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Reading Report – Ricky R. A.

S. Sipayung, M.Div., Ph.D

Dari antara doktrin-doktrin yang GMAHK pegang, doktrin tentang Bait Suci menjadi yang
unik. Karena itu menerima banyak kritikan lebih banyak daripada ajaran yang lain. Kritik datang dari
luar bahkan juga dari dalam. Tiga bagian yang dibahas oleh Dr. Sipayung dalam hal ini ada tiga
bagian, yaitu:
1. Review of the Doctrine
2. Objections
3. Practical Implications

I. Review of The Doctrine

Ada 10 poin penting sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Doktrin ke 24 tentang Bait Suci
1. Ada Bait Suci di Sorga (Ibr. 8:1-2)
2. Kristus melayani bagi kepentingan kita (Ibr. 7:25)
3. Ia memulai pelayanan pengataraan-Nya pada 31 Masehi (Dan. 9:24; Ibr. 8:1-2)
4. Sejak 1844 Ia memulai fase yang ke-2: perantaraan dan penghakiman pra-advent
(Dan. 7; 8; 8:14)
5. Pengadilan investigasi adalah yang dilambangkan hari YOM KIPPUR dalam
pelayanan Bait Suci Perjanjian Lama (Ibr. 9:1-9; Dan. 8, 9)
6. Di Bait Suci duniawi darah binatang-lah yang membersihkan, Bait Suci sorgawi
darah Yesus yang membersihkan (Ibr. 9:22-26)
7. Penghakiman akan menyatakan siapa(umat Tuhan) yang selamat dan tidak (1 Pet.
8. Penghakiman itu membuktikan/menyatakan keadilan Allah (Rom. 3:4)
9. Penghakiman menyatakan mereka yang selamat menerima Kerajaan itu (Dan. 7:27)
10. Akhir dari pelayanan Kristus adalah akhir dari masa kasihan/probation (Why. 22:11)

II. Objections to The Sanctuary Truth

Bukanlah hal yang mengherankan bahwa non-Advent memiliki kesulitan mengerti
penghakiman pra-advent, karena kebanyakan percaya tentang kebakaan jiwa. Heaven-hell-
purgatory. Kritik menunjukan bahwa Yesus memulai “Hari Pendamaian” pada tahun 31 bukan
1844 (Ibr. 9:24; Kis. 7:55; Rom. 8:34; Efe. 1:20). Argumennya adalah jika Yesus ada di hadirat
Tuhan maka Ia pasti ada di Bilik Maha Suci, itu sebabnya sejak 31 bukan 1844.
Beberapa jawaban atas tuduhan tersebut, yaitu:
1. We do not know exactly what the heavenly sanctuary looks like, but neither the
critics nor I believe that you can separate Christ from the father through a curtain or
door in heaven—Christ wasn’t locked up for 1800 years. Please note: Fundamental
Belief #23 does not even mention compartments in the heavenly sanctuary—all it
talks about are two phases of Christ’s ministry.
2. He was inaugurated as our great High Priest and began His intercessory ministry at
the time of His ascension. In 1844, at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 days,
He entered the second and last phase of His atoning ministry. When he ascended
he entered the presence of the father and began the first phase—antitype to daily
service. 1844 began the second phase—antitype to yearly service.

Kesalahan Tentang Pemahaman Desmond Ford,

Now those who say Christ began the second phase in AD 31 must find room for the first
phase because the type had two phases. Dr. Ford claims, “The first apartment symbolizes the
whole Jewish sanctuary during that age, and the second apartment the Christian era and its
heavenly sanctuary.”
Old Testament is the first apartment ministry - daily;
New Testament is the second apartment ministry - yearly.
Reading Report – Ricky R. A. Moal
S. Sipayung, M.Div., Ph.D

Masalah dari pemahaman ini adalah

A. That the Old Testament sanctuary becomes a type of itself -- first apartment ministry
becomes a type of the Old Testament ministry -- 364 days. But a type is never a type of
itself, it always refers to something else. It is a symbol. Old Testament sacrifices were types
of Christ’s sacrifice. Old Testament sanctuary service was a type of Christ’s ministry. David
was a type of Christ. NEVER is a type a type of itself.

B. In Dan 8:11 what is taken away from the prince of the host (Christ) by the little horn
(papacy) is the tamid—the daily sacrifice—not the yearly sacrifice. In other words,
prophecy says that during the Christian age (long after AD 31) the little horn will rule for
1260 days (years) and during this time it sill take away from the prince the daily sacrifice—
the intercessory ministry. We know this happened in history—confessional, the mass.
Catatan tambahan: Prophecy says nothing of the yearly or Day of Atonement
ministry. If Christ began the Day of Atonement ministry in 31 (Ford) how could the
little horn take away the daily or first apartment ministry which stood for the Old

III. Practical Implications

Apa pelajaran yang bisa jadi pelajaran bagi kita, sebagaimana YOM KIPPUR (Ima. 16 &
23), ada 5 tugas yang dilakukan umat Israel pada Hari Pendamaian, yaitu:

1. Berkumpul dalam Kaabah(Sanctuary)

2. Menyerahkan/Bergumul Diri Kita
3. Memberikan Persembahan
4. “Membersihkan/menyucikan” diri
5. Menikmati Sabat


Kutipan dari Clifford Goldstein

Despite apostasies, despite our Laodicean malaise, despite scandals, despite anything and everything that
happens within the church itself, the 1844 teaching proves beyond question that the Seventh-day Adventist Church
is the remnant church of Bible prophecy and our message is present truth. The 1844 judgment – more than the state
of the dead, the Sabbath, the second coming – establishes the validity of Adventism. All those other doctrines are
accepted by some other people, but Adventists are the only people who have the 1844 investigative judgment truth.
Until you see the truth of 1844, realizing that Adventists are the only ones who teach it, you will never fully
understand our calling, our purpose, our mission

Doktrin tentang Bait Suci adalah pekabran Allah yang indah tentang keselamtan. Ini adalah
doktrin Alkitabiah yang tentunya memiliki implikasi pada kehidupan sehari-hari.

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