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Learning Objectives

01. Menerapkan kerangka kerja komunikasi melalui berbagai

saluran komunikasi

02. Memahami dasar tentang gaya kerja CAPS dan bagaimana

menggunakannya untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif

03. Memahami tentang Komunikasi yang Berpengaruh

menggunakan Story Telling
A simple case of
ineffective communication

“Beauty is nothing without brains”
1. Memastikan bahwa kita memiliki
level pemahaman yang sama
Mengapa kita perlu
berkomunikasi secara 2. Membangun kepercayaan
3. Meningkatkan daya pengaruh
Kemampuan menyampaikan informasi
secara akurat, jelas, dan tepat
sasaran, merupakan soft skill vital
yang perlu terus dipoles
Contoh Komunikasi yang Tidak Efektif

1. Mengasumsikan semua orang telah paham

2. Menggunakan media komunikasi yang tidak tepat
3. Melakukan kesalahan dalam memahami pesan non-verbal
4. Bercerita panjang lebar dengan kebiasaan pribadi
Sumber Ketidakefektifan Komunikasi

● Fisik. Jarak geografis antara pengirim dan penerima

● Psikologis. Keadaan psikologis (stres, bahagia,
bergairah) mempengaruhi bagaimana pesan dikirim dan
● Bahasa. Bahasa tidak terbatas pada bahasa ibu kita
seperti yang kita kenal.
● Sistematis. Struktur atau hierarki yang ada yang mungkin
tidak memberikan peran dan tanggung jawab yang jelas
atau membatasi kemudahan berbicara
● Interpersonal. Gaya komunikasi orang mempengaruhi
efektivitas komunikasi.
Prinsip Komunikasi Efektif

1. The desired outcome of any communication process is a mutual understanding

2. Communication is not optional

3. What is said cannot be unsaid

4. Assumption is the enemy of growth

5. Effective communication skill is a long-term commitment

6. Communication is a two-way street

7. Promote safety, empathy, and understanding

Bentuk Komunikasi
Setidaknya ada 3 bentuk komunikasi yang umum kita praktekkan sehari-hari, yaitu:

1 Explicit 2 Implicit 3 Active Listening

Explicit Message
Mengkomunikasikan kata-kata secara lisan dan tulisan yang efektif
Menggunakan media komunikasi yang berbeda
Tahukah Anda?

At least ⅓ of today’s working

hours is actually spent on reading &
responding to digital communication.

Source : McKinsey Global Institute Report on Social Economy

4 Saluran Komunikasi

1 Email 2 Chat Platform

3 Conference Call 4 Face to Face Meeting

Duration: 10 minutes

Manakah saluran komunikasi yang tepat untuk

masing-masing contoh kasus berikut ini?
1. Anda melewatkan deadline dan Anda perlu mengomunikasikannya kepada
atasan Anda.
2. Anda memiliki ide dan ingin membagikannya kepada tim Anda.
3. Anda meminta bantuan kepada rekan kerja Anda agar mereka dapat mem-
backup pekerjaan Anda.
4. Anda ingin mengetahui kemajuan pekerjaan ke divisi lain yang tidak terlalu
Anda pahami prosesnya

Email Chat Platform Conference Call Face to Face Meeting

Implicit Communications
1. Body Language
2. Tone of Speech
3. Facial Expression
Action speaks louder than words.

Body movement Posture Eye contact

Tone (pitch) of voice Facial expressions

Diskusi: 1. Menunjuk dengan jari ke
Duration: 5 minutes arah audiens
2. Telapak tangan terbuka
Menurut Anda apa makna
dari komunikasi non- 3. Berbicara dengan volume
yang pelan
verbal berikut ini?
4. Menghindari tatap mata
5. Menyilangkan tangan
atau kaki
6. Bersandar di sandaran
kursi saat mendengarkan
Active Listening
Mendengarkan secara efektif adalah tentang self-
awareness. Mendengarkan secara aktif tidak hanya
berkonsentrasi pada apa yang dikatakan; penting
Three A’s of agar pendengar yang aktif juga dianggap tertarik
dengan percakapan. Jika tidak, si pembicara
Active Listening mungkin menganggap Anda salah mendengarkan.

Anda dapat menunjukkan ketertarikan mendengar

dengan cara memberikan umpan balik baik verbal
maupun non-verbal; dan seperti yang telah dibahas
sebelumnya, menunjukkan respon non-verbal yang
tepat itu menjadi “tidak mudah” jika Anda belum
mempersiapkan diri untuk mendengarkan.

Untuk mendengar secara optimal dan saling

mengerti, ada tiga prinsip (Triplle A) yang perlu
Anda ikuti:
1. Attention
2. Attitude
3. Adjustment
“Listening involves a certain surrender, a willingness to sit with what one does not already know.
Listening requires us to stretch a little beyond what we know, expect or want.”
—Diana Senechal, Author

Active listening is a state of mind that compels us to choose to focus on the moment and being present while
eliminating other thoughts and anxieties of other matters. How many times has your mind wonder to think of “What to
eat for lunch” or “What time do I want to go home?” when you are in a meeting? Listening is of the moment, meaning
that you only get to accept to the speaker’s information once most of the times.

The key is then to consciously concentrate on listening solely on the speaker with an open mind but still within the
context of the topic. By doing this, understanding the structure of the speech, identify the speaker’s goal, and notice
their body language will be much easier.


Before starting group meetings or conversations, always set up a “listen first” rule and hands off mobile phones or laptops aside
of taking notes. Having this rule prepares the mind to focus on the topic at hand demands active attention.
Active listening not only means focusing fully on the speaker, but also actively showing verbal
and non-verbal signs of listening. As such, even if you are paying attention, you could be doing
so with the wrong attitude.

Be mindful of non-verbal signs that you express.

1. Face Expression
Small smiles may convey that the listener is paying attention to what is being said or as a way of agreeing or being
happy about the messages being received. Combined with nods of the head, smiles can be powerful in affirming
that messages are being listened to and understood.
2. Eye Contact
Maintaining eye contact is encouraged between the speaker and listener, as it signifies focus. Eye contact can
however be intimidating, especially for more shy speakers. Combine eye contact with smiles and other non-verbal
messages to encourage the speaker.
3. Posture
Your body language expresses a lot more than words. The attentive listener tends to lean slightly forward or
sideways while sitting. Other signs of active listening may include a slight slant of the head.
Fidgeting, looking at the clock, or playing with your hair are signs of you getting distracted.
Aside of the non-verbal listening cues, you can also express active listening through verbal means.

4. Acknowledging
Words such as “I see,” “yes,” “understood,” or “alright” are strong signals of attentiveness. Despite that,
using those words too frequently can irritate the speaker. Hence, use it sparingly or follow it up with your
thoughts after the speaker finishes.

5. Remembering or Taking Notes

The human mind is notoriously bad at remembering details, especially when you have to engage in
lengthy discussions. Jotting down key points on a notebook will tremendously help you to remember
details. Just remember to refrain from using your notebook to doodle or engage in unneeded

6. Defer Judgment
Interrupting is a waste of time. It frustrates the speaker and limits full understanding of the message. Allow
the speaker to finish each point before asking questions.
An important element of listening is being active in evaluating, analysing, and clarifying messages. When you encounter ideas
that is unclear or want to ensure that you understand the same thing, it is your role to adjust the level of understanding by
engaging in the process:

1. Reflection
Paraphrase or closely repeat what the speaker has said so the speaker can also listen to his thoughts. If your understanding is
correct, then the conversation can progress to the next stage, but repeating is very helpful in case the speaker provides wrong
information and needs to be corrected.
2. Questioning
Ask relevant questions if you there is anything that has not been made clear. Asking good questions reinforce the perception
that you have an interest in what the speaker is saying.
3. Clarification
Clarify any new information that is said, including the responsibilities, deadlines, and other details that are essential to
complete the task given.
Example: When you said …, what do you mean by that?
4. Summarization
After both parties have understood and accepted the discussion, create a summary of the meeting that can be used for future
Example: So let me summarize
Kemampuan Mendengar Aktif
1. Respon nonverbal
2. Parafrase
3. Memikirkan implikasi
4. Mengundang kontribusi
5. Memikirkan perasaan yang mendasari
Lima Respon Empatik

• Mengulangi kata demi kata

• Mengatakan kembali isi
• Merefleksikan perasaan
• Mengatakan kembali isi serta merefleksikan perasaan
• Melihat kapan empati tidak diperlukan
Ungkapan menunjukan pengertian

• Nampaknya, anda merasa bahwa…

• Yang saya tangkap adalah bahwa…
• Jadi, menurut penglihatan anda….
• Sependengaran saya, anda…..
• Anda pasti merasa……
• Apa yang anda sampaikan tampaknya seperti,
Etika Berkomunikasi
• Diam dan Menyimak
• Tidak Memotong Pembicaraan
• Tidak meninggalkan lawan bicara
• Tidak menepis pembicaraan lawan
• Tidak berusaha menunjukkan bahwa kita lebih pandai
Introduction to CAPS
Mengisi Kuisioner 1. Isilah kuisioner CAPS
Waktu: 10 minutes yang telah disediakan
2. Isi dengan jawaban yang
Model Perilaku dalam muncul pertama di
Berinteraksi atau Bekerja pikiran Anda
dengan orang lain
3. Rileks saja dalam
4. Tidak ada Salah dan
5. Waktu 10 menit
Kotak Manajerial
Blake Mouton
Concern for People
Dimensi dimana pemimpin
memperhatikan kebutuhan anggota tim,
kepentingan mereka, dan pengembangan
pribadi ketika memutuskan bagaimana
cara terbaik untuk menyelesaikan tugas.

Concern for Production

Dimensi dimana pemimpin menekankan
sasaran konkret, efisiensi organisasi dan
produktivitas yang tinggi ketika
memutuskan bagaimana cara terbaik untuk
menyelesaikan tugas.
Level of

Task Focus

People Focus

Analyzer Controller

Supporter Promoter

Dr. David Merril (1960)
Psikolog Industri yang berfokus pada gaya model perilaku
Bekerja dengan orang:

AnalyzerDo Things Right !

SupporterGood Relationship

“Berikut adalah fakta-fakta” “Langkah demi langkah”

Kata “Data menunjukan...” “Bantu untuk menemukan
“Terbukti...” solusi”
Kunci “Ada resiko ...” “Jaminan dan janji”
“Menganalisa ...” “Pikirkan tentang ini”
“Jaminan” “Luangkan waktu Anda”

▪Kritikan pribadi
Pembuat ▪Bergerak terlalu cepat
▪Hilangnya rasa aman
▪Keputusan tanpa data
Ketidakpuasan ▪Kejutan
▪Perasaan Emosi dan
Analyzer Do Things Right !
Supporter Good Relationship

▪Jaga jarak Anda ▪Santai

▪Duduklah diseberangnya ▪Tenang
▪Postur tubuh yang jelas ▪Duduk bersandar dan
jangan terburu-buru
BAHASA ▪Kontak mata langsung
▪Sedikitlah bergerak dan ▪Kontak mata yang ramah
▪Jangan terlalu banyak
TUBUH jangan ada gerakan tangan

▪Terkontrol ▪Hangat, lembut dan

NADA ▪Bijaksana dan tepat tenang
▪Yakin dan mantap
▪Sedikit modulasi
SUARA ▪Lambat ▪Bervolume rendah

▪Informasi ▪Wilayah tertentu

▪Standar kualitas ▪Keamanan
▪Kepatuhan terhadap ▪Harmonisasi tim
MOTIVASI aturan ▪Kesempatan untuk
▪Analisis melayani
Bekerja dengan orang:

Controller Promoter Self Appreciation

Get it Done !

“Saya merasa”
Kata “Memimpin”
Kunci “Pengakuan”

Pembuat ▪Rutinitas yang ▪Penolakan Sosial

membuat hal jadi ▪Keraguan
biasa ▪Hal yang Negatif
▪Kurang Perhatian
Controller Promoter Self Appreciation
Get it Done !

▪Dekatkan Diri Anda

▪Jaga Jarak Anda ▪Duduklah disampingnya
▪Jabat Tangan kuat ▪Senyum, santai dan
▪Bersandar atau Condong ke menyenangkan
BAHASA depan
▪Melakukan kontak mata
▪Berikan kontak mata yang
TUBUH langsung ▪Bergeraklah secara

▪Kuat ▪Antusias
NADA ▪Jelas
▪Percaya Diri
▪Persuasif dan berwarna
SUARA ▪Tidak Bertele – tele

▪Tantangan ▪Berinteraksi dengan

MOTIVASI ▪Peluang untuk memimpin orang
▪Pengakuan Sosial
▪Penilaian yang Jelas
Komunikasi yang
Story “Bercerita itu 22 kali lebih
Telling diingat dibandingkan
dengan diskusi ilmiah yang
menyajikan data dan angka
Jennifer Aeker, seorang profesor
marketing dari Standford University
Adobted from Anson Ben

Emotional yang terlibat

Edukasidenganyang menarik
Bandingkandenganyang sederhana
Buka Tutupyang berkesan
E=MCEBTBT ▪ People always decide emotionally
and then they justify rationally
Emotional ▪ When you want a decision to be
yang terlibat taken, ensure an emotional angle
to your point of view
▪ You look at the core topic and
▪ Look at surroundings
▪ Find the emotional connect in
those surrounding topics
▪ Connect it back to your core topic
Rational, analytical part
of brain. Thought, Language.

Feelings, Trust, Loyalty &

No capacity for language.

EMOTION and ACTION are triggered in the same part of the brain.
“WHY”, if addressed well gives the best opportunity to connect EMOTIONALLY and drive
▪ Feature talks about product. Benefits talk
E=MCEBTBT about You
▪ Find a way to connect a benefit to what
the audience care about
Manfaatnya ▪ How do you create a benefit?
untuk Audiens • Take a feature
• Find out the benefit of that feature
• That will usually be an obvious benefit
• Then find the benefit of that benefit
• And keep repeating till you get some
core benefit that connect with the
• Also you could look at the benefits from
the surroundings
▪ The pattern: Emotional first, then logical
E=MCEBTBT ▪ Get the audience attention first, then look at
the statistic
▪ Crucial elements:
Ceritakan ▪ Feelings
Faktanyananti ▪ Nuances,
▪ Surprise
▪ Story graph
▪ Some important principles
▪ Logic leads to Conclusion
▪ Emotion leads to Action
▪ Facts are Neutral
▪ People don’t take decisions on facts/stats. They
take decisions on What the facts/stats mean to
Obstetrician – Zoo – Poultry

French obstetrician Stephane Tarnier

▪ Important phrase?
E=MCEBTBT ▪ Did you know
▪ What do you find the Did You Know on?
▪ Find it on the surrounding, not on our core
Edukasidengan topic
▪ Then connect it back to the core
yang menarik ▪ Educating if your information is Shareable.
▪ How is it shareable?
• Relevant
• Interesting
• Easy to share
▪ When they share, what happens in
connection to you?
▪ They remember you, even though they
might not tell you
▪ Take something complex or a
Bandingkan crucial point
dengan yang ▪ Compare it with something
sederhana simple or something audience is
familiar with
▪ Compare makes them feel what you
are feeling
▪ Compare makes them see what you
are seeing
Stephen Covey:
37% of staff knew the company mission

It is like …
Only 4 out of 11
players know where
the goal post is.
▪ What’s the benefit of this to you?
Tunjukkan It improves your credibility quickly
buktinya atau It improves trust as well
rasanya ▪ What does it do to the audience?
Gives an opportunity for audience
to see / feel what you are
Kisah Hikmah
Datanglah dia ke kediaman sang guru dan menanyakan 3 pertanyaan yg
menurutnya paling sulit, "Pak Ustad, saya mempunyai 3 pertanyaan, bisakah pak
Ustad menjawabnya? Begini,
1. Allah yg kita sembah itu bentuknya seperti apa?
2. Trus Allah ada di mana?
3. Syetan tuh kan dr api, neraka jg dr api, syetan masuk neraka sama seperti api
ketemu api berarti ga panas dong?“
Sang guru menatap pria tajam, dan tiba2...
Sang guru menampar pria itu keras sekali. Dengan kecewa si pria berkata sinis,
"Mengapa Ustad marah, saya kan cuma bertanya?"
Guru: "Itu adalah jawaban dr pertanyaanmu, apa tamparan itu membuatmu

Buka Tutup • Use Quote

yang berkesan • Start with a question,
• Images,
• Short story,
• Connect to something
• Pain vs Gain
Final touch
Not all conversations in a workplace will be easy; there will be times when you have to deal with
difficult conversations. How you deal with the difficult conversation will measure strength of the
relationship—you want things to be excellent and go well all the time but it’s how you handle the
bumps that you can show your strength and determination to get it right.

Remember CARE when you communicate with other people.

Bring Clarity Talk about Remain Focus on being
Action Consistent and Effective than winning
Realistic the communication
When It’s Time to Listen, Listen Well
Instead of creating assumptions and immediately interrupt someone, listening can provide you with many
benefits, including:

1. Knowledge is power
In today’s information-driven world, knowing more information determines your success.
Receiving and fully understanding the information, rather than jumping to conclusion, make
you a more knowledgeable person.

2. You won’t reveal anything that you’ll later regret

Once you say something, you can’t take it back. How many times have you revealed
something and then later wished that you hadn't? Or expressed a thought you might better
have kept to yourself?

3. Avoid saying anything inaccurate or silly

This is not to suggest to remain silent most of the times. But it's easy to speak thoughtlessly,
with insufficient information, or out of a wrong assumption. That can make you look less
intelligent than you are. Minimize the chances of it happening by listening more than talking.
When It’s Time to Listen, Listen Well
4. Encourage speaker to communicate fully, openly, and honestly
By not immediately responding and giving some time for the speaker to gather
their thoughts allow them to communicate further information more openly. This
way, the speaker will feel understood and more appreciated.

5. When you do speak, people will listen

Who do you listen to more closely--someone who never shuts up, or someone who
speaks when needed? Creating a habit of “listening first” not only shows that you
appreciate the other person, but by the time it’s your turn to speak, people will
give more weight in your feedback because you have tried to understand them.

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