) rowing
Try and try, and (10) ___________ Don’t give up, don’t ever stop
Don’t give up, no no no (3´) Try and try and ‘come out on top
Don’t give up, no no Don’t give up
Don’t give up! You got yourself (6) rollerskates
Adopted from: You put them on
20989970.html (July 12, 2016)
And you (7) feel great
TASK 2 You stand up
What do the following words mean? Then you fall, don’t think you can skate at all
Look up the words in your dictionary. You get back up, then you trip,
You skip and (8) tip and slip, and flip
1. to seem = ________________
You try and try and try some more
2. hard to do = ________________
Soon you’re skating across the floor
3. to keep on = ________________
4. to quit = ________________ Don’t give up
5. luck = ________________ Keep on moving
6. belly = ________________ You’re gonna get there, just keep on (9) grooving
7. to swear = ________________ Don’t give up, don’t pack it in
8. to feel great = ________________ Try and try, and (10) you’ll win
9. to trip = ________________ Don’t give up, no no no (3´)
10. to skip = ________________ Don’t give up, no no
Don’t give up!
TASK 3 Adopted from:
Answer the following questions based on the song lyrics in 20989970.html (July 12, 2016)
1. According to the first stanza, what does the singer 1. tampaknya, kelihatannya
think about people who would like to do new actions? 2. sulit dilakukan/dikerjakan
2. What does the singer suggest people who want to 3. melanjutkan, meneruskan
stop doing new actions? 4. berhenti
3. How many stanzas does the song lyrics have? 5. keberuntungan
4. “It hits your belly, your chin and toes” (3rd stanza) 6. perut
What does ‘it’ refer to? 7. berjanji, bersumpah
5. What is the message of the song? 8. merasa senang
Jawaban: 9. tersandung
TASK 1 10. melompati
Lirik lagu yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan TASK 3
jawaban: 1. He thinks, those people may feel that it’s difficult to
Don’t Give up accomplish the actions and would like to stop doing
(By: Bruno Mars) them.
When you want to do something that’s new 2. He suggests they continue to try because they will
And it seems really, really hard to do succeed.
You feel like (1) quitting, you feel you’re through 3. Six stanzas.
Well, I have some (2) advice for you 4. It refers to a ball.
5. We should keep on trying when doing something and
Don’t give up never give up or quit whenever facing problems or
Keep on trying failure. We should face and solve any difficulties in
You’re gonna make it order to succeed.
I ain’t lying
Don’t give up, don’t ever quit
Try and try and you can do it
Don’t give up, yeah
If you want to catch a ball
But you’re having (3) no luck at all Read the song lyrics ‘Polarize’ once again.
The ball hits your head, it hits your nose Write down the rhyming words and read them aloud, in turns.
It hits your belly, your (4) chin and toes Jawaban:
Well, try and try and try again
Keep on trying until the end Stanza Rhyming Words
You put your hands out in the air
2 you – oh
You’ll catch the ball
3 son – done; love – oh
Yes, this I swear
4 right – fight – tonight
5 problems – problems
6 fuego – halo; are – are; me – me
7 problems – problems
8 out – out; problems – problems

134 You’ve got a Friend

Song lyrics 2
(By: One Direction)
I think I’m gonna lose my mind
1. Peserta didik membaca nyaring setiap baris dari Something deep inside me I can’t give up
cuplikan lirik lagu ”Purpose” yang dinyanyikan oleh I think I’m gonna lose my mind
Justin Bieber berikut dengan pelafalan yang benar, I roll and I roll till I’m out of luck
secara bergiliran. Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan I roll and I roll till I’m out of luck
pelafalan yang kurang tepat. I’m feeling something deep inside
2. Selanjutnya, peserta didik mengidentifikasi rima Hotter than the dead stream burning up
dalam lirik lagu tersebut. I got a feeling deep inside
3. Setelah itu, peserta didik menyampaikan rima dalam It’s taking, it’s taking all I’ve got
lirik lagu tersebut. Yeah, it’s taking, it’s taking all I’ve got
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan hal-hal yang belum Cos nobody knows you baby the way I do
dipahami oleh peserta didik. Cos nobody loves you baby the way I do
5. Kegiatan selanjutnya yaitu memilih jawaban yang It’s been so long, it’s been so long
benar berdasarkan lirik lagu yang dibacakan oleh Maybe we’re fireproof
Bapak/Ibu Guru. Cos nobody saves me baby the way you do
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan lirik lagu tersebut dua Adopted from:
atau tiga kali. Peserta didik menyimak dengan fireproof_21087570.html (July 14, 2016)
saksama dan memilih jawaban yang sesuai.
7. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik TASK 2
membahas jawabannya. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer
8. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai atas hasil based on what you have heard.
pekerjaan peserta didik.
1. The title of the song is ________.
A. What a Kindness
TASK 1 B. Heal ’Em with Kindness
Read the song lyrics and pay attention to the rhymes. C. Kill Us with Kindness
Find the lines which have the same rhymes. D. Kill ’Em with Kindness
Song lyrics 1 E. Fill ’Em with Kindness
(By: Justin Bieber) 2. What does the singer ask people to do?
A. Stop fighting and be kind to each other.
Feeling like I’m breathing my last breath B. Cease fire and befriend.
Feeling like I’m walking my last steps C. Never hurt people with guns.
Look at all of these tears I’ve wept D. Be good to other people.
Look at all the promises that I’ve kept E. Never think to start a war or fighting.

I put my heart into your hands 3. “We’re running out of time” (Third stanza)
Here’s my soul to keep What does ‘running out of time’ mean?
I let you in with all that I can A. Having plenty of time.
You’re not hard to reach B. Having much time.
And you bless me with the best gift C. Not much time left.
That I’ve ever known D. Having no time at all.
You give me purpose E. Spending time efficiently.
Yeah, you’ve given me purpose 4. What does the singer say about a war?
Thinking my journey’s come to an end A. People, who get angry easily, will ignite a war.
Sending out a farewell to my friends, forever peace B. People have to compromise in a war.
Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please? C. We should not be bluffing.
I’m more than grateful for the time we spent, D. Let’s stop fighting and war.
my spirit’s at ease E. No one wins a war.
5. “Kill ’em with kindness”
I put my heart into your hands What does ‘kill’ in this song mean?
Learn the lessons you teach A. Start.
No matter what, wherever I am B. Stop.
You’re not hard to reach C. Sweep.
And you’ve given me the best gift D. Ignore.
That I’ve ever known E. Assemble.
You give me purpose every day
You give me purpose in every way

Adopted from: (July
12, 2016)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 135

Jawaban: Kill ’em with kindness
TASK 1 Kill ’em with kindness
Song lyrics 1 Kill ’em, kill ’em, kill ’em with kindness
Stanza Line Word Rhyming Word(s) Line
Kill ’em with kindness
Kill ’em with kindness
1 breath steps 2 Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead now
1 wept 3
kept 4 Go ahead, go ahead now
Go ahead, go ahead now
1 hands can 3 Go ahead, go ahead now
2 2 keep reach 4
7 purpose purpose 8 Adopted from:
killemwithkindness.html (July 12, 2016)
3 2 peace please 3
ease 4 1. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena sesuai dengan
1 hands am 3 judul lirik lagu tersebut, yaitu Kill ’Em with
4 2 teach reach 4 Kindness.
7 day way 8
2. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari bait pertama dan kedua
Song lyrics 2 yang artinya ”Dunia bisa menjadi tempat yang
jahat; Kau tahu itu, aku tahu itu, ya; Kami tidak
Stanza Line Word Rhyming Word(s) Line harus jatuh dari karunia; Letakkan senjata yang
kau gunakan untuk berperang; Bunuh mereka
1 mind mind 3
1 2 up luck 4 and 5 dengan kebaikan; Bunuh mereka dengan
kebaikan; Bunuh mereka, bunuh mereka, bunuh
1 inside inside 3
2 4 got got 5 mereka dengan kebaikan; Bunuh mereka dengan
kebaikan; Bunuh mereka dengan kebaikan;
3 1 do do, proof 2, 4 and 5
Silakan, silakan, silakan sekarang”. Kata ’bunuh’
dalam kalimat ini berarti menghentikan. Jadi,
TASK 2 penyanyi itu mengajak orang untuk berhenti
berperang dan melakukan kebaikan, sesuai
Lirik lagu yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: dengan pilihan jawaban (A).
Kill ’Em with Kindness 3. C. ’Running out of time’ artinya kehabisan waktu. Itu
(By: Selena Gomes) artinya tidak banyak waktu tersisa (hanya tersisa
The world can be a nasty place sedikit waktu). Pilihan jawaban yang artinya sama
You know it, I know it, yeah dengan frasa tersebut yaitu (C) yang artinya tidak
We don’t have to fall from grace banyak waktu tersisa. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
Put down the weapons you fight with maknanya berbeda; (A) artinya mempunyai sangat
And kill ’em with kindness banyak waktu, (B) artinya mempunyai banyak
Kill ’em with kindness waktu, (D) artinya sama sekali tidak mempunyai
Kill ’em, kill ’em, kill ’em with kindness waktu, dan (E) artinya menggunakan waktu
Kill ’em with kindness secara efisien.
Kill ’em with kindness 4. E. Jawaban disimpulkan dari isi bait keempat yang
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead now menjelaskan bahwa tipuan ada pada peluru, mulut
We’re running out of time merupakan senjata, tidak ada yang menang
Chasing the lies dalam peperangan, hentikan perang sebelum
Every day a small piece of you dies mulai jika nanti ingin melakukan peperangan. Jadi,
Always somebody penyanyi itu berpendapat bahwa tidak ada
You’re willing to fight, to be right pemenang dalam perang, sesuai dengan pilihan
jawaban (E). Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak
Your lies are bullets sesuai dengan isi bait keempat tersebut;
Your mouth’s a gun (A) artinya orang yang mudah marah menyulut
And no war in anger peperangan, (B) artinya orang harus berkompromi
Was ever won dalam perang, (C) artinya kita tidak boleh
Put out the fire before igniting menggertak, dan (D) artinya mari hentikan
Next time you’re fighting pertikaian dan peperangan.
Kill ’em with kindness 5. B. Kata ’kill’ yang secara leksikal berarti membunuh
Kill ’em with kindness dalam kalimat tersebut artinya hentikan. Ini
Kill ’em, kill ’em, kill ’em with kindness merupakan ajakan untuk menghentikan
Kill ’em with kindness peperangan dengan melakukan kebaikan
Kill ’em with kindness (kindness). Kata yang artinya sama dengan kata
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead now itu yaitu pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya hentikan.
Go ahead, go ahead now Pilihan jawaban yang lain maknanya berbeda;
Go ahead, go ahead now (A) artinya mulai; (C) artinya menyapu; (D) artinya
Your lies are bullets mengabaikan; dan (E) artinya merangkai atau
Your mouth’s a gun berkumpul.
And no war in anger
Was ever won
Put out the fire before igniting
Next time you’re fighting

136 You’ve got a Friend

Listen and write down the lyrics. Dengan perintah kegiatan sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi
What is the song about? soal berikut.
Lirik lagu yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan Lirik lagu yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan
sekaligus jawaban: sekaligus jawaban:
I Don’t Know My Name The Miracle
(By: Grace VanderWaal) (By: U2)
I don’t know my name I was chasing down the days of fear
I don’t play by the rules of the game Chasing down a dream before it disappeared
So you said I’m just trying I was aching to be somewhere new
Just trying Your voice was all I heard
So I heard you are my sister’s friend I was shaking from a storm in me
You get along quite nicely Haunted by the spectors that we had to see
You ask me why I cut my hair Yeah, I wanted to be the melody
And change myself completely Above the noise, above the herd

I don’t know my name I was young

I don’t play by the rules of the game Not dumb
So you say I’m just trying Just wishing to be blinded
Just trying By you
Brand new
I went from bland and popular And we were pilgrims on our way
To joining the marching band Adopted from: (July
I made the closest friends 16, 2016)
I’ll ever have in my life time Contoh jawaban:
I am lost The song is about a person who relates his/her past.
Trying to get found
In an ocean of people
Please don’t ask me any questions
There’ll be a valid answer, I’ll just say that

I don’t know my name

Read the song lyrics and answer the questions that follow.
I don’t play by the rules of the game
So you say I’m just trying Jawaban:
Just trying 1. The singer tells listeners that they will experience the same
as their parents already have.
I now know my name 2. It refers to the singer and listeners.
I don’t play by the rules of the game 3. It has a positive message. It suggests that we should work
So you say, I’m not trying hard for our country.
But I’m trying 4. It means that it’s time for us as young generations to
To find my way continue working for our country as the elder will retire.
Adopted from: 5. It is ‘dismiss’.
vanderwaal.html (July 12, 2016)
The song is about how the singer has gone through so many
different phases of life, circustances and friendships. Now, it’s
about who the singer wants to be and this is what she wants her
life path to be. ( TASK 1
my-name-lyrics) What do the following words mean?
No. Word Meaning

1. to lay _____________________
2. awake _____________________
3. to scheme _____________________
4. dust _____________________
5. to rise _____________________
6. to prove _____________________
7. spirit _____________________
8. throne _____________________
9. labor _____________________
10. warrior _____________________

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 137

TASK 2 TASK 3 (Contoh jawaban)
Make sentences using the words from TASK 1. You : What is the title of the song?
Your friend : It is Roar.
You : Who sings it?
Work in pairs.
Your friend : Katy Perry. My turn now. Who is the song
Ask and answer questions about the following song lyrics, in
addressed to?
You : To the person who has made the singer fall for
Roar everything.
(By: Katy Perry) Your friend : Good. What would the singer do everytime the
I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath person held her down?
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess You : She would get up and be ready to continue.
So I sat quietly, agreed politely
I guess I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything

You held me down, but I got up (hey!) Read the song lyrics.
Already brushing off the dust Match each stanza of the song lyrics with the suitable paraphrase
You hear my voice, your hear that sound from the box.
Like thunder, gonna shake the ground
You held me down, but I got up Jawaban:
Get ready ’cause I had enough Stanza Paraphrase
I see it all, I see it now
1 b
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter 2 e
3 d
Dancing through the fire 4 c
’Cause I am a champion, and you’re gonna hear 5 a
me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
’Cause I am a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
You’re gonna hear me roar! Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru
Adopted from: (July memberi soal berikut dengan memperbanyak soal.
14, 2016)
Jawaban: a. The singer feels very sad for losing his/her close
TASK 1 friend. He/she remembers when they were young.
No. Word Meaning
His/her friend was the only person who treated
him/her well and cheered him/her up
1. to lay berbaring from sadness. The singer promises that he/she will
2. awake terbangun always love his/her friend.
3. to scheme membuat rencana
4. dust debu b. The singer is very happy knowing that his/her
5. to rise bangkit friend will stay with him/her. The singer remembers
6. to prove membuktikan old days when they spent time together.
7. spirit semangat, jiwa
8. throne tahta, singgasana c. The singer’s close friend will die, but he/she has
9. labor usaha, kerja left the best memories in the singer and many
10. warrior prajurit, pejuang people’s lives.
d. The singer remembers the old days when he/she
TASK 2 (Contoh jawaban)
was with his/her friend. They chatted, played
1. Please don’t lay on the floor. You’ll get cold.
games, laughed, cried and cared for each other.
2. It’s already 11 p.m. Why are you still awake?
However, soon the singer will lose him/her.
3. The robbers schemed their actions very carefully so it
He/she says that he/she will meet his/friend at the
was very difficult for the police to catch them.
new place someday.
4. Wash your hand and feet. It’s dirty of dust and dirt.
e. The singer knows where his/her friend is going to.
5. The woman rises and walks towards the stage. She
He/she wishes that his/her friend will get peace in
will receive a trophy.
his/her future life.
6. The man proved that he was innocent, so he was
7. Keep focused and have strong spirit to do your best.
8. Will the king hand over his throne to the prince soon?
9. This is our labor of dignity.
10. As warriors, we should be ready when the duty calls
to chase away enemies.

138 You’ve got a Friend

Best Days of My Life
(By: Hanson)
(1) Been together for so long my friend
Now you tell me that you’ll be going away Read the following poem.
So many people in so many ways What is the poem about?
Drawn by you in all the things you’ve had to say
(2) And now I know where you’re going to
Hope you find your way 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring
I’ll say puisi berikut. Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan pelafalan
yang kurang tepat.
(3) What’s forever if you’re gone?
2. Peserta didik berdiskusi dengan temannya tentang isi
Give me the strength to carry on
puisi tersebut, lalu menyampaikannya di kelas.
When you see me walking by
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan puisi sebagai berikut.
I’ll hold my head up high
And think of the times when we were young
A song lyric is like a poem. A poem tells about
When our love had just begun
something in figurative words. It also has rhyming
Only you can stop the pain
words which make the poems sounds interesting
But our love will always remain
when read. In other words, we may say a poem is
(4) Sit and wonder about the things we’ve said an arrangement of words containing meaning and
And times we’ve had and the games we played musicality. Most poems take the form of a series of
Look back now and remember the days we laughed lines separated into groups called stanzas. A poem
The moments we cried and the love we made can be rhyming or nonrhyming, with a regular meter
And now I know where you’re going to or a free flow of polyrhythms.
I’ll see you there someday The message of the poem above is that when
I’ll say the night falls, it is time for our souls to be relaxed
Adopted from: and forget our routines. You can log onto http://
best+days+of+my+life_20579419.html (July 14, 2016) if you want to learn more about
Jawaban: poems.
Stanza Paraphrase
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat meminta peser ta didik
1 c menyebutkan penyair-penyair tanah air dan karya-karya
2 e mereka.
3 a
4 d
Contoh jawaban:
The poem is a reminder that we have to understand that life can
be pleasurable or distressed. However, we have to continue our
lives and not to surrender to the situation.

Work in groups of three or four.

Paraphrase each stanza of the following song lyrics.
Contoh jawaban: Write a poem about a topic that you like.
Share the result with the class.
Stanza Paraphrase
Contoh jawaban:
1 When the singer sleeps, fireflies lit up the night with their bright rays. Sun
2 People will feel sad when fireflies leave, but the singer will always You come and go every day
stand up right and face the future optimistically.
You bright my soul and day
3 The singer wishes that the situation will not change fast. He/she will You give me hope for a better future
always be alert because the situation is never as it seems.
You leave with no signature
4 The singer will always be happy because he/she has a lot of friends
who stay next to him/her. Sun ...
We walk and run without sorrow
Enjoy the day we need not to borrow
Though our lives fill with hollow
We hope to see you tomorrow

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 139

Whoa, let’s make this a better world
When push comes to shove
What have we really learned
Whoa, let’s make this a better world
When you’re lying awake with your life in your head
Find a song which has a positive message, then write the lyrics
Thinking ’bout friends who are already dead
and its message.
We can change
Illustrate the song and stick it on the wall magazine.
Whoa, let’s make this a better world
When push comes to shove
1. Peserta didik mencari lagu yang mereka kenal dan What have we really learned
memiliki pesan positif. Whoa, let’s make this a better world
2. Peserta didik menulis lirik lagu tersebut dan pesan moral Is there hope for us all
yang terkandung di dalamnya di kertas karton. As we’re waiting to die
3. Peserta didik menghias lagu yang ditulisnya tersebut. Lying in bed as we take our last sigh
4. Peserta didik membacakan lirik lagu tersebut dan Adopted from: (July 16,
kemudian menempelkannya di majalah dinding kelas. 2016)
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai. The message of the song is that life is not always as we’ve
expected to be; however, we have to be wiser in living our lives
Contoh jawaban: so that the world is a better place for us to live in.
Better World
(By: Toto)
Hello my friends I’m calling to you
The things we believed
Are no longer true
’Cause we’re older now
So much wiser than before
The pain that we’ve felt
We hold deep inside
The dues we have paid
And the tears we have cried
And the emptiness
Can we take it anymore
Have we lost all our faith in our God
And all that we are
When we look at our lives
What are we fighting for

140 You’ve got a Friend

• Help me polarize, help me polarize, help me
Those stairs is where I’ll be hiding all my
Help me polarize, help me polarize, help me
Rhymes out
My friends and I, we got a lot of problems
• When you’re down and troubled
• I wanted to be a better brother, better son
And you need a helping hand
Wanted to be a better adversary to the evil
Message: A friend will always help us whenever we
I have done
have problems.
I have none to show to the one I love
But tonight, tonight, tonight, oh
• I don’t know my name
I don’t play by the rules of the game
So you said I’m just trying
Just trying Song lyrics and You’ve Got
messages a Friend
So I heard you are my sister’s friend
You get along quite nicely
You ask me why I cut my hair You just call out my name
And change myself completely And you know wherever I am
Message: How the singer has gone through so many I’ll come running to see you again
different phases of life, circustances and friendships. Now, Winter, spring, summer or fall
it’s about who the singer wants to be and this is what she All you have to do is call
wants her life path to be. Paraphrase And I’ll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah
You’ve got a friend

The singer will come to help his friend whenever

he calls for help, whether it is summer, spring,
winter or fall

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Tape Script for Assessment I’m only one call away
I’ll be there to save the day
Questions 1 to 5 refer to the following song lyrics. Superman got nothing on me
I’m only one call away
One Call Away And when you’re weak I’ll be strong
(By: Charlie Puth) I’m gonna keep holding on
I’m only one call away Now don’t you worry, it won’t be long
I’ll be there to save the day Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone
Superman got nothing on me Just run into my arms
I’m only one call away
I’m only one call away
Call me, baby, if you need a friend I’ll be there to save the day
I just wanna give you love Superman got nothing on me
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon I’m only one, I’m only one call away
Reaching out to you, so take a chance I’m only one call away
I’ll be there to save the day
No matter where you go
Superman got nothing on me
You know you’re not alone
I’m only one call away
I’m only one call away
I’m only one call away
I’ll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me Adopted from: (July 14,
I’m only one call away
Come along with me and don’t be scared 1. What is the title of the song?
I just wanna set you free 2. What does the singer promise to the girl, expressed in the
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon following lyrics?
You and me can make it anywhere Call me, baby, if you need a friend
For now, we can stay here for a while I just wanna give you love
Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile C’mon, c’mon, c’mon
Reaching out to you, so take a chance
No matter where you go 3. “Come along with me and don’t be scared”
You know you’re not alone What is the similar meaning of ‘scared’?
4. “I’ll be there to save the day”
What does the line mean?
5. What is the message of the song?

I. Choose A, B, C , D or E for the correct answer. I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
Jawaban: They’ll learn much more than I’ll never know
1. C 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. D And I think to myself what a wonderful world
6. C 7. E 8. A 9. B 10. D Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.
11. B 12. C 13. E 14. D 15. D Adopted from:
16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. E what+a+wonderful+world_20085347.html (July 14, 2016)

The message is that the world is wonderful and it’s filled with
II. Write an English song you are familiar with. nice atmosphere that makes people live happily.
What is the message?
Contoh jawaban:
What a Wonderful World
(By: Louis Armstrong)
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They’re really saying I love you.

142 You’ve got a Friend

Copy song lyrics and paraphrase each stanza.
Share the result with the class.
First you both go out your way
Contoh jawaban:
And the vibe is feeling strong
See You Again And what’s small turn to a friendship
(By: Wiz Khalifa) A friendship turn into a bond
It’s been a long day without you, my friend And that bond will never be broken
And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again And the love will never get lost
We’ve come a long way from where we began And when brotherhood come first
Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again Then the line will never be crossed
When I see you again Established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn
Damn, who knew? And that line is what we reach
All the planes we flew So remember me when I’m gone
Good things we’ve been through How could we not talk about family when family’s all that we
That I’ll be standing right here talking to you got?
About another path Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
But something told me that it wouldn’t last
Had to switch up So let the light guide your way, yeah
Look at things different see the bigger picture Hold every memory as you go
Those were the days And every road you take will always lead you home, home
Hard work forever pays
Now I see you in a better place It’s been a long day without you, my friend
And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
How could we not talk about family when family’s all that we got? We’ve come a long way from where we began
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride When I see you again
When I see you again
It’s been a long day without you, my friend When I see you again
And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again Adopted from: (July
We’ve come a long way from where we began 14, 2016)

Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again

Stanza Paraphrase

1 The singer will tell his friend about his experiences when he meets him/her.

2 The singer tries to recall his memories when he spent the days with his friend. Now they’re apart, but he knows that his friend lives in a better way.

3 The singer and his friend have never talked about their families because they are already a family. He knows he will meet his friend again for the
last time.
4 The singer will tell his friend about his experiences when he meets him/her.

5 The singer recalls how he and his friend become close friends that will never break up. He asks his friend to remember him when he dies.

6 The singer and his friend have never talked about their families because they are already a family. He knows he will meet his friend again for the
last time.
7 The singer reminds his friend to let the light guide his/her way and remember all the memories. He reminds his friend to return home at last.

8 The singer will tell his friend about his experiences when he meets him/her.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 143

LISTENING SECTION 4. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
PART I Guru:
Boy : I went to your house last Sunday afternoon
1. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu to borrow an English book, but no one was
Guru: home.
Boy : The background of your picture is a great ship. Girl : I am sorry. My family and I visited my
Where did you take this picture? uncle’s new restaurant. We helped him
Girl : At Submarine Monument in Surabaya. prepare for its grand opening.
Boy : Really? I’ve read an article about it. The Narrator : Where was the girl last Sunday afternoon?
monument was a submarine called KRI
Pasopati 410. It was one of Indonesia navy Jawaban: E
Girl : You’re right. It was involved in the battle of PART II
Aru Sea.
5. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Narrator : What is the dialog about?
Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
Jawaban: E diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Girl : I have good news. Asma Nadia, your idol,
2. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu is in town!
Guru: Boy : Yeah, I know that. I have met her. Look!
Girl : I need references to write a biographical I have her autograph.
recount. Girl : I see. You look so happy now. Where did
Boy : What will you write about? you meet her?
Girl : The biography of Affandi, a great artist. Boy : ________
Boy : You are lucky. I am his fan. Narrator : What is the best response?
I have several references about him. Let’s A. At your house.
go to my house. B. At our school.
Girl : Sure. Thank you. C. In our classroom.
Narrator : What will the speakers do after the D. At the book fair.
Jawaban: D
Jawaban: D
6. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
3. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
Guru: Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
Woman : Hello and welcome in our talk show. Our diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
guest tonight is MBoy : Have you ever heard a story of Pari
a successful young entrepreneur in graphic Temple?
design, Yohanes Auri. Girl : Yes, I have.
\Man : Hello. Thank you for inviting me. It’s Boy : What is the story about?
a pleasure to sit on this comfortable couch Girl : It is about a couple who ignored their
and talking with a popular host, like you. parents’ advice and they changed into
Woman : Thanks. Well, you founded Flux Design and temples.
successfully run this business. When did Boy : ________
you begin your business? Narrator : What will the boy most likely reply?
Man : I started to run my business when I studied A. I like reading stories.
in universities as a freelance designer. B. Let me tell you a story.
Narrator : What event do the speakers involve? C. It has a good moral value.
D. Please read the story of Pari Temple.
Jawaban: C
Jawaban: C

144 Final Test

7. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
She has been honored with two statues in Ambon
Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang and Abubu. Warships, streets, a Moluccan social
diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: organization and a women’s magazine have been named
Man : Timun Mas, you think you can run away after her.
from me. I will catch you. Adopted from:

Girl : You won’t catch me. I will throw salt, Evil tiahahu/ (August 9, 2016)

Giant. It will change into a sea and you will Narrator : Which picture goes with the monolog?
Man : ________ Jawaban: B
Narrator : What is the best response?
A. It is salty. 11. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
B. It tastes bad. Once there was a crow that lived near a farm-
C. It is delicious. house. The owner of the farm had kept several pigeons
D. I can swim and catch you. and he fed them grains regularly. The crow looked at
the pigeons and envied them.
Jawaban: D The crow painted its body gray like the pigeons
and posed as one of them. Thus, the crow was able to
PART III enjoy the feed daily. The pigeons never suspected it.
One day, after the feed, the crow couldn’t control
8. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu itself and started laughing. The pigeons realized that it
Guru: was not one of them. They chased it away. The crow
Boy : You look so happy. What’s going on? flew away and went to its own brethren. However, they
Girl : I watched Joey Alexander’s concert last refused it because of its painted body.
night and I had an opportunity to meet him It was forced to flee and became a homeless
behind the stage. wanderer.
Adapted from:
Boy : That’s cool! You finally met your idol. never_pretend_what_you_are_not.html (August 9, 2016)
Girl : Yeah. Look! I have his autograph. You know,
he is a really great jazz pianist. I like his Narrator : Which picture shows the condition of the
performance. main character after it was chased away
Narrator : What instrument is played by the girl’s idol? by the pigeons?

Jawaban: C Jawaban: C

9. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu PART IV

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Woman : Thank you for your time to answer a few
Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog.
questions about your healthy recipe. How do
The Battle of Ambarawa, or called Palagan Ambarawa,
you prepare food for your customers?
was a military conflict between the Indonesian army and
Man : I always serve the best food for my
British troops that occurred on October 20 to December 15,
customers. I choose fresh and organic
1945 in Ambarawa.
vegetables, meat and fruits. Then
On October 20, 1945 British troops landed in Semarang
I processed them well, without monosodium
to disarm Japanese troops and liberate Europeans who still
detained in concentration camps in Indonesia. The
Woman : How do you make the food tasty without
Netherlands Indies Civil Administration or NICA also landed
monosodium glutamate?
on Semarang. This situation led the war.
Man : I give the food more spices. Adopted from: (August 11, 2016)
Narrator : Which picture describes the situation in the
12. What is the monolog about?
13. What caused the conflict?
Jawaban: E
12. Jawaban: A
10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
13. Jawaban: D
Martha Christina Tiahahu is acknowledged as
a national heroine. She was born on January 4, 1800 in
Abubu Village on Nusa Laut Island, near Maluku. After
her mother died when she was an infant, she was raised
by her father, Captain Paulus Tiahahu.
Martha supported her father who led the Mollucans
to fight against Dutch colonialism. She also joined the
war led by Pattimura against the Dutch colonial
government when she was 17. When the Dutch caught
and executed her father on a tiny island of Nusa Laut,
southeast Saparua, she would be taken to Java to work
at tea and coffee plantations. On board she refused any
food offered by the Dutch crew. She was sick and
passed away on January 2, 1818 at the age of only 18.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 145

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
16. D 31. A 46. D
Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog.
17. C 32. E 47. B
An emperor was in the habit of posing riddles and
18. C 33. B 48. E
puzzles to his courtiers. He often asked questions which
19. E 34. D 49. A
were strange and witty. It took much wisdom to answer his
20. B 35. E 50. C
21. C 36. E
Once he asked a very strange question. He asked the
22. D 37. D
courtiers about the number of the birds in his palace. As he
23. B 38. B
looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of
24. D 39. B
an answer. Then, an old man entered the courtyard. The
25. E 40. B
emperor asked him that question. He answered that there
26. C 41. E
were fifty thousand five hundred and eighty-nine birds. The
27. D 42. A
emperor doubted it. He answered if the emperor found more
28. E 43. C
birds, it meant several birds visited their relatives. If the
29. C 44. D
emperor found less number of birds, it meant several birds
30. D 45. E
had gone to visit their relatives. The emperor was pleased
with the man’s wit.
Adopted from: (August
10, 2016)
14. What did the emperor like to do?
15. Who could answer the emperor’s question?

14. Jawaban: D
15. Jawaban: D
This is the end of the listening section.

146 Final Test

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