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Standar 8.4

Manajemen Informasi – Rekam Medis


Standar 8.4 Kebutuhan data dan informasi asuhan bagi petugas kesehatan, pengelola sarana,
dan pihak terkait diluar organisasi dapat dipenuhi melalui proses yang baku.
Kriteria 8.4.1 Ada pembakuan kode klasifikasi diagnosis, kode prosedur, simbol, dan istilah
yang dipakai
MPLK 8.4.1 1. Terdapat standarisasi  SK tentang
kode klasifikasi standarisasi kode
diagnosis dan klasifikasi diagnosis
terminolo lain yang dan terminologi yang
konsisten dan digunakan.
2. Terdapat standarisasi  Standarisasi kode
kode klasifikasi klasifikasi diagnosisi
diagnosisi dan dan terminologi
terminologi yang dipuskesmas.
disusun oleh
puskesmas (minimal
10 besar penyakit)
3. Dilakukan  Pembakuan
pembakuan singkatan yang
singkatan-singkatan digunakan.
yang digunakan
dalam pelayanan
sesuai dengan
standar nasional atau


Jl. Raya Selaawi No. 49 Kecamatan Selaawi Kabupaten Garut Kode Pos 44187

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NOMOR : /VIII/SK/ //2021






Menimbang : a. bahwa dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan data dan informasi bagi
petugas kesehatan, pengelola sarana dan pihak terkait diluar
organisasi mengenai penyakit, maka dipandang perlu untuk
menyeragamkan penggunaan kode diagnosa;
b. bahwa untuk melaksanakan maksud tersebut point a, perlu ditetapkan
Keputusan Kepala Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas(UPTD) Pusat Kesehatan
Masyarakat(Puskesmas) Selaawi;

Mengingat : 1. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Tahun 1998 tentang

Daftar Tabulasi Morbiditas ICD-10 Dan Gejala Penyakit;
2. Surat Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor: 50 /Menkes /SK /1998
tentang Pemberlakuan Klasifikasi Statistik Internasional Mengenai
Penyakit Revisi Kesepuluh;
3. Direktur Jenderal Pelayanan Medik Nomor:HK.
tentang penggunaan ICD-10 di RS yang ditetapkan tanggal 19
Februari 1996;
4. Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pelayanan Medik
Nomor:HK. tentang penggunaan Klasifikasi
Internasional mengenai penyakit Revisi 10 di Rumah Sakit


Menetapkan :
KESATU : UPTD Puskesmas Selaawi menggunakan Klasifikasi Internasional
Mengenai Penyakit Revisi Sepuluh(ICD-10) dalam memberi kode
KEDUA : Pemberian kode dilakukan oleh dokter,dokter gigi atau pemberi
pelayanan kesehatan pasien itu sendiri;
KETIGA : Keputusan ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan dengan ketentuan akan
dilakukan koreksi apabila ternyata di kemudian hari terdapat perubahan
atau kekeliruan.

Ditetapkan di Selaawi

Pada tanggal 27 Februari 2021

Kepala UPT Puskesmas Selaawi

Hj. Lia Maulidyawati, SST.,M.Kes

NIP. 197204221991032002

TEMBUSAN, disampaikan kepada:

1. Penanggung Jawab Rekam Medis;

2. Pertinggal.



1 A00 Kolera
2 A01 Demam Typoid dan Paratipoid
3 A03 Shigellosis/Disentri
4 A06 Amoebiosis
5 A08 Infeksi Usus Lain
6 A09 Diare dan Gastroenteritis
1 333 TB Anak (PKTB)
2 A15 TB Paru BTA +
3 A16 TB Paru Klinis (Rontgen +)
4 A18 TB selain Paru (Extra Pulmoner)
1 A30 Kusta
2 A33 Tetanus Neonatorum
3 A35 Tatanus
4 A36 Difteria
5 A37 Batuk Rejan (Batuk 100 hari)
6 A48 Penyakit akibat bakteri lain
1 A53 Siphilis
2 A54 Infeksi Gonokok (GO)
3 A59 Trichomoniasis
4 A63 Penyakit akibat hubungan seksual lain
1 A80 Poliomielitis Akut
2 A90 DF (Demam Dengue)
3 A91 DHF (Demam Berdarah Dengue)
4 B00 Herpes Simplex
5 B01 Cacar Air (Varicella)
6 B02 Herpes Zoster
7 B05 Campak
8 B19 Hepatitis Virus
9 B26 Parotitis
10 B33 Penyakit akibat virus lain
1 B35 Dermatofitosis
2 B37 Kandidiasis
3 B49 Mikosis Lain
1 B50 Malaria Tropika/Mixed (P.Falciparum)
2 B51 Malaria Tertiana(P.Vivax)
3 B53 Malaria tanpa pemeriks Lab(M.Klinis)
1 B77 Ascariasis
2 B79 Trichuriasis
3 B83 Penyakit akibat cacing lain
1 B85 Pedikulosis
2 B86 Scabies
1 111 Ca. lain
2 C11 Ca. Nasopharink
3 C18 Ca.Colon
4 C20 Ca. Rectum
5 C22 Ca. Hepar
6 C34 Ca. Paru
7 C41 Ca. Tulang
8 C43 Ca. kulit
9 C50 Ca. Payudara
10 C53 Ca. cervix Uteri
11 C61 Ca. Prostat
12 C71 Ca.Otak
13 C73 Ca. Kelenjar Tyroid
1 D17 Lipoma
2 D22 Nevus pigmentosus
3 D34 Pembesaran kelenjar Tyroid
4 D36 Neoplasma benigna lain
1 D50 Anemia Defisiensi Fe
2 D62 Anemia Postthamorragic akut
3 D64 Anemia Lainnya
4 D69 Purpura Exanthema
1 E10 Diabetes Militus (IDDM)
2 E11 Diabetes Militus (NIDDM)
3 E34 Gangguan Endokrin lain
4 E40 Kwashiorkor
5 E41 Marasmus
6 E42 Marasmus Kwashiorkor
7 E56 Defisiensi Vitamin
8 E66 Obesitas
9 E73 Intoleransi Laktosa
10 E88 Gangguan Metabolik lain
1 F03 Dimensia
2 F05 Delirium
3 Gg mental & perilaku akb penggn zat psikoaktif
4 F20 Skhizophrenia
5 F23 Gg Psikotik akut
6 F29 Gg Psikotik nonorganik lain
7 F41 Gg Kecemasan
8 F45 Psikosomatis
9 F48 Gg Neurotik Lain
10 F51 Gg Tidur nonorganik
11 F60 Gg Kepribadian
12 F79 Retardasi mental
13 F93 Gg emosi pd anak
14 F94 Gg fungsi sosial bermula pd anak
15 F99 Gg jiwa lain
1 G03 Meningitis
2 G40 Epilepsi
3 G43 Migraine
4 G44 Sindrom nyeri kepala
5 G51 Gg Nervus Facial (Bell's Palsy)
6 G62 Polyneuropati
7 G80 Cerebral Palsy
8 G81 Hemiplegi
9 G82 Paraplegi, Teitaplegi
10 G91 Hidrocephalus
11 G92 Penyakit lain pd susunan tulang belakang
1 H00 Hordeolum chalazion
2 H10 Konjungtivitis
3 H11 Pteregium
4 H16 Keratitis
5 H18 Gg lain pd Kornea
6 H25 Katarak
7 H40 Glaukoma
8 H50 Strabismus
9 H52 Gg Refraksi dan akomodasi
10 H54 Kebutaan dan penurunan Visus
11 H57 Penyakit mata dan Adneksia
1 H60 Otitis Eksterna
2 H61 Cerumen
3 H67 Otitis media
4 H70 Infeksi Mastoid (Mastoiditis)
5 H90 Ketulian dan pendengran menurun
6 H92 Otalgia
7 H93 Gg lain pd telinga
1 I10 Hipertensi Primer
2 I15 Hipertensi Sekunder
3 I20 Angina Pectoris
4 I21 Infark Miokard Akut (IMA)
5 I50 Gagal Jantung
6 I64 Stroke
7 I67 Penyakit Cerebrovaskuler lain
8 I80 Phlebitis dan Thromboplebitis
9 I84 Hemoroid
10 I87 Varises
11 I95 Hipotensi
12 I99 Gg Pembuluh darah lain
1 J00 Common Cold/Nasopharyngitis Akut
2 J01 Sinusitis
3 J02 Faringitis Akut
4 J03 Tonsilitis Akut
5 J06 Infeksi akut lain pd sal pernafasan bgn atas
6 J18 Pnemonia
7 J20 Bronkhitis Akut
8 J22 Infeksi akut lain pd sal pernafasan bgn bawah
9 J30 Rhinitis akut
10 J32 Sinusitis
11 J33 Nasal Polip
12 J36 Peritonsiler Abces
13 J44 COPD (Chronic Obstruktive Pulmonal Disease)
14 J45 Asma
15 J46 Status Asmatikus
16 J98 Gg lain dr sistem pernapasan
1 K00 Gg perkembangan & Erupsi Gigi
2 K01 Gigi terbenam & Impaksi
3 K02 Karies Gigi
4 K03 Penyakit jaringan kers lain
5 K04 Penyakit pulpa dan jaringan Periapikal
6 K05 Ginggivitis & penyakit periodontal
7 K06 Gg Gusi & Hub Alveolar tak bergigi lain
8 K07 Anomali Dentofacial (termasuk Maloklusi)
9 K08 Gg Gigi & jaringan penyangga lain
10 K09 Kista di rongga mulut
11 K10 Penyakit rahang lain
12 K11 Penyakit kelenjar liur
13 K12 Stomatitis & lesi-lesi yg berhubungan
14 K13 Penyakit bibir & Mucosa mulut lainnya
15 K14 Penyakit Lidah
1 K27 Ulkus Peptikum
2 K29 Gastritis
3 K30 Dispepsia
4 K35 Apediksitis
5 K40 Hernia Inguinal
6 K45 Hernia Abdominal lain
7 K62 Penyakit pd anus & rectum
8 K65 Peritonitis
9 K73 Hepatitis Kronik
10 K76 Penyakit Hati lain
11 K80 Cholelitiasis
12 K81 Cholecystitis
13 K90 Mal Absorbsi
14 K92 Penyakit sistem pencernaan lain
1 L01 Impetigo
2 L02 Abces Furunnkel & Karbunkel
3 L03 Cellulitis
4 L08 Infeksi Kulit & jaringan subkutan yang lain
5 L20 Dermatitis Atopik
6 L21 Dermatitis Seboroik
7 L23 Dermatitis Kontak Alergi
8 L24 Dermatitis Kontak Iritan
9 L29 Pruritus
10 L30 Dermatitis lainnya
11 L40 Psoriasis
12 L42 Ptiriasis rosea
13 L43 Lichen Planus
14 L50 Urtikaria
15 L53 Eritema
16 L60 Nail Disorder
17 L63 Alopesia Areata
18 L70 Acne/Jerawat
19 L80 Vitiligo
20 L88 Pyoderma
21 L93 Lipus Eritematosus
22 L98 Penyakit kulit lainnya
1 Rhematoid Arthritis
2 Gout
3 Arthritis lain
4 Polyarthosis
5 Gg Sendi
6 Poliyarthritis Nodosa
7 Dermatopolymyositis
8 Spondylosis
9 Gg lain pd jaringan otot
10 Osteomyelitis
11 Gg lain pd tulang
1 N02 Hematuri
2 N04 Sindroma nefrotik
3 N17 Gagal Ginjal akut
4 N18 Gangguan Ginjal Khronik
5 N20 Urolithiasis
6 N23 Kolik Renal
7 N28 Gg lain pd ginjal & Ureter
8 N30 Cystitis
9 N34 Urethritis
10 N39 Peny Sal Kencing lain
1 N40 BPH (Benigna Prostate Hyperthropy)
2 N43 Hydrocele & Spermatocele
3 N44 Torsi Testis
4 N45 Orchitis & Epidemitis
5 N48 Gg lain pd Penis
1 N60 Fibro Adenoma Mammae
2 N61 Gg Inflasi pd Mammae
3 N64 Gg Lain pd Mammae
4 N73 PID (Pelvic Inflamatory Diseases)
5 N80 Endometriosis
6 N81 Prolaps
7 N84 Polip Traktus Genital
8 N86 Erosi
9 N91 Amenorhea
10 N92 Menometrorargia
11 N94 Nyeri Organ Genetal & menstruasi
12 N95 Gg pd masa menopause
13 N97 Infertilitas
14 N99 Gg sistem Genitourinaria lain
1 O00 Kehamilan Ektopik
2 O04 Abortus
3 O14 Preeklamsia
4 O15 Eklamsia
5 O20 Pendarahan pd Kehamilan
6 O21 Hyperemesis Gravidarum
7 O30 Kehamilan kembar
8 O40 Polyhidramnion
9 O42 Ketuban Pecah dini (KPD)
10 O44 Placenta Previa
11 O48 Kehamilan Serotinus
12 O60 Partus Prematurus
13 O63 Partus Lama
14 O70 Laserasi Perineum
15 O71 Trauma Obstetric Lain
16 O72 Pendarahan Post Partum
17 O80 Persalinan Tunggal Spontan
18 O83 Persalinan dg kesulitan
19 O84 Persalinan kembar
20 O92 Mastitis
21 O97 Kematian Ibu Akibat Obstetrik Lain
1 P07 BBLR
2 P15 Trauma Lahir
3 P21 Asfiksia
4 P57 Kuning pd bayi baru lahir (Kernicterus)
5 P95 Lahir Mati
6 P96 Kondisi lain pd masa Perinatal
1 Q37 Bibir Sumbing
2 Q69 Polydactily
3 Q89 kelainan Konggenetal lain
1 R00 Suara Jantung Abnormal
2 R04 Pendarahan dr Sal Respirasi (Epistaxis)
3 R05 Batuk (Suspek TBC Paru)
4 R06 Pernafasan Abnormal
5 R07 Nyeri dada
6 R09 Simton & tanda lain pd sistem Sirkulasi & Respirasi
1 R10 Nyeri Abdomen
2 R11 Nausea & Vomitus
3 R12 Nyeri Epigastrium
4 R13 Disfagia
5 R14 Meteorismus
6 R15 Faecal Incontinensia (Sembelit)
7 R16 Hepatomegali & Splenomegali
8 R18 Asites
9 R19 Simtom & tanda lain pd sistem Pencernaan & Abdomen
1 R30 Nyeri yg berhubungan dg Miksi
2 R32 Incontinensia Urine
3 R33 Retensia Urine
4 R34 Anuria & Oligouria
5 R35 Polyurina
6 R36 Urhetal Discharge
7 R39 Gejala Lain pd Sistem Urinarius
1 R50 Demam yg tdk diketahui sebabnya
2 R51 Nyeri Kepala
3 R53 Malaise & Ftigue
4 R55 Syncope
5 R56 Kejang
6 R57 Syock
7 R60 Oedema
8 R61 Hiperhidrosis
9 R64 Cachexia
1 S09 Trauma Kepala
2 S19 Trauma Leher
3 S29 Trauma dada
4 S39 Trauma Perut, Punggung bwh & Pelvis
5 S49 Trauma Anggota Gerak Atas
6 S89 Trauma Gerak Bawah
1 T00 Luka Lecet
2 T01 Luka Terbuka
3 T03 Fraktur
4 T04 Dislokasi
5 T07 Trauma multiple
6 T15 Benda Asing di mata
7 T16 Benda Asing di Telinga
8 T17 Benda Asing di Sal Pernapasan
9 T18 Benda asing di sal Makanan
10 T20 Luka Bakar & korosi di kepala & leher
11 T22 Luka Bakar di anggota bgn atas
12 T23 Luka Bakar di pergel tangan & tangan
13 T24 Luka Bakar di angg badan bgn bawah
14 T25 Luka Bakar di prgelangan kaki & kaki
15 T27 Luka Bakar & korosi di sal pernafasan
16 T28 Luka Bakar & korosi di organ Internal
17 T31 Luka Bakar & korosi lainnya
1 T50 Keracunan Obat
2 T60 Keracunan Pestisida
3 T62 Keracunan Makanan
4 T65 Keracunan Substansi lain
  Z00 Pemeriksaan umum tanpa keluhan
  Z27 Perlu imunisasi utk melawan kombinasi2 penyakit infeksi
  Z33 Status kehamilan, insidental
  Z34 Pengawasan kehamilan normal
  Z35 Pengawasan kehamilan resti
  Z36 Skrining Antenatal
  Z37 Hasil dari kelahiran
  Z38 Bayi lahir hidup menurut tempat kelahiran
  Z39 Perawatan dan pemeriksaan pasca melahirkan

o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

1 Aborsi spontan komplit (O03-Spontaneous abortion); (O03.9-Complete or unspecified,

without complication); (O04-Medical Abortion); (O04.9-
Complete or unspecified, without complication); (O05-Other
Abortion); (O05.9-Complete or unspecified, without
complication); (O06-Unspecified abortion); (O06.9-Complete or
unspecified, without complication)

2 Abses folikel rambut atau (L02-Cutaneous abscess, furuncle, and carbuncle); (L02.0-
kelenjar sebasea Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of face); (L02.1-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of neck); (L02.2-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of trunk); (L02.3-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of buttock); (L02.4-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of limb); (L02.8-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of other sites);
(L02.9-Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle, unspecified)

3 Akne vulgaris ringan (L70-Acne); (L70.0-Acne vulgaris); (L70.1-Acne conglobata);

(L70.2-Acne varioliformis); (L70.3-Acne tropica); (L70.4-
Infantile acne); (L70.5-Acné excoriée des jeunes filles); (L70.8-
Other acne); (L70.9-Acne, unspecified); (L71-Rosacea); (L71.1-
Rhinophyma); (L71.8-Other rosacea); (L71.9-Rosacea,

4 Alergi makanan (L27-Dermatitis due to substances taken internally); (L27.2-

Dermatitis due to ingested food); (L27.8-Dermatitis due to other
substances taken internally); (L27.9-Dermatitis due to
unspecified substance taken internally); (T78.1-Other adverse
food reactions, not elsewhere classified); (T78.4-Allergy,
unspecified); (K52.2-Allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and

5 Anemia defisiensi besi (D50-Iron deficiency anaemia); (D50.8-Other iron deficiency

anaemias); (D50.9-Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified); (D64-
Other anaemias); (D64.8-Other specified anaemias); (D64.9-
Anaemia, unspecified)

6 Anemia defisiensi besi pada (D50-Iron deficiency anaemia); (D50.8-Other iron deficiency
kehamilan anaemias); (D50.9-Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified);
(O99.0-Anaemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the

7 Askariasis (B77-Ascariasis); (B77.9-Ascariasis, unspecified); (K93.8-

Disorders of other specified digestive organs in diseases
classified elsewhere)

8 Asma bronkial (J45-Asthma); (J45.0-Predominantly allergic asthma); (J45.1-

Nonallergic asthma); (J45.8-Mixed asthma); (J45.9-Asthma,

9 Astigmatism ringan (H52-Disorders of refraction and accommodation); (H52.2-

o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10


10 Bells' palsy (G51-Facial nerve disorders); (G51.0-Bell's palsy)

11 Benda asing (T17-Foreign body in respiratory tract); (T17.1-Foreign body in


12 Benda asing di konjungtiva (T15-Foreign body on external eye); (T15.1-Foreign body in

conjunctival sac); (T15.8- Foreign body in other and multiple
parts of external eye); (T15.9-Foreign body on external eye, part

13 Blefaritis (H01-Other inflammation of eyelid); (H01.0-Blepharitis)

14 Bronkitis akut (J20-Acute bronchitis); (J20.0-Acute bronchitis due to

Mycoplasma pneumoniae); (J20.1-Acute bronchitis due to
Haemophilus influenzae); (J20.2-Acute bronchitis due to
streptococcus); (J20.3-Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus);
(J20.4-Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus); (J20.5-Acute
bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus); (J20.6-Acute
bronchitis due to rhinovirus); (J20.7-Acute bronchitis due to
echovirus); (J20.8-Acute bronchitis due to other specified
organisms); (J20.9-Acute bronchitis, unspecified); (J40-
Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic); (J41-Simple and
mucopurulent chronic bronchitis); (J41.0-Simple chronic
bronchitis); (J41.1-Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis); (J41.8-
Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis); (J42-
Unspecified chronic bronchitis)

15 Buta senja (H53-Visual disturbances); (H53.6-Night blindness)

16 Cracked nipple (O92-Other disorders of breast and lactation associated with

childbirth); (O92.1-Cracked nipple associated with childbirth);
(N64-Other disorders of breast); (N64.0-Fissure and fistula of

17 Cutaneus larva migran (B76-Hookworm diseases); (B76.0-Ancylostomiasis); (B76.1-

Necatoriasis); (B76.8-Other hookworm diseases); (B76.9-
Hookworm disease, unspecified); (B87.0-Cutaneous myiasis);
(B87.9-Myiasis, unspecified)

18 Defisiensi mineral (E58-Dietary calcium deficiency); (E59-Dietary selenium

deficiency); (E60-Dietary zinc deficiency); (E61-Deficiency of
other nutrient elements); (E61.0-Copper deficiency); (E61.1-Iron
deficiency); (E61.2-Magnesium deficiency); (E61.3-Manganese
deficiency); (E61.4-Chromium deficiency); (E61.5-Molybdenum
deficiency); (E61.6-Vanadium deficiency); (E61.7-Deficiency of
multiple nutrient elements); (E61.8-Deficiency of other specified
nutrient elements); (E61.9-Deficiency of nutrient element,
unspecified); (E63-Other nutritional deficiencies); (E63.0-
Essential fatty acid [EFA] deficiency); (E63.1-Imbalance of
constituents of food intake); (E63.8-Other specified nutritional
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

deficiencies); (E63.9-Nutritional deficiency, unspecified)

19 Defisiensi vitamin (E50-Vitamin A deficiency); (E50.0-Vitamin A deficiency with

conjunctival xerosis); (E50.1-Vitamin A deficiency with Bitot
spot and conjunctival xerosis); (E50.2-Vitamin A deficiency with
corneal xerosis); (E50.3-Vitamin A deficiency with corneal
ulceration and xerosis); (E50.4-Vitamin A deficiency with
keratomalacia); (E50.5-Vitamin A deficiency with night
blindness); (E50.6-Vitamin A deficiency with xerophthalmic
scars of cornea); (E50.7-Other ocular manifestations of vitamin
A deficiency); (E50.8-Other manifestations of vitamin A
deficiency); (E50.9-Vitamin A deficiency, unspecified); (E51-
Thiamine deficiency); (E51.1-Beriberi); (E51.8-Other
manifestations of thiamine deficiency); (E51.9-Thiamine
deficiency, unspecified); (E52-Niacin deficiency [pellagra]);
(E53-Deficiency of other B group vitamins); (E53.0-Riboflavin
deficiency); (E53.1-Pyridoxine deficiency); (E53.8-Deficiency of
other specified B group vitamins); (E53.9-Vitamin B deficiency,
unspecified); (E54-Ascorbic acid deficiency); (E55-Vitamin D
deficiency); (E55.0-Rickets, active); (E55.9-Vitamin D
deficiency, unspecified); (E56-Other vitamin deficiencies);
(E56.0-Deficiency of vitamin E); (E56.1-Deficiency of vitamin
K); (E56.8-Deficiency of other vitamins); (E56.9-Vitamin
deficiency, unspecified); (E64-Sequelae of malnutrition and other
nutritional deficiencies); (E64.1-Sequelae of vitamin A
deficiency); (E64.2-Sequelae of vitamin C deficiency); (E64.3-
Sequelae of rickets); (E64.8-Sequelae of other nutritional
deficiencies); (E64.9-Sequelae of unspecified nutritional

20 Demam dengue, DHF (A90-Dengue fever [classical dengue]); (A91-Dengue

haemorrhagic fever)

21 Demam tifoid (A01-Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers); (A01.0-Typhoid fever);

(A01.1-Paratyphoid fever A); (A01.2-Paratyphoid fever B);
(A01.3-Paratyphoid fever C); (A01.4-Paratyphoid fever,

22 Dermatitis atopik (kecuali (L20-Atopic dermatitis); (L20.0-Besnier prurigo); (L20.8-Other

recalcitrant) atopic dermatitis); (L20.9-Atopic dermatitis, unspecified)

23 Dermatitis kontak iritan (L24-Irritant contact dermatitis); (L24.0-Irritant contact

dermatitis due to detergents); (L24.1-Irritant contact dermatitis
due to oils and greases); (L24.2-Irritant contact dermatitis due to
solvents); (L24.3-Irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics);
(L24.4-Irritant contact dermatitis due to drugs in contact with
skin); (L24.5-Irritant contact dermatitis due to other chemical
products); (L24.6-Irritant contact dermatitis due to food in
contact with skin); (L24.7-Irritant contact dermatitis due to
plants, except food); (L24.8-Irritant contact dermatitis due to
other agents); (L24.9-Irritant contact dermatitis, unspecified
cause); (L25-Unspecified contact dermatitis); (L25.0-Unspecified
contact dermatitis due to cosmetics); (L25.1-Unspecified contact
dermatitis due to drugs in contact with skin); (L25.2-Unspecified
contact dermatitis due to dyes); (L25.3-Unspecified contact
dermatitis due to other chemical products); (L25.4-Unspecified
contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin); (L25.5-
Unspecified contact dermatitis due to plants, except food);
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

(L25.8-Unspecified contact dermatitis due to other agents);

(L25.9-Unspecified contact dermatitis, unspecified cause)

24 Dermatitis numularis (L30-Other dermatitis); (L30.0-Nummular dermatitis); (L30.8-

Other specified dermatitis); (L30.9-Dermatitis, unspecified)

25 Dermatitis perioral (L71-Rosacea); (L71.0-Perioral dermatitis)

26 Dermatitis seboroik (L21-Seborrhoeic dermatitis); (L21.0-Seborrhoea capitis);

(L21.1-Seborrhoeic infantile dermatitis); (L21.8-Other
seborrhoeic dermatitis); (L21.9-Seborrhoeic dermatitis,

27 Diabetes melitus tipe 1 (E10-Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus); (E10.9-Insulin-

dependent diabetes mellitus without complications)

28 Diabetes melitus tipe 2 (E11-Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus); (E11.9-Non-

insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications)

29 Disentri basiler, disentri (A06-Amoebiasis); (A06.0-Acute amoebic dysentery); (A06.1-

amuba Chronic intestinal amoebiasis); (A06.2-Amoebic nondysenteric
colitis); (A06.3-Amoeboma of intestine); (A06.7-Cutaneous
amoebiasis); (A06.8-Amoebic infection of other sites); (A06.9-
Amoebiasis, unspecified); (A03-Shigellosis); (A03.0-Shigellosis
due to Shigella dysenteriae); (A03.1-Shigellosis due to Shigella
flexneri); (A03.2-Shigellosis due to Shigella boydii); (A03.3-
Shigellosis due to Shigella sonnei); (A03.8-Other shigellosis);
(A03.9-Shigellosis, unspecified)

30 Dislipidemia (E78-Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias);

(E78.0-Pure hypercholesterolaemia); (E78.1-Pure
hyperglyceridaemia); (E78.2-Mixed hyperlipidaemia); (E78.3-
Hyperchylomicronaemia); (E78.4-Other hyperlipidaemia);
(E78.5-Hyperlipidaemia, unspecified); (E78.6-Lipoprotein
deficiency); (E78.8-Other disorders of lipoprotein metabolism);
(E78.9-Disorder of lipoprotein metabolism, unspecified)

31 Episkleritis (H15-Disorders of sclera); (H15.1-Episcleritis)

32 Epistaksis (R04-Haemorrhage from respiratory passages); (R04.0-Epistaxis)

33 Erisipelas (A46-Erysipelas); (O86.8-Other specified puerperal infections )

34 Eritrasma (L08-Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue);


35 Exanthematous drug (L27-Dermatitis due to substances taken internally); (L27.0-

eruption, fixed drug Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments);
eruption (L27.1-Localized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments);
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

(R21-Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption)

36 Faringitis (J02-Acute pharyngitis); (J02.0-Streptococcal pharyngitis);

(J02.8-Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms);
(J02.9-Acute pharyngitis, unspecified); (J31-Chronic rhinitis,
nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis); (J31.1-Chronic
nasopharyngitis); (J31.2-Chronic pharyngitis)

37 Filariasis (B74-Filariasis); (B74.0-Filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti);

(B74.1-Filariasis due to Brugia malayi); (B74.2-Filariasis due to
Brugia timori); (B74.3-Loiasis); (B74.4-Mansonelliasis); (B74.8-
Other filariases); (B74.9-Filariasis, unspecified); (Z11.6-Special
screening examination for other protozoal diseases and

38 Fimosis (N47-Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis)

39 Folikulitis superfisialis (L72-Follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue); (L72.0-

Epidermal cyst); (L72.1-Trichilemmal cyst); (L72.2-
Steatocystoma multiplex); (L72.8-Other follicular cysts of skin
and subcutaneous tissue); (L72.9-Follicular cyst of skin and
subcutaneous tissue, unspecified); (L08-Other local infections of
skin and subcutaneous tissue); (L08.0-Pyoderma); (L08.8-Other
specified local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue);
(L08.9-Local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue,
unspecified); (L66.2-Folliculitis decalvans ); (L66.3-
Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens  ); (L66.4-Folliculitis
ulerythematosa reticulata)

40 Furunkel pada hidung (J34-Other disorders of nose and nasal sinuses); (J34.0-Abscess,
furuncle and carbuncle of nose)

41 Furunkel, karbunkel (L02-cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle); (L02.0-

Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of face); (L02.1-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of neck); (L02.2-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of trunk); (L02.3-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of buttock); (L02.4-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of limb); (L02.8-
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of other sites);
(L02.9-Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle, unspecified);
(H04.0-Dacryoadenitis ); (H60.0-Abscess of external ear );
(H04.3-Acute and unspecified inflammation of lacrimal
passages ); (N76.4-Abscess of vulva); (N48.2- Other
inflammatory disorders of penis); (N49.2-Inflammatory disorders
of scrotum); (N49.8-Inflammatory disorders of other specified
male genital organs  ); (N49.9-Inflammatory disorder of
unspecified male genital organ); (N61-Inflammatory disorders of

42 Gangguan somatoform (F45-Somatoform disorders); (F45.0-Somatization disorder);

(F45.1-Undifferentiated somatoform disorder); (F45.2-
Hypochondriacal disorder); (F45.3-Somatoform autonomic
dysfunction); (F45.4-Persistent somatoform pain disorder);
(F45.8-Other somatoform disorders); (F45.9-Somatoform
disorder, unspecified)
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

43 Gastritis (K29-Gastritis and duodenitis); (K29.1-Other acute gastritis);

(K29.2-Alcoholic gastritis); (K29.5-Chronic gastritis,
unspecified); (K29.6-Other gastritis); (K29.7-Gastritis,
unspecified); (K30-Functional dyspepsia); (R10.1-Pain localized
to upper abdomen)

44 Gastroenteritis (termasuk (A09-Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and

kolera, giardiasis) unspecified origin); (A09.0-Other and unspecified gastroenteritis
and colitis of infectious origin); (A09.9-Gastroenteritis and colitis
of unspecified origin); (A08-Viral and other specified intestinal
infections); (A08.0-Rotaviral enteritis); (A08.1-Acute
gastroenteropathy due to Norwalk agent); (A08.2-Adenoviral
enteritis); (A08.3-Other viral enteritis); (A08.4-Viral intestinal
infection, unspecified); (A08.5-Other specified intestinal
infections); (A02-Other salmonella infections); (A02.0-
Salmonella enteritis)

45 Gonore (A54-Gonococcal infection); (A54.0-Gonococcal infection of

lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland
abscess); (A54.3-Gonococcal infection of eye); (A54.5-
Gonococcal pharyngitis); (A54.6-Gonococcal infection of anus
and rectum); (A54.8-Other gonococcal infections); (A54.9-
Gonococcal infection, unspecified); (A64-Unspecified sexually
transmitted disease)

46 Hemoroid grade 1-2 (I84-Haemorrhoids); (I84.2-Internal haemorrhoids without

complication); (I84.5-External haemorrhoids without
complication); (I84.9-Unspecified haemorrhoids without

47 Hepatitis A (B15-Acute hepatitis A); (B15.9-Hepatitis A without hepatic


48 Herpes simpleks tanpa (B00-Herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections); (B00.8-Other

komplikasi forms of herpesviral infection); (B00.9-Herpesviral infection,

49 Herpes zoster tanpa (B02-Zoster [herpes zoster]); (B02.9-Zoster without

komplikasi complication)

50 Hidradenitis supuratif (L73-Other follicular disorders); (L73.0-Acne keloid); (L73.1-

Pseudofolliculitis barbae); (L73.2-Hidradenitis suppurativa);
(L73.8-Other specified follicular disorders); (L73.9-Follicular
disorder, unspecified)

51 Hipermetropia ringan (H52-Disorders of refraction and accommodation); (H52.0-

Hypermetropia); (H52.6-Other disorders of Refraction); (H52.7-
Disorder of refraction, unspecified)

52 Hipertensi esensial (I10-Essential (primary) hypertension)

53 Hiperurisemia (E79-Disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism); (E79.0-

o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

Hyperuricaemia without signs of inflammatory arthritis and

tophaceous disease); (E79.1-Lesch-Nyhan syndrome); (E79.8-
Other disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism); (E79.9-
Disorder of purine and pyrimidine metabolism, unspecified)

54 Hipoglikemia ringan (E16-Other disorders of pancreatic internal secretion); (E16.1-

Other hypoglycaemia); (E16.2-Hypoglycaemia, unspecified)

55 HIV AIDS tanpa (Z21-Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]

komplikasi infection status); (R75-Laboratory evidence of human
immunodeficiency virus [HIV]); (Z11.4-Special screening
examination for human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]); (Z20.6-
Contact with and exposure to human immunodeficiency virus
[HIV]); (Z71.7-Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]

56 Hordeolum (H00-Hordeolum and chalazion); (H00.0-Hordeolum and other

deep inflammation of eyelid)

57 Impetigo (L01-Impetigo); (L01.0-Impetigo [any organism] [any site]);

(L01.1-Impetiginization of other dermatoses)

58 Impetigo ulseratif (ektima) (L08-Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue);
(L08.0-Pyoderma); (L08.8-Other specified local infections of
skin and subcutaneous tissue); (L08.9-Local infection of skin and
subcutaneous tissue, unspecified)

59 Infeksi pada umbilikus (P38-Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild haemorrhage)

60 Infeksi saluran kemih (N39-Other disorders of urinary system); (N39.0-Urinary tract

infection, site not specified); (N39.8-Other specified disorders of
urinary system); (N39.9-Disorder of urinary system,
unspecified); (O08.8-Other complications following abortion and
ectopic and molar pregnancy); (N37.8-Other urethral disorders in
diseases classified elsewhere)

61 Infeksi saluran kemih (N39-Other disorders of urinary system); (N39.0-Urinary tract

bagian bawah infection, site not specified); (N39.8-Other specified disorders of
urinary system); (N39.9-Disorder of urinary system,
unspecified); (O08.8-Other complications following abortion and
ectopic and molar pregnancy); (N37.8-Other urethral disorders in
diseases classified elsewhere)

62 Influenza (J10-Influenza due to other identified influenza virus); (J10.0-

Influenza with pneumonia, other influenza virus identified);
(J10.1-Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, other
influenza virus identified); (J10.8-Influenza with other
manifestations, other influenza virus identified); (J11-Influenza,
virus not identified); (J11.0-Influenza with pneumonia, virus not
identified); (J11.1-Influenza with other respiratory
manifestations, virus not identified); (J11.8-Influenza with other
manifestations, virus not identified); (A49.2-Haemophilus
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

influenzae infection, unspecified site)

63 Insomnia (F51-Nonorganic sleep disorders); (F51.0-Nonorganic insomnia);

(F51.2-Nonorganic disorder of the sleep-wake schedule); (F51.8-
Other nonorganic sleep disorders); (G47.0-Disorders of initiating
and maintaining sleep [insomnias])

64 Intoleransi makanan (K90-Intestinal malabsorption); (K90.4-Malabsorption due to

intolerance, not elsewhere classified)

65 Inverted nipple (O92-Other disorders of breast and lactation associated with

childbirth); (O92.0-Retracted nipple associated with childbirth)

66 Kandidiasis mulut (B37-Candidiasis); (B37.0-Candidal stomatitis); (B37.9-

Candidiasis, unspecified)

67 Kandidosis mukokutan (B37-Candidal stomatitis); (B37.2-Candidiasis of skin and nail);

ringan (B37.8-Candidiasis of other sites); (B37.9-Candidiasis,

68 Kehamilan normal (O80-Single spontaneous delivery); (O80.0-Spontaneous vertex

delivery); (O80.1-Spontaneous breech delivery); (O80.8-Other
single spontaneous delivery); (O80.9-Single spontaneous
delivery, unspecified); (O26.8-Other specified pregnancy-related
conditions); (O26.9-Pregnancy-related condition, unspecified)

69 Kejang demam (R56-Convulsions, not elsewhere classified); (R56.0-Febrile

convulsions); (R56.8-Other and unspecified convulsions)

70 Kekerasan tajam (X99-Assault by sharp object); (X78-Intentional self-harm by

sharp object); (Y28-Contact with sharp object, undetermined
intent); (Y35.4-Legal intervention involving sharp objects);
(W22-Striking against or struck by other objects); (W26.9-
Contact with unspecified sharp object(s))

71 Kekerasan tumpul (Y00-Assault by blunt object); (X79-Intentional self-harm by

blunt object); (Y29-Contact with blunt object, undetermined
intent); (Y35.3-Legal intervention involving blunt objects);
(W22-Striking against or struck by other objects)

72 Keracunan makanan (T62-Toxic effect of other noxious substances eaten as food);

(T62.0-Ingested mushrooms); (T62.1-Ingested berries); (T62.2-
Other ingested (parts of) plant(s)); (T62.8-Other specified
noxious substances eaten as food); (T62.9-Noxious substance
eaten as food, unspecified); (T61-Toxic effect of noxious
substances eaten as seafood); (T61.0-Ciguatera fish poisoning);
(T61.1-Scombroid fish poisoning); (T61.2-Other fish and
shellfish poisoning); (T61.8-Toxic effect of other seafoods);
(T61.9-Toxic effect of unspecified seafood); (K52-Other
noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis); (K52.1-Toxic
gastroenteritis and colitis); (K52.8-Other specified noninfective
gastroenteritis and colitis); (K52.9-Noninfective gastroenteritis
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

and colitis, unspecified)

73 Konjungtivitis (H10-Conjunctivitis); (H10.0-Mucopurulent conjunctivitis);

(H10.1-Acute atopic conjunctivitis); (H10.2-Other acute
conjunctivitis); (H10.3-Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified);
(H10.4-Chronic conjunctivitis); (H10.5-Blepharoconjunctivitis);
(H10.8-Other conjunctivitis); (H10.9-Conjunctivitis,
unspecified); (B30-Viral conjunctivitis); (B30.1-Conjunctivitis
due to adenovirus ); (B30.2-Viral pharyngoconjunctivitis);
(B30.8-Other viral conjunctivitis ); (B30.9-Viral conjunctivitis,
unspecified); (H13.1-Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic
diseases classified elsewhere)

74 Laringitis (J04-Acute laryngitis and tracheitis); (J04.0-Acute laryngitis);

(J37-Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis); (J37.0-Chronic

75 Lepra (A30-Leprosy [Hansen disease]); (A30.0-Indeterminate leprosy);

(A30.1-Tuberculoid leprosy); (A30.2-Borderline tuberculoid
leprosy); (A30.3-Borderline leprosy); (A30.4-Borderline
lepromatous leprosy); (A30.5-Lepromatous leprosy); (A30.8-
Other forms of leprosy); (A30.9-Leprosy, unspecified); (B92-
Sequelae of leprosy)

76 Leptospirosis (tanpa (A27- Leptospirosis); (A27.0-Leptospirosis

komplikasi) icterohaemorrhagica); (A27.8-Other forms of leptospirosis);
(A27.9-Leptospirosis, unspecified)

77 Limfadenitis (I88-Nonspecific lymphadenitis); (I88.0-Nonspecific mesenteric

lymphadenitis); (I88.1-Chronic lymphadenitis, except
mesenteric); (I88.8-Other nonspecific lymphadenitis); (I88.9-
Nonspecific lymphadenitis, unspecified); (L04-Acute
lymphadenitis); (L04.0-Acute lymphadenitis of face, head and
neck); (L04.1-Acute lymphadenitis of trunk); (L04.2-Acute
lymphadenitis of upper limb); (L04.3-Acute lymphadenitis of
lower limb); (L04.8-Acute lymphadenitis of other sites); (L04.9-
Acute lymphadenitis, unspecified)

78 Lipoma (D17-Benign lipomatous neoplasm); (D17.0-Benign lipomatous

neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of head, face and
neck); (D17.1-Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and
subcutaneous tissue of trunk); (D17.2-Benign lipomatous
neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of limbs); (D17.3-
Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of
other and unspecified sites); (D17.7-Benign lipomatous neoplasm
of other sites); (D17.9-Benign lipomatous neoplasm, unspecified)

79 Luka bakar derajat 1 dan 2 (T30.0-Burn of unspecified body region, unspecified degree);
(T30.1-Burn of first degree, body region unspecified); (T30.2-
Burn of second degree, body region unspecified); (T30.4-
Corrosion of unspecified body region, unspecified degree);
(T30.5-Corrosion of first degree, body region unspecified);
(T30.6-Corrosion of second degree, body region unspecified);
(T21-Burn and corrosion of trunk); (T21.0-Burn of unspecified
degree of trunk); (T21.1-Burn of first degree of trunk); (T21.2-
Burn of second degree of trunk); (T21.4-Corrosion of unspecified
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

degree of trunk); (T21.5-Corrosion of first degree of trunk);

(T21.6-Corrosion of second degree of trunk); (T22-Burn and
corrosion of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand);
(T22.0-Burn of unspecified degree of shoulder and upper limb,
except wrist and hand); (T22.1-Burn of first degree of shoulder
and upper limb, except wrist and hand); (T22.2-Burn of second
degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand);
(T22.4-Corrosion of unspecified degree of shoulder and upper
limb, except wrist and hand); (T22.5-Corrosion of first degree of
shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand); (T22.6-
Corrosion of second degree of shoulder and upper limb, except
wrist and hand); (T23-Burn and corrosion of wrist and hand);
(T23.0-Burn of unspecified degree of wrist and hand); (T23.1-
Burn of first degree of wrist and hand); (T23.2-Burn of second
degree of wrist and hand); (T23.4-Corrosion of unspecified
degree of wrist and hand); (T23.5-Corrosion of first degree of
wrist and hand); (T23.6-Corrosion of second degree of wrist and
hand); (T24-Burn and corrosion of hip and lower limb, except
ankle and foot); (T24.0-Burn of unspecified degree of hip and
lower limb, except ankle and foot); (T24.1-Burn of first degree of
hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot); (T30-Burn and
corrosion, body region unspecified); (T24.2-Burn of second
degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot); (T24.4-
Corrosion of unspecified degree of hip and lower limb, except
ankle and foot); (T24.5-Corrosion of first degree of hip and lower
limb, except ankle and foot); (T24.6-Corrosion of second degree
of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot); (T25-Burn and
corrosion of ankle and foot); (T25.0-Burn of unspecified degree
of ankle and foot); (T25.1-Burn of first degree of ankle and foot);
(T25.2-Burn of second degree of ankle and foot); (T25.4-
Corrosion of unspecified degree of ankle and foot); (T25.5-
Corrosion of first degree of ankle and foot); (T25.6-Corrosion of
second degree of ankle and foot); (T29-Burns and corrosions of
multiple body regions); (T29.0-Burns of multiple regions,
unspecified degree); (T29.1-Burns of multiple regions, no more
than first-degree burns mentioned); (T29.2-Burns of multiple
regions, no more than second-degree burns mentioned); (T29.4-
Corrosions of multiple regions, unspecified degree); (T29.5-
Corrosions of multiple regions, no more than first-degree
corrosions mentioned); (T29.6-Corrosions of multiple regions, no
more than second-degree corrosions mentioned)

80 Mabuk perjalanan (R11-Nausea and vomiting); (T75.3-Motion sickness)

81 Malaria (B85.3-Phthiriasis); (B50-Plasmodium falciparum malaria);

(B50.9-Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified); (B51-
Plasmodium vivax malaria); (B51.8-Plasmodium vivax malaria
with other complications); (B51.9-Plasmodium vivax malaria
without complication); (B52-Plasmodium malariae malaria);
(B52.8-Plasmodium malariae malaria with other complications);
(B52.9-Plasmodium malariae malaria without complication);
(B53-Other parasitologically confirmed malaria); (B53.0-
Plasmodium ovale malaria); (B53.1-Malaria due to simian
plasmodia); (B53.8-Other parasitologically confirmed malaria,
not elsewhere classified); (B54-Unspecified malaria)

82 Malnutrisi energi-protein (E40-Kwashiorkor); (E41-Nutritional marasmus); (E42-

Marasmic kwashiorkor); (E44-Protein-energy malnutrition of
moderate and mild degree); (E44.0-Moderate protein-energy
malnutrition); (E44.1-Mild protein-energy malnutrition); (E46-
Unspecified protein-energy malnutrition); (E64.0-Sequelae of
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

protein-energy malnutrition)

83 Mastitis (N61-Inflammatory disorders of breast); (O91-Infections of

breast associated with childbirth); (O91.0-Infection of nipple
associated with childbirth); (O91.1-Abscess of breast associated
with childbirth); (O91.2-Nonpurulent mastitis associated with

84 Mata kering (H04-Disorders of lacrimal system); (H04.1-Other disorders of

lacrimal gland)

85 Migren (G43-Migraine); (G43.0-Migraine without aura [common

migraine]); (G43.1-Migraine with aura [classical migraine]);
(G43.2-Status migrainosus); (G43.8-Other migraine); (G43.9-
Migraine, unspecified); (N94.3-Premenstrual tension syndrome)

86 Miliaria (L74-Eccrine sweat disorders); (L74.0-Miliaria rubra); (L74.1-

Miliaria crystallina); (L74.2-Miliaria profunda); (L74.3-Miliaria,
unspecified); (L74.8-Other eccrine sweat disorders); (L74.9-
Eccrine sweat disorder, unspecified)

87 Miopia ringan (H52-Disorders of refraction and accommodation); (H52.1-

Myopia); (H44.2-Degenerative myopia)

88 Moluskum kontagiosum (B08-Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous

membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified); (B08.1-Molluscum

89 Morbili tanpa komplikasi (B05-Measles); (B05.9-Measles without complication)

90 Napkin eczema (L22-Diaper [napkin] dermatitis)

91 Obesitas (E66-Obesity); (E66.0-Obesity due to excess calories); (E66.1-

Drug-induced obesity); (E66.8-Other obesity); (E66.9-Obesity,

92 Otitis eksterna (H60-Otitis externa); (H60.0-Abscess of external ear); (H60.3-

Other infective otitis externa); (H60.5-Acute otitis externa,
noninfective); (H60.8-Other otitis externa); (H60.9-Otitis
externa, unspecified); (H62-Disorders of external ear in diseases
classified elsewhere); (H62.0-Otitis externa in bacterial diseases
classified elsewhere); (H62.1-Otitis externa in viral diseases
classified elsewhere); (H62.2-Otitis externa in mycoses); (H62.3-
Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified
elsewhere); (H62.4-Otitis externa in other diseases classified
elsewhere); (H62.8-Other disorders of external ear in diseases
classified elsewhere)

93 Otitis media akut (H65-Nonsuppurative otitis media); (H65.1-Other acute

nonsuppurative otitis media); (H65.9-Nonsuppurative otitis
media, unspecified); (H66-Suppurative and unspecified otitis
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

media); (H66.0-Acute suppurative otitis media); (H66.4-

Suppurative otitis media, unspecified); (H66.9-Otitis media,
unspecified); (H67-Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere);
(H67.0-Otitis media in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere);
(H67.1-Otitis media in viral diseases classified elsewhere);
(H67.8-Otitis media in other diseases classified elsewhere)

94 Parafismosis (N47-Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis)

95 Parotitis (B26-Mumps); (B26.9-Mumps without complication)

96 Pedikulosis kapitis (B85-Pediculosis and phthiriasis); (B85.0- Pediculosis due to

Pediculus humanus capitis); (B85.1- Pediculosis due to Pediculus
humanus corporis); (B85.4- Mixed pediculosis and phthiriasis)

97 Pedikulosis pubis (B85-Pediculosis and phthiriasis); (B85.0- Pediculosis due to

Pediculus humanus capitis)

98 Penyakit cacing tambang (B76-Hookworm diseases); (B76.0-Ancylostomiasis); (B76.1-

Necatoriasis); (B76.8-Other hookworm diseases); (B76.9-
Hookworm disease, unspecified)

99 Perdarahan subkonjungtiva (H11-Other disorders of conjunctiva); (H11.3-Conjunctival

haemorrhage); (H57-Other disorders of eye and adnexa); (H57.8-
Other specified disorders of eye and adnexa); (H57.9-Disorder of
eye and adnexa, unspecified)

100 Pertusis (A37-Whooping cough); (A37.0-Whooping cough due to

Bordetella pertussis); (A37.1-Whooping cough due to Bordetella
parapertussis); (A37.8-Whooping cough due to other Bordetella
species); (A37.9-Whooping cough, unspecified)

No. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

100 Pertusis (A37-Whooping cough); (A37.0-Whooping cough due to

Bordetella pertussis); (A37.1-Whooping cough due to Bordetella
parapertussis); (A37.8-Whooping cough due to other Bordetella
species); (A37.9-Whooping cough, unspecified)

101 Pielonefritis tanpa (N10-Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis); (N12-Tubulo-interstitial

komplikasi nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic)

102 Pitiriasis rosea (L42-Pityriasis rosea); (L30.5-Pityriasis alba)

103 Pitiriasis versikolor (B36-Other superficial mycoses); (B36.0-Pityriasis versicolor);

(B36.1-Tinea nigra); (B36.2-White piedra); (B36.3-Black
piedra); (B36.8-Other specified superficial mycoses); (B36.9-
Superficial mycosis, unspecified)
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

104 Pneumonia, (J12-Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified); (J12.0-

bronkopneumonia Adenoviral pneumonia); (J12.1-Respiratory syncytial virus
pneumonia); (J12.2-Parainfluenza virus pneumonia); (J12.3-
Human metapneumovirus pneumonia); (J12.8-Other viral
pneumonia); (J12.9-Viral pneumonia, unspecified); (J13-
Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae); (J14-Pneumonia
due to Haemophilus influenzae); (J15-Bacterial pneumonia, not
elsewhere classified); (J15.0-Pneumonia due to Klebsiella
pneumoniae); (J15.1-Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas); (J15.2-
Pneumonia due to staphylococcus); (J15.3-Pneumonia due to
streptococcus, group B); (J15.4-Pneumonia due to other
streptococci); (J15.5-Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli); (J15.6-
Pneumonia due to other aerobic Gram-negative bacteria); (J15.7-
Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae); (J15.8-Other
bacterial pneumonia); (J15.9-Bacterial pneumonia, unspecified);
(J16-Pneumonia due to other infectious organisms, not elsewhere
classified); (J16.0-Chlamydial pneumonia); (J16.8-Pneumonia
due to other specified infectious organisms); (J17-Pneumonia in
diseases classified elsewhere); (J17.0-Pneumonia in bacterial
diseases classified elsewhere); (J17.1-Pneumonia in viral
diseases classified elsewhere); (J17.2-Pneumonia in mycoses);
(J17.3-Pneumonia in parasitic diseases); (J17.8-Pneumonia in
other diseases classified elsewhere); (J18-Pneumonia, organism
unspecified); (J18.0-Bronchopneumonia, unspecified); (J18.1-
Lobar pneumonia, unspecified); (J18.2-Hypostatic pneumonia,
unspecified); (J18.8-Other pneumonia, organism unspecified);
(J18.9-Pneumonia, unspecified)

105 Presbiopia (H52-Disorders of refraction and accommodation); (H52.4-


106 Reaksi anafilaktik (T78-Adverse effects, not elsewhere classified); (T78.2-

Anaphylactic shock, unspecified); (T80.5-Anaphylactic shock
due to serum); (T78.0-Anaphylactic shock due to adverse food
reaction); (T88.6-Anaphylactic shock due to adverse effect of
correct drug or medicament properly administered)

107 Reaksi gigitan serangga (T63-Toxic effect of contact with venomous animals); (T63.4-
Venom of other arthropods)

108 Refluks gastroesofagus (K21-Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease); (K21.9-Gastro-

oesophageal reflux disease without oesophagitis)

109 Rhinitis akut (J00-Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold])

110 Rhinitis alergika (J30-Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis); (J30.2-Allergic rhinitis due
to pollen); (J30.3-Other seasonal allergic rhinitis); (J30.4- Other
allergic rhinitis); (J30.5-Allergic rhinitis, unspecified); (J45.0-
Predominantly allergic asthma)

111 Rhinitis vasomotor (J30-Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis); (J30.1-Vasomotor rhinitis)

112 Ruptur perineum tingkat 1- (O70-Perineal laceration during delivery); (O70.0-First degree
2 perineal laceration during delivery); (O70.1-Second degree
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

perineal laceration during delivery)

113 Salpingitis (N70-Salpingitis and oophoritis); (N70.0-Acute salpingitis and

oophoritis); (N70.1-Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis); (N70.9-
Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified)

114 Serumen prop (H61-Other disorders of external ear); (H61.2-Impacted


115 Sifilis stadium 1 dan 2 (A51-Early syphilis); (A51.3-Secondary syphilis of skin and
mucous membranes); (A53-Other and unspecified syphilis);
(A53.0-Latent syphilis, unspecified as early or late); (A53.9-
Syphilis, unspecified); (A65-Nonvenereal syphilis)

116 Sindrom duh (discharge) (A54-Gonococcal infection); (A54.0-Gonococcal infection of

genital (gonore dan non lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland
gonore) abscess); (A54.3-Gonococcal infection of eye); (A54.5-
Gonococcal pharyngitis); (A54.6-Gonococcal infection of anus
and rectum); (A54.8-Other gonococcal infections); (A54.9-
Gonococcal infection, unspecified); (A56-Other sexually
transmitted chlamydial diseases); (A56.0-Chlamydial infection of
lower genitourinary tract); (A56.2-Chlamydial infection of
genitourinary tract, unspecified); (A56.8-Sexually transmitted
chlamydial infection of other sites); (A64-Unspecified sexually
transmitted disease)

117 Skabies (B86-Scabies)

118 Skistosomiasis (B65-Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis]); (B65.0-Schistosomiasis due

to Schistosoma haematobium [urinary schistosomiasis]); (B65.1-
Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma mansoni [intestinal
schistosomiasis]); (B65.2-Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma
japonicum); (B65.3-Cercarial dermatitis); (B65.8-Other
schistosomiases); (B65.9-Schistosomiasis, unspecified)

119 Skrofuloderma (A18-Tuberculosis of other organs); (A18.4-Tuberculosis of skin

and subcutaneous tissue)

120 Strongiloidiasis (B78-Strongyloidiasis); (B78.0-Intestinal strongyloidiasis);

(B78.1-Cutaneous strongyloidiasis); (B78.7-Disseminated
strongyloidiasis); (B78.9-Strongyloidiasis, unspecified)

121 Taeniasis (B68-Taeniasis); (B68.0-Taenia solium taeniasis); (B68.1-Taenia

saginata taeniasis); (B68.9-Taeniasis, unspecified)

122 Tension headache (G44-Other Headache Syndromes); (G44.1-Vascular headache,

not elsewhere classified); (G44.2-Tension-type headache);
(G44.3-Chronic post-traumatic headache); (G44.4-Drug-induced
headache, not elsewhere classified); (G44.8-Other specified
headache syndromes); (R51-Headache)
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

123 Tetanus (A35-Other tetanus); (Y58.4-Tetanus vaccine); (Z11.2-Special

screening examination for other bacterial diseases); (Z23.5-Need
for immunization against tetanus alone); (Z27.1-Need for
immunization against diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, combined
[DTP]); (Z27.2-Need for immunization against diphtheria-
tetanus-pertussis with typhoid-paratyphoid [DTP + TAB]);
(Z27.3-Need for immunization against diphtheria-tetanus-
pertussis with poliomyelitis [DTP + polio])

124 Tinea barbe (B35-Dermatophytosis); (B35.0- Tinea barbae and tinea capitis)

125 Tinea fasialis (B35-Dermatophytosis); (B35.8-Other dermatophytoses);

(B35.9-Dermatophytosis, unspecified)

126 Tinea kapitis (B35-Dermatophytosis); (B35.0- Tinea barbae and tinea capitis)

127 Tinea korporis (B35-Dermatophytosis); (B35.4-Tinea corporis); (B35.5-Tinea


128 Tinea kruris (B35-Dermatophytosis); (B35.6-Tinea cruris)



130 Tinea pedis (B35-Dermatophytosis); (B35.3- Tinea pedis)

131 Tinea unguium (B35-Dermatophytosis); (B35.1- Tinea unguium)

132 Tonsilitis (J03-Acute tonsillitis); (J03.0-Streptococcal tonsillitis); (J03.8-

Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms); (J03.9-Acute
tonsillitis, unspecified); (J35-Chronic diseases of tonsils and
adenoids); (J35.0-Chronic tonsillitis); (J35.1-Hypertrophy of
tonsils); (J35.8-Other chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids);
(J35.9-Chronic disease of tonsils and adenoids, unspecified)

133 Trikiasis (H02-Other disorders of eyelid); (H02.0-Entropion and trichiasis

of eyelid)

134 Tuberkulosis paru tanpa (A15-Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and

komplikasi histologically confirmed); (A15.0-Tuberculosis of lung,
confirmed by sputum microscopy with or without culture);
(A15.1-Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only); (A15.2-
Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically); (A15.3-
Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by unspecified means); (A15.4-
o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed

bacteriologically and histologically); (A15.5-Tuberculosis of
larynx, trachea and bronchus, confirmed bacteriologically and
histologically); (A15.6-Tuberculous pleurisy, confirmed
bacteriologically and histologically); (A15.7-Primary respiratory
tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically);
(A15.8-Other respiratory tuberculosis, confirmed
bacteriologically and histologically); (A15.9-Respiratory
tuberculosis unspecified, confirmed bacteriologically and
histologically); (A16.1-Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriological and
histological examination not done); (A16.2-Tuberculosis of lung,
without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation);
(A16.7-Primary respiratory tuberculosis without mention of
bacteriological or histological confirmation); (A16.8-Other
respiratory tuberculosis, without mention of bacteriological or
histological confirmation); (A16.9-Respiratory tuberculosis
unspecified, without mention of bacteriological or histological

135 Ulkus mulut (aptosa, (K12-Stomatitis and related lesions); (K12.0-Recurrent oral
herpes) aphthae); (K12.1-Other forms of stomatitis); (K12.2-Cellulitis
and abscess of mouth); (K12.3-Oral mucositis (ulcerative))

136 Ulkus pada tungkai (L97-Ulcer of lower limb, not elsewhere classified); (I83-
Varicose veins of lower extremities); (I83.0-Varicose veins of
lower extremities with ulcer); (I83.1-Varicose veins of lower
extremities with inflammation); (I83.2-Varicose veins of lower
extremities with both ulcer and inflammation); (I83.9-Varicose
veins of lower extremities without ulcer or inflammation)

137 Urtikaria akut (L50-Urticaria); (L50.0-Allergic urticaria); (L50.2-Urticaria due

to cold and heat); (L50.3-Dermatographic urticaria); (L50.4-
Vibratory urticaria); (L50.6-Contact urticaria); (L50.9-Urticaria,
unspecified); (L56.3-Solar urticaria); (L29-Pruritus); (L29.0-
Pruritus ani); (L29.1-Pruritus scroti); (L29.2-Pruritus vulvae);
(L29.3-Anogenital pruritus, unspecified); (L29.8-Other pruritus);
(L29.9-Pruritus, unspecified); (T80.6-Other serum reactions)

138 Vaginitis (N76-Other inflammation of vagina and vulva); (N76.0-Acute

vaginitis); (N76.1-Subacute and chronic vaginitis); (N76.6-
Ulceration of vagina); (N76.8-Other specified inflammation of
vagina and vulva)

139 Vaginosis bakterialis (N76-Other inflammation of vagina and vulva); (N76.0-Acute

vaginitis); (N76.1-Subacute and chronic vaginitis); (N76.6-
Ulceration of vagina); (N76.8-Other specified inflammation of
vagina and vulva); (N77-Vulvovaginal ulceration and
inflammation in diseases classified elsewhere); (N77.1-Vaginitis,
vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases
classified elsewhere); (N77.8-Vulvovaginal ulceration and
inflammation in other diseases classified elsewhere)

140 Varisela tanpa komplikasi (B01-Varicella [chickenpox]); (B01.9-Varicella without


141 Vertigo (Benign (R42-Dizziness and giddiness); (H81-Disorders of vestibular

o. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10

paroxysmal positional function); (H81.1-Benign paroxysmal vertigo); (H81.3-Other

vertigo) peripheral vertigo); (H81.4-Vertigo of central origin); (H82-
Vertiginous syndromes in diseases classified elsewhere); (T75.2-
Effects of vibration)

142 Veruka vulgaris (B07-Viral warts)

143 Vulnus laseratum, vulnus (T00-Superficial injuries involving multiple body regions);
punctum (T00.0-Superficial injuries involving head with neck); (T00.1-
Superficial injuries involving thorax with abdomen, lower back
and pelvis); (T00.2-Superficial injuries involving multiple
regions of upper limb(s)); (T00.3-Superficial injuries involving
multiple regions of lower limb(s)); (T00.6-Superficial injuries
involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) with lower limb(s));
(T00.8-Superficial injuries involving other combinations of body
regions); (T00.9-Multiple superficial injuries, unspecified); (T14-
Injury of unspecified body region); (T14.0-Superficial injury of
unspecified body region); (T14.1-Open wound of unspecified
body region); (T14.8-Other injuries of unspecified body region);
(T14.9-Injury, unspecified)

144 Vulvitis (N76-Other inflammation of vagina and vulva); (N76.2-Acute

vulvitis); (N76.3-Subacute and chronic vulvitis); (N76.4-Abscess
of vulva); (N76.6-Ulceration of vulva); (N76.8-Other specified
inflammation of vagina and vulva)



Kd Diagnosa Nama Diagnosa Jumlah

J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 322

J39 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract 158

Kd Diagnosa Nama Diagnosa Jumlah

M79.1 Myalgia 147

Z36.9 Antenatal screening, unspecified 138

K29 Gastritis and duodenitis 111

I10 Essential (primary) hypertension 90

J02 Acute pharyngitis 47

K30 Dyspepsia 40

A01.4 Paratyphoid fever, unspecified 39

E14 Unspecified diabetes mellitus 39

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