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Morfometri dan Batimeri Danau


 Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan ini mahasiswa

diharapakan mampu melakukan:
 Pengukuran dan perhitungan morfometri danau
 Pengukuran dan perhitungan batimetri danau
 Pemetaan danau

 Metode pengukuran dan perhitungan dimensi permukaan

 Metode pengukuran dan perhitungan dimensi bawah
permukaan danau
 Keterkaitan morfometri dan batimetri danau
 Keterkaitan morfometri dengan karakteristik fisik danau
Morfology & Morfometry

Morfology :
Ilmu yang mempelajari bentuk fisik suatu benda,
termasuk perairan (misal: danau, sungai, dsb)

Morfometry :
 Metoda-metoda pengukuran dan analisis
dimensi-dimensi fisik (baik atas permukaan
maupun bawah permukaan) suatu habitat lahan
basah (misal: danau, sungai, dsb)
Dimensi atas permukaan / Surface dimensions :
 Panjang maksimum (L max), Panjang effective (L ef), Lebar
maksimum (W max), Lebar rata-rata (w), Lebar efektif (W
ef), Luas permukaan (Ao), Shore Line Development Index
(SDI), Mean Slope, Height above sea level, Insulosity

Dimensi bawah permukaan / sub-surface dimensions :

 Kedalaman maksimum (Z max), Kedalaman Relatif (Dr),
Kedalaman rata-rata, volume air total atau volume air per
strata kedalaman, kedalaman rata-rata, rasio E/H
(epilimnion/hypolimnion), Volume Development.
Dimensi atas permukaan /
Surface dimensions :

Panjang maksimum (Lmax, meter):

Jarak terjauh antara dua titik pada tepi permukaan
perairan, termasuk melintasi pulau atau daratan yang
terdapat di dalamnya

Panjang maksimum efektif (Le, meter):

Jarak terjauh antara dua titik di tepi permukaan
perairan, tanpa melintasi pulau atau daratan yang
terdapat di dalamnya
Lebar maksimum (Wmax, dalam meter):
Jarak dua titik terjauh pada tepi permukaan
perairan termasuk melintasi pulau atau daratan
dalam situ, yang ditarik tegak lurus terhadap Lmax

Lebar maksimum efektif (We, dalam meter):

Jarak dua titik terjauh pada tepi permukaan
perairan, tanpa melintasi pulau atau daratan yang
mungkin terdapat di dalamnya, ditarik tegak lurus
terhadap Le
Luas permukaan (Ao, dalam Ha, Km2/m2):
Luas wilayah yang tertutup air, nilainya akan bervariasi
tergantung pada musim.
Pengukuran luas permukaan dari peta bathymetric
dengan skala yang telah diketahui, atau dapat
dilakukan dengan kertas grafik atau penimbangan

Lebar rata-rata (w, dalam meter),

 luas Ao (m2) dibagi panjang maksimum (Lmax, m)

 Panjang Garis Pantai (Shore Line, SL)
 Ditentukan: langsung; chartometer, rotometer ;
seutas benang
 mengambarkan tingkat beban masukan (nutrien
influx) dari daratan

 Indeks perkembangan garis pantai (Shore

line development index/SDI)
 menggambarkan produktivitas perairan
 SDI = 1, teratur
 SDI = 2, elips
 SDI > 2, tidak beraturan SL
2 22 / 7  Ao
Insulosity (dalam %),
luas total dari pulau atau daratan yang ada di tengah
A1 100
In 

A1: Jumlah total luas pulau atau daratan yang ada di tengah danau (dalam ha)

Ao: Luas total permukaan perairan danau (dalam ha)

Depresi :
posisi kedalaman /dasar danau terhadap tinggi muka
air laut
Areal characteristics: surface area

• Other measurements, such as lake surface area, require

more work
• There are several methods for determining lake surface area:

• Cut and weigh method

• Planimetry
• Grid method
• Digitized map
Surface area: cut and weigh method
 You’ll need:

 A photocopy of bathymetric map (as large as possible

and be sure to include map scale)

 An analytical balance
Surface area: planimetry method
You’ll need:
-a lake map
-polar compensating
planimeter ($200-$600)

Image from :

Surface area: grid method
You’ll need:
• Bathymetric map
• Grid paper
• Count up the number of
squares that fall within the
shoreline of the lake
Area = # squares counted • Use the map scale to determine
X area of one square area represented by each
Surface area: digitized lake maps
You’ll need:
• Bathymetric map
• Digitizing software (e.g.,
• Digitizing pad

• Software dependent
Areal characteristics: shoreline length
Shoreline length (L) = circumference or perimeter of lake

• The linear measurement of the lake’s entire perimeter at a

given water level
• Provides a measurement of the amount of interface
between the lake and surrounding land
Areal characteristics: shoreline development
Shoreline development (SLD) = a measure of how much the
lake’s surface shape deviates from being a perfect circle.

• Important is assessing the potential habitat available

• For a lake that is a perfect circle the SLD = 1
• A reservoir that impounds water in valleys may have an SLD > 4.

Calculating SLD
Round Lake Lake
Areal characteristics: % littoral area
 The littoral (shallow near
shore) zone is the portion of a
lake where sufficient light can
penetrate to the lake bottom.
 It is also sometimes defined
as that portion of the lake that
is less than 15 feet in depth.
 The littoral zone is where the
majority of the aquatic plants
are found and is a primary
area used by young fish.
Dimensi bawah permukaan /
Sub-Surface dimensions :

Kedalaman rata-rata (Z, dalam meter),

 diketahui dari peta bathymetric atau hasil pengukuran langsung
 menggambarkan produktivitas perairan.

 Kedalaman maksimum (Zm, dalam meter),

 diukur langsung di lapangan dengan echosounder atau tongkat berskala dan
secara tidak langsung dapat dibaca pada kontur kedalaman peta bathymetric
Kedalaman relatif (Zr dalam meter)
menggambarkan stabilitas stratifikasi dalam perairan

Zr  Zm  2   100%
Keterangan: n
Zr < 2% : mudah mengalami pengadukan
Zr ≥ 2% : tidak mudah mengalami pengadukan

Volume total air (m3);

kedalaman rata-rata (m) x luas permukaan (m2)
Perkembangan volume danau (Volume
Development/VD tanpa satuan)

Ao  Z
Ao : Luas permukaan air (m2)
VD 
Z : Kedalaman rata-rata (m) 1 / 3Zm  Ao
Zm : Kedalaman maksimum (m)

VD > 1 maka dasar perairan relatif rata.

Jika nilai VD ≤ 1 maka dasar perairan berbentuk seperti kerucut
Kemiringan Rata-Rata (Mean Slope)
menggambarkan luas tidaknya daerah yang
berair dangkal
Kemiringan rata-rata dapat dihitung dari peta
bathymetri dan dinyatakan dalam persen (%).

s  2 Lo  L1  L2  ...  Ln1  12 Ln  Zm 100%

1 1
n Ao

s = kemiringan rata-rata (%)
L = panjang garis keliling dari masing-masing kontour (m)
n = jumlah kontour dari peta bathymetrik
Zm = kedakaman maksimum (m)
Ao = luas permukaan danau (m2)
Wmaks L maks
Kegunaan Data Morfometry, untuk
mengetahui :
1. Index Productivity, dapat diketahui dari
a. Kedalaman rata2,
b. MEI (Morpho Edaphic Index)=
 “nilai alkalinitas dibagi kedalaman rata-rata”
 “nilai DHL dibagi kedalaman rata-rata” atau
 “nilai TDS dibagi kedalaman rata-rata”

2. Kandungan Panas (Heat Contents, satuan calori)

= suhu rata-rata pada masing-masing lapisan air
(ºC) dikalikan volume air (cc) pada lapisan air ybs
3. Heat budget.
 Jumlah panas yang terserap atau terlepaskan antra 2 musim atau
saat yang berbeda.

4. Beban kandungan hara/Nutrient loading.


 Identifikasi karakteristik batimetrik danau

 Metode pengukuran dan analisis batimetri danau
 Keterkaitan batimetri danau dan karakteristik danau
 Keterkaitan morfometri dengan karakteristik fisik danau

 Bathymetry: the measurement of water depth (bathus,

Greek, depth and –metry, to measure). Multiple
measurements of depth can used to visualize the
topography of the sea floor.
 Sounding: an early method used to measure water depth
by dropping a weighted line into the water. As the line was
pulled aboard, the sailor would measure the length of the
line in fathoms, the distance between his out stretched
hands. The pseudonym “Mark Twain” was derived from
the words shouted to “mark” the water depth. A sailor
would call to the captain, "by the mark, twain" (meaning,
mark two fathoms).
 Fathom: 6 feet.
 Contours, isobaths (iso – same, bath – depth): lines of
equal depth.
 Cross section: a two dimensional side view of bottom
 Reflected pulse received by

 Sound pulse sent by ship

 Return sound pulse bouncing

off bottom
When many depth soundings and positions have been recorded, it is
possible to construct a map showing depths, a bathymetric chart (Figure 2).

Figure 2. A bathymetric chart illustrating a guyot (a flat-topped seamount) on sea floor.


 When you view a chart with

contour lines (isobaths) it is
possible to visualize the
features of the sea floor.
 Try to find the feature called
“Catalina Canyon” (Figure 3).
 Start at the top of the canyon
and draw a line down the
 This is the path of sediment
from the island to the sea floor.
 Figure 3. Bathymetry of the sea
floor off the southwest end of
Santa Catalina Island. Depth in
Contour Line Rules

1. Contour lines never split or divide.

2. Contour lines never end except at the edge of the map.
3. A given contour line represents a single depth.
4. A contours line never intersect other contour lines
(Overhanging cliffs are an exception).
5. Contour lines form a V-pattern when crossing submarine
canyons. The “V” always points upstream.
6. Closely spaced contour lines represent a steep slope;
widely spaced lines indicate a gentle slope.
7. Concentric circles of contour lines indicate a hill or
8. Concentric circles with hachure marks on contour lines
indicate a small closed depression (Figure 4). The
hachure marks point into the depression.
Figure 4. A small depression in the bottom and the
resulting bathymetric chart
showing hachure marks.
Cross Sections
 Cross sections are two
dimensional side views of the
bottom topography
constructed from bathymetric
charts using contour lines for
depth references.
Cross Sections and Vertical
 To make a cross section, we draw a line of section (A—B in
this case) on the bathymetric chart.
 Where the contour lines intersect the line A—B, points are
plotted at the corresponding depth on a vertical scale.
 In this example, the horizontal scale for both sections is the
same; 1 cm (on the cross section) represents 2500 m (in real
 In the top section, the vertical scale = the horizontal scale.
 In the bottom section, the vertical scale is exaggerated, or
expanded. 1 cm on this cross section represents only 1000 m
(in real life).
Figure 6. Two cross sections generated from bathymetric
contours. The top cross section has a vertical exaggeration
of 1. In the bottom cross section the vertical exaggeration =
1:1000/1:2500, or 2.5X.
Cross Sections and Vertical Exaggeration

 To calculate vertical exaggeration, divide the vertical scale by

the horizontal scale.
 In this example, 1:1000 divided by 1:2500.
 1/1000 * 2500/1 = 2.5

 Cross sections are exaggerated to show vertical features in

more detail.
 For instance, we can better appreciate the cliff on the left side of
the guyot in the lower cross section of Figure 6.
Basic water quality assessment
These slides focus on learning basic
field techniques used by limnologists:
• Morphometry - estimating
critical lake basin
• Field Profiles - physical and
chemical parameters measured
from top to bottom of the water
• Sampling – collecting water,
sediments, and aquatic organisms
Part A Lake morphometry
Part A Lake morphometry

This module will help you:
– Learn how to determine common morphometric
characteristics of lakes
Lake morphometry
 Morphometry defines a lake’s
physical dimensions
and involves the quantification and
measurement of lake basin shape.
 These dimensions influence the
lake’s water quality and productivity
Determining lake morphometry
• First Step is to obtain or develop a
bathymetric map
-a bathymetric map is essentially a
topographic map of the lake bottom
that shows depth contours within
the lake basin
-used to estimate morphometric
and many hydrological parameters
-the reliability of your morphometric
data will depend on the accuracy of
the bathymetric map
Working with a bathymetric map

Many lakes have already been mapped and a good

map will contain the following:
 name, county, and geographic location of the water body
 an outline of the shoreline drawn to a known scale
 depth contours drawn to a known interval
 geographic orientation (which way is north?)
 date of map and data collectors
Creating a bathymetric map
• Making your own map requires
measuring depths at precise

• Sounding weight (through the ice

works well)

• A secchi disk will work if weighted

• Fish finder, echo sounders

(= sonar)

Lake mapping prior to 1950-MN DNR photo

Creating a bathymetric map
 Bathymetric maps can be
made by:
-Drawing a general outline of the
lake or finding an aerial photo or

-Measuring and recording water

depths at a number of locations

-Then connecting the depth “dots”

to develop simple contour lines
Creating a bathymetric map

 The most commonly used method today involves using precise

echo sounders, on board computers and GPS systems.

There are several components to lake bathymetric mapping;

-the GPS equipment which will work in tandem with

-the depth sounding equipment, and
-the data collection process
Creating a bathymetric map
 Soundings are taken during
as the boat follows transects
across the lake surface
 Location of transects and
frequency of sounding
measurements depends on:

 Map scale
 Basin complexity
Drawing the map
MN DNR photo
 Transect location and direction
is recorded on a hardshell,
which is a drawing of the lake
outline and surrounding

 Hardshells are drawn from

orthorectified aerial photos or
USGS quadrangle maps
characteristic units
Areal elevation meters
surface area hectares (ha)
(Ao) acres (ac)
A bathymetric map
allows determination of maximum depth meters
these areal (z max) feet
Shoreline length meters
(L) feet
Shoreline development meters
(DL) feet

Fetch meters
Max width feet
Max length
Littoral Area %
Areal characteristics
 Example:
Morphometric (and watershed) characteristics for Ice
Areal characteristics

Maximum length (fetch)

Maximum width

Several areal characteristics and measurements can

be taken directly off the bathymetric map
Z max
Volumetric characteristics
 Bathymetry also allows characteristic units
determination of several
volumetric characteristics: Volume (V) Cubic meters
acre feet

Stratum volume Cubic meters

acre feet

Mean depth meters

(z mean or z) feet

Hypsographic curve Graph (depth vs area)

Volumetric curve Graph (depth vs volume)

Hydraulic retention years

time (HRT)
Volumetric characteristics: volume
1) Total lake volume can influence a lake’s dilution capacity.
2) Allows the determination of mixed layer (epilimnion) volume.
3) Or hypolimnion; e.g. determining available trout habitat with
temperatures from 4 to 25 oC and DO > 5 mg/L.
Volumetric characteristics: volume

A top

A bottom epilimnion

Calculating Lake Volume

Atop = the area at the

A top
top of the layer
A bottom z Abottom = the area at the
bottom of the layer
z z = the distance
between contour lines
V = the volume of one


z Atop  Abottom  Atop  Abottom  layer

Mean depth (z)

 Mean depth (z) = volume  surface area

 Mean depth is important for the following reasons:

 Shallow lakes are generally more productive than
deep lakes and mean depth is a quick way of
assessing overall depth
 Also indicates the potential for waves and mixing
events to disrupt bottom sediments

 If volume is not available you could collect numerous

lake depth measurements and average them. Of
course this is not as accurate and only practical for
small lakes.
Hypsographic curves

Hypsographic curve = Area as a function of depth

 To estimate the amount of potential bottom
spawning habitat for brook trout or bass (perhaps
defined by a range of temperature and dissolved
 To estimate the littoral zone area potentially
available for macrophyte growth (limnologically
defined as the depth to 1% of surface light). Often
the epilimnion volume is used as an
approximation. Often related to secchi depth by
fisheries folks.
 To estimate the area of sediments exposed to low
oxygen. This allows you to predict internal
phosphorus release (Nurenberg 1985).
Ice Lake Hypsographic Curve

Area (hectares)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

depth (m)

10 Lake bottom



Maximum depth
Sounding the Depths of the Ocean Floor

 We will supply you a topographic model box and a sounding rod.

 Do not open the box.
 Inside the box is a model sea floor. You will determine the
 topography of this model by “sounding”.
 When you have finished the lab, you may
To practice making depth soundings:
 1. Place the box on the table
with the grid side up (Figure
 2. Gently push the sounding
rod into one of the holes in
the top of the box. Keep the
rod vertical!
 3. When you reach the
bottom, use your fingers to
mark the depth of the rod in
the box.
 4. Withdraw the rod and
measure the depth to the
nearest 0.1 cm.
Practice making depth soundings
 The top of the sounding box
is shown in Figure 7. Notice it
has a scale on it.
 Each hole lies on a Cartesian
grid of letters and numbers.
Thus, you can exactly specify
any hole with one letter and
one number.
 In the figure, the hole “f 7”
has been indicated.

Pemetaan Danau

 Dapat dilakukan dari Udara: Foto Udara, Citra Landsat

 Dapat dilakukan dari darat : metode Lintasan (dengan
Kompas atau Theodolith)

 Pemetaan cara sederhana dengan Kompas (garis

besar pelaksanan):
 Alat ukur yang dibutuhkan : meteran pengukur jarak,
kompas, kertas grafik, pensil, pengaris, busur derajat
 Pengukuran garis pantai (shore line) dengan metode
lintasan (traverse method)
 Menghubungkan garis-garis yang PANJANG dan SUDUT-
SUDUTnya telah diketahui dari hasil pengukuran lapangan.
 Cara kerja:
Tentukan posisi danau terhadap arah mata angin
Tandai titik awal (St 1) di tepi danau, dimana
pemetaan akan dimulai. Usahakan titik awal ini
berada pada suatu sudut di danau
Dari titik awal (st 1) tentukan besarnya sudut ke
stasiun berikutnya (St 2). Besar sudut dihitung dari
arah utara dan bergerak searah jarum jam. Lalu
tentukan jarak (meter) dari St 1 ke St 2.
Lakukan cara seperti hal di atas dari St 2 ke St 3 dan
seterusnya, higgga kembali ke St 1.
Misal data pengukuran diperoleh sbb:

dari Menuju Azimuth (sudut dari Jarak antar St

St ke St St 1 ke St 2 dst) pengukuran
dalam derajat (meter)
1 2 247 SW (south west) 102
2 3 171 SE (south east) 143
3 4 95 E (east) 195,6
4 5 40 NE (north east) 207,3
5 6 275 W (west) 243,1
Dari data di atas, selanjutnya kita bisa petakan diatas kertas (misal dengan
kertas grafik), dengan skala misalnya 1 : 1000 (artinya 1 cm di atas kertas =
10 meter di lapangan). Setelah peta selesai, kita bisa hitung luasan danau

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