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15 - Fractures and Joint 5.

Injuries-General Features EXTRENAL ENVIRONTMENT
- Closed  kulit masih intact.
DEFINISI FRAKTUR - Open  ada hubungan antara
luka dengan lingkungan luar 
Fraktur adalah diskontinuitas dari tulang, dapat mengakibatkan infeksi.
epifisis plate atau tulang rawan sendi, 6. COMPLICATIONS
akibat trauma mekanik dan non mekanik - Komplikasi karena luka
yang mengakibatkan rusaknya jaringan tersebut.
lunak, arteri, saraf perifer atau tulang. - Komplikasi karena treatment
Karena tulang dikeliling oleh soft tissue  Jenis komplikasi : sistemik &
degree of soft tissue injury. Apabila soft lokal.
tissue injury ada pada otak, spinal cord,
viscera abdominal/thoracal, arteri besar DIAGNOSIS
dan saraf perifer  clinical significance 1. Anamnesis
lebih besar disbanding dengan fraktur - Keluhan utama (Chief
tersebut. complaint)
- Nyeri (Pain): onset, lokasi,
DESKRIPSI FRAKTUR karakteristik, severitas, durasi,
1. SITE faktor yang memperingan
Sisi/lokasi yang terkena  diafisis, - Penurunan fungsing (Decrease
metafisis, epifisis, intra-artikular, in function): disability caused
fraktur-dislokasi. by muscle weakness, joint
2. EXTENT instability, joint stiffness.
Penyebaran: - Physical appearance/
- Complete deformitas: atrofi, shortening,
-Incomplete  crack/hairline rotasi.
fracture, buckle, greenstick - Riwayat jatuh, trauma, penyakit
fracture. dahulu & riwayat pengobatan.
3. CONFIGURATION - Functional Inquiry/coesixtent
-Transverse disorders: Penyakit jantung,
-Oblique DM, penyakit ginjal,
-Spiral pernafasan.
-Comminuted - Riwayat sosioekonomi
4. RELATIONSHIP OF THE - Riwayat keluarga
EACH OTHER 2. Pemeriksaan Fisik
-Undisplaced - Perhatikan : body build
-Displaced: (habitus), ekspresi wajah
1) translated (shifted sideways) (facies), cara berjalan (gait).
2) angulated - Inspeksi:
3) rotated Skin  kemerahan, sianosis
4) distracted Bekas luka, deformitas,
5) overriding swelling, benjolan.
6) impacted. Bandingkan kanan-kiri 
- Palpasi:
Kulit dingin/hangat, tenderness, - Progenitor mesenchymal
pulse, swelling, massa, migrasi ke callus 
krepitasi. berdiferensiasi menjadi
- Moving  Pergerakan sendi replacing hematoma.
Active movement -
Passive movement 3. HARD CALLUS FORMATION
- Auskultasi - Setelah soft callus terbentuk
Suara krepitasi, snapping hingga 3-4 bulan
tendon. - Terjadi endochondral
3. Diagnostic Imaging ossification pada soft tissue
- Rontgen - Callus  rigid calcified tissue
- CT Scan - Formasi hard callus dimulai
- MRI dari perifer-center fraktur
NORMAL HEALING OF - Beberapa bulan – beberapa
- Primary / direct healing by - Woven bone  lamellar bone
internal remodeling - Sampai terbentuk morfologi
- Secondary / indirect healing by asli.
callus formation
- Primary Bone Healing: Occurs ABNORMAL HEALING OF
only with absolute stability, is a FRACTURES
biological process of osteonal
bone remodelling. 1. MALUNION
- Secondary Bone Healing: Waktu yang diharapkan normal,
◦ Inflammation tetapi dalam posisi yang tidak
◦ Soft Callus Formation memuaskan dengan deformitas
◦ Hard Callus Formation tulang sisa.
◦ Remodelling 2. DELAYED UNION
1. INFLAMASI Membutuhkan waktu lebih lama
- 1-7 hari setelah fraktur dari seharusnya.
- Pembentukan hematom 3. NON UNION
- Bone necrosis pada ujung Fail to heal completely  9 bulan
fraktur  mengeluarkan
sitokin yang menyebabkan COMPLICATION
vasodilatasi dah hyperemia,
migrasi dan proliferasi 1. IMMEDIATE
neutrophil PMN dan makrofag. - Lokal
- 2-3 minggu setelah fraktur Dari luar: abrasi, laserasi, kulit
- Sellprogenitor pada periosteum hilang
dan endosteum menjadi Dari dalam: penetrasi kulit oleh
osteoblast fragmen
- Mulai pertumbuhan tulang - Vaskular
intramembrane  membentuk Arteri: division, contusion,
woven bone spasme
- Kapiler tumbuh pada callus  Vena: division, contusion
peningkatan vaskularisasi Perdarahan local
- Muskular: division
- Neurogis: braim, sci, nervus 3. Closed reduction (dengan
perifer imobilisasi)-
- Viscreal injuries Indikasi: unstable oblique, spiral,
- Thorax: jantung, pembuluh comminuted #tulang Panjang
besar, paru, trakea, brongkus Unstable spinal
- Intraabdominal: GI, liver, Fraktur dengan kerusakan vaskuler
spleen, TU
2. EARLY/Hitungan Jam 4. Closed Reduction by Continuous
Nekrosis kulit, gangrene, Traction Followed by
compartment syndrome, gas Immobilization
gangrene, septic arthritis, infeksi
(osteomyelitis), avascular necrosis. - Skin traction or skeletal traction
3. LATE/2 Minggu-Berbulan-bulan ; fixed traction (end of bed) or
Kekakuan, post traumatic balanced traction (cords with
degenerative arthritis, abnormal weights / pulleys)
healing, gangguang pertumbuhan,
osteomyelitis kronis, post traimatik - Overcoming muscle pull and
osteoporosis, refraktur, nerve palsy. gravity

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF 5. Close reduction Followed by

FRACTURE TREATMENT Functional Fracture-bracing

1. First, Do NO Harm Cast for 3-4 weeks. THEN, hinged

2. Treatment awal sesuai dengan Dx cast-brace/plastic brace is aClosed
dan prognosis reduction / continuous traction for
3. Pilih treatment yang sesuai few days, followed by
4. Laws of nature immobilization by plaster pplied to
5. Realistis dan praktis allow motion in the joints above
6. Cegah infeksi and below the fractured bone.

EMERGENCY 6. Closed Reduction by Manipulation

Followed by External Skeletal
Primay Survery: ABCDE Fixation
Secondary Survey: AMPLE
Two or three metal pins are
inserted percutaneously through the
SPECIFIED METHODS OF bone above and below the fracture
TREATMENT FOR CLOSED site, and held together by external
FRACTURE bars to provide firm (but not rigid)
fixation of the fracture “at a
1. Proteksi (tanpa imobilisasi/reduksi) distance”
 simple sling, crutches
Indikasi : undisplaced, clinical Indications:
2. Imobilisasi dengan External - Severely comminuted and
Splinting (tanpa reduksi) unstable tibia/femur shaft
Plaster of Paris, metallic/plastic fracture
Indikasi: undisplaced & unstable - Unstable fracture of pelvis,
humerus, radius, metacarpals
7. Closed Reduction by Manipulation 1. Cleansing the wound
Followed by Internal Skeletal
Fixation ◦ Extensive pulsating
irrigation with sterile water
Accurate manipulative reduction or isotonic saline
 percutaneous insertion of
metallic nails or IM rods across the 2. Excision of devitalized tissue
fracture site (Debridement)

8. Open Reduction Followed by ◦ May prevent wound healing

Internal Skeletal Fixation and enhance infection

Internal fixation is achieved by 3. Treatment of the Fracture

metallic device, the technique is
called osteosynthesis – beware of ◦ In general, internal fixation
soft tissue damage may be used unless its mere
insertion would tend to
Mechanical devices include screws, traumatize and devitalize
onlay plates held by screws, IM more tissue and increase the
nails and rods, smooth and risk of infection.
threaded pins, encircling bands,
and wire sutures. 4. Closure of the wound

Indications: ◦ After 4-7 days, provided no

infection has developed,
- Failed / impossible closed delayed primary closure is
reduction e.g. displaced indicated. STSG may be
avulsion #, intraarticular #, applied; suction drainage
displaced epiphyseal # in may be used
children, soft tissue
interposition. 5. Antibacterial Drugs

- Grossly unstable fracture  6. Prevention of tetanus

needs internal fixation. E.g.
intertrochanteric femur #, # of
both bones of the forearm in
adults, displaced phalanges # CLASSIFICATION OF OPEN
- Associated vascular injury
requiring exploration and

9. Excision of a Fracture Fragment

and Replacement by an


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