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Name : Istiqomah

NIM : (1903046003)
Class : PBI 4A
Subject : Lesson Planning



Sekolah : SMPN 3 Jambi

Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X/ 2
Materi Pokok : Teks Deskripsi
Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP (90 Menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI-3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual, operasional dasar, dan metakognitif sesuai dengan bidang dan ruang lingkup
studi / pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik, rinci dan kompleks,
berkenaan dengan sains, teknologi, seni, budaya , dan humaniora dalam rangka
pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga
negara nasional, regional dan internasional.

KI 4 Pengolahan, penalaran, dan penyajian dalam ranah kongkrit dan abstrak terkait
dengan perkembangan apa yang dipelajari di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu
menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 4.1.1 Tentukan informasi tersirat dalam
teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari beberapa teks deskriptif mengenai orang, objek dan
teks deskriptif secara lisan dan tertulis tempat sesuai dengan konteks di mana
terkait dengan informasi tentang objek mereka digunakan dengan benar
yang ada di sekitarnya sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya
4.1 Menangkap makna kontekstual yang 4.1.2 Menentukan detail informasi dari
berkaitan dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks berupa uraian yang berkaitan dengan
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks orang, benda dan tempat sesuai konteks
deskriptif, lisan dan tulisan, pendek dan penggunaannya secara tepat dan benar
sederhana yang berkaitan dengan tempat
wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal.
4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan 4.2.1 Menentukan gagasan utama teks
tertulis, singkat dan sederhana, terkait deskriptif mengenai orang, objek dan
dengan tempat wisata terkenal dan tempat menurut konteks penggunaannya
bangunan bersejarah, dengan yang benar.
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar
dan sesuai konteks.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Mahasiswa dapat menyusun teks deskriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisata dan bangunan
bersejarah dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, bekas struktur dan unsur kebahasaan
dengan benar dan sesuai dengan konteks dengan baik.
Pertemuan 1
Mahasiswa terampil menganalisis dan menangkap makna teks deskriptif lisan dan tertulis
sederhana tentang penggunaan ekspresi dengan struktur teks yang koheren
Pertemuan 2
Siswa terampil menangkap makna dan mengedit teks deskriptif lainnya dan menulis hanya
tentang orang-orang untuk melakukan komunikasi transaksional dan fungsional
Pertemuan 3
Mahasiswa terampil menyunting dan menyusun teks deskriptif lainnya dan menulis secara
sederhana tentang suatu tempat (wisata atau sejarah) menggunakan ungkapan dengan
struktur teks yang koheren, unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai dengan konteksnya.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Pengertian Descriptive text : Sebuah teks deskriptif menggambarkan objek tertentu
seperti tempat, benda atau orang.
2. Fungsi Sosial : Menggambarkan atau menyajikan informasi tentang suatu tempat dan
bangunan bersejarah
3. Struktur Umum :
-Paragraf Pembuka (Identifikasi) : Pernyataan pembuka untuk memperkenalkan subjek
-Rangkaian Paragraf (Deskripsi) : Paragraf pendukung yang menjelaskan pokok bahasan
-Paragraf Penutup : Paragraf penutup yang menunjukkan akhir dari teks
4. Contoh dan struktur teks

Borobudur Temple
Borobudur is Hindu -Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth century under Sailendra
dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java,
Indonesia. Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by
the Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist
of eight step like stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by walls
adorned with Budist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is
with a circle of bell shape-stupa. The entire adifice is crowned by a large stupa at the
centre at the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km
of passage and starways. The design ofborobudur which symbolizes the structure of
universe influences temples at Angkor, Cambodia.Borobudur temple which is
rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a valuable treasure for Indonesian

Generic Structure Analysis

1.Identifikasi; mengidentifikasi fenomena yang akan dideskripsikan secara umum; Candi
2.Deskripsi; menggambarkan candi Borobudur dalam beberapa bagian; delapan teras
candi borobudur dan ciri-cirinya
3.Analisis Fitur Bahasa
• Menggunakan kata sifat dan pengklasifikasi; berharga
• Menggunakan simple present tense; Borobudur terkenal, candi dibangun, dll
E. Metode
1. Approach : Scientific approach
2. Motode : Inquiry Based Learning / Project Based-Learning
3. Teknik : Question and answer and discussion
F. Alat Pembelajaran
- Laptop, gambar and Power Point Presentation.
Alat / bahan
- Zoom, Google Meet, WAG dll
Sumber Belajar
- Buku Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK kelas X semester 1
G. Activity :

Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa Waktu

          Guru memberikan salam           Siswa membalas salam dari
kepada siswa guru
          Guru mengajak siswa berdo’a           Berdo’a bersama dengan guru
          Guru menanyakan kabar siswa           Siswa menjawab dan
10 Menit
menanyakan kabar guru
          Guru mengecek kehadiran           Siswa menanggapi
Mengamati (Observing)
          Guru menyajikan gambar-           Siswa memperhatikan gambar
gambar tentang tempat wisata dan dan melakukan tanya jawab
bangunanbersejarah terkenal. berkaitan dengan ciri-ciri bentuk
dan lokasi tempat sesuai dengan 70 Menit
pengalamannya (ingin tahu,
Mempertanyakan (Questioning)
          Guru memberikan pertanyaan           Berdasarkan gambar yang
terkait dengan gambar-gambar telah diamati, Siswa menjawab
yang telah siswa amati. pertanyaan guru secara lisan
(literasi, komunikasi).
          Guru memberi feedback           Siswa mendengarkan dan
terhadap jawaban yang ditemukan meperhatikan penjelasan dan
oleh siswa. masukkan dari guru (ingin tahu).
Mengeksplorasi (Exploring)
          Guru memberikan teks           Siswa membaca teks yang
deskrptif kepada siswa dan diberikan oleh guru (literasi).
memerintahkan siswa untuk
membaca teks tersebut.
          Guru memberikan pertanyaan           Siswa mendiskusikan dan
berdasarkan teks yang telah menjawab soal secara berpasang-
diberikan. pasangan (kritis, kreatif).
          Guru mendiskusikan materi           Siswa mendengar dan
tentang deskriptif text. memahami materi yang
disampaikan oleh guru (literasi,
menghargai, ingin tahu).
Mengasosiasi (Associating)
          Guru memberikan beberapa           Siswa membaca dan
clue berkaitan dengan deskripsi memahami clue yang diberikan
sekolah tempat siswa belajar. oleh guru (literasi, ingin tahu).
          Guru meminta siswa           Siswa menulis teks deskriptif
berpasangan untuk menyusun teks secara berpasangan (kerjasama,
deskriptif menggunakan clue-clue kreatif).
yang telah diberikan.
          Guru meminta siswa untuk           Para siswa mengoreksi hasil
menuliskan hasilnya dipapan tulis. pekerjaan temannya (kritis).
Mengkomunikasikan (communicating)
          Guru meminta siswa           Siswa menuliskan satu teks
menuliskan satu teks deskriptif deskriptif baik itu tempat wisata
baik tempat wisata atau tempat atau bangunan bersejarah yang
bersejarah yang pernah mereka pernah dikunjunginya (kritis,
kunjungi di daerah Purwokerto. kerja keras, kreatif).
          Guru meminta siswa           Siswa menuliskan hasil teks
menuliskan hasil pekerjaannya di deskriptif yang telah dibuat di
papan tulis. papan tulis (kerja keras, aktif).
          Guru meminta siswa untuk           Siswa menanggapi hasil teks
memberikan tanggapan terhadap deskriptif yang telah dibuat oleh
teks deskriptif yang telah ditulis siswa (kreatif, aktif, kritis)
dipapan tulis
          Guru memberikan feedback           Siswa mendengarkan dan
terhadap teks deskriptif yang memperhatikan feedback yang
ditulis oleh siswa diberikan oleh guru
Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa Siswa menjawab pertanyaan guru
dalam menulis teks deskriptive dan menyampaikan kesulitan
yang masih dihadapi (aktif, ingin
tahu) 10 Menit
          Guru memberikan kesimpulan           Siswa mendengarkan dan
mengenai materi menyimak (menghargai, ingin
          Guru memberikan penugasan           Siswa mendengarkan dan
secara individu untuk mengerjakan mencatat tugas yang diberikan
soal-soal dari berbagai macam teks oleh guru (kerja keras,
deskriptif menghargai)
          Guru menyampaikan kegiatan           Siswa mendengarkan arahan
pembelajaran pertemuan dari guru (ingin tahu,
berikutnya menghargai)
          Guru mengakhiri pelajaran dan           Siswa menjawab salam guru
memberikan salam penutup (menghargai)

H . Penilaian

Pertemuan Pertama dan Kedua

1) Sikap
a. Teknik Penilaian : Penilaian langsung oleh guru melalui pengamatan dan self
assessment (penilaian pribadi)
b. Bentuk Instrumen : Lembar penilaian
c. Kisi-kisi :
No. Sikap/nilai Butir Instrumen
1. Memberikan penilaian terhadap Peserta Lampiran Penilaian Sikap
didik yang ditunjukkan dengan sikap
semangat dan saling menghargai

d. Instrumen
- Students bravely come to present in front of the class
- Students bravely argue, ask, and answer the questions
- Students argue or do activities without hesitation
- Students are able to make decisions quickly
- Students are not easily hopeless or never give up
e. Rubrik Penilaian Sikap Sosial percaya diri (pengamatan guru):
This sheet is filled in by the teacher to assess students’ social attitudes in self-
confidence. Put a check mark (v) in the score column according to the confident
attitude performed by students, with the following criteria:
4 = always, if always doing as stated
3 = often, if often do according to the statement and sometimes do not
2 = sometimes, if sometimes doing and often not doing
1 = never, if never done

Name of students : ……………………..

Class : ……………………..
Date of observation : ……………………..
Subject matter : ……………………..

No Aspect of observation Score

1 Bravely come to present in front of the class 1 2 3 4
2 Bravely argue, ask, and answer the questions
3 Argue or do activities without hesitation
4 Able to make decisions quickly
5 Not easily hopeless or never give up

Scoring rubric:
Final score uses a scale of 1 to 4
Final score calculation using the formula:
Obtained Score x 4
Maximum Score

Obtained score is 14, maximum score is 4 x 5 statements = 20, them the final score
14 x 4 = 2,8

Scoring criteria:
Very good : if get a score : 3,33 < score ≤ 4,00
Good : if get a score : 2,33 < score ≤ 3,33
Enough : if get a score : 1,33 < score ≤ 2,33
Less : if get a score : ≤ 1,33

2) Pengetahuan
a. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tulis
b. Bentuk Instrumen: Essay
c. Kisi-kisi:
No. Indikator Butir Instrumen
1. Mengelompokkan kata-kata (actional Lembar Kerja
verbs, relational verbs dan conjunction) Circle the actional verbs,
yang ada dalam teks.. underline the relational verbs,
and draw a square for

2. Menghubungkan tujuan dalam teks Identify the purposes of the text.

dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa.
3. Menganalisis teks (structure of the text) Analysing about the structure of
the text!
4. Mengevaluasi isi teks Do you think the text has the
right structure ?

d. Instrumen

Questio Questions
1 Circle the actional verbs, underline the relational verbs, and draw a square
for conjunction in the first paragraph of the story!
2 Identify the purposes of the text!
3 Analysing about the structure of the text!
4 Do you think the text has the right structure ?

e. Rubrik Penilaian

Score Working Result Score Maximum

Number Score

1 If students are able to group words correctly 2

If students are able to group words almost correctly 1

If students group words but incorrectly 0,5

If students do not answer the question 0

2 If students are able to identify the purposes in the story 2

and relate them to the daily lives clearly
If students are able to identify the purposes in the story 1 2
and relate them to the daily lives but unclearly

If students just identify the purposes 0,5

If students do not answer the question 0

3 If students are able to analysing about the structure of 3

the text
If students are able to analysing about the structure of 2
the text almost correctly and clearly

If students analysing about the structure of the text but 1


If students do not answer the question 0

4 If students are able to answer the question with clear 3

If students are able to answer the question but with 2
unclear reasons

If students just answer the question without the reasons 1

If students do not answer the question 0

Total Maximum Score 10

Score = Obtained Score x 100

Maximum Score

3) Keterampilan
a. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tulis
b. Bentuk Instrumen: Tes keterampilan menulis
c. Kisi-kisi:
No. Indikator Butir Instrumen
1. Membuat teks deskripsi bertemakan Lembar Kerja.
hewan dengan memperhatikan tujuan, Please make a descriptive text
struktur teks, serta grammar. about animal! Give the structure
on the side

d. Instrumen : (terlampir)
e. Rubrik Penilaian

Aspect Description Score Weighting

Coherence between sentences is correct 4

Coherence Coherence between sentences is almost correct 3 4
(C) Coherence between sentences is not correct 2
Incoherent between sentences 1
High ideas and creativity 4
Medium ideas and creativity 3
Creativity 3
(CR) Less ideas and creativity 2
Very less ideas and creativity and copying the 1
existing ones
Very few grammatical errors 4
Effective choice of words and word forms
Grammar Few grammatical errors 3 2
and Few misuse of vocabularies and word forms, but
Vocabulary not change the meaning
(GV) Numerous grammatical errors 2
Confusing words and word forms
Frequent grammatical errors 1
Very poor knowledge of words, word forms, and
not understanding
Correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization 4
(M) Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, and 3
-Spelling capitalization 1
-Punctuation Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, and 2
-Capitalization capitalization
Dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, 1
and capitalization

Score : 4C + 3CR + 2GV + 1M x 10

Sample 1


School : SMK N 2 Jambi

Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Class :X
Main Material : Recount Text
Time allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

1. Living and practicing the teachings of the religion he adheres to
2. Appreciate and practice honest, disciplined, responsible, caring behavior (mutual
assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive, and pro-active and show
attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment as well as in placing oneself as a reflection of the
nation in the association of the world
3. Understand, apply, analyze factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge based on
their curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with insight into
humanity, nationality, state, and civilization related to the causes of phenomena and
events, and apply procedural knowledge to a specific field of study according to their
talents and interests to solve problems.
4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the concrete and abstract realms related to
the development of what they learn in school independently, and being able to use
methods according to scientific rules

Basic Competence Indicator

3.9. Analyzing social functions, text 3.9.1. Identify general descriptions,
structures, and linguistic elements in specific and detailed information from
simple recount texts about simple recount texts about
experiences/events/events, according to activities/events/events confidently
the context of their use. and responsibly.

3.9.2. Parse the general description

and certain information from simple
recount texts about
activities/events/events confidently
and responsibly.

3.9.3. Detect social functions, text

structures, and linguistic elements of
simple recount texts.

Through the process of reading, watching, asking, trying, and reasoning, students can
analyze and capture the meaning of simple oral and written simple recount texts about
activities/events/events confidently, honestly, and responsibly.
1. Narrative Text
The narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story in that past tense. The
purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the
2. The function of narrative text
The function of narrative is to amuse, entertain, and deal with an actual or
vicarious experience in different ways. It also deals with problematic events
which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a
3. The generic structure of Narrative text:
1. Orientation: It set the scene and introduces the participants (it answers the
question: who, when, what, and where).
2. Complication: Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters
solve them.
3. Resolution: The crisis is revolved, for better or worse.
4. Re-orientation: The ending of the story.
4. The language feature of recount text.

 Using Past Tense

It is logical since the stories typically happen in the past. They can use simple
past, past continuous, or past perfect tense.

 Using action verbs

Action verbs are verbs that show the performance of action. They specifically
describe what the subject (person, animal, force of nature, or thing) of the
sentence is doing, e.g.: run, walk, cry, scream, explode, kick, etc.

 Using temporal conjunction

Temporal conjunctions express relationships with time, in the flow or sequence of

events, e.g.: before, after, during/while (a period or an activity), since, until,

5. The example of
My Holiday

Orientation (Introduction: Who, When, Where, etc.)

Last holiday my family and I went to Jakarta. We visited my uncle's
house. It had a big garden and a lot of colorful flowers and a tennis court.

Events (Sequence of Events)

On Friday my nephew and I went to National Museum and went up to the
top of the monument which had the golden symbol of the spirit of our nation.
From the top, we could see the beauty of the metropolitan city. On Saturday
we went to Ancol beach to see the duniafantasiand Dolphin show.

Reorientation (End of story, summary of events)

On Sunday we went to Ragunan Zoo and then we went home. We enjoyed
our holiday.
TBL CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) Learning Model
a. Media : VCD dan powerpoint Presentation
b. Tool : Laptop, LCD, and Speaker Active
First meeting


1 Opening Teacher greets the Students respond to 10 minutes
students and asks how greetings and
they are questions from the
teacher related to their
Teacher invites The teacher invites
students to pray before students to pray before
opening the lesson opening the lesson
Teacher Checking the Students listen and
attendance list give respond
The teacher gives Students listen well.
motivation to students.
Teacher Informing Students Pay attention
learning objectives to learning objectives
2 Main Activity OBSERVING 60 minutes
The teacher shows Students observe
pictures related to pictures and imitate
recount text sentences
spoken/exemplified by
the teacher written in
the recount text text
The teacher provokes Students ask various
students to ask things related to
questions sentences related to
the material
Teacher Ask students Students Form groups
to prepare for work in of 4 people
groups that consists of
4 people
Teacher asks students Students in pairs find
to find and collect the main idea, detailed
information by asking information, and
questions with their certain information as
friends from the group well as the social
to complete the function of the simple
information recount text that is
Teacher asks students Students in groups
to report and read out read and report the
the results of each results of simple
group recount text
discussions in the
form of a brochure of
s that have been
brought with
pronunciation, word
stress, and appropriate
intonation and
responded to by other
The teacher asks Students write
students to write sentences related to
sentences in the past the material
The teacher asks the Students take turns
students to write the reading the sentences
text in the past tense in they have written in
front of the class in the form of past tense
turns sentences.
Teacher asks students Students create
to create sentences sentences using simple
using simple past past tense.
3 Closing The teacher has a Students listen well. 20 minutes
reflection about the
process and its
The teacher asks Students answer
questions to find out questions well
whether students have
understood the topic
of "narrative"
The teacher asks the Students make some
student to make some conclusions.
The teacher gives Students listen well
assignments, both
individual and group
assignments according
to the learning
outcomes of students
Teacher Delivers Students listen well.
lesson plans at the
meeting next
The teacher closes the Students pray
class by praying and together.
asks one student to
1. Attitude : cooperation
a. The technique of Assessment : Self-assessment
b. Instrument : Self-assessment sheet
c. Lattice of instrument :

Indicator Instrument
a) Students do the task together Self-assessment
b) Students are able to communicate well in
their group
c) Students give and accept opinions or ideas
from other members
d) Students do the task based on their role in
their group

d. Instrument:
Give the mark (√) in the number of the table “Yes” or “No” as your real conditions!

1 I do the task together with my group
2 I communicate well in my group
3 I give and accept opinions or ideas from other
members in my group
4 I do the task based on my role in my group.

e. Scoring rubric:

YES 25
NO 0
Total score: 100
NA = X 100
2. Knowledge
b. Technique of Assessment : Written
c. Instrument : Written exercise
d. Lattice of Instrument :

Indicator Instrument
a) Students are able to create verbal Worksheet.
sentence of simple past tense Fill in the blank by paying attention to the
b) Students are able to create use of simple past tense as language
nominal sentence of simple past feature of recount text.
e. Instrument:
a) Fill in the blank by paying attention to the use of simple past tense!
Last weekend, my friends and I (go) 1…… camping. We (reach) 2……..
the camping ground after we (walk) 3….. for about one and a half hour from the
parking lot. We (build) 4…… the camp next to a small river. It (to be) 5…..
getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

The next day, we (spend) 6…… our time observing plantation and
insects while the girls (to be) 7….. preparing meals. In the afternoon we (go)
8….. to the river and (catch) 9….. some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire
camp night. We (sing) 10….., danced, read poetry, (play) 11…… magic tricks,
and even some of us (perform) 12…… a standing comedy. On Monday, we
(pack) 13…… our bags and got ready to go home.
f. Scoring rubric
True 10
False 0

Total score: 100

NA = X 100
3. Skill
a) Technique of Assessment : Written
b) Instrument : Compose a text
c) Lattice of Instrument :
Indicator Instrument
a) Students are able to draw a picture Worksheet.
sequence related to their study tour Compose a recount text with
experience. picture sequence related to study
b) Students are able to compose a recount tour experience by paying attention
text related to their picture sequence using to generic structure and language
simple past tense using grammatical feature of recount text.
Follow the steps below!
1. Do it in your group.
2. Draw some pictures related to your study tour experience.
3. Write a recount text related to your picture sequence.
4. Don’t forget to pay attention to generic structure and language feature.
5. Write the text on the paper.
6. Put your picture and text on a big paper and make it as beautiful as you can.
7. Present your writing in front of the class.

d) Scoring rubric:
Aspect Score Range Criteria
Content 4 Excellent Main ideas stated clearly
and accurately
3 Good Main ideas stated fairly
clearly and accurately
2 Average Main ideas somewhat
unclear or inaccurate
1 Poor Main ideas not clear or
Organization 4 Excellent Well organized and
perfectly coherent
3 Good Fairly well organized and
generally coherent
2 Average Loosely organized but
main ideas clear, logical
but incomplete
1 Poor Ideas disconnected, lacks
logical sequencing
Vocabularies 4 Excellent Very effective choice of
words and use of idioms
and words forms
3 Good Effective choice of words
and use of idioms and
words forms
2 Average Adequate choice of words
but some misuse of
vocabulary, idioms, and
word forms
1 Poor Limited range, confusing
use of words, idioms, and
word forms
Grammar 4 Excellent No errors, full control of
complex structure
3 Good Almost no errors, good
control of the structure
2 Average Some errors, fail control
of the structure
1 Poor Many errors, poor control
of the structure
Mechanics 4 Excellent Mastery of spelling and
punctuation in the
3 Good Few errors in spelling and
punctuation in the
2 Average Fair number of spelling
and punctuation errors in
the sentence
1 Poor Frequent errors in spelling
and punctuation in the
Appropriatenes 4 Excellent Picture sequence
s describes the text very
3 Good Picture sequence
describes the text clearly
2 Average Picture sequence
describes the text
somewhat clearly
1 Poor Picture sequence
describes the text not clear
Creativity 4 Excellent Created very interesting
and have much
creativities of picture
3 Good Created interesting and
have some creativities of
picture sequence
2 Average Created somewhat
interesting and have few
creativities of picture
1 Poor Created uninteresting and
have not creativity of
picture sequence
TOTAL [ (7 x 4) : 28 ] x 100
SCORE = [ 28 : 28 ] x 100
= 1 x 100
= 100

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