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Definisi Teknologi Pendidikan

Saat ini peranan teknologi sangat dibutuhkan. Association of Education

Communication & Technology mengemukakan definisi teknologi instruksional sebagai
berikut: “instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development,
utilization, management, and evaluation of process and resources for learning. 1 Berdasarkan
definisi di atas Teknologi Pendidikan adalah salah satu teori dan praktek dalam desain,
pengembangan, pemanfaatan, pengelolaan, serta evaluasi proses dan sumber untuk dalam
proses belajar mengajar.

Kaitannya dengan hal itu, Teknologi Pendidikan adalah konsep multidimensional

yang meliputi: 1) suatu proses sistematis yang melibatkan penerapan pengetahuan dalam
upaya mencari solusi yang dapat digunakan dalam memecahkan masalahmasalah belajar dan
pembelajaran; 2) produk seperti buku teks, program audio, program televisi, software
komputer dan lain-lain; 3) suatu profesi yang terdiri dari berbagai kategori pekerjaan; dan 4)
merupakan bagian 10 spesifik dari pendidikan.

Teknologi pendidikan adalah proses yang kompleks dan terintegrasi, yang melibatkan
orang, prosedur, ide, perangkat, dan organisasi untuk menganalisis masalah dan merancang,
menerapkan, mengevaluasi, dan mengelola solusi untuk masalah tersebut, yang terlibat dalam
semua aspek pembelajaran manusia.

Deskripsi Teknologi Pendidikan yang mengakui peran teknolog pendidikan dan pengaruh
kontekstual dalam Teknologi Pendidikan secara konsisten tampaknya membahas kriteria untuk
mengkonseptualisasikan teknologi yang berkaitan dengan proses mental dan produk untuk melayani
tujuan manusia yang tertanam dalam konteks sosio-lingkungan. 2 Definisi ini mengandung beberapa
kata kunci di antaranya studi, etika praktek, fasilitasi, pembelajaran, peningkatan, penciptaan,
pemanfaatan, pengelolaan, teknologi, proses, dan sumber daya. Peranan teknologi saat ini sangat di
butuhkan, pada era new normal ini teknologi adalah salah satu sumber belajar yang dapat digunakan
melalui aplikasi pembelajaran sehinnga proses belajar mengajar dapat tercapai dan hak
pembelajaran siswa terpenuhi.


Luppicini, R. A Systems Definition of Educational Technology in Society. Educational Technology & Society, 8
(3), (2005). page 105
Luppicini,R. . A Systems Definition of Educational 106-107
Menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 disebutkan
bahwa guru sama dengan pendidik, yaitu tenaga kependidikan yang memenuhi syarat sebagai
guru, dosen, pembimbing, tutor, instruktur, fasilitator, dan sebutan lain menurutnya.
spesialisasi, dan berpartisipasi dalam memberikan pendidikan.3 guru adalah pendidik yang
Berkomitmen untuk pengembangan profesional berkelanjutan dan bekerja dengan orang lain
(kolega), menyadari tugas dan hubungan antara perkembangan diri sendiri dan
perkembangan siswa dan melihat perannya juga di luar kelas: membangun hubungan dengan
orang-orang di komunitas lokal dan masyarakat sebagai secara keseluruhan, dengan badan
manajemen dan peneliti.4

Teachers’ Problems in the Teaching

There are many problems that are faced by the teacher when doing his or her work. Hamalik
(2013:12) gives definition of teaching problems in two dimensions, those are dimension of
components and the interactions among the component. The components are learning goals,
teacher, teaching plan, teaching media, learning strategy and teaching evaluation. The interaction
among components mean that the components are synergies, dynamic or synergy and dynamic.
Hamalik, O. 2014. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Commonly, the problems that are faced by teachers in the teaching are material, method, and media

1. Preparing Material

Yaumi (2013: 254) states instructional material which is used in the teaching-learning process
sometimes does not pass through a systematic process to develop it Yaumi, M. 2013. Prinsip-Prinsip
Desain Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Kencana.. Kozma (2003: 212) states that the problem that are often
faced by a teacher and lecturer is so many materials that must be taught with limited time. The
teacher often does not consider scientific stage at the limited time. Kosma, R. 2003. Material and
Social Affordances of Mutiple Representation for Science Understanding. Learning and Instruction,
13(2): 205- 226.

Preparing instructional material is the substance that will be explained in the teaching learning
process. Without instructional material the teaching learning process does not work. There are two
problems in the mastery of instructional material, those are the mastery the main and extra of the
instructional material. Arikunto (in Rifai, 2016: 2) states that material is the main point of teaching
learning process because the instructional material is efforted to be mastered by the students.

Because of that, the teacher must consider the choosing materials that relates to syllabus and the
students’ needs in their age and certain environment. The students’ interest will increase if the
material that is taught appropriate to their needs

2. Instructional Method

Robert (in Prahesti’s Thesis, 2015: 1) says that the biggest problem of English teaching-learning
process in Indonesia is the method that is used by the teacher. Rifai (2016: 2) states that the
teacher should not be fixed on one method, but preferably the teacher uses variation method so
that the teaching learning process can make the student become interested. Using the variation
method cannot be effective if the using of the method is not appropriate with the situation and
the psychological condition of the students. Because of that, the choosing the variation method
is not giving benefit if the teacher disregard the factors that influence the using of the method.

3. Instructional Media

The problems in using instructional media are some teachers cannot use the media, and only use
textbook as the sources of all knowledge. Instructional technology and media provide the
teacher with the tools to engage students in learning. The teacher must be prepared to choose
the best tools for his or her students. Such tools offer powerful possibilities for improving
learning. The teacher must be using the variation technology and media when he or she teaches
in the classroom. The roles of the teacher and students are clearly changing because of the
influence of technology in the classroom. No longer are teachers and textbook the sources of all
knowledge. The teacher becomes a facilitator of knowledge acquisition. With a few keystrokes
students can explore the world, gain access to the library, other teachers and students, and a
host of resources to obtain the information that they seek (Smaldino et. al,. 2005: 5).

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