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Putu Eka Meiyana Erawan, S.KM., M.Kes



NIM : J1A120267


Menerapkan manajemen sistem informasi kesehatan baru di Uganda

1. Mengapa jurnal tersebut mengambil konsep SIK tersebut?

Karena , Kerangka kerja Sistem Informasi Kesehatan dapat memfasilitasi pengenalan inovasi
manajemen informasi di masa depan dan memungkinkan praktisi untuk menganggap pengenalan
mereka sebagai proses bertahap yang perlu dikelola. Implikasi untuk praktik diidentifikasi.

Pada penelitian ini menyelidiki proses implementasi sistem informasi kesehatan (SIK ) di Uganda,
yang dimana bagaimana memanfaatkan difusi inovasi dan model perubahan organisasi
keseimbangan dinamis. Tidak ada perspektif yang memandu proses pengembangan SIK. Sebaliknya,
masalah teknologi, alih-alih masalah organisasi yang lebih luas, mendominasi perubahan yang
direncanakan. Kebutuhan untuk mempertimbangkan konteks organisasi ketika mengubah sistem
informasi muncul karena prosesnya lebih kompleks daripada yang disadari oleh beberapa praktisi,
ketika mencoba memahami penyebab masalah manajemen informasi dan mengembangkan
manajemen SIK di negara-negara berpenghasilan rendah.

Secara khusus, pengembang sistem informasi belum mengakui bahwa mereka mempromosikan
pendekatan informa- tional untuk manajemen ketika mereka mempromosikan perubahan dari sistem
pelaporan terpusat ke HMIS yang mendukung penggunaan informasi pada tingkat pengumpulan.
Strategi untuk memfasilitasi pendekatan ini tidak dianjurkan.

Teori organisasi dapat berkontribusi pada difusi kerangka kerja inovasi. Ini telah menghasilkan
integrasi difusi rogers kerangka kerja inovasi dan konsep Leavitt tentang kekuatan organisasi dalam
keseimbangan. Kerangka kerja difusi menggambarkan prosesnya, tetapi model organisasi telah
memberikan konteks dan alasan untuk aspek-aspek proses. Model difusi tidak memprediksi apa yang
perlu diubah dalam organisasi ketika inovasi tertentu diperkenalkan, atau berapa banyak.
Penambahan model organisasi telah membantu.
Hingga tahun 1993 Uganda memiliki sistem informasi kesehatan terpusat (SIK) yang
berfokus pada pelaporan morbiditas dan mortalitas, dengan data yang mengalir hanya dari unit
kesehatan individu ke tingkat kabupaten dan nasional. Sejak saat itu, Kementerian Kesehatan
(Kemenkes) menerapkan manajemen sistem informasi kesehatan (MSIK) yang menekankan
penggunaan informasi pada titik pengumpulan.

Banyak negara berpenghasilan rendah lainnya bergerak ke arah yang sama, dengan lebih banyak
keterampilan yang dituntut dari manajer perawatan kesehatan primer (PHC), termasuk penanganan
data dan informasi di semua tingkat sistem perawatan kesehatan (AKF 1993). Organisasi Kesehatan
Dunia (WHO) mengidentifikasi sistem informasi kesehatan yang berorientasi pada distrik sebagai
prioritas (WHO 1988) dan mencatat bahwa 'kelemahan dukungan informasi diakui- dipimpin oleh
sebagian besar negara anggota sebagai hambatan terus-menerus untuk manajemen yang kuat dan
objektif', dan bahwa 'upaya untuk memperkuat sistem informasi nasional seringkali menghasilkan
sedikit perbaikan dan kadang-kadang memperburuk masalah' (WHO 1994a).

Komisi Penelitian Kesehatan untuk Pembangunan (1990) mengidentifikasi perlunya penelitian

tentang pengembangan sistem informasi kesehatan praktis untuk memandu keputusan kebijakan dan
manajemen, dan perbaikan HIS diidentifikasi sebagai penting oleh negara-negara seperti Tanzania
(Research into Action 1999: 8) dan Karibia (Research into Action 2000: 5). Kemitraan internasional
telah memobilisasi dana dan dukungan teknis ketika perbaikan HIS dianjurkan sebagai bagian dari
peningkatan kesehatan di negara berpenghasilan rendah (Bank Dunia 1993). PerbaikanNYA di
banyak coun- try termasuk Peru (Bank Dunia 1999a), Kepulauan Solomon (Bank Dunia 1999b),
Honduras (Bank Dunia 2000b), Lesotho (Bank Dunia 2000a), Uttar Pradesh di India (Bank Dunia
2000b) dan Republik Kryragya (Bank Dunia 2001) didukung.

WHO telah memimpin dalam membantu negara-negara berpenghasilan rendah mengembangkan HIS
dengan memberikan dukungan teknis dan keuangan untuk menilai, merancang, dan mengembangkan
sistem tersebut. Tidak ada strategi pengembangan standar untuk dukungan WHO yang digunakan,
tetapi prinsip-prinsip khusus untuk membimbing pengembangan DAN kerja sama teknisNYA
didorong (WHO 2000a). Ulasan tentang dukungan telah dilakukan (WHO 1999) dan strategi untuk
mendukung perkembangan HIS di negara-negara anggota sedang didevel- oped (WHO 2000b,
2001a). Panduan tentang penilaian kebutuhan telah dirinci (Lippeveld et al. 2000; WHO 2000c) dan
pengalaman dalam perkembangan SIK dijelaskan (Lippeveld et al.2000).
Pada penelitian ini Uganda dipilih karena sedang mengembangkan HMIS ketika dana
penelitian tersedia. Pendekatan kualitatif mengikuti Morse (1994), dengan strategi penelitian tidak
didasarkan pada pertimbangan sadar, sebelumnya dari pertanyaan filosofis, tetapi pada tujuan studi,
pertanyaan penelitian, keterampilan dan sumber daya yang tersedia: jika pertanyaan tersebut
menyangkut sifat fenomena, maka jawabannya paling baik diperoleh dengan menggunakan

Penelitian menggunakan observasi partisipan, wawancara, ujian dokumen resmi, catatan lapangan
tertulis dan buku harian. Dua kunjungan negara dilakukan oleh JG, menggunakan peran pengamat
periferal (Alder dan Alder 1994: 380) selama lokakarya 1 hari dan kemudian selama periode
pelatihan HMIS selama 9 minggu. Dua puluh sembilan wawancara mendalam, 47 pandangan
antarterstruktur semi-terstruktur dan 19 diskusi kelompok dengan unit kesehatan, pejabat kesehatan
tingkat kabupaten dan nasional, akademisi, pelatih manajemen distrik dan penyedia layanan
kesehatan lainnya melengkapi pekerjaan ini. Pengembangan tema dibantu oleh perangkat lunak
Dengan menggunakan klasifikasi hubungan Phillips dan Pugh (1994) tentang hubungan
antara teori dan bukti empiris, kami menggunakan teori hanya untuk menjelaskan dan
mengembangkan pemahaman lebih lanjut ketika menganalisis data empiris. Meskipun pengumpulan
dan analisis data awal tidak dipandu oleh teori yang ada, kami secara teor- sadar secara teologis
(Glaser dan Strauss 1967) sebelumnya.
Konstruksi teoretis dari sebagian besar nilai adalah difusi rogers (1995) dari kerangka kerja inovasi
dan gagasan Leavitt (1965) tentang sebuah organisasi sebagai kekuatan dalam keseimbangan
dinamis- rium, diuraikan oleh Leavitt et al. (1973), di mana organisasi memiliki kerangka kerja
semi-permanen, pengaturan proses, sumber daya material dan orang-orang dalam beberapa urutan
dan hierarki: perubahan di satu bagian mengarah pada perubahan di tempat lain.

Difusi kerangka kerja inovasi adalah pendekatan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dan menentukan
solusi, atau mengidentifikasi terlebih dahulu masalah yang menghambat atau memfasilitasi adopsi
perubahan tekno- logis. Keputusan mengenai suatu inovasi terlihat sebagai proses pengembangan,
dan model bertahap, Proses Keputusan Inovasi, diusulkan. Implementasi tidak secara otomatis
mengikuti keputusan untuk mengadopsi inovasi – Rogers (1995) menggambarkan ini sebagai model
inovasi Proses Inovasi dalam organisasi.

2. Baik dan Buruknya konsep SIK yang dilakukan

• Dampak baik dari konsep SIK yang dilakukan
 memahami kendala dalam pengambilan keputusan rasional di tingkat distrik di Ghana.
 Dengan dari konsep Sistem Informasi Kesehatan dapat mendukung manajemen distrik
dan unit kesehatandi Gnaha
 Dengan penearapan implementasi konsep SIK yang dilakukan dapat memantau
kesetaraan, cakupan, kualitas, dan efisiensi
 Memberikan gambaran perkembangan sistem informasi di Meksiko yang mereka yakini
berimplikasi pada negara-negara berpenghasilan rendah.
 Dengan Difusi inovasi dan model perubahan organisasi keseimbangan dinamis pada
konsep Sistem Informasi Kesehatan dapat mengenal strategi manajemen informasi baru
dan pendekatan pengelolaan di negara-negara berpenghasilan rendah.
 Dengan konsep Kerangka kerja ini dapat memfasilitasi praktik yang dimana
memperkenalkan inovasi tersebut dan memungkinkan praktisi untuk melihat pengenalan
inovasi sebagai proses bertahap yang akan dikelola

• Dampak Buruk dari konsep SIK yang dilakukan

Dari kasus penelitian diatas, dampak buruk dari implementasi konsep Sistem Informasi
Kesehatan ini tidak teridentifikasi, akan tetapi adanya kekurangan dari ini. Pengembang dan
pelaksana sistem informasi belum mengakui bahwa mereka mempromosikan pendekatan
informasi untuk manajemen dengan perubahan dari sistem pelaporan terpusat menjadi MIS
yang mendukung penggunaan informasi pada tingkat pengumpulan. Selain itu kurangnya
pertanyaan atau keputusan manage- ment yang terkait dengan data, dan tidak ada pelatihan
dalam alat manajemen

3. Masukkan dan saran untuk aplikasi/sistem informasi yang dilaksanakan

Hasil penelitian ini perlu adanya tindak lanjut yang dimana perlu menyediakan
kerangka konseptual untuk menghubungkan informasi, alat manajemen, dan manajemen
permasalahan bagaimana seseorang dapat merancang dan melakukan pelatihan yang secara
efektif meningkatkan penggunaan informasi yang sebenarnya untuk perencanaan dan
manajemen layanan kesehatan'. Selain itu dari hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan acuan
dalam memanfaatkan dan menggunakan konsep sistem informasi kesehatan dalam
pengumpulan data- data di Negara Negara yang berpenghasilan rendah
HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING; 18(2): 214–224 Health Policy and Planning 18(2), doi:
10.1093/heapol/czg026 © Oxford University Press 2003, all rights reserved.

Implementing a new health management information system in

Health Services Research Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2Sheffield Health and Social

Research Consortium and 3Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, UK

This paper reports on research investigating the health management information system (HMIS) implemen- tation process in
Uganda, utilizing the diffusion of innovation and dynamic equilibrium organizational change models. Neither perspective
guided the HMIS development process. Instead, technological issues, rather than wider organizational issues, dominated the

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planned change. The need to consider the organizational context when changing information systems arises because the
process is more complex than some prac- titioners have realized, when attempting to understand the causes of information
management problems and developing HMIS in low-income countries.

In particular, information system developers had not acknowledged that they were promoting an informa- tional approach to
management when they promoted a change from a centralized reporting system to a HMIS supporting use of information at
the level of collection. Strategies to facilitate this approach were not advocated.

Organizational theory can contribute to the diffusion of innovation framework. It has yielded an integration of Rogers‟s
diffusion of innovation framework and Leavitt‟s concept of organizational forces in equilibrium. The diffusion framework
describes the process, but the organizational model has given the context and reason for aspects of the process. The
diffusion model does not predict what needs to change within the organization when a particular innovation is introduced, or
how much. The addition of the organizational model has helped.

These frameworks can facilitate the introduction of future information management innovations and allow practitioners to
perceive their introduction as a staged process needing to be managed. Implications for prac- tice are identified.

Key words: health information, organisational change, diffusion of innovation, information use
by countries such as Tanzania (Research into Action 1999:
Introduction 8) and the Caribbean (Research into Action 2000: 5).
International partnerships have mobil- ized funds and technical
Until 1993 Uganda had a centralized health information support as HIS improvements were advocated as part of

by guest on 31 May 2022

system (HIS) focusing on morbidity and mortality reporting, improving health in low-income coun- tries (World Bank
with data flowing only from individual health units to the 1993). HIS improvements in many coun- tries including Peru
district and national level. Since then, the Ministry of Health (World Bank 1999a), the Solomon Islands (World Bank
(MOH) implemented a health management information system 1999b), Honduras (World Bank 2000b), Lesotho (World Bank
(HMIS) that emphasizes use of information at the point of 2000a), Uttar Pradesh in India (World Bank 2000b) and Kryragya
collection. Republic (World Bank 2001) are supported.

Many other low-income countries are moving in the same WHO has taken a lead in helping low-income countries
direction, with more skills demanded of primary health care develop HIS by providing technical and financial support to
(PHC) managers, including data and information handling at all assess, design and develop such systems. No standard
levels of the health care system (AKF 1993). The World Health development strategy for WHO support is used, but specific
Organization (WHO) identified district-oriented health principles for guiding HIS development and technical cooperation
information systems as a priority (WHO 1988) and noted that are encouraged (WHO 2000a). A review of the
„weakness of information support is acknow- ledged by
most member states as a persistent obstacle to vigorous and
objective management‟, and that „efforts to strengthen
national information systems have often produced little
improvement and have sometimes made the problems worse‟
(WHO 1994a).
The Commission on Health Research for Development (1990)
identified a need for research on the development of practical
health information systems to guide policy and management
decisions, and HIS improvements were identified as essential
215 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 215

Foltz (1993) describes technology transfer in Chad to

improve a national reporting system, apparently not devel- oped
support has been undertaken (WHO 1999) and a strategy to
for operational management of health services, but does not
support HIS development in member states is being devel-
measure success in such use of information. A case study of
oped (WHO 2000b, 2001a). Guidance on needs assessments has
information system development in Niger (Mock et al. 1993)
been detailed (Lippeveld et al. 2000; WHO 2000c) and
describes the change from a centralized reporting system to an
experiences in HIS development described (Lippeveld et al.
HMIS, but only MOH central management is facilitated.
Duran-Arenas et al. (1998) describe the develop- ment of an
information system in Mexico which they believe has
implications for low-income countries. Robey and Lee (1990),
Developing and improving health information describing the HIS redesign process in the Philip- pines,
systems identify useful lessons, as does Jayasuriya (1999) in
implementing a computerized information system. Heywood and
A detailed review of research and reports on information
Campbell (1997) identify the need for critical appraisal of
management for health unit and district managers in low-
determinants of success and failure of HMIS. WHO identifies the
income countries found many problems (Gladwin 1999),

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need to document common barriers to estab- lishing and
including: data collection and processing issues (Nabarro et al.
sustaining effective routine HMIS and identifies strategies to
1988; Feacham et al. 1989; VanNorren et al. 1989; Robey and
minimize their effects (WHO 2001b).
Lee 1990; Foltz 1993; Jayasuriya 1993; Van Hartevelt 1993;
Sandiford 1994; WHO 1994b; Jayasuriya 1999;
This paper reports on a research study to understand the
Lippeveld et al. 2000); over-reliance on special purpose
information system implementation process in Uganda as it
surveys and epidemiological data (De-Kadt 1989; Keller
moved from a centralized reporting HIS to a HMIS that
1991; Hussein et al. 1993; WHO 1994b, 2000a; Sapirie and
supports district and health unit management, using existing
Orzeszyna 1995); poor information use (Smith et al. 1988;
theory and research to deepen our understanding.
Wilson et al. 1988; Feachem et al. 1989; Bekui 1991; Campos-
Outcalt 1991; Keller 1991; Finau 1994; Loevinsohn 1994; WHO
1994b, 1999; Sapirie and Orzeszyna 1995; Braa et al. 1997);
identifying information required at specific levels to monitor Methodology
equity, coverage, quality and efficiency (Smith et al. 1988; WHO
1994b); general organizational and management problems Uganda was chosen because it was developing the HMIS when
(Newbrander et al. 1988; De-Kadt 1989; Robey and Lee 1990; research funding was available. The qualitative approach
Sandiford et al. 1992; Foltz 1993; Husein et al. 1993; WHO follows Morse (1994), with the research strategy based not on
1994b, 2000a; Campbell et al. 1996; Braa et al. 1997; Azubuike conscious, prior consideration of philosophical questions, but
and Ehiri 1999); lack of an overall organizational information on study purpose, research question, skills and resources
strategy in low-income countries (Robey and Lee 1990; Van available: if the question concerns the nature of the
Hartevelt 1993). phenomenon, then the answer is best obtained by using
Many of these problems indicate a need for information that

by guest on 31 May 2022

could inform various aspects of operational managers‟ policy We used participant observation, interviews, official document
implementation, monitoring, evaluation and planning role, rather examination, written field-notes and diaries. Two country
than contribute to profiling morbidity and mortality status for visits were made by JG, using the peripheral observer
national use, which was often the aim of central reporting HIS. role (Alder and Alder 1994: 380) during a 1-day workshop and
An underlying concept in many papers is the need for later during a 9-week period of HMIS training. Twenty-nine in-
information management strategies to promote an informational depth interviews, 47 semi-structured inter- views and 19 group
approach to health unit and district level health discussions with health unit, district level and national health
management. officials, academics, district management trainers and other
health service providers complemented this work. Theme
Few publications describe the development of a new HMIS for development was aided by software.
operational management in a low-income country, although
some describe the adoption of information tech- nology at Using Phillips and Pugh‟s (1994) classification of relation-
national or health unit level (Newbrander and Thomason 1988; ships between theory and empirical evidence, we use theory
Singh et al. 1992; Jayasuriya 1999). Infor- mation system only to elucidate and develop further understanding when
developers in Ghana (Campbell et al. 1996) recognized the analyzing empirical data. Although initial data collection and
scarcity of research describing the process of developing HMIS analysis were not guided by existing theory, we were theor-
for operational managers. Van Hartevelt (1993) discusses the etically aware (Glaser and Strauss 1967) beforehand.
need for an information management approach when
strengthening information systems in Ghana. The theoretical constructs of most value have been Rogers‟s
(1995) diffusion of innovation framework and Leavitt‟s
(1965) idea of an organization as forces in dynamic equilib-
216 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 216

rium, elaborated by Leavitt et al. (1973), where organizations immediate management, rather than awaiting higher-level
have a semi-permanent framework, an arrangement of the feedback. The system was to be integrated by having one
processes, material resources and people in some sequence and data source and set of forms in the health facility, so that all
hierarchy: change in one part leads to changes elsewhere. existing health programme and general administrative infor-
mation would be brought together, instead of having parallel
The diffusion of innovation framework is an approach to and duplicate information.
identify problems and specify a solution, or identify in
advance issues that inhibit or facilitate adoption of a techno- Specified data and information flows included: the internal
logical change. The decision regarding an innovation is seen as a flow of information amongst the health unit team; written
developing process, and a staged model, the Innovation- monthly reporting from the health unit to the District Health
Decision Process, is proposed. Implementation does not Team (DHT); oral reporting of specific information to DHT
automatically follow the decision to adopt an innovation – members on supervisory visits; and written feedback from
Rogers (1995) describes this as the Innovation-Process model of the DHT for comparison with other health facilities.
innovations within organizations.
Data processing and analysis were intended to be primarily

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conducted by health unit staff, processed into summary values
Background to show changes over time, and provide performance indicators at
health facility, district and national level. Aggre- gation of data
Uganda‟s health sector reform was part of overall public only to the level where information could be produced for
sector reform (Villadsen 1996), involving a form of decen- decision-making was intended to make the data meaningful.
tralization (Mills et al. 1990) called devolution (Jeppsson and Graphs of routine information were to be produced by health units
Okuonzi 2000). The district administration was strengthened for their own purposes.
with some formal transfer of power to lower levels as well,
but, with insufficient financial means, the districts relied on The intended use of information in health units was not
central government. The MOH expected the districts to always clear from the documentation, but implied: indicators of
develop their own plans to reflect national polices and guide- low performance leading to examination of individual records to
lines, but with district priorities and requirements (MOH provide insights into how to improve; collection of specific
1993). Uganda had 45 districts in 1997, with no intermediate information to trigger certain actions at health unit and district
level. Each district has counties, sub-counties, parishes and level, such as specific disease notification leading to investigation;
villages. service targets to be made using population information,
knowledge of attendance and available re- sources; and
Other major health policy changes taking place included information to be used to answer specific management questions
restoration of services to acceptable levels to match the and plan future health unit services.
changing social, economic and political environment (MOH
1993b), and reorientation of health services to primary health Information use at district level was intended to include:
care (PHC). formulation, monitoring and evaluation of annual workplans;
monitoring and improvement of health unit service delivery in
There was a legacy of irregular and inadequate wages for

by guest on 31 May 2022

coordination with support supervision visits; and reporting of
health workers and undue influence by international donors – selected information to the District Health Committee for planning,
on health services and policy (Okuonzi and Macrae 1995) – monitoring and evaluating progress towards district and
and by the nationally based vertical programmes. In 1987 a national objectives. Reports generated for various national
new HIS was introduced by the Health Planning Unit of the MOH and donor departments were to be used for national
MOH; this was replaced by the HMIS in 1996/7. planning and policy formulation.

The HIS was geared toward central planning to produce Some features within the HMIS were not always made
information on health unit activity to support international explicit: certain management tools; the teaching and super-
donors‟ reports to their headquarters. The information was vision role of the Extended DHT (EDHT); and the „infor-
supplemented by ad hoc community-based surveys carried mational approach‟ to decision-making, encompassing the
out by non-government organizations. Unlike the HIS, the „rational health unit decision-maker‟.
HMIS information was to be for decision-making and
improving operational health services performance. All The HMIS was initially designed and developed with ex-
health units (including non-government units) were to patriate consultant help and input from the MOH and other health
collect, process and report routine data relevant both to care providers and donors. It was piloted in two districts and
national policy and health programme objectives and to the extended gradually to all districts. Two devel- opers and 12
needs of health unit health professionals. The design trainers trained the EDHT, who then trained in-charges and
identified critical management questions that the infor- senior health staff at health units.
mation should answer and, to identify appropriate data
collection, processing and analysis, utilized the systems
framework of inputs, procedures, outputs and outcomes for
217 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 217

Results: adoption of a HMIS innovation Health units did not process information as expected; many
health workers could not graph data and district staff did this.
Using information to inform decisions proved too difficult for
The HMIS is viewed here as innovation diffusion, focusing on
in-charges and often district or national level staff set targets
the Implementation stage, when district personnel were trained.
Figure 1 illustrates our use of the Innovation-Process model with
concepts from the Innovation-Decision model. Leavitt‟s
Innovation adoption at health units was only partial. The
dynamic equilibrium framework was essential to complete that
HMIS was serving district needs more than health unit needs, so
understanding, as indicated by the diamond shapes.
redefining had taken place. One District Medical Officer said
he used the HMIS information “for the annual Workplan we are
doing now, for setting priorities, by knowing the most recurring
Redefining the innovation diseases, for resource calculations, to know the numbers of
patients. But I think the HMIS is of more benefit to the district
Redefining the innovation to meet organizational needs and than to the health unit, especially with decentralization.” District
structure took place as the HMIS definition and its purpose staff processed the data and new forms to varying degrees,

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varied. The developer and trainers did not adequately though some found the work too difficult.

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Figure 1. Evidence for the Innovation-Process model: implementing HMIS indicates
where the dynamic equilibrium model is relevant.
Reasons for redefining
explain the Principles Knowledge embedded in the HMIS,
namely the anticipated new approach to management and Previous practice contributed to redefining and included:
decision-making based on information. Examination of the existing information management problems; the HIS infor-
specified management questions was not in the classroom- based mation management strategies; old ways of working;
curriculum for supervisors or in-charges. Trainers redefined the concomitant changes; recent policy not enacted; manage-
HMIS by focusing their training not on health unit information use ment problems at district and health unit level; excessive
but on data collection and processing for in-charges and by influence of international donors; and organizational and
leaving use of information and much processing for district-level cultural practices. Other reasons, also identified by Rogers
staff. (1995), included: adopters lacking full knowledge of the inno-
vation; the desire to simplify a complex and difficult to under-
New definitions were probably dependent upon individual stand innovation; and the innovation being an abstract
ability and role. Health workers saw the HMIS as: new and concept and tool. Other reasons, not identified by Rogers,
integrated, with fewer forms; new centres for holding infor- were: „inventors‟, change agents and aides lacked full know-
mation; logistic and supplies data, morbidity data and data ledge of the innovation; lack of management tools to utilize the
produced through interaction with patients. The HMIS affected innovation; and insufficient decision-making power.
data flows; monthly reports were going to district offices, and
duplicate reports were probably not sent to national level.
218 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 218

The innovation‟s perceived attributes and incompatibility English language concepts in the materials. Workers‟ skills
with management roles, ability, policy and organizational were not aligned with the HMIS.
situation were probably contributing to redefining. There was
a lack of tools to monitor and evaluate the innovation‟s Organizational changes intended to be in place before HMIS
implementation and use, and a lack of understanding of implementation, including decentralization and the exten-
changes needed with the HMIS. The management tools, sion of managerial responsibilities for health unit clinicians,
power and attributes of the innovation were not aligned with the were incomplete. Thus there was some incompatibility of
HMIS in accordance with the dynamic equilibrium information management strategies with management roles,
concept. ability, policy and organizational situation.

After 3 years of engaging with the HMIS, people were

Restructuring seeking innovation knowledge of various kinds. The devel-
oper lacked faith in the usefulness of the HMIS, and there
Organizational restructuring occurred since the innovation was were too few tools to monitor and evaluate the innovation‟s
introduced but not aligned, including: the role of the Medical implementation and use. These constraints may be due to the

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Records Officer (MRO) at district and health unit level; the HMIS definition or to the management of information
power structure within health units and district offices; system development. Classifying these as incompatibility of
administrative procedures; additional contractual relationships; perceived attributes deepens understanding, as Rogers
and empowerment of some people to whom the HMIS training (1995) suggests, but it could be interpreted as the innovation
brought extra finance. upsetting the dynamic equilibrium of the organization.

A key perception of the implementers was that international

donors had excessive influence over health unit data collec-
Constraints on implementation tion and, because they were interested in particular country-
wide programmes, national level MOH, rather than district or
The hierarchy of power in health units and at district level
health unit staff, often determined data collection.
constrained HMIS implementation, as decentralization was
not fully enacted or understood. The previous hierarchy of
The complexity of introducing the HMIS has been clarified after
power placed the MRO in a lowly position, but the district
developing a combined and expanded model from Rogers‟s two
MRO was now expected to be an HMIS supervisor, even of
models. Our findings on HMIS implementation do not fit neatly
clinically trained staff, and fellow DHT members were
into the classical Innovation-Decision Process model,
expected to produce reports the MRO could file, collate and
particularly because the implementation phase is too limiting.
even interpret, which meant he had the right to demand
reports from these staff. While changes were expected in
health units, developers and trainers were unaware of these The Innovation-Process model‟s redefining and restructuring
constraints. Although face-to-face training of in-charges by concepts offered clarification, as did many Innovation-
Decision model concepts, including: prior conditions affect- ing

44250 by guest on 31 May 2022

supervisors was probably an appropriate communications
strategy, insufficient time was allocated. Hence the social and implementation, perceived attributes, and lack of knowledge
communication structures impeded diffusion. constraining implementation. Unlike Rogers‟s (1995) Innovation-
Decision model, it appears these concepts, which would usually
be important before the adoption decision, were important in
Several constraints related to the HMIS‟s perceived attrib-
the implementation stage. Rein- vention of the innovation during
utes. The intended training approach was not always under-
implementation is possible (Rogers 1995).
taken and there was lack of understanding of changes needed
to accompany the innovation. Several unfounded assump-
tions were made about health unit staff and procedures when These two models do not entirely explain the evidence.
identifying relevant information management strategies. For Rogers‟s (1995) concept of structural change within an
example, HMIS data collection, processing and information organization is too limited to understand how different
use assumes a certain level of general education and aspects of the organization change with innovation introduc- tion.
specialist training amongst health workers, but this was not An adapted version of Leavitt‟s dynamic equilibrium model was
available, especially in smaller health units. Too few support developed viewing the HMIS as the technology.
supervision visits for HMIS training were made for health
unit personnel to grasp new skills, such as data processing, Figure 2 illustrates the dynamic equilibrium model, with
compiling graphs and statistics. The trainers falsely assumed suggestions of where non-alignment occurred in health units. The
that in-charges could easily be taught data processing earlier description indicated management roles or in- charge
methods, but after 3 years many in-charges in pilot areas had ability were not always appropriate to the information management
problems. Data collection was not always linked to diagnostic strategies, and vice versa. Management roles and the HMIS
ability as many health units did not have the equipment were not „aligned‟; the HMIS assumes in- charges will be
and/or expertise to diagnose the diseases monitored. Many managers, with monitoring, evaluating, controlling and planning
nursing aides trained on-the-job had insufficient grasp of responsibilities, but these responsi- bilities have not been
completely devolved. In-charges do not have complete control
219 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 219

over drug supply, which the rational decision-maker idea assumes. these two aspects, information to support the policy and roles is
The patchy implementation of the cost-sharing policy and needed, but this was often not the case. Non-alignment of
incomplete financial decentral- ization illustrate lack of technology with organizational strategy arose, as the data to
alignment between structure and information management monitor the strategies were lacking. Few data were collected
strategies; cost analysis procedures were sometimes redundant. If which could indicate which specific groups within the health
in-charges wanted to act as rational managers and take an unit catchment area were in greater need or accessing more
informational approach to decision-making, lack of power services than other groups. Data collection or management

prevented this. questions on the following were

unit type and staff ability; *Manage health unit staff Individuals and roles:
The intended strategy of small health units is to provide *Individuals not trained in using management
comprehensive PHC services with principles of equity and skills and tools;
community participation. In-charges have to monitor, *Role is often administration not management;
control and evaluate health centre services and resources, manage

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*Job changes taking place
staff and provide accommodation. For there to be alignment of
Structure, Individuals and Roles, or Management process intended management activities, district managers were
undertaking these. The informational or rational management
not incorporated into the HMIS: socioeconomic factors, access approach was not fully utilized at district level as many DHT
to clean water and sanitation, and attitudes, practice and members were unable to use the management tools, indicating
knowledge of health-related behaviour – all components of non-alignment. There was non-alignment of the HMIS and
Comprehensive PHC (CPHC) vision. supervisors‟ skills (Individuals and Roles), especially as
management training, teaching skills, improved data processing
Assuming management tools, procedures and style are an skills and skills in using information are needed. Some DHT
additional organizational force (Scott Morton 1991), this case management training was undertaken and as one DHT officer
study indicates non-alignment of health unit information said: “It’s only since the mid-level managers’ course that I
management strategies and this force. One key informant said know the value of information for planning.” He had only just
it was difficult to use information on the percentage of children realized the district MRO had useful information. Some
with protein-energy malnutrition “as there are no standardized changes in the MRO role were also taking place; the technology
case definitions”, an essential management tool. Information was pushing realignment of indi- viduals and roles.
Figure 2. Application of dynamic equilibrium model of organizational change in health units: the HMIS is not aligned to Intended Strategy,
management strategies were not linked to health unit Non-alignment of organizational structure with the HMIS was
decision rules, and there was non-alignment of strategy and apparent to the developer, who felt lack of district level financial
HMIS. „Individuals and Roles‟ appear to be non- aligned with control inhibited information use. In a devolved situation,
the HMIS, although some job changes were taking place to international donors should negotiate with district and national
facilitate alignment. Some administrative procedures and level personnel, yet when donors held a district meeting, they
by guest on 31 May 2022

information management strategies were not aligned. merely gave information. It was also felt the organizational
structure prevented implementation in other ways. One District
Figure 3 illustrates the dynamic equilibrium model of Health Volunteer believed the HMIS needed a good
organizational change in understanding the district level. The communication and referral system in order to work, but this
intended district level strategies were not aligned to the was lacking, especially during the rainy season. With
HMIS. One District Medical Officer felt the HMIS needed to decentralization there had been some redistri- bution and
incorporate extra information related to aspects of CPHC, in reinforcement of power at DHT level and District Medical
particular, the idea of socioeconomic factors influencing health Officers became more powerful, but the team- working
status. As some in-charges were not able to carry out some
220 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 220

idea imposed by national and international agencies could Discussion

conflict with this.
The need to consider the organizational context when
The exploration of the change from the HIS to the HMIS, changing information systems suggests the process is more
within Leavitt‟s theoretical framework, reveals other changes complex than some practitioners have realized when
needed to ensure equilibrium and proper information system attempting to understand the causes of information manage-
functioning. It proved useful to change Task to Strategy and ment problems and developing HMIS in low-income coun-
add Management procedures, tools and style as an additional tries. Avgerou (1993) also criticizes national development
force within the organization, though this organizational planning information-system developers for not seeing
change model has been useful only as an adjunct to the Inno- organizational change as part of the systems development
vation-Process model. Dynamic equilibrium diamonds are process in low-income countries.
placed within the Redefining and Restructuring Stage
(Figure 1) in order to complete understanding of the process. The extent of change needed to accompany the HMIS had
The diffusion framework describes the process, but the not been recognized and health workers were focusing upon
*Decentralization incomplete
*Management and technical support role; Indicates non-alignment
*Some changes taking place
*Lack of teaching skills

*HMIS is health unit based but

additional structure exists

Individuals and roles:

ministries?; *Some management trained;
*Enact conceptual framework *Lack of data processing skills; Key:

Figure 3. District level application of dynamic equilibrium model of organizational change: the HMIS is not aligned to intended Strategy, Structure,
Individuals and Roles, or Management processes
organizational model has given the context and reason for the small, rather than significant information system changes
aspects of that process. The diffusion model does not predict what in the absence of definitive information. Rogers (1995) did
needs to change within the organization when a particu- lar not discuss this, but others distinguish radical change from
innovation is introduced, or how much, but the addition of the incremental change (Kaluzny et al. 1977; Greer 1981;
organizational model has helped. Onstrud and Pinto 1991; Orlikowski 1993).
221 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 221

The issue of an innovation bringing concomitant changes or a collection. In Ghana, Campbell et al. (1996: 15), reporting on
cluster of innovations is mentioned by Bonair et al. (1989) HMIS development, acknowledge their desire to increase the
who reviewed the transfer of medical technologies to low- number of „informed decisions‟. They assumed that having
income countries: „Transfer of foreign medical technology to more objective, locally collected infor- mation would lead to
developing countries means not only transfer of drugs and more effective and consistent health management, but they did
equipment, but also transfer of a foreign cultural perception of not acknowledge a different management approach was needed.
disease, the so-called western medical paradigm.‟ Foltz Although they acknow- ledge appropriate data analysis tools and
(1993) recognizes the problem of defining the innovation, some management tools were necessary, there appears to be a
a new MIS in Chad, when she says this is a complex lack of manage- ment questions or decisions associated with the
combination of organization and computer technology. The data, and no training in management tools. They do not provide
developers and trainers did not fully recognize that the HMIS the conceptual framework to link information, management
was intended to promote an informational approach to tools and management. Lippeveld et al. (2000) call for
management. In Niger (Mock et al. 1993), information research which identifies „how one could design and conduct
system developers realized they were introducing not only training that effectively improves the actual use of infor-
statistical techniques, but also a new management approach mation for health services planning and management‟.

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with wider organizational consequences.

The diffusion of innovation framework, in its application to

organizations, is predicated on the following idea: „An

organization is a stable system of individuals who work This case study followed the HMIS planning process and
together to achieve common goals . . .‟ Rogers (1995: 403). This explored the evidence by utilizing the diffusion of innovation and
idea was not borne out here. There was a conflict of interest dynamic equilibrium organizational change model, which
amongst individuals within the organization, as inter- national guided previous research and practice. Neither perspective
donors requested extra data collection and process- ing to support guided HMIS development and implementation in Uganda.
their headquarters‟ interest, rather than MOH information Instead, technological issues rather than wider organizational
management strategies. Using the diffusion of innovation issues dominated the planned change to the HMIS.
framework to deepen understanding of the adoption of new
information management strategies in a management-training The diffusion of innovation and dynamic equilibrium
package, Gladwin et al. (2002) 1 identified that individuals organizational change models are applicable to the introduc- tion
supporting the adoption were pursuing personal career goals in of new information management strategies and manage- ment
addition to organizational ones. Mock et al. (1993) found approaches in low-income countries. Some refinements to the
personal agendas affected implementation when new information models described by Rogers and Leavitt have been made, as
system strategies to reform the HMIS were introduced in Niger. detailed by Gladwin (1999) and Gladwin and Wilson (2000).
These frameworks can facilitate the practice of introducing such
Greer (1977: 506) criticizes the diffusion of innovation frame- innovations and enable practitioners to see the introduction of
work because it does not take into account political theory. innovations as a staged process to be managed. Issues that may
Themes of a political nature here were not explained within the facilitate or inhibit adoption may be identified in advance.
framework, but they have been displayed graphically as

by guest on 31 May 2022

additional issues in Figure 1. That civil servants pursue Some implications for practice from this study reinforce
personal rather than organizational goals, constraining rational existing guidelines while others are new. Rogers‟ (1995)
decision-making, is not a new concept (Montgomery 1987: 914; diffusion framework is relevant to the introduction of new
Gyimah-Boadi and Rothchild 1990: 52). Wadding- ton (1992) information management strategies and management
claims that recognizing differences between private and approaches, and his 87 generalizations with implications for
publicly stated goals was crucial to understand- ing constraints to practice are also relevant. Table 1 identifies some of the
rational decision-making at district level in Ghana. practical implications of this work; more detail is given in
Gladwin (1999). These ideas can also be used as part of needs
The Innovation-Process model does not include the idea that after assessment and evaluation as well as introducing information
the adoption decision, rejection or discontinuation could take management innovations. This case study has documented
place during implementation, although this is recognized in the common barriers to establishing and sustaining effective
Innovation-Decision Process. This research has shown the routine HMIS and strategies to minimize their effects, a
relevance of the Innovation-Process model and that social recent WHO aim (WHO 2001b).
structure affects not only the decision to adopt (as the
Innovation-Decision process suggests) but also the
implementation process and consequences.
Information system developers and implementers had not 1
This paper is a companion paper to the present one as it
acknowledged they were promoting an informational approach follows the introduction of another information management inno-
to management with the change from a centralized reporting vation; the two yield complementary implications for practice.
system to an MIS supporting use of information at the level of
222 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 222

Campos-Outcalt D. 1991. Microcomputers and health information in

Papua New Guinea: a two-year follow-up evaluation. Health
References Policy and Planning 6: 348–53.
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Alder PA, Alder P. 1994. Observational techniques. In: Denzin NK, Oxford University Press.
Lincoln YS (eds). Handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Davis GB, Olson MH. 1984. Management Information Systems:
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International Journal of Information Management 13: 260–73. issues of information analysis and use in less developed coun- tries.
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Table 1. Key implications for introducing information management innovations

Recommendation Strategies

Improve innovation definition Develop implied Meaning or Principle Knowledge before introduction and
introduce it before, or at the same time as, Awareness and How-to Knowledge
Clarify whether a radical change or natural extension is implied
Understand potential adopter‟s situation Be aware of organizational context and influencing factors Address
compatibility of innovation with existing practice
Understand IM innovations Ensure alignment of new IS technology by viewing introduction of IM involve organizational
change innovation as issue of organizational change and facilitate alignment of forces
within organization at all stages of process
Focus on information use as well as data collection and processing

by guest on 31 May 2022

Make explicit IM strategies to support informational management approach and put
support strategies in place
Adopt conceptual frameworks Diffusion of innovation framework and organizational change ideas will allow
practitioners to see innovation introduction as staged process to be managed
Efforts to improve HMIS should prioritize conceptual frameworks that describe health
workers‟ understanding of factors affecting health status and are utilized in planning
and monitoring
Clarify links between information, management tools and management
Utilize existing expertise and research in IS Apply an Information System Development Methodology: Soft Systems
Methodology developed by Checkland (1981), and ETHICS, developed by Mumford
(1983) identify techniques for dealing with issues, such as participation, bottom-up
development, stakeholder conflict and powerful stakeholder domination
Develop national Health Information Management Strategy
Broad needs assessment, Needs assessment, evaluation and monitoring should focus upon data monitoring and
evaluation collection, processing and information use, skill levels and roles performed,
organizational structure, organizational strategies, management tools and management
processes in operation, and health workers‟ view of changes
All IM changes need to be monitored and evaluated; failure to adopt a particular IM
strategy may signal inappropriateness
Allow sufficient time for this long process, particularly at planning stage, as HMIS
implementation will proceed slowly, but chance of success will be higher
Training Health workers‟ training should focus on data processing, analysis and use
of information in their own written/spoken language
In-Charges and DHT must be trained in, and undertake their expected management role
at the same time, or before HMIS implementation
Teaching skills should be an integral part of supervisor‟s training
223 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 223

Adequate finance should be made available for support supervision including

Strategies to overcome lack of IM skills amongst less well-educated health workers
need to be developed, eg DHT may need to temporarily undertake data processing,
and provide newsletter
Adopt staged process of innovation diffusion Change agents should be aware of adoption stage the organization is at to facilitate process
Opportunity to see the innovation in practice or clearly reported trial should accompany
innovation introduction
Innovation reinvention, redefining or adaptation occurs at different stages in diffusion
process; steps should be taken to facilitate or discourage this, depending upon the
change agents‟ aim
Innovations are introduced to individuals after organizational adoption; diffusion process
should be conducted accordingly
Understand cultural issues Consider various stakeholders‟ views, innovation facilitators personal
agendas, likely changes in status and power and other political factors when
designing, facilitating adoption and implementing IS
Conflicts between existing organizational culture and changes need to be carefully
Develop appropriate IM strategies HMIS improvement should focus upon utilizing information as well as data and general

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features collection and processing
HMIS data and information is for operational management, not broader evaluation
Although some of that data may be of value for researchers, research will need
to conduct special surveys

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Accessed 1 January 2002 at [ Management in the Department of Information Studies, University of
services-delivery/information/WHO_EIP_OSD_99.2.htm]. Sheffield, where he has been since 1972 and was Head of Depart- ment
for 15 years. He is also Visiting Professor at the Hogskolan I Boras,
225 Implementing a health Jmanagement Gladwin et al.information system 225

Sweden and Academic Director of the International Centre for

Information Management Systems and Services at Nicholas Copernicus
University, Torun, Poland. His research interests are in information
behaviour, electronic scholarly communication, and the strategic aspects
of applications of information technology in organizations. [Address:
Department of Information Studies,
University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK]

Correspondence: J Gladwin, HSRU, London School of Hygiene and

Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, UK. Email:

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