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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 1 Bawen

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : IX / Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Teks Prosedur
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x Pertemuan (2 x 40”)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Setelah pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat :

 Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan perbedaan kata kerja perintah dan temporal
conjunction dari procedure text dengan memberi dan bertanya informasi tentang
beberapa resep sederhana tertulis dengan benar.
 Menciptakan kalimat perintah sederhana sesuai konteks dengan benar.

B. Media Belajar, Alat, and Sumber Belajar

 Media: WhatsApp group,Google Meet, Quizzes, Power Point
&rtpof=true&sd=true )
 Alat: Internet, peralatan android dan laptop.
 Sumber Belajar :
- Procedure teks bagaimana membuat kopi dalgona
( )
- Procedure teks How to make ice tea ( )

C. Langkah Pembelajaran

Pembukaan (5 menit)
- Guru menyapa dan meminta siswa untuk berdoa.
- Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa
- Guru memberi motivasi terkait dengan tujuan dan keuntungan belajar materi
prosedur teks.
Kegiatan inti (50 minutes)
- Peserta didik melihat video “How to Make Scramble Egg”.
- Peserta didik berbagi informasi setelah melihat video “How to Make Scramble Egg”.
- Peserta didik mendengar dan memahami materi tentang definisi, fungsi sosial,
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan prosedur teks.
- Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan terkait dengan kata kerja perintah dan
penggunaan temporal conjunctions
- Peserta didik melakukan latihan dengan menggunakan Quizizz Apps

- Guru meminta siswa untuk menyusun langkah-langkah sederhana tentang
bagaimana membuat jus jeruk berdasar atas gambar untuk di kumpulkan minggu
depan sebagai PR.
- Guru dan murid menyimpulkan materi pelajaran.
Guru mengakhiri kelas dengan memberi salam dan berdoa.

D. Penilaian :

Sikap : Observasi
Pengetahuan : Quiz
Keterampilan : Test Tertulis (Membuat procedure text)

Bawen, September 2022

Mengetahui Guru Mata
Kepala SMP Pelajaran
Negeri 1

Sukardi, S.Pd, M.Pd. Ary Rokhadiyati, S.Pd.,M.Pd

NIP. 19700313 199412 1 002 NIP 19720911 200604 2001


Definition of Procedure Text

Social Function
Language Features

Generic Structures

Example of Text
Choose the best option for each sentence given below!

The following text is for questions 1 – 5

Ingredients :
4 cups of soy milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
5 tbsp sugar

Steps :
1. Whisk soy milk with vanilla and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Microwave for 40 seconds
and then stir.
2. Place mixture in the ice cream maker and process for 20 minutes or until thick.
3. Serve right away or freeze for later use.

1. What is the goal of this procedure text?

a. To persuade people to make soy milk ice cream.
b. To announce the new soy milk ice cream.
c. To inform people how to use an ice cream maker.
d. To inform people how to make soy milk ice cream.
2. "Serve right away or freeze for later use." (Step 3) is called a/an ..... sentence
a. declarative
b. passive
c. interrogative
d. imperative
3. What is the next step after the sugar is dissolved?
a. microwave for 40 seconds
b. serve right away
c. stir
d. freeze for later use
4. The text above mostly uses?
a. simple past tense
b. simple perfect tense
c. simple future tense
d. simple present tense
5. What ingredients are used to make soy milk ice cream?
a. 4 cups of choco milk, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, and 5 tbsp. sugar
b. 4 cups of soy milk, 1 tsp. Vanilla extract, and 5 tbsp. sugar
c. 4 cups of almond milk, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, and 5 tbsp. sugar
d. cups of soy milk, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, and 5 tbsp. brown sugar
6. What is the purpose of a procedure text?
a. to persue the reader
b. to tell the reader how to do or make something
c. to entertain the reader
d. to tell a reader an amazing story
7. Which of the following is the part of a procedure text?
a. goal, ingredients, description
b. goal, identification, steps
c. goal, ingredients, classification
d. goal, ingredients, steps
8. Language features that are used in procedure text are?
a. Use simple present tense, imperative sentence, and temporal conjunction (adverbs)
b. Use simple present tense, adverb of time and adverb of manner
c. Use simple past tense, imperative sentence and temporal conjunction adverbs.
d. Use simple present tense, interrogative sentence and temporal conjunction (adverbs).
9. The part of a procedure text that illustrates the process is called?
a. steps
b. goals
c. rules
d. result
10. Here are the examples of imperative sentences, except
a. Firstly, add some ice cubes
b. I am terribly sorry for making this mess
c. wash your face gently
d. Put some cleansers to your face

Source :
Name :
Class :
Number :
How To Make Orange Juice
 6 fresh oranges
 40 grams sugar
 50 ml water

Please arrange the pictures below to make them in order. Then, create a simple imperative
sentence for each picture!
Example :

First, peel the orange.

Look at the example!

1 2 3

4 5

***Good luck***


Indicator :
- Students are eager to learn as a reflection of gratitude to God Almighty
- Students are able to behave politely and responsively in communicating with
teachers and friends
- Students show polite attitude, discipline, and obey teacher's order.


Name of Student :
Class :
Date of Observation :
Main Material :

No. Indicator
1 2 3 4 5
present on time and obey the rules that have been
2. Say positive and polite sentences during the lesson
3. Pay close attention to the teacher's explanation
polite, caring, and confident in interpersonal
communication with the teacher
polite, caring, and confident in interpersonal
communication with friends
Think critically and provide constructive ideas
during the learning process
7. Obey the teacher's orders and do assignments well
Obtained score = Scale x 7

Total Score = ( 15 + Obtained score) x 2

Maximal Score = (15 + 35) x 2
= 100
Assessment Scale

5 = Always : Whenever an action is repeated and every time.

4 = Usually : When an action is repeated and in high frequency.
3 = Sometimes: When an action is done it is not often but rare.
2 = Seldom : When an action is repeated and in low frequency.
1 = Never : When an action is never done at all.


If the answer is correct, score = 1

If the answer is wrong, score = 0

Total score = (Score x 10) x 10

Maximum score = (1 x 10) x 10 = 100


Create sentences (steps) based on pictures
Aspect Description Score
Grammar errors are minimal 3
There is a grammar error but it still doesn't
affect the meaning of the sentence
There are many grammar mistakes and
affect the meaning of sentences
Didn't pay attention to grammar at all 0
Effective word selection and correct spelling 3
The choice of words and spelling are slightly
wrong but still do not affect the meaning of 2
the sentence
Vocabulary The choice of words and spelling is wrong
and affects the meaning of the sentence
Completely wrong choice of words and
spelling so that the meaning of the sentence 0
cannot be understood
Correct use of punctuation and capitalization
There are minimum punctuation errors and
Mechanism There are many misuse of punctuation and
Sentences are dominated by misuse of
punctuation and capitalization
Maximum score = ( 3 x 3 ) x 5 = 12 x 5 = 45
Arrange the steps
If the answer is correct, score = 1

If the answer is wrong, score = 0

Maximum score = 1 x 5 = 5

TOTAL SCORE = Create + Arrange (2)

= (45 + 2) (2)
= 100

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